Etologia Vol. 6, Pp. 33-40 (1998)

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Etologa, 6:33-40 (1998). Available on-line at

Sperm competition, cryptic female choice and prolonged

mating in the Eucalyptus Snout-Beetle, Gonipterus
scutellatus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)
Serena Santolamazza Carbone and Adolfo Cordero Rivera
Departamento de Ecoloxa e Bioloxa Animal, Universidade de Vigo, E.U.E.T. Forestal, Campus Universitario,
36005 Pontevedra, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]
Received: 13 October 1998; final acceptance: 24 November 1998

Abstract. The Eucalyptus weevil, Gonipterus scutellatus, shows a complex copulation

behaviour whose duration is extremely variable, from less than one hour to more than
two days. We tested different hypotheses that could explain the adaptive significance of
prolonged copulations. Male genitalia is unable to reach to the interior of the espermatheca
of the female, where the sperm of previous matings are stored, so prolonged copulation
does not function to remove rivals sperm. Neither the duration of the copulation nor the
volume of the ejaculate were affected by the density of rivals, nor was there a significant
relationship between copulation duration and volume of sperm ejaculated. The percentage
of eggs fertilized by the second male to copulate with a female is very variable, even
among different clutches of the same female. These results suggest, by a process of
elimination, that prolonged copulation in G. scutellatus has evolved under sexual selection
by cryptic female choice.
Key words: Coleoptera, Curculionidae, genitalia, prolonged copulation, sperm
competition, cryptic female choice.
Resumen. Competencia espermtica, eleccin femenina crptica y cpula prolongada
en el gorgojo del eucalipto, Gonipterus scutellatus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). El gorgojo del eucalipto, Gonipterus scutellatus, presenta un complejo comportamiento de
cpula, cuya duracin es extremadamente variable, desde algo menos de una hora hasta
ms de dos das. Hemos puesto a prueba diferentes hiptesis que podran explicar el
significado adaptativo de las prolongadas copulaciones de esta especie. El anlisis de la
morfologa genital indica que los machos son incapaces de acceder al interior de la
espermateca de la hembra, donde sta almacena el esperma de apareamientos previos.
Este hecho excluye la posibilidad de que la cpula prolongada sirva para la remocin de
esperma de los rivales. El efecto del riesgo de competencia espermtica sobre la duracin de la cpula se ha puesto a prueba mediante el mantenimiento de los machos a
diferentes densidades. Si la duracin de la cpula tiene un significado de vigilancia de la
hembra, entonces los machos deben realizar apareamientos ms largos cuanto mayor sea
el riesgo de competencia espermtica. Sin embargo los resultados indican que ni la duracin de la cpula ni el volumen del eyaculado se ven afectados por la densidad de rivales.
Tampoco se ha detectado una relacin significativa entre duracin de la cpula y el volumen del eyaculado, lo que excluye la posibilidad de que los machos estn prolongando la
cpula para inseminar mayor nmero de espermatozoides. Mediante el uso de animales
irradiados se ha comprobado que el porcentaje de huevos fertilizados por el segundo
macho es muy variable, incluso entre diferentes puestas de la misma hembra. Estos resultados sugieren, mediante un proceso de eliminacin de alternativas, que la cpula
prolongada de G. scutellatus ha evolucionado bajo seleccin sexual por eleccin femenina crptica.

Darwin (1871) proposed that sexual selection selects for
the evolution of male mechanisms and behaviours to
prevent interference from rival males, before or during the
copulation. Parker (1970) recognized that sexual selection


Sociedad Espaola de Etologa

can also operate during the time between insemination and

fertilization of the eggs, when the reproductive success of
a male can be reduced or even annulled by the dilution, the
removal or the substitution of his sperm by sperm from a
rival male. Sperm competition can be defined therefore as
the competition, inside a female, between the sperm from

Santolamazza and Cordero: Reproductive behaviour of Gonipterus scutellatus

two or more males for the fertilization of the eggs. The

experimental evidence of such phenomenon is currently
widespread in most animal groups (see reviews in Smith,
1984; Birkhead & Moller, 1998). Eberhard (1996)
underlined the possibility of the existence of sexual
selection operated by the female through a series of
processes and structures that selectively favour the sperm
of a particular male. Such selection is named cryptic in
the sense that the traditional methods to determine the
reproductive success of a male, based in the number of
copulations with fertile females, are unable to detect it.
Gonipterus scutellatus is a weevil that feeds exclusively
on eucalypts. Of Australian origin, in the last 70 years it
has spread on almost all the continents, producing great
damages to eucalypt plantations. Its has been intensively
studied in biological control projects (Tooke, 1955), but
nothing is known about its reproductive behaviour. This
species was found in 1991 in NW Spain (Mansilla, 1992).
Preliminary observations revealed that males remain in
copula for very long times, even more than one day. One of
the possible explanations of a prolonged copulation, under
conditions of high density of individuals, is the attempt of
the male to prevent the female from copulating again before
laying the eggs, in order to prevent or to reduce the risk of
sperm competition (Silln-Tullberg, 1981; Svrd &
Wiklund, 1988; McLain, 1989; Sutter & Parkhill, 1990;
Watson, 1991; Alcock, 1994; Alonso Pimentel & Papaj,
1996). Prolonged copulation may also allow the male to
more fully inseminate the female (Svensson et al., 1990).
In damselflies, prolonged mating has been related to the
time required to remove rivalss sperm from the female genital tract, but in some species it also has a guarding function
(Robertson, 1985; Miller, 1987; Cordero, 1990; Sawada,
1995). In crabs it has been shown that males prolong their
association with females as a response to predation risk
(females mate shortly after moulting and are very vulnerable to predators) but also as a response to increased risk of
sperm competition (Jivoff, 1997). An alternative
explanation is that prolonged matings in the presence of
other males are the result of sexual selection by cryptic
female choice (Eberhard, 1996). This study represents an
attempt to discriminate the relative roles of sperm
competition and cryptic female choice in the evolution of
the reproductive behaviour of G. scutellatus. We have tried
to interpret the meaning of copulation duration and malefemale association, designing experiments to test if
prolonged copulation is related to the risk of sperm
competition (the mate-guarding hypothesis, reviewed in
Alcock, 1994). We also present a study of the sperm
precedence in females mated by two males (P2 value, or
the proportion of eggs fertilised by the second male).

Materials and Methods

The adults used in the experiments were obtained from eggs
laid in the laboratory by field-collected females, during 1997
and 1998. To obtain virgin individuals we developed a
reliable system for sex recognition. Larvae and adults were
maintained in 1-5 l plastic boxes and regularly fed in the
laboratory using fresh leaves of Eucalyptus globulus. Larvae
were placed in glass terraria provided with 10-15 cm of
forest soil where they excavated the pupal cell. The

conditions of light, humidity and temperature during the

breeding and during the experiments were those of the
environment. The anatomy of the male and the female was
studied by means of dissections of individuals preserved
in 70 alcohol.
Reproductive behaviour
From 17 May to 13 August 1998 we observed 44
copulations of virgin individuals in transparent plastic boxes
containing 10 males and 10 females of around 2 months of
age, that were selected at random and individually marked
with permanent ink. Pairs were isolated in small plastic
containers to facilitate observation, and were observed
continuously, but observations were interrupted for periods
of 3-5 h if matings continued at night.
The effect of the risk of sperm competition on
copulation duration and the volume of the
Experiments to test the relationship between copulation
duration and male density, between copulation duration and
the volume of sperm ejaculated, and between male density
and the volume of ejaculate were made from 11 to 24 June
1997. We established three groups of males, with 10
repetitions, maintained in 15 cm petri dishes at different
density. Dishes contained the following treatments: a single male isolated from its emergence, 3 males grouped from
their emergence, 10 males grouped from their emergence.
Furthermore, inmediately before the experiment two more
treatments, again with 10 repetitions, were made: one
isolated male was put with 9 males (from mass cultures)
creating a group, and one grouped male was isolated. If a
male died before the experiment, it was substituted by a
new male, also isolated or grouped from his emergence.
For the experiment, we introduced two females in every
dish. Males and females were about two months of age at
the moment of the experiment. We obtained a total of 75
copulations by 54 males (range: 1-4 copulations/male;
sample size by treatment is presented in figure 3). We treat
several copulations by the same male as independent
observations, because only 6 males remated in the same
day. The duration of the copulation was measured from the
introduction of the aedeagus to the moment in which the
male climbed off from the female and the two individuals
separated. Given the very long duration of some copulations,
we observed mating pairs at about 30-60 min intervals. Pairs
were maintaned in their dish, to allow male disturbance in
the grouped treatments. Mated females were preserved in
70 ethanol.
To estimate the volume of the ejaculate we dissected
the sperm mass from the spermatheca, and measured the
area of the mass under a supported cover-slip (using two
pieces of copper wire of 0.0235 mm of diameter) on a slide
at 40-100 x with Global Lab 3.0 software (Cordero & Miller,
1992). The volume was calculated as the area multiplied
by the separation between cover-slip and slide.
Sperm competition
Preliminary experiments with 500, 1500 and 3000 cGy as
sterilizing doses indicated that only 3000 cGy produced
significant sterility. Therefore, for the P2 experiment, we
obtained 20 sterilized males (R) by exposing them during

Etologa, 6:33-40 (1998). Available on-line at

13.3 min to the gamma rays from a 60Co source, giving a

dose of 3000 cGy. As a control, we used 20 males that were
not irradiated (N) but treated in the same way (both groups
were transported to the Hospital Xeral de Galicia in Santiago de Compostela). Males and females were about 2
months of age. From 6 to 20 June 1998 we obtained six
double matings in each group: N-N, R-R, R-N and N-R. Of
the 24 mated females, 17 laid at least 50 eggs (range: 54495) in the days following copulation and were used in the
analyses. The P2 value was calculated following Boorman
& Parker (1976).
The cost of mating
Given the long-lasting association between males and
females, and the fact that mated males are unable to feed,
we estimated the cost of copulation for the male in terms
of loss of body weight. Forty males were randomly assigned
to two groups. One was maintained with food, the other
without food, simulating the fasting during copulation.
Males were weighed at the start of the experiment and after
6, 10, 24 and 48 hours. In all cases, results are presented as
meanSE (n).


by dense spines. The external walls of this sac are covered

by tiny sclerotized plates (see Snodgrass (1935) for a general description of genitalia in Coleoptera).
The female genitalia has an ample genitalic bursa
copulatrix with a double covering, muscular on the outside
and transparent inside (fig. 2). The bursa is prolonged to
form the common oviduct and at its inner end is bifurcated
in two lateral oviducts with two ovariola each (fig. 2). On
the dorsal wall of the bursa there is the long thin
spermathecal duct, the spermatheca and its accessory gland
(fig. 2). The spermatheca is a curved, amber-coloured
capsule with a rigid chitinous wall, on which a bundle of
muscles is inserted (fig. 2). The aedeagus is about twice as
long as the bursa copulatri

Sexual dimorphism
Tooke (1955) indicates that females of G. scutellatus are
on average larger than males, but that otherwise the sexes
are indistinguishable. Moutia & Vinson (1945) pointed out
that the tip of the abdomen differs between males and
females: it is straight in the male, and has a small central
protuberance in the female. Nevertheless they note that this
difference is visible only in KOH-cleared animals from
which the setae have been removed.
A detailed observation of male and female morphology
at 40x magnification indicated that in the male the
penultimate sternite has a straight posterior margin and is
covered by fine hairs that do not mask the dark coloration
of the sternite. The last sternite is divided into two
subtriangular chitinized plates separated by a membranous
area. In ventral view, the reduced size of the last sternite
leaves exposed the fine hairs on the distal part of the
pygydium (fig. 1a). In the female, the posterior border of
the penultimate sternite is rounded, densely covered with
short hairs of constant diameter. It has a very conspicuous
dark edge, that probably helps during oviposition to form
the egg mass covering (fig. 1b). The last sternite is
semicircular, densely covered by long hairs and joined by
the spiculum ventrale to the distal end of the bursa copulatrix
(fig. 1c, see also Vidal Sarmiento, 1955; Rosado-Neto,
Male and female genitalia
The aedeagus of the male (fig. 2a, b) is amber-coloured
and cylindrical, but strongly flattened in its distal end, where
it is opened on its dorsal face. It has two flat narrow
proccesses in its proximal end, and a ring (tegmen) at its
basis, with one apodeme (spiculum gastrale) in its inferior
face that is prolonged between both parts of the aedeagus.
Inside the aedeagus there is an internal sac (endophallus),
that swolls during copulation, showing in its tip the armature
composed of three chitinized elements that are also covered

Figure 1. The end of abdomen of male and female G. scutellatus

at SEM. (a) male, (b) female showing the distinctive edge that
allows sex discrimination (arrow), (c) female with the last
sternite (ovipositor) extruded.

Santolamazza and Cordero: Reproductive behaviour of Gonipterus scutellatus





oviductus communis
last tergites

with muscle

entrance to
the bursa

bursa copulatrix

last sternites
last sternites



Figure 2. Male and female genitalia of G. scutellatus. (a) Male genital apparatus in ventral view; (b) the aedeagus in dorsal and
lateral views; (c) a posterior view of the female genital opening; (d) female genitalia showing the long thin spermathecal duct.

Reproductive behaviour
The female possesses all the conditions that make possible
sperm competition: she mates with more than one male
before laying the eggs (pers. obs.). She starts to oviposit a
minimum of two days after copulation, and can maintain
the sperm alive during the whole duration of her life. One
twice-mated female still laid fertile eggs 9 moths after
mating, and contained 0.00531 mm3 of sperm when she
died after one year (after having laid 900), a value similar
to the average volume after one mating (fig. 5 & 6).
The copulation of G. scutellatus lasts in average
6.980.49 h (n=75), but there is an exceptional variability
between individuals, from a minimum of 0.7 to to a
maximum of 55 h. The copulation of G. scutellatus is
composed of two phases. In the passive phase (Parker,
1970) the male remains on the back of the female without
introducing his aedeagus in her bursa copulatrix. The active phase is characterized by the introduction of the
aedeagus. At the beginning of the copulation the male
climbs onto the females dorsum and remains there even if
the female makes clear lateral movements in an apparent
attempt to shake the male off. This phase, that we will define pre-copulatory passive phase, lasts from a minimum
of 10 minutes to a maximum of 24 hours. During this phase
the male often everted the aedeagus repeteadly and in many
cases touched the last sternite of the female with it.
In 7% of cases (n= 42 copulation attempts) the male
did not succeed in eliciting the necessary cooperation from
the female for the insertion of the aedeagus, and gave up
before beginning the active phase. The active phase was
preceded by a series of rubs by the males thorax against
the females elytra, followed by the intromission of the
aedeagus and then by rhythmic genitalic pushing. The active phase of copulation included three behaviours: the
rubbing with the males thorax; dorso-ventral movements

of the males fore-legs on the sides of females thorax; and

genitalic thrusts and pauses.
The sequence of movements was highly variable. In the
beginning of a typical copulation, the sequence was first a
bout of rubbing, and then one thrust and a pause. Later the
number of thrusts increased progressively until to sometimes
reaching over 270 consecutive thrusts. After having reached
the maximum, the number of thrusts decreased and
sometimes disappeared, leaving only rubbing and pauses.
The duration of the pauses was highly variable (one minute
to 12 hours). In some copulations thrusts resumed after
having disappeared (fig. 3).
Once the aedeagus was withdrawn, the male remained
absolutely immobile on the females dorsum for up to a
maximum of 24 h. At the end of this period it is possible
that the pair separates, finishing copulation. In a group of
30 mating pairs observed in detail, 25 had only one
copulation, in 2 cases the male reinserted his aedeagus and
began a new copulation, and in the remaining cases
copulation was repeated 3, 4 and 6 times.
The effect of other males on copulation duration
and amount of sperm transfered
If the function of prolonged copulation is to guard the
female, then its duration will be proportional to the density
of the population. We therefore expected that isolated males would mate for shorter times than males in groups of
three or ten. Results do not support this idea: copulation
duration (active phase) does not depend on population
density (Kruskal-Wallis test=8.865, gl=4, p=0.073; fig. 4;
the same results are obtained considering only the first
mating of males that mated more than once). Males that
were isolated or grouped just before the experiment did
not behave in differently from males isolated or grouped
from their emergence. If the passive phase of the copulation


Etologa, 6:33-40 (1998). Available on-line at









21:51 22:04

17:13 17:15





19:50 19:51

Figure 3. The temporal sequence of rubbing of females elytra and thrusts of the adeagus in three copulations. Note the extreme
variability. Arrow, start of intromission; triangle, end of intromission.

Copulation duration (hours)


was no significant relationship, however, between the

volume ejaculated and the duration of copulation (rs=0.052, n=63, p=0.685, fig. 6). Note that in a few cases the
volume of sperm transferred was very low, even after long

The cost of mating

The average weight of males maintained without food was

not significantly different from control males at 6, 10 and
24 hours (when they had lost 10% of the initial weight),
while it was significantly different at 48 hours (when the
loss was of 18%, ANOVA, Fig. 7).

Kruskal-Wallis= 8.865, p=0.073











Figure 4. The relationship between male density and copulation

duration. Number are sample size.

is also included in copulation duration, results are similar.

Alternatively, males may respond to the presence of
other males by increasing the volume of the ejaculate (Gage
& Baker, 1991). Again there was no significant effect of
population density on ejaculate volume (Kruskal-Wallis
test=4.591, gl=5, p=0.468; fig. 5; the same results are
obtained considering only the first mating of males that
mated more than once ).
If the male employs the entire copulation to inseminate
the female, then the volume of sperm ejaculated will be
directly proportional to the duration of the copulation. There

Sperm competition
Figure 8 presents the percentages of fertile eggs laid by
double-mated females. The proportion of fertile eggs was
0.780.04 (5) in N-N matings and 0.100.03 (3) in R-R
females, indicating that the treatment was successful in
sterilizing experimental males. The mean P2 in N-R matings
was 0.590.16 (4), but it ranged in these females from 0.10
to 0.93. In R-N matings P2 was 0.660.15 (5), but again
was highly variable from 0.26 to 1.04 (the value higher
than one is due to the fact that 79% of eggs were fertile, a
value greater than the average in N-N females). Figure 9
shows the percentage of fertile eggs laid by females
throughout their lives. There was great variability between
females and also between clutches for the same female.
Pulses of both low and high fertility are clear in R-N and

Santolamazza and Cordero: Reproductive behaviour of Gonipterus scutellatus
Kruskal-Wallis=4.591, p=0.468




Sperm volume (mm )



Mean weight (g)




















Time (hours)
Figure 5. The relationship between male density and ejaculate

Figure 7. The effect of fasting on male body weight loss. P

after ANOVA.




Ejaculate volume (mm )

rs=-0.052, n=63, p=0.685







Copulation duration (h)






Type of mating

Figure 6. The relationship between copulation duration and

ejaculate volume. Note that the sperm volume was very low in
some long copulations, suggesting that the female did not
cooperate to allow a complete insemination or the male refused
to inseminate. The upper-right figure shows a typical sperm
mass as dissected from the spermatheca.

Figure 8. The percentages (meanSE) of fertile eggs laid by

doubly-mated females, with normal (N) or irradiated (R) males.

N-R females (fig. 9). Two N-N females also laid some sterile

transport that the female offers to him, but these are very
small-scale movements. It is possible that there is an
increase in paternity when more time is spent in copula,
and this should be analysed in future work. Certainly the
male spends a lot of time in each copulation, and probably
his frequency of copulation may be reduced in comparison
to other similar species. Nevertheless given that this species
is long-lived (up to one year in the laboratory), the problem
of the frequency could be of little importance. Furthermore,
prolonged copulation is not costly in terms of body weight
lost, because most matings do not achieve 24 h, when the
fasting period starts to have significant effects (which may
be only temporary in any case).
In some insect species a very long copulation, much
longer to the necessary time to completely fill the
spermatheca of the female, has a meaning of mate guarding
to reduce the risk of sperm competition (Alcock, 1994, but
see Eberhard, 1996). Nevertheless, in G. scutellatus
population density did not affect copulation duration or
ejaculate volume, and longer matings did not result in
greater ejaculate transmission. Long copulations were
unlikely to have a guarding function, since the female did

Evolutionarily speaking, a brief copulation could have many
advantages: reduce the risk of predation, leave more time
for feeding, egg-laying, the search of other partners, and
reduce the risk of suffering an interruption of the copulation
before the sperm transfer has been completed. Despite these
advantages copulation is very long in many species. From
the males point of view, prolonged copulation has some
benefits that can explain its evolution (Dickinson, 1997).
It reduces the risk of predation if the mating pair can respond
more quickly to predators, if the pair succeeds in passing
unnoticed, or if they combine their chemical defenses during
copulation. Prolonged mating also provides phoresis in
some species and can also increase the fertilization success
of the male.
We do not know if predation on G. scutellatus is frequent
in its country of origin. It is apparently scarce there due to
the many parasitoids that attack its eggs, larvae and adults
(Tooke, 1955). Surely the male takes advantage of the


Etologa, 6:33-40 (1998). Available on-line at



F2 (16N-18N)
F3 (9N-27N)
F5 (8N-28N)
F9 (3N-33N)
F15 (20N-15N)
F16 (21N-33N)


Percent fertility

Percent fertility


F11 (11R-5R)
F13 (8R-15R)
F14 (28R-4R)
F17 (13R-5R)



















F0 (28R-45N)
F1 (4R-26N)
F4 (8R-32N)
F6 (6R-30N)
F7 (27R-2N)


Percent fertility

Percent fertility


Number of eggs laid

Number of eggs laid

F8 (2N-17R)
F10 (7N-17R)
F12 (1N-20R)
F18 (6N-17R)











Number of eggs laid







Number of eggs laid

Figure 9. Changes in the percentage of fertile eggs laid by doubly-mated females over time. Note the extreme variability found in
N-R and R-N females and lack of consistent trends over time.

not lay eggs at the end of the association, and was therefore
free to mate again. The results of the P 2 experiment suggest
that even if the second male may fertilize the majority of
the eggs, females often use the sperm of the first male and
cryptic choice is thus feasible. Figure 9 suggests that the
female used the sperm from both males in a seemly random
sequence: there were clutches with very low fertility in RN matings and clutches with high fertility in N-R matings.
This last finding is important because low fertility in R-N
females might be due to unfavourable laboratory conditions,
that perhaps have occasioned the low fertility of some N-N
females. The sperm of the sterilized males is surely less
competitive than that of the normal males, and therefore a
more powerful test of this hypothesis using molecular
techniques is needed. The alternate use of masses of sperm
of different origin, or the preference towards one ejaculate
rather than another, is already known in some orthopterans,
dipterans and coleopterans (Eberhard, 1996).
The anatomy of the genitalia excludes the possibility
that the aedeagus of the male reachs inside the spermateca
to remove the sperm of the rivals, as is typical in odonates
(Waage, 1986). Males are therefore not prolonging
copulation to remove rivals sperm. A large ejaculate to
dilute rivals sperm seems also absent in this species, given
that males did not increase ejaculate volume at high
population densities. These data lend us to wonder: what
can be the reason for copulations lasting 20 hours under
conditions of isolation? It is possible that the phases of the
copulation and its duration must be interpreted as the signal
that the male sends to convince her mate of his quality
or to elicit in her the appropriate responses that allow him
to introduce his aedeagus inside the bursa or his sperm

into the spermatheca. In some cases males remained during

long periods with the female, even introduced the aedeagus,
but the amount of sperm transferred to the spermatheca
was very low (see fig. 6). These are pseudo-copulations, in
the sense that males were either unable to inseminate the
female, or the female did not transport the sperm to the
spermatheca, perhaps due to a cryptic choice (Eberhard,
1996). If males were sperm limited, it is also possible that
they were assesing female quality and refused to ejaculate
to poor quality females. This nevertheless seems unlikely
given that the volume of sperm transferred is very small. If
similar pseudo-copulations occurred in the P2 experiment,
this could explain the high variability in P 2 values. It is also
necessary to furnish an explanation to the repetition of the
copulation up to six times in the same pair, even when they
remained in complete isolation and the female was a virgin.
We have not demonstrated cryptic sperm choice by female
G. scutellatus using the criteria proposed by Birkhead
(1998), but our results suggest that the long copulation of
G. scutellatus is not explained by sperm competition, and
might be a case of copulatory courtship that was selected
by cryptic female choice (Eberhard, 1996). Males perform
clear courtship behaviour during copulation (fig. 3). This
idea can be tested in future work looking for associations
between a males behaviour and persistence and his
fertilization success with singly- and double-mated females.
Acknowlegements. Financial support was provided by the
University of Vigo (Ctedra Filgueira Valverde). We thank W.G.
Eberhard and N. Wedell for their comments and suggestions
to previous drafts of this paper, and Miguel Pombar and the

staff at the Hospital Xeral de Galicia, for their help with

Santolamazza and Cordero: Reproductive behaviour of Gonipterus scutellatus

irradiation experiments.

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