Description Assignments and Deadlines Required Online Meetings

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!"#$%& (&)*+,-.,"/ 0)),1/2&/.

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!"#$%& 6/&
8/11 - 8/22

CeLLlng SLarLed and
1he purpose of Lhls
module ls Lo have
sLudenLs famlllarlze
Lhemselves wlLh class
pollcles, procedures
and conLenL.
1. Logln Lo Lhe LMS and all requlred accounLs.
2. 8ead Lhe Module Cne pages on Lhe class wlkl.
3. Lxplore Lhe wlkl and course documenLs, lncludlng Lhe syllabus.
4. Logln Lo Lhe onllne LexLbook and explore Lhe feaLures.
3. 1ake an orlenLaLlon qulz (#$& 7897 :; 99<== ->2>?
6. !oln class Ldmodo accounL and posL personal blo (#$& 7897 :; 99<== ->2>?
7. 8eply Lo aL leasL 3 oLher sLudenL blos ln Ldmodo. (#$& 78@@ :; 99<== ->2>?

3:00 Lo 4:00 p.m.
1uesday, AugusL 12
1uesday, AugusL 19

!"#$%& AB"
8/23 - 9/19

naLure of Sclence
1hls module ls abouL
all of Lhe skllls,
meLhods and
processes LhaL
SclenLlsLs use. We
wlll explore Lhe
sclenLlflc meLhod,
experlmenLs and
lnvesLlgaLlons. We
wlll learn sclenLlflc
reasonlng and Lools.
1hls unlL wlll help us
be prepared for Lhe
Sclence lalr module.
1. 8ead Lhe Module 1wo pages on Lhe class wlkl and explore all supplled llnks.
2. WaLch Lhe 8ralnpop cllp SclenLlflc MeLhod"
3. 8ead Lhe onllne LexLbook Ch 1 and Ch 2 and Lake Lhe pracLlce LesL for each chapLer (#$& C899 :; 99<==
4. CompleLe a graphlc organlzer for Lhe sclenLlflc meLhod (#$& 78@C :; 99<== ->2>?
3. ln Lhe llorlda vlrLual School dlscusslon forums for Lhls class, respond Lo Lhls quesLlon: Why sLudy
Sclence? (#$& 78@C :; 99<== ->2>?
6. 8eply Lo aL leasL Lhree of your classmaLes posLs (#$& C8D :; 99<== ->2>?
7. 8ulld an onllne presenLaLlon LhaL explalns Lhe dlfference among experlmenLal varlables and has your
own unlque examples wlLhln experlmenLs (#$& C8D :; 99<== ->2>?
8. ueslgn your own experlmenL ouLllne followlng Lhe sclenLlflc meLhod (#$& C89C :; 99<== ->2>?
9. 1ake Lhe Module 1wo 1esL (#$& C89C :; 99<== ->2>?

3:00 Lo 4:00 p.m.
1uesday, AugusL 26
1uesday, SepL 2
1uesday, SepL 9

!"#$%& AE+&&
9/22 - 10/3

Sclence lalr
1hls module wlll
lnLroduce sLudenLs Lo
Lhe Sclence lalr
pro[ecL requlremenLs
and procedures.
SLudenLs wlll be
made aware of all
Sclence lalr
deadllnes wlLhln Lhls
module. LxLra
resources wlll also be
provlded, along wlLh
sLudenL samples.

1. 8ead Lhe Module 1hree pages on Lhe class wlkl and explore all supplled llnks.
2. vlew Lhe pro[ecL documenLs page, lncludlng deadllnes, LemplaLes and samples.
3. 8ead Lhe pro[ecL rubrlc.
4. Lxplore for exLra help and resources.
3. ro[ecL Loplc submlLLed Lo Coogle lorm F#$& C8@G :; 99<== ->2>?
6. 8ackground 8esearch, 8lbllography, ro[ecL lan and LxperlmenLal ueslgn componenLs (#$& 9H8I :;
99<== ->2>?

JK,/3% L+"M&*. #$& !"/#3;N !3; D

3:00 Lo 4:00 p.m.
1uesday, SepL 23
1uesday, SepL 30
!"#$%& K"$+
10/6 - 10/31

1hls module ls abouL
newLon's Laws of
MoLlon, Lhe
dlfference Lypes of
forces and how Lo
calculaLe neL forces.
1. 8ead Lhe Module lour pages on Lhe class wlkl and explore all supplled llnks.
2. 8ead LexLbook chapLer 12 and Lake Lhe onllne pracLlce LesL (#$& 9H89O :; 99<== ->2>?
3. vlew Lhe CalculaLlng neL lorce" owerolnL presenLaLlon.
4. CompleLe Lhe CalculaLlng neL lorce" pracLlce problems on Lhe owerolnL (#$& 9H89O :; 99<== ->2>?
3. CreaLe a phoLo collage (uslng Lhe lcCollage App or anoLher phoLo collage appllcaLlon) for Lhe dlfferenL
Lypes of forces and posL ln Lhe dlscusslon forum (#$& 9H8@D :; 99<== ->2>?
6. CreaLe a vldeo or a carLoon acLlng ouL newLon's Laws of MoLlon wlLh your own examples. (#$& 9H8I9
:; 99<== ->2>?
7. 1ake Lhe Module lour 1esL (#$& 9H8I9 :; 99<== ->2>?

3:00 Lo 4:00 p.m.
1uesday, CcL 7
1uesday, CcL 14
1uesday, CcL 21
!"#$%& K,P& Lnergy 1. 8ead Lhe Module llve pages on Lhe class wlkl and explore all supplled llnks. 3:00 Lo 4:00 p.m.
11/3 - 11/21

We wlll explore Lhe
Law of ConservaLlon
of Lnergy and energy
LransformaLlons ln
Lhls unlL. We wlll
also learn abouL
dlfferenL sources of
energy and we wlll be
able Lo dlfferenLlaLe
among renewable
and non-renewable
resources by dolng a
cosL-beneflL analysls.
2. WhaL Lhe ScholasLlc SLudy !ams vldeo cllp Law of ConservaLlon of Lnergy"
3. CreaLe an lnfographlc for Lhe Law of ConservaLlon of Lnergy uslng (or anoLher comparable
slLe) and posL lL ln Lhe dlscusslon forum (#$& 998O :; 99<== ->2>?
4. 8ead LexLbook chapLer 11, Lhen Lake Lhe onllne pracLlce LesL (#$& 9989D :; 99<== ->2>?
3. Check ln wlLh your Ldmodo pro[ecL Leam for Lhls unlL by sendlng Lhem a message abouL your
avallablllLy ln Lhe asslgned Ldmodo group.
6. Lnergy 1ransformaLlon ulagram - ueslgn a Lheme park rlde and label Lhe energy LransformaLlons ln
acLlon (#$& 9989D :; 99<== ->2>?
7. CollaboraLlve ro[ecL: 1he CreaL Lnergy uebaLe (Lnergy Sources and CosL and 8eneflL Analysls Coogle
(#$& 99897 :; 99<== ->2>?
8. 1ake Lhe Module llve 1esL (#$& 998@9 :; 99<== ->2>?

1uesday, nov 4
1uesday, nov 11
1uesday, nov 18
!"#$%& Q,R
11/24 - 12/18

ln Lhls module, we
wlll explore how
heaL, LemperaLure
and energy are
relaLed. We wlll look
aL Lhe ways heaL
Lransfers, lncludlng
convecLlon and
radlaLlon. Also, Lhere
wlll be a sclence
pro[ecL progress
1. 8ead Lhe Module Slx pages on Lhe class wlkl and explore all supplled llnks.
2. 8ead LexLbook chapLer 10 and Lake Lhe onllne pracLlce LesL (#$& 9@8= :; 99<== ->2>?
3. CreaLe a rezl LhaL demonsLraLes Lhe dlfference beLween heaL, LemperaLure and energy. lnclude
lmages (followlng copyrlghL rules) LhaL demonsLraLe Lhe dlfferences. Also lnclude examples of conducLlon,
convecLlon and radlaLlon (#$& 9@8= :; 99<== ->2>?
4. CompleLe Lhls heaL lnLeracLlve: hLLp://[ecLs/heaLLransfer/
3. CompleLe Lhe Speclflc PeaL Cnllne Lab here:
hLLp:// and
submlL a lab reporL (#$& 9@89@ :; 99<== ->2>?
6. CompleLe Lhe PeaL unlL WebCuesL here: hLLp://
1hen make a bulleL llsL of new lnformaLlon you learned by compleLlng Lhe WebCuesL (#$& 9@89@ :; 99<==
7. Sclence ro[ecL progress check - submlL phoLos of progress, a reflecLlve summary of whaL has already
been accompllshed and an explanaLlon of whaL sLlll needs Lo be compleLed. osL Lhls ln Lhe dlscusslon
forum (#$& 9@89@ :; 99<== ->2>?
8. 8eply Lo aL leasL Lhree of your classmaLes by provldlng poslLlve/consLrucLlve feedback on Lhelr pro[ecL
progress (#$& 9@89= :; 99<== ->2>?
9. 1urn ln a compleLed Sclence lalr Coals and ueadllnes sheeL for plannlng ouL Lhe resL of your pro[ecL
(#$& 9@897 :; 99<== ->2>?
10. 1ake Lhe Module Slx 1esL (#$& 9@897 :; 99<== ->2>?

3:00 Lo 4:00 p.m.
1uesday, nov 23
1uesday, uec 9
!"#$%& Q&P&/
1ues 1/6 - 2/6

LlghL and Waves
1hls module ls abouL
Lhe many dlfferenL
caLegorles and Lypes
of waves. We wlll
also be explorlng
llghL, color and Lhe
SpecLrum. We wlll
undersLand LhaL
waves are [usL energy
belng Lransferred
from one place Lo
1. 8ead Lhe Module Seven pages on Lhe class wlkl and explore all supplled llnks.
2. WebCuesL wlLh Answer SheeL (#$& 98C :; 99<== ->2>?
3. 8ead LexLbook chapLer Ch 9 Lesson 1, Lake noLes and answer Lhe quesLlons from each page ln a Word
or Coogle uoc (#$& 989G :; 99<== ->2>?
4. Waves erformance AssessmenL - narraLed vldeo uemo (#$& 98@I :; 99<== ->2>?
3. Smore page LhaL demonsLraLes undersLandlng of caLegorles and Lypes of waves (#$& 98@I :; 99<==
6. CreaLe annoLaLed dlagram of Lhe sun showlng Lhe Lransfer of waves Lhrough space Lo LarLh (#$& 98IH
:; 99<== ->2>?
7. CreaLe own dlagram of LlecLromagneLlc SpecLrum. (#$& 98IH :; 99<== ->2>?
8. !"#"$%&'()$#"* "##$, $)-./ /'" 012-%/$3&" -4 .3*"%#/$3*035 605'/ $3* 7$8"# $3* '-7 -.%
.3*"%#/$3*035 -4 605'/ $3* 7$8"# $2260"# /- /"&'3-6-5,9 2%-5%"## $3* -.% 4./.%" (#$& @8D :; 99<==
9. CollaboraLlve ro[ecL AssessmenL: Chogger Comlc abouL 8oy C. 8lv, Lhe phoLon who Lravels Lhrough
Lhe elecLromagneLlc specLrum and Leam evaluaLlons (#$& @8G :; 99<== ->2>?
10. 1ake Lhe Module Seven 1esL (#$& @8G :; 99<== ->2>?

3:00 Lo 4:00 p.m.
1uesday, !an 13
1uesday, !an 27

!"#$%& S,1E.
2/9 - 3/12 (1hurs)
1hls module ls abouL
Lhe composlLlon of
maLLer, how maLLer
1. 8ead Lhe Module LlghL pages on Lhe class wlkl and explore all supplled llnks.
2. 8ead LexLbook chapLers 3 and 4 and Lake Lhe onllne pracLlce LesLs for each chapLer (#$& @8@O :; 99<==
3. CreaLe a 1-charL for physlcal vs. chemlcal properLles of maLLer (#$& @8@H :; 99<== ->2>?
3:00 Lo 4:00 p.m.
1uesday, leb 17
1uesday, March 3

changes and Lhe
physlcal and chemlcal
properLles of maLLer.
4. CompleLe Lhls vlrLual lab on physlcal and chemlcal properLles of maLLer
(hLLp://, Lhen posL a lab
summary abouL whaL you learned on Lhe dlscusslon forum for Lhls module. (#$& @8@H :; 99<== ->2>?
3. 8eply Lo aL leasL Lhree of your classmaLes' dlscusslon posLs. (#$& @8@O :; 99<== ->2>?
6. WaLch !usL Pow Small ls an ALom", Lhe lllusLraLed 1ed 1alk by !onaLhan 8ergmann aL
7. CreaLe a labeled graphlc model of an asslgned aLom (#$& @8@O :; 99<== ->2>?
8. WaLch Sollds, Llqulds and Cases" SLudy !ams vldeo cllp, Lhen creaLe a sLoryboard for a molecule ln Lhe
waLer cycle golng Lhrough sLaLe changes (#$& I8G :; 99<== ->2>?
9. 1ake Lhe Module LlghL 1esL
(#$& I89@ :; 99<== ->2>?

3/13 - 3/20

no School

no School

no School
!"#$%& U,/&
3/23 - 3/1

1he erlodlc 1able
We wlll explore Lhe
composlLlon and
sLrucLure of Lhe
erlodlc 1able ln Lhls
unlL. We wlll learn
how elemenLs are
classlfled by Lhelr
1. 8ead Lhe Module nlne conLenL pages and Lhe Sclence lalr remlnders on Lhe class wlkl and explore all
supplled llnks.
2. 8ead LexLbook chapLer 3 and Lake Lhe onllne pracLlce LesL (#$& D89H :; 99<== ->2>?
3. WaLch Lhe erlodlc 1able 8ralnpop vldeo cllp and Lhe ALoms lamlly ?ouLube song
4. WaLch Lhe 8lll nye CreaLesL lnvenLlons: ChemlsLry" vldeo on ?ouLube and submlL a dlscusslon posL
reflecLlng on Lhe lmporLance of sLudylng ChemlsLry and reply Lo Lhree or more classmaLes (#$& D8@ :;
99<== ->2>?
3. CompleLe Lhe erlodlc 1able uocumenLs - color and label your own perlodlc Lable, caLegorlze elemenLs,
eLc. (#$& D8@ :; 99<== ->2>?
6. WrlLe your own poem, rap or song LhaL classlfles Lhe elemenLs, famllles and perlods on Lhe erlodlc
1able (#$& D89H :; 99<== ->2>?
7. CompleLe Lhe Allen erlodlc 1able (#$& D89O :; 99<== ->2>?
8. CreaLe a graphlc organlzer Lo classlfy properLles of meLals, non-meLals and meLallolds on Lhe erlodlc
1able (#$& D89O :; 99<== ->2>?
9. CollaboraLlve ro[ecL - CreaLe your own perlodlc Lable Lo classlfy someLhlng oLher Lhan elemenLs or
ChemlsLry (#$& =89 :; 99<== ->2>?
10. 1ake Lhe Module nlne 1esL (#$& =89 :; 99<== ->2>?

3:00 Lo 4:00 p.m.
1uesday, March 31
1uesday, Aprll 7
1uesday, Aprll 21
!"#$%& A&/
3/4 - 3/27

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1. 8ead Lhe Module 1en pages on Lhe class wlkl and explore all supplled llnks.
2. 1urn ln Sclence ro[ecL (#$& =8D :; 99<== ->2>?
3. CreaLe your own exam revlew game and posL on Lhe class adleL page Lo revlew for Lhe flnal exam (#$&
=87 :; 99<== ->2>?
4. CompleLe aL leasL Lhree of your classmaLes revlew games, Lhen evaluaLe how Lhey helped prepare you
for Lhe exam (#$& =8@H :; 99<== ->2>?
3. CreaLe your own Lxam revlew quesLlons - creaLe Lwo for each module we compleLed and make sure
Lhey are unlque from Lhose of your classmaLes. 1hen posL ln Lhe dlscusslon forum (#$& =89= :; 99<==
6. 8eply Lo Lhe posLs of flve of your classmaLes by answerlng Lhree of Lhelr quesLlons (#$& =8@@ :; 99<==
7. 1ake Lhe llnal Lxam (#$& =8@G :; 99<== ->2>?
8. llnal reflecLlve essay (#$& =8@O :; 99<== ->2>?

3:00 Lo 4:00 p.m.
1uesday, May 3

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