Sperm Competition in A Fish With External Fertilization: The Contribution of Sperm Number, Speed and Length
Sperm Competition in A Fish With External Fertilization: The Contribution of Sperm Number, Speed and Length
Sperm Competition in A Fish With External Fertilization: The Contribution of Sperm Number, Speed and Length
sperm competition;
sperm number.
Sperm competition occurs when the sperm from two or
more males compete for the fertilization of a given set of
eggs (Hildemann & Wagner, 1954; Parker, 1970). Sperm
competition is widespread, and occurs in a range of
animal taxa including amphibians, birds, fishes, insects
and mammals (Birkhead & Mller, 1998). Sperm
competition can lead to a wide range of behavioural,
morphological and physiological adaptations that
enhance the success of a males sperm relative to a rival
(Beatty et al., 1969; Parker, 1970; Smith, 1984). It is now
well understood that males typically differ in their
competitiveness during fertilization (Gage et al., 1995;
Arnqvist & Danielsson, 1999). However, the mechanisms
that males use during sperm competition to increase their
Correspondence: B. D. Neff, Department of Biology, University of Western
Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5B7, Canada.
Tel.: 519 850 2532; fax: 519 661 3935;
e-mail: [email protected]
Present address: J. A. Stoltz, Department of Life Sciences, University of
Toronto at Scarborough, Scarborough, Ontario M1C 1A4, Canada
Both authors contributed equally to this work.
J . A . S T O L T Z A N D B . D . N E FF
Study species
Male bluegill have a discrete life history polymorphism
called parental and cuckolder (Gross, 1979; Gross &
Charnov, 1980). In lake Opinicon (Ontario, Canada;
4434N, 7619W), parentals delay sexual maturation
until 7 years of age (Gross, 1982). During the spawning
season parentals compete to construct nests in colonies
(Dominey, 1981; Gross, 1982). After nest construction is
completed females arrive at the colony as a group.
Spawning involves a female entering a parentals nest
and through a distinctive motion called a dip, the
female releases a small batch of eggs at the utmost
horizontal position of her dip (Gross, 1982). A female
may dip hundreds or even thousands of times before
leaving the parentals nest. Spawning lasts for a day, after
which the females leave the colony and the parentals
remain to provide sole care to the developing offspring.
Cuckolders mature precociously at 2 years of age and
behave as sneakers (Gross, 1982). Sneakers hide in the
debris at the edge of a parentals nest and streak into the
nest during a female dip, stop momentarily to release
sperm and typically are aggressively chased out by the
parental. Sneakers are successful at entering the nest in
about 17% of intrusion attempts (Gross, 1982), and
when successful they fertilize a mean of 89% of the eggs
(Fu et al., 2001). At around 4 years of age, cuckolders
begin to mimic female morphology and behaviour and
are referred to as satellites (Gross, 1982). A parental will
allow access of a satellite to his nest during spawning and
may even court the satellite, suggesting that the parental
typically cannot distinguish between a satellite and a
female (Dominey, 1980; Gross, 1982; Neff & Gross,
2001). During spawning, satellites typically position
themselves between the female and parental and fertilize
a mean of 67% of the eggs (Fu et al., 2001). Parentals
compete with sneakers in about 7% of female dips and
with satellites in about 3% of female dips; parentals
rarely experience competition simultaneously from both
types of cuckolder males (Neff et al., 2003).
Using underwater cameras, we have previously determined that when parentals and sneakers are in direct
competition for a batch of eggs, a parentals urogenital
pore is a mean of 23 mm (range among nests 8
36 mm) from that of the females, whereas a sneakers
urogenital pore is a mean of 38 mm (range among
nests 2448 mm) from that of the females (Stoltz &
Neff, 2006). Furthermore, sneakers release their sperm
an estimated 0.46 s (range among nests 0.310.97 s)
after parentals. Satellites release their sperm at the same
time as parentals and are a mean of 17 mm (range among
nests 1126 mm) from a females urogenital pore,
whereas when a satellite is present, parentals are a mean
of 64 mm (range among nests 4284 mm) from the
female (Stoltz & Neff, 2006).
J . A . S T O L T Z A N D B . D . N E FF
Nc Np Stc rStp
where p is the paternity of the sneaker or satellite as
calculated from Nc/(Nc + Np). The value of p was set to
either 50% or 89% for sneakers and either 50% or 67%
for satellites; the latter two numbers in each pair
represents the estimated fertilization success in nature
(see Fu et al., 2001). To determine the sensitivity of the
Sc/Sp ratio for the fertilization success estimates in nature,
we re-sampled the original data set with replacement
1000 times and recalculated r and t and Sc/Sp (Manly,
1997). For the resulting distribution of Sc/Sp values we
assessed the 5th and 95th percentiles.
Statistical analyses
A KruskalWallis nonparametric test was used to compare curvilinear swim speed among the three male types
because this variable deviated from a normal distribution
for one of the male types. Analysis of variance (A N O V A )
Sperm traits
Curvilinear speed was variable among sperm within
ejaculates with a mean coefficient of variation of 35%.
Sperm length was less variable with a mean coefficient of
variation of 8%. However, the 10 sperm measured
should provide precise mean estimates for each male;
for example, the standard error relative to the mean for
speed and length were 11% and 2.5% respectively.
Across all males, the sperm curvilinear speed measurements at 5 and 10 s post-activation were highly correlated (r 0.93, P < 0.001, n 24). The path linearity
index was also correlated at these two times (r 0.70,
P < 0.001, n 24). The means of the 5 and 10 s values
were not significantly different among the three male
types for speed (Fig. 1a; parental: 150 12 lm s)1;
sneaker: 137 13 lm s)1; satellite: 165 11 lm s)1;
v22 3.10, P 0.21) or path linearity (Fig. 1b; parental:
0.75 0.03; sneaker: 0.76 0.03; satellite: 0.78 0.03;
F2,21 0.21, P 0.82). There was also no difference in
the mean flagellum length across the three male types
(Fig. 2; parental: 40.1 0.6 lm; sneaker: 40.4 0.6 lm;
satellite: 40.1 0.6 lm; F2,35 0.10, P 0.91). Flagellum length was not related to either speed (r2 0.0064,
b 0.08, P 0.72, n 24) or path linearity (r2
0.062, b )0.25, P 0.23, n 24).
Sperm competitiveness
We conducted 84 competition trials involving either a
sneaker and parental (n 37) or a satellite and parental
(a) 220
Life history
Life history
(b) 1.0
Life history
Fig. 1 Sperm traits for parental, sneaker and satellite male bluegill
(Lepomis macrochirus). Data are (a) curvilinear speed and (b) path
linearity and are represented by box plots that summarize the 10th,
25th, 50th, 75th and 90th percentiles. Dots denote data points that
fall outside the 10th90th percentile range. Sample sizes are 8, 7 and
9 for parental, sneaker and satellite respectively. There was no
statistical difference in either measure among the three male mating
tactics (see Results for statistics). A path linearity value of 0 implies
the sperm started and ended at the same location, whereas a value of
1 implies the sperm moved in a straight line.
J . A . S T O L T Z A N D B . D . N E FF
(a) 1.0
Sneaker paternity
(b) 1.0
Satellite paternity
Fig. 3 The relationship between sperm number and male competitiveness in in vitro fertilization trials involving parental, sneaker and
satellite male bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). Competition trials
involved (a) sneakers vs. parentals (n 37) where the equation of
the line is: sneaker paternity S1:00
p or (b) satellites vs. parentals (n 47) where the equation of the line is: satellite
paternity S0:95
p . The lines were fit using the
raffle model of Neff & Wahl (2004).
Many fishes with external fertilization are characterized
by sperm competition (Petersen & Warner, 1998). Within
these species, sperm traits such as swimming speed,
number of sperm released, timing of sperm release and
proximity of males to eggs all can influence a males
fertilization success (Hoysak & Liley, 2001; Blanchfield
et al., 2003; Neff et al., 2003; Gage et al., 2004). In this
study, we examined the role of sperm number and
quality in male competitiveness in the bluegill (L. macrochirus) using in vitro fertilization experiments that
Elizabeth Clare, Angela Dang, Tim Hain, Joy Marcus,
Margaret Orlowski and Nick Sweet provided field and
laboratory assistance. Tim Hain, Trevor Pitcher and four
anonymous reviewers provided helpful comments on the
J . A . S T O L T Z A N D B . D . N E FF
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