Aquatic Ecosystems

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AQUATIC The aquatic ecosystem definition states
it is a water-based environment,
ECOSYSTEM wherein, living organisms interact with
both physical and chemical features of
the environment. These living creatures
whose food, shelter, reproduction, and
other essential activities depend on a
water-based environment are known as
aquatic organisms.
The most fundamental division in aquatic
ecology is probably between freshwater
and saltwater environments.
Salinity- the concentration of
dissolved salts (such as
sodium chloride) in a body of
AFFECTING dissolved oxygen
OF ORGANISMS nutrient minerals
usually small or microscopic organisms; tend to drift or swim
feebly, so, for the most part, they are carried about at the
mercy of currents and waves.

3 MAIN larger, more strongly swimming organisms such as fishes,

ECOLOGICAL turtles, and whales.

OF bottom-dwelling organisms that fix themselves to one spot
(sponges and oysters), burrow into the sand (worms and

ORGANISMS clams), or simply walk about on the bottom (crawfish and

aquatic insect larvae).
include lakes and ponds (standing water ecosystems),
rivers and streams (flowing-water ecosystems), and
marshes and swamps (freshwater wetlands). 

about 2% of Earth’s surface 

play an important role in the hydrologic cycle:

Large bodies of fresh water help moderate daily and

seasonal temperature fluctuations on nearby land regions,
and freshwater habitats provide homes for many species.

 A body of fresh water surrounded by land and

whose water does not flow; a lake or a pond. 

Zonation is characteristic of standing-water

ecosystems. 

3 zones of a large lake: the littoral, limnetic, and

profundal zones
Zonation in a Large Lake
3 zones of a large lake

are highly variable; surrounding environment changes greatly

between a river’s source and its mouth

Certain parts of the stream’s course are shaded by forest, while

other parts are exposed to direct sunlight.

Groundwater may well up through sediments on the bottom in one

particular area, making the water temperature cooler in summer or
warmer in winter than in adjacent parts of the stream or river
Organisms vary greatly from one stream to another, depending
primarily on the strength of the current.

fast currents: some inhabitants have adaptations such as

suckers, with which they attach themselves to rocks to prevent
being swept away.
With flattened bodies to slip under or between rocks
fish that are streamlined and muscular enough to swim in the
Lands that shallow freshwater covers for at least part of the year;
wetlands have a characteristic soil and water-tolerant vegetation

include marshes, dominated by grasslike plants, and swamps,

dominated by woody trees or shrubs

Wetland soils: waterlogged for variable periods and are therefore

anaerobic; are rich in accumulated organic materials

provide excellent wildlife habitats for migratory waterfowl and other

bird species, as well as for beavers, otters, muskrats, and game fish.
Provides ecosystem services

threatened by pollution, development, agriculture, and dam


Ecosystem services- Important environmental benefits, such as

clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and fertile soil in which
to grow crops, that the natural environment provides.

SWAMPS are inland areas
covered by water
and dominated by
trees, such as

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