Emotional intelligence involves the ability to perceive, understand and manage emotions. It enables one to acknowledge feelings in oneself and others and respond appropriately. Emotional intelligence is distinct from intellectual quotient and can be developed through experiences unlike IQ which cannot be developed after a certain age. Emotional intelligence plays an important role in organizations as emotions cannot be left at the door and impact workplace interactions, relationships and performance. It involves self-awareness, managing moods and emotions, self-motivation, empathy and managing relationships. Various models and scales have been proposed to measure different aspects of emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence involves the ability to perceive, understand and manage emotions. It enables one to acknowledge feelings in oneself and others and respond appropriately. Emotional intelligence is distinct from intellectual quotient and can be developed through experiences unlike IQ which cannot be developed after a certain age. Emotional intelligence plays an important role in organizations as emotions cannot be left at the door and impact workplace interactions, relationships and performance. It involves self-awareness, managing moods and emotions, self-motivation, empathy and managing relationships. Various models and scales have been proposed to measure different aspects of emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence involves the ability to perceive, understand and manage emotions. It enables one to acknowledge feelings in oneself and others and respond appropriately. Emotional intelligence is distinct from intellectual quotient and can be developed through experiences unlike IQ which cannot be developed after a certain age. Emotional intelligence plays an important role in organizations as emotions cannot be left at the door and impact workplace interactions, relationships and performance. It involves self-awareness, managing moods and emotions, self-motivation, empathy and managing relationships. Various models and scales have been proposed to measure different aspects of emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence involves the ability to perceive, understand and manage emotions. It enables one to acknowledge feelings in oneself and others and respond appropriately. Emotional intelligence is distinct from intellectual quotient and can be developed through experiences unlike IQ which cannot be developed after a certain age. Emotional intelligence plays an important role in organizations as emotions cannot be left at the door and impact workplace interactions, relationships and performance. It involves self-awareness, managing moods and emotions, self-motivation, empathy and managing relationships. Various models and scales have been proposed to measure different aspects of emotional intelligence.
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Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence motivates a person to pursue their unique potential and
purpose, and activates innermost potential values and aspirations, transforming them from things they think about, to what they do. Emotional intelligence enables one to learn to acknowledge and understand feelings in ourselves and in others and that we appropriately respond to them, effectively applying the information and energy of emotions in our daily life and work. Cooper and Sawaf (1997) define emotional intelligence as the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection and influence. Mayer and Salovey (1993) define emotional intelligence as the ability to monitor ones own and others feelings and emotions to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide ones thinking and action. Enotional intelligence involves the ability to perceive accurately, appraise, and express emotions; the ability to access and/or generate feelings when they facilitate thoughts; the ability to understand emotions and emotional knowledge and intellectual growth. Emotional quotient vs. intelligent quotient Intelligence refers to abilities to adjust with the situations. It is a concept that refers to individual differences in the ability to acquire knowledge to think and reason effectively, and to deal adaptively with the environment. Earlier, it was thought that performance is the outcome of certain abilities, collectively known as intelligence. However, increasingly it has been realized that in addition to intelligence, emotions are equally or even more responsible for performance. Hence, the concept of EQ has become popular particularly in management sciences. Emotions are powerful organizers of thought and action and paradoxically indispensable for reasoning and rationally. EQ comes to the aid of IQ when there is a need to solve important problems or to make a key decision. It emables to accomplish this in a superior fashion and in a fraction of the time a few minutes or even moments, for example, instead of the entire day or more of the exhausting non-stop linear, sequential thinking that might be required to reach the same decision without the aid of EQ. moreover, emotions awaken intuition and curiosity, which assist in anticipating an uncertain future and planning our actions accordingly. In fact, emotional intelligence is an indispensable activator and enhancer of IQ. IQ and EQ inerre;ate with each other and this creates a dynamic tension from one to the other, stabilizing their respective energies. For people with identical IQs, some outperform others. This suggests something beyond, which IQ is at work. That something or a large part of it, is EQ. when emotions are acknowledged and guided constructively, they enhance performance. Unlike IQ, EQ can be developed and nurtured even in adulthood and can prove beneficial to ones health, relationship and performance. Over the years, vigorous debate has surrounded the issue of whether nature (genetic endowment) or nature (environment influences) primarily determine personality or not? Personality is defined as the combination of stable physical and mental characteristics that give the individual his or her identity. Emotional intelligence can be learned and gradually developed unlike IQ which after a particular age cannot be developed EI is developed unlike IQ which after a particular age cannot be developed. EI is developed through experiences. Competencies keep on growing through experiences; people get better and better in handling emotions, influencing others and in social adroitness. In fact, studies that have tracked peoples level of EI through the years, show that people get better and better in those capabilities as they grow handling their own emotions and impulses. Emotional Intelligence and Organizations It is unrealistic to set aside our emotions and feelings in workplace Organizational life requires that we work together side by side for eight to twelve hours a day. We spend more time with our coworkers than we do with our friends, spouse or children. Feelings and opinions just do not go away because we walk into workplace. At work, we can put on work clothes, but we cannot take off our emotions, so what happens to our emotions at work? They go underground and become a powerful invisible force. The term Emotional Intelligence encompasses the following five characteristics and abilities as discussed by Goleman (1995). (1) Self-awareness - Knowing you emotions, recognizing feelings as they occur and discriminating between them is being emotionally literate. Being able to identify and label specific feelings in yourself and others; being able to discuss emotions and communicate clearly and directly. The ability to empathize with, feel compassion for, validate, motivate, inspire, encourage and soothe others. The ability to make intelligent decisions using a healthy balance of emotions and reason. Being neither too emotional nor too rational. The ability to manage and take responsibility for ones own emotions, especially the responsibility for self-motivation and personal happiness. Recognizing and naming ones own emotions, knowledge of the causes of emotions, recognizing the difference between feelings and actions. (2) Mood Management Handling feelings so that they are relevant to the current situation and you react appropriately. Frustration tolerance and anger management, eliminationg verbal puul-downs, fights and group disruptions, better able to express anger appropriately without resorting to violence, fewer suspensions or expulsions, less aggressive or self-destructive behavior, more positive feelings about self, school and family, better at handling stress. (3) Self motivation - Gathering up your feelings and directing yourself towards a goal, despite self-doubt, inertia and impulsiveness. More responsible better able to focus on task at hand and pay attention, less impulsive ; more self-controlled and improved scores on achievement tests. (4) Empathy Recognizing feelings in others and tuning into their verbal and non-verbal cues. Better able to take another persons perspective, improved empathy and sensitive to others, better at listening to others. Affiliative persons are friendly, sociable, helpful and skilful in dealing with people, and open about their feelings. They make good companions because they are pleasant and agreeable. Others feel comfortable with them and like them. In other words, affiliative persons have superior emotional and social skills in dealing with others, derive gratification and reward from their interpersonal contacts, and tend to be source of happiness to others. (5) Managing Relationships Handling interpersonal interaction, conflict resolution, and negotiations. Increased ability to analyzeand understand relationships, better at resolving conflicts and negotiating disagreements, better at solving problems in relationships, more assertive and skilled at communication. More popular and outgoing; friendly and involved with peers, more sought out by peers, more concerned and considerate, more prosocial and harmonious in groups, more sharing, cooperation, and helpfulness, more democratic I dealing with others. Measures of Emotional Intelligence The authors came across two measures of emotional intelligence. EQ in business and life can be understood by a four-Cornerstone Model explained by Cooper (1997) . This model assumes emotional intelligence as out of the realm of psychological analysis and philosophical theories and moves into the realm of direct knowing, exploration and application. The first cornerstone is emotional literacy which builds a locus of self-confidence through emotional honesty, energy, emotional feedback, intuition, responsibility and connection. The cornerstone, emotional fitness strengthens authenticity, believability and resilience, expending circle of trust and capacity for listening, managing conflict and making most of constructive discontent. The third cornerstone is emotional depth that explores ways to align ones life and work with his or her unique potential and purpose, and accountability, which in turn, increases influence without authority. The fourth cornerstone is emotional alchemy, through which one can extend creative instincts and capacity to flow with problems and pressure and to compete for the future by building ones capacity to sense more readily. EQ comprises various related components that strengthen emotional intelligence and give desired outcomes. There are 21 scales which best explain EQ. The scale are further grouped under five categories, namely current environment, literacy, competencies, values and beliefs, and outcome. Cooper and sawaf (1997) have reported EQ amp in which total score one each scale is graded in one of the four levels optimal, proficient, vulnerable, and cautionary. Goleman (1995) developed another scale. The scale has various situations and scores are computed on the basis of responses to these situations. The authors did not come across any scales developed for Indian conditions. The present work was undertaken to develop a suitable self-report measure for Indian milieu. Reliability The reliability of the scale was determined by calculating reliability coefficient on a sample of 200 subjects. The half reliability coefficient was found to be 0.88. Validity Besides face validity, as all items were related to the variable under focus, the scale has high content validity. It is evident from the assessment of judges experts that items of the scale are directly related to the concept of Emotional Intelligence. In order to find out the validity from the coefficient reliability (Garrett, 1981) the reliability index was indicated high validity on account of being 0.93. Factorwise Items Serial Number Sr. No. Factors Items Serial Number Total A Self-awareness 6,12,18,29 4 B Empathy 9,10,15,20,25 5 C Self-Motivation 2,4,7,8,31,34 6 D Emotional Stability 14,19,26,28 4 E Managing relations 1,5,11,17 4 F Integrity 16,27,32 3 G Self-development 30,33 2 H Value orientation 21,22 2 I Commitment 23,24 2 J Altruistic behavior 3,13 2 Total Items 34
Norms for interpretation of raw score N Mean (M) 200 68 Standard Deviation 16 High Normal Low 85 and above 52-84 51 and below
Use of the scale The scale can be used for research and survey purposes. It can also be used for individual assessment. It is self-administering and does not require the services of highly trained tester. It is eminently suitable for group as well as individual testing. Norms of the Scale Norms of the scale are available on a sample of 200 subjects. These norms can be regarded as reference points for interpreting the Emotional Intelligence scores. The users of this scale are advised to develop their own norms based on their own samples. Individuals with high score can be considered to have high level of emotional intelligence and are likely to be high performers.