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vivcinc. {o vnnc Ivinin )co

8ache|or of Iourna||sm and Mass Commun|cat|on


Code No 8I(MC) 209 Cred|ts04
aper Summer 1ra|n|ng ro[ect



100 CCSlu Crdlnance 3
200 Culdellnes for luncLlonal Lxposure 8eporL 4

300 Culdellnes lor WrlLlng luncLlonal Lxposure 8eporLAppendlx8 7
300 lormaL Cf 1he 8eporL WrlLlngAppendlxC 9
600 SpeclflcaLlons for 8ody of Lhe lL8Appendlxu 13
lorm no 1lAS
Cover age Cf luncLlonal Lxposure 8eporL 12
lorm no 1lAS
CerLlflcaLe from SLudenLs laculLy Culde 13
lorm no 1lAS
CerLlflcaLe from lndusLry Culde urafL Copy 16
lorm no 1lAS
Weekly rogress 8eporL (W8) 17
lorm no 1lAS
lL8 LvaluaLlon lorm 18
lorm no 1lAS
luncLlonal Lxpousure 8eporL ower olnL resenLaLlon 19
800 luncLlonal Lxposure Appralsal 20



8ache|or of Iourna||sm and Mass Commun|cat|on

Code No aper L 1] Cred|ts
8!MC 209 Summer 1ralnlng 8eporL 4

Course Code 8I(MC) 209 L 0 1] 0 CkLDI1S 4
Soon afLer Lhe lourLh SemesLer Lnd1erm LxamlnaLlon sLudenLs wlll undergo Lralnlng ln rlnL
Medla for four weeks and wlll submlL a comprehenslve Summer 1ralnlng 8eporL (S18)
alongwlLh a ower olnL resenLaLlon lncorporaLlng Lhe work done durlng Lhe Lralnlng
1he hard copy of Lhe S18 (ln dupllcaLe) ls Lo be submlLLed alongwlLh a sofL copy of ower
olnL resenLaLlon aL leasL 4 weeks before Lhe commencemenL of Lnd 1erm LxamlnaLlon of Lhe
1hlrd semesLer
Summer 1ralnlng 8eporLs wlll be evaluaLed by Lhe 8oard of Lxamlners comprlslng of an
lnLernal Lxamlner and one LxLernal Lxamlner separaLely ouL of 30 marks each 1he LxLernal
Lxamlner wlll be appolnLed by Lhe vlce Chancellor


vivcinc. {o Ivn.ionv )co

}^(: (O)I+(I OI I1)


Lach sLudenL of 8!MC programme ls Lo engage hlmself/herself ln summer Lralnlng durlng Lhe summer
vacaLlons aL Lhe end of fourLh semesLer lL ls an exerclse ln ' CrganlsaLlonal lnLerface' wlLh reference Lo
varlous aspecLs of chosen area of medla Lasks and funcLlons

1he academlc ob[ecLlves of summer Lralnlng are Lo
1 Work galn knowledge of real Medla world
2 Lxplore Lhe varlous funcLlons and analyze how LheoreLlcal concepLs LaughL are applled ln real
3 Analyze besL pracLlces sysLem processes procedures and pollcles of prlnL lndusLry and brlng
forward Lhe devlaLlons beLween Lhe class room Leachlng and Lhe lndusLry pracLlces
4 uevelop skllls ln reporL wrlLlng Lhrough daLa collecLlon daLa analysls daLa exLracLlon and
presenLaLlon and draw lessons from Lhe prlnL lndusLry where you are dolng summer Lralnlng ln
respecL of prlnL medla

AL Lhe end of 'Summer 1ralnlng' Lhe sLudenLs are Lo submlL a wrlLLen reporL ln Lhe sLandardlzed
formaL and guldellnes glven Lo Lhe sLudenLs

Scope of theProject / Summer Training

1he summer Lralnlng asslgnmenLs would be based on Lhe prlnL lndusLry coverlng Lhe varlous aspecLs
such as 8eporLlng LdlLlng WrlLlng hoLo !ournallsm eLc
lL may be noLed LhaL Lhe chosen work should fall under creaLlng edlLlng and publlshlng conLenL only

Lach student |s requ|red to carry out the work and subm|t the report |nd|v|dua||y


1 lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe compleLlon of Lhe second SemesLer Lhe sLudenLs shall proceed for Lhelr
Summer 1ralnlng of 4 weeks duraLlon ln an lndusLrlal organlzaLlon approved by Lhe lnsLlLuLe
1he candldaLes shall be requlred Lo undergo Lralnlng ln Lhe areas (such as rlnL magazlnes
newspapers eLc)


2 1he organlzaLlon may asslgn a speclflc pro[ecL Lo Lhe candldaLe whlch wlll be compleLed by
hlm / her durlng Lhls Lenure 1he work done by Lhe candldaLe ln Lhe Lralnlng on Lhe pro[ecL
shall be submlLLed by Lhe candldaLes ln Lhe manner as speclfled ln Lhe Crdlnance

3 1he Summer 1ralnlng 8eporL prepared afLer Lhe compleLlon of Summer 1ralnlng shall be
assessed ln Lhe Lhlrd SemesLer as a compulsory paper of 100 marks (lnLernal 30 LxLernal 30)

4 1he sLudenLs musL aLLend Lhe 8rleflng Sesslon before Lhey leave for Lhe Summer 1ralnlng
abouL Lhe guldellnes expecLaLlons and oLher Lhlngs LhaL Lhey are expecLed Lo do durlng Lhe
1ralnlng perlod

3 All Lhe sLudenLs are requlred Lo glve Lhelr CrganlzaLlon name address name of Lhe concern
person wlLh deslgnaLlon conLacL number Lo Lhe rogram CoordlnaLor

6 1he sLudenLs shall choose a Company from Crganlzed SecLor rlvaLe / ubllc LlmlLed
company CorporaLlon or a CovernmenL ueparLmenL eLc

7 1he laculLy gulde has Lhe llberLy Lo vlslL Lhe CrganlzaLlon where Lhe sLudenL ls undergolng
Lralnlng Lo assess and evaluaLe frulLfulness of Lhe Lralnlng

8 no Lwo sLudenLs should work on a Slngle 1oplc durlng Lhelr Summer 1ralnlng 8eporL Lven lf
Lhe sLudenLs are asslgned Lhe same pro[ecL lL ls expecLed LhaL Lhey work on dlfferenL aspecLs or
demographlc area of Lhe pro[ecL and presenL accordlngly

9 All Lhe sLudenLs are requlred Lo glve presenLaLlon Lo Lhe concerned gulde along wlLh Lhe
CommlLLee of experLs whlch wlll be held as per Schedule noLlfled

10 1he sLudenLs are requlred Lo meeL Lhelr laculLy Culdes phase wlse before submlLLlng Lhe
reporL flnally and are expecLed Lo send Lhe weekly progress reporL (W8) as per speclfled
formaL by e mall Lo Lhelr respecLlve laculLy guldes on every Monday of Lhe week Lo
accommodaLe due changes made by Lhe laculLy Culde (Annexurevl)

11 lL ls obllgaLory for sLudenLs Lo geL Lhelr drafL approved from concerned gulde before glvlng flnal
drafL of Lhe Summer 1ralnlng ro[ecL 8eporL for submlsslon

12 1he Culdellnes for wrlLlng Summer 1ralnlng 8eporL ls glven ln Appendlx '8'

13 1he formaL of Lhe 8eporL WrlLlng ls aLLached as Appendlx 'C'

14 SpeclflcaLlons for 8ody of Lhe S18 ls aLLached as Appendlx 'u'

202 CnLCk LIS1
O lease ensure LhaL you've reglsLered yourself wlLh rogram CoordlnaLors and recelved Copy of
Weekly rogress 8eporL lormaL
O SLudenLs are requlred Lo collecL CuluLLlnLS Cl SuMML8 18AlnlnC" from Lhelr common url



lL ls advlsed LhaL ?ou Lake Lhe Summer 1ralnlng very serlously undersLand Lhe Summer 1ralnlng
ro[ecL ln lLs enLlreLy lLs ob[ecLlves meLhodology fuLure scope Lhe Llme frame ln whlch lL has Lo be

O Send Lhe W8 Weekly rogress 8eporL by emall Lo your faculLy gulde on every Monday of Lhe
week poslLlvely
O erform Cood CuallLy Work whlch would help you
ln developlng an undersLandlng of Lhe varlous funcLlons of prlnL [ournallsm
ln applylng LheoreLlcal concepLs learnL ln Lhe classroom
ln evolvlng Lhe new lnnovaLlve ways and concepLs
ln galnlng experlences of worklng ln Lhe real llfe slLuaLlon
8ulldlng a rapporL wlLh Lhe lndusLry Culde
LsLabllshlng a muLually beneflclal relaLlonshlp beLween you and yours respecLlve

O 1hls ls an opporLunlLy for you aL Lhe same Llme a very lmporLanL responslblllLy Lo bulld a
close relaLlonshlp beLween your lnsLlLuLe varlous members of your Summer lnLernshlp
CrganlzaLlon and all Lhe oLher organlzaLlon you come across durlng your lnLernshlp 1he
followlng would deflnlLely help you Lo achleve Lhe above

8e puncLual ln your offlce Lralnlng
8e slncere Lowards your Summer 1ralnlng
MeeL deadllnes LargeLs glven
Cfflce your supporLlng hand Lo your lndusLry gulde for work Lhan your Summer
8e eLhlcal ln your deals
8ulld cordlal relaLlonshlp wlLh all Lhe lndusLry rofesslonal you come across
durlng your summer Lralnlng



vivcinc. Io +iin vnnc Ivinin )co

Chapter1 Introduct|on

lollowlng aspecLs need Lo be covered ln Lhe flrsL chapLer ln order Lo know Lhe company proflle

1 lndusLry proflle

2 Company proflle name of Lhe flrm/company lLs compleLe address along wlLh Lelephone
numbers emall address webslLe name MenLlon wheLher local naLlonal or mulLlnaLlonal lf
naLlonal/mulLlnaLlonal glve locaLlon address of Lhe reglsLered offlce and geographlcal areas
of operaLlon of Lhe company

3 Lxplaln Lhe naLure of Lhe organlsaLlon and lLs worklng Model (1argeL Audlence / rospecLlve

4 Company's vlslon mlsslon

6 8each / lrequency (ln Lerms of ClrculaLlon 8eadershlp) of organlsaLlon

7 CrganlsaLlonal sLrucLure

8 Audlence share poslLlon of Lhe company ln Lhe lndusLry

9 resenL leadershlp MenLlon Lhe people Lhelr level wlLh whom you have lnLeracLed
durlng Lhe summer Lralnlng

Chapter2 Iob rospect|ve ke|evance of 1ra|n|ng

ln Lhls chapLer sLudenLs have Lo clarlfy dlfferenL aspecLs of worklng model / prospecLlve of Lhe
organlzaLlon and Lhey have Lo esLabllsh relaLlonshlp of Lhe same wlLh Lhe Lask asslgned Lo Lhem

Chapter3 Iob Spec|f|c ana|ys|s

ln Lhls chapLer lnclude deLalled analysls of Lhe Lask LhaL Lhe sLudenLs have carrled ouL aL Lhe
behesL of Lhe company rovlde Lhe full deLalls of Lhe pro[ecL/work glven by Lhe company gulde
and lLs execuLlon
SLudenLs are advlsed Lo puL Lhelr submlsslon / reporLs / wrlLeups along wlLh flnal publlcaLlon
(lf any)


Chapter4 Learn|ng Summary

ln Lhls chapLer sLudenLs are Lo menLlon learnlng value of Lhe summer Lralnlng coverlng aL leasL
followlng aspecLs

O CommenL on your experlence abouL Lhe worklng and envlronmenL exlsLlng ln Lhe

O Lxplaln Lhe pracLlcal knowledge you galned durlng your summer Lralnlng ln Lerms of
sysLems procedures and pracLlces followed by Lhe organlzaLlon ln dlfferenL areas such
as (MarkeLlng 8eporLlng LdlLlng page numberlng eLc)

O 8esL pracLlces / uSs LhaL Lhe company follows ln dlfferenL areas

O Lxplaln Lhe varlaLlons/devlaLlons ln pracLlces followed by Lhe organlzaLlon vlsvls Lhe
concepLs LaughL Lo you ln Lhe classroom

O ConsLralnLs and llmlLaLlons lf any experlenced ln Lhe company where you have
undergone summer Lralnlng

O ln case you geL Lhe offer Lo [oln Lhe same company whaL changes you would llke Lo
carry ouL for Lhe beLLermenL of Lhe same organlzaLlon




1 1he flnal reporL should be wrlLLen ln Lhe followlng Lhe formaL

a 1lLle age
b CerLlflcaLe (s)
c AcknowledgemenL
d LxecuLlve Summary
e ConLenLs
f 8ody of Lhe Summer 1ralnlng 8eporL( As per Appendlx A)
g Summary and Concluslons
h 8eferences/ 8lbllography
l Appendlces

1it/e Poqe

2 1he formaL of Lhe LlLle page ls aLLached as AnnexureI


3 1he formaL of Lhe cerLlflcaLe ls aLLached as AnnexureII A cerLlflcaLe from Lhe medla
organlsaLlon where Lhe sLudenL dld Lhe summer Lralnlng ln Lhe funcLlonal area LhaL was opLed by Lhe


4 ln Lhe AcknowledgemenLs" page Lhe sLudenL recognlzes hls lndebLedness for guldance and
asslsLance Lo Lhe advlser and oLher members of Lhe faculLy CourLesy demands LhaL he also recognlzes
speclflc conLrlbuLlons by oLher persons or lnsLlLuLlons such as llbrarles and research foundaLlons

xecutive 5ummory

3 An LxecuLlve summary ls a brlef or condensed summary of Lhe work asslgned and performed for
hlgherlevel managemenL poslLlons lL should be abouL 34 pages ln lengLh lL should comprlse
problem deflnlLlon work asslgned meLhodology adopLed for Lhe performance of work asslgned
flndlngs llmlLaLlons dlrecLlons for fuLure developmenL lf any


Contents L|st of 1ab|es]I|gures]Symbo|s

6 1he formaL of ConLenLs and llsL of 1ables/llgures/Symbols ls aLLached as AnnexureIII A publlcaLlon
ls a research paper publlshed/communlcaLed durlng Lhe currenL research work

8ody of the summer tra|n|ng keport Gu|de||nes for keport Wr|t|ng

7 Whlle complllng Lhe body of reporL as ln Append|x '8' fo||ow|ng aspecLs musL be adhered Lo as
glven ln AspecLs are

(a) age S|ze Cood quallLy whlLe A4 slze execuLlve bond paper should be used for Lyplng
and dupllcaLlon

(b) Chapter]ara Number|ng 1he chapLers are Lo be numbered as ChapLer1 ChapLer2
eLc 1he headlng/LlLle of Lhe chapLer ls Lo appear below Lhe chapLer number ln uppercase
aragraphs are Lo be numbered as 123 eLc ln every chapLer separaLely Subparas are Lo be
numbered as 11 12 13 21 22 23eLc Subsub paras are Lo be numbered as 111
112 113 211 212 213 eLc

(c) age Spec|f|cat|ons

(l) LefL Margln 123 lnch
(ll) 8lghL Margln 123 lnch
(lll) 1op Margln 1 lnch
(lv) 8oLLom Margln 1 lnch

(d) age Numbers All LexL pages sLarLlng from 8ody of Lhe ro[ecL 8eporL as well as
program source code llsLlngs should be numbered aL Lhe bottom center of Lhe pages

(e) Norma| 8ody 1ext

(l) Iont S|ze 12 1lmes new 8oman uouble Spaclng Slngle Slde WrlLlng
(ll) aragraphs nead|ng Iont S|ze 12 1lmes new 8oman 8old underllned
(lll) age]1|t|e Iont S|ze 14 8old

(f) 1ab|e and I|gure Number 1able and flgure numbers are Lo be wrlLLen aL Lhe boLLom of
Lhe Lable/ flgure as glven below

(l) 1ab|e No1 Number of Lmp|oyees |n Crgan|sat|on A8C
(ll) I|gure No1 Data I|ow D|agram

(g) 8|nd|ng Co|or Code of the keport

(l) Pard 8ound 8eporL
(ll) 8ackground of Lhe cover page 8lack


(lll) Colour of LeLLers Colden

Summary Conc|us|ons

8 1hls secLlon of Lhe reporL/dlsserLaLlon should cover flndlngs of Lhe work wheLher Lhe sLaLed
ob[ecLlves of Lhe work ls achleved wlLh full [usLlflcaLlon recommendaLlons llmlLaLlons dlrecLlons for
fuLure developmenL


9 Lxamples are glven below

1 lndla Loday 1he MelL down Lnd of good Llmes" CcL 27 2008
2 !ames M kaplan and eLal Managlng lL ln a uown 1urn 8eyond CosL CuLLlng" loJloo
Moooqemeot vol47 lssue 11 nov 08
3 Pow Lo Save ?our !ob ln 8ecesslon" otwotJ 8osloess kevlew SepLember 08
4 wwwlbmcom/ln ( uaLe of vlslL)
3 wwwlnLelcom/lndla ( uaLe of vlslL)

10 1he appendlces are Lo be aLLached aL Lhe end of Lhe reporL and Lo be numbered as AppendlxA
Appendlx8 eLc rlghL [usLlfled aL Lhe Lop of Lhe page 8elow Lhe world Appendlx wrlLe ln
parenLhesls 8efer ara no__" 1he para number ls Lo be Lhe number ln Lhe body of LexL where Lhe
reference of appendlx ls glven An appendlx may have annexure (s) lf Lhere are annexure Lhere are
Lo be aLLached lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe sald appendlx 1he annexure are Lo be numbered as Annexurel
Annexurell eLc



1it/e of 1he keort
(lonL slze 18)

SubmlLLed ln parLlal fulflllmenL of Lhe requlremenLs
for Lhe award of

8ache|ors of Iourna||sm Mass Commun|cat|on (8IMC)

1ecnla lnsLlLuLe of Advanced sLudles

Culde SubmlLLed by
(Culde name) (SLudenL name)
8oll no

8atch (20102013)




l Mr/Ms_______________________________ 8oll no ________________ cerLlfy LhaL Lhe
Summer 1ralnlng 8eporL (8!MC 209) enLlLled ________________________________" ls done by
me and lL ls an auLhenLlc work carrled ouL by me aL ___________________________ (name of Lhe
organlsaLlon or of Lhe lnsLlLuLe) 1he maLLer embodled ln Lhls reporL has noL been submlLLed
earller for Lhe award of any degree or dlploma Lo Lhe besL of my knowledge and bellef

SlgnaLure of Lhe SLudenL

CerLlfled LhaL Lhe Summer 1ralnlng 8eporL/ (8!MC 209) enLlLled __________________"

uone by Mr/Ms_______________________________ 8oll no ________________ ls

compleLed under my guldance

SlgnaLure of Lhe Culde
name of Lhe Culde
CounLerslgned ueslgnaLlon
1ecnla lnsLlLuLe of Advanced SLudles new
rogramme ulrecLor/PCu






S No 1op|c age No
1 CerLlflcaLe
2 AcknowledgemenL
3 LxecuLlve Summary
4 LlsL of 1ables
3 LlsL of llgures
6 8ody of 8eporL ( ChapLers)
7 Summary and Concluslons
8 8eferences/ 8lbllography
9 Appendlces


1ab|e No 1|t|e age No
1 number of Lmployees ln CrganlzaLlon A8C

I|gure No 1|t|e age No
1 Sales llgures of A8C Company for 2002 08

S No Symbo| Nomenc|ature Mean|ng
1 [ AL Lhe raLe

S No Abbrev|ated Name Iu|| name
1 C8M CusLomer 8elaLlonshlp
2 LS Larnlng er Share


Iorm No 1IASIkM76

Io +non 1 ^v, (

I _______________________ Lnro|ment No ______________from 8IMC IVth sem 1ecn|a Inst|tute of
Advanced Stud|es De|h| hereby dec|are that the Summer 1ra|n|ng keport (209)
t ________________________________ |s an or|g|na| work and the same has not been subm|tted to any
other Inst|tute for the award of any other degree A presentat|on of the Summer 1ra|n|ng keport was made
on _______________________ and the suggest|ons as approved by the facu|ty were du|y |ncorporated

Date S|gnature of the Student

Cert|f|ed that the Summer 1ra|n|ng keport subm|tted |n part|a| fu|f|||ment of Master of 8us|ness
Adm|n|strat|on (M8A) to be awarded by GGSI Un|vers|ty De|h| by _________________________
Lnro|ment No ________________ has been comp|eted under my gu|dance and |s Sat|sfactory

Date S|gnature of the Gu|de
Name of the Gu|de


Iorm No 1IASIkM77
(Draft Copy Ior Industry Gu|de)



1h|s |s to cert|fy that(Iu|| Name of the Student) a student of 8ache|or of [ourna||sm and mass
commun|cat|on(8IMC) of 8atch 201013 1ecn|a Inst|tute of Advanced Stud|es Aff|||ated to GGSI
Un|vers|ty bear|ng Lnro|ment No has undertaken the Summer Internsh|p 1ra|n|ng at
(Name of the Company) dur|ng to under my superv|s|on
gu|dance ne ] She has conducted a study comp|eted the ro[ect on

Sea| of Crgan|zat|on S|gnature of the Gu|de
Date Name of the Gu|de


Iorm No 1IASIkM78


5ession 20112012 Proqrom 8jmc lv ode209 5ubject 5ummer 1roininq keort
nro//ment No 5tudents Nome
Wk S1A1US kLCk1
SNo art|cu|ar

1 lunctiono/ reo

2 1it/e of 5ummer 1roininq keort

l omony Nome


Phone No

4 lndustry 6uides Nome

ontoct No

5 locu/ty 6uides Nome

wPk No

uote lrom uote 1o
uoy 1ime uetoi/s
Mondoy 09l0 to 1800

1uesdoy 09l0 to 1800

wednesdoy 09l0 to 1800

1hrusdoy 09l0 to 1800

lridoy 09l0 to 1800

5otrurdoy 09l0 to 1800

kemork of

Sea| of Crgan|zat|on S|gnature of the lndustry Gu|de
Note Wk to be sent to respect|ve Iacu|ty Gu|des on every Monday of the week as per schedu|e
1ota| Wk 7
W|sh|ng you the very best for your summer |nternsh|p!


Iorm No 1IASIkM80
$%# PP% FO#%

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