Sanskrit Name: Dronapushpi
Latin name: Leucas cephalotes Spreng
Family: Lamiaceae/ Labiatae
Hindi:- Deldona, Dhurpisag, Goma,Guma, Motapati,Goma madupati.
Marathi:-Deokhumba, Kumbha, Shetvad, Tumba.
Gujarati:-Doshinokubo, Khetraukubo, Kubi, Kubo, Kulannuphul.
Bengali:- Barahalkasa,Ghalaghase,Darunaphula,Barahalkusa,Hulksha,Bholghasiya.
Oriya:- Gaisa.
Mundari:-Gomanaki ara.
China:- Tau xu bai rong cao.
Ci~NaI:- C~akar puYpkilaka san%yasyaa |
Its inflorasence
d`aoNpuYpI:- d`aoNa sadRSaM puYpM qasyaa:saa |
Its inflorasence is bowel shaped
flaopuYpa:- flaina puYpaiNa ca yaugapt saint Asyaa
[it |
Its flowers & fruits are arranged
xavap~:- xavaQauM janyaint p~aiNa Asyaa: |
Smell of its leaves will cause sneezing
Kaiyadeva nigantu: - osadhi varga
Bhavapraskasha:- guducyadi varga,saka varga
Raja nighantu:- paratadi varga
It is included in tulsikula
It is found as a weed in cultivated ground, road sides as waste places and throughout the
greater part of India ascending up to 18000m in himalaya.
Also found in west Bengal, Kashmir,Punjab,assam, rajasthan, tamil
nadu,Gujarat,maharashtra,west peninsula. Also occours in afganistan, and in sri lanka.
And in maharashtra
Versova, karjat, juhu,sawant wadi, chichpokli.
Khandesh: bori
Marathwada : osmanabad
Vidrabha : nagpu ,lakkadkote ,warora,ballarpur,maha,shahanur,koradiwadi{nagpur}.
Dronapuspi consist of dried whole plant of leucas cephalotes, an annual erect,
scaberolous, stout herb, about 0.6-0.9m in high ,found on the himalaya at an altitude
of600-1800m an waste lands throughout the country
Root: - cylindrical, zig-zag, smooth, long with numerous wiry, fine root lets size variable,
fracture, fibrous, taste, characteristic.
Stem:- light greenish- yellow, surface rough , hairy, quadrangular with for prominent
furrous.upto 4mm thick nodes andinternodes distinct, taste, slightly bilte
Leaf:- yellowish-green, 3-9cm long 1-2.5cm wide, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, sub acute,
more or less pubescent, crenate, serrate, taste pungent.
ROOT :- showsa single layered epidermis composed of rectangular, thin- walled cells;
secondary cortex consist of thin- walled, tangentially elongated parenchymatous cells;
secondary phloem parenchyma; vessels long with spurs, vessels and tracheids fibres and
xylem parenchyma; vessels long with spurs, vessels and tracheids have simple pits,
xylem fibres much eongated with pointed ends and have moderately thick wall, some
having simple pits medullar, rays 1-2 serial upto 8 cellls high
STEM:- shows squarish outline with four ridges & furrous, consist of a single layered
epidermic composed of oval to rectangular thin-walled cells; endodermis single layered
consisting of barret shape, thin- walled cells; pericycle single layered of thin- walled
cells; endodermis single laryered , consisting of barret shaped, thin-walled cells;
pericycle single layered of thin-walled cells comparatively smaller than the cells
comparatively smaller than the cells of endodermis, a few pericycle cells converted into
pericycle fibers; phloem very narrow consisting of usual element xylem cosist to vessel,
tracheids fibers and large amount of xylem parenchyma; vessels mostly cylindrical with
simple pits and spiral thickening; tracheids and xylem prenchyma have simple pits on
their walls; pith wide consisting of circular to oval; thin walled parenchymatous cells.
Petiole:- shows a single layered epidermis, uni to tricellular trichomes with pointed ends,
cortex consisting of single layered, round to angular collenchyma; parenchyma consist of
thin-walled cells containing prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, vascular bundles 4, 2
smaller located towards each corner and 2 larger in the center.
Midrib : shows epidermis on either side with uni to tri cellular trichomes,followed by 1-2
players of collenchyma towards lower surface, 3-4 layers towards upper surface,
followed by round to oval parenchyma, 4-7 layers vascular bundle arc shaped, present in
Lamina: shows epidermis on either side with uni to tricellular trichomes rarely on upper
surface;palisade single layered;spongy parenchyma 3-4 layered irregular thin walled
cells;a few veins present in this region; stomata di cytic;present on both surface;stomatal
index 16.6-40.5 on lower surface;16.6-30.7 on upper surface;palisade ratio 7-9.
Part used
whole plants flowers n leaf.
Leaves { adarsh nig}.
Raja narahari desribed two kinds i.e drona {l.aspera} & maha drona
{ l.cephalotus} mahadrona is specifically known as medhya according to him .
Total ash : not more than 17%, acid insoluble ash: not more than 6%, alcohol
soluble extractive : not less than 5%, water soluble extractive: not less than 14 %
Plant :- β-sitosterol & its glycoside new labdane, nor labdane , and abietone-type
diterpenes named leucasdins A,B,and C respectively and two protostane - type
triterpenes named leucastrins A and B, oleonolic acid, 7- oxositosterol, 7-
oxostigmasterol,7alpha -hydroxysitosterol,7 alpha-
hydroxystigmasterol,sigmasterol,5-hydroxy-7,4-dimethoxyflavone, pillion,gonzali-
tosin 1, tricin,cosmosin,a pigenin 7-o-beta -D { 6-0- p-caumaroyl
glucopyranoside, anisofolin A and luteolin 4-0-beta -D - glucurono pyranoside .
Seed oil :
Laballenic acid { octadeca - 5, 6-dienoic acid }lauric acid, glutanic acid
,tridecanonic acid , adipic acid.
The LD50 of 50 % ethanolic extract was 750 mg /kg bw i.p in mice
Vatakara, pittakara, vistambha, bhedani
(S.S.Su 46/274)
Ruchya, kaphaghana,jantughana,vishagana, deepana, anulomana,pittasaraka,rechana.
(S.S.Su 38/18)
Krmighana, raktashodhana,sothhara, arthavajanana, jwaraghana, varanashodhaka.
Plant was repoted to be cardiac depressant, hypotensive, antihelmintic, antiseptic,
insectisidal,antiscabies, & anticoagulant.
It has antispasmodic activity in 50% ethanolic extract of the plant, in contrast any such
activity was reported to be absent in the 90% ethanolic extact. The ethyiacetate extract of
whole plant failed to protect carbontetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in mice ona
ratsupto dose of 300mg/kg.
L.cephalotus exhibites potent antifilarial activity against adult worms and the microfilaria
of Setaria cervi.
S.S.Su 38/18
Tamakashwasa, kasa, shawaa.
S.S.Su 38/18
Agnimandya, kamala, shotha, aruchi, krimi.
S.S.Su 46/274
Vishamjwara, amadosha, shoolavibandhan.
Jwara-visamajwara-vataslaismikajvara- kasa-svasa-pratishaya-sirahshula-tamakaswasa.
Rajodhara –kastartava- artava vicar- carmaroga, raktavikara-sotha.
Visa- sarpavisa.
Kaphavata vikara (samanartha)
Kamala – pandu ,adhmana-sula,krmiroga,prameha.
Bahya: pandu-kamala,sarpavisa,krimidanta,pratisyaya-sirahsula vrana .
The herb is stimulant,diaphoretic and insecticide. The fresh juice is an external
application in scabies. The flower in the form of a syrup are used as remedy for cough
and cold.
The plant has a pungent taste with a flavour,heating and pitta.it is laxative,anhelmintia
stimulant and febrifuge.
The herb is useful in bronchitis asthma cough,jaundice,inflanmath,dydpepcia,paralysis
and leucoderma.the leaves are useful in fever and urinary disharge the leaves are used in
combination with other drugs in scorpion sting.
The juice of herb specially leaves and flowers is used in various ailments. A snuff of
expressed juice of herb is given (nasya) in coryza,catarrhal affection and head ache.
The decoction of the herb is used to ulcers as wash liquid is also applied externally to
poisnous insect bites.
The juice of herb is applied as a collyrium (netranjan) in case of jaundice.The herb is
used in the form of decoction or infusion in the fever specially in intermittent fever,it is
effective in malarial fever and influenza.
It is used in warms infection,jaundice,biliousness,constipation,abdominal colic and
menstrual disorders.It has a good cholagogue action and given in certain disease of
biliary affection.
Vishamajwara : fresh juiceof dronapushpi is useful in this.
Kamal : anjana made from juice of dronapushpi.
Leaves is useful (vrunda).
Netrarogani:dronapushpi juice is mixed with rice-water and used as nasya.
Churna : sudarshan churna .
Vati & gutika : gorochandi vati pleehari vatika.
Fresh juice 10-20ml.