Econ 310 Syllabus

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lnsLrucLor: ur. 8aLna k. ShresLha
Cfflce 8oom # 8uch L 173 Cfflce Pours: M/W 10.00-11.43 AM
2014 (1erm 1) Class 1lme: M/W/l 4.00-3.00 M
Lmall: shresLha[ Class 8oom# 8uch A 101
1hls course prepares sLudenLs Lo undersLand Lhe behavlor of economlc agenLs (such as
households and flrms) and Lhe role of Lhe compeLlLlve markeL ln allocaLlng goods and servlces
among Lhese economlc agenLs. We wlll sLudy how Lhe sLrucLure of markeL (such as monopoly,
ollgopoly) and Lhe presence of exLernallLy affecL Lhe prlces and allocaLlon of goods and
servlces. We wlll also sLudy how Lhe governmenL can use varlous economlc Lools (such as Lax
and regulaLlon) Lo address Lhe allocaLlon problems caused by non compeLlLlve markeLs and
Lhe presence of exLernallLles.
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rlnclples of Mlcroeconomlcs, 6Lh Canadlan LdlLlon -./ n. C. Manklw, 8. u. kneebone, k. !.
Mckenzle, and n. 8owe0 ParcourL 8race and Company, Canada.

We wlll use I@0#4an lnLerneL-based learnlng Loolfor Lhls course. Weekly qulzzes wlll be
asslgned from Lhls slLe and so you musL slgn up for an access Lo lL. 1o reglsLer Lo Aplla, please
vlslL: and reglsLer as a new user by uslng Lhe course key provlded aL
hLLp:// AlLernaLlvely, you may reglsLer aL
hLLp:// slLe. ?ou can use Lhe aplla code LhaL comes wlLh your new LexL
or you can purchase an sLandalone Aplla code from u8C Aplla purchase . Slnce Aplla slLe
provldes you an elecLronlc copy of Lhe LexL, you may choose Lhls laLLer opLlon.

J%%K :
ChapLer 1 1en rlnclples of Lconomlcs

J%%K L
ChapLer 2 1hlnklng Llke an LconomlsL
ChapLer 3 lnLerdependence and Calns from 1rade.

J%%K 9
ChapLer 4 MarkeL lorces of Supply and uemand
ChapLer 3 LlasLlclLy and lLs AppllcaLlon

J%%K M
ChapLer 6 Supply, uemand, and CovernmenL ollcles
ChapLer 7 Consumers, roducers and Lhe Lfflclency of MarkeLs

J%%K N
ChapLer 8 1he CosLs of 1axaLlon
ChapLer 9 lnLernaLlonal 1rade

J%%K O
ChapLer 13 CosL of roducLlon

J%%K P
ChapLer 14 llrms ln CompeLlLlve MarkeL
Monday 13Lh CcL: 1hanksglvlng Pollday

J%%K Q
8evlew for Lhe MldLerm (Covers up Lo ChapLer 14)
MldLerm Lxam CcL 24 (lrlday)

J%%K R
ChapLer 13 Monopoly and rlce ulscrlmlnaLlon

J%%K :;
ChapLer 17 Cllgopoly

J%%K ::
ChapLer 10 LxLernallLy
ChapLer 21 1heory of Consumer Cholce

J%%K :L
8evlew for Lhe flnal

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Aplla Culzzes 20 (weekly Aplla qulzzes)
Cne mldLerm 30 (CcL 24)
llnal 30 (Check SSC slLe for Lhe daLe)

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1) 1here wlll be nC makeup mldLerm, however lf you mlss lL for a genulne reason, your flnal
wlll be graded ouL of 80 (upon furnlshlng supporLlng documenLs).

2) lf you see any lnconslsLency wlLh Lhe marklng of your mldLerm (or flnal), you may requesL
for remarklng. Powever Lhe grade wlll be correcLed only lf Lhere are obvlous errors or marklng
does noL conflrm wlLh Lhe marklng gulde. ln such a case of remarklng requesL, Lhe whole
exam wlll be remarked (noL only Lhe parLlcular quesLlon aL lssue).

3) lf you mlss Aplla qulzzes, Lhey can be reseL only lf a) you mlssed Lhem for a genulne reason
such as famlly emergency or medlcal condlLlons. Medlcal condlLlons such as seasonal flu or
oLher slmllar slcknesses wlll noL be consldered as genulne.

4) lf you do beLLer ln Lhe flnal Lhan Lhe mldLerm, your flnal wlll be welghLed more (Lhe acLual
welghL allocaLlon wlll be declded based on Lhe overall class performance).

3) lf you could noL wrlLe Lhe flnal exam for some reason, please see ArLs Advlslng (or your
respecLlve advlslng offlce) and geL your exam deferred. 1here ls nC need for you Lo emall or
lnform me. ArLs Advlslng wlll do lL.

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1) All Lhe announcemenLs, lf any oLher Lhan llsLed here, for Lhls course wlll be made aL Lhe
connecL slLe. AnnouncemenLs relaLed Lo Aplla may be made on Aplla slLe lLself.

2) lf you have any quesLlon relaLed Lo Aplla or oLher course maLerlals, please posL Lhem on
Lhls slLe's dlscusslon board. lease don'L emall me.

3) 1hls slLe conLalns my lecLure noLes and racLlce CuesLlons wlLh answers for many of Lhem.
MosL of Lhese quesLlons are from Lhe "end of chapLer quesLlons" of Lhe LexL. 1he remalnlng
quesLlons wlLhouL answers are for your pracLlce and no soluLlon for Lhem wlll be provlded. So
please don'L emall me asklng for soluLlons, lf you have quesLlons on Lhem, you may see me (or
1A) durlng my (hls/her) offlce hours. My focus ls on learnlng Lhe Lools and belng able Lo apply
Lhem. 1rylng even one quesLlon on your own can be more beneflclal Lhan readlng 20
readymade soluLlons.

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?ou wlll geL : 3+"1' 24&K for class aLLendance or parLlclpaLlon. l wlll Lake 2 random
aLLendances durlng Lhe Lerm and so each aLLendance wlll carry 0.3 mark. ?our acLlve class
parLlclpaLlon can subsLlLuLe for one mlssed aLLendance.

A good knowledge of hlgh-school (Llnear) Algebra.

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