The plate/shell finite element can be modeled as either triangular or quadrilateral shapes. It can account for plane stress or plate bending behavior. Load types include pressures, temperatures, and forces applied at nodes. The element formulation is based on a hybrid approach that assumes quadratic stress distributions. Output includes stresses, moments, and forces at nodes, the element center, and user-defined points using defined sign conventions.
The plate/shell finite element can be modeled as either triangular or quadrilateral shapes. It can account for plane stress or plate bending behavior. Load types include pressures, temperatures, and forces applied at nodes. The element formulation is based on a hybrid approach that assumes quadratic stress distributions. Output includes stresses, moments, and forces at nodes, the element center, and user-defined points using defined sign conventions.
The plate/shell finite element can be modeled as either triangular or quadrilateral shapes. It can account for plane stress or plate bending behavior. Load types include pressures, temperatures, and forces applied at nodes. The element formulation is based on a hybrid approach that assumes quadratic stress distributions. Output includes stresses, moments, and forces at nodes, the element center, and user-defined points using defined sign conventions.
The plate/shell finite element can be modeled as either triangular or quadrilateral shapes. It can account for plane stress or plate bending behavior. Load types include pressures, temperatures, and forces applied at nodes. The element formulation is based on a hybrid approach that assumes quadratic stress distributions. Output includes stresses, moments, and forces at nodes, the element center, and user-defined points using defined sign conventions.
The Plate/Shell finite element is based on the hybrid element formulation. The element can be 3noded (triangular) or 4noded (quadrilateral). If all the four nodes of a quadrilateral element do not lie on one plane, it is advisable to model them as triangular elements. The thickness of the element may be different from one node to another. "Surface structures" such as walls, slabs, plates and shells may be modeled using finite elements. For convenience in generation of a finer mesh of plate/shell elements within a large area, a MESH GENERATION facility is available. See "5.14 Plate Element Mesh Generation" for details. You may also use the element for PLANE STRESS action only (i.e., membrane/inplane stiffness only). The ELEMENT PLANE STRESS command should be used for this purpose. Geometry Modeling Considerations The following geometry related modeling rules should be remembered while using the plate/shell element. 1. The program automatically generates a fictitious, center node "O" (see the following figure) at the element center. Figure 114: Fictitious center node (in the case of triangular elements, a fourth node; in the case of rectangular elements, a fifth node) 2. While assigning nodes to an element in the input data, it is essential that the nodes be specified either clockwise or counter clockwise (see the following figure). For better efficiency, similar elements should be numbered sequentially. Figure 115: Examples of correct and incorrect numbering sequences Page 1 of 11 1.6.1 Plate and Shell Element 10-06-2013 mk:@MSITStore:C:\SProV8i\STAAD\Help\Technical_Reference_2007.chm::/Gener... 3. Element aspect ratio should not be excessive. They should be on the order of 1:1, and preferably less than 4:1. 4. Individual elements should not be distorted. Angles between two adjacent element sides should not be much larger than 90 and never larger than 180. Figure 116: Some examples of good and bad elements in terms of the angles Load Specification for Plate Elements Following load specifications are available: 1. Joint loads at element nodes in global directions. 2. Concentrated loads at any user specified point within the element in global or local directions. 3. Uniform pressure on element surface in global or local directions. 4. Partial uniform pressure on user specified portion of element surface in global or local directions. 5. Linearly varying pressure on element surface in local directions. 6. Temperature load due to uniform increase or decrease of temperature. 7. Temperature load due to difference in temperature between top and bottom surfaces of the element. Page 2 of 11 1.6.1 Plate and Shell Element 10-06-2013 mk:@MSITStore:C:\SProV8i\STAAD\Help\Technical_Reference_2007.chm::/Gener... Theoretical Basis The STAAD plate finite element is based on hybrid finite element formulations. A complete quadratic stress distribution is assumed. For plane stress action, the assumed stress distribution is as follows. Figure 117: Assumed stress distribution The incomplete quadratic assumed stress distribution: a 1 through a 10 = constants of stress polynomials The following quadratic stress distribution is assumed for plate bending action: Figure 118: Quadratic stress distribution assumed for bending The incomplete quadratic assumed stress distribution: Page 3 of 11 1.6.1 Plate and Shell Element 10-06-2013 mk:@MSITStore:C:\SProV8i\STAAD\Help\Technical_Reference_2007.chm::/Gener... a 1 through a 13 = constants of stress polynomials The distinguishing features of this finite element are: 1. Displacement compatibility between the plane stress component of one element and the plate bending component of an adjacent element which is at an angle to the first (see the following figure) is achieved by the elements. This compatibility requirement is usually ignored in most flat shell/plate elements. Figure 119: Adjacent elements at some angle 2. The out of plane rotational stiffness from the plane stress portion of each element is usefully incorporated and not treated as a dummy as is usually done in most commonly available commercial software. 3. Despite the incorporation of the rotational stiffness mentioned previously, the elements satisfy the patch test absolutely. 4. These elements are available as triangles and quadrilaterals, with corner nodes only, with each node having six degrees of freedom. 5. These elements are the simplest forms of flat shell/plate elements possible with corner nodes only and six degrees of freedom per node. Yet solutions to sample problems converge rapidly to accurate answers even with a large mesh size. 6. These elements may be connected to plane/space frame members with full displacement compatibility. No additional restraints/releases are required. 7. Out of plane shear strain energy is incorporated in the formulation of the plate bending component. As a result, the elements respond to Poisson boundary conditions which are considered to be more accurate than the customary Kirchoff boundary conditions. 8. The plate bending portion can handle thick and thin plates, thus extending the usefulness of the plate elements into a multiplicity of problems. In addition, the thickness of the plate is taken into consideration in calculating the out of plane shear. 9. The plane stress triangle behaves almost on par with the well known linear stress triangle. The triangles of most similar flat shell elements incorporate the constant stress triangle which has very slow rates of convergence. Thus the triangular shell element is very useful in problems with double curvature where the quadrilateral element may not be suitable. 10. Stress retrieval at nodes and at any point within the element. Plate Element Local Coordinate System The orientation of local coordinates is determined as follows: Page 4 of 11 1.6.1 Plate and Shell Element 10-06-2013 mk:@MSITStore:C:\SProV8i\STAAD\Help\Technical_Reference_2007.chm::/Gener... 1. The vector pointing from I to J is defined to be parallel to the local x axis. 2. For triangles: the crossproduct of vectors IJ and JK defines a vector parallel to the local zaxis, i.e., z = IJ x JK. For quads: the crossproduct of vectors IJ and JL defines a vector parallel to the local zaxis, i.e., z = IJ x JL. 3. The crossproduct of vectors z and x defines a vector parallel to the local y axis, i.e., y = z x x. 4. The origin of the axes is at the center (average) of the four joint locations (three joint locations for a triangle). Figure 120: Element origin Output of Plate Element Stresses and Moments For the sign convention of output stress and moments, please see figures below. ELEMENT stress and moment output is available at the following locations: A. Center point of the element. B. All corner nodes of the element. C. At any user specified point within the element. Following are the items included in the ELEMENT STRESS output. Table 13: Items included in the Stress Element output Title Description SQX, SQY Shear stresses (Force/ unit length/ thickness) SX, SY Membrane stresses (Force/unit length/ thickness) SXY Inplane Shear Stress (Force/unit length/ thickness) MX, MY, MXY Moments per unit width (Force x Length/length) (For Mx, the unit width is a unit Page 5 of 11 1.6.1 Plate and Shell Element 10-06-2013 mk:@MSITStore:C:\SProV8i\STAAD\Help\Technical_Reference_2007.chm::/Gener... Notes 1. All element stress output is in the local coordinate system. The direction and sense of the element stresses are explained in the following section. 2. To obtain element stresses at a specified point within the element, you must provide the location (local X, local Y) in the coordinate system for the element. The origin of the local coordinate system coincides with the center of the element. 3. The 2 nonzero Principal stresses at the surface (SMAX & SMIN), the maximum 2D shear stress (TMAX), the 2D orientation of the principal plane (ANGLE), the 3D Von Mises stress (VONT & VONB), and the 3D Tresca stress (TRESCAT & TRESCAB) are also printed for the top and bottom surfaces of the elements. The top and the bottom surfaces are determined on the basis of the direction of the local zaxis. 4. The third principal stress is assumed to be zero at the surfaces for use in Von Mises and Tresca stress calculations. However, the TMAX and ANGLE are based only on the 2D inplane stresses (SMAX & SMIN) at the surface. The 3D maximum shear stress at the surface is not calculated but would be equal to the 3D Tresca stress divided by 2.0. Sign Convention of Plate Element Stresses and Moments See "5.42 Print Specifications " for definitions of the nomenclature used in the following figures. distance parallel to the local Y axis. For My, the unit width is a unit distance parallel to the local X axis. Mx and My cause bending, while Mxy causes the element to twist outofplane.) SMAX, SMIN Principal stresses in the plane of the element (Force/unit area). The 3rd principal stress is 0.0 TMAX Maximum 2D shear stress in the plane of the element (Force/unit area) VONT, VONB 3D Von Mises stress at the top and bottom surfaces, where: VM = 0.707[(SMAX SMIN) 2 + SMAX 2 + SMIN 2 ] 1/2 TRESCAT, TRESCAB Tresca stress, where TRESCA = MAX[ | (SmaxSmin)| , |(Smax)| , |(Smin)| ] Page 6 of 11 1.6.1 Plate and Shell Element 10-06-2013 mk:@MSITStore:C:\SProV8i\STAAD\Help\Technical_Reference_2007.chm::/Gener... Figure 121: Sign conventions for plate stresses and moments Figure 122: Sign convention for plate bending Mx is the Bending Moment on the local x face and the local xface is the face perpendicular to the local xaxis. My is the Bending Moment on the local y face and the local yface is the face perpendicular to the local yaxis. Figure 123: Stress caused by Mx Page 7 of 11 1.6.1 Plate and Shell Element 10-06-2013 mk:@MSITStore:C:\SProV8i\STAAD\Help\Technical_Reference_2007.chm::/Gener... Figure 124: Stress caused by My Figure 125: Torsion Figure 126: Membrane stress Sx and Sy Page 8 of 11 1.6.1 Plate and Shell Element 10-06-2013 mk:@MSITStore:C:\SProV8i\STAAD\Help\Technical_Reference_2007.chm::/Gener... Figure 127: Inplane shear stresses Sxy and Syx Figure 128: Outofplane shear stresses SQX and SQY Page 9 of 11 1.6.1 Plate and Shell Element 10-06-2013 mk:@MSITStore:C:\SProV8i\STAAD\Help\Technical_Reference_2007.chm::/Gener... Members, plate elements, solid elements and surface elements can all be part of a single STAAD model. The MEMBER INCIDENCES input must precede the INCIDENCE input for plates, solids or surfaces. All INCIDENCEs must precede other input such as properties, constants, releases, loads, etc. The selfweight of the finite elements is converted to joint loads at the connected nodes and is not used as an element pressure load. Plate Element Numbering During the generation of element stiffness matrix, the program verifies whether the element is same as the previous one or not. If it is same, repetitive calculations are not performed. The sequence in which the element stiffness matrix is generated is the same as the sequence in which elements are input in element incidences. Therefore, to save some computing time, similar elements should be numbered sequentially. The following figure shows examples of efficient and nonefficient element numbering. However, you have to decide between adopting a numbering system which reduces the computation time versus a numbering system which increases the ease of defining the structure geometry. Figure 129: Examples of efficient and inefficient element numbering Reference Materials 5.11 Joint Coordinates Specification 5.13 Elements and Surfaces 5.13.1 Plate and Shell Element Incidence Specification 5.13.2 Solid Element Incidences Specification 5.14 Plate Element Mesh Generation 5.14.1 Element Mesh Generation 5.21 Element/Surface Property Specification 5.21.1 Element Property Specification 5.24 Element Plane Stress and Ignore Inplane Rotation Specification 5.32.3 Element Load Specifications Element Load Specification Plates Page 10 of 11 1.6.1 Plate and Shell Element 10-06-2013 mk:@MSITStore:C:\SProV8i\STAAD\Help\Technical_Reference_2007.chm::/Gener... 5.22.2 Element Release Specification Page 11 of 11 1.6.1 Plate and Shell Element 10-06-2013 mk:@MSITStore:C:\SProV8i\STAAD\Help\Technical_Reference_2007.chm::/Gener...