Dr. Ramesh Bhutya

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Documentation and Scientific evaluation

of flora to enrich
Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia
"Documentation of indigenous knowledge of Medicinal

Dr. Ramesh Bhutya
Ad. Director (Former ), Ayurved Dept., Kota Division (Rajasthan)
M-9414538301 [email protected]
• Acharya Charak say’s knowledge can gain by any people.
• Tribal or indigenous people are treasurer of forest plants.
Alectra parasitica
Negad buti Herb

Clinical Use- Nervous pain,

Hydrophobia and Impotence
H. This parasite herb grows on the
roots of Vitex negundo. Herbs are
10-15 cm high, dark yellow or
turmeric-like or saffron-coloured. L.
Shape like leaves of Gram, small,
crimson coloured. Fl. Scarlet or
crimson coloured, around the
catkins, petals 5.
ovalifolius (Schum.) J.
Leon. Gwaal Herb Fabaceae

Clinical Use- Lactiferous, General

debility, Vertigo
H: Annual herb, erect-spreading. S:
Pubescent. L: Unifoliate, leaflets
elliptic or oblong, acute to
emarginate, mucronate, puberlous.
Fl: Inflorescence terminal, corolla
orange-buff to pink or reddish
violate. Fr: Pods, 2-8 seeded. S:
Brown, ellipsoid.
latifolia (Roxb.)
Planch. Khatalimba Climber

Clinical Use- Bone fractures,

Inflammation of leg, Sciatica,
H: A herbaceous climbing shrub,
with a tuberous rootstock. S:
Hollow, glabrous. L: Orbicular or
cordate. 3-7 lobed, acute, serrete,
dentate, glabrous. Fl: Numerous,
deep reddish. Fr: Berry globose,
black, 2 seeded. S: Elleptical,
margin rugose.
aecheiodes Nees.
JodapattaHerb Acanthaceae

Clinical Use-Bronchitis, Fever

H: Erect herb, 10-50 cm high. S:
Whole plant villous. L: Opposite
decussate, elliptic-oblong, obtuse to
round at apex, attenuate at base. Fl:
Inflorescence axillary, short unilateral
racemes. Corolla white, 2-lipped; lip
with violet blotches; upper lip 2-lobed.
Fr: Capsule, compressed, broadened
towards tip, attenuate at base, sparsely
hairy towards tip. S: Black, pitted.
(L.) Benth. Van Kulathi
Herb Fabaceae

Clinical Use- Diarrhoea

H: A selender herbaceous
twiner. S: Densely grey,
downy. L: 3-foliate, leaflets
obovate-oblong, obtuse or
subacute, subcoriaceous,
pubescent. Fl: Racemes 2-6
flowered. Corolla yellow. Fr:
Pods straight, 4-6 seeded. S:
Black, flat, ovate.
Bridelia retusa (Linn.)
Spreng. Lampan, karjaria Tree

Clinical Use- Lumbago,

Hemiplegia, Rheumatism
H: A moderate sized deciduous
tree. S: Bark grey, spinous when
young. L: Numerous, coriaceous,
elliptic-oblong, subacute, bright
green, glabrous. Fl: Dioecious,
greenish-yellow, crowded in dense
terminal spikes. Fr: Drupes fleshy,
purple-black, edible. S: reddish-
brown, smooth.
Caesulia axillaris Roxb.
Maka Herb Asteraceae

Clinical Use- Diarrhea,

Dysentery, Hyperacidity
H: Erect or decumbent, succulent,
annual herb. S: Glabrous, stout,
streaked. L: Alternate, sessile,
lanceolate, glabrous. Fl: Heads
many, corolla blue or white. Fr:
Achenes, obovate, notched at the
tip, winged on the margins, hairy on
flat faces.
Casearia tomentosa
Roxb. Munjal Tree

Clinical Use- Inflammation, pain

in urination
H: A small tree, 9m high. S: Bark
thick, ash coloured, branchlets
tomentose or pubescent. L: Oblong,
acute, serrulate, pubescent or
glabrous above. Fl: Greenish-white,
crowded at axillary fascicles. Fr:
Ellipsoid, smooth, shining, 3-valved.
S: Embedded in a soft pulpy scarlet
Cassia alata Linn.
Dadmardan Shrub

Clinical Use- Ringworm,

Itching, Skin diseases
H. A large shrub. S. Very thick
finely downy branches. L.
Subsessile, 30-60cm long, leaflets
8-12 pairs, pblong-obtuse,
glabrous. Fl. In short pedicles,
pendiculated racemes, bright
yellow with darker veins, broad-
ovate. Fr. Pods long, ligulate with
a broad wing, membranous. S. 50
or more.
Cassine Glauca
(Rottb.) Kuntze. Jamrasi Tree

Clinical Use-Chronic Rhinitis,

Foul smell in breathing, Nervous
pains, Weakness after delivery,
Anemia, Jaundice.
H: A small to moderate sized tree,
10m tall. S: Rough, brown-black.
L: Variable in size and shape,
elliptic, acute or acuminate,
crenate-serrete, glabrous.Fl:
Numerous, in divericated axillary
paniculated cymes. Fr: Drupes,
obovoid, apiculate.
Cayratia auriculata
Roxb. Totam, Khatalimba
Climber Vitaceae

Clinical Use-Inflammation, Pains.

H: Glabrous tendril climbers. S: tendril
simple, bifid or more branched. L: 3-
foliolate; leaflets 2.5-6 x 2-3.5 cm, ovate
or elliptic, base cuneate or rounded,
margin serrate, apex acute or obtuse, thin-
coriaceous. Fl: Cymes umbellate or
corymbose, axillary. Petals 4, greenish-
white, 1.5-2 mm long. Disk white. Fr:
Berry,depressed globose, dark purplish-
black. S: 1-4, pyriform.
Cayratia trifolia (L.)
Domin. Jangali Angoor Climber

Clinical Use-Inflammation,
H: A week herbaceous
climber, eoody at base. S:
selender, terete, sub-fleshy,
pubescent to glabrous. L:
Pinnately trifoliate. Leaflets
ovate to obovate. Fl: Green,
petals 4 greenish-white. Fr:
Berry, black, obovoid,
globose, 3-4 seeded. S:
Tringular, obovoid.
Ceropegia bulbosa
Roxb. var bulbosa Khatua
doda Herb Asclepidiaceae

Clinical Use- Lactiferous, General

debility, Vertigo
H: A twining herb. L: , linear-
lanceolate, apex acuminate, base acute;
petiole to 1 cm. Fl: Cymes axillary,
umbellate; peduncle to 1.5 cm; bracts 3
mm, linear; pedicel 5 mm; calyx 5-
lobed, beaked, dark purple, tube yellow
with dark blotches; pollinia 3, obovoid-
circular, caudicle minute, receptacle
small; outer corolla cupular,
membranous, inner corona 5,
spathulate, connivant.
Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb.
var. lushii (Grah.) Hook. f. Ghans
doda Herb

Clinical Use- Lactiferous, General

H: A twining herb. L: , linear-lanceolate,
apex acuminate, base acute; petiole to 1 cm.
Fl: Cymes axillary, umbellate; peduncle to
1.5 cm; bracts 3 mm, linear; pedicel 5 mm;
calyx 5-lobed, beaked, dark purple, tube
yellow with dark blotches; pollinia 3,
obovoid-circular, caudicle minute,
receptacle small; outer corolla cupular,
membranous, inner corona 5, spathulate,
Chrozophora rottleri
(Geis.) A. Juss. ex Spreng. Suryavarta

Clinical Use- Hair loss and

H: An anual herb, up to 0.60 m
high. S: Stellate, tomentose. L:
Alternate, ovate to orbicular,
entire to 3-lobed, undulate-
crenate. Fl: In axillary or
terminal racemes. Male flowers
sessile, yellow. Female flowers
pedicellate, greenish-yellow. Fr:
Sub-glocose, capsule. S:
Globose, ash-coloured.
Cissus rependa (Wight &
Arn.) Vahl. Panibela Climber

Clinical Use- Weakness, Bone

H: A scandent shrub. S: Branches
subterete, woody; young parts
appressed-wooly, reddish. L:
Suborbicular, sometimes 5-7
angled, dentate-serrate, short-
acuminate at apex. Fl: Hairy;
pedicels 3-4 mm long. Calyx
cupular, obscurely 4-lobed. Petals
ovate. Fr: Berry, ellipsoid-
pyriform, mucronate, 1-seeded. S:
obovoid, smooth.
oppositifolia Sm.
Siyarpuchhi Herb

Clinical Use-Epilepsy and

H: Dioecious, much branched
shrub1.2-3 m high. S: Stout, light
coloured, branches pale, sub-
quadrangular, grooved. L: Light
green, crowded at end of the
branches, oblong-lanceolate,
acute. Fl: Numerous, in
paniculate spikes, corolla white.
Fr: Nutlets, oblong-obovoid,
Dregea volubilis (L.f.)
Benth.ex Hook.f. Tikta Jivanti
Climber Asclepiadaceae

Clinical Use- Weakness, Bone

H: A large climbing shrub. S:
Woody, much branched,
branches terete, with nodes and
internodes. L: Ovate or
suborbicular, acuminate,
glabrous. Fl: Numerous, green
or yellowish-green, dropping.
Fr: Follicles, ribbed, brown. S:
Broadly ovate, flattened,
Kickxia ramosissima
(Wall.) Janchen. Hirankhuri
Herb Scrophulariaceae

Clinical Use-Polyurea, Lithiasis,

Burning of urination
H: Twining or trailing, perennial
herb, slightly pubescent. S: Much
branched, wiry, diffused. L:
Alternate, varieble in shape and size,
lower 5-7 lobed. Fl: Solitary,
axillary, corolla yellow. Fr: Capsule,
ovoid or sub globose. S: Brown,
cristata Willd.
Siyar bethaka Herb

Clinical Use- Dhoompan in

Lung cancer, Typhoid fever,
Leucorrhea, Menorrhagia
H: An annual or perennial,
procumbent herb. S: Branches
numerous, spreading to all side
close to the ground,
quandrangular, glabrous. L:
Opposite, sessile, linear-oblong.
Fl: corolla white or pale-pink,
dotted with brown or purple
spots. Fr: Capsule, acute, ovoid,
glabrous. S: ovoid-oblong.
indica (L.) Lehm.
Bhint chatti Herb

Clinical Use- Inflamation, Ascitis,

H: Erect or decumbent annual herb.
S: Glandular, hairy, purple tinged.
L: Ovate or elliptic, opposite,
crenete-serrete, glandular, hairy. Fl:
yellow, axillary, 1 to many together.
Fr: Capsule, ovoid, compressed,
beaked, pubescent. S: Ellipsoid.
denticulata Willd.
Akari bakari Herb

Clinical Use- Urinary calculus,

Diarrhea, Dysentery.
H: An annual herb. St: 60 cm long, and
usually sprawl along ground. L: 3-foliate,
leaflets obovate, obtuse, truncate to retuse,
slightly toothed. Fl: Small, bright yellow,
and cluster into flower heads of 2 to 10
flowers at the stem tips. Fr: Pods, that
coils tightly 2 to 6 times and has rows of
prickles on the outside edge of the pod. S:
Many, usually yellow or tan and kidney-
Miliusa tomentosa
(Roxb.) J. Sinclair. Umbia
Tree Annonaceae

Clinical Use- Latex in Toothache

H: Medium sized tree. S: Medium

brown, with prominent vertical
ridges. L: Up to 15 cm long, broad,
with a rounded base. Fl: Purplish-
brown, solitary or paired, on long
selender stalkes. Fr: Arranged in
tight cluster, succulent, greenish at
first and becoming dark purple
when ripe.
Mimosa hamata Willd.
Arkar Shrub

Clinical Use-Dental pain

H: Medium sized, much branched
shrub. S: Branches hairy, very
prickly, pricles hooked. L:
Bipinnate, pinnae 3-6 pairs,
leaflets 4-10 pairs, ovate, oblong,
acute. Fl: Pink, in globose heads,
tetramerous, sessile. Fr: Pod, flat,
falcate, prickly. S: Ovate, flat,
Mimosa himaliyana
Gamble. Syah Kanta Shrub

Clinical Use-Dental pain

H: Large straggling decidous
shrub. S: Branches ribbed, densely
hairy, prickles on nodes, straight or
hooked. L: Bipinnate, pinnae 5-12
pairs, leaflets 6-15pairs, oblong. Fl:
Globose penduculate heads, Pink
fadding white. Fr: Pod with
prickles, strap-shaped, glabrous.
Naringi crenulata
(Roxb.) D.H. Nicolson Bili
Tree Rutaceae

Clinical Use- Bleeding Piles,

Leucorrhoea, Menorrhegia,
H. A spinous glabrous shrub or tree.
L. Pinnate, 2.5-10cm long, leaflets
2-4pairs, trapezoid-ovate, obtuse,
rarely acute, notched at the tip,
crenulate, glabrous. Fl. In
umbeliform, often leafy raceme,
pendulcles 2-3 togrther. Fr. Berry,
1.2cm diam., gobose, 1-4seeded,
very acid.
Viv. Elench. Jangali Tamakhu
Herb Solanaceae

Clinical Use- Bronchitis

H: An erect, viscid-pubescent herb.
S: Branched. L: Sessile, elliptic-
oblong or oblanceolate, obtuse or
acute at apex, entire or wavy. Fl:
Corolla greenish-white, or pale-
pink. Fr: Capsule, ovoid. S:
Subglobose to angular, 1mm long,
(L.) Wight. Dhaula findauri
Herb Amaranthaceae

Clinical Use- Lithiasis, Painful

H: A much branched herbs, rootstocks
woody herb. L: Opposite, elliptic or
obovate, apex obtuse, base cuneate,
membranous, glabrous. Fl: Spikes many,
axillary, solitary or in clusters, white,
peduncles to 1 cm, bracts and bracteoles
ovate, pubescent; tepals 4. Fr: Utricle,
enclosed in perianth lobes, obovoid,
membranous. S: Globose, chestnut brown,
esculentum R.Br.
Dudhi lata Climber

Clinical Use-Jaundice,
Stomatitis, Ulcers
H: A perennial twining herb
with milky juice. S: Numerous,
long, much branched, glabrous.
L: Linear, acute, thin, pale-
green, glabrous. Fl: Pale rose
colour or nearly white, large,
dropping, glabrous. Fr:
Follicles, ovoid-lanceolate,
glabrous. S: Black, numerous,
ovate, flat.
Ruellia simplex C.
Wright. Tapaskaya bhed Herb

Clinical Use- Intestinal worms

and Joint pains.
H: An evergreen perennial herb,
growing 0.91m tall. St: Forms
erect, decumbent rhizome. L:
Blade ovate-oblong or elliptic-
lanceolate; apex acute, acuminate;
base attenuate, decurrent. Fl:
White, lilac pale, lilac or purple,
trumpet shaped. Cyme axillary or
dichasium. Fr: Capsule, elliptic or
oblong; placenta united. S: 8;
trichome hygroscopic in all
Ruellia tuberosa Linn.
Tapaskaya bhed Herb

Clinical Use- Intestinal worms

and Joint pains.
H: An erect, branched,
glabrescent, annual herb, with
tubrous roots. S: 4-angled,
grooved, swollen, purplish at
nodes, tender parts hairy. L:
Opposite, elliptic or elliptic-
obovate, acute or obtuse. Fl:
Blue-violet, showy, solitary or 1-
3 flowered cymes. Fr: Capsule,
linear fusiform, grooved, 24-28
seeded. S: Flattened, orbicular,
Gena, Bhardwaj & A.K. Yadav Spike Moss
Herb Sellaginellaceae

Clinical Use- Haematuria,

burning sensation in urine,
H: An annual herb. St: Glabrous,
prostrate, bearing rhizophores
throughout, 1.5-2.5 cm long,
anterior part bearing alternate
branches up to 1.0 cm long. L:
Serrate, obtuse, dimorphic, the
lateral ones elliptical or oval, the
median ones ovate. Strobili single
at the end of every lateral branch.
Megaspores light yellow, trilete,
spherical, Microspores brown,
trilete, spherical.
Vallaris solanacea
Kuntze. Ashphota Climber

Clinical Use- Hair loss and old

H: A climbing shrub, often
twining, to 10 m. St: Bark dirty
whitish grey, all parts greyish
pubescent. L: Blade elliptic to
narrowly so, densely pubescent on
both surfaces, base cuneate or
rounded; lateral veins 5-12 pairs.
Fl: Cymes di- or trichasial;
peduncle 0.5-3 cm. Flowers
fragrant, corolla white or pale
yellow. Fr: Follicles oblong. S:
Ellipsoid, 9-10 mm.
Vanda tessillata G.Don.
Banda prajati Herb

Clinical Use- Bronchitis, asthma,

Inflammations, epilepsy, Otalgia
H: A parasite herb. S: 30-60cm long,
stout, scandant by the stout, roots.
L: A Thickly coriaceous, recurved,
complicate, obtusely keeled. Fl: In
6-10 flowered racemes, yellow with
brown lines and white margins, lip
bluish. Fr: Capsule, clavate-oblong
with acute ribsand a short pedicel.
elaeagnifolia D.C.
Pardabel Herb Asteraceae

Clinical Use- Hair fall and

H: A quick-growing, evergreen
creeper. S: With slender shoots,
pendulous, whitish when young.
Slender stems climb up and then fall
down beautifully over wall or
railing. L: Alternate, simple,
obovate, lanceolate, irregularly
toothed margin. Fl: Dirty white
flowers appear in bunches, in small
axillary heads, about 1.5 cm
Viola lanceolata L.
Rasana Herb Violaceae

Clinical Use- Fever, Common

cold, Bronchitis
H: A perennial, acaulescent,
stoloniferous, 5–30 cm tall herb.
St: Smooth and slender. L: Basal,
2–6, ascending to erect, unlobed,
lanceolate or narrowly elliptic to
nearly linear, serrate. Fl: Petals
white on both surfaces, lowest and
sometimes lateral 2 purple-veined,
lateral 2 sparsely bearded or
beardless. Fr: Capsules, ellipsoid,
glabrous. S: Many small, round,
ripen to dark brown.
Ziziphus oenoplia Mill.
Ber ki bel Climber

Clinical Use- Leucorrhea,

Bronchitis (Boiled fruits)
H: A straggling shrub, often semi scandent
by it's prickles. S: Young branches rusty-
tomentose. L: Numerous, distichus, ovate
or ovate-lanceolate, acute or sub
acuminate, glabrous or pubescent above,
densely silky beneath. Fl: 12-20, in
subsessile paniculate cymes. Fr: Drupes,
globose or ovoid, edible.
Faang Climber Convolvulaceae

Clinical Use- Canities, Furunculosis,

Ringworm, Eczema, Boils on head.
Local application of leaves paste.
H: A climber. St: White silky-pubescent.
L: 3-4 by 3-6 cm, cordiform, apex
obtuse, base cordate, subcoriaceous;
petiole to 6 cm. Fl: Axillary, solitary or
in cymes; bracts lanceolate; corolla
white, 7 cm across, salver-form, stamens
5, unequal, to 1.8 cm, anthers oblong, 4
mm; ovary oblong. Fr: Capsule conical,
indehiscent, 1.5 by 1 cm, 1-celled. S: 4
or a few.
Elytraria acaulis
Pattharchata Herb

Clinical Use- Piles and bleeding

Piles- with root of Grewia tanax and
inner bark of Phylanthus emblica,
Lithiasis, Painful urination
H: A herb without aerial stem. S: Upto
20cm high. L: Redical, in a rossete,
oblong-obovate or spathulate, rounded
at apex, base cunate, crenate,
glabrous. Fl: On several procumbent
scapes arising between the leaves,
flowers in spikes, white. Fr: Capsule,
ovoid, flattened brown.
Cordia macloedii
Dahiman Tree Boraginaceae

Clinical Use-Polyurea,
Burning Micturatiom,
Palpitation, Uneasiness.
H: A tree, 9-12 m high. S: Bark
smooth, white, soft. L:
Alternate, firm and hard when
mature, ovate, obtuse, shining.
Fl: White, polygamous,
subsessile, in dense, paniculate,
tomentose cyme. Fr: Drupe,
ovoid, acute, on the cup-shaped
ribbed, persistent calyx.
pseudomantana Roxb
Jangali Haldi Herb

Clinical Use- Arthritis, Nervous pains,

Menstrual diseases.

H: A perennial herb with creeping

tuberous rhizome. S: Rhizome light
yellow inside, white towards the
periphery with the smell of green mango.
L: 4-6; lamina of lower-leaves much
smaller, 18 by 8 cm, upper larger, 45-60
by 14-15 cm, oblong, lanceolate,
acuminate, base equal, closely pinnately
veined. Fl: In a spike, showy, yellowish
blue. Fr: Capsule.
Kigelia pinnata-
Gopal karkati
Clinical Use- Psoriasis, Skin
H. A much branched, tall tree. St.
Strait. L. 9-50cm long. tomentose.
leaflets 5-9, ovate-oblong to elliptic-
ovate, coriaceous, entire, acute or
mucronate. Fl. In lax panicles,
pendulous, glabrous, greenish. Fr.
30-40 by 10-13cm, woody, gourd
like, hanging on cord like
penduncles. Se. Wingless.
Tridax procumbens L.
Raktrodhi Herb
Clinical Use- Bleeding,
Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia.
H: An annual, procumbent herb. L:
Ovate, apex acute, serrate, bulbous-
based hairy; petiole 5-10 mm long.
Fl: Heads solitary, on long
peduncles; bracts in 3-series,
lanceolate, hairy. Outer row of
flowers ligulate, female, limb 3-
toothed, white; inner flowers
bisexual, tubular; corolla, 5-lobed at
apex, yellow. Fr: Achenes, obovoid,
densely hairy; pappus many,
Sterculia urens Roxb.
Kadaya Tree
Clinical Use- Bleeding,
Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia, Wound
H. A deciduous tree. St. Strait, bark
white, smooth, outer papery peeling
off, inner fibrous. L. Simple, alternate,
entire or palmately lobed or digitately
compound, 3-5 lobed. Fl. Small,
yellow or olive-yellow, numerous. Fr.
Etaerio of stellately spreading, woody
follicles. Se. Oblong, dark brown or
black, glossy.

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