Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin : Acknowledgement
Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin : Acknowledgement
Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin : Acknowledgement
First of all, praise is merely to Allah SWT, the almighty and merciful God, for His
abundant mercy and blessing that enables the writer to finish her script. This script
entitled “The Correlation between the Students’ Motivation and Their Writing
Gratitude and honor are addressed to all persons who have helped and supported
the writer until the completion of this research. Since it is necessary to be known
that this research will never have come into its existence without any supports,
the writer would like to express his sincere gratitude and respect to:
2. Drs. Deddy Supriyadi, M.Pd., as the second advisor, for his assistance,
3. Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd., as the examiner and for his support encouragement,
Education Department.
5. Dr. Ari Nurweni, M.A., as the Chief of English Education Study Program
Bandar Lampung who has allowed the writer did the research there. Also
all the students of XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 2 in the year of 2014/2015, for
8. The writer’s parents (Hamdani MS and Aprida Haryati), the great brothers
lovely sister (Rully Trisna Iswari, Amd.), for their loves, supports,
9. My Best Women, Suri Widhya Kesuma, Nidia Putri, Realita Siwi JN, Fiya
11. My Two Girls at BH (Bangke House) Hanna Benedicta Simanjuntak and
Finally, the writer believes that her writing is still far for perfection. There
always opened for better research. Somehow, the writer hopes this
The writer,
Dara Helmasena