Playbooks - FINAL

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Most people walk around all day with no idea of the power the darkness
holds or what truly takes place in the shadows. Those who are Aware, awakened to the world as it truly is, have the power to stand up and fight for their
people, to spit in the eyes of the dark beasts that roam their world, andif
theyre very luckylive to see tomorrow.


Aware Corruption Move

When you ignore your mortal responsibilities to deal with the supernatural,
mark corruption.
Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacyphysical or emotionalwith someone who is not mortal, mark corruption.
End Move
When you die, each character chooses whether your death inspires
or corrupts a part of their being. If it inspires; they erase a Corruption
Advance they have taken (if any). If it corrupts; they immediately take a
Corruption Advance.


bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move from another archetype
bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat

bb In Too Deep: When a non-Mortal tries to Lend You a Hand or Get In

Your Way, mark corruption to add or subtract 3 from their roll.

bb Eye On The Door: When in danger from the supernatural you can mark

corruption to Escape as if you rolled a 12+.

bb Free Agent: Mark corruption to Refuse to Honor a Debt owed to a

nonMortal as if you rolled a 10+.

bb If You Cant Beat Em: Take two moves from non-Mortal archetypes.

Whenever you use these moves, mark corruption.


a member of mortality

Name (pick one)
Alisa, Anthony, Cam, Cleo, Cole, Datu, Devon, Galina, Hairi, Hans, Julius,
Kim, Kirsten, Laasya, Lara, Miguel, Philip, Rashid, Veronica
Look (pick as many as applies)
Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
Asian or South Asian, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern,
Business Casual Clothing, Everyday Clothing, Inconspicuous Clothing,
Uniform Clothing
Demeanor (pick one)
Aggressive, Charming, Paranoid, Serene
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these)
Blood -1, Heart 1, Mind 1, Spirit 0
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality 1, Night 0, Power 1, Wild -1
Who are you?
How long have you been in the city?
How did you learn about the supernatural?
Why is this city worth saving?
What mystery are you currently looking into?
A simple apartment, a decent car, a smart phone.
1 Self-Defence Weapon
bb 9mm Beretta (2-harm close loud)
bb Taser (stun-harm hand)
bb Snub-nosed revolver (2-harm close loud reload concealable)


You get this one:

;; Snoop: When you keep an eye out for trouble, roll with Mind. On a 10+,
hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. While youre there, spend your hold to ask the
MC questions, 1 for 1:
Whats my best way in/out?
Who or what here is not what they seem?
What happened here recently?
What here is the greatest danger to me?
Whos turf is this?




And choose two more:

bb Did Your Homework: When you Put a Face to a Name with someone





Advances available at beginning of play:

bb +1 Blood (max +3)
bb +1 Heart (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3)
bb +1 Mind (max +3)
bb A new Aware move
bb A new Aware move
bb A move from another archetype
bb A move from another archetype
bb Change your Faction

After 5 advances you may select:

bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb Erase a Scar
bb Join or lead a Watchers Society
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Change to a new archetype




politically important (your call), roll with Mind instead of Faction. On a

hit, you know a dangerous secret about them or their political machinations. On a 10+, you know how to leverage that information; take a
Debt on them as well. On a miss, your snooping has already landed you
in hot water with your target; they know youve been looking into their
bb I Know a Guy: When you Hit the Streets or Put a Face to a Name with
Mortality, roll with Mind instead of Faction.
bb I Brought Friends: When you Cash in a Debt with an NPC, add this
option to the list:
Back you up in a dangerous situation
bb Expert Marksman: When you Unleash with a firearm, roll with Mind

instead of Blood.
bb Hard-Boiled: When you get into trouble while chasing down a lead,

gain armor+1.


Who owes you?

Someone told you their secrets and you havent told anyone about them
yet. They owe you 2 Debts.
Someone thinks theyre protecting you, but its really more like youre
protecting them. You owe each other a Debt.
Youre leveraging dirt you have on someone to get their help with something. You owe them a Debt.



On a miss, you find yourself in over your head. The MC will tell you why
this is a bad spot.

owes me

Debt(s) for

owes me

Debt(s) for

When you suffer harm, mark the
same number of boxes as harm
received. When you heal harm,
erase it in the same order . You heal
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you
are about to suffer.


bb Shattered (-1 Blood)

bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
bb Fractured (-1 Mild)
bb Broken (-1 Spirit

Choose 3:
bb Wild Fury: You summon an element of nature capable of striking your

enemies (2-harm close area or 3-harm close/far).

bb Natures Caress: Your touch heals 2-harm. You cannot use this power

on yourself.
bb Wither: You imbue your touch with the power to kill (3-harm intimate ap).
bb Glamours: You create illusions to fool the senses. The effects dont

last long.
bb Shape Change: You can briefly change your shape into that of an animal.
bb Bedlam: Touch a target to place them in a specific emotional state (your
choice). Mark corruption to have that emotion directed toward a target
of your choosing.


Fickle and enigmatic, the Fae are impossible for a mortal to completely
understand. Their ways are steeped in tradition, honour, and, above all else,
bargains. They do not simply appreciate these virtues, they embody them.


Fae Corruption Move

When you break a promise or tell an outright lie, mark corruption.
Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacyphysical or emotionalwith
another person, demand a promise from them. If they refuse you or break
the promise, they owe you 2 Debts.
End Move
When you die or retire your character, choose a character and bestow
the favor of your court upon them. They can choose either to take Faerie
Magic and two of your faerie powers or to advance Persuade an NPC.

bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move from another archetype
bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat

bb Gach Cumhacht: You gain the remaining faerie powers. When you use


Faerie Magic, you may no longer choose to suffer harm.

bb Shrewd Negotiator: When you roll a 10+ to Refuse to Honor a Debt,

mark corruption to cancel the original Debt and claim a Debt from the
person you refused.
bb Unearthly Grace: You get +1 Heart (Max +4). Whenever you roll with
Heart and roll a 12+, mark corruption.
bb Everyones Got One: Touch someone and mark corruption to declare
one of their vulnerabilities. All damage from that source (fire, steel, iron,
etc.) is treated as +1 harm and ap.


a member of wild

Name (pick one)
Ava, Brianna, Cesar, Chiko, Chloe, Connor, Dylan, Elliot, Fahim, Fiona, Lucas,
Maeve, Manuel, Nora, Roman, Salom, Su-mi, Rachel, Vicente, Yaki
Look (pick as many as applies)
Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
Asian or South Asian, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern,
Colorful Clothing, Expensive Clothing, Messy Clothing,
Revealing Clothing
Demeanor (pick one)
Alien, Eccentric, Feral, Seductive
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these)
Blood -1, Heart 1, Mind 0, Spirit 1
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality 0, Night -1, Power 1, Wild -1
Who are you?
How long have you been in the city?
What do you love most about humanity?
Who is your closest confidante in the city?
What do you desperately need?
A nice house or apartment, a car, a smart phone
A relic from your homelands
A symbol of your court (sun, moon, storm, winter, spring, etc.)
Someone broke an important promise to you and swore they would
make it up to you. They owe you 2 Debts.
You are keeping something hidden for someone. They owe you a Debt.
You entrusted someone with a dangerous task. Ask them if they
succeeded or failed. If they succeeded, you owe them a Debt. If they
failed, they owe you 2 Debts.


You get this one:

;; Faerie Magic: Whenever you use a Faerie power, choose 1:

Mark corruption
You owe your monarch a Debt
Suffer 1-harm (ap)
And choose two more:


bb A Dish Best Served Now: When you commit to enact revenge on behalf












Advances available at beginning of play:

bb +1 Blood (max +3)
bb +1 Heart (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3)
bb +1 Mind (max +3)
bb A new Fae move
bb A new Fae move
bb A move from another archetype
bb A move from another archetype
bb Change your Faction

After 5 advances you may select:

bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb Erase a Scar
bb Join or lead a Faerie Court
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Retire your character to safety
bb Change to a new archetype



When you suffer harm, mark the
same number of boxes as harm
received. When you heal harm,
erase it in the same order . You heal
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you
are about to suffer.


bb Shattered (-1 Blood)

bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
bb Fractured (-1 Mild)
bb Broken (-1 Spirit


of someone (including yourself), gain +1 to all rolls against the target of

that vengeance. For every scene in which you do not pursue vengeance,
suffer 1-harm (ap).
In Our Blood: When you Trick someone, roll with Heart instead of Mind.
Scales of Justice: You may cash in a Debt with someone to use a power
from Faerie Magic (including powers not normally available to you) on
them at no cost.
Draw Back the Curtain: When you Escape, add this option to the list:
You escape to your homeland, for better or worse
Words are Wind: When someone breaks a promise to you or lies to you
and you find out, they owe you a Debt and you take +1 forward against


Who owes you?

owes me

Debt(s) for

owes me

Debt(s) for

Ranged Weapons
bb Bow (2-harm close/far reload)
bb Shotgun (2-harm close loud reload messy)
bb SMG (2-harm close area loud)
bb Pistol (2-harm close loud)
bb Rifle (2-harm far loud)
Add-ons (choose 2 for each weapon):
Silenced (-loud)
Big (+1 harm)
Semi-automatic (-reload)
Automatic (+autofire)
Antique/Ornate (+valuable)
Blessed (+holy)

High-powered (+1 harm)

Scoped (+far or +1 harm at far)
Silvered (+silver)
Cold-Iron (+cold-iron)

Hand Weapons
bb Staff (1-harm hand/close)
bb Haft (1-harm hand)
bb Handle (1-harm hand)
bb Chain (1-harm hand area)
Add-ons (choose 2 for each weapon):
Head (+1 harm)
Bladed (+1 harm)
Antique/Ornate (+valuable)
Famed (+reputation)
Extendable (+close)



Determined and fearless, the Hunter is a mortal who has taken up a cause
against the darkness around them, perhaps because they were trained to
stalk the night or because they were born with the power to protect their
people. They carry a heavy burden, one that would eventually crush anyone.
How long can they keep from becoming what they hunt?


Hunter Corruption Move

When you injure a mortal while pursuing the supernatural, mark corruption.
Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacyphysical or emotionalwith
another person, ask them a question; they must answer it honestly. They will
ask you a question in return; answer it honestly or mark corruption.
End Move
When you die or retire your character, choose a character belonging to
another player and give them one of your chosen Hunter moves. Its theirs
for keeps.


Enchanted (+anchored)
Silvered (+silver)
Cold-Iron (+cold-iron)
Blessed (+holy)
Hidden (+concealable)

bb Take a Corruption move

bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move from another archetype
bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat

bb Divided I Stand: When you turn down help and enter a dangerous situ-

ation alone, mark corruption and advance Unleash and Keep Your Cool
for the scene.
bb Hard to Kill: Choose a Faction. Mark corruption to gain armor+1 against
that Faction until the end of the scene.
bb Perfect Timing: Mark corruption to arrive in a scene. Mark an additional
corruption to show up in a superior position.
bb Death Wish: If someone nearby is about to suffer harm, you may mark
corruption to suffer the harm instead.


a member of mortality

Name (pick one)
Abimbola, Amanda, Anwar, Beatrice, Bianca, Christopher, Elora, Eugene,
Flaco, Ilyas, Jason, Jessica, Marcus, Moriko, Patty, Paul, Samuel, Sarah, Sean,
Solomon, Susan
Look (pick as many as applies)
Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
Asian or South Asian, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern,
Camo Clothing, Casual Clothing, Dark Clothing, Dirty Clothing
Demeanor (pick one)
Calculating, Detached, Friendly, Volatile
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these)
Blood 1, Heart 0, Mind 1, Spirit -1


Choose three:
bb Slayer: When you Keep Your Cool while on a hunt, roll with Blood

instead of Spirit.
bb Deadly: When you inflict harm, increase the harm by 1.
bb Book Learnin: When you encounter a supernatural creature, roll with










Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these)

Mortality 1, Night 1, Power 0, Wild -1
Who are you?
How long have you been in the city?
How did you become a hunter?
Your Prey
What do you hunt, primarily?
What are their strengths and weaknesses?
What terrible thing have you done to yourself to help even
the playing field?
How are you like them?
A shitty apartment, a pick-up truck or muscle car, a cell phone.
3 custom weapons (see reverse)



Advances available at beginning of play:

bb +1 Blood (max +3)
bb +1 Heart (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3)
bb A new Hunter move
bb A new Hunter move
bb A new Hunter move
bb A move from another archetype
bb A move from another archetype
bb Change your Faction

After 5 advances you may select:

bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb Erase a Scar
bb Get a Workspace
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Advance 1 basic move
bb Change to a new archetype




When you suffer harm, mark the

same number of boxes as harm
received. When you heal harm,
erase it in the same order . You heal
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you
are about to suffer.





Who owes you?

Someone has enlisted you to protect them from something very
dangerous. They owe you a Debt.
Someone keeps you equipped and supplied. You owe them 2 Debts.
You consider someone a friend even though the friendship keeps
bringing you trouble. They owe you a Debt.


Mind. On a hit, the MC will tell you a bit about it and how it can be killed.
On a 10+, ask the MC a follow-up question; they will answer it honestly.
On a miss, you misread the creature; the MC tells you how.
Safe House: You have a secure location that you can hole up in. Detail it
and Choose 3:
High tech surveillance
A mystical prison
Fortified walls/windows/doors
A weeks worth of food and water
Explosives set to blow the place
This Way!: When you lead people out of danger, roll with Blood. On a
10+, you all get away safely. On a 7-9, you get hurt or one of them gets
hurt (you choose). On a miss, everyones safe but you; youre left behind
and the way out is closed to you.
Do You Feel Lucky?: When you Persuade an NPC while wielding a
2-harm or greater weapon, roll with Blood instead of Heart.
Prepared for Anything: You have a well-stocked armory, full of modern
and ancient weapons. Take another custom weapon or add another
add-on to each of your custom weapons.


bb Shattered (-1 Blood)

bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
bb Fractured (-1 Mild)
bb Broken (-1 Spirit

owes me

Debt(s) for

owes me

Debt(s) for

The future is always in motion, like a great river dragging us all to our inevitable ends, lost in currents we cannot see. There are some who can swim
against its strength, who can raise themselves above the surface to see what
awaits us. They are the cursed, and they are the blessed.



Oracle Corruption Move

When you give someone a false prophecy, mark corruption.
Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacyphysical or emotionalwith another
person, you gain a specific and clear vision about that persons future. You can
ask up to 3 questions about the vision; mark corruption for each.
End Move
When you die or retire your character, announce a proclamation upon the
world that will reverberate in dreams worldwide. Detail the signs of its coming.
The MC will make your prophecy come to pass, sooner rather than later.

bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move from another archetype
bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat

bb Empath: When you Figure Someone Out, Skim the Surface, or use


Psychometry, mark corruption to ask any questions youd like, not

limited to the lists.
bb I, All-Seeing: Mark corruption and suffer 1-harm (ap) to have a vision
about the situation at hand. Ask the MC a question; they will answer it
bb Dark Fate: Mark corruption when face to face with someone to pronounce a curse on them. Roll with Spirit. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9,
choose 1:
The curse lasts for a long time
You are not the obvious source of the curse
The effects of the curse are potent and obvious
bb Eyes That Burrow: Mark corruption to lock eyes with someone and
force them to be still for as long as you maintain the gaze.

a member of power

Name (pick one)
Daniel, Dodona, Elijah, George, Hala, Humphrey, Joel, Jonathon, Joaquin,
Kami, Khan, Malachi, Maria, Martha, Maximus, Olivia, Penelope, Pythia, Saira,
Look (pick as many as applies)
Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
Asian or South Asian, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern,
Dirty Clothing, Loose Clothing, Revealing Clothing, Warm Clothing
Demeanor (pick one)
Distant, Paranoid, Soothing, Volatile
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these)
Blood 0, Heart -1, Mind 1, Spirit 1
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality 0, Night -1, Power 1, Wild 1
Who are you?
How long have you been in the city?
How do you cope with the visions?
What are the nightmares like?
What do you desperately need?
A simple apartment, a crappy car, a cell phone.
1 Set of Unique Items
bb Prophetic tools (i.e. tarot deck, crystal ball, runes, etc.)
bb Ritual objects (an athame, a pentacle, etc.)
bb Collection of tomes and grimoires
Someone helps you understand your dreams and visions.
You owe them 2 Debts.
Youve had a dire prophecy about someone, but you dont know how to
help them...yet. You owe them a Debt.
You are helping someone realize their true potential through your
visions. They owe you a Debt.


You get this one:

;; Foretellings: At the beginning of the session, roll with Spirit. On a 10+,

hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1. During the session, you can spend your hold to
declare that something terrible is about to happen. You (and your allies)
take +1 ongoing to avoid the impending disaster. On a miss, you foresee
the death of someone important to you and take -1 to all rolls to
prevent it.


And choose two more:

bb Psychometry: Whenever you study and examine an interesting object,








roll with Spirit. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 1:

What is the history of this object?
What bans, wards, or limits are attached to this object?
Where does this object belong?
What secrets or mysteries has this object been privy to?
What strong emotions have most recently been near this object?



Advances available at beginning of play:

bb +1 Blood (max +3)
bb +1 Heart (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3)
bb +1 Mind (max +3)
bb A new Oracle move
bb A new Oracle move
bb A move from another archetype
bb A move from another archetype
bb Change your Faction

After 5 advances you may select:

bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb Erase a Scar
bb Get a Sanctum
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Change to a new archetype



On a miss, the emotion of the object overwhelms you and you take -1
ongoing for the scene.
bb Double Life: Take Mortality as a second Faction. When someone rolls
with or marks your Faction, tell them which one is most appropriate.
bb Conduit: Advance Let It Out for all characters in your presence, including yourself.
bb Skim the Surface: When you touch someone, you can read their surface thoughts. Roll with Spirit. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 79, ask 1:
What is your character thinking about right now?
Who are you protecting?
Why are you keeping secrets?
What is your characters hidden pain?
On a miss, you inflict 1-harm (ap) on them and yourself.
bb At Any Cost: When you interfere with someones plans or actions to

prevent one of your visions from coming true, mark their Faction and
take +1 forward.



When you suffer harm, mark the
same number of boxes as harm
received. When you heal harm,
erase it in the same order . You heal
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you
are about to suffer.

Who owes you?


bb Shattered (-1 Blood)

bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
bb Fractured (-1 Mild)
bb Broken (-1 Spirit

owes me

Debt(s) for

owes me

Debt(s) for

Poltergeist, ghost, spiritthey go by many names in every corner of the
world. They are our secret fears and unfulfilled dreams. They are the echo of
one who died, but their essence has not moved on for some reason. They
are the audience of our secret pains and guilty pleasures.


Spectre Corruption Move

When you witness a scene of victimization and do nothing, mark corruption.
Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacyphysical or emotionalwith
another person, you hold 1. Whenever they get into trouble, you can spend
your hold to be there.
End Move
When you fill up on harm, your corpus is scattered and dispersed. Youll
reform in a few days. When your spirit passes on permanently or you retire
your character, any characters present gain +1 Spirit (max+3).


bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move from another archetype
bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat

bb Possession: Mark corruption to enter the mind of a weak-minded

person (MCs call) in your presence and control their movements and
speech for a short time.
bb Telekinesis: You can move and lift small objects at a distance by concentrating. Mark corruption to move an object up to the size of a car.
bb Nightmare: Mark corruption to enter the dreams of someone sleeping
in your presence. While youre there, you can interact with them and
their dreams as if they were spirits.
bb Siphon: Mark corruption to reach into someones body, inflict 2-harm
(ap) on them, and heal 1-harm.


a member of night

Name (pick one)
Alisa, Anthony, Cam, Cleo, Cole, Datu, Devon, Galina, Hairi, Hans, Julius,
Kim, Kirsten, Laasya, Lara, Miguel, Philip, Rashid, Veronica
Look (pick as many as applies)
Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
Asian or South Asian, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern,
Blood-Stained Clothing, Dark Clothing, Everyday Clothing, Vintage
Demeanor (pick one)
Antiquated, Confused, Meek, Volatile
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these)
Blood 1, Heart 0, Mind -1, Spirit 1
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality -1, Night 1, Power 0, Wild 1
Who are you?
How long have you been in the city?
Who do you still love?
What makes your afterlife worth living?
What do you desperately need?
Whatever was on your person when you died, albeit spiritual versions
of each
Someone, or someones progenitor, was involved in your death.
They owe you a Debt.
Someone is watching out for a family member of yours.
You owe them 2 Debts.
You are haunting someone and they know it.
You owe them a Debt.


You get this one:

;; Manifest: Regular people cant sense or interact with you unless you
manifest. You manifest by spending a few quiet moments concentrating
and choosing 2:
You can be heard
You can be seen
You can touch and be touched by the physical world


You may mark corruption to instead choose 1 or all 3.

And choose two more:






bb Wont Be Ignored: When you Get in the Way of someone, treat your







Advances available at beginning of play:

bb +1 Blood (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3)
bb +1 Mind (max +3)
bb A new Spectre move
bb A new Spectre move
bb A move from another archetype
bb A move from another archetype
bb Change your Faction
bb Join or lead a Body of Ghosts

After 5 advances you may select:

bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb Erase a Scar
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Move on through to the other side
bb Change to a new archetype





roll as a 10+ without rolling. If you Distract an NPC, roll with Spirit
instead of Mind.
Ghost Town: When you Hit the Streets with ghosts, take +1 ongoing to
dealing with them.
Phantasm: Take +1 Spirit (max +3)
Wall? What Wall?: You always have an opening to Escape. You can
choose an additional option off the list to bring someone with you. On
a miss, you attract the attention of dangerous spirits and ghosts in the
Link: Something keeps you from passing on: a Link. When in the presence of your Link, advance Let It Out. When your Link is in danger, you
have access to all your Corruption Moves until you see it to safety. If your
Link is ever destroyed, so are you.
Your Link:


Who owes you?

owes me

Debt(s) for

owes me

Debt(s) for

When you suffer harm, mark the
same number of boxes as harm
received. When you heal harm,
erase it in the same order . You heal
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you
are about to suffer.


bb Shattered (-1 Blood)

bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
bb Fractured (-1 Mild)
bb Broken (-1 Spirit


Since your patron claimed your soul, you have a new look: a demon form.
Pick as many as apply from the lists below:
Head: horns, flames, spikes, halo, smoke
Hands: claws, bones, flames, pincers
Wings: feathers, leather, none
Skin: chitinous, rocklike, misty
Eyes: glowing, burning, empty, smoky, none


Your dark patron keeps you on Earth for a reason. Choose two jobs from the
list below:
Collecting souls, tracking down rogue demons, delivering threats and
messages, guarding someone or something, assassinating your patrons
enemies, brokering demonic contracts, hiding demonic contraband
When you complete a job for your patron, mark Wild. Your patron owes you
a Debt for every job completed.
You can cash in a Debt with your Patron in order to have them:
Answer a question (honestly) about their Faction
Introduce you to a powerful member of their Faction
Give you a worthy and useful gift without cost
Erase a Debt they hold on someone
Give you a Debt they have on someone else
Give you +3 to Persuade them (choose before rolling)
Your patron may offer you the chance to buy your freedom, but Debts
alone wont be enough.



You remember what it was like being human, or at least fully human. But
that was before all this; before your soul ended up in the hands of demons
and devils. Now youre something else, working jobs for a patron who is
never satisfied, never done with you. Its the worst job youve ever had.


Tainted Corruption Move

When you persuade someone on your patrons behalf, mark corruption.
Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacyphysical or emotionalwith
another person, they give you a Debt they hold on someone else.
End Move
When you die, cash in all the Debts your patron owes you to come back. If
you have none, your patron will ask someone else to pay the Debt for you. If
they refuse, times up. Its been a good run.

bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move from another archetype
bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat

bb Fringe Benefits: Mark corruption to Drop the Name of your demonic

patron as if you rolled a 10+. You dont have to have a Debt on your
patron to use the move.
bb Just Below the Surface: Mark corruption to assume your demon form
without a roll and gain all the options listed.
bb Not to Be Denied: Mark corruption to make their result a miss (after rolling) when someone Refuses to Honor a Debt youve cashed in on them.
bb From Hell: Mark corruption to have your patron send a gang of demons
to work on your behalf for a scene (2-harm small 2-armor demonic).

a member of wild

Name (pick one)
Alfred, Alma, Catarina, Dawa, Fahad, Father Luke, Iris, Jake, Jeremiah, Kaito,
Kyo, Lana, Latifah, Landon, Nabhi, Nadia, Ophelia, Shiro, Tamali, Yuina
Look (pick as many as applies)
Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
Asian or South Asian, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern,
Dirty Clothing, Expensive Clothing, Formal Clothing, Trendy Clothing
Demeanor (pick one)
Corporate, Detached, Paranoid, Volatile
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these)
Blood 1, Heart 1, Mind -1, Spirit 0
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality 1, Night -1, Power 0, Wild 1
Who are you?
How long have you been in the city?
Who would you die for?
What is your daily release?
What do you desperately need?
A house or apartment, a car, a smart phone
1 Weapon of Choice
bb Collapsible Baton (2-harm hand)
bb 9mm Beretta (2-harm close loud)
bb Pump Action Shotgun (3-harm close loud messy)
bb Sword (3-harm hand messy)
Youre protecting someone from a dark power. They owe you 2 Debts.
Someone is trying to save you and keeps suffering for it.
You owe them 2 Debts.
You have a demon patron who holds the contract for your soul.
You owe them 3 Debts.


You get this one:

;; The Devil Inside: When you assume your demon form, roll with Blood.
On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1. On a miss, choose 1 and you
owe your patron a Debt.
Gain armor+1
Heal 2-harm
Inflict +1 harm
+demonic weapon (3-harm hand or 2-harm close)
+demonic movement (flight, flaming motorcycle, etc.)






If youre working a job for your patron, choose 1 more. If you mark
corruption, choose 1 more.
And choose one more:
bb Invocation: You may Cash in a Debt with someone to appear in their





Advances available at beginning of play:

bb +1 Heart (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3)
bb +1 Mind (max +3)
bb A new Tainted move
bb A new Tainted move
bb A move from another archetype
bb A move from another archetype
bb Change your Faction

After 5 advances you may select:

bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb Erase a Scar
bb Gain Fiendish Underlings
bb Erase a Job from your contract
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Change to a new archetype






presence. Others may Cash in a Debt with you to have you appear as
Dont Look at Me: When you Mislead someone, roll with Heart instead
of Mind.
Tendrils in the Dark: When you seek the guidance of your patron
through rituals and portents, roll with Spirit. On a hit, the signs and signals are laid out before you: take +1 forward if you follow the path. On
a 7-9, youre drawn further into the web; Keep Your Cool to make your
own way. On a miss, your patron has a job for you right now; assume
your demon form and go to work or suffer 2-harm (ap).
Cold as Ice: Take +1 Blood (max +3)
Tough as Nails: You get 1-armor. Blessed or holy sources ignore your
armor. Weapons designed to stun or impair you have no effect.


Who owes you?

owes me

Debt(s) for

owes me

Debt(s) for

When you suffer harm, mark the
same number of boxes as harm
received. When you heal harm,
erase it in the same order . You heal
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you
are about to suffer.


bb Shattered (-1 Blood)

bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
bb Fractured (-1 Mild)
bb Broken (-1 Spirit


When someone comes to you to ask for a favor, look for advice/info, or
threaten your interests, they enter your Web and owe you a Debt. When
someone is in your Web, you gain the following when dealing with them:
Get +1 ongoing to Lend a Hand or Get in the Way of their efforts
Add this question to Figure Someone Out: What is your characters true
At the start of a session, choose someone in your Web and learn a secret
about them that theyd rather keep buried.
They leave your Web only when they no longer owe you a Debt.


Strong, fast, eternal in age, and insatiable in hunger, the vampire is a pure,
unadulterated predator. They are a monster, a twisted reflection of the
person they once were, doomed to walk the earth and feed their hungers.
Keep your distance.


Vamp Corruption Move

When you feed on an unwilling victim, mark corruption.
Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacyphysical or emotionalwith
another person, tell them a secret about yourself or owe them a Debt.
Either way, they enter your Web and owe you a Debt.
End Move
When you die or retire your character, name someone in the scene you
want dead; your agents and allies relentlessly pursue them.

bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move


bb Take a Corruption move

bb Take a Corruption move from another archetype
bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat

bb True Hunter: Mark corruption when pursuing a human NPC at night.


Your prey cannot escape you, no matter where they attempt to flee, and
you can prey on them or kill them at will.
bb Adaptable Palate: You can feed on any creature, not just humans.
Feeding on something wildly different than a human will have unexpected side effects.
bb Pull Them Back In: When you cash in your last Debt on someone in your
Web, mark corruption to keep the Debt and keep them in your Web.
bb Blood Magic: Choose 2 Faerie Powers. Mark corruption to use one of
these powers.

a member of night

Name (pick one)
Adel, Ash, Bilal, Clara, Cleopatra, Damon, Danielle, Hadier, Isa, Joseph, Klaus,
Leanne, Marta, Maximillian, Monique, Nathaniel, Orion, Salim, Reginald, Zoe
Look (pick as many as applies)
Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
Asian or South Asian, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern,
Concealing Clothing, Everyday Clothing, Formal Clothing,
Vintage Clothing
Demeanor (pick one)
Antiquated, Feral, Seductive, Volatile
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these)
Blood 1, Heart 1, Mind 0, Spirit -1
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality 1, Night 1, Power -1, Wild 0
Who are you?
How long have you been in the city?
How do you keep your cravings in check?
Who turned you?
What scheme are you invested in now?
A secluded apartment, a comfortable car, a smart phone.
1 Stylish Weapon
bb Sword (3-harm hand messy)
bb Dual 9mm Glocks (2-harm close loud)
bb Walther PPK (2-harm close reload small)


You get this one:

;; Eternal Hunger: You hunger for human blood, flesh, or emotions, pick
one. When you feed, roll with Blood. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9,
choose 2:
You heal 1-harm
You learn a secret about them
You take +1 forward
They dont die


On a miss, something goes terribly wrong.





And choose two more:

bb Irresistible: When you Persuade an NPC using promises or seduction,







Advances available at beginning of play:

bb +1 Blood (max +3)
bb +1 Heart (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3)
bb +1 Mind (max +3)
bb A new Aware move
bb A new Aware move
bb A move from another archetype
bb A move from another archetype
bb Change your Faction

After 5 advances you may select:

bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb Erase a Scar
bb Join or lead a Watchers Society
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Change to a new archetype




treat a 7-9 as a 10+ result. On a miss, your machinations succeed as

though you rolled a 7-9, but attract the attention of a rival or enemy.
Haven: You have a safe place, secure from outside dangers. It has
emergency rations, a few ghouls, and an escape vector. When someone
willingly comes to your Haven, they enter your Web.
Cold-Blooded: When you Keep Your Cool under emotional duress, roll
with Blood instead of Spirit.
Keep Your Friends Close: When you Figure Someone Out by indulging
their vices, roll with Blood instead of Mind.
Put Out the Word: When you cash in a Debt with someone in your
Web, add this option to the list:
Put out the word with their Faction that you want something. You
get +3 forward to Hit the Streets with that Faction.


Who owes you?

owes me

Debt(s) for

owes me

Debt(s) for


Someone makes sure you get fed regularly. You owe them 2 Debts.
Someone relies on you for their fix. They owe you a Debt
Someone bears responsibility for you becoming a vampire. They owe
you a Debt.


When you suffer harm, mark the
same number of boxes as harm
received. When you heal harm,
erase it in the same order . You heal
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you
are about to suffer.


bb Shattered (-1 Blood)

bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
bb Fractured (-1 Mild)
bb Broken (-1 Spirit


You have a Workspace that includes a large space for your tools and/or
supplies. When you go into your Workspace to work on something, the MC
tells you what it will take to complete.
Choose and underline 3 features that your Workspace includes;
automotive hoist and tools, a darkroom, a regulated growing environment,
two or three skilled assistants, a junkyard of raw materials, machining tools,
transmitters & receivers, a testing ground, deadly booby traps, a library of
old books, a scattering of ancient relics, a mystical focus, magical wards, a
medical station, an operating room, high-tech electronics and computers,
an advanced surveillance system, a forge, a science lab, a portal to another
Items created in your Workspace are safe from the MC. They cant be
destroyed or taken without your permission, even if you sell or give them
away to another character.


Once upon a time, you were someone importantand dangerous. People

knew you and gave you a wide berth. You were a force to be reckoned with
in this city. And then you got old, broken, or both.


Veteran Corruption Move

When you knowingly head straight into danger, mark corruption.
Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacyphysical or emotionalwith
another person, tell them a story about the past and the lessons you
learned. Choose 1:
You both take +1 forward
You take +1 forward and they take -1 forward
Hold 1. Spend the hold to Lend a Hand to that character from any
End Move
When you die or retire your character, choose a character to inherit your
Workspace and True Artist.


bb Take a Corruption move

bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move from another archetype
bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat

bb Back At It: Take a standard move and a corruption move from another

archetype. Whenever you use those moves, mark corruption.

bb Pack Rat: You may mark corruption to reach into your kit and find just

the thing you need to deal with your current situation.


bb Catch You Fuckers At A Bad Time?: Mark corruption to arrive in a

scene. Mark an additional corruption to bring someone with you.

bb Dark Experiments: When you work over someone (alive or dead) in

your Workspace, mark corruption and roll with Mind. On a 10+, ask 3.
On a 7-9, ask 2:
What is your weakness?
What are you, really?
What are you hiding?
What are you planning?
What are you afraid of?
On a miss, ask 1 but someone from their Faction knows what you did.

a member of mortality

Name (pick one)
Alejandro, Bartholomew, Beth, Constance, Danuta, David, Emma, Frank,
Joanne, Jose, Julie, Kimiko, Leo, Mahinder, Michelle, Skylar, Tabitha, Terry,
Regis, Yakub
Look (pick as many as applies)
Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
Asian or South Asian, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern,
Dirty Clothing, Everyday Clothing, Formal Clothing, Uniform Clothing
Demeanor (pick one)
Charming, Crass, Professional, Reserved
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these)
Blood -1, Heart 1, Mind 1, Spirit 0
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality 1, Night 0, Power 0, Wild 0
Who are you?
How long have you been in the city?
What was your greatest accomplishment in the city?
Why did you stop?
What do you desperately need?
An apartment or warehouse hideout, a nice car or old pick-up truck, a
smart phone, a Workspace (detail)
1 Self-Defence Weapon
bb 9mm Beretta (2-harm close loud)
bb Pump-Action Shotgun (3-harm close loud reload messy)
bb Magnum Revolver (3-harm close loud reload)
Someone relies on you for training or knowledge.
They owe you 2 Debts.
Youre working on something big for someone, and its nearly ready.
They owe you a Debt.
Someone keeps pulling your ass out of the fire. You owe them 2 Debts.


You get this one:

;; Old Friends, Old Favors: When you first encounter an NPC, you may
declare them an old friend instead of Putting a Face to a Name and roll
with Mind. On a hit, they offer you comfort and aid, even if it exposes
them to danger or retribution. On a 7-9, tell the MC why you owe them
a Debt. On a miss, tell the MC why they want you dead.


And choose two more:

bb True Artist: When you create something for someone using your Work-

space, mark their Faction.

bb Invested: When someone owes you 2 or more Debts and you Lend





Them a Hand or Get In Their Way, roll with Mind instead of Faction.


bb Too Old for This Shit!: When you get caught up in a fight you tried to





Advances available at beginning of play:

bb +1 Blood (max +3)
bb +1 Heart (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3)
bb +1 Mind (max +3)
bb A new Aware move
bb A new Aware move
bb A move from another archetype
bb A move from another archetype
bb Change your Faction

After 5 advances you may select:

bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb Erase a Scar
bb Join or lead a Watchers Society
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Change to a new archetype



prevent, you get armor+1 and take +1 ongoing to seeing yourself and
others to safety.
bb The Best Laid Plans: When you work out a plan with someone, roll with
Mind. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. You can spend your hold 1-for1, regardless of distance, while the plan is being carried out to:
Add +1 to someones roll (choose after rolling)
Dismiss all harm someone suffers from a single attack
Ensure your people have the exact gear they need on hand
On a miss, hold 1, but your plan falls apart at the worst possible moment.
bb Gun to Knife Fight: When you Unleash on someone by seriously escalating the conflict, roll with Mind instead of Blood.


Who owes you?

owes me

Debt(s) for

owes me

Debt(s) for

When you suffer harm, mark the
same number of boxes as harm
received. When you heal harm,
erase it in the same order . You heal
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you
are about to suffer.


bb Shattered (-1 Blood)

bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
bb Fractured (-1 Mild)
bb Broken (-1 Spirit

Choose 3:

bb Tracking: Spend 1 hold to learn the location of someone. You must have





a personal object that belongs to the target or recent leavings of their

body (a lock of hair, fingernail clippings, their blood, etc.)
Elementalism: You conjure the elements to strike out at your enemies.
Spend 1 hold to use Unleash with your magic as a weapon (3-harm
close or 2-harm close area).
Memory Wipe: Spend 1 hold to cause a helpless target to forget some
of their short-term memories, up to an entire hours worth. You can
spend an additional hold and mark corruption to put alternate memories
in their place.
Shielding: Spend 1 hold to provide armor+1 to yourself or someone
nearby, or spend 2 holds to provide armor+1 to everyone in a small area,
possibly including yourself. This armor lasts until the end of the scene.
You can stack multiple uses of Shielding at once.
Veil: Spend 1 hold to make yourself invisible from sight for a few
Teleport: Spend 1 hold to teleport yourself a short distance within a
scene youre in.
Hex: Spend 1 hold to inflict 1-harm (ap) on someone from any distance.
You must have a sample of their hair, blood, or saliva to do so.


Choose and underline 4 features of your Sanctum:

an extremely knowledgeable assistant, a testing ground, magical booby
traps, a library of old tomes, a scattering of ancient relics, a mystical prison,
magical wards, a portal to another dimension, a focus circle, an apothecary.
Choose and underline 2 downsides of your Sanctum:
it attracts otherworldly attention, it contains many volatile substances, its
location is well-known by many, it always lacks a key piece or ingredient, its
tough for you to access.
When you go into your sanctum to work on something, the MC tells you
what it will take to complete your task, as if your Sanctum was a mystical


You have a mystical focus item that helps you channel your magics. Without
it, take -1 to Channelling.
Choose a benefit your Focus grants you:
bb Inflict +1 harm with your magics
bb Gain armor+1 while you have hold from Channeling
bb Gain 1 additional hold when using Channeling

Mages are among the deadliest and most powerful of all humans. Their
ability to re-shape the world around them grants them tremendous powers.
Nothing corrupts quite like power.


Wizard Corruption Move

When you strike a deal with someone dark and powerful, mark corruption.
Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacyphysical or emotionalwith
another person, decide whether you care about them or not. If you dont,
they go about their business as normal. If you do, they take a -1 ongoing to
Escape until they get some intimacy somewhere else.
End Move
When you die, you may place a devastating curse on someone nearby.
Specify the effects of the curse and how they may end it.

bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move from another archetype
bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat

bb The Dark Arts: When you Unleash with magic or psychic energies, mark

corruption to roll with Spirit instead of Blood.

bb Upon a Pale Horse: Mark corruption and speak the true name of an

NPC in the scene to inflict 3-harm (ap) on them.

bb Black Magic: Mark corruption to ignore a requirement set by the MC

when using your Sanctum.

bb Warding: Mark corruption to create a magical ward the size of a small

room. The ward lasts for a month and a day or until you release it.


a member of power

Name (pick one)
Ailea, Alanna, Andrs, Brandon, Calvin, Christine, Desmond, Hugo, Jocelyn, June, Krista, Laura, Marlowe, Miranda, Randall, Vincent, Vivian, Wesley,
Wraith, Zoha
Look (pick as many as applies)
Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
Asian or South Asian, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern,
Archaic Clothing, Comfortable Clothing, Dark Clothing, Fancy Clothing
Demeanor (pick one)
Detached, Disheveled, Ominous, Volatile
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these)
Blood 0, Heart -1, Mind 1, Spirit 1
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality 1, Night -1, Power 1, Wild 0
Who are you?
How long have you been in the city?
What keeps you up at night?
What have you sacrificed for your power?
What do you desperately need?
A nice apartment or simple house, a crappy car, a decent cell phone
A mystical Focus (detail) and Sanctum (detail)
1 Practical Weapon
bb Snubnosed revolver (2-harm close loud reload concealable)
bb 9mm Glock (2-harm close loud)
bb Sword (3-harm hand messy)
Someone is helping you keep your demons at bay.
You owe them a Debt.
Someone is your go-to when you get into trouble.
You owe them 2 Debts.
You are helping someone keep a dangerous secret.
They owe you a Debt.


;; Channelling: When you channel and collect your magics, roll with Spirit.






On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 3 and choose 1 from the list below. On
a miss, hold 1 but you cannot Channel again this scene.
Take -1 ongoing until you rest
Suffer 1-harm (ap)
Mark corruption
Your hold lasts until you spend it. You can spend it to cast any spell you
have as per the spells details.
;; Sanctum Sanctorum: When you go to your Sanctum for a spell ingredient, relic, or tome, roll with Spirit. On a 10+, youve got pretty much
just the thing. On a 7-9, youve got something close, but its flawed or
lacking in some significant way. On a miss, you dont have what youre
looking for, but you know someone who probably has it in stock.





Advances available at beginning of play:

bb +1 Blood (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3)
bb +1 Mind (max +3)
bb Add 2 features to your Sanctum
bb Take 3 more Spells
bb A move from another archetype
bb A move from another archetype
bb Change your Faction

After 5 advances you may select:

bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb Erase a Scar
bb Remove a downside from your
bb Add a benefit to your Focus
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Retire your character to safety
bb Change to a new archetype





Who owes you?

owes me

Debt(s) for

owes me

Debt(s) for

When you suffer harm, mark the
same number of boxes as harm
received. When you heal harm,
erase it in the same order . You heal
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you
are about to suffer.


bb Shattered (-1 Blood)

bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
bb Fractured (-1 Mild)
bb Broken (-1 Spirit

By default, you change into your wolf form when the full moon rises; you
inflict 2-harm and gain 1-armor; you can resist the change, but its not easy;
and you can only change back at sunrise.
Choose 2:
bb You

inflict +1 harm while transformed

gain +1 armor while transformed
bb Your harm is armor piercing (ap)
bb You transform every night, not just during the full moon
bb Gain +1 ongoing to Escape while transformed
bb When battling groups, you fight like a small group
bb You are all but immune to magical attacks while transformed
bb You

Choose 2:
bb Silver

weapons ignore your armor

you lose control while transformed
bb When you transform, you Keep Your Cool or declare a hunt
bb You cant resist the change when it comes
bb The transformation takes a while and causes you a lot of pain
bb Sometimes

Youve claimed an area of the city as your own. By default, your territory
covers a city block or two and has the trouble: +crime.
Choose 2:
bb Your

territory spans several city blocks (add blessing: +influence)

here work hard to keep the streets safe (remove +crime)
bb You are widely accepted as this places protector (add blessing: +supported)
bb Your territory includes grounds for you to roam and hunt
(add blessing: +hunting ground)
bb Youve made a deal with someone, or something, to protect your territory when
youre not around (add blessing: +guardian)
bb People

Choose 2:
bb Your

territory owes fealty to someone more powerful than you

(add trouble: +obligations)
bb Someone more powerful wants your territory and is working to get it
(add trouble: +encroachment)
bb Mortals in the area are actively trying to revitalize local businesses and
infrastructure (add trouble: +upheaval)
bb Your territory is plagued by a mystical or supernatural presence
(add trouble: +haunted)
bb You have offered protection within your territory to someone, and now their
problems are yours (add trouble: +fealty)


Primal, deadly, and awesome. There is little in the world that can match the
werewolfs relentlessness or brute force. Those cursed by the wolfs bite
or born into their bloodline carry a great fury within them. But fury, like all
emotion, can be temperedeventually.


Wolf Corruption Move

When you begin a hunt for someone, mark corruption.
Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacyphysical or emotionalwith
another person, you create a primal bond with them; you always know
where to find them and when theyre in trouble. This bond lasts until the end
of the next session.
End Move
When you die or retire your character, anyone in the scene you wish to
protect escapes and reaches safety, no matter the odds.

bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move
bb Take a Corruption move from another archetype
bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat

bb One With The Beast: Mark corruption to add 2 qualities to the Transfor-

mation until the end of the session.

bb Force of Nature: You get +1 Blood (Max +4). Whenever you roll with

Blood and roll a 12+, mark corruption.

bb Sun and Moon: Mark corruption to transform into your wolf at will.
bb Familiar Territory: Mark corruption to know the source of the greatest

danger to your territory, even if it has concealed itself with magic or


a member of night


Name (pick one)
Anders, Brenda, Carmen, Christian, Dana, Habib, Junot, Kareem, Lee, Lucia,
Mani, Matt, Mel, Robin, Roxanne, Suze, Tori, Trent, Vanessa, Vic
Look (pick as many as applies)
Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
Asian or South Asian, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern,
Baggy Clothing, Concealing Clothing, Dark Clothing, Dirty Clothing
Demeanor (pick one)
Aggressive, Excitable, Feral, Violent
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these)
Blood 1, Heart -1, Mind 0, Spirit 1
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality 0, Night 1, Power -1, Wild 1
Who are you?
How long have you been in the city?
What is the best part of the change?
Who is the most important person in your territory?
What do you desperately need?
A duffel bag with your personal belongings, a shitty cell phone
2 Practical Weapons
bb Snubnosed revolver (2-harm close loud reload concealable)
bb 9mm Beretta (2-harm close loud)
bb Butterfly knife (2-harm hand concealable)
bb Switchblade (2-harm hand concealable)
bb Baseball Bat (2-harm hand)
Someone is hiding you from someone, or something, powerful.
You owe them a Debt.
Someone hired you for a job and you fucked it up.
You owe them 2 Debts.
Someone lives in your territory, benefiting from your protection.
They owe you a Debt.


You get these two:

;; Comes With the Territory: If you are actively patrolling your territory at
the start of the session, roll with Blood. On a 10+, your territory is secure
and trouble is at a minimum; take +1 ongoing to Hitting the Streets
in your territory. On a 7-9, one of your troubles surfaces (your choice),
but things are mostly stable. On a miss, or if you arent attending to your
territory, things go south and your troubles are fast and furious.
;; Bloodhound: When you hunt someone, roll with Blood. On a hit, you
know exactly where to find them and can follow their scent until you do.
On a 10+, take +1 forward against them. On a miss, someone unpleasant
finds you first.






And choose one more:

bb Regeneration: When you Let It Out, add this option to the list:

Your wounds close; heal 1-harm

bb Alpha Dog: When you Persuade an NPC in your territory, roll with

Blood instead of Heart.




Advances available at beginning of play:

bb +1 Blood (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3)
bb +1 Mind (max +3)
bb A new Wolf move
bb A new Wolf move
bb Add 2 qualities to your Transformation
bb A move from another archetype
bb Change your Faction
bb Join or lead a Wolf Pack



After 5 advances you may select:

bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb Erase a Scar
bb Resolve a Trouble
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Retire your character to safety
bb Change to a new archetype


When you suffer harm, mark the
same number of boxes as harm
received. When you heal harm,
erase it in the same order . You heal
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you
are about to suffer.



bb Shattered (-1 Blood)

bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
bb Fractured (-1 Mild)
bb Broken (-1 Spirit

bb From the Brink: You can exit your wolf form at will. When you do, roll

with Spirit. On a hit, you change back. On a 7-9, take 1-harm or mark
corruption. On a miss, you change but the transformation is incomplete,
lengthy, or painful.
bb Reckless: If you jump right into danger without hedging your bets, you
get armor+1. If youre leading a group, it gets armor+1 also.


Who owes you?

owes me

Debt(s) for

owes me

Debt(s) for

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