2012 ISME Conference OVMM Notes

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2012 ISME Conference

Thessaloniki, Greece
Symposium: One Vision-Many Mirrors
International Collaborative Teaching and Learning
in Early Childhood Music

4 p.m Thursday, July 19

Thessaloniki Conference Hall

Room M2 Flat Hall 3

Beth Bolton and Paola Anselmi,

Kerry Filsinger,

Michal Hefer,


Workshop notes Copyright One Vision, Many Mirrors, 2012.

Music Copyright Beth Bolton Music, 2012.

Joohee Rho,

In fall 2011, six early childhood music educators (Brazil, Israel, Italy, Korea, United States) created a
collaborative music learning community for the following purposes:


help one other become better teachers,

become more informed about the learning process in children and adults,
improve teacher-education, and
foster musical interaction and communication in our teaching.

Members communicated frequently using e-mail, Skype, and social media to share their ideas and
Members are musicians, early childhood music educators, and teacher-educators in their respective
cultures. They share a common interest in the learning/teaching process and a common vision about the
value of early childhood music education, as noted below.
Children and parents, and the society in which they live, can benefit from early childhood music.
Our teaching includes the following elements:

Rich music experience, interaction, and communication;

Social enjoyment of music.
Music from the culture and composed music;
Variety in tonality, meter, style, timbre, and interactive social experience;
Development of music understanding and comprehension through audiation.

Common repertoire served as a starting point for discussion. Three songs created by one of the group
members were selected. Over time, two more songs were added.* In keeping with current practice in our
early childhood music programs, we selected songs in a variety of tonality, meter, and style. All members
agreed to use the songs in their early childhood music teaching.
Baby Dundee
Caught a Fish
Ay Conidi*
Rockin My Baby*

Unusual Paired

Harmonic Minor

Initial discussion and several later discussions were shaped by the following questions:
How do teachers and musicians learn music?
How do we share music with others?
How do discussions with colleagues shape our own learning and teaching?
W e are creating a book to share our music and our teaching ideas and to emphasize the importance of
teachers helping teachers. W e each contributed songs from our own cultures or our own composed
These symposium notes include a sample of songs used in our collaborative learning community and ISME

Workshop notes Copyright One Vision, Many Mirrors, 2012.

Music Copyright Beth Bolton Music, 2012.

Members of the OVMM Collaborative Learning Community

Paola Anselmi ([email protected])
Musica in Culla and Scuola popolare di Musica Donna Olimpia, Rome, Italy
Paola is a teacher, program administrator, author, and teacher trainer. She has dedicated her work to
serving as a music educator for children, coordinator of the national project Musica in Culla in Italy,
coordinator of early childhood music for Scuola popolare di Musica Donna Olimpia in Rome, and teacher
trainer and presenter in conservatories, hospitals, universities, public and private institutions. Paolas work
focuses on developing awareness of the importance of music in a childs life and development into reality.
Beth Bolton ([email protected])
Early Childhood Music Foundations, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.
Beth is a teacher and researcher in early childhood music, and an active composer, speaker, and
conference presenter. In the last decade she has presented her work in Australia, Brazil, China, the
Dominican Republic, Greece, Israel, Italy, Korea, Lithuania, New Zealand, and Singapore. She is the
international chair for the annual Lithuanian International Music Education Conference and is honorary
president of the Italian early childhood music association, Musica in Culla. Beths 350+ compositions are
published in two books, Musicianship and Katangaroo. Beth teaches and serves as an administrator for the
Boyer College of Music and Dance, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Kerry Filsinger ([email protected])
Early Childhood Music Foundations, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Kerry is an internationally recognized researcher, conference presenter, and clinician. Her research
interests include creativity, improvisation, and music literacy in early childhood and elementary music
settings. At Temple Music Prep, Kerry served as Lead Teacher for the Early Childhood Music Foundations
program. She also taught pre-kindergarten through 5th grade music for six years in New York State, where
she prioritized creativity and improvisation in music curricula. Kerry is a Ph.D. student and University
Fellow in music education at Temple University, and a recipient of the prestigious Presser Music Award.
Ricardo Dourado Freire ([email protected])
Msica para Crianas (Music for Children Outreach Program). Universidade de Braslia, Brasilia, Brazil
Ricardo is clarinet professor at Universidade de Braslia and Coordinator of Msica para Crianas, an
outreach community program that serves 900+ children age birth through 9 years old. Trained as a
performance major, with Masters of Music (MM) and Doctoral of Musical Arts (DMA) from Michigan State
University (MSU), Dr. Freire is the current president of the Brazilian Clarinet Association and a regular
contributor to The Clarinet, the journal of the International Clarinet Association. Ricardo felt in love with
early childhood music when he started to take his own children to music classes at MSU. He studied early
childhood music with Edwin Gordon, Cynthia Taggart and Beth Bolton. He founded "Msica para Crianas"
(Music for Children) in Brasilia in 2002. Since then, the program has reached 5,000+ students and trained
more than 50 teachers. Ricardo has published 40+ articles about music and music education in Brazil.
Michal Hefer ([email protected])
Ktan-Tone, Tel Aviv, Israel
Michal has been a faculty member at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and at the Bar-Ilan
University since 2007 and is Head of the Early Childhood Movement Program at the W ingate Institute,
Israel. She completed her doctorate in Music Cognition at the Tel Aviv University. Dr. Hefer earned an
M.M. in Music Education degree from Temple University and B.Mus from the Jerusalem Academy of Music
and Dance. At Temple University Michal learned about Music Learning Theory by Edwin Gordon and
studied with Dr. Beth Bolton. In 2001 in Israel she founded a music learning program for infants named
"Ktan-Tone" (Little Tone). The program represents a new pedagogical model to enhance infants' musical
skills. Dr. Hefer's work has been presented at many national and international conferences in the United
States, Italy and China. She serves as a regular guest lecturer at the Donna Olimpia School of Music in
Rome. Michal's compositions are published in three CD recordings: Ba-Ba with a Song, Ba-Ba with Love and
Ba-Ba around the World.
Joohee Rho ([email protected])
Audie, Seoul, Korea
Joohee is a teacher and educator in early childhood music. In 1997, she established Audie, the first early
childhood music learning center in Korea, and the Korean Audiation Music Education Research Center.
Since then, more than 20,000 young children have participated in the Audie music program. Dr. Rhos
songs and chants are published in Joohee Rho's Songbook. She is a co-author of a series of Audie Piano
books for very young children guided by the concepts song and play. She is producer and director of 6
music education plays for performances at theaters. She is an active presenter at international conferences
of PECERA (Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) and serves as vice-president of Korea
Music Therapy Education Association.
Workshop notes Copyright One Vision, Many Mirrors, 2012.
Music Copyright Beth Bolton Music, 2012.

Workshop notes Copyright One Vision, Many Mirrors, 2012.

Music Copyright Beth Bolton Music, 2012.

Workshop notes Copyright One Vision, Many Mirrors, 2012.

Music Copyright Beth Bolton Music, 2012.

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