Mage Made Easy Advice From That Damn Mage Guy
Mage Made Easy Advice From That Damn Mage Guy
Mage Made Easy Advice From That Damn Mage Guy
Advice from
Satyros Phil Brucato
Productions /
Silver Satyr
Introduction 5 Devotee 30
Keeping Things Simple 6 Ecstatic 31
Gadgeteer 32
Chapter One: The Easy Way 9 Healer 33
Playing to Heart 10 Mad Scientist 34
What to Keep, What to Change, What to Toss 12 Magus 35
Intimate, Immediate, and Personal 12 Martial Artist 36
What Ascension War? 12 Necromancer 37
Discard Metaplot 14 Reality Hacker 39
Approaches, Not Societies 14
Shaman 40
Stick Mostly to the Mortal Realm 14
Limited Metaphysical Power 15 Technician 42
Focus Over Spheres 15 Tycoon 44
Common Magickal Effects 16 Witch 46
Subtle, Uncanny, Extreme 16
Limited Paradox 18
Chapter Three: Telling Tales 49
Mage’s Complex Elements 18
Keep Mage About Mages 23 Where Do We Go from Here? 50
Start Simple, Then Add More 23 The Mundane World 50
Supernatural Entities, Predators, and Allies 51
Chapter Two: Arcane Approaches 25 Arcane Cults 53
The Monsters Within 54
I Am What I Am 26 Internal Struggles 56
Format 26 13 Chronicle Concepts 58
Agent 28
Cyborg 29
Table of Contents 3
Dear Gods, What
Have I Done?
Someone once told me to not bite off more than I can chew.
I said I’d rather choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity
— author unknown
Associations: Intensity; lust; passion; enthusiasm; love for what
you do...
Where do I even start?
The tools spread out in front of me cover an entire table. Tomes.
Candles. Blades. Vessels. Papers scrawled with arcane equations. Bits
of herb, wood, small rocks and bits of bone. A few stoppered bottles of
who-knows-what. A weird little machine or two. What does that damn
thing over there even do, and why the hell did I agree to this in the
first place?
Aria chuckles as she watches my dismay. “Looks complicated,
doesn’t it?”
I sigh. “Yeah.”
“Then don’t worry about it,” she tells me. Aria reaches over
and lightly taps my forehead. “All that stuff on the table is just
window dressing. Everything you need is right in here.”
“Well, sure,” she says, picking up an especially elaborate
medallion. “It’s pretty. I’d be lying if I said I’m not a bit in love
with all the pomp and circumstance here, and you can do a lot more
with the tools once you get the hang of how to use them best.”
Introduction 5
I have to admit, if only to myself, that there is some finishes. “The props are just props. The magic is in you. It
neat stuff laid out on that table. always was. It always will be. Got that?”
“But here’s the trick,” she tells me, setting the I nod.
medallion down. “Let go of what you think you need to “Good. Now close your eyes, take a deep breath, and
do, and instead invite yourself to think of what you want to let’s get started…”
do.” Aria makes sure I’m looking back at her before she
Introduction 7
Chapter One:
The Easy Way
Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest.
—Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Ace of Swords
Associations: Action; intention; mental focus; beginnings;
cutting away distractions...
Chapter One 9
Playing to the Heart
Stripping Mage Down
To strip Mage down to its foundations, employ your
Thematically and otherwise, Mage is deep.
choices from among the following suggestions:
Its themes invite people to ask questions
about reality, ethics, humanity and ● Keep things intimate, immediate, and personal.
belief, among other things. Its metaplot ● Ignore the Ascension War.
reaches through millennia of real and
fictionalized occult history. Its rules ● Toss out most, if not all, of the metaplot.
emphasize personalized improvisation over
literally rote spell Effects, and its books are ● Use Approaches, not societies, to describe and define your
bloody huge tomes. characters.
How can you approach such a game “the ● Set your stories in the mortal world, with occasional
easy way”? excursions into stranger Realms.
Keep the core and set most of the rest of it aside.
● Establish a small, localized setting with newly Awakened
Start with the heart of the game: the all-too-human
characters who share obvious common ground.
mages themselves.
Introduce complications if and when you want to, ● Cap starting Arete and Spheres at 2. (Perhaps cap certain
Background Traits as well.)
whenever you and your group feels ready for them. Until
then, stick to small, intimate stories about people who ● Emphasize focus (how a mage enacts magick) over Spheres
have just begun to understand what they’re truly capable of (the magickal powers of that mage).
doing. ● Use the Common Magickal Effects chart (Mage 20, pp.
If a certain element of Mage seems overwhelming, 508-510) instead of freeform Sphere Effects.
don’t use it.
● Substitute subtle, uncanny, and extreme in place of coinci-
Go with what seems like the most fun for your group. dental, vulgar, and vulgar with witnesses.
As I often say, Mage belongs to its fans. All RPGs
● Limit Paradox manifestations; two or three forms of
do. Although various corporations might own intellectual
backlash should be enough for a simple game.
property rights, the stories you and your friends gather and
share around your gaming table belong to no one other ● Downplay or discard Mage’s more complex elements:
Avatars and Essences, Quiet, Seekings, Resonance and
than yourselves. I can be opinionated in the pages of my
Synergy, perhaps even Ascension itself.
books but I’m not going to be looming over your shoulder
snarling, “You’re doing it wrong!” We may offer advice on ● Avoid crossovers with other World of Darkness crit-
ter-types; keep Mage about mages.
forums online, but no Mage author or designer dictates
what happens around your table. ● Start simply, adding elements and complexities if and
In that spirit, please take the following suggestions as when your group seems ready for them.
just that: suggestions. All these suggestions, of course, are subject to change. As
I’m not telling you how to, or not to, play Mage, except the chronicle develops, you can add in whichever setting and
system elements you please. Every element above is part of
in one respect: Mage’s epic tapestry; it’s easier to enjoy them, though, when
I want y’all to enjoy it. players and characters get to discover those elements through
If you’re not enjoying it, then why bother playing Mage the course of a story, rather than by having to shotgun a 700-
at all? page rulebook before the game begins.
Chapter One 11
What to Keep, What to Change,
What to Toss
Mage is filled with Big Ideas, and it’s easy to
What Ascension War?
get lost in them. One of the biggest challenges, The Ascension War presents an epic conflict dynamic
when I first took stewardship of the series for Mage and its participants. This globe-spanning,
in 1993, involved making Mage accessible centuries-long “battle for reality” offers built-in adventure
enough to be artistically and commercially potential, an “us vs. them” mentality, a thematic depiction
successful. Cool concepts, after all, mean
nothing if no one can wrap their heads and of how good intentions go wrong, and a satirical reflection
hearts around them. of our current socio-political malaise.
Let’s look at the preceding suggestions in That said, it’s totally dispensable.
more detail: If you want to run an easy Mage game, then ditch the
Ascension War entirely.
It might still be raging in the shadows (which was
Intimate, Immediate, the original idea anyway), becoming obvious only after the
and Personal player-group has been involved in the Awakened world for
The first few months of Mage’s existence saw pallets a while. Or it might not exist at all. Instead of venerable
full of returns coming back to our warehouse. My continued factions wrestling for control of global reality, you might
employment depended upon getting people to care about, have instead a low-key occult setting where small sects or
even love, that pretty purple book full of unconventional individuals pursue personal agendas, similar to the turf wars
ideas. My mantra, then and now, is this: Make it personal. within domains in Vampire: The Requiem. While local
Make it human. Make it matter. Make sure people care. reality zones (see Mage 20, pp. 432 and 611-617) might be
The same is true around your table. While there contested territory between Awakened sects and individuals,
might be people who want to spend Game Night debating the idea of a globe-spanning secret war could seem utterly
Techgnositic Futurism vs. Dianic Wicca, most folks I know absurd in your own chronicle.
of want vicarious adventures with characters they care about. In place of the Ascension conflict, your chronicle
As an author and designer, I focus heavily on the could focus on:
personal experiences of people in Mage’s world. As a player ● The challenges of having metaphysical powers in a mun-
dane world where rents must still be paid, laws must
and Storyteller, you can focus on the personal experiences
be observed (if only to avoid inconvenient visits from
of your character group, their inner circles, and the people the cops), and loved ones must be protected from your
whose paths they cross. Build stories on their needs, their rivals and enemies.
fears, their loves and rivalries and confusions and beliefs.
● “Mundane” yet dangerous enemies (criminals, witch-hunt-
Add intimate details – meals, hobbies, quirks, relationships ers, dangerous wildlife, conspiracy theorists, law
– and concentrate on settings and events close to those enforcement and Armed Forces personnel, etc.), and
people. Sure, Horizon might come up occasionally in “friends” (cultists, churches, New Age devotees, hang-
ers-on, family members, and so forth) who drive your
conversation, but unless you’re setting a story there (which
mages up a wall yet cannot simply be blasted into oblivion.
is rarely a beginner move), the affairs of distant mega-wizards
mean little, if anything, to a group of young Awakened folks ● Other Night-Folk sharing and perhaps invading your
mages’ territory.
on the fringes of the everyday world.
And on that note… ● Occult rivalries between small yet dangerous arcane cults.
Chapter One 13
Discard Metaplot focus; especially under Mage 20’s system of paradigm +
practice + instruments = focus, the Arcane Approach method
I say this as one of its primary architects: FUCK
provides a roleplaying template based on what your mage does,
rather than which group your mage belongs to.
It’s fun, but you can do without it.
The Book of Secrets (pp. 176-187) offers six examples
Yes, history’s important. Especially if you’re taking the
of characters built upon the Approaches model, rather than
grand scope of a centuries-long Ascension War into account,
on the usual society-based “splats.” For a selection of Arcane
the factions and events of that metaplot do matter in the
Approaches, see Chapter Two in this book, pp. 28-47.
grand scheme of things.
But Stick Mostly to the Mortal
Mage’s cosmology is vast and confusing. Though such
complexity suits “the affairs of wizards,” it’s damned hard
to keep track of, especially when you’re introducing new
players to Mage.
So then, back-burner it all. Save Horizon Realms
and so forth for later games, when the players and their
characters desire more of a challenge.
That was the reasoning behind Mage Revised’s
If you want an easy, simple Mage game, especially with
Avatar Storm: To pare down the countless Otherworlds
beginning players, then throw all that stuff out. You can
and focus on the mundane world instead. You don’t need
introduce elements of it back into the chronicle as needed,
to incorporate the metaplot in order to do the same thing,
but you don’t have to build your game around the metaplot.
though; as a Storyteller, you can simply set your chronicle
In fact, I strongly suggest you don’t.
in the mortal realm, offering brief, occasional, mysterious
Which leads into…
glimpses into the Penumbra and, beyond that, a deeper
Approaches, Not Societies cosmos.
In place of the faction “splats,” define your characters Mage 20’s Prelude and Chapter Three depict the world
Chapter One 15
belief system and its related practices remain important to If, instead, you and your group describe the beliefs, activities
his identity. and tools your characters employ, your chronicle becomes
(On that note: Please, by all that’s holy, please stop more evocative to play, and much easier to run.
saying “a foci.” Focus is singular, foci is plural, and That Mage As noted earlier, you can find six examples of
Guy has grammatical hissie fits every time he sees or hears characters whose magickal powers are defined by their focus
someone refer to “a foci.” Thanks, y’all!) in The Book of Secrets (pp. 176-187). Details about focus
Many arguments, over the years, have centered on the elements can be found in Mage 20 (pp. 565-600), The Book
potential abuses of Sphere-based powers. By emphasizing of Secrets (pp. 167-209), and The Book of the Fallen (pp.
a character’s beliefs, practices and instruments, however, 127-150), while Arcane Approaches can be found in Chapter
over the raw capabilities of the Spheres, you can head many Two.
such abuses off at the pass. Yes, your martial artist might On that note…
have Life 3; given that her focus involves combat disciplines
(practice), Buddhist philosophy (paradigm), and refined Common Magickal Effects
martial techniques (instruments), it doesn’t make sense that With clever combinations of Spheres, a skilled Mage
she could wish hostile microbes into an enemy’s digestive character or player can do almost anything. This, of course,
tract. The Sphere might permit such an attack, but the focus presents a major headache for the Storyteller. Likewise,
implies she’s gonna have to kick somebody’s ass in order to the broad range of potential Effects and combinations can
inflict Life 3 damage upon that character. puzzle a new Mage player. Even experienced players may find
For new players, it’s also easier to define a character’s the Spheres hard to work with, especially in the middle of a
capabilities through focus than through Sphere Rank game.
Effects. “What are you playing?” “I’m playing a martial For simplicity’s sake, then, you might stick to the
artist.” Cool. Now both the player and her Storyteller have Common Magickal Effects chart (Mage 20, pp. 508-510),
a good idea about how that mage works her magick. The using it as a “spell list” of sorts, and disallow improvised
player doesn’t have to memorize the Effects connected with spellcasting until the players and Storyteller have become
each Sphere; instead, she can tell her Storyteller, “Jace can comfortable with the full range of the Sphere system.
do X, Y, and Z,” and the Storyteller can help determine As noted at the top of the sidebar “To Be Clear About
which Spheres she needs in order to do those things. (See All This…” (Mage 20, p. 498), you can stick to the basic
Chapter One 17
Limited Paradox point increments. If the character exceeds 15 points, a
traditional Paradox backlash manifests and blows that
Among the most contentious elements of Mage, mage’s Echoes back to zero… assuming, of course, that
Paradox can be a headache for players and Storytellers alike. the mage survives. This optional rule alleviates the need
Some folks suggest junking Paradox entirely, but as detailed for most of the Paradox systems, substituting weird
narrative story elements in place of multiple rolls and
in the sidebar “Why Paradox?” (Mage 20, p. 552), the fiddly record-keeping.
Paradox Effect serves several vital purposes within the game.
That said, here are some suggestions which can make If you choose this option, then make those Echoes weird,
discomfiting, and often unpredictable. Minor Echoes
Paradox a lot easier to deal with in your game: should be annoying, and major ones are downright
● Storyteller “banks” Paradox until a dramatic moment: hazardous. This option should not become a “Get Out
Under the usual rules, the Storyteller rolls to check for of Paradox Free” card. A Storyteller who elects to use
a Paradox backlash. In place of that rule, I suggest that Echoes or (as below) Resonance in place of Paradox needs
the Storyteller simply hold off until a dramatically appro- to make certain to play such consequences to the hilt.
priate moment, and then unleash the Paradox in some
fashion that suits the story and character(s) involved. ● Replace Paradox Points with Resonance: If your group
employs the optional Resonance systems given in The
Although this suggestion demands a certain degree of trust Book of Secrets (pp. 128-138), you could use Resonance
in the Storyteller, it cuts out cumbersome die-rolling, in place of Echoes. This optional rule follows the three-
allows the Storyteller to tailor a fitting backlash rather for-one system given in the entry above, but it also offers
than make stuff up on the fly, and reveals Paradox as the a bit more direction and flavor than the open-ended
ominous force of poetic justice that, ideally, it should be. Echoes Flaw entry does. I’m not sure if substituting a
10-page option counts as “simplifying” the usual Paradox
Obviously, the Storyteller should not take this option as rules, but the tone of Resonance is more narrative than
an excuse to fuck her players over. There’s a difference mechanical, and so it might play out more intuitively
between “a dramatically appropriate moment” and “at than the normal Paradox systems do.
a point where it will trash everything the players have
worked hard to achieve.” If you follow this suggestion, On the subject of confusing elements of Mage…
please use fairness and discretion. As mentioned earlier,
Mage is supposed to be fun. Mage’s Complex Elements
Wizards are not simple people; it stands to reason,
● Select one to three Paradox backlashes, and then use
those backlashes only: The baffling range of Paradox then, that an RPG about such people will feature many
options can be a pain in the ass. For simplicity, the esoteric concepts. That said, the sheer number of such
Storyteller could choose her favorite backlash forms concepts in Mage may prove daunting for new players, or for
(or the forms she deems most appropriate to her game
groups that want a simpler game. Let’s examine a few of the
and players), and then stick with those phenomena
rather than trying to determine which ones to use at concepts that come up in critical discussions about Mage:
a given time.
Subjective Reality and the Consensus
● Replace Paradox points with the Echoes Flaw: Found “But what’s the real truth?” Mage fans and critics alike
in the Mage 20 rulebook (pp. 646-647), this Flaw marks have stumbled over the game’s concepts of subjective reality
a mage with growing amounts of paranormal phenom-
for decades. Given the debates surrounding the topic, it
ena. Although the entry suggests it might be used as
a substitute for Resonance (and was originally created might be tempting to discard this element of the game.
to show the effects of Resonance in game terms), an I wouldn’t recommend that.
ambitious Storyteller might use Echoes as a substitute Throughout this book, I advocate tossing out various
for Paradox instead.
complications for the game. This one, however, I feel should
In this case, every three points of Paradox represents one stay.
point of Echoes. (Six Paradox = two points in Echoes, Although a game of battling wizards would be simpler
nine Paradox = three points in Echoes, 12 Paradox = four than a game about questioning your ideas about truth, such
in Echoes, and 15 Paradox = the top level of Echoes.) a game would not really be Mage. I do recommend setting
The player fills in the usual Quintessence /Paradox aside the complicated lore of the Ascension Conflict, but I
Wheel on his character sheet, marking it into three- feel the wobbly hold of “reality,” and the idea that people
Chapter One 21
Quiet Themes of self-discovery, empowerment, metaphysical
The metaphysical disconnection that comes from awareness and ultimate transcendence or ruin are
messing around too deeply in the world’s reality, Quiet fundamental elements of Mage. Modern wizards battling
might be a bit too esoteric a subject for a casual Mage in the streets and shadows make for a cool action movie,
game. Also, the equation of “madness” with metaphysical but Mage, ideally, offers more. How, then, can you keep
punishment risks evoking gross stereotypes about mental that element intact within a simpler game, especially if you
illness and the people who suffer from it. And so, although discard the Ascension War metaplot?
Mage 20 separates Awakened Quiet from real-life mental Early on, that won’t really matter. Beginning mages
illnesses, a strong argument can be made for discarding this rarely Ascend, although certain stories (the film Lucy
element from Mage entirely. comes to mind) provide exceptions to that rule. Generally,
If you choose to toss out Quiet, the Storyteller should Ascension is a process, not a plot point, and it’s an internal
also decide what to do with the Marauder faction. Do they journey, not a progression of dice pools.
still exist in your Mage game? And if so, what is it that As your characters grow in power and awareness,
distinguishes them from other mages? I’d suggest either though, the potential of Ascension – either personal or
discarding the Mad entirely, or else making them even more global – should become more obvious. It’s an ideal, of
alien and mysterious – not caricatures of mentally ill people, course: rumors of spiritual transcendence; mentors who
but rather mages who’ve stepped so far outside of the mortal reveal – through either good examples or bad ones – the
Consensus that they’re not even truly human anymore. promise of Ascension; a nagging feeling that mere power
is not enough; soul-deep spiritual experiences, visions of a
Resonance and Synergy
better world, or other such revelations… such things tease a
As suggested above, the optional Resonance Trait
mage with the promise of Ascension.
could be used to reflect the effects of Paradox. In its original
In time, those promises become pursuits. Through
form, Resonance was more of a dramatic story-element than
Seekings and conflicts and the lure of better things, your
a Trait, and so the Storyteller for a simple game could still
mages begin to recognize Ascension as a viable goal. Perhaps
use Resonance to influence descriptions while ignoring
that’s the personal Ascension in which a mage strives for
Resonance as a game-systems Trait.
individual transcendence; or maybe it’s the global Ascension
Synergy, meanwhile, can be discarded entirely. In Mage
of a theoretically uplifted world. Specific goals and storylines
20, that likewise optional Trait was created to reconcile
will depend on the characters and players involved, but a
two different phenomena that were both referred to as
long-running Mage chronicle should at least hint at such
“Resonance.” Without that contradiction, there’s no need to
ideals even if the player characters never achieve them
have Synergy in your game at all.
within the game.
Ascension It’s often easier to change one’s self than to change the
It’s literally the name of the game. Even so, Ascension whole world. Thus, personal Ascension appears to be the
remains one of the trickier elements of Mage. There’s no more achievable sort of transcendence, especially in a game
way to portray Ascension through rule systems or maxed- without the warring factions of the Ascension Conflict.
out Traits; by definition, Ascension involves transcending That said, changing your world’s reality is a core element of
limitations like rules, and so the very existence of a game Mage, and it’s often easier to play out stories about cleaning
about Ascension is itself… um, a paradox. up a city than it is to run tales of individual transcendence,
Should it, then, be junked? if only because the former goal favors teamwork and
I don’t think so, no. measurable results. Either Path is valid, and some mages
might pursue both.
Chapter One 23
Chapter Two:
Arcane Approaches
…the human being is the “Nay-sayer”…an eternal protester against all mere reality.
— Max Scheler, The Human Place in the Cosmos
Page of Wands
Associations: Seeking new directions; self-growth; daring; risking;
catalyist for change...
Chapter Two 25
I Am What I Am
“Who am I playing?” For players who’ve never Approaches are not exclusive, nor must you choose just
played Mage before – who, perhaps, have
one. It’s perfectly acceptable to have a mad scientist healer
never played any RPG before – that question
is everything. Before one can assume a role, or a reality-hacking witch. While certain Approaches don’t
that person needs some idea of what role seem to mix quite as well as others, our own world features
she’s been invited to portray. technoshamans so there’s no reason your Mage chronicle
Traditionally (so to speak), Mage can’t have them, too.
invites its players to portray members of
The following entries feature several archetypal
the Nine Traditions, the five Conventions,
or the various Crafts. Although the option Approaches to the metaphysical Arts. These entries don’t
of playing an “orphan” has always been on reflect every imaginable Approach, of course – the pursuit
the table, the term itself suggests that the of such Arts is as diverse as humanity itself. Even so, this
character has no “proper” place within Mage’s
chapter can help you choose a concept that suits your vision
for the tales and characters you want to play, and then
On the plus side, the Ascension War
enhance that concept as you wish.
factions present a wide range of potential characters, united
by a rich setting and its lore. Conversely, the Ascension War
forces certain types of stories and demands familiarity with Format
tangled metaplots and social baggage. In addition to a brief overview of the Approach itself,
each entry has the following elements:
That is an option. It’s not the only option.
Impression: The way such mages often appear to other
As mentioned earlier, Mage becomes a much simpler people.
game – especially for new players – if you avoid the metaplot
Approach to Magick: The forms their metaphysical Arts
and sideline the Ascension War factions, at least at the and Sciences take when employed.
beginning of your chronicle. An imaginative Storyteller can
build an entire new setting in which the “official” factions Associated Practices: The primary focus practices for mages
who follow this Approach. You can find more details –
do not exist, and yet still retain the essence of Mage in their including associated paradigms and instruments – under
game; a Storyteller who wants to employ the metaplot and the appropriate practice entries in Mage 20, The Book
its associated groups eventually can turn them into shadowy of Secrets, and The Book of the Fallen.
background elements, revealed gradually through the story. Associated Groups: The Traditions, Conventions, and so
Either option can employ Arcane Approaches: character forth that often attract mages who employ this Approach.
concepts which are based upon how the mage approaches her
Roleplaying Notes: Generalized guidelines for how such
magick rather than upon which group in the metaplot the mage mages tend to behave.
in question belongs to.
Media Examples: Characters and figures from history, film,
For that matter, any Mage chronicle can employ Arcane TV, and other media that fit this Approach even if they
Approaches. Even within the Traditions and Conventions, don’t employ “magick” per se.
you may find it helpful to define your character through Although they’re not referred to by the term “arcane
her Approach; not all Verbenae are witches, and not all approach,” The Book of Secrets (pp. 176-187) features six
witches are Verbenae. Within the “official” factions, there’s Mage characters built upon the Arcane Approach model.
still plenty of room for different Approaches united by the Check out those entries for further inspiration.
structure of their group.
Chapter Two 27
Certain organizations employ agents who employ Approach to Magick: Again, the agent’s role within
extraordinary powers in order to accomplish things normal an organization defines many (if not all) elements of her
people cannot. To that end, the agent Approach supports a focus. Training of some kind is essential, and versatility
larger group, often acquiring her powers, training, resources is a plus. Most agents practice intense physical and
and agendas from that group. This person could be an mental conditioning (reflected in the practices below),
assassin, an enforcer, a spy or infiltration expert… whatever supplemented by gear appropriate to the organization in
the job demands. Her methods are as subtle or harsh as question. Technomancer agents employ hypertech and
her group and circumstances require them to be, but they weird-science gear and instruments, while agents of mystic
inevitably take human potential and wild technology past organizations use arcane trinkets, magic wands, flying
the verge of what is supposedly “possible.” carpets, and other goodies appropriate to their group.
Because dedication to that agency defines an agent’s
Impression: Although
identity, her paradigms, practices and instruments
the name “agent” evokes
depend on the organization’s nature; an assassins’
the dreaded Black Suits of
guild would mix technology with mind-games and
the NWO, this Approach
martial prowess, while a Hermetic wizard sect
could be totally covert (like
would deploy agents who combine metaphysical
an authentic ninja), overtly
technologies and High Ritual Arts; both might
mystical (like the agents from
favor faith-based paradigms, but a modern
the Potterverse’s Ministry of
spy agency would supplant or enhance those
Magic), subtly metahuman
beliefs with tech-heavy paradigms and a creed
(Brixton from Hobbs & Shaw),
that reflects the agency’s ideals if not its true
supremely accomplished
(M’Lady D’Winter), innately
technological (Birkoff from Associated Practices: Art of Desire, domin-
La Femme Nikita), or a ion, cybernetics, faith, hypertech, invigoration,
combination of most or all of martial arts, psionics, weird science.
those characteristics (James Associated Groups: All Technocratic Con-
Bond). The impression she ventions, the Euthanatoi, the Order of Hermes,
gives, therefore, depends upon the Knights Templar, the Sisters of Hippolyta,
her role, her organization, and the Ahl-i-Batin, the Virtual Adepts, and certain
the focus she employs when groups within the Society of Ether, Verbenae,
putting her powers into action. Solificati and Wu Lung sects.
Chapter Two 29
Bob Dylan said, “You gotta serve somebody.” Devotee Media Examples: Jue Yuan, Joan of Arc, Crazy Horse,
mages agree. Although the object of veneration depends Brother Justin Crowe, Tang Sanzang, and Father Andrew
on the character in question, the devotee Approach reflects Kiernan.
a mage who views her powers as an extension of religious
devotion to godly powers. This Approach covers anyone
from a Catholic priest to a Wiccan priestess, a santera, an
imam, a Lakota medicine-man or a Hindu tantrika. The
nature of that divine force isn’t important to the Approach
as a game system, but it means everything to the devotee.
Although often referred to as “clerics” in other fantasy
games, devotees don’t have to be ordained leaders of their
faith; that said, the faith itself provides the foundation of
their focus. As the sentiment goes, “I’m just the messenger
for someone greater than myself.”
Chapter Two 31
Invention is the greatest human art. Other animals use Associated Practices: Craftwork, cybernetics,
tools, but human beings invent new ones to suit our needs. hypertech, infernal sciences, psionics, reality-hacking, weird
For a gadgeteer magus, quick wits and visionary imagination science.
provide a bottomless toolbox from which she can change her
Associated Groups: Most commonly associated
world. While a technician labors to perfect technology, the
with the Etherite Tradition, gadgeteering is an essential
gadgeteer works best on the fly, inventing small, ingenious
Approach among Technocratic agents, most especially those
devices and then modifying them when necessary to
of Iteration X, the NWO, and the Void Engineers. Exie and
accomplish simple yet surprising things. Both Approaches
Ironhands factions of Nephandi, meanwhile, specialize in
employ mechanical technology, not absurdities like “magic.”
especially dire toys.
Even so, their wonders tend to violate conventional
understandings of physics, manifest powers well beyond Roleplaying Notes: Given a few odds and ends,
their apparent size, and seem to come “from nowhere,” work some time, and the space to run with inspiration, you can
near-perfectly, and change functions with a simple twist of accomplish damned near anything.
screws, a flip of the switch, and some creative swearing on
Media Examples: Batman, Angus MacGyver, Gyro
the part of the master gadgeteer.
Gearloose, and – of course – Inspector Gadget.
Impression: Although some gadgeteers perfect
an aura of cool competence, the archetypal gadgeteer is
a loose cannon in human form: brilliant, disheveled,
often mumbling esoteric theories while tinkering with a
miraculous device that might or might not function until
she needs it most. Naturally, the gadgeteer needs pockets,
utility belts, hidden pouches, and other places to store her
gear. Without some form of technology within reach, this
character is SOL.
Chapter Two 33
Mad Scientist
Let’s be honest: All science looks like madness until cyberware, artificial lifeforms, psychoactive chemicals… every
its tenets become part of the accepted paradigms. Some mad scientist has their own pet theories, and individual
sciences, though, seem madder than others, and this… initiative is more important to such technomancers than
well, she’s obviously not a “mage” – that’s nonsense… favors social approval. Even so, the mad scientist is a scientist, not
sciences whose cutting edge seems bloody to everyone some mumbling nuisance with a garish book of spells. As
else. “Credibility” is the hobgoblin of tiny minds, and this deranged as her theories might seem to outsiders, they make
scientist would rather plunge bravely into the Abyss than perfect sense to her. (See the Mage 20 entry SCIENCE!!!, p.
limit her vision by imposed boundaries. From a more 290.)
objective standpoint, the “mad” scientist harnesses alarming
Associated Practices: Alchemy, craftwork, cybernetics,
technologies with an apparently reckless disregard for their
hypertech, infernal sciences, medicine-work, psionics, weird
potential effects. Some such scientists
science, and certain applications of
are outright malign – the Josef
Mengeles and Victor von Dooms of
their respective worlds – while others Associated Groups: The Society
have altruistic aims but reap terrible of Ether appears to be composed
results. Whatever ethics they uphold, entirely of mad scientists, though that
such technomancers leave “reputable” impression isn’t entirely accurate.
science in the dust, striving for Every Technocratic Convention has a
Daedalus achievements without falling place for its mad scientists, although
from the sky. those loose cannons must at least
attempt to fit into the Union’s vision of
Impression: This Approach’s
reality. Other sects populated by mad
name provides cues for the aspiring
scientists include the Virtual Adepts,
mad scientist. She might be loveable
the Solificati, certain Houses of Hermes
and brash, cold and distant, gleefully
(especially Xaos and Ex Miscellanea),
cruel or boundlessly enthusiastic but,
technopagan Verbenae and
by definition, her obsessive approach
transhumanist Ecstatics, and the Exie
to science feels extreme even by the
and Ironhand factions of Nephandi.
standards of the average mage.
Roleplaying Notes: Vision is
Approach to Magick: Scientific
the ultimate validation of the human
technology of a most unorthodox
experiment, and your vision is keener
kind is the mad scientist’s calling
than most.
card. It might take the form of psychic
channelers, giant robots, death rays, Media Examples: John Dee,
accelerated mutations, transhuman Jillian Holtzmann, Nicola Tesla, Seth
enhancements, alien hardware, cross- Brundle, Egon Spengler, Karl Jung,
dimensional gateways, resuscitated Doc Brown, and the many incarnations
corpses, surgical extremities, nanotech of Frankenstein.
Impression: It’s not fair to paint every magus as a Associated Groups: The Taftani, Wu Lung and
wand-waving throwback; even so, there Order of Hermes personify this
are reasons that stereotype exists. Our Approach, but the Celestial
magus might not necessarily be a haughty, Chorus, Akashics, Thanatoics,
intense intellectual with a penchant Ngoma, Solificati, Templars,
for archaic fashions and melodramatic Hippolytoi, and Kopa Loei
pronouncements… but then again, he employ such disciplines, too.
totally might be, too. Depending on the Occasional Hollow Ones favor
type of magick he pursues, this mage this Approach, while Infernalist
could be a wizard of the Western High and Malfean Nephandi pursue
Ceremonial school, a Confucian mystic such Arts in their darkest, ugliest
sage, a Persian wizard-priest from the forms.
sect that gave us the word mage, a scruffy
Roleplaying Notes: Magick
malcontent with appalling secrets… even
is too powerful to be left to
Chapter Two 35
Martial Artist
Danger changes your perceptions of reality. Stresses to Mundane applications of martial arts can be found
body and mind force organisms to transformation. And so, in Mage 20 (pp. 422-430) and The Book of Secrets (pp.
the martial artist – whose arts can hail from any culture, not 102-111). For an array of metaphysical Effects employed
merely Asian ones – uses techniques and disciplines of war through martial arts, see the section of that name in How
as pathways toward a greater understanding of herself, her Do You DO That? (pp. 57-69). For an example of martial
world, and Creation as a whole. Those pathways demand arts magery, see Tanisha Royale in The Book of Secrets
extreme, even superhuman, (186-187).
accomplishment; physical skills,
Associated Practices:
mental focus, and spiritual clarity
Dominion, invigoration, martial
are ideals of martial arts. And so,
arts, medicine-work, psionics; certain
beyond the practical applications of
martial arts also employ alchemy,
ass-kicking power lie esoteric goals
animalism, craftwork, crazy wisdom,
of self-perfection… goals where an
cybernetics, elementalism, feralism,
Awakened martial artist grasps the
yoga, and perhaps hypertech, as well.
keys to Reality itself.
Associated Groups: Akashics
Impression: All warrior
and Thanatoics are the obvious
cultures have martial-art disciplines,
practitioners of esoteric fighting
plus legends about heroes so
skills, but Technocratic field agents
skillful they became essentially
(especially within the NWO and
inhuman. Our martial artist
Syndicate) have employed such skills
mage, therefore, is not necessarily
since the Renaissance. Metaphysical
Asian, nor does she necessarily
warfare is literally the foundation
practice Asian techniques. Nor
for the Templar Knights, and the
does she necessarily come across
Wu Lung have their very own style
as a warrior at first glance. That
of kung fu. Any sect or faction can
said, a perceptive eye can spot signs
host an Awakened martial artist,
of martial training in a person’s
but those groups specialize in such
grace, posture, confidence,
reflexes, muscle tone, and so forth.
Such arts refine the human animal, especially when a Roleplaying Notes: Mere
practitioner reaches the deeper levels of her art. violence is just the lowest application of the disciplines you
Approach to Magick: Secret techniques and intense
conditioning allow an Awakened martial artist to focus Media Examples: Ng Mui, Mani, Bruce Lee,
physical and energetic forces in devastating ways. Depending D’Artagnan, Lu Mu Bai, John Rambo, Amy Johnson, Jen Yu
on the arts and Arts in question, this can range from psychic and Yu Shu Lien, Brass, Blossom and the Blacksmith, and
defenses and dazzling speed and strength, to the ability to pretty much everyone in Avatar: The Last Airbender.
manipulate elemental phenomena, life-force, emotions,
and more. Such abilities get focused through meditation,
movement, shouts, and other aspects of martial dedication
which often go far beyond the ability to throw a punch.
Chapter Two 37
time and place for such Arts. (See Gods & Monsters, pp. other mages from African, Asian, Catholic European, and
171-179.) Occasional mad scientists display an unhealthy Latin American cultures.
fascination with mortality, too, and though they’d seldom
Roleplaying Notes: Death is a doorway, not a dead
consider themselves necromancers, death plays an innate
role within their Approach. On a kinder note, Catholic
priests, Spiritualist mediums, and devotees of ancestor Media Examples: Dr. Kananga, Herbert West, Light
veneration (see The Book of Secrets, p. 193) employ a more Nagami, Miriam Black, Rowan North, “Papa Doc” Duvalier,
reverent form of necromancy; in this regard, you might find Ota Mae Brown, the Knights of Death Vigil, and The
such necromancers among the Celestial Chorus, Ngoma, Fountain’s Mayan priest.
Verbenae, certain Dreamspeakers and Akashayana, and
Impression: The archetypal reality hacker is a tattooed Associated Practices: Chaos magick, cybernetics,
white dude with a hoodie, a laptop, bad social skills, and an domination, gutter magick, hypertech; certain techniques
unhealthy addiction to caffeine. So naturally, this person add in alchemy, hypereconomics, feralism, Goetia, High
might look nothing like that at all. Genderqueer people Ritual Magick, infernal sciences, shamanism, witchcraft,
hack social “realities” simply by existing. So do women who yoga, and other such practices.
refuse to fit into their assigned social roles. People who’ve
Associated Groups: Virtual Adepts are most obviously
lived their lives outside their cultural power structure learn
identified with this
to hack reality as a basic survival
Approach (especially
strategy, and so an Awakened
among their
reality hacker could be anybody
Mercurial and Reality
with enough wit and grit to get
Coder factions), but
the job done.
Ecstatic Cultists,
Approach to Magick: Iteration X operatives,
Chapter Two 39
Beyond our world of matter moves a greater world spirit-workers are viewed with a combination of awe, respect,
of spirit. The shaman provides a living bridge between and fear.
those worlds. Generally considered to be a healer, seer and
Approach to Magick: Animism – the understanding
prophet of the spirit world, the shaman becomes a channel
that the world is alive and aware in a spiritual sense – is
for Otherworldly powers. That role occupies a similar
the core of shamanic practices. Because animism is literally
social place as a priest or priestess, and the shaman might
true in the World of Darkness, a shaman has a front-row
be known by that name (or its cultural equivalent) as well;
seat at an aspect of Reality that many mages don’t really
unlike the priests and priestess of many churches, though,
understand. If your chronicle features the Avatar Storm
the shaman mediates personally with her patron spirits, not
metaplot option, a shaman might have a challenging time
through the auspices of a religious organization. This person
working with certain aspects of the spirit realms; that said,
enjoys – often endures – a personal relationship with those
shamans traditionally work through pacts, bargains, advice
spiritual powers, and their strange whims and unseen voices
and partnerships with spirit beings, so a spirit-worker’s
often make her seem strange herself. Hence, the shaman
powers remain strong whether she can cross over into that
exists in a liminal state both socially and metaphysically, a
world or not.
human borderland between the everyday people around her
and the sublime realm of ephemeral forces. As for the shaman’s tools and beliefs, they’ll depend a
great deal on the culture from which she comes. Many spirit-
Impression: The popular image of a shaman comes
workers practice their ancestral ways, often with help from
from a combination of romanticized Noble Savage stuff
the ancestors themselves. Many others, especially in our era,
and selective appropriation of “spiritual” garb and behavior
adapt elements from various cultures (which they might or
from pre-industrial cultures. (Yes, we WoD creators have
might not belong to personally), and combine them in a
been guilty of perpetrating that image ourselves.) In reality,
“whatever works” fashion. Either way, the shaman derives
a shaman can be anyone who has a close metaphysical
her Arts through contact with the spirit worlds (typically
relationship with animist entities. The name shaman
those of the Middle Umbra) and their inhuman inhabitants.
comes from the German form of a Siberian word for spirit-
working magician-priests, and so shamans are not innately Although a shaman character doesn’t need the
Indigenous American or African; many of those people, Background: Totem (Mage 20, pp. 326-328 and 633-636),
in fact, find that term offensive. That said, many shamans that Trait and associated spirit-based Merits and Flaws
do adopt the familiar “tribal” trappings, partly because it’s (see The Book of Secrets, pp. 68-99) are common among
familiar and partly because those instruments do have power, spirit-working mages. Ashpaw Ten-Sticks (see The Book of
if only because so much belief has been invested into the Secrets, pp. 166-167 and 178-179, and The Mage Cookbook,
symbolism associated with shamanism. In the 21st century, pp. 84-87) presents an example of the shamanic Approach in
growing numbers of Europeans embrace their ancestral a 21st-century setting.
shamanic traditions, too. “Urban shamans,” meanwhile,
Associated Practices: Ancestor veneration, animalism,
merge ancestral elements with industrial technologies,
chaos magick, crazy wisdom, elementalism, demonism,
and sometimes incorporate computers, cybernetics, and
faith, feralism, god-bonding, gutter magick, invigoration,
experimental hypertech into the more “primal” instruments
medicine-work, mediumship, shamanism, Voudoun,
and rituals of pre-industrial cultures.
witchcraft; technoshamanism incorporates weird science,
Regardless of their garb and instruments, shamans too, and certain forms of maleficia and martial arts include
tend to come across a bit spacy and strange by the standards spiritual connections to Otherworldly guides.
of the people around them. Even in pre-industrial cultures,
Chapter Two 41
Magick is a technology, and technology has often Impression: Serious science is this Approach’s
been regarded as magick. From metalwork to computers, specialty. Of course, that science is too advanced for lesser
human innovation elevates us beyond our primal ancestry. minds to comprehend, but it is science, nonetheless. Our
If “magick is the Art and Science of causing change to technician probably isn’t a humorless jump-suited drone;
occur in conformity with Will,” then the technician’s science is pretty damned wondrous, and this character takes
Approach is no less “magical” than a wizard’s own. Oh, her joy in the things her technology can do. Even so, she often
tools and procedures seem modern enough: computers, lacks the bizarro persona that gives mad scientists their
weapons, vehicles, data, cybernetic interface, smelters, wires, name. Her achievements are “arts and sciences,” and she
mechanical parts and complex consoles and all the treasures pursues them with precise dedication.
of industrial scientific miracles. This technomancer, though,
Approach to Magick: Intense discipline and visionary
employs gear and theories that go far beyond what mundane
intellect are hallmarks of this Approach. Depending on
tech can do. Unlike the gadgeteer, she prefers stable and
the technologies involved, this person could be a biotech
reliable technologies; unlike the mad scientist, she believes
geneticist, a mechanical engineer, a quantum physicist,
that her hypertech must at least attempt to fit in with existing
an inventor, a crafter of advanced weaponry, a miracle
scientific laws and machines. Even so, our technician bends
mechanic, a creator of robots and artificial beings, a designer
physics to her will in ways that should be impossible… but
of radical innovations… the specifics depend on the player’s
only if someone who knows what’s going on looks closer
desires and the characters specializations. Regardless of
than usual at what she’s doing and how she’s doing it.
Chapter Two 43
Money is the ultimate magick. With a proper to use mundane instruments than occult tools. Thus,
understanding of it, you can turn lies into truths, facts into unless he’s incredibly careless and stupid, an Enlightened
fictions, elevate or degrade whole nations, or send their tycoon escapes the obvious risks of Paradox and discovery.
people spinning into wealth or poverty. Wealth transforms He’s quite likely to stir up Echoes (as the Flaw of that
frogs into princes, and so a “money man” (or, more rarely, name), Quiet and Resonance, though, which explains a lot
woman) has his finger on the pulse of this world. Such about the eccentric behavior and uncanny aura accredited
tycoons (from the Japanese taikun, “great prince”) rework to wealthy people. And because social value is tied so
Reality not with vulgar spells or summoned beasties but intrinsically to energies of all kinds, tycoon mages specialize
with the vast influence of wealth. A skilled practitioner in working with energy and influence (as described in the
doesn’t need to get his hands dirty at all; with the right How Do You DO That? entries of those names, pp. 42-51
words or keystrokes, he can slash credit ratings, deny funds, and 114-136).
kick people out of their homes, send agents to teach brutal
For details about what this sort of magick looks like
lessons to his enemies, or manipulate popular opinion
in game terms, see Mage 20’s entries “Resources” (pp. 322-
against the target of his ire. On a more benevolent note,
323), “Fashion” (p. 591), “Mass Media,” “Management and
a money-mage can fund schools, repair homes, rescue
Human Resources,” “Money and Wealth” (p. 594-596),
people from poverty, support endeavors, dispatch aid,
and “Social Domination” (p. 598), plus the practice entries
and otherwise change lives on an individual, local or even
noted below and the character Malcolm Jamal Leonard (pp.
national scale. All this, he can do without sending up a
ripple of Paradox energies! Money made the world as we
know it, and so wealth can change that world in ways that Associated Practices: Art of Desire /Hypereconomics,
don’t seem “magical” even when they absolutely are. dominion, hypertech, invigoration, and reality-hacking.
Malignant tycoons (like those of the Mammonite Nephandi
Impression: The old-school image of the tycoon as a
faction) might also work in maleficia, infernal sciences,
gaudy aristocrat or suit-and-tie smoothie have been largely
demonism, and the Black Mass; historically speaking, the
replaced by a cooler, hipper, or perhaps geekier impression.
atrocities attributed to La Voisin and Gilles de Rias were
In the 21st century, an absurdly rich person might be an
specifically aimed at generating wealth.
online influencer, a nerdy genius, a gorgeous film star or
ripped athlete, a traditional financier, or a young Midas with Associated Groups: The Syndicate are acknowledged
a literally magic touch. That impression, however careless masters of hypereconomic Arts, and they’re the only
it might appear at first, has been meticulously cultivated to Technocratic operatives who can refer to what they do as
appeal to the tycoon’s intended audience. For such mages, “magic” and get away with doing so. That said, the Order
social cache is as vital as financial acumen. After all, “value” of Hermes, Wu Lung and Etherites hold long associations
has many different elements, and charisma rates high among with wealth as well, and many Ecstatics and Virtual Adepts
them. use their Arts to become wealthy, too. The Fallen sect of
Mammonites, mentioned above, consider wealth to be
Approach to Magick: A money mage seldom employs
the ultimate form of power, and their fellow Nephandi
typical spellcraft. Instead, he’ll manipulate social appeal,
(especially Goatkids, Hobs and Ironhands) agree.
access resources, deploy agents, pull strings, encourage
risks, juggle probabilities, and generally act from a distance
when altering reality. It’s possible that he’ll call upon
demonic favors (see the infernal Investments detailed in
The Book of the Fallen, pp. 120-127), but he’s more likely
Chapter Two 45
Despised and exalted, the witch works close to the of choice mingle with simple symbols (as opposed to the
hearth. Where wizards traditionally perform elaborate rites dazzling complexity of Hermetic designs), earthly elements,
with expensive instruments, witches favor a more practical bodily remains, and everyday tools. Where the wizard affects
approach. The details vary from culture to culture, of course, a rarefied distance from mundane affairs, the witch gets
but the foundations of witchcraft remain intimate and often down and dirty with her Arts.
humble: herbs, earth, blood, crops, food and drink, dance,
household tools, bones and remains, the time of day or year,
and – most controversially – sexuality. Witchcraft is more an
Art of the body than of the mind; intimate and carnal, tied
to the seasons of the living earth and worked through the
connection of humanity, animal, spirits and the elements.
Often traced to root words referring to wisdom, bending
and shaping, connection or division, dancing, prophecy
and raising the dead, the word witch holds ominous
connotations. Though not specifically gendered, that
word’s so intrinsically tied to femininity that modern forms
of witchcraft favor a female perspective. Where a wizard
seeks to impose his will, the witch works with what she has,
bending and weaving her Arts through the hidden corners
of our world.
Chapter Two 47
Chapter Three:
Telling Tales
So, what would you little maniacs like to do first?
— Lisa, Weird Science
The Lovers
Associations: Partnership; synergy; free will; cooperation; union
between heart and mind, conscious and subconscious...
Chapter Three 49
Where Do We Go from Here?
Okay, we’ve junked the metaplot, or at least Or perhaps the mage’s Path conflicts in some major
shoved it to the back burner for a while. way with the relative’s beliefs, violates family honor,
We’ve paired down complex elements and involves forbidden behavior, or involves some other
replaced familiar groups with character family taboo or exposes family secrets that have been
concepts. How, then, do you run Mage kept secret for a reason.
without many of the game’s signature
elements? ● Family Crisis: A mage’s family is faced with some un-
avoidable threat: financial ruin, spreading plague, trouble
By concentrating on people, not metaplot.
with the law, a relative who’s gone off the rails and taken
As mentioned earlier in Chapter One, a the whole clan with them. The crisis may already have
Mage chronicle that begins apart from the hit (a huge fire, for instance, that burned down the
Ascension Conflict has a variety of options: family home), or could be hanging over the clan like
the proverbial Sword of Damocles (foreclosure on the
family estate). Again, the mage should do something, but
The Mundane World drastic actions (killing a creditor) or simple solutions
(conjuring a bunch of money) would just make things
Both players and Storyteller can build their chronicle
worse. Maybe the crisis is a good thing (like winning the
around the intimate circles and mundane lives of newly lottery, or a big wedding) with significant consequences
Awakened mages. Instead of tossing lightning bolts at HIT that might not be quite as fortunate as the event itself.
Marks in Horizon Realms, the characters deal with family To complicate matters, family members might despise
the mage, fear supernatural powers, maintain strict
strife (as in the TV shows Charmed and Runaways), peer
religious beliefs, hold embarrassing information about
conflicts (the film The Craft), personal grudges (The Prestige), that mage, or resent that she went off and left them in
mysteries and rivalries around town (Riverdale or Veronica the situation which now needs to be resolved.
Mars), their own traumas and limitations (Jessica Jones),
● Magnificent Disaster: A non-Awakened person catches
or perhaps all of the above (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina). the mage’s attention in thrilling yet uncomfortable ways.
Many of the Social Merits and Flaws featured in The Book Maybe he’s a bad boy who’s too yummy to resist… or
of Secrets (pp. 53-68), and the “everyday people” featured she’s the living embodiment of the adage “crazy girls are
hawt.” Perhaps they’re a dazzling stranger who brings up
in Gods & Monsters (pp. 17-60) can provide inspiration
uncomfortable questions about sexual identity (they’re
for such tales, while the sourcebooks Initiates of the not the mage’s usual type), social status (they’re too rich
Art, Destiny’s Price, The Orphans Survival Guide, and or too poor for the mage’s comfort), political philosophy
especially The Bitter Road feature plenty of material (if a bit (that is, diametrically opposed to the mage’s beliefs),
or existing relationships (c’mon – an affair couldn’t
dated in some regards) for chronicles based among everyday
possibly be that bad… right?). The magnificent disaster
people. might be an old flame, a longtime friend, a relative,
or some other person with whom such a connection
Story Concepts would be A Really Bad Idea. Of course, as the saying
The following suggestions may inspire Mage stories goes, “the heart wants what the heart wants,” and mages
are used to getting what they want, even if the results
based in the mundane world, and they could be used with involve catastrophe. Obviously, this sort of story should
or without the larger metaplot: be staged only with the full, enthusiastic and ongoing
consent of the players involved. And although the same
● Danger is Relative: A beloved relative is in danger – concept could be used with a fellow mage, a vampire,
perhaps ill, arrested by the cops, abused by other family or some other attractive catalyst, it’s more challenging
members, suffering psychological breakdown, going if that object of desire is a normal human being whose
broke, homeless, or otherwise in a tough position. relative lack of power is offset by staggering chemistry
What can the mage(s) do to help that person without and the comparative fragility of a person who can’t alter
exposing them to the mages’ perilous secret life? Maybe Reality on a whim.
the relative is estranged instead of beloved, but the
mage feels some obligation to help them out anyway.
Chapter Three 51
the mundane human world. The Gods & Monsters entries
about such beings (pp. 60-75) show how vampires and so
forth appear to mages, especially in a street-level setting far
from the epic conflicts our World of Darkness is infamous
for. That sense of brooding menace and occult violence
was a major element of the early World of Darkness books;
speaking as one of the longtime creators in that World, I
personally prefer that subtle mystery over the paranormal
arms-race approach featured in later books. You don’t
need weresharks and vampiric demigods to keep Mage
interesting. A pack of sly young blood-hunters is more than
enough to keep beginning mages occupied, while a spooky
haunt or a grizzled werecreature could be an unnerving ally,
an uncanny nemesis, or both.
Story Hooks
● Shared Territory: Wizard-types tend to be touchy about
privacy. So do other Creatures of the Night, especially
if (like vampires) said creatures are predatory hunters
who’d rather not become the hunted. Even so, it’s easy
to trip over nearby shadows if and when such beings
cross your path. Maybe the Chantry used to be the home
of a vampire who’s been away on business for a while;
or the werecreature frequenting the local Pagan book
shop takes an unhealthy interest in her new neighbors;
or the object of enchantment by a faerie seducer also
happens to be the trusted companion of a mage who
takes poorly to such attention. Your Sanctum is haunted?
Your familiar just peed acid on a dryad’s tree? That neat
sacred grove your coven just found belongs to a group
of snarling beast-folk? The ways in which Awakened
people cross paths with supernatural creatures are as
numerous as the Night-Folk themselves… and, as any-
one familiar with the World of Darkness knows, those
uncanny creatures are far more common than anyone
wants to believe they are.
Chapter Three 53
● Crisis of Faith: As I know from personal experience, join- Age hangers-on, and so forth; or perhaps they maintain
ing a metaphysical group often causes you to question discipline and loyalty among the ranks of the group, like
things you took for granted before that initiation. Maybe Inquisitors within the Catholic Church. Some threats
you’ll change your old convictions… or perhaps that are obvious, of course, but what happens if the threat
experience will inspire you to dig your heels in deeper isn’t overt – say, for example, a disgruntled member who
than before. For this story-hook, a character finds himself decides to expose the group’s secrets publicly, or an elder
questioning his previous beliefs, questioning the beliefs whose behavior shifts from “questionable” to Oh HELL
he’s been taught within his group, or maybe questioning no? An external attack can be exciting, of course, like
both. Because belief (paradigm) is such an essential defending the sanctuary from rampaging werebeasts,
element of Mage, this crisis provides dramatic conflicts violent rivals, or a SWAT team with a no-knock warrant.
for the characters in question. Sure, some groups are A more subtle yet potentially precarious adventure,
flexible when it comes to their members’ metaphysical though, could be made by presenting the players with
convictions, but others demand complete adherence a situation that can be resolved only with diplomacy or
and loyalty to the beliefs outlined within that group. discretion. “Defense,” after all, takes many forms, and
Especially if those beliefs come from a living authority the ability to talk a District Attorney out of his crusade
within the group (AKA, its cult leader), a personal against your group would be far more effective (and
crisis of conviction can kick off shockwaves between far less costly) than trying to fight off an army of cops.
members of that group. Imagine, after all, a member
of an Evangelical Protestant Christian sect pondering ● Challenges of Mastery: Your players have risen to the
conversion to Sufi Islam… or vice versa. Such crisis can upper echelons of their group. Now what? Sure, rank
have severe, perhaps even deadly, consequences for the has its privileges, but it comes with demands, as well.
person in question. When you’re talking about people As elders, the players must maintain group coherence
whose beliefs literally change Reality in a metaphysical and discipline, lead the rituals, secure the properties,
sense, those consequences can be even more drastic negotiate the conflicts, present good examples, and
than usual. (For game systems involved with such otherwise facilitate the survival and prosperity for that
transitions, see “Changing Focus and Allegiance” in sect. Temptations abound, of course: offers of wealth,
Mage 20, p. 339.) sex, power, favors, forbidden magicks and questionable
deeds. Why not use the group’s wealth as your personal
● Witch War: Schisms erupt. Lines are drawn. Alliances bank account? Why not create new protocols or “discover
form and grudges boil up. Curses fly – perhaps bullets, ancient rituals” that grant further powers over those who
blades and bodies do, as well. Loyalties are questioned serve you? Between the allure of abusive authority and
and oaths demanded. Secrets come to light… and they the necessity of keeping the group intact, a Storyteller
could be ugly ones. Perhaps those conflicts flare between can find plenty of ways to keep a mage or two occupied
rival sects; or maybe they fracture an existing group. with high-stakes stories that seldom leave the home front.
Such conflicts are common among real-life occult sects;
Aleister Crowley pissed off old colleagues and formed
new fellowships whenever the mood took him. Is the
The Monsters Within
current conflict the result of a relationship gone bad (as There’s a reason Mage 20’s tagline reads: “Pride.
happened in a real-life group whose members included Power. Paradox.” Despite the many external adversaries
That Damn Mage Guy), differences of doctrine, or the dogging a mage’s steps, the greatest enemies of Ascension
behavior of one or more members of the sect? Is this a
wait inside. When you possess the power to make Reality
mere clash of personalities, or does the war in question
involve real violence and real injuries? Most times, in dance to your tune, that power possesses you as well, often
real life, “war” is a figurative term, not a literal one. driving you to become everything you fear and despise in
Considering that Mage’s metaplot concerns a witch war other people. Our real-life socio-political climate features
on a global scale, however, it’s not unreasonable to think
countless examples of people so drunk with that sort of
that the conflict could have severe repercussions, both
for the sect’s membership and for anyone unfortunate power that they destroy everything and everyone they touch.
enough to be nearby when things go poorly. In an age where even the most obvious elements of reality
and truth (historical documents, the moon, the existence
● Defenders of the Path: Conflicts are inevitable, and so
certain people must safeguard the group. In this situation, of Australia) are open to argument, a mage’s ability to
the player characters are among those defenders of the manipulate Reality on a metaphysical level is heady stuff.
sect. Maybe they need to protect it from external enemies: And like all heady things, it’s liable to go to that mage’s
rival sects, witch-hunters, Night-Folk predators, New
Chapter Three 55
his subordinates, refuses all attempts at reason, or has could become a burden, even an adversary, to a mage
maybe gone totally Marauder or otherwise detached who has one; if that mage opposes someone else’s cult,
himself from the greater consequences of his actions. that conflict could escalate to murderous degrees. Gods
That mentor might retain affection for his young & Monsters features several examples of character types
apprentice, but he is the Master, dammit, and so he who serve within cults (see pp. 33-50 and 55-56), and
knows damned well what he’s doing, thank you very considering the Mage actually has a Background Trait
much indeed! The student, then, will face formidable called Cult, you can assume that this story hook will
challenges when bringing a mad mentor back into line. come into play eventually.
● For the Greater Good: Don’t you wish you could fix
the world? Feed the hungry, cure the sick, keep [insert Internal Struggles
“Those People” of your choice here] from fucking every- Even without fatal pride, a mage is still human. And
thing up? Mages can do that, right? Why not use such humans struggle with stuff that has little or nothing to do
power for the common good? It’s a noble goal… and
with metaphysical concerns: age, insecurity, depression,
as the Ascension War demonstrates, noble goals can
have awful consequences. That principle applies even if self-doubt, physical ailments, psychological traumas,
you’re not using Mage’s metaplot; after all, that bunch physiological conditions, love, hate, old grudges, PTSD
of hippies who think the solution to all of humanity’s flashbacks, addictions, hungers, physical and emotional
problems involves dosing strangers with hallucinogenic
scars… Being human is hard, and despite all their powers,
drugs doesn’t have to belong to the Cult of Ecstasy. For
this storyline, one or more of the player-mages simply mages are still human.
need to believe that they can, and should, use their arts
to make a difference in the world. Again, this in itself The many Physical, Mental and Social Merits and
is not a bad idea at all; the “Reality Challenge” entry in Flaws provided in The Book of Secrets provide rich material
Mage 20 (p. 432) shows what that effort might look like, for internal struggles, and several of the Supernatural ones
and how it can be a fantastic thing. Potential conflicts suggest internal conflicts, too – especially when the mage’s
include (but, as usual, are not limited to) the people
whose activities stand in the way of that improvement, Avatar is concerned. In the 1st Edition Cult of Ecstasy
differences between the mages about what should be Tradition Book, Cassie’s journey is essentially one long
done and how it should be done, and the ever-present internal conflict, with flickers of external ones hinted at but
danger of going all Don Cheadle is Captain Planet. It’s rarely portrayed. Inside, she struggles with her fears, doubts,
easy, in Mage, to become the good guy doing bad things
for all the right reasons. insecurities and self-loathing, prodded by an Avatar who
manifests as the woman she will become after she confronts
● Confronting the Cult: Where do cult leaders begin? and overcomes those obstacles. Such adventures are
Generally, with good intentions gone wrong. Although
some people do become cult leaders out of malice and especially fertile ground for single-player games. As the first
greed, the most effective cults begin with genuinely chapter for Mage 20 shows, an Awakened person’s greatest
positive intentions which become warped through adversary is often found within.
power, insularity, and people disappearing up their
own asses. Mages, especially, are prone to such things, Story Hooks
and so this story concept supposes that one or more
mages (perhaps player characters, perhaps not) has a ● Sort That Shit Out: Addictions, neurosis, insecurities, ter-
group of devotees so loyal that their devotion becomes minal hesitation, and many other internal obstacles can
potentially dangerous. Maybe the power has gone to a derail a mage’s Path. This story concept, then, presents
mage’s head; or that cult makes demands of the mage a player’s character with inner turmoil, plops him down
that she’s not willing or able to fulfill. Disciples might in the vicinity of another mage’s issues, or both. The fact
fling themselves at the mage whether she wants them that such issues typically result from trauma – may, in
to or not, or they could carry out crimes that the cult’s fact, have been the only way the mage has survived that
leader might or might not have approved. Cults demand trauma as well as he has – makes it that much harder
greatness from their leaders, too, and a leader who seems to face and subdue those secret demons. Fortunately,
weak or indecisive may well find herself displaced by a mages have Seekings which often force them to confront
more forceful, charismatic party. Leadership looks more and transcend such limitations. A “sort that shit out”
glamorous than it often is, and so the cult in question story presents an excellent opportunity for one-player
Chapter Three 57
None of these approaches requires the Ascension War rules, and most work better without those elements. As
metaplot or its associated groups. Those elements might detailed in the “Storytelling, Genre, and Mage” section
become part of simple chronicles, possibly as ominous of The Book of Secrets (pp. 272-286), you can run mages
shadows in the background, but the emphasis of such tales through an array of stories that have little to do with magick
focuses on the personal lives of your mages, not on the epic and nothing to do with Ascension War politics. That section
sprawl of a complex metaplot. features suggestions about genre tone and substance, along
with potential story ideas. By taking your group down
Genre unexpected avenues, you can keep your Mage chronicle
As we noted earlier, when the right group’s involved, fresh, exciting, and far more engaging than yet another HIT
Mage can be anything: urban fantasy, SF, romance, horror, Mark battle capped with metaphysical angst.
metahuman adventure, hard-boiled crime, even comedy.
None of these genres demands a metaplot and complicated
13 Chronicle Concepts
Obviously, your chronicle concept reflects
the people involved in your group. As
suggested in Mage 20’s Storytelling chapter ● Members of a spiritual /religious order whose metaphys-
(pp. 349-354), you should seek common ical powers mark them as especially blessed, cursed, or
ground for that concept before beginning “called.” (This concept goes especially well with the
the game, so you don’t wind up with Background: Blessing and /or Merits like Mark of Favor,
incompatible characters crammed together Celestial Affinity, Oracular Ability, Spirit Magnet, and
under illogical circumstances. True Faith.)
That said, the following chronicle ● A pack of outlaws hunted by the authorities because of
concepts can provide inspiration for their special powers. Granted, this is the basic premise
such common ground, and they can be used either as part of Mage 1st Edition, but the concept doesn’t need to
be linked to the Traditions or Technocracy at all.
of the Ascension War metaplot or employed “generically”
without it: ● One or more children whose uncanny talents (and
perhaps occult heritage) have made them into objects
● Young students sharing an occult and /or hypertech of fascination, terror, and ambition. (See the Book of
academy, living space, and a fascinating array of per- Secrets entry about child-mages, pp. 115-116.)
sonality issues.
● A group of prisoners or “puppets” who resent their
● A group of metahuman “talents” brought together by a situation and now stretch out their unusual abilities in
shared metaphysical power that rival groups also enjoy. order to win their freedom. (See Dollhouse, Deadpool, the
Divergent, Hunger Games, Matched and Shatter Me series,
● A collection of family members whose clan features an and many other examples.)
ancestral metaphysical practice and a strong tendency
toward Awakening and other paranormal talents. ● Two or more lovers whose Awakened Arts and /or
Enlightened Sciences brought them together… and
● A band of musicians whose talents extend beyond simply may yet tear them apart, especially if their approaches
making mere music. (For details, see my book Powerchords: to magick /science are radically opposed to each other.
Music, Magic & Urban Fantasy.)
● World-traveling wanderers whose adventures begin at the
● A specialist corps of elite agents dedicated to facing and fringes of the mundane world and reach deep into the
removing paranormal threats to humanity. (As per the many Umbral Realms.
Men in Black series, Suicide Squad, or Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Chapter Three 59
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