Animal Behaviour: M.J. Solensky, K.S. Oberhauser
Animal Behaviour: M.J. Solensky, K.S. Oberhauser
Animal Behaviour: M.J. Solensky, K.S. Oberhauser
Animal Behaviour
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a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 29 July 2008
Initial acceptance 1 September 2008
Final acceptance 17 October 2008
Published online 11 December 2008
MS. number: A08-00497R
apyrene sperm
Danaus plexippus
eupyrene sperm
mate assessment
monarch buttery
sperm competition
sperm transfer
strategic mating effort
During mating, male Lepidoptera transfer spermatophores that consist of accessory gland material,
eupyrene (nucleated) sperm and apyrene sperm that is incapable of fertilizing eggs. Sexual selection
theory predicts that males should allocate these materials strategically based on the risk and intensity of
sperm competition. We studied the relationship between behavioural and physiological cues and
material allocation by male monarch butteries, Danaus plexippus. Males that had waited longer between
matings transferred larger spermatophores and more apyrene and eupyrene sperm. Eupyrene sperm
number was also correlated with female mating history, with males transferring more sperm to females
that had larger amounts of spermatophore material stored from previous mates, regardless of whether
this came from one or three mates. This result suggests that males use stored ejaculates to assess female
mating history and increase eupyrene sperm investment under increased sperm competition intensity.
Male monarchs appear to be capable of independently manipulating the different components of their
ejaculates. Ejaculate allocation patterns suggest that males benet by maximizing spermatophore size
and apyrene sperm number, possibly to delay future female remating. However, males allocate more
eupyrene sperm to females when sperm competition is more intense, which is consistent with predictions from recent sperm competition models.
2008 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Studies of sexual selection traditionally focused on precopulatory processes, but in the past few decades researchers have
recognized that both female choice and male competition continue
after copulation (Parker 1970; Eberhard 1996). Sperm competition
occurs when the ejaculates of two or more males are simultaneously available to a female for fertilization. This competition
often approximates a rafe in which males delivering more sperm
are likely to fertilize more eggs (Parker 1990; Gage & Morrow
2003). However, the energetic demands of producing large quantities of sperm can limit male reproductive success (Dewsbury
1982; Wedell et al. 2002) and males are consequently predicted to
allocate ejaculates strategically based on male condition, risk and
intensity of sperm competition and relative reproductive value of
a mate (Parker 1990; Parker et al. 1996, 1997; Engqvist & Reinhold
2006, 2007; Ball & Parker 2007). Recent models distinguish
between sperm competition risk (i.e. the probability of sperm
competition occurring) and intensity (i.e. the number of competing
0003-3472/$38.00 2008 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
termination of copulation) as potential indicators of female resistance and therefore mating history (Frey 1999), female condition
cues (size and mating history) and male condition cues (size and
mating history). To further investigate the effect of perceived
intensity of sperm competition on male ejaculate characteristics,
we manipulated female mating history such that females had
either small or large quantities of spermatophore material from
either one or three previous mates. If males use female bursa
copulatrix content as an indicator of female mating history and
subsequent intensity of sperm competition from previous mates,
then males should adjust eupyrene sperm transfer in response to
the quantity of spermatophore material stored, regardless of the
number of a females previous mates.
Study Organisms
The adult monarchs used were the offspring of eggs and larvae
collected from the wild in Missouri, Arkansas and Ohio, U.S.A.
Laboratory colonies were derived from at least 20 founding
individuals. We reared larvae in screen cages (0.5 0.3 0.6 m;
50150 larvae per cage) on a mixture of potted Asclepias curassavica
and cut stems of A. syriaca. Larvae developed at room temperature
(roughly 24 C) under natural light conditions (roughly 18:6 h
light:dark cycle). On eclosion, we checked adults for infection by
Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (Altizer et al. 2000), labelled uninfected
adults on the hindwings using a permanent marker, and measured
forewing length or area. Adults were fed a 20% honeywater
solution to satiation every other day before being released into
cages. In the cages, they had continuous access to potted A. curassavica or cut stems of A. syriaca and a 20% honeywater solution.
Some females were stored in a cold chamber (12 C) for 510 days
before being used in the experiment. This treatment does not affect
their mating propensity or fecundity (K. Oberhauser, unpublished
Observational Study: Mating History, Mating Behaviour
and Ejaculate Characteristics
We released an equal number of virgin males and virgin females
(510 days old, 30 of each sex) into each of six outdoor mesh cages
(1.8 m3) in St Paul, MN, and monitored mating activity for 10 days
starting on 10 July 2003. In 2006, we released an approximately
equal number of virgin males and virgin females (515 days old,
1020 of each sex) into each of seven mesh cages (0.6 m3) near
large windows in a warm laboratory (29 C) in Wooster, OH and
monitored mating activity for 19 days starting on 26 June.
In 2003, we observed the mating behaviour of most mating
attempts that led to the transfer of the ejaculates whose characteristics we measured. On 6 of the 10 days of the experiment, we
made detailed observations of the mating behaviour of the adults in
a focal cage: each cage was observed only once, and the order of
observation was randomly assigned. For each mating attempt
observed, we recorded the identity of the individuals involved, start
time, attempt duration, and whether the attempt resulted in
copulation. We recorded resistance behaviours (Frey 1999) used
by the female, including arc (female exes abdomen dorsally, wings
horizontal or folded), inverted (dorsal surface of female facing the
ground), sheath (females wings folded, usually the female lies
tilted to one side against substrate) and curl (females abdomen
curled forward under thorax, female often wraps her legs around
her curled abdomen).
To measure male ejaculate transfer, we dissected all mated
females in the focal cage (2003) or in all cages (2006). Measuring
the ejaculate transferred to an individual female was a destructive
Statistical Analyses
Three of the independent variables (male and female wing area,
and copulation duration) were normally distributed (Kolmogorov
Smirnov test: P > 0.5). Mating attempt duration was not normally
distributed, so we used the natural log of attempt duration in our
analyses, which did not differ statistically from a normal distribution (KolmogorovSmirnov test: P 0.489). Male time since last
mating (days) and female mating history (number of mates) were
not normally distributed (KolmogorovSmirnov test: P < 0.001),
and because both were measured as ordinal categories with a large
number of observations in the rst category, neither could be
transformed to approximate a normal distribution. Bursa copulatrix
content (the mass of all old spermatophores) was also not normally
distributed (KolmogorovSmirnov test: P 0.002) and could not be
transformed to approximate a normal distribution because of the
large number of observations of virgin females in the observational
study, for which this measure equalled zero. Two of the dependent
variables (spermatophore mass and the number of apyrene sperm)
were not normally distributed (KolmogorovSmirnov test:
P < 0.05), so we used the square root of spermatophore mass and
apyrene sperm number; these and eupyrene sperm number were
all normally distributed (KolmogorovSmirnov test: P > 0.15).
We used multiple linear regression to test for relationships
between ejaculate components and the four independent variables
that were measured in both years of this study (male and female
mating history and wing area) and separately for the behavioural
variables measured in 2003 only. Sperm competition models
predict that males should invest maximally in ejaculate transfer at
intermediate levels of sperm competition intensity (Parker et al.
1996; Engqvist & Reinhold 2007), which predicts a quadratic effect
of female mating history on ejaculate transfer, so we initially
included the quadratic term of female mating history in our
regression models. The quadratic term was not signicant in any of
the models (P > 0.05), so we report models with linear terms only.
Although male and female mating history did not conform to
a normal distribution, we included them in the regression models;
when either was identied as a signicant predictor, we assessed
the signicance of the pattern further using a nonparametric
Spearman rank correlation test. Within the female mating history
treatment groups, all three ejaculate components were normally
distributed (KolmogorovSmirnov test: P > 0.25). We used oneway ANOVA models to measure differences in each ejaculate
component between treatment groups. Because the three ANOVAs
measured different ejaculate characteristics (spermatophore mass,
eupyrene and apyrene sperm number), we applied a Bonferroni
adjustment and concluded statistical signicance when P < 0.017
(0.05/3) to maintain an experiment-wise error rate of P < 0.05
(Sokal & Rohlf 1995) for analyses that were repeated for these three
dependent variables. Unless otherwise noted, all estimates are
reported as mean SE.
Table 1
Regression models of ejaculate characteristics for square root of spermatophore
mass (N 131), square root of the number of apyrene sperm transferred (N 122)
and number of eupyrene sperm transferred (N 124)
Number of female's previous mates
Figure 1. Relation between female mating history and mating attempt duration.
Potential outliers shown as open circles.
Coefcient (SE)
Spermatophore mass
Male mating history
Female mating history
Male wing area
Female wing area
0.071 (0.037)
0.008 (0.001)
925.8 (434.8)
72.6 (13.5)
44.4 (24.8)
0.31 (0.43)
0.24 (0.43)
106675 (45664)
7983 (1413)
7085 (2608)
18 (45)
41 (45)
Male mating history days elapsed since a nonvirgin males last mating; female
mating history number of previous copulations.
9 10 11 12 13 14 Virgin
Number of female's previous mates
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Virgin
Mass (mg) of old spermatophores
stored from previous copulations
Figure 3. Relation between female mating history, as measured by (a) the number of
previous copulations completed by a female and (b) the total mass of old spermatophores stored by a female from previous copulations, and the number of eupyrene
sperm transferred by a male.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Virgin
Days since male's last mating
Figure 2. Relation between male time since last mating and (a) spermatophore size,
(b) eupyrene sperm and (c) apyrene sperm transferred. X axes show the number of
days since a nonvirgin males last mating. Although virgin males were not included in
the regression models, the means (SEs) of this group are shown by large shaded
circles at the right of each graph for comparison.
Female mating treatment group
Female mating treatment group
Female mating treatment group
Female mating treatment group
Figure 4. Mean (a) mass of old spermatophores stored by females from previous copulations, (b) number of eupyrene sperm, (c) number of apyrene sperm and (d) mass of
spermatophore transferred by the experimental male to females that had previously received one small (S), one large (L) or three small (SSS) spermatophores. Within each graph,
different letters indicate signicant differences between groups (Bonferroni corrected Tukey post hoc: P < 0.017). Error bars show 1 SE.
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