Building A New Overlay Grid For Europe
Building A New Overlay Grid For Europe
Building A New Overlay Grid For Europe
mention that the way the future grid will look like is in a large
part detirmened by the framework in which it is constructed.
This includes the ownership of the grid (who will invest in
the transmission assets) as well as the remuneration for these
investments in the form of a fair tariffication. The manner in
which the international, or rather inter-zonal, cooperation will
evolve are clearly of importance as well.
This paper will focus on the development or planning of an
overlay grid in Europe. Such an overlay system transmission
system will be consequence of the supply and demand that
interact, which will be discussed in section II. Section III
discusses the requirements of the future grid. In section IV,
the interaction between the new overlay grid and the existing
system is discussed. The stepwise development of the grid is
dealt with in section V and the effects of timed investments
is shown in section V-A. Section VI summarizes the paper.
HE move towards a society with a smaller CO2 footprint in Europe has a considerable effect on the share
of renewable energy sources within the European electricity
These changes will result in a fundamental increase in the
transmission of large amounts of power over longer distances.
Furthermore, these flows are of an increasingly variable nature.
Rather than extending the current highly loaded 400 kV
AC system, a fundamental upgrade is required, with new
energy corridors or electricity highways with a transmission
capacity that is one order of magnitude higher than that of the
system which is now in use. This evolution is receiving a lot of
support. Amongst others, the European Commission [1], the
power sector [2], [3] and presure groups such as environmental
organizations [4] support this development which eventually
can lead to a pan-European overlay grid.
There are many visions of pan-European overlay grids
proposing different grid topologies and transmission technologies. Most visions propose VSC HVDC (Voltage Source
Converter High Voltage Direct Current) transmission as the
preferred technology for such transmission grids [4][7]. As
the design and construction of such an overlay grid is not only
a major investment but also a completely new technological
approach, it will fundamentally alter the European electricity
system in the way it is operated and planned. Therefore the
topology and technology of such a new overlay grid must
be well conceived and analyzed in depth. It is important to
To achieve the aforementioned visions of a new interconnected system, different technical requirements must be
fulfilled before such an overlay grid can be built. Within this
framework, this paper addresses first the requirements of the
future grid with regards to energy transfer and mesh sizes. The
available technologies to achieve such vision are compared
with these requirements. Besides the layout of the grid also
the technology used for the overlay grid is not necessarily
determined in advance.
A. Basic requirements for the overlay grid
centers. This high power, long distance transmission should are an order of magnitude lower than the ones that might
happen at a high efficiency in order to reduce transmission be of interest for an overlay grid. Also with respect to the
operation and control of the DC grid, a lot of questions remain
Because offshore wind is expected to form a considerable unanswered. Current research [15], [16] is ongoing and most
part of the future generation mix, a third requirement is the of the remaining questions relate to the objective of the control
ability to connect to those offshore generation sites. Therefore, rather than the control algorithms. Lastly, the weakest point in
the grid needs a technology that allows undersea connections. VSC HVDC transmission might be the protection. Although a
Furthermore, the overall system security should not be commercial HVDC breaker has recently been introduced [17],
affected or ideally even increase. Concepts such as N-1 and it is still not commercially available at transmission levels.
coordinated frequency and voltage control must apply to the Furthermore, a large number of protection issues have to be
overlay grid as well.
solved to ensure a safe operation of a meshed HVDC grid
Lastly, the new grid should be compatible with the one that [18].
is currently in place. This includes operational procedures that
An alternative to the overlay grid is the extension or
are compatible, but also implies that the resulting energy flows upgrade of the existing grid infrastructure. Because finding
through the overlay grid should not cause any problems in the new transmission corridors is difficult, this can typically be
existing system.
done by making better use of the available Right-of-Way. This
Of course, the solution should be cost effective in compar- can be done through the use of new materials for the conison to other alternatives.
ductors which can carry higher currents, or by using a higher
transmission voltage on existing corridors. Another technology
which has gotten much attention lately is the use of power flow
B. Technology for the overlay grid
controlling devices (phase shifting transformers and FACTS)
The technology used is determined by different investment
to make optimal use of the existing grid infrastructure. This
decisions at a certain point in time as well as on the availability
technology enables the grid operator to shift power flows to
of different technologies at that moment.
different corridors and as such unload certain lines. The result
Currently the focus of discussion about technological chalis a system that flexibly can adapt to different generation
lenges is centered around the HVDC technology. However,
patterns. This solution extends the transmission capacity of the
the HVAC technology should not be discarded as it remains a
grid, but is not a long term solution towards grid extension.
competitive technology. The backbone of the current transmisHowever, in a multi-zonal grid, power flow controlling devices
sion system is built using 400 kV overhead lines. If the HVAC
can form an important aspect of grid extension planning.
system has to be upgraded and expanded in a fundamental way,
System upgrades through making better use of the capacity or
it is very unlikely that this can be realized with overhead lines,
through flow control are a very valuable means to extend the
at least in Europe. The main reason for this is the growing
current system and stretching the use of the infrastructure,
public resistance against them. If the overlay grid has also
but they do not form a structural upgrade which will suffice
to rely on long and high capacity HVAC connections, than
on the long run [19]. Nevertheless, the overlay grid has to
considerable parts of these connections will have to be built
compete with these technologies that focus on a short term
as underground cables or gas insulated lines. This brings new
solution and this will influence the long term grid planning as
technical challenges and comes at a cost. At this moment,
HVAC XLPE cable technology allows to construct cables up to
The conversion of existing HVAC overhead lines to HVDC
500 kV and approximately 2 GVA [13]. The charging currents
technology can be one of the first steps towards a DC overlay
limit the distance of the connection when AC technology is
grid [20]. That way the transmission capabilities of existing
used, although it is possible to provide reactive compensation.
corridors can be increased significantly.
Joints and cable placement are far from trivial, specifically
In summary, although AC technology is a possible techbecause of the limited length of a cable section that can be
nology for a new overlay grid, it is very unlikely that this
transported on a drum ( 1 km). Worldwide only a limited
technology is the preferred one in Europe. The reason are
number of HVAC cables are installed in the EHV grid, and
the difficulties with permitting and public opposition against
most of them are relatively short.
overhead lines and the problems with long distance, high
Based on these considerations, a multi-terminal HVDC grid
power energy transmission from offshore connections. AC
has been proposed for the future overlay grid [6]. Especially
cable technology has inherent issues with regards to long
for an HVDC meshed overlay grid still a lot of challenges exist
distance energy transmission and is not considered to be
and new developments or even complete new technologies are
suitable for an overlay grid. VSC HVDC is a much more
needed. Firstly, the VSC HVDC technology requires further
likely contender although that it still has its limitations.
development in terms of transmission capacity. HVDC XLPE
cables are currently available for voltages up to 320 kV and
powers up to approximately 1200 MW [14]. Manufacturers C. Ratings and mesh sizes
offer converter stations with ratings up to 1200 MW. It is
The transmission system is built in a meshed layout, with
clear that, as with AC technology, ratings for cable technology
different voltage levels that each have their specific power
transmission range. In between these voltage levels, transform1 LCC HVDC is currently available for higher power ratings, but is less
suitable for multi-terminal grids and the use in offshore applications [6].
ers are placed which allow energy to flow to and from the more
1-3 GW
a zone?
The study and control of a combined AC-DC system is
complicated by the fact that the overlay system is controllable
concerning the active power injections and withdrawals. With
multiple converters connected to the same synchronized system, loop-flows have to be avoided by selecting the appropriate
power set-points.
Fig. 5: Different planning approaches for connection offshore wind farms [23]
Capacity P CC1,2
Capacity P CC3
V oltage level P CC1,2,3
V oltage level W F1,2
Lif etime
Energy price
Interest rate
200 MW
1200 MW
400 kV
30 kV
25 ae
50 e/M W h
TABLE II: Break-even time between integrated and not integrated approach in dependence of interest rate
Interest rate
10 %
15 %
20 %
25 %
technology for the challenges in Europe. Transmission capacities of 48 GW will be needed, an order of magnitude higher
than the current ratings at 400 kV. Similarly to the AC system
of today, the future overlay system will be meshed.
The system should interact with the existing AC system
and provide similar services and reliability. This might require
fundamental changes in the existing AC system as well. As the
DC system will be able to control the injections in the system,
additional care is needed during the planning phases to take
this into account. Also the operation of an overlay HVDC grid
itself will affect the energy flows throughout the grid.
Furthermore, the final topology of the grid will heavily
depend on the framework in which it is installed. Questions
such as Who will invest? and how will be remuneration
for the transmission investments be done? remain unsolved.
A harmonization of the different legislations in the current
international setting is needed.
Finally, the development of a new overlay grid will not
be done in a single investment, but rather happen as a consequence of different successive investment decisions which
each affect the final layout of the grid. This effect is illustrated
with a simple example in this paper. An integrated planning
approach for the design of the overlay can help to decrease the
investment costs in the transmission system on the long term.
Even if the insecurity of construction of new generation units
is high or the generation investment is delayed for a long time,
it can still be beneficial to overrate transmission lines and to
provide reserve transmission capacities for future generation
investments. However, this requires a long term vision on grid
and generation development.
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Jef Beerten (S07) was born in Belgium in 1985. He received the M.Sc.
degree in electrical engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU
Leuven), Leuven, Belgium, in 2008, where he is currently working towards
the Ph.D. degree. He is a Research Assistant with the division ESAT-ELECTA
division of KU Leuven. His research interests include power system control,
the grid of the future and multiterminal VSC HVDC in particular. Mr. Beerten
is an active member of both the IEEE and Cigre.
Mr. Beerten holds a Ph.D. fellowship from the Research Foundation
Flanders (FWO).
Dirk Van Hertem (S02, SM09) graduated as a M.Eng. in 2001 from the
KHK, Geel, Belgium and as a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the
KU Leuven, Belgium in 2003. In 2009, he has obtained his PhD, also from
the KU Leuven. In 2010, Dirk Van Hertem was a member of EPS group at
the Royal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm, Sweden. Dirk Van Hertem is
currently an assistant professor at the KU Leuven and working in the ELECTA
division. His special fields of interest are power system operation and control
in systems with FACTS and HVDC and building the transmission system of
the future, including offshore grids and the supergrid concept. He is an active
member of both IEEE (PES and IAS) and Cigre.