Forest Planting 1893

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The act of the New York State Legislature, passtd

on the 15th day of May, 1885 which may justly be
considered as inaugurating a new era in the forestry
matters of the Empire State directs the members of
the Forest Commission *'
to prepare tracts or circulars
" of information, giving plain and concise advice for
" the care of wood-lands upon private lands, and for
" the starting of new plantations upon lands that
" have been denuded, exhausted by cultivation, eroded
" by torrents, or injured by fire, or that are sandy,
" marshy, broken, sterile, or waste and unfit for other
" use." This well-meant instruction has not, to my
knowledge, been carried into execution, very likely
because we have no literature of any importance

upon this subject for forestry with us has not been
regarded as being a branch of rural economy worthy
of literary treatment, and, therefore, this field of cul-
ture has been left nearly untouched.
In this limited work I have attempted to bring
within as small a compass as is consistent with clear-
ness of statement the salient points of systematic
forestry and its application to the restocking of de-
nuded wood-lands on plains and mountains. Ameri-
can writers on forestry have mostly confined them-
selves to the treatment of forest trees as single trees,
and not as masses of trees raised for the purpose of
producing crops of wood or timber. They thought
that forestry was an art of tree planting, destined to
create,by artificial sowing and planting, new forests;
and that, as we are still in the possession of many
and large natural forests, the creation of new forests
was to us a foreign matter. This is entirely wrong,

for if we really will preserve our natural or wild

forests and this is undoubtedly a much better and
cheaper policy than to continue destroying them,
and to later raise, at an enormous cost and loss of
time, artificial forests we have
to care for our
woods just as fully as the artificial forests in the
European countries are treated for in the preserva-

tion of forests it makes no difference at all whether

they are originated by nature or by human art, be-
cause both are subject to the same dangers and
injuries. Unless the natural forests are managed
systematically, we cannot but expect that the repara-
tion of damages done to a forest either by accidents
or elementary forces, or by the natural course of tree
life, will take as many centuries as it would require

decades for this purpose, if we assist nature in its

regenerating endeavors through the means suggested
by scientific forestry.
The condition in which our forests are now, is not
such as to warrant us in " pooh-poohing " the idea of
looking forinstruction in this matter to the European
nations, and to only glance at their methods of treating
forests, because we have a different form of govern-
ment (see Report of the N. Y. Forest Commission,
1886, page 67), or because "the entire condition of
things here differs so materially from that in the old
world." (See Report of the Forest Commission, 1887,
page 17.) Certainly there is a great difference be-
tween our government and that of most of the Euro-
pean nations, and politico-economical matters are
often treated here differently from what they are
there but this does not affect the question of pre-

serving to the succeeding generations the 7iatural

resources of a country necessary for the welfare of its
inhabitants. ILj^e cannot invent better methods
of preserving forests than those we have practiced
u^^ the present time, and by which our forests
will soon be doomed to total extinction, we should
not only glance at, but study European systems
closely, and inquire into the possibility of adopting
them to some extent, if necessary. If we do that we
will find that, without ^^ viakbig the elaborate science a?id
intricate machinery of jEuropean forestry available i?t this
State'' (see Second Annual Report of the Forest Com-
mission, Albany, 1887, page 17), the preservation of
our woods can be accomplished, and at the same time
a continued and even enlarged exploitation may be
secured by applying some similar methods, subject
of course to such changes as are rendered necessary
by a diversity of climate, soil and local influenci^,
Although twenty years' experience in forestry in
northern Germany, combined with personal observa-
tion in this country, during a like period, would seem
to justify me in urging the practicability of intro-
ducing systematic forestry into the United States, I do
not intend to express here a positive opinion on this
point. During the course of my experience in this
State, I have heard and read so much regarding the
necessity of arresting the reckless use and destruction
of our forests, that I thought the time had at last ar-
rived to answer the question, " How shall we preserve our
forejti?" with a practical work. In the following
pages Ihave endeavored to furnish sufficient hints to
those who are interested in this important matter, to
form a correct opinion in regard to the requirements
of the culture of forests, and to apply the acquired
knowledge to the proper preservation of wild or
natural forests, and the restoration of wood-lands
which have been denuded.
In the arrangement of the chapters, I have been led
by a desire to give not only reliable information upon
the subject, but also to furnish teachers in forest cul-

ture a more practical guide than they have found

hitherto in American books. No claim for complete-
ness is made, the less so as it is only a pioneer des-
tined to invite better and more experienced men to
treat more fully upon a subject, the importance of
which is more and more felt every year. The enum-
eration and description of our common forest trees
has been omitted intentionally, as these topics are
treated by others with great thoroughness.
The Diagrams given in Chapter IX, Part II, and in
Chapter III, Part III, explain themselves, and show
the engineering work to be done in covering downs
on the sea-coast with trees, and in reforesting mount-
ains when their slopes have been cleared of natural
woods, and torrents with deep ravines have been
formed. The views showing the gorgeous scenery of
the Adirondacks are not, perhaps, necessary to the
book but they are given to arouse those who are

unaware of the beauties of our native mountain for-

ests, and to create a spirit of enthusiasm which shall
not only help to prevent further devastation of our
State forests, but also may assist in restocking the
wantonly denuded wood-lands.
To a good agriculturist with sufficient experience
in the nature and behavior of the principal forest trees,
it will not be difficult to apply the given instructions

so as to accomplish the principal objects of modern

forestry in the preservation of wild or natural forests.
Although the present book is written only with
regard to the requirements of the State of New York,
there is no reason why the instructions given in its
pages should not be applicable to other localities,
where the same conditions exist, if the proper allow-
ance is made for diversity of climate, soil and topo-
The Author.

PART I.Forest Culture.


; Introductory Remarks 9

ii4 Impoi-tance of Forest Culture.- 15


Proportion of the Wooded Lands of a Country to its Total Area 19

Relations of the Government to Forests Protective Forests 22
Governmental Assistance to Forest Culture Establishment of
Forest Schools for Training Foresters 29
Forest Planting -Preparatory and Precautionary Measures 36
Methods of Culture and their Success 38
^ Cultivation of the Soil - 41

Drainage and Irrigation 43
t. Selection of Trees --- 47
V' The Various Systems of Forest Management - 54
Raising Forest Trees by Natural Reproduction 64
The Collection and Treatment of Seeds for Forest-Trees 68
Raising Forest Trees by Seeding ..- 74
7 Planting Forest Trees 90

The Care of Young Plantations 109
Protection of Forests against Animals and Elemental Forces 118
The Conversion of the Wild or Natural Woods into Cultivated
ForestsWhat the American Forester should do next 138


PART II. Forest Planting on Plains.

Forest Planting on Lands with Alluvial Soil 147
Forest Planting on Marshy or Swampy Lands 150
Forest Planting on Moorlands 153
Forest Planting on High Moors-__ 156
Drainage 160
Burning over the Soil for Cultivation 165

Forest Planting on Sand-Wastes or Pine-Barrens 168
Forest Planting on Inland Sand-Drifts 1 71
Covering Downs Sand Dunes on the Sea Coast with Trees and
Shrubs 'With Diagrams 17-1

PART III. Forest Planting on Mou NTAINS.

The Objects of Covering Mountains with Forest Trees.. 1S3
Selection of Trees Replanting Forests on Mountains Planting or
Seeding .... 18-1

Restocking Denuded Woodlands in Mountains Preparatory and
Protective Pleasures With Diagrams 190
How to Arrest and Bind the Shifting Sand on Mountains 204
Replanting Forests on Mountains of the Sandstone Formation 207
Replanting Forests on Mountains of the Limestone Formation 209
Re-stocking Mountains having Rocky Surfaces _ 213
Re-stocking Denuded Woodlands on High Mountains 217
Concluding Remarks 1. State Forest Nursery. 2. Forest School
in the Adirondacks. 3. Forest E.xperiment Station. 4.

Asylum for Game to Rest and Breed 222

Index 235


PART I. Forest Culture.



About Governor DeWitt Clinton, in

sixty years ago,
a message to the Legislature of New York, urged the
fostering of forest planting, and declared that the repro-
duction of our woods was an object of primary import-
ance. This sensible advice did not receive that legisla-
tive consideration which the great interests involved
therein merited. The devastation of our forests, especi-
ally of those situated in the Adirondack region, went on
as before, nay even increased from year to year, so that
now the formerly densely wooded summits of those
mountains are nearly denuded. We will not expatiate
here on the calamities which have already befallen the
country by the continual deforestation of our mountains,
and which undoubtedly will in time grow to much larger
dimensions we only point to the fact that since the axe

of the tanner, lumberman and miner has reached the

previously well-stocked high plateaus on the Adirondacks
(whence the sources of the Hudson, the Black Eiver,
some tributaries of the Mohawk and other rivers take
their rise), our noble Hudson river has lost nearly five
feet in its average depth. This fall in the level of the

river will undoubtedly continue, unless an effective stop

is put to the further deforestation of the Adirondacks,
and the reforestation of the denuded Avood-lands thereon
is begun. But here we encounter difficulties which
apparently are scarcely to be overcome. For it is not so
much the inclemency of the climate, or the exposure of
the location, or the poorness of the soil, which prevents
the restoration of our mountaiii forests it is the fact

that of the four millions of acres covering the Adiron-

dacks, only eight hundred thousand belong to the State,
while the remaining three millions and two hundred
thousand acres are the property of private owners and
these, in general, have neither the intention nor the de-
sire to be troubled with forest planting. They strip off
every valuable tree, and when their lands become un-
profitable allow them to be sold for taxes. In this way
a great many acres reverted to the original owner, the
State, as nobody found it desirable to buy denuded or
devastated wood-lands.
In 1873 the ''Park Commissioners," it is true, recom-
mended that in the mountainous regions of our State no
more State lands should be sold, and that, as lands
reverted from non-payment of taxes, they be held for
future forest mcmagement. This advice, however, was
not acted upon until 1885, when the State, notwithstand-
ing the sales that had been effected during the interval,
had again become the owner of about eight hundred
thousand acres of wood-lands.
To the Legislature of 1885 is due a new and sound
departure in the forestry interests of our State for by ;

the act passed on the 15th day of May, 1885, a Forest

Commission was established, whose duty it was to
preserve the State forests, and the former recommenda-
tion of the " Park Commissioners " was made obligatory.
At present none of the State lands situate in the coun-

tics embracing the Adirondack and Catskill mountains

can be sold or leased but every piece of land situated

in those counties which may in the future be acquired

by the State, shall be added to the State lands and for-
ever kept as a forest preserve.
From the annual report of the State Forest Com-

mission, published at Albany in 1886, it appears that the

gentlemen forming that Commission had at that time a

correct view in regard to the extent of their duties, for
on page 12 they declare that they not only must protect
the preserve against ravages by the elements (fire), and
against the army of thieves and trespassers who are
plundering the State forests, but that there should be
devised a system " ivMch would, in time, make these
forests not only self-sustaining as to cost of management,
hut, in addition, a source of wealth and revenue to the
With these words the Commissioners expressed an idea
the proper consideration of which would ensure the
introduction of systematic forest culture. For it was
not so much the decreasing area of woods, nor the in-
creasing demand for forest prijducts, which led in the
European territories to the introduction of the present
so highly esteemed forest culture ; it was the necessity of
deriving the highest possible permanent revenue from
the forests. And this dire necessity performed what for
want of means and knowledge could not be done in
former times.But as soon as the owners of large forests,
especially the corporations, possessors of entailments,
and governments in Europe, were forced to look upon
the forests as a perpetual source of revetine, there were
found the means and the knowledge of scientific or
systematic management of forests.
In order to avoid any misconception in regard to the
words "scientific forestry," it may here be observed that

this exiiression docs not designate any exact science ; but

just such management of forests, the practical results of
which had been retraced to their scientific basis, and
were found to be in harmony with scientific principles.
For this reason the advanced forest economy of to-day is
called scientific or systematic forestry, and this means :

First, to continually have a sustained forestal jiroduction

from a certain area; Second, tJie natural regeneration
of the forests ; and. Third, a j^rogressive improvement of
the forests, instead of former deterioration.
That the introduction of systematic forestry into our
State forests would lead to a revenue for the State there
can be no doubt, provided the management should be
entrusted to experts. But at present we must drop this
question entirely, as we have to concentrate every effort
to the restocking of the many denuded public wood-
lands in the State, and to inducing owners of the
adjoining private woods to enter into a combination
among themselves and with the public officers, in order
to protect their wood-lands against damages, and to im-
prove them by adopting the same measures which ought
to be maintained in the State preserve. For it is a great
drawback to tlie effective management of our State forests
that they are not compact bodies of larger extent, but
mostly disconnected plots, situated in different counties,
ranging from a few acres up to many thousands, aud
usually surrounded by private lands, and, therefore, in-
accessible by roads. As systematic forestry cannot be
advantageously applied except on larger areas of compact
bodies of wood-lands, it is evident that means must ])e
devised to urge upon the adjoining owners of tbose
priyate wood-lands, the necessity of entering into a com-
bination with the managers of the State forests, and of
a preconcerted action with them in regard to the pre-
servation of their forests. There is no doubt that in

the future such a, combination will be agreed to, but not

until the managers of the State forests upon the larger

tracts have shown that a systematic forest economy is
more profitable than the reckless felling of trees now
going on in the private forests.
It might be advisable for the State to buy up small
plots in limited numbers for the purpose of rounding off
the boundaries of one or the other of the larger wood
tracts owned by the State. But to obtain control over
all the Adirondack forests by a general purchase as is

recommended by some would be for many reasons very
objectionable. Owners of those forests in the Adirondacks
which are necessary for securing a continual &ow of water
to the rivers and streams could
as we v/ill see in Chapter

IV ^be compelled by legislative measures to manage their
woods so as to keep the grounds covered and protected
against the influence of sun and air ; and this is the only
object it is desirable for the State to control the man-
agement of private forests of that character. But even if
this cpiestion was, from the standpoint of the ''right of
eminent domain," decided in favor of the State, our
government would not be able to undertake the exercise
of this privilege unless there were secured for the service
of the State men who understand how to systematically
manage those mountain forests, which aie called pro-
tective forests.
]f we want to do our full duty toward those who are to
come after us in endowed country, we must
this richly
repair, before it is too late, the damages done to the
mountain forests in our State by the avarice and
ignorance of the last two generations and if the Forest

Commission adhere to their programme, outlined in the

cited first annual report, we will succeed in the restora-
tion of the old, splendid wild forests of the Adirondacks.
For properly preserved forests have :

To be guarded by officers from the encroachment

of persons who have, no right in them, and from abuses
and infractions of the Law by those who have.
(2) To be i^rotected from injury of various kinds, as
for instance, from fires or other elementary damage, from
destruction caused by j)asturing farm animals or game,
and from injuries caused by insects.
In a properly conducted forest preserve there must
be performed the following princijial labors :

(a) Annual felling of mature, defective or dead trees,

and their transportation in such a way that no damage
shall be done to young growing trees.
(5) The periodical thinning out of places where the
trees have sprung up too thickly, in order to effect a
more vigorous growth to the remaining trees. At the
same time the worthless kinds of trees are cleared out to
give room for the more valuable.
(c) Vacant spots have to be filled out by natural
reproduction of the trees, either by shoots, sprouts and
layers from the stumps and roots, or by the natural sow-
ing of the seed of the parent trees ; or, finally, if in the
way mentioned a reproduction of the trees
i'' not prac-
such as sowing the seed or
ticable, artificial replanting,
planting young trees raised in forest nurseries, has to be
resorted to, although this should be done as rarely as
From the foregoing we perceive that the duties of the
authorities in charge of our State forest i^reserve do not
end when the grown up or planted trees have been cared
for and protected to their full growth, but when they
have been cut down and others started in their places.
If our forest preserve were conducted in some such
way we should not any longer be compelled to witness
every year the dying away of the enormous masses of
trees and going to rot, killing young saplings and pre-

venting others from springing up ; besides furnishing

the materials for originating and maintaining destructive
forest fires. These dead trees are the headquarters for
breeding beetles, bags and other insects which prey upon
the sound trees and destroy them long before they have
reached their maturity.
Under all circumstances steps should at once be taken
to establish on a proper place in the Adirondacks a
nursery for raising the principal common forest trees, to
be used upon the denuded State lands. This institution
could later on be enlarged and also serve both the pur-
jioses of an experimental station for forest trees and a
forest school for training and educating good foresters.
The best crude material for this class of men our Forest
Commissioners will undoubtedly find among the inhabit-
ants of the Adirondacks, and if they will give those men
an opportunity to become conversant with the practical
instructions approved by systematic forestry, they will no
longer ridicule the possibility of finding scientific foresters
among the denizens of the North Woods. (See Second
Annual Eeportof the Forest Commission, Albany, 1887.)



T3ERE are over six million acres of wood-lands in the

twenty-six million acres of land in our State. The great
interests involved in such a vast area should in them-
selves lead to a close study of everything pertaining to
the nature of forests, and their influence upon the w^elfare
of our commonwealth. Moreover, the State being an

owner of about 800^,000 acres of those wood-lands,* the

revenues of which would amount to a considerable sum,
if the forests Avere properly managed, and every tax-payer

should look into the matter and endeavor to help in iu-

troducing a system by which the State forests could be
made i^rofitable. Up to the present time they have not
yielded any income to the State, but are considered by
the people living in their neighborhood as a j)iece of
*' Commons," from which they have a right to cut down,

and take away what pleases them. It was a good step

in the right direction when the Forest Commissioners
hunted down the thieves and endeavored to put a stop to
that disgraceful traffic, f

Another reason why we should pay more heed to the

forest matters of the State arises from the circumstance
that agriculture and industry are daily increasing their
demands for certain kinds of wood, and that there is no
likelihood of obtaining any material which could be
entirely substituted for these woods, as is the case with
coal and iron, which have encroached for some time upon
the old privileges of certain kinds of trees used formerly
exclusively for fuel and timber. True, for a certain
period we can, after the exhaustion of our own resources,
import lumber and timber from other states, esi)ecially
from Canada. But, as the same mania of destroying the
forests from which our own State up to a recent date
has suffered, is raging in that country, we cannot for
any considerable length of time rely upon importations,
* The State forests are situated in the Adirondack wilderness, except-
ing about 50,000 acres in the Catsliill region, most of which are in
Ulster Co.
t It is a sad but true observation that the moral views of our people in
regard to public property have a much lower standard than is enter-
tained in the transaction of private business. This deplorable neglect
of the duties owed to public affairs on the part of the people can only
be remedied by giving to them the same supervision as to private affairs.


and, therefore, we should prepare to satisfy as far as pos-

sible the demands of our people by home production.
It is very fortunate that coal and iron now cover many
demands, which otherwise would have to be satisfied by
still more recklessly cutting down our forests. And it
is very favorable to our growing industries that we can,

at present, easily import from other States nearly any kind

of wood now in use. However, we should not trifle with
the time that is thus left to us for considering and
changing the modes of the present treatment of forests
but utilize it for the introduction of systematic forest
culture, although the benefits of which will not be fully
enjoyed save by futiire generations.
The present indications are that in the further develop-
ment of our State the demand for those kinds of wood
which are especially used in our industries, will be always
on the increase. And, therefore, these indications must
guide us in many other questions which will arise, when
it is to be determined what kind of forest trees to grow

in the various localities. We may follow this guidance

the more safely, as Avitli the decreasing stock of wood
for industrial purposes, there will be undoubtedly a cor-
responding increase in its price, and, therefore, presum-
ably the net revenue from systematically managed forests
will in the future be much larger than we are at present
able to imagine.
As to the revenue derived from well managed state
forests, the official reports
published yearly by the vari-
ous German governments are very instructive. They
give not only full information in regard to the average
production of wood and the income from the forests, but
also explain the particulars of the management by which
their success has been attained. These publications have
greatly encouraged the introduction of scientific forest
culture in wood-lands belonging both to corporations and
private persons in Germany. From one of the last

publications, we see that the yearly average increase in

wood to the acre was :

Limiher and Timber. Smaller \Vood.

In Prussia 0.84 cubic yard. 1. 04 cubic yard.
"Bavaria 1.34 " 1.60
" Elsace-Lothringen 1.20 " 1.68
"Baden 1.24 " 1.80
" Hesse 1.60 " 2.06
"Saxony 1.78 " 2.16
" Wurtemberg. -.. 1.86 " 2.22

The yearly average income was to the acre :

Gross Amount. Net

In Prussia.. Sl.60 0.70
"Bavaria 2.90 1.22
"Hesse 4.02 2.65
"Baden.--. 4.60 3.68
" Wxu'temberg 4.65 2.79
" Elsace-Lotluingen 4.75 2.69
"Saxony 4.85 3.50

As and productiveness of forests, much

to the condition
certainly depends upon soil and climate, and, therefore,
the southern German states with their more congenial
climate and soil are expected to yield a larger crop of
forestry products, and consequently greater revenues
than the northern states. But the marked difference
in the proceeds of the named states is caused by the
fact that scientific forest culture was introduced in
the southern German states much earlier than in the
northern. The treatment of the forests in the Kingdom
of Saxony is conceded to be superior to any other, and,
therefore, the output and net increase there is the
To the private owner the revenues from forests are of
course still larger, he being able to make of every forestry

product a much more profitable use than the state, while

the expenses of a private management are far below those
of the government or corporations.
Under these circumstances, it is no wonder that forest
culture on the eastern hemisphere of our globe is making
great advances. For centuries there progressive science

advocated only one side of field culture, viz., the agri-

culture but now it is also vindicating the natural rights

of the other side, viz., the forest culture. The comhina-

tion of these ideas is expressed by the principle that
wherever agriculture does not prove remunerative, while
the cultivation of forests would indicate material profits,
there is the proper place for sylviculture.
Finally, it may not be amiss to call attention to the
fact that fine forests, besides giving inexpressible charms
and attractions to the country, and thereby exercising a
refining influence upon the moral and sesthetical senti-
ments of the people in general, serve as a resort for in-
valids, owing to the air which imparts vigor to the re-
cuperative powers of those who are weak of nerve and
broken in health. This is especially applicable to the
Adirondack and Catskill mountain forests, wdiither every
year hundreds of thousands of those who have lost their
energy in the daily battle of city life flee to seek restora-
tion by inhaling the invigorating mountain air, and
enjoying out-of-door life.



The influence of forests upon the climate
of a country
is undoubtedly important, and cannot be denied that

forests exercise also a marked effect upon the aqueous

conditions of a certain territory. But, as far as experi-
ence in this State goes, the devastation of the forests
on the plains Las not essentially diminished the an-
nual quantity of rain, although the general decreasing
depth of the Hudson River convincingly tells of the

losses caused by devastating the head waters of that

stream at the summits and slopes of tlie Adirondacks.
The methods of forest exploitation with us
are felt by the increasing abrupt changes of cold and
heat, and of dry and wet spells. Forests retain much
longer the humidity received in the shape of rain, snow,
dew, etc, than the open fields, and they, therefore, pro-
mote the frequency of showers when a current of moist
air strikes them. Owing to this peculiarity we justly
consider the forests as equalizers in the distribution of
rainfall during the seasons, and, as the fury of the violent
winds which cause the abrupt changes of temperature
can only be broken by a mass of elastic trees, we cannot
deny that woods located either on the plains or moun-
tains are the only means to mitigate the sudden changes
from heat to cold.*
But the most beneficial influence is exercised by the
forests to the neighboring territoiy, as their capability of
receiving great quantities of moisture, and retaining
them by protecting the soil against swift evaporation,
renders them the most reliable reservoirs for the water
in the subsoil, an element of the greatest importance for
a successful pursuit of agriculture. It is a fact that
wherever large tracts of woods have been cut down, the
level of the ground water has been lowered sometimes to
ten inches and more, and by that the cultivation of
many plants which formerly thrived in such places has
been made impossible. Clover, for instance, was raised
in ancient times in Greece. After the country became
denuded of forests, the culture of clover, requiring a
moist atmosphere, had to be abandoned, and passed from

* Unfortunately our principal mountains extend from north to

south. If they ran from ea^t to west, we should have a climate
such as Italy enjoys, as the most troublesome winds come to us from the
northwest, aj^ainst which the present formation of our mountains offers
no protection.

there to Italy. But the devastation of the forests dur-

ing the period of the "migration of the nations" caused
such droughts tliat the culture of clover had to be given
up in Italy,and it found a new start in southern Germany.
Here clover has been cultivated for centuries with the
most pronounced success. But during the last century
the wooded area has been much encroached upon, and
since that time clover culture began to decrease there,
and to move into the moister climate of north Germany.
The consideration of the importance of the woods for
a country has led to the question as to the proportion
the wooded area of a country should bear to the
whole territory, in order to secure the full benefit of
the forests for the state. The economists generally
contend that for this purpose twenty to twenty -five
per cent of the total territory should be kept in wood.
If this be true, our Empire State would come up fully to
this standard, as she comprises 6,257,084 acres of wood-
lands among her But it is a
total of 25,059,266 acres.
sheer imjiossibility to determine once for upon such a

general rule. The proper answer depends upon the pur-

pose for which the question is raised. If it be intended
normal proportion between the wooded and
to establish a
the not wooded area of a country in regard to its general
culture, and especially to its climatic and agricultural
conditions, much will depend upon the geological
formation and situation of the territory. The fertile
sites along the shores of the oceans need no woods,
as the air currents laden with moisture from the
sea regulate, in the most beneficial way, the climate of
such country, and the easy access of vessels from all
wood is wanted.
lands secure the importation of whatever
Just the reverse is it with mountainous regions. There
nature itself has necessitated a much larger percentage
of wood-lands than the above named, while in the broad
plains of the interior of a large country that percentage

miglit be sufficient to retain the good effects of forests,

esjiecially if they are jjrojDerly distributed over the
Butif the question be how to determine the portion of

tlie wood-lands of a country to tlie not wooded areas, in

order to raise a quantity of wood for fuel, timber and
lumber, sufficient for the wants of the inhabitants, the
proper answer cannot be given without the help of a
statistical bureau for forest matters.
TJie duty of such a bureau should be to ascertain the
quantity and quality of the wood which annually can be
cut without injuring the sustained growth of the forests,
and to compare this amount with the demands of the
population for the different kinds of "wood. If the coun-
try be able to meet the requirements of the inhabitants,
we call the proportion adequate, otherwise there must be
Entirely excluded from the question regarding the
I)roportion of the wooded area of a country to the not
wooded are the so-called ''protective or shelter-forests,"
i. such as would, when cut down, cause irreparable

damage to the public. These forests, which will be

treated of in the next chapter, must be preserved at all
events, and be managed in the public interest.



The necessity of forests to the permanent welfare of
the commonwealth on one hand, and the rapid destruc-
tion of the woods by private owners on the other, led in
the old world many economists to the assumption that it

would be better for the prosperity of a state if all forests


were owned, or at least controlled, by the governments.

To the American mind this view seems incredible, as
our opinions regarding the administration of private
property are just to the contrary. We insist upon the
least interference from public authorities with the man-
agement of private property. But when we consider
that the benefits derived from the forests consist not
only in revenues drawn from the forest vegetation, but
also in the advantages bestowed upon the development
and prosperity of the country by the influence of the
forests in regard to climate, weather, protection of the
soil, regulation of the flowing waters, etc., we cannot
deny that certain forests should be considered as puilic
entailments, given to us for our own use with the direc-
tion to transfer them in the best possible shape to the
generations that will live after us, and who will, like us,
be compelled to make the same use of their beneficence.
For this reason it is claimed that the State should
own : (1) The and areas surrounding the water-
sheds of the navigable rivers and their tributaries, in
order to secure to the country a continual and undisturbed
water supply, on which not only depend navigation and
commerce, but also agriculture and manufacturing in-
(3) The sand-downs or dunes along the sea coasts and
all containing shifting sands which en-
infertile tracts
danger the adjoining fertile lands, unless kept continu-
ally in wood.
(3) Every area unfit for agricultural purposes, but well
adapted for forest culture, if the owner should not be
able or willing to plant forest trees thereupon.
* The adaee, " the forest waters the farm," is not a mere saying- it is

undeniably true that without a proper management of forests in civil-

ized and densely populated countries no remunerative agriculture is
practicable nay, without a proper presei-vation of certain forests, none

of the several branches of the politioo-economical household of a people

can be in a prospering condition.

If this theory be accepted as correct, and justified by

the principles governing our law in regard to the right
of eminent domain, at least the claims sub 1 and 2 would
bring the entire sea coast of our State, the Adirondacks,
and Catskill mountains, under the control of the State,
those mountains enclosing the head-waters of nearly
all principal rivers of our State, especially those of the

great Hudson Kiver. The forests belonging to these first

two classes are called " protective forests," because they
have proved necessary for averting irreparable damages,
which would befall the commonwealth if they were cut
down at once. In the interest of the public welfare and
the general culture of the countries, the European gov-
ernments have obtained, if not the full property, at least
such control of those classes of woods as to force the
owners to manage their property without hurting the
public interests. Should the present policy of our State
Government, outlined in Sees. 7, 8 and 9 of the Act
passed May 15, 1885, be strictly enforced, there is a good
prospect that the Empire State in due time will be the
undisputed owner of the denuded wood-lands in the
higher regions of the Adirondacks. These lands are only

capable of bearing if anything at all slowly growing
forest trees. As the expenses of reforesting such tracts
would far surpass the income derived for several genera-
tions to come, it is easily understood how private owners
are inclined to abandon such property, allowing the State
by tax sale to come again into possession of lands, the
ownership of which never ought to have gone to private
parties.* The State can safely take in hand the replant-

*The State of New York has also had the advantage of formerly
owning most of the wood-lands in the Adirondacks. But the particular
notion, entertained still by our Federal Government, that public lands,

without much discrimination in regard to economic value to the coun-

try, should be disposed of as quickly as possible, led to the complete
sale of the most beautiful wooded tracts, at prices ranging between five

^v tirXART

mg of those lands, as it is not looking upon the forest

products as a source of immediate profit, but upon the
important economic effects which well cared for forests
of this kind contribute to the general weal and pros-
perity of our country. Moreover, there is no doubt that
the State, by introducing a systematic cultivation and
exi")loitation, will be enabled to cover
without prejudice
to the sustained growth of the woods the actual ex-
penses incurred in the difficult operation of reforesting
the denuded areas of the high mountains.
In this connection it may be proper to call the atten-
tion of the reader to the difference between net proceeds
obtained in a business which is conducted by a jirivate
party, and that which is managed by the commonwealth.
The general economy of a people, it is true, consists of
the total of the households of the single individuals, but
this fact does not justify the conclusion that the highest
success with the former is when the net proceeds
(or rents of the soil) in the management of the private
households have reached the highest point. For the
determination of what are considered expenses incurred
by the production is different in the two kinds of manage-
ment. While the private person puts every expenditure
for the production to the debit account of his business,
the management of j^ublic property considers only such
disbursements as real expenses (i. e., as diminution of its
income) as do not afford an immediate benefit to the
people. For instance, if a private person possesses a mine
which cost every year 1100,000, in order to obtain its
yearly output, valued at 1100,000, there is no net profit,
and the owner of the mine would hardly be inclined to

and ten cents per acre, with easy terms of payment at that. Both houses
of the last Legislature passed a bill empowering, with certain restric-
tions, the Forest Commissioners to buy up wood-lands situated in the
Forest Preserve at figures not exceeding $1.50 per acre. This bill has
now become a law.

continue tlie prompted by tlie cliarita-

enterprise, unless
ble desire to give some men employment. From a qnito
different standpoint would in this case the question of
the profitableness be considered, should the government
take this work in hand. The $100,000 j)aid for labor,
machinery, would then be looked upon as benefiting
the people, and the nation would have by the continued
exploitation of the mine a profit of 1100,000 every year,
that being the sum which had been distributed for labor,
etc. The same principles govern the profitableness of State
forests, unless a State is forced or willing to use them a?
a source of revenue. If after all exiDenditures and re-
ceipts there be a surplus, all the better. But even if,

after paying the salaries of the officers, the v/ages of the

laborers, the cost for cultivating, planting, etc., nothing
of the receipts be left, those itemswould not be regarded
as expenses in the same sense man wouid
as a business
view them, but Avould represent a real gain for the com-
monwealth. In other words owners of private forests

endeavor to obtain from their property the largest pot3si-

ble income whereas the managers of State forests should

aim at the highest j)ossible gross amount of revenue from

the wooded j)ublic domain.
The advocates of state socialism use this maxim for
justifying their theorem that every business which is car-
ried on with the intention of accumulating wealth, should
be conducted by the government or public authorities,
and all net proceeds should be distributed among the
employees. But in the publiceconomy the natural prin-
ciples are only effective and applicable as far as they are
not modified by such laws as are acting alongside with
them, or which are even opposed to them. In our
democratic republic the doctrine that tke State must
only interfere "to protect freedom of labor," is in regard
to the social question considered a corner-stone of our
government, and therefore we do not allow the public

authorities to undertake any enterprises, except sucli as

are necessary for the promotion of the public welfare ;
and to this certainly belongs the care of the areas Avhich
secure to our navigable rivers a constant flow.
As for 3, the time has not yet arrived with us, in
which we have to be so sharplyon the lookout for utiliz-
ing every piece of land. But it is not to be denied that
something should be done to make useful the 3,526,030
acres of the State lands which are by the last census
registered as wild and uncultivated. This area comprises
more than one-eigMli of the entire territory of the State, is
mostly hilly or mountainous, has been stripped of all
trees by their owners, and, after having been used for a
few years as pasture, became barren by the sun, which
burnt the grasses up, and by the rains, which washed the
fertile surface soil down the hills. There is no doubt that
were these three and a half millions of acres planted with
forest trees, the country would receive a great benefit, and
by a proper management, the lands would yield a satis-
factory revenue.
However, this does not furnish the State with sufficient
reasons for exercisingits right of resumption by eminent

domain; but there is a good opportunity for the Croesuses

of our country to combine business with beneficence to-
ward the people. For whoever is able to sj)end 100,000
dollars without being compelled to look eagerly for any
revenue from this money during the next generation, can
make no better investment and bequest to his heirs, than
to buy up large tracts of the wild lands in our State, and
plant forest trees thereupon. By a sound systematic
management, the purchaser may safely expect that in the
course of time the net proceeds of his investment will at
least equal the amount he would receive, if the invested
money was entrusted to a savings bank. In the ''old
world " large tracts of forest lands are principally select-
ed as family entailments, both on account of the safety of

such investments, and the increase of the revenues in the

future time. With us, entailments, containing provisions
beyond the second generation, are against the law. But,
unless the Legislature should find it advisable to exempt
this special case for economical reasons from the general
rule, the members of a family in a corporative capacity
could attain the desired object, and the very rich men
could in this way ^irovide for their posterity, and at the
same time benefit their country and fellow men. There
are in the State of New York many hundreds of thou-
sands of acres of sandy lands which scarcely return the
cost of cultivation for agricultural operations. For five
acres of sand need five times more outlay than one
acre of good land, they require nearly five times as much
seed and manure as one acre of good land, but they yield
not a larger crop than the one acre of good land; in other
words, sandy lands, or such infertile lands as are de-
ficient in the principal constituents of a fertile soil, do
not pay at all to the farmer, because to fertilize them,
there would be involved more expenses than in the pur-
chase of the most fertile grounds. An exception could
only be stated, if the farm be situated in the vicinity of
a large city, where additional manure can be procured
cheaply, and where the farm products can be sold at a
much higher jirice than in the distant country. Were
all the unprofitable sand lands in our State to be planted
with foresttrees, the owners of them need fear no more
disappointments in regard to the crops of sandy soil, but
could confidently hope that the future would reward their
efforts under all circumstances they could be assured

that their forest planting was a permanent improvement

to the farm, and would show its full value at a sale of
the farm, this being the time when every farm improve-
ment is realized financially.




The American theory of State activity does not favor

any system of a paternal nature. We therefore would not
be inclined to encourage forest growing by awarding jire-
miums or other pecuniary benefits to those who under-
take the restocking of their denuded woodlands. How-
ever, there can be no doubt that it is the duty of the gov-
ernment to furnish the facilities by which tlie citizens
may acquire the necessary knowledge for enabling them
to secure all the advantages which arise from the scien-
tifictreatment of forests.
This view on the subject has been taken by our Legis-
lature and framed in Sect. 18 of the Forestry Act as fol-
lows :

" The forest commission shall take such measures as

" the department of public instruction, the regents of
"the university and the forest commission may approve,
"for awakening an interest in behalf of forestry in the
"public schools, academies and colleges of the State, and
"of imparting some degree of elementary instruction
"upon this subject therein."
were carried out, the Empire State Avould
If this provision
inaugurate a new era in political economy, and would lay
the foundation upon which to build the science of sys-
tematic forest culture. Then we would bo inspired with
the hope of having called into productivity the 3,526,030
acres of Avild lands lying within our State, and which do
not contribute one tithe to its wealth. Expei-ience teaches
ns that in whatever country profitable and systematic
management of the forests has been successfully Intro-

(luced, the first stop to itwas tlie establislimcnt of schools

of forestry. For men educated in such schools become
not only fit for their vocation, but consider iheir position
as a trust, and perform their duty to the Government, in-
stigated not only by their fealty to the i:)ublic authorities,
but by a professional pride which makes dear to them the
forests given to their care and protection. From unskilled,
hired men you cannot expect such devotion to the in-
terests of the position us is developed in the trained for-
ester. That man will always do his full duty even at the
peril of his own life.

Whether our public schools are the i^roper j^laces for

awakening interest in behalf of forestry, we will leave out
of this discussion, but our Agricultural Colleges should
consider it incumbent upon them to impart not only ele-
mentary but full scientific information upon this subject.
By pursuing this course, they would follow the example of
similar institutions in European countries a century ago.
For although it is true that in matters pertaining to forest
culture much depends upon experience, and that the first
impulses to an improved management of forests were
given by practical woodsmen, systematic forestry did not
make appearance until the learned men at the univer-

sities took the matter in hand, and applied the prin-

ciples derived from mathematics, natural philosophy,
political economy and public law to forestry. After hav-
ing found the teachings of the practical foresters to be in
harmony with the principles of science, the learned men
did not stop work, but continued their efforts to improve
the method of managing forests, and built up a system of
managing forests, which, although it cannot be declared
yet perfect, has contributed much to the amelioration
of the economical condition of the European nations.
Prominent teachers in forest culture are still at variance
in regard to the aims and ends of their endeavors, but
all concur in this that E-qierimental Stations are nfices-

sary to help science in deiermining the correct metliods

of managing the forests advantagously and successfully.
In Europe, colleges of forestry and agriculture are most-
ly combined, and require two years of study to complete
the forestry course alone. During six of the winter
months instruction is given in the several branches of
forest science, while the summer months, after deducting-
some weeks for vacations, are employed in making excur-
sions to places Avhere forest operations are going on, or
where the students have an opportunity to practise what
they have learned during the winter time. The full win-
ter course gives instruction in :

and the uses to which

(1) Cultivation of the forest trees
theirwoods may be applied, with the mode of propagating
them upon different soils ;

(3) Forest exploitation and the managment of forests

according to the various systems now in use ;

(3) Forest taxation and mensuration ;

(4) Surveying, draining, and embanking ;

(5) The methods of resisting the encroachments ot

shifting sands ;

(G) Care and chase of game ;

(7) Laws and regulations governing the forests.

For practising these studies, excursions are arranged
during the summer months, and the students are trained
in making topographical sketches, surveyings, openings
of roads through unbroken forests; and in every kind of
forest operation, which may occur either on plains or
The examination, which the candidates for appointment
to a position in the management of forests have to under-
go, is very strict, and tlie result of this system has proved
eminently beneficial to the European forestry interests.
But of much greater advantage vfould it be at present
for our State to establish a simple forest school in which
young men could receive the pioper training for render-

ing them fit for the position of foresters. The French

government has clone mucli to educate good foresters by
purchasing the well known forest-farm ''Barres," which
is situated 1,000 feet above the sea level near the great

Orleans forests. This farm had been used already for

fifty years as a private Experimental Station for forest
trees. The objects of this Station were :

1. Investigations in regard to the most profitable use

of certain soils for raising the most valuable kinds of wood

thereupon. With this department there were connected
experiments for acclimatizing useful foreign forest trees.
2. Eaising at the least possible expense tlie greatest

amount of good seedlings, combined with observations in

regard to the yearly increase of wood in the various forest
3. Producing and closely examining the seeds used in
the State forests.
The French government bought this farm in 1873. not-
withstanding her great financial trouble at that time, for
the purpose of establishing there a Government ''school
of forestj'i/." This was done without interfering in any
way with the objects to which the farm had been during
half a century so beneficially subservient. There was
simply added to this establishment the " school of for-
estry," in which young men obtain such information as to
enable them, after the completion of the full course, to
act as foresters. The course lasts through two years and
is more calculated for a practical instruction than a high

scientific education. To impart the latter, and to raise

the higher officers in the department of forestry, the
widely known Institution at Nancy is destined, and con-
sidered amply sufficient for all France. At **Barres"
instructions in certain sciences are given only in order to
accustom men brought up in common schools to concen-
trate their mental power more upon practical subjects.
Therefore, only during four winter months is elementary

enliglifcment given to them in mathematics, geometry,

surveying and leveling, forest botany, zoology and ento-
mology, while they are thoroughly instructed, first, in
the management of forests, with special reference to
both the artificial and natural restocking of forests and ;

second, in the laws and regulations by which the ad-

ministration of forests is governed.
The institution at Barres is a public one. A certain
number of young men between the age of nineteen and
twenty-four years are received every year, and after two
years of study, having passed the examination, get an
appointment for the lowest position among the forest
officers, advancing to higher positions after some years'

service and having passed further examinations. Tl]e

pupils are, similar to our West Pointers, educated entire-
ly at public expense, receiving even a small salary as
pocket money. But they have during the eleven working
months of the year
one being devoted to rest and vaca-
tion to perform every manual labor required on the
farm in cultivating the soil, raising seeds and seedlings
for nearly free distribution among the French farmers,
and all other work connected with the Institution. Be-
sides this, they have to do every kind of labor in the
adjoining State forests, which is needed to preserve the

woods and retaining them in a first-rate condition ; they,

therefore, have to personally do the seeding, planting,
thinning and cutting of trees, making roads, openings,
ditches, etc.,in order to learn practically every work
that may occur in the course of systematic treatment of
forests, as these will come under their care and guidance.
To establish in or near the Adirondacks a school like
this one, would be a move in the right direction for
bringing into effect the well-meant instructions of the
cited Section 18 of the Forestry Act. It is true that the
Report on Forestry published at Washington in 1884
recommends very strongly the establishment of schools

of forestry by the Federal Government, but to wait until

cjiis sensible advice should be acted upon, would show
too much Congress regarding
faith in the activity of
affairs other than those merely ijolitical.* It is entirely
a matter for each separate State in the Union to take care
of its forestry interests and to educate its own officers,
the more so as diversity of climate, situation and other
economic reasons v>'ill make the proper training of the

foresters in the various States in certain respects a di-

versified one.
As for the cost of establishing and maintaining such
an institution, it would not be very lai'ge, especially if
adjoining States of similar climate and topograpliy would
unite, and contribute in proportion to its support. In
fact, the labor performed by the young men of the Institu-
tion would make it nearly self-supporting, and the de-
mand for trained foresters in the United States would
bring more students to the Institution than could be ac-
comodated. But the benefit which the commonwealth
would derive from the introduction of a systematic treat-
ment of the State forests would be so great as to make it
* In the First annual report of the Ohio State Forestry Bureau for
1885, p. 20, we find the following well founded complaint on this point:
" When a few years ago the St. Paul, Minn., Chamber of Commerce
petitioned the Congress of the United States to establish a National
School of Forestry at St. Paul, the subject of forested education, and more
e8])ecial]y its necessity in this country, was discussed by the friends of
" Five years have elapsed and many of the warm advocates of the pro-
ject have died. The subject seems to have been stricken from the pro-
gramme of subjects at forestry conventions the press too is silent on

the question, and yet the subject has lost uoae of its great importance.
No one who has studied the extent, the disti'ibution and condition of our
forests, and who has inquired into the prospet of a renewal of our
forests, will hesitate to assert that th2 need of instruction in forestry is an
absolute necessity.
" The objection that there is no need of trained foresters in this coun-
try, which was urged somj years ago, vv'as not based upon a knowledge
of the extent and true condition of our forests, but rather upon a blind-
ness to the best interest of our land."

nearly impossible to give at present a faint idea of its

value. Besides a considerable income to the State, the
army of laborers who are now used by unscrupulous
lumbermen and their agents in illegally cutting timber
on the State lands, and who are becoming every year
more depraved on account of the unpunished continu-
ance of their public plundering, could then be made to
return to an honest and well paid activity, as a great
many hands would be required in bringing the State
forests into such a shape as to produce the largest possi-
ble output.* The moral standard of the laborers living
in or near the State forests would rise again to the
level of honesty, and the "State Troops " or "The Grena-
diers " would give up their dishonest ways and become

* Although the work to be performed in the management of forests

does not require so many hands as in the management of farms, there is
always so much to do that most of the laborers, who have settled in the
sparsely populated wood countries, can llnd profitable employment. In
Germany, the management of the forests is so conducted that a tract of

from 40,000 to 80,003 acres of wood-lands the greater number of acres

being alloted to the mountainous regions is given to the care of an
*^ Over-forester.''^ This territorydivided up into districts, containing

from 6,000 to 10,C0D acres each, and superintended by a ^'forester."

Each of these districts is cut up into smaller tracts of from 3,000 to 4,0G0
acres, and placed in charge of an ^'Under-forester,'''' who superintends
the laborers working within the tract. The number of common laborers
employed during the most part of the year in the territory of an Over-
forester is from 200 to 300. The average expense amounts to about one
dollar per acre a year, while the average income runs to between two
and three from one to two dollars
dollars per acre, leaving a net profit of
per acre. At the same time the condition of the woods is steadily im-
proved, this insiiring even a greater profit in the future. As most of
these wood-lands are not fit for agricultural purposes, it cannot be de-
nied that from this management a handsome revenue is derived, besides
furnishing ample sustenance to thousands of families.
t The N. Y. St. F. R.. page 28, describes this class of men as follows :

" Hidden within the remote seclusion of the wilderness, this latter class
(of wood thieves) have been secure from obsci-vation, and there has been
to a certain extent a banding together for defense and systematic
plundering. This has become a matter of notoriety, so much so that in
certain localities these organized bands of trespassers go by the n? le of
" State Troops," while in others they are known as " The Grenadiers."

employees of the State. They would lose nothing financi-

ally by this change, while the money which formerly went
into the pockets of the unscrupulous dealers in the stolen
State property would flow into the State Treasury.
The price for logs which now, owing to those nefarious
operations, has sunk far below their real value, would
rise to such a degree as to give to the owners of the wood-
lands encouragement for introducing a systematic man-
agement of their forests, from which in the future an
adequate and permanent revenue would be derived.



In order to obtain all the advantages of real forests,
the principal requirements are correspondingly extensive
areas. Forests have to protect not only themselves, bu't
also their surroundings against the atmospheric influences,
and if a small forest shall perform this and contribute to
the welfare of the country, it has to be brought into a
proper connection with other wooded tracts. A forest
will not have been built up satisfactorily, unless each
tree is capable to protect his neighbor, and each wood lot
is enabled to afford protection from sun, rain, wind and

cold to the adjoining one. Only after this has been ac-
complished can a forest reach that state of perfection
which is necessary to make it profitable and of economic
value. To the simple farmer, who is governed only by
his personal interests, a tract of from 10 to 30 ac4-es may
suffice for raising forestal products, especially if there is
a protected situation, and a regular rotation in cutting
and reproducing the forestal vegetation but ; this is a
wooclcd tract, and cannot be palled Si forest.

Precaution is everywhere advisable, and nowhere it is

more necessary than in reforesting denuded wood-lands,
because there not only come up considerations of the most
complicated sort, but because mistakes committed in the
execution of the plans often involve irreparable damages.
It is very natural that those who undertake reforesting
vast tracts of land, desire to complete their labors as
quickly as possible, in order to be able to soon enjoy the
fruits of their endeavors, especially if unlimited means
are at their disposal. But such improvements are to

produce real benefits, large expenses should be avoided,

leaving to the effect of time and this is the most potent

factor the accomplishment of the most permanent bene-
fits. Exorbitant expenses are in such operations never
compensated for by what is gained in the shortening of
time, whereas going ahead gradually, considerately and
practicall}^ will always bear good fruits.
For the same reason the area to be restocked during a
certain season should not be too large. That the means
of performing the proposed task must be adequate, is a
matter of course. But before beginning to restock those
parts of a large forest which are denuded and over which
parching winds sweep unchecked, the old wooded tracts
should be looked after, and if necessary, extended so that
they are brought into a certain connection with isolated
places of a large denuded area. Thereupon, when the
work is to be entered upon, it should, if practicable, be
commenced at a place which is already protected by the
borders of adjoining woods. From there the plantation
is pushed forward under the protection of the groAving

trees, until the Avhole tract is restocked.

and blasting winds peremp-
If the site is entirely open,
torily prevent the growing of trees, there have to be pro-
tective earth walls thrown up, on top of which less valu-
able, but more hardy trees, such as poplars, cotton-wood
and birches are planted. Under cover of this protection

the jjlanting may be begun, and if properly done, will

prove successful.
In restocking large areas, a good deal of mental work
must be i^erformed before the undertaking can be com-
menced. Elaborate plans have to be made in which the
lots, with proper divisions and sub-divisions, must be
determined upon, roads and Avays laid out, drainage
attended to, in short, every thing must be considered
which will assist in securing the vigorous growth of tbe
trees. In making these plans, the limits placed by the
necessity of returning the invested capital with compound
interest, must never be lost sight of. Nor can we make
use of any artificial fertilizer, for we have to be contented
with the resources furnished by the kindness of nature.
Therefore, first of all, we have to look for the dormant
forces of nature, and to consider whether, and with what
means, we may be able to make them subservient to our
purpose. The agriculturist is able to correct his mistakes
every year, but the forest culturist's mistakes accompany
him to his grave, and often cannot be corrected, except
by generations that come after him.




There are several modes of cultivating wood-lands.

To determine upon one or the other of them by a general
rule or by theoretical principles is absolutely impossible,
because everything therein depends upon the condition
of the soil, climate and situation of the tract to be

Avooded. The only general rule which intelligent forest-

ers follow in such cases is: first, to make a calculation
in regard to the profitableness of the operation, and tiieu
to do the work as thoroughly as the means on hand will
Before entering upon active operations, there should
be taken into consideration everything influencing the
growth and thrift of forestal vegetation. In this resj)ect
we have first to examine the condition of the soil, this
being a source from which the young trees receive their
principal nourishment. As the soil, especially on the
plains, changes very much in regard to both its mechan-
ical character and chemical condition of fertilit}^, a close
investigation of the components of the soil is required, to
find out the quantity and quality of the plant-food con-
tained therein.
Trees strive to penetrate with their roots as deep as
possible into the soil. The more room there is for the
extension of the roots, the more they will be developed
and able promote a quicker and stronger growth of
the trees, these receiving a great deal of their food and

a very essential one at that through the roots from the
contents of the soil. Poor soils as well as exhausted ones
offer great difficulties for raising trees, and, therefore,
preparatory operations have to be undertaken, in order
to enable them to produce a good forest vegetation.
The growth of forest trees are
obstacles to a vigorous
manifold. Sometimes the soil, by the continuous and
unimpeded exposure to the sun's rays and parching winds,
has become thoroughly dried up and impoverished, and
in addition to this it
is often covered either on its top or

in its intermediate layers with impenetrable strata of

carbonaceous or feruginous substances, which prevent the
growth of plants upon them. Sometimes the fertile soil
has been either washed away or made too compact and
firm, or swamj^y, or boggy, by rain or snow. In all such

cases the soil sliould be brought, by proper 2:lowing and

subsoiliiig, mto such a condition that plants will grow
there. The soil having been deeply broken and mixed
up with the macerated hard pan brings the hidden treas-
ures of the deeper soil, consisting of easily soluble salts,
carbonates or oxides, in contact with the fertilizing power
of lightand air, thus restoring the plant-food that had
been washed down into the all-absorbing subsoil. Be-
sides this the deep and thorough pulverizing of the
impoverished soil increases the depth of the ground to
which gases and humidity from the open air may pene-
trate,helping the growth of plants by increasing the
warmth of the soil, and thus giving a more regular
moisture to the roots of j^lants, both by supplying it in
times of drouth and by carrying it away when in excess.
Deep plowing of the ground is unavoidably necessary,
intended to plant forest trees with long tap-roots
if it is

on heavy compact soil, as these trees will never have a

vigorous growth, unless the soil is rendered fine to a con-
siderable depth.
On heaths deep cultivation destroys the growth of
lichensand breaks up the hard pans, both of which are
heavy drawbacks to forest planting on the infertile
heaths. The carbonaceous soil is entirely insoluble and
impenetrable. can only be rendered fertile by break-
ing and mixing it with the other ingredients.
The same favorable effect is accomplished with peat or
muck soils. Stirring them up thoroughly to the depth
of about 12 to 14 inches renders them able to produce
valuable forest trees.
Forest vegetation cannot succeed but on soil which
contains sand, clay and lime, the two first named being
the most potent factors of vegetable growth. If the soil
does not contain at least some parts of each of the three
named minerals, complete infertility will be the result.
The more equally these three ingredients are mixed

together in the soil, the more fertile it will be. Nature

has distributed these three minerals pretty equally all
over the earth. But on many places they are not mixed
together and, therefore, we have to apply deep culture in
order to produce in the seed-beds the mixture wanted
for a successful growth of forest trees. The only ex-
ceptions are the places where high winds have gath-
ered and piled up the loose sands. These never must
be touched by any means of culture, except by those
winch will be explained further below, and which con-
fine themselves to means which never disturb the
soil. The same is true in all cases where a layer of
quick-sand underlying a thinny surface clay soil.

Here the cultivation should be confined to a slight stir-

ring up of the fertile soil, leaving the infertile subsoil
entirely untouched, otherwise the latter would be
brought to the top and completely bury the fertile soil.
On where the full deep cultivation of the soil
is and practical, certainly it is the better plan
to undertake the operation to its widest extent. But as
there exists on heaths great danger from shifting sands,
and on mountainous declivities from washing away the
soil by rain storms and snow drifts, it is often expedient

to undertake those improvements in instalments, sub-

jecting only parts of the whole tract to the appropriate


The implements for cultivating the soil with regard to

forest planting are the plow, spade and hoe. Manual labor
has great advantages on account of its thoroughness ; but
the high price for labor forces us to mostly use plows, ex-
cept in places where the condition of the soil (boggy,

stony or steep) prevents the application of this useful im-

plement. As a rule the double plow is used to break up
larger tracts of denuded wood-lands, because it is only
"with such a plow that the heavy swath formed by a
thick cover of lichens can be thoroughly peeled off, while at
the same time the main plow enters deep into the soil,

turning it over in furrows. Heaths which have remained

for a long time uncultivated, are liable to formations
of hard pan within the extent of the fertile soil. Such lay-
ers cannot be broken except by steam plows. These
should also be emplo}'ed wdiere the cultivation of extended
tracts justify a larger expenditure. It is a "well-known
steam i)lows perform this work not only cheaper
fact tiiat
than horse-power, but also more thoroughly and benefici-
ally for the grov/th of trees. Owing to the greater
celerity of the movements of the plow, and its long sci'ew-
shaped boards, the particles of the soil and subsoil are
infinitely pulverized and mixed together. A common
plow never could do the work so nicely.
After the soil thus having been prepared, it is neces-
sary to give it a rest of a year or at least of an entire
winter, in order that the air, moisture, warmth and
frost may actupon the infertile newly brought to
the surface, and impart upon it the ingredients which

are missing in the subsoil, and yet necessary for a

healthy growth of forest vegetation. At all events
plantations cannot be begun on places treated in the
aforesaid manner, unless the old turned under surface-
soil has completed its fermentation and settling. After
being exposed for some time to the air, the turned up
subsoil will have lost most of its humic acid, and the in-
soluble mineralic parts of the same will have been partly
made and for the roots of trees available; while the
gases of the air, which have entered the soil, directly
furnish to the plants vegetable food. Only after the soil
has rested so long as to receive the said beneficial iuflu-


euces of its rest, planting may be successfully com-

The greatest difficulties in restocking denuded wood-
lands are encountered on the bare, steep slopes of the
mountains, because every heavy rain carries away from
there a part, if not every particle of the soil. Help
against this trouble is found in seeding the places with
quick growing, and, as to plant-food, unpretentious
grasses, or jjlanting such trees as will by their nets of
roots bind the soil. On this mode of culture we shall
treat in Part III.



The supply and the preservation of water in the
soil is of the greatest importance to the growth of trees.
Wherever drainage is required, there should at the same

time be considered the question of preserving the humi-

dity in the ground. By lowering the water table i. e.,
the top of the ground water, we always must prevent the
exsiccation of the soil, if necessary, by the erection of
some apparatus for stopping the flow of water at any de-
sired time.
A proper quantity of humidity in the soil always exer-
cises a beneficial effect upon the growth of trees, the
roots of v/hich only being able to assimilate the plant food
contained in the soil, after this has been made liquid by the
water. But stagnant water isdetrimental to the growth
of every vegetation : it kills the activity of the roots. In
order to retain the proper degree of moisture in the
soil of the be had regard
plains, there should not only
to the humidity from the atmosphere, but
also to the water contained in the subsoil, the ground
water. The less rain is falling in the country, and the

more the soil is liable to quickly evaporate its moisture,

the more evident is the beneficial result of an abundant
stock of water in the subsoil to the vegetation. In the
not drained lowlands along the rivers, the water table is
on the level Avith the river. But the moisture of the
soil, owing to the capillary attraction, rises above this
station so that the less is done in the way of drainage,
the higher penetrates the humidity in those lands. Tliis
holds principally true in regard to swampy grounds or
moorlands, which, owing to their sponge-like structure,
are able to receive enormous quantities of water, and to
retain it.

The injurious effects of wet soils to the growth of

trees can easily be observed. Such soils are cold and do
not retain warmth whereas forest vegetation requires

more than any other plant a warm soil. Moreover, a

wet soil disolves the vegetable food contained therein
rapidly, and carries it down into the subsoil, where it is
inaccessible to the roots of young trees. Thus the upper
soil is sometimes entirely washed out, losing a great deal
of its power to sustain plant growth. An excess of
moisture in the upper soil prevents access of air, and
consequently there does not properly go on the decom-
position of organic matter, nor the disinteqratio7i of the
minerals contained in the ground, both chemical actions
being necessary for the sustenance of plant life. When
organic matter in the soil decomposes while in contact
with an excess of moisture, there n'ill be produced acetic
acid and other organic acids, which soon make the ground
sour. Then the formation of impenetrable layers of
protoxide of iron will commence, and that means death
to every vegetation. To the spongy, swampy soil, exces-
sive quantities of water arc especially deleterious, these
swelling uj) the j^ores in the ground so greatly as to dis-
turb the development of the tree roots, and causing,
during the spring, late frosts.

A properly made drain leaves in moorlands enough

moisture in their smaller pores for furnishing to the
roots of young trees the necessary plant-food, helping at
the same time to impact the roots in the soil ; while the
air in the emptied large pores continues circulating, and
neutralizes the acids produced by the moisture when com-
ing in contact with the organic matter of the soil.
It is, therefore, obvious that in regulating the aqueous
conditions of a tract of land, both the efflux and the in-
flux of the water must be arranged so as to avoid the in-
jurious effects of being too wet, and yet to retain in the
ground the moisture necessary to plant vegetation.
In regulating the conditions of the water with swampy,
boggy and peaty soils, an attempt should be made to

bring fresh soil over the surface. This is done by dig-

ging parallel ditches of the proper distance, depth and
width, and throwing the dug-out soil at both sides upon

the thus formed beds. This culture, called border or

bed culture {Rabatten Kultur), serves not only to im-
prove the chemical but also the mechanical condition of
the soil, and therefore has the same result as deep
plowing has upon common soil.
The boggy or peaty soils especially require chemical
improvement, as they mostly need the important sub-

stances for the growth of trees the mineral components.
For this reason they are unable to make their richness of
nitrogen available to the trees, these being unable to appro-
priate the nitrogen, except after it has been converted,
with the help of some minerals, into nitric acid. Be-
sides, the spongy condition of this kind of soil does not
furnish to the roots of trees the rest and stability neces-
sary for the development of the root system, because the
soil, in receiving humidity, swells up, and in drying up,

contracts; thus always disturbing the position of the

roots and preventing their development.
The improvement of peaty tracts can best be effected

by mixing sandy loam with them, especially when the

latter contains marl, because such a mixture furnishes
rich plant-food for the tree roots. But even coarse sand
added to peaty soil would be a great improvement, because
sand contains always a large part of silica combined with
kali, which, either by the influence of the carbonic acid
of the air, or of the humic acid in the soil, are disin-
tegrated and converted into carbonate of lime, this being
soluble in water, and in this shape available to the roots.
Moreover, this treatment acts beneficially upon the me-
chanical condition of the loose soil, which by the weight

of the coarse sand is compressed, and yet remains porous

enough to let the air joercolate in the ground. Fine sand
should not be used, because it never contains kali in ;

coarse sand kali always is found, and for this reason it

deserves the preference.
Eaising the soil by throwing earth over the surface of the
borders (beds) is especially helpful in the regions of large
rivers, where otherwise drainage is impossible.
The extent of the drainage, as well as the increase of
the elevation of the borders, depends upon how much or-
dinary moisture shall be retained in the eoil, and especially
how high the water table in the subsoil shall rise. Upon
common soil trees grow best when the ground water does
not rise higher than 3 or 4 feet below the surface, because
under such circumstances the superfluous water can run
off, and at the same time the water evaporated on the sur-

face soil can be easily replaced from the ground water

through the capillary attraction. But the spongy peat
soils, bogs, ferns, etc., attract, owing to their increased

capillary functions, water too easily, and, therefore, must

have a lower water-line than common soil.
We shall consider this question more fully, when fur-
ther treating upon the drainage of swamps, bogs and
peaty fens.



If the question arises : What kind of trees should be
selected for the reforesting of denuded wood-lands, the
choice must necessarily confine itself to those trees which
are indigenous to the given locality, and which afford
ample protection to the soil against sun and wind. Wood-
lands proper are commonly too poor, or have such a site
as to render them unadapted for agricultural purposes ;
and even forest trees, al*-hough generally not being pre-
tentious as regards soi', cannot prosper when very young,
unless the surface soil contains some available plant-food.
Therefore, the poorer the soil, and the more unfavorable
the location, the more difficulties arise in answering the
question : What kind of trees shall we j)lant in a certain
locality ? Then we can but look at such as will be con-
tent with poor soil, and these are the coniferous trees,
especially the pines, as for instance The Yellow Pine, :

Pitch Pine, Red or Norway Pine {Pinus Austriaca),

and Pinus sylvestris, usually called the Scotch Pine.
They not only lay the least claims on the soil as for
plant-food, but with their leaves, broken twigs and de-
cayed roots, give back what they have received from the
soil, adding much to what they have elaborated from the

atmosphere thus they increase every year the quactity of


the fertile surface-soil or humus, and perform this

function nearly as good as the broad-leaved trees do. Be-
sides,they are easier to raise than other trees, and as for
the profits derived from their wood, these are at least
just as large, as in raising other kinds of trees. There-
fore, it cannot be denied that the conifers are the most
desirable trees for the recuperation of the fertility of the
soil in denuded wood-lands.

Of all the conifers there is no species which can com-

pare in frugality quantity of wood production and returns
with the Scotch Pine {pirius sylvestris). This tree, al-
though a native of the Eastern hemisphere, is now largely
grown here. It will succeed even upon the poorest soil,
altering, during its growing period, the condition of the
soil in such a manner that later on more valuable trees
may me raised there. This species should always be
resorted to in where no other tree will grow,
and although the benefits offered by it will not last
longer than during its first growing period, as it is
losing its soil-shading capability after a growth of from 15
to 20 years we cannot spare it, but have to give the
plantation either a short rotation, or we must intermix
other suitable trees right at the planting time, or later,
as soon as openings in the plantation appear. In moun-
tainous regions the Larch or Tamarack serves nearly all
the purposes for which the Pine is used on the plains.

Excepting the general principles laid down in the pre-

ceding suggestions, there is no absolute rule for selecting
the proper trees to be planted in a given locality. The
best way to avoid mistakes is to study, not only the na-
ture of the Tarious species of the forest trees by them-
selves, and in aggregate life
but also the hints afforded
by the lay of the land and when we have mastered these

hints, we should follow them by selecting such trees as

will find on the given place everything that is required
for their full development. At the same time we
must not overlook the purpose for tvhich trees are planted
a point which is to be considered even before the ques-
tion arises: *' What to plant?" For instance When we :

advise the intermixture of spruces, oaks, and even

beeches with pines, there could possibly some one find
fault with us because the trees named will never reach a
full development on poor ground, but become, after the
first growing period, stunted and suppressed by the pines.

However, in giving this advice, our intention is accom-

plished as soon as those trees obtain a sufficient hold
upon the soil to protect it against sun and air during
that time in which the pine is unable to do this. The
increased cost of the plantation, caused by the temporary
growth of these trees, which will be removed before they
have reached maturity, cannot be considered as a draw-
back, because the condition of the pines, these being the
real stock of the plantation, will be so much improved
as to fully counterbalance the additional expenses.
A more effective agentupon the amelioration of the
soil can be made by spruces and firs. But these trees re-
quire more food for their sustenance than a poor soil is

able to offer them, and they, therefore, cannot obtain a

permanent footing upon it. Besides, the spruce, not-
withstanding its desirability in an intermixture, does not
preserve the freshness, thatis the vigorous activity of the

soil,and, for this reason, should never be grown alone as

a stock of trees. This fact might also account for the
decaying of many blocks of the black spruce in the
Adirondacks since 1878, of which the First Report of tho
N. Y. State Forest Commission, on pages 50, 62 and 76
The common beech renders very valuable services in the
recuperation of the lost fertility to the it furnishes
soil, for
great masses of rich leaves, forming a vigorous humus-soil
which is continually increased, and preserved in this
state by the shading qualities of the tree. But as
the beech requires for its luxurious growth a soil rich in
soluble minerals, and as such soil will be claimed by tho
agriculturist, there will seldom be a chance for the beech
to exercise its beneficial function, unless it be on mountain-
ous slopes, where agriculture cannot be conducted.
Generally speaking, the densely foliaged trees, viz :

Beech, Hornbeam, Spruce, Fir, Walnut, Chestnut are,


in regard to the amelioration of the soil, to be preferred

to those Avith thin foliage, as Oak, Maple, Ash, Elm,
Birch, Alder, Aspen, Acacie, Pine, Larch, because the
former furnish a continual cover to the ground, and create
an always increased producing capability of the soil,
while the latter, with their increased growth, draw for
their subsistence more upon the soil, which, on account
of the thin foliage of these trees, is continually decreasing
in fertility, owing to its exposure to sun and air.

The greatest difficulties beset the forest-planter in the

selection of trees to be planted, when denuded w^ood-
lands, and poor ones at that, in mountainous regions are
to be reforested. Here we must not overlook the fact
that, before the final stock of trees can be planted, often
a cover of the ground has to be created by other easily
and rapidly growing forest-trees. Under these, the young
plants of the future stock of trees may be safely devel-
oped, until they are able to shift for themselves. An il-

lustration of this is the Beech, Hornbeam, Fir, and

other shade-enduring trees. These are, when young,
GO sensitive in regard influence of the sun and
to the
v/ind, that the seedlings,even upon the richest soil, will
not thrive, unless shaded by densely foliaged trees.
The determination upon the proper trees to be planted
on a given locality, should always be preceded by a care-
ful examination in regard to soil, site, and surroundings
of the place. As woody plants, except when very young,
obtain the most part of their nourishment through the
gases in the air, and not from the soil, it is obvious that
the chemical conditions of the soil do not play such
an important part in the development of trees, as is the
case with grasses and other agricultural plants. But the
mechanical or physical condition of the soil is of the
greatest importance to the growth of forest trees, and,
therefore, the investigation into this point should never

be neglected. If such an examination is scrupiilonsly

conducted, it should lead with safety to the conclusion
that the selected species of trees will find there every-
thing which will secure its thrift. In doubtful cases those
trees which lay the lesser claim upon the soil are to
be preferred. The safest way
always to follow the

hints of nature, and plant such trees as are thriving best

in or near the region in which the planting shall be
This understood, we have still, as mixed planting now-
and with the best reasons is commonly preferred
to the planting of pure stock, to determine upon what
varieties will fraternize with each other when planted in
a mixture. So, for instance, Elm and Maple do not
agree with the Oak, "Walnut and Hickory as neighbors,
but will lean away, become crooked, and die out before
reaching their maturity whereas Ashes thrive v,^ell

when planted with the last named trees. With such a

mixture, the ground would be fully and profitably
utilized, as the Ashes draw their food from the surface,
and the other (tap-rooted) trees from the subsoil. Pines,
although also provided with tap-roots, succeed very well
in a mixture with Oaks, Hickories, Walnuts and Chest-
nuts mostly, however, they serve as nurses to the last

named trees, and are cut before reaching their full

maturity, after which the sheltered trees obtain their
full development. The Larch is often planted on suit-
able grounds as pure stock; but a slight intermixture of
the common Pine or Scotch Pine has proven very advan-
It is very important for the forest-planter to know this
behavior of the trees among themselves, and much re-
mains to be done with us, to correctly classify the forest
trees in this direction. Easier is another for mixed plant-
ing, also important classification of trees, viz such as in

their early age have a dense foliage, that, with increased

age, is getting thinner, and such as preserve their dense
foliage. To the latter belong Firs, Beeches, Spruces, and
the Catalpa; to the former, Oaks, Birches, Pines,
Larches, Hichories.
Valuable hints on mixed forest planting are given m
the Report of the Division of Forestry, published by the
Department of Agriculture at Washington, 1887, on
page 189. There we read "After having determined

what kinds are desirable and suitable to be planted in a

given locality, the possibility of mixing two or more
kinds depends :

(a) On their relative capacity for preserving or in-

creasing favorable soil conditions ;

{b) On tlieir relative dependence for development on

light or shade ; and
(c) On their relative rate of height growth."
As general rules for mixing are thereupon summed up
the following :

The dominant species, i. e., the one that occupies
the greater part of the ground, must be one that im-
proves the soil conditions, generally a shady kind.
2. Shade-enduring (i. e., densely foliaged) kinds may
be mixed together when
slower-growing kinds can be

protected or guarded against the overshading of the more

rapid grower, either by planting the slower grower first
or in greater numbers, or in larger specimens, or else by
cutting back the quicker-growing ones.
Shade-enduring kinds may be mixed with light-
needing kinds, when the latter are either quicker growing
or are planted in advance of the former, or in larger
4. Thin foliaged kinds should not be planted in mix-
tures by themselves, except on very favorable soils, as in
river bottoms, marshy soil, etc., where no exhausting of


soil-humidity need be feared, or else on very meager, dry

where most shady trees would refuse to grow, and

one must make a virtue of necessity.

5. The mixing in of the light -foliaged trees in single in-
dividuals is preferable to placing them together in
groups, unless special soil conditions make the occupa-
tion of certain spots by one kind, which may be better
adapted to them, more desirable, as for instance, the Ash
in a wet ground (slough). Wheu a slower-growing, light-
needing kind is to be grown side by side with the quicker-

growing shady one as for instance, Oak and Catalpa
a group of Oaks will have more chance to withstand the
shade of the densely foliaged Catalpa than the single in-
The late Dr. John A. Warder, who was the first man
in America to make an effort at developing a system of
forestry adapted to this country, expressed his hopes, tha,t
we would in the course of time come to an expedient pro-
cess for the care of our forests, dependent upon the correct
answers of the question Which trees should be planted

in mixed groups, and which trees are obnoxious to one

another ? He observed that it is necessary to know re-
specting each of this species:
l.--Tlie term of rotation of trees.
The height attained by the
2. at maturity. trees
The rapidity of their growth.

4. should never be grouped together.
5. are exclusive, and should be planted
trees in
masses by themselves.
Which require the protecting care of nurses.

From appears the urgent necessity of estab-

all this,

lishing experimental stations in those parts of our

country which are in need of the helping hand of the
As far as my own experience in this State goes, I can

recomTnend the following mixtni-e of the principal

forest trees :

1. Oaks with Ashes, Hickories and Chestnuts.

2. Oaks with Spruces and Walnuts.
3. Oaks with Pines and Spruces.
4. Oaks with Beeches and Spruces.
6. Larch with Pines and Oaks.
6, Black Walnut with Maples and Beeches,
7. Beeches with Maples, Elms and Ash.
8. Black Ash with Alders and Beeches in swampy
9. White Pine with Beeches and common Pines.
10. Scotch Pine with Spruce and Fir.
11. Locust, Ashes and Catalpa.
In our natural forests we find Birches scattered all over
among groves of the various kinds of lorest trees. How-
ever, we would not advise to mix this tree with other val-
uable ones, as the Birch, owing to the whipping property
of its branches, injures, more or less, the young twigs and
buds of the neighboring trees. Only to very poor soil
and where no other trees but the Pine (on dry ground)
and the Alder (on swampy ground) grow, we should assign
the Birch.

Wooded countries are unable to support a large popu-
lation, as thereis not much of the area left for raising

the required grain, fruits, vegetables, etc. Therefore, in-

creased i^opulation regularly diminishes the country's
wooded area, increasing at the same time, the demands
made upon the forest vegetation. Besides this, there are

many other causes which often produce a sudden and

enormous destruction of the woods, causing great desti-
tution among nations, and heavy drawbacks to the pro-
gress of the general weal and culture of a people. The re-
cuperative power of the forests being but slow, the human
mind has long been bent upon inventing artificial means
for the purpose of always having on hand a sufficient
quantity of wood to satisfy the diversified demands of the
public. This led to the introduction of a systematic ro-
tation in cutting down the woods. The forests are di-
vided up into as many if not equal but possibly equiv-
alent parts,* as years are required to bring the trees to
their maximum grotvth, and then every year one lot is
entirely cleared of trees and thereupon replanted. The
next year the same treatment is applied to the second
lot, the third year to the third one, and so on until the
whole tract is gone over. Then the trees on the first lot
will have reached their full growth again, and be ready
for the axe.
This mode was certainly a progressive one, and it is

still in practical use in many of the European countries.

But it often caused great inconvenience, when the lot to be
cut contained trees which were not so much wanted as
other trees, that grew upon lots not yet reached by the
rotation. And then it was ascertained that the division
of the forest alone in as many lots as possible, did not
secure an equally sustained production through the suc-
cessive cycles of the rotation, the second crop never being

* The reason why the woods are divided up in this way is to obtain,
at every cuttina: period, an equal average product of the forest vege-
tation. As the various portions of a large forest, on account of difference
in soil, exposure, etc., often vary very much in their productiveness, parts
equal in extent are not always equ;il in production. To obtain such
equivalence, it is necessary to take into consideration the variations in
exposure, and in adaptation to the grovrth of the kind of trees
Eoil, in

which happen to be upon it.


to the primitive, nor the third to the second, and

so forth.
And then there arose a diversity of opinions relative to
the ends and objects to be reached by rotations in forest
culture, and this was the more important, as upon the
decision of this controvei'sy would depend the determin-
ation of the proper (that is, the most economical) time
of the growing-period of forest trees. In this regard
there prevail four different opinions, which are based
upon the following principles :

1. the uninterruptly continued pro-
princij)le of
duction of the same kind of a certain wooded
trees in
area. By putting into practice principal, there
this will
at the sa)ne place always be the scone pure stock of trees,
and as for their cutting time, those periods will be ob-
served which will secure the continuance of the original
This system, called the ilocJc system, and worked in
rotation,was not long since the most popular in Ger-
many, because it satisfied the national predilection for
extended forests of large Beeches, Oaks and Evergreens.
The growing periods for the single lots of the rotation
were of long duration, viz.: from 120 years to 140, and
even 200 years.
But the increased demands made by the industries for
other kinds of wood, and the decreasing demand for the
high-priced Beeches as fuel, on account of the inex-
haustible supply of cheap mineral coal, shook the foun-
dations of a system which had no regard for the wants
either of the present or of the future. And then it was
shown that the ''sustained" production of the wooded
area and its fertility could even be better retained by
growing such kinds of wood as are now more in use

Ash, Maple, Elm, Alder, etc. and that a growing period
of from CO to 80 years allotted to said modern trees, was

financially niucli more profitable than the former large

2. The principle of the maximum growth of the
trees. In accepting this principle, the time of cutting
the trees has arrived as soon as the yearly average in-
crease of the wood in the trees has reached its highest
The average maximum growth of a tree is found by
dividing the entire mass of the tree by the number of
years of its age. The current or yearly increase of the
mass shows the relation of the quantity of wood grown
during the year in question, to the existing whole mass
of the tree.
The principle
3. of producing the maximum of value.
According to this principle, the lot is cut as soon as
the trees have reached the age at which they bring the
highest prices in the gross amount. The average
maximum of value is found in the same way as the
maximum of growth.
But these two latter systems suffer the same fault of
having their cutting periods too far apart, thus pre-
venting the capital invested from being made profitable;
for trees do not continually increase in their growth at
the same rate in which the capital invested accrues with
compound interest. They grow only during the first
sixty or seventy years in a proportion adequate to
straighten their debit account, and leave then a hand-
some profit. Later this proportion changes very much
to the detriment of the capital. For instance A forest :

of Conifers furnishes at the age of one hundred years

not much more wood than double the quantity which it
v/ould have yielded at the age of sixty years, while the
sum representing the value of the wood at the forest's
age of sixty years, would, with compound interest, in-
crease during the next forty years to at least /owr times
its amount.

4. The principle of the largest pecuniary returns, or

of the financially most profitable cutting periods. By
this principle the trees are cut at the time when the
largest soil rent of the i'rivested capital will be earned,
taking into account compound interest, every expense,
rent of lands, etc.
Professor Pressler, at Tharand, in the Kingdom of
Saxony, more than twenty-five years ago claimed that
this principle was the only safe basis upon which the
management of forests should be conducted, and now all
the leading experts in forest-matters agree vvith him,
because experience has confirmed the correctness of a
system which answers all demands made upon forests,
both for preservation and profit.
A great many changes in the time-honored manage-
ment of the European forests have been caused by the
strict enforcement of this doctrine, the most important of
which are the following :

{a) The development of trees, till they have formed

the maximum quantity of wood, formerly necessitated with
Beeches, Oaks and other sorts of hard wood a rotation of
about 24.0 years, and with Evergreens a rotation of 120
years. This has been entirely changed, and now ro-
tations of scarcely half that time are in use, viz : for
Evergreens, from 50 to 60 years, and for Oaks, Beeches,
etc., from 70 to 80. This change was brouglit about by
the consideration that the capital invested in forest ex-
ploitations increased, during the second part of the
long rotations by the accumulation of accrued interest so
rapidly, that in counting up the items of the debit ac-
count and credit account, the business proved a losing
one. For instance the product of a one-hundred-and-

twenty-years-old Oak forest nets the sum of X. "Were

the forest permitted to continue its growth during
another one hundred and twenty years, the amount of
wood produced during this second period would not be

larger than that grown during the first one ; conse-

quently a sale of the two hundred and forty years'
product would not bring more than two times the sum
of X, while the capital, X, if deposited at 3>^ per cent.
Avith a bank, would have increased with compound in-
terest during the 130 years of the second growing period,
to twenty-two times X. As Oaks and other hard-wood trees
at the age offrom 90 to 100 years, and Evergreens at from
60 to 70 years, furnish every kind of useful material, the
high forests, that is, where the trees are allowed to
reach their maximum growth, are going to be superseded
by the so-called middle forests, that is, where the treea
only reach their full development.
(J) Evergreens have a wider range of usefulness than
the deciduous, or so called hard- wood trees, because they
allow us, in the calculation of the profits of forests, to bo
more circumspective in regard to the presumable wants
of the future. This is the more important, as the wood
production requires long periods, and, therefore, every
good management of forests should always take into
account the possibilities of the future. This is the
reason why at present, in Europe, in replanting forests.
Evergreens are often given the preference, even upon
soil on which fastidious deciduous trees would thrive.
(c) The supremacy of Beeches and Oaks is abolished,
and in consideration of the increased, and in the future
very likely not decreased, want of other deciduous trees,
as Ash, Alder, Maple, Birch, etc., these last named kinds
of trees, together with the Evergreens, are given at least
the same consideration as the old royal Beech and Oak
{(l) To raise a })ure stock of trees of the same kind and
age, not now considered as profitable as to raise mixed

stock of different ages, because by the former the soil is

too much exhausted. One kind of wood takes always
the same ingredients from the soil, but a variety of

trees, although using an equal quantity of plant-food,

abstract different elements from the soil and leave it in a
much better condition in general than if only one kind
of plant- food were exhaustingly consumed. Besides, the
mixed stock of trees offer more opportunities to satisfy
the growing demand for the various kinds of wood.
Therefore, tlie scientiiic forest culturists of tne present
time have directed their efforts toward
(e) Introducing the so-called plenter-management. By
this the j^rimitive forest, inwhich the various trees are
mixed up, both in regard to kind and age, is divided
into a certain number
of large tracts, according to the
time required for the reproduction of the full-grown
trees. But instead of coiifining the exploitation at a time
to one of these tracts, the supply of wood required is ob-
tained, during a certain joeriod of years, from the felling
of the trees in one tract, and from the several thinnings
and other necessary cuttings in others. For instance :

it is intended to treat, by this management, a wooded

area, say of 50,000 acres, with different kinds of soil and

trees of variousages, the full development .of which
would be reached by an average growth of 80 \ears.
Then the forest is divided up into eight equal or at least
equivalent parts, which are separated either naturally by
roads, creeks, mountains, etc., or artificially by opening
joaths or roads that serve at the same time as a protection
against fire, wind-breaka, snow-drifts, and as outlets for
forest vegetation. During a period of ten years there
are taken from one part* at different places, whatever
timber, fuel or lumber may be wanted, thinning out at

* Those parts, in Germany called " Reviere " (Districts), are subdivided
into lots of from 200 to 300 acres, Avhich are also separated by paths
from 10 to 14 feet wide, called "Schueiseu." They have, like the
wider roads of the Districts, proven very useful in suppressiiif?
forest fires and protecting the trees against wind-storms and snow
di-ifts, besides their principal use in serving as an outlet for the products
of the forest.

the pame time in other tracts those trees or bushes

which encroach upon other trees, and felling such trees as
have passed their maturity and are going to decay. The
same operation is done during the next decade in the next
tract, and so forth, till all the tracts are fully exploited,
when the cycle of successive fellings will be recommenced
again. These cuttings can, if desired, always be so ar-
ranged as gradually to arrive at groups of trees of the
same age and description, and finally at blocks with high
forest trees worked in rotation. At all events, the fel-
lings are so conducted as to secure simultaneously and
without prejudice to one or another part of the forest:
(1) A continually sustained supply of a desired variety
of forest products.
(2) A sure reproduction of the forest, either by self-
sown by shoots and suckers from stumps and roots
of felled trees, or by seedingand planting.
(3) A progressive and improved condition of the
forest, in place of former deterioration.
In these three points there are concentrated the ob-
jects which scientific managers of forests in Germany
and France have in view, and which are being accom-
plished, not there alone, but also in other European
countries to which students of forest science have brought
the knowledge of advanced management of forests.
This revolution in the management of forests was
brought forth by the calculations made in finding the
exact amount of the net proceeds obtained from the
usual forest exploitation.
The mode of ascertaining the proceeds of a capital in-
vested in forest culture is as follows : The value of
the lands and all expenses, from the time of begin-
ning the plantation, or cultivation till the time of
cutting, are figured up, and compound interest from
the time of incurring the expenses till the cutting time
is added. This sum forms the debit account. The credit

account is made up by figuring all the revenue derivable

from the forest during the growing period, and carrying
itforward with compound interest to the cutting time.
The value of the wood at the cutting time is found by
the help of tables based upon certain methods of de-
termining accretion in yearly mass, and large ex-
perience for every variety of wood
in any kind of soil
and location, and added to the sum of
this amount,
the revenues with compound interest, forms the credit
account. If from this amount is deducted the total
of the debit account, the difference is the amount of
the net revenue. For instance the 80 years' growing

period for a certain plantation shows that the invested

capital of 110 for an acre would yield, at the end
of this period, revenue of about $154; while
a net
the 50 years' period by the same calculation netted $110 ;
the GO years', $125; 70 years', $130; 90 years', $140; 100
yearp,', $130; 110 years', $130 the 80 years' period
would be considered the most profitable, netting over
four per cent, interest, and the others less.
The term "Forest Gardening'^ is sometimes under-
mode of
stood to signify a special systematic forest cul-
ture, quite distinctfrom the others now in use. But this
phrase, correctly applied, means simply a plenter man-
agement made serviceable in certain localities, and under
certain conditions. While the forester has generally to
deal with the aggregate of trees in the woods, his at-
tention not infrequently claimed by single trees, or by-

groups or rows of trees, which serve to protect the soil

from the influence of sun and air, and the neighborhood
from the effects of sudden atmospheric changes. In such
cases extraordinary measures must be taken to prevent,
at all events, openings in the woods the single trees

have to be always watched, and those, which from over-

matureness or other causes are incapable of affording ef-
fectswhich would justify their preservation, must be

carefully removed and replaced by others of a suitable

This sort of forest culture is resorted to upon mountain
summits, to retain the atmospheric moisture in the
ground, and upon steep declivities, to prevent rains from
washing down the soil and causing land-slides. It is also
applied upon level plains, where areas of loose sand, if
not retained by forest trees, may spread in sand-drifts
and bury adjacent cultivated fields. Agricultural lands
which are exposed to strong winds and frost, can be pro-
tected against these influences by surrounding them with
the proper trees, disposed in screens or belts. This
treatment is especially useful in small farms where a sus-
tained growth upon the wood-plot is highly desirable,
and for this reason it will be of practical benefit to us.
If from the foregoing suggestions it should appear de-
sirable that an application of the methods above alluded
to should be made to our wild or natural forests, it is
evident that the so-called plenter management would be
the best adapted to them. We are still in the fortunate
position that Ave need not look out either for the natural
products of the State forests, or for revenues derived
from them but we should make use of this oj^portunity

and employ better and more efficient means to preserve our

forests, than those which are calculated to protect them
against fire and spoliation only. We should put an end
to the present chaotic condition within the forests, and
introduce a methodical exploitation of the woods, combined
with a proper care for the undergrowth, so that the trees
cultivated shall be such as are most adapted to the dif-
ferent localities of our widely dispersed state forest, and
may satisfy the demands of the people for fuel, timber
and lumber. Under expert management we can reach
these objects, and at least make our forests self-sup-
porting, provided that at regular intervals every har-
vested forest product is sold at public auction, and not

as is now the practice

left to rot and create dan-
gerous fire-traps, or breeding places for noxious insects.




There are a great many trees to be found mostly

among the deciduous varieties which have the power of
forming buds in the stem or exposed parts of the roots,
in addition to the usual buds formed upon joints and the
base of leaves.
The formation of these adventitious buds seems to be
caused by the endeavor of the tree to ajiply to the pro-
duction of new shoots the plant- food taken up by the un-
hurt parts of the root. These new shoots grow up into
trees and are called coppice or copse- wood. Thus in a
very simple way the restoring of forests has been made
practicable by saving and properly treating the stumps
and roots of felled trees. The more a certain kind of
tree is inclined to coppicing, the better is this mode of
propagation adapted to it, and it is a method which in
many cases will be found to be the cheapest and most
successful. In employing it, the cutting of the trees
should always, if possible, be exactly even, and in an up-
wardly sloping direction, care being taken not to seji-
arate the bark from the trunk, because their conjuncture
at the line of incision is the place at which the new
shoots will appear. Experience shows that trees which
can be propagated by sprouts, lose with their advancing
age the capability of sending up vigorous shoots. ^Yo

should, therefore, select the stumps of vigorous and

younger trees for natural regeneration, and if these
cannot be found, it is better to plant seedlings for cop-
pice than to force old stumps to spend their last energy
in sending out some weak shoots.
The condition of the soil, with respect to its being
either dry, or wet and swampy, has an important influence
upon the result of the operation. In the former case
the trees should be cut cloae to the ground, so as to force
the roots to produce shocts underground. The trees
growing up from such shoots are more capable of stand-
ing drought than shoots produced on higher stumps.
On swampy soil, especially if subjected to overflows, the
stumps should be left high enough to jirevent the water
from overflowing them, because if cut too low, the
stumps will sometimes be covered with water, and will
perish for want of air. As that part of the old root, which
produced the new tree, detaches from the old root system,
forming a separate root with its own rootlets, there is no
limit to the continued reproduction, provided the dead
leaves, broken twigs, branches, etc., of the trees are left
on the ground to decay, for they are the manure espec-
ially adapted to trees, and when taken away
as is often
the case in husbandry, to serve as litter the
or feed
woods, being deprived of a natural element of their thrift,
exhaust themselves and dwindle away, while the soil of
those forests, where the leaves are never removed, con-
tinually grows richer and yields better products.

denuded and neglected wood-lands are to be re-

stocked cheaply and quickly, the first step to be taken is
to cut, in the manner described, every stunted tree or
bush, and to smooth off the stumps where the surface is
rugged. The best time for cutting trees, in order to
raise coppice-wood, is during the dormant season, that
is, during the latter part of the winter, or after the cold-

est weather is over. Trees should never be cut for this

purpose later than March.


Sometimes stumps develop shoots which may be bent

down into the soil to a certain depth, after an incision
has been made on the under side of the shoot, in the
bend, so as to split it, if possible, a little below the bud,
and to form a tongue. A hooked peg is usually employed
to hold the layer in place. The tops should be elevated
above the surface of the ground in an upward direction,
and tied up to a pole. In time, the buried parts of these
shoots (or branches) take root, and finally become indi-
vidual trees. The ground around tlie layers should be
kept quite clear of weeds, and the layers should be freely
watered in dry weather. When sufficiently rooted the
layers should be carefully separated from the stool
(parent tree) with all the rootlets attached to them, and
planted in nursery where they
lines, or in those situations
are permanently to remain. Layers may be made at any
time in the growing season but they will root sooner if

made when the trees are growing rapidly (spring) than at

any other time. The process of producing layers, as we
shall see further on, is of great importance in replanting

denuded side-hills where rain may wash away the soil.

The roots of the old stumps and the new roots of the
layers bind the soil, and thus prevent its washing out.

While "shoots" are produced in deciduous trees by

adventitious buds, the layers and cuttings of some of the
deciduous trees have the power of forming roots. A
number of trees can be propagated by cuttings, as for in-
stance the W^illows, Poplars, some of the Alders and

Maples, and the Button wood or Sycamore. It is advis-

able to make these cuttings in the fall ; they should be
about twelve inches long, and made in wood of the cur-
rent season's growth,and heeled, during the winter, in a
moist place, protected against frost. This serves to
form on the base of the cuttings a callus from which the
roots push out, as soon as they are planted in the spring.
They should be set deep enough to nearly cover their
greatest part, and treated in the same way as trans-
planted seedlings, except that they should be set slanting
not straight. For when the ground settles it packs to
the cuttings, and prevents them from becoming loose, a
result, and a very injurious one at that, which often pre-
vents the prosperous growth of straight-planted ciittings.
To promote the production of roots of cuttings which
are planted in dry soil, they should during the summer
months be mulched, as only a moist soil is able to secure
the quick and strong development of roots.
Cuttings do not well stand transplanting. It is, there-
fore, advisable to set them where they are to remain.
Coniferous trees in general cannot be reproduced in
the natural ways just named, but require the artificial
means of propagation by seeding or planting. However,
there is a natural way in which denuded wood-tracts,
which had been covered with conifers, may be replanted,
provided there are left at proper distances standard or
parent trees, from the scattered seeds of wliich young
plants can spring up. This treatment can be recom-
mended as efficient with very poor soil where there is no
danger of grasses easily getting hold of the ground. But
if it is to be expected that such will be the case, a light

tillage with a wooden harrow should be given to the soil

in the late spring. By this operation the mosses and
grasses spreading over the ground are destroyed, and the
seeds which fell from the parent trees will be sufficiently
covered in order to secure to the tract a natural regenera-

tion. The standard trees, whicli serve as parent trees,

are commonly called with ns "staddles." One tree is
sufficient for each intervening space of from 60 to 80
feet ; for an acre of woodland from 10 to 12 seed trees
would, therefore, be required.
In Europe the use of these natural modes of reproduc-
ing forest trees is exceptional, and is confined to partic-
ular localities and conditions. True, where a denuded
wood tract contains a sufficient number of trees which
will copse, and which have not yet reached an age when
they can no longer send out vigorous shoots, coppice cul-
ture will invariably be resorted to. The skillful application
of the planter management in the administration of the
forests has been able, in time, to convert mixed coppice
woods (or low forests) into middle forests, and even into
high forests, with a pure stock of trees and the block
system. But, usually, forest trees are now raised arti-
ficially, either by seeding or jilanting, which methods wo
will, in Chapters XIV and XV, consider in connection
with the principal forest trees.




The easiest way of procuring seeds for forest trees is

to buy them from the seed dealer. But as even the most
conscientious dealer will seldom warrant the full vitality
of his stock, it is a much better plan to gather them
when ripe, and, unless used at once, to properly preserve
them till seeding time. At all events the seeds should,
before using them, be subjected to a vigorous test in
order to ascertain the percentage of seeds which will

germinate. For this purpose the forest planter should

apply one of the many well-known modes of testing the
germinating power of the seeds, and act accordingly.
Seeds which show in the test that 70 per cent, of them
sprout, are called good, whereas those which contain only
from 50 to 60 per cent, kernels of germinating power, are
called fair. Seeds which show vitality only in less than
50 per cent, should be rejected, if offered by the trade.


The seeds of deciduous trees are easily collected.

Most of them ripen in autumn, but a few, as Elms, Pop-
lars,and kindred trees, some species of the Maple (soft
Maple) produce mature seeds early in the summer, wliile
seeds of Birch, Mulberry, and like kinds, ripen later in
the summer.
The seeds should be sown as soon as they fall from the
tree, because they do not keep well over till next spring.
But if it is desirable to preserve them for later use they
should be treated in the following way :

After the seeds have been collected they are subject to

what is called "sweating." The seeds, or fruits, are for
some time (about 8 days) gathered in a heap, and when
signs of heating appear they are spread and dried till
they become completely siccated. In order to accelerate
this condition, the room in which the jDrocess of drying
is carried on may be heated up to 90 degrees, provided

care is taken for an abundant circulation of fresh air.

Cleaning of the seeds, and removing the different
covers in which they are imbedded require special atten-
tion. A
bag half filled with those seeds that are
enclosed in dry shells, pods, or hulls, is beaten with a
stick, and then the seeds are winnowed. Small quanti-
ties may be cleaned by hand.
Seeds having a fleshy and succulent cover must first be

denuded of it. This is done by squeezing the kernels

out of the fleshy portion, cleaning them in water, and
thereby freeing them from all fibrous and slimy parts.
Then they are dried.
Winged seeds are usually slightly trashed with a stick,
like those which have dry covers, but it is more safe
to rub them with the hands, as even the slightest beat-
ing may destroy the vitality of the kernels.
Seeds with woolly covers (poplars, willows, etc.,) should
be rubbed between the fingers. This can easily be done
when the seeds, either by artificial or solar heat have
been dried to such a degree that the adherent parts, by
the touch of the fingers, can, without any effort, be sep-
arated from the kernels.
In regard to the preservation of the seeds of the prin-
cipal forest trees, the necessary directions are given in the
next chapter in treating of the seeding of the several
kinds of forest trees. As a general rule it may be said
here that most seeds of deciduous trees will be preserved
over winter when mixed with sharp, moist (not wet)
sand, and kept protected from the access of the atmos-
phere in a place not exposed to the cold and wet.
If large quantities of seeds of Oaks, Beeches, Hickories
atid other hard-shelled nuts are to be kept over winter, a
kind of cellar should be made in the open field similar
to the well-known potato cellar. A ditch about 7 feet
wide and 2 feet deep is dug, and the earth taken out is
used to build the side-walls of the cellar. Over these a
roof is laid of straw, reeds, or sedges. In this cellar the
nuts, after having been dried well, are piled up from 12
to 14 inches high, as soon as the cold weather sets in,
and they should be shoveled over during the Avinter
several times in order to prevent heating. The gable
ends of the roof remain open till the strong frost com-
mences, when they are closed with straw mats. The
nuts will be well preserved in such a surface cellar, and

will not lose their vitality, even should they show signs
of sprouting in the spring.


Much more difficult, but also much more remunerative,

is the collection of the seeds of coniferous trees. The
cones, from which the seeds have to be extracted, should
be collected at the time of their maturity. This time
differs much with the various kinds. Hemlock, and
Abies alba produce ripe seeds late in the fall, Larch and
Spruce during the first winter, the Scotch Pine {Pmus
sylvestris) matures its seed in the second winter. The
exact time of the maturity of the cones should be rigidly
observed, this period being near the time of the natural
distribution of the seeds, the extraction of them is then
greatly facilitated.
The extraction of the seeds in the cones is effected
either by artificial or solar heat. The former mode is
generally employed in Europe, as it is more expeditious

and permits the making of larger quantities. In Sweden

and Germany, the countries where this industry is most
cultivated, there are erected on the ground floor of a
stone building heating apparatuses, similar to those used
in hot-houses, by which, from a circuit of pipes, heated
air is conveyed throughout the room. In this room are
constructed scaffoldings, on which may be placed trays of
wooden lattice or wire-work, 5 feet long and 2 feet
wide, in stages of about 6-7 inches between. Under the
lowest range of trays drawers are placed to receive the
seeds. The trays are then filled up three quarters of
their capacity with cones, and the heat of the furnace
brought to a standard of from 80 to 90 degrees. This
heat is maintained till the cones open, whereupon the
trays are shaken, commencing with the highest row, so
that the seeds may fall from tray to tray till they reach

the drawers of the lowest tier. When the cones beneath

have opened as extensively as j^ossible they are taken
out and placed in a churn-like vessel with an opening, ])y
T/hich the seeds which have remained in the cones may
pass, and be received in a wooden box placed beneath.
The cones are then well shaken until completely emptied
of their seeds, and the empty cones are employed to feed
the fire in the furnace.
At some in Germany they use, instead of
these hot houses,ovens with iron plates on the tops,
upon which the cones are placed, and by heat forced to
discharge the seeds. This device is not to be recom-
mended, as the plates very often become too hot, and the
seeds are burnt and deprived of their vitality.
The extraction of seeds by solar heat is preferable to
that by artificial heat, as the seeds thus obtained, never
having been exposed to excessive heat, do not lose their
vitality.When solar heat is to be employed, a frame-
work or scaffolding similar to that just before described
isplaced against the wall of a building on a southern ex-
posure. Upon this the trays are arranged of such a
height between that the sun's rays may fall on all alike.
Under the lowest trays are drawers provided with cover-
ings of thick cloth, so that, if rain falls, the seed may be

covered at once and kept dry. The whole apparatus is

covered with a light roof, the slope of which runs toward
the north. After the cones have been exposed for some
time to the sun and summer heat they will open, and
then they should be shaken, commencing with the trays
in the upper tiers and proceeding in regular succession
to those of the lowest row, whereupon the seeds are col-
lected in the drawer. When the cones have opened as
much as possible they are taken away and put in a churn,
such as has been described above, for the extraction of
the seeds which have remained in the cones.
If it is desired to divest the seeds of their wings, the

best mode is to put them into bags, filled only to one-half

or one-third of their capacity, and thrashed slightly with
a sticktill the wings are separated from the kernels. The

contents of the bags are cleaned by means of a winnow-

ing fan.
The seeds of Evergreens can, without danger, be pre-
served for some years. In such a case they should not be
separated from the wings. This preservation will be
still more efficient when the seeds remain in the mature
cones, and are extracted shortly before seeding time.
For our conditions the solar extraction of the seeds of
Conifers undoubtedly, the most advisable mode, not

only on account of the safety and cheapness of this pro-

cess, but because the solar heat here is more lasting and
powerful than in Sweden or Germany, and the quality of
seed thus collected in this country would be the best

In regard to the duration of the germinating potver of

the seeds of forest trees, n)any efforts have been made to
ascertain the period of time during which the various
seeds retain their vitality ; but the results have been very
unsatisfactory. It is only safe to say, that this period is
with all kinds of these seeds comparatively a short one,
but that most of the seeds of Conifers retain their germi-
nating power longer than those of the decid^ious trees,
especially when left in the cones, or at best, when not
soparated from the wings, and carefully housed. How-
ever, the seed of Spruce, Cypress, Hemlock and Larch
should not be used when older than one year.
The seeds of most of the deciduous trees lose their
vitality after the lapse of one year, as, for instance.
Oaks, Chestnuts, Maples, Beeches, Birches, while the
seeds of the Locust, Arbor Vitae, Ash, Mulberry, Alder,
and Catalpa retain it for two years. Seed with a spongy
or fleshy cover, as the Juniper, should be sown at once,

when ripe, because their germinating power will be gone

after tiie exterior hull has become fully dry.
The way, therefore, is always to use fresh seeds
collected from the parent tree at the time of tlieir
It has been stated as a general rule that seeds of plants
when not collected in the locality, where they are to be
planted, nor in a similarly conditioned locality, should be
taken from a colder rather than a milder region. This rule
holds good also for forest trees, and for this reason it is

advisable that forest nurseries should be located in the

vicinity of those woods for whose renewal they are



The regeneration of denuded wood-lands is

effected either by sowing the seed of forest trees, or by
planting seedlings. The production of seedlings is prac-
ticable only upon soil that is free from growing weeds or
grasses, and entirely clear, so that there need be no ap-
prehension that a grass cover will be formed during the
tirst two years. In such cases, if good seed can be pro-
cured at a moderate price, seeding large tracts of wood-
land will certainly be cheaper than planting, besides the
areas thus seeded will, by the process of thinning, furnish
material for fuel or other purposes sooner than those
that are set with plants still, taken all in all, seeding is

never as certain as planting, and as soil which is fit for

seeding (t. e. free from weeds and grasses) is also suitable
for the planting of two-year- old plants, and as such mode,
by proper manipulation, requires little, if any, more ex-
pense than seeding, we would not recommend the latter

for general culture, but would advise seeding only in

nurseries to raise the material required for plantations.
Therefore, in the following, we will consider first the
beds upon which seedlings are raised, and then the
nursery-rows into which the seedlings are transplanted
and cultivated up to the time when they are to go to the
grove or place where they are to remain permanently.
However, after having given the instructions for seeding
a certain kind of forest trees upon seed-beds, we shall
briefly add the most usual and tried methods of using
these seeds in the general culture of forest trees.


(a) Seed-beds for Coniferous Trees.

We select some place of good humus soil located on

forest ground, with a protected situation, break it up in
fall with the plow, divide it in beds of from five to six
feet width, and leave it untouched during the winter.
Should the soil be covered with heath-growth, or with a
heavy grass sod, the sward must, previously to the plow-
ing, be peeled off by the skim-plow, and entirely removed
from the field, for, if plowed under, there would be
formed in the ground, during the next year, such a thick
net-work of fibres that the seedlings, when taken out for
transplanting, would lose many roots and rootlets, these
being kept in the grasp of the dense matting, and there-
by broken.
As soon as the ground in spring has become moder-
ately dry, the beds should be plowed once more and care-
fully harrowed. They are then ready for the reception
of the seed. Four small furrows are formed tlie whole
length of each bed by laying down a lath four inches
wide, and pressing it into the ground by walking to and
fro upon it. When
taken up, a drill-row four inches wide
is formed, the bottom of which offers a smooth, level


ground to the seed for germination. The seed (in the

proportion of about 20 to 30 pounds of winged seed to the
acre) is then evenly and plentifully strewninto the furrows

and covered loosely not more than one half of an incn
with well-burnt sod ashes, mixed with some sand, or with
compost. Good, fine humus soil taken from the woods may
though this
also be used, is apt to favor the growth of
weeds between the plants something that always should
be avoided. A soil should never be ap-
cover of clayey
conducive to form, from rain or water-
plied, this being
ing, a crust which prevents the seedlings from freely
breaking through the surface.
To ward off birds, especially wild pigeons, from
damaging the seedlings by eating the tops as soon as they
appear above the ground, it isnecessar}' to cover the beds

with dry sedges and boughs pines preferred, as spruce

and hemlock drop the leaves too readily until the leaves
of the young plants have developed and thrown off the
tops. In a dry season it is necessary to carefully water
the beds in order to assist in the uniform sprouting of
the germs ; but great care should be exercised to prevent
the soil from becoming crusted. Weeds should be en-
tirely eradicated, and the ground between the drills well
stirred up, a work which requires but little labor, if
done in time. After every good weeding the drills should
be filled up with some compost. Weeding and stirring
the soil cf the seed-beds should be entirely omitted late
in fall, otherwise frost will hurt the seedlings. In the
second year the young plants must, whenever the soil had
been stirred up, be covered at the roots with some earth.
After the lapse of two years or if very strong
plants are desired after three years the seedlings are
ready for transplanting, those of the common pine,
white pine and larch being already, after one year's
growth, fit for this operation. In the mountains the
young plants are exposed to greater hardships than on


the plains. There seedlings are not transplanted before

they have reached the fourth or fifth year. They
are then taken up in large balls and brought to the
planting-ground, where they are carefully separated
from the ball, and planted, as is described in the next
Some people sow broadcast upon seed-beds laid out four
feet wide, and by small paths, using for
the acre from 30 to 40 pounds of cleansed seed, that is,
double the amount of seed required in drill rows. But
thismethod cannot be recommended, as the cleansing of
such beds is very difficult, and the seedlings, when they
are going to be taken up, cannot be handled so carefully
as when raised in drill-rows.
^ Seeding on a large scale is operated either with cones
or seeds, the latter being either winged or unwinged.
The cultivation of the grounds to be seeded down de-
pends much upon the condition of the soil, as a loose soil
up than a compact one. On very light
requires less stirring
on heaths having only a very thin surface
soil, especially

growth, or none at all, and on mountains with a very thin

sward, no plowing should be employed; cross harrowing
with the iron harrow is in such cases sufficient to prepare
a good seed-bed. The seed is then properly distributed,
and covered by dragging over the field with a brush-
harrow i. e. a wooden harrow, between the teeth of
which twigs have been entwined, in order to prevent
them from entering the soil.

Seeding cones on large tracts is now much recom-

mended, and this coincides with my own experience.
There was a sandy area of about 80 acres which had been
exhausted by growing rye and oats during many years with-
out manuring, so as to be at last unable to produce any-
thing but some sheep fescue and wild grasses. This
tract was in fall lightly plowed, remaining during the
winter in this state. Early in spring it was harrowed

smootlily, whereupon matured pine-cones, collected

during the latter part of the preceding winter, were at
the rate of 5 bushels per acre evenly distributed over the
field. When the heat in June had fully opened the
cones, the field was dragged over with the brush-
harrow, the dragging being only practised to shake
the cones, and make them discharge those seeds which
were kept in the scales.
still The tract was then left
undisturbed. During the next spring so many plants
had come up, that this plot, by thinning, furnished
sufficient seedlings to restock, for two years, some large
openings m
the adjommg woods.
One bushel of pine-cones weighs about 45 pounds,
contains about 3,000 cones with 1 pound clean seed,
or about 70,000 kernels.
Seeding Pines in open fields is often done broadcast
with clean seed, using for the acre from four to five
pounds. If Spruces are seeded, one pound per acre
should be added. If vv^inged seed is used, one quarter
of the quantity just specified must be added. For the
proper distribution of the seed, such sowing machines
are commonly used as are employed in seeding clover.
Should it be advisable to mix Pine seed with Spruce and
Larch, one pound of the Spruce and Larch is substituted
for half a pound of Pine.
Mostly, however, large tracts are seeded by drilling
in the Pine seeds by which operation one-third part of
the seed re'(uired in broadcast sowing will be saved.
As for the time of seeding, it makes a difference
whether cones or seeds are used. The former should be
distributed early in spring, while the latter are sown when
the temperature has become somewhat warmer.
The best way to cover the seeds of the cones is that
which has been suggested heretofore, only a light
cover is required. Clean seeds are usually covered with
a wooden harrow, the teeth of its front row only being

permitted to operate, while the others are interwoven

branches of willows. In light soils
"with small twigs or
the seed should not be covered deeper than one quarter
of an inch, while m
heavy soils the cover should be even

(b) Beds for tJie nut-bearing Trees, especially for

OaJc, C7iest?iut and Hickory Trees.

The storing of acorns, chestnuts and hickory nuts

during the winter being attended by many difficulties,
on account of their being easily injured by frost, wet,
dry and heating, fall seeding can only be recommended,
and this mode is always successful, if the mice be kept
from the seed. Poisoned wheat or corn in drain-pipes
has proved most useful. On the thoroughly worked and
well prepared seed-beds, four drills about 15 inches apart,
and two inches deep for acorns and chestnuts, and three
inches deep for walnuts and hickory nuts, are opened
with the hand hoe, and healthy, well selected acorns or
nuts placed in the rows so close that they nearly touch
each other, whereupon the drills are raked perfectly
even with the soil of the bed. It is not necessary to fill
the rows with ashes or burnt sods, or with compost but ;

where the means permit this application, it will be found

of great advantage in the development of the plants.
The beds are then covered with dry leaves, two inches
high, and burdened with brush-wood to prevent uncover-
ing by winds. "When spring opens with warm days, the
leaf-cover is removed and piled alongside the beds.
After the plants have sprung up the ground should be
cleansed and thoroughly raked. The leaves have then to
be scattered between the drills, to be used as a mulch for
preventing the grov/th of weeds.
The one-year-old plants may be transplanted to their
place of destination (groves), if game is not apt to damage

them there. Commonly, however, they have to be trans-

plunted to the nursery, and raised to a height of from
five to six feet to prevent game from eating the tops.
This pcint will be mentioned agam further on here we ;

only i-emark that if (what we prefer) two-year plants

be used for the start m
the nurseries, the seed-beds, during
the second year, should be carefully cleaned, and the soil
between the drills kept loosened.
Seeding large tracts of ^cood-lands with acorns is often
done because the transplanting of oaks, on account of
their large tap-roots, not always successful.
is Some
semper vir ens, ave
species, as for instance, Querciis Ilex ov
only propagated by placing the acorns into the holes
where the trees arc to remani, because they form
already in the first year a tap-root three feet in length.

In general, the seeding of large tracts with nuts or

acorns is done in the foUowiiig manner :

1. On soil which is not too heavy throw broad-

cast the seeds (about 8 bushels to the acre) over the un-
plowed harrowing or plowing under the
field,* either
kernels. On suchsometimes furrows, three feet
distant, are opened (from three to four inches apart) in
which the acorns or nuts are laid, and covered three
inches deep with the loose soil taken from the top of the
furrow ridge. Four bushels of seed will be required for
this operation.
3. ]\IoGtly the lands to be seeded down with nut-bsar-
ing forest trees, especially when the ground consists of
heavy loam, should be well plowed and harrowed, wherc-

* Under favorable circumstances acorns will sprout and thrive even if

very little taken for their growth.
or no pains at all is Mr. Wm. Pick-
hardt, of New York, who o\^ns about 24,000 acres of burnt-over wood-
lands near Schvoon Lake, in the Adiroiidacks, some years ago, in March,
sowed upon the snow three tons of white pine seed, and one hundred
bushels of acorns of the German oak. He succeeded so well that the
oak seedlings, one year after planting, measured from two to three

upon in distances of about three feet, furrows about 4

inches deep are opened witli a small plow, and the acorns
or nuts placed therein, from three to 4 inches apart.
This culture requires about four bushels of seed to the
acre. Still less seed is needed when it is put in with a
drill, the teeth of which should run from 3 to 4 inches

deep. Make the rows three feet distant, and deposit the
seed from three to four inches apart. In this case there
are only from 2 to 2'/2 bushels consumed.
In regard to the number of bushels of seed used m
seeding large tracts, due regard should be given to the
size of the kernels, the above named number of bushels
being calculated only for the largest acorns or nuts.
When using smaller sized nuts or acorns, the said quan-
tity of seeds should be decreased proportionately. As for the
proper depth to cover the seeds of nut-bearing trees, the
quality of the soil plays an important part in it. In a
close, heavy soil a thinner covering is required than in a
light, gravely or sandy. "While a depth of from 2 to 3
inches is make the seeds germinate in
quite sufficient to
the former, do them good, if covered in the latter,
it will

as deep as from 4 to 5 inches and this depth is usually


resorted to when the seeds are sown broadcast over an

uncultivated field with light soil, and plowed under.

{c) Beds for Beeches.

The seed-beds for the Beech tree are treated precisely

like the foregoing, except that the leaves' cover remains
unremoved for a longer time, to prevent too early a
germination of the seed, the young plants being very
susceptible to frost. Besides, these plants require much
protection, at least for the first year, against excess of air
and sun-light. It therefore, advisable to locate them

so as to shelter the young plants against the south side.

If this cannot be done, then pine boughs should be

driven in suitable intervals into the beds, although the

cleansing and loosening of tin. soil will be made tedious
by it.

As it is less difficult to store beech-nuts for the winter

than other nuts, seeding in spring gives often good re-
sults. But we prefer fall seeding, having thus obtained
more vigorous j^lants.
Well-managed Beech forests are never permitted to be-
come denuded, but are rejuvenated by preserving so
many large trees as are required to drop sufficient seed
nuts, and to cover the soil, thus furnishing to the self-
sown seedlings the much needed protection against sun
and air, U23 to the time when they can get along without
further protection.
Seeding beech nuts successfully on a large scale re-
quires not only the proper soil
good loamy soil, some-

what calcareous but also a most thorough cultivation of
the grounds to the deptli of from 10 to 13 inches. The
nuts are broadcast seeded over the unharroued field,
using from 3 to 4 bushels per acre, and thereupon har-
rowed about one inch deep on heavy, and from 2 to 3
inches deep on lighter soil. Usually, however, seeding is
done in drills from 3 to 4 feet apart, using one-half of
the quantity of seed employed in broadcast seeding.
Sometimes the nuts are planted in holes made at inter-
vals of 3 feet. The rows are from 3 to 4 feet apart. For
this operation only half a bushel of nuts is required.
The usual time of seeding is in spring, when cold
weather isand no late frosts are expected, as the
young plants, which will come up in about three weeks,
are very tender, and liable to be killed by late frosts,
unless well protected.

(d) Seed-heds for AsJies.

The seeds of Ashes ripen very late in autumn, and

therefore are often left on the trees until the next spring,

when seed twigs may

be cut with hedge shears. The
seed gathered in should be air-dried, and during the

winter stored in the barn. If it be not practicable to dry

them satisfactorily, they should be mixed with dry, sandy

soil, and laid in small heaps on a place which is protected

against rain and frost. To prevent them from heating,

the heaps should be turned over during the winter
several times.
In spring the seeds are freed from the sacd by sifting.
They are then so closely distributed in the drills of the
well prepared bed that the winged seed kernels lap one
over tlie other. The drill-rows are one inch deep and
two inches wide. After carefully covering the seeds
about half an inch, the beds are raked and overspread
four inches high with moss, heath, straw or leaves, on the
top of which should be laid brushes or twigs to keep this
light cover in position, and to prevent the growing of
weeds. In this condition the beds remain till next
spring when the cover is removed, whereupon the plants
appear above the ground. As these seeds mostly require
a longer rest before they germinate, it is advisable, in
order to avoid damage by mice upon the seed-bed, and
damage by overgrowing with weeds in the field culture,
to properly store the seed till fall time, and sow them at
that time.
Weeding and loosening the soil between the drills, and
slightly covering the root-crowns of the young seedlings
is here, as in all seed-beds, a necessary requirement.
Ashes, Elms and Maples, which in forest economy
are considered closely allied, are seldom found as pure
stock, because they lose, in the middle of their life term,
their soil-shading quality, allow the impoverishment of the
soil,and the springing up of valueless bushes and trees.
But mixed together in seeding large tracts, good re-

sults may be anticipated. For an acre there would bo

required for each kind, if sown separately, pure cleaned


seed, viz.: for Ashes, about 50 pounds; Maples, 30

pounds ; and Elms, 25 pounds. Ifmixed together one-
third part of each of these quantities of seed should be
used to seed an acre broadcast, and only one-sixth part
ifseeded in drill-rows. The covering should be light
and should not exceed half an inch ; to effect this the
brush harrow, or the reversed wooden harrow is em-
ployed to cover the seed.

(e) Seed-beds for Maples.

Although some varieties of the Maple tribe can be

propagated by shoots, layers and cuttings, they are prin-
cipally increased by seeding. The seed of most varieties
ripens in spring or early summer, and should then at
once be sown in well prepared beds. Only the acer
pseudo platanus arrives at maturity in October. Its
seed soon loses the power of germinating, and should be
used in the same fall but if it is necessary to keep it

over winter, the air-dried seed should be put in bags,

fastened to the beams of the barn in a place where no
frost penetrates. Mixing the seed thus with dry sand,
and then placing it where it will not freeze, preserves
the vitality of the seed.
AVhen sown in fall, precautions should be made against
ravages by moles and micf animals that are very fond
of these seeds. In selecting the seed attention should be
paid to its condition. When the wings begin to turn
brown and the cotyledons are green and succulent, the
seed is all right but when the green color has dis-

appeared, the kernels will not sprout.

Maple seed is sown in the same manner as Ash, viz.

very close, because the seed-wings take up much room.

But no cover of moss, leaves, or bushes is required, as
the plants, when sown in autumn, come up early in
spring, and are not susceptible to frost?.

These seed-beds would always give the best result if

tliemice did not destroy the seedlings in the second
winter by gnawing the young bark. This is difficult to
prevent unless the mice can be exterminated before win-
ter sets in, for the most damage is done during the
winter, under cover of snov/.
If sown in spring the seed sprouts in from four to five
weeks, with the exception of acer campestre, which does
not make its appearance before the second year. Tlie
seed, wlien sown in spring, should not bj covered
more than half an inch, and the ground should be
shaded with leaves or straw to prevent the growth of
The bushel Maple seed weighs about 15
of air-dried
pounds. If it determined upon to seed an acre
sliould be
broadcast with Maples, two bushels, or about 30 pounds
of seed would be required, and for drill-seed about one-
half of this quantity. But for reasons given above it
will come seldom to this. The cover of broadcast sown
seed must be light, and should not be thicker than one-
half of an inch.

(/) Seed-beds for Elms.

The and can be kept, with

seeds are ripe in June,
care, next spring
till but it is better to sow them at

once. For this purpose the beds are in time prepared, and
the drill-rows (made in the same manner as for evergreen
seed-beds) entirely filled with seed, and thereupon lightly
covered, at most on'e half of an inch, with prepared
loose humus soil or compost. The beds being apt at that
season soon to become dry, it is necessary to water them
in the evenings, and to use a cover of straw or heaths
until the plants spring up. Usually this occurs from six
to eight days after sowing, but it may be retarded by the
season from two to three weeks.


Elms produce a great many infertile seed pods. Be-

fore sowing them they should be examined by a touch of
the fingers, and by this manipulation should be ascer-
tained whether the seed pods in the center of the round
wings are full or empty. to the proportion
of empty seed pods, the seed should be used more or
less freely. It is not advisable to obtain this seed from
dealers, as it will seldom germinate. The grown up
trees yield always plenty of seed, and this can be easily
gathered by those who want it.
If broadcast seeding in seed-beds be resorted to, there
will be required for the square rod one-quarter of a
pound good seed. This is covered by sifting over it a
layer of good compost, one-half of an inch thick.
Broadcast seeding on a larger scale would require 5
bushels, or about 15 pounds per acre while drilling in

rows witli the proper distance (3 feet) could be done with

one-half of the quantity of seed named.

(g) Seed-teds for Alder-trees and Birches.

Although the Birch and Alder-tree do not rank very

high among forest trees, they are valuable in the econ-
omy of wood-lands, as they often thrive in localities
where no other forest tree would grow, thus preserving
the much desired soil-humidity and preventing soil ex-
haustion by surface evaporation. They belong to the
same order Betulacece
but differ entirely in their
habits and requirements as to soil and situation.
The Alder is mostly found in wet and swampy grounds,
whereas most varieties of the Birch are satisfied with
poor, dry and gravely soil, and are not influenced eitlier
by the chemical properties of the soil or the nature of
the lay.
The Seed-heds for Birches and Alder-trees are treated
exactly like those for Eims, with the exception that

their seeds do not like a very loose soil, and therefore the
beds should be rolled down a little before distributing
the seed. Seeds ripen from midsummer till October, and
should be sown immediately after gathering when the
catkins are still wet ; the plants appear then early in
spring. The Alder seedlings being very tender and
liable to be destroyed by frost, should be covered by some
leaves and twigs. Birch seedlings are hardy, and require
no protection but the proper sowing time for both is

spring, and broadcast sowing is mostly employed. The

seed should be very lightly covered with a wooden rake.
If sowing m drills is preferred, the seed is sown in broad
beds in the manner of the coniferous trees, and the
beds are kept free of weeds till the plants have
sprung up. They require careful cleaning and frequent
v/atering during the first year. In the second year they
reach already a height of from 8 to 10 inches in suitable
soil loose and rich in vegetable mould and are able to
be transplanted. But they shall be used to fill out

vacant spaces in the woods, or to form coppice-wood,

three-year-old plants should be selected.
It is also advisable to gather these seeds rather than to
obtain them from seedsmen, and for the same reason as
above mentioned. The cones, or catkins, are picked in
fall when their color has turned into brown, and before

frost appears. They should then be air-dried, put in

bags and hung up iu a barn. In spring they will be
found to have mostly opened and dropped the seed.
Should the deliverance of the seed not have been fully
accomplished, the cones have to be taken into a warmed
room, where they soon will discharge the rest of the
seed. Some collect the seeds by thrashing in fall the
air-dried catkins in the bags, and store the cleaned seed
in a dry barn in small piles protected against very
cold and wet air, while some cut in the fall the twigs on
which the cones grow, hang them during the winter up in

the barn, and thrash them in spring. At all events there

should be used for seeding only fresh seed, as the germ-
inating jiower of most of the varieties lasts not longer
than one year.
Birches and Alder-trees cojDse very well, and are in
this way especially regenerated wherever this is practi-
cable and advisable. This is principally the case witli
the Alder-tree, as it grows in from twenty to thirty
years to a pretty large tree. The Birches do not grow
so quickly, but attain later a very respectable circum-
Seeding on a large scale gives, especially with Birches,
almost always good results.* The soil, which usually
will be of a light kind, should not be loosened too much,
and the seed only slightly covered with the brush-har-
row. For broadcast seeding there are required from 20
to 30 pounds per acre. Seeding in drills is seldom em-
ployed, but should it be determined upon, one-third of
the seed used in broadcast seeding at least is spared.
Birches are especially serviceable for the protection of
Oaks when cultivated on a large scale. In such cases 10

*Thi8 I can recommend from my own experience. I recall an

instance where a large tract of cleared wood-land with poor, gravely
soil had been cultivated with crops for several years, and was tlien laid
to rest. Soon became covered with coarse grasses and small bushes.

At the end of one summer this tract was burnt over and prepared for
spring seeding. Next spring oats were sown and properly plowed in
and harrowed. Some days later cleansed birch seed, about 15 pounds to
the acre, was sown broadcast over the oats, and lightly covered with
the brush-harrow. The result was surprisingly successful. The birch
seedlings, coming up much later than the oats, were, during the summer,
protected against the sun and kept back, so that at harvest-time the
young plants were not hurt by the cradle. After the removal of the
oats from the field, the birch seedlings received a new start, and entered
well prepared into the M'inter season. Seedlings were so numerous that
two years later a gi-eat many plants were taken up, and used for setting
out a coppice plantation. The expense of the whole operation was
fully covered by a rich oats crop.

pounds of Birch seed are used and sown over the ground,
after the acorns have been properly planted.
The arboreous vegetation in American forests contains
many varieties which cannot be considered as forest trees
proper, and yet are of great value either to serve as soil
cover, nurses, or to fill in between the main crops, or to
promote the growth of the principal forest trees in any
other wise. To these belong the Poplars, Willows, Bass-
wood, Locust, Catalpa, Tulip tree (variety of the Mag-
nolias) and Hornbeam. The propagation of these trees
offers no difficulties catalogues of our seed dealers give

satisfactory information in regard to that point. But

the great value the Hornbeam has, both as copse-wood
and as an intermixture with other forest trees, may
justify a few remarks in regard to itsproj^agation. The seed
contained in hop-like catkins ripen in the fall. A bushel
of winged seed contains from 6 to 7 pounds of clean seed.
The catkins should, after being gathered^ be spread out
and dried in the shade until the seed can be thrashed in
bags. As the seeds do not keep long, it is advisable
to sow them at once, or at latest next spring, after having
preserved them during the winter in the same way in
which Ash seeds are preserved. Thus preserved the seed
may be kept till the second spring. The seed should be
covered very slightly, one-quarter of an inch. It is best
to use only fully cleaned seed. Of these, for broadcast
seeding, are used from 22 to 24 pounds per acre ; for
seeding in drills, 12 to IG pounds.
An essential requirement for every seed-bed of forest
trees is tlie good wood-land soil, the best that
selection of
can be found, mild loamy than heavy
but rather
clayey soil for seedlings grown on good soil are much

better than those grown on poor grounds. They have

more and better roots, and are in a better condition to
endure the shock sustained in transplanting, and to grow
in their new locality. But the soil should not be made


rich by manuring, as this produces a rank growth, which

prevents the proper ripening of the wood. All that is

required is a ground sufficient to make a healthy tree.

The place to be selected should have a situation well
protected against cold and drying winds ; and yet this
location should not be such as to enfeeble the seedlings
and render them unable to go through the hardships of
young forest trees. If nurseries for forest trees are to
be established upon the open ridges of a mountainous
country, the proper protection may be obtained either by
fences, or, ifpermanently established, by surrounding
them with earth walls from 6 to 8 feet high, on the top
of which are planted Birches, Pines and Alders.



The planting of forest trees can only succeed in places

where there is no grass, and where no grass would or-
dinarily grow for some years to come. In such places,
especially in poor sandy or peaty soil, two-year-old plants
without ball are usually selected for planting; assigning,
of course, to the proper soil, the suitable kind of trees
to the poorest soil the Pine and Birch. But Spruce
should always be intermixed even on the poorest
ground. The Spruce can be made to grow upon such
soil by means of abundant watering. Even a slow growth

of these trees is satisfactory, as they have only to

serve as nurses, and to form the undergrowth of the pine
The mode of planting is as follows:ashes from dried
peat-sods, or compost having been prepared the sum-

mer or fall 2:)recediiig the planting season, as soon as the

frost is out of the ground, and the latter warmed to
some extent, the seedlings are taken from the seed-bed
by a spade the earth and the plants carefully separated

with the fingers so as not to injure the roots and fibres.

Thereupon lots of from 10 to 12 plants are placed to-
gether, crowns ol: roots exactly upon crowns, and tap-
roots shortened to the length of from G to 8 inches. The
plants, piled up in a basket in which they have to be well
moistened and protected against the rays of the sun, are
then taken to the planting ground. Here everything
should have been in. time prepared for their reception.
Planting holes of about six square inches are cleared
with the hoe in distances never exceeding one yard. On
ground which is covered by moss, the latter is simply re-
On clay soil the holes should be made in the preceding
fall, and should be about 10 inches square, and from 7
to 8 inches deep ; the earth dug out of the holes should
be placed alongside. In the spring, shortly before plant-
ing begins, the holes are filled up, the top soil going to
the bottom, and the surface completely leveled.
A pail of brine is prepared principally of clay and
water, mixed with ashes or rich humus soil and a little
salt. This mixture should have such consistency that the
plant roots, dipped into it, retain a thin covering, but
never so much as to paste the roots and fibres together.
This can easily be ascertained by trial. From 10 to 20
plants are at a time dipped into the brine so as to coat
the roots preparatory to planting.
The planter carries a basket with thoroughly Avorked
compost, peat ashes or good humus soil, upon which the
coated plants are deposited, and a short-handled axe.
The latter is driven up to the handle into the center of
the prej^ared and leveled spot, pressed to both sides and
then carefully taken out. With the left hand two plants

are lowered in the cleft to a point jnst above the crown

of the roots, one finger separating the plants, and while
thus suspended a handful of compost is with the right
hand sifted into the cleft between the plants. The axe is
then driven in about one inch distance from the cleft and
pressed a little toward it, so as to cover the roots with
earth. The second cleft should then be filled up with a
few light strokes of the axe.
On stony soil it would be impossible, or at least very
difficult, to operate in themanner just explained. In
such soil use should be made of a steel-pointed iron
planter, by which a square hole is driven into the ground,
large enough to set two plants in the manner just de-
Watering the plants after setting is very well, if it is
done carefully with a rose sprinkler, and lumping of the
soil is avoided ; but generally it is not necessary, except
in times of impending drought. Jf watering during the
hot season has to be resorted to, it should be done late in
the afternoon or evenings.
It will not do to set one or two-year-old plants on grass
lands or on such soil as is favorable to the growth of
grass and weeds. On such ground plants from four to
six years old should be set, as these are able to resist the
encroachments of grass and weeds. Where game may do
damage, deciduous trees of such height should be planted
as to prevent the animals from touching and eating the
top shoots of the young trees. To raise trees of that
size, tree nurseries are necessary. These should be loca-
ted at or near the places to be planted, so that the con-
siderable risk and expense of transporting larger trees,
and to acclimatize the young trees to the natural condi-
tions of their future habitat may not be unnecessarily in-
creased. The
ground for these nurseries should be
plowed and subsoiled in fall to a depth, of from fifteen to
eighteen inches, and exposed to the action of the air,

rain and frost during the winter. At the proper time in

the following spring the nursery ground should be har-
rowed, then plowed and again harrowed, and then the
one or two-year-old plants are set in the proper one of
the two following ways :


Beds are laid out of the same size as seed-beds, at most

six feet wide, in order to permit from four to five rows of
plants to be set from five to seven inches apart. The
rows are marked by a cord or chain, and the planting is
done by the short handled axe, as just described, after
the plants have been previously dipped into the clay
mixture. In these beds it is desirable to set but one
good plant to the hole. Watering immediately after
planting is necessary; but it should not be done close to
the plant, but at the second cleft.
Careful cleaning and stirring the soil is a matter of
course. But the two operations should never be con-
tinued late in the summer, as they encourage the tree
growth too late in the season, and the wood thus made
does not ripen well, but will be killed by a strong winter
frost ; they should be entirely omitted the latter half of
the summer previous to the transplanting of the young
trees, in order that a strong ball may be secured, and the
taking out of the trees with balls in the following spring


The first thing to be determined upon before laying

out these nursery lines, is the decision of the question
whether Ave intend to raise only small trees, of from three
to five feet height, or larger ones up to twelve feet. In
the first case the plants are set from ten to twelve inches

apart in the rows ; in the other case from eighteen to

twenty-four inches. But even for the hitter purpose it
is advisable to plant first closely (say ten inches apart),

and transplant later further apart at another place in the

nursery. Although we would not advise that a tree be
transplanted in the nursery more often than is absolutely
necessary to attain the purposes aimed at, repeated trans-
planting, if carefully done, promotes the development of
the root system, as each planting Avill require a little

trimming of the roots, and by shortening of the tap-

roots, which too often run deeper than is desirable, the
growth of the lateral roots will be favored this being
the most desirable point in the culture of whatever tree
may be in question. If the transplanting in the nursery
is not done with the proper care, and the roots, otving
to their injured condition, have to be pruned heavily, no
vigorous growth can be expected, but debilitation is in-
duced and a premature death must be expected. The
mode of planting the one or two-year-old plants is
the same as with the coniferous trees but the holes

opened with the axe must be correspondingly larger for

the greater root development of the two-year-old plants.
It is, therefore, a better plan that such plants as have a
strongly developed root system be transplanted into the
nursery lines when one year old.
In transplanting young trees of from four to five feet
high in the nursery, for the purpose of raising larger
ones of from ten to tAvelve feet high, the axe of course
will not answer. In that case holes of sufficient size
should be dug with the spade and hoe, and the lateral
roots should be well bedded in by hand in their original
position. Manydeciduous trees, especially oaks, incline
mucli to forkiness, which tendency should be promptly
and carefully suppressed in the nursery by proper trim-
ming, unless it is intended to raise such forky trees on
account of their usefulness in certain manufactures, as

sliip-building, etc. But in general the forester should

always have the knife ready to clip the inferior limb as
soon as forks appear. Sometimes the superior limb has
to be trimmed off, if by the growing of the inferior a
more desirable standard tree is formed. In such cases no

certain rule can be given, except not to allow the tops of

the trees to go into forklike shapes.


When coniferous trees previously transplanted into
the nuresry rows have reached an age of from four to six
years, they are ready for final transplating and have to

be taken up with the ball that is, without disturbing
the roots or removing the earth from them. In this
condition they should be put in holes large enough to
give ample room for the ball. The taking up is done by
the spade, a little ditch being dug along the first row of
tlie plants, and the plants cut out in square blocks. The
plants with the balls are carried on barrows or carts
and deposited near the plant holes. Before setting in,
the planter must examine carefully the depth and width
of the hole, as the roots must have the same position and
the same level relative to the earth's surface in their
new place as they had in their old one. Therefore, if the
holes are found to be too deep, some earth is thrown in ;

if too shallow, they are dug deeper. The tree is then set
perpendicularly in the center of the hole, and the space
around the ball filled in with loose soil, cind gently
pressed down with the feet.
It is true, close planting does well for quickly covering
the ground. But as this is an expensive operation, owing
to the number of young trees to be planted, and the sub-
sequent labor of thinning them out, it is usually better
to maintain a greater distance. The rows are tlien laid
out five feet apart, and the trees in each row three feet
from each other.

Diciduons trees can be transplanted more easily with-

out ball, especially when they have been already trans-
planted, and thereby acquired a better developed root-


The larger deciduous trees of from six to twelve feet

in height are always transplanted without ball. It is,

however, advisable to manage tlie transjilanting so as to

retain some of the old soil between the rootlets and
fibres. The holes are dug according to the extent of the
roots, so that they may have room in width and depth,
without changing in the form they have grown.
On heavy soil the holes should be opened in the fall,
if spring planting is intended, in order that the winter
frost may assist in breaking up the soil mechanically. At
planting time the young trees, unless they have been taken
up in fall and safely heeled m
during the winter, are
taken out of the nursery, injured roots and such as ex-
tend too deep (especially the taproots) being trimmed
off, the clay brine already mentioned is used, and the
trees brought to the holes. Holding the tree with the
left hand perpendicularly, the forest planter, using a hoe
in his right hand, fills the spaces between the roots with
loose humus If horizontal roots are bent down in

this process, they should be raised up, and supported

with earth so as to keep their natural position. For such
trees as have root systems which incline to lateral exten-
sion (Spruces, Beeches, etc.), a little mound of earth
should be made Jit the bottom of the plant-hole, upon
which the tree is set, so that the roots spread out in a
natural way. Special attention must be given that the
roots are perfectly imbedded in the soil without leaving
cavities, and that the original position of the fibres be
maintained. The fertile top soil dug from the plant-

hole should always be i;sed to fill the bottom of the pit

to feed the roots and fibres, while the raw soil taken from
the bottom serves for leveling the surface. Planting is
finished by gently pressing down the earth around the
tree with the feet, and covering tlie recently disturbed
soil with sods or stones, leaving uncovered a space of a few
inches in diameter around the base of the tree. The sod-
ding Avill keep the dirt in the plant-hole fresh and moist.
In cases where dryness or looseness of the soil renders
plant growth at the start uncertain, especially for plant-
ing the hardy kinds of Pines upon sterile lime-stone soils
and shifting sands, tlie report of the Department of Ag-

riculture for 1887 recommends the 'Spuddling in," and

describes this method as follows: "A thin puddle is
**made of two parts water and one part loamy forest soil
''or mold. In planting, a conical hole is made to re-
"ceive the plant, and while holding the plant in the
'*holo, the puddle is poured into it with a cup. The
''puddle must be stiff enough to hold the plant at a pro-
sper height; yet not too thick, because in such cases
"it would not fill the bottom of the hole, but would ad-
" here to the sides, and thus the tips of the roots would
"have no covering, and would die off. To be sure, in
"hot weather the upper loamy layer dries out quickly
"and hardens; but this layer, not being hygroscopic,
"prevents the drying out of the loAver strata, which is
"the imjiortant point to secure in the quickly drying
"sand. The cost of this method of planting is about
"double that of ordinary planting in holes."
Sometimes it is desirable to plant trees upon loose,
boggy ground, where plant-holes, if made in the usual
way, would always be full of water, thereby killing the
trees set in them. In such cases trees may be planted
entirely above the surface ground by spreading out the
roots, and throwing dry, good soil over them. The coni-
cal mound thus formed is then covered with inverted sods

or taken from the vicinity, and the tree, if of larger

fastened to tlie ground for some time by wires run-
size, is

ning from the trunk of the tree to pegs in the ground. By

this method we are able to plant trees in places where the
impossibility of obtaining drainage would entirely prevent
planting in the usual way. Trees with taproots, of course,
cannot be used for such plantations, as the condition of
the underlying soil does not favor the roots penetrating
deeply into the ground.
The transplanting of seedlings or saplings from the
woods, if this be carefully done, should meet with the
same success as if tliey were removed from the nursery.
Usually, however, the loss in transplanting saplings
grown naturally in the woods, is much greater than
with nursery-grown seedlings, because the forest planter
seldom gives to the young trees all the opportunities for
their growth which are afforded to them by the soil and
the surroundings in their habitat. To transplant spon-
taneously grown seedlings of the shade-enduring kind
(Beeches, Spruces, Hornbeams), is much more difiicult
than to transplant seedlings of the light-needing kinds
(Pines, Oaks). With the latter it does not make much
difference whether they are grown in the woods or in the
nursery, whereas the former will only succeed if the con-
ditions of their habitats are fully provided for. But if
this is possible, and the removal is done carefully, there
is no doubt that a dense spontaneous growth of saplings
in one part of a forest can be very serviceable in restock-
ing other denuded parts of the forest. However, in order
to be certain of success in this matter, saplings taken
from the thick woods should first be transplanted into
nursery lines, to give them an opportunity to get accli-
matized and to obtain, by the help of air and light, a
greater development of the branches and twigs, which in
the thick woods usually are suppressed at the expense of
the formation of the trunk.


The general rules in regard to trimming of roots and

tops hold true also for the transplanting of seedlings
taken from the woods. Experts in this matter, however,
contend that these seedlings should be pruned more se-
verely than those from the nursery.
In conclusion some remarks in regard to tree planting
in general may still be added.
1. Great care must be taken to protect the seedlings
against the rays of the sun and drying winds. Planting,
therefore, should be done only in mild weather, when no
strong winds prevail, and the sun is not too powerful.
If possible, the operation should be performed during a
gentle rain. If this be not practicable, and if we have
to work in warm, sunny weather, there should be no more
plants taken up from the nursery than can be planted
within the next hour for if the young trees are exposed

to wind and light, the roots and fibres often shrivel

up, and become unable to furnish food to the tree.
Should it be impossible to observe this direction on ac-
count of the distance the trees have to be transported,
while being removed they should be coated with the clay
brine, and be well wrapped in wet moss or other damp
materials, to check loss of moisture through foliage and
roots. Trees which appear to have suffered from evap-
oration of moisture during the removal, after their ar-
rival should be heeled in
that is, laid in trenches, and
if they have suffered much, they should for some time

be entirely covei'ed with fresh soil until taken to the place

where they are to be planted.
2. The best time for transplanting trees is during
the dormant period, when the sap in the tree does not
run. This period lies between the end of autumn and
the beginning of spring. Conifers, however, may, with
the exception of the Larch, be transplanted even after
budding. Under favorable conditions, planting may be
done either in fall or spring with the same good result

but in cold climates like ours, spring planting is to be

preferred, as only at that time new roots are formed,
through which the tree can obtain the sap necessary for
the support of the top growth. In such a case the trees
to be transplanted should be taken up in fall, and
heeled in, till planting time in spring arrives. This
treatment facilitates spring planting very much.
3. All trees should be planted a little higher above the
ground than they previously stood; * at least they should
never be set deeper. In this respect the place from which
they are taken makes no difference, be it the nursery or
the woods. It is often the case that workmen without
experience do the planting, and not making the proper
allowance for the looseness of the soil, set trees too
deep into the hole. Tliis treatment kills a great many
trees during the second year after transplanting and
more often prevents their luxuriant growth. But if
trees are planted a little higher out of the ground than
they previoulsy stood, they develop a better and quicker
growth, have a longer life time, and will give better tim-
ber of an even texture.
All top trimming or shortening of the main branches
should be avoided, even with deciduous trees, except
when, in taking up, the roots are much bruised or
broken, and, therefore, have to be shortened in order to
obtain smooth ends of the roots and fibres. In such a
case the top has to be cut back so far as to restore the
proportion in which crown and root system were
prior to the removal. Transplanting causes a great
disturbance in the life of a plant, arresting the cir-

* The only exception to this rule is the planting of one-year-old Pine

seedlings invery poor soil. In such ground the seedling should be buried
80 deep that only its top shows above the soil. How F. B. Hough, in
his " Elements of Forestry," on pai;c 55, an-ives at the conclusion that
" as a rule trees in transj^lanting should be set deeper than they stood
before," is more than we can comprehend, as experts in this matter
agree in accepting the reverse to be ti-ue.

culation of tlie sap that is constantly going on under

the bark of the tree. To overcome this shock, and to
make a new start, the full activity of the leaves and roots
is put in requisition, as the plant takes up a part of its

food by the roots, and assimilates it by the leaves. But

how can this be done when an operation has been per-
formed by which both organs are made to suffer so greatly
as to be unable to discharge their ordinary functions.
As for the rest, the forester, in transplanting, should
look into and examine closely the princij)les by whjch
nature is working, furnishing to the plants everything
which they require for the full development of their in-
born recuperative power. It is true, the use of the short-
handled axe in planting trees does not seem to correspond
with this advice, as the side roots are thereby somewhat
pressed together; but this is only recommended with very
young seedlings, and with young Pines and
Oaks, as they have long taproots, the conservation of
which, is of chief importance during the first years of
their grovv^th. Moreover, as the soil in the plant-hole is
very loose, the side roots of the saplings soon succeed
in vindicating their right of spreading sideways.


The forester is sometimes called upon to move large

trees from the position in which they have grown for
years to another. This work is often required on moun-
tain forests, and in such cases as are called '^Forest
Gardening", and which have been alluded to on page 62.
It necessarily involves some amount of anxiety to the
operator ; it is the most precarious and uncertain opera-
tion in regard to its result, the forest planter has to per-
form. Success can only be attained by the most careful
execution of the work in every detail.
The preparation ol the trees beforehand is undoubtedly

tlie most important of the details in connection with the

work. No largo tree that has stood a few or more years
in one position undisturbed should be transplanted with-
out being prepared some time beforehand by operating on
its roots. The growth of trees should be checked skill-
fully by a system of root-j)runing. The customary way of
doing this is to dig a trench around the tree, at such a dis-
tance from the stem as may appear desirable or neces-
sary to secure a requisite breadth of roots all around to
support the tree when it is finally transplanted. The
trench is dug deeply enough to get tj the nethermost
roots. Usually all the roots are cut away, and the trench
is again filled in with good rich soil. This is commonly
done twelve months before the transplanting is to take
place, and the objects are to administer a check to the
tree and induce a free production of fibrous roots.
ISTo doubt these objects are, in the main, successfully at-

tained in most cases, but in such a way as to minimise

the chances of success when the final operation of removal
is performed twelve months hence. It is no uncommon
thing to find the entire circle of soft fibrous roots that
may have been formed during the intervening growing
season fall away when the trench is again opened for the
purpose of removal. If this occurs, and it is hardly pos-
possible to prevent it more or less, the tree is then more
seriously crippled than it svould have been had it been
lifted at the time of preparation. A much better method
is open a trench twelve months beforehand, a con-
siderable distance from the trunk, to such a depth as will
reach the lowest roots, and w^ork gradually in towards
the center in a regular way all I'ound, laying bare every
root, preserving the smaller and fibrous roots, and cut-
ting away the stronger ones until within a foot or two of
the stem, Avhcn the trench should be filled in, laying the
preserved roots out carefully, and covering them with
good fresh soil. When treated in this way, a greater

proportion of the fibrous roots can be preserved at the

final lifting. These fibrous roots are those on which
ultimate success depends, and every means should be
taken to preserve as many of them as possible. The tree
may require to be stayed or supported during the time
intervening between the period of preparing and that of
removal. If the top is a heavy one, ;ind the position
exposed, it should certainly be secured against disturb-
The removal must be done with great care. It is the
and anxious part of the work. The seasonable
time must be re_ulated by the character of the tree. If
it is deciduous, very early spring is preferable to late in
our climate. In warmer climates, however, early autumn
it the best lime for the removal, when the fall of the
leives has not yet taken plice. The (ree will, owing to
the disturbance in the preparation of the preceding year,
have made no luxuriant growth, and such growth as it
may have made will ripen early; there is, therefore, no
danger in an early removal, and every other consideration
is in favor of
it. If the tree is Evergreen, the operation of
final removal should not be performed till late spring.
Immediately after the first symptoms of returning ac-
tivity are observed, is the proper time for the removal of
Evergreen trees of all kinds.
The work of removal involves the consideration of the
apparatus required, and this depends on the size of the
tree to be operated upon, and the distance it has to be
carried to its new position. There are various machines
invented for the purpose of removing very large trees,
but they are costly concerns, which are not needed in the
every day routine of the forester's work. For trees of or-
diiuiry size there exists no necessity for anything so costly
or cumbrous as any of these machines. A cart or wagon
of any sort will do the work of transporting the tree
quite well, provided care is taken to prevent all avoidable

injury either to the stem or the roots in loading or un-

loading it.

The most important point is the lifting of the tree in

such a manner as to minimise injury to the roots. The
operation should be conducted in the same way as that of
preparing, already described. Begin by opening a trench
at the same point as was opened for preparing, and work
in a circle round the tree. After tlie trench is opened
use forks only and use them with great caution
among the roots to prevent their destruction. Clear
away the earth loosened by the fork with spade or shovel,
so as to keep the trench clear, and prevent the roots
being covered or entangled with it till a solid ball is
reached a little way from the stem all round. It is de-
sirable to keep th;s ball of earth and roots intact, and at
this point the fibrous roots liberated from the soil in ex-
cavating should be tied up in bundles and laid conven-
iently over the ball. What remains to be done, m order
to liberate the tree, is to excavate under the ball all round,
so that It may be drawn by ropes attached to its top to

one side or the other. The ball is then to be bound

firmly up in mats, secured in such a way as that it may
be safely transported any reasonable distance without
breaking to pieces.
When taken to its new joosition, the pit in Avhich it is
to be planted should be examined to ascertain that it is
quite large enough to allow of the roots being spread
out straight. There should be no doubling of them back
to accomodate them. Badly injured portions should be
cut away with a sharp knife, as they are spread out, and
the finest of the soil sprinkled over them. Let there be
no treading in of the soil, but use water copiously in-
stead. Water will fill in all hollows and cavities in the
soil in a more perfect manner than treading, and also
leave the soil in a thoroughly genial condition for
the roots. A mulch of straw, litter or leaves placed

over the area occiiiiied by the roots, a day or two after

planting is finished, will be beneficial. The tree must
be carefully secured against disturbance by wind. The
most effectual way to do so is by strands of rope stretched
from the top to j^egs in the ground.
In conclusion it may not be amiss to add some direc-
which were given in a
tions for transplanting large trees,
pamphlet published by the Department of the Interior in
1885 for the celebration of Arbor Day. There it reads
as follows :

At the outset it is necessary to bear in mind that the

tree is a living body, and that the process of removal in-
terferes with its functions, and when it is displaced from
the ground, causing an arrest of the circulation that is

constantly going on between the tree and the soil, a severe

shock is sustained. Every root-fiber and its spongiole
destroyed lessens by so much the chances of success, and
when a greater portion of these are gone, the tree is forced
to depend on its own vitality to supply a new set of root-
lets before growth can take place.
In the beginning bear in mind that it is important not
to injure the roots and to preserve as many as possible,
particularly the small ones, for these are what must be de-
pended on to start the growth in the new life. Where
trees are dug up to be removed a short distance, preserve
all the roots if possible.
When the tree is out of the ground, exposure to the
sun or drying winds will cause evaporation, which is very
detrimentiil to the tree, and is a common cause of failure,
and one which is often overlooked. If, however, the tree

has become shriveled and dried, vitality may often be

restored by burying the whole for a few days in moist
soil ; not to have them get in condi-
bul; it is far better
tion to need any such remedy, which at best cannot restore
the tree to its original condition.
In excavating holes for planting, it is necessary to dig

very deep, unless for a tree with a, tap-root ; it may even

be hurtful in a hard soil by affording a place to hold water
under a tree to its injury. The roots of young trees grow
near the surface, and the lioles should be large enough
to allow the roots to be extended their full length with-
out cramping or bending.
In case it is very dry at the time of planting, it is a good
plan to puddle (see page 9?) the soil around the roots,
always covering with dry earth. In this way moisture
will be retained for a long time. Avoid too deep plant-
ing. The roots must not be placed beyond the action of
the air ; about the depth they were in before removed, or
a very little deeper. (We would say " higher," instead
of deeper. See the remarks on page 100, sub. 3.) When
filling, press the earth from the first firmly, so as to leave no
spaces, and have it compact about the roots. This latter
point cannot be too thoroughly attended to, and, of course,
to do this well, the soil must be and no
finely pulverized
lumps be allowed in the filling. It will be necessary to
use the hand to place the soil in spaces where the spade
cannot go.
The time of setting is best when the .'oil has settled in
the Spring and become warm, so that trees not being re-
moved begin to start. Earlier than this is not so well,
for the sooner the tree begins to grow after being set, the
more likely to do Avell. We believe the proper time is
the Spring, the best time for planting all kinds of trees,
although early Fall planting is often recommended.
Evergreens often succeed well planted in August ; still
we would rather risk them in the Spring, just as they are
ready to grow. Evergreens are the most sensitive of any
to drying while being removed, and if once allowed to
become dry it is all-day with them no amount of pains ;

or trouble can restore the lost vitality. For this reason

they can be removed but short distances, unless very care-
fully packed.
transplaktinTt large trees. 107

As more or less of the roots are removed or injured, it

is necessary to j^rune the top when transplanted. This

has generally been done by cutting all the branches back ;
hut a better way is to remove a portion of the branches,
leaving those strong ones that are in position to give the
tree a well-shaped top. If all the branches are left, and
the proportion between the tops and roots balanced by
cutting all back, in after-groAvth some of these branches
will require to be
removed an injury, perhaps, to the
tree. This certainly will apply to fruit trees. Sometimes
trees for ornament or shade require to be cut back to
make a thicker top or one more symmetrical.
Large trees are removed in Winter with a large ball of
earth attached to the root, and, though a heavy job, it
is the only* successful method of doing it. A trenchcan
be dug at the proper distance around the tree, and filled
with coarse litter previous to freezing, and also the holes
to receive the trees, which will much facilitate the labor.
Small trees do better than large ones, and it is better
to be to the trouble of taking care of them one or two
years longer than to have them grow too long in the
nursery row. Trees grown on good soil are better than
from i^oor soil. They have more and better roots, and
are in better condition to grow in their new location.
Of course, it is not desirable that the soil where they
have grown should be so rich as to produce such a growth
that the wood will not properly ripen, but suflBcient to
make A tree in poor soil has
a strong, healthy tree.
weak, spindling, feeble branches, and, like a starved an-
imal, takes a long time to recover, even when placed iu
better soil with better feeding.
After large trees are properly transplanted, they should
be staked, to prevent swajing around by the wind.
When the ground is soft, the movement of the top

* Tills is a little too much claimed.


creates a displacement of the roots before they have

taken any hold in the soil, resulting in injury or death
to the tree. Mulching must not be dispensed with. Its
object is keep the soil moist until the roots obtain a
strong hold. This may be overdone. Mulch for shade
only. A large mass of decaying matter is more hurtful
than beneficial. We can not avoid all risks in trans-
planting ; but if these conditions, which we repeat, are
followed, the risk will be very much lessened : (1) Care-
ful removal ; (2) protection from drying while out of
the ground ; (3) setting in warm, well-pulverized soil ;

(4) hard tramping* the soil about the roots (5) judi- ;

cious pruning (6) stalking

and (7) mulching.

All this requires care and labor but it will make the

difference between a thrifty tree, and a stunted, un-

healthy specimen.

* We would not advise hard tramping, but rattier gently pressing

downnot too firmly to the level of the surrounding surface. At all
events, heaping the soil around the tree should be avoided.



1. Protection afforded hy the older trees to young and

growing ones :

Young forest-trees are very susceptible to many ex-

ternal influences., as, for instance: frost, aridity, extreme
sunshine, excessive growth of grasses and vreeds, etc.
In the natural reijroduction of forests we are able to pro-
tect the saplings and seedlings during the trying years
of their first growth by retaining a proportionate number
of the larger trees, which, in due time, and with the
growing up of the young trees, are gradually cut down,
till, at last, nothing but the yonngcr trees remain.

AVe may also employ the same means in the artificial

reproduction of forests, either by growing first a hardy
kind of trees, under the protection of which, at the
time of the first thinning, ten or fifteen years later, the
more tender species, intended for the future stock of
trees, may be planted ; or, by sowing or planting both
kinds of trees together, selecting for the protecting trees
those varieties that are fast growers, thus enabling them
to afford shelter to the more slowly growing tender ones.
Upon denuded woodlands, especially upon such as are
surrounded by natural forests, hardier and quick grow-
ing trees, as, for instance, poplars, birches, willows and
even pines very often spring up by themselves. In such
cases, we have only to plant the better and more tender
kinds mixed with tlie hardier saplings, and we may ex-
pect an undisturbed, continuous growth of the tender
trees under the shelter of the hardier ones.
Even buslies and shrubs may be made to serve as
nurses for young trees. They have the advantage of
being the cheapest means for reaching the purpose aimed

at. But no return of wood material is realized when

they have to be removed later on, while timber obtained
from the hardier jH-otecting forest-trees pays at least the
expense of cutting, and, sometimes, even the cost of
For nurses to the young, s^hade-enduring trees, snch
kind of trees are usually selected as cause only a light
shade. So, for instance, the principal species of the firs,

as Aiiespedinata, A. ncMlis, and, upon good soil, the

spruce may be advantageously grown in the shade of the
common pi e or birch ; the beech, which is quite as diffi-

cult to grow as Abies pectinata or picea, can be grown in

the shade of the poplar, willow, alder, etc. If the nurses
are properly selected they will grow quickly without
preventing the development of the future stock of
trees, but their own value increases witli the length of
time they remain. These nurses, belonging mostly to
the light-needing varieties, afford still another advantage
to the protected trees, as they have the tendency to
crowd out such trees of their own kind as grosv up
too thickly, and to drop off, for want of light and air,
their own lower branches, furnishing thus to the pro-
tected shade-enduring trees every condition to mature
and attain a sound development.
3. Gleaning and TJiinning.
are able to obtain great advantages both in natural
and artificial plantations by applying a proper system of
cleaning and thinning.
Cleaning. As
soon as the nurses threaten to over-
whelm with much shade the protected young
trees, of Avhich we have been speaking, they have to be
cut down so far as to prevent them from interfering
with tlie luxuriant growth of the future and predomi-
nant stock of trees.
In the natural reproduction of forests, the quick grow-
ing sprouts from stumps become often very troublesome.

because they are apt to subdue valuable, young trees that

have grown up from seeds, and which are mostly slow
growers. In such case, the si3routs of each stock should be
very much reduced in numbers, and only a few strong ones
should be left. In the course of time, the latter will again
increase and begin to do harm to the neighboring self-sown
seedlings of the more valuable kind. Then the sprouts
are still reduced, and but one for each stock is kept over.

This will be removed wiien the saplings have reached

such a size that they will not be in any danger from
subsequent sprouts of the felled tree.
It is an undeniable fact that in natural
forests sometimos over one hundred thousand young trees
can be found growing upon an area of one acre; and yet we
cannot expect to raise more than from one to two hun-
dred full grown trees upon that space. Left to itself,
the natural forest will eliminate in the course of their
growth all those trees that cannot stand the struggle for
existence; and, finally, there will be only some giants
found upon each acre of woodland. Tins constant
natural thinning-out is more during the
earlier years of tree-growth than in their advanced age,
while the remaining trees increase in strength and
vitality. Then there commences a struggle which soon
assumes such proportions as to involve danger to most of
the survivors. Here the skilful hand of the forester is

required to terminate the contest, especially when the

trees are of the same age and equally developed. True,
in such case, although a tree cannot expand laterally, it
can attain a good height. However, this being a forced
growth, the individuals become extremely weak and suc-
cumb in a body to sucli forces as high winds, great snow
drifts, etc., or their accretions become from year to year
smaller till the whole body falls a prey to insects or
In a natural forest, where trees of different kinds and


ages grow up together, the conditions for natural thin-

ning out are more favorable. Here, nature itself does
the princij)al work of timely thinning out, and the
elementary forces do as is generally known less dam-
age in forests Avhere conifers are intermixed with
foliaged trees, than in forests of pure stock. And still

the helping liand of the forester can do a great deal to

produce a quicker development of the trees and to in-
crease their strength and growth.
It is an old rule in forestry to commence thinning ear/y,
and repeat it often, but always to do the work moderately.
But after the lapse of from GO to 70 years, when the
trees have attained their full height, it is expedient to
open out the stock itself more freely, in order to give the
trees a chance to extend their remaining branches, and
thus enable them to accelerate their accretion of wood.
The branches of trees in forests under sixty years of age
should be allowed to grow pretty close together so
densely as not to show any gaps. Such forests will
produce the best timber, as the trees then will develop
branches only on the higher part of the trunk, leaving
the lower part free, and yet keeping the soil well shaded.
Absolute rules as to the exact time for the periodical
thinnings cannot be given, except that the soil should
always be protected from light, sun and wind, and that
the vigorous growth of those trees which are intended for
future stock, should never be interfered with by theii"
companions. Which trees should be selected in thin-
ning out a forest, can best be shown in forests with a
pure stock of trees, L e., with trees of the same kind
and mostly of the same age. Here you find three dif-
ferent classes of trees, viz.
(1) TJie dominant, which have grown ahead of the
(2) The governed, which, although lifting their crowns
in the sunshine, are narrowed in by the other trees.

(3) The subdued, which are overgrown by both the

preceding classes.
There is no doubt that the
hitter class should be taken
out entirely, while the should remain intact, except-

ing those trees which are infested with dangerous insects,

or have incurable defects in the bark and trunk. In
such cases, even dominant but faulty trees should be
removed in time, to avoid spreading of evil, and to give
the confined trees in their neighborhood the possibility
and attaining a larger growth.
of extending laterally
As makes a difference as to what kind of
to class 2, it
trees are growing in the forest. The light-needing
species require a more open position, and, therefore, a
stronger thinning; while the shade-enduring thrive even
when they are so closely grown that sunlight cannot fall
upon the lower branches of the trunk, aud, therefore,
require but a moderate thinning.
The locatio7i has great influence upon the extent to
which the thinning out is to be carried. Upon good,
fertile soil the gaps and openings made by a more ex-
tensive thinning will fill up soon, even if there be a
northern or northwestern exposure. But on poor soil,
even a small interruption of the density of the tree-
growth is apt to cause drying up of the soil, spring-
ing up of weeds, blowing away of the leaves on the
ground all these being conditions detrimental to tree-

growth, and which should be strictly avoided. For this

reason the wood-material obtained by thinning out
forests upon poor soil, and, which usually is removed
at once, is often not taken away, but is left on the spot
to fall a prey to the destroying effect of the elements,
thus enriching the soil by the decay of twigs and leaves.
As to what age the trees should attain before the
forest is thinned out, we must remember that the
younger trees have a tendency to grow upward rather
than to extend laterally. They, therefore, can stand a

much greater density than older ones, and do not need

to be so carefully thinned out as the older ones. At
all events the margin of woods should be left thicker, not
only in lespect to tree-growth, but also in regard to the
undergrowth, formed by shrubs and brushes, which
have sprung up there. For only in this natural w;iy
can the noxious influences of the sun, light, and drying
winds upon the forest-growth at the margins of the woods
be obviated. The same rule holds good if there are open-
ings in the interior of woods on account of the inter-
ruption of the density of the trees in those places. The
point never to be lost sight of in the management of forests
is, to keep the soil fully shaded, especially when it is
poor and dry.
In woods of mixed growth, such as occur in natur-
ally grown forests, tliinning is done on different princi-
ples. There the light-needing trees grow ahead of the
shade-enduring ones, and seemingly subdue them.
Nevertheless, the latter must not be removed, as they
form the most important part of the forest, and thrive
even in the shade of the light-needing trees. In thin-
ning such forests we have to consider both classes of
trees separately, and by looking at the overgrown tree.<,
we have io remove of this class (light needing), those
which prevent the full development of their companions ;

while looking at the undergrowth we have to remove of

the shade-enduring class, such as are subdued or are likely
to be subdued by trees of their own class. However, to
proceed here correctly is not an easy task, and should
never be left to the discretion of ordinary workingmen.
Old trees growing among young stock should not be
felled in the ordinary way, but gradually removed by
first separating the branches so as not to injure the young

trees surrounding them; and then the trunk after being

felled, should be cut up and carried piece by piece, with
the least damage possible to the after-growing trees.

3. Removal of large brandies.

removiil of the large branches of trees, which liave
been retained and left to increase in growth, is seldom
needed in the management of forests, as in properly
kept forests the density of the trees forces them to follow
the light and sun, and grow up in height, thereby keep-
ing back the branches, which, by the increasing shade
from the tops of the young trees, gradually drop
off. In this way the trunks of trees in the high forests
become clear of knots and attain the form so valuable in
lumber and timber. Wherever large branches appear on
trunks has been
forest trees a defective position of the
the cause. To remove such branches
will seldom be
worth while, except in very valuable trunks the value
of which may sometimes be increased by the removal; and
when room is wanted to enable young trees, growing in
the shade of larger ones, to increase in growth. The re-
moval of such branches becomes necessary when in so-
called middle forests trees are left
overgrown to attain a
greater height.In such a forest each of these large
trees grows up more or less separated, pushes out its
branches laterally, and when not jiroperly attended to,
forms less [useful] wood in trunk and stem, and more
in the useless branches. Moreover, these branches have
a damaging effect upon the sprouts of the cut stock
growing under them by shadowing and preventing their
vigorous growth; and for this reason they frequently have
to be removed.
In removing a large branch from a tree, we must first
endeavor to minimize as much as possible the extent of
the wound especially we must avoid causing a split in

the bark remaining on the tree. In order to attain this

we should not cut the branch in one cut, but make first
an incision underneath, about twelve inches beyond the
place where the branch is to be cut off, then saw entirely
through the branch about one inch further outward, and

thus the largest purt of it is removed. Thereupon re-

move the remaining stump by sawing at a right angle
where it joins the tree, but never in a line running
parallel with the standing tree. [See illustration.]
If there be more than one branch to be removed from
a tree, commence with the highest branches, at the same
time taking off the dry ones. If the trunk retains its
branches for one third part of its entire height it is suf-
ficient for its vigorous growth.

A, first incision ; B, first cut; CD, secoiul cnt, cor-

rectly executed; C E, i?icorrectly made cut.

The most favorable time for removing large branches

is late in the fall and in the first part of the winter, be-

cause the healing of the wound will be completed when

tlie sap begins to run. The sap is then prevented from
running out of the cut and causing it to rot. No paint-
ing with tar, oil, jjaint, or the like, is required.
4. Undergrowth as a protection to the forest-soil.
It is generally conceded that a favorable condition of
a forestis only practicable when the soil is constantly

protected against the drying influences of sun, light and

wind. For this reason the skillful forester always

endeavors to keep the soil in forests of foliagetl trees

covered with tree-leaves, and in coniferous forests
covered with needles. The growth of grasses, moss,
heaths, bushes, etc., should be stopped wherever they
appear in forests, and jDrecautions should be taken to
prevent their return. Such yegetation appears in the
openings of imperfect and neglected forests, and in
those woods that consist of light-needing trees, when the
foliage ot the trees becomes too tliin to overshadow the
soil. Up towithin a short time it was customary to plant
these openings and gaps with sliade-enduring trees, viz.,
foliaged forests with oaks, beeches, maples and horn-
beams; and light-needing coniferous forests of pines and
larches with sjiruces and firs, by which measure the
grasses, weeds, etc., would be killed off, while the newly
planted trees under the shade of the old stock would
grow luxuriantly, thereby increasing the wood produc-
tion of the forest. All this sounds very plausible, but
experiments made in Germany at different experimental
stations during several decades show that trees planted
for the protection of the denuded soil use up most of the
plant-food in the suiface soil, and thereby damage or at
least keep back he growth of the old stock of trees.
t It
may be that this observation will not coincide with
similar experiments yet to be made in this country, be-
cause our natural forests contain much more plant-food
than the artificial forests in the old world but, even in

Germany, intelligent foresters insist upon preserving

whatever is produced in the Avoods that will cover the soil
and retain its humidity, thus preventing undue exhaus-
tion by surface evaporation.





The doctrine of the protection of forests includes all

subjects and events by which forests and forest-products
may be imperilled, and the measures to be taken in order
to obviate and lessen the severity of such evils. These
protective measures are directed either against animals,
or elementary forces.



There exist many animals which are useful and pro-

mote the well-being of forests, otliers whose value is
doubtful, being at some seasons and times beneficial
and at others injurious
and still another chiss whose
presence is always detrimental to foresta^ growth. Ii

the second case doubtful animals the injury inflicted
is often overestimated and war waged against animals

which, although doing little harm, are persecuted be-

cause their habits are unknown, and, therefore, a preju-
dice prevails against them.

A, The Useful Animals.

Among the mammals we find some carnivorous animals
which feed principally on noxious insects, (bugs, cater-
pillars, pupas, butterflies and their e^2gs) viz. bats, some :

species of the shrew-mouses, moles, hedgehogs, or porcu-

pines and skunks.
The burrowing habit of the mole is sometimes inju-
rious in forest-nurseries, but in the ordinary forests it is

of great advantage, as it loosens the ground and renders


it more adapted for the reception and retention of

humidity and fertilizing matter.
Martens, some species of the weasel, the fox, polecat
and badger, are veiy useful also. These animals feeding
principally upon mice, and many noxious insects, should
be allowed to remain. Special care should be taken to
spare theyoung of these animals as they live exclusively
on mice and insects.
The importance of birds, as valuable factors in forests
is very great. With the exception of some of the larger
ones as for instance : the eagle, vulture, falcon, the
hawk, the horn-owl and the raven, most of them contrib-
ute to the healthy growth of trees. The smaller birds
are always hunting the enemies of tree-growth, and their
multiplication should be encouraged in every conceivable
way. They, therefore, should not only be spared, but
also protected against their principal foes, cats and squir-
rels, during breeding-time. The starlings, woodpeckers,
allkinds of thrushes, black birds, whip-poor-wils, the
purple martin, the oriole, the cedar-bird, the cat-bird,
the red-eyed vireo and the like have proved especially
beneficial ; they feed not only upon insects, but in
winter, when the ground is covered with snow, some of
them search industriously for the eggs of the insects
buried in the bark and twigs of the trees. No gunner
should shoot one of these little animals of the feath-
ered tribe.
Singing birds live without exception on insects. The
forester should devote to them special care, and set aside
certain places where there are bushes or hollow trees, as
these afford the most desirable opportunities for nest-
building. In case such opportunities are lacking, breed-
ing-boxes should be hung up in the trees in order to
afford the feathered tribes the facilities to build nests
and rear their young. It is advisable to leave wild fruit-
trees as crab-apple, wild cherry, plum, pear etc., which

usually are scattered over a forest area, undisturbed, as

the fruit serves to support useful animals during the time
that insects, caterpillars and eggs of insects cannot be
The various kinds of lizzards, most of the snakes, the
blind -worms, frogs and toads are also useful animals as
they devour not only obnoxious insects, but many of
them attack also rats, mice and other small rodents.
But even among the insects we find many which are
carnivorous, and feed mainly upon the smaller and
noxious kindd of their own tribe. To this class belong
the following beetles :

(1.) The lion beetles Calasoma calidumand Calasoma

scrxdator, of which the former hunts mostly during the
night, while the latter kills and eats all soft-bodied larvae
during the daytime.
(2.) The elongated ground beetle, Pasimaclms eloriga-
tus, preys alsoupon all soft-bodied larvae.
(3.)The Cicindelidm are very appropriately named
"Tiger-beetles." They live in burrows, and are contin-
Uidly at the top of their burrows waiting for insects
which they catch and dr;ig into their holes where they
eat them at leisure.
(4.) The most widely known and justly appreciated
beneficial beetles are the Lady-birds, Coccinellidm. They
perform the work of exterminiug noxious insects quietly
and silently, and devour countless numbers of their vic-
tims in a short time.
Beetles are not the only beneficial insects ; a still larger
number is found among the Hymenoptera. Special
notice deserve :

(1.) The dragon-fly or adderbolt-fly {Lihellula) , ants

and wasp-flies. The latter two are even in their larvae
state carnivorous, and prey upon other insects, devouring
also their eggs.
(2.) The white faced hornets are busy all day long in


search of larvae and slugs Avith which they feed their

(3.) Other insects prove beneficial by depositing their
eggs in the pupas of injurious caterpillars upon which
the young feed, when hatched. To this class (parasites)
belong the ichneumon-flies {tenthredo) which range all
the way from flies an inch in length to so minute species
that they scarcely are visible to tlie naked eye. The
larger kinds deposit only one eg^ in eacii victim, while
some of the smaller leave their entire complement of
eggs on one caterpillar. The eggs hatch soon, and the
larvEe eat their way into the worm where they consume
all the substance that would otherwise go to make the
future noxious moth.

B. The Doubtful Animals.

Mistakes are often made with regard to the good or
bad offices of birds by those who ought to know which
are their friends and which their foes. This holds es-
pecially good in reference to

The jay. It is true that this fellow in the spring

hunts after the eggs of the smaller, useful birds, and
sucks the meat out of them with great relish but in the ;

fall he industriously collects ripe acorns and beechnuts,

and buries them in various places in the ground, in
order to lay aside food enough to supply his needs during
the winter. Fortunately he forgets most of the hiding-
places, and the result is that the seeds sprout and pro-
duce fine seedlings.
The sparrotv, of which lately much complaint has been
made, is in many respects detrimental to field and garden
products, as he feeds principally upon fruit. But in the
winter time he is very useful, living then upon eggs of
the insects which he picks from the bark of the trees.
During the breeding-time, in spring and eaily summer,
he destroys a great many insects in order to satisfy the


wants of his young that will take no other food for the
first weeks of their life. An excess of their multiplica-
tion should be checked by the gun or trap. Either
fried or boiled, for soup or stew, they make an excellent

C. The Injurious Aiiimals.

Animals of prey such as bears,wolves, catamounts,
wild-cats, etc., should be unmercifully persecuted and
killed off as they devour the nobler kinds of game and
also animals useful in promoting the forest-growth.

Of the mammals, the rodents are the most obnoxious

animals, especially the heaver one of them alone being
able to cut down
in one night a tree measuring 12 inches
in diameter. In the State of Xew York they are now
nearly exterminated, but their pernicious work can still
be seen on streams and creeks in the Adirondack region
on the so-called "beaver meadows." The beavers built
their dams across the streams causing long back flows by
Avhich the surrounding trees and bushes were water killed
or drowned in the ponds formed through the dams.
These ponds became, in time, filled by the decaying wood
material and other debris of the forests, a'ld furnished
the aquatic plants the soil in which they found not only
root, but such rich plant food that the whole pond soon
was overgrown with coarse grasses. After the extinction
of the beaver the lumbermen have resumed this work of
destroying trees by water. For in order to cheaply
transport the logs through the Adirondacks, dams are
now built, causing back flows that annually kill more
trees than ever have been there destroyed by fire.

3Iice are very obnoxious to forest-growth. They feed

upon tree seed, gnaw off the tender bark of young trees,
and bite entirely through small seedlings and saplings.
Foliaged trees are the principal object of their ravages ;
but they do not spare conifers, especially when the

forests are surrounded Avith fields upon which a rich

grass-cover exists. They hide during the winter under
the grass and direct from thence their feeding expeditions
to the neighboring woods. It is, therefore, advisable to
cut late in the fall the grass in and around young plan-
tations as short as possible, thereby preventing the mice
from making their headquarters near the young trees.
But if the damage is done, the girdled trees should be
cut early in spring clean above the ground, in order to
invite a stump growth. True, girdled trees will also
sprout, but as the sap is un.ible to circulate in the trees,
their vitality is weakened
to such a degree that they die
off during the next season. If the mice increase so much
as to become a plague there is no better means in which
to fight them than to foster their natural enemies in the
animal kingdom, and to often drive hogs and cattle into
the endangered groves, thus disturbing them in their
feeding-places. In fenced-in forest nurseries mice may
be destroyed by putting poisoned grains in drain pi])es ;

but to do the same in the forests is not advisable for the

reason that useful animals would be killed when feeding
upon the poisoned mice.
The squirrel, rabbit, rellmouse and some species of the
dormouse are just as injurious as the mice the first; one;

besides gnawing the trees, consumes the eggs and young

of small birds. Squirrels and rabbits should, therefore,
be shot or trapped. The other named foes cannot be de-
stroyed except by promoting the multiplication of their
natural persecutors, as is recommended in regard to
Game, especially deer, when too numerous, will do
much harm to young plantations by feeding upon small
seedlings, and rubbing their horns or branches against
the taller ones. Ashes and spruces, grown up to the
size of hop-poles are sought out by deer, and their bark
is peeled off the stem as far up as the animals can reach.

In tills way game can do mncli harm to young planta-

tions. The forester must know how many heads of game
a forest can support without imperilling the tree-growth ;

he should kill off the excess or cause it to be killed off.

This is one of the many reasons why the learned for-
ester should have the exclusive care of game in his
territory. To entrust the duty of caring for the game to
so-called *'game keepers" as is done in our State, is pre-
posterous, and serves only to cause collisions between
officers who should be subjected to the directions of one
and the same superior, and act harmoniously in the in-
terest of the preservation of both game and woods.
The most careful attention should be given by the
forester to the habits and life history of insects noxious
to forest-trees, because, without a correct knowledge of
those circumstances, he will not be able to stop or mini-
mize the often enormous ravages accomjilished by these
small animals. Their habits are very manifold. Some
make their appearance in February and March, others
in summer, and still others in the fall. Some go duiing
one year through all four stations of their development
(egg, larva or caterpillar, chrysalis or pupa, butterfly
beetle), others require several years for their comjjlete
evolution, the young of others are hatched several times in
one season. It is also of interest to know in which
state of development the insects attack the trees. Com-
monly the larvse do all the harm by feeding upon leaves
aid twigs sometimes the fullfledged insect, especially

many beetles, perform this operation. To observe what

kind of trees arc particularly sought after by one or the
other species of insects is also important. Some species
confine themselves to one kind of trees, others attack
several kinds the most obnoxious are those which feed

upon both coniferous and foliagcd trees. Some insects

consume only leaves, others feed upon the buds; some
live inside the tree, others between tree and bark ; some

are always to be found but not numerous ; others appear

seldom, but when they appear, they muster up danger-
ously great numbers some are slow in their movements

and walk only; others fly and cover very quickly large
stretches of forests.
From this it Avill be seen that a keen observation is

required to be able to employ at the right time, and in

the right place, the proper means to moderate the damages,
and to prevent the further spreading of insect-pests.
The most efficacious measure of obtaining these results
consists in sparing and even fostering the multiplication
of the natural enemies of the injurious insects. The
equilibrium between useful and obnoxious animals is

kept up in the animal kingdom by the production of

such animals as persecute the injurious ones. This law
is nowhere more obvious than with insects. There a
considerable number can be looked upon by their de-
struction of obnoxious insects as real benefactors to
It is further recommended as a preventive means from
insect ravages the removal of stumps, dry trees and
branches, cut wood and timber, and the peeling off
the bark from timber in case it cannot be shifted
from the forest, whereby the breeding-places of insects
are destroyed. The most effective means to sup-
press the insect-plague, especially in wild or natural
forests, is the introduction of a systematic management,
of which the first step would be a correct and periodically
repeated thinning by which we in time obtain a thoroughly
sound and vigorous growth of Irees and to such trees
obnoxious insects cannot do much harm.
If the just mentioned means to prevent the spread of
injurious insects are observed, it is not difficult to get rid
of them completely. For this purpose the bark of trees
invaded by insects should be stripped off and burnt,
the dead trees should be cut, and unless removed.

should be burnt up; all stumps, even those of pines, should

bo barked, and the bark be removed or burnt for ;

stumps, especially those of trees, which have been felled

during the preceding two years, are a general resort for
all kinds of destructive boring insects, and sliould be

pulled up. But as this, if done on a large scale, is very

expensive, we reach the same end by tearing off the
bark, the naked stump being not frequented by obnox-
ious insects.
The forester, who has made careful observations on the
habits of destructive forest insects, is further able to
keep his district clean by putting at proper places, so-
called " trap-trees." Healthy, living trees, especially
conifers, are felled in many spots of the forest at the time
when the obnoxious insects commence flying around, and
left on the ground without peeling the bark or removing
the branches. The insects like to deposit their eggs in
these newly cut trees, and if such trees are removed
or burnt up ere the eggs are hatched, all danger from

attacks of the destroyed generations will be over. But

the forester must endeavor to obtain correct knowledge
of the habits of injurious insects, because without that it

would not be possible for him to determine the most

proper time for removing and destroying the '' trap-
The United Stat-s Entomological Commission, pub-
lished in 1881 inits Bulletin No. VII a very interesting

and useful treatise on the insects injurious to forest

and shade trees, from which we can see how numerous
and pernicious these insects are in this country. Those
who want more information upon this subject, than the
limited space of this publication permits to give, are re-
ferred to said pamphlet, the author of winch is Dr. A.S.
According to the said bulletin oaks ai'c attacked by
214: different species of insects elms by 43 hickories
; ;

by 87 ; black-walnut by 11 ; butternut by 18 ; chestnut

by 18 ; locust by 20 ; maple by 37 ; birch by 19 ; beech
by 15 ; tulip-tree by 9 ;
pines by 102 and spruces by 24.
Besides enumerating and describing those insects the
bulletin also contains an account of the remedies to bo
applied in destroying them. But the average forester
will seldom be able to make use of them, ihey being too
expensive and causing too much labor in extensive for-
ests. If large tiacts in the forest are taken hold of by
insects, we have to decide which parts can still be saved,
and then apply every means to suppress the pest. But
if it has spieaJ to such a degree that human help can-

not more be of any use, the afflicted trees have to be cut,

and if possible to be disposed of as wood products, or,
if that not jii-aciicable, the torch has to be applied to

them with proper precaution against spreading of the

fire beyond the limits of the infested tract. After the
fire has destroyed the insects, larvae and eggs, the de-

nuded area should be leforested at once, in order to

close the opening made in the forest as soon as possible,
and to prevent the elements from making inroads upon
the opened forest.
Jn the same proportion as the si3ecies of forest-trees of
this countr}- greatly outnumber those of Europe the in-
sects detfimental to them are here more numerous than in
Euro[)o. But the damaging influence of the in-ects here
upon forest-growth has not been so generally injurious
on account of the diversity of trees growing in our wild
or natural woods, where insects may feed undisturbed
upon by them and for the exten-
certain trees preferred ;

sivity of our forests,where the damages of the several

species of insects may be not so remarkable on the single
trees; both circumstances furnishing at the same time
very good opportunities fur creating in large numbers the
natural persecutors of obnoxious insects. However, we
should not be careless in this matter as not only in our


Adirondack forests,* but also in other States,f serious

conip'aints are being made that valuable tracts of timber
are dying off. We must watch closely the working of
these little animals, and neglect nothing that can con-
tribute to their suppression. This duty should be con-
sidered by more urgent as in regard to the
us the
eztensivity of our forests close observers have already
pointed out the next future as the time where complaints
of wood scarcity J might be more justified than boasts of
superabundance and then, of course, the great diversity

of trees will have gone also.



A. Frost.

Frost causes injury to forest-trees in various ways :

sometimes the cold during the winter is so excessive that

entire groves of our hardiest trees are killed. This oc-
curs principally in valleys where there are great stretches
of marshy or swampy land, and also in adjacent higher
land looking towards the south. Not unfrecpiently the

*Cfr. Ann. Report St. Forest Commission for 1885, pp. 52, 59;
Report for 1886, p. 14 Report for 1888, p. 27.

+ A West Virginia paper lately had the followinnj item

MoRGANTOWN, West Va., Sept. 14. During the present Summer
large tracts of valuable black spruce timber along the valley of the
Cheat River have died, entailing a loss of tens of thousands of dollars
upon the owners of the land. Botanist C. F. Millspaugh and Entomolo-
gist A. D. Hopkins of the State University have undertaken to investi-
gate the matter, in the hope of being able to point out a remedy. It is
suspected that some insect is at the bottom of the disease which is at-
tacking the trees.

\ The Lewiston (Me.) Jow-nal of April 4, 1890, contained as follows :

'It's rather queer the fact that the Boston and Maine had to
suspend operations on its Kittery-Portsmouth bridge for a whole season
because the company could not find euitabla timber for its completion.
The depiction of our forest treasures is no myth.

frost causes fissures to appear in the bark and wood of

trees, by which they are weakened to such a degree that
they succumb as soon as the weather becomes very cold.
During early spring, when the running of the sap in the
trees has commenced, and a very cold spell follows after
some warm days, the sap often freezes, especially at the
south-side of the trunk then the bark, covering the

frozen sap, becomes loosened, thereby exposing the under-

lying wood, which in consequence goes to rot.
To prevent these casualties there is only one means,
viz. : the preservation of the close density of the forest,
especially at its margin where borders on an open

field or a very young plantation.This means of preven-

tion may in case of need be assisted by cultivating " wood-
maiitels." A wood-mantel is a strip of ground along the
margin of a forest ui)on which hardy trees are planted
at such distances tliat the single trees may be able to
send their roots both perpendicularly and horizontally
into the ground so as to fully resist the fury of the wind-
storms and to develop, far down upon the trunk, strong
branches by which cold winds are prevented from enter-
ing the forest.
Alternate freezing and thawing of the surface soil
causes often the greatest injury to young plantations, es-
l)ecially when they produced by seeding. In such
case the roots are lifted and separated from their hold
upon the soil. The deep roots which penetrate below
the reach of frosts are broken off, and from the higher
roots the earth is more or less loosened finally, the plant

is lifted by the expansion of the surface soil, and the re-

maining roots are laid bare. The seedling then dies. The
only protection against this evil is to allow the natural
grasses and weeds to extend moderately over the ground
of the plantation so as to furnish a covering for the
plants not unlike that afforded by snow. In forest-nur-
series where, under no circumstance, grasses and weeds

are allowed to grow, we can preveut the damaging influ-

ence of frost ujion the plants by covering the rows with
a layer of evergreen boughs.
The Lite frosts in spring when the trees have already
developed their buds are the most injurious, killing
young trees completelyand affecting the older ones so far
as to incapacitate them from producing seeds and from
making any accretion in wood. This evil appears most
frequently in wet or swampy valleys, where the evapora-
tion of moisture prevents the acce.-s of the warmth con-
tained in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and thereby
increases the cold developed by evaporation in the soil. In
such cases drainage should be applied to let off the excess
of water but when this is not practicable, liardy trees

should be planted for the protection of the young ones,

and retained till the latter have reached a size large
enough to oversliade the ground and to prevent too
strong an evaporation of the moisture in the soil. Pines,
hornbeams, alders and tlie American aspen are best
adapted for this purpose, and even large bushes may be
advantageously used.
In the swampy parts of mountainous regions there
occur, sometimes, late in summer heavy though not last-
ing frosts, which may do a great deal of harm insomuch as
after such a spell a second growth of wood takes place,
which will not ripen by the time tlie winter sets in, and
is then killed by frost. Oaks and beeches are especially
subject to this casualty Tlie best one can do in such
case is to plant spruces which stand these vicissitudes
very well.
Sun heat does damnge to forests when there is a want
of a proper water supply. If this can be procured all
danger to the trees is over. Irrigation will seldom be
practicable. But a great deal of the natural moisture
can be retained in forests by preserving a compact dens-
ity of the tree-growth, and keeping the soil well shaded

by heavy foliaged Should the management of the


forest require giving the treos some more light in order

to increase the accretion of wood, the complete clearing
by a total felling should not longer be postponed than is
unavoidably necessary, as in the open space the aug-
mented falling of dew will benefit a young plantation
more than if the seedlings are grown beneath isolated
single trees under which they are apt, owing to the re-

flected rays of the sun to be burnt and to dry up. In

regions where the sun is known to injure tree-growth,
Scotch pine {piiius sylvestris) should be cultivated ex-
clusively. As is well-known, this tree grows where other
kinds are regularly burnt up but as soon as the pines

commence to show openings there maybe planted among

them other and more valuable kinds of trees which,
unprotected, would not stand long continued sun heat.
The loinds produce evil effects by desiccating the soil
and blowing away the fallen leaves which cover the
ground. Both troubles can be avoided, or at least less-
ened, by retaining the fullest possible density of the tree_
growth, especially at the margins of the woods. Should
this not be practicable the establishment of so called
" tvood-mantels " as described on page 129 is advised.
The fallen leaves being better retained at the ground
when there is a small growth of grasses, it may be some
times advantageous to open the forest a little more, caus-
ing thereby the growth of a thin grass layer upon the
bare forest-soil. At any rate, wide openings in the woods
should never be allowed ; but if the same by any accident
occur, planting of liardy trees and the intermixture of
conifers with foliaged trees should be undertaken at once,
omitting the removal of the stumps of felled trees.
Excessive rains are apt to do much damage to forests,
cuUures which, in a properly
especially to the various
conducted forest-management, will invariably have to be
undertaken. Planted seedlings cannot be much injured

by rain but the rows in whieli the seeds are distributed


m;iy easily be washed out if they are very long and not

laid quite liorizontally. For this reason it is recom-

mended to interrupt long seed-rows often, and never neg-
lect to give them a horizontal and level situation.
Inundations within the forests, caused by long con-
tinued rains may also do much injury by washing away
the i^recious uppersoil consisting of rotten and half rot-
ten leaves of the trees and twigs and by hurting tree-

growth itself through temporary submersion of the roots

and parts of the trunks but most of the damage is

done where forests abut for long distances on streams

Avhicli are apt to overflow, especially at the opening of
spring when the ice-covering is broken up. In such
case big floating ice-cakes are sent by the current into
the woods exposed to the river-floods, cutting or bending
down every tree which is not strong enough to with-
stand the pressure caused by tlie intruding ice-cakes.
In order to prevent or at least to lessen those dangerous
actions of inundations, copse-wood, with short periods of
rotation should be cultivated on the forest territory as
far as it is exposed to such overflows. The copse culture
is here recommended because the adapted for
trees, best

it are quick growers, soon above the high

water mark and possess in their elastic stems and
branches efficient means to break the force of currents,
thereby lessening the dangers threatened by the floating
The banks of such streams should be planted with
rows of so-called '' Pollards " * to ward off, as much as

* Pollards (in German Kopfholzer) are hardy but well copsing trees of
which not only the tops but also parts of their trunks are lopped off so
that about 8 or 10 feet of the stems remain. At the new top sprouts
will come out forming new branches. By this treatment we obtain
more powerful trees which are able to resist the inroads of the ice-cakes
and to detain them from entering the over-flooded parts of the forest.

can be done, the big rampant ice-cakes from entering the

overflown copse-wood and destroying its tree-growth.
Heavy snoivfalls do much more liarm than rain to for-
est trees, especially to the conifers, as most of them
retain during the winter a thick growth of leaves which
form a substantial bed for the snow. But in moun-
tain regions snow falls sometimes in October or Novem-
ber when the deciduous trees have not yet thrown off
their foliage, and then these trees are also liable to be
hurt by snow.
Snow acts most perniciously when falling in large
flakes upon the branches of the trees while they are
frozen on the outside. The flakes then accumulate upon
the branches and twigs in such quantities that the tops
of the trees form a nearly unbroken mass of ice, which
weighs down the trees and sometimes destroys entire
groves. The most approved safeguard against this oc-
currence consists of (1) a properly made thinning, to-
gether with a somewhat wider planting than is usual in
plantations, and (2) the dividing up of the forest, with-
out inferferinq ivith its C07npactness, into smaller tracts,
separated by avenues or paths from 10 to 12 feet wide,
laid out, if possible, so that the principal rain and snow-
storms strike the paths crosswise and not in the direc-
tion of their length. See page GO, note. In restocking
denuded woodlands planting is also for the same reason
to be preferred to seeding as in the latter case an over-
crowded condition of the seedlings can seldom be avoided.
This is particularly true when pines and spruces are re-
produced by seeding.
Woods in which conifers grow mixed with foliaged
trees are less exposed to damages by snowdrifts, because
they do not present an even surface, but one which is in-
terrupted at the places where the defoliated trees stand.
The snow settles then all around the naked deciduous
trees without hurting them, and is in a great part pre-

venteil from settling upon the surface stretching over

the tops of the conifers.
Damages caused to forests by an excess of humidity in
the soil, which has to be drained, and by drifiing sands
of adjoining sandlayers are not infrequent. AYe shall
treat of them at the proper places in Part II and III.
Fire is the most pernicious agent in the destruction of
our forests. It is seldom that such fires can be traced to
incendiarism. They mostly result from the carelessness
of lumbermen, tourists and their guides. True, the es-
tablishment of the State Forest Commission, in 1885, has
done much to i^revent fires, and the principle that pro-
tection is better than cure has proved also in tliis case to
be the best guard against fire. But often fires originate
in tlie woods without human agency. Lightning has
been the most frequent cause of v.'ood-fircs, although in
some cases they may have originated from other causes
as for instance from the spontaneous combustion due to
the decomposition of pyrites, wliicli is known to have set
firo to beds of lignite in the Saskatchewan region.*

It is, therefore, very necessary that besides precaution-

ary measures stringent rules regarding the extinguishing
of fires occurring in forests and denuded woodlands
should be adoj^ted. The establishment of a proper road-
system, and the division of a large forest into districts
and by paths and avenues contributes
plots sepnrated
much Comuionly they origin-
to confining forest-fires.
ate upon light, dry soils, when overgrown with conifers
;md covered with a thick layer of resinous needles while ;

a disaster of this kind hardly is ever known in forests

^\ithheavy clay or loamy soil upon which foliaged trees
grow.f A discarded cigar or a blown out pipe bowl

* See American For. Congress 1888, page 50.

+ Thert-fore in Germany, Avhere railways pass throngh coniferous for-

ests, and it is feared that the sparks flying from the locomotives may

thrown upon forest soil of the former sort readily com-

municates fire to its surroundings. The smouldering
sparks eat through the dry vegetable mould, attack the
scant grasses a:id mosses and make so much headway
that the green leaves of the young conifers are soon invaded.
The least breeze will fan the smouldering mass into
flames which spread rapidly to the tops of the larger
trees, and are then beyond control.
Happy if you discover the fire when it is still confined
to the inflammable material on the surface soil. All that
is necessary then is to have some energetic men with

rakes, brooms and shovels to rake the grasses, leaves

and other ignitible substances, scattered over the forest
soil, several yards ahead of the fire toiuards the burning

mass, so that all litter and other combustible material in

front of the fire is accumulated into a wall. It will not
be difficult with a sufficient force of men to put out with
their shovels and spades the approaching flames and con-
fine them to the raked-up wall.
Much more difficult is the task of stopping a forest-
fire after it has leached the branehes of the larger trees
and is running up to the Unless a heavy rain
sets in the only means for putting the
fire out is to make,

at a proper distance ahead of the invading fire, a broad

passage in such manner that the trees standing there are
felled and thrown towards the advancing fire. As this
Avork takes much time while forest-fires make quick
headway, the opening in front of the fire should be begun
at such a distance from the fire that the felling is fin-
ished before the flames reach the margin. Otlierwise the

light the accumulated leaves and other ignitible material, as dry heather,
mosses customary to guard against this danger by safety-
a. s.f., it is
strips, formed by not-coniferous trees that are planted along the line of
railways, as for instance birches, oaks, poplars, etc. Besides the ground
of these strips is always kept clean of dry leaves, litter and other com-
bustible material.

entire labor is frustrated, and the work has to be done

over again, at a greater dist;ince from the fire, thus sac-
than would have
rificing a still larger part of the forest
been destroyed if the distance was at the first properly
taken. As soon as the fire reaches the row of felled
trees a sufficient number of men with shovels, spades and
wet brooms should be in readiness to work, and to use
every means to extinguish the sparks and flames which
fall upon the overturned trees.
Althougli the metliods employed by the management
of European forests in preventing the spreading of for-
est-fires are at present not yet fully available in our
State, it may not be amiss to briefly describe the mode of
European warfare against fires. This mode is in general
as follows :

" Whenever a forest-fire is discovered the church-bells

in allneighboring villages begin to ring and all able-

bodied persons men, women and children turn out
with axes, spades, shovels, rakes, brooms, etc., under the
guidance of acknowledged leaders. They combine their
movements, according to the direction of the wind and
otlier circumstances, and dispose their forces with intell-
igence and promptitude. A mode often resorted to is
the contre feu, fighting the fire with fire just as in the
Prairies is often done. Knowing the forest well, they
direct their forces to one of the safety-strips, {%. e. open
paths in the woods upon which no shrubs or trees are
allowed to grow) or to the most favorable spot on the
path of the fire. At a sufficient distance ahead of it,
an extended line of workers wider than the fire is formed
and set to work to remove as much of the inflammable
material as possible. They cut down and burn and
trample and shovel earth and carry away stuff, etc., and
when the fire in its course reaches that spot, it finds
little food, hesitates, and at hist is generally conquered."
Our forests are not always surrounded by villages, the

alarm bells cannot muster crowds of willing workers to

our distant wildernesses therefore, we cannot yet act in

case of emergency as they do in Europe. But if we can-

not extinguish the fire in quite the sama way as they
do, we can do just as much to prevent it, and to
limit its ravages. The best means adopted in Europe for
preventing the spreading of the fire over a large extent
of the ground, is the laying out of their forests, and
dividing them in somewhat isolated independent blocks
by means of the safety-strips, in German called
" Schneissen." * With such openings you can much
more easily subdue an approaching forest-fire than if the
work of extinguishing has to be commenced in the
midst of an unbroken forest.
However, forest-fires, especially in coniferous woods,
cause another injury much beyond the actual destruc-
tion of timber by burning, in this, that the trees that
have been killed or even scorched by the fire become
principally liable to attacks by wood-boring insects. The
larvae of these by boring large galleries in the substance
of the wood, will in a single season render it worthless
for sawing or use in any other form than, as fire wood
and quite inferior for that. It is, therefore, the best we
can do with a burnt over wood plot to utilize the remains
as soon as possible for charcoals.

*See page 60, note.





While the calling of the European forester chiefly con-

sists of establishing and caring for artificial forests
originated either by seeding or planting the destination
of the American forester points to the transformation of
our still abundant, but very much abused natural or wild
woods into cultivated forests. In a properly managed forest
there are from three to four times more useful trees than
in a natural wood. The duty of the American forester,
therefore, is to apply his ingenuity and experience to
make a ceriahi area of woods, without disturbiug their
'permanency and their economic influence, producing from
three to four times more than it does now.
It is true that exact knowledge of scientific forestry,
as applied in Europe, may help him to understand how
most easily to effect this transformation ; but as the main
principles, uj)on which scientific forestry is based, are no
strangers to our intelligent agriculturists and arboricul-
turists, there is no doubt that we can readily find per-
sons fully qualified for a heginiiing, and that they Avill

be followed by others who will endeavor to acquire the

full knowledge of the theory and practice of this science,
completing what their predecessors may have left unfin-
ished, or correcting such defects in the treatment of
woods ?.s close observation and experience has shown them
to be erroneous. Up to the present time, there has been
no demand for skilled foresters in this country. Nay, the
framers of our Forestry Act of May 15, 1885, prohibit in
8 with the words " the forest preserve shall be forever


kept as wild forest lands " the application of any system

of forest management by which the rich products of an
area, containing nearly one million acres of woodland,
may be utilized. Our Forest commissioners, therefore,
can hardly be blamed when they construed their duty
to preserve the State forests only as a direction to secure
the forests from the ax of the lumberman, and from the
torch of the careless or wilful incendiary. *
During the last few years, however, when it became
more and more apparent that our State forests, under the
present laws and management, could not be preserved,
but that their deforestation was progressing to such a
degree that the watersheds of our principal rivers were
imperilled, a large number of the most prominent men
in the cityand State of New York commenced a move-
ment which culminated last year in the formation of the
Adirondack Park Association for the purpose of greatly
enlarging the territory of our State woodlands, and pre-
serving the forests more efficiently by advocating the
application of a systematic management of the woods.
This is movement which undoubtedly
a very timely
will make a lasting mark upon the history of the polit-
ical economy of our State. As Just before mentioned, we
possess among our citizens many who are both theoreti-
cally and practically well acquainted with all matters
pertaining to the growth and reproduction of forest-trees,
and with the exploitation of woodlands. Such men, if
endowed with good executive ability and assisted by
experienced civil engineers, could be safely entrusted
with the introduction of a systematic management of our
State forests. Generally speaking, their efforts would be
{a) To insure the permanency of tree-growth.
{b) To develop and increase, after a well-considered

* See Report of the St. For. Com. for 1888, p. VI.



plan of thinning, pruning and felling, the productive

capacity of the forests, and
(c) To restock the denuded woodlands by seeding or

planting such trees as are most desired and best adapted

to soil, climate and location.
In particular, the labors to be performed during the
firstfour or five years would consist of the following
(1) A surveyor accompanied by an expert on soils and
woods should first survey the whole tract, and then, under
the advice of the expert, mark off and map out such sub-
divisions as are indicated by diversity of soil, tree-growth
and other conditions affecting the production and
development of forest-trees.
(2) Then the best plan of laying out roads and ave-
nues, which will have to be constructed for the transpor-
tation of timber and other wood products, has to be
deliberately considered. This is one of the most import-
ant works for the future management f the woods. It
should be entrusted only to a person who is theoretically
and practically fully conversant with such operations. For
it is not sufficient to lay out one or more roads to satisfy

the transient and local wants which have chanced to

spring up; but the entire interests of the forest in its
present and future condition as well as those of its envi-
rons have to be looked after, and a road system has to be
devised which, although not yet fully required, will be
necessary in the future when the woods are more developed,
and the time arrives that the wood products will be
utilized to their fullest extent.
(3) A wooded region to be taken in hand, and to be
worked systematically, should after the completion of the
operations indicated in 1 and 2, be laid out in districts con-
taining from 100,000 to 1 50,000 acres, and subdivided in
smaller ones of from 10 to 20,000 acres. While the whole
tract would be supervised by one Over-forester, the subdivi-
sions should be under the continual care and attention of

a forester, acquainted with the methods of the routine

work, who should, according to the directions given by
the Over-forester, superintend the working force of
laborers employed in cutting and removing the wood
products, or in cultivating and planting denuded
stretches within the district. The Forest Officials should
have a permanent residence Avithin their territory, and it
should be their duty to guard the place against fire and
trespass, for which purpose they should have the power
to arrest trespassers.
The boundaries of the districts, and their subdivisions,
may be formed either naturally by old roads, streams,
ditches, adjoining open fields, etc., or artificially by open-
ing avenues and roads. Under all circumstances, adjoin-
ing forests belonging to different owners should be
separated by a clearing of trees along the boundaries,
about one rod wide, to which each party should contrib-
ute one-half of the space so that a properly indicated
boundary line would run in the midst of this path.
(4) After the above-mentioned labors have been com-
pleted the first and most effective step to be taken in
order to transform a wild wood into a cultivated forest, is
to thin it out, that is, to cut and remove all inferior vege-
tation and dead trees as well as those that encroach upon
the quick development of the more desirable trees; but
with the restriction that the soil may not be exposed to
sunlight and atmospheric influences.* In order to enable
the laborers to do this work efficiently, the subdivisions of
the forests should be cut up in blocks containing from 3
to 400 acres, and separated by a clearing or path about
eighteen or twenty feet wide, called in German " Schneis-
sen," upon which the output of the block can be removed.

(5) When the roads and avenues in a large forest have

been established and made practicable, we can go on cut-

* See page 111. sqq


ting and removing all mature and overmature trees,

observing as far as possible the restriction made by-
thinning out the woods, viz., to preserve the natural soil
conditions to the best of our ability.
(6) While in cutting and removing wood products out
of the forests the rule of performing this work with the
greatest care and regard toward the adjoining tree-
growth has to be obeyed (see p. 114. i.f.) the
strictly ;

done so as to promote a natural

felling itself should be
reproduction according to the directions given in Chapter
XII. But where this is impracticable and this will

often happen in wild woods there should be no delay
in establishing forest nurseries, not only for rearing the
required seedlings for restocking or filling out denuded
wood areas ; but also for collecting at the proper times
ripe seeds from the most desirable kinds of trees in the
whole forest. A good gardener, well versed in the culture
of trees, will prove fully competent to manage such a
Thus it will be seen that the possible absence of men
fully acquainted with the methods of scientific forestry
should not prevent us from the int' rduction of a rational
treatment of our wild woods, as every thing that has to
be done during the first four or five years before scien-
tific methods may be employed, can be perfectly done

by our own citizens without any prejudice to the future

management. In the mean time, if it should be necessary
to employ skilled foresters, enough of them will probably
be found.*

* The report of the State Forest Commission for 1886, on page 17. i.f.,
contends that scientifically educated foresters cannot be obtained here.
This statement is not supported by facts, as skilled foresters are very
often, through the advertising columns of the New Tork news-
papers, seeking employment. Certainly they do not find it in the
management of woods, because such a thing like that does not exist
here but they embark in allied employments, especially in agriculture.

However, as soon as the State will introduce a systematic management


By inducing our State to enlarge its wooded area

in the Adirondacks and to a meth-
introduce there
odical management, we should
urge this measure
for the sole reason, that this is the only means to pre-
serve the forest-growth upon the woodlands containing
the watersheds of our principal rivers inrmanently , and
that without a permanent forest-growth upon these lands,
the continuance of a regular water-flow to the rivers
would be greatly endangered. That the State woods will
yield lateron a revenue, if managed on business princi-
ples, cannot be doubted. But we should not expect such
a result during the next generation. The income ob-
tained at present by European Governments from their
well-managed forests, may serve as an example of what a
well-conducted administration of forests may be able to
perform. However, it would be a very erroneous concep-
tion of the present desolate condition of our State forests
and of the wide disproportion between the value of lum-
ber and the cost of both labor and transportation, as
find in our country, we should expect with the intro-

duction of a methodical forest management, to at once

obtain the same pecuniary results which the European
governments have realized through a well-organized forest

of its forests, there will be made undoubtedly many offers to serve the
In this connection it may be of interest to our forestry students to
learn that the tendency of European experts in sylviculture, contrary
to former practices in the management of forests, is lately directed to a
more close observation of Nature's workings in the wild forests. They
try now to sustain their theories from facts suggested to them by Nature,
rather than to follow the narrow paths outlined by old authorities.
Whereas formerly the European forester advocated the cultivation of
forests with pure stock, divided in blocks with adequate revolutions of
cutting and replanting, the present generation acknowledges in many
respects the gi-eat advantages of the natural woods, and recommends
now in the establishment of new forests, mixed planting, and In their
exploitation the selection of migle trees, instead of the former complete
clearing of entire wood areas.

service with the greatest exertions during the last fifty

What we may reasonably expect, is to bring our woods
after continued and well-directed operations during
the first decade, to a condition in which they may
prove self-supporting. Having reached this point, with
which a great benefit to our State will be gained see pa-
ges 25 and 26
we may be confident, that enlarged know-
ledge and experience of our Forest Officials in matters of
scientific Forestry will render our State forests from year
to year more profitable, with a steadily improving condi-
tion of the forests; so that the next century may witness
such an increase of the wealth to our State from this
single source, as we are now entirely unable to imagine.
People will then bless those men who undauntedly
persisted in establishing a State industry, by which not
only tlie commonwealth derived a handsome income, but
which also created the opening of a new and honorable
career to many men for profitable employment. This
condition of things will be the more gratifying as the peo-
ple will not be taxed for the support of a small army of
Forest Officials and laborers; they will be paid by the
profits derivedfrom their operations in the culture of the
forest,and they Avill earn much more than they expend.
In conclusion, a few remarks in regard to the nomen-
clature used in the science of forestry might be well-
Forestry, as applied on the Euroi^ean Continent, being
an entirely unknown science in England and its depen-
dencies, it is not to be wondered at that the English lan-
guage has no designations appropriate to the technical
words and methods of managing forests recognized in
European forest economy. We, therefore, in introducing
systematic forestry in our country, have mostly to fall
back upon the expressions applied in Europe, till v,'e have
advanced so far as to establish our own system of desig-

nation. In the mean time we should apply those words,

which although now used indiscriminately in forestry mat-
ters, are able to recive a specific technical signification in
a confined and appropriate meaning. First among
them is the word " forest." It is in English used as being
identical with"woods;" and yet it would be a great lin-
guisticimprovement, if we would only apply it to those
woods, which are cultivated and systematically managed;
and leave the expression " woods " to the wild or natu-
rally grown-up Avoods. We would then very properly
speak of the North 'woods of the Adirondacks, but very
improperly, when designating them as wild or natural
PART II. Forest PlantIxNG on Plains.

Having treated in the foregoing part of general

matters of forest culture, we will now consider the
various kinds of forest planting.
All forest vegetation is dependent, not only upon the
climate of the country, hut also upon the soil and loca-
tion The State of New York is especially favored in its
situation, as its climate is moderated by the close prox-
imity to the Atlantic Ocean, a circumstance that increases
air, and causes a
the humidity of the generally very dry
snow, and rainfall sufficient to produce a luxurious
forest-growth. Woods, therefore, have sprung up all

over the State, except in those places where the soil is

too poor to bring forth any vegetation at all, and the

variety of trees of spontaneous growth is larger here than
in any other State of the Union by reason of the many
varieties of soil and diversities of elevation, the latter in
many cases reaching heights where only bushes and
shrubs grow.
As the vegetation on the plains shows a marked differ-
ence from that on the mountains, both in regard to
varieties and treatment, we have to consider them sepa-
rately and will take up first. Forest Planting on Plains.




In our State we have a great amount of alluvial soil

formed by the deposits of the many rivers and rivulets
which descend from our hills and mountains. This soil
mostly contains such favorable mixture of earthy and
mineral substances as to promote all vegetation to the

highest degree and on such places, agriculture lays its
exclusive and well-founded claims. But there are among
them many low sites which, being subjected to oft-
repeated inundations, cannot be used for agricultural
purposes, and yet may be utilized advantageously for the
cultivation of willows.
Although the willow is not considered as being a
forest-tree proper, the management of large forests,
especially that of mountain forests, requires often the
propagation and cultivation of willows on an extensive
scale, because they chiefly furnish the material to bind
the drifting sand, and to hold the loose soil along the
banks of streams in place. For this purpose as we will

see in Part Hi those kinds are cultivated which retain
their shape as shrubs; while the tree-like kinds are
used to serve as pollards, (see page 133 Note*). The

propagation is effected by cuttings see page 67 and
in the management of the willow shrubs along the banks
of rivers, exposed to inundations we resort to a coppice
treatment with short rotations from eight to ten years,
the rods retaining up to that age the pliability, by
which they are able to withstand the pressure of the
invading waters, and to break their force without being
broken themselves. If they are allowed to grow older.

they lose their flexibility, and becoming stiff and

immovable, the intruding waters create behind them
whirlpools which undermine the soft soil, and form pools
with stagnant waiter, by which not only the further
plant-growth but also the consistency of the bank is
endangered. What kinds of willows of the many indig-
enous species we should employ for the purposes stated,
will be best learned from experience made in the different
localities of our State in regard to the growth and
behavior of the same. That our indigenous species are
not of great economic value especially for osier jDurposes
is pretty certain, as their twigs and rods are mostly
wanting the flexibility which renders them so useful in
basket-making. To furnish the required material for
this growing industry we therefore have had for years

to look and are still looking upon importations of
rods from Germany. Lately, however, the cultivation
of some of the foreign species having met with success
here, we are now able to advantageously employ a culture
by wdiich many areas of lands may be made profitable
which otherwise would be entirely useless.
The willows mostly used in Germany for industrial
purposes are: salix purpurea and viminalis. The latter
grows tree-like, while the former develops into shrubs.
Salix viminalis produces a much larger quantity of twigs,
and strong ones which farmers use for building
at that,
fences. Salix jnirpurea is by far not so coarse as vimi-
nalis and, therefore especially in demand for the manu-
facture of the finer grades of willow-ware. In our
State the salix purpurea is called the red osier, and
although imported from Germany, succeeds very
well. It produces numerous pliant, evenly grown
rods which are especially adapted for wattling p^ir-
poses. This willow, the bark of which furnishes also
the material for extracting salicylic acid, is not so fasti-

dious in regard to the soil, growing well not only on

moist but also on dry, sandy soil, and even on swampy
lands. It can endure the heat and cold as well as moisture
and dryness. The profits of a willow plantation are very
large. In Germany they used to be as high as $80 per
acre. The
cultivation is comparatively easy. The nat-
ural homes of the willow are the banks of rivers and the
low bottom lands subjected to temporary inundations.
The soil best adapted for a permanent willow plantation
is a moist humus with a sandy subsoil. There is no kind
of tree with which water plays so important a part as the
willow. It is true the willow likes a moist soil which
may sometimes be even entirely overflowed, but the
water should not remain for too long a time and, there-
fore, in places where this occurs, drainage should be
resorted to.
Willow plantations require a thorough cultivation with
deep plowing and subsoiling to the depth of 18
inches. If expenses are no obstacle, spading in such a
way as to turn the subsoil up and spread it over the
humus is to be preferred. Then the roots of the young
plants have the benefit of the fertile soil, while the in-
fertile subsoilon the top prevents the growth of weeds.

For spring planting and this is in our State preferable

to fall planting the ground should be fully prepared
during the preceding fall before the first frost appears
and exposed to the action of the frost and air during
the winter. The cuttings should be made late in the
fall, when vegetation has come to rest, about 13 inches
long, from vigorous and sound main shoots, using only
the lower half of them. They should be kept during
the winter, bundled up in moist sand in a place which
is free from frost. They are planted from one to two
feet apart in rows, which are wide enough to allow the
soil between them to be worked, in order to eradicate

the weeds. The best way to keep the plantation clean,

and at the same time to secure a rapid growth, is to
manure the space between the rows and raise therein
potatoes, turnips, or other root-fruits which require a
good deal of cultivation during the summer. If this
system be practiced, there will be already in the
second year shoots so large as to allow a crop. Large
plantations, however, are commonly divided into three
to four fields (lots), of which one is cut every year.
This short rotation is preferred, because the rods when
young are more pliable than when grooving older. In
planting the cuttings, care should be taken, not to dis-
turb the callus, which had been formed at the bottom of
the cuttings during the time of their being bundled up
and covered with moist sand. They should be set at an
angle of forty-five degrees in the plant hole with the
eyes in an upward direction. Cuttings planted in this
way are much ground by the set-
better packed in the
tling of the soil than when and there is
set straight up,
nothing which hurts the growth of cuttings more than
becoming loose in the soil and being shaken by the
wind. See page 67.



There are many acres of bottom land along the rivers,

which, owing to their low situation, cannot be drained.
Upon them there soon appear sour grasses, reeds,
rushes and sedges, out of the decaying materials of
which and of other vegetable and mineral accretions
the bogs, marshes or fens and swamps are formed.

Wet grounds are called either bogs or marshes or

swamps. Bogs are the softest grounds, and often too
soft to bear a man. Marshes or fens are less soft, but
very wet however, they bear a man. Sivamps are soft

and spongy but sustain man and beast, and are often
pastured. The subsoil, mostly, is of sandy structure.
If these wee grounds contain a good proportion of
minerals and mineral combinations with vegetable
matter, they afford the best opportunity for raising
every cultivated fruit. But commonly this kind of
soil is too porous and does not possess the consistency
required by plant vegetation for its vigorous growth.
Should it be possible to overcome this obstacle by
adding sand or clay to the surface soil there is no artifi-
cial meadow which will, under proper treatment, pro-
duce more grass and fodder than such a natural mea-
dow. If such meadows can be drained even only by
forming raised beds, with deep ditches, every crop
could be successfully raised upon them. But most
localities of this kind cannot be drained, and being
exposed to repeated inundations by rivers, there is no
ether means of utilizing them than by growing forest-
trees. The preparation of the soil, in this case con-
sists burning over the top of the soil, in doing
which, care has to be taken that the fire should not
penetrate too deeply into the and consume the
entire vegetable mould, for then the soil would lose most
of its fertility, and produce only shrubs and mullen
stalks. But if only the top of the surface soil is burnt,
the mixing of the ashes with the remaining soil renders
it very fertile, and planting may be begun in the fol-

lowing spring.
Another means to prepare swampy grounds for tree
culture is to dig out narrow but deep ditches at the

proper distance apart, and spread the dugout upon the


beds thus formed. The softer the field, the deeper the
trenches should be dug, and consequently the higher
should the beds be raised. Although there is much
left for one's own judgment in this matter, the propor-
tion of the width of beds to that of the ditches usually
is five to one, while the depth of the ditches is regulated
by the depth of the vegetable mould and the level of the
ground-water. The ditches should be so deep as to
bring up a layer of the sandy subsoil at least six inches
thick, and heighten the beds to such a degree that the
level of the ground-water remains at least three feet
below the surface soil. After the lapse of one year,
planting may be begun without any further Avorking of
the soil, the heavy sand sinking by its own Aveight into
the porous surface, thus rendering it fit for sylvi-cul-
ture. But should the dugup subsoil be loamy, a thor-
ough plowing and mixing with the top soil is necessary.
On the soil of a swamp prepared in this manner,
''planting" of forest-trees is decidedly preferable to
"seeding" as such ground the growth of
much, and, therefore, the surface will soon be
grasses too
covered by a dense mat of grass and weeds unless more
often disturbed by the cultivator, a treatment which
would in a seeded field prevent the seeds from sprout-
ing. The best time for planting is the spring, as by
planting during the fall, winter killing could not be

avoided on account of the elevated lay of the spongy

beds, and their being greatly exposed to frost. But
even to plant seedlings (from one to two years old) the
rapidity of the growth of gras^ and weeds is very obnox-
ious, and, therefore, to prevent any inroads from this
cause, hill-planting has to be resorted to.* In these hills,

made from the subsoil earth, the seedlings are set as

*See pages 9T and 98.


deep as possible without covering the top of the hill.

Upon swamps containing rich soil should be planted
spruces, oaks and beeches, with which ash, elm and
maple, may be mixed. On such places the most lucrative
forest management for producing timber and lumber
can be introduced, as here also all valuable light-needing
trees prosper and grow so strongly that even an inter-
mixture of the otherwise much dreaded birch may be
If the soil of the swamp is poor, spruces and oaks
may be planted under the protection of the pine. On
sloughs, that is, swamps with such wet ground as can-
not be drained at all, the swamp hickory, alder and black
ash will still thrive, and even the spruce and balsam fir
will grow and exercise a beneficient eifect in absorbing
the moisture of the ground and rendering it more com-



Leaving the low bottom lands of the rivers called

the alluvium and
ascending to the higher plains we
find, that, in the original state of the country, a few
kinds of the Erica family take possession of the territory
both dry and wet, and form the principal vegetation.
Only where the ground is too sandy and loose do they
give way to lichens, mosses and other plants which are
content with very poor soil, as for instance, small leaved
winter dock, corn marigold etc. Those Ericas possess
the peculiarity of secreting through their leaves much

resin, and this combined with the rotten roots and other
parts of the plants, bring into existence in the course of
time, so thick and impenetrable a surface soil that
neither rain nor any other moisture of the air or earth
can sink into the ground. Moreover, should any ele-
vation of the ground prevent the stagnant waters from
flowing off, swamps are formed which foster the growth
of aquatic plants (cotton-grasses, tuft-grasses, etc.), by
the decay and rotting of which the organic surface of
the soil is This is the way in
continually increased.
which the moorlands are built up. When the
accumulations of aquatic plants have reached a consider-
able height the power of vegetation passes away and
peat bogs of more or less consistency are formed accord-
ing to whether the water is drained off or retained in the
soil. In the lowlands of the heaths this soil is often
mixed with more or muck.* Should it be possible

to apply drainage here, there would be an opportunity

for cultivating every kind of grain. But if moorlands
do not contain anything to counteract the noxious effect
of the too abundant carbonaceous humus and humic acid,
there is no other means of utilizing such lands except to
prepare them for raising forest-trees, and, for this pur-
pose, to mix with the moor soil the deeper lying mineralic
ingredients of the subsoil. This is done in the following
manner: After the moor has been drained as much as
practicable the tufts of the top soil are scattered all over,
and the surface is, as much as possible, made level.
Thereupon deep plowing is resorted to with the effect of
bringing up the sand from the subsoil for mixing it with
the moor dirt. Should the moor layer be so thick that

*Wc mean by " muck " the vegetable deposits of swamps and ponds,
consisting of decayed organic substances mixed with more or less earth
and containing much carbon.

the subsoil cannot be, reached by the plow, then sand

should be dug uj) from the bottom of the ditches, run-
ning through the moor, and scattered over the surface
soil,whereupon by deep plowing a complete mixing of
the surface soil with the dugout sand should be perfected.
If the surface soil be pretty compact and strong, a sand
layer from five to six inches thick will be sufficient,
while poorer soil should be enriched by a layer several
inches thicker.
This culturemay be preceded by burning over the
surface by which process the expenses of the culti-

vation are remarkably lessened. But if the turf (top of

the moor soil) proves to be very thick, burning over the
surface soil cannot be avoided, but must be, under all
circumstances, employed.
When the surface of a moor has been treated in this
way, the spruce, and even fir, may be planted as principal
stock of trees as the soil, even during the driest summers,

will contain sufficient moisture to favor the growth of

these trees. According to the quality of the soil, either
beeches and oaks, or oaks and pines, or only pines are
used to serve as mixture, the best soil been assigned to
the first-named trees and the next best to the second
combination. The poorest soil will not permit the growth
of any other kind of trees but the pine. However, under
the cover of this tree there may spruce and hemlock
grow, although they will not flourish luxuriantly.



It an undisputed fact that an area covered with the


richest humus,
if exposed to continual moisture, will

soon lose its fertility, and all plant-life on it will die, as

the stagnant water thoroughly chills the soil and leeches
out every particle of plant-food. Upon the remains of
the destroyed vegetation, first peat-mosses, unci later,
more developed aquatic plants make their appearance.
These continually die off, only to let others spring up
again, and in the fulness of time, they reach such an
elevated position as to be in want of necessary humidity.
The remainder of these plants, on account of their sub-
mersion and of the antiseptic property of the humic acid
contained in the water do not fully decay, but accumu-
late during many years and finally form a thick moss-
turf (cover of the moor) upon which some of the ericaeas
appear, together with other plants which are content
with a moist moor ground and sour humus. As long as
the bottom of a moor is being raised by this accretion,
the moor extends further on over the margins and
becomes larger, for the original vegetation of the borders
also dies out, owing to the increased swampy condition
into which the surrounding margin of the moor has been
brought, giving way to the mosses. The central part
of these moors, having grown up for a longer time than
the margins (which always extend laterally) usually has
a higher situation than the borders and is, therefore,
called in Germany High Moor and in England Moss-
land. The vegetation thereon principally consists of

peat-mosses and heath-plants, of which the former

occupy the low, swamj)y places, while the latter settle
npon the comparatively higher and, therefore, drier and

more compact parts of the moor the tufts
The first annual report of the New York Forest Com-
mission contains the following graphic description of
these moors which are called there " natural meadows."
" These natural meadows are formed by the gradual
filling-up oflake or pond- beds with an accumulated
growth and deposit. They are seen in the Adirondacks
in all stages of formation; some having a wide swampy
margin with a matted growth of aquatic vegetation and

others still, entirely grown over. The last stage of

development is the natural meadow, level as a floor, on
which grows a scant, wiry, inferior quality of grass."
The high moors or moss lands are formed not only on
plains and on heaths, but also in forests and upon mount-
ains, covered with a luxuriant growth of forest-trees.
This is proved by the many large trees which are found
in the peat layers. In former years the beavers, by
building their dams across the forest streams, laid the
foundation for many high moors. At present, reckless
men, who undertake to transport felled trees by rafts
upon the torrents of mountains, often stop the natural
flow of the waters, by erecting dams, and cause a back
flow which kills even the most luxurious forest-growth,
forming a nucleus around which the rapacious aquatic
plants gather and work up their way in the above des-
cribed manner. On this subject the cited Report of the
New York Forest Commission also contains a vivid des-
cription which we think will be very interesting to the
reader. Under the heading of Beaver Meadows it says,
on page 19, "Years ago when the beavers were plenty in
the Adirondack waters, they built their dams across the
creeks and streams. Sometimes these dams caused long

back flows, covering the low ground where the stream

was sluggish and the fall slight. The surrounding trees
and bushes, water-killed or drowned by the back flow,
or gnawed down by the beavers, fell into the water and
gradually decayed. This mixed with the debris brought
by floods, as time went on, filled their pond, and aquatic
vegetation, finding root in this rich mould, soon com-
pleted the work."
In regard to the cultivation of the high moors the
following considerations may be kept in view: The
peat-mosses form an infertile and wherever the top

soil consists of such ingredients thereis no possibility

for a successful culture of forest vegetation. But the

heath plants render the moor soil compact, and even
enrich it, forming in due time a surface soil which
proves the more nutritous the thicker it becomes, and
enables us to proceed with growing forest-trees thereon.
In Europe those countries which contain many high-
moors are very poor and, therefore, only sparsely settled.
But lately the moors have been recommended for plant-
ing them with forest-trees and people have successfully
grown there all kinds of trees, especially oak seedlings
as coppice wood for tanning purposes.
For raising forest-trees upon high moors, first of all
there has to be ascertained whether mineralic earth
may be had from the subsoil without too much exjiense.
If this be the case, the culture upon raised beds as des-
cribed in Chapter II. Avould be the most advisable one.
The more mosses the top soil contains and consequently
the poorer this soil is, the more sand has to be brought
up from the subsoil and thoroughly mixed with the moor
soil. Commonly a layer of sand from 6 to 10 inches
will be sufficient. Should the moor ground be too deep
to reach the sandy subsoil, drainage combined with
burning over the top soil is the only means for unlock-

ing the plant-producing power of the ground. High

moors which have been burnt over are very favorably
changed, both in regard to the mechanical and chemical
conditions of the soil. Naturally the peaty ground is
too porous to retain moisture and, therefore, in dry
weather parches up while it, by a continuance of rain, is
converted into a mud pool. After the surplus water has
been drained off and the top soil burnt over, the ground
becomes more compact and, for this reason, does not
change so much by alternate drying up and being over-
flowed with water. In this condition of greater density
the soil is still enabled to let in the gases of the air,
required for the support of every vegetation, and to
easily absorb moisture from the atmosphere to supply
the demands of the plants. Such soil does not retain so
much water as thereby to kill the plant-roots in case of
frost. The chemical condition of this soil is, by the
burning in so far improved, as many of the elements
obnoxious to plant-growth, are destroyed while others
enter into combinations which are favoring plant-growth.
So the too abundant humic acid disappears and leaves a
carbonate of lime Avhich serves to further take out the
sourness of the ground. The protoxide or black oxide,
which is always found in great quantities on such places
and poisons every plant, takes up, after the water is
removed, more oxygen, and is then changed into the
unnoxious peroxide, or red iron which even furnishes
some food to plants.
As for the trees to be planted after the high moors
have received the proper preparation, it has been proved
to be best, to plant upon sanded moor ground princi-
pally the spruce, to which may be added oak and pine.
Upon the not sanded moors, pine is the leading tree, to
which the spruce and, in a small scale, the oak may be
added as mixtures.


Drainage and burning over the surface soil being the

means to bring the moors into such a condition
as to plant forest-trees upon them, are, therefore, so
important that they may well form the subject of a



When moors are to be prepared for tree-growth, the

first step to accomplish this end is to apply drainage.
By this it is not intended to remove all of the humidity

out of the ground, but only the excess of water

water-soaked soil being detrimental to every plant-
In bottom-lands, drainage is often dammed up by the
high water-table of adjoining rivers, but the hilly up-
lands afford ample opportunity for the application of
In order to render the drainage of a place or district
perfect, a careful investigation of the entire locality
should be instituted, and its topography, including the
courses of the streams and rivers, should be minutely
mapped out. Thereupon the elevations of the surface
and the height of the water-table should be found out
and marked on the map or chart.
After the level of the place, both in regard to its prin-
cipal part and the adjuncts, has been ascertained, a
system of drains and their operation, by which the
excess of water may be let off, can be easily delineated.
First, an appropriate direction has to be given to the
main or receiving ditch. Commonly, this direction will

point to the more inclined part of the place, and the

outlet will be the spot which is situated lowest.
On most of extended tracts, we find empty beds of
old rivulets or other water courses. These are the best
guides for ascertaining the natural level of the place.
However, the site and run of the river, stream or other
channel, into which the principal ditch is supposed to
pass oft' its contents, is the decisive moment in settling
the question of the direction of this ditch. If feasible,
the direction should be the straiglitest jjossible, not only
for the sake of saving territory and labor, but because
the flow of water is then less damaging to the slopes of
the ditch than when checked by curvatures and
In order to determine upon the width and depth of
the main ditch, the quantity of water which runs over
the place not only during summer time, but also during
floodsand in wet seasons must be ascertained. Finally,
an examination of the quality of the soil, especially in
regard to its different layers, ingredients, water-table,
must be made, because the correct laying
porosity, etc.,
out of the trenches depends for the most part upon
these considerations.
In planning out the particulars of a drainage system
for moors there should not only be taken into considera-
tion the best way to let off the water, and to prevent
forever the degeneration of moors into swamps, but
also the means to stop the outflow during the dry sea-
sons at will. If the subsoil be sandv, a deepening of
the level of the ground water sometimes becomes highly
objectionable because the vegetation in such case, dur-
ing a dry season, will not be so sufficiently developed as
it would be if the necessary humidity of the soil were
Usually forest-trees thrive where the land extends

from three to four feet above the level of the ground

water, altliough a great many trees send their roots
much deeper into the soil. But if the moor is very
spongy and porous, there exists such a capillary attrac-
tion of the ground water up to the overlaying soil, that
with the lowering of the water-table to the stated depth,
the necessary drainage and percolation of air through
the soil cannot be obtained. It is, therefore, advisable
to lay the main ditch, if possible, deep enough so as to
bring the water-table to a level with the solid subsoil.
The danger that the surface soil, by this arrangement,
may be rendered too dry will be avoided, as hereinbe-
fore stated, by the erection of proper devices for stop-
ping the flow of water at will.
The main ditch should be laid out in the deepest
places of the longitudinal fall of the area, and into this
ditch the side-ditches open so as to discharge their water
at the most acute angle possible. The side ditches are
mostly laid out pretty regular, except if springs or
other aqueous spots should be found for the drainage of
which special trenches should be opened. If the area
to be drained extends more in breadth than in length,
especially if the middle part contains an elevation run-

ning straight through the middle and is sloping on

both sides of the centrum of the area, no side ditches
are required, but only several longitudinal ditches, run-
ning parallel or nearly so with the main ditch, may be
opened, provided they are situated so near to each other
as to drain off, completely, the water of the land lying
between them.
The number of side ditches depends upon the quan-
tity of the water to be drained off and the condition of
the soil, while the depth of the ditches depends upon
the elevation of the soil and the quantity of water to
be carried by the ditch. Owing to the pressure exer-

cised by the surrounding upon the

soil sides of the
ditches, danger exists of the embankments sliding down
and, ere long, to fill up the ditches. For this reason the
sides of the ditches have to slope at an angle of about
35 from the horizontal, whether the soil may consist
of sand, clay or loam. For, although the soil of the
last-named kind stands for a while firm, if the sides of
a ditch are all perpendicular, the drying effect of
the air upon the sides is such as to soon remove every
tenacity out of the soil, and make it crumble down into
the ditch.
The slope of ditches in moors with tenacious soil
used to be from 15 to 30 from the perpendicular; with
loose soil 45 ; and if there is reason to assume that the
quantity of water carried through will be very large
and rapid, a slope of 60 to 70 is to be given. The
base of the ditches is commonly as vi^ide as the ditch is
deep, unless the locality, especially the elevation of the
soil, renders a change necessary. From the depth, the
width of the base and the pitch of the sides it is easy to
compute the amount of area occupied by the ditch. It
is of great importance to establish a uniform grade of

descent in the slope of the ditches. The larger the bulk

of the water is which has to pass off, the greater the
force of the water in the duct (or conduit) becomes, and
the less the gradual fall should be, especially in loose
soils ; otherwise the bottom and slopes of the ditches
will be exposed to the danger of washing out. In case
the natural descent should be too steep and, therefore,
encroachments upon the slopes are apprehended, it is
necessary to interrupt the descent from time to time,
and to establish little rajjids in the ditches at the foot
of which a new grade commences. But this operation
seldom occurs in the plains; it is aj)plied mostly in hilly

lu large, extended plains a fall of 1.6000 may be suf-

ficient for a regular flow of the water ; usually the pro-
portion of 1.2000 is considered desirable for the proper
discharge of the water, and in smaller ditches even a
greater fall may be given without danger of injury to
the base or sides of the ditches.
The transverse ditches which discharge their water
into the main ditch should have the least possible fall,
because, if thus constructed, they can easily be shut up
whenever required and the water therein retained during
a dry season. Usually they are so planned that during
the wet seasons they discharge the water at a proper
depth, while during the dry summer seasons, the water
in the main ditch is stopped and forced to flow back into
the lateral ditches, in order to furnish the soil with the
necessary moisture. This is especially desirable in sandy

The above suggestions may be sufficient for guidance

in draining smaller areas, and where no great local dif-
ficulties have to be overcome. However, where the proj-
ect assumes larger dimensions, and the obstacles to be
surmounted are of more than usual magnitude, an ex-
pert should be called in for surveying, mapping and
laying out the field, while the employer will be greatly
assisted by the rules hereinbefore given to ascertain that
the planning and execution of the work will prove



There does not exist any mode of cultivating the

soil which the agriculturist despises more than that
which is done by burning over the surface ground. And
yet there is no means by which the natural or wild
moors may be brought into the proper condition for
growing upon them forest-trees more cheaply and
quickly than just this primitive operation. We, there-
fore, maybe permitted to treat upon this subject a little
more extensively.
After the moor has been sufficiently drained, beds
about fifty feet wide are laid out and enclosed with
ditches twelve inches deep. In the fall or early winter,
preceding the burning, the rugged surface soil is broken
up with a hand hoe, the iron of which should be
tapering and curved on the inside. By this action the
peaty tufts become inverted and the top soil assumes a
pretty even form. During the ensuing winter the frost
acts upon the clods making them more friable. In
the next spring the Avork of hoeing over the surface is

repeated for the effect of pulverizing the clods thor-

oughly, and of making the top on the lower parts of the
moor aseven as possible, whereby the laborers are in-
structed to work the soil so as to make a little ridge in
the middle of the beds in order that the atmospheric
moistures may flow off more quickly. Thereupon the
moor is allowed to rest several weeks till the surface has
become thoroughly dry. After this the ground is often
worked with a liand harrow for working with farm
animals would be impossible upon such a light and

spongy soil till the top becomes fully dried to the

depth of about eight inches. On a warm, sunny day in

early summer burning over the peaty ground begins,
and for that purpose little heaps of the lightest and dry-
est soil, in distances of from forty to fifty feet, are raked
up and kindled in such a way that the heaps lying to
the windward are ignited first. When these heaps are
fairly burning, panfuls of the burning soil are taken up
and the ignited turf is scattered all over the spaces be-
tween the heaps till the whole area is on fire. The op-
eration is generally done during the noontime, when Avind
and heat are strong, and in such manner that the opera-
tor commences kindling from that part of the moor
which is situated in the face of the wind, working up
his way against the wind. In doing so the fire pene-
trates from three to four inches into the soil and leaves
an ash layer of the same thickness. As soon as the
fire has done its woi'k and the smoke is cleared away,

the best we can do to make the moor pay for the ex-
penses caused by this culture, is to soav buckwheat even
upon the warm ashes, as this grain, under favorable cir-
cumstances, may yield the richest crop ever harvested.
The besttime of sowing is at the end of May. The
sowing is done by hand, whereupon Avith a light hand
harrow, the grain is covered and rolled over by a hand
roller. Early in fall, when most of the buckwheat ker-
nels have turned black, the crop is cut and left in the
field in swaths until dry enough to be put into little
heaps, which, when perfectly dry, are placed in the
Every spring during the next three years, the ditches
should be deepened in the same proportion as the sur-
face soil is lowered by the burning, in order to keep the
ditches at a uniform depth of about twelve inches; and
the moor should be worked with a common, perforated
hand hoe and burnt over again. Buckwheat will still

be the most profitable crop, paying nearly all the ex-

penses that have been incurred for the improvement.
The moor will then be in such a condition as to produce
for several years a crop of oats or rye ; but it is best
not to exhaust the fertility of the soil too much, and
rather let rest and enter upon a fallow of several

years, after which forest-planting may be commenced

successfully. At all events, the soil, by the several
burnings and cultivatings, will be chemically so much
changed that its obnoxious ingredients are destroyed,
and components favorable for plant-growth which for-
merly were locked up, become unlocked and efficient.
Precautions have, however, to be taken not to burn too
deep into the moor-ground, because only the heath plan-
tation should be destroyed, while the underlying inac-
tive elements which originated from the decayed aquatic
plants will be brought into use by the drainage. For this
reason the fires should run over the top soil as quickly
as possible, and, therefore, the ignition be made Avhen
the weather is very dry and fresh winds are blowing. It
is true that then the ashes are lost, but the residue of
the coals is what stimulates the vitality of the underly-
ing soil. In order to prevent damages which may occur
when the fire penetrates too deep into the earth it is

advisable to close the ditches so as to keep the water-

table up to a desired height.



In our State Ave have many varieties of sandy soils,

which contain principally silicates, without a proper
admixture of the other minerals (clay, lime, potash)
necessary for a thrifty vegetable growth. Moreover the
mechanical texture of such grounds is entirely unquali-
fied to retain humidity, as this either disappears by
evaporation or by sinking into the depths of the soil,
where it is inaccessible to the roots of plants. The only
way to utilize such lands is to grow forest-trees upon
them, as experience shows us that upon soils containing
nearly ninety-eight per cent, pure sand and almost no
water * pines and oaks may be successfully grown, unless
climate and situation prevent the growth of any plant-
In the European territories most of the sand-wastes,
excepting blowing sands, are covered with a mat of
heaths, whins and brooms, through which water pene-
trates but sparsely into the ground. This mat which is

from three to five inches deep, usually rests upon an

impenetrable stratum, from eight to twelve inches thick,
which consists of sand cemented by calcareous and vege-
table matter or by iron oxide. This hard-pan or heath-
pan, in Germany called " Orstein," which is formed by
acidification of the subsoil, and is underlaid with sand,
must first be broken, and the broken pieces must be
brought to the surface in order that the air may desoxide
them and remove the elements obnoxious to plant-growth
contained therein. After this has been effected, plant-

* The far-famed forest of Fontaiaebleau, in France, is grown on just

such kind of soil.


ing can be begun. But as this kind of soil is not often

met with in our State, we will leave it out of further
consideration, and turn to the common sand-wastes, of
which there are, as the census of 1880 says, several mill-
ions of acres.
In order to bring the sand-wastes proper (excepting
the blowing or shifting or drifting sands) in a condition
adapted for raising tiees upon them, the soil should re-
ceive one deep plowing in the fall preceding the plant-
ing, and, after being harrowed, should be left untouched
during the ensuing winter. Early in spring, planting
or seeding as the cultivator may have decided upon
can be commenced.
Regarding the selection of the trees to be planted,
there is no doubt that the pine will be the dominant
species. But as in sandy soils constant protection of
the ground against the drying influences of sun and
wind has to be principally aimed at; and as the pine,
after a growth of from ten to fifteen years, loses its side
branches, with which it effects this protection, spruce,
oak and even beeches should be mixed in the proportion
of one-fifth of spruces, and of one-tenth of oaks and
beeches. In case seedlings are set out, it is easy to de-
termine upon the proper place for each tree. But when
the ground is to be seeded and, over large areas, sowing
is by far cheaper and more quickly accomplished,
although it is growing period
not so sure during the first

of the seedliiigs furrows have to be opened, in which
the nuts of oaks and beeches are sown, whereupon the
field should be harrowed even. Then the pine and
spruce seed is sown broadcast and lightly harrowed
under. On very light soil this operation has the effect
of causing the several kinds of trees to spring up easily
and to continue growing until first the beech, then the
oak, and finally the spruce disappears for want of plant-

food; while the pine remains as the stock of standard

trees. On the better sandy soils, containing a larger
amount of clay, lime, etc., the pine is destined to pre-
serve the humidity of the soil, and to protect its co-
plants against sun and wind. In this case, therefore,
the management should be so directed as to eliminate
the evergreens as soon as the deciduous trees have
reached the proper age and condition that will enable
them to shift for themselves in light soil, and at the
same time to constantly protect the soil against sun and
wind. For such kind of ground preserves its increasing
fertility only when contimialhj protected against atmo-
spheric influences, whereas a removal of the trees and
the exposure of the soil to the effects of sun and air
make the recovered fertility of the ground disappear
very soon. Conclusive evidence of the truth of this as-
sertion is furnished by the ji resent condition of the

"Landes of Sologne," in France, a barren sand-waste

of 100,000 acres, only interrupted by marshes and
swamps. And yet history tells us that these "Landes"
formerly were covered with a dense forest. Avarice and
imprudence of men cleared the woods away, and the
" Landes " relapsed into what was their original condi-
tion. Therefore, care must be taken to at once replant
vacancies and glades with oaks, beeches, hornbeams, etc.,

at small distances apart from four to six feet; and to

renew stunted or damaged single trees by strong seed-
lings. Openings in plantations of very light soil should
be filled out with spruces.
It is, therefore, justly contended that sand-Avastes can
be reclaimed by sylviculture, because they obtain thereby
a fertility which afterwards enables them to produce
grain for some time. As soon as this fertility has given
out, we have it in our power to regain the lost fertility
by reforesting the sand-wastes.




The difficulties which have to be overcome in order

to aforest sand-wastes or pine-barrens, are, as we have
seen in the preceding chapter, not inconsiderable. And
yet they will be still greater and nearly insurmount-
able when sand-drifts or blowing sands are to be
brought into a condition which shall render them suit-
able for sylviculture. In general there are two different
phases in which sand-drifts are met with. One form is
that ot bm-ren plains in the interior of our State, an-
other that of the downs or dunes, that is: the shifting
hillocks upon the Undoubtedly the former
sea coast.
have been in times long past fixed naturally by arbor-
eous growth; while the sand-drifts on the sea coast never
have been covered with any substantial vegetation.
The inland sand-drifts can be brought into cultivation
after the mobile sand on the surface of the barren plains
has been bound or fixed. This operation is accomplished
by, first, making the ground as even as possible, and
then laying over it in a chessboard-like way, sods taken
from old pastures or peatbogs, whereupon the whole

tract both the covered and the uncovered part of it
is seeded down with grasses which check the extension

of shifting sands. Especially recommendable for this

purpose are arundo arenaria, clymus arenaria and other

grasses growing upon dunes. These grasses send their

roots deeply into the loose soil, consolidate the sand with
their roots and rootlets, prevent its drifting and render
it, during an undisturbed growth of several years, so com-

pact that trees, which are content with poor soil, may

safely be grown there. Common juniper is the tree gen-

erally planted to protect that side of the wood area
which is principally exposed to strong winds. Other use-
ful trees are the Canadian poplar, some pines as the pitch
pine, scrub pine, Scotch pine, acacias, and even
some oaks and birches may be used as an admixture.
The leading tree should be the Scotch pine, the plant-
ing of which is commonly done by setting out three-
year old plants with the balls. If one-year old seed-
lings are used they should be planted close to the north
side of the adjoining sod in order that the sun during the
hot summer months cannot so easily penetrate through
the soil, and dry up the roots of the young plants.
The most successful attempts for bringing inland sand
wastes into such a condition as to use them either as for-
est-grounds or as grain-bearing fields, have been made in

France with the sandy " Landes " of Gascony and of the
Gironde. These sand-wastes, containing several millions
of acres poor sand land, from one, to one-and-a-half feet
deep, with shifting sand at the top and resting upon an
impermeable layer of hard-pan, were about forty years
ago, during the summer time, great deserts; and during
the winter overflown, with water. They could only sup-
port a very small population, living on the scant revenue
derived from little flocks of poorly fed sheep. At the
present time they are covered either with splendid pine
and oak forests or with grain-bearing fields. This has
been accomplished by first draining off the stagnant

water and then sowing some of the above-named grasses,


the grounds became in due time quite compact. They

were then in such a condition that sowing and respect-
ively planting pines in combination with other trees as
red oak, post oak, birch and chestnuts could be under-
taken. The first two named kinds of trees succeeded
especially well ; they furnish now the material required


by the two provinces for tanning purposes and for coop-

erage. On some of these lands agriculture is also suc-
cessfully practiced, but this was only feasible by intro-
ducing a rotation in which sylviculture plays a promi-
nent part. The farms are all kept in wood, and after
they have thus been brought into a fertile state, a part
of the wood is cut down, made areable and cultivated for
a period of from 10 to 15 years. The then exhausted
area is again planted with forest-trees, and after the lapse
of about 13 years again turned over to agriculture. So the
inventive genius of modern times has assisted Europe,
in repairing the damage done by the nefarious action of
improvident and avaricious people, as history shows
that four hundred years ago those " Landes " were cov-
ered with dense forests, interspersed with many flour-
ishing farms and villages.
With the increasing population of our State and the
(alarming) decrease of the principal trees from which
tanning material has been hitherto derived, there should
the reclaiming of the many millions of barren acres,
both in our State and the neighboring States through
forest planting not longer be delayed. It is proven be-
yond any doubt, that tree culture even upon such
waste lands as are entirely unadapted to agriculture
see Chapter IV., p. 158; Chapter precedent is prof-
itable, and that it is a sure and valuable investment. It
is true that landowners will not be inclined to interest
themselves in the establishment of high forests and wait
from 80 to 100 years for earning the fruits of their labors;
and even middle forests, which require a term of from 40
to 50 years for their exploitation, will not be attractive
to them, but coppice-cultures with cutting periods of
from 12 to 15 years will always, besides improving poor
soils, be desirable and well-paying operations. By select-
ing the proper species among our oaks, acacias, ashes,

poplars, willows, etc., it will not be difficult to start a

coppice-wood which, will term of 10 or 15
Avithin a
years, furnish material not only for the tanner, but also
for the cooper and the paper maker.
The continual treatment of woods as coppices is not
quite natural, and cannot be fully maintained, unless
the trees to which such repeated exploitations cause
death (oaks) are sometimes replaced by seedlings.
When for one reason or the other, especially through ex-
haustion of the soil, these replacements become imprac-
ticable, there remains but one remedy, that is to give up
the copse culture and substitute for foliaged trees coni-
fers. These will grow well on lands on which the
former cannot live, and bring the soil to such a degree
of fertility, that it may later be used for agricultural




"When the sand in the ocean is washed up by the surf,

it on the beach and, in this condition, is carried

inland by the wind and piled up in hills. The little
mineralic grains of which the sand consists, and which,
at the surface of the beach, for want of sufficient means
to arrest them, are continually in an unsettled condition,
will be easily by the winds, brought into a landward
motion, covering up, in due time, vast fertile tracts of
land with sterile stuff. In Europe, there are made, on
several places, the strongest efforts to reclaim millions
of acres, which thus had been, from the most fertile

fields, converted into sand-wastes. The most remark-

able case known is the Tidswilde llegn (forest) situated
at the north coast of the Danish island "Seeland." This
island is one of the most
fertile sjDots on the earth, con-
taining a soil which produces the best grain and the
finest forests, composed of beeches and oaks. The north
coast of the island is ex230sed to strong winds, which carry
enormous masses of sea-sand to the coast, forming there
great hillocks. Uj) to four hundred years ago, forests of
foliaged trees extended behind these hillocks, and arrested
the flying sand so that the fertile land lying behind
the forests Avere Jiot exposed to the inroads of the sand.
But, since then, the woods, which formerly belonged to
the Government, came into private hands and were
ruined by excessive fellings so that, two hundred years
later, the blowing sand had moved several miles inland,
covering whole villages and towns with powdered quartz-
grains, to the depth of several feet. One hundred and
fifty years ago, the Danish Government, in order to pro-
tect this beautiful island from complete ruin, com-
menced operations to confine the shifting sand to the
north coast, and to cover its sandy surface with forest-
trees. This has been done so successfully that, at pres-
ent, fine beech and oak forests are grown where, two
hundred years ago, several feet of sand were piled up.
However, we need not to go to Europe in order to see
the damages done by the shifting sands of the dunes,
when the natural protection of the coasts, the forest-
growth has disappeared. We have the same spectacle
before us on the coasts of Long Island and New Jersey.
At the south side of Long Island there were, some thirty
years ago, pine forests behind the dunes, which, Avith the
increasing improvements on Coney Island, Rockaway
Beach, etc., have been felled. Since that tin.e, the wind
commenced to carry the sea-sand into the interior of the

island, and now farmers living four miles distant from

the coast complain that the sand borne inland by the
wind increases from year to year upon their fields, and
threatens to bury entire farms in the course of time. To
arrest these effects, scientific forestry teaches us, first, to
prevent the shifting of the sand on the surface of the
dunes; and then to bind the loose soil so as to be able
to bear grasses, shrubs and later on, trees. Although
the dunes consist of the most infertile and mobile sand,
they have the peculiarity of absorbing and retaining,
especially in their elevated parts, much humidity; and
this peculiarity helps us greatly to control the drifting
sand ridges, by covering them with herbaceous and, even
with forest-growth, thus permanently binding them.
Among the European nations, there is none that has
done more to resist the encroachments of blowing sands,
and to reclaim such wastes than France. The arresting
and reclaiming of the sand dunes along the Atlantic
Ocean, in the Departments of Gascony and Gironde is a
work which nowhere has been executed with more skill
and success. In consideration of the growing import-
ance of this subject in relation to our State, it may not
be out of the way to describe the particulars of this
operation a little more minutely.
The operations for arresting the destructive effects of
the invasion of the sea-sand consist of (1) the erection
of palisades along the coast, by which the dunes situ-
ated in the rear are protected from the attacks of the
sea-wind and from being exposed to increased sand-
drifts and sand deposits (2) the work proper, for

binding the sand-dunes by aforestation.

1. The magnitude of a performance of this kind

renders it necessary to operate in instalments. Usually

the place to be worked extends in length from 4,000 to
5,000 feet, and in depth ox width fibqut 1,000 feet. In

covekinCt sakd dunes on the sea coast. 177

front of this place a palisade of planks is erected par-

allel to the shore, about 300 feet distant from the high-
est water-mark. The planks, from seven to eight feet
long, are sunk in the sand to a depth of about 18 inches,
a space of one inch being left between them. The sand
arrested by the palisade forms, in due time, an artificial
dune, sloping towards the sea, with the destination to
prevent fresh arrivals of sand from being blown over
the place to be cultivated. The sand which passes
through the interstices of the palisades, banks up behind
them, and strengthens the sand wall. When the pali-
sades, in this way, are nearly covered on both sides, the
planks are, with the help of a lever, lifted up, so as to
keep them about six feet above the surface, and thus the
protection against wind and sand is m&(\.Q permanent.
Sometimes a fence, made of eight feet long stakes, be-
tween which strong but flexible twigs and boughs are
interwoven,is substituted for the wooden palisades. As
soon as the accumulated sand has nearly reached the
top of the fence, the stakes are raised by a lever and
interlaced again. These fences, however, are only in
less exposed situations employed instead of the planks.
2. Thereupon the place to be worked is enclosed, at
the other three sides, by wattled fences. Leaving a
space, three yards wide, next to the back fence un-
touched, owing to the fact that this space will soon be
oversanded by the winds blowing from inland and, there-
fore, unfit for plant vegetation. In distances of ten feet,
parallel with theback fence, towards the sea furrows are
opened, eighteen inches wide and twelve inches deep, in
the midst of which the seed of the maritime pine
variety of pinus silvestris
is drilled and covered with a

little sand, mixed with powdered artificial manure. At a

distance of eight inches from the middle drill, another
drill is made, at each side, in one of which is sown sand-

reed, and in the other furze or gorse. These seeds are

also covered with powdered manure and sand, where-
upon the oj)en furrow is covered with furze ov, in want
of this, with pfrieme, heather, buckwheat plants, pine
boughs or seaweed. The boughs are cut of equal length,
about ten feet long, and laid down in rectangular lines
to the sea-coast, so that the thick ends of the boughs or
plants are placed seaward, and the top of the following
bough covers the stem of the preceding like shingles.
After the entire area or a part of it is worked and cov-
ered in this way, thin but long poles are laid over the
ends of the boughs and fastened to the ground with
wooden staples, in order to shelter the surface and to
keep the movable sand in its place. Under this cover
the seeds will germinate and spring up. Wherever
should be found steep hill-sides covered with sand-reeds
or sand-grasses a common occurrence near the cavities
of the dunes first of all the plant-growth should be cut
down to the root-crowns, otherwise the covering material
cannot be distributed evenly over the surface soil when
seeding is done and then the place must be made some-

what level.
The operations of the next year, unless there is in-
tended a lateral extension, are directed to the area par-
allel with that which has been worked, and is laying
behind it. For this section it is only required to erect
side fences and a back fence, as the planted section
forms a protective wall from the shifting sea-sand.
Should there be found some places within the dunes
which are compact and solid, covering them is dispensed
with, and seeding is done in the usual way by drilling
in the seeds.
A simpler and, formerly, more frequently employed
mode of consolidating the drifting sands upon the
dunes is shown in the following:

Fic. r

'**' l^'- ..'.

. '.',\^f*^

Tj >'.-:*v<nv;: ?/>;:.:;

After the place to be worked has been protected in

the manner heretofore described, by front, back and
side fences and uneven spots, if there be any, leveled,
the entire surface is covered with brushwood or small
evergreen boughs, about four feet in length ; and the
seeds of pines, birches, bushes and grasses are sown
upon them broadcast. Thereupon the laborers take
sand from the adjoining unworked part of the place,
and throw at every two feet a shovelful over the brush-
wood, thus covering not only the seeds, which will, in
the meantime, have mostly fallen through the bushes
to the ground, but also fastening the loose brushwood
to the soil.

This work is done in sections of about three hun-

dred feet long, and of twelve to fourteen feet wide.
Generally it is commenced about three yards distant
from the back fence by children that, while going
backward with the face directed to the back fence,
unloosen piles of brushwood, placed in proper distances
all over the place, and distribute them over their dis-
trict, when the seedsman comes to release them. He is

then followed by the workingmen, who cover the place

with sand.
In the diagram on the opposite page, the formation
of an artificial dune is shown by Fig. 1. It begins at
the high-water mark of the sea, and gradually rises
when the wind is blowing landward, till it has reached
the highest pitch at the top of the dunes. If it is de-
sired to hasten this bundles of straw or
brushwood, so-called fagots, are stuck into the beach-
ground, less in number and height at the start on the
shore, and more numerous and taller near the end of
the artificial dune.
Fig. 3 shows a fenced-in working place, divided up in
three sections. One-half of the first section is finished

in the manner described on page 178, the other half is

to be worked after the old mode (see page 179), and ex-
poses to view the piles of brushwood set in a circle per-
pendicularly to the ground, in order that the shifting
sands may not cover them.
The maritime pine {pinus maritima), which is of such
great importance to southern France, cannot be recom-
mended for similar operations in our State, as it requires
a warmer climate, such as that of California and the
southern Atlantic and Gulf States. If exposed to our
dry and cold winds, during the winter, this tree would
certainly perish. However, we have among our pines
some which would fully accomplish upon our
dunes what the maritime pine has done in France, as,
for instance, the Jersey pine {pinns inops), the pitch
pine {pinus rigicla), the gray pine or scrub pine, and
the red cedar {junijjerus virginianus). For binding
the sand-dunes we have a and
great selection of grasses
bushes, among which deserve special notice: beach-
grass {calamagrostis arenaria), myrtle bush {myrica
cerifera), and such small creeping vines as naturally
take root in the movable arid sand of our sea coast.




The aforesting of mountains has for its object the

creation of a forest vegetation, which should pervade the
soil with a net of numerous roots and rootlets in order
to bind the soil, especially on the steep slopes, and to
prevent its dissolution or sliding down into the valleys
by heavy i-ain storms which underwash the surface soil.

The mountains are furthermore destined to

forests of
furnish to the lower situated, cultivated parts of a
country an effective and lasting shelter against meteoro-
logical influences, especially against the fury of strong
winds. AVhen a tempest beats upon the denuded slopes of
a mountain, it will shake the boulders, catch up the stones
and overturn isolated trees. These obstacles, far from
calming the storm, will redouble its fury; it will re-
bound and form in the valleys tornadoes which devastate
everything that is lying in their way. But when it strikes

a wooded branch will bend under

slope, each tree, each
the force of the wind, but will check its force by its
elasticity the hurricane will be sifted and absorbed by

the woods.
But the principal advantage of wooded mountains
and regulating of a continual
consists in the furnishing
flow of water to the lower situated regions. Usually the
surface soil of mountains is not very thick and, there-
fore, unable to retain, for a long time, the quantity of

humidity which falls upon it. Mountains that are de-

nuded of forests discharge the mass of melted snow
which has been accumulating there during the winter
as soon as the warmth of the sun increases in spring.
Then the waters and streams rush down the valleys,
carrying off whatever they find in their way, swell up
the rivulets and rivers of the valleys, into which they
flow, and cause enormous damage by the inundations
that follow. But when the mountains are covered with
trees, the surface soil becomes not only continually richer,
owing to the accumulation of leaves under the trees and,
therefore, able to support, later on, more and stronger
trees, but also thicker, so as to absorb and retain more
moisture than the old soil was able to do. During the
winter the soil of the forests protected by trees, dead
leaves, mosses, etc., freezes, and so the snow under
the influence of the warmth of the earth melts so slowly
from beneath, that when the warm season appears, some-
times still in the middle of the summer, vestiges of ice and
snow can be found there. The consequence of this
condition of the ground is that every liquid particle is

seized and in its course downward retarded. The for-

mer inundations during spring, followed by aridity and
low water in the navigable rivers during the summer,
and in their stead the discharge of water from the
mountains is so regulated as to deliver an equal and
continually well-regulated flow. The conclusive proof
of these facts is that, in general, abundant springs are
almost all situated at the foot of wooded mountains or

In order to obtain with certainty the above-stated

objects of sylvicultureupon mountains, there should be
applied that form of forest management by Avhich the
sustained growth of standard (fully developed) trees or
high forests will be secured. The so-called coppice man-

agement low
by which the reproduction of
the trees done in the natural way of allowing shoots

and sprouts to grow up cannot realize the end aimed

at, although on many places the condition of the ground

will prevent us from raising standard trees in the usual

way. In such cases tlie forester must be satisfied for a
long time if he is able to produce a vegetation which will
simply improve and respectively increase the soil.
Commonly this is done by growing grasses upon the
poor grounds, and, when they have increased the mould,
bushes may occupy the area, after which planting of
forest-trees may be begun, provided the soil has attained
sufficient solidity and compactness.



Selection of Trees Planting or Seeding.

Forest vegetation in the plains depends almost ex-

clusively upon the condition of the soil but in the;

mountains, besides this, the climate and the formation of

the soil play an important part.
By the spontaneous vegetation we perceive at once
that with the vertical elevation of the mountains, the
temperature of the air gradually is decreasing. This
fact proves that there are climatic stations of vegetation,
the most downward of which corresponds with the vege-
tation in the plains on foot of the mountains, while the
elevated regions manifestly develop mountainous peculi-
arities.* In regard to forest vegetation the tree-growing
* It is a well known fact that the average temperature of a locality is
decreased in proportion to its distance from the Equator. This prin-
ciple also holds good in regard to territorial elevations above the sea-
level. For we find that each elevation of 300 feet above the sea-level
equals, in regard to average temperature, a distance of one degree (65
miles) northward from the Equator.

territory in mountains, therefore, is divided into three

stations, viz.:
1. The temperate station or mild region, which in our
State extends up to about 1,000 feet above sea-level. At
this point begins
2. The cool region middle mountains and reaches
up to about 3,000 feet above sea-level. Thereupon follows
3. The cold region high mountains running up-
ward to from 6,000 to 7,000 feet above sea-level.
In the first region regularly grow the same trees
which we find in the plains at the foot of the moun-
tains: oak, pine, hickory, black walnut, chestnut, elm,
ash, basswood, locust, maple, etc.
j^^he second region produces, under ordinary circum-
stances, especially the following trees : beach, fir,

spruce, hemlock, pine, larch, mountain maple, aspen,

willows, etc.
The third region is confined to the crippled and
stunted varieties of pine, birches and other hardy trees
and shrubs.
But if we will successfully reforest the mountains, we
have besides the alleged observation to take into con-
sideration a great many other points, the most impor-
tant of which we will now briefly discuss.
It is an established fact that trees grown in a higher
latitude will easily be raised in a lower region, but not
vice versa; and that trees of the same zone grow better
if planted more hill downward than upward.
Moreover, the elevation of the mountains, the situation
of the slopes in regard towind and sunshine, have great
influence upon the growth of trees. The sloj^es which
point to the south and east have a liigher average tem-
perature during the year than those which are exposed
to the north and west. In following up this natural
disposition it is possible to raise, in higher situated re-


gions, trees which are generally found only in lower locali-

ties,while on the other hand trees will not grow in their
particular region if exposed to more than ordinary hard-
shij)s, and that in such case as the forester calls it

the trees " step downward."

Those parts of the mountain slopes which are exposed
to the scorching sun rays (south) and the parching
winds (west) suffer often by the rapid evaporation of
the moisture contained in the soil, and, therefore, do not
favor the growth of deciduous trees, but allow only such
evergreens as are not so pretentious in this regard, as
for instance, pines, cedars and larches.
Sometimes the prevailing Avinds, being either un-
usually cold or excessively dry or very wet, change the
character of a mountain situation to the worse and do
not permit the growth of a vegetation which commonly
thrives there while surrounding higher mountains exer-

cise a protecting effect against such physical influence,

and often allow the growth of trees otherwise entirely
unknown in such a locality.
The average humidity of the air, in growing forest-
trees, should also not be undervalued. So, for instance,
the fir, hemlock, spruce, beech, birch, ash and maple,

grow better in a more moist air than do pines and even

oaks. At all events the effects of excessive warmth upon
trees will be considerably counteracted by an excess of
moisture in the currents of the air.
The quantity of warmth, light and humidity received
by any locality, depends, to a great extent, on the angle
Avith Avhich the sun rays fall upon the same, and there-
fore the particular inclination of the soil towards the
horizon must not be left out of consideration.
While the leaves of the trees feed mostly on the con-
tents of the air, the roots have to draw their support
from the soil in which they grow. Therefore, in ordet


that trees may thrive, the quality of tlie soil, both the
mineral and physical, should well be heeded. The mix-
ture of the soil and the proj)ortions in which it con-
tains the principal component parts of the soil, viz., clay,
sand and lime is as every farmer knows very impor-
tant. But still more important are the physical con-
ditions of the soil. Very favorable conditions are:
depth, friability, moisture and the capacity of the soil
for absorbing and retaining warmth and gases. If you
find besides these qualities a good humus at the surface,
you can be sure to raise the most fastidious trees. Elm,
maple and ash require the best soil. Less pretentious

are: oak, beech and other nut-bearing trees, the bass-

wood or linden, fir, etc. Still more readily are satisfied
larch, hemlock, spruce, hornbeam, locust, alder, willow,
poplar, aspen, cedar, etc., and the least demands are
made by the pines and even by some kinds of the birch
and alder.
If in selecting the kind of trees, attention is given to
these hints, we may be pretty safe to successfully grow
forest-treeson a proper place in the mountains. But
considering the very great difference which often exists
in near-by situated mountain localities, we may still
be safer in our selection if we raise those kinds which
have grown with success before on that spot or its
neighborhood. But even this rule does not always hold
good, especially where an area for a long time has been
denuded of vegetation and become barren owing to the
exposure of the winds and the sun. In such case
nature often demands a rotation* in the kinds of trees,

* The doctrine of "rotation " in the culture of forests has been lately
very rudely shaken up by theoretical reasons as well as by pi-actical
obsei'vations. In regard to the former, reference is had to the differ-
ence between the growth of grains and that of trees, by which it is
claimed that woodlands, through the undisturbed tree-growth, will al-

because the materials of the soil on which the former

kinds have subsisted were consumed and the deficiency

in the soil had not yet been made up by a natural fal-
low. The poorer the and the more unfavorable
soil is,

become other conditions more

for plant growth, the
difficult is the restoration of denuded mountainous wil-
dernesses. In such case there is no other chance left
but to make some judicious trials on a small scale, and
if they turn out favorably, to act accordingly.

Planting or Seeding ?

The remarks made in Chapter XIV of Part I regard-

ing the question whether we shall seed or plant, were
destined to be applied in the aforestation of tracts situ-
ated on the plains. However, they hold in general also
good for mountain districts; and as plantations are
less subject to destructive agencies than seed beds, it is
the more advisable to give planting on mountains the
preference to seeding, because the peculiar condition of
climate, soil and location on mountains impose greater

ways be enriched in fertilizing ingredients while the reverse liolds true

in agriculture, and therefore a rotation of crops, which in a successful
farm management, appears to be desirable, can be dispensed with in
the renovation of forests. As for the observations made in this
direction, the natural rotation in forest-growth is ascribed to natural
causes, as, for instance, to the distribution of tree seeds by winds, by ani-
mals and even hy currents of the waters. However this may be, the fact
isundeniable that, provided the soil is equally adapted to both foliaged
trees and conifers, the latter grow more luxuriantly after the first have
disappeared than wben followed by their own kind, and vice versa. For
the Adirondack forests this question is in a certain respect decided by
investigations instituted with old woodmen whose exi)erience, together
with that of their ancestors, reaches nearly 150 years back. From these
ithas appeared that upon the ordinary forest soil 150 years ago, pinus
strubus, or white pine, was the governing tree, then followed the
spruce and lately, foliaged trees such as oak, beech, maple, ash, birch,
blackberry, American elm, alder and poplar with intermixture of the
hemlock, seem to become leading trees.


hardships upon the plant-vegetation than on plains.

For this reason only such seedlings should be selected
for mountain plantations as exhibit a strong, vigorous
growth, even if they are some years older than those
usually transplanted on plains.
Moreover, the peculiar physical condition of moun-
tains, esijecially the unevenness of the surface and the
steepness of the slopes, require, sometimes, alterations in
approved modes of forest cultures on plains. So, for
instance, when it is decided upon to seed down large
sloping tracts with tree seed, there cannot exist much
doubt about the direction to be given to the seed-fur-
rows, as it is an unalterable rule in the cultivation of soils
on declivities to open furrows only level horizontally.
But even the best plowman would not be able to always
follow up an exact level direction in transverse plowing.
A long continued furrow will soon exhibit irregularities
by which, in times of heavy rains, openings will be caused
in the furrow through which not only the water, but
also washed out seeds and seedlings may be discharged
into lower localities. The ruts and grooves thus formed
would soon increase in volume and power, and in their
further run down hill break through the lower situated
seed furrows and destroy many parts of the plantation.
For this reason the plowman should, in distances of about
G feet, interrupt the row after having made openings
from 15 to 20 feet long and the next following lower
furrow should be so arranged that their openings would
face the midst of the unplowed places above. The
entire field would then look like this
20 f. 20 f. 20 f. 20 f.
6 f 6 f 6 f
20 f . 20 f. 20 f.
6 f 6 f . .

20 f. 20 f. 20 f. 20 f.
6 f 6 f 6 f

Many alterations of the rules, given for tree-planting

on plains, are also, on mountain sites, rendered necessary
in the establishment of young plantations. When hardy
trees are planted for the purpose of protecting tender
ones, the plant-rows have to be run east-westward, in order
that the latter ones are protected against the strongest
sun rays. But on slopes of mountains there are greater
young, susceptible trees than sun rays,
trials in store for
namely, the danger of being rooted up by heavy rains
through the water running downward. To prevent this
the plant-rows must always have a transverse direction
around the mountain slopes and no attention is given to
geographical situation.




Although, in the restoration of the mountain forests,

the selection of the proper kind of trees to be planted is

just as difficult as the determination upon the kind of

culture, viz., whether we shall plant or sow, far more
difficult are the measures we have to take, both in regard
to the preparations for beginning the work of cultiva-
tion and the protection of the finished work. In locali-
ties over which Nature has poured unbounded favors, it

is easy to solve this problem and, therefore, we omit

such cases, confining ourselves to those which offer
uncommon difficulties, and showing how to overcome
Nature works with small means to produce great and,
to mankind, sometimes very disastrous effects. This is
done by the concentration of those little means, and by


their joint operation towards the final result. Altliougii

man is unable to avert such events entirely, he can lessen
their ravages by timely taking up the battle against the
and thus prevent their dangerous
single, isolated forces,
combination. This observation led human genius to
the discovery of means and ways to moderate the disas-
trous effects of violent storms upon the physical condi-
tion of mountains, after avarice or imprudence of man
had denuded their summits and steep slopes of the
forest vegetation, thereby allowing the formation of tor-
rents which carried away the earth, and rendered the
restoration mountain forests nearly impossible.
of the
French engineers and experts in forestry matters have,
during the last one hundred years, devoted much time
in ascertaining the causes of the origin and dimension of
the torrents by which the washing-down of the mountain
soil into the valleys and the disastrous, nearly every

year, recurring inundations in the mountainous parts of

South France were brought about. These investigations
led to the following theses, the correctness of which is
now fully established
1. If the mountains are covered with forests, the
formation of torrents is impossible.
3. The deforestation of the mountains surrenders the
soil to the formation of torrents.
3. By extending the forest area, we do away with tor-
rents, and promote an increased formation of natural
water reservoirs.
4. The disappearance of a forest redoubles the vehe-

mence of torrents, and even may resuscitate extinct

We will now consider the various phases in which the
accumulated mountain waters may be prevented from
doing harm to plant growth, and may even be turned
so as to promote forest vegetation.

The Regulation of the Mountain Waters.

It will be remembered that, as a principal requirement

for tree-growing in mountains, we have before stated
the necessity of procuring and retaining a certain quan-
tity of moisture in the soil. This requirement is the
more urgent as the steep inclination of the sloj^es makes
the rain and snow waters run swiftly over the surface
without offering them many chances to enter the soil
and to percolate it. On the other hand, we see how de-
structive the waters become if they pour, unchecked,
over the slopes, carrying with them vast quantities of
earthy comiDonents which increase the grinding power
of the current, wash the soil from the mountains, and
leave bare and sterile rocks behind them. It is in such
cases that man's helping hand has to enter the field and
to break the steepness of the slopes, the cause of the
rapid ruch and destructive power of the waters.

A. Regulation of Rain and Snow Water on Mountain


To break the steepness of the slopes, there have to be

dug, horizontally running-trenches or ditches of jjroper
depth and width at appropriate distances, ccmmencing
as near to the top as is deemed necessary to catch up the

waters, making them temporarily stagnant and letting

the excess equally flow over the ridge to lower-situated
ditches, where the same effects are obtained. This work
will bedone or, at least, facilitated by a proper sidehill
plowing. According to the greater or less steepness
of the slope, there have to be made furrows about one
foot wide and deep, from six to seven feet apart; or
deeper and wider trenches, two feet by eighteen inches,
from twelve to fourteen feet apart. The soil taken out
of the furrows or trenches is deposited right along the

lower edge of the furrow, thus forming a level wall over

which the surplus water collected in the furrow or trench
will slowlyrun downward, to he caught up by the next
furrow below, unless absorbed by the soil over which it
is flowing.
This operation will be a great heli? for raising trees
on steep slopes, by planting them in the middle of the
ridges, alongside the trenches. Should the ridges be
larger, and have more the shape of a terrace, it is advisable
to ojjen in the middle of the terrace, a furrow and plant
therein the trees, thus forming an additional obstruction
against the waters sweeping down into the lower grounds.
The fast-growing root system of the trees and bushes
planted upon the mellow ridges will help greatly to
strengthen the latter, and thus increase the power of
resisting the destructive effects of the water currents. *
Formerly, running down the denuded slope, these
waters began to wear out little ruts, then furrows,
gulches, channels and, finally, enlarged in width and
depth till they became enormous torrents. But treated
in the stated way, their force is broken, and they filter

impeded by so many
quietly into the soil or flow down,
obstructions that they cannot do harm. The trenches
form also, during the winter, receptacles for the dead
leaves of the shrubs and trees and, owing to the half-
decayed condition of these leaves, retain, during the

* This mode of cultivation of the soil might sometimes be used ad-

vautageously to retrieve the great damages caused to many hilly farms
of our State by the improvi'lence of former owners who stripped the
steep hill-sides on the farm of their trees, in order to enlarge the pas-
tm-es. As such fields usually, by nature, are not rich, and only kept
fertile by the shade of the trees grown thereon and by the accumula-
tion of their leaves, they became, when denuded of trees, infertile and
barren whereupon the loose surface soil was washed down by the

rain into the lower-situated gi-ounds, covering them with sand and

spring, the snows cover much longer than the hare

soil would do, contributing, in this way, much to the
most desirable effect wooded mountains, viz., the
retarded melting of the snow accumulated there during
the winter.

B. Regulation of the Rivulets and Brooks in the


Much more difficult is the regulation of the little

rivulets, brooks, streamlets, etc., which originate in the

mountains, run down in cavities and, uniting with other
running waters, form, during heavy rains, torrents which
undermine their banks and carry away the best ingredi-
ents of the mountain soil into the valleys. In such
ease, the first step to be taken must be to secure the
banks of these little waters against the eroding force of
the current by planting deep-rooting trees and shrubs
upon them as near to the water front as possible. The
elm, ash and alder are, on such jilaces, quick growers and
will soon be strong enough to protect the banks against
further incursions. The next tiling to be done is to
break the force of the downward-running waters by
opening furrows at proper distances apart, commencing
as liigli upward as is necessary, or by constructing dams
or dikes across the beds, grooves or ravines.
With exceptions such as are quite apt to be required
by local conditions, the following are the main rules for
properly selecting and locating the means of checking
the rapidity of mountain waters. Upon a slope of fifteen

yards descent in the one hundred {i. e., 15 per cent.) the
water flows pretty quietly for fifty yards, then it begins,
according to the inequalities and the resistance of the
soil, to carry away the earth, showing by this the first

point of defense. If the ground is compact, there is


not much to fear, but if it is light and exjjosed towards

violent winds, something should be done to avert danger.
In this case, however, some transverse furrows would be
sufficient for this purpose.
Upon a surface inclined twenty yards in the one hun-
dred (20 per cent.), the water after running about forty
yards will begin to loosen the soil and, according to its
being more or less compact, the erosion will be more or
less rapid. Then low-turfed earth walls should be built
strong enough to resist the pressure of the waters, but
allowing the flow over the tops without doing harm.
If the slope is one of twenty-five yards to the one
hundred, the water after a run of twenty-five yards, digs
out ruts and loosens the soil. Then hedges or small
fences should be erected to stop the quickened water-
course, and to allow the formation of terraces by the soil
and cobble-stones accumulated behind the fences.
When the soil has a slope of thirty yards in the one
hundred, it be dug out by the water after an un-
checked flow of twenty yards, and the damming up
should begin at this point. With a declivity of forty
yards in the one hundred, the unchecked floAV of water
should not be more than fifteen yards, and upon steeper
slopes the establishment of terraces should be more
narrowed down.
The diagrams on pages 196 and 197 show the different
kinds of dams, dikes and fences which are to be built
in order to check the rapid flow of mountain waters.
The material to be used depends much upon that which
is found in localities where it is to be utilized.

In order to preserve these expensive means, which are

both preparatory and protective to tree-growth for all
times to come, the terraces created by the accumulation
of stones and earth should be consolidated by sowing
grasses and planting quick-growing coppice wood.






.i? VV^i:-
'>::: ^\ i'





When, in the course of time, the soil is increased in

quantity and quality, we must endeavor to plant more
valuable trees. At all events, upon slopes whose pitch
exceeds forty yards descent in the one hundred, the
high-forest system is the only rational one, and in stock-
ing with young trees, we should, if the nature of the sur-
face permits, prefer the species having long tap roots,
which will bind the soil better.
The proper time to build these dams is, of course,
during the season when the waters flow least or not at
all. They must be very strong in order to successfully
resist the force with which the headwaters, in times, are
precipitating themselves into the valleys. It is, there-
fore, advisable, instead of building a few high dams in
great distances from each other, to construct as many
as possible low ones. For it is the intention to use these
dams not only to obviate the fury of the downward
streaming waters, but also to catch up every particle of
fertile soil which is being carried below, and thus to
make the soil remain in the more elevated parts of the
mountains. In order to make
dams strong and last-
ing, the basis and same must be protected
sides of the
by fascines, hurdle work or even by rocks and mason
This is the way
which the memorable work for re-
stocking the denuded woodlands upon the Alps of
Southern France has been achieved, and by which the
former frequent and pernicious inundations of the rivers
there for the last ten years have been prevented.* It
is true the costs have been enormous, but a single inun-

* The best book on tliis subject is written by the French Over-forest

Master Demontzey, who conducted for nearly thirty years the worli of
re-foresting and returfing denuded woodlands in Algiers and France.
The full title of this book is " Demonlzey F. Traite pratique du reboise'

merit et du gazonnement des montanges. Paris, 1883."


dation of old would now do more damage than the whole

expenses amount to.

After a dam has been perfected, there should be made

on both sides outlets in the shape of ditches, having
such an inclination as to lead the surplus water, which
accumulates before the dam, into transverse running
trenches out of which the excess of Avater flows equally
into the territory below.
In regulating the mountain waters we have, however,
not only to look out for the very rivulets, streamlets or
whatever name may be given to the small running
mountain waters, but also for the many trougli-lihe
natural formations of the soil in the mountains, the
ruts, grooves, streaks and even roads, as these in times
of heavy and lasting rains often are converted into water
currents, quickly changing innocent-looking furrows
into brooks and steeply embanked ravines. If possible,
must be removed in time,
these irregularities of the soil
by filling them up with earth, commencing at the high-
est sites. But if this course is not expedient, there
should be constructed at proper places and distances in
these cavities crossdams or dikes, capable of arresting
flowing waters and leading them through outlets, Avhich
are madein the above-described manner on both ends
of thedam, into horizontally running furrows or
trenches, by which they are scattered over a larger area.
It is advisable to first fill the lower part (bottom) of
the large cavities with stones, dead trees and bushes in
order to secure drainage under the soil which will there
be accumulated as time goes on.
Then commence constructing at the highest part of
the ravine in distances from 10 to 50 yards, according
to the steepness of the soil, a series of barriers out of
fence-wood, fascines or stones. The volume of water
at the starting point of the ravine not being large, these


barriers will resist the current. Arrested at each instant

by these obstacles, the Avater will deposit there, little by-
little, some stones, gravel and earth, thus establishing

terraces upon which we may plant whatever is required

after they have been consolidated on their banks with
sods. If such works are simultaneously established in
the bed of a ravine there cannot occur any dangerous
accumulation of the waters, and they will run down the
mountains without violence^ feeding springs and ferti-
lizing the fields in the valleys instead of devastating

C. Artificial Irrigation of Mountains Having Very

Dry Surface Soil.

The system just alluded to is of great importance for

mountains which have a poor, dry soil, particularly for
such as contain much lime, because these, owing to their
enormous capacity of absorbing moisture, are especially
inclined to dry up at their surface. If this system be
applied on such soils, it enables to introduce an artifi-

cial irrigation by which the greatest results may be

expected. For the trough-like formations of the moun-
tain soil will be converted into reservoirs by construct-
ing strong dams across their banks and thus catch
up the rain and snow waters. They should have outlets
at both ends of the dams from which the water, if

wanted, is led off into horizontally-running trenches,

over which it will flow slowly and equally, irrigating the
area down below. The diagrams (pp.196-7) show how such
trenches are built. If there should run off more water
than is wanted, the surplus is caught up at a similarly
situated lower place, and respectively stored or distrib-
uted like that in the higher-lying localities. Treated in
this way, whole mountains which would in no otherwise


have been made able to i^rodiice a green swath, in Eu-

rope, have been planted with forest-trees, thereby
changing the nature of the country entirely. Formerly,
bleak winds swept unresisted over these mountains,
drifting away during the winter the snow which shel-
tered the surface against cold and dryness and while ;

during the sj)riug, the rains and melting snow rushed

over the frozen soil, causing very often, in the rivers of
the valleys, inundations which occasioned great losses of
life and property, now after a thirty years' wood culture,
assisted by the above-described system of accumulating
and properly distributing the natural waters over the
entire mountain district, the winter snow is all over
retained, and when slowly melting, absorbed by a loose
and retentive mould; and the rain and snow waters, in-
stead of rushing destructively downward, fill a retentive
bed of absorbent soil, storing up a supply of moisture
to feed, besides the forest vegetation, perennial springs
and brooks.

D. Regulation of the Overflowing Rivers in theValleys.

The mountain waters which are not consumed by the
soil or air, flow, if regulated as before described, greatly
reduced into the valleys, forming brooks and streams or
increasing the contents of other streams and rivers. But
under extraordinary circumstances there may, in spite
of all human precautions, occur such an increase of

water that the shallow streams in the valleys cannot

hold it but let it run over the cultivated lands. To ob-
viate such overflows, or at least to mitigate their effects,
in case they occur, it is advisable to reduce the width of
the flowing waters and force them into smaller but
deeper beds. It is not necessary to make expensive em-
bankments or jetties, the cultivation of the willow

which we have extensively ventilated on page 148

(Part 11.) alongside the banks is the cheapest and
safest means. The natural location of the willow is in
low bottom-lands which are exposed to occasional inun-
dations. If planted upon the banks of a river, the wil-
lows will thrive and retain, in case of the overflowing
river, a great mass of earthy substances enmeshed in its
net-work of fibrous roots, after the waters have sub-
sided. At the same time the spongy banklands are
made more compact by the luxurious growth of the
willow-roots, and able to better resist encroachments
caused by the current of the waters.
In the same proportion in which thus the running
waters, by the gradual elevation of the banks and their
greater consistency are rendered more narrow, the depth
of the slanting bed will increase, owing
as every

engineer must admit to the increased force of the nar-
rowed river current. This change produces two very
desirable conditions. Firstly, tlie lauds situated behind
the willow plantation are protected against inundations
by the elevated banks and, secondly, the flow of the
deepened and, therefore, largely augmented river is,
owing to the decreased slant in the bed, running slow-
lier, thus contributing much more water, during a longer

period of the year to the receiving river below than the

former shallow overflowing rivulet.
If the banks of the rivers in the mountain valleys
as is often the case
of gravel, sand and stones
carried down by the torrents from the high mountains,
the willow cannot be grown on such soil successfully.
In that case we select trees and shrubs which are in this
respect less exacting in regard to location, as, for instance,
the poplar, birch and alder. These will grow, if planted
respectively as cuttings or as seedlings, on such soil. If

the plantation be well looked after, there will soon, by


the dead leaves, be formed a layer upon which will grow

mosses and lichens, which, when decayed, under the
assistance of the many earthy particles, left by reiter-
ated inundations, help to cover the stony surface in the
course of time with such good humus soil as to enable
us to raise, later, more valuable forest-trees.




To bind the shifting sand on the plains and render it

compact, adapting it to tree-culture, is a difficult task.
But this work is still more difficult when it has to be
done in mountainous localities. In the plains we have
only to fight the winds, which cause the sand to drift;
but in the mountains, besides this, we have to overcome
the troubles arising from the unevenness of the soil and

its favoring the formation of destructive water currents

during rainy weather.
Wherever the sandy soil is sufficiently deep and pos-
sesses the necessary components for securing the growth
of trees, the work of planting should be at once com-
menced, this being the only means to prevent the loose
sand from drifting, both in the plains and mountains.
But when Avind and water currents have swept away
every bit of soil and vegetation from the slopes, and
nothing is left except the rubble-stones, which origi-
nated, during past ages, by the corroding action of the
glaciers upon the rocky surface, which formed the ground
upon which the sand settled, there occur difficulties
which appear to be nearly insurmountable. But " for-
est science " has been brought to bear upon the discov-
ery of appropriate expedients, and found them in soms
grasses which will grow in such places, producing in
due time a cover that will later develop into a sward. If
this cover be left forsome time undisturbed and not
exposed to the attacks of pasturing farm animals, there
will appear such beneficial accumulations from above

and below the surface that, in the course of time, tree

phinting may be begun.
The kind of grasses to be principally used for binding
the mobile sand and keeping it in its place are : creep-
ing soft grass, tall oat grass, broom grass, tall meadow
oat grass, fescue grass, quack grass, wood poa, pimpi-
nella, knotted hair grass, amophila, lyme grass, reed
grass or bur-reed. In the lower Alps of France sain-
foin has been used for this purpose with great success.
In seeding these grasses the soil, being too mobile,
should not be touched either by plow or harrow, and
the seeding should be done broadcast by hand, using
about twenty pounds of seed to the acre. The only
tool to be used in this operation is the hand-rake, for
slightly covering the seeds. After the elapse of some
years, during which the reclaimed lands should remain
entirely undisturbed, there will, through the decay of
the old grasses and the spontaneous growth of the young
ones, be formed a sward thick enough to allow the rais-
ing of some shrubs and arborescent plants, the root sys-
tem of which qualifying them especially to keep the
scanty poor soil together. For this purjjose are recom-
mended : juniper, hazel, sallow-thorn or sea-buckthorn,
barberry, bladder-senna or bastard-senna, locust or
acacia, rosin weed, asp or trembling poplar, white alder,
blackthorn, mountain ash, jDoplar, birch, dwarf moun-
tain and especially the "American " laurel {Kalmia.) It
has no economic value, however, it is hardy and will

maintain a foothold where other shrubs would perish.

Its presence has saved m
Ulster and Sullivan Counties,
N. Y., many a mountain side from the appearance of
total denundation.
In order to avoid unnecessary disturbance of the soil,
when sowing and cultivating the shrubs and small trees,
it is advisable to sow the former together with the grass

seed, covering them with the hand-rake, and plant the

latter when one or
two years old three feet distant
from each other, in horizontally running rows, six feet
apart, nsing no other tool but the (in Part I.) described
short-liandled planting axe. Those trees which repro-
duce themselves from the stumps should, after having
grown two or three years, be pruned down so as to leave
only a short stump, as by this process the roots will be
increased in numbers and strength, and thus the final
purpose of the culture of these protective trees will be
reached in a comparatively short time.
As soon as the soil has become more compact and the
trees in the rows have grown thick enough to afford
some protection against the wind and sun rays we can
begin planting forest-trees. In selecting these we must
pick out those kinds that have strong tap roots, which
will run deep into the loose soil and contribute to
further strengthen and bind it. To this class of trees
belong: oak, pine, fir, larch. They have to be planted,
when two or three years old, three feet apart between
the above-mentioned (protective) rows by means of the
planting-axe. Should the sward be uncommonly thick,
there should be dug, at the proper places, j)lant holes in
which to set the trees. In case the sward be very thin,
it is advisable to open the jDlant holes with the hoe, fill

them with some good humus soil or compost, and plant

therein by hand the trees, putting around them stones
or sods as a mulch for keeping the moisture in the soil.
But in such case we cannot use trees with large tap roots,
we must have recourse to other kinds which form only
lateral roots, as, for instance, beech, hornbeam, and par-
ticularly spruce hemlock. Should there exist spots, on
which no vegetable growth at all is found, they should be
left alone, as the time will come when the shade and
protection furnished by the surrounding forest vegeta-

tion will allow such places to obtain a sward, and then

trees may be planted.
At all events, in reclaiming such sandy locations there
should, if possible, be avoided any tearing up of the soil,
thus leaving a good deal cf the work to the kindness
and fertilizing power of nature.




The cultivation of the poor sand soil on the plains

for farming and even for grazing purposes, meets very
often with so many difficulties, that sand-lands mostly
are considered worthless. And yet, if they would be
planted with suitable forest-trees, both the country and
the owner would be benefited, provided the latter is able
to stand the expenses of cultivation without expecting
any noteworthy income from his property during the
first quarter of a century. How easy it is to raise forest-
treeson deep sandy soil, shows the cultivation of trees
which is effected on mountains of the sandstone forma-
tion. With the excejition of those parts in these moun-
tains,which are very steep and too much exposed to the
sun, and certainly with the exception of such places as
are infested with shifting sands, of which we have treated
heretofore, there is not much trouble in restoring de-
nuded woodlands on sand-mountains. This formation
contains always some clayey component parts and fur-
nishes, if the surface of the rocks becomes more or less
dissolved by the air, the best material for creating forests.
Usually we find at the top of these mountains a loamy


soil, which offers no difficulties for raising forest-trees,

unless it is too clayey and, thereforOj retains too much

moisture. In that case we must resort to the " dam
or " bed " culture, described in a former chapter, and
proceed accordingly.
The slopes of the sand-stone mountains commonly con-
tain enough clay to bind the soil, and afford thus every
facility to soon re-stock the denuded woodlands there-
unon, except the sun and winds have parched the soil,
and the natural humidity sunk too deep into the subsoil
to be reached by the forest vegetation. In such a case
there no time to lose to stop the loosened sand from

running down into the valleys by planting some pines,

especially the pinus silvestris. This modest and unpre-
tentious friend of the forester is the principal tree which
will grow on those neglected places, and render the worn-
out soil capable of producing, in later times, more valu-
able trees.
Although the sand in the valleys of the sand-stone
mountains, washed from the slopes, often reaches a con-
siderable height, the spontaneous growth of trees there,
dating back perhaps hundreds and thousands of years,
shows that this locality is the proper place for the most
valuable deciduous trees,viz. beeches and oaks.
: Cer-
tainly on such sites, denuded for a long time, and,

therefore, having become sterile on the surface, we can-

not expect to raise, right away, beeches, as these require
besides a friable fertile soil,when young, amj^le protec-
tion against the sun. But the re-foresting can be
effected by planting pines in rows, properly distant, and
after the pines have reached a height sufficient to over-
shade and fertilize the surface soil, tlie interjacent open
rows should be planted alternately with beeches, oaks,
firs, and larches. It is true that in favorable years and
with good seeds, satisfactory results have been obtained

by "sowing " the last-named trees in the rows protected

by the pines; but in general, planting is here also more
safe. Planting is easily done by removing the moss from
the friable soil and using the short-handled planting axe.
If the soil of the plantation is so poor as to foretell,
under all circumstances, a failure in producing foliaged
trees, the interjacent rows should be planted with other
coniferous trees, especially with spruces, to which
should be given a wider position towards each other than
is usual with young deciduous trees, viz. a width of

from six to eiorht feet.




Nowhere is shown the effect of forest-trees upon the

soil more convincingly than in the mountains of the

limestone formation. The power of the limey or calca-
reous soil, and its adaptability to j)i'omote the growth
of forest-trees, are very great and can be enormously
increased by uninterruptedly keeping the surface cov-
ered with trees. On the other hand, there is no ground
quicker deteriorated by being exposed to the sun and
weather than the limestone soil. If the ground on the
calcareous mountains has been once completely denuded
from forest vegetation, there is seldom any hope to stop
its progressing sterility. For, on such soil, every moist-
ure received from the air will, owing to the peculiar-
ity of the ground, evaporate much quicker than on any
other soil, and the balance of the run without
Avater will
any hope of being returned into the depth of the lime-


stone, forming hydrates. Denuded woodlands on lime-

stone mountains, therefore, very soon lose their vegetable
mold. At first, it is true, there will spring up a strong
sward of grasses; but soon, for want of shade and moist-
ure, the grasses disappear, the soil softens by the rain
and snow water, becomes a pap which, after the evapo-
ration of the natural moisture, dries up stone-like, and
exhibits at the surface but burned-up spots.
If, on the other hand, forests on limestone mountains
are managed so as to have the soil always covered with
trees as is the case with the " planter management "
there will nowhere grow finer beech forests. The culti-
vation of this majestic tree is natural to this soil, forming
the most convenient habitat to the beech. The shade
created by the dense growth of the beeches makes the
surface soil increase in richness from year to year, and
this increase of plant-food furnished by the decaying
leaves and twigs of the beech is amply returned to the
forest vegetation. Certainly, coniferous trees will suc-
ceed on these places just as well as beeches, and as the
more valuable kinds of evergreens prove to be commer-
cially more profitable than beeches, the cultivation of
the pride of the old European foresters, already dimin-
ished by the encroachments made by the agricultural
interests in the beech lands on the plains, is in the old
country decreasing from year to year.
For the restoration of the denuded woodlands in lime-
stone mountains we have again to resort to the pine,
this being the only tree which will, even luxuriantly,
grow on such soil.

This observation has led many scientific foresters to

assume that pines should be principally raised upon the
soil in question. But experience has shown that this
was a mistake. The luxuriant growth of the pine does
not last longer than the first twenty years of its life;

after that period the pines slowly dwindle away. How-

ever, if thegrowing period be properly used, the restora-
tion of the soil may be so far completed as to begin the
cultivation of the beech. With an eye to this object,
the plantation of the pines should be considered as a
transitory one, and so arranged as to protect the poor
soil against the scorching sun-rays, and other attacks
made by the elements upon the ground. The larch, if
intermixed with pines, has proven a great help for im-
proving the soil, this tree being the only coniferous tree

which drops every year its leaves, and thus furnishes

more material for the formation of a new humus soil
than the evergreens. Under all circumstances the lime-
stone soil may hopefully be considered reclaimed as soon
as the pine has gained a foothold upon it. After that,
it is easy to plant there beeches and oaks, and other
valuable forest-trees.
Should it, for financial or commercial reasons, be con-
sidered not advisable to raise pure stock, intermixing
pines and larches with beeches can be recommended, as
these trees agree very well with each other. But we
must avoid employ here the spruce, on account of its
being inclined to encroach upon the growth of neigh-
boring trees. However, we should always bear in mind,
that the limestone mountains are the natural home of
the beech and, therefore, endeavor to keep, wherever
possible pure stock of beeches, this being the only means
to increase, by degrees, the fertility of this questionable
soil. After the soil having, by continued cultivation of
the beech, fully recovered its fertility, it is easy, if
wanted, to raise among the beeches other valuable forest-
and ash.
trees, as, for instance, spruce, larch,
The mode on limestone moun-
of cultivating trees
tains is the same as upon sandstone mountains, but the
directions given under the chapter of regulating moun-

tain waters and binding the shifting sand should be

here very closely observed.
As before stated the pines play the most important
part in the reforestation of denuded woodlands on cal-
careous mountains, and among them the unpretentious
Scotch pine usually performs very valuable service.
However, in well-known Austrian black
this case the
pine has proved still moreit being not only
indigenous in high mountains, but thriving also on
light, dry calcareous soil no matter how destitute it may
be of humus. The foliage of this tree is very thick,
and the shade caused by it very dense. The soil,
therefore, is supplied Avith an abundance of detritus,
and the humidity, received by the ground from the
atmosphere, evaporates but slowly. This pine has no
taproot, but sends its creeping roots along the stony
ground till they find fissures into which they insinuate
themselves, thereby strengthening their adherence to
the slippery soil. The cultivation of the Austrian pine
offers still less difficulties than that of the Scotch pine.
The thin or hardened soil should be torn up by cross-
harrowing with an iron harrow, and the seed, about
three pounds to the acre, sown broadcast, should be
covered by dragging over the field with the brush har-
see p. 77. If the seed is drilled in, two pounds
per acre are sufficient to produce the required density
of tree growth, as this pine on account of its thick foli-
age stands in need of more space than the Scotch pine.
In a few years the Austrian black pine will have got it-
self properly established, putting forth considerable
shoots, under the protection of which the beech, as the
final stock of tree, may be started. In order to secure
a safe and speedy growth of the seedlings the plant-
holes on this shallow and stony ground should be well
filled with good humus soil or compost.



Nothing can be grown on rocks that are entirely bare

except some varieties of mosses and plants of the lowest
order which derive their food wholly from the air, and
use the rocks only as a holdfast. But, when the sur-
face of the rock has been broken up by the action, both
of the rock-devouring bacilli* and the elements heat

and cold principally; and crumbled into its original
composing parts, the growth of plants and trees may take
place. Thin process is still going on all over the earth.

*Very interesting observations in regard to the decomposition of

rocky mountains and the formation of Immus upon their surface have
been lately made by Professor A. Muentz. He found that the contin-
uous dissolution of uncovered rocks was not caused solely by the
chemical and mechanical action of the atmosphere but also in part

by some microbes which develop in pure mineral solutions by obtain-

ing the required carbon from the carbonic acid and carbonate of
ammonia contained in the atmosphere. These minutest of animal-
cules penetrate into the smallest, and, to the naked eye, imperceptible
fissures of rocks, manifesting their presence by leaving behind them
atoms of organic substances which serve to form the first traces of
humus. During the winter they rest and take their winter nap but ;

when the warm season returns, they resume their rock-destroying

activity and enter deeper and deeper into the solid stone formation.
While the geologist stands here full of admiration at the results of the
workings of nearly invisible microscopic creatures, entirely unknown
up to the present time the physiologist is still more astonished at the

ability of these bacilli to build up their substance by assimilating

carbonic acid and ammonia without the help of any other power but
the warmth generated by the oxydation of ammonia. Undoubtedly
these microbes have exercised a great influence upon the present con-
tour of our globe, and the accumulation of the plant-nourishing
humus ;they will continue their action upon the stone formation of
our planet tLI the last rock has crumbled to pieces.

and if we follow the hints pointed out herein by nature

we are able to cover rocky surfaces with vegetation much
quicker than nature does it herself.
If only a small area with a rocky surface is desired to
be planted, the ground should first be covered with
sods ; and after the turf has become firmly fastened to
the rocky foundation, grasses, bushes, and even trees
may be grown thereon. But upon bare rocks of larger
dimensions this operation would be too expensive and
therefore we must look for other means to secure our
Eegularly the crevices and fissures of rocks, caused
by alternate freezing and thawing of the humidity that
enters the pores of the rocks, are first up with

mineralic particles on which plant growth madeis

possible. These places have first to be taken wp and to

be planted with suitable shrubs or trees, according to
the location and site of The development of
the place.
the roots of the trees and bushes grown in those crevices
helps very much promote the further disintegration
of the rocky surface and the accumulation of ingredients
upon which plants and trees feed. As soon as the sur-
face of the rock is sufficiently broken uj) into small
stones, which in time become embedded in some soil, the
operation of planting trees can be accelerated by mak-
ing horizontal terraces at convenient intervals, beginning
at the highest point of the place to be improved, and
seciiring the steep edges of the terraces by fascines or
wattled willow fences. It will not take a long time ere
the spaces between the edges of the terraces become
up by the further decomposition of the rocks and

stones,and then there will be room enough for jilanting

shrubs and trees.
This is the only way in Avhich rocky surfaces of
mountainous slopes, on which the mold has been

washed down by rain, orbeen burnt away as often oc-

curs in the Adirondacks may be covered with materials
for producing a forest vegetation. The terraces may
also be secured by planting bushes at their outside,
thus forming living hedges. These will in due time
be covered by the accumulated earthy substances, and
then the decaying vegetation will enrich the soil. Upon
the soil, which has accumulated between the edges of
the terraces, rows of suitable young trees are set along,
which, when properly rooted, will secure the object in-
tended and prevent the recurrence of further damages
by keeping the surface soil from shifting.
On rocky steeps where there is little or no visible soil,
and where seed can only be deposited in chinks and
crevices, or sown in occasional patches of soil, seeding
will always have the preference to the mode of planting.
As for the trees and shrubs to be selected for j)lanting
in the fissures and interstices of rocks, there are none
which serve the purpose of working through their roots
upon the rocks better than the Austrian black pine, the
ailanthus, crabapple, and the wild rosebush. In regard
to the Austrian pine we have seen in the preceding
chapter that it prospers evenupon the scantiest and
poorest soil, and, therefore, is well qualified for the re-
forestation of bare rocks, provided there are some inter-
stices or fissures into which it can send its strong roots
to retain its holdfast. Of the action of the ailanthus in
this respect we can convince ourselves easily by looking
at some unfinished rocky parts of our great Central
Park. There this tree has obtained such a hold upon
the rocks that, after the lapse of another quarter of a
century, no artificial means will be required to cover
those rocks with vegetation. The crabapple and the
wild rosebush make so little demand upon the soil that
their seeds, fallen into crevices of old brick walls, sprout.

grow lip, and develop sncli powerful vegetation in root

and trunk that they, in the course of time, tear the walls
asunder. The wild roses, besides, have the advantage
of sendmg up many shoots, all around the stem. If
these shoots are laid down in from four to five inches
deep grooves, and so covered with earth that only the
tips are looking above the ground, there will be soon
formed such a thick net of rootlets under the surface
soil as to bind entirely the soil and keep it together.
Besides the ailanthus French authorities recommend
for reforesting localities with rocky surfaces the larch
and the pine of Aleppo. The latter thrives upon even
the poorest soil, because it draws, like most of the coni-
fers, a large part of its food from the air, increases by
its plenty leaves (needles) the soil underneath, and is

not affected either by the scorching heat of the sun or

the blasting winter winds.
These trees and shrubs permit even grasses to grow
under their shade, and thus aid to increase the mold on
the rocky surface by the successive growth and decay of
the vegetation, enabling us, as time goes on, to plant
more valuable trees.
It happens very often that the soil upon the said
terraces is neither sufficiently thick nor stable
enough to furnish a good bed to the young trees.
They grow there very slowly and poorly, their roots
being unable to hold on the little soil which should
cover them, but is washed away by rain, so that the
roots receive their subsistence only by the humidity
retained on the overlaying stones. In such cases we
have to sow quickly and vigorously growing fodder
grasses, either before planting or shortly afterwards, as
these at first give the best protection for young trees
against meteorological influences ; and later, when de-
cayed by the shade of the growing trees, they increase

the fertile soil. At all events, these grasses prevent

the washing away of the thin soil by rain storms.
The French have had a long and satisfactory experi-
ence in this matter, as they have during the past thirty
years undertaken the reforesting of the denuded wood
and grass lands on the Lower Alps. They recommend
principally the esparsette, as giving the best protection
to the saplings. But as this grass runs out after three
or four years, unless resown, it is, when the planta-
tion requires protection during a longer time, usually
mixed with other grasses, especially with hromus erec-
his, avena elatior, fiolcus mollis, lasiagrostis, calamagros-
tis, and pimpinella. Mixing is done in the projDortion
of seventy-five esparsette to twenty-five of the bulk of
the other grasses. It is true that the admixed grasses
do not fully develop until two or three years after being
sown, but they last much longer than the esparsette.



The attempts to re|)air the damages caused by the

cupidity and imprudence of men to tbe woodlands on
those mountains which extend upward to from five
thousand to nine thousand feet above sea level, have
shown hovv^ hazardous it is to interfere, however
slightly, with whatever nature has arranged by the work
of time. The high mountains are the principal sources
and headwaters for navigable rivers. Whatever tree,
bush or shrub may grow there forms a protection
against uncommon fiov/ing off of the water supply, and.

therefore, should never be touched, the penalty for the

violation of this rule being often an irreparable injury
to the best interests of the commonwealth. European
countries have enormously suffered from the reckless
devastations committed on the high mountains during
the last two centuries. Southern France above all labored
heavily under the inundations caused every year by the
torrents pouring down unchecked from the denuded
mountains. But the great efforts both financial and
scientific,made by France during the last twenty-five
years, have culminated in a success, of which that
nation can justly be proud. While France thus has
been expiating a great politico-economical sin of former
generations, that part of Austria-Hungary, which sur-
rounds the Adriatic Gulf, and contains a territory of
about four thousand square miles, is now threatened
with entire sterility by shifting sands, unless the
exertions initiated recently for reforesting the denuded
woodlands on the high mountains of the coast meet
with success. In a short time men can destroy through
ignorance and avarice what took nature centuries to
build up. If the summits and higher parts of the
mountains be entirely denuded, the force of the winds,
being there nearly irresistible, checks the growth even
of those grasses aud sedges which usually spring up
there luxuriantly, when not disturbed or tied down by
the elements.
In order to restock the denuded woodlands on the
high mountains, there should, in the first place, be
strictlyobserved the directions heretofore given in
regard to the regulation of the mountain waters and
springs and to the binding of shifting sands, as far as
applicable to the requirements of the locality. But the
greatest hindrances to be fought against here are the
high and destructive winds which prevent the growing

of any forest vegetation on those exposed regions. To

obviate this evil, the to be done is to culti-
first tiling

vate the coarser kind of mountain grasses to act as

a protection to the future plantations. After a few
years' undisturbed growth, during which the grasses
have been protecting the ground against the damaging
influence of cold, dry, and stormy weather, we can com-
mence planting in rows from twelve to fifteen feet
apart shrubs and bushes of the hardiest kind, such as
juniper, sorbtree, common hawthorn, etc., as a protec-
tion to subsequent plantations. As soon as they have
gained a good hold upon the soil, the intervening,
empty stretches should be filled with additional pro-
tective rows, containing, according to climatic circum-
stances, pines, larches, wild or dwarf pine, grey alder,
birch, willows, aspen-trees, etc.; while the spruce, the
fir-leaved pine and sometimes larch and wild mountain
pine should be planted later for forming the stock of
trees. Among the pines there is no species which
serves better the purpose of re-stocking steep and high
mountain plateaus than the oft-mentioned Austrian
black pine. It gets along well on declivities and high
situations, and all exposures seem to agree with it.

Should pines grow well a case which seldom occurs
in these high regions
it is advisable to plant the entire

area with pines as the stock of trees. After they have

fairly developed, open spaces found between them
should be filled in with spruces.
But should the growth of the spruce prove satisfac-
tory for forming the stock of trees, larches are to be
used as a protection, and should be planted in rows from
twelve to fifteen feet distant, to serve as a windbreak to
the spruces which will later be planted in the alternat-
ing ojien spaces. For the spruce being one of the har-
diest trees, is able to live farthest up on the mountains,

and, therefore, is especially qualified to form the stock

of trees in the higher regions.
Should it be practicable to successfully grow the
larch, then the wild or dwarf mountain pine {pinus
pumilio) may be used as a covering and protection to
the former, during the first period of its growth.
In the very highest regions, there does not exist any
forest vegetation except the wild or dwarf mountain
pine to try other trees is sheer waste of time and

Finally it should always be borne in mind that in
undertaking to replant such exj^osed localities, the
operation never should be begun at a place which is
from all sides exposed to the inclemencies of the
weather and situation but work must, if practicable,

be commenced at a place which adjoins an existing

stock or clump of trees or has any other protection,
and, shielded in this manner, planting should gradu-
ally go on till the whole area is set out.
The seedlings to be employed in bleak and exposed
situations should be brought up as hardy as possible,
and so that they take girth in proportion to their height
and develop such a strong root system as to hold them
firm against violent winds. For this reason, when large
tracts in those locations are to be reforested, there
should be established in the midst of the grounds a
nursery for raising the required seedlings because plaiits
grown under less trying circumstances would not
thrive here. Certainly the nursery must be sheltered
against severe winds by building substantial stone
walls or earth embankments around them. These
dams should not be higher than about six feet, but
they should be covered with a strong and projecting
coping by which the wind is broken when it rises at the
wall. If the seedlings in exposed localities are too

much sheltered, they are unable to withstand the

severity of the exposure when transplanted to tlieir place
of destination.
As to the expenses of the operations, it is well known
that they are very heavy, because most of the work has
to be done by manual labor and a return, if at all, will
come in very late and very slowly. Therefore it is no
wonder that private property situated upon high moun-
tains, after it has beeu stripped of the trees, is abandoned
by the owners and left to the care of the government.
Such property never should go into private hands, but
always ought to be retained by the government. The
latter have the means to undertake the expensive cul-
tures called for by an urgent politico-economical neces-
sity, and need not expect any other return from the
amelioration than that which results to the general wel-
fare of the people.* Besides, governments have always
thousands of strong hands at their disposal in the public
prisons. They cannot make better use of them, both
for the prisoners' ownsake and that of the common-
wealth, than to employ them in this kind of work.
The State of New York would undoubtedly derive a
great benefit by adopting some such measure, and going
on to replant the denuded woodlands in the Adirondacks,
whereby it would be self-evident that the State should
be the owner of the high mountain territory. At the same
time the State would solve in the most sim]3le way the
grave question of competition of prison labor with free
labor. There was some time ago a report in the
newspapers about a visit paid by Governor Hill to the
Clinton State Prison which, as is known, lies in the
northwestern part of the Adirondacks, 1,700 feet above
sea-level. In this report it was stated " that there

* See the remarks on pages 24 and 25.


we7-e 500 convicts kej)t busy every day, each of them

being toorth 50 cents a day to the State. The State made
garments and overcoats at yr ices from $3.50 to $6.00,
which could not be produced from any tailor in Neiu
Yoi^k City under |12 or $15." Now would the public
interests of the State of New York not much better be
promoted if these prisoners were kept busy in replant-
ing and improving the denuded woodlands in the
Adirondacks even if they were then worth much less

than fifty cents a day to the State, than to compete with

the cheap tailoring in our cities ?



State Forest Niirsery Forest School Forest Fxperi-

ment Station Asyhim for the Game.
The preceding chapter brings us to the end of the
discussions outlined in the preface, in which, when
written some time ago, the application of scientific for-
estry to our State forests was considered more as a pos-
sibility for the future than in the expectation that the
principles which it advocated were so soon to be real-
ized. But as a great and significant change in public
sentiment, leaning toward the author's views has taken
place since that time, a few further remarks may not be
out of place.
The Forestry Act of 1885 provided in fact solely for
the protection of the State forests against fire and thefts,
but made no attempt to have them managed efficiently.
The Adirondack Park Association, however, as stated on

page 139, has taken the matter in hand, and is endeavor-

ing not only to bring about an enlargement of the State
property in the Adirondacks in order to secure the water
sheds of our navigable rivers against further wanton
wood destruction; but also to introduce a systematic
management of the State forests with the view of mak-
ing them a source of permanent revenue for the State.
Now the question arises whether this change of policy
by which the State appears as a great landed proprietor
and dealer in wood products is desirable in the face of
the strongly existing American idea that the Govern-
ment never shall compete with private industries and
occupations, but must only interfere to secure perfect
freedom of labor and facilitate private enterprise.
And here we may, without resorting to the dangerous
expedient of forming new schools of economists for
America,* on general grounds as well as by the experience
of other countries enjoying the same free institutions
which we possess {e.g. Switzerland), answer this question
unhesitatingly in the affirmative.
The Adirondack region as a whole is, with the excep-
tion of lands situated along the river valleys and the
shores of some of the larger lakes, utterly unfit for agri-
cultural purposes. As soon as the timber is taken away
the owner of the tract has no more interest in it. Seed-
ing and harvesting time are too far apart from each
other. The forest-planter will never reap the full bene-
fit and therefore, the owner does not feel
of his labors,
like going on to replant a tract which he has just
stripped of its trees to realize the anticipated benefits of
his property. To replant his denuded lands a large capi-

* See " Annual Report of the Division of Forestry for 1887," p. 47,


tal is required, and this capital will be tied up for

generations, and pay only at the end of a long period
accumulated interest together with the invested money.
This kind of business does not agree with the average
American. He prefers to have his capital at his dis-
posal and when he uses it, he expects to make high
profits and quick returns. To the State, however, the
material value of the wood products are of secondary
significance; the economic influence of those wooded
mountains upon the general weal of the country is the
principal reason for endeavoring to obtain control over
a region which will secure the ascribed economic effects
only when continually kept under wood.
And yet there are some peculiar features about the
possession of well-managed forests which should make
them extremely desirable for the many rich people we
have in this country, and who can afford to tie up a
part of their wealth for a longer period before receiving
returns. These features are
1. The investment is as safe as in the most solid sav-
ings bank, and at a rate of interest which at least equals
that paid by the banks.
To prove this, is not difficult, but it would lead us
here too far to do it. Suffice it to observe that the
closest calculations made in European countries in re-
gard to wood accretion in the forests confirm the cor-
rectness of this statement, which will be still more
applicable to our country as the growth of trees here by
far surpasses that in Europe, and the rate of interest is

the same in both countries.

As for the much-feared forest fires, it is to be hoped

that we also will be able to discover and apply some such

means, both of preventing and extinguishing forest fires
as have been devised in Europe so that there at present

any aanger of passing railroad trains through wooded

been removed.
districts has
2. The hxbor required in the management of forests
is much smaller than that employed in any other busi-
ness, especially in the allied one, of agriculture; but
any sum of money properly spent in the administration
and exploitation of forests will always give sure and
highly satisfactory returns. See pp. 17 and 18.
3. Forest lands are bound to be in the future much

more high-jDriced and remunerative than they are at

present, because with the continually increasing popu-
lation in our State and country the demand for wood
products will become larger and influence their prices
to such a degree as we are now unable to imagine. The
first importation of foreign pine will send up the price
of American pine to the cost of production.
Considered solely from a business standpoint, the said
features would render the possession of forests greatly
acceptable to corporations and governments, as these
are su]3posed to be not confined to the short natural term
of human life, and, therefore, will live to enjoy the full
benefits to be derived from forest planting and forest
management. To our State the acquisition of the
Adirondack forests would be the more desirable as this
is the only means to preserve the wooded condition of
til at region for the purposes for which they are by a

benign Providence destined, viz., to protect and benefit

the country in its physical condition, and to furnish a
permanent supply of lumber, timber, and fuel. It is
true, there has been in p. 13 expressed a somewhat
different oj^inion in this regard. But those lines were
penned under the impression that the imperfect views
about " forest preservation," laid down in the Forestry
Act of 1885 would not so soon be given up, and sub-

stituted by sound business princij)les and nnder those

circumstances every enlargement of the State forest
preserve would have only increased the public expen-
diture, without even attaining the object of the "pre-
servation " of the State forests.
This state of things has been lately changed alto-
gether, as the Adirondack Park Association has made
the introduction of a systematic, paying management
of our State forests the condition under which the
acquisition of the Adirondack Park grounds is to be
effected. This is the only correct and expedient step to
be taken in the matter. For ivithout proper manage-
ment the protection of luoods from their many foes, both
h^iman and elemental, cannot he realized. But with a
rational management we can not only effect the fullest
preservation of the Adirondack forests but we will also
lay the f oundatioii for a future revenue which will in the
course of time not only blot out the capital invested in
the acquisition and the management of the forests, but
also create a source upon which the people may draw
for helping to defray the public expenses.
As the projected enlargement of the State forest
domain and the preparatory measures necessary for the
introduction of systematic forest culture involve a large
amount of money and labor, it is but just that a consid-
erable number of intelligent and public-spirited citizens
should be enrolled to fulfill a patriotic duty in which

they themselves have not only to lay aside eveiy shadow

of partisan spirit but also to secure by proper legislation
the adoption of such principles and rules for the future
organization and management that mere political influ-
ences will never be permitted to interfere with the tech-
nical management. If we ever shall enjoy the benefits
justly expected from the projected public acquisition.

we have to subject the entire institution to some such

rigid civil service rules as exist in the Metropolitan
Fire Department or Police Department of the City of
New York. Without such unalterable restrictions the
management of the State Forests would soon become
the most coveted ground for political spoil-hunters, and
the State, instead of expecting an income, would soon
find its hoped-for revenues crumble down so as to leave
only from year to year increasing expenses of manage-
It is only to be regretted that the said association has
thought proper to assume the name of a " Park " associ-
ation because this leads to misunderstandings which, as
experience shows, may prove injurious to the project by
provoking the opposition of our rural legislators. In a
correspondence which the author directed to the New
York Times, Feb. 27, 1890, it was stated that our coun-
try population regarded the project of a forest park in
the sense that its aim was the maintaining of woodlands
as a shelter for game, and as a region of pleasure resort
for those who can afford time and means for this enjoy-
ment. For this reason even the harmless provisions
made for the preservation of the State forests in the
Forestry Act of 1885 experienced a strong opposition
in the Legislature, although no considerable grant was
demanded, because the opponents of this measure repre-
sented to the masses that such parks were but resorts
for rich people, and that no regular exploitation of the
woods and no felling of trees would take place; and
that, therefore, the growth of timber for the supply of
man would come to an end, turning out very disastrous
to the local population that mostly were subsisting on
the products of the woods.
That this apprehension was well founded shows a


, correspondence from Lockport of this State, where lately

a farmers' meeting was held in which the idea of estab-
lishing a public park in the Adirondacks was discussed,
and finally very violently opposed. Manifestly, the old
foes to the preservation of our State forests, who operated
also against the tame Forestry Act of 1885, were there
at work, and blinded the unsuspecting rural population
by the linguistic definitions of the word " Park." The
H. Y. Times made to this meeting the following very
appropriate remarks
" There evidently was a serious misunderstanding of
the nature of the case which calls for explanation of
this desirable project. This (park) is not for 2)rivate
uses and for the enjoyment of a few wealthy persons
who may spend their leisure weeks of annual vacation
there. It is for the public advantage; for the preserva-
tion and profitable use of a valuable store of timber; for
the preservation and supply of the water which main-
tains great and indispensable channels for commerce
which have built up the Empire State, and upon which
the continued prosperity of the State depends, and also
for the favorable effect upon the climate of the vicinity,
broadly extended, of a great source of rain."
However, when the projected enlargement of the State
forests is secured, and the management shall begin
operations in a business-like way, we will find that we
need a large tract of woodland, which has to be treated
somewhat differently from the general forest preserve,
and this tract should be distinguished from the preserve
by naming it the " Park."
This park should, among other purposes, be devoted :

I. To the establishment of a State nursery for forest

The proper preservation of natural forests requires,

besides other operations, the continual care for replant-

ing areas which have been denuded either by accidents
(fire) or elemental forces (storms, snoAv) or by the natu-
ral course of tree life. Of the i^resent State forest pre-
serve there are several hundred thousands of acres of
woodlands, which have been stripped in such a manner
that they forever are doomed to weeds and brambles
unless the helping hand of man is enlisted into service
for restocking them. Many of these tracts may be re-
forested by a geaieral cultivation and seeding down with
the seeds of trees adapted tosoil and location, but there
will remain many places which cannot be redeemed
from their desolate condition unless planted with seed-
lings, and sometimes with such ones as have been once
transplanted in the nursery. It is true that wherever
large tracts are to bo planted the nursery should be
located in the midst, or at least near the tract to be
operated on. But this would not exclude the advisa-
bility of creating a j)rincipal station for general nursery
purposes. For this institute has not only the care of
raising seedlings and disseminating the knowledge of
improved methods of forest planting, but also of col-
lecting the seeds of forest trees grown in the Adiron-
dacks, and of preserving the collected seeds till the
time arrives when they will be made use of. Sometimes
it may not be avoidable to buy tree seed from seed-

dealers. But it goes without saying that, to owners of

large forests, the most approved way of restocking their
denuded wood plots is to take the collection of seeds in
their own hands, although this operation is a tedious
one, and not infrequently more expensive than to buy
the seed from the dealers.
II. A Forest School would be another institution to be
established upon the privileged grounds of a Forest Park.

With the introduction of systematic forestry men

trained in branches of forest planting, and in the

protection and exploitation of forests will be required

in great numbers. Referring to what has been said on
this subject in Chapter V., Part I., the following re-
marks may serve to give some more useful hints in this
For the proper management of large forests there are
required two classes of officials, besides common labor-
ers, viz.: 1. The persons of the forest administration
service occupying the higher places in the dejiartment,
supervising the entire business and giving directions to
the local officials in the forest service for the suitable
methods of cultivating and exploiting the several
wooded tracts entrusted to the care of subordinate offi-
cials as foresters and their assistants. 2. These subordi-

nate officials, although occupying the inferior places in

the service, are with us in the present transitory stage
of converting the wild woods into cultivated forests of
the highest importance, because the principal work
during the first years will, besides the engineers' work
of laying out and rendering passable the necessary
roads through the woods, consist of cleaning and clear-
ing out the thickets, felling off mature and overmature

trees, removing them out of the woods and jDreparing

them for the auction sale and the market, putting the
denuded woodlands in the proper condition for the recep-
tion of seeds or plants, and reforesting them.
AVith the further development of the profession, to
be built up by introducing scientific forestry in this
State and country, there will undoubtedly appear forest
officials of the class No. 1, who have received besides
practical instruction in the culture and management of
forests, an university education to fit them for the for-

est administration service, and to apply their widened

knowledge and experience for the benefit of the State
by increasing the revenues of the forests entrusted to
their care. But, at present, we need, jjar excellence, men
of class 3, practically instructed in the everyday rou-
tine of systematic forest management,
having after
received the education of the average graduate from a
country school. To impart such an education and to
accustom the students to a strict moral conduct and a
rigid, nearly military discipline, without which no large
forest can be managed successfully, the immediate
establishment of Vi forest school within the Adirondack
Park should be insisted upon. There young men be-
tween 18 and 22 years old should receive an elementary
education and practical instruction under the direction
of an approved forester.* This school should be located
at a place where the teacher, for purposes of practical
instruction, can have at his disposition an extended area
consisting of standing wood, denuded woodlands, and a
well-equipped nursery. The students should be com-
pelled to devote half of the time of their education for
performing every manual Avork that is required to be
done in the proper management and exploitation of
forests. Referring as for the rest to what has been said
in this regard on page 33, sqq., it might not be amiss to
remember the experiences we have made with our agri-
cultural schoolsf and not to raise in this school the

* We need not to fear a want of scieatifically educated foresters.

The reverse naight come nearer to the truth. See what is said about
this subject on page 142, note.

tThe last report of the Cornell University goes to show that, out of
a total number of 1,300 students, oidy thirty-one are inscribed in the
Agricultural Department. " This meagre showing is," as the Practical
Farmer lately said, '
not the result of poor or unqualified professors

standard of professional education higher than is nec-

essary for the executive staff of the forest dej^artment.
However, should there be found talented scholars with
higher aspirations, occasion should be given to them
after completing the full course in this school to enter
a college for obtaining a higher standard of education
to fit them for the higher walks of the profession.
III. The State Park should also afford an opportunity
for creating an experiment station for forest trees.
Our knowledge of whe)-e,7vhaf,a,nd how to plant trees
is, as the late Dr. John Warder said, very im^ierfect.
There are only two ways to complete this knowledge,
viz., either by experience or by experiment. In Europe
it took more than a century to organize a system of

scientific forestry, and since that time the experiment

stations are fully engaged in disclosing the many dark
points which remain in this science still doubtful, in
spite of the excellent management of the European
forests by erudite and capable men. Now, if we intro-

and instructors, for they arc the best that can be found. The trouble
lies in the system. There is a natural antagonism between agricul-
tural and classical students, and they will never in any manner coal-
esce; the former being in the minority, the latter will drive them by
sneers and taunts either into a strictly literary course, or send them
home in disgust." What should be done and can be done to avoid such
undesirable condition may be seen in the little " Storrs Agricultural
School " of Connecticut. This is a purely agricultural school, costing
but a few thousand dollars every year, and has many more students
than the Cornell University has in its agricultural department. The
graduates of this school go all back to the plow aud realize practically
the benefits of theh- education, while most of the fem graduates from
the Cornell agricultural depa,rtment enter city and business life. Let
us have a little forest school in the Adirondacks for educating the men
required to perform the practical operations in the management of
the State forests. Cornell University may rise to educate the higher
officialswho, later on, will be in demand for the administration of
our State forests, and who should possess an university education.

duce a systematic management of our forests with help-

ers who are nearly all crude lay hands, it devolves upon
us the more the duty of establishing experiment sta-
tions as the objects of our investigations are by far more
numerous and complicated than those treated in the Eu-
ropean stations. The principles of vegetable growth
being everywhere alike, we can obtain much useful
information by the instructions of the European forest-
ers. But as our climate and physical conditions differ
much from those prevailing upon the Eastern hemi-
sphere, and as these circumstances effect different results
in forest culture, we have to make careful observations
and experiments ourselves, in order to arrive at the
knowledge necessary to determine the most important
steps in the rational management of forests. See the
remarks on page 53 i. f.
An experiment station in the Adirondack Park would
be the more beneficial for the whole country, as we
would be able to attach to it a large tract of woodland
and an extensive nursery, thus combining the experi-
ments in the forest with those in the field (nursery).
We would be able in the course of time, by careful
measurements of trees, to determine: the rates of
growth in different species of trees, at different periods
of life, and could answer the question whether it would
pay to devote a certain area to forest culture.
We could furthermore determine the technical and
financial value of the different species, their wood accre-
tions under different conditions, and at a certain age,
and would then be in a position to decide on the most
desirable selection of trees from a financial point of
view. We could then answer many questions which are
at present still entirely wrapped up in darkness, or very
doubtful, such as regarding the conditions under which

the different kinds of trees grow best and form the most
wood, some requiring close and some more open plant-
ing, some needing nurses and some not, some requiring
much light, while others get along well in the shade.
All these points, and many others connected with the
various forest cultures in seeding and planting forest
which are so important for the systematic manage-
ment of forests and not yet settled, should be attended
to and by experiments determined, with the help of ten-
tative processes.
IV. The Park idea would, however, be still more ap-
propriate if it was made subservient to another economic
consideration, viz., to the preservation of the game
within the Adirondack region. Under the present sys-
tem Adirondacks
of administration pot-hunting in the
will,from year to year increase; and, unless there is set
apart an extended district where game may rest and
breed undisturbed, the nobler species of game will soon
be a thing of the past. It was only by declaring some
of her mountains (Freiberge) exempted from the incur-
sions of hunters and trappers that Switzerland succeeded
in saving the beautiful chamois from total extinction.
If we take similar precautions and set apart a large
continuous Avooded tract as a park, we could establish
it at the same time as an asylum for the much-persecuted

game, in which hunting and trapping game should be

prohibited under the heaviest penalties. Then we
would not only preserve a stock of the pretty game for
our successors without being compelled to keep a costly
deer park, we would at the same time protect people
who visit the park for pleasure or health against the
sinister stray shots of the pot-hunters to which visitors
of the Adirondacks are now exposed at all times and in
all places.

A list of native trees of New York, published in the

last Annual Report of the State Forest Commission, is
as follows. Tliose marked with an asterisk being within
the boundaries of the projected Adirondack Park :

Willow or peach-leaved oak. *Black willow.

Black Jack or barren oak. Yellow willow.
*Black or yellow-bark oak. Black walnut.
Scarlet oak. Butternut.
*Red oak. Locust.
Pin or swamp Spanish oak. Honey locust.
Post or box white oak. *Bl:ick or wild cherry.
Over-cup white or bur oak. Sweet gum or liquidambar.
Mossy-cup oak. Button wood or sycamore.
White oak. Persimmon.
Swamp white oak. Pepperidge or sour gum.
Rock chestnut oak. Nettle tree or hackberry.
Chestnut or yellow oak. Red mulberry.
Shellbnrk or sha^bark hickory. White mulberry.
Mockernut or whiteheart hickory. Kentucky coffee tree.
Pignut or brown hickory. Magnolia or cucumber.
Bitternut or swamp hickory *Basswood or linden.
*Sugar maple oi- hard maple. Tulip tree or whitewood.
*Blaek sugar maple. *Ironwood or hop hornbeam.
*Soft or swamp niai)l.\ *Hornbeam or water beech.
*White or silver maple. *Floweriag dogwood.
Ash-leaved maple or box elder, Dogwood.
*White birch. Judas tree.
*Canoe or paper birch. Holly.
*Yellow birch. Sassafras.
*Black or chen-y birch. *Black thorn.
*Red birch. *Mountain ash or rowan tree.
*Red beech. Sweet-scented crab.
*White ash. Sheepberry.
*Black ash. *Stag-horn sumach.
Green ash. *Wild red or pin cherry.
* White elm. *White or Weymouth pine.
Slippery or red elm. *Pitch pine.
Cork elm or Thomas's elm. *Yellow pine.
*Quaking aspen or small poplar. *Scrub pine.
*American aspen or poplar. *Black or double spruce,
*Virginia or necklace poplar. *White or single spruce.
Cottonwood or downy poplar. *Balsam or balsam fir.
*Balsam poplar or tncmahac. *Hemlock.
*Balmof-Gilead. *Tamarack or hackmatack, or larch.
Chestnut. *Red cedar.
Horse chestnut. White cedar,
*Arbor vitag or white cedar.
3 1 !


Abies pectinata, picea ..110 Capillary Attraction 162

Acacia 50 Carbonate of Lime 159
Acer pseudo platanus 84 Carbonaceus humus 154
" campestre 85 Catal pa 89

Adirondack Wilderness, 16, 9, 11 Catskill Mountains 16, 11, 19

13, 19, 157 Cedar 186
" Park Association, 139 Central Park.. 215
2:i2, 238 ,
Chamois . . _ .234
Adriatic Gulf .218 1 Chemical Actions within the
Adventitious Buds 64 I Soil 44
Aforestiug Mountains... .182 Chestnut 49
" Sand Wastes .171 ;
Civil Service ..227
Agriculture 147 ;
Cleaning Forests _ 110

Ailanthus 215 Clover Culture 20,21

Alder 50, 66, 86, 88, 130, 153 I Colleges of Forestry and Agri-
" Grey 219 j
culture 31
Alluvial Soil, Planting on 147 Commons 16
Arbor Day 105 Conifers 47, 67, 71, 73, 93
Arundo arenaria 171 I Contre feu 136
Ash 83, 50, 82, 153, 18S Cooper Material 173, 174
Aspen Tree 50, 130, 219 Copse or Coppice Culture, 64, 132
Asylum, for Game 222, 234 I

Austria-Hungaria 218 Corn -marigold 153
Avena elatior 217 Cornell University 232
Ax, Short-handled for Planting 91 Cotton G rasses 154
Bacilli, Rock Devouring 213 County Schools 231
Balsam Fir 153 Crab-apple 215
Basket Making 148 Cuttings 66
Bass wood. 89 Dams, Dikes 195, 196, 197
Beachgrass .181 Danish, Government 175
Beaver Meadows... 157 ,
Deciduous Trees... 69, 93
Beavers 122 i
Deep Plowing 40, 41
Beds ....151,1531 Densely Foliaged Trees 49, 52
Beech.. 81,49,50,153,186,212 Dominant Trees 112
Betulace:fi 86 Downs-Dunes.. 6, 23, 171, 176, 177
Birch, 97, 86, 50, 54, 90, 109, 135, 219 Downward Step (of trees) 186
Black River. 9 Dragon Fly ...120
" Ash. ...153 Drainage 43, 160
Block System 56, 141 Elm, Seed-bed for, 50, 85, 83, 153
Bogs .-.151 I
Border or Bed Culture 45, 46 Elymus arenaria 171
Bottom Lands 153 Entailments 28
Bromus ercctus 217 Erica, Family 153
Brush-Harrow 77, 2 1 Esparsette 217
Buckwheat 166, 178 Evergreens 106
Burning Over the Soil 165 Experiments in the Forests 233
Burnt Places 215 " Field 233

Button Wood 67
Experiment Stations, 15,30, 222,232
Calamagrostis arenaria 118, 217
Extraction of Tree Seeds 71

Felling of Trees 114 Lichens 153

Fens 157 Light-needing Trees. .52, 117, 153
Fires, Forest 15, 134, 137, 224 Lion Beetles 120
Firs ...-49, 50, 155, 186 Location of Seed-beds for For-
Forest Culture. 9, 11, 15,25, 30, 146 est-trees .90
" Economy 12 Locust 89
' Farm at Barres 32, 33 Long Island Sands .175
" Gardening 62 Lumber. 153
" Nursery ... . 15, 142, 220, 2:>2 Maple 83, 84, 50,67, 153, 186
" Officials ...1 230 Martens 119
" Park. ..228 Marshes 151
" Planting 9,36 Maritime Pine 181
" Preservation. -..4, 5, 13, 14 Mice 119, 122
" Revenues in Germany 17, 18 Miller Joaquin 1
" School 15,29,32,230 Mixed Forest-Planting 52
Forestry 3, 176, 222, 230 Mohawk River, 9
Forester 141,142 Moles .118
Forkiness of Trees 94 Moorlands 45, 158, 154
Foxes 119 Mosses ..153, 156, 158
France, Forestry 176 Moss-lands 156
Fr;iternizing Trees 51 .Mountain Waters, RegulatiDn
Freiberg in Switzerland 234 of 192
Frost Damaging 128, 129 Muck 154
Furze 178 Muentz, Prof 213
Game, Injurious to Trees 123 Mulching Planted Trees 108
Germinating Power of Tree M} rica cerif era 181
Seeds .73 Myrtle Bush 181
Gorse 178 Natural Meadows. 1 57

Governed Trees 112 Natural Moors 165

Grenadiers, The 35 Natural Reproduction of Woods,
Hand-harrow .105 64,65
Hand-roller. .160 Natural Regeneration 64, 65
Hard pan 168 New Jersey Sands 175
Hawthorn 219 Nursery, Forest.... 15, 142, 220, 222
Heaths 42, 154, 157 Nut-bearing Trees, Seed-beds
Heath-pan 108 for.... 79
Heather 178 N. Y. Times (Paper) 218
Hemlock 155, 186 Oaks 50,135, 153, 169
High Moors, Forest Planting Ohio, State Forestry Bureau Re-
on ...156, 158 port 34
Hill Planting 96, 97,98, 152 Orstein ...168
Holcus mollis. 217 Osier 148
Hornbeam 89,49, 50, 130 Osier, Red 148
Hough, F. B 100 Overforester 110
Hudson River.. .. 9 Packhard, Dr 126
Humic Acid 42,154, 156, 159 Paper-Making Material 174
Ichneumon Flies 121 Parasites 121
Inundations in Forests 132 Parent Trees 66
Iron Oxide 1 68 Park Commissioners 10
Irrigation 43, 200 Peat Bogs 154
Jay' 121 " Mosses 156
Juniper. 1 72, 219 Peaty Soils 45, 46, 159, 105
Lady-birds 120 Peroxide of Lime 159
Landes of Sologne 170 Pfrieme 178
Landes of Gascony 172 Pickhardt, Wm., New York .... 80
Larch 50, 180, 216 Pine, 47, CO, 90. 109, 130, 153. 172
Layers (sprouts) , 06 177, 181
INDEX. 337

Pine Barrens 168 Shelter Forests. 22,24

" Black Austrian.. 212, 215, 219 Shifting Sands 167
" FirLeuved 219 Slirew-mouses 118
" of Aleppo 216 Skunks lis
" Scotch 212 SorbeTree .219
" Wild or Dwarf 219.220 Sparrows 121
Pimipinella 217 Spruce 49, 90, 153, 156, 219
Planting Forest Trees. ..90-98, 188 Squirrel 123
with Ball 95 Staddels 68
" without Ball 96 State Control over Forests... 23, 24
Plains, Forest Planting on 146 State Forests.... 16, 11,21, 144, 223
Plenter Management 60 State Forest Commission 3, 4, 10
Pollards : .132, 147 157
Poplar 89, 66, 109, 135, 172 " Troops 35
Porcup ines 118 StatisticalBureau for Forest
Pot-hunters... 234 Matters 22
Preparatory Measures for Ee- Steam Plow 42
stockiiigMountaitis 190 Storrs Agricultural School 232
Preservation of Tree Seeds 70 St. Paul, Chamber of Commerce 34
Prevention of Injuries to Trees, Subdued trees 113
123, 125 Sun Heat, Damaging 130
Protection of Trees 109 Swam J) Hickory 158
' " Forest Soil 116 Swamps 151, 154
" " Forests 118 Sweating, Tree Seeds 69
Protective Forests. ...13. 22. 23. 24 Sycamore 67
Protoxide of Lime 159 Systems of Forest Management,
Pyrites 134 55-64
Quercus ilex or sempervirens.. 80 Tanner Materials 1 73, 175

Rabatten Culture 45 Thinning out 14, 110, 111

Rahbit. ....123 Thin f oliaged trees 50, 52
Railroads Passing Forests 225 Tidswilde Ilegn 174
Ravines 199 Tiger Beetles 120
Reforesting Sand-wastes 170 Timber 153
Regulation of Rivers 201 Torrents, Formation of... 191
Removal of Tree Branches 115 Transplanting Large Trees 101, 108
Replanting, Artiticial 14 Trap Trees 126
Reports of Forest Commission. 4, 5 Tree Nurseries 92
Reproduction of Woods 14, 33 Tuf t-ti passes 154
Restocking High Mountains... 213 Tulip Tree 89
Right of Eminent Dom.aiu...l3, 27 Turf. 1.55,166
Roses, Wild. .215 Walnut 49
Safety-strips 135, 136 Warder, Dr. John A., 53
Salicylic Acid... 148 Water Table 160
Salix purpurea 148 Weirs 19
" viminalis 148 Wild Forests 145
Sand-reed 178 Wild Woods 145
" Wastes 168,172 Willow. ...88, 66. 109, 147, 149, 219
Schneissen 60, 137, 141 Willow Plantations 149
Seeds for Forest Trees 68 Winter Dock 153
Seed-beds for Foi'cst Trees. _ .75, 90 Wood, Mantel 129, 131
Seeding Forest Trees... .74, 80, 188 Wooded Tracts ^6
Seelam 1, Island 1 75 Woods 140, 144
Shade-Enduring Trees 52, 117 Young Plantations, Care of 109


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