A Theory of The City As Object
A Theory of The City As Object
A Theory of The City As Object
A series of recent papers (Hillier et al, 1993; Hillier, 1996b, 2000) have outlined a generic process by which
spatial configurations, through their effect on movement, first shape, and then are shaped by, land-use
patterns and densities. The aim of this paper is to make the spatial dimension of this process more precise.
The paper begins by examining a large number of axial maps, and finds that although there are strong
cultural variations in different regions of the world, there are also powerful invariants. The problem is to
understand how both cultural variations and invariants can arise from the spatial processes that generate
cities. The answer proposed is that socio-cultural factors generate the differences by imposing a certain local
geometry on the local construction of settlement space, while micro-economic factors, coming more and
more into play as the settlement expands, generate the invariants.
URBAN DESIGN International (2002) 7, 153179. doi:10.1057/palgrave.udi.9000082
Keywords: society; city design; axial maps; formal typologies; cultural invariants and variations
Space-creating mechanisms
The three papers cited describe a process that
goes from the spatial configuration of the urban
grid to the living city. But what about the grid
itself? Is this arbitrary? Would any grid configuration set off the process? The aim of this paper
is to try to answer this question. It will be argued
that urban grid configurations are far from
arbitrary, but in fact are themselves the outcomes
of space-creating mechanisms no less generic than
the space-to-function mechanisms described in
the three cited papers. The argument runs as
follows. If we examine a large number of axial
maps, we find well-defined invariants as well as
obvious differences. What process, we must ask,
can produce both. The answer proposed is that
the invariants arise from a combination of two
things. First, in spite of all their variability, there
are certain invariants in the social forces or more
precisely in the relations between social forces
that drive the process of settlement aggregation.
URBAN DESIGN International
Second, there are autonomous spatial laws governing the effects on spatial configuration of the
placing of objects such as buildings in space, and
these constitute a framework of laws within
which the aggregative processes that create
settlements take place. The social forces working
through the spatial laws create both the differences and the invariants in settlement forms. The
link between the two is again movement, but
whereas the space-to-function mechanism was
driven by the effect of spatial configuration on
movement, the space creating mechanism is
driven by the influence of movement on space,
and so can be considered a function-to-space
The concept of spatial laws is critical to this
argument, so we must explain what this means.
Spatial laws, in the sense the term is used here,
does not refer to universal human behaviours of
the kind claimed, for example, for the theory of
human territoriality (as reviewed in VischerSkaburskis, 1974), but to ifthen laws that say
that if we place an object here or there within a
spatial system then certain predictable consequences follow for the ambient spatial configuration. Such effects are quite independent of human
will or intention, but can be used by human
beings to achieve spatial and indeed social effects.
Human beings are bound by these laws in the
sense that they form a system of possibilities
and limits within which they evolve their spatial
strategies. However, human agents decide independently what their strategies should be. Like
language, the laws are then at once a constraining
framework and a system of possibilities to be
exploited by individuals.
In fact, it seems likely that human beings already
intuitively know these laws (although they
cannot make them explicit), and can exploit them
as agents to create social effects through spatial
behaviours at a very young age. Consider
the following true story. A group of people are
sitting in armchairs in my daughters flat. My
two-year-old grandson Freddie comes into the
room with two balloons attached to weights by
two pieces of string about two and a half feet long,
so that the balloons are at about head height for
the sitting people. Looking mischievous, he places
the balloons in the centre of the space defined by
the armchairs. After a minute or two, thinking
Freddie has lost interest, one of the adults moves
the balloons from the centre of the space to the
Figure 3.
Figure 1.
Figure 4.
Figure 2.
Table 1
Avg. Lines
Loc Int
Glob Int
Conn connectivity; Loc Int local integration; Glob Int global integration;
Intel intelligibility.
Figure 5.
Figure 6.
Figure 7.
Figure 9.
Figure 8.
This phenomenon is also found in subcentres. In Centrality as
a process (Hillier, 2000), it was argued that wherever movement is convex and circulatory (ie moves around in a locally
two-dimensional grid as eg in a shopping centre) rather than
linear and oriented (as in moving through an urban grid from
an origin to a destination), then metric integration was the key
property in understanding both the movement pattern and the
type of spatial configuration that tended to emerge under these
Figure 10.
Figure 11.
Figure 12.
Figure 13.
The pattern thus has enough of the key topological settlement-like properties (although it lacks
their geometric properties but see below) for us
to think of it by Ockhams razor perhaps as the
basic generative process for spatial patterns of a
generically urban kind. But it does not yet look at
all like a real settlement. What is missing? It
cannot be just the over- regularity due to the fact
that the process has been generated on a regular
grating. The fault seems to lie mainly in the
geometry of both its block structure and its line or
axial structure: blocks are insufficiently compact
and lines are insufficiently varied in length. So let
us look at two real settlements that seem to have
grown by something like this process and see
what they have in addition. Figure 13 is the old
self-generated settlement of Paranoa, developed
from the encampment of the workers who built
the dam for the lake behind Brasilia (de Holanda,
1997). Figure 14 is the settlement of Serowe in
south-west Africa in which the built elements are
actually compounds. On the right are radius-n
integration maps of each, and the synergy scattergram plotting the correlation between local and
global integration. On the right of Figure 12 is the
same analysis of the computer-generated pattern.
Two points are of particular interest. First, something like the deformed wheel integration core
exists in both real cases (and in the case of
Paranoa cannot be explained in terms of existing
routes in the direction of other settlements, since
Figure 14.
Slope = 3.9489
Intercept -0.0111
R^2 = 0.2979
Mean = 3.6964
Mean = 0.9389
Figure 15.
URBAN DESIGN International
Slope = 8.2506
Intercept -11.2848
R^2 = 0.8755
Mean = 5.7477
Mean = 2.0644
Figure 16.
line of movement
line of movement
For a single unit sized block the total deviation required to go round it is 2 additional unit cells
line of movement
line of movement
For a 3*1 block placed lengthwise along the line of movenment, the total deviation is still two
additional unit cells, since the section of the deviation that is parallel to the line of movement
adds no additional distance
line of movement
line of movement
For a 3*1 block placed sideways on the line of movement, a further 2 units of distance are
added for each unit of distance the deviation requires from the line of movement
Figure 17.
Figure 18.
Do we minimise depth gain by making blocks contiguous or discrete ? The answer is that other
things being equal, contiguous blocks will always create more depth gain than discrete blocks.
8 8
4 4
4 4
4 4
8 8
4 4
4 4
12 16 12
6 8 6
8 8
12 16 12
12 16 12
6 8 6
8 8
4 4
12 16 12
This is the principle of CONTIGUITY: the more we make blocks contiguous, the less integrated the surrounding space
Figure 19.
Given that blocks are contiguous, do we minimise depth gain by making them linear or compact ? The answer is that the more linearly
contiguous blocks are arranged, the more depth gain
4 4
4 4
8 8
8 8
8 8
8 8
6 6
4 4
8 12 12 8
8 8 6
8 8
8 8
8 8
8 8
8 12 12 8
16 6
16 24 24 16
12 16 12
16 24 24 16
32 12 4 4
4 4
4 4
4 4
16 24 24 16
16 24 24 16
12 12 16 16 12
12 16 16 12
This is the principle of COMPACTNESS: the more compact we make contiguous blocks, the more we increase the integration of the
surrounding spaces
Figure 20.
Figure 21.
m 4m xm x4m x 1
m x 1
n n m2
n x n x on x y
n x y2
Figure 22.
URBAN DESIGN International
Figure 25.
Figure 23.
Figure 24.
Figure 26.
Figure 27.
A reflection
The deformed wheel structure with its interstitial
areas the classic, although not the only, urban
form seems thus to be a product of an essentially
metric process, optimising metric integration in
some aspects, restraining it in others. Some may
have noticed that this leads to a difficult question.
Why should we continue to regard axial maps as
topological structures, to be analysed through
their graphs, when we have shown that they are
generated through an essentially metric process?
Would we not be likely to arrive at a better picture
of the city if we subjected the axial map to metric
analysis? It has already been suggested that the
intensified grids found in centres and subcentres
are best understood through metric integration
analysis (Hillier, 2000). Is it not time to subject the
axial map as a whole to such an analysis, or at
least to a metrically sensitive analysis? In this
way, we could surely counter one of the main
objections to the axial map as a basis for graph
analysis: that the nodes of the graph represent
unequal elements.
The problem is that as soon as we introduce a
metric dimension to an axial map whether by
URBAN DESIGN International
Amsterdam: Xu Jianming
Santiago: Margarita Greene
Athens: Valentina Karvounzi
Nottingham: Mark David Major
Bristol: Kayvan Karimi
York: Kayvan Karimi
City of London: Julienne Hanson
Baltimore: Shazir Shah
Tokyo: Shinichi Iida & Masaki Nishibori
Nicosia: Konstantinos Kypris
Thanks are due to Sema Kubat for permission to
use the black on white map of Konya.
Bloom, P., Petersen, M., Nadel, L. and Garrett, M. (1996)
Language and Space. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
de Holanda, F. (1977) PhD Thesis, Bartlett School of
Graduate Studies, University of London.
Goodman, J. and ORourke, J. (1997) Discrete and Computational Geometry, CRC Press, New York.
Hillier, B. (1990) The architecture of the urban object,
Ekistics, Special Issue on space syntax research,
pp. 522.
Hillier, B. et al. (1993) Natural movement: or, configuration and attraction in urban pedestrian movement, Environment and Planning B: Planning &
Design, 20: 2966.
Hillier, B. (1996a) Space is the Machine. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, pp. 470, Paperback,
Hillier, B. (1996b) Cities as movement economies, Urban
Design International, 1: 4960. Awarded AESOP
prize for the best paper in a European planning
journal of 1996.
Hillier, B. (1999a) The hidden geometry of deformed
grids: or, why space syntax works, when it looks as
though it shouldnt, Environment and Planning B:
Planning & Design, 26: 169191. Theme Issue on
Space Syntax Symposium. Also in Vol 3 of the
Proceedings of the First International Space Syntax
Symposium, 1997.
Hillier, B. (1999b) Space as a paradigm Proceedings of
the Second Space Syntax Symposium, Brasilia,
Hillier, B. (2000) Centrality as a process: accounting for
attraction inequalities in deformed grids, Urban
Design International, 3/4: 107127.
Hillier, B. and Hanson, J. (1984) The Social Logic of Space.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 281pp.
Paper-back, 1989.
Hillier, et al. (1986) Spatial configuration and use
density at the urban level: towards a predictive
model. Appendix: The distance factor Unit for
Architectural Studies, University College London.