Police Ethics and Values PPT 1

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Indispensable knowledge.
Without moral perception, man is
only an animal.
Without morality, man as a
rational being is a failure.

It must be performed by a conscious agent who is

aware of what he is doingand of its consequences.
It must be performed by an agent, who is acting
freely, that is, by his ownvolition and powers. An
action done under duress and against ones will is
not entirely a free action.
It must be performed by an agent who decides
willfully to perform the act. This willfulness is the
result to perform an act here and now, or in some
future time.


Elicited Acts are those performed by the will and are
not bodily externalized.
a. Wish is the tendency of will toward something,
whether this is realizable or not.
b. Intention is the tendency of the will towards
something attainable butwithout necessarily
committing oneself to attain it.
c. Consent is the acceptance of the will of those
needed to carry out the intention.

d. Election is the selection of the will of those

effective enough to carry out the intention.

e. Use is the command of the will to make use of

those means elected tocarry out the intention.
f. The fruition is the enjoyment of the will
derived from the attainment of the thing he
had desired earlier.


Classification of Actions According to the

Norms of Morality

2. Commanded Acts are those done either by mans

mental or bodily powersunder the command of the will.
a. Internal actions
Examples: conscious reasoning, recalling something,
encouraging oneself, and controlling aroused emotions
b. External actions
Examples: walking, eating, dancing, laughing, listening,
and reading
c. Combinations of internal and external movements
Examples: studying, driving a car, writing a letter, and
playing chess

Moral (Good) actions are those actions which are in

conformity with the norm of morality.
Immoral (Bad) actions are those actions which are
not in conformity with thenorm of morality.
Amoral (Indifferent) actions are those actions which
stand neutral in relationto the norm of morality. They
are neither good nor bad in themselves. But certain
amoral actions may become good or bad because of
the circumstancesattendant to them.


Classifications of Voluntariness
1. Perfect voluntariness is present in a person who
fullyknows and fully intends an act.
2. Imperfect voluntariness is present in a person who
actswithout fully realizing what he means to do, or
withoutfully intending the act.
3. Conditional voluntariness is present in a person who
isforced by circumstances beyond his control to
perform anact which he would not do under normal
4. Simple voluntariness is present in a person doing an
actwillfully, regardless of whether he likes to do it or
not It is either positive or negative.

Types of Voluntariness
Direct voluntariness accompanies an act
which is primarily intended by thedoer,
either as an end in it or as a meansto
achieve something.
Indirect voluntariness accompanies an
act or situation which is the mere result
of a directly willed action.



1. Ignorance - absence of knowledge which a

person ought to possess
Classification of Ignorance
a. Invincible ignorance can easily be reminded
through ordinary diligence and reasonable efforts
b. Invincible ignorance is the type which a person
possesses without being aware of it or, having
awareness of it, lacks the means to rectify it
Ignorance of the law excuses no one- implies
that no one should not act in the state of
ignorance and that no one who has done wrong
may not claim ignorance as a defense.

2. Passions - either tendencies towards desirable

objects, or tendencies away from undesirable or
harmful things
Classification of Passions
a. Positive emotions love, desire, delight hope,
and bravery
b. Negative emotions hatred, horror, sadness,
despair, fear, and anger



3. Fear - disturbance of the mind of a person who

isconfronted by an impendingdanger or harm to
himself orloved ones.

4. Violence - refers to any physical force exerted on a

person by another free agent for the purpose of
compelling saidperson to act against his will.

Fear is an instinct for self-preservation. We even fear

new experiences or situations such as, embarking on
a long journey, being left alone in a strange place, or
being asked to speak before a group of people.

Bodily torture, maltreatment, isolation, and mutilation

are examples of violence against persons.

Passions are psychic responses. As such, they are

neither moral nor immoral, however, man is
bound to regulate his emotions and submit them
to the control of reason.



Kinds of Rights

5. Habits - is a lasting readiness and facility, born of

frequently repeated acts, for acting in a certain
The word habit-forming that we use to refer to
certain experience shows how easy it is for one to
acquire a habit. It also implies that a habit is not easy
to overcome or alter.It requires a strong-willed
person to correct a habit successfully within a limited
period of time.

1. Natural rights are those based on the natural law, that is,
on human nature.
2. Human rights are those based on human positive laws,
either those enacted by the State or a religious sect.
a. Civil rights are those dependent upon the laws of the
b. Ecclesiastical or religious rights are those dependent
upon the laws of a church or a religious sect.
3. Alienable and inalienable Rights. Alienable rights are
those, civil or religious rights, which can be surrendered,
renounced, or removed, such as the right to decent

Kinds of Rights

Kinds of Duties

4. Right of jurisdiction is the power of lawful authority

to govern his subjects andto make laws for them.
5. Right of property is the power to own, to sell, to
barter, to lend, to change, orgive away ones personal
6. Juridical right refers to all rights insofar as they are
based on laws. These rights must be respected,
allowed, fulfilled, as a matter of strict justice.
7. Non-Juridical rights are thosewhich are founded on
laws, either natural or human, buton virtue. Thus,
these are also called moral rights.

1. Natural duties are those imposed by natural law

such as,the duty to care for our health.
2. Positive duties are those imposed by a human
positivelaw such as the duty topay taxes and to
observe trafficrules.
3. Affirmative duties are those which require the
performanceof a certain act such as casting a ballot
during election;applying for a business license.
4. Negative duties are those which require the
omission of acertain act such as not carrying illegal
firearms, or notdestroying the property of other.

Civil and Political Rights

1. Civil Rights are those which an individual
enjoys in his private activities, or in his
transactions with others, protected and
granted by law. These include the right to
privacy, the right to travel or change
residence, the right to property, theright to
worship, and the right to free access to a
court of justice. Civil Rights are enjoyed by
citizens and non-citizens alike.

2. Political Rights are those which an

individual enjoys participating ingovernment
affairs. These include the right of speech and
free press, the right to form associations,
right to assemble and to petition the
government for redressof grievances, the
right to vote and be voted upon to public
office. Political rights are enjoyed only by the
citizens each particular country.


Code of Ethics was introduced in 1954, it
is not a new concept to the field of law
Sir Robert Peel of England Metropolitan
Police in 1829 introduced the following
Principles which might be considered as
a version of Code of Ethics.

6. On all occasions he may exploit to receive in the

fullest support in the properexercise of his authority.
7. He must remember that there is no qualification so
indispensable as a perfect command of temper.
8. He shall never suffer himself to be moved in the
slightest degree by anylanguage or threats that
maybe used.
9.If he does his duty in a quiet and determined manner,
such conduct will probably excite the well-disposed
of the bystanders to assist him if he requires them.
10. Particular care is to be taken that the constables
of the police do not form falsenotions of their duties
and powers.

6. Police use physical force to the extent

necessary to secure observance of thelawor to
restore order only when the expertise of
persuasion, advice, andwarning is found to be
7. Police at all-time should maintain a
relationship with the public that gives reality
to the historic tradition; the police are public
and the public are thepolice. The police are
only full-time individuals charged with the
duties thatare incumbent on all of the citizens.
8. The police should always direct their actions
strictly toward their functions and never
appear to usurp the powers of the judiciary.
9. The test of police efficiency is the absence of
crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of
police action in dealing with it.

Sir Robert Peel Code of Ethics

1. It should be understood at outset the principle
objects to be obtained is the prevention of crime.
2. Great and every effort of the police are to be
directed. The security of the persons and
property and the preservation of a police
establishment will thus be better effective than in
the detection and punishment of the offender
after hehad succeeded in committing crime.
3. The constable will be civil and obliging to all
people of every rank and class.
4. The constable must be particularly cautious not
to interfere idly or unnecessarily in order to make
a display of his authority.
5. When required to act he will do so with decision
and boldness.


1. The basic mission for whom the police exist is to

prevent crime and disorder.
2. The ability of the police to perform their duties is
dependent upon public approval of police actions.
3. Police must secure the willing cooperation of the
public in voluntary observance of the law to be
able to secure and maintain the respect of the
4. The degree of cooperation of the public that can
be secured diminishes proportionally to the
necessity of the use of force.
5. Police seek and preserve public favor not by
catering to public opinion but by constantly
demonstrating absolute impartial service to the


As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental

duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard life and
property, to protect the innocent against
deception, weak against oppression or
intimidation and the peaceful against violence
or disorder; and to respect the constitutional
rights of all men, liberty-equality and justice.


I will keep my private life unsullied as an

example to all maintain courageous calm in
the face of danger, scorn or ridicule; develop
self-restraint and be constantly mindful of the
welfare of the others. Honest in thought and
deed in both my personal and official life. I will
be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land
and regulations of my organization. Whatever
I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is
confided to me in my official capacity will be
kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary
in the performance of my duty.
I will never act officiously or permit personal
feelings, Prejudices, animosities or friendship
to influence my decision:

With no compromise for crime and with

relentless prosecution of criminals, I will
enforce the law courteously and appropriately
without fear of favor, malice or ill-will, never
employing unnecessary force or violence and
never accepting gratuities in return.
I recognize the badge of my offices as a
symbol of public faith and I accept it as a
public trust to be held so long as I am true to
the ethics of police service. I will never engage
in acts of corruption or bribery, norwill
condone such actions by other police officers.
I will cooperate with all legally authorized
agencies and their representatives in the
pursuit of justice.


I know what I alone am responsible for my
own standard of professional performance
and will take every reasonable opportunity to
enhance and improve my level of knowledge
and competence. I will constantly strive to
achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating
myself before God and to my chose
profession...Law Enforcement.

1. Prevention of crime and disorder.
2. Cooperation of the community.
3. Unreasonable force reduces community
4. Use of reasonable force when persuasion is
not sufficient.
5. Impartial enforcement of laws.
6. The community is the police.
7. Police should not usurp judicial powers
8. Rules of engagement impartially observed
9. Reduction of crime and dishonor
10. Police discretion

1. Primordial police responsibility

2. Limitation of police authority
3. Knowledge of the law and other responsibilities
4. Use of proper means to obtain proper ends
5. Cooperation with public officials
6. Proper conduct and behavior
7. Conduct toward the community
8. Conduct in arresting law violation
9. Firmness in refusing gifts or favors
10. Impartial presentation of evidence
11. Attitude toward police profession

The Philippine National Police

Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards
(PNP Code of Conduct)

All PNP members shall abide and adhere to

the provisions of this Code of Professional
Conduct and Ethical Standards. Towards this
end, a truly professionalized and dedicated
law enforcer shall he developed in promoting
peace and order, ensuring public safety and
enhancing community participation guided by
the principle that a public office is a public
trust and that all public servants must at all
times be accountable to the people.


The Police Officers Creed:

They shall serve with utmost responsibility,
integrity, morality, loyalty and efficiency with
due respect to human rights and dignity as
hallmark of a democratic society. They shall at
all times bear faithful allegiance to the
legitimate government, support and uphold
the Constitution, respect the duly constituted
authority and be loyal to the police service.

I believe in God, The Supreme Being, a Great

Provider, and Tue creator of allmen and
everything dear to me. In return, I can do not
less than love Him above all, seek His
guidance in the performance of my sworn
duties and honor Him at all times.
I believe that respect for authority is a duty. I
respect and uphold the Constitution, the laws
of the land and the applicable rules and
regulations. I recognize the legitimacy and
authority of the leadership, and follow and
obey legal orders of my superior officers.

I believe in selfless love and service to people.

Towards this end, commit myself to the
service of my fellowmen over and above my
personal convenience.
I believe in time sanctity of marriage and the
respect for women. I shall set the example of
decency and morality and shall have high
regard for family life and chastity.

I believe in the responsible dominion and

stewardship over material things. I shall inhibit
myself from ostentatious display of my
property. I shall protect the environment and
conserve nature to maintain ecological
balance. I shall respect private and public
properties and prevent others from destroying
I believe in the wisdom of truthfulness. I must
be trustworthy and I shall speak the truth at
all times as required by the profession.



Police Gratuity
Police Perjury
Police Brutality
Police Profanity
Set on Duty or Duty-Related
Sleeping on Duly
Drinking and Abusing Drugs On or Off Duty
Misuse of Confidential Information

The word community originated from the Latin

communitas. tatis which means fellowship and the
word communis common.
a body of people living organized into political, municipal,
or social unity; body of persons living in same locality, or
with common race, religion, pursuits, etc., not shared
by those among they live.
a group of people, who reside in one locality and subject
to the same laws, have the same interests etc.,
Public or society at large


Theoretical Perspectives on Community

Structural Perspective
Socio-psychological Perspective
Human Ecology Perspective
Social Systems Perspective



Assumptions Concerning Community
Basic Change Strategy
Characteristics change, Tactics and Techniques
Practitioners Role
Views of Power Structure
View of Client Population
Views of Client Role

Science of the morality of man.
Study of human motivation, and ultimately of human
rational behavior.
Moral integrity is the only true measure of what man ought to
Morality is the foundation of every human society.
Morality is the quality of human acts by which they are
constituted as good, bad, or, indifferent.
Moral Distinctions
Dictates of Reasons stands for the norm of morality
which is the standard by which actions are judged as to
their merits or demerits

Three (3) models of Community

Social Planning Model
Social Action Model

Police-Community Relations (PCR)

an attitude of concern that needed
government services are delivered to
people in an efficient and humans
A kind of behavior that shows this

Voluntariness comes from the Latin word

voluntas, referring to the Will.
Voluntariness is essential to an act. Without
it, an act is a mere act of man.
Kagandahanng - Loob refers to attitude and it
stands for allthat is good, we call kaibigan, in a
human being.
Duty is a moral obligation because it depends
upon free will.
Duty is defined by law; any willfulneglect of
duty makes the person accountable for such


Bill of Rights is a list of rights pertaining to

persons. These rights are recognized,
guaranteed, and protected against invasion,
reduction or destruction.
Neglect of Duty or Nonfeasance Is the
omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse,
to perform an act duty, which it was the Peace
Officers legal obligation to perform, it implies
a duty as well as its breach and the fact can
never be found in the absence of a duty.
Irregularities in the Performance of Duty Is
the improper performance of some act which
might lawfully done.

Misfeasance on the other hand is the

performance of a duty or act that one is
obligated or permitted to do in a manner
which is improper, sloppy, or negligent (e.g.,
report writing, unsafe operation of motor
vehicle, aggressively reprimanding a citizen,
improper searching of arrested persons)

Dishonesty Is the concealment or distortion of truth in a

ma of fact relevant of ones office or connected with
performance of his duties.
Disloyalty to the Government Consist of abandonment
or renunciation of ones loyalty to the Government of the
Philippines, or advocating the overthrow of the
Violation of Law It presupposes conviction in court of
any crime of offense penalized under Revised Penal Code
or any special law or ordinances.
PNP Image - The image of any organization affects the
spirit de corps, morale and welfare of members and
sense of pride to the organization.
Career Management, the key to professionalism - Its
improper implementation will greatly prejudice the
personnel professionalization process as regard
procurement promotion, assignment placement training,
awards, and retirement.

Misconduct or Malfeasance Is the doing, either through

ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which the officer
had no legal right to do all, as where he act without any
authority whatsoever, or exceeds, ignores or abuses his
Misconduct generally means wrongful, improper or
unlawful conduct motivated by premeditated, obstinate or
intentional purpose.
It usually refers to transgression of some established
and definite rule of action, where no discretion is left
except what necessity may demand; it does not
necessarily family corruption or criminal intention but
implies wrongful intention and not mere error of
It also refers to the intentional Commission of a
prohibited act or intentional unjust performance of
some act of which the party had no right (e.g., gratuity,
perjury Use of police resources for personal use).

Incompetency Is the manifest lack of

adequate ability and fitness for the
satisfactory performance of police duties. This
has reference to any physical intellectual
quality the lack which substantially
incapacitates one to perform the duties of
peace officer.
Oppression It imports an act of cruelty,
severity, unlawful execution, domination, or
excessive use of authority. The exercise of the
unlawful powers or others means, in
depriving, an individual of his liberty or
property against his will is generally an act of

Police Management Leadership - The

effectiveness of law enforcement is reflective of
the managerial capabilities competent leadership
of the men andwomen who run the PNP
Equality in the Service - There shall be judicious
and equitable distribution of opportunity to
prove ones wroth in the police service.
Delicadeza - In consonance with the
requirements of honor and integrity in the PNP.
Police Lifestyle - The PNP shall endeavor to
promote a lifestyle for everymember of the
organization that is acceptable and respe1ble in
the eyes of the public.


Political Patronage - All PNP members must

patronage in matters pertaining to assignment
awards, training and promotion.
Human Rights - All PNP members must
respect and protect human dignity and mans
inalienable rights to life, liberty and property.
Setting Example - All PNP members should set
good example to the subordinates and follow
good example from the superiors.

DHRDD refers to the Directorate for Human

Resource and Doctrine Development; the primary
training and education directorate in the PNP.
Ethics and Values Counseling Center A facility for
spiritual and behavioral intervention established in
every Police Regional Office to provide adequate
counseling and assistance to police officers
Corruption is the misuse of authority by a police
officer in a manner designed to produce personal
gain for himself or others;
an impairment of integrity, virtue or moral
principle; inducement (as an official) by means of
improper considerations (as bribery) to commit a
violation of duty.

Ethics and Values Formation Program - This program

contains policies,principles, guidelines and sanctions,
all geared towards the internalization of moral values
and service dedication through the implementation of
a systematic values-integration and intervention
Moral Recovery Program - is a movement which aims
to mobilize all Filipinos for nation-building through the
practical exercise of human values in our daily lives as
citizens. It is empowered through Executive Order 319
signed by President Fidel V Ramos on April 03, 1996,
which institutionalizes the MRP in all government
departments, offices, agencies, and governmentowned and controlled Corporations

Morale refers to a persons state of mind and

emotions, affecting the personnel/employee and
the police force to perform assigned tasks
willingly and enthusiastically with confidence,
cheerfulness and discipline to work, which in turn
affects the individual performance and
organizational goals and objectives.
Morality quality of human acts that leads man
to observe moral behavior, to be obedient to a
system of moral rules, rules of right conduct.
Police Discretion the inherent ability and
privilege of a police officer to test and use the
limits of his power in making a choice among
possible courses of action or inaction (i.e. to
arrest or not to arrest).

PRO - Police Regional Office which constitute seventeen

(17) Regional Offices of the PNP to include ARMM, CAR
Police Officer a public servant who represents the
disciplinary and discretionary power of the state to
enforce laws
Values are beliefs, principles and philosophies that are
important,cherished, prized, upheld and defended.
Virtue the quality of moral excellence, righteousness,
probity, responsibility and goodness; conformity to
standard morality or mores (as by abstention from vices,
rectitude); specific type of moral excellence or other
exemplary quality considered meritorious, a worthy
practice or ideal

Customs - Established usage or social

practices carried on by tradition that have
obtained the force of law.
Traditions - Bodies of beliefs, stories, customs
and usages handed down from generation to
generation with the effect of an unwritten law.
Courtesy - A manifestation or expression of
consideration and respect for others.
Ceremony - A formal act or set of formal acts
established by customs or authority as proper
to special occasion.
Social Decorum - A set of norms and
standards practiced by members during social
and other functions.


Salute - Salute is the usual greeting rendered by

uniformed members upon meeting and recognizing
person entitled to a salute.
Habits - Provide the basis for judgments about what
important for the organization to succeed in its
core business.
Police Community Relation - generally refers to the
sum total of attitudes and behavior between police
and the communities they serve.
Public Relations - a collection of communication
techniques used by individuals or organizations to
convince an audience about the merits of an idea,
organization, program, practice or policy.

Community Service - refers to the activities whereby

police engage in pro-social activities to enhance the well
being of the community beyond law enforcement and
other maintenance.
Community Participation - involves members of the
community taking an active role in trying to genuinely
help the police.
Spiritual Beliefs - can refer to an ultimate or an alleged
immaterial reality, an inner path enabling a person to
discover the essence of his/her being or the deepest
values and meanings by which people live.
Valor - great courage in the face of danger. Strength of
mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter
danger with firmness.

Patriotism - love of country and willingness to

sacrifice for it.
Discipline - the practice of training people to
obey rules or a code of behavior using
punishment to correct disobedience.
Gentlemanliness - characteristic of or having
the character of a gentleman. A man whose
conduct conforms to a high standard of
propriety or correct behavior.
Word of Honor - a verbal commitment by one
person to another agreeing to do or not to do
something in the future

Duty - a task or action that someone is

required to perform.
Loyalty - a strong feeling of support or
allegiance. Is faithfulness or a devotion to
a person, country, group or cause.
Camaraderie - mutual trust and
friendship among people who spend a
lot of time together. Goodwill and
lighthearted rapport between or among

Salute of National Color and Standard - Members

stand attention and salute thenational color and
standard as it pass by them or when the national color
is raised or lowered during ceremonies.
Address/Title - Junior in rank address senior members
who are entitled to salutewith the word Sir.
Courtesy Call of Newly Assigned/Appointed Member PNP members who are newly appointed or assigned in
a unit or command call on the chief of the unit or
command and to other key personnel for accounting,
orientation and other purposes.
Christmas Call -. PNP members pay as Christmas Call
on their local executive in their respective area of

New Years Call - PNP members pay a New

Years call on their commanders and/or
keyofficials in their respective of responsibility.
Promotion Call - Newly promoted PNP
members call on their unit head.
Exit Call - PNP members pay an Exit Call on
their superiors in the unit orcommand when
relieved or reassigned out of the said unit or
Courtesy of the Post - The host unit extends
hospitality to visiting personnel whopay
respect to the command or unit



Rank Has-Its-Own Privilege (RHIP) - PNP

members recognize the practice that different
ranks carry with them corresponding privileges.
Flag Raising Ceremony - The PNP members
honor the flag by hoisting it and singing the
National Anthem before the start of the official
days work.
Flag Lowering Ceremony - At the end of the
official days work, the PNPmembers pause for a
moment to salute the lowering of the flag.
Half-Mast - The flag is raised at half-mast in
difference to deceased uniformed members of
the command.

Funeral Service and Honors - Departed uniformed

members, retirees war veterans or former PC/INP
members are given vigil,necrological services a
graveside honors as a gesture of farewell.
Ceremony Tendered to Retirees - In recognition of
their long, faithful and honorable service to the
PNP, a testimonial activity is tendered in their
Honor Ceremony - Arrival and departure honor
ceremonies are rendered tovisiting dignitaries,
VIPs, PNP Officers with the grade of Chief
Superintendent and above and AFP officers of
equivalent grade, unless waived.

Turn-Over Ceremony - The relinquishment

and assumption of command or key position is
publicly announced in a Turn-over Ceremony
by the out-going and incoming officers in the
presence of the immediate superior or his
Wedding Ceremony - During marriage of PNP
members, a ceremony is conducted with
participants in uniform and swords drawn.
Anniversary - The birth of institutional
establishment of command or unit is
commemorated in an Anniversary Ceremony

Proper Attire - PNP members always wear

appropriate and proper attire in conformity
with the occasion.
Table Manners - PNP members observe table
etiquette at times.
Social Graces - PNP members conduct
themselves properly dealing with people during
social functions.
Uniform/Appearance - PNP members wear
their uniform properly during the tour of their
Spiritual Beliefs - The PNP members are
traditionally religious and God-loving person.
They attend religious services with the
members of their family.

Valor - History attests that the Filipino law-enforcer have

exemplified the tradition of valor and defending the
country from aggression and oppression and protecting/
preserving the life and property of the people.
Patriotism - They manifest their love of country with a
pledge of allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend the
Discipline - The discipline of PNP members are
manifested by instinctive obedience to lawful orders and
through spontaneous actions towards attainment of
organizational objectives guided by moral, ethical and
legal norms.
Gentlemanliness - The PNP members are upright in
character police in manners,dignified in appearance, and
sincere in their concern to their fellowmen.
Word of Honor - The PNP members word is their bond.
They stand by and commit to uphold it

Duty - The PNP members have historically

exemplified themselves as dedicated public
servant who performs tasks with a deep sense
of responsibility and self-sacrifice.
Loyalty - The policemen are traditionally loyal
to the organization, country and people as
borne by history and practice.
Camaraderie - The binding spirit that
enhances teamwork and cooperation in the
police organization, extending to the people
they serve, is manifested by the PNP
members deep commitment and concern to
one another.



Deviance - behavior inconsistent with the

police cultures, norms or values
Corruption - immoral, habitual behavior
involving misuse of office for self-interest
Favoritism - unfair or unjust acts (breaks)
usually given to friends or relatives.
Misconduct - wrongful violations of a police
departments rules, policies, and procedures
Community is a group of people who have
something in common with each other that
links them and distinguishes them from others
who are not part of community.

Locality Development Model - (also called

community change can be best brought about
through broad participation of a wide spectrum
of people (including the disadvantage and the
power structure) in identifying and solving their
Social Planning Model - is an approach which
emphasizes a technical process of problem
solving that requires highly trained and skilled
planners who can guide complex change
Social Action Model is an approach which
assumes that there is disadvantaged (often
oppressed) segment of the population that needs
to be organized, perhaps inalliance with others, in
order to pressure the power structure for
increased resources or for treatment more in
accordance with democracy or social justice.

Structural Perspective - Structure refers to

how individuals fit into organized whole.
Socio-Psychological Perspective - It involves
how its members feel about themselves and
inter-act with one another.
Human Ecology Perspective - It focuses on the
environment, especially in regard to special
organization - that is, how people and services
are distributed.
Social System Perspective - emphasizes
analyzing how the various social subsystems
within the community inter-act with each

attitude; an attitude of concern that
needed government services are
delivered topeople in an efficient and
humans manner.
A kind of behavior that shows this


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