Far More Are WE

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You are far, far, more

First, I would like to start with the brainwave frequencies which I am sure you already have an
If we consider that the Alpha brainwave spectrum which includes the commonly understood
Schumann Resonance seems to have its fundamental frequency associated with and
determined by the physical structure of the circumference of the Earth. The earth circumference
being about 40,000 Km. therefore considering the speed of light (C), would be a frequency of 7.5
Hz. This has been found to be measured at around 7.8Hz. However, as one who has watched
over a many year period with ELF test spectrum analyzers I can tell you that Earth being an alivesystem allows a continual shift up and down that spectrum from the 7.5 to 8.2 Hz. Although it is
related to the circumference of earth, it being a complex system of earth/atmosphere and
ionosphere is continually alive and changing. It is well recognized that as we enter a relaxed and
meditation mode, our brainwaves reveal a highly alpha wave condition. In addition, EEG
brainwave detection will reveal the Schumann Resonances within its received spectrum.
Next, something which has not been widely recognized to date is that if one calculates the
circumference frequencies of the inner Van Allen belt, it will be found that its spectrum range is
from 4.25 to 6 Hz. which you will recognize as the theta brainwave region. The Theta brainwaves
have long been associated with human creativity and dream states such as REM and lucid
In addition, if one calculates the circumference frequencies of the outer Van Allen belt, it will be
found that its spectrum range is from 1.8 to 2.3 Hz. which you will recognize as the delta
brainwave region. The Delta brainwaves have been associated with a deep revitalizing sleep
period, or Non-REM and slow-wave sleep.
All life on earth has developed within these Schumann Resonances and well as the Inner and
Outer Van Allen donut shaped energy toroids. When one calculates additional frequency
relationships of the Van Allens such as the radius wavelengths from the Earth center or its
surface it may be easily seen that again the other higher brainwave frequency spectrums appear
in number.
To summarize the above information, each and every day our individual consciousness cycles
through the resonances with these fundamental aspects of the earths structure.
To gain a greater picture of what I am showing we must take a look at the content of these
Schumann and Van Allen frequency fields. To begin, there is an aspect of the EM field which has
largely been ignored in our discoveries and technologies during the past century and that is the
Near-Field of a radiating element such as an antenna. But in this case, the antenna is the Earth
or its Van Allen energy belts.
For present purposes I will consider the Near-field to be the EM structure contained within one
wavelength of the radiating element. Very little had been known about the characteristics of the
near-field until recent years and now technology have begun to make great strides in its uses
such as Bluetooth, and RFID, etc. These are presently being used within the RF microwave and
very short wavelength frequencies. However, for our interests on the present subject I am
considering long wave lengths such as Earth and Energy Belt circumferences. We on earth are
immersed within the near-field of the Schumann resonances.

William D. Walker and others have demonstrated through experiment and published via the
science literature that there is an instantaneous effect within the near-field of EM transmissions.
He was even able to demonstrate an instantaneous exchange of information with modulated
signals within those experiments. See Ref: https://www.scribd.com/doc/143572640/Near-FieldRef
In addition, others through experiment have observed a Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC)
condition within the near-field of an EM signal, and perhaps most recently a BEC condition has
been observed within the brain structure. Could this possibly mean that the information content
within a single cycle of an EM wave (near-field) as per BEC experiments and understanding
connects instantaneously throughout the whole wavelength cycle of an EM wave, or within each
and every wavelength?
The science literature clearly make a case for an instantaneous condition within our reality. See
Ref: https://www.scribd.com/doc/143574811/Superluminal-FTL-References
My own experiments in detecting EM waves from a radiating element have shown that the
present understanding of EM is wrong in its interpretation of the waves as orthogonal magnetic
and electric sine waves but are indeed spiral formations in space in which the maximum
amplitude may be tracked and detected quite easily over many wavelengths.
Now if you might allow me to consider then that we are immersed within the instantaneous nearfield radiating elements of the Earth, the inner and outer Van Allen fields and the information
content of those and other surrounding near-fields and that our very own brain structure is
likewise contained, coupled and designed for such information to be made available upon such
time as consciousness makes itself available.

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