Advances in Wind Power

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Edited by Rupp Carriveau

Advances in Wind Power
Edited by Rupp Carriveau
Hengameh Kojooyan Jafari, Mostafa Abarzadeh, Hossein Madadi Kojabadi, Liuchen Chang, Daniel MATT, Emilio
Gomez-Lazaro, Sergio Martn Martnez, Angel Molina-Garcia, Antonio Vigueras Rodriguez, Michael Milligan, Eduard
Muljadi, Adrian Ilinca, David Wood, Ed Nowicki, Mohamed Fahmy Aner, Samer El Itani, Gza Jos, Mahmoud Huleihil,
Karam Youssef Maalawi, Fernando Ponta, Alejandro Otero, Lucas Ignacio Lago, Wenping Cao, Ying Xie, Zheng Tan,
Horizon Gitano, Joo Paulo Vieira, Rupp Carriveau, Tim Newson, Philip McKay, David S-K Ting

Published by InTech
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First published November, 2012
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Advances in Wind Power, Edited by Rupp Carriveau

p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-51-0863-4

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Preface VII
Section 1

Inflow and Wake Influences on Turbine Performance 1

Chapter 1

Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond 3

Mahmoud Huleihil and Gedalya Mazor

Chapter 2

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators 31

Hengameh Kojooyan Jafari

Chapter 3

Turbine Wake Dynamics 65

Phillip McKay, Rupp Carriveau, David S-K Ting and Timothy Newson

Section 2

Turbine Structural Response 85

Chapter 4

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using

Numerical Simulation 87
Drishtysingh Ramdenee, Adrian Ilinca and Ion Sorin Minea

Chapter 5

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades: FlexoTorsional Vibrational Modes 123
Alejandro D. Otero, Fernando L. Ponta and Lucas I. Lago

Section 3

Power Conversion, Control, and Integration 151

Chapter 6

Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for GridConnected Small Wind Turbines 153
Mohamed Aner, Edwin Nowicki and David Wood

Chapter 7

Wind Turbine Generator Technologies 177

Wenping Cao, Ying Xie and Zheng Tan



Chapter 8

A Model for Dynamic Optimization of Pitch-Regulated Wind

Turbines with Application 205
Karam Y. Maalawi

Chapter 9

Comparative Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Farms Control Mode

on Long-Term Voltage Stability 225
Rafael Rorato Londero, Joo Paulo A. Vieira and Carolina de M.

Chapter 10

Design of a Mean Power Wind Conversion Chain with a

Magnetic Speed Multiplier 247
Daniel Matt, Julien Jac and Nicolas Ziegler

Chapter 11

Low Speed Wind Turbine Design 267

Horizon Gitano-Briggs

Chapter 12

Wind Power Variability and Singular Events 285

Sergio Martin-Martnez, Antonio Vigueras-Rodrguez, Emilio
Gmez-Lzaro, Angel Molina-Garca, Eduard Muljadi and Michael

Chapter 13

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems 305

Mostafa Abarzadeh, Hossein Madadi Kojabadi and Liuchen Chang

Chapter 14

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid

Interconnection Requirements 337
Samer El Itani and Gza Jos

Todays wind energy industry is at a crossroads. Global economic instability has threatened
or eliminated many financial incentives that have been important to the development of
specific markets. Such economic sponsorship of energy generation is not unique to
renewables; fossil based sources are also subsidized in many different countries. However,
for a technology like wind energy whose markets are still developing, incentives can be
critical for industry growth. Industry proponents have decreed that long-term energy policy
that survives financial swings and changes in government is what is needed to provide the
stability that market investors seek. While this may be the case, in the mean time, the
pressure is on wind industry designers, manufacturers, and operators to seek the most
effectual measures for wind power production.
Like the wind itself, the industry operates on large and small scales. While large commercial
wind has traditionally received the most coverage in the literature and the media, small
wind has recently established itself as a major player in distributed energy systems. This
will become increasingly important as micro grids rapidly find their place in both the
developed and developing worlds. In urban and isolated rural settings, small wind is
growing rapidly. It is important to emphasize this multi-scale resilience that wind
generation provides as an energy solution. The broad range of scales within wind energy is
only surpassed by the expansive scope of technologies that cover the spectrum from
resource assessment to grid integration. Specialized sub-topics continue to emerge that
provide focus for improving critical links in the wind chain. This sort of specificity can be
vital for isolating technical elements from the complexity of interconnected wind energy
systems. A brief list of emerging specific interest fields include aerodynamic interaction of
wind turbine groups, computational modeling of complex composite blades, magnetic
speed multiplying converters, generator controls optimized for small wind, disturbance
tolerant generators, micro and smart grid integration.
This text details topics fundamental to the efficient operation of modern commercial farms
and highlights advanced research that will enable next-generation wind energy
technologies. The book is organized into three sections, Inflow and Wake Influences on
Turbine Performance, Turbine Structural Response, and Power Conversion, Control and
Integration. In addition to fundamental concepts, the reader will be exposed to
comprehensive treatments of topics like wake dynamics, analysis of complex turbine blades,
and power electronics in small-scale wind turbine systems.
Dr. Rupp Carriveau
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Windsor, Canada

Section 1

Inflow and Wake Influences on Turbine


Chapter 1

Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond

Mahmoud Huleihil and Gedalya Mazor
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
With a severe energy crisis facing the modern world, the production and utilization of ener
gy has become a vital issue, and the conservation of energy has acquired prime importance.
Energy production and consumption are directly related to everyday life in much of human
society, and issues of energy research are extremely important and highly sensitive. Being
aware of the global warming problem, humans tend to rely more on renewable energy (RE)
1.1. Benefits of wind energy
In [1], scientists and researchers have tried to accelerate solutions for wind energy genera
tion design parameters. Researchers claim that a short time, society, industry, and politics
will welcome the use of wind energy as a clean, practical, economical, and environmentally
friendly alternative. In an effort to approach a more sustainable world, after the 1973 oil cri
sis RE sources began to appear on the agenda, and wind energy attracted significant inter
est. Because of extensive studies on this topic, wind energy has recently been applied in
various industries, where it has begun to compete with other energy resources [1].
Among the various renewable energy types as highlighted by [2], wind provides an inter
mittent but environmentally friendly energy source that does not pollute atmosphere. Wind
power calculations are initiated from the kinetic energy definition, and wind power is found
to be proportional to half the air density multiplied by the cube of the wind velocity. When
seeking to determine the potential usage of wind energy, wind power formulation is de
rived first by use of kinetic energy definition and then by basic physical definitions of power
as the ratio of work over time, work as the force multiplied by the distance, and force as the
change of momentum. [2].

2012 Huleihil and Mazor; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Advances in Wind Power

1.2. Aerodynamics aspects of wind turbines

Reviews about many of the most important aerodynamic research topics in the field of wind
energy are shown in the report of a different study [3] Wind turbine aerodynamics concerns
the modeling and prediction of aerodynamic forces, such as performance predictions of
wind farms, as well as the design of specific parts of wind turbines, such as rotor-blade ge
ometry. The basics of blade-element momentum theory were presented along with guide
lines for the construction of airfoil data. Various theories for aerodynamically optimum
rotors were discussed, and recent results on classical models were presented. State-of-the-art
advanced numerical simulation tools for wind turbine rotors and wakes were reviewed, in
cluding rotor predictions as well as models for simulating wind turbine wakes and flows in
wind farms [3].
1.3. Wind power density
Concerning power density and its relation to wind speed, the report given in [4] pre
sented the features of wind power distributions that were analytically obtained from
wind distribution functions. Simple equations establishing a relationship between mean
power density and wind speed have been obtained for a given location and wind tur
bine. Different concepts relating to wind power distribution functions were shown
among them the power transported by the wind and the theoretical maximum converti
ble power from wind, according to the Betz law. Maximum convertible power from the
wind was explained within more realistic limits, including an approximate limit to the
maximum power from a wind turbine, was obtained. In addition, different equations
were obtained establishing relationships between mean power density and mean wind
speed. These equations are simple and useful when discarding locations for wind tur
bine installation [4].
1.4. Wind power applications
The range of wind power usage is scarce. One of the most important usages is electrici
ty. Hubbard and Shepherd [5] considered wind turbine generators, ranging in size from
a few kilowatts to several megawatts, for producing electricity both singly and in wind
power stations that encompass hundreds of machines. According to the researchers
claims, there are many installations in uninhabited areas far from established residences,
and therefore there are no apparent environmental impacts in terms of noise. The re
searchers do point out, however, situations in which radiated noise can be heard by res
idents of adjacent neighborhoods, particularly those who live in neighborhoods with low
ambient noise levels [5].
Wind power is used worldwide, not only in developed countries. Specific studies [6, 7]
presented a detailed study of a Manchegan windmill while considering the technologi
cal conditions of the original Manchegan windmills. In addition, a wind evaluation of
the region was carried out, the power and momentum of the windmills were calculat
ed, and the results obtained were discussed, along with a comparison with the type of

Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond

Southern Spanish windmill. These windmills were important for wheat milling and had
been an important factor in the socio-economic development of rural Spain for centu
ries [6, 7].
Another example is considered in [8]. This study, conducted with reference to land in
Syria, evaluated both wind energy potential and the electricity that could be generated
by the wind. An appropriate computer program was especially prepared and designed
to perform the required calculations, using the available meteorological data provided
by the Syrian Atlas. The program is capable of processing the wind data for any specific
area that is in accordance with the needed requirements in fields of researches and ap
plications. Calculations in the study show that a significant energy potential is available
for direct exploitation. The study also shows that approximately twice the current elec
tricity consumption in Syria can be generated by wind resources [8].
The potential usage of wind power at Kudat and Labuan for small-scale energy demand
was given in [9]. According to their statement, the acquisition of detailed knowledge
about wind characteristics at a site is a crucial step in planning and estimating perform
ance for a wind energy project. From this study, the researchers concluded that sites at
Kudat and Labuan that they had considered during the study years were unsuitable for
large-scale wind energy generation. However, they did confirm that small-scale wind en
ergy could be generated at a turbine height of 100 meters [9]. In light of their findings,
James and others [10] reported that the potential impact of the UKs latest policy instru
ment, the 2010 micro-generation tariffs, is considered applicable to both micro-wind and
photovoltaics.As the researchers observed, building-mounted micro-wind turbines and
photovoltaics have the potential to provide widely applicable carbon-free electricity gen
eration at the building level. Because photovoltaic systems are well understood it is easy
to predict performance using software tools or widely accepted yield estimates. Microwind research, however, is far more complex, and in comparison, it is poorly under
stood [10].
Abdeen [11] addresses another example of wind power usage. As the researcher observed,
the imminent exhaustion of fossil energy resources and the increasing demand for energy
were the motives for Sudanese authorities to put into practice an energy policy based on ra
tional use of energy. The authorities also based their conclusions on exploitation of new and
renewable energy sources. It was pointed out that after 1980, as the supply of conventional
energy has not been able to follow the tremendous increase in production demand in rural
areas of Sudan; a renewed interest for the application of wind energy has been shown in
many places. Therefore, the Sudanese government began to pay more attention to wind en
ergy utilization in rural areas. Because the wind energy resource in many rural areas is suffi
cient for attractive application of wind pumps, although as fuel it is insufficient, the wind
pumps will be spread on a rather large scale in the near future. Wind is a form of renewable
energy that is always in a non-steady state due to the wide temporal and spatial variations
of wind velocity. Results suggested that wind power would be more profitably used for lo
cal and small-scale applications, especially for remote rural areas. The study finds that Su
dan has abundant wind energy [11]. Another recent study [12] considered the wind power

Advances in Wind Power

in Iran. According to the studys claims, climate change, global warming, and the recent
worldwide economic crisis have emphasized the need for low carbon emissions while also
ensuring economic feasibility. In their paper, the researchers investigated the status and
wind power potential of the city of Shahrbabak in Kerman province in Iran. The technical
and economic feasibility of wind turbine installation was presented, and the potential of
wind power generation was statistically analyzed [12].
1.5. Types of wind turbines
There are different types of wind turbines: bare wind turbines, augmented wind turbines,
horizontal axis wind turbines, and vertical axis wind turbines, just to mention a few.
1.5.1. Bare wind turbines
According to research findings as given by [13], the derivation of the efficiency of an ideal
wind turbine is attributed to the three prominent scientists associated with the three princi
pal aerodynamic research schools in Europe during the first decades of the previous centu
ry: Lanchester, Betz, and Joukowsky. According to this study, detailed reading of their
classical papers had shown that Lanchester did not accept that the velocity through the disc
is the average of the velocities far upstream and far downstream, by which his solution is
not determined. Betz and Joukowsky used vortex theory to support Froudes result and de
rived the ideal efficiency of a wind turbine at the same time. This efficiency has been known
as the Joukowsky limit in Russia and as the Betz limit everywhere else. As the researchers
suggested, because of the contribution of both scientists, this result should be called the
Betz-Joukowsky limit everywhere [13]. The maximal achievable efficiency of a wind turbine
is found to be given by the Betz number B = 16/27. Derivation of the classical Betz limit
could be followed as given by [14] and [15].
The question of the maximum wind kinetic energy that can be utilized by a wind turbine,
which is of fundamental importance for employment of wind energy, was reconsidered in
[16]. According to their study, the researchers observed that in previous studies, an answer
to this question was obtained only for the case of an infinite number of turbine-rotor blades,
in the framework of application of the one-dimensional theory of an ideal loaded disk with
out loss for friction and turbulence taken into account. This implies that for an ideal wind
turbine, the maximum energy that can be extracted from the wind kinetic energy, or the
power coefficient, does not exceed the Betz limit. Based on the exact calculation of the Gold
stein function, the researchers determined the maximum power coefficient of an ideal wind
turbine having a finite number of blades. As was expected, the maximum turned out to be
always lower than the absolute Lanchester-Betz-Joukowski limit. According to their find
ings, with an increase in the number of blades, the power coefficient rises approaching the
estimate of Glauert for a rotor with an infinite number of blades, only if by taking wake flow
twisting into account [16].
In a different proposal, Cuerva and Sanz-Andres presented an extended formulation of the
power coefficient of a wind turbine [17]. Their formulation was a generalization of the Betz-

Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond

Lanchester expression for the power coefficient as a function of the axial deceleration of the
wind speed provoked by the wind turbine in operation. The extended power coefficient
took into account the benefits of the power produced and the cost associated to the produc
tion of this energy. By means of the proposed simple model, the researchers evidenced that
the purely energetic optimum operation condition giving rise to the Betz-Lanchester limit
(maximum energy produced) does not coincide with the global optimum operational condi
tion (maximum benefit generated) if cost of energy and degradation of the wind turbine
during operation is considered. The new extended power coefficient, according to the re
searchers claim, is a general parameter useful to define global optimum operation condi
tions for wind turbines, considering not only the energy production but also the
maintenance cost and the economic cost associated to the life reduction of the machine [17].
1.5.2. Augmented wind turbines
It was suggested in [18] that one could extract more power from the wind by directing the
wind by a diffuser that could be incorporated into the system. The benefit of such a device is
to decrease the size of the system and thus decrease its cost [18].
According to [19], the performance of a diffuser-augmented wind turbine has been estab
lished by matching the forces acting on the blade element to overall momentum and energy
balances. Good agreement with experimental data was obtained [19]. Based on computa
tional fluid dynamics (CFD), an actuator disc CFD model of the flow through a wind turbine
in a diffuser was developed and validated [20, 21]. Their research presumed a flow increase
could be induced by a diffuser. They showed that from a one-dimensional analysis the Betz
limit could be exceeded by a factor that is proportional to the relative increase in mass flow
through the rotor. This result was verified by theoretical one-dimensional analysis by the
CFD model [20, 21]. Supporting the same idea, [22] Sharpe stated that it is theoretically pos
sible to exceed the Lanchester-Betz limit. His study presented a general momentum theory
for an energy-extracting actuator disc that modeled a rotor with blades having radially uni
form circulation. The study included the effects of wake rotation. Although the study re
ports that the general momentum theory is well known, the fall in pressure that is caused by
the rotation of the wake that the theory predicts, is not usually recognized. Accounting for
the wake rotational pressure drop changes some of the established conclusions of the mo
mentum theory that appear in the literature. The conclusion from the study is that the theo
ry establishes no loss of efficiency associated with the rotating wake [22]. Experimental and
numerical investigations for flow fields of a small wind turbine with a flanged diffuser were
carried out in [23].
The considered wind-turbine system gave a power coefficient higher than the Betz limit,
which they attributed to the effect of the flanged diffuser. The experimental and numerical
results gave useful information about the flow mechanism behind a wind turbine with a
flanged diffuser. In particular, a considerable difference was seen in the destruction process
of the tip vortex between the bare wind turbine and the wind turbine with a flanged diffuser
[23]. According to the findings given in [24], suitable techniques to convert a country's wind
availability (mostly in the low-speed regimes) as a renewable energy source must be scruti

Advances in Wind Power

nized in order to achieve effective and efficient conversion. In this study, the researchers de
scribed efforts to step up the potential power augmentation offered by the Diffuser
Augmented Wind Turbine (DAWT). Modification of the internal profile of the diffuser oc
curred by replacing the interior profile of the diffuser with an optimized airfoil shape as the
interior profile of the diffuser. Additional velocity augmentation of approximately 66%
could be achieved with the optimized profile when compared to a diffuser with an original
flat interior [24]. As was pointed out in [25, 26], although there is an increase in maximum
performance of a DAWT that is proportional to the mass flow of air, with application of sim
ple momentum theory, the amount of energy extracted per unit of volume with a DAWT is
the same as for an ordinary bare wind turbine [25, 26].
1.6. Modeling controversy
Debate is ongoing around the issue of DAWT. In a recent study, a general momentum theo
ry to study the behavior of the classical free vortex wake model of Joukowsky was used [27].
This model, as the researchers reported, has attained considerable attention as it shows the
possibility of achieving a power performance that greatly exceeds the Lanchester-Betz limit
for rotors running at low tip speed ratios. This behavior was confirmed even when includ
ing the effect of a center vortex, which, without any simplifying assumptions, allowed azi
muthal velocities and the associated radial pressure gradient to be taken into account in the
axial momentum balance. In addition, a refined model that remedies the problem of using
the axial momentum theorem was proposed. Using this model the power coefficient never
exceeds the Lanchester-Betz limit, but rather tends to zero at a zero tip speed ratio [27]. As
asserted in [28], for reasons of energy and momentum conservation a conventional diffuser
system, as it is commonly used in water turbines cannot augment the power of a wind tur
bine beyond the Betz limit. However, if the propeller of the turbine is embedded into an ex
ternal flow of air from which by means of its static structure energy can be transferred to the
internal flow through the propeller, the propeller can supersede the Betz limit with respect
to this internal flow [28]. Features of such practical methods toward achieving such im
provements in wind power are discussed in [29].
1.7. Blades design
According to the report given by [30], the main problem of a wind turbine generator design
project is the design of blades capable of satisfying, with optimum performance, the specific
energy requirement of an electric system [30]. Simulations are very important to facilitate
engineering and design of wind turbines for many reasons, especially those that concentrate
upon reducing cost and saving human time. With regard to the designing the rotor blades, a
CFD model for the evaluation of energy performance and aerodynamic forces acting on a
straight-bladed vertical-axis Darrieus wind turbine was presented [31]. A modified blade el
ement momentum theory for the counter-rotating wind turbine was developed [32]. This en
abled the investigation of the effects of design parameters such as the combinations of the
pitch angles, rotating speeds, and radii of the rotors on the aerodynamic performance of the
counter-rotating wind turbine [32].

Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond

1.8. Wind farms

Vermeer and others surveyed wind farms. The focus of this study was on standalone tur
bines and wind farm effects. The survey group suggested that when assembling many wind
turbines together, several issues should be considered [33]. Other research studies discussed
the issue of optimizing the placement of wind turbines in wind farms [34]. Factors consid
ered included multidirectional winds and variable wind speeds, the effect of ambient turbu
lence in the wake recovery, the effect of ground, variable hub height of the wind turbines,
and different terrains [34]. A review of the state of the art and present status of active aeroe
lastic rotor control research for wind turbines was presented in [35]. A wind farm controller
was reported in [36]. That controller distributes power references among wind turbines
while it reduces their structural loads.
In this study the effect of losses are considered and discussed for bare wind turbines and for
shrouded wind turbines.

2. One-dimensional fluid dynamics models

In this section, one-dimensional fluid dynamics models are analyzed and formulated based
on the extended Bernoulli equation [37], accounting for losses that are assumed to be pro
portional to the square of the velocity of the air crossing the rotor blades of the wind turbine.
The performance characteristics of the wind turbine are given by the power and thrust coef
ficients. The efficiency of the wind turbine is addressed and its relation to the power coeffi
cient is discussed.
While developing a model to describe the performance of a wind turbine, common assump
tions regarding the fluid flow are as follows [18]:

The entire field is one-dimensional.


The fluid considered is not compressible.


The flow field in the proximity of the turbine is a pure axial flow.

Other assumptions are given for the specific models.

2.1. Bare wind turbine
Consider a wind turbine that intercepts the flow of air moving with velocity V0. The differ
ent quantities involved in the physics of the moving air are the pressure, p, the velocity, V,
the cross section area, A (at different locations along the stream lines), and the thrust on the
blades of wind turbine, T. The upstream condition is identified with a subscript of zero, the
downstream condition is identified with a subscript of 3, and the turbine locations are iden
tified by subscripts of 1, 2, and t (see Figure 1).


Advances in Wind Power

Figure 1. Schematics of the bare wind turbine. In the upper part, airstream lines are shown crossing the turbine's ro
tor. The velocity of the air at the rotor is the same based on the mass flow rate: V1=V2=Vt.The pressure drop is deter
mined by p=p1-p2.

The steady state mass flow rate is given by:

& = r VA = const.


The modified Bernoulli equation (with reference to the turbine head), which describes the
energy balance through the wind turbine, is written between the entrance and exit sections,
and is given by:
p0 1 V0 2 p0 1 V3 2
+ ht + hloss
g 2 g
g 2 g


In this equation ht is the head of the turbine (related to the amount of power extraction), hloss
represents the head losses, and is the specific weight. The loss term in the energy equation

Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond

accounts for friction (mechanical and fluid) and is assumed proportional to the kinetic ener
gy of the rotor blades, expressed as follows:
hloss = Closs



Equations (2) and (3) are rearranged and the head of the turbine is given by:

ht =

1 V0
1 V3
- Closs t
2 g
2 g


The power output from the turbine, P, is given by:

r V03 At t 1 - 3 - Closs t
V0 V0

P = g Vt At ht =


From equation (5) we can determine the power coefficient, CP, by:
= t 1 - 3 - Closs t
CP =
V0 V0
rV 3 A

2 0 t


The developed thrust, T, on the turbine blades is given by the linear moment equation (see
[15] for more details), as follows:
T r Vt At (V0 - V3 )


The thrust coefficient, CT, based on equation (7), is given by:


= 2 t 1 - 3
V0 V0
rV 2 A
2 0 t


Equations (5) and (7) are governed by the following relationship:

P = TVt




Advances in Wind Power

By observation, the velocity of air decreases toward the downstream. Therefore, we can sim
plify calculations by introducing the parameter, a, to express the velocity at the cross section
of the turbine, and the upstream velocity can be determined by:
Vt = (1 - a)V0



Equating equations (5) and (9) gives the velocity of the air, V3, at the downstream, and after
some algebraic manipulation, it could be shown to be given by:

(a - C

V3 = 1 - a


(1 - a )

) V


The normalized loss coefficient is defined by:

= ClossV02


Equations (11) and (12) are useful to calculate the power coefficient (equation (6)) and the
thrust coefficient (equation (8)). For the case where the losses are negligible, the known re
sults in the literature are reproduced and given by the following equations:
The downstream velocity is given by:
V3 = 1 - 2 a


The power coefficient is given by:

CP 4 a ( 1 - a )


The thrust coefficient is given by:

CT 4 a (1 - a )


Inversing the relation given in equation (15), the parameter, a, is given as a function of CT by:


1 - 1 - CT


Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond

Finally, the power coefficient as a function of the thrust coefficient is given by:

CP =

CT + CT 1 - Ct


2.2. Augmented wind turbine

In order to exploit wind power as economically as possible, it was suggested that the wind
turbine should be enclosed inside a specifically designed shroud [38, 39]. Several models
were reported in the literature to analyze wind turbine rotors surrounded by a device
(shroud), which was usually a diffuser [18, 25, and 26]. Others suggested different ap
proaches [28].
In this section, the extended Bernoulli equation and mass and momentum balance equations
are used to analyze the augmented wind turbine. The power coefficient and the thrust coef
ficients are derived, accounting for losses in the same manner as was done for the bare tur
bine case. The efficiency of the wind turbine could be defined as the ratio of the net power
output to the energy input to the system. The efficiency based on this definition agrees with
the Betz limit.
The schematics of the shrouded wind turbine are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Schematics of the shrouded wind turbine. There is a vertical element at the exit of the wind turbine. This
element contributes to reducing the power at the downstream side of the turbine, an effect that extracts more air
through the wind turbine. (Idea reproduced similar to the description given by Ohya [40].)

This type of design has been recently reported [40], and it was shown that the power coeffi
cient is about 2-5 times greater when compared to the performance of the bare wind turbine.
The vertical part at the exit of the shroud reduces the pressure and therefore, the wind tur
bine draws more mass.
The balance equations are followed in the same manner as for the bare wind turbine. The
modified Bernoulli equation differs by the pressure at the exit and is given by:



Advances in Wind Power

p0 1 V0 2 p3 1 V3 2
+ ht + hloss
g 2 g
g 2 g


The pressure drop between inlet and outlet (p0-p3) is rewritten as proportional (with CF pro
portionality coefficient) to the difference in kinetic energies and it is given by:
Dp = p0 - p3 =

r V02 - V32 CF


The power coefficient for the shrouded wind turbine is given by:


V 2
= t (CF + 1) 1 - 3 - Closs t
rV 3 A

2 0 t


The thrust coefficient is given by:

CT =
2 (CF + 1) t 1 - 3
V0 V0
rV A
2 0 t


Manipulating equations (9)-(12) makes it possible to produce sample plots to consider in the
next section.
2.3. Wind turbine efficiency
Usually, efficiency is defined as the ratio between two terms: the amount of net work, w, to
the input, qin, energy to the device. Efficiency can be alternatively defined as the ratio be
tween the derived power, Pout, and the rate of energy flowing to the system, Pin. Based on
these definitions, the efficiency of power generating machine is given by:


wnet Pout


As was observed by Betz, the maximal achievable efficiency of the bare wind turbine is giv
en by the Betz number B = 16/27. In section 2.1, the power coefficient of the bare turbine was
considered under the assumption of frictional losses. In this case, the power coefficient can
also be identified as the efficiency of the wind turbine in this case. However, the power coef
ficient for the shrouded wind turbine as considered in section 2.2 is not efficiency. Based on

Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond

the definition of efficiency, one could observe that if we divide the power coefficient by the
factor (CF + 1) (taking into account the increased mass flow to the system due to pressure
drop), a similar expression of the shrouded wind turbine could be given by equation (6).
Thus, according to the modeling assumptions and with special care in treatment of the loss
coefficient, one could conclude that the efficiency of the wind turbine could not exceed the
Betz limit, although the power coefficient in general could exceed the Betz limit, as was ob
served previously by others.
2.4. Maximum windmill efficiency in finite time
In a different approach, a model to estimate the efficiency of a wind turbine was introduced
[41] and the efficiency at maximum power output mp was derived. Although the power de
veloped in a wind turbine derives from kinetic energy rather than from heat, it was possible
to view the basic model of the wind turbine in a schematic way, which is similar to the heat
engine picture. After the wind turbine accepts energy input in its upstream side, it extracts
power at the turbine blades and ejects energy at the downstream. Details of this approach
are given elsewhere [41].
The derived value for the efficiency at maximum power operation was shown to be a func
tion of the Betz number, B, and is given by the following formula:

hmp =1 - 1 - B


This value is 36.2%, which agrees well with those for actually operating wind turbines.
With an algebraic manipulation this expression could be approximated by:

hmp =




The expression given in equation (24) differs by only a small percentage when compared to
equation (23). With the aid of equation (24), one could estimate the efficiency as 8/23.
As compared to the efficiency of heat engines, the system efficiency could be defined as the
mean value between the maximum efficiency (Carnot efficiency) and the efficiency at maxi
mum power point (Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency). Thus, the efficiency of the wind turbine sys
tem ts could be given by:

hts =

(B + 1 2

1- B




Advances in Wind Power

If equation (23) is used while neglecting the contribution of the Number B/2 compared to 2,
the turbine efficiency given by equation (24) would be approximated by:
hts = B


2.5. Wind turbine efficiency and the golden section

The golden section has been considered in different disciplines as a measure of beauty
[42-49]. The schematics of the golden section are given in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Schematics of the golden ratio. In the upper part to the left, the oval shape is divided into two parts, x and 1x. in the upper part to the right, the same oval is divided into two parts with the following engine parameters: W
represents the net work output; Eout represents the energy left the machine. Ein represents the energy that was put into
the machine. In the lower part, a construction of the golden section is depicted by the isosceles triangle with a base
angle of 72. Comparing the different parts, x is defined as W/Ein or Eout/Ein, depending upon parts that have been
produced and rejected.

In the upper part of the figure, the oval shape is divided into two parts, x and 1-x (as can be
seen in the left side of the figure). In the right side, the same oval shape depicts the relation
to quantities considered in engine machines. In the lower part of Figure 3, a golden section
construction is depicted using the isosceles triangle with sides of unity and base triangle of
72. If we apply the result of the golden section ratio (the golden section ratio is related to
) to wind power efficiency, which is usually
defined as the work gained divided by the energy input to the system, we can observe that
the Betz limit agrees very well to the golden section (0.593 compared to 0.618). We can also
the sine of the angle of 18, thus 2sin(18) =

Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond


see that the practical efficiencies of wind turbines in the proximity of 40% are comparable
with the smaller part of the golden section 38.2%.
The golden section beauty can be related to wind turbines if we recall that the kinetic energy
of the wind usually splits into two parts: useful and rejected. According to the Betz limit,
about 60% of the energy is used to produce electric power and the rest is rejected. On the
other hand, the real wind turbines extract about 40% and the rest is wasted. These findings
are in match with the golden section division (61.8% and 38.2%). One could conclude by
asking: Is this just a fortuitous result or is there something more deep and inherent in the
beauty of nature?
2.6. Factors that affect the efficiency of the wind turbine
In terms of wind turbine efficiency, it is possible to highlight different parts of the turbine
when estimating its value. Most of the studies discussed above considered extracting power
from the kinetic energy of the wind. This could be defined as kinetic energy efficiencyKE .

Other considerations should be accounted for, such as the mechanical efficiency, me (when
power is decreased due to mechanical friction), the conversion to electricity efficiency,con ,

and the blockage efficiency, bl (which is defined as the amount of air blocked by the turbine
blades as depicted by Figure 4). The overall turbine efficiency is given by:

hnet = hblhconhmehKE


Figure 4. Schematic of the cross section of the rotor blades. The cross section illustrates the fact that the physical body
of the rotor blades blocks some of the air particles, reducing potential power production from the air. The blocking
e 4. Schematic of the cross section of the rotor blades.
The cross section illustrates the fact that the physical body of the rotor blades b
. In this equation, Arotor is the projected cross section of the rotor blades and
efficiency can be defined asbl = 1
of the air particles, reducing potential power production from the air. The blocking efficiency can be defined as bl 1 rotor . In
Across is the cross section without the rotor blades.

ion, Arotor is the projected cross section of the rotor blades and Across is the cross section without the rotor blades.

Numerical considerations
s section sample, plots of the results are considered.

Advances in Wind Power

3. Numerical considerations
In this section sample, plots of the results are considered.
3.1. The ideal bare wind turbine model
The one-dimensional bare wind turbine model without losses has been treated extensively
and is well documented in textbooks [15]. The velocity of the air crossing the wind turbine
velocity is assumed to be a fraction of the upstream air velocity. This fraction is introduced
as a parameter, a, which expresses the ratio between the latter and the former. Parameter a is
assigned a value in the range of numbers between zero and one. It is important to note that
the physical range of this parameter is limited, for example, 0<a<0.5, otherwise the velocity
at the downstream becomes negative. To help clarify this point, calculations were performed
covering the full range of parameter a. Equations (6) and (8) give the power coefficient and
the thrust coefficient, respectively. Figure 5 shows these coefficients as functions of parame
ter a (a very well-known result in the professional literature in the field).

Power and thrust coefficients for the bare wind

turbine with zero loss coefficeint vs. the parameter a
Power and thrust coefficients.


0<a <0.5











Figure 5. Power and thrust coefficients for the ideal bare wind turbine as a function of the parameter a (the ratio
between the air velocity crossing the turbine blades and the upstream velocity of the air). The plot is reproduced simi
lar to what is known in the literature, but highlighting the physical region (0<a<0.5) with thicker black color and the
non-physical region (0.5<a<1) with thinner red color.

For explicit presentation, the physical range of parameter a (up to the value of 1/2) was
drawn in a thick black color, while the rest of the plot was prepared using a thinner red col

Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond

or. It is clear from the figure that the coefficients vanish at the zero and one values of the
parameter. In between, the maximum thrust coefficient (with a value of unity) occurs at the
value of a=1/2. On the other hand, the maximum value of the power coefficient occurs at the
value of a=1/3, for which the Betz limit is given (CP = B = 16/27). If we plot the power coeffi
cient as a function of the thrust coefficient, as Figure 6 shows, a loop shape would be pro
duced. Again, the physical range was highlighted using a thick black color.

Power coefficient for the bare wind turbine with zero

loss coefficient vs. thrust coefficient

Power coefficient


0<a <0.5











Thrust coefficient

Figure 6. Power coefficient for the ideal bare wind turbine as a function of the thrust coefficient. The plot has been
extended to include the non-physical region as was done in Figure 5 for reasons of consistency.

Two important points must be noted on such a plot: the maximum power coefficient (the
Betz limit) for which the thrust coefficient receives a value of 8/9; and the maximum thrust
(with the value of unity), for which the power coefficient gets a value of 1/2. These relations
can be checked using equation (9), or more explicitly by using equation (17).
3.2. The bare wind turbine with losses
In this section, sample plots are given to demonstrate the effect of the losses as modeled in
section 2.2. The losses are due to friction and are modeled as proportional to the velocity of
the square of the velocity of the air flowing through the wind turbine. The plots are pre
pared for three different values of the non-dimensional loss coefficient C*loss: 0, 0.05, and 0.1.
Figure 7 shows a plot of the power coefficient and of the thrust coefficient as a function of
parameter a, covering the physical range while accounting for losses.


Advances in Wind Power

Power and thrust coefficients of a bare wind

turbine for different values of loss coefficient
versus a
Power and thrust coefficients.







Figure 7. Power and thrust coefficients for the bare wind turbine as a function of parameter a, accounting for friction
al losses, with different values.

It is clear from the figure that there is degradation in both coefficients in the order of a few
percentage points. The two points (maximum power coefficient and maximum thrust coeffi
cient) can be better visualized as illustrated by Figure 8.

Power coefficient of a bare wind turbine for

different values of loss coefficient versus thrust
Power coefficient


Loss coefficient











Thrust coefficient

Figure 8. Power coefficient for the bare wind turbine as a function of the thrust coefficient, accounting for frictional
losses, with different values.

Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond

3.3. The shrouded wind turbine

The shrouded wind turbine was analyzed based on the extended Bernoulli equation, while
accounting for frictional losses in the same manner as was done for the bare wind turbine.
The increased air mass flow due to the larger drop in pressure was modeled as proportional
to the kinetic energy difference, using the coefficient CF (pressure drop coefficientsee
equation (17)). As can be seen from Figure 9 and Figure 10 (equations (18) and (19) respec
tively), the power coefficient and the thrust coefficient are increased proportionally to the
pressure coefficient, which is in agreement with the findings in the literature.

Power coefficient for the shrouded wind turbine for different values
of CF versus a

Power Coefficient

loss =0










Figure 9. Power coefficient for the shrouded wind turbine as a function of parameter a, accounting for frictional loss
es and for augmentation coefficient CF.

The maximum power coefficient and the maximum thrust points are illustrated in Figure 11.
By consulting Figure 11, one can observe that both maximum points are degraded by an in
creasing loss coefficient.
3.4. Efficiency of the wind turbine
As was considered by Betz, the power coefficient as originally defined agrees with the defi
nition of efficiency for a device that extracts work from a given amount of energy. Thus, for
the bare wind turbine, the maximum efficiency that could be extracted is actually given by
the Betz limit. The effect of friction on wind turbine efficiency, as was expressed through the
power coefficient, decreases with friction. A similar observation could be stated for the
shrouded wind turbine if we use the definition as given by equation (22). Accordingly, the
Betz limit is exceeded, that is, the shrouded wind turbine produces more power, but the


Advances in Wind Power

amount of energy extracted per unit of volume with a shroud is the same as for an ordinary
bare wind turbine. These results were found to be in agreement with results observed in
[Van Bussel, 2007]. The efficiency of maximum power output that was observed by the finite
time analysis was approximately 36%, which is comparable to experimental findings [14].
When compared to heat engines, the efficiency of the wind turbine could be expressed in
terms of the Betz number by using equation (23). If the Betz number is substituted, the effi
ciency could be approximated as 47%, but if the other factors are taken into account, the
practical efficiency could reach much lower values.

Thrust coefficient for the shrouded wind turbine for different values
of CF versus a


Thrust Coefficient


loss =0









Figure 10. Thrust coefficient for the shrouded wind turbine as a function of parameter a, accounting for frictional
losses and for augmentation coefficient CF, with different values.

4. Wind turbine arrangements

One could suggest ideas to increase power extraction from the wind, thus decreasing the
overall cost. One suggestion is the bottoming wind turbine; another is the flower leaves ar
rangement of wind turbines. Both are discussed in the following sections.
4.1. Bottoming wind turbines
According to Betz, the maximal power extraction efficiency is 16/27. If it is possible to extract
energy from the downstream expelled air, assuming the same limit exists, one could esti
mate an extra amount of 11/27*16/27 which is approximately 24%. This estimate suggests
adding a smaller bottoming rotor behind the main larger rotor. The idea of the bottoming
wind turbine is depicted schematically in Figure 12.

Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond

Power coefficient for the shrouded wind turbine for different values of CF
versus the thrust coefficient

Power Coefficient




loss =0






Thrust coefficent

Figure 11. Power and coefficients for the shrouded wind turbine as a function of the thrust coefficient, accounting for
frictional losses and for augmentation coefficient CF, with different values.

Figure 12. Schematics of the bottoming wind turbine idea. The main rotor is the first to intercept the airflow. Outlet
air is then directed to the secondary rotor. The attractiveness of this idea is to gain more output with the same tower
installation, reducing the inherently larger cost of erecting multiple towers.



Advances in Wind Power

4.2. Flower leaves arrangement of wind turbines

Considering the shrouded wind turbine as being a relatively small device is given (some
times called flower power while searching the web), one could suggest installing different
devices on the same tower. Such an arrangement reduces the cost of the installation. The
idea is depicted schematically in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Schematics of flower leaves arrangement of wind turbines. Because they are small devices, it should be pos
sible to install more of these shrouded systems on a single tower. While the concept of reducing installation costs is

Wind Turbine Power: The Betz Limit and Beyond
similar to that of the bottoming wind turbine, the attractiveness of the flower leaves configuration is that many small
er turbines can be accommodated on a single tower, with significant cost reductions.

5. Summary and conclusions

In this study, wind turbine power was reconsidered. At the beginning, a literature review
was given with relation to the potentiality of wind power, worldwide applications of wind
power, and different factors that affect the performance of wind turbines, especially those
related to one-dimensional modeling of the flow through the wind turbine. Later, different
models were addressed, taking into account the effect of friction, which is usually neglected
in the literature. In this study, friction is modeled to be proportional to the square of the ve
locity of the air crossing the wind turbine blades. The bare wind turbine model and the
shrouded wind turbine model were analyzed based on the following balance equations: the
mass balance equation, the momentum balance equation, and the energy balance equation
that is exposed in the form of an extended (modified) Bernoulli equation. Through the anal
ysis it was observed that both the power coefficient and the thrust coefficient degrade with
friction. As was noticed in previous studies, the power coefficient given by the Betz number
is the efficiency of the wind turbine (originally derived for the bare wind turbine). Following
the same type of definition, a similar expression for the shrouded wind turbine could be de
rived. In a different approach, the wind turbine could be analyzed using finite time meth
ods, as was given by [14]. In this study, the results were briefly summarized.
The well-known golden ratio usually is considered as a measure of beauty. It is interesting
to notice that the Betz number differs from the golden ratio by only 4% (0.618 compared to
In an effort to explain the discrepancy between theoretical efficiency and practical or meas
ured efficiencies, different factors that affect the extraction of wind power are considered.
These include mechanical friction, conversion efficiency to electricity, and blockage efficien
cy, which accounts for the blocked amount of air (usually is not mentioned in the literature),
thus reducing the power output.
Finally, plots were given to suggest ways of assembling wind turbines to gain more of wind
power for each tower installation.

Author details
Mahmoud Huleihil1,2 and Gedalya Mazor1
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Beer She
va, Israel
2 Arab Academic Institute for Education, Beit Berl College, Kfar Sava, Israel



Advances in Wind Power

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Chapter 2

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

Hengameh Kojooyan Jafari
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
The influence of wind energy connection to the grid has increased greatly and turbulence or
unreliable characteristics of wind energy are expected to produce frequency and voltage
changes in power systems and protection system equipment. To prevent these changes, it is
necessary to study the working point change due to turbulence. In other papers, the voltage
and transient stability analysis have been studied during and after turbulence [2] and the
impact of WTGs (wind turbine generators) on the system frequency, inertia response of dif
ferent wind turbine technologies, and comparison between inertia response of single-fed
and doubly-fed induction generators have been examined. Moreover study of the frequency
change alone was conducted using Dig-SILENT simulator for FSWTs (fast-speed wind tur
bines) with one-mass shaft model [2].
In this chapter both frequency and grid voltage sag change are presented with MATLAB
analytically and also by SIMULINK simulation in FSWTs with one- and two-mass shaft turbine
models to compare both results and a new simulation of induction machine without limiter
and switch blocks is presented as a new work. The first part of study is frequency change
effect on wind station by SIMULINK that shows opposite direction of torque change in
comparison with previous studies with Dig-SILENT. The second part of study is effect of
frequency and voltage sag change on wind station torque due to turbulence in new simula
tion of induction generator that is new idea.

2. Wind turbine model

The equation of wind turbine power is

2012 Jafari; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advances in Wind Power


r AC pu w3


where is air density, Ais area of turbine, Cp is power coefficient and w is wind speed.
The C p curve and equation are shown in Fig. 1 and given by equation (2) and (3)

- c 1 - c9

7 l + c8q pitch 1+q 3 pitch

- c3q pitch - c4q 5 pitch - c6 e
C p c1 c2


l + c8q pitch 1 + q 3 pitch


-16.5 + 0.002
C p 0.44 125( + 0.002) - 6.94 e l


where pitch is blade pitch angle, is the tip speed ratio described by equation (4). The pa
rameters are given in Table 1.


where R is blade radius.

Figure 1. Curve of Cp for different tip speed ratios .

wM R


Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

The curve of Fig.1 has positive slope before Cp max and it has negative slope after Cp max.

3. One-Mass Shaft Wind Station Model

Induction machine equation is

Te - T=

d wm
+ Cwm


Where, T mis the mechanical torque, T e is the generator torque, Cis the system drag coeffi
cient and J is the total inertia.
Table 1 shows the parameters of the one-mass shaft turbine model and induction generator.

Wind Turbine

Rs = .011


L s = .000054H

c2 = 125


= .00287H

c3 = 0
c4 = 0

= .000089H

R r = .0042 []

c5 = 0.1

J m =.5 to 20.26 [kgm2]

c6 = 6.94

p(#pole pairs) = 2

c7 = 16.5

Pn = 2e6 [w]

c6 = 0.1
c9 = -.002
R = 35 [m]
A = R2 [m2]
=1.2041 [kg/m3]
vw = 6, 10, 13 [m/s]
pitch = 0 []

Table 1. Parameters of one- mass shaft turbine model and generator.

4. Two-Mass Shaft Induction Machine Model

This model is used to investigate the effect of the drive train or two-mass shaft, i.e., the
masses of the machine and the shaft, according to the equation (8) [3], [4]. In this equation,J t
is wind wheel inertia, J G is gear box inertia and generators rotor inertia connected through



Advances in Wind Power

the elastic turbine shaft with a as an angular stiffness coefficient and C as an angular
damping coefficient.
The angular shaft speed t can be obtained from equations (6) and (7) [1], [3], [4].
T G is the torque of the machine, T t is the turbine torque, t is the angular turbine shaft angle,

G is the angular generator shaft angle, is the inverse of the gear box ratio and J G andJ t are

the inertia of the machine shaft and turbine shaft, respectively.

The Parameters, defined above, are given in Table 2.
This model is described as equation (8).


Tt= J t

-n 2 .C

w& G J G
wt = n .C
wG J t

wt 1

d wG k
- (d t - d GB ) - (wt - wGB )
dt n


d wt
+ k (d t - d GB ) + C (wt - wGB )


-n .C

-n 2 .k






J G wG
-k wt

Jt dG

0 d t



J G [kg.m2]


J t [kg.m2]

C [Nm/rad2]






0 t


Table 2. Parameters of two-mass shaft model.

5. Induction Machine and Kloss Theory

In a single-fed induction machine, the torque angular speed curve of equation (12) [1] is
nonlinear, but by using the Kloss equation (13), equations (9), (10), and (11), this curve is lin
early modified [1], [2] as shown in Fig. 2. Therefore, the effect of frequency changes in wind
power stations can be derived precisely by equation (12) and approximately using equation
(13), as shown in Figs. 26.

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators


Tk =

Te =

Te = 2Tk

R s + X ss


( X m2 - X ss X rr ) ff s + Rs 2 X rr 2


sk = RrG


fs 2
X mGVs 2

f 2
Rs + G s ( X m 2 - X ss X rr ) + s ( X ss + GRs X rr )


X m 2 Rr sVs 2

f 2
Rs + G s ( X m 2 - X ss X rr ) + s ( X ss + GRs X rr )


; s<<sk

Figure 2. Electrical torque (nonlinear and linear) versus speed (slip).






Advances in Wind Power

Equations (11) and (12) are given in per unit, but the associated resistances are in ohms.

Figure 3. Mechanical and linear electrical torque versus slip.

Figure 4. Mechanical and electrical torque versus frequency curves per unit with Vsag = 10% .

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

Figure 5. Mechanical and electrical torque versus frequency per unit with Vsag = 20%.

Figure 6. Mechanical and electrical torque versus frequency per unit with Vsag = 50%.

Figs. 3, 4, 5, and 6 illustrate that for lower wind speeds of 6 and 10 m/s, as the synchronous
frequency f s and V sag change, the T e and T m values of the rotor change in the same direction
as the frequency of the network, as shown in Tables III, IV, V, and VI. These figures and ta
bles give the results for V


= 0% (i.e., only the frequency changes), 10%, 20%, and 50%.

However, for a higher wind speed of 13 m/s, as f s and V sag change, the T e and T m values of
the rotor change in the opposite direction to the changes in the frequency of the network.



Advances in Wind Power

For small changes in the slip according to the Kloss approach in equation (13), the torque
changes as follows [2]:

Tm1 = Tm 0 + Ka Dw



Tm1 2


wm 0 + Dw





T T l

w l w



C p
1 1
r R vw 0
wM 0 2


l0 ,n 0

- TM 0


Thus, the new angular operation speed[2] is

T w
-Tm 0 + 2 k - 2 k m 0
sk we
Dw =
ka + 2
sk we

f s = 48

f s = 50


f s = 52

m pu

T e pu

m pu

T e pu

m pu

T e pu





















Table 3. Analytical MATLAB results for different frequencies.

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

f s = 48

f s = 50

f s = 52

m pu

T e pu

m pu

T e pu

m pu





















T e pu

Table 4. Analytical MATLAB results for V sag = 10%.

f s = 48
m pu

T e pu

f s = 50
m pu

T e pu

f s = 52
m pu

T e pu





















Table 5. Analytical MATLAB results for V sag = 20%

f s = 48

f s = 50

f s = 52

m pu

T e pu

m pu

T e pu

m pu





















T e pu

Table 6. Analytical MATLAB results for V sag = 50%

6. Simulation of wind generator with frequency change

During turbulence and changes in the grid frequency, the torque speed (slip) curves change
in such a way that as the frequency increases, the torque is increased at low wind speeds; 6
and 10 m/s, in contrast to Fig. 6 and decreases at a high speed of 13 m/s [2], as shown in
Table 7 and Figs. 715.

f s = 48

f s = 50

f s = 52

m pu

T e pu

m pu

T e pu

m pu





















Table 7. Simulink simulation results for one- and two-mass shaft models

T e pu



Advances in Wind Power

Figs. 715 show the electrical torque and mechanical speed of the induction machine for
the one- and two-mass shaft turbine models at wind speeds of 6, 10, and 13 m/s to vali
date Table 7.

Figure 7. Electrical torque when = 48 and = 6m/s.

Figure 8. Electrical torque when f s = 50 and w = 6m/s.

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

Figure 9. Electrical torque when f s = 52 and w = 6m/s.

Figure 10. Electrical torque when f s = 48 and w = 10m/s.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 11. Electrical torque when f s = 50 and w = 10m/s.

Figure 12. Electrical torque when f s = 52 and w = 10m/s.

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

Figure 13. Electrical torque when f s = 48 and w = 13m/s.

Figure 14. Electrical torque when f s = 50 and w = 13m/s.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 15. Electrical torque when f s = 52 and w = 13m/s.

7. Simulation of wind station with one-mass and two-mass shaft turbine

The results of simulations of a simple grid, fixed-speed induction machine, and one-mass
and two-mass shaft turbines are given in Tables 8 -10 and Figs. 1642. For an induction wind
generator using the induction block in SIMULINK with high voltage sag i.e. 50% with fre
quencies 50 and 52 and equal to 13, C

becomes negative, and the results are unrealistic.

Then results of 50% voltage sag are realistic in new simulation of induction machine in Ta
bles 8 -10.

f s = 48
m pu

T e pu

f s = 50
m pu

T e pu

f s = 52
m pu

T e pu





















Table 8. Simulation results by SIMULINK for one and two mass shaft model for V sag = 10%

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

f s = 48

f s = 50

f s = 52

m pu

T e pu

m pu

T e pu

m pu

T e pu





















Table 9. Simulation results by SIMULINK for one and two mass shaft model for V sag = 20%

f s = 48
m pu


T e pu

f s = 50
m pu

T e pu

f s = 52
m pu

T e pu

10 .9933






13 1.0248






Table 10. Simulation results by SIMULINK for one and two mass shaft model for V sag = 50%

Figure 16. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 10% and w = 6m/s, f s =48



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 17. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 10% and w = 10m/s, f s = 48

Figure 18. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 10% and w = 13m/s, f s = 48

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

Figure 19. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 20% and w = 6m/s, f s = 48

Figure 20. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 20% and w = 10m/s, f s = 48



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 21. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 20% and w = 13m/s, f s = 48

Figure 22. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 50% and w = 6m/s, f s = 48

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

Figure 23. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 50% and w = 10m/s, f s = 48

Figure 24. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 50% and w = 13m/s, f s = 48



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 25. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 10% and w = 6m/s, f s = 50

Figure 26. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 10% and w = 10m/s, f s = 50

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

Figure 27. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 10% and w = 13m/s, f s = 50

Figure 28. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 20% and w = 6m/s, f s = 50



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 29. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 20% and w = 10m/s, f s = 50

Figure 30. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 20% and w = 13m/s, f s = 50

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

Figure 31. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 50% and w = 6m/s, f s = 50

Figure 32. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 50% and w = 10m/s, f s = 50



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 33. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 50% and w = 13m/s, f s = 50 in new simulation of wind generator

Figure 34. Torque-time in per unit while V sag =10% and w = 6m/s, f s = 52

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

Figure 35. Torque-time in per unit while V sag =10% and w = 10m/s, f s = 52

Figure 36. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 10% and w = 13m/s, f s = 52



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 37. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 20% and w = 6m/s, = 52

Figure 38. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 20% and w = 10m/s, f s = 52

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

Figure 39. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 20% and w = 13m/s, f s = 52

Figure 40. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 50% and w = 6m/s, f s = 52



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 41. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 50% and w = 10m/s, f s = 52

Figure 42. Torque-time in per unit while V sag = 50% and w = 13m/s, f s = 52 in new simulation of wind generator

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

8. New Simulation of Induction Machine

Figs. 33 and 42 show the results of new simulation of the induction machine model illustrat
ed in Fig. 43 [1]. The new simulation, which has no limiters and switches, is used because
at high grid voltage drop-down or sag, the Simulink induction model does not yield realis
tic results.

Figure 43. Induction machine Model in dqo system

The new simulation of induction machine is in dqo system and synchronous reference frame
simulation on the stator side; n (Transfer coefficient) is assumed to be 1. Circuit theory is
used in this simulation, and it does not have saturation and switch blocks, unlike the MAT
LABSIMULINK Induction block. In Fig. 43, L M is the magnetic mutual inductance, and r
andL are the ohm resistance and self-inductance of the dqo circuits, respectively. The ma
chine torque is given by equation (19). In this equation, id ,qs andd ,qs , the current and flux pa

rameters, respectively, are derived from linear equations (20)(23); they are sinusoidal
because the voltage sources are sinusoidal.

3 P
Te ( lds iqs - lqs ids )
2 2


Where P is poles number, ds and qs are flux linkages and leakages, respectively, and iqs and

ids are stator currents in q and d circuits of dqo system, respectively.

Then i matrix produced by the matrix is given by equation (20).



Advances in Wind Power

lqdos K s Ls ( K s )
l =
qdor K r ( Lsr ) ( K s )

K s Lsr ( K r ) iqdos

K r Lr ( K r ) iqdor


where the inductance matrix parameters are given by (21), (22), (23).

Lls + LM
K s Ls ( K s ) = 0

Lls + LM



Llr + LM
= 0

Llr + LM



= 0


K r Lr ( K r )


K s Lsr ( K r ) = K r ( Lsr )

( Ks )




The linkage and leakage fluxes are given by (24) to (29).

lqs = Lls iqs + LM ( iqs + iqr )


lds = Lls ids + LM ( ids + idr )


los = Lls ios


lqr = Llr iqr + LM ( iqs + iqr )


ldr = Llr idr + LM ( ids + idr )


lor = Llr ior


Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

To create the torque in equation (19), it is necessary to determine the currents in equations
(30)(33) from the stator and rotor currents by using current meters.

n qs = rs iqs + wlds +

n ds =rs ids - wlqs +

d lqs


d lds

n qr = rriqr + ( w - wr ) ldr +

n dr = rridr - ( w - wr ) lqr +


d lqr
d ldr



9. Conclusion
As frequency changes and voltage sag occurs because of turbulence in wind stations in ridethrough faults, the systems set point changes. The theoretical and simulation results results
are similar for one mass shaft and two mass shaft turbine models. At lower wind speeds; 6
and 10 m/s, the directions of the changes in the new working point are the same as those of
the frequency changes. At a higher wind speed; 13 m/s, the directions of these changes are
opposite to the direction of the frequency changes. Simulation results of high grid voltage
sag with SIMULINK induction block has error and new simulation of wind induction gener
ator in synchronous reference frame is presented without error and in 50% voltage sag, new
simulation of wind generator model has higher precision than that in 10% and 20% voltage
sags; however, this model can simulate wind generator turbulence with voltage sags higher
than 50%. Although results of new simulation of induction machine with wind turbine for
50% voltage sag and frequencies 50 and 52 have been presented in this chapter.

10. Nomenclature
P = Generator power
= Air density



Advances in Wind Power

A = Turbine rotor area

Cp = Power Coefficient
w = Wind speed
pitch = Pitch angle
T e = Electrical torque
T m = Mechanical torque
J = Inertia
m = Mechanical speed
C = Drag coefficient
= Gear box ration
R = Blade radius
Rs = Stator resistance
L s = Stator inductance

= Mutual inductance
= Rotor inductance

R r = Rotor resistance
p = Pole pairs
= Stiffness
r ,s = Rotor and stator flux
K r ,s = Rotor and stator park transformation in synchronous reference frame
ir ,s = Rotor and stator current
vr ,s = Rotor and stator voltage

11. Future Work

The new simulation of induction generator will be tested by new innovative rain turbine
theory and model of the author.

Effect of Turbulence on Fixed-Speed Wind Generators

I appreciate Dr. Oriol Gomis Bellmunt for conceptualization, Discussions and new informa
tion and Dr. Andreas Sumper for discussions about first part of chapter, with special thanks
to Dr. Joaquin Pedra for checking reference frame and starting point in new simulation of
induction machine.

Author details
Hengameh Kojooyan Jafari*
Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr Branch, Iran

[1] Krause, Paul C. (1986). Analysis of Electric Machinery. MCGraw-Hill, Inc.
[2] Sunmper, A., Gomis-Bellmunt, O., Sudria-Andreu, A., et al. (2009). Response of Fixed
Speed Wind Turbines to System Frequency Disturbances. ICEE Transaction on Power
Systems, 24(1), 181-192.
[3] Junyent-Ferre, A., Gomis-Bellmunt, O., Sunmper, A., et al. (2010). Modeling and con
trol of the doubly fed induction generator wind turbine. Simulation modeling practice
and theory journal of ELSEVIER, 1365-1381.
[4] Lubosny, Z. (2003). Wind Turbine operation in electric power systems. Springer pub


Chapter 3

Turbine Wake Dynamics

Phillip McKay, Rupp Carriveau, David S-K Ting and
Timothy Newson
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
The extraction of energy from wind across a turbine rotor produces an aerodynamic wake
region downstream from the rotor. The wake region is generally associated with a few key
characteristics. These include:
a velocity deficit
a pressure differential
an expanding area
rotation of the wake field
increased turbulence
Studies of wind turbine wakes range from simplified mathematical approaches to complex
empirical models. Wind farm developers also vary in their application of these models for
the prediction of losses caused by wakes within a multi-turbine project. While much has
been learned in recent years, research continues to reduce uncertainty and increase the accu
racy of wake loss calculations. This chapter provides a brief introduction to the accepted
principles of wake behaviour, introduces several advanced topics and covers the current
state of the art and direction for the future of wake research.

2. Wake fundamentals
Wake influences from one turbine to the next have received the majority of attention in this
field of study due to the significant influence this has on performance and reliability. Down

2012 McKay et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advances in Wind Power

stream wake effects are frequently quantified through the use of rotor disc theory and the
conservation of linear momentum. The rotor disc refers to the total swept area of the rotor as
shown in Figure 1. The expanding wake downstream of the turbine in conjunction with a
decrease in wind speed U is also shown.



Figure 1. Swept area of wind turbine rotor with expanding wake section [1].

For conservation of mass:

r A1U1 = r A2U 2


where is the air density, A is the cross sectional area, U1 is the free stream wind speed and
U2 is the wind speed downstream from the turbine. A decrease in wind speed across the ro
tor area results in a greater downstream area. From elementary energy conservation princi
ples, it can be shown that a high pressure area is formed upstream of the rotor disc and a
lower pressure area is formed downstream. This pressure change is due to the work of the
rotor blades on the air passing over them. The force of the air on the blades results in an
opposing force on the air stream causing a rotation of the air column. This low pressure col
umn of rotating air expands as it moves downstream of the turbine and eventually dissi
pates as equilibrium is reached with the surrounding airflow [2, 3]. This simplified
explanation constitutes what is known as the wake effect of a wind turbine [1]. An in
crease in downstream turbulence is caused by wake rotation, disruption of the air flow
across the rotor blades and the vortices formed at the blade tips. This results in less power
being available for subsequent turbines.
The Bernoulli equation can also applied to wind turbine wake analysis. The equation fol
lows the concept of conservation of energy:
U 12

+ p=H


Turbine Wake Dynamics

where p is pressure and H is the total energy for the constant streamline. Using the Bernoulli
equation and conservation of momentum together the following equation can be developed:
U 2 = U 1 1 - CT


Here CT refers to the thrust coefficient of the wind turbine. In this way we have a simple
wake model for the representation of downstream wind velocity based on the free stream
wind speed and the characteristics of the turbine being considered. For more information re
fer to [4]. While this does include wake expansion it does not consider other factors such as
wake rotation. Several other models are currently in use and under development.
The study of wind turbine wakes is broken into two parts: near wake and far wake. The
near wake region is concerned with power extraction from the wind by a single turbine,
whereas the far wake is more concerned with the effect on the downstream turbines and
the environment [7]. Opinions on near wake length have varied, but can be considered
to fall in the range of 1 to 5 rotor diameters (1D to 5D) downstream from the rotor disc
[5-6], with far wake regions dependent on terrain and environmental conditions. The full
extent of far wake length is currently still under study, but may range from up to 15D
for onshore sites [8] and up to 14 km for offshore [9]. The 5D to 15D wake region has
been defined as an intermediate wake region by some [10], with the far wake pertaining
to distances farther than 15D.
Data from an array of turbines within a commercial scale wind farm are given in Figure 2.
The turbines are in a straight line with a separation of 4 rotor diameters. Time series data for
nacelle position, wind speed and power are given for a wake event affecting 4 turbines. This
specific event has a wind direction moving from 120 to 170 degrees from north, clockwise as
positive, over a time span of approximately 10 hours. This can be seen in the nacelle position
plot for all four turbines in Figure 2a. During this time period the wind direction passes
through the alignment condition of 145 degrees from north. An alignment condition refers
to a wind direction measured by the lead (upwind) turbine that is coincident with the
straight line formed by the turbine row. The nacelle position plot shows the turbines track
ing the wind direction while the wind speed plot (Figure 2b) reveals a drop in wind speed
for the downstream turbines between the nacelle position range of TA +/- 15 degrees, where
TA refers to direct turbine alignment. In addition, the power is shown to drop along the
with wind speed (Figure 2c). This is evidence of wake interaction between the four ma
chines. Vermeer et al. [5] found that the wake velocity recovers more rapidly after the first
turbine leaving the most dominant effect between the upstream and primary downstream
The profile of the measured velocity deficit caused by the wake in an array of 4 wind tur
bines is given in Figure 3. The upstream nacelle position was used as the reference wind di
rection. The wind speeds of the downstream turbines are given with respect to this wind
direction and show the wake centerline as well as the profile of the outer edges of the re
gion. Upstream wind speeds less than 5 m/s are not included due to the added complexity
of low wind conditions and cut-in behaviour of the turbines. Wind speeds greater than 11



Advances in Wind Power

m/s are also neglected due to the lack of data at these higher speeds and the reduction in
wake pronunciation. The wake region extends across a range of 30 degrees (TA +/- 15 de
grees) on average for a wind speed range of 5-11 m/s. A number of features are evident in
this Figure. The first downstream turbine exhibits the greatest drop in wind speed at ap
proximately 35 %. The second downstream turbine appears to recover by approximately 5 %
with respect to free stream velocity under direct turbine alignment. The third in the row
shows similar behaviour to the second.

Turbine Wake Dynamics

Figure 2. Time series SCADA data for a period containing a case of turbine alignment. a) nacelle position, b) wind
speed and c) power [11].

Figure 3. Array wake profile for an upstream turbine wind speed range of 5-11 m/s, considered her e as the free
stream wind speed. The data are averaged over 6 months. Wind speed is normalized by the upstream turbine (free
stream) wind speed: downstream wind speed/upstream (free stream) wind speed [11].

This recovery is also observed by Barthelmie et al. [12] where momentum drawn into the
wake by lateral or horizontal mixing of the air external to the wake region is attributed to
the recovery of wind velocity. In the case of Barthelmie et al. the offshore wind farms of
Nysted and Horns Rev in Denmark were used to profile the wake regions in the farms grid
style arrangement. The findings revealed the largest wind velocity deficit after the first tur
bine with a smaller relative wind speed loss after the initial wake interaction with the first
downstream machine. Here the velocity continues to decrease for downstream turbines due
to wake mixing from neighboring turbine rows.



Advances in Wind Power

It has proven useful to concentrate analysis on more narrow bands of wind speeds as each
wind speed tends to produce a measurably different result in turbine behaviour. The wind
response for the wind speed range of 8-9 m/s is given in Figure 4. This exhibits the same
trends as shown in Figure 3 for a more narrow wind speed range. The power coefficient pro
file for the same wind speeds is shown in Figure 5 where the power coefficient is taken as:
CP =

prU3 D 2


The values were estimated using the upstream wind speed reading as free stream velocity,,
with P representing power produced by the turbine, is the air density, and D is the rotor
diameter. The coefficients are plotted for each turbine including the upstream lead turbine.
The wake boundaries produce a power coefficient in the range of 0.40 or greater with a min
imum at the wake center of 0.14.

Figure 4. Normalized wind speed for an upstream turbine (free stream) wind speed of 8-9 m/s averaged over 6
months [11].

In Figure 6, turbulence intensity is implied through consideration of the standard deviation

of wind speed. Deviations were calculated by the wind farm SCADA system and provided
at 10 minute intervals. For the wind turbines discussed above, the downstream wind speed
standard deviation is shown. A clear peak in deviation occurs approximately at turbine
alignment +/- 10 degrees with a trend in nominal deviation towards the outer edges of the
wake region. Turbulence increases are not excessive and are much less than observed for
some special weather events; however, the trend shown in Figure 6 is consistent and may
have potential to cause issues over the long term life of the turbine. This is due to the in

Turbine Wake Dynamics

creased fatigue loading caused by the frequent fluctuations. In addition, increased variation
in wind speed along the length of the rotor may contribute to damaging loads. It can also be
seen that the greatest wind speed standard deviation does not necessarily correspond with
the greatest loss in power. For example, downstream 3 experiences the highest standard de
viation under wake conditions but shows the lowest power deficit in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Array power coefficient profile for an upstream turbine wind speed of 8-9 m/s averaged over 6 months [11].

Figure 6. Wind speed standard deviation for upstream wind speeds of 8-9 m/s averaged over 6 months [11].



Advances in Wind Power

It is evident that there are other external factors that contribute to the definition of these pro
files as they show irregularities and do not exhibit a smooth shape. It is expected that the 6
month averaged data has reduced the effects of short term, isolated fluctuations in wind
speed, humidity, temperature, air density and inhomogeneous wake at the downstream tur
bine and so there is a consistent fluctuation in the wind speed under turbine alignment con
ditions. Seasonal and site specific wind conditions are likely to contribute to the small scale
unpredictability of wake velocity deficit and turbulence intensity. Inter-turbine wake effects
are quantifiable and are accounted for in all major wind farms projects. However, there is
still a large amount of uncertainty and error in the modeling of wind turbine wakes and as
sociated power losses. The next section discusses wind farm siting and its importance in
minimizing uncertainty in the planning stages of a wind project.

3. Siting
Locating and assessing the feasibility of a wind farm is one of the most critical elements in a
wind farm business plan. Maximum energy extraction from the investment is dependent on
where the site is located and where each individual turbine is positioned within that site.
Wake interactions between wind turbines and nearby wind farms can substantially impact
power output.
Wind farm developers expend significant resources collecting data for site assessments.
Topography, surface roughness, the local wind profile, turbine types, power curves, munici
pal site restrictions and other data are collected and processed to maximize profitability.
Wind Farmer and WindPRO are commonly used software packages delivering a range of
services from wake modeling to visual impact studies. While much of the assessment is
based on available data and numerical calculations, a portion of the analysis is dependent
on user preferences. Depending on the investors and farm developers, varying levels of un
certainty may be accepted in different areas of the study. For example, a developer may
choose to install a single meteorological tower for profiling of the wind resource at the cen
ter of the site under consideration to reduce costs. Another developer may choose to install
two or three towers to drive down uncertainty caused by extrapolation of the recorded data
across the area of the site. Some sites can have unique curtailment requirements depending
on neighboring properties or bat and bird migration.
A variety of models have been developed to simulate wakes within a wind farm. The most
widely used models include the:
Modified Park
Eddy Viscosity
Deep-Array Wake Model

Turbine Wake Dynamics

Brower [13] summarizes these models and their differences. The WAsP software commonly
used for analysis of wake within a wind farm by site assessment tools makes use of the Park
model. By accounting for geographical and ground surface conditions, the variation in wind
speed profiles can be estimated along with expected wake propagation intensity. This esti
mation allows for micro-siting or individual placement of turbines within a wind farm
while minimizing wake losses.
The addition of wakes in an array is difficult to model. A simple model for wake region
overlap is shown in Johnson and Thomas [14]. The model indicates a 42% loss in power pro
duction for a turbine 3.75D downwind of the first and a 70% loss in power for a 3rd turbine
6.25D from the first and 2.5D from the second. However, experimental data, as summarized
by Vermeer et al. [5], would indicate that the third turbine in the row sees little effect from
the first, but is significantly affected by the second. It is concluded here that a turbine is only
noticeably affected by the closest upstream machine. It is difficult to quantify the addition of
wakes while siting a wind farm. Ideally turbines are spaced at distances great enough to
negate wake effects; however, this is not always economically feasible due to the cost and
availability of real estate in addition to the expense of laying cables and the interconnection
of machines and substations. The staggering of turbines can be used to minimize effects but
it is difficult to avoid interaction completely because of the conical nature of wind turbine
wakes [15]. As a result, wind farms are typically arranged for maximum turbine spacing in
the directions of the prevailing winds with closer spacing in the directions receiving less fre
quent winds. In general, the spacing in the prevailing wind direction ranges from 6-10 rotor
diameters and 3-4 diameters in cross-wind directions. Figure 7 illustrates a wind rose with a
distinctly dominant wind sector.
The study of wake is not restricted to inter-turbine relations. As the number of wind
farms increase globally, the distance between wind farms has been gaining importance.
Offshore wake from a small wind farm has been seen to propagate for 14 km [14] over
the water. Christian and Hasager [16] used satellite imaging to study wake effects of two
large wind farms, Horns Rev and Nysted, off the coast of Denmark. The images show a
trail downwind of the farm that propagates for 20 km before near-neutral conditions are
reached. Offshore wind farm wake dynamics have been considered to propagate farther
than onshore due to less atmospheric turbulence; which is required for wind speed re
covery [9]. Without this turbulence, mixing of the wake area with the surrounding at
mosphere takes longer and can result in wake effects at a greater distance from the farm.
Inter-farm effects for offshore is currently becoming a significant issue in Europe where
planned offshore wind capacity has been growing. Corten and Brand [17] discussed the
planned installation of 6 GW of capacity over 25 farms of offshore wind in a 10,000
square kilometer area. By the methods described in their work it has been concluded
that an inter-farm loss of 5-14% is probable. This is substantial and raises many concerns
especially in situations where wind farms are not owned and operated by the same com
pany and the possession of wind resources is debated.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 7. Wind rose indicating percentage of wind direction probability. Data are for the upstream turbine over the
six month data set for all power producing winds (3-25 m/s) [11].

Onshore wind farm wake propagation is reduced by complex terrain and vegetation. As
stated above, onshore wake propagation has been measured up to 15 rotor diameters
downstream of a turbine. While optimal wind turbine spacing has been studied [7,
15Bryony L.D.P and Cagan, J., An Extended Pattern Search Approach to Wind Farm
Layout Optimization, Proceedings of ASME IDETC: Design Automation Conference,
2010, 1-10.] further work on the limit of minimum wind farm footprint to maximize prof
itability may be necessary.

4. Special topics in WAKE

4.1. Wind sector management
Wind sector management refers to a process of attempting to maximize the cumulative
wind farm output through an active optimization of wind turbine energy capture. There are
currently two common approaches to this technique. One form of wind sector management
is concerned with the shutting down of wind turbines downstream of a machine, which is
creating a turbulent wake large enough to increase fatigue loads on the turbine. This can be
more broadly stated as the curtailment of a wind turbine or turbines during special wind
conditions that could cause fatigue damage [18]. The second approach refers to the curtail
ment of an upstream wind turbine that is producing influential turbulence to increase the

Turbine Wake Dynamics

production of downstream turbines and therefore increase the overall production of the
farm [14]. Kjaer et al. [19] briefly discussed the concept of stopping a turbine for the purpose
of preventing damage upstream or downstream while Neilsen et al. [18] gave an actual
method for quantification of the reduction of turbulence intensity for protection of the
downstream machines. These approaches will generally result in a decrease of wind farm
power production as well. The concept of increasing wind farm production by reducing ax
ial induction has gained most of its attention from Corten and Schaak [20] of the Energy Re
search Centre of the Netherlands (ECN). A patent has been granted for the strategies
developed at ECN [21] after wind tunnel testing showed an overall increase in production of
4.5% in a 6 row arrangement of turbines. The concept was explained in Schepers and Pijl
[22] where results from ECNs full scale experimental wind farm were also given. The re
sults from the full scale farm show power gains of less than 0.5% when averaged over all
wind conditions. However, performance increase is most noticeable when wind direction
causes alignment of turbine wakes and also when wind speeds are below optimum rated
speeds. This concept was also discussed in Johnson and Thomas [14] where a theoretical
study was completed and control strategy developed which showed gains in wind farm
power output. Although the overall increase in power production is not large it is important
to note that very little alteration is required to achieve this improvement. A strategic change
in control methods with no modification to hardware has the potential to make economic
sense. Future research in this area is anticipated.
4.2. Wake influenced yaw positioning
Wind turbines are typically independently controlled, relying on the data collected from the
meteorological station situated on the back of the nacelle to dictate response. The turbine
continually adjusts the orientation of the nacelle in order to face the best consistent wind di
rection. They typically only initiate a yaw movement after the new wind direction has been
observed for a specified time to avoid constant hunting under rapid wind direction fluctu
ations. The turbines under consideration decrease the necessary consistent wind speed dura
tion required to command a change in yaw position as the wind speed increases. Figure 8
shows data for a range of wind speeds. The Figures represent the downstream nacelle posi
tions subtracted from the upstream nacelle position where a difference of zero represents
perfect alignment with the lead upstream turbine. As the wind direction measured by the
upstream turbine approaches direct alignment with the turbine array, the downstream tur
bine increases its yaw misalignment with respect to the upstream turbine. However, there
are angles showing consistently large differences in yaw position that are not direct align
ment. The Figures show that the nacelle direction offsets change as wind speeds decrease. A
nacelle position offset with a greater positive magnitude indicates the downstream turbine
remains at an angle counter clockwise from the upstream turbine while a negative offset cor
responds with the downstream turbine positioning itself clockwise from the lead upstream
Some patterns can be observed in the different plots although there is significant variation
from one wind speed to the next. A steady increase in nacelle position misalignment for the



Advances in Wind Power

array occurs in the wake zone, with greater offsets more likely to occur at TA +/- 5 to TA +/20 degrees (off wake centre). The first downstream turbine shows the least offset and the
third downstream turbine shows the greatest offset. There is a large amount of variation in
magnitude and profile of turbine misalignment for each upstream (free stream) wind speed
range shown, however a distinct increase is evident for the nacelle position range encom
passing the wake zone as defined above. One possible cause of misalignment peaks are the
vortex streets on the outer edges of the upstream wake profile. When free stream wind
speed is not at turbine alignment (i.e. not coincident with the turbine array line) the down
stream turbine instrumentation may experience increased turbulence and rotational velocity
in the wind. This could be due to the wakes outer edge of tip vortices passing over the wind
speed and direction sensors of the downstream turbine. Similar results are evident for other
arrays within the wind farm. An array of six wind turbines with identical linear alignment
and spacing shows an increase in yaw misalignment within the wake region (Figure 9). The
first downstream turbine has the smallest offset with progressively larger offsets down the
array. There are distinct peaks in the alignment offset with an approximate return to 0 (+/- 2
deg). However, the two additional turbines for this arrangement complicate the interactions.
As shown in Figure 9, the third downstream turbine agrees with the pattern in magnitude
but its direction of rotation is opposite to the rest of the turbines in the array. Furthermore,
the separation of nacelle position offset between the downstream turbines is less defined.
This adds to the unpredictability of the yaw behaviour within the array, since it is not obvi
ous which turbine will show the greatest offset or at what wind direction it will occur. A
potential source of some of these complications may be due to the mixing of each subse
quent turbine vortex street when not in direct turbine alignment as discussed earlier. This
lack of distinction is further evidenced in the power coefficient profile shown in Figure 10.
Although similar to the power coefficient profile given for the array of four turbines in Fig
ure 5, the separation of the lines for each downstream turbine is less defined. The third
downstream turbine once again exhibits unique behaviour.
4.3. Turbine operational sensitivity to wake
With wake interactions accepted as an unavoidable fact it becomes useful to quantify the
sensitivity of the operation of two turbines to this interaction. The purpose of quantification
relates to the mitigation of negative effects and optimization of performance within the
wake region. McKay et al. [23] presents the application of the Extended Fourier Amplitude
Sensitivity Test method for determination of downstream turbine power output to upstream
turbine operational parameters.
A global sensitivity analysis of eight fundamental operating parameters on wind turbine
power output is performed. By comparing the sensitivities of normal operation to wake con
ditions, a better understanding of group turbine behavior is obtained. The most significant
characteristic that is evident in the presented analysis is the effect that the introduction of
wake has on turbine performance. For a turbine operating in the wake of an upstream ma
chine, power production is most sensitive to wind speed standard deviation above all pa
rameters included in this study, excluding wind speed itself as shown in Figure 11.

Turbine Wake Dynamics



Advances in Wind Power

Turbine Wake Dynamics

Figure 8. Nacelle misalignment between wind turbines for 6 months averaged data. a) 9-10 m/s, b) 8-9 m/s, c) 7-8
m/s, d) 6-7 m/s, e) 5-6 m/s/ Lead upstream nacelle position is subtracted from each downstream turbine nacelle posi
tion [11].

Figure 9. Nacelle misalignment between wind turbines in array of 6 machines for 6 months averaged data. Lead up
stream nacelle position is subtracted from each downstream turbine nacelle position [11].



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 10. Six turbine array power coefficient profile for an upstream turbine wind speed of 8-9 m/s averaged over 6
months [11].

In essence, the method assigns a frequency to the upstream turbine operational parameters
under consideration. The frequency data is input into a model which provides a power out
put signal related to the downstream turbine containing all of the frequency data in varying
proportions. A Fourier transform is performed on the output and the resulting frequency
content is ranked according to the operational parameters significance. This is shown in Fig
ure 11. The parameters chosen for the study along with their significance rankings are given
in Table 1.

Figure 11. Frequency content of power signal extracted from wake condition data [23].

Turbine Wake Dynamics

Input factor

Total Sensitivity
Index (S Ti wake )

Wind Speed




Rotor RPM


Main Bearing


Wind Speed Std


Ambient Temperature


Yaw Angle


Yaw Angle Std


Table 1. Sensitivity indices for eFAST method applied to wake conditions [23].

The comparison of results from the single turbine and wake conditions is given in Figure 12.
Rotor RPM and wind speed are clearly the dominant features in the Figure followed by rela
tively similar magnitudes for each of the remaining parameters. Two main features become
apparent. Firstly power output is more sensitive to rotor speed than wind speed under nor
mal operating conditions while the reverse is true under wake conditions. The turbines un
der study are designed to operate at an optimum tip speed ratio therefore the control
systems will work to keep the rotor speed at specific RPMs depending on the wind condi
tions. This links rotor rpm directly to power output. In other words any changes in rotor
speed will directly affect the power output of the turbine resulting in high sensitivity. The
same is true of wake conditions as well. However, it has been shown above that for a tur
bine experiencing wake, changes in wind speed cause changes in power loss. Very high
wind speeds reduce the power losses due to wake while wind speeds falling between 5 and
11 m/s can have a substantial effect on production. As a result, the power output becomes
dependent on wind speed for power losses in wake in addition to the dependence of nor
mal, non-wake operation.
Secondly, the wind speed standard deviations increases in sensitivity under wake. This is
expected since the extraction of power by the upstream turbine leaves a turbulent rotating
wake region. Therefore, variance in wind speed and direction increases. The increase is di
rectly linked to a loss in power for the downstream turbine, increasing sensitivity. By quan
tifying the sensitivity it is shown that changes in wind speed standard deviation are more
critical to power production than all other parameters other than wind speed.
Utilization of this method to identify other power output sensitivities is possible. By further
applying this method to more complex data sets, qualitative comparisons can be quantified,
and subsequently, priorities can be placed on turbine operational parameters. This can be
used for the purpose of optimizing performance or increasing turbine reliability. The results
also suggest that through monitoring sensitivity indices, downstream machines may be able



Advances in Wind Power

to determine whether or not they are in a wake. Depending on the severity of the turbulence
in the wake the turbine could be controlled to mitigate negative effects or improve perform
ance. Additionally, the method could provide another tool to assess the efficacy of the origi
nal siting of existing wind farms.

Figure 12. Sensitivity index comparison for wake and non-wake conditions [23].

5. Moving forward
As the wind industry matures major wind farm developers continue to add to their experi
ence in wake loss estimation. These individual organizations continue to refine their predic
tions and add to databases based on this experience promoting an improved understanding
of wake effects and reduced uncertainty in the planning stages. Academic research contin
ues in this area. However, strong demand continues for larger and larger wind farms, par
ticularly offshore. With increased wind farm densities both on and offshore, inter-farm wake
dynamics have become a growing concern. Subsequently, there is a notable need for highly
reliable wake mixing and long distance wake propagation models. As evidenced in this
Chapter, opportunities remain for continued commercial wind farm optimization.

Author details
Phillip McKay1, Rupp Carriveau2, David S-K Ting3 and Timothy Newson4
1 Wind Energy Institute of Canada, Canada
2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor, Canada

Turbine Wake Dynamics

3 Department of Mechanical, Automotive, and Materials Engineering, University of Wind

sor, Canada
4 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Western Ontario, Can

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Wind Energy Frontier, Wind Engineering, 2011, 35(4), 397-418.
[2] Burton, T., Sharpe, D., Jenkins, N. and Bossanyi, E., Wind Energy Handbook, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2001.
[3] Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J.G. and Rogers, A.L., Wind Energy Explained, John Wiley
& Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2002.
[4] Thrgensen, M., Srensen, T., Nielsen, P., Grotzner, A. and Chun S., Introduction to
Wind Turbine Wake Modeling and Wake Generated Turbulence. EMD International
A/S, 2006, 1-2.
[5] Vermeera, L.J., Srensen, J.N. and Crespoc, A., Wind turbine wake aerodynamics,
Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2003, 39, 467-510.
[6] Helmis, C. G., Papadopoulos, K. H., Asimakopoulos, D. N., Papageorgas, P. G. and
Soilemes, A. T., An experimental study of the near-wake structure of a wind turbine
operating over complex terrain, Solar Engineering, 1995, 54, (6), 413-428.
[7] Marmidis, G., Lazarou, S. and Pyrgioti, E., Optimal placement of wind turbines in a
wind park using Monte Carlo simulation, Renewable Energy, 2008, 33, 1455-1460.
[8] Hojstrup, J., Spectral coherence in wind turbine wakes, Journal of Wind Engineering
and Industrial Aerodynamics, 1999, 80, 137-146.
[9] Department of Wind Energy, Risoe National Laboratory Analytical Modelling of
Large Wind Farm Clusters, Roskilde, 2002.
[10] Frandsen, S. and Barthelmie, R., Local Wind Climate Within and Downwind of Large
Offshore Wind Turbine Clusters, Wind Engineering, 2002, 26, (1), pp 51-58.
[11] McKay, P., Carriveau, R. and Ting, D. S-K., Wake Impacts on Elements of Wind Tur
bine Performance and Yaw Alignment. To appear in Wind Energy 2012. Published on
line in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/we.544.
[12] Barthelmie RJ, Pryor SC, Frandsen ST, Hansen KS, Schepers JG, Rados K, Schlez W,
Neubert A, Jensen LE and Neckelmann S, Quantifying the Impact of Wind Turbine
Wakes on Power Output at Offshore Wind Farms, Journal of Atmospheric and Oce
anic Technology, 2010, 27, 1302-1319.



Advances in Wind Power

[13] Brower, A. Wind Resource Assessment: A Practical Guide to Developing a Wind

Project. John Wiley & Sons Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey, USA 2012; 250-256
[14] Johnson, K.E. and Thomas, N., Wind farm control: addressing the aerodynamic inter
action amoung wind turbines, 2009 American Control Conference, 2009, 2104 - 2109.
[15] Bryony L.D.P and Cagan, J., An Extended Pattern Search Approach to Wind Farm
Layout Optimization, Proceedings of ASME IDETC: Design Automation Conference,
2010, 1-10.
[16] Christiansen, M.B. and Hasager, C., Wake effects of large offshore wind farms identi
fied from satellite SAR, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2005, 98, 251-268.
[17] Corten, G.P. and Brand, A.J., Resource Decrease by Large Scale Wind Farming, 2004,
[18] Nielsen, M., Jrgensen, H.E. and Frandsen, S.T., Wind and wake models for IEC
61400-1 site assessment, 2009,
[19] Kjaer, C., Douglas, B. and Luga, D., EWEA Wind Energy - The Facts, Earthscan, Lon
don, 2009,
[20] Corten, G.P. and Schaak, P., Heat and Flux - Increase of Wind Farm Production by
Reduction of the Axial Induction, European Wind Energy Conference, 2003, 1-8.
[21] Corten, G.P. and Schaak, P., Heat and Flux, Patent Number WO2004111446, 2003,
[22] Schepers, J.G. and van der Pijl, S.P., Improved modelling of wake aerodynamics and
assessment of new farm control strategies, Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
2007, 75, 1-8.
[23] McKay, P., Carriveau, R., Ting, D. S-K. and Johrendt, J. Application of the Extended
Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test to Turbine Wakes, Poster Presentation, WIND
POWER 2012, Atlanta, GA, June 3-6 2012.

Section 2

Turbine Structural Response

Chapter 4

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using

Numerical Simulation
Drishtysingh Ramdenee, Adrian Ilinca and
Ion Sorin Minea
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
With roller coaster traditional fuel prices and ever increasing energy demand, wind energy
has known significant growth over the last years. To pave the way for higher efficiency and
profitability of wind turbines, advances have been made in different aspects related to this
technology. One of these has been the increasing size of wind turbines, thus rendering the
wind blades gigantic, lighter and more flexible whilst reducing material requirements and
cost. This trend towards gigantism increases risks of aeroelastic effects including dire phe
nomena like dynamic stall, divergence and flutter. These phenomena are the result of the
combined effects of aerodynamic, inertial and elastic forces. In this chapter, we are present
ing a qualitative overview followed by analytical and numerical models of these phenomena
and their impacts on wind turbine blades with special emphasize on Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) methods. As definition suggests, modeling of aeroelastic effects require the
simultaneous analysis of aerodynamic solicitations of the wind flow over the blades, their
dynamic behavior and the effects on the structure. Transient modeling of each of these char
acteristics including fluid-structure interaction requires high level computational capacities.
The use of CFD codes in the preprocessing, solving and post processing of aeroelastic prob
lems is the most appropriate method to merge the theory with direct aeroelastic applications
and achieve required accuracy. The conservation laws of fluid motion and boundary condi
tions used in aeroelastic modeling will be tackled from a CFD point of view. To do so, the
chapter will focus on the application of finite volume methods to solve Navier-Stokes equa
tions with special attention to turbulence closure and boundary condition implementation.
Three aeroelastic phenomena with direct application to wind turbine blades are then stud
ied using the proposed methods. First, dynamic stall will be used as case study to illustrate

2012 Ramdenee et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advances in Wind Power

the traditional methodology of CFD aeroelastic modeling: mathematical analysis of the phe
nomenon, choice of software, computational domain calibration, mesh optimization and tur
bulence and transition model validation. An S809 airfoil will be used to illustrate the
phenomenon and the obtained results will be compared to experimental ones. The diver
gence will be then studied both analytically and numerically to emphasize CFD capacity to
model such a complex phenomenon. To illustrate divergence and related study of eigenval
ues, an experimental study conducted at NASA Langley will be analyzed and used for com
parison with our numerical modeling. In addition to domain, mesh, turbulence and
transition model calibration, this case will be used to illustrate fluid-structure interaction
and the way it can be tackled in numerical models. Divergence analysis requires the model
ing of flow parameters on one side and the inertial and structural behavior of the blade on
the other side. These two models should be simultaneously solved and continuous exchange
of data is essential as the fluid behavior affects the structure and vice-versa.
This chapter will conclude with one of the most dangerous and destructive aeroelastic phe
nomena the flutter. Analytical models and CFD tools are applied to model flutter and the
results are validated with experiments. This example is used to illustrate the application of
aeroelastic modeling to predictive control. The computational requirements for accurate aer
oelastic modeling are so important that the calculation time is too large to be applied for real
time predictive control. Hence, flutter will be used as an example to show how we can use
CFD based offline results to build Laplacian based faster models that can be used for predic
tive control. The results of this model will be compared to experiments.

2. Characteristics of aeroelastic phenomena

Aeroelasticity refers to the science of the interaction between aerodynamic, inertial and elas
tic effects. Aeroelastic effects occur everywhere but are more or less critical. Any phenomen
on that involves a structural response to a fluid action requires aeroelastic consideration. In
many cases, when a large and flexible structure is submitted to a high intensity variable
flow, the deformations can be very important and become dangerous. Most people are fa
miliar with the auto-destruction of the Tacoma Bridge. This bridge, built in Washington
State, USA, 1.9 km long, was one of the longest suspended bridges of its time. The bridge
connecting the Tacoma Narrows channel collapsed in a dramatic way on Thursday, Novem
ber 7, 1940. With winds as high as 65-75 km/h, the oscillations increased as a result of fluidstructure interaction, the base of Aeroelasticity, until the bridge collapsed. Recorded videos
of the event showed an initial torsional motion of the structure combined very turbulent
winds. The superposition of these two effects, added to insufficient structural dumping, am
plified the oscillations. Figure 1 below illustrates the visual response of a bridge subject to
aeroelastic effects due to variable wind regimes. The simulation was performed using multi
physics simulation on ANSYS-CFX software. Some more details on similar aeroelastic mod
elling can be viewed from [1], [2], [3] and [4].

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

Figure 1. Aeroelastic response of a bridge

In an attempt to increase power production and reduce material consumption, wind tur
bines blades are becoming increasingly large yet, paradoxically, thinner and more flexible.
The risk of occurrence of damaging aeroelastic effects increases significantly and justifies the
efforts to better understand the phenomena and develop adequate design tools and mitiga
tion techniques. Divergence and flutter on an airfoil will be used as introduction to aeroelas
tic phenomena. When a flexible structure is subject to a stationary flow, equilibrium is
established between the aerodynamic and elastic forces (inertial effects are negligible due to
static condition). However, when a certain critical speed is exceeded, this equilibrium is dis
rupted and destructive oscillations can occur. This is illustrated with Figure 2 where is the
angle of attack due to a torsional movement as a result of aerodynamic solicitations.

Figure 2. Airfoil model to illustrate aerodynamic flutter

If we consider an angle of attack sufficiently small such that cos 1 and sin , and writ
ing the equilibrium of the moments, M, with respect to the centre of the rotational spring,
we have:
Le + Wd K = 0


L = qSCl = qSM0


Where the lift L is:

S, surface area of the profile, Cl is the lift coefficient, M0 is the moment coefficient. This leads
to an angle of attack at equilibrium corresponding to:



Advances in Wind Power

K - qSM0e


For a zero flow condition, the angle of attack z, is such that:


z =


Divergence occurs when denominator in equation (3) becomes 0 and this corresponds to a
dynamic pressure, qD expressed as:
qD =





( )


When velocity increases such that dynamic pressure q approaches critical dynamic pressure
qD, the angle of attack dangerously increases until a critical failure value divergence. This
is solely a structural response due to increased aerodynamic solicitation due to fluid-struc
ture interaction. This is an example of a static aeroelastic phenomenon as it involves no vi
bration of the airfoil. Flutter is an example of a dynamic aeroelastic phenomenon as it occurs
when structure vibration interacts with fluid flow. It arises when structural damping be
comes insufficient to damp aerodynamic induced vibrations. Flutter can appear on any flexi
ble vibrating object submitted to a strong flow with positive retroaction between flow
fluctuations and structural response. When the energy transferred to the blade by aerody
namic excitation becomes larger than the normal dynamic dissipation, the vibration ampli
tude increases dangerously. Flutter can be illustrated as a superposition of two structural
modes the angle of attack (pitch) torsional motion and the plunge motion which character
ises the vertical flexion of the tip of the blade. Pitch is defined as a rotational movement of
the profile with respect to its elastic center. As velocity increases, the frequencies of these
oscillatory modes coalesce leading to flutter phenomenon. This may start with a rotation of
the blade section (at t=0 s in Figure 3). The increased angle amplifies the lift such that the
section undertakes an upward vertical motion. Simultaneously, the torsional rigidity of the
structure recoils the profile to its zero-pitch condition (at t=T/4 in Figure 3). The flexion ri
gidity of the structure tends to retain the neutral position of the profile but the latter then
tends to a negative angle of attack (at t = T/2 in Figure 3). Once again, the increased aerody
namic force imposes a downward vertical motion on the profile and the torsional rigidity of
the latter tends to a zero angle of attack. The cycle ends when the profile retains a neutral
position with a positive angle of attack. With time, the vertical movement tends to damp out
whereas the rotational movement diverges. If freedom is given to the motion to repeat, the
rotational forces will lead to blade failure.

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

Figure 3. Illustration of flutter movement

3. Mathematical analytical models

Several examples of aeroelastic phenomena are described in the scientific literature. When it
comes to aeroelastic effects related to wind turbines, three of the most common and dire
ones are dynamic stall, aerodynamic divergence and flutter. In this section, we will provide
a summarized definition of these aeroelastic phenomena with associated mathematical ana
lytical models. Few references related to analytic developments of aeroelastic phenomena
are [10], [11] and [12].
3.1. Dynamic stall
In fluid dynamics, the stall is a lift coefficient reduction generated by flow separation on an
airfoil as the angle of attack increases. Dynamic stall is a nonlinear unsteady aerodynamic
effect that occurs when there is rapid change in the angle of attack that leads vortex shed
ding to travel from the leading edge backward along the airfoil [14]. The analytical develop
ment of equations characterizing stall will be performed using illustrations of Figures 4 and
5. The lift per unit length, expressed as L is given by:
L = cL

2 V c

cL is the lift coefficient
is the air density
c is the chord length of the airfoil

Figure 4. Illustration of an airfoil used for analytical development of stall related equations




Advances in Wind Power

We will, first, present static stall as described in [13]. During stationary flow conditions, no
flow separation occurs and the lift, L, acts approximately at the quarter cord distance from
the leading edge at the pressure (aerodynamic) centre. For small values of , L varies linear
ly with . Stall happens at a critical angle of attack whereby the lift reaches a maximum val
ue and flow separation on the suction side occurs.

Figure 5. Lift coefficient under static and dynamic stall conditions (dashed line for steady conditions, plain line for un
steady conditions)

For unsteady conditions, a delay exists prior to reaching stability and is an essential condi
tion for building analytical stall models [15]. In such case, we can observe a smaller lift for
an increasing angle of attack (AoA) and a larger one for decreasing AoA when compared
with a virtually static condition. In a flow separation condition, we can observe a more sig
nificant delay which expresses itself with harmonic movements in the flow which affects the
aerodynamic stall phenomenon. Figure 5, an excerpt from [16], shows that for harmonic var
iations of the AoA between 0o and 15o,, the onset of stall is delayed and the lift is considera
bly smaller for the decreasing AoA trend than for the ascending one. Hence, as expressed by
Larsen et al. [17], dynamic stall includes harmonic motion separated flows, including forma
tion of vortices in the vicinity of the leading edge and their transport to the trailing edge
along the airfoil. Figures 6-9, which are excerpts from [18], illustrate these phenomena.

Figure 6. Aerodynamic stall mechanism- Onset of separation on the leading edge

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

Figure 7. Aerodynamic stall mechanism- Vortex creation at the leading edge

Figure 8. Aerodynamic stall mechanism- Vortex separation at the leading edge and creation of vortices at the trailing

Figure 9. Aerodynamic stall mechanism Vortex shedding at the trailing edge



Advances in Wind Power

Stall phenomenon is strongly non-linear such that a clear cut analytical solution model is
impossible to achieve. This complex phenomenon requires consideration of numerous pa
rameters, study of flow transport, boundary layer analysis (shape factor and thickness), vor
tex creation and shedding as well as friction coefficient consideration in the boundary layer.
The latter helps in the evaluation of separation at the leading edge and is important for aer
oelastic consideration. The proper modelling of transition from laminar to turbulent flow is
also essential for accurate prediction of stall parameters.
3.2. Divergence
We consider a simplified aeroelastic system of the NACA0012 profile to better understand
the divergence phenomenon and derive the analytical equation for the divergence speed.
Figure 10 illustrates a simplified aeroelastic system, the rigid NACA0012 profile mounted
on a torsional spring attached to a wind tunnel wall. The airflow over the airfoil is from left
to right. The main interest in using this model is the rotation of the airfoil (and consequent
twisting of the spring), , as a function of airspeed. If the spring were very stiff and/or air
speed very slow, the rotation would be rather small; however, for flexible spring and/or
high flow velocities, the rotation may twist the spring beyond its ultimate strength and lead
to structural failure.

Figure 10. Simplified aeroelastic model to illustrate divergence phenomenon

The airspeed at which the elastic twist increases rapidly to the point of failure is called the
divergence airspeed, U D .. This phenomenon, being highly dangerous and prejudicial for
wind blades, makes the accurate calculation of U D very important. For such, we define C as

the chord length and S as the rigid surface. The increase in the angle of attack is controlled
by a spring of linear rotation attached to the elastic axis localized at a distance e behind the
aerodynamic centre. The total angle of attack measured with respect to a zero lift position
equals the sum of the initial angle r and an angle due to the elastic deformation , known
as the elastic twist angle.

= r +
The elastic twist angle is proportional to the moment at the elastic axis:


Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

= C T


where C is the flexibility coefficient of the spring. The total aerodynamic moment with re
spect to the elastic axis is given by:
T = (Cl e + Cmc )qS


Cl is the lift coefficient
Cmis moment coefficient
q is the dynamic pressure
S is the rigid surface area of the blade section
The lift coefficient is related to the angle of attack measured with respect to a zero lift condi
tion as follows:
Cl =


( + )



represents the slope of the lift curve. The elastic twist angle , can be obtained by

simple mathematical manipulations of the three previous equations:



(r + ).e + Cmc qS


= C
= C



(r + ).e + Cmc qS

r eqS +


eqS + CmcqS


Regrouping :


C eqS = C


r eqS + CmcqS


This leads to:


= C

r eqS + CmcqS



C eqS




Advances in Wind Power

We can note that for a given value of the dynamic pressure q, the denominator tends to zero
such that the elastic twist angle will then tend to infinity. This condition is referred to as aer
odynamic divergence. When the denominator tends to zero:



C eqS = 0

The dynamic pressure is given by:


q = 2 v 2


Thus, we come up with:




C e 2 v 2S = 0

Hence, the divergence velocity can be expressed as:

UD =



e 2 S

To calculate the theoretical value of the divergence velocity, certain parameters need to be
found. These are C , which is specific to the modeled spring, S and e being inherent to the

airfoil, depends upon the used fluid and

depends both on the shape of the airfoil and

flow conditions [23]. We note that as divergence velocity is approached, the elastic twist an
gle will increase in a very significant manner towards infinity [24]. However, computing is
finite and cannot model infinite parameters. Therefore, the value of the analytical elastic
twist angle is compared with the value found by the coupling. In the case wherein the elastic
twist angle introduces no further aerodynamic solicitations, by introducing = r , and re
solving for the elastic twist angle, we have:
r = C T = C


e r + Cmc qS


which leads to:



C eqS


Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation






Hence, we note that the theoretical elastic twist angle depends on the divergence speed and
the elastic twist angle calculated whilst considering that it triggers no supplementary aero
dynamic solicitation. The latter is calculated by solving for the moment applied on the pro
file at the elastic axis (T) during trials in steady mode. These trials are conducted using the
k- SST intermittency transitional turbulence model with a 0.94 intermittency value [25]. In
this section, we will present only the expression used to calculate the divergence speed. The
development of this expression and the analytical calculation of a numerical value of the di
vergence speed are detailed in [28]:
UD =





Detailed eigen values and eigenvectors analysis related to divergence phenomenon is pre
sented in [27].
3.3. Aerodynamic flutter
As previously mentioned, flutter is caused by the superposition of two structural modes
pitch and plunge. The pitch mode is described by a rotational movement around the elastic
centre of the airfoil whereas the plunge mode is a vertical up and down motion at the blade
tip. Theodorsen [16-18] developed a method to analyze aeroelastic stability. The technique is
described by equations (61) and (62). is the angle of attack (AoA), 0 is the static AoA, C(k)
is the Theodorsen complex valued function, h the plunge height, L is the lift vector posi
tioned at 0.25 of the chord length, M is the pitching moment about the elastic axis, U is the
free velocity, is the angular velocity and a, b, d1 and d2 are geometrical quantities as
shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Model defining parameters



Advances in Wind Power

L = 2U 2b

M = 2U 2b d1

iC (k )h 0

iC (k )h 0

+ C (k )0 + 1 + C (k )(1 - 2a)

+ C (k )0 + 1 + C (k )(1 - 2a)


+ d2




2bh 0

2b 2a
2U 2

h0 +

2b 2a0


( 18 + a 2) 2Ub
2 3



Theodorsens equation can be rewritten in a form that can be used and analyzed in Matlab
Simulink as follows:
L = 2U 2b

M = 2U 2b d1

C (k )

U h

C (k )h .

+ C (k ) + 1 + C (k )(1 - 2a)

+ C (k ) + 1 + C (k ) 1 - 2a

) 2Ub k


+ d2 2U


ab 2
2U 2

h -


+ a2



) }


b 2a

b 3

2U 2

3.3.1. Flutter movement

The occurrence of the flutter has been illustrated in Section 2 (Figure 3). To better under
stand this complex phenomenon, we describe flutter as follows: aerodynamic forces excite
the mass spring system illustrated in Figure 12. The plunge spring represents the flexion
rigidity of the structure whereas the rotation spring represents the rotation rigidity.

Figure 12. Illustration of both pitch and plunge

3.3.2. Flutter equations

The flutter equations originate in the relation between the generalized coordinates and the
angle of attack of the model that can be written as:
( x, y, t ) = T + (t ) +

h (t )

l ( x ) (t )

wg ( x, y, t )


The Lagrangian form equations are constructed for the mechanical system. The first one cor
responds to the vertical displacement z and the other is for the angle of attack :

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

J 0 + mdcos ( )z + c ( - 0) = M 0


mz + mdcos ( ) - msin ( ) 2 + kz = F Z


Numerical solution of these equations requires expressing Fz and Mo as polynomials of .


Moreover, F z ( ) = 2 SV 2Cz ( ) and M o ( ) = 2 LSV 2Cm0( ) for S being the surface of the
blade, Cz, the lift coefficient, Cm0 being the pitch coefficient, Fz being the lift, Mo, the pitch

moment. Cz and Cm values are extracted from NACA 4412 data. Third degree interpolations
for Cz and Cm with respect to the AoA are given below:

Cz = - 0.0000983 3 - 0.0003562 2 + 0.1312 + 0.4162

Cm0 = - 0.00006375 3 + 0.00149 2 - 0.001185 - 0.9312
These equations will be used in the modeling of a lumped representation of flutter present
ed in the last section of this chapter.

4. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods in aeroelastic modeling

Aeroelastic modeling of wind blades require complex representation of both fluid flows, in
cluding turbulence, and structural response. Fluid mechanics aims at modeling fluid flow
and its effects. When the geometry gets complex (flow becomes unsteady with turbulence
intensity increasing), it is impossible to solve analytically the flow equations. With the ad
vent of high efficiency computers, and improvement in numerical techniques, computation
al fluid dynamics (CFD), which is the use of numerical techniques on a computer to resolve
transport, momentum and energy equations of a fluid flow has become more and more pop
ular and the accuracy of the technique has been an a constant upgrading trend. Aeroelastic
modeling of wind blades includes fluid-structure interaction and is, in fact, a science which
studies the interaction between elastic, inertial and aerodynamic forces. The aeroelastic anal
ysis is based on modeling using ANSYS and CFX software. CFX uses a finite volume meth
od to calculate the aerodynamic solicitations which are transmitted to the structural module
of ANSYS. Within CFX, several parameters need to be defined such as the turbulence model,
the reduced frequency, the solver type, etc. and the assumptions and limitations of each
model need to be well understood in order to validate the quality and pertinence of any aer
oelastic model. These calibration considerations will be illustrated in the stall modeling sec
tion as an example.
4.1. Dynamic stall
In this section of the chapter, we will illustrate aeroelastic modeling of dynamic stall on a
S809 airfoil for a wind blade. The aim of this section, apart from illustrating this aeroelastic
phenomenon is to emphasize on the need of parameter calibration (domain size, mesh size,



Advances in Wind Power

turbulence and transition model) in CFD analysis.The different behaviour of lift as the AoA
increases or decreases leads to significant hysteresis in the air loads and reduced aerody
namic damping, particularly in torsion. This can cause torsional aeroelastic instabilities on
the blades. Therefore, the consideration of dynamic stall is important to predict the unsteady
blade loads and, also, to define the operational boundaries of a wind turbine. In all the fol
lowing examples, the CFD based aeroelastic models are run on the commercial ANSYS-CFX
software. CFX, the fluid module of the software, models all the aerodynamic parameters of
the wind flow. ANSYS structural module defines all the inertial and structural parameters of
the airfoil and calculates the response and stresses on the structure according to given solici
tations. The MFX module allows fluid-structure modelling, i.e., the results of the aerody
namic model are imported as solicitations in the structural module. The continuous
exchange of information allows a multi-physics model that, at all time, computes the action
of the fluid on the structure and the corresponding impact of the airfoil motion on the fluid
4.1.1. Model and convergence studies Model and experimental results
In an attempt to calibrate the domain size, mesh size, turbulence model and transition mod
el, an S809 profile, designed by NREL, was used.

Figure 13. S809 airfoil

This airfoil has been chosen as experimental results and results from other sources are avail
able for comparison. The experimental results have been obtained at the Low Speed Labora
tory of the Delft University [31] and at the Aeronautical and Astronautical Research
Laboratory of the Ohio State University [32]. The first work [31], performed by Somers, used
a 0.6 meters chord model at Reynolds numbers of 1 to 3 million and provides the character
istics of the S809 profile for angles of incidence from -200 to 200. The second study [32], real
ized by Ramsey, gives the characteristics of the airfoil for angles of incidence ranging from
-200 to 400. The experiments were conducted on a 0.457 meters chord lenght for Reynolds
numbers of 0.75 to 1.5 million. Moreover, this study provides experimental results for the
study of the dynamic stall for incidence angles of (80, 140 and 200) oscillating at (5.50 and
100) at different frequencies for Reynolds numbers between 0.75 and 1.4 million.

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation Convergence studies

In this section, we will focus on the definition of a calculation domain and an adapted mesh
for the flow modelling around the mentioned airfoil. This research is realized by the study
of the influence of the distance between the boundaries and the airfoil, the influence of the
size of the chord for the same Reynolds number and finally, the influence of the number of
elements in the mesh and computational time. Computational domain
The computational domain is defined by a semi-disc of radius I1c around the airfoil and two
rectangles in the wake, of length I2c. This was inspired from works conducted by Bhaskaran
presented in Fluent tutorial. As the objective of this study was to observe how the distance be
tween the domain boundary and the airfoil affects the results, only I1 and I2 were varied with
other values constant. As these two parameters will vary, the number of elements will also vary.
To define the optimum calculation domain, we created different domains linked to a prelimina
ry arbitrary one by a homothetic transformation with respect to the centre G and a factor b. Fig
ure 14 gives us an idea of the different parameters and the outline of the computational domain
whereas table 1 presents a comparison of the different meshed domains.

Figure 14. Shape of the calculation domain

Figure 15 below respectively illustrates the drag and lift coefficients as a function of the ho
mothetic factor b for different angles of attack.

Table 1. Description of the trials through homothetic transformation



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 15. Drag and lift coefficients vs. homothetic factor for different angles of attack

The drag coefficient diminishes as the homothetic factor increases but tends to stabilize. This
stabilization is faster for low angles of attack (AoA) and seems to be delayed for larger ho
mothetic factors and increasing AoA. The trend for the lift coefficients as a function of the
homothetic factor is quite similar for the different angles of attack except for an angle of 8.20.
The evolution of the coefficients towards stabilization illustrate an important physical phe
nomenon: the further are the boundary limits from the airfoil, this allows more space for the
turbulence in the wake to damp before reaching the boundary conditions imposed on the
boundaries. Finally, a domain having a radius of semi disc 5.7125 m, length of rectangle
9,597 m and width 4.799 m was used. Meshing
Unstructured meshes were used and were realized using the CFX-Mesh. These meshes are
defined by the different values in table 2. We kept the previously mentioned domain.

Table 2. Mesh parameters

Figure 16 gives us an appreciation of the mesh we have used of in our simulations:

Figure 16. Unstructured mesh along airfoil, boundary layer at leading edge and boundary layer at trailing edge

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

Several trials were performed with different values of the parameters describing the mesh in
order to have the best possible mesh. Lift and drag coefficient distributions have been com
puted according to different AoA for a given Reynolds number and the results were com
pared with experiments. The mesh option that provided results which fitted the best with
the experimental results was used. The final parameters of the mesh were 66772 nodes and
48016 elements. Turbulence model calibration
CFX proposes several turbulence models for resolution of flow over airfoils. Scientific litera
ture makes it clear that different turbulence models perform differently in different applica
tions. CFX documentation recommends the use of one of three models for such kind of
applications, namely the k- model, the k- BSL model and the k- SST model. The Wilcox
k- model is reputed to be more accurate than k- model near wall layers. It has been suc
cessfully used for flows with moderate adverse pressure gradients, but does not succeed
well for separated flows. The k- BSL model (Baseline) combines the advantages of the Wil
cox k- model and the k- model but does not correctly predict the separation flow for
smooth surfaces. The k- SST model accounts for the transport of the turbulent shear stress
and overcomes the problems of k- BSL model. To evaluate the best turbulence model for
our simulations, steady flow analyses at Reynolds number of 1 million were conducted on
the S809 airfoil using the defined domain and mesh. The different values of lift and drag ob
tained with the different models were compared with the experimental OSU and DUT re
sults. DHamonville et al. [24] presents these comparisons which lead us to the following
conclusions: the k- SST model is the only one to have a relatively good prediction of the
large separated flows for high angles of attack. So, the transport of the turbulent shear stress
really improves the simulation results. The consideration of the transport of the turbulent
shear stress is the main asset of the k- SST model. However, probably a laminar-turbulent
transition added to the model will help it to better predict the lift coefficient between 6 and
10, and to have a better prediction of the pressure coefficient along the airfoil for 20. This
assumption will be studied in the next section where the relative performance of adding a
particular transitional model is studied. Transition model
ANSYS-CFX proposes in the advanced turbulence control options several transitional mod
els namely: the fully turbulent k- SST model, the k- SST intermittency model, the gamma
theta model and the gamma model. As the gamma theta model uses two parameters to de
fine the onset of turbulence, referring to [33], we have only assessed the relative perform
ance of the first three transitional models. The optimum value of the intermittency
parameter was evaluated. A transient flow analysis was conducted on the S809 airfoil for the
same Reynolds number at different AoA and using three different values of the intermitten
cy parameter: 0.92, 0.94 and 0.96. Figure 17 illustrates the drag and lift coefficients obtained
for these different models at different AoA as compared to DUT and OSU experimental da
ta. We note that for the drag coefficient, the computed results are quite similar and only dif



Advances in Wind Power

fer in transient mode exhibiting different oscillations. For large intermittency values, the
oscillations are larger. Figure 18 shows that for the lift coefficients, the results from CFX dif
fer from 8.20. For the linear growth zone, the different results are close to each other. The
difference starts to appear near maximum lift. The k- SST intermittency model with =0.92,
under predicts the lift coefficients as compared with the experimental results. The results
with =0.94 predicts virtually identical results as compared to the OSU results. The model
with = 0.96 predicts results that are sandwiched between the two experimental ones. Anal
ysis of the two figures brings us to the conclusion that the model with =0.94 provides re
sults very close to the DUT results. Therefore, we will compare the intermittency model
with =0.94 with the other transitional models.

Figure 17. Drag and lift coefficients for different AoA using different intermittency values

Figure 18 illustrates the drag and lift coefficients for different AoA using different transition
al models.

Figure 18. Drag and lift coefficients for different AoA using different transitional models

Figure 18 shows that the drag coefficients for the three models are very close until 180 after
which the results become clearly distinguishable. As from 200, the - model over predicts
the experimental values whereas such phenomena appear only after 22.10 for the two other
models. For the lift coefficients, Figure 18 shows that the k- SST intermittency models pro
vide results closest to the experimental values for angles smaller than 140. The k- SST mod
el under predicts the lift coefficients for angles ranging from 60 to 140. For angles exceeding
200, the intermittency model does not provide good results. Hence, we conclude that the
transitional model helps in obtaining better results for AoA smaller than 140. However, for
AoA greater than 200, a purely turbulent model needs to be used.

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

4.1.2. Results
In order to validate the quality of stall results, the latter are compared with OSU experimen
tal values and with Leishman-Beddoes model. Moreover, modelling of aeroelastic phenom
ena is computationally very demanding such that we have opted for an oscillation of 5.50
around 80, 140 and 200 for a reduced frequency of k =


= 0.026, where c is the length of the

chord of the airfoil and U is the unperturbed flow velocity. From a structural point of view,

the 0.457 m length profile will be submitted to an oscillation about an axis located at 25% of
the chord. The results which follow illustrates the quality of our aeroelastic stall modelling
at three different angles, all with a variation of 5.5 sin(w)*t.
= 80 5.5sin(t)0

Figure 19 illustrates the evolution of the aerodynamic coefficients with oscillation of the
AoA around 80 with amplitude 5.50 and a reduced frequency of 0.026. When the angle is less
than 140, the transitional k- SST intermittency model was used.

Figure 19. Drag and lift coefficients vs. angle of attack for stall modelling

For the drag coefficient, the results are very close to experimental ones and limited hystere
sis appears. As for the lift coefficient, we note that the k- SST intermittency transitional
turbulent model underestimates the hysteresis phenomenon. Furthermore, this model pro
vides results with inferior values as compared to experimental ones for increasing angle of
attack and superior values for decreasing angle of attack. We, also, notice that the onset of
the stall phenomenon is earlier for the k- SST intermittency model.
= 140 5.5sin(t)0
Figure 20 illustrates the evolution of the aerodynamic coefficients with oscillation of the
AoA around 140with amplitude of 5.50 and a reduced frequency of 0.026. As the angle ex
ceeds 140, the purely turbulent k- SST model was used.
We note that before 17, the model overestimates the drag coefficient, both for increasing
and decreasing AoA. For angles exceeding 17, the model approaches experimental results.
As for the drag coefficient, the model provides better results for the lift coefficient when the
angle of attack exceeds 17. Furthermore, we note that the model underestimates the lift co
efficient for both increasing and decreasing angles of attack. Moreover, the predicted lift co
efficients are closer to experimental results for AoA less than 13.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 20. Drag and lift coefficients vs. angle of attack for stall modelling

= 200 5.5sin(t)0
Figure 21 illustrates the evolution of the aerodynamic coefficients with oscillation of the Ao
Aaround 200with amplitude of 5.50 and reduced frequency of 0.026. As the angle exceeds
140, the purely turbulent k- SST model was used. For the drag coefficients, the results pro
vided by the k- SST model are quite close to the experimental results but predict prema
ture stall for increasing AoA and reattachment for decreasing AoA. Furthermore, we note
oscillations of the drag coefficient for the experimental data showing higher levels of turbu
lence. The k- SST model under predicts the value of the lift coefficient for increasing AoA.
Furthermore, due to vortex shedding, we note oscillations occurring in the results. Finally,
the model prematurely predicts stall compared to the experiments.

Figure 21. Drag and lift coefficients vs. angle of attack for stall modelling

4.1.3. Conclusions on stallmodelling

In this section, we presented an example of aeroelastic phenomenon, the dynamic stall. We
have seen through this section the different steps to build and validate the model. Better re
sults are obtained for low AoA but as turbulence intensity gets very large, the results di
verge from experimental values or show oscillatory behaviour. We note that, though, the
CFD models show better results than the relatively simple indicial methods found in litera
ture, refinements should be brought to the models. Moreover, this study allows us to appre
ciate the complexity of fluid structure interaction and the calibration work required
upstream. It should be emphasized that the coupling were limited both by the structural
and aerodynamic models and refinements and better understanding of all the parameters
that can help achieve better results. This study allows us to have a very good evaluation of
the different turbulence models offered by CFX and their relative performances.

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

4.2. Aerodynamic divergence

In this section we will illustrate the different steps in modeling another aeroelastic phenom
enon, the divergence and whilst using this example to lay emphasis on the ability of CFXANSYS software to solve fluid-structure interaction problems. As from the 1980s, national
and international standards concerning wind turbine design have been enforced. With the
refinement and growth of the state of knowledge the Regulation for the Certification of
Wind Energy Conversion Systems was published in 1993 and further amended and refined
in 1994 and 1998. Other standards aiming at improving security for wind turbines have been
published over the years. To abide to such standards, modelling of the aeroelastic phenom
ena is important to correctly calibrate the damping parameters and the operation conditions.
For instance, Nweland [34] makes a proper and complete analysis of the critical divergence
velocity and frequencies. These studies allow operating the machines in secure zones and
avoid divergence to occur. Such studies importance is not only restrained to divergence but
also apply to other general dynamic response cases of wind turbines. Wind fluctuations at
frequencies close to the first flapwise mode blade natural frequency excite resonant blade
oscillations and result in additional, inertial loadings over and above the quasi-static loads
that would be experienced by a completely rigid blade. Knowledge of the domain of such
frequencies allows us to correctly design and operate the machines within IEC and other
norms. We here present a case where stall can be avoided by proper knowledge of its pa
rameters and imposing specific damping. As the oscillations result from fluctuations of the
wind speed about the mean value, the standard deviation of resonant tip displacement can
be expressed in terms of the wind turbulence intensity and the normalized power spectral
density at the resonant frequency, Ru (n1) [34]:


Ru(n1) Ksx(n1)


Ru (n1) =

n.Su (n1)


x1 is the first mode component of the steady tip displacement.

U is the mean velocity (usually averaged over 10 minutes)
is the logarithmic decrement damping
K sx (n1) is the size of the reduction factor which is present due to lack of correlation of
wind along the blade at the relevant frequency.



Advances in Wind Power

It is clear from equation (32) that a key determinant of resonant tip response is the value of
damping present. If we consider for instance a vibrating blade flat in the wind, the fluctuat
ing aerodynamic force acting on it per unit length is given by:

(U- - x ) C - C (r ) 2

2 U


Cd .C (r ) U x Cd C r


where x is the blade flatwise velocity, Cd is the drag coefficient and C(r) is the local blade

chord. Hence the aerodynamic damping per unit length, Ca(r ) = U Cd C (r ) and the first aero
dynamic damping mode is:

a1 =



0R Ca(r )12(r )dr

U Cd 0R C (r )12(r )dr


1(r ) is the first mode shape and m1 is the generalized mass given by:
m1 = 0R m(r )12(r )dr


Here, 1 is the first mode natural frequency given in radian per second. The logarithmic

decrement is obtained by multiplying the damping ratio by 2 . To properly estimate oper

ating conditions and damping parameters, knowledge of the vibration frequencies and
shape modes are important. The need to know these limits is again justified by the fact that
when maximum lift is theoretically achieved toward maximum power when stall and other
aeroelastic phenomena are also approached.
4.2.1. ANSYS-CFX coupling
To achieve the fluid structure coupling study, we make use of the ANSYS multi-domain
(MFX). This module was primarily developed for fluid-structure interaction studies. On one
side, the structural part is solved using ANSYS Multiphysics and on the other side, the fluid
part is solved using CFX. The study needs to be conducted on a 3D geometry. If the geome
tries used by ANSYS and CFX need to have common surfaces (interfaces), the meshes of
these surfaces can be different. The ANSYS code acts as the master code and reads all the
multi-domain commands. It recuperates the interface meshes of the CFX code, creates the
mapping and communicates the parameters that control the timescale and coupling loops to
the CFX code. The ANSYS generated mapping interpolates the solicitations between the dif
ferent meshes on each side of the coupling. Each solver realizes a sequence of multi-domain,
time marching and coupling iterations between each time steps. For each iteration, each
solver recuperates its required solicitation from the other domain and then solves it in the
physical domain. Each element of interface is initially divided into n interpolation faces (IP)
where n is the number of nodes on that face. The 3D IP faces are transformed into 2D poly

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

gons. We, then, create the intersection between these polygons, on one hand, the solver dif
fusing solicitations and on the other hand, the solver receiving the solicitations. This
intersection creates a large number of surfaces called control surfaces as illustrated in Figure
22. These surfaces are used in order to transfer the solicitation between the structural and
fluid domains.

Figure 22. Transfer Surfaces

The respective MFX simultaneous and sequential resolution schemes are presented in fig
ure 23.

Figure 23. Simultaneous or sequential resolution of CFX and ANSYS

We can make use of different types of resolutions, either using a simultaneous scheme or
using a sequential scheme, in which case we need to choose which domain to solve first. For
lightly coupled domains, CFX literature recommends the use of the simultaneous scheme.
As for our case, the domains are strongly coupled and for such reasons, we make use of the
sequential scheme. This scheme has as advantage to ensure that the most recent result or so
licitation of a domain solver is applied to the other solver. In most simulations; the physics
of one domain imposes the requirements of the other domain. Hence, it is essential to ade



Advances in Wind Power

quately choose the code to solve first in the sequential scheme. In the case of the divergence,
it is the fluid that imposes the solicitations on the solid such that the CFX code will be the
first to be solved followed by the ANSYS code. The ANSYS workbench flow-charts that il
lustrates such interaction is illustrated in Figure 24 below:

Figure 24. ANSYS workbench divergence flow-chart

4.2.2. Comparison with experimental results Overview of the experimental results
An aeroelastic experiment was conducted at the Duke University Engineering wind tunnel
facility [35]. The goals of this test were to validate the analytical calculations of non-critical
mode characteristics and to explicitly examine the aerodynamic divergence phenomenon. Configuration description
The divergence assessment testbed (dat) wind tunnel model consists of a typical section airfoil
with a flexible mount system providing a single degree of freedom structural dynamic mode.
The only structural dynamic mode of this model is torsional rotation, or angle of attack. The
airfoil section is a NACA 0012 with an 8-inch chord and a span of 21 inches. The ratio of the
trailing edge mass to the total mass is 0.01.This spans the entire test section from the floor to
ceiling. The structural dynamic parameters for this model are illustrated in table 3:








Table 3. Excerpt from Table 5 in Jennifer Heeg [35]: Structural dynamic parameters associated with wind tunnel
model configurations

Table 4 lists the analytical calculations for divergence conditions for the considered model
presented in [35].

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation


Dynamic Pressure











Table 4. Analytical calculations for divergence conditions for the considered model presented

However, some parameters were unavailable in [35] such that an iterative design process
was used to build the model in ANSYS. Using parameters specified in [35], a preliminary
model was built and its natural frequencies verified using ANSYS. The model was succes
sively modified until a model as close as possible to the model in the experiment was ob
tained.The aims of the studies conducted in [35] were to: 1) find the divergence dynamic
pressure;2)examine the modal characteristics of non-critical modes, both sub-critically and
at the divergence condition; 3) examine the eigenvector behaviour. Heeg[35] obtained sever
al interesting results among which the following graphic showing the variation of the angle
of attack with time. The aim of our simulations was to determine how the numerical AN
SYS-CFX model will compare with experiments.

Figure 25. Divergence of wind tunnel model configuration #2

The test was conducted by setting as close as possible to zero the rigid angle of attack, 0, for
a zero airspeed. The divergence dynamic pressure was determined by gradually increasing
the velocity and measuring the system response until it became unstable. The dynamic pres
sure was being slowly increased until the angle of attack increased dramatically and sud
denly. This was declared as the divergence dynamic pressure, 5.1 psf (244 N/m2). The time
history shows that the model oscillates around a new angle of attack position, which is not
at the hard stop of the spring. It is speculated that the airfoil has reached an angle of attack
where flow has separated and stall has occurred [35]. The ANSYS-CFX model
The model used in the experiment was simulated using a reduced span-wise numerical do
main (quasi 2D). The span of the airfoil was reduced 262.5 times, from 21 inches to 0.08 in
ches or 2.032 mm, while the chord of the airfoil was maintained at 8 inch or 203.2 mm. We
used a cylinder to simulate the torsion spring used in the experiment.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 26. ANSYS built geometry with meshing Results
In [23], the authors have derived the analytical mathematical equation to calculate the diver
gence velocity, U D . The expression was:

UD =



e 2 S

In order to calculate the theoretical value of the divergence velocity, certain parameters need to
be found first. These are C , which is specific to the modeled spring, S being inherent to the
profile, e, which depends both on the profile (elastic axis) and on the aerodynamic model, ,
which is dependent upon the used fluid and


which depends both on the shape of the pro

file but, also, on the turbulent model [23]. We note that, as divergence velocity is approached,
the elastic twist angle will increase in a very significant manner and tend to infinity [24]. How
ever, numerical values are finite and cannot model infinite parameters. We will, therefore, for
mulate the value of the analytical elastic twist angle in order to compare it with the value found
by the coupling. In the case wherein the elastic twist angle introduces no further aerodynamic
solicitations, by introducing = r , and resolving for the elastic twist angle, we have:
r = C T = C


e r + Cmc qS


Algebraic manipulations of the expressions lead us to the following formulation:





C eqS

This leads to:







Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

Hence, we can note that the theoretical elastic twist angle depends on the divergence
speed and the elastic twist angle calculated whilst considering that it triggers no supple
mentary aerodynamic solicitation. To calculate the latter, we will solve for the moment
applied on the profile at the elastic axis (T) during trials in steady mode. These trials are
conducted using the k- SST intermittency transitional turbulence model with a 0.94 in
termittency value [24]. To model the flexibility coefficient of the rotational spring C ,
used in the NASA experiments we used a cylinder as a torsion spring. The constant of
the spring used in the experiment is K = 5.8262 Nm/rad and since we used a reduced
model, with an span 262.5 times smaller than the original, the dimensions and properties
of the cylinder are such that:
K r =



= 0.022195 N m rad

K r

= 45.0552 rad N m


and the flexibility coefficient is:

C =
The slope of the lift



, can be calculated for an angle = 50in the following way:


l ,>5 0


l ,<5 0


> 50 - < 50

We have calculated the lift coefficient at 4.00 and 6.00 such that:
Cl ,=4.00 = 0.475
and Cl ,=6.00 = 0.703
Hence the gradient can be expressed and calculated as follows:

0.703 - 0.475
6.0 - 4.0

= 0.114 deg -1 = 6.532 rad -1

The distance e, between the elastic axis and the aerodynamic centre for the model is 0.375b.
The rigid area is calculated to be S, being the product of the chord and the span and is calcu
lated as follows:
S = 0.2032 0.5334 = 0.0004129024m 2
Hence the divergence velocity is calculated as:
UD =




= 18.78 m s




Advances in Wind Power

The theoretical divergence speed given in Table 4 of the NASA experiment [35] is 19.15 m/s.
This slight difference is due to the value of slope of the lift profile


taken into considera

tion, which in the NASA work was 2, or 6.283 rad-1, whereas we used a value of 6.532
rad-1 . Furthermore, a difference between our calculated speed and that presented in [35]
might also be explained by the size of the used tunnel and the possible wall turbulence in
teraction. Furthermore, using the model, domain and mesh parameters detailed in the previ
ous sections of this article, divergence was modelled as follows: the airfoil used in [35] was
fixed and exempted from all rotational degrees of liberty and subjected to a constant flow of
velocity 15 m s -1. Suddenly, the fixing is removed and the constant flow can be then com
pared to a shock wave on the profile. The profile then oscillates with damped amplitude due
to the aerodynamic damping imposed. Figure 27 illustrates the response portrayed by AN
SYS-CFX software. We can extract the amplitude and frequency of oscillation of around 8
Hz which is close to the 7.9 Hz frequency presented in [35].

Figure 27. Oscillatory response to sudden subject to a constant flow of 15m/s

4.3. Aerodynamic flutter

In this section, we illustrate a CFD approach of modeling the most complex and the most
dangerous type of aeroelastic phenomenon to which wind turbine blades are subjected.
While illustrating stall phenomenon, we calibrated the CFD parameters for aeroelastic mod
eling. In the divergence section, the example was used to reinforce the notion of multiphy
sics modeling, more precisely, emphasis was laid on fluid structure interaction modeling
within ANSYS-CFX MFX. Flutter example will be used to illustrate the importance of using
lumped method.
4.3.1. Computational requirement and Lumped model
Aeroelastic modeling requires enormous computational capacity. The most recent quad core
16 GB processor takes some 216 hours to simulate flutter on a small scale model and that for
a 12 second real time frame. The aim of simulating and predicting aeroelastic effects on

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

wind blades has as primary purpose to apply predictive control. However, with such enor
mous computational time, this is impossible. The need for simplified lumped (2D Matlab
based) models is important. The CFD model is ran preliminarily and the lumped model is
built according to simulated scenarios. In this section we will illustrate flutter modeling both
from a CFD and lumped method point of view.
4.3.2. Matlab-Simulink and Ansys-CFX tools
For flutter modelling, again, ANSYS-CFX model was used to simulate the complex fluidstructure interaction. However, due to excessively important computational time that ren
dered the potential of using the predictive results for the application of mitigation control
impossible, the results of the CFD model was used to build a less time demanding lumped
model based on Simulink. Reference [36] describes the Matlab included tool Simulink as an
environment for multi-domain simulation and Model-Based Design for dynamic and em
bedded systems. It provides an interactive graphical environment and a customizable set of
block libraries that let you design, simulate, implement, and test a variety of time-varying
systems. For the flutter modelling project, the aerospace blockset of Simulink has been used.
The Aerospace Toolbox product provides tools like reference standards, environment mod
els, and aerospace analysis pre-programmed tools as well as aerodynamic coefficient im
porting options. Among others, the wind library has been used to calculate wind shears and
Dryden and Von Karman turbulence. The Von Karman Wind Turbulence model uses the
Von Karman spectral representation to add turbulence to the aerospace model through preestablished filters. Turbulence is represented in this blockset as a stochastic process defined
by velocity spectra. For a blade in an airspeed V, through a frozen turbulence field, with a
spatial frequency of radians per meter, the circular speed is calculated by multiplying V
by . For the longitudinal speed, the turbulence spectrum is defined as follows:

lo =

2 0.8
VL .

L 0.3
4b 2


Here,L represents the turbulence scale length and is the turbulence intensity. The corre

sponding transfer function used in Simulink is:

lo =

2 L v

1 + 1.357

L v

1 + 0.25

s + 0.1987(

L v
L v


s s2

For the lateral speed, the turbulence spectrum is defined as:

la =

( V )2
3b 2 .v ( )
1 + ( V )

and the corresponding transfer function can be expressed as :




Advances in Wind Power

la =

( Vs )1
1 .H v (s )
1 + ( V s )


Finally, the vertical turbulence spectrum is expressed as follows:

v =

( V )2
4b 2 . ( )
1 + ( V )


and the corresponding transfer function is expressed as follows:

v =

( Vs )1
1 .H (s )
1 + V s )


The Aerodynamic Forces and Moments block computes the aerodynamic forces and mo
ments around the center of gravity. The net rotation from body to wind axes is expressed as:
cos ()cos () sin () sin ()cos ()
Cb = -cos ()sin () cos () -sin ()sin ()
-sin ()
cos ()


On the other hand, the fluid structure interaction to model aerodynamic flutter was made
using ANSYS multi domain (MFX). As previously mentioned, the drawback of the AN
SYS model is that it is very time and memory consuming. However, it provides a very
good option to compare and validate simplified model results and understand the intrin
sic theories of flutter modelling. On one hand, the aerodynamics of the application is
modelled using the fluid module CFX and on the other side, the dynamic structural part
is modelled using ANSYS structural module. An iterative exchange of data between the
two modules to simulate the flutter phenomenon is done using the Workbench interface.
4.3.3. Lumped model results
We will first present the results obtained by modeling AoA for configuration # 2 of reference
[35] (also, discussed in the divergence section 4.2) for an initial AoA of 0. As soon as diver
gence is triggered, within 1 second the blade oscillates in a very spectacular and dangerous
manner. This happens at a dynamic pressure of 5,59lb/pi2 (268 N/m2). Configuration #2 uses,
on the airfoil, 20 elements, unity as the normalized element size and unity as the normalized
airfoil length. Similarly, the number of elements in the wake is 360 and the corresponding
normalized element size is unity and the normalized wake length is equal to 2. The results
obtained in [35] are illustrated in Figure 28:

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

Figure 28. Flutter response- an excerpt from [23]

We notice that at the beginning there is a non-established instability, followed by a recurrent

oscillation. The peak to peak distance corresponds to around 2.5 seconds that is a frequency
of 0.4 Hz. The oscillation can be defined approximately by an amplitude of 00 170. . The
same modelling was performed using the Simulink model and the result for the AoA varia
tion and the plunge displacement is shown below:

Figure 29. Flutter response obtained from Matlab Aerospace blockset

We note that for the AoA variation, the aerospace blockset based model provides very similar
results with Heegs results [35]. The amplitude is, also, around 00 170 and the frequency is
0.45 Hz. Furthermore, we notice that the variation is very similar. We can conclude that the
aerospace model does represent the flutter in a proper manner. It is important to note that this
is a special type of flutter. The frequency of the beat is zero and, hence, represents divergence of
zero frequency flutter. Using Simulink, we will vary the angular velocity of the blade until
the eigenmode tends to a negative damping coefficient. The damping coefficient, is obtained
as: =

2m , is measured as the Laplace integral in Simulink, c is the viscous damping and =

Figure 30 illustrates the results obtained for the variation of the damping coefficient

against rotational speed and flutter frequency against rotor speed. We can note that as the rota
tion speed increases, the damping becomes negative, such that the aerodynamic instability
which contributes to an oscillation of the airfoil is amplified. We also notice that the frequency
diminishes and becomes closer to the natural frequency of the system. This explains the rea
son for which flutter is usually very similar to resonance as it occurs due to a coalescing of dy
namic modes close to the natural vibrating mode of the system.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 30. Damping coefficient against rotational speed and flutter frequency against rotor speed

Figure 31. Flutter simulation with ANSYS-CFX at 1) 1.8449 s, 2) 1.88822 s and 1.93154s

We present here the results obtained for the same case study using ANSYS-CFX. The fre
quency of the movement using Matlab is 6.5 Hz while that using the ANSYS-CFX model is
6.325 Hz compared with the experimental value of 7.1Hz [35]. Furthermore, the amplitudes
of vibration are very close as well as the trend of the oscillations. For the points identified as
1, 2 and 3 on the flutter illustration, we illustrate the relevant flow over the airfoil. The maxi
mum air speed at moment noted 1 is 26.95 m/s. We note such a velocity difference over the
airfoil that an anticlockwise moment will be created which will cause an increase in the an
gle of attack. Since the velocity, hence, pressure difference, is very large, we note from the
flutter curve, that we have an overshoot. The velocity profile at moment 2, i.e., at 1.88822s
shows a similar velocity disparity, but of lower intensity. This is visible as a reduction in the
gradient of the flutter curve as the moment on the airfoil is reduced. Finally at moment 3, we
note that the velocity profile is, more or less, symmetric over the airfoil such that the mo
ment is momentarily zero. This corresponds to a maximum stationary point on the flutter

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

curve. After this point, the velocity disparity will change position such that angle of attack
will again increase and the flutter oscillation trend maintained, but in opposite direction.
This cyclic condition repeats and intensifies as we have previously proved that the damping
coefficient tends to a negative value.

Author details
Drishtysingh Ramdenee1,2, Adrian Ilinca1 and Ion Sorin Minea1
1 Wind Energy Research Laboratory, Universit du Qubec Rimouski, Rimouski, Canada
2 Institut Technologique de la Maintenance Industrielle, Sept les, Canada

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tions" Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 57 (2009) 19211933
[2] P. Destuynder, Arolasticit et Aroacoustique, 85, 2007
[4] Gunner et al. Validation of an aeroelastic model of Vestas V39. Risoe Publication, DK
180 91486
[5] Gabriel Saiz. Turbomachinery Aeroelasticity using a Time-Linearized Multi-Blade
Row Approach. Ph.D thesis Imperial College, London, 2008
[6] Christophe Pierre et al. Localization of Aeroelastic Modes in High Energy Turbines,
Journal of Propulsion and Power. Vol 10, June 1994
[7] Ivan McBean et al. Prediction of Flutter of Turbine Blades in a Transonic Annular
Cascade. Journal of Fluids Engineering, ASME 2006
[8] Srinivasan. A. V. Flutter and Resonant Vibration Characteristics of Engine Blades,
ASME 1997, page 774-775
[9] Liu. F et al. Calibration of Wing Flutter by a Coupled Fluid Structure Method, Jour
nal of Aeroelasticity, 38121, 2001
[10] K. Rao. V. Kaza. Aeroelastic Response of Metallic & Composite Propfan models in
Yawned Flow. NASA Technical Memorandum 100964 AIAA-88-3154
[11] C. Wieseman et al. Transonic Small Disturbance and Linear Analyses for the Active
Aeroelastic Wing Program



Advances in Wind Power

[12] Todd ONeil. Non Linear Aeroelastic Response Analyses and Experiments
[13] R. Bisplinghoff, H. Ashley, R. Halfman, Aeroelasticity Dover Editions, 1996
[14] Bisplinghoff R.L.Aeroelasticity. Dover Publications: New York, 1955
[15] Fung, Y.C., 1993. An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity. Dover Publications
Inc., New York
[16] Leishman, J.G., 2000. Principles of Helicopter Aerodynamics. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge
[17] J.W. Larsen et al. / Journal of Fluids and Structures 23 (2007) 959982
[18] VISCWIND, 1999. Viscous effects on wind turbine blades, final report on the JOR3
CT95-0007, Joule III project, Technical Report, ET-AFM-9902, Technical University of
[19] D.Ramdenee et A.Ilinca An insight to Aeroelastic Modelling Internal Report,
UQAR, 2011
[20] Spalart PR and Allmaras SR One equation turbulence model for aerodynamic
flowsJan 1993
[21] Davison and Rizzi ANavier Stokes computation of Airfoil in Stall algebraic stresses
model, Jan 1992
[22] Eppler R airfoil design and data, NY springs Veng 1990. R. Michel et al. Stability
calculations and transition criteria on 2D and 3D flows Laminar and turbulent No
vosibirski, USSR,1984
[23] D. Ramdenee, A. Ilinca. An insight into computational fluid dynamics.Rapport Tech
nique, UQAR/LREE
[24] T. Tardif dHamonville, A. Ilinca Modlisation et Analyse des Phnomnes Arolas
tiques pour une pale dolienne Masters Thesis, UQAR/LREE
[25] T. Tardif dHamonville, A. Ilinca. Modlisation de lcoulement dair autour dun
proil de pale dolienne,Phase 1: Domaine tude et Maillage. Rapport Technique,
UQAR/LREE-05, Dcembre 2008
[26] Raymond L.Bisphlinghoff, Holt Ashley and Robert L.Halfman, Aeroelasticity, Dover
[28] Theodorsen, T., General theory of aerodynamic instability and the mechanism of flut
ter, NACA Report 496, 1935.
[29] Fung, Y. C., An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity. Dover Publications Inc.:
New York, 1969; 210-216

Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbines Blades Using Numerical Simulation

[30] Dowell, E. E. (Editor), A Modern Course in Aeroelasticity. Kluwer Academic Pub

lishers: Dordrecht, 1995; 217-227
[31] Somers, D.M. Design and Experimental Results for the S809 Airfoil. NREL/
SR-440-6918, 1997
[32] Reuss Ramsay R., Hoffman M. J., Gregorek G. M. Effects of Grit Roughness and
Pitch Oscillations on the S809 Airfoil. Master thesis, NREL Ohio State University,
Ohio, NREL/TP-442-7817, December 1995.
[33] ANSYS CFX, Release 11.0
[34] Nweland, D.E (1984) Random Vibrations and Spectral Analysis, Longman, UK
[35] Jennifer Heeg, Dynamic Investigation of Static Divergence: Analysis and Testing,
Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, National Aeronautics and Space Ad
[36] Matlab-Simulink documentations. Release 8b


Chapter 5

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades:

Flexo-Torsional Vibrational Modes
Alejandro D. Otero, Fernando L. Ponta and
Lucas I. Lago
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
Limitations in the current blade technology constitute a technological barrier that needs to
be broken in order to continue the improvement in wind-energy cost. Blade manufacturing
is mostly based on composite laminates, which is labor-intensive and requires highly-quali
fied manpower. It constitutes a bottleneck to turbine upscaling that reflects into the increas
ing share of the cost of the rotor, within the total cost of the turbine, as turbine size increases.
Figure 1 shows a compilation of data by NREL-DOE [26] on the proportional cost of each
subsystem for different sizes of wind-turbines, where the systematic increase of the rotor
cost share is clearly reflected.

Figure 1. Evolution of the proportional cost for the different wind-turbine subsystems, as size increases (data com
pilation from [26]).

2012 Otero et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advances in Wind Power

Moreover, while the rest of the wind turbine subsystems are highly developed technological
products, the blades are unique. There is no other technological application that uses such a
device, so practical experience in blade manufacturing is relatively new. Blades also operate
under a complex combination of fluctuating loads, and huge size differences complicate ex
trapolation of experimental data from the wind-tunnel to the prototype scale. Hence, com
puter models of fluid-structure interaction phenomena are particularly relevant to the
design and optimization of wind-turbines. The wind-turbine industry is increasingly using
computer models for blade structural design and for the optimization of its aerodynamics.
Nevertheless, several features of the complex interaction of physical processes that charac
terize the coupled aeroelastic problem still exceed the capacities of existing commercial sim
ulation codes. Changes in structural response due to the development of new techniques in
blade construction and/or the use of new materials would also represent a major factor to
take into account if the development of a new prototype blade is considered.
Hence, a key factor for a breakthrough in wind-turbine technology is to reduce the uncer
tainties related to blade dynamics, by the improvement of the quality of numerical simula
tions of the fluid-structure interaction process, and by a better understanding of the
underlying physics. The current state-of-the-art is to solve the aeroelastic equations in a fully
non-linear coupled mode using Bernoulli or Timoshenko beam models (see [11], where a
thorough coverage of the topic is presented). The goal is to provide the industry with a tool
that helps them to introduce new technological solutions to improve the economics of blade
design, manufacturing and transport logistics, without compromising reliability. A funda
mental step in that direction is the implementation of structural models capable of capturing
the complex features of innovative prototype blades, so they can be tested at realistic fullscale conditions with a reasonable computational cost. To this end, we developed a general
ized Timoshenko code [27] based on a modified implementation the Variational-Asymptotic
Beam Sectional technique (VABS) proposed by Hodges et al. (see [13] and references there
in). The ultimate goal is to combine this code with an advanced non-linear adaptive model
of the unsteady flow, based on the vorticity-velocity formulation of the Navier-Stokes equa
tions, called the KLE model [32,33], which would offer performance advantages over the
present fluid-structure solvers.
In this chapter we present a set of tools for the design and full-scale analysis of the dynam
ics of composite laminate wind-turbine blades. The geometric design is carried on by means
of a novel interpolation technique and the behavior of the blades is then simulated under
normal operational conditions. We obtained results for the displacements and rotations of
the blade sections along the span, section stresses, and fundamental vibrational modes of
the blades.

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades: Flexo-Torsional Vibrational Modes

2. Fluid--Structure Interaction Model

2.1. Structural model
Even though a wind turbine blade is a slender structure that may be studied as a beam,
they are usually not simple to model due to the inhomogeneous distribution of material
properties and the complexity of their cross section (see Fig. 2. The ad hoc kinematic assump
tions made in classical theories (like the Bernoulli or the standard Timoshenko ap
proaches) may introduce significant errors, especially when the blade is vibrating with a
wavelength shorter than its length. Complex blade geometry due to reasons of aerodynamic/
mechanical design, new techniques of blade construction, and the use of new materials
combine themselves to give a new dimension to the problem. In order t0 obtain a fluidstructure interaction model capable of dealing with the complex features of new-genera
tion blades, we developed a code [27] based on a modified implementation of the VariationalAsymptotic Beam Sectional (VABS) model. Proposed and developed by Prof. Hodges and
his collaborators [see 13, 39, and references therein], VABS is a model for curved and twist
ed composite beams that uses the same variables as classical Timoshenko beam theory, but
the hypothesis of beam sections remaining planar after deformation is abandoned. In
stead, the real warping of the deformed section is interpolated by a 2-D finite-element mesh
and its contribution to the strain energy is put in terms of the classical 1-D Timoshenko''s
variables by means of a pre-resolution. The geometrical complexity of the blade section and/
or its material inhomogeneousness are reduced into a stiffness matrix for the 1-D beam. The
reduced 1-D strain energy is equivalent to the actual 3-D strain energy in an asymptotic
sense. Elimination of the ad hoc kinematic assumptions produces a fully populated 6 6
symmetric matrix for the 1-D beam, with as many as 21 stiffnesses, instead of the six fun
damental stiffnesses of the original Timoshenko theory. That is why VABS is referred to as
a generalized Timoshenko theory.

Figure 2. Example of blade-section structural architecture representative of current commercial blade designs. The
primary structural member is a box-spar, with a substantial build-up of spar cap material between the webs. The exte
rior skins and internal shear webs are both sandwich construction with triaxial fiberglass laminate separated by balsa
core (from [9]).



Advances in Wind Power

Even for the case of large displacements and rotations of the beam sections, our model al
lows for accurate modeling of the bending and transverse shear in two directions, extension
and torsion of the blade structure as a 1-D finite-element problem. Thus, this way we are
able to decouple a general 3-D nonlinear anisotropic elasticity problem into a linear, 2-D,
cross-sectional analysis (that may be solved a priori), and a nonlinear, 1-D, beam analysis for
the global problem, which is what we would solve at each time step of a fluid-structure in
teraction analysis. This translates into substantial savings in computational cost as the struc
tural problem is solved along many timesteps. The cross-sectional 2-D analysis (that may be
performed in parallel for the many cross sections along the blade) calculates the 3-D warp
ing functions asymptotically and finds the constitutive model for the 1-D nonlinear beam
analysis of the blade. After one obtains the global deformation from the 1-D beam analysis,
the original 3-D fields (displacements, stresses, and strains) can be recovered a posteriori us
ing the already-calculated 3-D warping functions.

Figure 3. Generalized Timoshenko theory: Schematic of the reference line, orthogonal triads, and beam sections be
fore and after deformation (adapted from [39])

In order to make this chapter self-contained, we shall see a brief outline of the theoretical
basis of the dimensional reduction technique. More details can be found in [27, 13, 39] and
references therein. Referring to Fig. 3, we have a reference line R drawn along the axis of the
beam in the undeformed configuration. R could be twisted and/or curved according to the
initial geometry of the beam. Section planes are normal to R at every point along its length.
At the point where R intersects the section, an associated orthogonal triad
fined in such a way that

is tangent to R and

, is de

are contained into the section plane;

with a correspondent coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) where X1 is the coordinate along R and
X2,X3 are the Cartesian coordinates on the section plane. The position of a generic point on
each section may be written as

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades: Flexo-Torsional Vibrational Modes

where denotes the position of the center of the tern along R, and the index assumes val
ues 2 and 3.
When the structure is deformed due to loading, the original reference line R adopts a new
geometry r, and we have a new triad
r and

associated to each point, where

is tangent to

are contained into the normal plane. The material point whose original position

was given by

has now the position vector

where wi are the contribution to the displacement due to warping. Now, we are able to com
pute the components of the gradient-of-deformation tensor as

, where

are respectively the covariant base vectors for the deformed configuration and the
contravariant base vectors in the undeformed configuration, obtained from the kinematic
description of equations (1) and (2). The Jaumann-Biot-Cauchy strain tensor is
ij =


(F ij + F ji ) ij , which provides a suitable measure of the 3-D strain field in terms of the

beam strain measures and arbitrary warping functions. is then used to compute the strain
energy density function as
2U = T | S ,

were, S is the matrix of the characteristics of the material expressed in the



= Gd X d X , where s indicates the 2-D domain of the cross-section.


The next step is to find a strain energy expression asymptotically correct up to the second
order of h/l and h/R0, where h is the characteristic size of the section, l the characteristic
wavelength of deformation along the beam axis, and R0 the characteristic radii of initial cur
vatures and twist of the beam. A complete second-order strain energy is sufficient for the
purpose of constructing a generalized Timoshenko model because it is generally accepted
that the transverse shear strain measures are one order less than classical beam strain meas
ures (extension, torsion and bending in two directions) [38]. A strain energy expression that
asymptotically approximates the 3-D energy up to the second order is achieved using the
Variational Asymptotic Method proposed in [4]. The complete derivation of this procedure
is presented in [13], resulting in the following expression for the asymptotically correct
strain energy:



Advances in Wind Power

2U = T A + T 2B + T C + T 2D ,


where A, B, C, D are matrices that carry information on both the geometry and the material
properties of the cross section, ()'' indicates the partial derivative with respect to the axial
coordinate X1, and = 11 1 2 3 T , are the strain measures defined in the classical Ber
noulli beam theory: the extension of the beam reference line, k its torsion, and k and k

the bending of the reference line in axes 2 and 3 due to the deformation.

The variational asymptotic procedure to get the matrices in equation (4) involves the discre
tization by finite-element techniques of the warping functions wi defined in expression (2).
During this procedure, a set of four constraints must be applied on wi. These restrictions, de

fined as wi = 0 and X 2w3 X 3w2 = 0, where = s d X 2 d X 3, are intended to eliminate

four rigid modes of displacement of the warped section (i.e. the three linear displacements

plus the turn around ), which are already included in the Bernoulli strain measures . Pre
vious implementations of VABS (e.g. [39,13]) use the technique described by Cesnik et al. [6]
to impose these constraints. In Cesnik et al.'s method, the rigid modes of displacement are
suppressed explicitly. Then, the eigenvectors associated with the rigid modes in the matrix
of the linear system that needs to be solved are computed, and used to get a reduced system.
Instead of that, in our implementation of VABS, we use the Lagrangian-multiplier technique
in its classical way to impose the constraints, solving the expanded system for the constrain
ed variational formulation itself. This simplifies the procedure by basically combining the
whole solution in a single step. This simplification produces by itself a certain reduction in
the overall computational cost, but most important, it has the advantage of allowing the use
of the internal-node condensation technique in the finite-element discretization. As we shall
see later, internal-node condensation allows us to substantially improve the efficiency of our
solution by the tri-quadrilateral finite-element technique.
Expression (4) for the strain energy is asymptotically correct. Nevertheless, it is difficult to
use in practice because it contains derivatives of the classical strain measures, which re
quires complicated boundary conditions. But, the well known Timoshenko beam theory is
free from such drawbacks. Hence, the next step is to fit the strain energy in (4), into a gener
alized Timoshenko model of the form
2U = T


where = 11 1 2 3


= T X + 2T Ys + Ts Gs ,

G s


are the classical Timoshenko strain measures due to extension,

torsion and bending, and = 212 213 the transverse shear strains.
What we need to find is X, Y and G in such a way that the strain energy in (4) and (5) would
be equivalent up to at least second order. There is an identity that relates both the Bernoulli
and the Timoshenko measures of deformation

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades: Flexo-Torsional Vibrational Modes

= + Q s + P s ,


QT =

0 0
0 0

0 1
1 0

PT =






being K1 the twist, and K2 and K3 the curvatures of the original reference line R. Thus, using
(6), we may rewrite expression (4) in terms of the generalized Timoshenko strain meas
ures using the 1-D equilibrium equations. This provides a way to relate the derivatives of
strain measures with the strain measures themselves, to fit the resulting expression into the
generalized Timoshenko form (5). Then, an asymptotic method is used to get approxima
tions to X, Y and G; using as input the already computed matrices A, B, C, D (see [39] for
details). Finally, a stiffness matrix for the 1-D beam problem is formed as a simple reor
dering of the matrix T
}, in such a way as to get a functional for the strain energy
density of expression~(5)

is the array of Timoshenko measures of deformation regrouped in a more con

venient way, T = 11 212 213 and T = 1 2 3 .

where =

For the discretization of the 2-D sections, we adopted the tri-quadrilateral finite-element
technique, which is based on the use of nine-node biquadratic isoparametric finite elements
that possess a high convergence rate and, due their biquadratic interpolation of the geomet
ric coordinates, provide the additional ability of reducing the so-called skin-error on curvi
linear boundaries when compared to linear elements. For a detailed description of the
isoparametric-element technique and its corresponding interpolation functions see Bathe [3].
In order to combine the advantages of the nine-node quadrilateral isoparametric element
with the geometrical ability of a triangular grid to create suitable non-structured meshes
with gradual and smooth changes of mesh density, we implemented what we called triquadrilateral isoparametric elements. The tri-quadrilateral elements consist of an assembling
of three quadrilateral nine-node isoparametric elements in which each triangle of a standard
unstructured mesh is divided into. By static condensation of the nodes that lie inside the tri
angle, we can significantly reduce the number of nodes to solve in the final system, subse
quently recovering the values for the internal nodes from the solution on the noncondensable nodes. The internal nodes may be expressed in terms of nodes which lay on the
elemental boundary following the classical procedure for elemental condensation (see [3]).



Advances in Wind Power

This process of condensation allows us to reduce the size of the new system to solve to ap
proximately a 40% of the original system. The use of the static condensation procedure is
attractive not only because it reduces the size of the stiffness matrices arising in finite-ele
ment and spectral-element methods but also because it improves the condition number of
the final condensed system. This is related with the properties of the Schur-complement
technique. The condensed system is essentially the Schur complement of the interior-node
submatrix in the non-condensed original system. A detailed description of the tri-quadrilat
eral technique may be found in Ponta [33]; including a schematic example of a mesh of triquadrilateral finite elements obtained from the original triangular discretization, and a
description of the internal topology of the tri-quadrilateral element.
To solve the one-dimensional problem for the equivalent beam, we use a formulation based
on the intrinsic equations for the beam obtained from variational principles [12], and
weighted in an energy-consistent way according to Patil et al. [30], which produces the fol
lowing variational formulation:

, V
, f =


, V= ,



^ K0
K= .
e1 K

Tilde indicates the skew-symmetric matrix associated to a vector magnitude in such a way
B is
that, for example, if we have any pair of vectors A and B, the matrix--vector product A
with V, and so
equivalent to the cross product A B. Thus, is associated with with , V
forth. Hence, matrix is a rearrangement of the components of the strain-measures vector
and matrix V
represent the components
defined above, the generalized-velocities vector V

of the linear and angular velocities, and matrix K represents the initial torsion and curva
tures of the beam (matrix e1 is the skew-symmetric matrix associated to eT1 = 1 0 0 , the
unit vector along X1). The generalized-forces vector F represents the forces and moments re
lated with the strain measures

, and the generalized-distributed-loads vector f

represents the forces and moments distributed along the axis of the beam. Here, is the
same stiffness matrix for the 1-D model, see equation (8); and I is the inertia matrix of each
section. The upper dot indicates a time derivative, and the prime a derivative with respect to
the longitudinal coordinate of the beam X1.

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades: Flexo-Torsional Vibrational Modes

This variational formulation was discretized by the spectral-element method (see [20,29]).
= He Qe , and
The magnitudes in (9) where replaced by their interpolated counterparts: V
F = He Qe , where He and He are the interpolation-function arrays, and Qe is a vector contain

ing the nodal values of both the generalized velocities and the generalized forces. Super
script e indicates discretization of the terms at the elemental level, which will disappear after
the final assembly of the terms into the global matrix for the whole beam. The axial deriva
= Be Qe , and F = Be Qe , where
tives of the magnitudes were interpolated in a similar way: V

and BF are the arrays for the interpolation-function derivatives. Then, we arrived to the

discretized version of (9):

e = Q e T ( K e + K e )Q e + Q e T K e q e + Q e T B e (Q e ),
Q e T M 1e Q



Me1 corresponds to the discretization of terms 1 and 2 giving the equivalent of a mass matrix.
Ke1, corresponding to terms 3 and 8, is the stiffness matrix of the 1-D problem. Ke2, corre

sponding to terms 4 and 9, is the additional stiffness related with the twist and curvature of

the undeformed configuration. Keq corresponds to the evaluation of term 6, the contribution
of the distributed loads; and q e is an array containing the nodal values of the generalized
distributed loads. t is the natural coordinate in the elements and J is the Jacobian of the map
ping from the problem coordinate X1 to t (see [3]). The discretized version of the terms in (9)
related to non-linear interactions, i.e. terms 5, 7 and 10, gives



Advances in Wind Power

A linearization of BeQ(Qe ) around any given configuration Qe1 gives the matrix


Matrix F is a rearrangement of the components of the generalized-forces vector F defined

above. Matrix P is a rearrangement of the components of the generalized-momentum vector
, which represents the linear and angular momenta related with the generalized-ve

. Tilde operates in the same way defined before, and the subscript 1 indi

cates the value of the magnitudes at a given state Qe1.

Finally, after the assembly of the elemental terms into the global system, the solution for the
nonlinear problem (9) in its steady state was obtained by solving iteratively for Q the dis
cretized expression
and updating the global vector of nodal values of the generalized velocities and forces as
Q(i+1) = Q(i) + Q.
From the steady-state solution we also obtained the vibrational modes of the blade structure
and their corresponding frequencies by solving the eigenvalue problem
+ K + K + K (Q(i)) Q = 0.
M 1Q


From these results for the intrinsic equations we recovered the displacements and rotations
of the blade sections by solving the kinematic equations for the beam (see [13])

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades: Flexo-Torsional Vibrational Modes

where u is the vector of displacements of each point along the reference line from its posi
tion in the reference configuration to the one in the deformed configuration, and CrR is the

orthogonal matrix that rotates the local triad from its original orientation in the reference
configuration to the one in the deformed configuration (both are defined in function of the
longitudinal coordinate X1). The strains and were computed from the generalized forces
and the stiffness of the corresponding blade section. Equations (13) and (14) were also line
arized, and like the other expressions, discretized by the spectral-element method.
2.2. Aerodynamic model
The flow model that interacts with the structural counterpart presented in section 2.1, called
Large Sectional Rotation BEM (LSR-BEM), is responsible to provide the aerodynamic loads
along the rotor blades, and is sensitive enough to take into account all the complex deforma
tion modes that the structural model is able to solve. The basis for our aerodynamic model is
the well known Blade Element Momentum theory (BEM). Nevertheless, due to the high lev
el of detail that our structural model can provide, a complete reformulation was needed in
the aerodynamic model to get a compatible level of description.
The tendency in the wind-turbine industry to increase the size of the state-of-the-art ma
chine [17] drives not only to bigger, but also to more flexible blades which are relatively
lighter. It is observed for this type of wind turbine blades that big deformations, either due
to blade flexibility or to pre-conforming processes, produces high rotations of the blade
sections. Moreover, blades could be pre-conformed with specific curvatures given to any of
their axis (i.e. conning/sweeping). This tendency puts in evidence one of the most important
limitations of the current BEM theory. While the basics of this theory keeps being perfect
ly valid, the actual mathematical formulation implies the assumption of blade sections re
maining perpendicular to an outwards radial line contained in the plane of the actuator disk
coincident with the rotor's plane. That is, even though the basics of the BEM theory (i.e. the
equation of the aerodynamic loads and the change of momentum in the streamtubes) keeps
being valid, the mathematical formulation cannot represent large rotations of the blade
sections. This basically leads to a misrepresentation of the effects of the large deformation
associated to flexible blades on the computation of the aerodynamic loads. Hence, a new
mathematical formulation is required to project the velocities obtained from momentum
theory onto the blade element's plane and then re-project backwards the resulting forces
from Blade Element theory onto the plane of the stream tube actuator disk. When analyz
ing BEM theory for this cases, the principle of equating the forces obtained by Blade Ele
ment theory with the ones coming from the the changing of momentum in the stream tube
is still valid.
In what follows we will describe the main characteristics of our model, and refer to [25] and
[5] for details on the classical BEM theory.We start by defining a set of orthogonal matrices
that perform the rotation of the physical magnitudes involved (velocities, forces, etc.) The



Advances in Wind Power

interaction with external control modules will require a constant update of this projection
matrices. For example, the rotor azimuth matrix, besides the instantaneous position of the
blade along its rotation, can reflect control actions on the dynamics of the Electro-Mechani
cal train that define the rotor's angular speed, .
For instance, we could write the wind velocity vector Wh facing the differential annulus of
our actuator disk, affecting its components, according to BEM theory, by the axial induction
factor a and the rotational induction factor a'. The h subscript here indicates that the wind
velocity vector is described in the hub coordinate system according to standards from the In
ternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) [15].
W wh (1)(1 a)

Wh = W wh (2) + rh (1 + a ) ,


W wh (3)
where Wwh is the incoming wind velocity projected into the h coordinate system, is the
angular velocity of the rotor and rh is the radial distance of the airfoil section in the h coordi
nate system.

Then, to compute the relative velocity affecting a blade element, we will project Wh going
through the different coordinate systems, from the hub, until reaching the blade's section co
ordinate system. Lets see first which rotations we shall go through, and which matrices will
transform our velocity vector from one coordinate system to the other.
Thus, the conning rotation matrix Ccn is a linear operator with a basic rotation taking into
account the conning angle for the rotor, and the Pitching rotation matrix C p , represents a

rotation around the pitch of the blade.

cos ( p )
C p = sin ( p )

sin ( p ) 0
cos ( p )



where p is the pitch angle.

Two more re-orientations are needed in order to get to the instantaneous coordinate sys
tem of the blade sections, associated with the deformed reference line r of section 2.1. The
first of this matrices contains information on blade section's geometry at the time the blade
was designed and manufactured. As it was mentioned previously, the blade could have
pre-conformed curvatures along its longitudinal axis (i.e. the blade axis is no longer rectilin
ear). This curvatures can reflect either an initial twist along the longitudinal axis or a com
bination of twist plus pre-bending on the other two axes (i.e. conning/sweeping). To this end,
we compute during the blade design stage a set of transformation matrices which contain
the information of the three dimensional orientation of the blade''s sections for each posi

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades: Flexo-Torsional Vibrational Modes

tion on the longitudinal axis as we move along the span. To this end, we compute the FrenetSerret formulas that define the curvature of the (now curvilinear) longitudinal axis. These
differential formulas provide the means to describe the tangent, normal and binormal unit
vectors on a given curve. Due to this unit vectors, the Frenet-Serret coordinate system is
also known as the TNB frame. More information about the calculation of the TNB unit vectors,
their properties and other applications can be found in [37]. Around the tangential axis of
the TNB, there is a further rotation of each blade section to orient it accordingly to the
particular twist specified on the blade's aerodynamic design. Combining these rotations we
then create a transformation matrix for every blade section at different span positions. We
call this matrix the C Rb, as it relates the global coordinate system of the blade b, with the

system of coordinates of the blade sections in the undeformed configuration defined by line
R, as in section 2.1.

After applying the C Rb, one more projection is needed to get to the instantaneous coordinate
system associated with r. This last transformation is given by the CrR matrix, computed by

the 1D structural model, see equation 14. It contains information to transform vectors from
the R to the r systems after structural deformations had occurred. Note that this matrix is
updated at every timestep of the 1D model during dynamic simulations, being one of the
key variables transporting information between the structural and aerodynamic models.
After all these projections of the Wh vector, we have the relative wind velocity expressed in
the blade''s section coordinate system. The expression for the flow velocity relative to the
blade section, Wrel :
Wrel = (CrR C RbC p Ccn Wh ) + vstr


where the addition of vstr corresponds to the blade section structural deformation velocities,
coming from the structural model.

Then, the magnitude | Wrel | and the angle of attack are used to compute the forces on the

airfoil section through the aerodynamic coefficients Cl, Cd. Another innovation of our model
is that the data tables from static wind-tunnel are corrected at each timestep to consider ei
ther rotational-augmentation or dynamic-stall effects, or both.
The aerodynamic loads acting on the blade element is then projected back onto the h coordi
nate system,
dFh = CTcn CT p CTRbCTrR C Lthal dFr


where C Lthal is the matrix which projects the lift and drag forces onto the chord-wise and

chord-normal directions, which are aligned with the coordinates of r. Finally, as in the clas
sical BEM theory, dFh is equated to the rate of change of momentum in the annular stream
tube corresponding to the blade element. The component normal to the rotor's disk, is



Advances in Wind Power

equated to the change in axial momentum, while the tangential component, is equated to the
change of angular momentum.
In order to apply this theory to HAWT rotors, we must introduce some corrective factors
into the calculation process. BEM theory does not account for the influence of vortices being
shed from the blade tips into the wake on the induced velocity field. These tip vortices cre
ate multiple helical structures in the wake which play a major role in the induced velocity
distribution at the rotor. To compensate for this deficiency in BEM theory, a tip-loss model
originally developed by Prandtl is implemented as a correction factor to the induced veloci
ty field [8]. In the same way, a hub-loss model serves to correct the induced velocity result
ing from a vortex being shed near the hub of the rotor (see [25], [5].) Another modification
needed in the BEM theory is the one developed by Glauert [7] to correct the rotor thrust co
efficient in the "turbulent-wake" state. This correction plays a key role when the turbine op
erates at high tip speed ratios and the induction factor is greater than about 0.45.
BEM theory was originally conceived for axisymmetric flow. Often, however, wind turbines
operate at yaw angles relative to the incoming wind, which produces a skewed wake behind
the rotor. For this reason, the BEM model needs also to be corrected to account for this
skewed wake effect [31,22]. The influence of the wind turbine tower on the blade aerody
namics must also be modeled. We implemented the models developed by Bak et al. [2] and
Powles [34] which provide the influence of the tower on the local velocity field at all points
around the tower. This model contemplate increases in wind speed around the sides of the
tower and the cross-stream velocity component in the tower near flow field.
Our model also incorporates the possibility to add multiple data tables for the different air
foils, and use them in real-time according to the instantaneous aerodynamic situations on
the rotor. It also uses the Viterna's extrapolation method [36] to ensure the data availability
for a range of angles of attack 180 .

3. Numerical Experimentation
In this section, we report some recent results of the application of our model to the analysis
of a set of rotor blades based on the 5-MW Reference Wind Turbine (RWT) proposed by NREL
[17]. We will start describing the structural features of the blade, its general aerodynamic
properties, the blade internal structure, and the finite element meshes associated to the
structural computations.
3.1. NREL Reference Wind Turbine
Based on the REpower 5MW wind turbine, NREL RWT was conceived for both onshore and
offshore installations and is well representative of typical utility-scale multi megawatt com
mercial wind turbines. Although full specific technical data is not available for the REpower
5MW rotor blades, a baseline from a prototype blade was originally released by LM Glass
fiber in 2001 for the Dutch Offshore Wind Energy Converter (DOWEC) 6MW wind turbine

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades: Flexo-Torsional Vibrational Modes

project~[21,23] and later re-adapted by NREL. In addition, the NREL 5-MW RWT project has
been adopted as a reference model by the integrated European Union UpWind research pro
gram~[1] and the International Energy Agency (IEA) Wind Annex XXIII Subtask 2 Offshore
Code Comparison Collaboration (OC3)~[14,18,28].
As stated in the NREL''s RWT project, the length of our rotor blade is set to be 61.5m. All
basic aerodynamic properties as blade section chords, twist angles and basic spanwise sta
tions distribution, correspond to the original data (see [17]). These aerodynamic properties,
as well as the denomination of the basic airfoils at the design stations are included in table 1.
Complementing the information in this table, figure 4 shows the blade section chords distri
bution along the span.

Location [m] Twist angle Chord length [m]

Airfoil type



















DU 00-W-401




DU 00-W-350




DU 00-W-350




DU 97-W-300




DU 91-W-250





DU 91-W-250





DU 93-W-210





DU 93-W-210





NACA 64-618





NACA 64-618





NACA 64-618





NACA 64-618





NACA 64-618





NACA 64-618





NACA 64-618





NACA 64-618

Table 1. Distributed blade aerodynamic properties.

Figure 4. Chord distribution along the blade.



Advances in Wind Power

The blade structure is a combination of two external aerodynamic shells, mounted on a boxbeam spar which provides the main structural component to the aerodynamic forces. Analy
sing a blade section (see figure 2) we can see the aerodynamic shells plus two spar caps
which, together with two shear webs, form the box-beam spar. Constructive characteristics
as thickness as well as number and orientation of fiberglass layers for the different structural
components of the blade sections are covered in detail in reports published by SANDIA Na
tional Labs. [35,9]. According to these reports, the aerodynamic shells are mainly composed
by 45 layers, plus a small amount of randomly oriented fibers, gelcoat and filling resin.
Shear webs, the the box-beam lateral walls, are made up of 45 layers with a balsa wood
core which provides the needed buckling resistance. Shear webs are usually located at the
15% and 45% of the airfoil's chord but, for sections closer to the blade's root, the positions
are modified in order to increase the section's stiffness. Focusing now on the spar caps, these
are made of 0 layers and are the most important structural element as they give support to
the bending loads on the blade. Finally, the blade sections has a reinforcement at its rear
part, i.e. the trailing edge spline, also made up of 0 oriented fibers which supports the
bending loads in the chord-wise direction. Reports [35,9] also provide a comprehensive de
scription of lamination sequences and material properties.
Material properties within the subregions corresponding to each of the blade section compo
nents were assumed homogeneous and equal to those of an equivalent material. The proper
ties of this equivalent material, a 6 6 symmetric matrix with 21 independent coefficients,
were computed by a weighted average of the actual laminates properties. Since the thick
nesses of the region layers are very small compared to the actual size of the blade section,
this assumption does not introduce significant errors. Besides, if more detail is required, our
computational codes allow for independent meshing of every single layer of material sepa
rately using the exact properties.

Figure 5. Finite element meshes for morphed sections.]{Finite element meshes for morphed sections corresponding
to: (a) 20% of the blade span, and (b) 60% of the blade span.

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades: Flexo-Torsional Vibrational Modes

After the internal regions and materials were defined, a triquadrilateral mesh was generated
for a number of blade sections along the span. The preset master sections in table 1 served as
the basis for an innovative 3D-morphing technique based on variational cubic-spline inter
polation which allows us to obtain smooth transitions between the known 2D airfoil sections
along the span of the blade. This way one can divide the blade into any number of sections
larger than the known ones and generate finite element meshes for a more refined study of
the structural features. As an example, figure 5 shows the finite element meshes of two
morphed airfoil sections located at the 20% and 60% of the blade span.
Using the technique described for the internal blade structure components, we refined 46
blade sections along the span to match the structural properties of the ones reported by
NREL [17]. The main targeted properties to refine were edgewise, flapwise and torsional
stiffness as well as mass density for every blade section. The pitch axis centering and the lo
cation of the aerodynamic coefficients reference points were also computed according to in
formation in reference [17].
The general specifications of the turbine also match the ones on NREL's report. Thus, the ro
tor has an upwind orientation and is composed of three blades. The hub diameter is 3m and
is located at 90m from the ground level. Total rotor diameter is 126m. It has a precone of 2.5
and an overhang distance of 5m from the tower axis. The rated wind speed for this turbine
is 11.4m/s.
3.2. Aeroelastic Steady State
After computing stiffness and inertia matrices for a discrete number of cross-sections along
the span of the blade as described in section 2.1, the calculation of the aeroelastic steady
state of the NREL RWT blades working under nominal conditions was solved by fullycoupling the structural and aerodynamic models presented in sections 2.1 and 2.2. Tip speed
ratio for the nominal operational condition is =7, so the tangential velocity at the tip of the
blade is 80m/s. For this nominal working condition, the power output computed for our
rotor is 5.455MW which, taking into account that as in any BEM approach the interference
of the tower and the nacelle is computed only approximately, is in very good agreement
with the reported power for the NREL-5MW reference turbine rated at 5.296MW accord
ing to [17].
Figure 6 shows the displacement of the blade's reference-line (blade axis) Uh when it is sub

jected to the aerodynamic steady load in normal operational conditions. Figure 7, shows the
corresponding rotations of the blade sections h. These geometrical magnitudes were refer
red to a coordinate system, h from hub, aligned with the rotor's plane, according to stand
ards from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) [15]. Hence, the first unit
vector is normal to the rotor's plane (i.e. axial) pointing downwind, the second is in the ro
tor's tangential direction pointing to the blade's trailing edge, and the third unit vector is in
the radial direction pointing to the blade tip.
From figure 6 we can see that the displacement Uh of the blade's tip, normal to the rotor's
plane, is 5.73m. This is perfectly consistent with results shown in [17]. Added to this, the tan



Advances in Wind Power

gential displacement Uh is 0.78m in the negative direction, meaning that aerodynamic forces
are bending the blade in the direction towards its rotation as the rotor is producing a posi
tive driving torque.

Figure 6. Linear displacements of the reference-line Uh when the beam is subjected to a steady load in normal opera
tional conditions (referred to a coordinate system aligned with the rotor's plane).

In figure 7, angles h and h are directly associated with blade bending in the normal and
tangential directions to the rotor plane, that correspond to displacements Uh and Uh respec
tively. It is important to note that angle h represents the angular displacements which
takes the blade's axis out of the rotor's plane.

Figure 7. Rotations of the beam sections h when the beam is subjected to a steady load in normal operational condi
tions (referred to a coordinate system aligned with the rotor's plane).

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades: Flexo-Torsional Vibrational Modes

3.3. Natural frequencies & Linear Modes

Vibrational modes around the aeroelastic steady-state are obtained from the solution of an
eigenvalue problem as described in section 2.1. The resulting eigenvalues are complex conju
gate, their imaginary part represent frequencies while their non-zero real part correspond to
aerodynamic damping effects coming from non-conservative force fields in the 1D functional.

frequency Dominant Dominant

































Table 2. List of frequencies and dominant components of Uh and h for the first ten modes of vibration.

Vibrational mode analysis provides relevant information about both the natural vibrational
frequencies of the blade around a steady-state condition, and for the modes of deformation
along the blade span. Table 2 summarizes the first 10 modes obtained showing the frequen
cies together with the corresponding dominant component for the displacements and the
rotations of the blade section.
Table 3 shows a comparison of the frequencies obtained for the first 3 modes with the values
reported by NREL in [17] using FAST [19] and ADAMS [16] software. FAST and ADAMS are
considered today state-of-the-art softwares for structural blades analysis. From this compari
son we see that the frequencies computed with our model match previous studies with a difference
of 1% for the first mode and a maximum difference of 5% for the second and third modes. This
difference is not surprising as the level of detail and richness of information that our computa
tional tools can register is not present in the previous software like FAST or ADAMS.














Table 3. Frequencies comparison for the first three modes according to NREL report [17].



Advances in Wind Power

Figures 8 and 9 show the amplitude of the deformation along the span for the three compo
nents of Uh and h, normalized by the dominant component, for some of the deformation
modes. Every mode shown includes displacements and rotations of the blade sections nor
malized by the value of the dominant component.

Figure 8. Amplitude of Uh and h for three vibrational modes around the aeroelastic steady-state configuration (nor
malized by the dominant component). From top to bottom modes # 1, 2 and 3.

Figure 9. Amplitude of Uh and h for three vibrational modes around the aeroelastic steady-state configuration (nor
malized by the dominant component). From top to bottom modes # 4, 7 and 10.

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades: Flexo-Torsional Vibrational Modes

3.4. Recovery of 3-D fields

After computing the global deformation from the 1-D beam analysis, we recovered the cor
responding 3-D fields (displacements, strains and stresses) using the 3-D warping functions
previously calculated with our model. The knowledge of the stress state of every layer is of
utter importance in the analysis of wind turbine blades in order to improve life-time and re
liability of the design. Our model can provide the full six tensorial components of the stress
tensor. Besides it can provide the 3 components of the displacement and 6 components of
the strain.
For the previously solved aeroelastic steady-state, we present in figure 11 and 11 the six
components of the Jaumann-Biot-Cauchy stress tensor Z=S for the section located at 40% of
the blade span. This region is particularly interesting as it combines energy production and
structurally supports significant stress accumulation compared to other regions along the
blade span. The dominant stress component, Z11, at the top of figure 10 is the one primarily
associated with the out of rotor-plane bending loads. Note here how the lower spar-cap is
subjected to tensile stress while the upper one is under compression stress.

Figure 10. Components of the Jaumann-Biot-Cauchy stress tensor Z = S for the section located at 40% of the blade
span (referred to the undeformed coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) in Pa). From top to bottom: Z11, Z12 and Z13.



Advances in Wind Power

Fig. 11. Components of the Jaumann-Biot-Cauchy stress tensor Z= S for the section located at 40% of the blade span
(referred to the undeformed coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) in Pa). From top to bottom: Z22, Z23 and Z33.

4. Conclusions
With the method presented in this work we are able to model the structural behavior of
wind turbine blades with the simplicity and economy of a one-dimensional model but with
a level of description equivalent to a much more costly three-dimensional approach. The
one-dimensional model is used to compute a fast, but accurate, solution for the deformed
state of the blade when subjected to a steady load in normal operational conditions, and an
analysis of the vibrational modes around this steady configuration. This provides a valuable
tool to use during the design process. In that sense, the capacity of the Generalized-Timo
shenko theory to capture the bending-twisting coupled modes in its fully populated 6 6
stiffness matrix for the 1-D beam problem plays a fundamental role.
Due to the geometrical complexity and material inhomogeneousness in the section, all the
deformation modes of the blade are combined modes, i.e. there are no pure-flexural or puretorsional modes. Plots of the vibrational modes may serve to identify eventual unstable
states in the dynamic behavior of innovative prototype blades. Figures 8 and 9 show that,
for certain modes, in some portions of the span, bending due to lift force occurs simultane
ously with twisting in the sense that increases the angle of attack, and then, the lift force. A
complete dynamic analysis of the fluid-structure interaction process would be needed to de

Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Turbine Blades: Flexo-Torsional Vibrational Modes

termine if those particular modes would be activated or not during the blade operation.
Nevertheless, having the possibility of quickly identifying those modes (and their associated
frequencies) at an early stage of the design process seems very helpful.
Regarding the linear vibrational modes depicted in figure 8, the first mode shows mainly
out-of-plane curvature corresponding to the fundamental frequency of the blade but as the
blade is initially twisted and has complex inhomogeneous sections, it is not a pure bending
mode. Therefore, as a result of the non conventional couplings, curvature deformation in the
rotor plane and also torsion appears in this mode. The second mode is also commanded by
out-of-plane curvature but it has an important torsion component, while mode number
three is similar to the first one with a higher wave number.
Regarding the modes presented in figure 9, the fourth and seventh modes are mainly com
manded by torsion and hence they could be responsible for fluttering of the blade in case
they are excited by the interaction with the surrounding fluid. The tenth mode is also princi
pally a flap-wise curvature mode but with higher wave number than the first and third. It
shows a more complex behavior arising from complicated couplings among different defor
mations. The frequencies of the first three modes presented in table 3 are in good agreement
with published results obtained by other models.
The above-mentioned flexo-torsional characteristic also gives this model the ability to simu
late the dynamic performance of adaptive blades, at an affordable computational cost. In the
Adaptive-Blade concept (see [10,24], among others), tailoring of the flexo-torsional modes of
the blade is used to reduce aerodynamic loads by controlling the coupling between bending
and twisting. As the blade bends under load, the angle of attack of the airfoil sections
changes, reducing the lift force. Limiting extreme loads and improving fatigue performance,
this added passive control reduces the intensity of the actuation of the active control system.
Plots like figure 6 and figure 7 provide valuable information about the simultaneous defor
mation of twisting and bending under a given load.
Recovering of the stress tensor components for the different zones of the blade section helps
in the prediction of stress concentration in the basic design that may ultimately lead to even
tual material failure. More exhaustive fatigue studies can be conducted analyzing the stress
both in the steady state or in time-marching solutions of the problem. The capability of com
puting the whole 6 components of the stress tensor makes it possible to apply sophisticated
failure theories.
Our aeroelastic model may also be used to simulate the dynamic response of the wind tur
bine tower. In that case, the structural model would be applied to the tower to obtain the
stiffness matrices of the equivalent beam as it is done with the blades. The aerodynamic
loads would be computed from the aerodynamic coefficients of the cylindrical sections of
the tower using basically the same subroutines. As in the case of the blades, all the complex
flexo-torsional modes of deformation of the tower would be taken into account, and the as
sociated vibrational effects included in the general analysis of the whole turbine.
We plan to continue our work with a dynamic simulation of the fluid-structure problem. In
a first stage, we will couple the phenomena by feeding back changes in geometry due to



Advances in Wind Power

blade deformation in our aerodynamic model and recomputing the forces. At this stage, we
also plan to include statistically-generated perturbations to represent fluctuations in wind
speed and direction based on anemometry data for wind resource in several representative
locations. Besides providing us with a fast model for a quick analysis, this model will serve
as an intermediate step before the ultimate goal of coupling the structural model with the
velocity-vorticity KLE approach mentioned above.

The authors are very grateful for the financial support made available by the National Sci
ence Foundation through grants CEBET-0933058 and CEBET-0952218 and University of Bue
nos Aires through grant 20020100100536 UBACyT 2011/14.

Author details
Alejandro D. Otero1,2, Fernando L. Ponta1* and Lucas I. Lago1
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics, Michigan Technological
University, Houghton, USA
2 CONICET & College of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Section 3

Power Conversion, Control, and Integration

Chapter 6

Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for

Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbines
Mohamed Aner, Edwin Nowicki and David Wood
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
In response to the introduction of feed-in tariffs around the world, an increasing number of
small wind turbines are being grid connected [1]. Variable speed wind turbines, though ini
tially more costly, have several advantages over fixed speed systems: (i) average power pro
duction is typically 10% higher since the turbine operates more frequently near its ideal tipspeed-ratio, (ii) the turbine and mechanical transmission operate with reduced stresses, (iii)
turbine and generator torque pulsations are reduced, and (iv) noise is reduced [2-4]. Varia
ble speed operation in general has only become possible over the last twenty years or so be
cause of major developments in power electronics and associated cost reductions [5]. This
reference indicates that power electronic devices are reducing in cost at about 1-5% per year.
This chapter will discuss the impact of these developments on small turbine design and op
eration along with some important aerodynamics issues related to turbine starting.
The blades of most small horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) have no pitch adjustment.
This reduces their cost but makes starting and low wind speed performance a major chal
lenge. In order to extract the maximum possible energy available from the wind, power ex
traction should begin at the smallest possible wind speed in the shortest possible time. Few
researchers have examined wind turbine starting. Ebert and Wood [6] and Mayer et al. [7]
measured starting sequences from separate 5 kW HAWTs. Kjellin and Bernhoff [8] devel
oped a scheme for starting a small vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) using auxiliary gener
ator windings that are not used for power production. Hill et al. [9] discuss the aerodynamic
starting of Darrieus VAWTs which have problems similar to, or worse than, those for
HAWTs. The remainder of this chapter considers only HAWTs with fixed-pitch blades con
figured with an AC generator and power converter that delivers fixed frequency electrical
power while allowing the turbine to operate at variable rotational speeds.

2012 Aner et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advances in Wind Power

The lack of pitch adjustment in small wind turbines (considered here to have a rated power
output of 50 kW or less) means the blades experience high angles of attack during starting
and, hence, low lift to drag ratios. Moreover, most small wind turbines employ permanent
magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) whose cogging torque1 can have a significant im
pact on starting. Wood [13] showed that the cogging torque must be less than 1% of the rat
ed torque to be unimportant. Partly because of high cogging torque, the blades of the 500 W
HAWT studied by Wright & Wood [11] did not start for a wind speed below 5 m/s approxi
mately, whereas the conventionally-measured cut-in wind speed was 3.5 m/s. The difference
was due to the blades ability to keep rotating as the wind speed decreased below 5 m/s. In
other words, the stopping wind speed of a HAWT is significantly lower than the aerody
namic starting speed and the cut-in speed is some average of the two. It is also noted that
5 m/s is a typical average wind speed for locations where a small turbine is likely to be em
ployed. Wood [10] described the multi-dimensional optimization of blade design including
the minimization of starting time. Subsequent tests on 2.5 m long 5 kW blades designed for
good aerodynamic starting are described below. From rest, they take about 13 s to reach the
power-extracting angular velocity at a wind speed of 10 m/s and about 40 s at 3 m/s. These
times can result in a significant loss of output energy compared to operation with much fast
er starting times.
As modern small wind turbine systems evolve, several issues are emerging that may be
effectively and economically dealt with by the use of modern power electronics. While
many small turbines operate with variable rotor speed, it is uncommon for their power
electronics to allow power flow to and from the grid. In fact, many small turbines are sold
with only a diode rectifier or battery charger. The diode rectifier configuration (either a
four diode full-bridge for a single-phase generator or a six diode full-bridge for a threephase generator) is often used because of its simplicity, reliability and economy. A bat
tery charger may be added, in the form of a single-transistor based buck converter or boost
converter. Both the diode rectifier and the battery charger allow power flow in one direc
tion only (from generator to a DC capacitor or battery), which to date has been satisfacto
ry, but as suggested below, bi-directional converters may be used in the near future to
extract more energy from small wind turbines.
With the conventional diode rectifier based system, small wind turbines normally require a
third party inverter for grid connection. This inverter often has to provide the maximum
power point tracking (MPPT) for optimal power extraction. In turn, many such inverters are
based on photovoltaic inverters for which the perturb and observe (P & O) strategy for
MPPT is effective [12]. P & O does not work well for wind turbines because of the (usually)
rapidly changing wind speed and most sophisticated small turbines with integral inverters
base their MPPT on some form of look table for maximum power as a function of generator
frequency. Thus the basic operation of small wind turbine inverters needs to be fundamen
tally different from those used for photovoltaics.
1 By cogging torque we mean the maximum value of the phase-dependent cogging torque. The value is independent
of the direction of rotation.

Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbines

Another particular issue is the need to have high rectifier efficiency and high inverter effi
ciency over a very wide range of power levels. In principle, this is also a requirement for
large turbines, but the lower average wind speeds seen by small turbines makes the low
power performance especially important. Many commercial small inverters now have effi
ciencies of over 95% at rated power but drop off alarmingly at lower power levels due to
losses in filter, transformer, and controller components (such losses are much more signifi
cant in small power converters than in high power converters). The development of modern
semiconductor switching devices and advances in high frequency switching control contin
ue to be crucial to the extension of high efficiency operation in low wind speed (i.e. low
power) regimes.
Another power electronics issue of rapidly increasing importance is that of AC power quali
ty. At very small power levels (below 500W), where economy is a driving market require
ment, the inverter operates with a simple controller that produces a modified square-wave
AC output voltage (i.e. a square wave modified by the addition a zero voltage step between
negative and positive voltage levels). Such inverter operation is reliable, with low switching
losses (since the transistors are switched at the power frequency of 50Hz or 60Hz) and with
out any need for filter components. The total harmonic distortion (THD) is a measure of de
viation from a sinusoidal waveform; for a typical modified square wave the THD is about
30%. However with increasing use of renewable energy sources, it is very possible that in
the near future national electronic equipment standards will require manufacturers of small
inverters to produce AC voltage (or AC current in the case of grid-connection) having a
THD on the order of 5% or even lower. Since about 1990, inverters with a power output
above 2kW have increasingly been manufactured with pulse width modulation (PWM) that
rapidly (in the range of 1kHz to 10kHz) switches transistors such that the transistor bridge
output can be filtered with low cost inductor and/or capacitor components to produce AC
output current with low THD for grid connection. It is expected that PWM will become
more commonly used even at the very low power levels of a few hundred Watts.
One problem with PWM operation is the issue of increased cost and reduced reliability re
sulting from the use of the required filter components (without filtering the THD would be
well above 100%). A trend that is in its infancy for high power inverters may one day be
applied to lower power inverters is the multilevel inverter, which produces a stair-stepped
approximation of a sinusoidal voltage or current and requires little filtering (or even no filter
if PWM is not used at all and there are a sufficient number of levels). A significant disad
vantage of the multilevel inverter is an increase in the number semiconductor power transis
tors, and hence decreased reliability and increased cost. However with rapidly evolving
power semiconductor switching technology, multilevel inverters may one day become eco
nomical even at lower power levels.
In this chapter, the focus is on the issue of bi-directional power flow in the power converter
of a small wind turbine system. Bi-directionality of power flow is an example of what is now
available (and quickly becoming more economical) using modern power electronics. This
chapter presents one such system and explores its use in motor-starting a small wind tur
bine to reduce the starting time. The ideal case of turbine starting after the wind speed



Advances in Wind Power

makes a step change from zero to a constant value, U, within the turbine operating range is
considered, and any issues regarding the measuring of U is ignored. It is also assumed that
power extraction takes over instantaneously from starting at a nominated rotor angular ve
locity. The justification is that if motor-starting for this case results in an energy gain, it is
worth pursuing. If it does not, then it is to be discarded. We show that motor-starting is
worth pursuing
The following sections present the electrical system in which motoring and generating
modes are controlled by field oriented control (FOC) through a bi-directional very sparse
matrix converter (VSMC) which is connected in a backward configuration (i.e. the rectifier
portion of the VSMC is connected to the grid and the inverter portion is connected to the
generator). This allows a sufficient DC-link voltage for grid connection at any wind speed
while the system is in the generating mode, and also permits straightforward grid synchro
nization where power is regulated by current control, depending on grid voltage to avoid
voltage flicker. In addition, by using a small filter, sinusoidal current can be injected into the
grid at unity power factor (or slightly leading or lagging power factor as desired) to improve
power quality [13]. An alternative to the VSMC is the well known back-to-back converter
(where the rectifier is implemented with a conventional inverter structure). However, the
back-to-back converter requires some form of DC-link storage such as a capacitor, which is
not the case for the a VSMC.
One particular recent power electronics development of interest for matrix converters is the
emergence of the Reverse Blocking IGBT (RB-IGBT) which has become commercially availa
ble and tested for matrix converter implementations. It has been shown [14] that the conduc
tion losses, switching losses, and conduction voltage of RB-IGBTs are lower than the current
generation IGBTs which should lead to higher converter efficiencies. Another recent power
electronics development is the commercialization of the Bi-directional Reverse Blocking
IGBT (BRB-IGBT) for use in high power converters which may one day be used in lower
power converters. A prime candidate for such switching technology is the matrix converter
and its derivatives. Matrix converters (having the ability for extremely flexible bi-directional
control of power in three-phase systems) in their conventional (non-sparse) form have long
been criticized because of the high cost and high power losses associated with a high transis
tor and diode count (e.g. 18 transistors and 18 diodes in one particular form). The use of bidirectional reverse blocking devices would remove the need for external reverse voltage
blocking diodes, and reduce the control requirements of a full matrix converter (only nine
devices to be controlled), as well as reduce power losses in the converter. Thus, BRB-IGBT
devices may lead to economical matrix-based or other converter configurations with lower
power losses and simplified gate drive requirements [15, 16]. The study discussed below,
uses an established implementation of bi-directional power flow in a power switch, namely,
a conventional IGBT transistor within a four-diode bridge as shown in Fig.1 (the diodes pro
vide both reverse voltage blocking capability and bi-directional power flow control). This
configuration has the advantage of a simplified switch drive circuit (only one IGBT needs to
be controlled regardless of power flow) but the disadvantage of increased conduction losses
in two conducting diodes. An alternative bi-directional power switch configuration consists

Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbines

of two anti-parallel IGBT (or other transistor) devices, each with a reverse blocking diode,
which would reduce the losses (only one conducting diode) but require a more complicated
transistor driver (two transistors need to be controlled for each bi-directional switch). Figure
2 shows the configuration of VSMC built with BRB-IGBT switching devices.
Section 3 describes a 5 kW wind turbine and its starting performance. An expression for the
energy gain (i.e. harvested and delivered to the grid) is derived using the proposed motor
ing approach verses aerodynamic starting. Section 4 presents the model and operation of the
PMSG and the VSMC in the backward configuration, including a space vector modulation
approach. Then in Section 5, the simulation results for a 5.6 kW wind turbine are presented,
including a plot of energy gain as a function of wind speed which compares well with the
analytical result presented in Section 4. Conclusions are presented in Section 6.

2. Small wind turbine system configuration with VSMC

Figure 1 illustrates the proposed HAWT, including a PMSG connected to the grid through a
backward very sparse matrix converter (where the rectifier side is connected to the grid and
the inverter side is connected to the generator). Fig. 1 also shows the maximum power point
tracking (MPPT) controller. The current flowing to or from the generator is controlled by
field oriented control (FOC). The system operates as follows. Once blade rotation is detect
ed, the generator is operated as a motor with the rated electromagnetic torque in the same
direction as the aerodynamic torque until it reaches the nominated speed for power extrac
tion where the MPPT unit takes control to keep the turbine operating at the optimal tip
speed ratio ( opt). The reference torque is converted to a reference generator current through
the FOC unit and compared to the actual current to generate the appropriate generator volt
age. Then the reference voltage based on space vector modulation forms the switching sig
nals to the VSMC.
The turbine power output, P m, is expressed in conventional form as:
Pm = 0.5ACP U 3


where is the air density, A is the rotor swept area, U is the wind speed and C P is the tur
bine power coefficient which is related to the torque coefficient, C T, by


where is the tip speed ratio. C T is approximated by [17]:

CT = a6 6 + a5 5 + a4 4 + a3 3 + a2 2 + a1 + a0
where a 6 to a 0 are turbine coefficients defined in the Appendix.




Advances in Wind Power

Figure 1. Proposed grid connected HAWT system using backward VSMC.

Figure 2. Alternative implementation of the backward VSMC using BRB-IGBT devices.

Figure 3 shows the variation of C T form Equation (3) versus for a 5.6 kW wind turbine
whose other parameters, taken to be typical of a wind turbines of that output, are given in
the Appendix. Also shown is the measured starting performance of a 5.0 kW turbine whose
blades were designed for rapid starting using the methods described by Wood [10]. In Fig
ure 3, a 5th order curve is fitted to the measured starting data, but more important, a linear
approximation is also determined and used for simulation of motoring. It is important to

Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbines

note that the C T from Equation (3) applies only when power is being extracted. The starting
turbine does not extract power so the wind speed does not decrease through the rotor, and
the blade aerodynamics is fundamentally different. The starting line and the curve from
Equation (3), intersect close to 7 which is approximately the optimum tip speed ratio.
This allows the controller to employ the linear plot for motoring and then switch to the
steady aerodynamic curve from Equation (3) for power generation.

3. The aerodynamic of starting and energy gain by motoring

Figure 4 shows starting data of a 5.0 kW wind turbine, in terms of wind speed and tip speed
ratio as a function of time. The 5 m diameter, two-bladed 5.0 kW turbine had fixed-pitch
blades designed for good aerodynamic starting (without motoring). Even at a high wind
speed of around 10 m/s the blades take about 13 s to reach the minimum angular velocity for
power extraction.
Starting can be analyzed using standard blade element theory with no axial or azimuthal in
duction, Wood [10]. With all lengths normalized by the blade tip radius, R, and all velocities
normalized by U, the aerodynamic torque, Ta, acting on the starting rotor, is given by

Figure 3. Measured starting torque for a 5 kW wind turbine and assumed power-extracting torque for a 5.6 kW wind

T a = NU 2R 3 r (1 + 2r 2) rsinp (cosp rsinp )dr






Advances in Wind Power

where N is the number of blades, c is the blade chord which depends on radius r, and p is
the pitch. The integration is from the normalized hub radius, r h, to the tip. Equation (5) is
derived in [10] where the assumptions behind it are justified in detail. In particular, it is as
sumed that the angular acceleration is small enough to allow a quasi-steady analysis and the
lift and drag on any airfoil are given by the flat plate equations:
Cl = 2 sin a cos a and Cd = 2 sin 2 a


which are valid for angles of attack, > 30 approximately. As no power is extracted the ro
tor torque T a acts only to accelerate the blades. Thus:
d / dt = (T a T r ) / J ord / dt = (T a T r ) / ( JU )


where J is the total rotational inertia and T r is the resistive torque due to cogging torque or
resistance in the gearbox which may or may not depend on . For the start shown in Figure
3 and 4, T r was negligible and the torque was inferred from Equation (6) and the turbine
inertia. It is shown in [10] that for wind turbines of any size, J NJ b where J b is the inertia of
each blade. In words, the turbine inertia is dominated by the blades as can be seen in The
Appendix. When T r can be ignored, starting is independent of N. Equations (4) and (6) were
solved by the Adams-Moulton method a standard numerical technique for ordinary differ
ential equations - to obtain the solid line in Fig. 4, which accurately predicts the initial, 11 s
period of slow, approximately constant acceleration. The calculations then become inaccu
rate because (5) is no longer valid. However, it is clear that starting is dominated by the long
period of slow acceleration followed by a much shorter period of rapid acceleration during
which the turbine reaches the rotor speed for power production. An important consequence
of (4) and (6) which is independent of the form for blade lift and drag, comes from the scal
ing outside the integral: if T s is the time required to reach a particular for power extrac
tion to commence, which is the most common strategy for small turbines, then T s ~ U -2.
Alternatively, if power extraction starts at a fixed , T s ~ U -1. Thus the minimum starting
time from Fig. 4 is approximately 40 s at the desirable cut-in wind speed of 3m/s. It is noted
that this turbine is believed to be the first whose blades were designed for rapid starting
Knowing T s as a function of U allows a simple determination of E g(U), the energy gained
by motor-starting when compared to aerodynamic starting, on the basis of the following as

there is no resistive or cogging torque in the drive train and generator


motor/generator efficiency =100%


all grid power goes to accelerate the rotor


the motoring power is the turbine maximum (rated) power


Ta<< T m during motoring and can be ignored, where T m is the motoring torque

Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbines


the turbine switches instantaneously from motoring to generating when = opt

The energy gain is the product of the difference between the motor-starting and aerodynam
ic-starting times and the power output at wind speed U minus the energy required to accel
erate the rotor. Thus
Eg (U ) = P(U ) T a(U ) T m

J s2


where T m is independent of U from assumption 5. From 3 and 4:

P(U r )T m =

J s2


Eg (U ) = P(U )T a(U )

J s2 1 + P(U ) / P(U r )


Assume P(U) = k 1 U 3 as in Equation (1) with k 1 = 5.6 to give 5.6 kW at U r = 10 m/s. Also T a
= k 2/U, where k 2 = 132 to fit the starting data. If s corresponds to opt, then
J opt
J s2 =
2R 2



Eg (U ) = k1k2

J opt

2R 2

{1 + (U / U r )3} U 2

For the 5.6 kW turbine documented in the Appendix, J = 18 kgm2,



= 7, and R = 2.5 m.

Eg (U ) = 70.56 10.48 {1 + (U / U r )3} U 2


It will be shown below that (12) is a good approximation for E g(U). Since (U/U r)3 1, E g(U)
is positive for all values of U. It is this result that makes motor-starting attractive provided
the turbine power electronics allows bi-directional power flow.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 4. Measured starting sequence of a 5.0 kW two bladed wind turbine which corresponds to the starting torque
of Figure 2.

4. Description of the generator and converter

4.1. Permanent magnet synchronous generator
The PMSG model is developed in the d-q reference frame to eliminate the time varying in
ductances assuming a sinusoidal distribution of the permanent magnet flux in the stator and
surface mounted round rotor [18]:
V q = (Rs + pL

)I q L d I d + m

V d = (Rs + pL

)I d L q I q


T g = 1.5Pm I q


T a T g = J d / dt


where Equation (16) is Equation (6) restated for completeness. L d and L q are the d and q-axis
inductances, respectively; R s is the stator winding resistance; I d , I q , V d and V q are the d
and q axis currents and voltage respectively; m is the amplitude of the flux induced by the
permanent magnets of the rotor in the stator phases; P is the number of pole pairs; T e is the
electromagnetic torque. Equation (16) is a basic representation of rotor dynamics which gov
erns the rotor acceleration, neglecting friction and other losses.

Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbines

The PMSG operation mode depends on the direction of T g: positive for generating and neg
ative for motoring. T g is controlled through the backward VSMC. The parameters of the 5.6
kW PMSG used in simulation are shown in the Appendix. These parameters are close to
those of the 5 kW PMSG in [19] with the exception of the rated speed which has been altered
to be closer to the experimental turbine which used induction generator instead of PMSG.
4.2. Very Sparse Matrix Converter
The VSMC has high efficiency, compact size, a long life span, low input current harmonics,
and excellent input and output power quality control without commutation problems [20].
The VSMC provides a continuous transformation from AC-to-AC with adjustable voltage
and frequency. The converter can operate in four quadrants and has the ability to shape cur
rent to be nearly sinusoidal at both the converter input and at the output using small AC
filtering components. The displacement factor can be adjusted to unity by proper pulse
width modulation (PWM) control [21]. The very sparse matrix converter is considered a
high power density converter due to the lack of DC-link capacitors and has fewer bi-direc
tional switches than the conventional matrix converter which also reduces the system cost
[22, 23]. Moreover, the rectifier stage is commutated at zero current providing increased effi
ciency of the converter by reducing switching losses [24]. Note that the sophisticated control
algorithms that we propose for the backward connected VSMC can be implemented at low
production cost due to the advances is digital signal processor technology in recent years. At
the turn of the century industry preferred the use integer digital signal processors to reduce
controller cost. Today (2012), floating point digital signal processors are now quite economi
cal and thus allow the use of sophisticated control in small wind power systems.
4.2.1. Rectifier stage of the VSMC
Many aspects must be taken into consideration in synthesizing the rectifier switching signals
[13]. Figure 5 shows the modulation strategy of the rectifier PWM switching signal genera
tion. Each grid cycle is divided to six sectors; in each sector, two of the grid side terminals
are connected to either the positive or negative bus of the DC-link while the third terminal is
connected to the opposite DC-link. In order to produce the maximum DC-link voltage, the
maximum positive input voltage is connected to the positive bus of the DC-link for a com
plete 60o while the other phases are modulated to the negative DC-link bus and vice versa.
So, the DC-link voltage is formed from the line to line voltage of the supply. Assuming a
balanced symmetrical AC grid:
U a = U mcos(i t)
U b = U mcos(i t 2 / 3)


U c = U mcos(i t 4 / 3)
where U m is the maximum grid input voltage and i is the grid frequency in rad/s. The DClink voltage varies as the supply varies:



Advances in Wind Power

U dc =

3U m
2cos(i t)


Figure 6 shows the space vector of the grid voltage and current. If the phase angle between
the space vector of the voltage and current is set to zero, unity displacement factor is ach
ieved. The input current space vector I i is generated by the projection to the adjacent space
vectors I and I following the grid sinusoidal voltages. The duty cycles of I and I are
calculated as follows:
dr = mi sin( / 3 i )


dr = mi sini



where m i is the current modulation index which is adjusted to unity to provide the maxi
mum injected current into the grid and maximize the DC-link voltage. In order to commu
tate the rectifier at zero current, the inverter space vector and switching pattern should be
determined and matched with the rectifier space vector to ensure that the rectifier can be
switched during the period of inverter zero voltage.
4.2.2. Inverter stage of the VSMC
Switching signals of the inverter stage are generated by FOC based space vector modulation
which allows use of a zero voltage vector between the transitions from negative to positive
bus. It also provides a chance to distribute the vectors symmetrically to reduce the current
distortion and commutate the rectifier stage at zero current to reduce the switching losses
[13, 24]. The error between the actual and reference current is compensated by a proportion
al plus integral (PI) controller to form the generator voltage and frequency to match the op
erating point which is considered the reference voltage. The reference voltage is transformed
to a reference space vector. The amplitude of the vector and its angle determine the active
vectors which are used to form the switching signal. The amplitude of the output voltage is
proportional to the input voltage according to the transfer ratio of the matrix converter:

3 m
2 cU m


where U o is the output maximum voltage and mc is the VSMC conversion ratio (0 mc 1).
Fig. 7-a presents the inverter space vectors which are used to form the generator or motor
voltage. Fig. 7-b shows an example of the switching signals during one sampling period as
suming the reference voltage is in sector 1.

Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbines

Figure 5. Modulation strategy of the rectifier stage.

Figure 6. Rectifier stage space vector diagram

Duty cycles of the working vectors are calculated as follows depending on the space vector
angle and magnitude.
di = mv sin( / 3 o )




Advances in Wind Power

di = mv sin(o )


d0 = 1 di di



where d i and d i represent the duty cycle of the active vectors while d0 represents the duty
cycle of the zero vector.

4.2.3. Backward VSMC

In order to guarantee the transformation of power from the generator to the grid, the DClink voltage must be held at a fairly constant and sufficiently high average value. Given a
variable wind speed and MPPT, the generator operates at variable frequency and variable
voltage amplitude which is often less than the corresponding grid voltage. Due to the lack of
the DC-link capacitor, the VSMC cannot operate as a boost converter to keep the DC-link
voltage at the required minimum value. If employed in its forward configuration, the VSMC
can be considered a step down converter according to equation (21) -. So, if the generator is
connected in the conventional manner to the rectifier stage and the grid is connected to the
inverter stage, (i.e. forward VSMC operation), the converter will operate only when the gen
erator operates at its rated condition, i.e. with the wind speed at or above its rated value (to
solve this problem, for a forward configuration of the VSMC, a transformer with a very
large step-up ratio would be required for the grid interface) To overcome this problem (i.e.
with a lower ratio step-up transformer at the grid interface) a backward connected VSMC
system is proposed in [13] where the rectifier stage is connected to the grid and the inverter
stage is connected to the generator as shown in Figure 1. In backward operation of the
VSMC, the rectifier stage converts the grid AC voltage to a near-constant average DC volt
age at the DC-link (variations in the average voltage correspond to variations in the grid
voltage) while the inverter steps down the DC-link voltage to variable AC voltage with vari
able frequency depending on the generator and turbine operating point. In other words, the
backward VSMC can be considered a step up converter from the generator side to the grid
side. Such operation can be achieved by controlling the modulation index of the inverter
stage to boost the generator voltage to the grid voltage depending on the operating speed.
This configuration has the merits that control of the DC voltage is not needed, nor is syn
chronization with the grid required. Voltage flicker is not an issue due to the small filter on
the mains side of the converter. The generator voltage and the grid current are synthesized
using a space vector PWM technique with the guarantee of injecting current into the grid
with or without reactive power to meet the grid power quality requirements as explained in
next subsections.

Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbines

Figure 7. a) Inverter space vector diagram (b) Inverter switching signal for sector 1.

4.3. Motoring-generating mode

Equation (15) shows that the torque direction and hence the generator mode can only be
controlled by the quadrature current component direction. In addition the torque is also
controlled by the magnitude of Iq to match the wind power at different wind speeds. The
amplitude and the direction of the generator quadrature current Iq can be controlled through
the inverter stage of the VSMC.
The VSMC can operate the generator as a motor using FOC by controlling the current com
ponent which corresponds to the torque limited only by the generator torque rating. Figure
8 shows the flow chart of the starting strategy. The controller produces the reference genera
tor current depending on the mode of operation, either motor starting or generator mode
(MPPT control). If in motor starting mode, the actual and reference motor currents are com
pared to generate the proper machine voltage vector which results in rated torque operation
of the machine. Once the turbine reaches the nominated speed, ref, corresponding to opt,
motoring ceases and generating with MPPT control is enabled. Figure9 shows the proposed
control technique for motor starting.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 8. Starting strategy flow chart.

Figure 9. Block diagram of the generator-motor FOC technique.

5. Simulation results and discussion

The system described above was simulated using MATLAB Simulink for the 5.6 kW turbine
described in the Appendix, initially for a wind speed is 10 m/s. Figure 10 shows results for

Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbines

aerodynamic starting where the generator torque is zero up to the opt. Then the generator
torque closely matches the aerodynamic torque and power production starts. In Figure 11,
the turbine is motored to opt. The significant reduction in starting time is obvious.
As shown in Figure 11 10, the current is held positive and constant at its rated value during
motoring. It is then changed to a negative value corresponding to the wind speed to run as a
generator while for aerodynamic starting the current is kept zero then increased in negative
direction to the value which matches with the aerodynamic torque. As shown in Figure 10
and 11, the rotor takes 13.29 s to reach opt when starting aerodynamically, which is consis
tent with the field test data in Fig. 4, while it takes 1.9 s for a motored start. The significant
difference results in a significant gain in energy harvested.
In both starting cases, the turbine runs at the maximum Cp of 0.476 after reaches opt. The
MPPT would re-establish this Cp if U subsequently changes. Whether in motoring or gener
ating mode, the grid current is sinusoidal due to the operating characteristics of the VSMC
and its phase angle can be controlled depends on the direction of power flow and if desired
unity power factor can be achieved to insure the power quality.

Figure 10. Aerodynamic starting of the 5.6 kW wind turbine for a wind speed of 10 m/s.

As shown in Fig. 12, for all wind speeds, motor starting reduces the starting time. Fig. 12
also shows the starting time when power production commences at a fixed fraction of the
rotor maximum speed which is common operational practice for small wind turbines. Fig.
13 indicates that there is a net gain in energy delivered to the grid for motor starting com
pared to aerodynamic starting. As seen in Fig. 13, provided the turbine is rotating sufficient
ly fast, the shaft speed at which the controller switches from motor mode to generator mode
does not significantly alter the energy gain compared to aerodynamic starting. This is valua



Advances in Wind Power

ble for the practical implementation of the proposed approach since the wind speed does
not need to be measured to determine the length of duration of the motoring mode. Motor
starting can also reduce the starting wind speed, allowing the turbine to start and then pro
duce power down to 1 m/s.

Figure 11. Motor starting of the 5.6 kW wind turbine for a wind speed of 10 m/s.

Figure 12. Starting time for aerodynamic and motor starting.

Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbines

At this point, it is too early to determine the cost effectiveness of the motor starting ap
proach partly because we have not yet done any simulations to test its effectiveness in realis
tic low-wind conditions. It is also difficult to ascertain the net energy gain over a substantial
time (e.g. one year of operation). Nonetheless, as power electronics continue to quickly drop
in cost [5], the use of a wind turbine in a variable speed mode of operation with an accompa
nying power converter seems increasingly attractive, and techniques such as motor starting
may be a part of the role that power electronics can serve.

Figure 13. Energy gain by motor-starting to opt.

6. Summary and future developments

Power electronics are developing rapidly and their cost is falling. These trends will continue
to be used to reduce the cost of small wind turbines and improve their cost effectiveness.
After briefly noting these trends, this Chapter concentrated on a modern converter topology
suitable for grid connected small wind turbines: the backward very sparse matrix converter
(VSMC). It has the potential to improve conversion efficiency by reducing switching losses.
In turn, the ability to switch rapidly in a complex fashion has been made possible by recent
improvements in digital signal processing technology. Like many modern topologies, the
VSMC allows bi-directional power flow which can be exploited to motor start a small wind
turbine and increase the energy extracted, at least for the artificial case of a step increase in
the wind speed from zero. The strategy also lowers the cut-in wind speed and shows the
importance of considering the whole turbine system when designing the converter.
Motor starting as the wind speed increased was analyzed to compare with conventional aer
odynamic starting assessed experimentally for a 5.0 kW wind turbine whose blades were
designed to start quickly. Using the scaling outside the integral in Equation (5), the aerody
namic starting at any wind speed was determined. The simple analysis of Section 4 and the



Advances in Wind Power

detailed Simulink modeling both show that an energy gain occurs for all wind speeds with
motor starting. Moreover, the turbine can contribute energy to the grid at wind speeds be
low the conventional cut-in speed if motoring is employed. This strongly suggests that mo
tor-starting should be investigated for more typical wind speed variations. The results
suggest a good practical strategy is to motor the turbine to 60% of rated rotor speed when
the average wind speed is in the range of 4 to 7 m/s [26].

This research was funded by the National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
and the ENMAX Corporation under the Industrial Research Chairs programme. Important
additional support came from he Schulich endowment to the University of Calgary and the
Egyptian Higher Ministry of Education. We thank Heath Raftery for the data in Figure 3.

Appendix Parameter Values used in Simulations
Grid Parameters
Phase Voltage (rms)

220 (V)


60 (Hz)

5.6 kW PMSG Parameters [12]

Rated phase voltage (rms)

165 (V)

Phase current (rms)

12 (A)

Rated frequency

36 (Hz)

Rated torque

204.2 (Nm)

Rated speed

270 (rpm)

Ld, Lq



1.5 (ohm)

Magnet flux

0.97 (wb)

pole pairs


0.138 (Kgm2)

5.6 kW Wind Turbine Parameters [10]

Rotor diameter, R

5 (m)

Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbines

Rotor rated speed, r

270 (rpm)

Cut-in wind speed

2.5 (m/s)

Rated wind speed

10 (m/s)

Inertia, J


Maximum Cp



a0 = 0.0061

a1 = -0.0013

a4 = -6.5410-5

a5 = 1.3010-5

a2 = 0.0081

a3 = -9.7510-4
a6 = -4.5410-7

Author details
Mohamed Aner1, Edwin Nowicki1 and David Wood2*
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Dept Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada
2 Dept Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, T2N
1N4, Canada

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coln, Nebraska, June 24-26 , 1-16.



Advances in Wind Power

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Recent Advances in Converters and Control Systems for Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbines

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Grid-Connected Small Wind Turbine. in Proc. RAEPS, April, Alexandria, Egypt.


Chapter 7

Wind Turbine Generator Technologies

Wenping Cao, Ying Xie and Zheng Tan
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
Wind energy is playing a critical role in the establishment of an environmentally sustainable
low carbon economy. This chapter presents an overview of wind turbine generator technolo
gies and compares their advantages and drawbacks used for wind energy utilization. Tradi
tionally, DC machines, synchronous machines and squirrel-cage induction machines have
been used for small scale power generation. For medium and large wind turbines (WTs), the
doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is currently the dominant technology while permanentmagnet (PM), switched reluctance (SR) and high temperature superconducting (HTS) gener
ators are all extensively researched and developed over the years. In this chapter, the topologies
and features of these machines are discussed with special attention given to their practical
considerations involved in the design, control and operation. It is hoped that this chapter
provides quick reference guidelines for developing wind turbine generation systems.

2. Utilization of wind energy

The utilization of wind energy can be dated back to 5000 B.C. when sail boats were propel
led across the river Nile. It was recorded that from 200 B.C. onwards wind was used as an
energy source to pump water, grind grain, and drive vehicles and ships in ancient China
and Middle East. The first documented windmill was in a book Pneumatics written by Hero
of Alexandria around the first century B.C. or the first century A.D. [52]. Effectively, these
wind mills are used to convert kinetic energy into mechanical energy.
The use of wind energy to generate electricity first appeared in the late 19th century [35] but
did not gain ground owing to the then dominance of steam turbines in electricity genera

2012 Cao et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advances in Wind Power

tion. The interest in wind energy was renewed in the mid-1970s following the oil crises and
increased concerns over resource conservation. Initially, wind energy started to gain popu
larity in electricity generation to charge batteries [17] in remote power systems, residential
scale power systems, isolated or island power systems, and utility networks. These wind
turbines themselves are generally small (rated less than 100kW) but could be made up to a
large wind farm (rated 5MW or so). It was until the early 1990s when wind projects really
took off the ground, primarily driven by the governmental and industrial initiatives. It was
also in 1990s there seemed a shift of focus from onshore to offshore development in major
wind development countries, especially in Europe.
Offshore wind turbines were first proposed in Germany in 1930s and first installed in Swe
den in 1991 and in Denmark in 1992. By July 2010, there were 2.4 GW of offshore wind tur
bines installed in Europe. Compared to onshore wind energy, offshore wind energy has
some appealing attributes such as higher wind speeds, availability of larger sites for devel
opment, lower wind sheer and lower intrinsic turbulence intensity. But the drawbacks are
associated with harsh working conditions, high installation and maintenance costs. For off
shore operation, major components should be marinized with additional anti-corrosion
measures and de-humidification capacity [24]. In order to avoid unscheduled maintenance,
they should also be equipped with fault-ride-through capacity to improve their reliability.

Figure 1. Ever-growing size of horisontal-axis wind turbines [36].

Over the last three decades, wind turbines have significantly evolved as the global wind
market grows continuously and rapidly. By the end of 2009, the world capacity reached a
total of 160 GW [7]. In the global electricity market, wind energy penetration is projected to
rise from 1% in 2008 to 8% in 2035 [45]. This is achieved simply by developing larger wind
turbines and employing more in the wind farm. In terms of the size, large wind turbines of

Wind Turbine Generator Technologies

the MW order began to appear in the EU, the US and now in China and India. Typically, the
large installed wind turbines in utility grids are between 1.5-5MW whilst 7.5 and 10 MW are
under extensive development, as shown in Fig. 1. Nowadays, modern wind turbines are re
liable, quiet, cost-effective and commercially competitive while the wind turbine technolo
gies are proven and mature. At present, technical challenges are generally associated with
ever-growing wind turbine size, power transmission, energy storage, energy efficiency, sys
tem stability and fault tolerance.

Figure 2. The worlds energy potential for land-based wind turbines (estimated energy output in kWh/kW from a
wind turbine that is dimensioned for 11 m/s) [36].

Currently, wind power is widely recognized as a main feasible source of renewables which
can be utilized economically in large quantity. A world map for wind energy potential is il
lustrated in Fig. 2. Taking the United Kingdom for example, the usable offshore wind ener
gy alone is enough to provide three times more than the required electricity consumption in
the country, given sufficient support. However, wind power fluctuates by its nature and
such applications demand high reliability and high availability while the market is still look
ing to reduce weight, complexity and operational costs.

3. Wind Turbines
Clearly, wind energy is high on the governmental and institutional agenda. However, there
are some stumbling blocks in the way of its widespread.
Wind turbines come with different topologies, architectures and design features. The sche
matic of a wind turbine generation system is shown in Fig. 3. Some options wind turbine
topologies are as follows [35],



Advances in Wind Power

Rotor axis orientation: horizontal or vertical;

Rotor position: upwind or downwind of tower;
Rotor speed: fixed or variable;
Hub: rigid, teetering, gimbaled or hinged blades;
Rigidity: still or flexible;
Number of blades: one, two, three or even more;
Power control: stall, pitch, yaw or aerodynamic surfaces;
Yaw control: active or free.
This chapter focuses only on horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs), which are the prevail
ing type of wind turbine topology, as is confirmed in Fig. 4.

Figure 3. Schematic of a wind turbine generation system [50].

Wind turbines include critical mechanical components such as turbine blades and rotors,
drive train and generators. They cost more than 30% of total capital expenditure for offshore
wind project [24]. In general, wind turbines are intended for relatively inaccessible sites
placing some constraints on the designs in a number of ways. For offshore environments,
the site may be realistically accessed for maintenance once per year. As a result, fault toler
ance of the wind turbine is of importance for wind farm development.

Wind Turbine Generator Technologies

Figure 4. Commonly agreed wind turbine type and its divergence [24].

One of key components in the wind turbine is its drive train, which links aerodynamic rotor
and electrical output terminals. Optimization of wind turbine generators can not be realized
without considering mechanical, structural, hydraulic and magnetic performance of the
drive train. An overview of the drive train technologies is illustrated in Fig. 5 for compari
son. Generally, they can be broken down into four types according to their structures [24]:
Conventional: gearbox and high speed generator with few pole pairs.
Direct drive: any drive train without a gearbox and low speed generator with many pole
Hybrid: any drive train with a gearbox and the generator speed between the above two
Multiple generators: any drive train with more than one generator.
Drive train topologies may raise the issues such as the integration of the rotor and gearbox/
bearings, the isolation of gear and generator shafts from mechanical bending loads, the in
tegrity and load paths. Although it may be easier to service separate wind turbine compo
nents such as gearboxes, bearings and generators, the industry is increasingly in favor of
system design of the integrated drive train components.

4. Wind Turbine Generators

One of limiting factors in wind turbines lies in their generator technology. There is no con
sensus among academics and industry on the best wind turbine generator technology. Tra
ditionally, there are three main types of wind turbine generators (WTGs) which can be
considered for the various wind turbine systems, these being direct current (DC), alternating
current (AC) synchronous and AC asynchronous generators. In principle, each can be run at
fixed or variable speed. Due to the fluctuating nature of wind power, it is advantageous to



Advances in Wind Power

operate the WTG at variable speed which reduces the physical stress on the turbine blades
and drive train, and which improves system aerodynamic efficiency and torque transient
(a) DC Generator Technologies
In conventional DC machines, the field is on the stator and the armature is on the rotor. The
stator comprises a number of poles which are excited either by permanent magnets or by
DC field windings. If the machine is electrically excited, it tends to follow the shunt wound
DC generator concept.

Figure 5. System level drive train technologies [24].

Wind Turbine Generator Technologies

An example of the DC wind generator system is illustrated in Fig. 6. It consists of a wind

turbine, a DC generator, an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) inverter, a controller, a
transformer and a power grid. For shunt wound DC generators, the field current (and thus
magnetic field) increases with operational speed whilst the actual speed of the wind turbine
is determined by the balance between the WT drive torque and the load torque. The rotor
includes conductors wound on an armature which are connected to a split-slip ring com
mentator. Electrical power is extracted through brushes connecting the commentator which
is used to rectify the generated AC power into DC output. Clearly, they require regular
maintenance and are relatively costly due to the use of commutators and brushes.
In general, these DC WTGs are unusual in wind turbine applications except in low power
demand situations [47; 23; 33; 54] where the load is physically close to the wind turbine, in
heating applications or in battery charging.

Figure 6. Schematic of a DC generator system [33].

(b) AC Synchronous Generator Technologies

Since the early time of developing wind turbines, considerable efforts have been made to
utilize three-phase synchronous machines. AC synchronous WTGs can take constant or DC
excitations from either permanent magnets or electromagnets and are thus termed PM syn
chronous generators (PMSGs) and electrically excited synchronous generators (EESGs), re
spectively. When the rotor is driven by the wind turbine, a three-phase power is generated
in the stator windings which are connected to the grid through transformers and power con
verters. For fixed speed synchronous generators, the rotor speed must be kept at exactly the
synchronous speed. Otherwise synchronism will be lost.
Synchronous generators are a proven machine technology since their performance for pow
er generation has been studied and widely accepted for a long time. A cutaway diagram of a
conventional synchronous generator is shown in Fig. 7. In theory, the reactive power charac
teristics of synchronous WTGs can be easily controlled via the field circuit for electrical exci
tation. Nevertheless, when using fixed speed synchronous generators, random wind speed
fluctuations and periodic disturbances caused by tower-shading effects and natural resonan
ces of components would be passed onto the power grid. Furthermore, synchronous WTGs
tend to have low damping effect so that they do not allow drive train transients to be absor
bed electrically. As a consequence, they require an additional damping element (e.g. flexible



Advances in Wind Power

coupling in the drive train), or the gearbox assembly mounted on springs and dampers.
When they are integrated into the power grid, synchronizing their frequency to that of the
grid calls for a delicate operation. In addition, they are generally more complex, costly and
more prone to failure than induction generators. In the case of using electromagnets in syn
chronous machines, voltage control takes place in the synchronous machine while in perma
nent magnet excited machines, voltage control is achieved in the converter circuit.

Figure 7. Cutaway of a synchronous generator [22].

In recent decades, PM generators have been gradually used in wind turbine applications
due to their high power density and low mass [39]. Often these machines are referred to as
the permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) and are considered as the machine
of choice in small wind turbine generators. The structure of the generator is relatively
straightforward. As shown in Fig. 8. the rugged PMs are installed on the rotor to produce a
constant magnetic field and the generated electricity is taken from the armature (stator) via
the use of the commutator, sliprings or brushes. Sometimes the PMs can be integrated into a
cylindrical cast aluminum rotor to reduce costs [35]. The principle of operation of PM gener
ators is similar to that of synchronous generators except that PM generators can be operated
asynchronously. The advantages of PMSGs include the elimination of commutator, slip
rings and brushes so that the machines are rugged, reliable and simple. The use of PMs re
moves the field winding (and its associated power losses) but makes the field control impos
sible and the cost of PMs can be prohibitively high for large machines.
Because the actual wind speeds are variable, the PMSGs can not generate electrical power
with fixed frequency. As a result, they should be connected to the power grid through ACDC-AC conversion by power converters. That is, the generated AC power (with variable fre
quency and magnitude) is first rectified into fixed DC and then converted back into AC
power (with fixed frequency and magnitude). It is also very attractive to use these perma
nent magnet machines for direct drive application. Obviously, in this case, they can elimi

Wind Turbine Generator Technologies

nate troublesome gearboxes which cause the majority of wind turbine failures. The
machines should have large pole numbers and are physically large than a similarly rated
geared machine.

Figure 8. Cutaway of a permanent magnet synchronous generator [18].

A potential variant of synchronous generators is the high-temperature superconducting

generator [31; 27; 49; 55]. See Fig. 9 for a multi-MW, low-speed HTS synchronous generator
system. The machine comprises the stator back iron, stator copper winding, HTS field coils,
rotor core, rotor support structure, rotor cooling system, cryostat and external refrigerator,
electromagnetic shield and damper, bearing, shaft and housing. In the machine design, the
arrangements of the stator, rotor, cooling and gearbox may pose particular challenges in or
der to keep HTS coils in the low temperature operational conditions.

Figure 9. Schematic of a HTS synchronous generator system [11].



Advances in Wind Power

Superconducting coils may carry 10 times the current than conventional copper wires with
negligible resistance and conductor losses. Without a doubt, the use of superconductors
would eliminate all field circuit power loss and the ability of superconductivity to in
crease current density allows for high magnetic fields, leading to a significant reduction in
mass and size for wind turbine generators. Therefore, superconducting generators pro
vide much promise in high capacity and weight reductions, perhaps suited better for wind
turbines rated 10 MW or more. In 2005, Siemens successfully launched the worlds first
superconducting wind turbine generator, which was a 4MW synchronous generator. How
ever, there are many technical challenges to face especially for the long-life, low-mainte
nance wind turbine systems. For instance, there is always a necessity to maintain cryogenic
systems so that the time to cool down and restore operation following a stoppage will be
an additional issue.

(c) AC Asynchronous Generators

Whilst conventional power generation utilizes synchronous machines, modern wind pow
er systems use induction machines extensively in wind turbine applications. These induc
tion generators fall into two types: fixed speed induction generators (FSIGs) with squirrel
cage rotors (sometimes called squirrel cage induction generators-SQIGs) [40; 1] and doublyfed induction generators (DFIGs) with wound rotors [9; 29; 19; 32, 43; 13; 34]. Cutaway
diagrams of a squirrel-cage induction generator and a doubly-fed induction generator are
presented in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, respectively, and their system topologies are further illus
trated in Fig. 12.
When supplied with three-phase AC power to the stator, a rotating magnetic field is estab
lished across the airgap. If the rotor rotates at a speed different to synchronous speed, a
slip is created and the rotor circuit is energized. Generally speaking, induction machines
are simple, reliable, inexpensive and well developed. They have high degree of damping
and are capable of absorbing rotor speed fluctuations and drive train transients (i.e. fault
tolerant). However, induction machines draw reactive power from the grid and thus some
form of reactive power compensation is needed such as the use of capacitors or power
converters. For fixed-speed induction generators, the stator is connected to the grid via a
transformer and the rotor is connected to the wind turbine through a gearbox. The rotor
speed is considered to be fixed (in fact, varying within a narrow range). Up until 1998
most wind turbine manufacturers built fixed-speed induction generators of 1.5 MW and
below. These generators normally operated at 1500 revolutions per minute (rpm) for the
50 Hz utility grid [37], with a three-stage gearbox.

Wind Turbine Generator Technologies

Figure 10. Cutaway of a squirrel-cage induction generator [22].

Figure 11. Cutaway of a doubly-fed induction generator with a rotary transformer [43].

SCIGs can be utilized in variable speed wind turbines, as in controlling synchronous ma

chines. However, the output voltage can not be controlled and reactive power needs to be
supplied externally. Clearly, fixed speed induction generators are limited to operate only
within a very narrow range of discrete speeds. Other disadvantages of the machines are re
lated to the machine size, noise, low efficiency and reliability. These machines have proven
to cause tremendous service failures and consequent maintenance.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 12. Schematic of two induction generator systems.

SCIGs led the wind turbine market until the last millennium [16; 26], overtaken by the wide
adoption of DFIGs. Nowadays, over 85% of the installed wind turbines utilize DFIGs [41]
and the largest capacity for the commercial wind turbine product with DFIG has increased
towards 5MW in industry. In the DFIG topology, the stator is directly connected to the grid
through transformers and the rotor is connected to the grid through PWM power convert
ers. The converters can control the rotor circuit current, frequency and phase angle shifts.
Such induction generators are capable of operating at a wide slip range (typically 30% of
synchronous speed). As a result, they offer many advantages such as high energy yield, re
duction in mechanical stresses and power fluctuations, and controllability of reactive power.
For induction generators, all the reactive power energizing the magnetic circuits must be
supplied by the grid or local capacitors. Induction generators are prone to voltage instabili
ty. When capacitors are used to compensate power factor, there is a risk of causing self-exci
tation. Additionally, damping effect may give rise to power losses in the rotor. There is no
direct control over the terminal voltage (thus reactive power), nor sustained fault currents.
As shown in Fig. 12(b), the rotor of the DFIG is mechanically connected to the wind turbine
through a drive train system, which may contain high and low speed shafts, bearings and a
gearbox. The rotor is fed by the bi-directional voltage-source converters. Thereby, the speed
and torque of the DFIG can be regulated by controlling the rotor side converter (RSC). An
other feature is that DFIGs can operate both sub-synchronous and super-synchronous con
ditions. The stator always transfers power to the grid while the rotor can handle power in

Wind Turbine Generator Technologies

both directions. The latter is due to the fact that the PWM converters are capable of supply
ing voltage and current at different phase angles. In sub-synchronous operation, the rotorside converter acts as an inverter and the grid-side converter (GSC) as a rectifier. In this case,
active power is flowing from the grid to the rotor. Under super-synchronous condition, the
RSC operates as a rectifier and the GSC as an inverter. Consequently, active power is flow
ing from the stator as well as the rotor to the power grid.

Figure 13. Per-phase equivalent circuit of the DFIG.

To analyze the DFIGs performance, it always needs to adopt its per-phase equivalent cir
cuit, as exampled in Fig. 13. From this figure, it can be seen that the DFIG differs from the
conventional induction machine in the rotor circuit where a voltage source is added to inject
voltage into the rotor circuit. The actual d-q control of the DFIG is similar to the magnitude
and phase control of the injected voltage in the circuit.
The matrix form of the equation for this circuit is

- jX m
Vs Rs + j ( X s + X m )

V / s =
m Ir


The input power P in can be summarized from the output power P out and the total loss P loss.
The latter includes stator conductor loss P cu1, rotor conductor loss P cu2, core loss P core, wind
age and friction losses P wf and stray load loss P stray. Among these losses, P cu1 is assumed to
vary with the square of the stator current I s while P cu2 varies with the square of the rotor
current I r. The stray load loss could be split into two parts: the fundamental component P fun
occurring at the stator side and P har at the rotor side. Thus P fun is proportional to I s 2 while P
har is proportional to I r .
The total loss is then given by

Ploss = 3I s 2 ( Rs + R fun ) + 3I r 2 ( Rr '+ Rhar ) + Pcore + Pwf




Advances in Wind Power

The efficiency of the DFIG is


3Vout cos jr
Pin 6 I s ( Rs + R fun + Rr '+ Rhar ) + 3Vout cos jr


The efficiency can be expressed as a function of the load current I s and this function is con
tinuous and monotonic. Consequently, the maximum efficiency can be found when

I s


That is, the condition of maximum efficiency for DFIGs is

Pcore + Pwf = Pcu1 + Pcu 2 + Pstray


In order to optimize the DFIG machine design, its losses and efficiency need to derive nu
merically or experimentally. An additional refinement parameter is the machines operation
al point. The condition of the maximum efficiency occurrence indicates: when the loaddependent losses equalise the load-invariant losses, the machine efficiency peaks. In the
design and operation of DFIGs, it is beneficial to match the generators characteristics with
the site-specific wind speed by moving this maximum efficiency point close to the rated or
operational load.
For control purposes, the DFIG mathematical model is based on the synchronous reference
frame as follows,

dy sd

vsd =rs isd + dt - wsy sq

v = r i + dy sq + w y
s sd
sq s sq


dy rd

vrd = rr ird + dt - (ws - wr )y rq

v = r i + dy rq + (w - w )y
rq r rq


y sd = ( Lls + Lm )isd + Lmird

y sq = ( Lls + Lm )isq + Lmirq


Wind Turbine Generator Technologies

y rd = ( Llr + Lm )ird + Lmisd

y rq = ( Llr + Lm )irq + Lmisq

wherers and rr are the stator and rotor resistances in , L ls and L



are the stator and rotor

leakage inductances in H, L mis the magnetizing inductance in H. s is the synchronous elec

trical speed in rad/sec. r is the rotor electrical speed of the DFIG and its relation with rotor

mechanical speed g isr = Pg , where P is pole pairs.

The electromagnetic torque is given by


PLm (isq ird - isd irq )


In DFIGs, active power is used to evaluate the power output and reactive power is responsi
ble for its electrical behavior in the power network. The DFIG requires some amounts of reactive
power to establish its magnetic field. In case of grid-connected systems, the generator ob
tains the reactive power from the grid itself [48]. In case of isolated system operation, the
reactive power needs to be provided by external sources such as capacitors [4] or batteries [9].
(d) Switched Reluctance Generator Technologies
Switched reluctance WTGs are characterized with salient rotors and stator. As the rotor ro
tates, the reluctance of the magnetic circuit linking the stator and rotor changes, and in turn,
induces currents in the winding on the armature (stator). See Fig. 14 for a schematic of the
switched reluctance generator system.

Figure 14. Schematic of a switched reluctance generator system [12].

The reluctance rotor is constructed from laminated steel sheets and has no electrical field
windings or permanent magnets. As a result, the reluctance machine is simple, easy to man
ufacture and assembly. An obvious feature is their high reliability because they can work in



Advances in Wind Power

harsh or high-temperature environments. Because the reluctance torque is only a fraction of

electrical torque, the rotor of switched reluctance is generally large than other with electrical
excitations for a given rated torque. If reluctance machines are combined with direct drive
features, the machine would be extremely large and heavy, making them less favorable in
wind power applications.

5. Design Considerations and Challenges

Generally speaking, wind turbine generators can be selected from commercially available
electrical machines with or without minor modifications. If a wind turbine design is re
quired to match a specific site, some key issues should be taken into account. These include:
Choice of machines
Type of drive train
Brush topology
Rated and operating speeds
Rated and operating torques
Tip speed ratio
Power and current
Voltage regulation (synchronous generators)
Methods of starting
Starting current (induction generators)
Synchronizing (synchronous generators)
Cooling arrangement
Power factor and reactive power compensation (induction generators)
Power converter topology
Weight and size
Protection (offshore environment)
Capital cost and maintenance.
Among these design considerations, the choice of operating speed, drive type, brush topolo
gy, and power converter are focused and further analyzed in details.
(a) Fixed or Variable Speed?
Clearly, it is beneficial to operate WTGs at variable speed. The reasons are several. When the
wind speed is below rated, running the rotor speed with the wind speed and keeping the tip

Wind Turbine Generator Technologies

speed ratio constant ensure that the wind turbine will extract the maximum energy. Variable
speed operation helps reduce fluctuating mechanical stresses on the drive train and machine
shaft, the likelihood of fatigue and damage as well as aerodynamically generated acoustic
noise. The rotor can act as a regenerative storage unit (e.g. flywheel), smoothing out torque
and power fluctuations prior to entering the drive train. Direct control of the air-gap torque
also aids in minimizing gearbox torque fluctuations. Since there is a frequency converter be
tween the wind turbine generator and the power grid, it becomes possible to decouple the
network frequency and the rotor rotational speed. This permits variable speed operation of
the rotor and controllability of air-gap torque of the machine. Furthermore, variable speed
operation enables separate control of active and reactive power, as well as power factor. In
theory, some wind turbine generators may be used to compensate the low power factor
caused by neighboring consumers. In economic terms, variable speed wind turbine can pro
duce 8-15% more power than fixed speed counterparts [45]. Nonetheless, the capital costs
will be increased arising from the variable speed drive and power converters, as well as in
creased complicity and control requirements.

Figure 15. Variable speed control system [35].

In principle, variable speed operation can be achieved mechanically by the use of differen
tial gearboxes or continuously-variable transmission systems [8], based on the control of
speed and angular speed of gyroscopes. But the general practice is to achieve this goal by
electrical means. There are two major methods in use: broad range and narrow range varia
ble speed [8]. The former refers to a wide operational range from zero to the full rated speed
where the latter refers to a narrow operational range between a fraction (up to 50%) of syn
chronous speed. In reality, this latter range is practically sufficient and can saving significant



Advances in Wind Power

costs on power electronic converters. A closed loop speed control of such a method is dem
onstrated in Fig. 15.
In the design of variable-speed wind turbines, three control aspects in association with the
wind speed need to consider. First, a constant optimized tip speed should be maintained to
achieve maximum aerodynamic efficiency by varying the rotor speed with the actual wind
speed. Second, the rotor speed should be maintained constant after the rotor has reached its
rated speed but the power has not, in the case of moderate winds. When the wind speed is
higher, the control is to maintain a constant rated power via the pitch angle control or stall
control. Whilst using the pitch angle control, the blade pitch is varied to control the rotor
speed together with the generator torque.
(b) Direct or Geared Drive?
In a geared wind turbine, the generator speed increases with the gear ratio so that the reduc
tion in machine weight is offset by the gain in gearbox weight. For instance, the wind tur
bine operates at a speed of 15 rpm and the generator is designed to operate 1200 rpm (for 60
Hz) [2]. An up-speed gearbox of 1:80 is required to match the speed/torque of the turbine
with these of the generator.
However, historically, gearbox failures are major challenges to the operation of wind farms.
This is especially true for offshore wind turbines which are situated in harsh and less-acces
sible environments. Because of this, direct drive systems are increasingly desired in new
wind turbine systems. One example is the excited synchronous generator with wound field
rotor is a well-established design in the marketplace; and another may be a popular neody
mium magnet generator design which also attracts much attention in the marketplace.
Obviously, direct drive configuration removes the necessity for gears and the related relia
bility problems [46]. Therefore, some wind turbine manufacturers are now moving toward
direct-drive generators to improve system reliability. Since wind turbine generators are op
erated with power electronic converters, direct drive topology can provide some flexibility
in the voltage and power requirements of the machines. Nonetheless, a drawback of the di
rect drive is associated with the low operating speed of the turbine generator. As the nomi
nal speed of the machine reduces, the volume and weight of its rotor would increase
approximately in inverse proportion for a given power output. This can be explained in the
following equation governing the power output of any rotating electrical machine [28],

P = k ( D 2 L) n


where k is a constant, n is the rotor rotational speed, D is the rotor diameter and L is the
rotor length, in arbitrary units.
Direct drive increases the size of electrical generators which effectively offsets some of the
weight savings from removing gearboxes. See Fig. 16 for a direct drive wind turbine genera
tor, which is more than 10 times larger than its equivalent geared machine. Moreover, it typ
ically requires the full rated power converters for grid connection. As a consequence, it is

Wind Turbine Generator Technologies

always needed to strike a balance between the weight of machines and the weight of gear
boxes. Hybrid systems use one or two stages of gears rather than three or four required by
conventional MW generators. Sometimes, hybrid systems can offer a better compromise in
terms of the overall performance of the wind turbine system.

Figure 16. Example of a direct drive MW wind turbine generator.

For direct drive, the popular machine option is the PM synchronous machines. Although
considerable effort and investment have been spent on improving reluctance machines [10;
15], they are still not commercially competitive to date. Direct drive brings about some de
sign challenges on the generator and the power converters. For PM direct drive generators,
they require a significant amount of costly rare-earth permanent magnets [51; 53; 44]. In ad
dition, it needs to increase the rating of IGBTs in the back-to-back converter, or to integrate
machine side converter components with the stator windings. Obviously, the advantage of



Advances in Wind Power

direct drive is the removal of gearbox at the expense of increased size and weight of the
wind turbine generator. As a rule of thumb, the machine volume is proportional to the tor
que required and inversely proportional to the operational speed for a given power. The in
creased mass of the generator can be a limiting factor for offshore installations because the
shipping carrying capacity is generally limited to 100 tons so that the direct drive generator
may not be greater than 10 MW.
With the hybrid option, the generator size and speed lie in between direct and geared
drives. In this case, synchronous machines are more popular than induction machines. It
generally involves medium-speed, multi-pole generators which are almost exclusively per
manent magnet machines. The hybrid drive train can facilitate more nacelle arrangements
and match the size of the generator and gearbox.
(c) Brushed or Brushless Topology?
In general, DC machines, wound rotor synchronous generators, wound rotor induction gen
erators all employ commutators, brushes or sliprings to access the rotating rotor circuits.
Consequently, routine maintenance and replacement lead to some difficulties in wind pow
er applications, especially for offshore installations. Clearly it would be particularly desira
ble to rid of any components physically connected to the rotating parts of wind turbines.
There are several ways of achieving this. Taking the DFIG for example, brushless doubly-fed
generators (BDFGs) can be a solution. They use two windings on the stator (a power wind
ing and a control winding) with different pole numbers. The rotor can be of squirrel cage
type and an indirect coupling of the two stator windings is established through the rotor. It
is also possible to use a reluctance rotor in this topology where the machine has become a
brushless reluctance generator [6, 14, 25]. By modifying the conventional machines, a higher
reliability is achieved due to the absence of the brushes and slip rings. The penalty is the use
of two machines in a machine case.
(d) Two-Level, Multi-Level or Matrix Converter?
Power electronics is recognized as being a key and enabling component in wind turbine sys
tems. Broadly, there are three types of converters widely used in the wind market. These are
two-level, multi-level and matrix converters.
Two level power converters are commonly called back-to-back PWM converters, as
shown in Fig. 17(a). They include two voltage source inverters (with PWM control scheme)
connected through a DC capacitor. This is a mature technology but suffers from high costs,
high switching loss and large DC capacitors. Any power converters having three or more
voltage levels are termed multi-level converters. These are illustrated in Fig. 17(b). They
are particularly favored in multi-MW wind turbines since they offer better voltage and pow
er capacity, lower switching loss and total harmonic distortion. However, the power elec
tronic circuits are more complex and costly.

Wind Turbine Generator Technologies

Figure 17. Three types of power converters in wind applications. (a) [21], (b) [42], (c)[5].

On the contrary, matrix converters are different in the way of AC-AC conversion. They re
move the necessity of a DC stage and directly synthesize the incoming AC voltage wave
form to match the required AC output. As shown in Fig. 17(c), they generally have nine
power electronic switches with three in a common leg. The elimination of DC capacitors im
proves the reliability, size, efficiency and cost of power converters. The downsides are the
limited voltage (up to 86% of the input voltage), sensitivity to grid disturbances [26], and
high conducting power loss.

5. Performance Comparisons
A quantitative comparison of DFIGs, synchronous and PM generators is listed in Table 1. It
can be seen that direct drive wind turbine generators are larger in size but shorter in length
compared to geared counterparts. From this limited range of data, three-stage geared DFIGs
appear to be lightest; conventional synchronous generators are the heaviest and the mostly
costly machines.
In addition, a performance comparison of different wind turbine generators is summarized
in Table 2.



Advances in Wind Power


Synchronous generators




PM 1-stage



direct drive


PM direct drive

Air-gap diameter (m)




Stack length (m)






Iron weight (ton)






Copper weight (ton)










PM weight (ton)
Generator active material cost



Gearbox cost (kEuro)



Converter cost (kEuro)





Generator construction cost (kEuro)






Total generator system cost (kEuro)






Annual electricity yield (MWh)






Yield/total cost (kWh/Euro)









Table 1. Quantitative comparison of three major wind turbine generators [38; 30].








directly to


the grid


Induction generators


directly partially

Synchronous generators








totally via

totally via

totally via

totally via





to the










very low



app. 30%











very good














very high








very high


extremely high



medium high



very high



Wind Turbine Generator Technologies






Induction generators


Synchronous generators










very high







very high

Mass saving low




very high


extremely high


low power, small


residential wind
application turbines

medium-large small-medium
wind turbines wind turbines

large wind

direct drive;

early stage

wind turbines

turbines; early

Table 2. Overall performance comparison of different wind turbine generators (partially, 3; 20).

6. Conclusions
Wind energy has attracted much attention from research and industrial communities. One
of growth areas is thought to be in the offshore wind turbine market. The ongoing effort to
develop advanced wind turbine generator technologies has already led to increased produc
tion, reliability, maintainability and cost-effectiveness. At this stage, the doubly-fed induc
tion generator technology (equipped with fault-ride-through capacity) will continue to be
prevalent in medium and large wind turbines while permanent magnet generators may be
competitive in small wind turbines. Other types of wind turbine generators have started to
penetrate into the wind markets to a differing degree. The analysis suggests a trend moving
from fixed-speed, geared and brushed generators towards variable-speed, gearless and
brushless generator technologies while still reducing system weight, cost and failure rates.
This paper has provided an overview of different wind turbine generators including DC,
synchronous and asynchronous wind turbine generators with a comparison of their relative
merits and disadvantages. More in-depth analysis should be carried out in the design, con
trol and operation of the wind turbines primarily using numerical, analytical and experi
mental methods if wind turbine generators are to be further improved. Despite continued
research and development effort, however, there are still numerous technological, environ
mental and economic challenges in the wind power systems.
In summary, there may not exist the best wind turbine generator technology to tick all the
boxes. The choice of complex wind turbine systems is largely dictated by the capital and op
erational costs because the wind market is fundamentally cost-sensitive. In essence, the deci
sion is always down to a comparison of the material costs between rare-earth permanent
magnets, superconductors, copper, steel or other active materials, which may vary remarka
bly from time to time.



Advances in Wind Power

The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful discussions with Prof G. Asher of Notting
ham University and Prof B. Mecrow of Newcastle University, UK.

Author details
Wenping Cao1, Ying Xie2* and Zheng Tan1
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
2 Harbin University of Science and Technology, P. R. China

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Chapter 8

A Model for Dynamic Optimization of Pitch-Regulated

Wind Turbines with Application
Karam Y. Maalawi
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
With the growing demand for cost-effective wind energy, optimization of wind turbine
components has been gaining increasing attention for its acknowledged contributions made
to design enhancement, especially in early stages of product development. One of the major
design goals is the accurate determination of structural dynamics and control, which is di
rectly related to fatigue life and cost of energy production: a major design goal in exploiting
wind energy. Modern wind turbines are designed with pitch-regulated rotor blades, which
have to be able to turn around their longitudinal axis several times per second in order to
face the rapidly changing wind direction. This fact emphasizes the need to improve the de
sign of pitch mechanisms using optimization techniques in order to increase availability of
the turbines and reduce their maintenance overheads. (Florin et al., 2004; Jason et al. 2005)
demonstrated the different tools for performing the analysis of the interaction between the
mechanical system of the wind turbine and the electrical grid as well as the calculation of
the dynamic loads on the turbine structure. In case of stronger winds it is necessary to waste
part of the excess energy of the wind in order to avoid damaging the wind turbine. All wind
turbines are therefore designed with some sort of power control. There are different ways of
doing this safely on modern wind turbines: pitch, active stall and passive stall controlled
wind turbines.
On a pitch controlled wind turbine (Hansen et al., 2005) the turbine's electronic controller
checks the power output of the turbine several times per second. When the power output
becomes too high, it sends an order to the blade pitch mechanism which immediately
pitches (turns) the rotor blades slightly out of the wind. Conversely, the blades are turned
back into the wind whenever the wind drops again. The rotor blades thus have to be able
to turn around their longitudinal axis (to pitch) as shown in Fig. 1. The pitch mechanism

2012 Maalawi; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advances in Wind Power

is usually operated using hydraulics or electric stepper motors. Fig. 2 shows the optimal
operational conditions of a pitch-controlled 2 MW wind turbine. During normal operation
the blades will pitch a fraction of a degree at a time, and the rotor will be turning at the
same time. The computer will generally pitch the blades a few degrees every time the
wind changes in order to keep the rotor blades at the optimum angle to maximize output
power for all wind speeds.

Figure 1. Limiting power output using pitch control.



Figure 2. Operational conditions of a pitch-controlled, 2.0 MW wind turbine (Hansen et al., 2005)

On the other hand, passive stall controlled wind turbines (Leithed & Conner, 2002;
Hoffmann, 2002) have the rotor blades bolted onto the hub at a fixed angle. The geome
try of the rotor blade profile however has been aerodynamically designed to ensure that

A Model for Dynamic Optimization of Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbines with Application

the moment the wind speed becomes too high; it creates turbulence on the side of the
rotor blade which is not facing the wind. This stall prevents the lifting force of the ro
tor blade from acting on the rotor. The rotor blade of a stall controlled wind turbine is
twisted slightly along its longitudinal axis. This is partly done in order to ensure that
the rotor blade stalls gradually rather than abruptly when the wind speed reaches its
critical value. The basic advantage of stall control is that one avoids moving parts in
the rotor itself, and a complex control system. On the other hand, stall control repre
sents a very complex aerodynamic design problem, and related design challenges in the
structural dynamics of the whole wind turbine, e.g. to avoid stall-induced vibrations.
Around two thirds of the wind turbines currently being installed in the world are stall
controlled machines.
Larger wind turbines (1-MW and up) are being developed with an active stall power
control mechanism (Hoffmann, 2002). Technically the active stall machines resemble pitch
controlled machines, since they have pitchable blades. In order to get a reasonably large
torque at low wind speeds, the machines will usually be programmed to pitch their
blades much like a pitch controlled machine at low wind speeds. One of the advantages
of active stall is that one can control the power output more accurately than with pas
sive stall, so as to avoid overshooting the rated power of the machine at the beginning of
a gust of wind. Another advantage is that the machine can be run almost exactly at rat
ed power at all high wind speeds. A normal passive stall controlled wind turbine will
usually have a drop in the electrical power output for higher wind speeds, as the rotor
blades go into deeper stall. As with pitch control it is largely an economic question
whether it is worthwhile to pay for the added complexity of the machine, when the
blade pitch mechanism is added. One of the most cost-effective solutions in reducing the
produced vibrations and avoiding pitch-control failures on wind turbines (see Fig.3) is to
separate the natural frequencies of the blade structure from the critical exciting pitching
frequencies (Bindner et al., 1997). This would avoid resonance where large amplitudes of
torsional vibration could severely damage the whole structure. The frequency-placement
technique (Pritchard & Adelman, 1990; Maalawi, 2007; Maalawi & Badr, 2010) is based on
minimizing an objective function constructed from a weighted sum of the squares of the
differences between each important frequency and its desired (target) value. Approxi
mate values of the target frequencies are usually chosen to be within close ranges; some
times called frequency-windows; of those corresponding to a reference baseline design,
which are adjusted to be far away from the critical exciting frequencies. Direct maximiza
tion of the system natural frequencies (Shin et al., 1988; Maalawi & EL-Chazly, 2002) is
also favorable for increasing the overall stiffness-to-mass ratio level of the blade structure
being excited. This may further other design objectives such as higher stability and fati
gue life and lower cost and noise levels. (Maalawi & Negm 2002) considered the optimal
frequency design of a wind turbine blade in flapping motion. They used an exact power
series solution to determine the exact mode shapes and the aeroelastic stability bounda
ries, where conspicuous design trends were given for optimum blade configurations.
Both primal and dual optimization problems were thoroughly examined.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 3. Typical blade failure of a three-bladed, 2 MW wind turbine

The scope of this chapter is not just to apply optimization techniques and find an opti
mum solution for the problem under study. The main aim, however, is to first; perform
the necessary exact dynamical analysis of a pitch-regulated wind turbine blade by solving
the exact governing differential equation using analytical Bessel's functions. Secondly, the
behavior of the pitching fundamental frequency augmented with the mass equality con
straint will be investigated in detail to see how it changes with the selected design varia
bles. The associated optimization problem is formulated by considering two forms of the
objective function. The first one is represented by a direct maximization of the fundamen
tal frequency, while the second considers minimization of the square of the difference be
tween the fundamental frequency and its target or desired value. In both strategies, an
equality constraint is imposed on the total structural mass in order not to violate other
economic and performance requirements. Design variables encompass the tapering ratio,
blade chord and skin thickness distributions, which are expressed in dimensionless form,
making the formulation valid for a variety of blade configurations. The torsional stiffness
simulating the flexibility of the inboard panel near the rotor hub is also included in the
whole set of design variables. Case studies include the locked and unlocked conditions of
the pitching mechanism, in which the functional behavior of the frequency has been thor
oughly examined. The developed exact mathematical model guarantees full separation of
the frequency from the undesired range which resonates with the pitching frequencies. In
fact, the mathematical procedure implemented, combined with exact Bessel's function sol
utions, can be beneficial tool, against which the efficiency of approximate methods, such
as finite elements, may be judged. Finally, it is demonstrated that global optimality can be

A Model for Dynamic Optimization of Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbines with Application

achieved from the proposed model and an accurate method for the exact placement of the
system natural frequencies has been deduced.

2. Structural dynamic analysis

The isolated blade structure to be analyzed herein is illustrated in figure 4. The inboard pan
el having ignored length relative to the outboard one is considered as a flexible segment
modeled by an equivalent torsion spring. The blade has a polar moment of area I spinning
about its longitudinal axis, x, at an angular displacement B(x,t) relative to the pitch bearing
at the rotor hub. The blade is analyzed considering the state of free torsional vibration about
its elastic axis. The pitching mechanism and the short segment near the hub are assumed to
have a linear torsional spring with stiffness Ks. Applying the classical theory of torsion (Rao,
1994), the governing equation of the motion is cast in the following:

(x, t)
2 (x, t)
GJ (x)
= I (x)
t 2


which must be satisfied over the interval 0<x<L.

The associated boundary conditions are described as follows:
Case (I): Pitch is active


at blade tip (x=L)GJ
at blade root (x=0)GJ




= 0.


Case (II): Pitch is inactive

= K s B (0, t )
x x=0
at blade tip (x=L)| x=L = 0
at blade root (x=0)GJ



where GJ(x) and I(x) represent the torsional stiffness and the mass polar moment of inertia
per unit length, respectively. The twisting angle B(x,t) is assumed to be separable in space
and time, (x, t) = (x).q(t), where the time dependence q(t) is harmonic with circular fre
quency . Substituting for
rectly in the form

d 2q
= 2q, the associated eigenvalue problem can be written di
dt 2
GJ (x)
+ I (x) 2(x) = 0




Advances in Wind Power

Figure 4. Isolated blade in pitching motion.

The boundary conditions can be obtained from Eqs. (2) and (3). Considering a tapered blade
with thin-walled airfoil section (refer to Figures1 & 4), the torsional constant and the second
polar moment of area are directly proportional to h and C3, which are assumed to have the
same linear distribution described by the expressions:
C = Co (1 x^ )
h = h (1 x^ )


x^ and are dimensionless parameters defined as:

x^ = , = (1 ), = Ct C0


where is the taper ratio of the wind turbine blade.

3. Solution procedures
For thin-walled, cellular blade construction, the total structural mass M, the torsional con
stant J(x), and the polar moment of area I(x) can be determined from the expressions:

A Model for Dynamic Optimization of Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbines with Application

J ( x ) = f 2C 3h (x)

I ( x ) = f 3C 3h ( x )

M = f 1 Ch (x)dx


where f1, f2 and f3 are shape factors depend upon the shape of the airfoil section, number of
interior cells and the ratios between the shear web thicknesses and the main wall thickness
h(x). It is convenient first to normalize all variables and parameters with respect to a refer
ence design having uniform stiffness and mass distributions with the same material proper
ties, airfoil section, and type of construction as well (see Table 1). The dimensionless
expressions for the total mass, torsional constant and polar moment of area are, respectively
given by:

^ ^^
M = C h d x^



^ ^ 3^
J =C h
^ ^ ^
Polar moment of area I = C 3h

Torsion constant


Therefore, dividing by the corresponding reference design parameters, the governing differ
ential equation takes the following dimensionless form:

^ 2 = 0; 0 1
(1 x^ )




Dimensionless expression

Circular frequency

^ = L I G J


Spatial coordinate

Airfoil chord

Shear wall thickness

Structural mass

^x =x/L
C = C / Cr
h =h / hr
M = M / Mr

Torsion constant

^ ^
J = J / J r ( = C 3h )

Polar moment of area.

^ ^
I = I / I r ( = C 3h )

Stiffness coefficient at root



(G J r / L )

Reference parameters: Mr=structural mass, Jr= torsion constant, Ir=2nd polar moment of area, where Cr=Chord length,
hr=wall thickness, blade taper =1.
Table 1. Definition of dimensionless quantities



Advances in Wind Power

The boundary conditions to be satisfied are = 0 at both blade root and tip for the unlocked
pitching condition and = ( ^ ) at root, = 0 at tip for the locked condition, where the
1 1
prime denotes here differentiation with respect to x^ . Using the transformation x^ = ^ y

( 0), Eq. (9) takes the form:
d 2 4 d
+ = 0; y
d y 2 y dy


which can be further transformed to the standard form of Bessels equation by setting
= / y 3, to get


d 2
+ (y 2 ) = 0


This has the solution

(y) = C1 J 3/2 + C2 J 3/2


where C1 and C2 are constants of integration and J3/2 and J-3/2 are Bessels functions of order k=
3/2, given by (Edwards & Penney, 2004):
J 3/2(y) =

(siny ycosy)
y 3

J 3/2(y) =
(cosy + ysiny)
y 3


The exact analytical solution of the associated eigenvalue problem is:

(y) = A

ycosy siny
ysiny + cosy


where A and B are constants depend on the imposed boundary conditions. Applying the
boundary conditions, given in Eqs. (2) and (3), and considering only nontrivial solution the
frequency equation can be directly obtained. The final derived exact frequency equations for
both active and inactive pitching motion in appropriate compacted closed forms are sum
marized in the following:
^ ^3
^ tan
^ =K
Baseline design with rectangular planform (D=1)
s / (h o C o )


A Model for Dynamic Optimization of Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbines with Application

Active pitching tan

^ (3 + )
() 3 (1 + 2) + 9(1 + )

Locked pitching mechanism tan

^ 2) 3 2
(1 3)(3
3(1 3) + (3 2)(1 3 + 2)



The definition of the various quantities in Eqs. (15), (16) and (17) is given in Table (1) and the
appendix of nomenclature.

4. Optimization problem formulation

Attractive goals of designing efficient structures of wind generators include minimization of
structural weight, maximization of the fundamental frequencies (Maalawi & EL-Chazly,
2002; Maalawi & Negm, 2002; Maalawi & Badr, 2010), minimization of total cost per energy
produced, and maximization of output power (Maalawi & Badr, 2003). Another important
consideration is the reduction or control of the vibration level. Vibration can greatly influ
ence the commercial acceptance of a wind turbine because of its adverse effects on perform
ance, cost, stability, fatigue life and noise. The reduction of vibration can be attained either
by a direct maximization of the natural frequencies or by separating the natural frequencies
of the blade structure from the harmonics of the exciting torque applied from the pitching
mechanism at the hub. This would avoid resonance and large amplitudes of vibration,
which may cause severe damage of the blade. Direct maximization of the natural frequen
cies can ensure a simultaneous balanced improvement in both of the overall stiffness level
and the total structural mass. The mass and stiffness distributions are to be tailored in such a
way to maximize the overall stiffness/mass ratio of the vibrating blade. The associated opti
mization problems are usually cast in nonlinear mathematical programming form (Vander
plaats, 1999). The objective is to minimize a function F(X) of a vector X of design variables,
subject to certain number of constraints Gj(X) 0, j=1,2,m.
In the present optimization problem, two alternatives of the objective function form are im
plemented and examined. The first one is represented by a direct maximization of the fun
damental frequency, which is expressed mathematically as follows:
Maximize F ( X ) = -


^ ^
^ is the normalized fundamental frequency (see Table1) and X =(C
o , h o , ) is the
chosen design variable vector. The second alternative is to minimize the square of the differ
^ *, i.e.
^ and its target or desired value
ence between the fundamental frequency

^ -
^ * )2
Minimize F ( X ) = (




Advances in Wind Power

Both objectives are subject to the constraints:


^ ^ ^
Mass constraint: M = C h d x^ = 1


Side constraints : XL X Xu


where XL and XU are the lower and upper limiting values imposed on the design variables vec
tor X in order not to obtain unrealistic odd-shaped designs in the final optimum solutions. Ap
proximate values of the target frequencies are usually chosen to be within close ranges;
sometimes called frequency windows; of those corresponding to an initial baseline design,
which are adjusted to be far away from the critical exciting pitching frequencies. Several com
puter program packages are available now for solving the above design optimization model,
which can be coded to interact with structural and eigenvalue analyses software. Extensive
computer implementation of the models described by Eqs. (18-21) have revealed the fact that
maximization of the fundamental frequency is a much better design criterion. If it happened that
the maximum frequency violates frequency windows, which was found to be a rare situation,
another value of the frequency can be chosen near the global optima, and the frequency equa
tions (15-17) can be solved for any one of the unknown design variables instead. Considering the
frequency-placement criterion, it was found that convergence towards the optimum solution,
which is also too sensitive to the selected target frequency, is very slow.

5. Optimization techniques
The above optimization problem described by Eqs.(18-21) may be thought of as a search in
an 3-dimensional space for a point corresponding to the minimum value of the objective
function and such that it lie within the region bounded by the subspaces representing the
constraint functions. Iterative techniques are usually used for solving such optimization
problems in which a series of directed design changes (moves) are made between successive
points in the design space. The new design Xi+1 is obtained from the old one Xi as follows:
X i+1 = X i + ai S i


Such that F ( X i+1) < F ( X i )


where the vector Si defines the direction of the move and the scalar quantity i gives the step
length such that Xi+1 does not violate the imposed constraints, Gj(X). Several optimization
techniques are classified according to the way of selecting the search direction Si. In general,
there are two distinct formulations (Vanderplaats, 1999): the constrained formulation and
the unconstrained formulation. In the former, the constraints are considered as a limiting

A Model for Dynamic Optimization of Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbines with Application

subspace. The method of feasible directions is one of the most powerful methods in this cat
egory. In the unconstrained formulation, the constraints are taken into account indirectly by
transforming the original problem into a series of unconstrained problems. A method,
which has a wide applicability in engineering applications, is the penalty function method.
The MATLAB optimization toolbox is a powerful tool that includes many routines for differ
ent types of optimization encompassing both unconstrained and constrained minimization
algorithms (Vekataraman, 2009). One of its useful routines is named fmincon which imple
ments the method of feasible directions in finding the constrained minimum of an objective
function of several variables starting at an initial design. The search direction Sj must satisfy
the two conditions Sj.F< 0 and Sj.Gj < 0, where F and Gj are the gradient vectors of
the objective and constraint functions, respectively. For checking the constrained minima,
the Kuhn-Tucker test (Vanderplaats, 1999) is applied at the design point XD, which lies on
one or more set of active constraints. The Kuhn-Tucker equations are necessary conditions
for optimality for a constrained optimization problem and their solution forms the basis to
the method of feasible directions.

6. Results and discussions

The developed mathematical model has been implemented for the proper placement of the fre
quencies of typical blade structure in free pitching motion. Optimum solutions are obtained by
invoking the MATLAB routine fmincon which interacts with the eigenvalue calculation rou
tines. The target frequencies, at which the pitching frequencies needed to be close to, depend on
the specific configuration and operating conditions of the wind machine. Various cases of study
are examined including, blades with both locked and unlocked pitching conditions. The main
features and trends in each case are presented and discussed in the following sections.
6.1. Unlocked pitching mechanism condition
Considering first the case of active pitching, figure 5 shows the variation of the first three
resonant frequencies with the tapering ratio. It is seen that the frequencies decrease with in
creasing taper. Blades having complete triangular planforms shall have the maximum fre
quencies which is favorable from structural design point of view. However, such
configurations violate the requirement of having an efficient aerodynamic surface produc
ing the needed mechanical power. Now, in order to place any frequency at its desired value
^ , i=1,2,3, for known
^ *, i=1,2,3, the first step is to calculate the dimensionless frequency

properties of the blade material and airfoil section, and then obtain the corresponding value
of the taper ratio from the curves presented in figure 5. The next step is to choose appropri
ate value for the dimensionless thickness h o at the blade root and find the corresponding
chord length C o at the determined taper ratio (see figure 6), which should satisfy the equali
ty mass constraint expressed by Eq. (20). It is to be noticed here that the dimensionless wall
thickness h o at root shall be constrained to be greater than a preassigned lower bound,



Advances in Wind Power

which can either be determined from the minimum available sheet thicknesses or from con
siderations of wall instability that might happen by local buckling.

Figure 5. Normalized frequencies of free pitching motion (Unlocked blade)

Figure 6. Optimized tapered blades with constant mass (C o - Level curves, M =1)

A Model for Dynamic Optimization of Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbines with Application

6.2. Condition of locked pitching mechanism

Extensive computer solutions for the frequency equation (17) have indicated the existence of
the frequency level curves in the selected design space. Figures 7, 8 and 9 depicts, respec
tively, the developed frequency charts for the design cases of locked pitching mechanism
with K s = 10, 100 and 1000 representing flexible, semi-rigid and rigid blade root. Any other
specific case can be easily obtained by following and applying the same procedures outlined
before in sections 3 and 4. It is seen from the figures that the frequency function is well be
^ ^
haved and continuous in the selected design space (h o , C o ). Actually, these charts represent

the fundamental pitching frequency augmented with the equality mass constraint. There
fore, they reveal very clearly how one can place the frequency at its target value without the
penalty of increasing the total mass of the main blade structure. Such charts also can be uti
lized if one is seeking to maximize the frequency under equality mass constraint. Maximiza
tion of the natural frequencies has the benefit of improving the overall stiffness/mass ratio of
the vibrating structure (Maalawi and Negm, 2002).

^ ) for a blade with flexible blade root: K
Figure 7. Augmented frequency-mass contours (
s = 10 (M =1)

As seen, the developed contours depicted in figure 7 has a banana- shaped profile bounded
by two curved lines; the one from above represents a triangular blade (=0) and the other



Advances in Wind Power

lower one represents a rectangular blade geometry (=1). It is not allowed to penetrate these
two borderlines in order not to violate the imposed mass equality constraints. Each point in
side the feasible domain in the middle corresponds to different mass and stiffness distribu
tions along the blade span, but the total structural mass is preserved at a constant value
equals to that of the rectangular reference blade. The lower and upper empty regions repre
sent, respectively, infeasible blade designs with structural mass less or greater than that of
^ ^
the baseline design. The global optimal design is too close to the design point {C o , h o
}={1.202, 2.011, 0.207} with
=2.6472. If it happened that such global optima violates

frequency windows, another value of the frequency can be taken near the optimum point,
and an inverse approach is utilized by solving the frequency equation for any one of the un
known design variables instead.

^ for a semi-rigid blade root; K
Figure 8. Level curves of
s =100, M =1.

Other cases for semi-rigid and rigid blade root are shown in figures 8 and 9. It is seen
that the contour lines become more flatten and parallel to the two borderlines as the
hub stiffness increases. The calculated maximum values of the fundamental pitching fre
quency are 4.2161 at the design point {1.5, 2, 0} for K s =100 and 4.4825 at the same de
sign point for K s =1000. Such optimal blade designs having triangular planform are

A Model for Dynamic Optimization of Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbines with Application

favorable from structural point of view. However, such configurations violate the re
quirement of having an efficient aerodynamic surface producing the needed mechanical
power. In all, it becomes now possible to choose the desired maximum frequency,
which is far away from the excitation frequencies, and obtain the corresponding opti
mum variables directly from the developed frequency charts. Actually, the charts repre
sent the fundamental frequency function augmented with the imposed mass equality
constraint so that the problem may be treated as if it were an unconstrained optimiza
tion problem. Table 2 summarizes the final optimum solutions showing that good blade
patterns ought to have the lowest possible tapering ratio. This means that the optimum
design point is always very close to the lower limiting value imposed on the blade ta
pering ratio, i.e. 0.25.

^ for a rigid blade root; K
Figure 9. Level curves of
s =1000, M =1.

Figure 10 depicts the variation of the maximum fundamental frequency with the stiffness at
blade root. It is seen that the frequency decreases sharply with increasing the stiffness coeffi
cient up to a value of 10, after which it increases in the interval between K s =10 and 100 and
then remain approximately constant at the principal values /2 and . The average attained
optimization gain reached a value of about 86.95 % as measured from the reference design.



Advances in Wind Power

^ ^
Figure 10. Variation of the constrained maximum fundamental frequency
1,max with blade root stiffness K s , (M =1)

Stiffness coefficient
(K s )

Reference rectangular
^ ^
(C o ,h o , )=(1, 1, 1)

Optimized tapered blade


^ ^
(C o ,h o , )optimum

3.1416 ()


(1.4520, 1.5861, 0.2514)




(1.7289, 1.3122, 0.2522)




(1.5973, 1.4221, 0.2541)



(1.3794, 1.6583, 0.2527)




(1.1651, 1.9546, 0.2504)




(1.2533, 1.7982, 0.2532)




(1.4523, 1.5822, 0.2531)

1.5708 (/2)


(1.4763, 1.5428, 0.2529)

(Unlocked pitch)

(Perfect rigidity)

Equality mass constraint : M =1
Inequality side constraints: 0.5 C o 2.0
0.25 h o 2.0
0.25 0.75
Table 2. Constrained optimal solutions for different blade root flexibility.

A Model for Dynamic Optimization of Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbines with Application

6.3. Model validation: Actual operation case

As a part of the ministry of electricity plans for wind energy programs in Egypt, a study is
currently performed concerning the design and manufacture of an upwind, two-bladed,
pitch-controlled, horizontal-axis wind turbine producing 100 KW electrical power output.
The wind turbine will be erected for testing and experimental investigation in the western
coast of the Gulf of Suez near Hurghada, which has the most favorable wind condition with
average wind speeds between 7-12 m/s. The followings are the relevant values of the refer
ence blade design parameters:
Planform: rectangular (taper =1), chord Cr=1.0 m, Elastic length L=12.5 m.
Cross section: NACA 4415 airfoil, single cell construction.
Wall thickness hr=5.0x10-3 m.
Torsion constant Jr=1.536 x 10-4 m4.
2nd moment of area Ir=7.462 x 10-4 m4.
Type of material: E-glass/Epoxy composite.
Equivalent in-plane shear modulus G=4.7 GPa, mass density =1800 kg/m3
Total structural mass: Mr=250.0 kg.
Dimensionless circular frequency:
^ = for unlocked pitch

= /2 for locked pitch
^ rad/sec. (refer to Table 1).
Dimensional circular frequency r = 58.65
Frequency in HZ: fr=r/2
=29.325 HZ (Unlocked condition)
= 14.6625 HZ (Locked condition)
Excitation frequency f=20.0 HZ.
The final attained optimal design for the case of active pitch is (see Table 2 and Figure 5):
The first three frequencies are fi,max= 41.8846, 67.802, 95.548 HZ, which corresponds to the
optimal chord and thickness distributions:
C( x^ )= 1.452 (1-0.7486 x^ ) m
h( x^ )= 7.931x10-3(1-0.7486 x^ ) m, 0 x^ 1.
Other cases with different blade root flexibilities can be obtained using the dimensionless
optimal solutions given in Table 2.



Advances in Wind Power

7. Conclusions
Efficient model for optimizing frequencies of a wind turbine blade in pitching motion has
been presented in this chapter. The mathematical formulation is given with dimensionless
quantities so as to make the model valid for a real-world wind turbine blade of any size and
configuration. It provides exact solutions to the vibration modes of the blade structure in
free pitching motion, against which the efficiency of other numerical methods, such as the
finite element method, may be judged. Design variables include the chord length of the air
foil section, shear wall thickness and blade tapering ratio. Useful design charts for either
maximizing the natural frequency or placing it at its desired (target) value has been devel
oped for a prescribed total structural mass, and known torsional rigidity near blade root.
The fundamental frequency can be shifted sufficiently from the range which resonates with
the excitation frequencies. In fact the developed frequency charts given in the paper reveal
very clearly how one can place the frequency at its proper value without the penalty of in
creasing the total structural mass. Each point inside the chart corresponds to different mass
and stiffness distribution along the span of constant mass blade structure. The given ap
proach is also implemented to maximize the frequency under equality mass constraint. If it
happened that the obtained maximum frequency violates frequency windows, another val
ue of the frequency can be taken near the optimum point, and an inverse approach can be
applied by solving the frequency equation for any one of the unknown design variables in
stead. Other factors under study by the author include the use of material grading concept
to enhance the dynamic performance of a wind turbine blade. Exciting frequencies due to
the turbulent nature of the wind, especially in large wind turbines with different types of
boundary conditions, are also under considerations. Another extension of this work is to op
timize the aerodynamic and structural efficiencies of the blade by simultaneously maximiz
ing the power coefficient and minimizing vibration level under mass constraint using a
muli-criteria optimization technique.

B(x,t) pitch angle about blade elastic axis: (x, t) = (x).q(t),
C chord length of the airfoil section
Ct chord length at blade tip
Co chord length at blade root
G shear modulus of blade material
h skin thickness of the blade
ho skin thickness at blade root
I second polar moment of area

A Model for Dynamic Optimization of Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbines with Application

J torsion constant of the blade cross section

Ks torsional stiffness coefficient at blade root
L effective blade length
q(t) time dependence of blade pitch angle.
t time variable
X design variables vector.
x distance along blade span measured from chord at root
= (1 )
(x) amplitude of the pitch angle
circular frequency of pitching motion
^ normalized frequency

^ / )

( = )

mass density of blade material

blade taper ratio (Ct/Co)
^ ^ ^
(=h o C 3o / K s )

Author details
Karam Y. Maalawi
National Research Centre, Mechanical Engineering Department, Cairo, Egypt

[1] Bindner, H., Rebsdorf A., and Byberg, W., (1997). Experimental investigation of com
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tools for modeling, design and optimization of wind turbine systems. Proceedings of



Advances in Wind Power

NORDIC Wind Power Conference, Chalmers University of Technology, GoteborgSweden, 1-2 March, 2004.
[4] Hansen, M.H., Hansen, A., Larsen, T.J., Oye, S.I., Sorensen, P., & Fuglsang P. (2005).
Control design for a pitch regulated, variable speed wind turbine. Riso National Lab
oratory, Riso-R-1500 (EN), Roskilde, Denmark.
[5] Hoffmann, R. (2002). A comparison of control concepts for wind turbines in terms of energy
capture. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Electronic and Information, University of Darm
stadt, Germany.
[6] Jason, M. Jonkman, Marshall L. & Buhl, Jr. (2005). FAST Users Guide. Technical Re
port, NREL/EL-500-38230.
[7] Leithed, W.E. and Conner, B.C., (2002). Control of variable speed wind turbines: Dy
namic modeling. International Journal of Control, 73(13), 1173-1188.
[8] Maalawi, K.Y. and Negm, H.M. (2002). Optimal frequency design of wind turbine
blades. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 90(8), 961-986.
[9] Maalawi, K.Y. and El-Chazly, N.M. (2002). Global optimization of multi-element
beam-type structures. The Second International Conference on Advances in Structural
Engineering and Mechanics, ASEM'02, Busan, South Korea, August 21-23.
[10] Maalawi, K.Y. and Badr, M.A. (2003). A practical approach for selecting optimum
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[11] Maalawi, K.Y. (2007). A model for yawing dynamic optimization of a wind turbine
structure. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 49, 1130-1138.
[12] Maalawi, K.Y. and Badr, M.A. (2010). Frequency optimization of a wind turbine
blade in pitching motion. Journal of Power and Energy, JPE907, Proc. IMechE Vol. 224,
Part A, pp. 545-554.
[13] Rao, J.S. (1994). Advanced theory of vibration, Wiley Eastern Limited, New York.
[14] Pritchard, J.I. and Adelman, H.M. (1990). Optimal placement of tuning masses for vi
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[15] Shin, Y.S., Haftka, R.T., Plaut, R.H. (1988). Simultaneous analysis and design of ei
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[16] Vanderplaats, G.N. (1999). Numerical optimization techniques for engineering de
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[17] Vekataraman, P. (2009). Applied optimization with MATLAB programming. 2nd Edi
tion, Wiley, New York.

Chapter 9

Comparative Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Farms

Control Mode on Long-Term Voltage Stability
Rafael Rorato Londero, Joo Paulo A. Vieira and
Carolina de M. Affonso
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
The wind energy industry is experiencing a strong growth in most countries in the last
years. Several technical, economic and environmental benefits can be attained by connecting
wind energy to distribution systems such as power loss reduction, the use of clean energy,
postponement of system upgrades and increasing reliability. The doubly fed induction gen
erator (DFIG) is currently the most commonly installed wind turbine in power systems.
DFIG can be operated in two different control modes: constant power factor and voltage
control. In the power factor control mode, the reactive power from the turbine is controlled
to match the active power production at a fixed ratio. When terminal voltage control is em
ployed, the reactive power production is controlled to achieve a target voltage at a specified
bus. Many wind operators currently prefer the unity power factor mode since it is the active
power production that is rewarded [1].
The integration of wind turbine in electricity networks still face major challenges with re
spect to various operational problems that may occur, especially under high penetration lev
el [2,3]. Among many problems, it can be highlighted the voltage instability phenomenon, a
constant concern for modern power systems operation [4,5]. Voltage stability refers to sys
tem ability to keep voltage at all buses in acceptable ranges after a disturbance. This phe
nomenon is local and non-linear, characterized by a progressive decline in voltage
magnitudes, and occurs basically due to system inability to meet a growing demand for re
active power at certain buses in stressed situations [6,7]. The phenomena involved in voltage
stability is usually of slow nature (minutes or hours), being driven by the action of discrete
type devices and load variations [7].

2012 Rorato Londero et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advances in Wind Power

Some papers have analyzed the impacts caused by the connection of wind generation on
voltage stability using static models [8,9]. However, the exclusive use of static models is in
sufficient to fully describe voltage instability phenomenon, especially considering the actua
tion of dynamics equipments. Also, few papers have explored the differences in DFIG mode
of operation [10,11,12]. Until now, no work has presented a study analyzing the impacts of
different DFIG control modes on long-term voltage stability analysis, especially considering
the dynamics aspects and interaction of equipments installed in the network, such as Over
Excitation Limiters (OEL) and On Load Tap Changers (OLTC).
This chapter presents a study comparing the impacts caused by different control modes of
DFIG wind turbine on long-term power system voltage stability. The study uses time do
main simulations and also includes the representation of Over Excitation Limiter (OEL) and
On Load Tap Changers (OLTC). The analysis focuses on the two DFIG excitation control
modes: constant voltage control and constant power factor control (unity power factor and
leading power factor) with a 20% load increase. The impact of each control strategy is stud
ied and the resulting change in long-term system stability is quantified, as well as the inter
action between OLTC and OEL equipments.

2. Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIGs)

Doubly-fed induction generators are gaining popularity these days for several reasons. The
primary reason for this is their ability to vary their operating speed, typically +/- 30%
around the synchronous speed. The stator is directly connected to the grid and the rotor is
fed from a back-to-back AC/DC/AC converter set as shows Fig. 1. The rotor side converter
(RSC) controls the wind turbine output power and the voltage measured at the grid side.
The grid side converter (GSC) regulates the DC bus voltage and interchange reactive power
with the grid, allowing the production or consumption of reactive power. Then, DFIG can
operate on voltage control mode (PV) or power factor control mode (PQ).
PV mode refers to DFIG generating or absorbing reactive power (MVAr) to/from the distri
bution network in order to maintain the terminal voltage at a specified value. The minimum
and maximum MVAr have to be specified in order to operate at a power factor between 0.9
leading and 0.85 lagging, otherwise the plant operators will be charged for violating the op
erational limit. In load flow studies DFIG is represented as a PV bus for voltage control
mode [13].
PQ mode refers to the DFIG generation at a fixed MW and a fixed MVAr. When DFIG re
al power generation varies, the reactive power will also vary to maintain a fixed power
factor. This mode usually employs unity power factor operation (zero reactive power out
put). However, other power factor values can be specified (e.g., from 0.95 leading to 0.95
lagging) according to the system operator requirements. In load flow studies DFIG is rep
resented as a PQ bus for power factor control mode. In this study both control modes are

Comparative Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Farms Control Mode on Long-Term Voltage Stability

3. System modelling
3.1. Wind turbine model
The wind turbine mechanical power may be calculated as:

Pmec = 0.5C P r r 2UW

Where r is the radius of the wind turbine rotor, Uw is the average wind speed (m/s), is the
air-specific mass (kg m3) and CP is the wind turbine power coefficient [12]. CP is a function
of the tip speed ratio and the blade pitch angle , and can be expressed as:

C P (l , b ) = 0.73(





- 0.58 b 2.14 - 13.2)e


- 0.02 b + 3
b +1




C1 Converter



C2 Converter


icc ibc iac

Figure 1. DFIGs Scheme

To represent the electrical and mechanical interaction between the electrical generator and
wind turbine in transient stability studies, the global mass model is presented:



Advances in Wind Power

T - T - Dwr
2 HT m e


is the damping coefficient; and H is the inertia constant, in seconds.

Where D
3.2. The DFIG model
For power system stability studies, the generator may be modeled as an equivalent voltage
source behind a transient impedance. Since the stator dynamic are very fast, when com
pared with the rotor ones, it is possible to neglect them. The differential equations of the in
duction generator rotor circuits with equivalent voltage behind transient impedance as state
variables can be given in a d-q reference frame rotating at synchronous speed. For adequate
ly representing the DFIG dynamics the second order model of the induction generator is
used in the following per-unit form [14,15]:
vds =
- Rs ids + X ' iqs + ed'


vqs =
- Rs iqs - X ' ids + eq'


- ' ed' - X - X ' iqs + sws eq' - ws m vqr




- ' eq' + X - X ' ids - sws ed' + ws m vdr



Vds, Vqs: d and q axis stator voltages;
Rs: stator resistance;
X, X: transient reactance and the open circuit reactance;
ids, iqs: d and q axis stator currents;
ed' ,eq': d-axis and q-axis components of the internal voltage; T o': open circuit time constant in
S: synchronous speed;
Lm: mutual inductance;
Lrr: rotor inductance;
Vdr, Vqr: d and q axis rotor voltages;

Comparative Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Farms Control Mode on Long-Term Voltage Stability

The components of the internal voltage behind the transient reactance are defined as:
ed' =
- s m lqr


ws Lm



where qr and dr are d and q rotor fluxes. The reactances and transients open-circuit time
constant are given:

X' =
ws Lss - m =Xs + r m

Xr + X m

To' =


Lr + Lm Lrr


X = ws Lss


To' =

2p fbase Rr


3.3. DFIG converter model

In this study the converters are modeled according to reference [16], as show the diagrams
presented in Figs. 2 and 3. The Vd1 component is used to the capacitor voltage and Vq1 is
used to fix at zero the reactive power absorbed by the rotor side converter. This component
may be used to provide additional reactive power support to the system.
The component Iq2 of the rotor current is used to control the rotor speed and as a conse
quence, the active power supplied by the machine. The component Id2 of the rotor current is
used to control the generator terminal voltage or power factor.
3.4. OEL model
The objective of the over excitation limiter is to protect the generator from thermal overload.
The OEL model adopted in this study is the same of reference [14] and the model is present
ed in Fig. 4. The OEL detects the over-current condition, and after a time delay, acts reduc
ing the excitation by reducing the field current to a value of 100% to 110% of the nominal
value. Once the OEL acts, the field current no longer increases, limiting the reactive power
supplied by the machine to a minimum value, overloading the other generators, contribu
ting significantly to the voltage instability.



Advances in Wind Power


Figure 2. Control loop of the stator side converter (SSC) a) Component Vd1 b) Component Vq1.

Figure 3. Control loop of the rotor side converter (RSC) a) Component Iq2 b) Component Id2.

Comparative Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Farms Control Mode on Long-Term Voltage Stability

Figure 4. OEL model.

4. Test system
The test system used in this study is shown in Fig. 5 and is based on the system developed
in [14] for voltage stability analysis. To conduct this study the original system was modified,
adding a transformer between buses 8 and 12 to connect a 212.5 MW wind farm at bus 12,
consisting of 250 turbines of 850kW. Four generation sources are modeled: G1, G2 and G3
are synchronous generators and the wind farm is based on DFIG. The OEL device is instal
led in generator G3 and the OLTC between buses 10 and 11. The OLTC model used is pre
sented in reference [17].

Figure 5. Test system diagram.

Table 1 shows the generation and load scenarios considered. The penetration level of the
wind farm is 17.6%. Scenario 1 considers the load at bus 8 modeled as constant impedance
for both active and reactive components and the load at bus 11 modeled as 50% constant im
pedance and 50% constant current for both active and reactive components. Scenario 2 con
siders the active power component of load at bus 8 represented as an equivalent of 450


Advances in Wind Power

induction motors which parameters are presented in the Appendix, and all other compo
nents are modeled as in scenario 1.
Load at bus 8


Load at bus 11





Scenario 1





Scenario 2





Table 1. Load Scenarios

Generator 1

Generator 2

Generator 3

DFIG (PV mode)






Scenario 1




1,200.0 / -364.0

1,200.0 / 100.0

Scenario 2




1,200.0 / -14.3

1,200.0 / 200.0


DFIG (PQ mode)

Table 2. Generation Scenarios

The intermittent characteristic of wind generation is considered following the wind regime
presented on Fig. 6, with the initial wind speed of 12 m/s.



Wind speed (m/s)





Figure 6. Wind speed regime.


Time (sec.)



Comparative Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Farms Control Mode on Long-Term Voltage Stability

5. Simulation and results

To evaluate the different impacts caused by DFIG control modes on long-term voltage sta
bility, two cases are analyzed:
Case A: Static load model (scenario 1): This scenario considers the load at buses 8 and 11
represented by the commom ZIP model.
Case B: Static and dynamic load model (scenario 2): This scenario considers the load at
bus 11 represented by the common ZIP model and the active power component of load at
bus 8 represented by an equivalent induction motor.
All simulations considered both DFIG control modes alternatively: power factor control
mode (0.99 leading) and voltage control mode. The results and analysis are presented next
in the following sections. The simulations were conducted using the softwares ANAREDE
for load flow calculations and ANATEM for transient stability simulations [18,19].
5.1. Case A: Static load model (Scenario 1)
This case considers the successive increase on system total demand, with increments of 0.1%
every second in respect with the initial load from scenario 1 as presented in tables 1 and 2.
The load increases up to 200 seconds and the simulation time is 250 seconds.
As load increases, the voltage at bus 11 decreases, causing OLTC to operate in order to
maintain voltage close to the reference level for both control modes as shows Fig. 7. Howev
er, while OLTC improves voltage level at bus 11, it progressively depresses voltage at bus 8
with each tap-changing operation, mainly when power factor control mode is employed in
wind generation as shows Fig. 8. In voltage control mode, DFIG maintain the voltage level
at bus 8 with its capacity to supply reactive power support. Fig. 9 presents the reactive pow
er injected and absorbed by DFIG. Note that when OLTC starts to operate close to 60 sec
onds, the DFIG starts to inject more reactive power in the system until it reaches its
maximum limit.
The voltage reductions at load buses 8 and 11 are directly reflected in the field current of
generator 3, because with the load increase, the generator AVR (Automatic Voltage Regula
tor) would quickly restore terminal voltage by increasing excitation, which results in addi
tional reactive power flow through the inductances of transformers and lines, causing
increased losses and voltage drops. At this stage, generator G3 tends to reach its field cur
rent limit with the load ramp increase as shows Fig. 10. In this scenario 1, generator 3 does
not suffer over-excitation (the OEL is not activated), and the long-term power system volt
age stability is maintained in both reactive power control modes, at least apparently. How
ever, as can be seen in Fig. 10, the DFIGs voltage control mode has a positive effect in the
power system voltage stability since it tends to delay the OEL operation because the field
current level is smallest from 110 s up to 250 s, providing less risk of protection interven
tions and system security degradation.


Advances in Wind Power

Figure 7. Voltage at bus 11


Voltage at Bus-8 (p.u.)


Voltage Control
Power Factor Control



Figure 8. Voltage at bus 8



Time (sec)




Comparative Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Farms Control Mode on Long-Term Voltage Stability

Reactive Power Injected/Absorbed by DFIG (Mvar)


Voltage Control
Power Factor Control





Figure 9. Reactive power injected / absorbed by DFIG.


Field Current at G3 (p.u.)


Voltage Control
Power Factor Control

Figure 10. Field current at G3.



Time (sec)





Advances in Wind Power

Fig. 11 shows the OLTC behavior during the load ramp increase. The results show that the
OLTC reaches its upper limit when the DFIG wind generators are configured to control the
power factor, and in this case the wind turbines cannot provide reactive power to support
the voltages in the system. On the other hand, when the voltage control mode is used, the
OLTC does not reach the upper tap limit, increasing the long term voltage stability margin.
Fig. 12 shows the system PV curve when DFIG is operating in both power factor and voltage
control modes. These curves were obtained by increasing the load and plotting the voltage
at bus 8 considering the dynamic aspect of the equipments in the system. This curve indi
cates the maximum loadability point, which is the maximum power the system can provide.
The results show that when DFIG is operating in voltage control mode it increases signifi
cantly the maximum loadability point (nose point), since this equipment can supply reactive
power to the system through voltage control. It is important to mention that the PV curves
contours are irregular since they represent the discrete actuation of OEL and OLTC.


Voltage Control
Power Factor Control


Tap (p.u.)





Figure 11. Tap position.



Time (sec)




Comparative Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Farms Control Mode on Long-Term Voltage Stability

Voltage at Bus-8


Voltage Control
Power Factor Control





Total Load (MW)



Figure 12. PV curve at bus 8.

5.2. Case B: Static and dynamic load models (Scenario 2)

This case considers the successive increase on system demand from bus 11, with increments
of 0.1% every second in respect to the initial load from scenario 2 as presented in tables 1
and 2. The load increases up to 200 seconds and the simulation time is 250 seconds.
As seen in Figs. 13 and 14, the power factor control mode results in a heavy reactive power
demand from the power system, leading to a very low voltage profile at load buses 11 and 8.
In this case, constant power factor strategy decreases the long-term voltage stability margin,
resulting in the voltage deterioration at load buses caused by relevant effect of the OEL com
bined with the OLTC action. In voltage control mode, the DFIG maintain the voltage level at
bus 8 with its capacity to supply reactive power to the grid, as shows Fig. 15.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 13. Voltage at Bus 11.

Figure 14. Voltage at Bus 8.

Comparative Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Farms Control Mode on Long-Term Voltage Stability

Reactive Power Injected/Absorbed by DFIG (Mvar)

Voltage Control
Power Factor Control








Figure 15. Reactive power injected / absorbed by DFIG.

Fig. 16 shows the field current behavior from generator 3. The DFIGs power factor control
mode increases the field current demand and the OEL begins to operate at 225 s reducing
the current, and as a consequence, the reactive power injected by G3 decreases.
On the other hand, when the DFIG is operating with voltage control mode the OEL is not
activated, increasing the voltage stability margin. The DFIGs voltage control mode dem
onstrates that can be utilized in order to improve the long-term voltage stability in a sys
tem with a high wind penetration. From these results, one can conclude that the DFIGs
voltage control mode has a beneficial effect in the voltage stability when the power sys
tem is submitted to load increase, considering the dynamic aspects of the OEL and OLTC
combined with the load characteristics adopted. It is important to highlight that load char
acteristics and power system voltage control devices are among key factors influencing
voltage stability.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 16. Field Current from G3.

Fig. 17 shows the OLTC behavior during the load ramp increase. It is observed that the min
imum and maximum tap positions are reached when the DFIG wind turbines are config
ured to control the power factor, in order to support the voltage at bus 11. This is a great
disadvantage of power factor control mode. The reactive power system reserves are insuffi
cient and the OLTC tap changing is detrimental to voltage profile, increasing the risk of
long-term voltage instability.
On the other hand, the voltage control strategy provides a delay on the OLTC actuation. Be
sides, the OLTC does not even reach the upper tap limit. When the OLTC is not changing its
tap position, the reactive power absorbed decreases as well as the transmission line losses,
causing a smallest drop in voltages. In this case, the power system is much more prone to
maintain the voltage stability.

Comparative Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Farms Control Mode on Long-Term Voltage Stability

Voltage Control
Power Factor Control


Tap (p.u.)




Time (sec)




Figure 17. Tap position.

The DFIGs terminal voltage control mode based on the rotor excitation current allows the
maintenance of reactive power consumed by the motor as shows Fig. 18. In this case, there
are no extra static or dynamic reactive compensation demands for maintaining the power
system long-term voltage stability. On the other hand, the DFIGs power factor control
mode causes an increase in the reactive power drawn by the motor, which is necessary to
maintain the power system reactive power balance. In this case, the motor is subject to a
sudden stall that can cause a voltage collapse manifested as a slow decay of voltage in a sig
nificant part of the power system.


Advances in Wind Power

Fig. 19 shows the system PV curve for both DFIG control modes. In this case, the maximum
loadability points for voltage and power factor control modes dont show much difference
between each other as the previous case (static load). This occurs since in this case the load is
incremented only at bus 11, which is controlled by the OLTC. Then, the active power absor
bed at bus 8 shows only a small drop, which is reflected to the PV curve. The load at bus 8
(motors) was not incremented because the motor would consume too much reactive power
from the system.


Reactive Power Absorbed by Motors (Mvar)


Voltage Control
Power Factor Control



Figure 18. Reactive power absorbed by the motors.


Time (sec)




Comparative Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Farms Control Mode on Long-Term Voltage Stability


Voltage Control
Power Factor Control


Voltage at Bus-8




Total Load (MW)




Figure 19. PV curve at bus 8.

6. Conclusion
This paper presented studies analyzing the impacts of different control strategies from DFIG
wind turbines on power system long-term voltage stability by time domain simulations. The
study considered the dynamic models of generator OEL and OLTC transformer combined
with static and dynamic load representations. The simulation results confirm the expecta
tion that when DFIG operates in power factor control mode the voltage stability margin is
poor, mainly when the motor model is used to represent a part of the load. The results clear
ly show that DFIGs voltage control mode enhances voltage stability margin. The voltage
control is more robust than power factor control when the power system is subjected to a
slow load increase, a process that involves the OEL and OLTC actions and interactions. The
use of DFIG in voltage control mode also increased the maximum loading point as well as
delayed the OEL and OLTC actuation, helping to avoid problems of voltage collapse in the
power system. As part of the ancillary services, the voltage control mode may have an in
creasing market ahead. This is an important feature that must be considered in the choice of
the control strategy to be used on DFIG wind turbines.



Advances in Wind Power

Generators 1, 2 and 3 parameters (p.u. on base of machine rating):
Ra = 0.0046Xd = 2.07X d = 0.28X d = 0.215
Xq = 1.99X q = 0.49X q = 0.215Xl= 0.155
T d0 = 4.10 sT q0 = 0.56 s
Td0 = 0.033sT q0 = 0.0062 s
G2: H = 2.09s, Sb = 2200 MVA
G3: H = 2.33s, Sb = 1400 MVA
SCIG and DFIG parameters (on base of machine rating):
rs = 0.85%Xs = 5.776%Xm = 505.9%
rr = 0.712%Xr = 8.094%H = 3.5 s
Poles = 2Power = 1140 HP
DFIG wind turbine parameters:
Rotor diameter = 58 mGear ratio = 74.5
DFIG power curve:

OLTC parameters:
Time delay for the first tap movement = 30 s
Time delay for subsequent tap movement = 5 s
Dead band = 1% bus voltage
Tap range = 16 steps
Step size = 5/8% (0.00625 pu)
Induction Motor parameters (p.u. on base of machine rating):
Xm = 3.3 Rs = 0.01Xs = 0.145
Rr = 0.008Xr = 0.145
H = 0.6s, 4,826.0 HP
Generic network parameters (p.u. on base Sb = 100MVA):
Line 5-6:R = 0.0 X = 0.0040B = 0.0
Line 6-7:R = 0.0015 X = 0.0288B = 1.173
Line 9-10: R = 0.0010X = 0.0030B = 0.0
T1:R = 0.0X = 0.0020Ratio = 0.8857
T2: R = 0.0X = 0.0045Ratio = 0.8857
T3:R = 0.0 X = 0.0125Ratio = 0.9024
T4:R = 0.0 X = 0.0030Ratio = 1.0664
T5:R = 0.0 X = 0.0026Ratio = 1.0800

Comparative Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Farms Control Mode on Long-Term Voltage Stability

Author details
Rafael Rorato Londero, Joo Paulo A. Vieira and Carolina de M. Affonso
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Par, Belm, PA, Brazil

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[6] Taylor C (1994). Power System Voltage Stability, New York: McGraw-Hill Inc.
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and Classification of Power System Stability, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 19,
no. 2, pp. 1387-1401.
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bine driven doubly fed induction generator, IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, vol. 18,
no. 2, pp. 194204.
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control strategy for a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind farm, in
Proceedings of the IEE Generat. Transmiss. Distribution, vol. 151, no. 4, pp. 495502.
[10] Kayki M, Milanovi J V (2007). Reactive Power Control Strategies for DFIG-Based
Plants, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 389-396.
[11] Muoz J C, Caizares C A (2011). Comparative Stability Analysis of DFIG-based
Wind Farms and Conventional Synchronous Generators, IEEE Power Systems Con
ference and Exposition, Phoenix, pp. 1-7.



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[12] Ackermann T (2005). Wind Power in Power Systems, John Wiley & Sons Ltd..
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[14] Kundur P (1994). Power System Stability and Control, New York: McGraw-Hill.
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[16] Ekanayaka J B, Holdsworth L, Wu X G, Jenkins N (2003). Dynamic Modeling of Dou
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vol.18, no.2, pp.803-809.
[17] Rangel R D, Guimares C H C (2007). Modelagem de Transformadores com Disposi
tivos de Comutao em Carga para Utilizao em Programas de Simulao Dinmi
ca, in Proceedings of XIX Seminrio Nacional de Produo e Transmisso de Energia
Eltrica - SNPTEE.
[18] CEPEL, Centro de Pesquisas de Energia Eltrica (1999). ANAREDE: Programa de
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[19] CEPEL, Centro de Pesquisas de Energia Eltrica (2002). ANATEM: Anlise de Transi
trios Eletromecnicos, Manual Guide, 10 Version.

Chapter 10

Design of a Mean Power Wind Conversion Chain with a

Magnetic Speed Multiplier
Daniel Matt, Julien Jac and Nicolas Ziegler

Advances in Wind Power Chapter X

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

Design of a Mean Power Wind Conversion Chain with a Magnetic

Speed Multiplier

Daniel MATT, Institut dElectronique du Sud - Universit Montpellier 2

Place Eugne Bataillon - 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 France

[email protected]
1. Introduction
Julien JAC, Socit ERNEO SAS
Cap Alpha - Avenue de lEurope - 34830 Clapiers France
[email protected]
When designing a wind turbineNicolas
for power
thereSASare two methods
Cap Alpha
- Avenue
de lEurope
wind sensor to the generator,
as seen
in figure
1. - 34830 Clapiers France
[email protected]

Direct drive
low speed (Nl)

m phases

Indirect drive


low speed (Nl)



high speed (N h)

m phases



high frequency low speed

permanent magnet
synchronous generator

of linking the




high frequency high speed

permanent magnet
synchronous generator



Figure 1. Linking the wind turbine to the generator

Figure 1. Linking the wind turbine to the generator

magnetic slot

The first, the most common,

Dr turbine
Ds to the generator via a mechanical speed multi
r the

plier. In this configuration, the mechanical power is transmitted atstator
high speed
to the electri

cal machine. The size of the latters may then be easily reduced.
the major
Ns magnetic slots
advantage of allowing the use of simply designed synchronous or asynchronous generators,
low speed rotor
which are readily available and inexpensive.
permanent magnet


2.Nr permanent magnets

This first method is mainly used for high power wind
turbines (above a few tens of kilo
watts, to establish an order of magnitude) because at this power level, the large size of the
of the pattern
generator becomes a problem,
it becomes
to do without
the speed multiplier.

= a/l

is an open access article distributed

Matt et al.; licensee InTech.
under the terms of the Creative
sl1L which permits unrestricted use,
Commons Attribution License
a (,

distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Figure 3. Elementary domain; tooth coupling




Advances in Wind Power

The second, more recent, alternative is to link the generator directly to the turbine without a
mechanical intermediary [8]. This method is known as direct drive and has become eco
nomically viable in recent years thanks to the progress made on permanent magnets. The
cost of permanent magnets has dropped significantly while their performance has continued
to improve. They have enabled the design of high performance, high power density, syn
chronous machines, well suited to the low speed operation imposed by the wind sensor, at
reasonable cost.
The direct-drive method is attractive because it eliminates the weak element of the conver
sion chain: the speed multiplier gearbox. This is indeed a frequent source of failure, an addi
tional noise source and may also require regular maintenance, resulting in high operating
costs [8,9]. Finally, the multiplier can be the source of chemical pollution due to the lubricant
oil. This explains why the latter option is widely preferred in the installation of small and
medium size wind turbines for domestic applications, which are intended for operation over
a long time without maintenance.
Above a certain power level, typically 10 kW, both methods become competitive in terms of
cost; only a fine techno-economic study would tip the balance one way or the other.
As part of a medium-power design, there is a third method which offers an interesting alter
native to the mechanical speed multiplier: the use of a magnetic gear [3-7]. This chapter,
then, is devoted to the description of this device and shows the utility and feasibility of such
a wind conversion chain. The different magnetic multiplier structures are presented and the
design of this device will allow comparison with traditional solutions.
The advantage of the magnetic speed multiplier over its mechanical counterpart is clearly
the contact-free force transmission that enables operation without any maintenance. We also
show that the size and efficiency of magnetic speed multiplier are not prohibitive for the in
tended application.

2. Presentation of the magnetic speed multiplier

The principle of the magnetic speed reducer or multiplier is now well known, but the use of
this type of converter is uncommon and usually reserved for low power [3-6]. We will show
why the transmission of substantial power with very low wind turbine operating speed is
The operation of the speed multiplier is based, firstly, on the principle of a Vernier type
teeth coupling [1,2,10] between a series of alternating permanent magnets and a series of
magnetic teeth. The following diagram, which represents a cylindrical or discoid devel
oped structure, demonstrates the principle used in the calculation of the magnetic field
in the air gap. In this device, a series of 2.Nr alternating permanent magnets, config
ured around a rotor, moves before a series of Ns magnetic teeth around a stator. The
number Ns is different to Nr.



high frequency low speed

permanent magnet
synchronous generator

high frequency high speed

permanent magnet
synchronous generator



Design of a Mean Power Wind Conversion Chain with a Magnetic Speed Multiplier

Figure 1. Linking the wind turbine to the generator

r Dr

magnetic slot



Ns magnetic slots

low speed rotor

permanent magnet


2.Nr permanent magnets

Figure 2. Cross-section of a Vernier machine with distributed windings

dimensions of the pattern

adimensional parameters
The calculation of the1 magnetic field at a point M,
anywhere in the air
= a/lrequires the azi
muthal coordinates, s and r, identified respectively relative to the axis D s, linked to the sta
tor, and Dr, linked to the rotor. The angle, , between the two axes is a function of time.


sl1Lmagnets, is de
The wave of flux density in the air gap,
a ba(s, ), created by thepermanent
duced from the following equation:

ba (q s ,q ) = P (q s )e a (q s ,q )

gure 3. Elementary domain; tooth coupling


where a(s, ) represents the scalar magnetic potential associated with the permanent mag
nets and P(s) represents the density of the air gap permeance modulated by the magnetic
teeth. We retain only the initial harmonics of these waves.
e a (q s ,q ) e 1 cos Nr (q s - q )


P =P0 + P1s cos( N sq s )


ba (q s ,q ) e 1 P1s cos(( N s - Nr )q s + N rq ) + e 1 P1s cos(( N s + N r )q s - N rq ) + e 1 P0 cos Nr(q s - q )


The multiplication leads to:

The second term is without practical interest, its periodicity, 2/|Ns+Nr|, is too small for its
implementation in a synchronous coupling with another magnetic field.
The third term, of a periodicity of 2/Nr, is quite simply linked to the distribution of the per
manent magnets, and thus holds no interest for us in the mode of Vernier coupling as de
fined here.
We shall consider, then, only the first term, which is in fact the fundamental. Its periodicity,
2/|Ns-Nr|, is characteristic of the Vernier effect:


Direct drive

ow speed (Nl)

Indirect drive

m phases
in Wind PowerAC

low speed (Nl)




high speed (N h)

m phases




frequency high speed

frequency low speed b (q rectifier
ba1 cos=
( N s - Nr q s + N rq ), with ba1 ehigh
a s ,q )
1 P1s
permanent magnet
synchronous generator
permanent magnet
= .t, the term appears as a wave rotating at a speed of N . /|N -N | = k . , the

coefficient kv is known as the Vernier ratio.

Figure 1. Linking the wind turbine to the generator

With small sized permanent magnets (Nr large) it is possible to have a high speed ratio be
tween the magnetic field rotation speed and the rotor rotation
speed. Itslot
is this phenomenon
which is used to design the speed multiplier. The main physical limitation of the process is
r Dr

that the smaller

the magnets, the smaller
the field ba1, as a result of not being able to reduce
the air gap sufficiently.

Ns magnetic
slots magnets x
In the Vernier structure,
provided that the number of magnetic teeth
or permanent
is large, the pitch s, seems to be little different from pitch rs, it is then possible to isolate a
low aspeed
pseudo repeat pattern, characteristic of the magnetic interaction between
and two
magnets. This
rs pattern is fully defined by four adimensional parameters, , , s, , as shown
2.Nr permanent magnets
in the figure 3.

dimensions of the pattern

adimensional parameters


= a/l


3. Elementary Figure
tooth coupling
3. Elementary
domain; tooth coupling
A parametric study conducted on the elementary pattern [1,10] allows us to quantify the
amplitude of the first harmonic of the flux density, ba1.
It is thus demonstrated, in [1], that ba1 that can be expressed as:
ba1 =

a L

(e + a )

p ar


where Bar represents the remanent magnetization of the permanent magnet.

A first approximation of the teeth coupling coefficient, ks, obtained through numerical calcu
lation of the magnetic fields, depends only on the adimensional parameters (, ), and is
given in the figure 4.


Design of a Mean Power Wind Conversion Chain with a Magnetic Speed Multiplier








Figure 4. Variation of the coupling coefficient in terms of and

Figure 4. Variation of the coupling coefficient in terms of and


Taking the following typical values: = 1, = 0.2, = 0.05, Bar = 1 T, we obtain ks 0.12, i.e.
that the magnetic field, ba, is always
weak, but in fact the field
ba1 0.12 T. It would appear0,15

of the rotor
slot as Nr becomes
It is precisely
varies with time to a high frequency, becoming

this phenomenon which

will be advantageously exploited in the
of mechanical

Nrh permanent magnets
force within the converter that we will describe.

stator is that of the magnet

The second principle used in the design of a magnetic speed multiplier
ic coupler. This device combines two rotors through the magnetic field produced by perma
low speed rotor
nent magnets.
Nrs permanent magnets
permanent magnet

In a magnetic speed multiplier,0,5as shown
in 1,5
the figure
an 3intermediate stator allows
the decoupling
of principle
the velocity of the two rotors using
the principle of teeth coupling as seen
Figure 5. Magnetic
gear: operating

in the Vernier structure.

1.Lf. Figure 4. Variation of the coupling coefficient in terms of and
Lf : length of the rotor


magnetic slot

f : length
rotorof the rotor

high speed rotor

Nrh permanent magnets



low speed rotor

low speed rotor

Figure 6. Position at maximum force

permanent magnet

Nrs permanent magnets

Figure 5. Magnetic gear: operating principle

Figure 5. Magnetic gear: operating principle

60000of magnetic poles, p, of this structure, is defined by the number of

The number of pairs
L : length of the rotor
pairs of permanent magnets linked to the high speed f rotor, Nrh. This must correspond to

rotor of permanent mag

the number of poles created by the kv
= 10
40000 speed
net pairs on the low
rotor, and the Ns stator teeth. The following formula must
then be verified:
Fst (N/m)



low speed


Figure 6. Position at maximum10000









Advances in Wind Power

N s - Nrs =p =N rh


Operation is possible with Ns > Nr: the high speed rotor will then move in the opposite di
rection to the low speed rotor; or Nr > Ns: the two rotors will rotate in the same direction.
Previous studies of Vernier structures [2] show however that the first configuration, Ns > Nr,
is far better, giving higher force in relation to the air gap surface.
When the low speed rotor is displaced to the value of one small magnet pitch, 2, the high
speed rotor will displace to the value of one large permanent magnet pitch, 1. The gear ratio
is simply obtained by calculating the ratio of 1 and 2:
km N high / =
N low t=
1 /t2

Nrs =
/ N rh



Operation in synchronous mode, characterized by the above equation, is possible only if the
torque on the output shaft does not exceed a maximum value. We also show the consequen
ces of a possible stall.

3. Intrinsic performance of magnetic speed multiplier

In a traditional speed multiplier gearbox, which transmits force via the intermediary of a
mechanical contact, the sizing, in terms of transmissible torque, is dictated by considerations
of wear and material strength. This is a good solution which allows compact structures, but
the design must take into account many safety factors to reduce the risk of breakage, which
is ultimately quite high [9].
The level of transmissible force without contact, via the intermediary of a magnetic field
coupling within a magnetic gear, is obviously much weaker than with a traditional mechani
cal solution. On the other hand, it is not necessary to introduce safety factors that penalize
the design, because there is no risk of breakage.
In order to quantify the performance level of the magnetic speed multiplier, we shall intro
duce tangential magnetic force density, defined by the following equation:
Fst =



Maximum force on the low speed rotor, Fmax, is obtained when the flux density fields created
by the permanent magnets of both rotors are phase shifted at an electric angle of /2, as
shown in the figure 6.
The tangential force density can be calculated from the elementary domain of width 1 and
depth Lf. The air gap surface, Se, is equal to 1.Lf.

low speed rotor

permanent magnet

Figure 5. Magnetic gear: operating principle

Nrs permanent magnets

Design of a Mean Power Wind Conversion Chain with a Magnetic Speed Multiplier

Lf : length of the rotor

high speed rotor


Figure 6. Position at maximum force

low speed rotor

Figure 6. Position at maximum force

The calculation of Fst is made using a magnetic field, finite element, calculation software. Pa
rameters are defined from the relative thickness of the main permanent magnet, = la/l, and
the multiplication ratio,
50000 kv. The adimensional parameters of the magnetic pattern, relative to
kv = 10 values:
the low speed rotor, are arbitrarily assigned
kv = 5 using the following

Fst (N/m)

= 1, = 0.2, = 0.05


These values generally give a good result in the Vernier machines design
kv =20[1,10].

The air gap on the high speed rotor is defined as equal to one tenth of the thickness of the
main magnet. This 10000
dimension, however, has less importance.
The following figure shows the flux lines within a configuration similar to that in figure 6,
for a value of kv equal to0 5 and equal
to 1/2.0,4

Figure 8. Tangential force density for different values of kv (Bar = 1.2 T)

It is

Figure 7. Flux lines in maximum force position

The tangential force density, Fst, is represented in figure 8 versus the relative thickness, .
These are trend curves in linear mode.
It is important to note that the tangential force density level reached in the speed multiplier,
from 40 to 50.103 N/m, is significantly higher than that obtained in a conventional electro
mechanical converter, which is closer from 10 to 20.103 N/m, at steady state and with air
cooling [10]. This complex phenomenon is created by the fact that in an electromechanical
converter, one of the magnetic field components, that interact to create the torque, is created


Lf : length of the rotor

Advances in Wind Power

high speed rotor


low speed rotor

by currents, with less efficiency than with permanent magnets, as is the case in the speed

multiplier. This is a general principle

observed in all converters using magnets.
Figure 6. Position at maximum force


Fst (N/m)

kv = 10

kv = 5


kv =20







Figure 8. Tangential force density for different values of kv (Bar = 1.2 T)

Figure 8. Tangential force density for different values of kv (Bar = 1.2 T)
It is

Figure 9 shows, on the same basis, the evolution of the normal force density, Fsn = F/Se, ver
sus , for a value of kv equal to 10.
The force F is perpendicular to the surfaces of the air gap; it produces no motive force but
tends to introduce constraints on the bearings, as we shall see later. The normal force densi
ty is calculated for the low speed rotor and for the high speed rotor. It is much higher on the
low speed rotor side, making it impossible to balance the force on the stator.
The normal force density level, which comes from the following relationship for flux density
B, is, in most cases, still well above the level of tangential force density.
Fsn =

2 Bm20




2. 0


low speed airgap

Fsn (N/m)



high speed airgap







Figure 9. Normal force density (kv = 10)

Figure 9. Normal force density (kv = 10)

power ratio is unrivalled in this kind of application [8].
polyphase winding
permanent magne


Design of a Mean Power Wind Conversion Chain with a Magnetic Speed Multiplier

4. Different configurations of magnetic speed multiplier systems

The device described above can be applied in numerous ways within a wind conversion
It must be noted that Vernier-type interaction, of the magnetic teeth with small permanent
magnets, can be achieved directly in an electric motor [1,8], which has the double advantage
of being of a relatively simple design, with high performance at low speeds, for the given
reasons (electromechanical conversion at high frequency). This shows its potential for direct
drive use, without multiplier.
Figure 10 shows the design of such a machine, with Ns = 12, Nr = 10, p = 2, kv = 5. This config
uration will be a base to compare performance, in the next paragraph, for sizing at 10kW,
corresponding to a medium power wind turbine/conversion system.
Despite its main problem, which is that it operates naturally with a low power factor (typi
cally 0.4 to 0.7), this configuration lends itself admirably to wind turbine generator design
because its mass power ratio is unrivalled in this kind of application [8].

kind of application [8].

polyphase winding
permanent magne







Figure 10. Vernier permanent magnet synchronous generator


Figure 10. Vernier permanent magnet synchronous generator

The design of the magnetic speed multiplier conversion chain has the major advantage of
allowing de-coupling between the electric problems (overheating,
power factor ) and the
low speed rotor
problems arising from the Vernier effect in speed conversion.
high speedattained
We will also show that, given the high level of tangential force density
in the multi
plier, this solution may be more efficient in terms of weight and size than the more direct
solution shown in Fig. 10.

The design generally adopted for the multiplier, based entirely on the principle described in
figure 5, is thus the following:

Figure 11. Magnetic speed multiplier with cylinder design


polyphase winding


permanent magne



10. Vernier
256 Advances
in Wind
Power magnet synchronous generator





low speed rotor

high speed rotor

Figure 10. Vernier permanent magnet synchronous generator

low speed rotor

high speed rotor

Figure 11. Magnetic speed multiplier with cylinder design

Figure 11. Magnetic speed multiplier with cylinder design



This figure immediately brings out a major difficulty in designing this type of device. This
is based
the overlap
of three concentric cylinders,
the permanent
two rotors
and the sta
slow rotor: small
tor, all rotating in relation to each other, the rotational guidance of the two rotors is necessa
stator (magnetic teeth)
slow rotor (magnetic teeth)
[3].speed multiplier with cylinder design
11. Magnetic

high speed rotor:

permanent magnets

high speed rotor:

permanent magnets
stator: small permanent magnets

slow rotor: small permanent magnets

slow rotor (magnetic teeth)

stator (magnetic teeth)

(a) External
high speed rotor:

Figure 12. Arrangement of the bearings
in cylindrical
magnets structure

(b) External rotor

high speed rotor:

permanent magnets

It should also be noted that the assembly consisting of alternating magnetic and nonmagnetic teeth is not easy to achieve because the
magnetic teeth should be laminated
or made
with SMC material. The achievement of (b)
(a) External
rotorhighly heterogeneous, structure,
is still problematic.
Figure 12. Arrangement of the bearings in cylindrical structure
Figure 12. Arrangement of the bearings in cylindrical structure
It should also be noted that the assembly consisting of alternating magnetic and nonmagnetic teeth is not easy to achieve because the
magnetic teeth should be laminated or made with SMC material. The achievement of this complex, highly heterogeneous, structure,
figure 12 shows two examples of bearing arrangement to solve the problem mentioned,
is still problematic.

but in all cases the additional constraints on by the bearings will be a source of accelerated
aging of the structure.
In the first alternative arrangement (a), it is the magnetic teeth which act as low speed rotor.
The small permanent magnets are on the stator. In the second arrangement (b), the magnetic
teeth are fixed; the small permanent magnets are on the low speed rotor, which is external.
It should also be noted that the assembly consisting of alternating magnetic and nonmagnetic
teeth is not easy to achieve because the magnetic teeth should be laminated or made with SMC
material. The achievement of this complex, highly heterogeneous, structure, is still problematic.
The following photographs show an example of such a design. The magnetic teeth are secured
using epoxy resin, the resulting assembly is reinforced by threaded rods visible in Figure 13(c).

Design of a Mean Power Wind Conversion Chain with a Magnetic Speed Multiplier


The following
an example
of of
the resulting
The following
an example
sucha adesign.
design. The
The magnetic
resin, resin,
the resulting
is reinforced
by threaded
rods rods
in Figure
is reinforced
by threaded
in Figure13(c).

(a) Virtual photography

(a) Virtual photography

(b) Stator

(c) Low speed rotor (magnetic teeth)

(d) High speed rotor

Figure 13. Prototype of a magnetic gear


Figure 13. Prototype of a magnetic gear

An alternative solution to figures 10 and 11, describedslowinspeed[5,7],

consists of combining the
high-speed generator and the speed multiplier within the same structure, by inserting a pol
(b) Stator
(c) Low speed rotor (magnetic teeth)
(d) High speed rotor
high speedthe
rotor following figure:
yphase winding between the magnetic1teeth,2' in accordance with
Figure 13. Prototype of a magnetic gear





slow speed rotor



1 2'


high speed rotor


polyphase winding


Figure 14. Combining the high-speed generator and the speed multiplier
This solution is attractive, but the technological
design difficulties lead to2sub-optimization (e.g. increase of air gap ...), so it is highly
unlikely that the result would be better than with the simplified solution seen in Figure 10.stator


The principle we have just described can be advantageously implemented in discoid structures, such as that in the figure 15,
performing one or more multiplier stages.
polyphase winding

Figure 14. Combining the high-speed generator and the speed multiplier
Figure 14. Combining the high-speed generator and the speed multiplier

This solution is attractive, but the technological design difficulties lead to sub-optimization (e.g. increase of air gap ...), so it is highly
unlikely that the result would be better than with the simplified solution seen in Figure 10.
The principle we have just described can be advantageously implemented in discoid structures, such as that in the figure 15,
performing one or more multiplier stages.


Advances in Wind Power

This solution is attractive, but the technological design difficulties lead to sub-optimization
(e.g. increase of air gap...), so it is highly unlikely that the result would be better than with
the simplified solution seen in Figure 10.

high speed rotor


low speed rotor

The principle we have just described can be advantageously implemented in discoid struc
tures, such as that in the figure 15, performing one or more multiplier stages.

low speed shaft

high speed shaft

15. Magnetic
stage discoid
15. Magnetic
one stage


high speed rotor

low speed rotor

magnetic gear design has the advantage of being more compact than the cylindrical de
l l2 l3
sign for a higher level of torque, because it 1allows
better use of the maximum radius. Above
all, it has the advantage of being mechanically simpler; the rotors can be maintained by a
simple bearing on each side of the stator.

On the other hand, in the structure shown in Figure 15, the rotors are subjected to huge axial
forces that we will quantify, which will also constrain the bearings. This is typical of discoid
structures and can be tricky to control. It is the main design
low speed shaft


high speed shaft

Main dimensions
of the speed multiplier
5. 16.
of a magnetic
Figure 19.

high speed rotor


low speed rotor

In order to clarify the potential uses of magnetic multipliers in the design of a wind conver
sion chain, we will size the electro mechanic device for an electric output power of 10 kW.
This power output corresponds to an average power installation, for example for a small
F1 =houses.
130 kN This type of Fturbine
farm or a small group of isolated
2 = 54 kNhas grown significantly.

To quantify the level of performance, we will compare the combination of multiplier and
high-speed generator to a direct drive, low speed generator: a Vernier configuration like that
in Figure 10. A study carried out in [1,8] shows that the power density of this configuration
is significantly better than
obtained using a more conventional
low speed
high speed shaft configuration with a
large number of poles.

Figure 19. Normal forces

The nominal speed, Nlow, of the wind turbine used for this study, is 150 RPM.
The following table presents the principal characteristics obtained with a Vernier generator
operating in association with an active rectifier.

Design of a Mean Power Wind Conversion Chain with a Magnetic Speed Multiplier

Ns / Nr

108 / 90

Number of pole-pairs, armature winding


Nominal rotation speed (rpm)


fe at nominal rotation speed (Hz)


Output power (kW)


E at nominal rotation speed (steady state) (V)


r (steady state) ()


Ls (mH)


Joule losses (W)


Iron losses (W)


Torque ripple without load (cogging torque) (%)

Efficiency (%)


Table 1. Electrical characteristics of a 10 kW Vernier generator

The main dimensions of this generator are shown in Table 2.



External diameter (mm)


Airgap diameter (mm)


Stator length (mm)


Rotor length (mm)


Internal diameter of the rotor (mm)


Mass, rotor and stator (kg)


Table 2. Principal dimensions of the Vernier generator

We observe that the high operating frequency, 225Hz, at low speed, 150 RPM, leads to a
mass-power ratio of about 400 W/kg, taking into account only the weight of the active parts.
The mass-power ratio of a conventional machine, with a large number of poles, would be in
the order of 200W/kg. The efficiency of the Vernier machine is comparable to a conventional
machine, under the same operating conditions, with more iron losses, but with less Joule
loss. This is also a direct consequence of increased frequency.
The speed multiplier, which will be linked to a high speed machine, will be sized in operat
ing conditions similar to that of the Vernier machine, in particular for the operating frequen
cy of the low speed rotor, frs, which will be of the order of 225 Hz.
The low-speed rotor has Nrs permanent magnet pairs, the operating frequency, frs, is then
equal to:



Advances in Wind Power

frs =

N rs N slow


With frs = 225 Hz, we obtain Nrs = 90 pairs of permanent magnets for the entire low-speed
The choice of the multiplication ratio is an important parameter for optimizing the system;
the higher the ratio the lower the size of the generator. On the other hand, in accordance
with the results of Figure 8, the higher the ratio the lower the tangential force density within
the multiplier, resulting in an increase of the size of the multiplier.
It is not within the scope of this chapter to optimize this system; we find simply that beyond
kv = 10, according to the results shown in Figure 8, the tangential force density decreases
rapidly, so we will take kv = 10 as the multiplication ratio, which leads to a nominal speed
rotation of the generator, Nhigh, of 1500 RPM.


high speed rotor


low speed rotor

From this value we deduce the number of pole pairs, p:


low speed shaft

high speed shaft

These selected values of p and Nrs will allow us to calculate the main dimensions of the mul
tiplier as defined in the figure 16:

Figure 15. Magnetic speed multiplier: one stage discoid structure



high speed rotor

low speed rotor






low speed shaft

high speed shaft

Figure 16. Main dimensions of the speed multiplier

Figure 16. Main dimensions of the speed multiplier

Figure 19.
The torque on the low-speed rotor is calculated from the discoid air gap surface and the tan

low speed shaft

Figure 19. Normal forces

F = 54 kN

p ( Rmax
- Rmin
) F2 st


high speed rotor

F = 130
2 kN

Tlow1 =

low speed rotor

gential force density, Fst, as follows:

high speed shaft


Design of a Mean Power Wind Conversion Chain with a Magnetic Speed Multiplier

The generator should deliver an electrical power of 10 kW with 90% efficiency. The genera
tor input power, Pm, is then equal to 11.1 kW. Ignoring the efficiency of the speed multiplier,
we get a torque, Tlow, equal to:
Tlow =

60 Pm
700 Nm
2 p N low


The tangential force density, Fst, being fixed to an average value of 40.103 N/m in accord
ance with the results of Figure 8, the radius Rmax and Rmin can be deduced from the above
formulae. Taking a value for Rmax that is slightly lower than the outer radius of the Vernier
machine, Rmax = 210 mm, the radius, Rmin, is equal to 100 mm.
The thicknesses of the speed multiplier discs, l1, l2, l3, can be deduced from the dimensions of the
small permanent magnets in the elementary domain defined in Figure 3, by adopting the fol
lowing values for the adimensional parameters: = 1, = 0.2, = 0.05. The calculation is lengthy
but not difficult. The following table summarizes the dimensions of the (speed) multiplier:
Dimensions (mm)
Thickness of the small permanent magnets


Thickness of the low speed magnetic yoke




Low speed air gap


Thickness of the high speed permanent magnets


Thickness of the high speed magnetic yoke




High speed air gap


Thickness of the magnetic teeth, l2


Total lenght


Weight of active parts (kg)


Table 3. Dimensions of the magnetic speed multiplier

The obtained result shows that the mass of the magnetic gear is substantially greater than
that of the Vernier machine, counting only the active parts. The structure of the Vernier ma
chine being hollow, unlike that of the speed multiplier, the addition of structural elements
gives us the same result, i.e. about 50 kg (for the entire device). The technologies used being
similar, this result is to be expected.
On the other hand, the extremely compact structure of the discoid multiplier gives a smaller
size than the direct drive Vernier machine, the external diameter being slightly smaller, the
length is reduced by almost a third.



Advances in Wind Power

The associated generator works at a nominal speed of 1500 RPM. It is driven with a torque
equal to one tenth of the low-speed torque, i.e. 70 Nm. Designed on the principle of a per
manent magnet synchronous machine, for which a torque per unit mass of 2 Nm/kg is possi
ble [10], the mass of the associated generator would be about 30 to 40 kg. This leads to a total
mass of less than 100 kg for the multiplier and generator combined.
The specific power of the system is then equal to 100 W/kg.
The efficiency of the magnetic gear is essentially related to losses in the small permanent
magnets from the low-speed rotor, and to losses in the magnetic teeth, which are subject to a
highly variable magnetic field. So efficiency will be calculated on the basis of these losses,
ignoring the iron losses in the magnetic yokes.
The figure 17 shows the spatial evolution of the magnetic flux density in the permanent
magnets of the low-speed rotor (configuration of Figure 7).
In a Vernier structure, the temporal evolution of the magnetic field is similar to the spatial
evolution, therefore, we note from the figure that the amplitude, B, of the temporal compo
nent, is approximately equal to 0.4 T, with a magnetic field of 1.2 T when the permanent
magnets are polarized in the forward direction, and 0.4 T when they are polarized in the op
posite direction.

Figure 17. Flux density in the low-speed permanent magnets.

The permanent magnets are parallelepipeds 3 mm thick (in the direction of magnetization),
110 mm high and 5.4 mm wide on average; the volume, Va, is equal to 1782 mm3. The fol
lowing equation then allows the calculation of losses in a permanent magnet:


p 2 f 2 DB2 ta2


Design of a Mean Power Wind Conversion Chain with a Magnetic Speed Multiplier

Total losses in the permanent magnets are equal to 2 Nrs Pf = 156 W.

The figure 18 shows the spatial evolution of the magnetic field in the magnetic teeth (config
uration of Figure 7).
The amplitude of variation of the magnetic field in the teeth is 1 T. The calculation of losses
depends on the nature of the material used to make the teeth, and on the thickness of the
lamination, if these teeth are made of stacked plates, so it is not possible to quantify the level
of loss. However, taking an average value of specific loss, at 225 Hz and 1T, i.e. 15W/kg for a
common material, with 2.75 kg of magnetic teeth, the losses are in the order of 40 W.

high speed rotor


low speed rotor

The efficiency of the magnetic gear, which follows from the previous calculation of losses, is
close to 98%. Taking into account the additional iron losses and mechanical losses induced
by stress on the bearings, efficiency remains well above 90%.

low speed shaft

high speed shaft

Figure 15. Magnetic speed multiplier: one stage discoid structure



high speed rotor

Figure 18. Flux density in the magnetic teeth

low speed rotor




low speed shaft


high speed shaft

The final problem to consider in the design of the device lies in taking into account normal
F1 dimensions
and F2, which
act on
the discs. These forces are calculated from the air gap surface
16. Main
of the speed
and from the results of Figure 9. They are shown in Figure 19.

low speed shaft

Figure 19. Normal forces

Figure 19. Normal forces

high speed rotor


F1 = 130 kN

low speed rotor

Figure 19.

F2 = 54 kN

high speed shaft



Advances in Wind Power

These forces are very high and are a major problem in bearing design. The axial force on the
bearings is equal to the resultant force exerted on the stator, i.e. 76 kN. This problem exists
in most discoid machines and hampers their development.

6. Stability in operation
The operation of the speed multiplier is of synchronous type, with no possibility of direct
control, so there is a risk of stalling one rotor relative to the other. A precise study of this
phenomenon is yet to be done (because, oddly, there is nothing definite on this subject in the
bibliography). It goes without saying that this issue is delicate.
In the absence of a comprehensive study, the main solution to this problem in the design of
the wind system is to monitor the electrical angle, , between the magnetic fields from the
two rotors through position sensors placed on the two shafts, or by indirect measurement
through the voltage produced by a detection coil placed at the magnetic teeth.
When tends to become greater than 90, especially during rapid changes in the mechanical
power from the wind turbine due to gusts, it is possible to influence the level of electrical
power delivered by the generator in order to act on the dynamics of the driven load, allow
ing it to follow more easily the variations in speed.
However, the system becomes more stable as the maximum torque level transmitted by the
multiplier is distanced from the maximum torque absorbed by the generator. This necessari
ly leads to oversizing of the speed multiplier.
The consequences of a possible stall are not really problematic for the intended application,
provided that there is an electrical method of slowing down the wind turbine to allow me
chanical braking or pitch control of the blades.
The addition of electrical conductors at the high speed rotor, intended to act as electrical
shock absorbers and allowing the transmission of high asynchronous torque, makes the op
eration safer.

7. Conclusion
It has been shown that a system combining a magnetic speed multiplier and a high-speed
generator is an interesting alternative to the use of a direct drive generator. The high per
formance level of the magnetic gear discoid structure allows the design of a more compact
system with better efficiency.
In this context, despite its limited capacity in the transmission of torque, the magnetic speed
multiplier has many advantages over its mechanical counterpart, but the cost will inevitably
be higher because of the use of expensive materials.

Design of a Mean Power Wind Conversion Chain with a Magnetic Speed Multiplier

The absence of maintenance of the magnetic device could nevertheless tip the economic bal
ance towards the latter.
The magnetic gear discoid structure is particularly suitable for power levels of tens of kilo
watts. The design made in paragraph 5, for a 10 kW wind turbine, confirms this. The same
calculations show that a speed multiplier for a wind turbine of 40 kW (approx. 4000 Nm at
100 RPM), would have an external diameter of 800 mm, which is reasonable considering the
mechanical structure.
For significantly higher powers, above 100 kilowatts, the design of a large diameter discoid
structure becomes difficult, particularly because of the axial forces acting on the discs, ac
cording to what was discussed in Section 5. The solution is no longer economically viable.
At the opposite side of the power scale, for a wind turbine of a few hundred watts to several
kilowatts, the use of a multiplier, mechanical or magnetic, is unwise. A structure of directdrive generator, like that of Figure 10, for example, allows a more economical and more reli
able design.
Magnetic gear technology is not yet fully developed and many of the mechanical problems
in cylindrical or discoid design are yet to be resolved.

Author details
Daniel Matt1, Julien Jac2 and Nicolas Ziegler2
1 Institut dElectronique du Sud - Universit Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France
2 Socit ERNEO SAS, Cap Alpha, Clapiers, France

[1] Matt D., Llibre J.F. Performances compares des machines aimants et rluctance
variable, J. Phys. III France 5, october 1995, 1621-1641.
[2] Toba A., Lipo T.A. Generic Torque-Maximizing Design Methodology of Surface Per
manent-Magnet Vernier Machine. IEEE transactions on industry applications, vol. 36
n6, November-December 2000, 1539-1545.
[3] Atallah K., Calverley S.D., Howe D. Design, analysis and realisation of a high per
formance magnetic gear, IEE Proc. Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 151, No. 2, March 2004,
[4] Mezani S., Atallah K., Howe, D. A high-performance axial-field magnetic gear, Jour
nal of applied physics 99, 1, 2006.



Advances in Wind Power

[5] Atallah K., Rens J.J. Patent WO2007/125284 A1, PCT/GB2007/001456.

[6] Brnn L., Wang R.J., Kamper M.J. Development of a shutter type magnetic gear, Pro
ceedings of the 19th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference,
SAUPEC 2010, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 78-82.
[7] Jian L., Xu G., Gong Y., Song J., Liang J., Chang M. Electromagnetic Design and Anal
ysis of a Novel Magnetic-Gear-Integrated Wind Power Generator Using Time-Step
ping Finite Element Method, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 113, 2011,
[8] Matt D., Enrici P., Dumas F., Jac J. Optimisation of the association of electric genera
tor and static converter for a medium power wind turbine, "Wind Power", InTech,
[9] Ragheb A.M., Ragheb M. Wind Turbine Gearbox Technologies, "Wind Power", In
[10] Matt D., Tounzi A., Zam M.E. Low speed teeth coupling machines. In: Non-conven
tional Electrical Machines, ISTE (UK) and WILEY (USA), 2012, 39-116.

Chapter 11

Low Speed Wind Turbine Design

Horizon Gitano-Briggs
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
The use of wind turbines for electrical power generation has been around for over one hun
dred years. Recent concerns over the price and environmental impacts of fossil fuels have
spurred the proliferation of wind turbines in a wide range of powers. Today there is a wide
variety of commercial wind power systems commercially available. Even the lower power
rated turbines, however, are generally designed for relatively high wind speeds, typically
around 10 to 15 m/s [4]. At lower wind speeds typical of many inland sites in South East
Asia the commercially available wind power systems do not produce a significant amount
of power. This either excludes them from use, or results in very inefficient power extraction
in lower wind speed regions. With careful design of the turbine and generator, power pro
duction greatly in excess of commercial turbines is possible at lower wind speeds. This will
allow the use of wind power in applications in remote areas of South East Asia and around
the world where low wind speeds prevail. This would include power for remote meteoro
logical telemetry stations, radio repeaters, rural habitations and schools as well as applica
tions requiring spark free power supplies, such as in the proximity of petroleum extraction,
refining, refuelling and transportation sites and military outposts. This chapter is dedicated
specifically to the design of low wind speed turbine systems. As the available power in the
wind is significantly lower at low wind speeds we will be focusing on smaller turbines in
the sub 1kW range.

2. Wind Power
The wind power captured by a turbine is commonly expressed as a function of the turbines
swept area and a coefficient of performance, the air density and the wind speed [8]

2012 Gitano-Briggs; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advances in Wind Power

Pturb = Cp r A V 3


Pturb is the mechanical power of the turbine in Watts
Cp is the dimensionless coefficient of performance
is the air density in kg/m3
A is the swept area of the turbine in m2
V is the speed of the wind in m/s
For wind sites near sea level the atmospheric pressure is approximately 1.18 kg/m3 and de
creases with altitude. The coefficient of performance is related to the turbine design, and has
a theoretical upper limit of 0.593, referred to as the Betz limit [5]. Most sub 10kW wind tur
bines are rated for speeds from 8 to 12m/s. The coefficient of performance of commercial
small turbines generally falls in the range of 0.25 to 0.45 based on manufacturers rated pow
ers, speeds and diameters. The power of a turbine is directly proportional to the swept area,
thus it is proportional to the blade length squared. The factor with the largest influence on
turbine power, however, is the wind speed. From the turbine cut-in speed to the rated speed
a turbines power is proportional to the cube of the wind speed. That means that a 10m/s
wind will deliver eight times the power of a 5m/s wind. This is why most turbines have a
fairly high rates wind speed: it is the easiest way to achieve a high power output.

3. Small Turbines
Small turbines are of a limited variety of designs due to cost and performance constraints.
The most common design is a stall regulated, variable speed, horizontal axis, fixed pitch 3blade, direct drive permanent magnet machine [3]. Blade pitch control would be difficult to
justify economically, so the blades are given a fixed pitch, and optimized for power produc
tion at the rated speed. This results in poorer performance at lower speeds than could be
achieved by a turbine with active pitch control. The ultimate speed of the turbine is deter
mined by the wind speed and the applied load. Usually a power controller is still required
to prevent turbine over speed, and over charging of the batteries. This power controller may
also incorporate power matching circuitry allowing optimized power extraction from the
wind turbine at various wind speeds [6]. Turbine over-speed is avoided by applying a low
resistance dump load to the generator, increasing the load torque to the turbine, slowing the
blades, and resulting in aerodynamic stall.

Low Speed Wind Turbine Design

Figure 1. Schematic of typical small wind power system including wind turbine, storage system and loads

3.1. Commercial Small Turbines

There are significant differences between how various manufacturers state turbine specifica
tions, however it is generally understood that the turbine will produce the rated power at
the rated wind speed. Based on a survey of data published for small wind turbines we have
selected the following typical commercial turbine specifications:

Turbine Diameter




Rated Wind Speed

















Rated Power
Rated Turbine Speed
Predicted Power at 3 m/s
Coeficient of Performance
Table 1. Typical commercial turbine specifications

When these turbines are installed in a lower wind region the actual power produced will be
significantly less than the rated power. In much of South-East Asia, for example, the average
wind speed is only 3m/s. While this may be below the turbines cut in speed (the lowest
speed at which it can produce power) assuming power is proportional to the cube of the
wind speed we can calculate the theoretical power production at 3m/s, as enumerated in the
table. It can be seen that the power production of these machines is far below the rated pow
er, underscoring the need for turbine optimization for low wind speed regions.



Advances in Wind Power

3.2. Analysis of speed, power and Cp

One of the biggest factors affecting the performance of a turbine is the blade pitch angle. The
pitch angle is the angle between the blade and the plane of rotation. The attack angle is the
angle between the chord of the airfoil and the relative wind, as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. Wind vector, blade motion, pitch angle and angle of attack.

For most airfoils lift is maximized at an attack angle between 10 and 15 degrees. Obviously
the angle of attack will depend on the wind speed and the turbine speed. A convenient pa
rameter in the analysis of turbine performance is the Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) which is defined
as the linear speed of the tip of the turbine blade divided by the prevailing wind speed. For
a given wind speed, a lower pitch angle will result in a higher TSR at the maximum lift. A
larger pitch angle will tend to give the maximum lift, and thus greater torque, at a lower
TRS [11]. In the end higher coefficients of performance are achieved by blades with lower
pitch angles and higher TRS, however at the expense of low speed torque which results in
higher cut in speeds.
At very low wind speeds the turbine produces too little torque to overcome friction. Once
the wind speed is sufficient to allow the turbine to rotate, the output power is approximate
ly proportional to the cube of the wind speed. This remains true up to the rated speed.
Above this speed the power production levels off, and with stall regulated turbines actually
drops as wind speeds are increased. Finally at an even higher wind speed, the furling speed,
the turbine is shut down to avoid damage to the machine. A typical turbine power curve is
shown in figure 4.

Low Speed Wind Turbine Design

Figure 3. Coefficient of Performance variation with angle of attack versus TSR.

Figure 4. Turbine power versus wind speed.

Stresses in the turbine are related to the wind load, causing a bending of the blade in the
direction of the wind, centrifugal forces, pulling the blades radialy outward, and various dy



Advances in Wind Power

namic stresses. The centrifugal forces are proportional to the blade weight, blade length and
square of the turbine speed, and limit the maximum speed of the turbine. Assuming similar
materials and blade design, in order to achieve the same level of stress a larger, heavier,
blade will have to spin at a lower speed than a smaller blade. This maximum speed of tur
bine operation becomes one of the limiting factors in the wind turbine, requiring either an
extremely robust design or an active speed control system. Stall control systems are mechan
ically simple to implement, and thus common on small turbine systems. As the wind speed
increases above the rated speed, a large electrical load, generally a high power resistor bank,
is applied to the output of the generator. This increases the torque load on the turbine, slow
ing it. As the TSR is reduced, the angle of attack is raised above the optimum, and lift drops
off as the blade begins to stall. This subsequently reduces the turbines torque, slowing it
further. This technique has been shown effective at preventing over speed in small turbines.

4. Design of Slow Wind Speed Wind Turbines

As previously stated, the problem of concern here is that existing commercial turbines are
generally designed for wind speeds greatly in excess of typical wind speeds for major por
tions of the planet. Rather than simply exclude wind power from the potential energy sce
nario for these regions, we would like to design a small wind turbine especially for low
wind speed regions [9]. Most of South East Asia (SEA) lies in a region of relatively low wind
speeds. Wind speed data form a test site in Malaysia is shown in figure 5. Wind power prob
ability is derived by multiplying the wind speed probability by the cube of the wind speed.
The highest wind power probability is at approximately 3 m/s. At this wind speed commer
cial turbines will produce very little power.

Figure 5. Wind and normalized wind power probability from a low wind speed test site

In order to improve power extraction the wind turbine requires a fundamental redesign.
Equation 1 provides us the first indication of how to proceed. For a given wind speed we are
left with modifying the turbine area, and optimizing the coefficient of performance. Control
over the ambient air density is beyond the scope of this text. Lengthening the blades will

Low Speed Wind Turbine Design

increase the cross sectional area of the turbine, increasing the power of the turbine. This will,
however, also increase the load on the turbine and tend to result in a slower rate of rotation.
Electrical power production from a generator is proportional to the square of the rotational
speed, so it may be advantageous to adjust the pitch angle in order to maximize the TRS,
and thus increase the generator speed. For low wind speeds both the turbine hub and gener
ator will need re-optimization for the larger blades required to achieve a reasonable level of
power production.
4.1. Overall Turbine Design
As a starting point for the design we will chose a system capable of providing power for a
model rural dwelling typical of the remote regions of SEA. Such dwellings generally use re
chargeable automotive lead acid batteries to power electrical lights, radios and televisions.
These batteries are transported weekly to a diesel powered generator station for recharging.
Transporting the batteries weekly is a significant burden to the rural residents which can be
alleviated with the use of a wind power system. With improved access to electrical power
the electrical power consumption will probably increase significantly. Additional power is
likely to go to improved lighting, and additional appliances such as fans and even refrigera
tors. The actual power required will vary widely, but we will assume here that the typical
house will consume approximately 1kWh per day.
The wind power system should have sufficient storage capacity for at lease one week with
no power generation, thus we require at least 7kWh of electrical storage. As in most small
off grid electrical power applications power will be stored in 12V automotive batteries. To
minimize power transmission losses we will chose the highest system voltage considered
safe for such applications. An operating voltage of 48V can be achieved with 4 batteries in
series, and the constraint of 7kWh of energy storage then translates into a battery capacity of
about 150Ah, similar to common truck batteries.
With good turbine sighting on a hill top, peak power probabilities of around 5m/s are possi
ble in some costal regions of SEA. From long term measurements we can determine that the
wind may achieve this target speed about 20% of the time, or 4.8 hours per day. Assuming
that the turbine needs to generate about 1/3 more than the daily required power to compen
sate for loses in the system, well require about 1.3kWh per day of electrical power produc
tion. At 4.8 hours of power production per day the system will have to produce
approximately 270W in the 5m/s wind. Assuming a generator efficiency of 80% and a Cp of
0.29, from equation 1 we can determine the area of the turbine to be 15.9m2, yielding a blade
length of approximately 2.25m. If we accept a conventional TSR of around 8, the turbine will
be spinning at 170 rpm. Based on some initial measurements it was determined that a con
ventional generator design would require a much higher rotational speed to achieve the de
sired power output, so we will target twice this speed, or 340rpm. The operational TSR will
be optimized via turbine blade pitch adjustment during field testing of the system, but we
will target a TSR of 16, twice the conventional ratio. The operating current of the generator
at this point will be approximately 5.8A.



Advances in Wind Power

Leveraging off of existing small turbine designs [1] the generator is to be a 3-phase, axial
flux synchronous permanent magnet generator. We have selected a 12 pole design with 25 x
50mm, 11mm thick nickel plated NdFeB magnets. The generator is based around an auto
motive wheel bearing and disk brake, thereby defining the rotor diameters. The initial speci
fications for the turbine are listed in table 2.
Wind Speed




Balde Legnth


Generator speed



Generator Efficiency









Rotor ID



Rotor OD



Table 2. Wind turbine and generator initial specifications

5. Experimental Results
Taking the well publicized small turbine design of Hugh Piggot as the starting point, we
studied several generator and turbine parameters in order to optimize the design for the
lower speed wind [10]. Generator measurements were performed on an electric motor
driven dynamometer allowing simultaneous measurements of both mechanical and electri
cal power. The final generator was then placed in service on a turbine with adjustable
pitch blades. The turbine power output was measured along with the wind speed for
turbine optimization.
5.1. Generator Optimization
Initially a basic study of open circuit voltage was performed. Several coils with varying
numbers of turns were prepared from 1mm diameter enamel coated magnet wire. In each
case the coils were wrapped on a 20 x 40mm oval shaped core, slightly smaller than the ro
tor magnets. The thickness of the coil in the axial direction, which defines the thickness of
the stator, was kept constant at 10mm. As the coils grow larger, the space between adjacent
coils decreases, resulting in a maximum coil size of approximately 150 x 100mm. As can be
seen in figure 6 the open circuit voltage increases linearly with the number of turns.

Low Speed Wind Turbine Design

Figure 6. Individual coil open circuit voltage vs. number of turns at 50 rpm

If the coils were allowed to grow larger eventually contradictory flux from adjacent magnet
pairs could enter the larger coils reducing the net flux and thus the voltage. With the current
design the largest coils possible for a given stator thickness will deliver the maximum power.
For maximum flux transfer through the coils of motors and generators the coils have cores
of laminated soft iron, or other magnetically conductive materials in an electrically insulat
ing design (to reduce eddy currents). These soft iron cores provide a low resistance path for
magnetic flux to pass through the coils. This however will also cause a significant cogging
torque as the magnets tend to stick in positions over the cores [10]. High cogging torque will
raise the turbine cut in speed, thus most low speed turbines are produced without magnetic
materials in the cores, resulting in core less or air core coils. While the utility of this is
appreciated, we decided to test both an air core coil and an identical coil with a core of steel
baring epoxy. This epoxy was found to have very high electrical resistance, and significant
magnetic susceptibility. The cores were tested on the generator dynamometer rotating at 125
rpm yielding the results in table 3. As only a single coil was installed, the resulting power
extraction and efficiencies are very low. Both the electrical and mechanical power increase
with the use of the epoxy in the coils core as expected from the greater flux transfer. The
efficiency of the epoxy core coil is also slightly higher than the air core coil. The cogging tor
que was measured to be significantly smaller than the rotors bearing friction, thus the ep
oxy core coils were selected for the final configuration generator.



Power (W)

Voltage (V) Current




power (W)

Epoxy Coil







Air Coil







Table 3. Comparison between air core and metal filled epoxy core coils



Advances in Wind Power

Another important optimization was the stator axial thickness. A thicker stator will allow
more turns of wire, increasing the output voltage, however it will also require a greater ro
tor spacing distance. As the rotors are spaced further apart, more flux from the magnets will
tend to short circuit to the adjacent magnets, rather than traverse the stator to the magnet
on the opposite stator [3]. This situation is shown in figure 7

Figure 7. Lateral flux short circuiting to adjacent magnets increases (right) with increased rotor separation distance.

The induced voltage per turn can be seen to drop rapidly as the rotors are spaced further
apart in figure 8.

Figure 8. Voltage per turn versus rotor separation distance at 125 rpm

For a given rotor separation distance there is a maximum number of coil turns which will fit
between the rotors. A margin of 2.5 mm is provided between the magnet surfaces and the stator
to avoid physical contact, and allow air flow to cool the stator coils. Thus for a 10mm rotor
separation, the stator is limited to a 5mm thickness which will allow about 50 turns per coil.
Coils of 5, 10 and 15mm thicknesses were prepared for 10, 15 and 20mm rotor separations
respectively. These coils were then tested on the generator dynamometer at 125 rpm yield
ing the data of table 4.

Low Speed Wind Turbine Design

Rotors Separation Distance




No. of Coil Turns




Total Open Circuit Voltage (v)




Coil Thickness (mm)



Table 4. Open circuit voltage and coil parameters for various rotor separation distances.

As the rotors are moved closer together, the magnetic flux passing through the coil increases
producing a higher open circuit voltage per coil turn. However the smaller separation dis
tance results in a smaller number of turns per coil. To achieve maximum open circuit volt
age, there is a compromise between number of turns and rotors separation distance. As
shown in the Table 4 the 15mm rotor separation distance will give the maximum open cir
cuit voltage.
A generator was fabricated with the largest coils possible in a 10mm stator, and the cores
were filled with metal bearing epoxy. The generator was then tested on the dynamometer
with various loads. Figure 9 shows the results of electrical power measurements with the
generator connected to various resistance loads.

Figure 9. Power versus rotational speed for various loads

The maximum power of the system was produced with the 6 ohm load which is approxi
mately equal to the internal resistance of the stator as the resistance per coil is 0.67ohm and
there are 9 coils in series. Our initial design required approximately 270W of power produc
tion at 340 rpm. This power was above the capabilities of the relatively low power dyna
mometer, but falls within the range of power production predicted based on the square of
the speed (black trend line) for the 6 ohm load.



Advances in Wind Power

5.1. Turbine Optimization

The generator was then placed in service on the roof of the mechanical engineering building
as shown in figure 10. The 2.25 meter long wooden blades were fabricated with a NACA
4412 profile commonly used for low speed turbines. During testing the turbine blades were
set to a given pitch angle and the generator was connected to a fixed resistance load. Wind
speed and electrical power production data was then continuously logged. After several
weeks of testing the turbine would then be adjusted to a new angle of attack and/or the load
resistance would be changed.
Due to inconsistencies in the wind, not all configurations were tested at the same speeds for
the same durations. Overall trends, however, were readily apparent. During the period of
field testing the maximum instantaneous wind speed recorded was 8m/s while the maxi
mum sustained wind speed was around 4 to 5m/s.

Figure 10. Wind turbine with optimized generator during turbine evaluation. Notice the anemometer in the back
ground to the left.

The data generated during testing at the 9 degree attack angle shown in figure 11 was typi
cal of the testing. The turbines cut in speed is around 2m/s, and power output increases rap
idly with wind speed for all load resistances. Data for the 3 and 6 ohm loads show the 3 ohm
load having slightly higher power output below 3 m/s and the 6 ohm load giving greater
power above 3 m/s. Theoretically the 6 ohm load should give the greatest power extraction
as the load is well matched to the generator. In general the 6 ohm load gave the best power
extraction, and was selected for further analysis.

Low Speed Wind Turbine Design

Figure 11. Electrical power versus wind speed at various loads for 9 degree angle of attack

Figure 12. Electrical power vs wind speed at various angles of attack for the 6 ohm load

The power production was not a strong function of angle of attack in the 7 to 11 degree
range, but dropped significantly at 14 degrees. Based on extrapolation of the data to higher
speeds, the 9 degree angle of attack is expected to give the highest power production in the
3.5 to 5 m/s wind speed range.
Taking the best fit curve to the 9 degree angle of attack blade pitch with the 6 ohm load
(figure 13) we can calculate that the turbine should produce about 200W at a 4.2 m/s wind
speed. Taking this with the known turbine blade length of 2.25 meters and an assumed gen
erator efficiency of 80% [7], we can use equation 1 to calculate the coefficient of performance
to be 0.36, somewhat better than the assumed value of 0.29.



Advances in Wind Power

Additional measurements made on the turbine bearings indicated frictional losses account
for 23W at 300 rpm. This is approximately 10% of the electrical power produced. The use of
automotive bearings is perhaps not optimal from a friction stand point, thus with improve
ments in the bearings it may be possible to improve the turbine output by something on the
order of perhaps 5% or so.

Figure 13. Electrical power versus wind speed at 9 degree attack angle with 6 ohm load

Looking back at figure 9 we can see that a 200W output should occur at approximately
300rpm with the 6 ohm load. Using this to calculate the TSR at a 4.2m/s wind speed we
come up with a TRS of 17, close to our assumed value of 16, and significantly higher than
the conventional value of 8.

6. Performance Comparison
Taking the measured turbine performance we can predict the power production versus
wind speed. Based on manufacturers published performance curved our turbine can be
compared to existing commercial turbines. Wind data was recorded at a proposed turbine
test site on a costal facing ridge at an altitude of 400m at Banjaran Relau in Kedah, Malaysia.
This gave slightly higher wind speeds than the turbine test site atop the mechanical engi
neering building. A sample of the wind data is shown in figure 14.
The wind speed data exhibits a diurnal pattern with some marine layer pumping associated
with the proximity to the coast with the highest winds speeds in the afternoon. Additionally
is can be seen that there can be several days, eg. day 13 to 18 in figure 14, with very little
wind underscoring the need for significant storage capacity.

Low Speed Wind Turbine Design

Figure 14. Wind speed the Banjaran Relau turbine test site in Kedah, Malaysia

Figure 15. Wind probability and predicted electrical power production versus wind speed for several commercial tur
bines, and the turbine developed in this study.

Figure 15 shows the power produced by three small commercial turbines, and the one de
veloped in this study versus wind speed, as well as the wind probability at the turbine test
site. As the optimized turbine will be spinning at a higher rotational speed than the other
turbines, the controller will begin electrical breaking at wind speeds above 7m/s, effectively
negating the turbines output above this speed. This is not overly restrictive as the wind
rarely blows at speeds above 7m/s for more than a few minutes per month.
It can be seen that the optimized turbine produces significantly more power than the com
mercial turbines at the lower wind speeds, and of course significantly less power at the
higher speeds the other turbines are rated for. This is expected as the optimized turbine has
a larger swept area, and has been tuned for low wind speed operation.



Advances in Wind Power

Multiplying the generators power times the wind speed probability at each wind speed, we
can derive the normalized power production curves of figure 16. Peak power probability for
this data set is at 3m/s, with a lower peak in the power probability curve at 4.5m/s. As the
wind speed at the test site never exceeded 7m/s for any significant amount of time the opti
mized turbine is shown to generate 3 to 4 times more power than the commercial turbines
over the whole available wind speed range. There is a dip in the wind probability data at
around 4m/s in the data over the period sampled due to the limited amount of data. In gen
eral we would expect a fairly smooth wind probability profile with a peak between 3.5 and
4.5m/s at this wind site.

Figure 16. Comparison of normalize wind power for various wind turbines

Power production in a 5 m/s wind is expected to be around 350W, and in a region produc
ing this wind for 4.8 hours of production per day, should result in 1.68 kWh of energy pro
duction per day. Assuming storage losses of 30% associated with charge/discharge of
batteries and power transmission this will result in about 1.2kWh of usable energy per day,
close to our initial estimate of 1.3kWh per day required for a rural dwelling. Thus it is ex
pected that a purpose designed 2.25m radius wind turbine of relatively simple construction
is sufficient to power a single rural dwelling in the windier parts of SEA.

7. Conclusion
Most commercial turbines are designed for relatively high wind speeds, around 10m/s, pro
duce insignificant amounts of power below 5m/s. Taking a conventional axial flux, direct
drive horizontal axis 3-blade wind turbine as the starting point we were able to optimize the
turbine and generator for lower wind speed operation and achieve a significantly higher
power output than existing commercial turbines at lower wind speeds. Further optimization
of the turbine is possible and should focus on airfoil shape, blade weight and construction

Low Speed Wind Turbine Design

and bearing friction. While the use of larger blades will increase the cost and weight of the
turbine and tower it is still believed that wind power can be a viable alternative even in re
gions of relatively low winds.

Author details
Horizon Gitano-Briggs*
Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
University Kuala Lumpur MSI, Malaysia

[1] Aydin, M., Huang, S., & Lipo, T. A. (2004). Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Disc Ma
chines: A Review.
[2] Chalmers, B. J., & Wu, W. (1999). An Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator for a
Gearless Wind Energy System. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 14(2), June,
pg., 610-616.
[3] Chan, T. F., & Lai, L. L. (2007). An Axial-Flux Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Gen
erator for a Direct-Coupled Wind Turbine System. Journal of IEEE Transactions on
Energy Conversion March, 22(1)
[4] Chen, Y. C., Pillay, P., & Khan, A. (2005). PM Wind Generator Topologies. IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications, 41(6), November/December.
[5] Dwinnell, J. H. (1949). Principles of Aerodynamics McGraw-Hill, New York.
[6] Gitano-Briggs, H. (2010). Wind Power. 9-78953-761-9.
[7] Grauers, A. (1996). Efficiency of Three Wind Energy Generator Systems. Journal of
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 11(3), September.
[8] Johnson, G. (1985). Wind Energy Systems Prentice-Hall. Engelwood Cliffs NJ,
[9] Li, H., & Chen, Z. (2009). Design Optimization and Site Matching of Direct-Drive Per
manent Magent Wind Power Generator Systems. Journal of Renewable Energy, 34,
[10] Piggot, H. (2012)., accessed 30-07-2012.
[11] Sathyajith, Mathew. (2006). Wind Energy, Fundamentals, Resource Analysis and
Economics. Springer, 103540309055.


Chapter 12

Wind Power Variability and Singular Events

Sergio Martin-Martnez,
Antonio Vigueras-Rodrguez, Emilio Gmez-Lzaro,
Angel Molina-Garca, Eduard Muljadi and
Michael Milligan
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
There are several sources of wind power variability, including short-term (seconds to mi
nutes) and long-term (hours of the day, or seasonal). The type of wind turbine, the control
algorithm, and wind speed fluctuations all affect the short-term power fluctuation at each
turbine. The blade of a Type 1 induction generator wind turbine experiences the tower shad
ow effect every time a blade passes the tower; the output of the Type 1 turbine commonly
fluctuates because of this. Wind turbines Type 3 and Type 4 are equipped with power elec
tronics and have a reasonable range of speed variation; thus, the impact of the tower shad
ow effect is masked by the power converter control. Because of wind speed fluctuations and
wind turbulence, the power output also influences the output of the wind turbine generator.
However, in the big picture, the power fluctuation at a single turbine is not as important as
the total power output of a wind power plant. The interface between the wind power plant
and the power system grid is called the point of interconnection (POI). All the meters to cal
culate revenue, measure voltage and frequency, and measure other power quality attributes
are installed at the POI. At the POI, all the output power from individual turbines is injected
into the power grid. A wind power plant covers a very large area; thus, there are various
diversities within each plant (e.g., wind speed, line impedance, and instantaneous terminal
voltage at each turbine). The power measurement from a single wind turbine usually shows
a large fluctuation of output power; however, because many turbines are connected in a
wind power plant, the power fluctuation from one turbine may cancel that of another,
which effectively rectifies the power fluctuation of the overall plant.

2012 Martin-Martnez et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advances in Wind Power

Additionally, many wind power plants are co-located in the same region where wind resour
ces are excellent; thus, the spatial diversity among wind power plants contributes to a smooth
er output power of the region than the output power of an individual wind power plant.

Figure 1. Real and reactive power output of a wind power plant; (a) Single turbine representation (b) Sixteen turbines

Figure 1(a) shows the fluctuation in the output power when the wind power plant is repre
sented by a single turbine. Figure 1(b) illustrates the real and reactive power output when
the wind power plant is represented by sixteen turbines. With greater wind diversity, as
shown in Figure 1(b), the power fluctuation is smoother than that with less wind turbine
representation, as shown in Figure 1(a) [1].

2. Wind speed variability

Overall wind variability consists of different fluctuating terms with different periods, depend
ing on the sources. For instance, fluctuating term can be caused by day-night effects (e.g., the
effects of sea breeze), because there are quick fluctuations in some minute periods.
Figure 2 shows a typical power curve of a variable speed wind turbine generator. In general,
the operating wind speed is divided into different regions. In Region 1 and Region 2 (low to
rated wind speed), a wind turbine is operated in variable speed at a constant pitch angle
(typically 0 o). The output power of the generator is low to rated power. The operation is op
timum because the turbine is operated at the maximum performance coefficient Cp. When
wind speed varies, the output power varies as the cube of wind speed variations. Once wind
reaches its rated speed, the rotational speed also reaches the rated speed. This rotational
speed must be limited by the pitch control to keep the rotor speed from a runaway condition
and to limit the mechanical stresses of the wind turbine structure (tower, blades, and gear
box). The output power is limited to its rated value.
Thus, wind power output varies only when wind speeds are below rated value. Below rated
wind speed, the rate of change of the output power

( dPdt ) is either positive or negative, de

Wind Power Variability and Singular Events

pending on the direction of wind speed change. Above rated wind speeds, any fluctuations

will be capped at rated by the pitch action, or dt = 0.


Region 3
Inertial Energy Constant

Region 1,2

Variable Pitch
Constant rpm
0o < < 23o



TSR ()
= 0o

TSR ()

Wind Speed (m/s)

Wind speed

Wind speed

Figure 2. Power curve of a typical wind turbine generator

If the power controller is not properly designed, wind fluctuations may excite the mechani
cal resonance of the structure or gearbox, which may lead to mechanical failures of the wind
turbine [2][3].
Spectral tools are often used to analyze wind speed variability because they make it possible
to study different frequency fluctuation terms. The most popular one used for this purpose
is the Power Spectral Density (PSD).
The PSD of a function is defined by the Fourier transform of its autocorrelation. PSD is
therefore expressed in frequency domain. Its physical meaning is related to fluctuating ki
netic energy on a certain frequency.



Advances in Wind Power

Van der Hoven [4] analyzed the PSD of horizontal wind speed, based mainly on measure
ments done at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Figure 3 shows such spectra, with two
main peaks and a spectral gap between them. The first peak occurred at a period of around
four days and was caused by migratory pressure systems of a synoptic weather map scale.
The second peak occurred at a period of 1 minute because of a mechanical and/or convective
type of turbulence. Van der Hovens observations also showed some relation between the
spectral gap shape and surface roughness under some circumstances. Additional analysis
shows more complex spectra, especially over the ocean or in smooth terrains [5][9]; where
there is an important contribution of mesoscale fluctuations combined with various phe
nomena such as convective longitudinal rolls [11] or cumulus clouds [12] that may contain
considerable spectral density in the frequency range. At some other places, the gap was veri
fied by experimental data [4], [13][14].

Figure 3. Spectrum estimated by Van der Hoven [4]

PSD spectrum is usually calculated by using short segments of data with similar atmospher
ic characteristics. The reduction or removal of the spectral gap introduces some difficulties
on the analysis because microscale and macroscale are no longer separated. This limits the
findings of particular atmospheric regimes lasting long enough to calculate a meaningful
spectrum. Thus, some researchers are considering the use of more complex spectral tools
based on time and frequency domain. For instance, the Hilbert-Huang transform has been
used for analyzing wind fluctuations over the North Sea [8].
Wind speed variability is important with regard to power system management. An example
of the significance of these power fluctuations is in (the Danish Transmission
System Operator). According to [15], has observed that power fluctuations
from the 160-MW offshore wind power plant at Horns Rev in West Denmark introduce sev
eral challenges to reliable operation of the local power system. The power fluctuations also
contribute to deviations from the planned power exchange with the Central European Pow
er System. Moreover, it was observed that the timescale of the power fluctuations was from
tens of minutes to several hours.

Wind Power Variability and Singular Events

Figure 4 shows the relation between time and geographical scales and the impacts affecting
power system operation. Depending on the level of the wind power penetration, power fluc
tuations due to wind speed variability may influence the frequency regulation; transmission
and distribution efficiency, and load flow; or even efficiency of the thermal and hydro pow
er plants connected to the same grid.

Figure 4. Time and geographical scales of power system issues [16]

3. From wind speed variability to regional wind power fluctuations

As highlighted above, from the point of view of power systems, it is important to analyze
wind power fluctuations from tens of minutes to several hours. Therefore, it is important to
study the relation between wind speed variability and wind power fluctuations.
Different operating regions give different rates of power fluctuations. The first stage in the
conversion of wind power to electrical power is the smoothing and sampling effect pro
duced by the size of the wind turbine rotor. In fact, some variations in wind speed at a sin
gle point within the rotor swept area are smoothed out when considering the entire blade
length. Particularly, uncorrelated oscillations of wind speed are attenuated when consider
ing several points within the rotor swept area. To analyze the correlation between such os
cillations, spectral coherence is usually considered. Studies have been done of spectral
coherence between the horizontal wind speeds within the rotor disk, showing a large
smoothing of the (high-frequency) quickest variations [17]. To illustrate these effects, Figure
5 compares wind speed at a single point within the rotor swept area, with an equivalent
wind speed over the rotor disk [18].



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 5. Comparison between wind speed in a single point of the rotor disk and the equivalent wind over the rotor

Moreover, the conversion of wind energy into electrical power is not linear. In a typical
power curve (Fig. 2), there are wind speed ranges with different impacts on the conversion
from wind speed variations to wind power fluctuations. Between cut-in wind speed and
nominal wind speed, variability in power tends to amplify wind speed variability because
of the near cubic dependence between power and wind speed. On the other hand, for
wind speeds below cut-in wind speed or between nominal and cut-out wind speed, power
fluctuations are smoothed considerably. However, if wind speed crosses cut-out speed or
oscillates around it, fluctuations can be significantly increased as power varies from 100%
(rated output power) to 0% (when the wind power plant is disconnected above cut out wind
speeds). Figure 6 shows two different series of power: the reduction or increasing of varia
bility depending on the wind speed range within the wind turbine power curve.
The second stage considers the reduction of the power fluctuations when aggregating sever
al wind turbines within a wind power plant and even aggregating wind power plants in a
large region. Aggregated power fluctuations are reduced by the diversity of the wind
speeds within a large area. Analogously to the effect mentioned above, with regard to the
rotor disk effect, spectral coherence can also be studied in wind power plants or even larger
regions, analyzing which parts of the power fluctuations are not correlated or even which
parts are delayed between wind turbines or power plants [19][20]. Studies on spectral co
herence in wind power plants or regions can be found in the literature [21][23]. Examples

Wind Power Variability and Singular Events

of those effects are illustrated in Figure 7 and Figure 8, where power in a single turbine is
compared with the aggregated power of a wind power plant and a set of wind power
plants, respectively.

Figure 6. The figure on the left shows the power generated from a single wind turbine when wind is between cut-in
and nominal speed; whereas the figure on the right shows wind speed between nominal and cut-out speed [23]

Figure 7. Comparison between a single wind turbine in an offshore wind power plant and the aggregated production
of the whole wind power plant



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 8. Comparison between the power produced by two wind power plants with the aggregation of nine wind
power plants (including the previous ones) and the whole of Spanish wind power output

Finally, when aggregation includes different types of wind turbines, with different nominal
wind speeds and different cut-out speeds, extreme aggregated fluctuations are also reduced
significantly.In short, temporal diversities and spatial diversities reduces the peak-to-peak
magnitudes of power fluctuations.
On the other hand, some regions wind power fluctuations are not related wind speed varia
bility. Instead, the power fluctuations are caused by technical and operational challenges
rather than by meteorological phenomena.Particularly, these include:
Voltage sags. Voltage sags produce a sudden drop of wind power generation. This drop
is usually recovered is quickly.
Wind power curtailment. This is due to integration issues in the power system, such as
limitations on the transmission or distribution networks, inability to ramp up or ramp
down other generation sources, lack of enough reserves, etc.
Another classification is laid down. Attending to their ramping characteristics, wind power
fluctuations events can be classified in:
Wind power die-out. A wind power die-out refers to a persistent drop in wind power.

Wind Power Variability and Singular Events

Wind power rise. A wind power rise consists in a sustained rise in wind power that can
create a persistent ramp up.
Wind power lull. Wind die-outs are inevitably followed by wind rises. When both events
happen in short succession, they form a wind power lull or a wind power dip.
Wind power gust. A wind gust is opposite of a wind lull: it starts with a ramp up and
ends with a ramp down.

4. Overview of spanish experience dealing with wind power variability:

Examples of singular events
In this section, examples of the Spanish experience of singular events produced by either
wind speed variability or operational issues are examined.
4.1. Voltage sags
Wind turbine manufacturers are required by transmission system operators (TSOs) to equip
their turbines with fault ride-through (FRT) capability as the penetration of wind energy in the
electrical systems grows [25]. Spain developed a procedure to measure and to evaluate the re
sponse of wind turbines and wind power plants subjected to voltage sags [26].The procedure
for verification, validation, and certification of the requirements are described in the PO 12.3.
This wind power plant commissioning and validation are based on the response of wind pow
er plants in the event of voltage sags. The result of wind power plant commissioning leads to
the certification of its conformity with the response requirements specified in the Spanish grid
code [27]. Some aspects related to that grid code are explained in detail in [28][29].
On the other hand, because of the growing impact on power grid operations, the recent rap
id expansion of wind generation has given rise to widespread interest in field testing and
commissioning of wind power plants and wind turbines. Validation of computer dynamic
models of wind turbines is not a trivial issue. Validation must ensure that wind turbine
models represent with sufficient accuracy the performance of the real turbine, especially
during severe transient disturbances [30]. In [32], different field tests for model validation
and standards compliance are categorized according to the main input or stimulus in the
testcontrol stimulus and external physical stimulus. Among these tests, the FRT capability
of wind turbines can be performed using factory tests, at the individual wind turbine gener
ator terminals, and using short-circuit field measurement data based on operational wind
turbines and wind power plants.
Short-circuit field measurement data on operational wind turbines and wind power plants
[33]called opportunistic wind power plant testing in [31]is performed with measure
ment equipment installed at the wind power plant site. The equipment records naturally oc
curring power system disturbances that are then used to validate wind turbine models.
Power system modeling during the disturbances must be taken into account in the valida
tion of wind turbine models. Therefore, monitoring wind power plants and wind turbines



Advances in Wind Power

can be of interest for turbine manufacturers, wind power plant operators, and TSOs.Both the
pre fault and the post fault data and power system network must be represented properly.
An extreme event recorded in Spain related to voltage sags occurred on March 19 and 20,
2007.Within twelve hours, four different disconnections of large amounts of wind power be
cause of voltage sags were recorded. Those voltage sags were located in areas with high
penetration wind power and during high wind speed periods. Figure 9 shows the recorded
Spanish wind power output during these events.
The amount of wind power generation disconnected during these voltage sags were 553
MW, 454 MW, 989 MW, and 966 MW, respectively.

Figure 9. Spanish wind power during the voltage sags on March 19 and 20, 2007

In addition, nine Spanish wind power plants located in different areas were also analyzed
during these events. Nominal power of these wind power plants varied from 6.8 MW at
Wind Power plant 9 to 49.5 MW at Wind Power plant 4. In Figure 10, the wind power out
put from these nine wind power plants are presented. Highlights include:
Wind Power plants 1, 2, and 3 are located in the same area. They were at high fluctuating
partial load. These power plants were not affected by voltage sags because they were far
away from the faults.
Voltage Sags 1 and 2 affected only Wind Power plant 4.

Wind Power Variability and Singular Events

Voltage Sag 3 affected Wind Power plants 5, 6, and 7. These wind power plants are near
by. In these three cases, the responses to the sag were similar.
Only Wind Power plant 9 was affected by Voltage Sag 4.
All voltage sags during this period were located in areas with high wind power penetration.

Figure 10. Wind power production of nine wind power plants during voltage sags on March 19 and 20, 2007

The operation of power systems under the effect of voltage sags in wind power has led TSOs to
require FRT capability in wind power plants. By the end of 2010, 704 Spanish wind power
plants had been certified against FRT capability (19.2 GW and around 95% of the installed ca
pacity). A total of 1 GW wind turbines are excluded because of their missed manufacturers,
small size, or because they are prototypes turbines. Figure 11 shows the number of power loss
es greater than 100 MW from 2005 and the percentage of wind power without FRT. As a result
of the FRT implementations, the problem of significant wind generation tripping has been
solved; therefore, wind plant curtailments have not been required since 2008.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 11. Evolution of wind power with FRT and number of power losses greater or equal to 100 MW by voltage
sags in Spain [34]

The implementation of the supervisory control and data acquisition of wind generation in
real time have decreased the number and the size of power curtailments, improved the qual
ity and the security of the electricity supply, and maximized renewable energy integration.
To further enhance wind energy integration, the Spanish TSO (Red Elctrica de Espaa, or
REE) submitted a proposal of a new grid code (P.O 12.2) to the Ministry, with additional
technical requirements for FRT, among others. The main purpose this proposal is to antici
pate the expected problems in the Spanish power system between 2016 and 2020, by taking
into account the incoming plants and new power plants to be deployed during these years
to come. It is expected that P.O. 12.2 can be approved and applied in 2013.
4.2. Klaus Storm (January 23, 24, and 25, 2010)
Meteorological phenomena (e.g., storms or cyclones) are capable of causing large variations in
wind power production and very high wind speeds.A storm within this category can affect a
large number of wind turbines that have approximately the same cut-out wind speeds. When
the cut-out speed is reached, the power generated goes from rated power to zero immediately.
If this phenomenon spreads over several wind power plants in a particular area, it can cause a
major threat to the power system stability and may lead to a cascading blackout.
The storm Klaus was named after an extra-tropical mid-latitude cyclone that struck between
January 23 to January 25, 2009, affecting northern Spain and southern France. Wind speeds
of higher than 150 km/h were recorded in the Spanish and French coastlines. The result was
the disconnection of many wind power plants in northern areas of Spain, leading to a reduc
tion of about 7,000 MW of wind power in a few hours (refer to Figure 12). Figure 13 shows
the impact of the storm on a Spanish wind power plant.The wind power plant consists of 30
NEG Micon 82 Wind Turbines with a nominal power of 49.5 MW.

Wind Power Variability and Singular Events

Figure 12. Wind power, forecasting, and schedule during the Klaus storm

Figure 13. Wind power in a 49.5-MW wind power plant during the Klaus storm



Advances in Wind Power

During this emergency situation, the Spanish TSO REE has deployed several thermal power
plants to increase the reserve power generation. Despite of the large difference between the
forecast and actual wind power production, the power system continued to operate within
the normal operating range.
This example shows the difficulties for forecasting wind power during these types of
events.Differences between forecast and real wind power generation reached almost 6,000
MW. Furthermore, wind power decrement during the storm happened in the night, thus, it
followed the ramping down of the daily load, so the increased reserves generation (6 GW)
were sufficient to maintain the system balance.
4.3. Wind power curtailments
Wind energy curtailments because of integration issues in the power system have appeared
in the Spanish power system. Until 2009, major curtailments were due to limitations on dis
tribution networks, but since the end of 2009, cuts have been applied in real time to sched
uled energy. However, the nature of renewable energy along with the economic and
environmental issues, have provoked an interest in adding energy storage (such as pumped
hydro storage PHS, a well-known technologies) into the power system mix.Spain accounts
for around 5,000 MW (2.75 GW of pure PHS), with 77 GWh capacity. This technology is usu
ally deployed because of the limited transmission capacity for exporting or importing power
to neighboring countries.
As an example of wind power curtailment, Table 1 indexes orders delivered by the Spanish
TSO on February 28, 2010. The initial and end times for every curtailment period are present
ed in columns 1 and 2. Column 3 represents Spanish wind power at the beginning of the peri
od. In column 4, the Spanish TSO set point for this period is listed. In column 5, the real increase
or reduction experimented by Spanish wind power in this period is shown. Finally, the ratio
between the real increase/decrease and the increase/decrease obtained if wind power would
match the set point is presented in column 6. In decrease periods, this ratio is equal to or high
er than 1; in increase periods, it is equal to or less than 1, 1 being the optimum value.
Initial Time

End Time

Wind Power

Wind Power Set Point Real Increase/Reduction











































Installed capacity

Table 1. Curtailment schedule on February 28, 2010

Wind Power Variability and Singular Events

4.4. Over-response to wind power curtailments

On January 1, 2010, the REE gave instructions for several wind power curtailments consider
ing Non-Integrable Wind Power Excess as defined in Operational Procedure 3.7 [35]. Dur
ing these curtailments, an over-response in the wind power plant power generation was
obtained and the reduced power ratio was greater than four times the order required. This
kind of event may threaten the power system operation, and from an economical point of
view, because reserves generators are used for balancing, increasing costs are produced.
Figure 14 shows the sequence of curtailment instructions provided by the CECRE, the con
trol center of renewable energies, together with the wind power generation in the power
system. There were four orders with over-response during these hours, with effective wind
power reduction from 2.42 to 4.02 times the commanded reduction.

Figure 14. Over-response to curtailments in the entire Spanish wind power generation

The main causes of this over-response were:

Curtailment is usually performed during low load and high wind penetration periods.
During these periods, wind power plants often operate in high wind speed conditions
and wind power fluctuations are dominant. Many wind power plants were stopped or
operates in low output production due to cut-out protection disconnect the wind turbines
operating above cut-out wind speeds.
Curtailment is usually applied by disconnecting the entire wind power plant instead of
turning off specific wind turbines (partial disconnections) within the wind power plant.



Advances in Wind Power

In Figure 14, an example of over-response to this curtailment is presented for the 49.5-MW
wind power plant discussed previously. The TSO set point was ordered during early morn
ing (03:00 to 07:00). When wind speed was above the cut-out wind speed (20 m/s), wind
power decreased below the set point, reaching half generation and almost no generation.
This additional drop must be replaced by the generation reserves.
The sequence of range of production was as follows:
From 00:00 to 03:00, no curtailment was ordered. Most wind turbines were near or at 1 pu
during this period. At 02:10, a slight wind power lull occurred as wind speed fell.
From 03:00 to 04:40, a 0.6 pu TSO set point was applied. Then wind speed passed 20 m/s
and most of the wind turbines were disconnected by cut-out speed protection. Wind pow
er plant production fell to 0.1 pu, much less than 0.6 pu. Then wind speed went down,
and wind power plant production almost reached the TSO set point. Some wind turbines
were maintained at maximum available power; whereas others were disconnected, result
ing in the TSO set point for the whole wind power plant. Some wind turbines were at
maximum available power, and the rest remained disconnected. This kind of regulation
involves repeated connections and disconnections during curtailment.
From 04:40 to 07:40, the TSO set point changed from 0.6 pu to 0.5 pu. More wind turbines
were disconnected to achieve this change.
Finally, at 07:40, the TSO released the set point and the wind power plant recovered nor
mal control.

Figure 15. Example of an over-response in a 49.5-MW wind power plant on January 1, 2010

Wind Power Variability and Singular Events

Possible solutions to avoid over-response to wind power curtailments, with the actual ca
pacity of energy storage and transmission to other countries, are:
The TSO should dispose of real-time wind power generation as well as a wind power
forecast during the curtailment period. Maintenance schedules and cut-out shutdowns
must be taken into account.
Performing curtailment orders at the control center level instead of the wind power plant
level must be studied.
Control centers are connected to the CECRE and could improve curtailment management.
Information about the reasons of curtailment, the application method, and wind power
plant response could help toward overall optimization.

5. Conclusions
There are different types of events in which wind power fluctuates significantly. In some
cases, fluctuations are produced by variations of wind speed, especially during meteorologi
cal events such as storms. Other power fluctuations are not directly linked with wind behav
ior and have a technical cause related to power system operation issues.
In this chapter, examples of the different events affecting wind power fluctuations were
shown.The behaviors and the responses of the Spanish power system and wind power
plants experiencing such events were analyzed. Examples presented in this chapter show
that some of the wind power integration issues are related to low-voltage ride-through.
They are solved through strict grid code enforcement. Other solutions to manage the reserve
power generation and the wind power fluctuations are also very important in order to ach
ieve high levels of wind power penetration. In the Spanish case, this could require increas
ing the availability of dispatchable and fast-start power plants, as well as increasing wind
power plant participation on supporting the power system by providing voltage control, in
ertial emulation, frequency control, oscillation damping, or updated voltage ride-through

This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovacin
(ENE2009-13106) and in part by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha
(PEII10-0171-1803), both projects co-financed with FEDER funds.
This work was also supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DEAC36-08-GO28308 with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.



Advances in Wind Power

Author details
Sergio Martin-Martnez1, Antonio Vigueras-Rodrguez2, Emilio Gmez-Lzaro1,
Angel Molina-Garca3, Eduard Muljadi4 and Michael Milligan4
1 Renewable Energy Research Institute, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain
2 Renewable Energy Research Institute, Albacete Science and Technology Park and Univer
sidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain
3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad Politcnica de Cartagena, Cartagena,
4 National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, USA; Michael Milligan, Na
tional Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, USA

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Chapter 13

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

Mostafa Abarzadeh, Hossein Madadi Kojabadi and
Liuchen Chang
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
Although fossil fuel is the main energy supplier of the worldwide economy, due to its ad
verse effects on environment, the scientists look for alternative resources in power genera
tion. Electricity generation using renewable energy has been well recognized as
environmentally friendly, socially beneficial, and economically competitive for many appli
cations. Wind turbines, photovoltaic systems, full cells and PATs are main resources for dis
tributed generation systems [1]. Compared with other renewable energy, wind power is
more suitable for some applications with relatively low cost [2,3]. Wind turbine system
(WTS) technology is still the most suitable renewable energy technology. While most large
companies are focusing on large wind turbines of the utility scale, small wind turbines as
distributed power generators have attracted a growing interest from the general public,
small farms and remote communities [4]. In recent years, the level of interest in small-scale
wind turbine generators has been increasing due to growing concerns over the impact of
fossil-fuel based electricity generation [5]. According to the American Wind Energy Associa
tion (AWEA) annual wind industry report, the U.S. market for small wind turbines
(<100kW) grew 78% in 2008 adding 17.3 MW of installed capacity. Over 10,000 small wind
turbines were sold in the U.S. in 2008 [6]. UK based consultants Gerrad Hassan also predicts
that small wind turbine sales have the potential to increase to well over US$750 million by
2005 [4]. Small-scale wind turbines are particularly advantageous for power generation at a
household level [5]. A small-scale wind turbine consists of a generator, a power electronic
converter, and a control system. Among different types of small-size wind turbine, perma
nent magnet (PM) generator is widely used because of its high reliability and simple struc
ture [1,2]. The power electronic converter topology used depends on the required output
power and cost of the system. Control systems are used to control the rotational speed of

2012 Abarzadeh et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advances in Wind Power

small-scale wind turbines enabling them to operate with optimum speed to extract maxi
mum power from wind [1,2,4].
For rural and remote areas, the small-scale stand-alone wind power system with a battery
bank as the energy storage component is common and essential for providing stable and re
liable electricity [2,7-10]. For the stand-alone wind power system, the load is a battery that
can be considered as an energy sink with almost constant voltage. The battery can absorb
any level of power as long as the charging current does not exceed its limitation. Since the
voltage remains almost constant, but the current flows through it can be varied, the battery
can be also considered as a load with a various resistance [2,11,12].
There is increasing market for a grid connected small wind generating system (without bat
tery storage) for home owners and small businesses in rural areas. In this case the excess en
ergy form the wind generator is fed to the utility grid. The AC grid can also be a diesel grid
or a battery/diesel mini hybrid grid. A grid connected inverter structure which extracts ener
gy even at low wind speeds will assist in reducing capital cost and offer opportunities for
interfacing small-scale wind generators with the AC grid. Conventional grid connected
wind turbines use a charge controller to charge the batteries and a grid connected inverter to
process power from the battery to the utility grid [4].
This chapter presents a power electronic energy conversion system for small-scale standalone wind power system with a battery bank as the energy storage component and grid
connected power electronic interface for interfacing variable speed small-scale wind genera
tors to a grid. Small-scale wind turbine consist of permanent magnet synchronous generator
(PMSG), AC/DC converter, DC/DC converter as the maximum power point tracking control
ler, inverter and load.

2. Small-scale wind turbine system

A small wind turbine generally consists of the following components: A rotor with a varia
ble number of blades for convert the power from wind to mechanical power, an electric gen
erator, control and protection mechanisms, and power electronic components for feeding
electricity into a battery bank, the public grid or, occasionally, into a direct application such
as a water-pump[1,13].
The generator is the main part of a small wind turbine. The generator converts the mechani
cal power into electrical power. The two common types of electrical machines used in small
scale wind turbines are self excited induction generators (SEIG) and permanent magnet syn
chronous generators (PMSG). In these cases, the common way to convert the low-speed me
chanical power to electrical power is a utilizing a gearbox and a SEIG with standard speed.
The gearbox adapts the low speed of the turbine rotor to the high speed of generators,
though the gearbox may not be necessary for multiple-pole generator systems. In the selfexcited induction generators, the reactive power necessary to energize the magnetic circuits
must be supplied from parallel capacitors bank at the machine terminal. In this case, the ter

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

minal voltage or reactive power may not be directly controlled, and the induction genera
tors may suffer from voltage instability problem. There is considerable interest in the
application of the multiple-pole Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators (PMSG) driven
by a wind-turbine shaft without gearbox [1]. As described above, the electric generators of
modern small wind turbines are generally designed to use permanent magnets and a direct
coupling between rotor and generator. The following common topologies can be encoun

Axial flow air-cored generators


Axial flow generators with toroidal iron cores


Axial flow generators with iron cores and slots


Radial flow generators with iron cores and slots


Transverse flow generators with slotted iron core

In the topologies above the type of flow refers to the direction of the magnetic flow lines
crossing the magnetic gap between the poles with respect to the rotating shaft of the genera
tor [13].
It is important to be able to control and limit the converted mechanical power during higher
wind speeds. The power limitation during higher wind speeds in small scale wind turbines
may be done by furling control or soft-stall control [1,14]. Furling is a passive mechanism
used to limit the rotational frequency and the output power of small-scale wind turbine in
strong winds. While other mechanisms, such as passive blade pitching or all-electronic con
trol based on load-induced stall can occasionally be encountered, furling is the most fre
quently used mechanism [13]. Many small wind turbines use an upwind rotor configuration
with a tail vane for passive yaw control. Typically, the tail vane is hinged, allowing the rotor
to furl (turn) in high winds, providing both power regulation and over-speed protection. At
higher wind speeds, the generated power of the wind turbine can go above the limit of the
generator or the wind turbine design. When this occurs, small wind turbines use mechanical
control or furling to turn the rotor out of the wind resulting in shedding the aerodynamic
power or a steep drop in the power curve [1,13-16]. The basic operating principle of furling
system is shown in Figure 1.
Often, small turbine rotors furl abruptly at a wind speed only slightly above their rated
wind speed, resulting in a very "peaky" power curve and poor energy capture at higher
wind speeds. This energy loss is compounded by the furling hysteresis, in which the wind
speed must drop considerably below the rated wind speed before the rotor will unfurl and
resume efficient operation. One way to improve the performance of furling wind turbines is
to design the rotor to furl progressively, causing the power output to remain at or near rated
power as the wind speed increases beyond its rated value. This approach has two draw
backs: wind turbine rotors operating at high furl angles tend to be very noisy and experi
ence high flap loads. Note that manufactured wind turbines use a damper to reduce the
furling loop hysteresis. Damping is necessary to keep the wind turbine from cycling or chat
tering in and out of furling. The damping plus the gyroscopic effect of turning wind turbine



Advances in Wind Power

blades add to the unproductive time of entering and leaving the furling condition creating a
hysteresis during transition. All of these delays reduce the wind turbine energy production

Figure 1. Overview of the operating principles of a furling system. (a) Aerodynamic forces. (b) Furling movement in
strong winds. (c) Restitution of normal (aligned) operation upon reduction of the wind speed [13].

The soft-stall concept is to control the generator rotations per minute (rpm) and achieve op
timum operation over a wide range of rotor rpm. In order to control the generator rpm, the
soft-stall concept regulates the stall mode of the wind turbine, thus furling can be delayed in
normal operation. Furling is still used in the soft-stall concept during very high winds and
emergency conditions. Potential advantages of soft-stall control are listed as follows:
Delays furling as long as possible, which increases energy production
Controls the wind turbine rotational speed to achieve the maximum power coefficient
Operates the wind turbine at a low tip-speed ratio during high wind speeds to reduce
noise and thrust loads [1,14-16].
The only difference between furling and soft-stall control is the addition of the DC-DC con
verter that allows the power to be controlled. With the DC-DC Converter between the recti
fier and load, the transmitted power to the load can be controlled according to prescribed
power/rpm schedule.
A variable speed wind turbine configuration with power electronics conversion corresponds
to the full variable speed controlled wind turbine, with the generator connected to the load
or to the grid through a power converter as shown in Figure 2.

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

Figure 2. AC/DC/AC power electronic interface for a wind generator.

The grid-connected inverters will inject the active power to the grid with minimum total
harmonic distortion (THD) of output current and voltage. The grid voltage and inverter out
put voltage will be synchronized by zero-crossing circuit. The generator can be self-excited
asynchronous generator (SEIG), or permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The
stator windings are connected to the load or to the grid through a full-scale power convert
er. Some variable speed WTSs are gearless. In these cases, a direct driven multi-pole genera
tor is used.

3. Power electronic converters for wind turbine system

A permanent magnet generator has no excitation control and output voltage is proportional
to the rotor speed. Therefore, in control of wind turbine, the rotor speed is obtained via the
output voltage measurement. The earliest and still most widely used power electronic cir
cuit for this application uses an AC/DC/AC technology in which the variable frequency, var
iable voltage from the generator is first rectified to DC and then converted to AC and fed to
the grid or load. The continuous variation of wind speed will result in a DC link voltage
varying in an uncontrolled manner. In order to get variable speed operation and stable dc
bus voltage, a boost dc-dc converter could be inserted in the dc link [17]. As there is active
power flows unidirectionally from the PMSG to the dc link through a power converter, only
a simple diode rectifier can be applied to the generator side converter in order to obtain a
cost-efficient solution [4,5].
3.1. AC/DC/AC converters for power electronic interface
3.1.1. Three-Phase bridge rectifier
A three-phase bridge rectifier is commonly used in wind power applications. This is a fullwave rectifier and gives six-pulse ripples on the output voltage. Each one of six diodes con
ducts for 120. The pair of diodes which are connected between that pair of supply lines
having the highest amount of instantaneous line-to-line voltage will conduct [18]. The threephase bridge rectifier is shown in Figure 3.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 3. Three-phase bridge rectifier.

If V m is the peak value of the phase voltage, then the average and rms output voltage is cal

culate with

V dc =
V rms =

2 / 6 0

2 / 6 0 3

3 V mcos t d (t ) =

V m 2cos2 t d (t )



3 3
V m = 1.654V m

9 3 1/2
V m = 1.6554V m


3.1.2. DC/DC converters

Dc converters can be used as switching-mode regulators to convert to dc voltage, normally
unregulated, to a regulated dc output voltage. The regulation is normally achieved by PWM
at a fixed frequency and the switching device is normally IGBT or MOSFET. The following
range of DC-to-DC converters, in which the input and output share a common return line,
are often referred to as "three-terminal switching regulators" [19].
The switching regulators will often replace linear regulators when higher efficiencies are re
quired. They are characterized by the use of a choke rather than a transformer between the
input and output lines. The switching regulator differs from its linear counterpart in that
switching rather than linear techniques are used for regulation, resulting in higher efficien
cies and wider voltage ranges. Further, unlike the linear regulator, in which the output volt
age must always be less than the supply. The switching regulator can provide outputs
which are equal to, lower than, higher than, or of reversed polarity to the input. There are
four basic topologies of switching regulators:

Buck regulators: In buck regulators, the output voltage will be of the same polarity but
always lower than the input voltage. One supply line must be common to both input
and output. This may be either the positive or negative line, depending on the regulator

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems


Boost regulators: In boost regulator, the output voltage will be of the same polarity but
always higher than the input voltage. One supply line must be common to both input
and output. This may be either the positive or negative line, depending on the design.
The boost regulator has a right-half-plane zero in the transfer function.


Buck-boost regulators: Because of a combination of the buck and boost regulators, this
type is known as a "buck-boost" regulator. In this type, the output voltage is of opposite
polarity to the input, but its value may be higher, equal, or lower than that of the input.
One supply line must be common to both input and output, and either polarity is possi
ble by design. The inverting regulator carries the right-half-plane zero of the boost regu
lator through to its transfer function.


Cuk regulators: This is a relatively new class of boost-buck-derived regulators, in which

the output voltage will be reversed but may be equal, higher, or lower than the input.
Again one supply line must be common to both input and output, and either polarity
may be provided by design. This regulator, being derived from a combination of the
boost and buck regulators, also carries the right-half-plane zero through to its transfer
function [18-20]. Buck regulators

The step-down dc-dc converter, commonly known as a buck converter, is shown in Figure 4.
Its operation can be seen as similar to a mechanical flywheel and a one piston engine. The LC filter, like the flywheel, stores energy between the power pulses of the driver. The input to
the L-C filter (choke input filter) is the chopped input voltage. The L-C filter volt-time aver
ages this duty-cycle modulated input voltage waveform. The L-C filtering function can be
approximated by
V out = V in Duty cycle

Figure 4. Basic circuit of a buck switching regulator




Advances in Wind Power

The output voltage is maintained by the controller by varying the duty cycle. The buck con
verter is also known as a step-down converter, since its output must be less than the input
voltage [19,20].
The state of the converter in which the inductor current is never zero for any period of time
is called the continuous conduction mode (CCM). It can be seen from the circuit that when
the switch SW is commanded to the on state, the diode D is reverse-biased. When the switch
SW is off, the diode conducts to support an uninterrupted current in the inductor [20].
Typical waveforms in the converter are shown in Figure 5 under the assumption that the in
ductor current is always positive.

Figure 5. The voltage and current waveforms for a buck converter

The operation of the buck regulator can be seen by breaking its operation into two periods
(refer to Figure 5). When the switch is turned on, the input voltage is presented to the input
of the L-C filter. The inductor current ramps linearly upward and is described as
iL (on ) =

(V in - V out )ton

+ iinit


The energy stored within the inductor during this period is

Estored =


(i peak - imin )2


Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

When SW turns off, the inductor will try to maintain the forward current constant, and the
input voltage to the inductor wants to fly below ground and the diode. The current in induc
tor will now continue to circulate in the same direction as before with diode and the load.
However, since the voltage now impressed across inductor has reversed, the current in in
ductor will now decrease linearly to its original value during the off period. The current
through the inductor is described during this period by
V out .toff

iL (off ) = i peak -


The current waveform, this time, is a negative linear ramp whose slope is -V out / L . The dc
output load current value falls between the peak and the minimum current values. In typi
cal applications, the peak inductor current is about 150 percent of the dc load current and
the minimum current is about 50 percent [20].
Condition for continuous inductor current and capacitor voltage: The voltage across the inductor
L is, in general
eL = L



Assuming that the inductor current rises linearly from I min to I pk in time ton .
ton =

V in - V out


And the inductor currents falls linearly from I pk to I min in time toff .
toff =

V out


The switching period T can be expressed as

T = ton + toff =

V in - V out

V out

I L V in

V out (V in - V out )


Which gives the peak-to-peak ripple current as

I =

V out (V in - V out )
fL V in

V in k (1 - k )


If I L is the average inductor current, the inductor ripple current I = 2I L . Using equations
(3) and (11), we get



Advances in Wind Power

V in k (1 - k )

= 2I L = 2I a =

2k V in


Which gives the critical value of the inductor L c as

L c=

(1 - k ) R


The capacitor voltage is expressed as


vc =

( )


ic dt + vc t = 0

If we assume that the load ripple current io is very small, iL = ic . The average capacitor
current, which flows into




, is
Ic =



From (14) and (15) the peak-to-peak ripple voltage of the capacitor is
V c = vc - vc (t = 0) =

1 T /2 I
C 0

dt =


8 fC


From (11) and (16), we get

Vc =

V out (V in - V out )
8LC f 2V in

V in k (1 - k )
8LC f


If V c is the average capacitor voltage, the capacitor ripple voltage V c = 2V out . Using equa
tions (3) and (17), we get
V in k (1 - k )
8LC f

= 2V out = 2kV in


Which gives the critical value of the capacitor Cc as

Cc = C =

16L f


The advantages of forward-mode converters are: they exhibit lower output peak-topeak ripple voltages than do boost-mode converters, and they can provide much high
er levels of output power. Forward-mode converters can provide up to kilowatts of
power [18-20].

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems Boost regulators

In a boost regulator the output voltage is greater than the input voltage. Figure 6 shows the
general arrangement of the power sections of a boost regulator. As one can notice, the boostmode converter has the same parts as the forward-mode converter, but they have been rear
ranged. This new arrangement causes the converter to operate in a completely different
fashion than the forward-mode converter [19, 20]. When SW turns on, the supply voltage
will be impressed across the series inductor L. Under steady-state conditions, the current in
L will increase linearly in the forward direction. Rectifier D will be reverse-biased and not
conducting. At the same time, current will be flowing from the output capacitor Cout into
the load. Hence, Cout will be discharging. Figures 7 and 8 show the current waveforms. The
inductors current wave form is also a positive linear ramp and is described by
iL (on ) =

V in ton


When SW turns off the current in L will continue to flow in the same direction, rectifier di
ode D will conduct, and the inductor current will be transferred to the output capacitor and
load. Since the output voltage exceeds the supply voltage, L will now be reverse-biased, and
the current in L will decay linearly back toward its original value during the off period of
SW. The inductor current during the power switch off period is described by
iL (off ) = i peak (on ) -

(V out - V in )toff


As with the buck regulator, for steady-state conditions, the forward and reverse volt-sec
onds across L must equate. The output voltage V out is controlled by the duty ratio of the

power switch and the supply voltage, as follows

V in ton = (V out - V in ) toff V out = V in

Figure 6. Basic circuit of a boost switching regulator

toff + ton

toff +ton

= 1-k

V out =


V in




Advances in Wind Power

When the cores flux is completely emptied prior to the next cycle, it is referred to as the dis
continuous-mode of operation. This is seen in the inductor current and voltage waveforms
in Figure 7. When the core does not completely empty itself, a residual amount of energy
remains in the core. This is called the continuous mode of operation and can be seen in Fig
ure 8. The majority of boost-mode converters operate in the discontinuous mode since there
are some intrinsic instability problems when operating in the continuous mode. The energy
stored within the inductor of a discontinuous-mode boost converter is described by

Estored = 2 L i pk


The energy delivered per second (joules/second or watts) must be sufficient to meet the con
tinuous power demands of the load. This means that the energy stored during the ON time
of the power switch must have a high enough Ipk to satisfy equation (24):
Pload < Pout = f


L I pk

Figure 7. Waveforms for a discontinuous-mode boost converter.

Figure 8. Waveforms for a continuous-mode boost converter.


Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

Condition for continuous inductor current and capacitor voltage: Assuming that the inductor cur
rent rises linearly from I min to I pk in time ton .
ton =

V in


And the inductor currents falls linearly from I pk to I min in time toff .
toff =

V out - V in


The switching period T can be expressed as

T = ton + toff =

V in

V out - V in

I L V out

V in (V out - V in )


Which gives the peak-to-peak ripple current as

V in (V out - V in )

I =

fL V out

V in k


If I L is the average inductor current, the inductor ripple current I = 2I L . Using equations
(22) and (28), we get
V in k

= 2I L = 2I a =

2 V in
(1 - k ) R


Which gives the critical value of the inductor L c as

L c=

k (1 - k ) R


When the SW is on, the capacitor supplies the load current for t = ton . The average capacitor
current during time ton is I c = I out and peak-to-peak voltage of the capacitor is
V c = vc - vc (t = 0) =

I out ton
1 ton
1 ton
C 0 I c dt = C 0 I out dt = C


Substituting ton = (V out - V in ) / (V out f ) in (31) gives

Vc =

I out (V out - V in )
V out fC

I out k




Advances in Wind Power

If V c is the average capacitor voltage, the capacitor ripple voltage V c = 2V out . Using equa

tions (32), we get

I out k


= 2V out = 2I out R

Which gives the critical value of the capacitor Cc as

Cc = C =

2 fR


To the boost regulator's advantage, the input current is now continuous (although there will
be a ripple component depending on the value of the inductance L). Hence less input filter
ing is required, and the tendency for input filter instability is eliminated [18-20]. Buck-boost regulators
A buck-boost regulator provides an output voltage that may be less than or greater than the input
When SW is on, current will build up linearly in inductor L. Diode D is reverse-biased and
blocks under steady-state conditions. When SW turns off, the current in L will continue in
the same direction, and diode D is brought into conduction, transferring the inductor cur
rent into the output capacitor C and load. During the off period, the voltage across L is re
versed, and the current will decrease linearly toward its original value. The output voltage
depends on the supply voltage and duty cycle (ton / toff ), and this is adjusted to maintain the

required output. The current waveforms are the same as those for the boost regulator shown
in Figure 10. As previously, the forward and reverse volt-seconds on L must equate for
steady-state conditions, and to meet this volt-seconds equality
V in ton = V out toff V out = V in

Figure 9. Basic circuit of a buck-boost switching regulator

( )V


out =


V in


Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

Figure 10. The voltage and current waveforms for a buck-boost converter

Condition for continuous inductor current and capacitor voltage: Assuming that the inductor cur
rent rises linearly from I min to I pk in time ton .
ton =

V in


And the inductor currents falls linearly from I pk to I min in time toff .
toff =

-I L
V out

The switching period T can be expressed as




Advances in Wind Power

V in

T = ton + toff =

-I L
V out

I L (V out - V in )
V in V out


Which gives the peak-to-peak ripple current as

V in V out
fL (V out -V in )

I =

V in k


If I L is the average inductor current, the inductor ripple current I = 2I L . Using equations
(35) and (39), we get
V in k

= 2I L = 2I a =

2k V in
(1 - k ) R


Which gives the critical value of the inductor L c as

L c=

(1 - k ) R


When the SW is on, the capacitor supplies the load current for t = ton . The average capacitor
current during time ton is I c = I out and peak-to-peak voltage of the capacitor is
V c = vc - vc (t = 0) =

I out ton
1 ton
1 ton
C 0 I c dt = C 0 I out dt = C


Substituting ton = V out / (V out - V in ) f in (42) gives

Vc =

I out V out
(V out - V in ) fC

I out k


If V c is the average capacitor voltage, the capacitor ripple voltage V c = 2V out . Using equa
tions (43), we get
I out k

= 2V out = 2I out R


Which gives the critical value of the capacitor Cc as

Cc = C =

2 fR


Note that the output voltage is of reversed polarity but may be greater or less than V in , de
pending on the duty cycle. In the inverting regulator, both input and output currents are
discontinuous, and considerable filtering will be required on both input and output [18-21].

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems Cuk regulators

Similar to the buck-boost regulator, the cuk regulator provides an output voltage that is less
than or greater than input voltage, but the output voltage polarity is opposite to that of the
input voltage. Figure 11 shows the general arrangement of the power sections of a cuk regu
lator. The voltage and current waveforms for the cuk regulator are shown in Figure 12.

Figure 11. Basic circuit of a cuk switching regulator

Figure 12. The voltage and current waveforms for a cuk converter



Advances in Wind Power

An important advantage of this topology is a continuous current at both the input and the
output of the converter. Disadvantages of the cuk converter are a high number of reactive
components and high current stresses on the switch, the diode, and the capacitor C1. When
the switch is on, the diode is off and the capacitor C1 is discharged by the inductor L2 cur
rent. With the switch in the off state, the diode conducts currents of the inductors L1 and L2,
whereas capacitor C1 is charged by the inductor L1 current [18-21].
To obtain the dc voltage transfer function of the converter, we shall use the principle that the
average current through a capacitor is zero for steady-state operation. Let us assume that in
ductors L1 and L2 are large enough that their ripple current can be neglected. Capacitor C1
is in steady state if
I L 2kT = I L 1(1 - k )T


PS = V S I L 1 = -V O I L 2 = PO


For a lossless converter

From (46) and (47), the dc voltage transfer function of the cuk converter is
V out = The critical values of the inductor L



and L

V in



determined by

c1 =

(1 - k )2 R


c2 =

(1 - k ) R


And the critical values of the capacitor Cc1 and Cc2 determined by
Cc1 =

2 fR


Cc2 =

8 fR


3.1.3. Inverters
DC-to-ac converters are known as inverters. The function of inverter is to change a dc input
voltage to symmetric ac output voltage of desired magnitude and frequency. The output
voltage could be fixed or variable at a fixed or variable frequency. A variable output voltage
can be obtained by varying the input dc voltage and maintaining the gain of inverter con

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

stant. The output voltage waveforms of ideal inverters should be sinusoidal. However, the
waveforms of practical inverters are non-sinusoidal and contain certain harmonics [18, 22].
For sinusoidal ac outputs, the magnitude, frequency, and phase should be controllable. In
verters generally use PWM control signals for producing an ac output voltage. According to
the type of ac output waveform, these topologies can be considered as voltage source inver
ters (VSIs), where the independently controlled ac output is a voltage waveform. These
structures are the most widely used in small-scale wind power applications. Similarly, these
topologies can be found as current source inverters (CSIs), where the independently control
led ac output is a current waveform. These structures are not widely used in small-scale
wind power applications [18].
Inverters can be broadly classified into two types: single-phase inverters, and three-phase
inverters. Single-phase bridge inverters
A single-phase bridge voltage source inverter (VSI) is shown in Figure 13. It consists of four
switches. When S1 and S2 are turned on, the input voltage V d appears across the load. If S3
and S4 are turned on, the voltage across the load is -V d . Table 1 shows five switch states. If

these switches are off at the same time, the switch state is 0. The rms output voltage can be
found from
VO =

2 T 0/ 2 2
V d dt
T 0 0



Output voltage can be represented in Fourier series. The rms value of fundamental compo
nent as

vO =


4V d

Figure 13. Single-phase full bridge inverter


sin nt V 1 =

4V d

= 0.90V d




Advances in Wind Power

When diodes D1 and D2 conduct, The energy is fed back to the dc source; so, they are known
as feedback diodes. The instantaneous load current io for an RL load becomes

io =

n=1,3, n

4V d
R 2 + (nL )2

sin (nt - n )


Where n = tan-1 (nL / R ).

State No.

Output Voltage Level

State of (S1 , S2 , S3 , S4)

+V d

(1, 1 , 0 , 0)


(0, 0 , 1 , 1)

(1, 0 , 1 , 0)

(0, 1 , 0 , 1)

+V d

(0, 0 , 0 , 0)

Components Conducting
S1 and S2 if io > 0
D1 and D2 if io < 0
D3 and D4 if io > 0
S3 and S4 if io < 0
S1 and D3 if io > 0
D1 and S3 if io < 0
D4 and S2 if io > 0
S4 and D2 if io < 0
D4 and D3 if io > 0
D4 and D2 if io < 0

Table 1. Switches states for a single-phase full-bridge inverter.

To control of the output voltage of inverters is often necessary to compensate the var
iation of dc input voltage, regulate the output voltage of inverter, and to adjust the
output frequency to the desired value. There are various techniques to vary the inver
ter gain. The most operational method of controlling the gain and output voltage wave
form is sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM) technique. In SPWM approach, the
width of each pulse is varied in proportion to the amplitude of sine wave compared
at the center of the same pulse. The gating signals in this approach are shown in Fig
ure 14. The gating signals are generated by comparing a sinusoidal wave as reference
signal with triangular carrier wave of frequency f c . The frequency of reference signal
f r determines the output frequency f o of inverter, and the peak amplitude of it Ar
specifies the modulation index M. Comparing the bidirectional carrier signal vtri with
to sinusoidal reference signals vcontrol and -v control results gating signals g1 and g4. The

output voltage is vo = V d (g1 - g4). However, g1 and g4 can not be released at the same
time. The same gating signals can be generate by using unidirectional triangular carri
er wave as shown in Figure 15. This method is easy to implementation [18,22,23].

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

Figure 14. Bidirectional SPWM. Multi-level inverters

The voltage source inverters generate an output voltage levels either 0 or V d . They are
called two-level inverter. To obtain a quality output voltage or a current waveform with a
minimum amount of THD1, they require high-switching frequency and various pulse-width
modulation (PWM) techniques. However, Switching devices have some limitations in oper
ating at high frequency such as switching losses and device ratings [18].
1 Total Harmonic Distortion



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 15. Unidirectional SPWM.

The most significant advantages of multilevel converters in comparison with two-level in

verters are incorporating an output voltage waveform from several steps of voltage with sig
nificantly improved harmonic content, reduction of output


, electromagnetic interference,

filter inductance, etc [24]. The general structure of multilevel converter is to synthesize a
near sinusoidal voltage from several levels of dc voltages, typically obtained from capacitor
voltage sources [18]. With increasing of levels, the output waveform has more steps, which
produce a staircase wave that approaches a desired waveform. Also, as more steps are add
ed to the waveform, the total harmonic distortion (THD) of output wave decreases.
Multilevel converters can be classified into three general types which are diode-clamped
multilevel (DCM) converters, cascade multicell (CM) converters, and flying capacitor multi
cell (FCM) converters and its derivative, the SM converters [24]. Diode-clamped multilevel (DCM) converter
The n-level diode-clamped multilevel inverter (DCMLI) produces n-levels on the phase volt
age and consists of (n - 1) capacitors on the dc bus, 2(n - 1) switching devices and (n - 1)(n - 2)
clamping diodes. Figure 16 shows a 3-level diode-clamped converter. For a dc bus voltage
E, the voltage across each capacitor is
capacitor voltage level



, and each switching device stress is limited to one

through clamping diodes.

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

Figure 16. level diode-clamped converter.

To produce a staircase output voltage, for output voltage V out =

must be turned on. When
V out = -






, S1 and S2 power switches

power switches are turned on, the output voltage

appears across the load. For output voltage V out = 0, S1' and S2 power switches

must be turned on [18,23].

The significant advantages of DCM inverter can be expressed as follows:
When the number of levels is high enough, the harmonic content is low enough to avoid
need for filters.
Inverter efficiency is high because all devices are switched at the fundamental frequency.
The control method is simple.
The significant disadvantages of DCM inverter can be expressed as follows:
Excessive clamping diodes are required when the number of levels is high.
It is difficult to control the real power flow of the one converter in multi converter sys
tems [18,23].



Advances in Wind Power Cascade multilevel (CM) converter

A cascade multilevel inverter consists of series of H-bridge inverter units. The general oper
ation of this multilevel inverter is to synthesize a desired voltage from several separate dc
sources, which may be obtained from wind turbines, batteries, or other voltage sources. Fig
ure 17 shows the general structure of a cascade multilevel inverter with isolated dc voltage

Figure 17. The 2n+1 levels cascade multilevel inverter: (a) with separated dc voltage sources. (b) with one dc voltage
source and isolator transformers.

Each inverter can produce three different levels of voltage outputs, +E, 0, and E, by con
necting the dc source to the ac output side by different states of four switches, S1, S2, S 1, and
S 2. Table 1 shows five switch states for H-bridge inverter. The phase output voltage is ob
tain by the sum of inverter outputs. Hence, the CM inverter output voltage becomes

vout = vi


Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

where n is number of cells and vi is the output voltage of cell i.

If n is number of cells, the output phase voltage level is 2n + 1. Thus, a five-level CM inverter
needs 2 bridge inverters with separated dc voltage sources. Table 2 shows the switches
states for five-level CM inverter [18,23].
Output Voltage

State of (S1 , S2 , S3 , S4)

Number of


(1, 0 , 1 , 0)


(1, 0 , 1 , 1) , (1, 0 , 0 , 0) , (1, 1 , 1 , 0) , (0, 0 , 1 , 0)

(1, 1 , 1 , 1) , (1, 1 , 0 , 0) , (0, 0, 0, 0) , (0, 0 , 1 , 1)


(0 , 1 , 1 , 1) , (0, 1 , 0 , 0) , (1, 1 , 0 , 1) , (0, 0 , 0 , 1)


(0, 1 , 0 , 1)

Table 2. Switches states for a five-level CM inverter.

The significant advantages of the CM inverter can be expressed as follows:

Compared with the DCM and FCM inverters, it requires the minimum number of compo
nents to achieve the same number of voltage levels.
Soft-switching techniques can be used to reduce switching losses and device stresses.
The significant disadvantage of the CM inverter can be expressed as follows:
It needs separate dc voltage sources for real power conversions [18,23]. Flying capacitor multicell (FCM) converter
The FCM converters consist of ladder connection of cells while each cell in FCM is
made up of a flying capacitor and a pair of semiconductor switches with a complimen
tary state. The commutation between adjacent cells with their associated flying capaci
tors charged to the specific values generates different levels of chopped input voltage
at the output side of converter [24]. The voltage balancing of flying capacitors which
guarantees the safe operation of the converter is a important subject in these topolo
gies [23, 24]. The capacitors voltage balancing which is called self-balancing occurs if
phase-shifted carrier pulse-width modulation (PSC-PWM) technique is applied to the
converter control pattern [24]. Figure 18 and Figure 19 show the general structure of
a flying capacitor multilevel (FCM) inverter and the phase-shifted carrier pulse-width
modulation (PSC-PWM) technique for five-level FCM inverter, respectively.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 18. The n cells (n + 1 levels) FCM inverter.

Figure 19. The phase-shifted carrier pulse-width modulation (PSC-PWM) technique for five-level FCM inverter.

The significant advantages of the FCM inverter can be expressed as follows:

No need for isolation of dc links and transformerless operation capability.
No need for clamping diodes.
Availability of redundant states balance and inherent self-balancing property of the volt
age across flying capacitors.
Equal distribution of switching stress between power switches.
The significant disadvantages of the FCM inverter can be expressed as follows:
A large number of flying capacitors is required when the number of levels is high.
The inverter control can be very complicated [18,23,24].
Table 3 shows the switches states for five-level FCM inverter.

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

Voltage Level

State of (S4 , S3 , S2 , S1)

Number of


(1, 1 , 1 , 1)


(1, 1 , 1 , 0) , (1, 1 , 0 , 1) , (1, 0 , 1 , 1) , (0, 1 , 1 , 1)

(1, 1 , 0 , 0) , (1, 0 , 0 , 1) , (0, 0, 1, 1) , (0, 1 , 1 , 0)


(0, 0 , 0 , 1) , (0, 0 , 1 , 0) , (0, 1 , 0 , 0) , (1, 0 , 0 , 0)


(0, 0 , 0 , 0)

Table 3. Switches states for a five-level FCM inverter.

4. Small-scale wind energy conversion system

Small-scale wind conversion system may be integrated into loads or power systems with
full rated power electronic converters. The wind turbines with a full scale power converter
between the generator and load give the extra technical performance. Usually, a back-toback voltage source converter (VSC) is used in order to achieve full control of the active and
reactive power. But in this case, the control of whole system would be a difficult task. Since
the generator has been decoupled from electric load, it can be operated at wide range fre
quency (speed) condition and maximum power extract. Figure 20 shows two most used sol
utions with full-scale power converters. Both solutions have almost the same controllable
characteristics since the generator is decoupled from the load by a dc link [1,17].

Figure 20. Small-scale wind energy conversion system. (a)self-excited induction generator with gearbox. (b)direct cou
pled permanent magnet synchronous generator.



Advances in Wind Power

The configuration shown in Figure 20(a) is characterized by having a gearbox. The wind tur
bine system with a SEIG and full rated power electronic converters is shown in Figure 20(a).
Multipole systems with the permanent magnet synchronous generator without a gearbox is
shown in Figure 20(b).

Figure 21. a) output regulated voltage of DC/DC boost converter. (b) output AC voltage and current of DC/AC 4 levels
FCMC. (c) output AC voltage and current of DC/AC 5 levels FCMC [23].

The grid connected 1 KW small scale wind generation system has been modelled, designed
and implemented in renewable energy research center of sahand university of technology.
In this project the maximum power point tracking method has been used to control of varia

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

ble speed small scale wind turbine. Wind turbine consist of axial flux permanent magnet
synchronous generator (AFPMSG), rectifier, DC/DC boost chopper, maximum power point
tracking controller, inverter and load. Tracking system is embedded in boost chopper con
troller in order to regulate wind turbine shaft at optimum speed to extract maximum power
from wind. Two inverters such as: 4 and 5 levels flying capacitor multi-cell converter
(FCMC) have been implemented. The small scale wind generation system has been simulat
ed on MATLAB/Simulink platform. Simulation results clearly demonstrate that designed
small scale wind generation system can operate correctly under various wind speeds. The
regulated output DC voltage of DC/DC boost chopper has been converted to AC voltage
with 4 and 5 levels flying capacitor multi-cell converter (FCMC). The DC/DC boost chopper
and inverter include IGBT transistors, interfacing board, driver boards, voltage and current
sensors and ATMEGA16 microcontroller board. The phase shifted pulse width modulation
(PSPWM) and pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques have been implemented on mul
ticell inverters and DC/DC boost chopper respectively [23]. The experimental results of the 1
KW small scale wind generation system have been shown in Figure 21. Figure 21(a) shows
the output regulated voltage of DC/DC boost converter. Whereas, Figure 21(b) shows the
output AC voltage and current of DC/AC 4 levels FCMC, and Figure 21(b) shows the output
AC voltage and current of DC/AC 5 levels FCMC.

5. Conclusion
This chapter has reviewed different power electronic converters for small-scale wind turbine
systems. Various arrangements of small scale wind generators with different generators and
control systems are described. In compare with gearbox-connected wind generators, the
main advantages of directdrive wind generator systems are higher overall efficiency, relia
bility, and availability due to omitting the gearbox. Considering the improved performance
and reduced cost of PM materials over recent years, direct drive PMSG have gained more
attention in small scale wind generation systems. Different types of DC/DC converter for
small-scale wind turbine output voltage regulation are described.
Several topolgies of DC/AC inverter for DC/DC converter output voltage conversion are in
vestigated. The most significant advantages of multilevel converters in comparison with
two-level inverters are low harmonic contents, low output


and electromagnetic interfer

ence, and reduced size of filter inductance. Even though all types of multi-level converters
such as DCMC, CMC, and FCMC present major advantages for small-scale wind energy
conversion applications, but FCMCs have gained more attention in small-scale wind energy
conversion systems.
Two most used solutions with full-scale power converters are investigated. Since the
generator is decoupled from the load by a dc link, so both solutions have almost the
same controllable characteristics. The wind turbines with a full scale power converter
between the generator and load give the extra technical performance. The provided ex



Advances in Wind Power

perimental results verify the good performance and feasibility of the proposed fullscale power electronic converter.

Author details
Mostafa Abarzadeh1*, Hossein Madadi Kojabadi1 and Liuchen Chang2
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Renewable Energy Research Center, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran
2 Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of New Brunswick, NB,

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sion Systems In: Al-Bahadly I. (ed.) Wind Turbines: InTech; (2011). , 639-652.
[2] Yuan Lo K., Ming Chen Y., Ruei Chang Y. MPPT Battery Charger for Stand-Alone
Wind Power System. Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on. 2011;26(6) 1631 - 1638.
[3] Smith J., Thresher R., Zavadil R., DeMeo E., Piwko R., Ernst B., and Ackermann T. A
mighty wind. IEEE Power Energy Mag.2009;7(2) 41-51.
[4] Nayar C., Dehbonei H., Chang L. A Low Cost Power Electronic Interface for Small
Scale Wind Generators in Single Phase Distributed Power Generation System: confer
ence proceedings, December 14-17, 2008, The University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tas
mania, Australia: AUPEC; 2005.
[5] Pathmanathan, M., Tang, C., Soong, W. L., & Ertugrul, N. Comparison of Power
Converters for Small-Scale Wind Turbine Operation: conference proceedings, Sep
tember 25-28, (2005). Sydney,Australia: AUPEC; 2008.
[6] American Wind Energy Association Annual Wind Industry Report (year end
ing(2008). AWEA.
[7] Borowy B. S., Salameh Z. M., Dynamic response of a stand-alone wind energy con
version system with battery energy storage to a wind gust, IEEE Trans. Energy
Convers. 1997;12(1) 7378.
[8] Billinton R., Bagen, Cui Y., Reliability evaluation of small standalone wind energy
conversion systems using a time series simulation model. IEE Proc.-Generat. Trans
miss. Distrib. (2003). , 150(1), 96-100.

Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems

[9] Bagen, Billinton R., Evaluation of different operating strategies in small stand-alone
power systems.IEEE Trans. Energy Convers. (2005). , 20(3), 654-660.
[10] Singh, B., & Kasal, G. K. Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems.
IEEE Trans. Power Electron. (2008). , 23(3), 1170-1177.
[11] Chen, Z., & Spooner, E. Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems. IEE
Proc. Electr. Power Appl. (1998). , 145(4), 273-283.
[12] Chen, Z., & Spooner, E. Grid Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Sys
tems. bines. IEEE Trans. Energy Convers.(2001). , 16(2), 148-154.
[13] Probst, O., Martinez, J., Elizondo, J., & Monroy, O. Small Wind Turbine Technology
In: Al-Bahadly I. (ed.) Wind Turbines: InTech; (2011). , 107-136.
[14] Muljadi, E., Forsyth, T., & Butterfield, C. P. Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind
Turbine Systems. conference proceedings: April May 1,(1998). Windpower 98 Ba
kersfield, CA., 27.
[15] Muljadi, E., Pierce, K., & Migliore, P. (2000). Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind
Turbine Systems. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 85(3),
[16] Bialasiewicz J.T.Furling control for small wind turbine power regulation: conference
proceedings, (9-11 June 2003). Industrial Electronics, 2003. ISIE 03. 2003 IEEE Inter
national Symposium on., 9-11.
[17] Blaabjerg, F., Liserre, M., & , K. Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Sys
tems. ine Systems. Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on. (2012). , 48(2), 708-719.
[18] Rashid M.H. Power Electronics, circuits, devices and applications, third edition.Pren
tice-Hall; (2007).
[19] Keith, H., & Billings, . Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems.
McGraw-Hill; (1999).
[20] Marty Brown. Power Supply Cookbook, second edition.Butterworth-Heinemann;
[21] Czarkowski D. DC-DC Converters In: Rashid M.H. (ed.) Power Electronics Hand
book: ACADEMIC PRESS; 2001. P211-223.
[22] Espinoza J.R. Inverters In: Rashid M.H. (ed.) Power Electronics Handbook: ACA
DEMIC PRESS;. (2001). 225-267.
[23] Abarzadeh, M., Modelling, Design., Implementation, of., Grid, Connected., Small,
Scale., Wind, Generation., & System, . Msc thesis. Sahand University of Tech; (2011).
[24] Dargahi, V., Khoshkbar, Sadigh. A., Abarzadeh, M., Alizadeh, Pahlavani. M. R., &
Shoulaie, A. Power Electronics in Small Scale Wind Turbine Systems. Power Elec
tronics, IEEE Transactions on. (2012). , 27(9), 3875-3887.


Chapter 14

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the

Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements
Samer El Itani and Gza Jos
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
1.1. Grid interconnection requirements
Reliable power system operation requires the continuous, instantaneous balance of supply
and demand. Traditionally, power system planners have been familiar with a limited, wellunderstood amount of variability and uncertainty in demand and conventional generation.
The large-scale integration of variable generation, such as wind power, gives rise to new
challenges, requiring grid planners and operators to modify their traditional activities to
maintain a secure, reliable operation of the power system.
1.1.1. Proliferation of wind power
For more than a decade now, wind power has been driving the change in electric grids
worldwide. Currently, wind energy serves 22% of the load energy in Denmark, 17% in Por
tugal, 16% in Spain, 10.5% in Ireland and 9% in Germany. Also, with 86 GW of installed
wind capacity in Europe, 42 GW in China, and 40 GW in the United States, it is fair to say
that wind power has come to stay.
Each year wind power is increasing its share of the global electricity production, Figure 1.
As penetration levels increase to the extent that conventional generators are displaced,
is there a technical limit on the manageable wind penetration level?
what are the technical characteristics hindering the integration of wind power?
what are the needed reforms in technical design or operational trends of the grid to allow
further accommodation of wind power?

2012 El Itani and Jos; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advances in Wind Power

Figure 1. Global cumulative installed wind capacity, 1996-2011 [1].

In this chapter, we attempt at answering these questions to shed light on the main integra
tion challenges that wind power is facing and the opportunities that lie within.
1.1.2. Grid integration challenges & opportunities
The grid impact of the connection of a wind power plant depends on several factors. These
include the technology of the turbines, the plant collector system, the required interconnec
tion features/capabilities, and the windgrid penetration level.
Due to its intermittent nature, wind power blurs the distinction between dispatchable gener
ation resources and variable system load. Since the fuel source of wind plants is uncontrolla
ble and depends on meteorology, it must be dealt with operationally through mechanisms
other than the traditional dispatch or commitment instructions. The challenging characteris
tics of wind power itself can be summarized in the following four elements [2]:
Variability: The output of wind generation changes in time frames that range from sec
onds to hours
Uncertainty: The magnitude and timing of variable generation output is less predictable
than it is for conventional generation
Location: Wind farms are often located in relatively unpopulated, remote regions that re
quire long transmission lines to deliver the power to load centers
New technologies: New technologies are often needed for wind turbines (e.g., doubly fed
induction generators), requiring special assessment of their voltage and frequency regula
tion capabilities, harmonic emissions, contribution to sub-synchronous resonances, and
protection coordination.
The nature of wind power, however, is not the only source of challenge. Some power systems
attempting at wind integration are already weak, have limited dispatch flexibility and balanc
ing capabilities, or suffer shortage in transmission infrastructure. In some systems, the gap be
tween peak and valley loads is already big and the ramping capabilities are already exhausted,

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements

leading to a tight load-following capability (e.g. China). The situation is exacerbated by wind
integration because the wind power peaks typically occur at load off-peak [3].
In order to tackle these technical challenges while responding to the pressure to accommo
date wind power, power system planners and operators have to alter their traditional plan
ning methods and operational practices. The dominant philosophy is that wind power
plants should have all the technical capabilities needed to contribute to the secure operation
of the power system in the same manner as conventional generators do. Thus new grid co
des are written, often with supplementary provisions for wind power plants. This is dis
cussed in detail in the following sections.
1.1.3. Grid code development
In the rush of promoting wind energy, little attention was paid to grid interconnection is
sues in many countries. There were no requirements for wind farms to regulate voltage, ride
through grid disturbances, or support the system frequency. Even in regions were intercon
nection requirements for wind farms where relatively advanced (e.g. Denmark or Germa
ny), the provisions were moderate, reflecting the low wind penetration levels and the
technology limitations at the time. At several occasions, these wind farms produced unac
ceptable voltage fluctuations during normal operation and caused major loss-of-generation
events in response to otherwise minor system disturbances [5].
Through extensive experience with interconnection studies, power system operators and
planners became increasingly familiar with the concept of a wind power plant; its perform
ance characteristics, capabilities, and limitations. Grid codes were updated, requesting that
wind plants exhibit similar operational features as conventional synchronous generators
and abide by the same minimum performance criteria. The object of these provisions is to
maintain the same level of operational security and reliability while minimizing curtailment
of wind power. The main requirements relate to fault ride-through, reactive power and volt
age control, dynamic behavior, active power and frequency control, and power quality.
These requirements are met (either at the level of the wind turbine or the wind plant)
through supplementary control loops that are triggered when specific events occur, such as
contingencies resulting from grid faults, instabilities or loss of generation. These topics are
treated in detail later in this chapter. Other generation controls not yet required from wind
power plants include power system stabilizers (PSS), frequency regulation, and automatic
generation control. These controls may in the future be incorporated into the core function
or provided as ancillary services.
The technical requirements and performance specifications laid out in grid codes relate to
the Point of Interconnection (POI), which is the border of responsibility between the net
work operator and the wind plant owner. As an example, Figure 2 and Table 1 describe the
points of application of the technical rules of the grid operator in the Canadian province of
Alberta (AESO). Similarly, Figure 3 shows the points of measurement for voltage ridethrough and reactive power requirements according to the grid operator in the Canadian
province of British Columbia.



Advances in Wind Power



< 690v



Point of


25 - 35 kV

69 - 240kV




External Voltage
Regulation / Reactive
Power System


Figure 2. Wind power facility diagram AESO [7].

Collector Bus

Performance Point

Maximum authorized MW

Gross MW

MW & ramp rate limiting

Over-frequency control


Off-nominal frequency

Reactive power requirements

Voltage regulation

Voltage operating range

Voltage ride-through
Real-time monitoring
Meteorological signals
Table 1. Points of measurement of performance criteria AESO [7].




Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements

Figure 3. Wind power facility diagram BC Hydro [24]. WGF: Wind generation facility.

For offshore wind power plants, there are two possibilities for the POI depending on how the
grid connection is embedded in the regulatory framework. In some countries (e.g. Germany), the
local utility is responsible for extending its transmission network offshore to enable the connec
tion. In this case, the POI is at the offshore substation of the wind plant so all the offshore trans
mission assets are in the scope of responsibility of the network operator. In other countries (e.g.
USA), the wind plant developer is responsible for grid connection up to the onshore POI, thus
the submarine cables are within the wind power plant in this case [8].
It is challenging to design a wind plant, consisting of many turbines distributed over a large
geographical area, so that it behaves like a conventional power plant as seen by the system
at the POI. In the following sections, we discuss the different grid code requirements, design
considerations, and industry implementations with reference to provisions from several Eu
ropean and North American grid codes. Emphasis is placed on the more sophisticated codes
that come from countries and regions with high wind penetration levels. For each required
control function, solutions are cited from the industry and reserach community.
1.1.4. Power coordination & energy storage
In addition to requiring a behavior similar to conventional generators from wind power
plants, grid operators are looking into energy storage and coordinated generation as intelli
gent solutions to facilitate the connection of wind power. The power coming from conven
tional generation can be coordinated with the intermittent power from the wind to reduce
the minute-to-minute variations. This has been employed in Portugal on multiple occasions
where this solution was found technically viable and cost-effective [4]. A recent study per
formed in Ireland concluded that pumped hydro storage becomes economically attractive at
an average annual wind power penetration of approximately 50% [14].



Advances in Wind Power

Short-term energy storage facilities (flywheels and batteries) are also gaining momentum in
providing ancillary services to assist in power system stabilization and controlled islanding.
In one example in the USA [13], a multi-MW battery energy storage system (BESS) was add
ed in the grid to allow a large network to operate as a self-powered island in the event of
transmission feeder loss. The BESS served radially fed distribution feeder loads for several
hours during a permanent fault that was experienced on the grid. The BESS was also em
ployed for peak shaving, thus helping defer costly transmission and substation transformer
upgrades. In another example [14], a 21 MW wind power plant in Hawaii is was designed to
utilize a 4 MW BESS to help regulate the variability of the plants output, thus enhanced the
stability of the local grid.
1.2. Steady-state tolerance ranges
1.2.1. Frequency & voltage operation ranges
Wind power plants are required to ride through prolonged frequency excursions without dis
connection. This is typically defined through tolerance curves and extended time ranges around
the nominal operating point of the power system. When the deviations are large, a reduction of
the output power or operation for a limited period may be allowed. For example, Figure 4 shows
the frequency tolerance curve of the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC)1 and that
of Hydro-Qubec Transnergie (HQTE), the system operator in Qubec.

Figure 4. Required settings of under-frequency protection (log scale) NPCC [18].

1 NPCC is responsible for the reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America, governing the grids of
several American and Canadian provinces.

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements

The stability of the electric grid can be disturbed if a wind plant is disconnected as a conse
quence of a failure due to a voltage perturbation. Thus, a wind plant must be able to run at
rated voltage plus an extended voltage range. In Europe, the required voltage and frequency
tolerance ranges are often specified simultaneously. For example, the Nordic code2 [19] de
mands from wind plants to operate in the voltage-frequency regions described in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Voltage / frequency regions for wind power plants Nordic code [20].

Figure 6 shows the different operation regions as specified by one of the German system op

Figure 6. Voltage/frequency tolerance regions of one German system operator. Green: onshore wind plants, Green &
blue: offshore wind plants [16], [17].

2 Until the publication of the ENTSO-E grid code in Fall 2013 [12]-[13], the Nordic code governs the operation of the
transmission systems of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden .



Advances in Wind Power

In offshore and isolated power systems with weak interconnections, the frequency limits
tend to be wider to ensure that wind plants (and other forms of generation) can continue to
deliver their power and grid support functionalities. This is evident in the blue section of
Figure 6, which shows that offshore wind plants are asked to stay connected between 46.5
Hz to 53.5 Hz ( 7%) for up to 10 sec. In Ireland, where the grid is infamous for its wide
frequency excursions, wind plants are required to remain connected for frequency devia
tions down to 47.0 Hz and during a rate of change of frequency up to 0.5 Hz/sec. These are
the most extreme frequency limits specified for 50Hz grids.
1.3. Active power control
Wind power plants are required to have an active power control system capable of receiving
set-point commands from the grid operator to limit active power and ramp rate. This is typi
cally achieved through pitch angle control and/or by disconnecting some wind turbines.
1.3.1. Set-point curtailment
During periods of transmission congestion or extremely low system loads, constraining con
ditions can result in deflated (or even negative) market prices, especially in regions with so
phisticated wholesale electricity markets. One technique to address the lack of available
transmission, or the excess of wind power at any given time, is to curtail wind plants to low
er output levels during periods when it is less economic to keep them producing at full ca
To accomplish this, several system operators have integrated wind energy into their securi
ty-constrained economic dispatch (SCED). Within the available power from the wind, the
output power can be regulated to a specific MW value or a percentage of the available pow
er. A fast, robust response of the active power control is important during normal operation
to avoid frequency excursions and during transient fault situations to guarantee transient
and voltage stability.
In one example, AESO specifies that wind plants must be able to limit their active power to
real-time MW set-points with an average resolution of 1 MW and accuracy of 2% of rated
power on a 1-minute average. It is also specified that wind gusts should not lead to exceed
ing the active power limit by more than 5% of rated power [18]. One of the German codes
requires wind plants to be capable of operating at a reduced power output without exceed
ing 1% change of rated power per minute across the entire range between minimum and rat
ed power [15]. The Irish code requires wind plants to commence the implementation of any
set point within 10 sec of receipt of the signal [26].
1.3.2. Ramp rate limits
Requirements for active power control include the limitation of the ramp rate (rate of
change) of active power. Ramp rates are possible for power increase, but operation with a
power reserve is necessary in output power decrease, which necessitates sub-optimal eco
nomic operation.

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements

For example, wind plants in Qubec are required to be able to ramp up rate and down be
tween 0 MW and rated power in an adjustable 2 to 60 second interval [23]. In Alberta, AESO
specifies that wind plants must be capable of maintaining their ramp up between 5 and 20
%/min of the rated power, taking into account all losses in cables and transformers [19]. The
Irish code requirespower curtailment capability with a ramp rate defined project-specifically
in the range 1 30 MW/min [26]. The Nordic code [20] requires the ability to regulate active
power up or down from 100% to 20% of rated power in less than 5 seconds.
1.4. Frequency control
System events that include load-generation mismatches often result in transient fluctuations
of the system frequency. This can be caused by mechanical failures of generators, sudden
load changes, or line losses in the transmission system. The rate and depth of frequency de
cline and the time for frequency to return to its target value are all critical bulk power sys
tem performance metrics that are affected by the dynamics of the generation mix.
1.4.1. Inertial response
With the increasing penetration of inverter-based generation technologies, such as modern
wind plants, the primary frequency response of several North American and European
grids has been declining for years. The concern is most pronounced during simultaneous
light load and high wind, where economics dictates that fewer synchronous generators will
be operating, and the overall grid inertia will consequently be reduced.
This was confirmed by a study performed in late 2010 by the Lawrence Berkeley National
Lab and sponsored by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in USA. The ob
jective of the study was to examine the status of the American grids with respect to frequen
cy regulation capabilities [38]. Among other results, the study concluded that:
frequency-insensitive wind generation does have an impact on the minimum frequency
observed following a loss of major generation
This influence is not the sole cause for the deteriorated primary frequency response. Oth
er causes include the low quality of the frequency response provided by the conventional
The performance of demand-based primary frequency response reserves was superior to
that of conventional governor-controlled generators in arresting the frequency decline
due to significant loss of generation.
It was thus concluded that the approach for maintaining adequate frequency responsive re
serves should not involve only new requirements for wind generation, but also innovative
solutions on the demand side and improvements in the frequency response of the existing
conventional generation.
In another case, the integration of wind energy in Qubec has triggered an added need for
frequency support in order to avoid reaching the low-shedding thresholds under critical



Advances in Wind Power

generation loss scenarios. The power system of Qubec is connected to its neighboring sys
tems asynchronously, thus it is responsible for its own frequency regulation as an independ
ent region of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). With the current
inertia of Qubecs system, large post-contingency frequency excursions up to 1.5 Hz for
extended periods can potentially occur. In a recent study [30], HQTE concluded that if
2000MW of hydro generation is replaced by wind turbine generators without inertial re
sponse, the frequency nadir will deteriorate by about 0.2 Hz within the first 10 seconds. As a
result, HQTE requires wind plants to be equipped with an inertia emulation system to sup
port system frequency following a major frequency event [23]:
The system should respond to major frequency deviations only
The performance should be at least as much as that of a conventional synchronous gener
ator whose inertia constant (H) equals 3.5 sec.
The requirement can be satisfied if the active power is increased rapidly by 5% for about 10
sec following a major frequency deviation. A similar provision is stipulated by the Inde
pendent Electric System Operator (IESO) of Ontario.
Similar investigations are carried out in Europe. A study by the Irish grid operator forecasts
deficiencies in system performance in terms of frequency and voltage control due to the in
creasing share of non-synchronous generation by 2020 [27]. The analysis concluded that:
The projected levels of synchronous inertia available in 2020 will be less than the amount
needed to meet the statutory system requirements
At high instantaneous non-synchronous generation, there is a risk of excessive activation
of Rate of Change of Frequency (RoCoF) protection relays that shut down wind turbines
under certain scenarios.
The solutions that involve the replacement of the RoCoF relays on the distribution networks
with alternative protection schemes or increasing the RoCoF thresholds. New commercial
mechanisms and financial models are also being studied to allow for advanced ancillary
In the UK, the system operator performed a technical assessment of the available options for
the management of frequency response with the integration of wind power [22]. The recom
mendations called for:
A faster frequency response capability in the first 5 seconds following a load-generation
A closer examination of the sensitivity of the frequency response with respect to the
ramping capability of the existing generation
A clearer rephrasing of the grid code provisions addressing frequency control
A reexamination of the existing RoCoF settings.
In recognition of the grids need for frequency response, wind turbine manufacturers
have developed control functions that temporarily increase power output when frequen

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements

cy declines by withdrawing energy from the rotating inertia of the turbine. [39]-[46] con
tain descriptions of several implementations sought in the industry (and in research) with
and without auxiliary storage. [47] provides a comprehensive summary and comparison
of the different implementations to date. A common aspect among all these implementa
tions, irrespective of the wind turbine generator (WTG) topology or electric concept, is
that the amount of power boost is not constant but rather a function of the wind condi
tion. This is because all modern WTGs are variable-speed machines that regulate their ro
tational speed to optimize power capture from the wind. Another feature is the recovery
period that follows the power boost when the WTG is operating at below-rated condi
tions. During the recovery period, the WTG withdraws active power from the grid to re
cover its pre-event rotational speed. The design considerations for inertial response
emulation include: (a) the optimal amount of power that can be drawn from the rotating
masses; (b) the duration of the momentary injection; and (c) the duration of the speed and
energy recovery phase.
A long-term overproduction is more challenging for WTGs. Since they are designed to cap
ture the maximum amount of power from the wind at any given moment, it is not possible
to maintain an increase in the output power. Leaving headroom to increase production
would necessitate spilling wind energy when wind speeds are below the turbines rating,
thereby incurring an economic penalty due to reduced annual production levels. The utiliza
tion of such a capability therefore comes down to economics, i.e., the value of primary fre
quency response relative to the value of the wind energy. This technical option is discussed
in the following section in the context of the British frequency control requirements.
1.4.2. Primary reserve for under-frequency
The British grid code contains the most advanced (and complex) frequency control require
ments to date. Several operation modes are asked from wind plants whose installed capacity
is beyond 50 MW depending on the actual value of the system frequency relative to the sys
tem Target Frequency (50 0.1 Hz.
The system operator will send to the wind plant a signal with the Target Frequency and an
instruction of whether to operate in the Frequency Sensitive Mode (FSM) or Limited Fre
quency Sensitive Mode (LFSM). If FSM is specified, the control system has to automatically
regulate the active power output as a function of the deviation of the actual frequency from
the target frequency, in a direction assisting in the recovery to the target frequency.
When the system operator expects an under-frequency situation, the wind plant is curtailed
prior to the frequency drop via a separate command from the system operator. When the
frequency drops below the target frequency, the wind plant must exhibit a Primary (P) and
Secondary (S) response as defined in Figure 7. The new active power set point can be ob
tained from Figure 7 for a 0.5 Hz deviation. For smaller deviations, the response should be
at least proportional to the requirement specified for the 0.5 Hz deviation [21].



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 7. a) Minimum frequency response requirement for 0.5Hz frequency change from target frequency. (b) Inter
pretation of Primary (P), Secondary (S), and High-Frequency response values [21].

If the LFSM operation mode is specified by the system operator, only an over-frequency re
sponse is required. The active power control system must withhold the output for frequen
cies in the range between the target frequency and 50.4 Hz. Beyond 50.4 Hz, it must be
reduced at a rate of at least 2% of actual active power per 0.1 Hz. The response should last
until the frequency drops again below 50.4 Hz, with as much as possible delivered within
the first 10 sec from the rise [21].
1.4.3. Over-frequency response
Wind plants are commonly asked to limit their active power as a function of the system fre
quency in over-frequency situations. For example, wind plants in the Canadian province of
Alberta are required to have an over-frequency control system that:
continuously monitors the grid frequency at a sample rate of 30/sec and a resolution of at
least 4 mHz
automatically controls the active power in a manner proportional to the frequency in
crease by a factor of 33% per Hz of actual active power output
responds at a rate of 5%/second of the actual active power output
has control priority over the other power limiting control functions like ramp rate limita
tions and curtailment set-point, and must reduce the active power output for an over-fre
quency condition even when these requirements are in effect

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements

has no intentional time delay, but may have a deadband of up to 36 mHz.

In Ireland, whose grid is known for its notorious frequency profile due to weak interconnec
tion with the neighboring systems, the grid code demands from wind plants to control ac
tive power as close to real-time as possible according to the response curve described in
Figure 8. The rate of response should be 1% of rated power per second for each online WTG
[26]. Similar requirements exist in other European grid codes.

Figure 8. Power-frequency response curve - Irish code [26]. WFPS: Wind farm power station.

1.5. Reactive power & voltage regulation

Voltage regulation in a power system is directly related to the flow of reactive power and is
dependent on the short circuit capacity and impedance of the network. Large and quick var
iations of wind output can cause transient disturbances of the system voltage and tie line
flows, both of which can lead to voltage stability issues especially in congested transmission
corridors [2].
Conventional generation facilities have traditionally provided reactive power to support
system voltage. These facilities have synchronous machines capable of operating in power
factor ranges of +/-0.90 or +/-0.95. Voltage regulators on their excitation systems provide the
primary voltage control function [6]. Older wind plants have been interconnected without
these capabilities; occasionally leading to problems such as depressed voltages, excessive
voltage fluctuation, and inability to deliver full power [6].
1.5.1. Steady-state reactive power range
In addition to the capability of operating within an extended voltage bandwidth around
unity, modern wind plants are required to offer advanced reactive power and voltage con
trol capabilities. The supplied reactive power should compensate for the reactive power loss
and line charging inside the wind plant and up to the POI. It is often also required to regu



Advances in Wind Power

late the POI voltage using dynamic reactive power in-feed, either automatically or in re
sponse to real-time instructions from the operator.
According to the British grid code, wind power plants must be capable of operating continu
ously at any point in the ranges illustrated in Figure 9. They must also be capable of continu
ous operation between a power factor of 0.95 lag and 0.95 lead when supplying rated MW.

Figure 9. Minimum requirements for reactive power range - British code [21].

Figure 10 shows the reactive power and power factor ranges specified in the Irish code [26].

Figure 10. Requirements for reactive power capability of wind plants - Irish code [26].

Figure 11 shows the required static and dynamic reactive power ranges in the Canadian
province of Alberta [19]. The requirement applies at the low-voltage side of the transmission
step-up transformer. The dynamic capability is defined as the short-term reactive power re
sponse in a period of up to 1 second.
A supervisory control is normally present within a wind plant translating the reactive pow
er or voltage demands at the connection point to operational set points for the individual
WTGs. In some implementations, identical set points are dispatched to all turbines to keep

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements

the design of the controller simple. In others, the set point is optimized for each individual
turbine [6].

Figure 11. Requirements for reactive power capability of wind plants - AESO code [19].

Power flow calculations are performed to assess if the reactive power capabilities of the
WTGs are enough to comply with the steady-state requirements. Although the collector sys
tem design work may be considered a separate activity, some iteration will usually be re
quired. Transformers equipped with on-load tap changers are another system component
that affects the voltage profile and reactive power flows. The speed of response of the tap
changer, the size of the first step and those of subsequent steps are all relevant parameters
that need to be optimized for a cost-efficient, grid code compliant wind plant-level control
Reactive power compensation equipment, such as static var compensators (SVCs) and static
compensators (STATCOMs), may also help compliance with grid codes when there is little
wind, or when the requirement is beyond the capability range of the WTGs. In offshore
wind plants with lengthy submarine ac cables, high charging currents necessitate the injec
tion of a large amount of apparent power. This greatly reduces the reactive power supply



Advances in Wind Power

and absorption margin at the on-shore POI under different operating conditions. Therefore,
reactive power compensation elements are often needed in these cases at the high-voltage
1.5.2. Voltage regulation & dynamic response
Although the main focus is on the quasi-steady-state behavior of the wind plant, system op
erators also impose certain dynamic performance criteria. In general, there are three com
mon reactive power control modes for wind plants:

Fixed reactive power mode, in which a set point reactive power flow is maintained as
specified by the system operator


Fixed power factor mode, in which the ratio between active and reactive power is main
tained. This mode is common for small wind plants or those connected to the distribu
tion system and operated as distributed generation (DG)


Voltage control mode, in which the wind plant contributes reactive power to regulate
the voltage magnitude at the connection point.

Voltage control is gaining more and more popularity, especially for large wind plants. For
instance, wind plants in the UK connected to a line rated 33kV or above are required to con
tribute to voltage control with a predefined reactive powervoltage droop characteristic, as
shown in Figure 12. If a sudden voltage change occurs in the grid, the wind plant is required
to start reacting no later than 200 ms after the change and should provide at least 90% of the
required reactive power within 1 second. After 2 seconds from the event, the oscillations in
the reactive power output may be no larger than 5% of the target value.

Figure 12. Voltage-reactive power envelope for voltage levels >33kV - British code [21].

The code of the Canadian province of Alberta requires from wind plants to have a continu
ously acting, closed-loop control voltage regulation system capable of responding to any

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements

voltage set-point sent by the system operator between 95% and 105% of rated voltage. The
system must also be able to regulate voltage according to an adjustable droop from 0 to 10%.
The dynamic response must be such that a change in reactive power will achieve 95% of its
final value no sooner than 0.1 second and no later than 1 second following a step change in
voltage [18]. Specific dynamic criteria such as these are becoming more common together
with the droop characteristics and steady-state specifications.
1.6. Voltage disturbance requirements
Unsurprisingly, special emphasis is placed in grid codes on the ability of wind plants to sur
vive grid faults and contribute to supporting the grid during and after such events.
1.6.1. Fault ride-through
Although fault ride-through (FRT) profiles for WTGs were introduced more than 15 years
ago, the discussions on how they should be established, interpreted and applied in practice
are still hot. Early FRT requirements were mere adaptations from those of conventional gen
erators and consisted of specifications of minimum connection durations as a function of
voltage drop/rise magnitude. Contemporary provisions evolved to different levels of com
plexity and degrees of flexibility.
Figure 13 shows the FRT requirements in Qubec [23]. Wind power plantss are also required
to remain in service up to 0.15 seconds for double-phase-to-ground faults and 0.30 seconds
for single-phase-to-ground faults.

Figure 13. FRT capability required from wind plants - HQTE code [23]; 1 Positive-sequence voltage on HV side of
switchyard; 2 Up to hours, depending on time needed to bring grid voltage back to steady-state range; 3 Temporary
blocking is allowed beyond 1.25p.u. but normal operation must resume once voltage drops back below 1.25p.u.

Figure 14 shows the FRT curve of one for the German codes [16]. Wind power plants must
remain connected without instability above limit line 1 for all symmetrical or unsymmetrical
voltage dips. Voltage drops within the area between limit lines 1 and 2 should not lead to
disconnection, but short-time disconnection is allowed case of WTG instability. Disconnec
tion is allowed below limit line 2.



Advances in Wind Power

Figure 14. Low-voltage ride-through requirements for wind plants - German code [16].

The Australian grid code stipulates that wind plants must be capable of continuous uninter
rupted operation in voltage transients caused by high speed auto-reclosing of transmission
lines, irrespective of whether or not a fault is cleared during a reclosing sequence. Thus the
wind power plant must be capable of riding through multiple faults as shown in Figure 15,
which might be difficult for some FRT implementations due to excess stress on the drivetrain of the WTG.

Figure 15. Low-voltage ride-through capability during auto-reclose operation - Western Power [27].

1.6.2. In-fault and post-fault requirements

In addition to remaining connected through the fault, some FRT provisions contain specifi
cations for reactive current in-feed during the fault as well as precise criteria for active pow
er recovery once the fault is cleared.
One German code [16] requires wind plants to support the grid voltage with additional re
active current in proportion to the voltage deviation, as shown in Figure 16. The in-feed
must start within 20 msec of the occurrence of the voltage dip and must be maintained for a

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements

further 500 milliseconds after the voltage returns to the 10% voltage dead band. Resynchro
nization must take place within up to 2 sec and active power must increase with a rate not
less than 10% of rated power after fault clearance.

Figure 16. Required voltage support during disturbances in onshore wind plants - German codes [16].

Grid codes of UK and Ireland code [21] requires offshore wind power plants to provide ac
tive power output during voltage dips at least in proportion to the retained balanced voltage
[26]. The Spanish code [25] has requirements for both active and reactive power consump
tion during a fault. Wind plants are not allowed to absorb active power during a balanced 3phase fault or during the voltage recovery period after clearance. Absorption of active and
reactive power is accepted for 150 msec interval after the beginning of the fault and 150
msec after clearance, as shown in Figure 17 (a). During the rest of the fault time, active pow
er consumptions must be limited to 10% of the plant rated power. Within the 150 msec, the
reactive power injection should be controlled as shown in Figure 17 (b).
Implementing the low-voltage ride-through in WTGs implies a proper management of the
power being converted by the machine in the absence of the load or power sink provided by
the grid [33]. This power needs to be curtailed, dissipated or stored, to avoid generator overspeeding. A number of technical possibilities are available: (a) acting on the blade capture
rate by changing, for example, the blade angles, thus reducing the amount of wind power
captured; (b) acting on the generator so that it no longer produces power and that the power
does not flow from the stator into the grid; (c) dissipating the power produced by the gener
ator, by means of resistances on the dc bus or using storage devices (seldom implemented).
A combination of these solutions can be used concurrently.



Advances in Wind Power



Figure 17. Active power under balanced 3-phase faults - Spanish code [24].

1.7. Harmonic emissions of wind power plants

The influence of a wind power plant on the current/voltage harmonic distortion should be
considered in the design process since all system operators have maximum allowed emis
sion levels for single order and total harmonic distortion at the connection point. The three
sources contributing to the harmonic levels in a wind power plant are [8]:

the wind turbine generators


the dynamic reactive power compensation equipment (if any)


the collector system feeders, and


the electric grid itself

The contribution of each of these four sources to the total harmonic voltage distortion can be
determined separately but should not be added arithmetically because they are not in phase.
Therefore, summation laws, such as those of the IEC 61400-21 standard, can be applied for a
more realistic account for angular differences and randomness of the harmonics.
Reactive power compensation elements will also affect the harmonic performance. SVCs
and STATCOMs inject harmonics into the grid just as the wind turbines do. The collector
system cables can also act as amplifiers for the harmonic emissions, especially in offshore
wind power plants. The long ac submarine cables have frequency characteristics that could
trigger critical resonances with the power system at relatively low frequencies.
Adequate modeling of the grid impedance as seen from the wind plant is also very impor
tant to quantify the grids contribution to the harmonic emissions. The grids impedance is
not static; its rather a function of the switching state and loading level in the grid. The dom
inant approach is to obtain (through simulation) the network impedance for a wind range of
system states and plot them as a set of impedance loci in the complex impedance (RX)
plane. An example of this plot is given in Figure 18. For each harmonic frequency corre
sponds an RX plane, where the points p 1 through p 4 are usually fixed whereas Z max is dif
ferent for each harmonic order.

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements

Figure 18. Typical impedance plane as provided by network operators.

The wind plants contribution to the harmonic voltage distortion at the POI has to be deter
mined by assuming the worst-case network impedance in terms of resonances, which is gen
erally different from the value resulting in the highest wind turbine contribution. If the
harmonic performance analysis indicates that emission limits are likely to be exceeded, miti
gation measures must be carried out. In order to mitigate the problem at the WTG level,
some vendors equip their turbines with specific control schemes whose objective is to dis
place the phase angle between turbines to minimize the distortion at the connection point.
At the wind plant level, one or more filters can typically be added to the design to diminish
the emission at the most critical harmonic frequencies.
1.8. Other interconnection concerns
1.8.1. Power system stabilizers
Some of the recent grid codes include references to the capability of wind power plants in
contributing to power oscillation damping in the grid through power system stabilizers
(PSS). The grid code of HQTE, for example, stipulates that wind plants must be designed
and built so that they can be equipped with a stabilizer in case it was imposed later during
the lifetime of the wind power plant.
In synchronous generators, PSSs are used to damp oscillations arising from interactions be
tween generators in a power plant, generators and the network and between generation
areas. These functions are implemented using a supplementary control loop acting on the
generator excitation system or voltage regulator. Damping is achieved through modulation
of the reactive power produced by the generator. Modulating the real power flow through
the governor would be slow with cost impacts on the turbine design and performance.
However this is easier with wind power plants. The active and reactive power can be modu
lated independently by means of two separate supplementary control loops on the power
converter regulator [48]-[50]. In the case of a DFIG, the control of higher frequency oscilla



Advances in Wind Power

tions is limited by the rating of the rotor side converter, however, in the case of full convert
ers, the control range can be significantly wider and the control can be made more effective.
There are options for implementing and triggering PSS functions in wind plants. One of
them is based on the frequency deviation. Studies were carried out to demonstrate that both
active and reactive power control could be used effectively to damp inter-machine oscilla
tions and to investigate the impact of the wind plant location on the damping effectiveness
[33], [48]. It was found that, in general, active power control is less dependent on location,
but still more effective when the point of POI of the wind plant was located close to a syn
chronous generator plant.
1.8.2. Operational monitoring & communication
Wind plants are required to send a wide range of real-time data points to the control and
dispatch centers of the grid operator. These include status indications and measurements
collected through the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. The data
points include:
electrical measurements the at POI and/or collector system feeders, including: phase and
line voltages and currents, actual and available MW and Mvar outputs, and average yields
operating status signals, including: transformer tap positions, status of dynamic compen
sation systems, and the action of main switchgear and protection systems
meteorological data at the wind farm, including: wind speed and direction at individual
turbines, ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, and precipitation.
Increasingly, the real-time (electrical and meteorological) data is being used by grid opera
tors/planners for wind power forecasting. In one example, the New York Independent Sys
tem Operator (NYISO) has developed a program that integrates wind forecast into the realtime dispatch [32]. NYISO uses its wind forecast to predict the output level over the next
hour, broken up into 5-minute time steps. At each time step, NYISO determines the output
level at which the wind plant is economic to operate by using an economic offer curve sup
plied by the wind plant. If the wind plant is economic at an output level lower than the fore
cast level, NYISO will send a curtailment signal to commanding the wind plant to reduce its
output. In China, the National Electric Power Dispatching and Communication Center
(NEPDCC) uses the real-time wind power operation information from the different regional
and provincial grids in China to perform its online transmission reliability and generation
adequacy studies [10].
1.9. Grid compliance validation
Studies are performed to investigate the impact of any the new generation added to the grid.
The connection of a new wind power plant will be authorized only if the performed connec
tion impact assessments and associated tests show that the integration of new generation
does not lead to a deterioration of the reliability and operational security of the system.

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements

1.9.1. System impact studies

In general, the studies performed for the connection of wind plants are similar to those
for a conventional thermal or hydroelectric plant. The purpose of these studies is to veri
fy that the coordinated operation of all the units within the plant complies with the gen
eral and project-specific requirements stipulated by the grid operator. Those studies
typically include [8]:
Power flow studies to see the impact of the wind plant integration on system steady-state
flows, voltages profiles, and transfer capabilities
Contingency analysis to see the behavior of the wind plant during grid events that in
volve the loss of transmission circuits, transformers, or other generators so as to ensure
that post-contingency flows and voltages are within their respective limits
Low-voltage ride-through analysis to show compliance with the required durations and
fault severities
Short-circuit studies to ensure that the new plant does not cause over-duty of breakers or
other equipment in nearby substations
Dynamic studies to verify that the wind plant has enough static/dynamic reactive power
to meet the requirements of voltage control
Transient stability analysis to test the response of the wind plant and nearby system to
faults occurring on the power system and to ensure that generation remains on synchron
ism and performs in an acceptable manner.
Subsynchronous control instability studies addressing the interaction of wind turbines
and their control systems with series-compensated lines on the transmission grid
Load rejection study to evaluate the impact on the wind plant in ac interconnections
Power quality studies, including harmonic and flicker analysis to determine the potential
impact of wind fluctuations on the voltages at nearby substations and load centers.
1.9.2. Wind generator models
System planners and operators use simulations to assess the potential impact of contin
gency scenarios on system performance and to assess the ability of the power system to
withstand such events while remaining stable and intact. As discussed in Sections 1.31.8,
the wind plant control is composed of several levels with different response characteris
tics, including the WTGs, wind plant controller, reactive power compensation equipment,
and on-load tap changers. Thus, it can be quite challenging to design a collective control
scheme for the wind plant to meet the required dynamic response at the POI under all
operating conditions. This is typically examined in transient stability studies, where all
relevant components and their control loops are modeled. For this type of study, generic
simulation models often do not exhibit the necessary level of precision. Thus user-writ
ten, validated models are generally needed.



Advances in Wind Power

1.9.3. Grid connection testing

Passing the field validation tests is a prerequisite for the permission of interconnection of
some grid operators. These tests are performed in order to:
Demonstrate that the overall wind plant and its constituting elements, including the
WTGs, compensating equipment, and substation transformer meet the technical require
ments of the grid operator
Validate the simulation models and the associated parameters by comparing the model
behavior to the field measurements.
Figure 19 shows the main areas of wind power plant and wind turbine testing. Type tests
are tests of representative equipment performed by the manufacturer in the presence of
third party certifiers. The intent is to demonstrate that a particular equipment design exhib
its specific performance that can be generalized to all other equipment of that same design
[33]. These include validations of the power performance, load calculations, noise levels,
and voltage/frequency operation ranges. Long-term harmonic measurements are also per
formed to establish the harmonic emission spectrum. These measurements are generally re
peated for each wind plant at the POI to account for the emissions of auxiliary equipment
and the amplifications caused by the collector system and the grid itself.

Power Curve


Active Power

Load Calculations

Frequency Control

Frequency Control

Noise Level

Ramp Rate Control


Reactive Power /
Voltage Control

Voltage / Frequency

Voltage Flicker

Wind Generator Testing

Type Tests

Wind Plant Testing

Field Tests

Grid Connection Testing

Figure 19. Grid connection tests of wind plants and wind turbine generators.

Advanced Wind Generator Controls: Meeting the Evolving Grid Interconnection Requirements

Other wind plant field tests include active power and ramp rate control. Depending on the
approach of the grid operator, frequency control capabilities (including inertia control and
over-frequency response) are either tested at the WTG level (e.g. HQTE) or wind plant level
(e.g. UK). The reactive power range and voltage control are also tested to verify the capabili
ty of the central wind plant controller and any compensation equipment to respond to volt
age deviations as quickly and sufficiently as required.
The data gathered through the online monitoring systems during the life-time of wind
plants is also used for performance evaluation. This data, including snapshots of the wind
plant behavior taken during external and unscheduled events (such as disturbances or large
wind changes) is particularly useful in fine-tuning the wind plant parameters for optimal
grid compatibility. The large-scale deployment of phasor measurement units (PMU) by sys
tem operators would also open the door for a variety of advanced monitoring and control

1.10. Chapter summary

As grid operators worldwide continue to face a rapid growth of the installed capacity of wind
power, the following key items should be observed in order to be able to accommodate high pen
etration levels while maintaining the same level of operational security and reliability:
Clearer grid codes and standards addressing system issues such as transient stability,
voltage collapse, and reactive power support
Better market practices employing different scheduling periods and incorporating wind
power forecasts
Enhanced interconnections among generation areas with transmission upgrades and opti
mization of grid utilization
Wider balance areas and new power exchange mechanisms
Increased system flexibility through faster response from conventional generation, better
demand-side management, and intelligent incorporation of storage technologies
Improved system operational tools and models for more complex power systems with
high wind penetration.

Author details
Samer El Itani1 and Gza Jos2
1 Grid Integration & Electrical Modeling, REpower Systems Inc., Canada
2 Electrical & Computer Engineering, McGill University, Canada



Advances in Wind Power

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