Dr. Ramesh Bhutya
Dr. Ramesh Bhutya
Dr. Ramesh Bhutya
of flora to enrich
Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia
"Documentation of indigenous knowledge of Medicinal
Dr. Ramesh Bhutya
Ad. Director (Former ), Ayurved Dept., Kota Division (Rajasthan)
M-9414538301 [email protected]
• Acharya Charak say’s knowledge can gain by any people.
• Tribal or indigenous people are treasurer of forest plants.
Alectra parasitica
Negad buti Herb
Clinical Use-Inflammation,
H: A week herbaceous
climber, eoody at base. S:
selender, terete, sub-fleshy,
pubescent to glabrous. L:
Pinnately trifoliate. Leaflets
ovate to obovate. Fl: Green,
petals 4 greenish-white. Fr:
Berry, black, obovoid,
globose, 3-4 seeded. S:
Tringular, obovoid.
Ceropegia bulbosa
Roxb. var bulbosa Khatua
doda Herb Asclepidiaceae
Clinical Use-Jaundice,
Stomatitis, Ulcers
H: A perennial twining herb
with milky juice. S: Numerous,
long, much branched, glabrous.
L: Linear, acute, thin, pale-
green, glabrous. Fl: Pale rose
colour or nearly white, large,
dropping, glabrous. Fr:
Follicles, ovoid-lanceolate,
glabrous. S: Black, numerous,
ovate, flat.
Ruellia simplex C.
Wright. Tapaskaya bhed Herb
Clinical Use-Polyurea,
Burning Micturatiom,
Palpitation, Uneasiness.
H: A tree, 9-12 m high. S: Bark
smooth, white, soft. L:
Alternate, firm and hard when
mature, ovate, obtuse, shining.
Fl: White, polygamous,
subsessile, in dense, paniculate,
tomentose cyme. Fr: Drupe,
ovoid, acute, on the cup-shaped
ribbed, persistent calyx.
pseudomantana Roxb
Jangali Haldi Herb