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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

All praises to Allah SWT, the merciful and the gracious God where we ask
for everything, who will always give blessing to the human all over the world. All
of the graces that we got cannot be counted by the human. So with mercy and
blessing I can finish the thesis entitled The History of Maddika Bua at Luwu
Kingdom in Palopo Regency of South Sulawesi. This thesis is structured as one
of the requirements to obtain a Bachelor of English Literature degree in English
Language and Literature Program Studies of Letters Faculty English of Muslim
University of Indonesia in Makassar.
To the Best Messenger of Allah SWT, Rasulullah SAW, who sacrificed
his life for the sake of Islam with the result that we feel of being His follower as a
Muslim. Your behavior is reflection of Quran. You are the best human ever.
The Writer is fully aware that in a series of research activities will not
happen as expected without the assistance of several parties who contributed to
the completion of this thesis.
For it was on this opportunity the writer would like to thank especially to
writers beloved parents Samsu Basri writer beloved father and writers mother
Hariana who have given birth, nurturing, guiding, educating, giving all the love
and affection that is priceless, patience, sacrifice, attention, support , trust and
sincere prayer always be a motivator and a torch to stand tall undergo a favor and

trials of life. Furthermore, the realization of this thesis would not be separated
from the help and support from various parties who have been educated and
taught writer for educated on this campus and on this opportunity the writer would
like to say big thanks for :
1. Mr. H. Muh. Mokhtar Noer Jaya, SE., M.Si as chairman of the Muslim
University of Indonesia endowments foundation that has provided a lot of
support facilities and comfort during as well as studying at the Muslim
University of Indonesia.
2. Mrs. Prof. Dr Hj. Masrurah Mokhtar, MA, as rector of Muslim University
Indonesia and the whole bureaucratic institution that has been providing
facilities and services for studying at Muslim University of Indonesia.
3. Mrs. Dra. Hj. Muli Umiaty Noer, M.Hum as dean of Faculty of Letters, as
well as the all lecturer and staff of faculty as well as employees who have
provided assistance to the writer in studying at the Faculty of letters.
4. Mrs. Dra. Andi Hudriati, M.Hum as chairman English Language and
Literature Program Studies, along with the entire staff lecturer at the Faculty
of Letters UMI, thank you for guidance and direction as well as an abundance
of invaluable knowledge.
5. Mrs. Dra. Hariratul Jannah, M.Hum as 1 th supervisor , which has a lot of spare
time, thoughts and suggestions and guidance in completing the thesis.
6. Mrs. Sitti Halija, SS. M.Pd as 2nd supervisor patience to provide support, has a
lot to guide and direct the preparation of the thesis.
7. Mrs. Dra. Rusdiah, M.Hum as academic advisors who have provided guidance
and direction to the writer for taking education in English Language and
Literature Program Studies of Letters Faculty of Muslim university Indonesia.

8. The lecturers teaching in English Language and Literature program Studies of

Letters Faculty of Muslim University of Indonesia has provided supplies to
the writer for science in college.
9. Head of Long Bua Village, district of Bua, South Sulawesi province and staff
who have given permission and support from the collecting data of the
beginning to study ended.
10. My brother and sisters are Ibnul, Bayu, Yundha, Yulfa, Alif and Febry Frizilia
syam who have given moral encouragement and tremendous spirit to the
writer in the following education and complete the thesis.
11. Kak Atho who has provided advice, positive suggestions and constructive
advice and always accompany the writer in a state of joy and sorrow.
12. My seniors Kak Abusyameel Lahuddu, Kak Darfan Atmawijaya, Kak
Supriono, who always guide, advise and teach the writer like what life on
campus and as a student. Juniors involving in Uprading, your dedication
cannot be replaced by anything.
13. The friends of the writer Tri, Arro, Sukry, Syandi, Stavol, Syarif, Jumpret,
Fate, Virna, Cima, Ziah, Tia, Nurul Fahrina, Ilmy, Icha, Dilah, Amhy, Mia,
Wahidah, Lispi, Yenni, Adhe, Aan Amrin, Yunisa Fitri and whole companions
in arms at the Letters Faculty of Muslim University of Indonesia class of 2010
class A, C, and D that have fought together and motivate each other to achieve
14. Brother fighters the writer of some of Teenagers MC which always gives a
sense of passion in studying in Letters Faculty of Muslim University of

15. To the unmentioned names, a great thanks is not enough to cover all of your
kindness. Only Allah SWT is able to replace it.

Finally, with all humility the writer dedicate this thesis, may Allah bless us
all deeds and hopefully this thesis can provide benefits to its readers especially
those of the the writer alone. Hopefully the guidance and support of all involved
to get rewarded from Allah and hopefully researchers hope this thesis is still far
from perfection can be beneficial to development my brothers and sisters in
Letters Faculty of UMI.
Wassalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Makassar, March 19nd 2015

The Writer

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