Loccioni Hard

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Emission Control
NOx Emission Control
SOx Emissions Control
Particulate Matter Emissions Control



Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)



an energy management solution


1. Introduction

Globally, air pollution is regulated by International Marine Organization through its
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) and its Annex VI.
The 1997 Air Pollution Conference was a historical response by the IMO to address air
emissions from ships and their contribution to air pollution and other environmental problems.
Especially the control of emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulphur oxides (SOx) was
subject of extensive discussion at the IMO prior to and during the Air Pollution Conference. The
adoption of MARPOL Annex VI has followed some years of debate within organizations. At the
same time the Technical code on the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine
Diesel Engines was adopted.
MARPOL ANNEX VI applies to all ships, fixed and floating drilling rigs and other platforms,
but the certification requirements are depending on size of the vessel and when it is
constructed. Annex VI also requires diesel engines (as described above) to carry individual
certificates with regard to NOx emissions, named Engine International Air Pollution Prevention
(EIAPP) Certificates.

2. Emission Control

2.1 NOx Emission Control
Marine fuel in an I.C engine is burnt inside the combustion chamber by the correct mixture
of fuel and air in the presence of heat or ignition source. The ignition source in the marine
engine is the compression stroke of the piston, after which, the combustion begins. As the air
mixture is 21 % Oxygen and 78% Nitrogen, nitrogen reacts with oxygen under certain engine
operating conditions to form Nitrogen oxides or NOx. That is the process of producing NOx.
A high-level of nitrogen oxide being released into the atmosphere can result in to:
Ground Level Ozone
Acid Deposition
Particulate Matter
Indirect Effect to Global Warming

According to Regulation 13 of Annex VI concerning NOx-emission from diesel engines, there

are two sets of emission and fuel quality requirements are defined by Annex VI: global

requirements, and more stringent requirements applicable to ships in Emission Control Areas.
Regulation applies to each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than 130KW
installed on a ship:
Tier I: ships constructed from1 January 2000 to 1. January 2011 allowable emissions of
total weighted NOx depending on engine speed
Tier II: For diesel engines installed on ships constructed on or after 1 January 2011
allowable emissions of total weighted NOx depending on engine speed.
Tier III: Ships constructed on or after 1 January 2016 will have additional limitations when
operating in an Emission Control Area. For the purpose of NOx emissions no Emission
Control Areas (ECAs) have yet been designated, but it is expected that both the Baltic
Sea and the North Sea will be designated well ahead of 1 January 2016.
Basically, there are two main techniques in controlling NOx emissions from the ship: SCR
technology and HAM technology.
IMO Tier III directive means installation of SCR technology for ships to fulfill the 2016
legislation. The technology was initially used on trucks (Dansk Technology). SCR is the most
efficient method to reduce NOx emissions from ships (up to 90-95% of reduction). Selective
Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is one of the most cost-effective and fuel-efficient diesel engine
emissions control technologies available. SCR technology has been used commercially in Japan
since 1980 and in Germany.
A second, widely acclaimed technology for reducing NOx pollution from diesel engines is the
Humid Air Motor (HAM). This technology is able to reduce NOx formation by up to 65%. By
HAM method a NOx reduction level of 40% is achievable without using additional heating of the
intake air and a level of 65% when additional heat is introduced from the engine coolant or
exhaust gases. This method is cheaper than SCR
Water Injection and Water emulsion: In this method water is added to reduce the
temperature of combustion leading to low NOx emission.This method has a drawback of
increasing the specific fuel oil combustion with reduction in NOx by only 20-45%.
MAN B&W Diesel thoroughly tested both emulsion injection, which had for the first time
been put to a test on petrol engines in the fifties, and direct water injection on their engines.
MAN B&W is already applying this technology in the Baltic Sea ferry Mariella.
High Scavenge Pressure and Compression Ratio: With high scavenge pressure and
compression ratio, large amount of air can be introduced inside the cylinder to lower
combustion temperature and NOx emission.
Two Stage Turbocharger:The Maritime Industry is facing the dilemma of reducing toxic
engine emission without increasing the specific fuel oil consumption.

Principle of Working : To reduce the NOx emission from the ships engine fuel injection rate
shaping has been practiced which results in increase in the SFOC. POWER2 turbocharger Works
on Miller Cycle Principle where in the compromise of fuel consumption for NOx reduction can
be shifted to far lower range.
Engine Component Modification: Reduce the NOx formation during combustion process
rather than investing on expensive secondary measures.
New designs like Green Ultra long stroke engine from MAN (GME series) with reduced mean
piston speed gives more time for excess air and proper combustion to lessen NOx formation.
Followed are some examples of competitors about how to use techniques in controlling
NOx emission. Peter Dhle Schiffahrts uses Martek Marinox engine emission monitor which
helps keep an account of NOx and SOx emissions and helps save fuel of 0.6-2.1%. Port State
Control and other regulatory bodies can get the emission data of the ship before they arrive
and SOx monitoring can give reports and data about ships entering the SECA areas. Installations
in rental methods and costs of saving fuel can cover up these expenses.
Norwegian waters have a special NOx tax, MariNOx - a monitoring software, reduces this
tax because you only pay for the amount of NOx that you have emitted and not as high as rpm
(revolution per minute) tax specified by regulations and it is certified by the Norwegian
Maritime Directorate.

2.2 SOx Emissions Control

The sulphur oxide (SOx) and Particulate Matter emissions from ships will in general be
controlled by setting a limit on the sulphur content of marine fuel oils. Loccioni could use its
network to cooperate with Oil Majors, thus providing monitoring equipments as well as contact
to purchase high-quality fuel.
The volume of low sulphur fuel oils in each tank as well as the date, time, and position of
the ship when any fuel-oil-changeover operation is completed prior to the entry into an
Emission Control Area or commenced after exit from such an area, shall be recorded in such
log-book as prescribed by the Administration.
According to Annex VI as an alternative to using marine fuel oil with low sulphur content in
Emission Control Areas an exhaust gas cleaning system or other equivalent system may be used
(abatement technologies), or in any case a mitigating measure like the installation of
filtration/treatment systems.

Development of a type approval standard for such systems is ongoing in IMO. Some of the
current available
abatement technology is
based on seawater
scrubbing principles.
Scrubbers are a
possible alternative to low
sulphur fuels, which would
cut emissions of SOx by
99% and considerably
reduce emissions of other
polluting particles, but
there are still some
concerns about the by-
products they produce in
the cleaning process. The
scrubber effluent could be
forbidden to discharge overboard by some ports since the scrubbing process transfer the
poison elements from gas to water.
There is however a few concerns related to these types of scrubber type systems: the EU
has been reluctant to accept scrubbers though based on rials they have indicated that they may
accept abatement technology as an equivalent to low sulphur fuel.
Some projects currently in the prototype phase show promising results in terms of
overcoming the above indicated constraints. It should also be taken into account that exhaust
gas cleaning alternatives will reduce the emission of particulate matter (PM). Particulate matter
is considered to be the next focal point of IMO and this increases the future relevance of
exhaust gas cleaning systems. Since Loccioni is good at monitoring services, it could develop
more on software or appliance to test the quality of scrubber effluent before discharge it.
Loccioni can also help monitor and test about the real reasons of occasional technical problems.
Before entering the ECA, the fuel should be changed to the required sulphur content oil
and completed. In order to facilitate safe and simple change-over, the installation of separate
marine gas oil/diesel oil supply piping with heating capabilities should be considered.
Considering the differences in cost, some owners are installing an additional set of service and
settling tanks for low sulphur fuel oils. Loccioni could develop a suitable monitoring system to
fulfill this change-over procedure since changeover from heavy fuel oil to marine gas oil is
however completely different and clearly not common standard.


2.3 Particulate Matter Emissions Control

Particulate matter is a designation
for a large variety of extremely small
particles of organic and inorganic origin.
They can contain carbon, metals, ash,
soot (almost purely elemental carbon),
acids such as sulphates and nitrates and
carbonates. This particulate matter is a
result of combustion of fuel oil.
PM emission as function of sulphur
content in the fuel oil. From MAN Diesel
& Turbo Studies suggest that there are
many consequences of PM pollution including the following:
Increased respiratory symptoms, such as irritation of the airways, coughing and
difficulty breathing
Mutagenic and carcinogenic effects

Particulate emissions are strongly related to NOx emissions, and in order to reach extremely
low emission levels, reduction of particulate via lube-oil-consumption control is becoming an
essential part of the total strategy. Important advances are being made through improvements
in the combustion system, including:
Changes such as higher fuel-injection pressures,
Combustion chamber and piston ring-pack designs,
Exhaust gas re-circulation and electronic controls, etc.

In addition, engine manufacturers and suppliers are actively investigating control of
particulate emissions contributed by the engine lubricant.

Diesel particulate filter (or DPF) is a device designed to remove diesel particulate matter or
soot from the exhaust gas of a diesel engine. Several alternative fuels are available to reduce
diesel particulate emissions. These include both bio-diesel based fuels and water emulsion
fuels. Another most commonly used tool is exhaust gas measurement using fixed or portable
equipment with analysis and recording capability. Its usually installed on the vessels stack
(exhaust gas funnel) or at a more suitable section of the exhaust gas piping systems.


Energy Efficiency

3.1 Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)

Energy Efficiency Design is an index with credibility due to numerous stakeholders who
were forming it: policy-makers, shipowners, naval architects, class societies. Therefore the
index is not only concerned about technical matters but also commercial etc. Ships are already
the most energy-efficient way to transport heavy cargo; however, even more can be done. We
need more efficient engines and propulsion systems, improved hull designs and larger ships.
EEDI at its first phase is concentrated only heavy cargo ships and will not be able to calculate
the efficiency of ships with diesel-electric, turbine or hybrid propulsion systems as they will
need additional correction factors.
EEDI is continuous technical development for all technical components affecting to energy
efficiency and it separates technical and design-based measures from the operational and
commercial ones in order to find out the real efficiency of a unit. This helps to compare ships
with similar carrying capabilities to each other. It has been (wrongly) argued that the EEDI limits
installed power and so induces owners to use small-bore high-rpm engines, thereby increasing
fuel consumption. However, a reduction of installed power does not require a reduction in
engine bore and increasing rpm. The easiest way to reduce power would be to de-rate the
exact same engine by limiting the maximum rpm. This would have the impact of increasing
propeller efficiency (if the exact same propeller is installed), as propeller efficiency will
generally improve as rpm decreases. Another practical way to reduce installed horsepower is to
install an engine with one cylinder fewer. This would have no impact on specific fuel
consumption or rpm. Such engines can be identified by reference to the catalogues of major
engine manufacturers.
The energy saved by the use of wind or solar energy is also deducted from the total CO2
emissions, based on actual efficiency of the systems. The transport work is calculated by
multiplying the ships capacity (dwt), as designed, with the ships design speed measured at the
maximum design load condition and at 75 per cent of the rated installed shaft power. It is a
non-prescriptive mechanism that leaves the choice of which technologies to use in a ship design
to the stakeholders, as long as the required energy-efficiency level is attained, enabling the
most cost-efficient solutions to be used. Such technologies have been comprehensively
considered in the 2009 IMO GHG Study. Following adoption in 2011 and entry into force in
2013, the introduction of the EEDI for all new ships will mean that between 45 and 50 million
tons of CO2 will be removed from the atmosphere annually by 2020, compared with business
as usual and depending on the growth in world trade. For 2030, the reduction will be between
180 and 240 million tons annually from the introduction of the EEDI.


Another measurement has been introduced to monitor the operative efficiency of all kinds
of ships, not depending on engine or size, called EEOI (Energy Efficiency Operational Index).
This ratio provides data concerning the operative efficiency of a ship, relating costs (emissions)
with benefits, resulting in grams of emissions per cargo mile. Thus, the weight of a ship is very
important to be considered.

3.2 Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)

The SEEMP is a mandatory tool under MARPOL Annex VI entered into force in January
2013, it has been created with the main purpose of contributing to the global reduction of
emissions as mentioned in the introduction of this handout.
SEEMP is a monitoring tool aiming to improve and optimize energy efficiency of ships, helping
on the measures of fuel efficient operations through the careful planning of every trip related
to time, speed and weather; optimizing the ship and cargo handling matched to the port
requirements, as well as the optimization of machinery and equipment; assisting on getting a
better performance on engine, systems and heat recovery.
It is estimated by a study realized by the IMO (International Maritime Organization) that in
2020 to be an average of 151, 5 million tons of annual CO2 reduction due to the measures, and
in 2030, will increase to an average of 330 million tons per year.
There is a manual template which presents which needs must be done on board, how
and when these needs must be done, who should do these and all the benefits of these.
This manual template is based on four steps shown in the graph below.

Beside to all this, there are also ecological and economical benefits since ship-owners
can identify potential savings in fuel consumption, so the ship-owners can reduce fuel
consumption, save costs and decrease the emissions causing a lower environmental impact.
This is the template used for the implementation of the SEEMP where companies should fill in
all the information asked on it in order to have a better control of the energy efficiency.

The manual template as proposed by the IMO:

an energy management solution

K is an online-based IT software aiming to monitor the fuel and energy
consumption of a ship in order to improve its efficiency.
It collects all possible KPIs (key performance indicators) that are impacting the expenditure of a
vessel and automatically provides a best-practice approach by analyzing the information.
Additionally, this solution offers the possibility to compare collected data from the whole fleet
with each other in order to review the compliance with the regulations of saving fuel to
decrease the costs and reduce the environmental pollution.

K works as an online tool. As visualized, all information collected are stored on
the companys server and are available from every place at any time due to unlimited online
Additionally, reports on fuel consumption and an online SEEMP template will be
created. Port state controls, especially the members of the SECA (sulphur emission control
area), will review it to charge fees for exceeding average figures and for not considering energy
efficient measurements on board, since it is obligatory to do so. The advantages of this online
opportunity will be presented below, like time saving and the possibility of monitoring the
actual fuel consumption on board in order to react and optimize it along the way.
The software itself has four main categories included in its taskbar.

The homepage of K, named Dashboard, portrays current information about the
location of your and other sister ships
with the option to specifically look
for a certain vessel.
Additionally, meters provide you with
information about the velocity, the
kilogram per nautical mile to
measure the efficiency of the airframe and the engine performance at current speed.

Other measurements, visualized by graphs, are showing various other important KPIs as the
EEOI ratio, used to gather
data concerning the
operative efficiency of the
ship, relating costs
(emissions) with benefits, resulting in grams of emissions per cargo mile. EEOI method is better
than EEDI because it could calculate any ships efficiency - old and new unlike EEDI.

Additional figures like the energy consumption rate and average speed are tracked and
reported as well, enabling the ship owner analyses of potential improvements.

The second category, called Fleet, is created to give the user the possibility to compare ships
with each other.

Therefore, the operator can select between various criteria as shown below:


First, the user needs to select his/her own ship, before choosing
the to-be-compared criteria and selecting the ship of interest. In
addition, the user can also have a detailed look by defining and
containing the speed and the given weather conditions.
After the selection of the variables, the software will portray the
desired data and the KPIs will be displayed in an opposed way.
This option provides the user with important data and
functions as a best-practice approach since giving the possibility
to directly compare available data and analyze the most energy
efficient route.

The SEEMP category directly refers to the regulations of the ANNEX VI document as
defined and explained in this handout.

Since this document is mandatory to have on board and provide to the intended harbor,
K offers an IT solution to this process by creating an online template, consequently
increasing its efficiency, in a time and cost saving manner.
First of all, the latest versions of all
SEEMP documents, from any ship
of the fleet, are digitally available
from any place. Moreover, it can be
easily invoked and edited at any
time. The updated version will be
immediately available since
authorized users are having access
to the served of the company where the documents are stored.
Secondly, since this tool is aimed to improve the energy efficiency
of the boat, other ships can also call up SEEMP documents from
sister ships to see what and how is done over there.

K also provides the possibility to send the SEEMP
record directly to the desired port on-demand, or print it out if
it is needed.
To improve the efficiency on board, the K
software offers the user a checklist function. By clicking
measures, the captain, e.g. the person in charge, can see and
control which crew member was and now is in charge of the
tasks that need to be done and when they were done in order
to fulfill the erected rules in order to increase the energy
efficiency of the ship.
Besides that, this tool gives the company the
opportunity of monitoring the ships from its office or any
portable device.
Of course this overview can also be edited at any time
from any place to guarantee the availableness of most recent

The Voyage section of the software offers a best-practice solution when it comes
down to define, e.g. select, the most energy efficient route of the upcoming trip.

Therefore, K automatically stores all the information of
every trip on the server, analyses them and benchmark the
most efficient routes and ship settings, concerning engine
workload, speed, freight, weather and sea conditions, among
others. Multiple solutions concerning the route are possible
and displayed.



1. Marpol 73/78 Annex VI, Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships,
Technical and Operational implications. Managing Risk
2. www.eolss.net
3. www.imo.org
4. www.dnvgl.com
5. www.greenship.org
6. www.sintef.no
7. www.globenewswire.com
8. www.ecomarinepower.com
9. www.schiffundhafen.de
10. www.lr.org
11. www.issuu.com
12. www.mandieselturbo.com
13. www.marineinsight.com
14. www.martek-marine.com
15. hwww.navtronic-project.eu
16. www.deutsche-flagge.de
17. www.forschungsinformationssystem.de

You can check this application and the video by clicking here

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