Pinoy Bix3
Pinoy Bix3
Pinoy Bix3
This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 3 of the Series in Modulation as one of
the Communications Engineering topic. In Preparation for the ECE Board Exam make
sure to expose yourself and familiarize in each and every questions compiled here
taken from various sources including but not limited to past Board Examination
Questions in Electronic System and Technologies, Communications Books, Journals and
other Communications References.
Modulation MCQs
PART 1: MCQs from Number 1 � 50 Answer key: PART I
PART 2: MCQs from Number 51 � 100 Answer key: PART II
PART 3: MCQs from Number 101 � 150 Answer key: PART III
PART 4: MCQs from Number 151 � 200 Answer key: PART IV
PART 5: MCQs from Number 201 � 250 Answer key: PART V
PART 6: MCQs from Number 251 � 300 Answer key: PART VI
PART 7: MCQs from Number 301 � 350 Answer key: PART VII
PART 8: MCQs from Number 351 � 400 Answer key: PART VIII
PART 9: MCQs from Number 401 � 450 Answer key: PART IX
PART 10: MCQs from Number 451 � 500 Answer key: PART X
SEE: More Questions and Answers in Modulation
Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part III of the Series
101. It is the width of frequencies within the spectrum occupied by a signal and
used by the signal for conveying information.
A. Band
B. Bandwidth
C. Electronic spectrum
D. Frequency band
102. Which transmit only one sideband?
A. H3E
B. C3F
C. A3E
D. B8E
103. ______ is kind of modulation in which the modulated wave is always present.
A. Carrier modulation
B. Continuous modulation
C. Log-periodic modulation
D. Square-wave modulation
104. A type of modulation in which no signal is present between pulses.
A. Pulse modulation
105. What describes the amount of amplitude change present in an AM waveform?
A. Percent modulation
B. Modulation constant
C. Envelope of modulation
D. Coefficient of modulation
106. _______ is a form of amplitude distortion introduced when the positive and
negative alternations in the AM modulated signals are not equal.
A. Envelope distortion
B. Spurious emission
C. Carrier shift
D. Johnson noise
107. What is the advantage of phase modulation over direct FM frequency modulation?
A. Frequency multiplication
B. Sideband movement
C. Baseband reorientation
D. Frequency translation
109. A device which is capable of causing frequency translation
A. Modulation
B. Frequency translation
C. Up conversion
D. Both B and C
111. A particular amplifier is designed to be a frequency doubler. If the input
signal frequency is 15.4 MHz, a circuit in the output will be tuned to
A. 7.7 MHz
B. 15.4 MHz
C. 30.8 MHz
D. 61.6 MHz
112. A sine wave of 293 MHz is phase-modulated to achieve a maximum phase deviation
of 0.2 radian. After passing through a frequency tripler, the maximum phase
deviation will be
A. 0.2 radian
B. 0.3 radian
C. 0.4 radian
D. 0.6 radian
113. Any device to be used as a frequency multiplier must be
A. Active
B. Passive
C. Linear
D. Nonlinear
114. A particular amplifier circuit used for frequency doubling.
A. Push-push
B. Push-pull
C. Pull-push
D. Pull-pull
115. Frequency division is useful in the implementation of a
A. AM demodulator
B. Frequency synthesizer
C. AGC circuit
D. FM demodulator
116. Frequency division by 12 will require how many flip-flops in the counter?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 12
117. Identify an electronic device, not specifically designed for the purpose,
which can be used as a phase detector.
A. Wien bridge
B. Colpitts oscillator
C. Balanced modulator
D. Butterworth filter
118. A particular frequency synthesizer contains only a single crystal. What words
describe this synthesizer?
A. Crystal modulated
B. Inexact
C. Indirect
D. Deficient
119. A recognizable feature of a CW transmitter is
A. Keyed transmitter
B. Power amplification
C. Frequency generation
D. All of these
120. The term �pulling� refers to
A. Angular modulation
B. Direct FM
C. Indirect FM
D. Indirect synthesis
122. A disadvantage of direct FM is the need for
C. A frequency synthesizer
D. Phase modulation
123. Direct FM can be achieved by
A. Superheterodyne
B. Autodyne
125. Why is it often necessary to precede the demodulator by amplifier stages in a
A. To improve fidelity
B. To reduce receiver noise
C. To eliminate image response
D. Weak antenna signals
126. A serious disadvantage of the TRF receiver.
A. Local oscillator
B. Modulator
C. IF amplifier
D. Demodulator
128. Which major element will not be found in every superheterodyne receiver?
A. R�F amplifier
B. Mixer
C. Local oscillator
D. IF amplifier
129. Which major element of a superheterodyne receiver must be nonlinear?
A. R-F amplifier
B. Mixer
C. Local oscillator
D. IF amplifier
130. The change of the modulated carrier frequency from the original RF to the IF
of the superheterodyne receiver is known as
A. Frequency multiplication
B. Frequency allocation
C. Frequency substitution
D. Frequency translation
131. The key to achieving receiver sensitivity is the reduction of
A. Image response
B. Mixer harmonic products
C. Spurious frequency response
D. Internal noise
132. Which of the following receiver design objectives is not impossible?
A. Smaller
B. The same
C. Greater
D. Infinite
134. The characteristic of a receiver that specifies the self-generated noise.
A. Noise immunity
B. Noise factor
C. Noise figure
D. Noise margin
135. An FM receiver with an I-F of 10.7 MHz is tuned to 98.7 MHz. What is the
numerical value of the image frequency?
A. 77.3 MHz
B. 88.0 MHz
C. 109.4 MHz
D. 120.1 MHz
136. A source of RF interference exists at 109.9 MHz. For which frequency in the FM
broadcast band will this be the image frequency?
A. 21.4 MHz
B. 88.5 MHz
C. 99.2 MHz
D. 110.7 MHz
137. The ratio of the superheterodyne receiver response at the desired carrier
frequency to that at the image frequency is called
A. The sensitivity
B. The selectivity
C. The image frequency
D. The image rejection ratio
138. The core of an IF transformer usually contains
A. Teflon
B. Computer nylon
C. Powdered iron
D. Laminated steel
139. Shape factor is a measure of
A. Bandwidth
B. Skirt steepness
C. Coupling coefficient
D. Critical coupling
140. _______ is the function which tends to maintain the sound volume level of a
voice receiver nearly constant for a large signal strength range.
A. Squelch
B. Muting
141. The function which tends to silence the receiver in the absence of transmitted
A. Squelch
B. Muting
142. What device is incorporated in a communications receiver to reduce impulse
A. Front-end processor
B. Squelch circuit
D. Noise blanker
143. What type of signal in which a receiver selectivity of 2.4 kHz in the I-F
circuitry is optimum?
A. FM voice
B. Double-sideband AM voice
C. FSK data
D. SBB voice
144. If the input to a detector stage is an amplitude-modulated (A3E) IF signal
then the output from the stage is
A. Defective IF stage
B. Defective local oscillator
C. Defective RF stage
D. Open circuit in the AGC�s filter capacitor
148. The term used to refer to the condition where the signals from a very strong
station are superimposed on other signals being received
A. Cross-modulation interference
B. Intermodulation interference
C. Receiver quieting
D. Capture effect
149. The limiter stage of an FM receiver
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