CBSE Worksheet-72 CLASS - VIII Mathematics (Introduction To Graphs)
CBSE Worksheet-72 CLASS - VIII Mathematics (Introduction To Graphs)
CBSE Worksheet-72 CLASS - VIII Mathematics (Introduction To Graphs)
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CBSE Worksheet-72
CLASS VIII Mathematics (Introduction to Grahs!
Choose the correct otion"
1. In which quadrant does the point Q (-2, -6) lie?
a. III b. IV
c. II d. I
2. On which ais does the point (-!, ") lie?
a. #-ais b. -ais
c. ori$in d. none o% these
&. 'r. 'ir(a)s *onthl# inco*e is +s ,,2"". -e spends +s 1,!"" on rent, +s. 2,,"" on %ood,
+s ."" on education o% his children, +s 1,2"" on others and sa/es the rest. 0raw a pie-
chart to represent it.
1. 0raw the $raph %or the %ollowin$ table o% /alues.
Interest on deposits %or a #ear2
0eposit in +s 1""" 2""" &""" 1""" 3"""
Interest in +s 6" 12" 1!" 21" &""
a. 4se the $raph to %ind the interest on a deposit o% +s 13"" %or a #ear.
b. 5o $et an interest o% +s 12", how *uch *one# should be deposited?
c. 0oes the $raph pass throu$h ori$in?
3. 6 train is *o/in$ at a constant speed o% ,3 7*8h. 0raw a distance 9 ti*e $raph.
a. -ow %ar will it tra/el in 2 hours &" *inutes?
b. :ind the ti*e required to co/er a distance o% &"" 7*.
6. :ind the distance co/ered in 3 seconds.
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,. 5he line $raph shows the #earl# sales %i$ure %or a *anu%acturin$ co*pan#. :ro* the
$raph, what were the sales in 2""1 and 2""6?
!. Draw a graph for the following.
Distance in metres 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time in seconds 1 2 3 4 5 6
Is it a linear graph?
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Ans#er $e%"
1. a
2. b
a. 0eposit o% +s 13"" $i/e an interest o% +s 2,".
b. 5o $et an interest o% +s 12", +s ,""" should be deposited.
c. ;es, the $raph passes throu$h ori$in.
3. <peed o% train = ,3 7*8hr
5able %or distance 9 ti*e $raph is $i/en below2
5i*e (in hours) 1 2 & 1
0istance tra/elled(in >*) ,3 13" 223 &""
5he distance 9 ti*e $raph is $i/en below2
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a. :ro* $raph, 5rain will tra/el in 2 hours and &" *inutes = 1!,.3 7*
b. 5i*e required to co/er a distance o% &"" 7* = 1 hrs.
6. The distance covered in 5 second is 25 metres.
,. <ales in 2""1 is 6 *illion and in 2""6 is ! *illion.
;es, it is a linear $raph.