Planificare Calendaristică Anuală: Tuning in
Planificare Calendaristică Anuală: Tuning in
Planificare Calendaristică Anuală: Tuning in
Nr. Unitate/ Conţinuturi Competenţe specifice vizate Nr. ore Evaluare Săptămâna Obs
crt. alocate
CAE Information 1 Formativã
3.1, 4.1 S1
discussion of textbook focus on each of the 5 exam
skills ; learning techniques
Reading/ Use of English: multiple match, cloze test, error check 3.1, 3.3, 3.4
Writing: *editting – checking for mistakes
Speaking: Advertisements- information or manipulation technique
at its best? / On money and possessions
5. What makes us tick
6. Always on my mind
7. Family ties
8. Creative talents