Design of Curved Beams PDF
Design of Curved Beams PDF
Design of Curved Beams PDF
Introduction. Straight Beam: - A beam is a straight structural member subjected to a system of external forces acting at right angles to its axis. They are classified by the type of supports. 1. If a member is fixed or built in one end hile its other end is free! the member is called cantile"er beam. #. If the ends of the beam are made to freely rest on supports the beam is called a freely or simply supported beam. $. If abeam is fixed at both its! it is called as built-in or fixed beam.
%. A beam hich is pro"ided ith more than t o supports is called as continuous beam.
A beam is said to be statically determinate beam! if its reaction components can be determined by using e&uations of static e&uilibrium only. 'ommonly encountered statically determinate beams are cantile"er beams! SS beam and o"er hanging beams. Beams are subjected to trans"erse loads such as concentrated load! ()*! (+* , applied moments. Beam transfer applied load to supports! the beam de"elop resistance to moments , trans"erse shear forces at all its cross-sections. CURVED BEAMS A beam in hich the neutral axis in the unloaded condition is cur"ed instead of straight. -r If the beam is originally cur"ed before applying the bending moment! are termed as .'ur"ed Beams/. Applications of 'ur"ed Beams. 'ur"ed beams find applications in many machine members such as c 0 clampers ! crane hoo1s! frames of presses! chains! lin1s! rings! etc..!
)ifferences bet een Straight Beams , 'ur"ed Beams. Straight Beams 'ur"ed Beams 1. 2eutral axis of the 2eutral axis does not co cross-section passes 0 incide ith the crossthrough the centroid of section! but is shifted the section. to ards the centre of cur"ature of the beam. #. The "ariation of The distribution of the bending stress is linear! stress in the case of magnitude being cur"ed beam is nonproportional to the linear 34yper- bolic5 distance of a fiber from because of the neutral the neutral axis. axis is initially cur"ed.
2ote:- In all the machine members! the line of action the load does not pass through the centroid of the section o"er hich the stress is to be found out. )ue to this! the total stress o"er section of the member ill be the algebraic sum of direct stress , bending stress.
65 )iscuss the stress distribution pattern in cur"ed beams hen compared to straight beam ith s1etches. 7+T( 89eb #::#;3%5 'ur"ed beam 4yperbolic stress )istribution 7nonlinear; <The neutral axis of the cross section does not coincide ith the centroidal axis but is shifted to ards the center of
cur"ature of the beam. <Bending stress in cur"ed beams donot follo linear "ariation because of the "ariation of arc length. Straight beam *inear "ariation of stress <2eutral axis coincides ith the centroidal axis. <+ariation of normal stress due to bending across its section is linear. <The stress is proportional to the distance of the fiber from the neutral axis.
65 )eri"e the expression for the normal stress due to bending at the extreme fibers of a cur"ed beam. 7+T(8=an-9eb8#::#;3>5 -? State the assumptions , deri"e the stress e&uation in case of a cur"ed beam. 7+T(8=an89eb8#::$; 3>5 @
Assumptions:1. The beam is subjected to pure bending. #. Aaterial of the beam is isotropic , homogeneous , obeys hoo1Bs la . $. Clane sections perpendicular to the axis of the beam remain plane e"en after bending. %. The stress induced do not exceed elastic limit. D. Each layer of the beam is free to expand -? contract! independent of the layer abo"e or belo it. F. GoungBs modulus is same in tension ,compression. *et 9 H*oad A HApplied bending moment! 2 0mm e H distance from the centroidal axis to the neutral axis! measured to ards centre of cur"ature! mm 'i H distance from neutral axis to inner fiber 3radius5 mm 'o H distance from neutral axis to outer fiber 3radius5 mm. ?i H inner radius of cur"ature! mm ?o H outer radius of cur"ature! mm ?n H ?adius of neutral axis! mm ? 3?c5 H ?adius of centroidal axis! mm A H area of section! mm# Ii H Stress in the inner fiber! 28mm# Io H Stress in the outer fiber! 28mm# 'onsider a part of the cur"ed beam bet een t o radial planes ab , cd subtending an angle JKB at the centre of
cur"ature hen the beam is subjected to bending moment JAB as sho n in fig! the plane JcdB rotates ith respect to JabB through an angle JKB , ta1es ne position JfgB. The outer fiber are shantered due to compression and inner fibre are elongated due to tension. 2o ! consider a fiber of depth JdyB , cross- sectional area JdAB at a distance JyB from the neutral axis. The original length of strip at a distance JyB from the neutral axis is 3?n L y5K. It is shortened by an amount ydK. The strain across cross section dA ould be MH LyK . 3?nL y 5K Stress in the fibre is gi"en by I N M ithin elastic limit or IHEM E- GoungBs modulus I H L E y dK 315 3?n L y5K *oad on the strip ha"ing the thic1ness JdyB , the crosssection dA is gi"en by I H d9 or d9 H I dA dA i.e.! d9 H L E y dK . dA 3?n L y5K 2o applying the condition of e&uilibrium 3i.e.! summation of forces o"er the hole cross-section is Oero5. i.e.! Pd9 H : P LEd K y dAH: -r LEd K ydA H:
2o tal1ing moments about the neutral axis! e get Ab H LPy d9 substitute the "alue of d9 Ab H Ed K P y# .dA K 3y L ?25
H EdK P y 0 y ?2 dA K y L ?2
from 3#5
Ab H EdK P y dA K Since Py.dA represents the moment of area! it may be replaced by A.e! i.e.! the product it may be reduced by A.e ! i.e.! the product of total area A and the distance JeB from the centroidal axis to the neutral axis. Ab H E dK .A.e 3$5 K -r E dK8K H Ab8Ae from e&n 315 EdK H LI 3?2Ly5 K -n comparing e get! Ab H LI 3?2Ly5 Ae y -r I H LAb.y E&n 1:.18pg 1$# 3?2Ly5Ae
This is the general e&uation for the stress in a fiber at a distance JyB from the neutral axis. At the outer fiber! yHL'oQ Bending stress Ib H - Ab'o 3?2L'o5Ae -r
Ibo H - Ab'o 7?2 L 'o H ?o; A e ?o At inner fibre! y H L 'i Bending stress Ibi H Ab'i 3?2 - 'i5Ae Ii H L Ab'i A e ?i 7?2 0 'i H ?i;
Croblems:The section of a crane hoo1 is rectangular in shape hose idth is $:mm , depth is F:mm. The centre of cur"ature of the section is at a distance of 1#Dmm from the inside section , the load line is 1::mm from the same point. 9ind the capacity of the hoo1 if the allo able stress in tension is RD 28mm#. Soln:15
To find the capacity of the the hoo1! use e&n. I?i H 9 L Ab'i A A e ?i Inner radius H ?i H 1#Dmm
-uter radius H ?o H 1#D L F: H 1>Dmm ?adius of H ?c H 1#D L F:8# H 1DDmm 'entroidal axis ?adius of H ?2 H h --- table 1:.18pg 1$% 2eutral axis ln33? L c583? - c55 But ? H ?c! ? L '# H ?o! ? - ' 1 H ?i ?2 H h ln3?o8?i5 ?2 H F: H 1D$.:%Dmm *n31>D81#D5 )istance of centroidal axis from neutral axis H e H ?c 0 ?2 H 1DD- 1D$.:%D e H 1.TDDmm )istance of neutral axis to inner radius H 'i H ?2 - ?i H 1D$.:%D-1#D H #>.:%Dmm )istance of neutral axis to outer radius H 'o H ?o - ?2 H 1>D-1D$.:%D H $1.TDDmm Area of cross-section H A H b U h H $: U F: H 1>::mm# )istance from centroidal axis to force H l H ?c 0 #D H 1DD-#D H 1$:mm
Bending moment about the centroidal axis H Ab H 9 U l H 1$:.9 2-mm 'ombined stress at the inner fiber I?i H 9 L Ab 'i A Ae?i RD H 981>:: L 31$:.9 U #>.:%D58 31>:: U 1.TDD U 1#D5 Sol"ing for J9B e get 9 H >%>:.%2 -------- 'apacity for the hoo1. A crane hoo1 of trapeOoidal cross-section has an inner fiber idth H 1#:mm! depth H 1::mm , inner radius H 1#:mm. 'alculate the idth if stresses are numerically e&ual at inner , outer fibres. Also determine the capacity of the hoo1! if the permissinble stress is 1::ACa. soln:#5
Si"en data:- for stress to be numerically e&ual! A'i H A'Ae?i Ae? 'i H '?i ?But 'i H ?2 0 ?i , '- H ?- 0 ?2 ? 2 0 ? i H ?- - ? 2 ?i ?2 ?2 -1 H 1 - ?2 ?i ??2 7 18?i L 18?- ; H #
? 2 H # ?i ? ? i L ?-
But ?i H 1#:Q ?- H ##:mmQ ?2 H # U 1#: U ##: H 1DD.#Tmm 1#: L ##: But ?2 H A B13? L c#5 0 b3? 0 '15 ln 3? L '#5 - 3b1 - b5 h 3? 0 '15 table 1:.18pg 1$D But ? L '# H ?- , ? 0 '1 H ?i But ?2 H A B1?- 0 b?i ln ?- - 3b1 - b5 h ?i Substituting the "alues!
1DD.#T H D:31#: L b5 1#: U ##: 0 1#:b ln ##: - 31#: - b5 1:: 1#: -n sol"ing! e get b H #R.Fmm V #>mm
3$5 A crane hoo1 sho n in figure belo is made of $:mm diameter steel rod. The distance bet een the centroidal axis of the rod , the centre of cur"ature of the hoo1 is D:mm. )etermine the load J9B so that the maximum stress in the rod is not to exceed %: 28mm#.; soln:-
Si"en data:- d H $:mmQ ?c H D:mmQ I?i H %: 28mm# 9rom the figureQ ?i H ?c 0 3d8#5 H D: - 1D H$Dmm ?- H ?c L 3d8#5 H D: L 1D HFDmm '1 H '# H d8# H 1D mm. 9rom ))4BQ table 1:.18pg 1$%Q for circular c8s ?2 H W '# H W 31D#5 ? 0 X ?# 0 ' # D: 0 X D:# 0 1D# ?2 H %>.>Dmm e H ?c 0 ?2 H D: 0 %>.>D H 1.1Dmm 'i H '1 0 e H 1D 0 1.1D H 1$.>Dmm '- H '# L e H 1D L 1.1D H 1F.1Dmm Area of cross-section: A H Y d#8% H Y$:#8% H R:R.1%mm# Bending moment : A H 9 U ?c H f U D: H D:9 2-mm Total stress H )irect stress L Bending stress at inner fiber H 98A L Ab'i8Ae?i %: H 98R:R.1% L D:9 U 1$.>D8R:R.1% U 1.1DU $D -n sol"ing for J9B e get 9 H 1DDF.%# 2
A section of frame for a punch press is sho n in figure belo . )etermine the capacity of the press if the maximum tensile stresses in the frame is not to exceed F:ACa.
Soln:Si"en data:I?i H F: 28mm# Q ?i H >: mm Q ?- H >: L %:L 1:: H ##:mm. To find ?2Q9rom table 1:.1 8pg 1$F ?2 H A B ln ? L d 0 '1 L a ln ? L '# ? 0 '1 ? L d L '# To find '1 , '# from table 1.$8pg > '1 H a4# L bd# #3a4 L bd5 , '# H 4 0 '1
here a H %:mm! 4H 1%: mm! b H %:mm! d H %:mm. '1 H %:31%:5# L %:3%:5# H D>.>>mm #3%: U 1%: L %: U %:5 IIIly '# H 1%: 0 D>.>> H >1.1#mm. A
Again ?2 H
B ln ?i0 '1 L a ln ??i ?- L d Because ? 0 '1 H ?i , ? L '# H ?A H area of cross-section H >: U %: L 1:: U %: H R#::mm# ?2 H R#:: >: ln >: L %: L %: ln ##: >: >: L %:
?2 H 1#R.:#mm e H ?' 0 ?2 H 1$>.>> 0 1#R.:# H 11.>Dmm Bending moment : Ab H 9 U 3?c L l5 H 931$>.>> L #::5 Ab H $$>.>>9 Total stress H I?i H98A L Ab'i8Ae?i 'i H '1 0 e H D>.>> 0 11.>D H %R.:$mm F: H 9 L $$>.>> U %R.:$ R#:: R#:: U 11.>D U >: 9 H #%#D$.$#2 capacity of the frame.
A closed ring is an example of a 'ur"ed beam ith restrained ends. *oad is acting at section B-B , sectiona A-A is T:o a ay from the point of application of load. *et the ring be subjected to a central load sho n in the figure. The bending moment at any cross-section of the ring is gi"en by BA H Ab H 9.? 7 #8Y - sinK;8# At section A 0A:K H :Q AbA H :.$1>9? e&n 1:.D8pg 1$$ At section B-B :AbB H -:.1>#9? e&n 1:.F8pg 1$$ here -"e sign is considered as tensile. )irect stress at any cross section J))B at an angle K ith "ertical is gi"en. Id H 9.sinK8#A
Croblem :15 )etrermine the stress induced in a circular ring of circular c8s of #Dmm diameter subjected to a tensile load of FD::2. The inner ring diameter is F:mm. Soln:-
Si"en data:?i H $:mm ?- H $: L #D H DDmm ?' H $: L #D8# H %#.Dmm ?2 H 3 X?- L X?i 5 # 8% ---- for circular c8s H 3 XDD L X$: 5# 8% H %1.D1mm e H ?c 0 ?2 H %#.D 0 %1.D1 H :.TTmm 'i H ?2 0 ?i H %1.D1 0 $: H 11.D1mm '- H ?- L ?2 H DD 0 %1.D1 H 1$.%Tmm A H Y U d#8% H %T1.:Rmm# 'onsider section A-AQ K H :o )irect stress H Id H 9 sinK8#A H : Bending moment: Ab H :.$1> 9 ?' 3because sin : H :5
H :.$1> U FD:: U %#.D H >R>%R.D 2 0 mm Aax stress at inner fiber Q I?i H Id L Ib H : L Ab.'i83A.e.?i5 H >R>%R.D U 11.D1 %T1.:R U :.TT U $: H FT.$# 28mm# 3tensile5 Aax stress at outer fiber Q I?o H Id - Ib H : - Ab.'-83A.e.?-5 H >R>%R.D U 1$.%T %T1.:R U :.TT U DD I?o H -%%.$# 28mm# 'onsider section B-BQ K H T:o 3 .r.t horiOontal5 )irect stress H Id H 9 sinK8#A H FD:: U sinT: # U %T1.:R H F.F1> 28mm# Bending moment: Ab H -:.1># 9 ?' H -:.1># U FD:: U %#.D H - D:#RR.D 2 0 mm Aax stress at inner fiber Q I?i H Id L Ib H F.F1> L Ab.'i83A.e.?i5 H F.F1> L 3- D:#RR.D5 U 11.D1 %T1.:R U :.TT U $: I?i H -$$.:D# 28mm# 3compressi"e5 Aax stress at outer fiber Q I?o H Id - Ib
H F.F1> - Ab.'i83A.e.?i5 H F.F1> - 3- D:#RR.D5 U 11.D1 %T1.:R U :.TT U $: I?o H $1.T> 28mm#
SPRINGS Introduction A spring is defined as an elastic body! hose function is to distort original shape hen the load is remo"ed. Applications 15 To absorb or control energy due to either shoc1 or "ibratgion as in automoti"es! rail ays! aircrafts! landing gears and "ibration dampers etc. #5 To apply forces! as in bra1es! clutches and spring loaded "al"es. $5 To control motion by maintaining control bet een t o elements as in 'AAS , follo ers. %5 To measure forces as in spring balances and engine indicators. D5 To store energy as in atches! toys etc. TYPES OF SPRINGS 15.4E*I'A*SC?I2SS hen loaded and to reco"er its
ire coiled in the form of helix and are primarily intended for ire from hich the spring is made may be
circular! s&uare or rectangular. The t o forms of helical springs are compression helical spring and tension helical spring as sho n in figure. 4elical springs are said to be closely coiled! o hen the helix angle is "ery small 3Z 1: 5! here
as in open coil helical spring the helix angle is large. Ad"antages. a5 These springs are easy to manufacture. b5 They are a"ailable in ide range. c5 They are highly reliable. d5 They ha"e constant spring rates. e5 Their performance can be predicted more accurately. f5 There characteristics can be "aried by changing dimensions.
The conical and "olute spring sho n in the figure are used in special applications
here the
spring rate increases in increase in load. Another feature of these types of springs is the decreasing number of coils results in an increasing spring rate. This characteristic is some times utiliOed in "ibrations problems here springs are used to support to body that ha"e "arying mass. $5. Torsion springs.
These springs may be of helical or spiral type as sho n in figure. 4elical types of springs are used here the load tends to ind up the springs and are used in electrical mechanisms. Spiral type is used here the loads tends to increase the number of coils and are used in atches and cloc1s. %5. *aminated or *eaf springs.
The laminated or leaf spring 3also 1no n as flat spring5 consists of a number of flat plates 31no n as lea"es5 of "arying lengths held together by means of clamps and bolts. These types of springs are most used in automobiles.
These springs consists of a number of conical discs held together by a central bolt or tube as sho n in figure. These springs are used in applications here high spring rates and compact spring units are re&uired. Terms used in compression springs 1. Solid length: -
[hen the springs are compressed until the coils come in contact ith each other! then the spring is said to be solid. The solid length of a spring is the product of total number of coils , the diameter of the ire. Aathematically! l Solid length- *s H n .d l [here n - no of coils d - dia of the coils
#. 9ree length:-
9ree length of a compression spring is the length of the spring in the free or unloaded condition , is e&ual to the solid length plus the maximum deflection or compression of the spring , the clearance bet een the adjacent coils. Aathematically! 9ree length - *f H solid length L max. def L clearance bet een adjacent coils. l *f H n .d L \max L :.1D \max $. Spring index: - It is defined as the ratio of the man diameter of the coil to ire. Spring index H ' H )8d %. Spring ?ate: - spring rate 3stiffness8spring constant5 is the defined as the load re&uired per unit deflection of the spring. Spring ?ate! ]H 98 \ 9- load! 2 \ - )efection! mm D. Citch: - Citch of the coils is defined as the axial distance bet een adjacent coils in un compressed state. l Citch of the coil! p H 3 *9 0 *s58n L d here! *9 - 9ree length *s - Solid length l n - Total number of coils d - diameter of coil. Stress in heli !l sprin" !n# ir ul!r $ire% the diameter of the
'onsider a helical compression spring made of circular sho n in figure. *et! ) H Aean diameter of the coil d H )iameter of the spring ire! n H number of acti"e coils! S H Aodulus of ?igidity for the spring material! 9 H Axial load on the spring! ^ H Aax. Shear stress induced in the ire! ' H spring index H )8d p H pitch of the coils ,
\ H deflection of the spring. 'onsider a point of the spring sho n in fig 3b5. The load J9B tends to rotate the ire , as a result t isting moment 3T5 is de"eloped in the ire! , thus torsional shear stress is induced in the ire. *et us consider that part of spring is in e&uilibrium under the action of t o forces J9B , t isting JTB. Therefore! $ T H 9 U )8# H Y U ^1 U d n e& $.18pg 1%#
1F Therefore ^1 H >.9.) $ Y.d ire! the follo ing stresses also act on
In addition to the torsional shear stress 3^15 induced in the the ire. 1. )irect stress due to the load. 9! , #. Stress due to cur"ature of ire. )irect stress due to load 9 ^# H *oad H 9 # H %9 # Yd
c8s Area Y U d 8% ^# H %9 # Yd
2o ! the resultant shear stress induced in the ire ^ H ^1 _ ^# H >9) _ %9 $ # Yd Yd Cositi"e sign is used for the inner edge of the ire , 2egati"e sign is used for the outer edge of the ire. Since the stress is maximum at the inner edge of the ire! Therefore! Aax shear stress induced in the ire H >9) L %9 $ # Yd Yd H >9) 1 L d $ Yd #) H >9) 1 L 1 $ Yd #' Therefore ^ H >9) .] $ Yd n e& 11.1a8pg 1$T 3but ' H )8d5 H Torsional shear stress L )irect shear stress
)eflection of helical springs of circular ire. *et l H total acti"e length of ire H Y) U n K H Angular deflection of the ire due to Tor&ue t. Therefore! Axial deflection of the spring \ H K U )8# Also! T H ^ H SK = -? ? l K H T .l ----------315
T H ^ H SK =
Substituting the "alues of l , =! e ha"e! # H 39 U )8#5 3Y)n 5 H 1F9) n % % =.S Y U d U S8$# SUd n Substituting e& 3#5 in 315 for JKB # # $ \ H 1F.9.) .n U ) H >.9.) .n H >.9.' .n % % S.d # S.d S.d K H T .l
$ $ Therefore \ H >9) n H >9' n % Sd S.d [here n 0 number of acti"e coils. )esign Crocedure for 4elical Springs. 1. )iameter of the ire: d H 33>9)]58Y^5 #. Aean diameter of the coil: ) H cd 3a5 -uter diameter of the coil: )o H ) L d 3b5 Inner diameter of the coil: )i H ) 0 d % $. 2umber of coils: I H ySd $ >9) %. 9ree length: lo ` 3i L #5 d L y L a D. Stiffness or Spring ?ate: 9o H 98y F. Citch: p H 3lo - #d58i C?-B*EAS 18$
n e& 11.Da8pg1$T
315 )esign a helical compression spring to support an axial load of 2. The deflection under load is limited to F: mm. The spring index is F. The spring is made of chrome-"anadium steel , 9-S H #. n Sol : - Si"en dataQ - 9 H $:::2 y H F:mm cHF 9-S H # Aat - 'hrome - +anadium Steel 9rom table 11.>8pg 1D$! for 'hrome-+anadium steel! $ # ^y H FT:28mm , S H :.:R%>D U 1: 28mm H R>.%D U 1: 28mm # ^ H ^y8 9-S H FT:8# H $%D 28mm 1. )iameter of ire ^ H >9)] $ Yd dH >9)] Y^ But ] H%' - 1 L :.F1D %' - % ' L :.F1D H 1.#D#D 18$ n --------- e& 11.1a8 pg1$T n --------- e& 11.1b8 pg1$T
F H )8d or ) HFd.
Therefore $%D H >U$:::UFdU1.#D#D $ YUd Sol"ing! d H 1#.>Tmm Select standard diameter of the ire from table 11.$a8pg 1D:. Standard diameter siOe H d H 1$mm
)iameter of the coil:' H)8d F H )81$ ) H R>mm --- Aean diameter of the coil. -uter dia: )o H ) L d H R> L 1$ H T1mm Inner dia : )i H ) - d H R> - 1$ H FDmm
$ % H F:UR>.%DU1: U1$ H 11.> $ >U$:::UR> i H 1# %. 9ree length:lo ` 3i L #5d L y La n e& 11.#:a 8 pg 1%#
a H #Da of max. deflection H #DUF:81:: H 1Dmm lo `31# L #51$ L F: L1D lo `#DRmm D. Citch:- Assuming s&uare and ground end C H 3lo 0 #d5i H 3#DR 0 #U1$581# H 1T.#Dmm F. Stiffness8spring rate:9o H 98y H $:::8F: H D: 28mm Spring specifications 3i5 [ire dia - 1$mm 3ii5 Aean dia - R>mm 3iii5 9ree length - #DRmm
l 3i"5 Total no of coils 0 i H iL# H 1# L # H 1%coils 3"5 Style of ends H s&uared , ground 3"i5 Citch - p 0 1T.#Dmm 3"ii5Spring rate 0 9o H D:28mm 3"iii5Aaterial 0 'hrome- "anadium 3#5 )esign a helical compression spring for a max. load of 1:::2 for a deflection of #Dmm using # the spring index as D. the max permissible shear stress for spring ire is %#: 28mm , S H $ # >%U1: 28mm n Sol : - Si"en dataQ - 9 H 1:::2 y H #Dmm cHD $ S H>% U 1: 28mm # ^ H %#:28mm 1. )iameter of ire ^ H >9)] $ Yd dH >9)] Y^ But ] H%' - 1 L :.F1D %' - % ' L :.F1D D H 1.$1 18$ n --------- e& 11.1a8 pg1$T n --------- e& 11.1b8 pg1$T
D H )8d or ) HDd.
Therefore %#: H >U$:::UDdU1$1 $ YUd Sol"ing! d H F.$mm Select standard diameter of the ire from table 11.$a8pg 1D:.
)iameter of the coil:' H)8d D H )8F.$ ) H $1.Dmm --- Aean diameter of the coil. -uter dia: )o H ) L d H $R.>mm Inner dia: )i H ) - d H #D.#mm
a H #Da of max. )eflection H #DU#D81:: H F.#Dmm lo ` 31% L #5F.$ L #D LF.#D lo ` 1$1.#mm D. Citch:- Assuming s&uare and ground end C H 3lo 0 #d5i H 31$1.# 0 #UF.$581% H >.RDmm F. Stiffness8spring rate:9o H 98y H 1:::8#D H %: 28mm Spring specifications 3i5 [ire dia 0 F.$mm 3ii5 Aean dia 0 $1.Dmm 3iii5 9ree length 0 1$1.#mm l 3i"5 Total no of coils 0 i H iL# H 1% L # H 1Fcoils 3"5 Style of ends H s&uared , ground 3"i5 Citch - p 0 >.RDmm 3"ii5Spring rate 0 9o H %:28mm 3$5 A rail ay carriage eighing %:]2 , mo"ing at >1m8hr is to be brought to rest by # buffer
springs. The compression bet een the coils must be t ice the ire diameter. Assume spring index as >. And allo able shear stress for the spring material H %D:28mm. Ta1e S H :.> b 1: 28mm. )esign the springc n Sol : Si"en data:- [eight of the carriage - %: b 1: 2 " - +elocity - >1m8hr H 8$F::5 m8s H #.##m8sec n - 2umber of springs H # y H D::mm H :.D m 'learance H a H #d
^ H %D:28mmQ S H :.>: b 1: 28mm cH> ].E imported on the t o springs due to the impact # # ( H :.Dm" H :.D " 8g $ # H :.D U%: U 1: U #.## 8T.>1 H 1::%R.R2-m
].E on the each spring H 1::%R.R:8# H D:#$.>D 2-m If d9d is the gradually applied force hich ould defect the spring by :.Dm! then energy stored ( H 9 U y8# i.e.! D:#$.>D H 9 U :.D8# 9 H #::TD.%2 #:.:T]2 3i5. [ire diameter ' H> 3gi"en5 Therefore ] H %' 0 1 L :.F1D H % U > - 1 L :.F1D H 1.1>% %' 0 % .1.t. ^ H >9)] H >9'] $ # Yd Yd DD: H>U#%>TUFU1.1#D#D # Yd d H T.$:Fmm T.Dmm 3standard "alue5 3ii5 Aean diameter ) H c.d ) H F U T.D H DRmm -utside dia H )o H ) Ld H DR L F H FF.Dmm Inside dia H )i H ) 0 d H DR 0 F H %R.Dmm 3iii5 2umber of coils ' % U> - % > 3bBcoO )8d H c5
% i H Sd y $ >9) $ % i H $.DU>%U1: UT.D $ >U1FFUDR 3i"5 9ree length: lo lo ` 3i L #5d Ly L a a H :.#Dy H :.#DU$.D H :.>RDmm lo ` 31: L #5T.D L $.D L :.>RD lo ` 11>.$RDmm 3"5Citch: - Assume S&uare , Sround ends C H 3lo 0 #d58i C H 311>.$RD 0 # U T.D581: C H T.T$RDmm 3"i5Spring ?ate: - 9o H98y 9o H 1FF 8$.D H %R.%#28mm Spring specifications 3i5 [ire dia - $$mm 3ii5 Aean dia - #F%mm 3iii5 9ree length - 11F:mm l 3i"5 Total no of coils 0 i H iL# H 1F L # H 1>coils 3"5 Style of ends H s&uared , ground 3"i5 Citch - p - F>.$RDmm 3"ii5Spring rate - 9 H %:.1>28mm H T.R$ 1:
3%5A load of #]2 is dropped axially on a helical spring from a height of #D:mm. the spring has #: turns! , it is made of #Dmm diameter ire. The spring index is >. 9ind the max. Shear stress
induced in the spring R the amount of compression produced. Ta1e S H >#.RS28mm n Sol : - Si"en data: [ H #]2 H #:::2Q hH #D:mm i H #: turnsQ d H #DmmQ c H > ^ H c y Hc S H >#.RS28m $ H >#.R U 1: 28mm Cotential energy of falling eight H ( H [ 3h L y5 H #:::3#D: L y5 Energy absorbed by spring H ( H 9y8#
E&uating the abo"e t o e&uations: 9y8# H #:::3#D: L y5 9y H %:::3#D: L y5 F 9y H %:::y L 1: ------------ 315 $ $ 2o ! )eflection: y H >9) i H >9' i % Sd Sd $ y H >U9U> U#: $ >#.RU1: U#D y H:.:$TF# 9 ------------- 3#5
Substituting e&n 3#5 in 315 for JyB # F :.:$TF#9 0 %:::3:.:$TF#95- 1: H : # F :.:$TF#9 0 1D>.%>9 0 1: H : 9 H R%:R.$R2 2o ! ] H %' 0 1 L :.F1D %' 0 % ' but c H >
] H %U> 0 1 L :.F1D %U> 0 % ] H 1.1>% Shear stress H ^ H >9)] H >9'] $ # Yd Yd ^ H >UR%:R.$RU>U1.1>% # Y U #D # ^ H #>D.>RF28mm Therefore y H :.:$TF#9 H :.:$TF#UR%:R.$R y H #T$.%R #T$.Dmm D5. )esign a helical spring for a spring loaded safety "al"e for the conditions: 3i5 )iameter of the "al"e H FDmm 3ii5-perating pressure 3iii5 Aax. Cressure on the "al"e 3i"5 Aax. lift of the "al"e hen pressure H $.Dmm # H :.R28mm # H :.RD28mm follo ing >
3"5 Aax. Allo able stress H DD:ACa 3"i5 Spring index n HF ----------------- +T(8August-#::D Sol :Si"en data:*et )1 H dia of the "al"e H FDmm C1 H -perating pressure H :.R28mm # C# H Aax. Cressure H :.RD28mm y H Aax. )eflection H $.Dmm ^ H allo able shear stress H DD:28mm $ # S H >%U1: 28mm 'HF *et J91B be the initial force due to operating pressure , J9#B be the force at Aax. Cressure. Therefore 91 H C1 U A # H :.R UY U FD 8% ly 91 H #$##.> #$#$2 # 9# H C# H :.RDU YUFD 8% H #%>T2 # #
Therefore! 9orce hich produces deflection of $.Dmmis 9 H 9# 0 91 H #%>T 0 #$#$ H 1FF2 2ote:- Al ays design the springs for maximum load , maximum deflection. Aaximum force H 9# H #%>T2 3i5. [ire diameter ' HF Therefore ] H %' 0 1 L :.F1D H % U F - 1 L :.F1D H 1.#D#D %' 0 % ' % UF - % F 3 bBcoO )8d H c5
3ii5 Aean diameter ) H c.d ) H > U $$ H #F%mm -utside dia H )o H ) Ld H #F% L > H #R#mm Inside dia H )i H ) 0 d H #F% 0 > H #DFmm 3iii5 2umber of coils $ y H >9) i % Sd $ $ D:: H >U#:.:TU1: U#F% Ui. D % :.>U1: U$$ i H 1F.:% 1F 3i"5 9ree length: lo lo ` 3i L #5d Ly L a lo ` 31F L #5$$ L D:: L # U $$ lo ` 11F:mm 3"5Citch: - Assume S&uare , Sround ends C H 3lo 0 #d58i C H 311F: 0 # U $$581F C H F>.$RDmm 3"i5Spring ?ate: - 9o H98y n e& 11.Ra8 pg1$T $ 9o H #:.:T U 1: 8D:: H %:.1> 28mm Spring specifications 3i5 [ire dia 0 T.Dmm 3ii5 Aean dia - DRmm 3iii5 9ree length 0 11>.$RDmm l 3i"5 Total no of coils 0 i H iL# H 1: L # H 1#coils 3"5 Style of ends H s&uared , ground 3"i5 Citch - p 0 T.T$RDmm 3"ii5Spring rate - 9 H %R.%#28mm F5. The "al"e spring of an I.' Engine is %:mm long! hen the "al"e is open , %>mm long hen 3gi"en a H #d5 n e& 11.#:a8 pg1D# n e& 11.Da8 pg1$T
the "al"e is closed . The spring loads are #D:2 hen the "al"e is closed , %::n
open. The inside diameter of the spring is not to be less than #Dmm , ta1e 9-S H #. Assume $ # spring index to be F ,S H RT.$%U1: ACa , ^y H FT:28mm . )esign the spring.
n Sol :Si"en data:- 91 H #D:2Q 9# H %::2Q )i H #DmmQ 9-S H #Q ' H FQ $ # S H RT.$%U1: 28mm Q # # ^y H FT:28mm ^all H FT:8# H $%D28mm l l *et y be the deflection of the spring bet een opening , closing of the "al"e. Therefore! y H %> 0 %: H >mm 2o Aax. )eflection is gi"en by l y# H 39#y 58 39# 0 915 H #1.$$mm
)esign the spring for max. *oad , max. )eflection. 3i5. [ire diameter ' HF Therefore ] H %' 0 1 L :.F1D H % U F - 1 L :.F1D H 1.#D#D %' 0 % .1.t. ^ H >9)] H >9'] $ # Yd Yd $%D H>U%::UFU1. #D#D # Yd d H %.R1:m D.::mm 3ii5 Aean diameter ) H c.d ) H F U D H $:mm -utside dia H )o H ) Ld H $: L D H $Dmm Inside dia H )i H ) 0 d H $: 0 D H #Dmm 3iii5 2umber of coils $ y H >9) i % Sd $ #1.$$ H >U%::U$: Ui. D % :.RTU1: UD i H 1#.#% 1$ 3i"5 9ree length: lo lo ` 3i L #5 d Ly L a lo ` 31$ L #5D L #1.$$ L :.#D U #1.$$ lo ` 1:1.FFmm n e& 11.#:a8 pg1D# n e& 11.Da8 pg1$T ' % UF - % F 3bBcoO )8d H c5
3"5Citch: - Assume S&uare , Sround ends C H 3lo 0 #d58i C H 31:1.FF 0 # U D581$ C H R.:Dmm 3"i5Spring ?ate: - 9o H98y 9o H %::8#1.$$ H 1>.RD 28mm Spring specifications 3i5 [ire dia 0 Dmm 3ii5 Aean dia - $:mm 3iii5 9ree length 0 1:1.FFmm l 3i"5 Total no of coils 0 i H iL# H 1$ L # H 1Dcoils 3"5 Style of ends H s&uared , ground 3"i5 Citch - p 0 R.:Dmm 3"ii5Spring rate - 9 H 1>.RD28mm 3"iii5 Allo able shear stress H $%D28mm Assignment:315 A helical spring made from F.$mm diameter steel ire has an outside diameter of DR.$mm ith s&uared , ground ends and has 1# coils. The allo able shear stress is >#RACa. )etermine the follo ing 3i5 Spring rate 3ii5 9ree length 3iii5 Citch 3#5 The follo ing data refers to the "al"e of a petrol engine *ength of the spring hen the "al"e is open 0 %:mm *ength of the spring hen the "al"e is closed 0 %>mm Spring load hen the "al"e is closed 0 $D:2 Spring load hen the "al"e is open 0 ##:2 Spring index 0 F.> 3$5 The maximum shear stress allo ed is 1D:ACa , the modulus of rigidity is >%SCa. The ends are s&uared , ground and the gap bet een the adjacent coils is :.1 times the )etermine the follo ing 3i5 [ire dia 3ii5Aean dia ire diameter. # n e& 11.Ra8 pg1$T