Energies: CALAJOULE: An Italian Research To Lessen Joule Power Losses in Overhead Lines by Means of Innovative Conductors
Energies: CALAJOULE: An Italian Research To Lessen Joule Power Losses in Overhead Lines by Means of Innovative Conductors
Energies: CALAJOULE: An Italian Research To Lessen Joule Power Losses in Overhead Lines by Means of Innovative Conductors
CALAJOULE: An Italian Research to Lessen Joule
Power Losses in Overhead Lines by Means of
Innovative Conductors
Roberto Benato 1, * , Roberto Caldon 1 , Antonio Chiarelli 1 , Massimiliano Coppo 1 ,
Claudio Garescì 2 , Sebastian Dambone Sessa 1 , Debora Mimo 3 , Michele Modesti 1 ,
Luca Mora 3 and Francesca Piovesan 1
1 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, 35131 Padova, Italy
2 Nuova Elettromeccanica Sud (NES) s.p.a. Campo Calabro, 89052 Reggio Calabria, Italy
3 De Angeli Prodotti S.r.l. Bagnoli di Sopra, 35023 Padova, Italy
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-049-827-7532
Received: 15 July 2019; Accepted: 6 August 2019; Published: 13 August 2019
Abstract: The ongoing evolution of the power system to implement climate action policies is resulting
in a continuous increase in the penetration of renewables and the necessity of strengthening the
transmission grid to optimize the usage of those sources and contain operation costs. Reinforcing the
transmission lines or building new ones is a process that is made difficult due to authorization issues
related with environmental and public acceptance concerns. Developing innovative conductors for
overhead lines with enhanced performances with respect to the traditional ones would bring benefits
in terms of energy efficiency increases in transmission and distribution grids without requiring the
substitution of the existing towers. The project CALAJOULE (the genesis of the acronym comes
from the union of the Italian verb “calare”-to decrease-to the third person singular, namely “cala”
i.e., decreases, and of Joule, obvious reference to the active losses), cofinanced by the Italian Ministry
of Economic Development in the framework of the “Ricerca di Sistema” program, aims at proposing
innovative solutions for overhead line conductors for the containment of Joule power losses. In this
paper, starting from the state-of-the-art of the currently adopted conductors, the main innovative
solutions resulting from the project are presented and compared with the traditional ones to evaluate
the achievable reduction in Joule losses.
1. Introduction
In recent decades, the growth and economic development of some countries has resulted in a
stimulus, and consequently an increase in consumption; among these is the increase in the demand
for electricity. More recently, the climate action plans worldwide are demanding for an evolution of
the electricity sector, in order to contain the emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG), improve the energy
efficiency and increase the share of renewables in the electricity production. At the European level, the
objectives set for 2020 are on the way to being fulfilled, with a GHG reduction of 22.4% compared to
1990 levels, along with 17% of final energy usage being covered by renewable sources [1]. With the
release of the “clean energy for all Europeans” package in 2016, the EU parliament defined new
objectives in the climate and energy framework for the period 2021 to 2030, which aims to continue
the transition started in the previous period [2]. The introduction of the new objectives in energy
efficiency improvement and renewables penetration is now leading to a revision of the network code
and in the reform of the electricity markets [3], pursuing a better usage of electricity and higher
flexibility. The above-mentioned climate action policies are resulting in an evolution of the generation
park, with the gradual substitution of traditional fossil-fuelled power plants with a high number of
smaller generators, the majority of which are connected to the distribution network. To accompany
this change, it is of utmost importance to have a power system infrastructure capable of hosting
the geographically displaced generation and the sudden changes in the power flows, containing
the formation of bottlenecks, and improving the energy efficiency of the whole system. Along with
innovative network management techniques [4], aiming at exploiting the presence of distributed
generators and their participation to the ancillary services market [5], it will be necessary to upgrade
the infrastructure of the electricity system as increasing shares of electricity production will shift from
large power plants to small generators. As it is well known, active losses in electricity systems vary
considerably depending on the voltage level. Typically, active losses ranging from 2% to 10% can
be assumed, passing from transmission networks (high and extra-high voltage levels, HV and EHV,
respectively) to distribution networks (medium and low voltage levels, MV and LV, respectively) [6–9].
For overhead lines (OHLs), the different Joule losses values are due to the r/x ratios (ratio between the
resistance r and the reactance x of the positive sequence impedance) of the transmission lines being
much lower than those of the distribution networks. The reduction of Joule losses in the power system,
both at transmission and distribution levels, therefore, plays a key role in increasing energy efficiency,
with obvious advantages for the power system both in economic terms and in terms of reducing carbon
dioxide emission into the atmosphere. This framework is extremely large, given the large extension
of the power supply system and the different peculiarities of the EHV-HV and MV-LV networks.
The typical Italian levels of the EHV-HV network are 380-220-150-132 kV, always with neutral solidly
connected to earth. The MV network is typically operating at 20 kV with neutral grounded through
Petersen’s resonant coil [10], although some parts operate at 60 kV with neutral isolated [11], while the
LV network (400 V) operates with neutral solidly grounded in the secondary substation.
Improving the power system capacity leads to either the construction of new power lines or the
reinforcement of the existing ones. On the one hand, building new Overhead lines (OHLs) is a difficult
process that leads to issues related with the regulatory process due to environmental and public
acceptance concerns. On the other hand, substituting the currently installed standard conductors with
others having a larger cross-section may cause an overall weight increase, resulting in the necessity of
adapting the towers, dramatically increasing the investment costs.
The project CALAJOULE, cofinanced by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development in the
framework of the “Ricerca di Sistema” program, aims at proposing innovative conductor prototypes
for overhead lines for the containment of Joule power losses. This paper aims at disseminating all the
main findings and conclusions of the CALAJOULE project, whereas some preliminary results had
already been presented in some previously published papers [12,13].
The main difference with respect to other literature contributions regarding innovative overhead
conductors is that the developed solutions have been ideated not to increase current ratings and power
flows but to lessen the Joule power losses. The positive economic and environmental impacts have
been evaluated quantitatively for paradigmatic overhead lines. In this paper, after an overview of the
state-of-the-art in currently adopted OHL conductors for the Italian transmission and distribution
networks, two innovative conductor prototypes are proposed, according to the specific needs of the
Italian distribution and transmission electric grids. For the novel conductor proposed for transmission
and subtransmission grids, an experimental research on the core-coating material has been developed
and presented in this paper for the first time in technical literature. Moreover, a procedure for the
evaluation of the impact of substituting the traditional conductors with the proposed new ones is fully
developed and presented, showing the potential results in containment of Joule power losses, in cost
savings and in CO2 emission avoidance. Consequently, such approach allows quantitatively evaluating
the positive economic and environmental impacts for paradigmatic overhead lines. In order to perform
these above-mentioned evaluations of the whole benefit deriving from less power and energy losses,
the research group has benefitted from some analytical tools created and invented by the Electric
Energies 2019, 12, 3107 3 of 21
Energy Transmission Laboratory of the Padova Power Systems Group. In particular, the Ossanna’s
formulation has been extensively applied to a stepwise duration curve forecasting the power flows of a
given overhead line [14–16]. The CALAJOULE researchers have also benefitted from a long experience
in the transmission and distribution electric grids witnessed by several papers [17–21]. This topic is
well covered in technical literature also in international working groups and standards [22–28].
Table 1. Italian extra-high voltage level (EHV) and high voltage level (HV) transmission network
extension divided by main wire types in (km) and in (%) respect to the total.
North 9956 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Central 4821 (88.2%) 212 (3.9%) 435 (8.0%)
South 6198 (94.7%) 348 (5.3%) 32 (0.5%)
Total 20,975 (95.5%) 560 (2.5%) 467 (2.1%)
Energies 2019, 12, 3107 4 of 21
Table 2. Detail of the Italian EHV Transmission network extension divided by cross-sections (mm2 )
and number of subconductors per phase of aluminium conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) conductors
in (km) and in (%).
Cross-Section 308 428 509 585 708 755 1865
in (mm2 )
Number of
Subconductors 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1
per Phase
319 3147 483 957 1000 163 2843 205 0 838 9956
1.54% 15.20% 2.33% 4.62% 4.83% 0.78% 13.73% 0.99% 0.00% 4.05% 48.07%
124 433 0 435 93 556 2987 0 0 153 4780
0.60% 2.09% 0.00% 2.10% 0.45% 2.68% 14.42% 0.00% 0.00% 0.74% 23.08%
0 11 0 620 96 311 2432 6 0 0 3475
0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 2.99% 0.46% 1.50% 11.74% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 16.78%
0 0 0 0 1480 177 526 0 315 0 2498
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 7.14% 0.86% 2.54% 0.00% 1.52% 0.00% 12.06%
444 3591 483 2012 2668 1207 8788 211 315 991 20,709
Network total
2.14% 17.34% 2.33% 9.72% 12.88% 5.83% 42.43% 1.02% 1.52% 4.78% 100.00%
Table 3. Italian distribution network (MV and LV) main wire types extension in (km) and (%) respective
to the total lines extension.
Table 4. Detail of the distribution network (MV and LV) main wire types extension in (km) and in (%)
respective to the total extension.
sag due to elongation resulting from the high temperature [27]. The main commercially available
solutions for HTLS conductors, shown in Figure 1 and whose characteristics can be found in Table 5,
are as follows.
• Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced, ACSR, or Aluminium Conductor Steel Supported, ACSS,
composed by annealed aluminium strands (or even trapezoidal wires, in the ACSS case) over a
stranded steel core: this is the most commonly adopted solution for transmission OHLs;
• 2019, 12, x FOR
Conductor 5 of 21
Composite Reinforced, ACCR, typically composed by a high-temperature
aluminium alloy over a composite core of aluminium fibers embedded in a pure aluminium
Aluminium Conductor Composite Reinforced, ACCR, typically composed by a high-
matrix. The same structure is also used in (Z)TACIR conductors, in which the core is in INVAR
temperature aluminium alloy over a composite core of aluminium fibers embedded in a pure
(steel and nickel alloy with very low linear expansion coefficient);
aluminium matrix. The same structure is also used in (Z)TACIR conductors, in which the core is
• Gap-type Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced, G(Z)TACSR, consisting of an external
in INVAR (steel and nickel alloy with very low linear expansion coefficient);
thermal-resistant aluminium alloy (with a layer of trapezoidal wires), separated from the steel
Gap-type Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced, G(Z)TACSR, consisting of an external
core by a gap filled with grease to allow the two layers to move independently. This ensures to
thermal-resistant aluminium alloy (with a layer of trapezoidal wires), separated from the steel
apply the mechanical tension on the steel core only while increasing the aluminium cross-section
core by a gap filled with grease to allow the two layers to move independently. This ensures to
for a reduced electrical resistance;
apply the mechanical tension on the steel core only while increasing the aluminium cross-section
• Aluminium Conductor Composite Core, ACCC/TW, typically made of trapezoidal wires of
for a reduced electrical resistance;
thermal-resistant aluminium alloy over a core consisting of carbon fibers (in the inner part)
Aluminium Conductor Composite Core, ACCC/TW, typically made of trapezoidal wires of
surrounded by a coating of glass fibers. This configuration gathers the advantage of increased
thermal-resistant aluminium alloy over a core consisting of carbon fibers (in the inner part)
aluminium cross-section and weight lowering due to the use of a carbon fiber core.
surrounded by a coating of glass fibers. This configuration gathers the advantage of increased
aluminium cross-section and weight lowering due to the use of a carbon fiber core.
Figure Sectionof
2. Section ofthe
conductor with
with diameter
diameter 22.78
22.78 mm.
Table 6. Main properties of the innovative conductor for transmission OHLs compared with its
Table 6. Main
reference properties
traditional of the innovative conductor for transmission OHLs compared with its
reference traditional conductor.
Diameter (mm) 22.8 22.78
Diameter (mm) 22.8 22.78
7 × 2.8 (Steel core)
7 2.8 (Steel core) 1 × 3/6 ×
1 × 3/6 ×(Core)
2.49 2.49 (Core)
Composition (mm) 26 × 3.6 (Al strands) 1 × 1 (Al shell)
Composition (mm) 26 3.6 (Al -
strands) 1 × 1 (Al
24 × 3.13 (Al layers)
- 24 × 3.13 (Al layers)
Cross-section (mm) 307.8 345.5
Cross-section (mm)
Weight (kg/km)
1068 989
Weight (kg/km)
Breaking load (kN) 1068
97.52 117.39 989
BreakingRload (kN)
ac20 C (Ω/km)
◦ 97.52
0.1065 0.0894117.39
Rac20 °C (Ω/km) (A) 745
0.1065 994 0.0894
Temperature (◦ C) 75 120 994
Ampacity (A) 745
Temperature (°C) 75 120
For this reason, in this project, a stranded core is proposed, in order to contain the cross-section of
3.2. of the composite
Researchcoreonstrands, ensuring
Core-Coating a better distribution of the mechanical stress on the core
in correspondence of the clamps.
The carbon fiber composites, although offering excellent mechanical performance, are negatively
Moreover, the presence of multiple wires leads to several advantages that makes this solution
affected by humidity due to the oxidation process that drastically degrades the characteristics of this
much more interesting than the single wire core (i.e., ACCC-TW of Table 5), mainly from the safety
material. Aiming at containing the conductor weight increase due to the coating, an important
point of view. Looking at the experience of other manufacturers, the single wire core (i.e., ACCC-TW
experimental part of the CalaJoule research project focused on the evaluation of the performance of
of Table 5) has shown several safety problems due to the nature of carbon composite—a brittle and
polymeric materials [29,30]. The scope is to assess their suitability for realizing a shell for the core of
the conductor capable of protecting it from oxidation (the area of application of the polymeric coating
is highlighted in purple in Figure 2). Given the critical temperature conditions required (180–200 °C),
the choice falls on thermally resistant polymers such as PEEK, PEKK, PEI, PPA and PPS. PEEK, PPS,
PPA, and PEI.
Energies 2019, 12, 3107 7 of 21
stiff material. Several single wire core (i.e., ACCC-TW of Table 5) breakages have been reported
during the installation and also during the lifetime of the line usually within a short period after
conductor installation but in some cases some years after installation. These accidents affect the carbon
core, which is very sensitive to the bending external stress that can occur in the installation work.
The problem is that this kind of breaks (since they affect just the carbon core and not the aluminium
outer layer) are not visible from outside and cannot be detected by visually checking the conductor.
For this reason the installation must be carried out with great care, avoiding excessive bending that
could lead to core damage and the entire process must be constantly supervised, becoming quite
complicated compared to other conductor installations. With a multiwire core the nature of the carbon
composite material is not changed, but the seven-wire (multistrand) structure is much more flexible
than the single carbon wire. This means that the core is much less sensitive to breakages. Another
important feature of this kind of solution is that the consequences of a possible break are much less
serious. In fact, if a wire breaks the other six ones guarantee the stability of the structure, leading to a
much more safe transmission line. On opposite, every little damage of a single core (i.e., ACCC-TW)
leads to the complete failure. Moreover, the ACCR solution has as main disadvantages the high cost
and the brittleness due to the nature of the core material. Furthermore, the losses are not optimized as
it can be seen from the higher electrical resistance compared to the ACCM.
The reduction of the core section and weight allows, for the same external diameter, an increase
of the conductive part in aluminium. In addition, the trapezoidal strands allow a better filling factor
than the traditional circular strands. In Table 6, the main characteristics of the innovative ACCM/TW
conductor are reported, compared with the traditional ACSR ones. The shell, in purple in Figure 2,
is realized in aluminium, as this material is the most suited to keep the core insulated from external
humidity and guarantee durability for the expected OHL lifetime. A deeper discussion on this aspect
is made in the following section.
PEI, polyetherimide,
2019, is an amorphous technopolymer that can be used continuously at 8high
12, x FOR PEER REVIEW of 21
temperatures. Its properties also include high mechanical strength and rigidity even at high
moisture absorption,
absorption, and
good electrical properties.
electrical properties. It
isIt inherently
is inherently flame retardant
flame andand
retardant chemically
chemicallyresistant and its
resistant andelectrical properties
its electrical are stable
properties even
are stable
even undervarying temperature,
varying humidity
temperature, and frequency
humidity conditions.
and frequency conditions.
• PPA,PPA,polyphthalamide,
polyphthalamide,isisa asemicrystalline
aromatic polyamide.
polyamide. Compared
Compared to to
polyamide 6.66.6
it isit
more mechanically resistant, more rigid, less sensitive to moisture, and has
is more mechanically resistant, more rigid, less sensitive to moisture, and has improved thermal improved thermal
applicablein in aa wide
wide range
range of sectors;
• PPS,PPS, polyphenylene sulfide, sulfide,isisa asemicrystalline
semicrystalline polymer
polymer with excellent
with thermal
excellent resistance.
thermal This
This is characterized
material by inherent
is characterized by inherentlow flammability
low flammabilityand and
chemical resistance.
chemical It hasItvery
resistance. has
low moisture
very low moisture absorption, highhigh
absorption, mechanical
mechanical strength, and and
strength, dimensional
For aa selection
For selection of of these
these materials
materials (shown
(shown in
in Figure
Figure 3),
3), performance
performance waswas assessed
assessed through
through the
following analysis; chemical (FT-IR), physical-mechanical (hardness, density,
following analysis; chemical (FT-IR), physical-mechanical (hardness, density, and bending properties),and bending
thermal (TGA thermal
and DSC), (TGA andand DSC), and dynamic-mechanical
dynamic-mechanical (DMA). Creep (DMA). Creep
resistance was resistance was and
also evaluated also
evaluated and oxygen permeability measured. The samples have undergone an accelerated
oxygen permeability measured. The samples have undergone an accelerated aging test to assess their aging test
to assess their
degradation degradation
according according
to the expectedtolifetime
the expected lifetime
of an OHL (40 of an OHL
years). The(40 years). The approximated
approximated model in [25]
model in [25] has been employed to evaluate the deterioration of the
has been employed to evaluate the deterioration of the material properties, applying material properties, applying
temperatures in
the range of 200 in to
◦ C. of 200 to 250 °C.
Figure 3. Polymers
Figure3. Polymers tested
tested in
in the
the project.
In Table
7,aa list
list of
of the
the tested
tested polymers
polymers is
is reported
reported along
along with
with the
the measured
measured oxygen
oxygen permeability
(considered ◦ C, 50% R.H.
25 °C, 50% R.H.
Table 7. List of the tested polymers; the highlighted ones are those with the best performance overall.
Table 7. List of the tested polymers; the highlighted ones are those with the best performance overall.
Material Permeability
Type (cm· cm3 /(m2 24· h 3bar))2
Type (cm cm /(m 24 h bar))
PEEK PEEK 235 235
PEKK PEKK 796 796
PPS PPS 4.2 4.2
PEI PEI 2.3 2.3
PPA 9.7
PPA 9.7
The polymers that have shown the best performance are the polyetherimide and the
polyphenylene sulfide.
However, after accelerated aging at 250 °C, the mechanical and oxygen permeability properties
have shown a degradation, which leads to the conclusion that these materials cannot guarantee
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 21
Energies 2019,to 12,the
3107conductor’s core under such severe conditions (T = 140 °C) and for long periods 9 of(40
The treatment of samples subjected to accelerated aging at 200 °C, following the procedure
The polymers
described above, takes that have shown
7.6 months the 40
to estimate best performance
years of operationare the°C.
at 140 polyetherimide and the
In practice, the duration
polyphenylene sulfide.
of the test was 2.5 months because already after this period all the materials considered showed clear
◦ C, the mechanical and oxygen permeability properties
of degradation,after accelerated aging atthe
such as to prevent 250measurement of oxygen permeability.
Figure 4, the thin film samples used for the aging testthat
a degradation, which leads to the conclusion these materials
are shown cannot
in the initial stateguarantee
and after
protection to the conductor’s core under such severe conditions (T = 140
the process. The films subjected to this aging test had the necessary geometry for the permeability
◦ C) and for long periods
(40 years).
tests, therefore thin films. Since the degradation of the material starts from the external surface, in
Thewith treatment ◦ C, following the procedure
contact the air, of forsamples
thin films subjected to accelerated
it can affect aging of
the entire section at the
200film in a relatively short time.
This leadsabove, takes 7.6 months
to embrittlement to estimate
and cracking that40 yearsthe
affects of operation at 140 ◦ C. Inmeasurement.
oxygen permeability practice, the duration
of theFortestthis
2.5 monthsit has been decided to apply the aging process to thicker samplesshowed
because already after this period all the materials considered (4 mm),clear
signs of degradation, such as to prevent the measurement of oxygen
with a temperature of 250 °C, in order to reduce the measurement time while assuming the same permeability.
In Figure
expected lifetime4, the
of thin film samples
40 years. In Figure used for 4the
5, the mm aging test are
samples areshown
state and after
of the the
process. The films subjected to this aging test had the necessary geometry for the
test: start time (1), after 2.5 h (2), and at the end of the test, after 7.2 days (3). As it can be seen, after permeability tests,
2.5 thin films.
h the samples Since
show the degradation
a color variation and, of the material
in the starts
case of PEI,from the external
the formation of surface, in contact
surface swellings.
At the theend
thin filmsprocess,
aging it can affect the samples
all the entire section
the film incolor
a relatively shortIntime.
variation. This leads
particular, the
to embrittlement and cracking that affects
samples of PEI are partly deformed and have cavities inside. the oxygen permeability measurement.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.4. Thin
Thin film samples of
film samples of PEI
(b)(b) the
the aging
aging process
process at
at ◦ C.°C.
For this reason, it has been decided to apply the aging process to thicker samples (4 mm), but with
a temperature of 250 ◦ C, in order to reduce the measurement time while assuming the same expected
lifetime of 40 years. In Figure 5, the 4 mm samples are shown for three stages of the aging test: start
time (1), after 2.5 h (2), and at the end of the test, after 7.2 days (3). As it can be seen, after 2.5 h the
samples show a color variation and, in the case of PEI, the formation of surface swellings. At the end
of the aging process, all the samples show significant color variation. In particular, the samples of PEI
are partly deformed and have cavities inside.
The mechanical properties of the samples after the test have been compared with those at the
start of it as reported (a) in Table 8, where the flexural (b) strength is reduced by 20% (c) for PEI and by 57%
PPS (measured
5. Four
Figure 5. Four according
millimeter to
samples ISO
samples 178).
of PEI (Top)
of PEI andand
(Bottom) before
(Bottom) (a) and
before after
(a) and the the
after aging process
aging process
at 250 order
°C; ◦(b)
at 250 to run
C; (b) 2.5an
after oxygen
h and
2.5 (c)permeability
(c) after
h and 7.2 7.2
after days. test on the samples after the aging test, the thin film
samples shown in Figure 6 have been obtained from the 4 mm samples in Figure 5. The visible
The mechanical
degradation of theseproperties
samplesof did
the samples
not allow afterrunning
the test have been compared
a permeability with
test, thosethe
since at the start
of it as reported
permeability in Table
of the 8, where
material the flexural
was outside of thestrength is reduced
detectable range ofbythe
20% for PEI and by 57% for PPS
(measured according to
The degradation ofISO
the 178).
mechanical properties and especially of the oxygen permeability, led to
the conclusion that none of the tested materials (which are the techno-polymers with the best
Flexural mechanical
Table 8. currently
performances properties
on the market) areof suited
the selected
to bematerials
used as before and after the aging
core-insulation test. for the
innovative conductor. As a result, although
Flexural leading
Modulus (MPa)to a higher
Flexuraloverall weight
Strength (MPa)increase, it has been
decided to adopt an aluminium shell, since this material has well-known oxygen-shielding and
Before After Before After
temperature resistance properties, without suffering from the degradation detected for polymeric
PEI 3258 2700 110 89
PPS 2055 2330 70 30
Table 8. Flexural mechanical properties of the selected materials before and after the aging test.
In order to run an oxygen permeability test on the samples after the aging test, the thin film
Flexural Modulus (MPa) Flexural Strength (MPa)
samples shown inMaterial
Figure 6 have been obtained from the 4 mm samples in Figure 5. The visible
Before After Before After
degradation of these samples did not allow running a permeability test, since the oxygen permeability
PEI of the 3258
of the material was outside 2700of the instrument.
detectable range 110 89
PPS 2055 2330 70 30
(a) (b)
Figure 6. Thin
Figure 6. Thin film
film samples
the 4 mm
4 mm samples
samples of PEI
of PEI (a) (a)
PPSPPS (b) after
(b) after the aging
the aging test.
The degradation of the mechanical properties and especially of the oxygen permeability, led to the
3.3. Clamping
conclusion thatEquipment
none of thefortested
the Proposed
(which areConductor
the techno-polymers with the best performances
currently onthe
Part of theresearch
market) concerned
are suited tothebestudy
core-insulation material
solutions for clamping
for the the innovative conductor.
equipment and
As a result, although leading to a higher overall weight increase, it has been
accessories necessary for the installation of the innovative conductors in transmission OHLs, decided to adopt an
aluminium shell, since this material has well-known oxygen-shielding and temperature
its constructive peculiarities. The research has focused only on the direct contact clamping because resistance
properties, without
its improvement suffering
could reducefrom theand
losses degradation
exploit thedetected for conductor’s
innovative polymeric materials.
full potential. By its very
definition, the clamp is an element of mechanical, electrical and chemical discontinuity in the line
conductor and therefore can often be a weak point. The main requirements for a good terminal block
are therefore
having an electrical conductivity at least equal to that of the conductor with a negligible contact
resistance (to reduce heating of the terminal) and
avoiding corrosion due to electrolytic torques deriving from contact between metals of different
Energies 2019, 12, 3107 11 of 21
• having an electrical conductivity at least equal to that of the conductor with a negligible contact
resistance (to reduce heating of the terminal) and
• avoiding corrosion due to electrolytic torques deriving from contact between metals of
different types.
All the parts with direct contact with the conductor have been designed using a high conductivity
aluminium alloy (EN AW-1050A). In order to contain the corrosion effects, bolts, and nuts have been
designed in austenitic stainless steel, whereas the suspension parts (i.e., not in direct contact with the
Energies 2019, parts of the
12, x FOR PEER conductor)
REVIEW are realized in aluminium alloy EN AW-44100, having a reduced 11 of 21
copper content.
4. Innovative Conductor for Distribution OHLs
4. Innovative Conductor for Distribution OHLs
For the distribution network, the selected solution is an All Aluminium Alloy Conductor
(AAAC)For the distribution
with network,
low resistivity the selected
or high solution
conductivity is an All
(IACS), andAluminium Alloy Conductor
hence the innovative (AAAC)
conductor has
with low resistivity or high conductivity (IACS), and hence the innovative
been named as Super High Conductivity (AAAC-SHC). An AAAC-SHC conductor with a diameter conductor has been named
17.25 High
mm (seeConductivity
Figure 7) has (AAAC-SHC).
been developed An AAAC-SHC conductor with
and its characteristics a diameterwith
are compared of 17.25 mm
the most
(see Figure
similar 7) has been
traditional developed
standard AAACand its characteristics
conductors usedareincompared
the Italianwith the most similar traditional
standard AAAC conductors used in the Italian distribution/subtransmission
networks (Aldrey 185/37 and AAAC Al 3). The Aldrey 185/37 conductor, networks (Aldrey
together with185/37
and AAAC Al 3). The Aldrey 185/37 conductor, together with other commonly
commonly used conductors in the Italian distribution network is considered for the benefit analysis used conductors in
the Italian distribution
in Section 5. As it can be network
seen fromis considered for the benefit
Table 9, although havinganalysis
a reduced in Section 5. As with
cross-section it canreference
be seen
from Table 9, although having a reduced cross-section with reference to Aldrey
to Aldrey 185/37, the innovative conductor presents a lower resistance and a higher ampacity due to 185/37, the innovative
an increased presents
IACS a(57.3%
lower resistance
versus 53% andin athe
higher ampacity
traditional due
one). to an
The increased IACS
development of the(57.3% versus
17.25inmmthe traditional
conductor one).is theThe development
result of an accurateof the AAAC-SHC
study 17.25 mm
of aluminium alloysconductor is the
properties, in result
terms of of
an accurate study of aluminium alloys properties, in terms of electrical conductivity
electrical conductivity and mechanical properties, together with a careful analysis of chemical and mechanical
composition together with a carefulofanalysis
and microstructure of chemical
the alloys. composition
This research and microstructure
has permitted of the alloys.
to develop a material with
This research has permitted to develop a material with a higher electrical
a higher electrical conductivity compared to the traditional aluminium alloy used for conductors conductivity compared to
the traditional aluminium alloy used for conductors (AAAC), maintaining the
(AAAC), maintaining the same tensile strength. As it can be seen in Figure 8, the conductivity increase same tensile strength.
As it can
is of be seen
several %IACSin Figure 8, the to
compared conductivity increase
the traditional is of several
aluminium alloy%IACS compared
AL2 (%IACS to the
= 52.5), traditional
aluminium alloy AL2 (%IACS
= 53), and AL4 (%IACS = 52.9). = 52.5), AL3 (%IACS = 53), and AL4 (%IACS = 52.9).
Figure7.7. Section
Figure Sectionof
uctivity (% IACS)
to Aldrey 185/37, the innovative conductor presents a lower resistance and a higher ampacity due to
an increased IACS (57.3% versus 53% in the traditional one). The development of the AAAC-SHC
17.25 mm conductor is the result of an accurate study of aluminium alloys properties, in terms of
electrical conductivity and mechanical properties, together with a careful analysis of chemical
composition and microstructure of the alloys. This research has permitted to develop a material
Energies 2019, 12, 3107
12 of 21
a higher electrical conductivity compared to the traditional aluminium alloy used for conductors
(AAAC), maintaining the same tensile strength. As it can be seen in Figure 8, the conductivity increase
is ofTable 9. Main
several %IACS properties
comparedof the innovative
to the conductor
traditional for distribution
aluminium alloy AL2OHLs compared
(%IACS with
= 52.5), two
reference traditional conductors.
= 53), and AL4 (%IACS = 52.9).
Aldrey 185/37 AAAC Al 3 AAAC-AL-SHC
Diameter (mm) 17.64 15.25 17.25
Composition (mm) 37 × 2.52 19 × 3.45 19 × 3.45
Cross-section (mm2 ) 184.5 177.6 177.6
Weight (kg/km) 508.8 488 488
Breaking load (kN) 52.59 52.4 52.4
Rac20 ◦ C (Ω/km) 0.1799 0.1862. 0.1724
IACS 53% 53% 57.3%
Figure 7. Section (A)
of the AAAC-Super 398Conductivity 433
High 450 diameter 17.25 mm.
(SHC) conductor with
Temperature (◦ C) 75 75 75
Conductivity (% IACS)
Figure Comparisonbetween traditional
between alloys
traditional (AL(AL
alloys 2, AL
2, 3,
AL and
3, AL
in azure area) and
4 in azure AAAC-SHC.
area) and AAAC-
5. Assessment of Benefits from the Installation of Innovative Conductors
In this section, the procedure for assessing the impact of the installation of the innovative
conductors on the Italian network is outlined, and then the methodology is applied to compare the
performance of the innovative conductors introduced in the previous sections with the traditional
ones. The aim is to analyze the benefits resulting from the replacement of the conductors in the line
sections that would not require changes in the support structures, by considering the types introduced
in Section 2.
conjugate). From (2), the relation between complex power and sending end voltage can be written as
in (3), in which the angle γ results from the difference between the impedance argument ψ and the
load angle ϕ.
s∗ 1−u
i = ∗ = jψ (1)
u e
u∗ − u2 = s∗ · e jψ → u · e jδ − u2 − s · e jγ = 0 (2)
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 21
Z ej I
U0 U S∙ ej
i ux U0=1
u s∙ ej -j
1 uy u=ue
b) c)
Figure 9.
Figure (a) Single-phase
9. (a) Single-phase equivalent
equivalent of
of an
an OHL
OHL from
from the
the receiving
receiving end,
end, (b)
(b) its
its equivalent
equivalent per
per unit
representation, and (c) vector diagram of the voltage.
representation, and (c) vector diagram of the voltage.
Splitting real
Splitting realand
imaginaryparts of (2)
parts as inas(3)
of (2) init(3)
canitbe seen
can behow,
how, theonce
receiving end complex
the receiving end
power is defined, the imaginary part of u
complex power is defined, the imaginary part of u is constant. By solving the first equationreal
is constant. By solving the first equation in (3), the partthe
in (3), is
calculated as in (4), which define the two sending end voltage vectors u’ and u” in
real part is calculated as in (4), which define the two sending end voltage vectors u’ and u” in (5), of (5), of which u’ is
the most
which u’ important,
is the mostgiven the low
important, magnitude
given u”, with the
the lowofmagnitude ofconstraint
u”, with the ξ ≥ constraint
0, which represents
ξ ≥ 0, whichthe
physical feasibility.
represents the physical feasibility. ( 2
ux + u2y − ux + s cos γ = 0
uyx 0 0
u x γ s=cos
2 2
−u +usy sin
r u y s sin 0
1 1 1
ux = ± − s cos γ − (s sin γ)2 = ± ξ (4)
2 4 2
u x 2 40 s cos s sin 2
1 ( 1 2 1
u = 12 + ξ − js sin γ
u00 = 121 − ξ − js sin γ
u ' js sin
By considering the line representationin Figure2 9a, the well-known relation (5) links the sending (5)
bus voltage and current (with subscript 1) to at
u '' those js
sinreceiving bus (with subscript 2). Under the
assumption of symmetry and reciprocity of the line model (so that A = D and A D – B C = 1), (6) is
By considering
derived. thenoting
At this point, that U1 = A Uin20Figure
line representation , where9a,U20theiswell-known
the no-load relation
voltage (5) links
at the the sending
receiving end,
and voltage and current
remembering = B/Asubscript
that Z(with 1) to
the current those
I1 can beatwritten
the receiving bus (with subscript 2). Under the
as in (7).
assumption of symmetry and reciprocity ( of the line model (so that A = D and A D – B C = 1), (6) is
derived. At this point, noting that U1 = A U U201, = AU2 U
where +20BIis2 the no-load voltage at the receiving end,
and remembering that Z = B/A the current I11 can = CU + DI2 as in (7).
U2 =
( 1
AU2 − BI21 (6)
I 1 CU 21 DI 2 (7)
I2 = −CU1 + DI1
AU1 − U2 UU 2 − AUU1 /A
BI 1 AU20 − U2 /A
I1 = = I 2 1 CU 12 DI 1= (7)
AU 1 U 2 U 1 U 2 A AU 20 U 2 A
I1 (8)
If, at this point, the base values are defined as Ub = U20, Sb = Ub2/|Z|, and Zb = Z, the per
unit version of (8) is given by (9). Therefore, the complex power s1 at the sending end of the line is
obtained as in (10), in which is the argument of A.
* A
i1 = (9)
e j
I 2 = −CU 1 + DI 1
AU 1 − U 2 U 1 − U 2 A AU 20 − U 2 A
I1 = = = (8)
If, 2019, 12, 3107
at this the base values are defined as Ub = U20, Sb = Ub2/|Z|, and Zb = Z, the
point, 14 of
unit version of (8) is given by (9). Therefore, the complex power s1 at the sending end of the line is
obtained as in (10), in which α is the argument of A.
If, at this point, the base values are defined as Ub = |U20 |, Sb = Ub 2 / |Z|, and Zb = |Z|, the per unit
version of (8) is given by (9). Therefore, the complex power s1 at the sending end of the line is obtained
as in (10), in which α is the argument of A.
s 1 A− A
i1 = * = (9)
A e jψ
s =(A2 -u e j 2a)e jψ (10)
s11= (A2 − u2 ∗ 2 e j2a )e jψ (10)
By this approach, once the complex power is known at the receiving end and the sending end
voltage is set, the receiving end voltage u2 is obtained using the first equation in (5). At this point, the
power flow on a line can be analytically calculated, since the sending end complex power is given by
(10). This procedure is applied in the following sections to evaluate the Joule losses of the transmission
and distribution OHLs.
The ampacity (hence the transmission capacity) of the potentially replaceable OHLs has been
determined using the CEI 11–60 standard [31]. The current flow rates at the thermal limit, i.e., the
current value for which the line can be operated for an unlimited period of time with a minimum
probability of discharge and with acceptable aging of the line equipment, are defined in relation to the
type of line, its position in the national territory, the seasonality and the operating conditions. Referring
to Table 11, taken from [31], the current rating of the lines in Table 10 is calculated with reference
to zone “A” (locations with an altitude below 800 m above sea level in central and southern Italy
and the islands) and a seasonal period defined by the standard as 00 Period F00 (cold period, between
October and April). Since the reference conductor for the standard is the unified ACSR with diameter
ϕ = 31.5 mm, it is possible to determine the flow rates for different size conductors by means of (11):
where the diameter ϕ is expressed in (mm) and the current I0 (deduced from Table 11) is in (A).
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 21
calculated by the procedure explained in [12] and adapted to the operating temperature by means of
the well-known equation
Energies 2019, 12, 3107 r50C r20C 1 20C 50C 20C (12)15 of 21
where α20 °C stands for the temperature coefficient of resistance at 20 °C for aluminium in (1/°C),
whereas Table 11. Thermal
an operating limit current of
temperature for 50
the °C
reference conductor
is assumed. as for
This is standard
a mere CEI 11-60 (Adapted
assumption, sincewith
permission from [31], CEI, 2005).
conductor’s actual working temperature depends on the thermal regime that is established, as a result
of the current flow, air temperature, and wind ThermalspeedLimitandCurrent
direction with
of the respectConductor
Reference to the line(A)
In order to build the equivalent single-line model of the OHL, the tower type depicted in Figure
Line Voltage Rating (kV) Zone A Zone B
10 is considered. Along with the distances among the phases and respect to the ground, it can be
Period C Period F Period C Period F
noted that a maximum sag of 10 m is considered in the model. With these assumptions, the electrical
parameters obtained for the 380 OHL equipped with 740 the traditional 985 conductor 680 and with the 770 innovative
220 665 905 610 710
one are reported in the figure as well. It should be noted that the resistance value has been increased
132 ÷ 150 620 870 575 675
by 3% in order to take into account the additional losses due to jumpers and clamping equipment.
Once the electrical parameters of the OHL are calculated, the methodology discussed in Section
5.1 is usedTable 1 shows that,
to determine among
the Joule the ACSR
losses givenconductors
the complex listed
powerin Table 10, theat
withdrawn onethewith higherend
receiving extension
on the HV and EHV networks is the 265/26 +
the OHL. By assuming a duration curve of the type in Figure 11 (by hypothesis having the same trend of
7. For this reason, in the following, the assessment
as the nationalfrom the substitution
typical demand curve), of traditional
the values conductors
are obtained takes
by into accountthe
translating thecurve
total extension
according ofto this
type of conductor
the maximum (443.3
value given bykm).
the above mentioned ampacity evaluation. In this case, as indicated in
Table 10, for this conductor of
To find the value thethe energiespower
maximum lost overis setthe lifetime
at 422.5 MW, of having
the line, it is necessary
assumed a thermalto rating
build the
current IR of 655single-phase
A with a power model of the
factor line.(typical
of 0.98 First, the perpower
of the unit length
flows on resistance of the conductor
the transmission grid). is
calculated by the procedure explained in [12] and adapted to the operating
As detailed in [13], the load-duration curve can be discretized in segments having a given temperature by means of
the well-known equation
duration ∆τ, so that the active power loss ∆p is deduced for every load power value and the annual
joule losses (AJL) energy can be calculatedr50◦ C = rby20◦just + α20◦ C (50◦∆p
C · [1multiplying C −by ◦
20theC)]respective time step. At this (12)
point, by assuming
where a constant
α20 ◦ C stands for theelectricity generation
temperature costof
coefficient (40resistance
€/MWh isatused infor
20 ◦ C thisaluminium
study [32]),init(1/
is ◦ C),
possible to have an indication of the Annual◦ Cost of Losses (ACL), calculated as
whereas an operating temperature of 50 C is assumed. This is a mere assumption, since the conductor’s
actual working temperature dependsACL thermal
on the AJL CmL regime
(€) that is established, as a result of the current
flow, air temperature, and wind speed and direction with respect to the line axis.
which can be actualized
In order for equivalent
to build the each year single-line
in the OHL’s model lifetime by means
of the OHL, of a type
the tower discount rate ini (here
depicted Figure 10
assumed as 5%) as in (14):
is considered. Along with the distances among the phases and respect to the ground, it can be noted
that a maximum sag of 10 m is considered inn the model. With these assumptions, the electrical
1 with
i 1
parameters obtained for the OHL AACL
equipped ACL
the traditional
(€) conductor and with the innovative
noted that the resistance value has been increased
one are reported in the figure as well. It should1 i
by 3% in order to take into account the additional losses due to jumpers and clamping equipment.
7.4 7.4
Electrical ACSR
Parameters 265/26 + 7
Figure 10. HV OHL case study: tower layout and per unit length electrical parameters.
Hours (h)
Figure 11.
Figure 11. Duration
Duration curve
curve assumed
assumed for
for the
the HV
OHL case
case study.
In detailed
As Table 12,in the
[13],results for the transmission
the load-duration curve can be OHL equipped
discretized with the having
in segments innovative
a given ACCM/TW
conductor are compared with those obtained with the traditional ACSR conductor.
∆τ, so that the active power loss ∆p is deduced for every load power value and the annual joule losses With the
mentioned assumptions, if the entire extension of the ACSR 22.8 mm conductor on
(AJL) energy can be calculated by just multiplying ∆p by the respective time step. At this point, by the HV and EHV
Italian grids
assuming were replaced
a constant by the
electricity innovative
generation costconductor,
(40 €/MWhthe Joulein
is used power losses[32]),
this study reduction would to
it is possible be
of about 54.3 GWh (–18.8%). This amounts to over 2 million
have an indication of the Annual Cost of Losses (ACL), calculated as of euro in savings every year for reduced
electricity generation needs, which results in an actualized cost (over the 40-year expected OHL
lifetime) of over 37 million of euro. ACL = AJL · CmL (€) (13)
From an environmental point of view, the replacement of the traditional conductor with the
which can beone
innovative actualized
would for eachinyear
result in the OHL’s
a saving lifetime
of 21.187 kt perbyyear
means of of a discount
carbon i (here assumed
rate which
dioxide, becomes
as 5%) asktinin(14):
847.475 the expected 40-years lifetime. These values are obtained considering an emission of 0.39
t/MWh of CO2 [32]. (1 + i)n − 1
AACL = · ACL (€) (14)
i(1 + i)n
In TableTable 12. Comparison
12, the results for between traditional OHL
the transmission and innovative
equipped conductors
with thefor HV OHLs. ACCM/TW
conductor are compared Losseswith those obtained with the traditional
ACSR ACSR conductor. With
ACMM/TW ∆ the mentioned
assumptions, if the entire extension
Annual Joule Losses (AJL) of the ACSR
(GWh) 22.8 mm
288.796 conductor on
234.471 the HV and EHV Italian
grids wereAnnual
replacedCostbyofthe innovative
Losses (ACL) conductor, (M€)the Joule power losses
11.55 9.379reduction2.17
would be of about
GWh (−18.8%).
of Lossesto over 2 million
(AACL) (M€) of euro in savings160.932
198.22 every year for reduced electricity
generation needs, which results in an actualized cost (over the 40-year expected OHL lifetime) of over
37 Distribution Network OHLs
of euro.
As for the
Tableprevious case, a list
12. Comparison of potentially
between traditional replaceable
and innovativeconductors
conductorshasfor been identified for the
distribution network context. The traditional conductors reported in Table 13 are those having higher
Losses and lower breaking load with
per unit length resistance ACSR
respect ACMM/TW
to the innovative ∆ conductor
∆% ones,
among those listedJoule
Annual in the state
Losses of the art. The
(AJL) (GWh)thermal rating current
288.796 IR has 54.325
234.471 been calculated in a
deterministic wayCost of Losses
(since (ACL) CEI 11–60
the standard (M€) 11.55
is not applicable 9.379and LV 2.17
to MV OHLs) –18.81%
by means of
the approach Annual Costby ofShurig
Losses (AACL)
and Frick in (M€)
1930 and 198.22
summarized 160.932 37.288
in [33]. It was decided not to
consider the presence of solar irradiation (assumed equal to 1000 W/m2) in order to have a higher
Fromrating in the comparison.
an environmental point of view, the replacement of the traditional conductor with the
innovative one would result in actual
As already mentioned, the a savingtrend in electricity
of 21.187 kt per usage
year ofand production
carbon dioxide,will require
which in the
near future
847.475 kt in athe
expected 40-yearsof the lifetime.
These network. Increasing
values are obtainedthe conductor’s
considering ancross-section
emission of
0.39 then of
t/MWh beCO a solution
2 [32]. for reducing the risk of bottlenecks in the power flow distribution. For this
reason, the traditional conductors included in this study have cross-sections even below the one of
the innovative one (up to 70 mm2), as the innovative conductor may be used as a reinforcement of
these current OHLs.
The tower type for the distribution grid’s case study OHL is depicted in Figure 12, consisting of
a three-phase line with 10.5 m tall towers. As already mentioned in Section 4, the closest match with
Energies 2019, 12, 3107 17 of 21
Potential Potential
Thermal Potential
External Breaking Resistance Losses CO2
Cross-Section Rating Losses
Material Code Diameter Load at 20 ◦ C Cost Emissions
(mm2 ) Current Reduction
(mm) (daN) (Ohm/km) Savings Reduction
IR (A) (%)
(M€) (kt)
70/19 68.34 10.7 27.33 0.2678 281 35.80 16.820 420.541
95/19 94.76 12.6 37.9 0.1831 357 5.81 3.000 75.191
70/19 68.34 10.7 11.69 0.421 224 59.30 2.300 22.514
Aluminium 95/19 93.27 12.5 15.59 0.3085 274 44.40 1.890 18.436
120/19 125.50 14.5 20.03 0.2292 332 24.91 1.157 11.282
70/19 68.34 10.7 19.48 0.484 209 64.70 10.500 102.065
95/19 94.76 12.6 27.01 0.3491 258 50.90 0.490 4.758
Aldrey 120/19 125.50 14.5 35.77 0.2636 310 34.80 0.360 3.544
150/37 147.10 15.75 41.93 0.2253 344 23.60 0.260 2.5285
185/37 184.50 17.64 52.59 0.1797 398 4.00 0.047 0.457
68/12 + 7 67.69 13.4 61.95 0.4266 238 59.90 5.200 50.771
128/26 + 7 127.60 15.85 49.09 0.2261 344 23.9 12.12 118.127
As already mentioned, the actual trend in electricity usage and production will require in the
near future a reinforcement of the distribution network. Increasing the conductor’s cross-section
would then be a solution for reducing the risk of bottlenecks in the power flow distribution. For this
reason, the traditional conductors included in this study have cross-sections even below the one of the
innovative one (up to 70 mm2 ), as the innovative conductor may be used as a reinforcement of these
current OHLs.
The tower type for the distribution grid’s case study OHL is depicted in Figure 12, consisting of a
three-phase line with 10.5 m tall towers. As already mentioned in Section 4, the closest match with the
standard conductors presently installed, listed in Table 13, is the Aldrey 185/37 having a diameter of
17.64 mm and a cross-section of 184.5 mm2 . The parameters for the single-line equivalent circuit of
the OHL are reported in Figure 12 for both the reference standard conductor and the innovative one.
The duration curve of the line load is reported in Figure 13, scaled according to the line thermal rating
power in Table 13.
The results of the benefit analysis methodology discussed in Section 5.1 are detailed in comparison
with the reference Aldrey conductor in Table 14. Replacing the total extension of the traditional Aldrey
conductor would result in a Joule power losses reduction on a yearly basis of 1.17 GWh, corresponding
to a decrease by 4%. The estimated cost saving is about 47 k€ per year, which corresponds to an
actualized cost reduction of 804 k€ (with the same assumptions about OHL lifetime and discount rate
as in the previous section). The potential CO2 emissions savings is estimated as 457 t per year.
150/37 147.10 15.75 41.93 0.2253 344 23.60 0.260 2.5285
185/37 184.50 17.64 52.59 0.1797 398 4.00 0.047 0.457
67.69 13.4 61.95 0.4266 238 59.90 5.200 50.771
Energies 2019, 12, 3107 127.60 15.85 49.09 0.2261 344 23.9 12.12 18 of 21
Aldrey 185/37 ACCC-SHC
g [nS/km] 0 0
Hours (h)
Figure 13. Duration curve assumed for the distribution OHL case study.
Figure 13. Duration curve assumed for the distribution OHL case study.
Table 15. Total cost for each traditional conductor in the study and expected benefit using the
innovative one.
6. Conclusions
The current trend in the electricity usage and production and the expected developments in the
near future will lead to reinforcements in both the transmission and distribution grids, to reduce the
risk of bottlenecks and improve the energy efficiency of the power system. The CALAJOULE project,
funded as part of the Italian “Ricerca di Sistema” program, has produced significant results in the
development and analysis of new conductors for overhead lines at HV and MV level.
The scope of this paper is to show all the chief findings of the three-year research and chiefly
the expected benefits coming from the adoption of such innovative conductors in both transmission
and distribution grids, with reference to the presently installed OHL conductors. The paper shows a
methodology adopted in the project to evaluate the potential benefits resulting from the usage of the
innovative conductors in place of the standard ones. Under some working assumptions (i.e., 40 year
OHL lifetime, fixed price of electricity, CO2 emission known, and constant per MWh), the results show
a strong, positive impact on the Italian electricity system which could also be replicated, with due
distinctions, for other electric grids.
The actualized cost saving for reduced Joule losses in the HV network is estimated in about 37 M€,
with a corresponding CO2 avoided emission of 847 kt on yearly basis. For the distribution network, by
considering a potential reinforcement of the current OHLs with conductors having cross-sections up to
70 mm2 , the results have shown an actualized cost reduction of 929 M€ with a CO2 emission avoidance
of 830 kt per year. It is worth noting that a mere investment cost comparison has not been investigated
in this research. However, the investment cost of the distribution novel conductor is comparable with
traditional Aldrey one. With regard to the transmission novel conductor, the investment cost is greater
than traditional ACSR, but, as demonstrated in the paper, the return on the investment is assured
by the savings obtained by less energy losses during the entire OHL lifetime. Hence, the developed
prototype is more convenient than a traditional conductor in a long-term perspective.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.B.; Formal analysis, R.B. and S.D.S.; Funding acquisition, R.B.;
Investigation, R.B., A.C., C.G., S.D.S., D.M., M.M. and F.P.; Supervision, R.B., R.C. and L.M.; Validation, R.B.;
Writing-original draft, M.C.; Writing-review & editing, R.B., C.G., S.D.S., D.M., M.M. and F.P.
Funding: This research was funded by Ministry of Economic Development in the framework of the Ricerca di
Sistema Programme, grant number CCSEB_00176.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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