Excellent Status
Excellent Status
Excellent Status
(*) if any
ro-ro cargo ship - equipped for carriage of containers
Flag Malta
Call Sign 9HA3762
Port of Registry-No. VALLETTA
Date of build Apr1995
Keel Laid 15Jul1991
Intl Tonnage 8407
National Tonnage
Main Class Symbol C✠
Service Notation ro-ro cargo ship - equipped for carriage of containers
Service Notation description
Navigation Notation unrestricted navigation
Additional Notations ✠ AUT-PORT; ✠ AUT-UMS; ICE CLASS IA; MON-SHAFT
Other Societies
Address VIA MATTEOTTI, 332
ZIP 45018
City Porto Tolle (RO)
Country ITALY
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LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
Date of entry into class 11Sep2014
(*) ATTENTION: This Ship Status is updated to the date of issue (17Mar2017) except for any surveys carried out after 17Mar2017 (Last survey
Continuous Survey Items and Forthcoming Class Requirements are excluded. For their due dates refer to the relevant document and pages.
Document for Carriage of Dangerous Goods (SOLAS) (1) DG (SOLAS) (cargo) FULL 06Aug2015 30Apr2020
(cargo vessel)
17Mar2017 -
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LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
• Survey due within the next 6 months: see • in the following table
• Outstanding recommendations: No
• Other items due within the next 6 months: Contin. machinery survey: within: Apr17(20), Sep17(1);
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LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
The vessel complies with the following retroactive statutory requirements: Job
MSC.1/Circ.1266 – Dangerous Goods (reg.II-2/19.4 SOLAS 74 as amended) 7R
SOLAS Regulation III/17-1 - Recovery of Persons from the Water 6R
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LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
An item becomes overdue when it has not been surveyed or postponed by its due date. The ship's class will be subject to a suspension
procedure if the item(s) due or overdue at the time of the annual survey is (are) not dealt with or postponed.
601a.02m Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 7, Pos.: Ps - 03Apr2017
601a.02p Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 8, Pos.: Sb - 03Apr2017
601a.06p Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 8, Pos.: Sb 03Apr2017
601a.02b Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 1, Pos.: Sb - 05Feb2018
601a.02g Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 4, Pos.: Ps - 05Feb2018
601a.02o Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 8, Pos.: Ps - 05Feb2018
An item becomes overdue when it has not been surveyed or postponed by its due date. The ship's class will be subject to a suspension
procedure if the item(s) due or overdue at the time of the annual survey is (are) not dealt with or postponed.
601a.02f Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 3, Pos.: Sb - CE 18Mar2018
601a.06e Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 3, Pos.: Ps CE 18Mar2018
601a.06f Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 3, Pos.: Sb CE 18Mar2018
601a.02d Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 2, Pos.: Sb - 28May2019
601a.02k Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 6, Pos.: Ps - 28May2019
601a.06d Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 2, Pos.: Sb 28May2019
Page 7 of 26
LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
An item becomes overdue when it has not been surveyed or postponed by its due date. The ship's class will be subject to a suspension
procedure if the item(s) due or overdue at the time of the annual survey is (are) not dealt with or postponed.
Page 8 of 26
LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
An item becomes overdue when it has not been surveyed or postponed by its due date. The ship's class will be subject to a suspension
procedure if the item(s) due or overdue at the time of the annual survey is (are) not dealt with or postponed.
601a.02e Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 3, Pos.: Ps - CE 11Jul2019
An item becomes overdue when it has not been surveyed or postponed by its due date. The ship's class will be subject to a suspension
procedure if the item(s) due or overdue at the time of the annual survey is (are) not dealt with or postponed.
601a.02c Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 2, Pos.: Ps - CE 27Mar2020
601a.06c Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 2, Pos.: Ps CE 27Mar2020
601a.02j Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 5, Pos.: Sb - CE 24Apr2020
601a.06j Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 5, Pos.: Sb CE 24Apr2020
601a.06g Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 4, Pos.: Ps 25Apr2020
601a.02a Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 1, Pos.: Ps - CE 27Apr2020
601a.06a Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 1, Pos.: Ps CE 27Apr2020
601a.06b Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 1, Pos.: Sb CE 27Apr2020
An item becomes overdue when it has not been surveyed or postponed by its due date. The ship's class will be subject to a suspension
procedure if the item(s) due or overdue at the time of the annual survey is (are) not dealt with or postponed.
601a.02n Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 7, Pos.: Sb - CE 01Jun2020
601a.06n Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 7, Pos.: Sb CE 01Jun2020
601a.02h Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 4, Pos.: Sb - CE 08Jun2020
601a.06h Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 4, Pos.: Sb CE 08Jun2020
601a.02i Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 5, Pos.: Ps - CE 16Jun2020
601a.06i Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 5, Pos.: Ps CE 16Jun2020
601a.02l Cyl. cover w/valves, piston and liner , No.: 6, Pos.: Sb - CE 30Jun2020
601a.06l Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 6, Pos.: Sb CE 30Jun2020
An item becomes overdue when it has not been surveyed or postponed by its due date. The ship's class will be subject to a suspension
procedure if the item(s) due or overdue at the time of the annual survey is (are) not dealt with or postponed.
601a.06m Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 7, Pos.: Ps 17Mar2022
601a.06o Connect. rod, bottom bear'g, crank pin, web , No.: 8, Pos.: Ps 17Mar2022
Generally, within a 10-year cycle comprising two consecutive class cycles, all the items surveyed under CMS are to be inspected
once by the Society's Surveyors.
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LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
CA.1.00 - Separate report of examination of current certificates and other records filled in
(Items CA.1.1, CA.1.1bis, CA.1.2, CA.1.3, CA.1.4, CA.1.5, CA.1.6, CA.1.7, CA.1.8, CA.1.9, CA.1.10, CA.1.11, CA.1.12, CA.1.13, CA.1.14, CA.1.36
are not listed in this report as considered in the separate report of examination)
CA.1.18 - Check the provision of a ship-specific emergency towing procedure (SOLAS 08, reg II-1/3-4)
CA.1.20 - Confirmation that the manoeuvring booklet is on board and that the manoeuvring information is displayed on the navigating bridge
(SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-1/28)
CA.1.22 - Check that the routine surveys of the boilers and other pressure vessels, as determined by the Administration, have been carried out as
required and that safety devices, such as the boiler safety valves, have been tested
CA.1.23 - Check that, as appropriate, the hull and machinery have been presented for survey in accordance with the continuous survey scheme
approved by the Administration or a classification society
CA.1.25 - Confirmation that the suitable Material Safety Data Sheets are available on board prior to the loading of oil as cargo in bulk or
bunkering of oil fuel, as applicable (APPLICABLE TO ALL SHIPS FROM 1 JANUARY 2011)
CA.1.28 - Confirmation that approved Cargo Securing Manual for ships carrying cargo units including containers is on board (SOLAS 74/98
CA.1.29 - Confirmation that the loading booklet for carriage of cargoes in bulk is on board (SOLAS 74/00 reg.VI/7)
CA.1.31 - Confirmation that structural alterations performed, if any, have been approved by the classification society and reported on the as-
built drawings kept on board (SOLAS 74/04 reg. II-1/3-7)
CA.1.32 - Confirmation that the coating technical file is available on board and maintained, when appropriate (SOLAS 74/00/06 regs. II-1/3-2)
CA.1.33 - Confirmation that the maintenance of the protective coating is included in the overall ship's maintenance system (SOLAS 74/00/06 reg.
CA.2 - See also the International code on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers, 2011
(2011 ESP Code) adopted by resolution A.1049 (27), as amended.
CA.2.01 - Examination, in general and as far as can be seen, of the hull and its closing appliances
CA.2.02 - Examination of the anchoring and mooring equipment as far as can be seen. For ships built after 01/01/2007, confirmation that the
towing and mooring equipment is properly marked with any restriction associated with its safe operation (SOLAS 74/04 reg. II-1/3-8)
CA.2.03 - Examination for bulk carriers of 150 m and above, where appropriate, of the ship's structure in accordance with the Ship Construction
File, taking into account identified areas that need special attention (SOLAS 74/10 reg. II-1/3-10 and MSC.287(87)) ;(for ships contracted on or
after 1/7/2016);
CA.2.06 - Examination of the arrangements for closing openings in the shell plating below the freeboard deck (SOLAS 06, reg.II-1/15)
CA.2.07 - Examination of each bilge pump and confirmation that the bilge pumping system for each watertight compartment is satisfactory
(SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-1/21) (SOLAS 05, reg. II-1/35-1)
CA.2.08 - Confirmation that the drainage from enclosed cargo spaces situated on the freeboard deck is satisfactory (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-1/21)
(SOLAS 05, reg. II-1/35-1)
CA.2.08.1 - Visual examination of the drainage facilities for blockage or other damage and confirmation of the provision of means to prevent
blockage of drainage arrangements, for closed vehicle and ro-ro spaces and special category spaces where fixed pressure water-spraying systems
CA.2.09 - Confirmation that the machinery, boilers and other pressure vessels, associated piping systems and fittings are installed and protected
so as to reduce to a minimum any danger to persons on board, due regard being given to moving parts, hot surfaces and other hazards (SOLAS
74/00/15 reg.II-2/4.2 (except relating to remote closing of valves included in safety equipment)) (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-1/26, 32, 33 and
34) (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-2/15 (except 15.2.5))
CA.2.10 - Confirmation that the normal operation of the propulsion machinery can be sustained or restored even though one of the essential
auxiliaries becomes inoperative (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-1/26)
CA.2.11 - Confirmation that means are provided so that the machinery can be brought into operation from the dead ship condition without
external aid (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-1/26)
CA.2.13 - Examination and test of the operation of main and auxiliary steering arrangements, including their associated equipment and control
systems (SOLAS 74/88/14 reg.II-1/29)
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LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
CA.2.14 - Confirmation that the means of communication between the navigation bridge and steering gear compartment and the means of
indicating the angular position of the rudder are operating satisfactorily (SOLAS 74/88/14 reg.II-1/29) (SOLAS 74/00 reg. V/19)
CA.2.15 - Confirmation that with ships having emergency steering positions there are means of relaying heading information and, when
appropriate, supplying visual compass readings to the emergency steering position (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-1/29 and SOLAS 74/00 reg.V/19 or the
SOLAS 74/88/14 text in force prior to 1 July 2002 reg.V/12 as appropriate)
CA.2.16 - Confirmation that the various alarms required for hydraulic power-operated, electric and electro-hydraulic steering gears are operating
satisfactorily and that the re-charging arrangements for hydraulic power-operated steering gears are being maintained (SOLAS 74/88/14 regs.II-
1/29 and SOLAS 74/88 regulation II-1/30)
CA.2.17 - Examination of the means for the operation of the main and auxiliary machinery essential for propulsion and the safety of the ship,
including, when applicable, the means of remotely controlling the propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge (including the control,
monitoring, reporting, alert and safety actions) and the arrangements to operate the main and other machinery from a machinery control room
(SOLAS 74/88/00/02 reg.II-1/31)
CA.2.18 - Confirmation of the operation of the ventilation for the machinery spaces (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-1/35)
CA.2.19 - Confirmation when appropriate, that the measures to prevent noise in machinery spaces are effective (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-1/36 and
SOLAS 74/12 reg.II-1/3-12.2), or confirmation that the ship was constructed to reduce on board noise and to protect personnel from noise in
accordance with the Code on noise levels on board ships, adopted by resolution MSC.337(91), as amended (SOLAS 74/12 reg.II-1/3-12);
CA.2.20 - Confirmation that the engine-room telegraph, the second means of communication between the navigation bridge and the machinery
space and the means of communication with any other positions from which the engines are controlled are operating satisfactorily (SOLAS 74/88
CA.2.21 - Confirmation that the engineer's alarm is clearly audible in the engineers' accommodation (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-1/38)
CA.2.22 - Examination, as far as practicable, visually and in operation, of the electrical installations, including the main source of power and the
lighting systems (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-1/40 and 41)
CA.2.23 - Confirmation, as far as practicable, of the operation of the emergency source(s) of electrical power, including their starting
arrangements, the systems supplied and, when appropriate, their automatic operation (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-1/43 and 44)
CA.2.24 - Examination, in general, that the precautions provided against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin are being maintained
(SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-1/45)
CA.2.25 - Examination of the arrangements for periodically unattended machinery spaces (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-1/46 to 53) and, in particular,
random testing of alarm, automatic and shutdown functions
CA.2.26 - Examination, where applicable, of the alternative design and arrangements for machinery or electrical installations or low-flashpoint
fuel storage and distribution systems, or fire safety, in accordance with the test, inspection and maintenance requirements, if any, specified in
the approved documentation (SOLAS 00/06/15 regs. II-1/55 and II-2/17);
CA.2.26 bis - Examination, for the ships using low-flashpoint fuels other than ships covered by the IGC Code, of the arrangement, installation,
control and monitoring of machinery, equipment and systems using low-flashpoint fuel, and structural fire protection(SOLAS 74/00/15 regulations
II-1/56, 57 and IGF Code);
CA.2.27 - Confirmation, as far as practicable, that no changes have been made in the structural fire protection, examination of any manual and
automatic fire doors and proof of their operation, test of the fire dampers of ventilation ducts and test of the means of closing the main inlets
and outlets of all ventilation systems and test of the means of stopping power ventilation systems from outside the space served (SOLAS 74/14
regs.II-2/20-1for vehicle carrier ships constructed on or after 1 January 2016) (SOLAS 74/00/12/15 regs.II-2/4.4, 5.2, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 6.2, 6.3,
7.5.5, 7.7, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.2.1, 9.2.3, 9.3, 9.4.2, 9.5, 9.7.1, 9.7.2, 9.7.3,,9.7.6, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 19.3.8, 19.3.10, 20.2.1 and 20.3)
(SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-2/42 to 44, 46 to 50 and 52)
CA.2.28 - Confirmation that the means of escape from accommodation, machinery spaces and other spaces are satisfactory (SOLAS 74/00/14
regs.II-2/13.2, 13.3.1, 13.3.3, 13.4.2 and 13.6) (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-2/45)
CA.2.28bis - Confirmation that in machinery spaces of category A the means of escape from machinery control stations and means of escape
from main workshops are satisfactory (SOLAS 74/14 regs.II-2/ and ( For ships constructed on or after 01/01/2016
CA.2.28ter - Confirmation that steel shields fitted underneath inclined ladder used as means of escape inside machinery spaces of category A,
such as to provide escaping personnel protection against heat and flame from beneath, are satisfactory. (SOLAS 74/14 regs.II-2/ ( For
ships constructed on or after 01/01/2016)
CA.2.29 - Examination of the arrangements for gaseous fuel for domestic purposes (SOLAS 74/00 reg.II-2/4.3) (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-2/51)
CA.2.30 - Visual examination of the condition of any expansion joints in sea water systems.
CA.2.31 - Confirmation, when appropriate and as far as practicable when examining internal spaces on oil tankers and bulk carriers, that the
means of access to cargo spaces and other spaces remain in good condition (SOLAS 74/00/02 reg.II-1/3-6)
CA.2.32 - Confirmation that no new materials containing asbestos were installed on board* (SOLAS 74/00/04 reg.II-1/3-5) * Guidance on the
means to verify that installed materials do not contain asbestos is contained in MSC.1/Circ.1426 on Unified interpretation on the implementation
of SOLAS regulation II-1/3-5 and MSC.1/Circ.1379
CA.2.33 - Examination of the functionality of bilge well alarms to all cargo holds and conveyor tunnels (SOLAS 74/97/04 reg.XII/9)
CA.2.34 - For bulk carriers examination of the hold, ballast and dry space water level detectors and their audible and visual alarms. (SOLAS
74/02 reg.XII/12)
Page 14 of 26
LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
CA.2.35 - For bulk carriers, check the arrangements for availability of draining and pumping systems forward of the collision bulkhead (SOLAS
74/02 reg.XII/13)
CA.2.36 - Confirmation that ship's identification number is permanently marked (SOLAS74/02, reg. XI-1/3)
CA.2.37 - confirmation that an appropriate portable atmosphere testing instrument or instruments is/are on board and that suitable means are
provided for their calibration (Refer to the Guidelines to facilitate the selection of portable atmosphere testing instruments for enclosed spaces
as required by SOLAS regulation XI-1/7 (MSC.1/Circ.1477))
CA.2.37.1 - confirmation that both instruments and calibration means are in proper working condition
CA.2.38 - For single hull, single hold cargo ships, examine the cargo hold water level detector and its audible and visual alarm (SOLAS 74/04
reg.II-1/23-3) (SOLAS 06 reg.II-1/25)
CA.2.39 - Confirmation that the coating system in dedicated SWB tanks in ships and double side skin spaces arranged in bulk carriers of 150 m in
length and upward when appropriate is maintained and that maintenance, repair and partial recoating are recorded in the coating technical file
(SOLAS 74/00/06 reg.II-1/3-2)
CA.2.40 - confirmation for bulk carriers constructed before 1 July 1999 with restrictions imposed with respect to the carriage of cargoes with a
density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, that a triangle is permanently marked at midship (SOLAS 74/97/04 reg.XII/8.3).
CA.2.41 - Confirmation for bulk carriers, that the loading instrument is on board and functioning (SOLAS 74/97/04 reg.XII/11)
CIN.2 - See also the International code on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers, 2011
(2011 ESP Code) adopted by resolution A.1049(27), as amended.
CIN.2.3 - For ships over 10 years of age, other than gas carriers and ships engaged in the carriage of dry cargoes only, an internal examination of
selected cargo spaces
CIN.2.4 - For ships over 15 years of age, engaged in the carriage of dry cargoes only, an internal examination of selected cargo spaces
CB.1.01 - Examination of the ship's shell, including bottom and bow plating, keel, bilge keels, stem, stern frame and rudder
CB.1.04 - Note of the clearance measured in the propeller shafts, as far as practicable
CB.1.06 - Survey of related items inspected at the same time (related items means those items which may only be inspected when the ship is in
drydock or undergoing an in-water examination of the outside of its bottom; for oil tankers, chemical tankers and gas carriers, this may mean
that the ship has to be specially prepared by, for example, being cleaned and gas-freed)
CB.1.07 - The ship is permanently marked with the IMO number (prefix "IMO" followed by the 7 digits number) in a visible place either on the
stern of the ship (or on either side of the hull, amidships port and starboard, above the deepest assigned load line or either side of the
superstructure, port and starboard, or in the front of the superstructure) and in an easily accessible place either on one of the end transverse
bulkheads of the machinery spaces (or on one of the hatchways or, in the case of tankers, in the pump room or, in the case of ships with ro-ro
spaces on one of the end transverse bulkheads of the ro-ro spaces) (SOLAS 74/02, reg. XI-1/3)
CB.1.08 - After a satisfactory survey, the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate has been endorsed for the inspection of the outside of the
ship's bottom
CIN.6.0 - Verification of the Flag Administration's additional requirements, if any, as per relevant Instruction to Surveyors
CIN.6.1 - After a satisfactory survey, the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate has been endorsed
CIN.6.2 - The survey has shown that the condition of the ship is unsatisfactory. See Narrative Report for details
Page 15 of 26
LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
Hull Intermediate
HI.0.2 - Confirmation that no new materials containing asbestos were installed on board
HI.0.8 - In accordance with IACS PR 17, deficiencies relating to possible SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM failures have been identified during the
present survey. A report has been completed so that the Organisation responsible for the issue of the SMC, if other than the Society, is notified
HI.3 SOLID CARGO SPACES (not intended for liquid cargoes); age of ship > 15 years
HI.03.1c - 230.09a : Garage deck , Limit frame aft: -6, Limit frame fore: 157, Vertical position: lower, Transversal position: central,
Longitudinal position: Centre - - Examination
HI.03.1c - 230.09b : Garage deck , Limit frame aft: -6, Limit frame fore: 143, Vertical position: lower, Transversal position: central,
Longitudinal position: Centre - - Examination
HI.03.1c - 230.09c : Garage deck , Limit frame aft: 37, Limit frame fore: 142, Vertical position: lower, Transversal position: central,
Longitudinal position: Centre - - Examination
Page 16 of 26
LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
Hull Annual
HA.0.2 - If the surveys relevant to fire protection statutory requirements on behalf of the flag Administration are carried out, the compliance
with those requirements of the SOLAS Convention and/or national safety regulations, as applicable, has been verified also for Class purposes
(refer to Statutory Form, as applicable, for ships subject to SOLAS and to the appropriate forms for ships subject to national safety regulations)
HA.0.7 - In accordance with IACS PR 17, deficiencies relating to possible SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM failures have been identified during the
present survey. A report has been completed so that the Organisation responsible for the issue of the SMC, if other than the Society, is notified
HA.1.01 - General external examination and testing, where appropriate, verifying the efficient condition of the following items, as applicable
HA.1.02 - - outer shell plating above the waterline, relevant shell doors and accessible parts of the rudder(s)
HA.1.03 - - plating of freeboard deck and exposed decks, superstructures, with their openings and means of closure
HA.1.04 - - cargo hatchways and other openings on exposed decks, with their coamings and their means of closure and securing arrangements
HA.1.05 - - side scuttles and dead lights, garbage chutes and other openings with their means of closure
HA.1.07 - - scuppers and sanitary discharges, valves on discharge lines and their controls
HA.1.08 - - means provided to minimize water ingress through the spurling pipes and chain lockers
HA.1.10 - - ventilators, air pipes, overflow pipes and gas vent pipes, with their means of closure and flame screens, where required. In particular
the following is to be verified:
HA.1.11 - External examination of all air pipe heads installed on exposed decks including all automatic air pipe heads installed on the exposed
decks, i.e. those extending above the freeboard deck or superstructure decks. This requirement is not applicable to passenger ships
HA.1.16 - - equipment of chain cables for anchors, windlass, mooring lines and mooring winches, where required
HA.1.18 - - deck fittings, their pedestals, if any, and the hull structures associated with towing and mooring
HA.1.20 - - main and auxiliary steering arrangements, including their associated equipment and control systems, and manoeuvring gear
HA.1.21 - - accessible cargo holds, in particular in areas likely to be damaged by cargo handling
HA.1.22 - - confirmation that the drainage from enclosed cargo spaces situated on the freeboard deck is satisfactory
HA.1.29 - Ship Master's check of the accuracy of the shipboard computer for stability calculations
HA.1.30 - Confirmation that no new materials containing asbestos were installed on board
HA.27.01.00 - For applicability of some requirements to specific range of ships only the following codes are used in this section:
Ship Type (A): date keel laid before 1/1/1982
ship Type (B): date keel laid on or after 1/1/1982 but before 1/1/1987
ship Type (C): date keel laid on or after 1/1/1987 but before 1/1/1996
ship Type (D): date keel laid on or after 1/1/1996 but before 1/1/1997
ship Type (E): date keel laid on or after 1/1/1997
HA.27.01.01 - Confirmation has been obtained that no unapproved changes have been made to the bow, inner, side shell and stern doors since
the last survey
HA.27.01.03 - It has been verified that documented operating procedures for closing and securing doors are kept on board and posted at an
appropriate place as applicable:
Ro-Ro cargo ships (D) only for bow doors,
Ro-Ro cargo ships (E) for all doors and,
Ro-Ro passenger ships (all type) for all doors
HA.27.01.05 - Examination of structural arrangement of bow, inner, side shell and stern doors including plating, secondary stiffeners, primary
structure, hinging arms and welding
HA.27.01.06 - Examination of shell structure surrounding the opening of the doors and the securing, supporting and locking devices including
shell plating, secondary stiffeners, primary structure, and welding
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Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
HA.27.01.08 - Examination of hull and door side supports for securing, supporting and locking devices
HA.27.01.09 - Close-up survey of securing, supporting and locking devices including welding, as follows:
HA. - Cylinder securing pins, supporting brackets, back-up brackets (where fitted) and their welded connections
HA. - Hinge pins, supporting brackets, back-up brackets (where fitted) and their welded connections
HA. - Locking hooks, securing pins, supporting brackets, back-up brackets (where fitted) and their welded connections
HA. - Locking pins, supporting brackets, back-up brackets (where fitted) and their welded connections
HA.27.01.10 - Where cracks are found, examination with NDT has been carried out in the surrounding area and for similar items as considered
HA.27.01.11 - Clearances of hinges, bearings and thrust bearings were taken, where the door arrangement makes feasible the measurement of
the clearances without dismantling hinges, bearings and thrust bearings
HA.27.01.12 - As the door function tests are not satisfactory (see items under HA.27.1.18), dismantling of the hinges, bearings and thrust
bearings has been performed in order to measure their clearances
HA.27.01.13 - As dismantling was performed (see item HA.27.1.12), visual examination of hinge pins and relevant bearings, together with NDT of
the hinge pins, was performed
HA.27.01.14 - Measurements of the clearances of securing, supporting and locking devices were taken, where indicated in the OMM
HA.27.01.15 - Examination of packing material / rubber gaskets and retaining bars or channels, including welding has been be carried out
HA.27.01.18 - Checking of the satisfactory operation of the bow, inner, side shell and stern doors during a complete opening and closing
operation has been made, as applicable, including
HA. - device for locking the door in the open position (applicable to ships (D) only for bow doors and to ships (E) for all doors)
HA. - HA. - proper sequence of the interlock system for the opening (applicable to ships (D) only for bow doors and to ships
of (E) for all doors)
HA. - proper locking of hydraulic securing devices in the event of a loss of the hydraulic fluid, according to the procedure provided by
the OMM (if requested)
Check applicable in the following cases:
Ships (B): only bow doors
Ships (C): all doors
Ships (D): all doors. Achieved by mechanically locking the hydraulic system is in closed position for bow doors
Ships (E): all doors. To be achieved by mechanically locking the hydraulic system is in closed position.
HA. - correct indication of open / closed position of securing / locking devices at navigation bridge and other control stations as
Ships (B): only bow doors > 12 m2
Ships (C): all doors> 12 m2
Ships (D): side/stern door> 12 m2 and all bow doors
Ships (E): side/stern door> 6 m2and all bow doors
HA. - isolation of the hydraulic securing / locking devices from other hydraulic systems (applicable to ship (D) only for bow doors and
to ships (E) for all doors)
HA. - confirmation that the operating panels are inaccessible to unauthorized persons
HA. - verification that a notice plate giving instructions to the effect that all securing devices are to be closed and locked before
leaving harbour is placed at each operating panel and supplemented by warning indicator lights
HA. - examination of electrical equipment for opening, closing and securing the doors
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Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
HA.27.01.20 - NDT and thickness measurements have been required after visual examination and function test, as considered necessary by the
HA.27.02.01 - HA.27.2.1 - Checking of the satisfactory operation of the indicator system for cargo ships has been carried out, as applicable:
Ships (D) only bow doors
Ships (E) side/stern doors, where a part of the door is below the uppermost load line or the area is 6m2 or grater and bow doors), including:
HA. - proper visible indication and audible alarm on the navigation bridge panel, according to the selected function "harbour / sea
voyage" and on the operating panel
HA. - verification that it is not possible to turn off the indicator light on both panels
HA. - verification of failsafe performance, according to the procedure provided by the OMM
HA. - confirmation that power supply for indicator system is supplied by the emergency source or other secure power supply and
independent of the power supply for operating the doors
HA. - proper condition of sensors and protection from water, ice formation and mechanical damage
HA.27.02.04 - The tightness test of shell doors has not been carried out unless as not considered necessary by the attending surveyor since the
visual examination and function test have shown satisfactory results
HA.27.04.02 - Confirmation of the proper operation of platforms/ramps and of mechanical stops and locks
HA.29.1 - Confirmation of the availability of instructions and instruments for stowage of containers, as required or fitted
HA.29.2 - Examination of container supports welded to the ship's structure or on to the hatch covers
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Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
Mach. Annual
MA.1.2 - Confirmation that no new materials containing asbestos were installed on board
MA.1.5 - In accordance with IACS PR 17, deficiencies relating to possible SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM failures have been identified during the
present survey. A report has been completed so that the Organisation responsible for the issue of the SMC, if other than the Society, is notified
MA.2.01 - General examination of machinery and boiler spaces with particular attention to the fire and explosion hazards
MA.2.03 - External examination of the protective devices for starting air mains, where required, for each engine
MA.2.04 - Testing of the means of communication and order transmission between the navigating bridge and the machinery control positions and
other control stations
MA.2.05 - Confirmation that the rudder angle indicator on the bridge is in working order
MA.2.06 - Examination, as far as practicable, of the bilge pumping systems and bilge wells, including operation of the pumps, remote reach rods
and level alarms, where fitted
MA.2.07 - Visual examination of the condition of any expansion joints in sea water systems
MA.2.08 - External examination of pressure vessels other than boilers and their appurtenances, including safety devices, foundations, controls,
relieving gear, high pressure piping, insulation and gauges
MA.2.10 - Examination of the results of sterntube lubricating oil analyses, to confirm they have been regularly performed and the recorded
parameters are within acceptable limits and check of the records of lubricating oil consumption, to confirm it is within permissible limits (oil
lubricated tailshafts for which the Owners has requested the modified survey scheme to be applied)
MA.3.1 - External examination of pressure vessels of the installation and their appurtenances, including safety devices, foundations, controls,
relieving gear, high pressure piping, insulation and gauges
MA.5.1 - External examination of boilers and their appurtenances, including safety devices, foundations, controls, relieving, high pressure and
steam escape piping, insulation and gauges
MA.6.1 - General examination, visually and in operation, as feasible, of the electrical installations for power and lighting, in particular:
MA.6.1.1 - - main and emergency generators, electric motors, batteries, switchboards, switchgears
MA.6.2 - Check, as far as practicable, the operation of emergency sources of power and, where they are automatic, also including the automatic
MA.6.4 - Check of the bridge control of propulsion machinery and related arrangements (alarms and safety devices)
MA.6.5 - Check of the proper working condition of emergency lightings in following spaces:
MA.6.5.01 - in every muster and embarkation station and over the sides
MA.6.5.03 - in all service and accommodation alleyways, stairways and exits, personnel lift cars and personnel lift trunks
MA.6.5.04 - in the machinery spaces and main generating stations including their control positions
MA.6.5.05 - in all control stations, machinery control rooms, and at each main and emergency switchboard
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Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
MA.6.5.08 - at the emergency fire pump, when required, at the sprinkler pump, if any, at the emergency bilge pump, if any, and at the
starting positions of their motors
MA.6.5.10 - the navigation lights and other lights required by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea in force
MA.6.6 - Check of the proper working condition of the general alarm and if applicable of the public address system
MA.24.1 - Fire protection, detection and extinction related to ro-ro cargo spaces
MA.24.1.1 - Examination and testing, as far as practicable, of- fire detection systems and alarms
MA.24.1.2 - Check of the ventilation and related safety devices (including remote control on the bridge)
MA.52.1 - Examination of the engineers' log-book to verify the proper operation of automation systems in the period subsequent to the last
survey and measures taken to avoid repetition of any malfunctions or failures which have occurred during the same period
MA.52.2 - General examination of the control systems covered by the notation, including a random check of the proper operation and calibration
of main measuring, monitoring, alarm, and automatic shut-off devices
MA.52.3 - Examination and testing, as far as practicable and at random, of the fire and/or smoke detection systems
MA.52.5 - Running test which may be also performed by a spot check method
MA.57.2 - Verification of the accuracy of the gauging devices (when doubts arise upon checking as per MA.57.1)
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Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
ILL H Annual
LA.1.00 - Separate report of examination of current certificates and other records filled in
(Items LA.1.1, LA.1.2, LA.1.3, LA.1.4, LA.1.5, LA.1.6, LA.1.7, LA.1.8, LA.1.9, LA.1.10, LA.1.11, LA.1.12, LA.1.13, LA.1.14, LA.1.17 are not listed
in this report as considered in the separate report of examination)
LA.2.01 - Check, in general, that there has been no deterioration in the strength of the hull (LLC 66/88 reg.1)
LA.2.02 - Check of the positions of the deck line and load line which, if necessary, are to be re-marked and re-painted (LLC 66/88 regs.4 to 9)
LA.2.04 - Examination of the superstructure end bulkheads and openings therein (LLC 66/88 regs.11 and 12)
LA.2.05 - Examination of the means of securing the weathertightness of cargo hatchways, other hatchways and other openings on the freeboard
and superstructure decks (LLC 66/88 regs.13 to 18)
LA.2.06 - Examination of the ventilators and air pipes, including their coamings and closing appliances (LLC 66/88 regs.19 and 20)
LA.2.07 - Examination of the watertight integrity of the closures to any openings in the ship's side below the freeboard deck (LLC 66/88 reg.21)
LA.2.08 - Examination of the scuppers, inlets and discharges (LLC 66/88 reg.22)
LA.2.10 - Examination of the means provided to minimize water ingress through the spurling pipes and chain lockers (LLC 66/88/03, reg. 22-2)
LA.2.11 - Examination of the side scuttles and deadlights (LLC 66/88 reg.23)
LA.3.0 - Verification of the Flag Administration's additional requirements, if any, as per relevant Instruction to Surveyors
LA.3.1 - After a satisfactory survey, the International Load Line Certificate or International Load Line Exemption Certificate has been endorsed
LA.3.2 - The survey has shown that the condition of the ship is unsatisfactory. See Narrative Report for details
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Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
SAFEQU H Periodical
EA.1.00 - Separate report of examination of current certificates and other records filled in
(Items EA.1.1, EA.1.1.bis, EA.1.2, EA.1.3, EA.1.4, EA.1.5, EA.1.6, EA.1.7, EA.1.8, EA.1.9, EA.1.10, EA.1.11, EA.1.2, EA.1.13, EA.1.14, EA.1.37
are not listed in this report as considered in the separate report of examination)
EA.1.15 - Check of the manning and supervision of survival craft (SOLAS 74/00 reg.III/10)
EA.1.18 - Confirmation that the fire control plans are permanently exhibited or, alternatively, emergency booklets have been provided and that
a duplicate of the plans or the emergency booklet are available in a prominently marked enclosure external to the ship's deckhouse (SOLAS 74/00
reg.II-2/15.2.4) (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-2/20)
EA.1.19 - Confirmation that the maintenance plans have been provided (SOLAS 74/00 regs.II-2/14.2.2 and 14.4)
EA.1.20 - Confirmation that the training manuals and the fire safety operational booklets have been provided (SOLAS 74/00/14 regs.II-2/15.2.3,
16.2 and 16.3)
EA.1.21 - Check whether any fire has occurred on board necessitating the operation of the fixed fire-extinguishing systems or the portable fire
extinguishers since the last survey
EA.1.22 - Check, when appropriate, that the ship is provided with a document indicating compliance with the special requirements for carrying
dangerous goods (SOLAS 74/00/08 regs.II-2/19.4) (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-2/54(3))
EA.1.23 - Confirmation, when appropriate, that there is a special list, manifest or stowage plan for the carriage of dangerous goods (SOLAS 74/01
regs.VII/4.5 and 7-2.2) (SOLAS 74/88 regs.VII/5(3))
EA.1.26 - Check that the log-book entries are being made (SOLAS 74/00/13 regs.III/19 and 20) and in particular
EA.1.26.2 - Records indicating that the lifeboat equipment was examined at that time and found complete
EA.1.26.3 - Last occasion when the lifeboats were swung out and when each one was lowered into the water
EA.1.26.4 - Records indicating that crew members have received the appropriate on-board training
EA.1.26.5 - the records indicating that on voyages where passengers are scheduled to be on board for more than 24 h, musters of newly-
embarked passengers have taken place prior to or immediately upon departure
EA.1.27 - Confirmation that the training manual and training aids for the life-saving appliances are available on board in the working language of
the ship (SOLAS 74/00 reg.III/35)
EA.1.28 - Confirmation that the checklist and instructions for on-board maintenance of the life-saving appliances are on board (SOLAS 74/00
EA.1.29 - Confirmation that a table or curve of residual deviations for the magnetic compass has been provided, the compass deviation book has
been properly maintained and a diagram of the radar installation shadow sectors is displayed (SOLAS 74/00 reg.V/19)
EA.1.30 - Check that operational and, where appropriate, maintenance manuals for all navigational equipment are provided (SOLAS 74/00
EA.1.31 - Check that nautical charts and nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage are available and have been updated, and,
where electronic systems are used, the required back-up system is provided (SOLAS 74/00 regs.V/19 and 27)
EA.1.32 - Check that the International Code of Signals and an up-to-date copy of Volume III of the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search
and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual have been provided (SOLAS 74/00/02 reg.V/21)
EA.1.33 - Check that records are maintained identifying any pilot ladders placed into service and any repair effected (SOLAS 10 reg. V/23.2.4)
EA.1.34 - Check that the life-saving signals to be used by ships, aircraft or persons in distress are available (SOLAS 74/00 reg.V/29)
EA.1.35 - Check that records of navigational activities and daily reporting have been maintained (SOLAS 74/00/04, reg. V/28)
EA.1.36 - Confirmation that Continuous Synopsis Record is provided (SOLAS 74/02 reg. XI-1/5)
EA.2.01 - Examination of the fire pumps, fire main, hydrants, hoses and nozzles and the international shore connection and check that each fire
pump, including the emergency fire pump, can be operated separately so that two jets of water are produced simultaneously from different
hydrants at any part of the ship whilst the required pressure is maintained in the fire main (SOLAS 74/00/14 reg.II-2/10.2; FSSC chs.2 and 12)
(SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-2/4 and 19)
EA.2.01 bis - For ships designed to carry containers on or above the weather deck, as applicable, examination of the water mist lance, and as
appropriate, of the mobile water monitors and all necessary hoses, fittings and required fixing hardware (SOLAS 74/00/14 regulation II-2/10.7.3)
(for ships constructed on or after 01/01/2016 designed to carry containers on or above the weather deck);
EA.2.02 - Check of the provision, proper stowage and random examination of the condition of the portable and non-portable fire extinguishers
(SOLAS 74/00 reg.II-2/10.3; FSSC ch.4) (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-2/6) and confirmation that:
a) their re-charging, where applicable, is still valid, or
b) adeguate additional extinguishers are provided
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Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
EA.2.03 - Confirmation that the fire fighters' outfits including its self-contained compressed air breathing apparatus and emergency escape
breathing devices (EEBDs) are complete and in good condition, that the cylinders, including the spare cylinders, of any required self-contained
breathing apparatus are suitably charged, and that on board means of recharging breathing apparatus cylinders used during drills or a suitable
number of spare cylinders to replace those used are provided, and provision of two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus of an explosion-proof
type or intrinsically safe. (SOLAS 74/00/12 regs.II-2/10.10, 13.3.4, 13.4.3 and 15.2.2; FSSC ch.3) (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-2/17) (BCH Code Ch.III Part
EA.2.04 - Check of the operational readiness and maintenance of fire-fighting systems (SOLAS 74/00 reg.II-2/14) (SOLAS 74/88/91 reg.II-2/21)
EA.2.05 - Examination of the fixed fire-fighting system for the machinery, cargo, vehicle, special category and ro-ro spaces, as appropriate,
including the fixed low pressure CO2 system(s),and confirmation that its means of operation is clearly marked (SOLAS 74/00/12/14 reg.II-2/10.4,
10.5, 10.7.1, 10.7.2 and 20.6.1; FSSC chs.5 to 7) (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-2/7 and 53)
EA.2.06 - Examination of the fire-extinguishing and special arrangements in the machinery spaces and confirmation as far as practicable and as
appropriate, of the operation of the remote means of control provided for the opening and closing of the skylights, the release of smoke, the
closure of the funnel and ventilation openings, the closure of power operated and other doors, the stopping of ventilation and boiler forced and
induced draft fans and the stopping of oil fuel and other pumps that discharge flammable liquids (SOLAS 74/00/12 reg.II-2/5.2, 8.3, 9.5 and 10.5)
(SOLAS 74/88/14 regs.II-2/7 and 11)
EA.2.07 - Check that fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems for the protection of machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms, where
applicable, are provided with two separate controls, one for opening of the gas piping and one for discharging the gas from the storage container,
each of them located in a release box clearly identified for the particular space (SOLAS 08 reg.II-2/ (APPLICABLE FROM THE FIRST
EA.2.08 - Examination, as far as possible, and test, as feasible, of any fire detection and alarm system and any sample extraction smoke
detection system (SOLAS 74/00/10 regs.II-2/7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5.1, 7.5.5, 19.3.3 and 20.4; FSSC chs. 9 and 10) (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-2/11, 13, 14, 53
and 54)
EA.2.09 - Examination of the fire-extinguishing system for spaces containing paint and/or flammable liquids and deep-fat cooking equipment in
accommodation and service spaces (SOLAS 74/00 reg.II-2/10.6.3 and 10.6.4; FSSC chs.5 to 7) (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-2/18.7) (BCH Code Ch. III Part
EA.2.10 - Examination of the helicopter facilities (SOLAS 74/00 reg.II-2/18) (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-2/18.8)
EA.2.11 - Examination of the arrangements for remote closing of valves for oil fuel, lubricating oil and other flammable oils and confirmation, as
far as practicable and as appropriate, of the operation of the remote means of closing the valves on the tanks that contain oil fuel, lubricating oil
and other flammable oils (SOLAS 74/00 reg.II-2/ 74/88 reg.II-2/15.2.5)
EA.2.12 - Examination and test of the general emergency alarm system (SOLAS 74/88 reg.III/20)
EA.2.13 - Examination of the fire protection arrangements in cargo, vehicle and ro-ro spaces and confirmation, as far as practicable and as
appropriate, of the operation of the means of control provided for closing the various openings (SOLAS 74/00/14 regs.II-2/10.7.1, 10.7.2, 20.2.1,
20.3 and 20.6.2) (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-2/53)
EA.2.13 bis - Examination and test of the portable gas detectors suitable for the detection of the gas fuel, for vehicle carriers carrying motor
vehicles with compressed hydrogen or natural gas in their tanks for their own propulsion as cargo (SOLAS 74/00/14 regulations II-2/20-1.2 and 20-
EA.2.13 ter - Examination, for the ships using low-flashpoint fuels other than ships covered by the IGC Code, of the fire detection and alarm
system, fire-fighting arrangements, and electrical equipment and wiring (IGF Code paras. 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7 and 12.3)
EA.2.14 - Examination, where applicable, that the alternative design and arrangements for fire safety or life-saving appliances and
arrangements, in accordance with the test, inspection and maintenance requirements, if any, specified in the approved documentation (SOLAS
00/06 regs. II-2/17 and III/38)
EA.2.15 - Examination, when appropriate, of the special arrangements for carrying dangerous goods, including check of electrical equipment and
wiring, ventilation, provision of protective clothing and portable appliances and test of water supply, bilge pumping and any water spray system
(SOLAS 74/00 reg.II-2/19 (except 19.3.8, 19.3.10 and 19.4)) (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-2/54)
EA.2.15 bis - Examination, when appropriate, of the special arrangements for vehicle carrier ships carrying, in cargo spaces, motor vehicles with
compressed hydrogen and/or compressed natural gas in their tanks for their own propulsion, including check of the structural fire protection, the
ventilation system, the electrical equipment and wiring in the cargo spaces and in the ventilation system serving the cargo spaces, etc. (SOLAS
74/14 regs.II-2/20-1, applicable to vehicle carrier ships constructed on or after 1 January 2016)
EA.2.16 - Check that emergency instructions are available for each person on board and that copies of the suitably updated muster list are
posted in conspicuous places and that they are in a language understood by all persons on board and confirmation that there are posters or signs
in the vicinity of survival craft and their launching stations (SOLAS 74/00 reg.III/8, 9 and 37)
EA.2.17 - Check that the life-saving appliances are of international or vivid reddish orange, or a comparably highly visible colour on all parts
where this will assist detection at sea (LSAC section
EA.2.18 - Examination of each survival craft, including its equipment and, when fitted, of the on load release mechanism and hydrostatic lock
and, for inflatable liferafts, of the hydrostatic release unit and float free arrangements. Check that the hand-held flares are not out-of-date
(SOLAS 74/00 regs.III/16, 20 and 31; LSAC sections 2.5, 3.1 to 3.3, 4.1.5, 4.4.7 and 4.4.8);
EA.2.19 - For liferafts provided for easy side to side transfer, verification that they are less than 185kg (SOLAS 74/00 reg.III/31.1)
EA.2.20 - Check that the falls used in launching appliances have been periodically inspected and have been renewed as necessary in the past 5
years (SOLAS 74/00/04 reg.III/20);
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Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
EA.2.21 - Examination of the embarkation arrangements and launching appliances for each survival craft. Each lifeboat should be lowered to the
embarkation position or, if the stowage position is the embarkation position, lowered a short distance and, if practicable, one of the survival
craft should be lowered to the water. The operation of the launching appliances for davit-launched liferafts has been demonstrated. (SOLAS
74/00 regs.III/11, 12, 13, 16, 20 and 31; LSAC section 6.1);
EA.2.22 - check that a thorough examination of launching appliances, including the dynamic testing of the winch brake, and servicing of lifeboat
and rescue boat on-load release gear, including free-fall lifeboat release systems and davit-launched life raft automatic release hooks, has been
carried out. The operational testing of free-fall lifeboat release systems shall be performed either by free-fall launch with only the operating
crew on board or by a simulated launching carried out based on MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev.1 (SOLAS 74/00/12 reg. III/ 20)
EA.2.22a - Launching appliances have been subjected to an annual thorough examination and upon completion subjected to the annual dynamic
test of the winch brake at maximum lowering speed with a proof load equal to the mass of the liferaft/lifeboat without persons on board (SOLAS
EA.2.22b - Launching appliances have been subjected to an annual thorough examination and upon completion subjected to the 5-yearly dynamic
test of the winch brake at maximum lowering speed with a proof load equal to 1,1 times the mass of the liferaft/lifeboat fully loaded (SOLAS
EA.2.22c - Lifeboat on-load release gear has been subjected to an annual thorough examination and operational test (SOLAS 74/04 reg.
EA.2.22d - Lifeboat on-load release gear has been subjected to the 5-yearly overhauling and upon completion has been subjected to an
operational test under a load of 1.1 times the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment (SOLAS
EA.2.23 - Examination of each rescue boat, including its equipment. For inflatable rescue boats, confirming that they are stowed in a fully
inflated condition (SOLAS 74/88 reg.III/14 and 31; LSAC sections 2.5 and 5.1)
EA.2.24 - Confirmation that there are posters or signs in the vicinity of the survival craft, their launching stations and containers, brackets, racks
and other similar stowage locations for life-saving equipment (SOLAS 74/00 reg.III/9 and 20)
EA.2.25 - Examination of the embarkation and recovery arrangements for each rescue boat. If practicable, the rescue boat(s) should be lowered
to the water and its recovery demonstrated (SOLAS 74/00 regs.III/14, 17 and 31; LSAC sections 6.1)
EA.2.26 - Test that the engine of the rescue boat(s) and of each lifeboat, when so fitted, start satisfactorily and operate both ahead and astern
EA.2.27 - Examination and check of the operation of two way VHF radiotelephone apparatus and search and rescue locating devices (SOLAS
74/88/08 reg.III/6)
EA.2.28 - Examination of the line throwing appliance and check that its rockets and igniting cartridges and the ship's distress signals are not out
of date, examination and check of the operation of on board communications equipment and the general emergency alarm system (SOLAS 74/00
regs.II-2/12.2 and III/6 and 18; LSAC sections 3.1, 7.1 and 7.2)
EA.2.29 - Examination of the provision, disposition, stowage and the condition of the lifebuoys, including those fitted with self-igniting lights,
self-activating smoke signals and buoyant lines, lifejackets (reg.III/ should be considered) and their whistles and lights, immersion suits,
anti-exposure suits and thermal protective aids and that their associated batteries are not out-of-date and confirmation that the servicing of the
inflatable lifejackets is not out-of-date (SOLAS 74/88/06 regs.III/7 and 32; LSAC sections 2.1 to 2.5)
EA.2.30 - Check that for immersion suits designated to be worn in conjunction with a lifejacket, are suitably marked (LSAC section 2.3.1)
EA.2.31 - Check of the lighting of the muster and embarkation stations and the alleyways, stairways and exits giving access to the muster and
embarkation stations, including when supplied from the emergency source of power (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-1/42 or 43 and III/11)
EA.2.32 - Check that the required navigation lights, shapes and sound signalling equipment are in order (International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea (COLREG) in force, rules 20 to 24, 27 to 30 and 33)
EA.2.33 - Check that the following items of navigation equipment are in working order, as appropriate: daylight signalling lamp, magnetic
compass, transmitting heading device, gyro compass, gyro compass repeaters, radar installation(s), electronic plotting aid, automatic tracking
aid(s) or automatic radar plotting aid(s), echo sounding device, speed and distance measuring device(s), rudder angle indicator, propeller rate-of-
revolution indicator, variable-pitch propeller pitch and operational mode indicator, rate of turn indicator, heading or track control system, GNSS
receiver, terrestrial radio navigation system and sound reception system, means of communication with emergency steering position, a pelorus or
compass bearing device, means for correcting heading and bearings, a BNWAS as applicable and ECDIS including back-up arrangements, as
applicable. Items that cannot be checked in port should be verified from records (SOLAS 74/00/09/13 reg.V/19)
EA.2.34 - Check that the International Code of Signals is available (SOLAS 74/00 reg. V/21)
EA.2.35 - Check of the rotational deployment of MES (SOLAS 74/88 reg. III/20.8.2; LSAC section
EA.2.37 - Check of the provision and operation of the automatic identification system, where fitted, and whether the annual test has been
carried out and a copy of the test report is on board (SOLAS 74/00/04/10 regs. V/18.9 and 19)
EA.2.39 - Check of the provision and specification of the pilot ladders and pilot transfer arrangements (SOLAS 74/00/10 reg.V/23)
EA.2.40 - (APPLICABLE AS REQUIRED BY THE FLAG ADMINISTRATION) Check that the means of embarkation on and disembarkation from ships for
use in port and in port related operations, such as gangways and accommodation ladders, are in satisfactory condition (SOLAS 08, reg. II-1/3-9).
EA.2.41 - Check, when appropriate, the provision of an appropriate instrument for measuring the concentration of gas or oxygen in the air
together with detailed instructions for its use (SOLAS 08 reg.VI/3)
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LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
EA.2.42 - confirmation that ship-specific plans and procedures for recovery of persons from the water have been provided (SOLAS 74/12 reg.
EP.2.2 - Confirmation during the examination of the fixed fire fighting system for the machinery, cargo, vehicle, special category and ro-ro
spaces that, as appropriate, any foam compounds and the CO2 capacity have been checked and that the distribution pipework has been proved
clear (SOLAS 74/00/12/14 regs.II-2/10.4, 10.5, 10.7.1, 10.7.2 and 20.6.1; FSSC chs.5 to 7) (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-2/7 and 53)
EP.2.3 - Test of the operation of the remote means of control provided for the opening and closing of the skylights, the release of smoke, the
closure of the funnel and ventilation openings, the closure of power operated and other doors, the stopping of ventilation and boiler forced and
induced draught fans and the stopping of oil fuel and other pumps that discharge flammable liquids (SOLAS 74/00/14 regs.II-2/5.2, 8.3, 9.5 and
10.5) (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-2/11)
EP.2.4 - Test of any fire detection and alarm system and any sample extraction smoke detection system (SOLAS 74/00/10 regs.II-2/7.2, 7.3, 7.4,
7.5.5, 19.3.3 and 20.4; FSSC chs.9 and 10) (SOLAS 74/88 regs.II-2/11, 13, 14, 53 and 54)
EP.2.5 - Test, as feasible, of the fire extinguishing system for spaces containing paint and/pr flammable liquids and deep-fat cooking equipment
in accommodation and service spaces (SOLAS 74/00 regs.II-2/10.6.3 and 10.6.4; FSSC chs.5 to 7) (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-2/18.7)
EP.2.6 - Test of the remote closing of valves for oil fuel, lubricating oil and other flammable oils and of the operation of the remote means of
closing the valves on the tanks that contain oil fuel, lubricating oil and other flammable oils (SOLAS 74/00 reg.II-2/ (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-
EP.2.7 - Test of the operation of the means of control provided for closing the various openings for the cargo, vehicle, special category and ro-ro
spaces (SOLAS 74/00/14 regs.II-2/5.2 and 20.3) (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-2/53)
EP.2.8 - Test, as feasible, of the helicopter facilities (SOLAS 74/00 reg.II-2/18) (SOLAS 74/88 reg.II-2/18.8)
EP.4.0 - Verification of the Flag Administration's additional requirements, if any, as per relevant Instruction to Surveyors
EP.4.1 - After a satisfactory survey, the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate has been endorsed
EP.4.2 - The survey has shown that the condition of the ship is unsatisfactory. See Narrative Report for details
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LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
(*) if any
ro-ro cargo ship - equipped for carriage of containers
Flag Malta
Call Sign 9HA3762
Port of Registry-No. VALLETTA
Date of build Apr1995
Keel Laid 15Jul1991
Intl Tonnage 8407
National Tonnage
Main Class Symbol C✠
Service Notation ro-ro cargo ship - equipped for carriage of containers
Service Notation description
Navigation Notation unrestricted navigation
Additional Notations ✠ AUT-PORT; ✠ AUT-UMS; ICE CLASS IA; MON-SHAFT
Other Societies
Address VIA MATTEOTTI, 332
ZIP 45018
City Porto Tolle (RO)
Country ITALY
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LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
Date of entry into class 11Sep2014
(*) ATTENTION: This Ship Status is updated to the date of issue (17Mar2017) except for any surveys carried out after 17Mar2017 (Last survey
Continuous Survey Items and Forthcoming Class Requirements are excluded. For their due dates refer to the relevant document and pages.
17Mar2017 -
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LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
Page 3 of 7
LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
Crack of extended for about 1m vertically around Fr82-83 port side starting about 300mm above main deck, repaired by welding has been acepted
by DNV as permanently repaired. No further action are necessary.
Rudder blade suffered cracks in the corner of the recess for rudder horn.
In 2002 loss of the part of blade below rudder horn and duly replaced with new rudder blade.
The new blade suffered cracks in the same position in 2003 and 2012 and suitable doublers have been fitted in order to strengthen the area as per
DNV plan approval assessment.
To be taken in duly consideration during bottom surveys.
Lower Ice Water Line (LIWL) = 4000 mm
Upper Ice Water Line (UIWL) = 6328 mm
Upper Ice Water Line (UIWL) = 6328 mm
Lower Ice Water Line (LIWL) = 5200 mm
Upper Ice Water Line (UIWL) = 6328 mm
Minimum Engine Power as per FINNISH ICE CLASS RULES 2002: 3620 KW (3020 KW as from 1/1/2015)
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LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
Last opening up 12Sep2011
Page 6 of 7
LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729
Printout date 21Mar2017 Ship's Name EXCELLENT
Date of issue 17Mar2017 21:40 UTC+1 IMO No. 9007867 RINA No. 93288
Remote control of sea inlet valve not located above bulkhaed deck as requested by ILL Reg 22 for unattended machinery ship, has been acepted by
MALTA Flag administration following below consideration
-Audible alarms shall be activated in the event of water ingress in engine room.,
-The control of the main sea inlet valves is local and also rapidly and easily reachable by means of remote Hydraulic system , located under
bulkhead-deck (MAIN DECK) , On engine platform and iwo of ECR entrance.,
-UMS notation shall be withdrawn in the event of any changes to the above arrangement(s).
Last date of thorough examination of lifesaving launching appliances and dynamic test of the winch brake:
- freefall lifeboat: 29/10/2015 - new installation
- liferaft: 29/04/2015
- rescue boat: 29/04/2015
Marseille 29/10/2015
- New hospital has been fitted on board on 2 nd superstructure deck
- N. 2 pax cabin has been rebuilt on upper deck
- N.1 pax cabin has been rebuilt on I st superstructure deck
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LeonardoINFO For any enquiries please contact: Genova Marine
Telephone : +39 010 572971
E-mail : [email protected]
Direct fax line : +39 010 5729729