This document provides instructions for an infographic coursework assignment. Students must design an infographic on a specified topic while having freedom to choose the audience. They must submit a requirements document outlining the information and strategy, as well as the infographic file itself in a zip folder. The infographic will be assessed based on how well it presents information visually and complies with the stated requirements. Plagiarism, including using templates or generators, is not permitted and may result in penalties.
This document provides instructions for an infographic coursework assignment. Students must design an infographic on a specified topic while having freedom to choose the audience. They must submit a requirements document outlining the information and strategy, as well as the infographic file itself in a zip folder. The infographic will be assessed based on how well it presents information visually and complies with the stated requirements. Plagiarism, including using templates or generators, is not permitted and may result in penalties.
This document provides instructions for an infographic coursework assignment. Students must design an infographic on a specified topic while having freedom to choose the audience. They must submit a requirements document outlining the information and strategy, as well as the infographic file itself in a zip folder. The infographic will be assessed based on how well it presents information visually and complies with the stated requirements. Plagiarism, including using templates or generators, is not permitted and may result in penalties.
This document provides instructions for an infographic coursework assignment. Students must design an infographic on a specified topic while having freedom to choose the audience. They must submit a requirements document outlining the information and strategy, as well as the infographic file itself in a zip folder. The infographic will be assessed based on how well it presents information visually and complies with the stated requirements. Plagiarism, including using templates or generators, is not permitted and may result in penalties.
,?=56>2-> /-@56?2>/5- A pre-condlLlon for Lhls coursework ls LhaL you have waLched all of Lhe vldeos ln weeks 1-4 of Lhe onllne course. WheLher you have waLched Lhese vldeos wlll be [udged from Moodle access logs and qulz compleLlons. SLudenLs who have noL waLched Lhe vldeos wlll be warned before Lhe coursework submlsslon deadllne. lf you haven'L waLched Lhe modules by Lhe lndlvldual coursework deadllne Lhen a penalLy of 2 marks per lncompleLe week can be applled.
451678956: 50860/89 ?ou wlll plan and deslgn an lnfographlcA 1he Loplc for you lnfographlc wlll be speclfled, buL you wlll have a subsLanLlal amounL of freedom ln chooslng an approprlaLe audlence and ln esLabllshlng an effecLlve deslgn. ?ou wlll need Lo collecL some lnLeresLlng lnformaLlon, and Lo Lhlnk carefully abouL how Lo use graphlcal mechanlsms Lo presenL Lhls. lnfographlcs communlcaLe lnformaLlon ln a graphlcal manner, and you should use LexL sparlngly ln your deslgn. A Lool such as Adobe lllusLraLor would be a senslble cholce for produclng your lnfographlc, buL you are free Lo use any Lool LhaL you wlsh.
451678956: .8>2/37 lor Lhe Loplc of your lnfographlc, you have a free cholce of elLher Pow do noLLlngham unlverslLy sLudenLs use Lhe lnLerneL Lo learn?" or Pow can sLudenLs use Lhe lnLerneL Lo learn?". 1hese are boLh very broad Loplcs, and you wlll need Lo puL some careful LhoughL lnLo how Lo narrow Lhem down. ?our submlsslon wlll conslsL of Lhe followlng componenLs, whlch should be submlLLed Lhrough Moodle by Lhe deadllne ldenLlfled above:
?ou should submlL a wrlLLen requlremenLs documenL (maxlmum 300 words) a summary of Lhe lnformaLlon you would llke Lo presenL an ouLllne of your chosen sLraLegy for presenLlng lnformaLlon a clear sLaLemenL of Lhe audlence LhaL your lnfographlc ls LargeLed aL
!"#$"%&%' ';") *%+",-.$/01 67< #.-94:
?ou should submlL a slngle lnfographlc, ln Lhe form of a nC, !LC or Cll flle. 1hls wlll be vlewed on a compuLer monlLor wlLh a Lyplcal resoluLlon of 1920 x 1080 plxels. 1he lnfographlc may be of any aspecL raLlo LhaL you llke, buL you musL bear ln mlnd LhaL lL wlll be marked on Lhls Lype of monlLor (l.e. you wlll be penallsed lf lL ls dlfflculL Lo vlew on such a devlce). lf you use any medla ln your lnfographlc Lo whlch you do noL own Lhe copyrlghL, Lhen you should acknowledge Lhe source elLher wlLhln Lhe lnfographlc lLself, or ln an accompanylng medla credlLs flle. 1hls lncludes .%= maLerlal sourced from Lhe lnLerneL (you should sLaLe Lhe source ln your credlLs). lf you do noL credlL any arLwork (lncludlng lcons, logos, phoLographs, graphs, charLs eLc), Lhen we wlll assume LhaL you creaLed Lhem yourself. lf you are found noL Lo have creaLed lL Lhen Lhls ls LAClA8lSM, and you wlll be severely penallsed.
451678956: 71B?/77/5- ?ou should submlL a slngle zlp flle Lhrough Moodle, and Lhls should conLaln your requlremenLs documenL (as a uCC or ul), Lhe lnfographlc (as a nC, !LC or Cll) and (opLlonally) Lhe medla credlLs flle.
%26:/-C D6/>86/2 ?our lnfographlc requlremenLs documenL wlll be assessed for Lhe clarlLy and compleLeness wlLh whlch lL esLabllshes requlremenLs for your lnfographlc. ?our lnfographlc wlll be assessed for lLs compllance wlLh Lhese requlremenLs, for Lhe depLh of lnformaLlon LhaL lL presenLs and for Lhe clarlLy, approprlaLeness and orlglnallLy of lLs use of graphlcal mechanlsms Lo presenL Lhls lnformaLlon. We sLrongly encourage creaLlve responses Lo Lhe coursework - lf you are uncerLaln abouL Lhe approprlaLeness of your response, please conLacL Lhe module convener.
E32C/26/7? 1he deslgn of Lhe layouL, colour scheme and conLenL of your lnfographlc should be your own work. lL ls accepLable Lo lncorporaLe arLwork or oLher medla from Lhlrd parLles, provlded LhaL Lhls ls acknowledged ln Lhe medla credlLs. lf lL ls noL acknowledged Lhen such maLerlal wlll be consldered Lo be plaglarlsm. A number of LemplaLes are avallable Lo creaLe lnfographlcs, and Lhere are even onllne lnfographlcs generaLors" - uslng Lhese wlll be consldered plaglarlsm. We are lnLeresLed ln your deslgn ablllLles - noL a LemplaLe creaLors. 8e aware, we know mosL of Lhe Lools LhaL are avallable and Lhls sorL of usage ls slmple Lo deLecL!