Eric Rado Northville Lesson 3 Volleyball
Eric Rado Northville Lesson 3 Volleyball
Eric Rado Northville Lesson 3 Volleyball
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Updated 9/26/12
It will be determined the daily learning objectives were met by this assessment strategy: #aily Learnin% O12ecti(e Assessment Method
The following NASPE Physical Education standards align with the objective assessment: NASPE Standard/s0 3
The following !I e"#ectations align with the objective assessment: MI "LCEs or MMCEs
SWBAT Demonstrate elements of the mature form of the Bump in dynamic settings. SWBAT Demonstrate all elements
of tactical problems, including off and on-the-object problems of scoring in controlled settings.
Formative Assessment:
Teacher checking for understanding and observation.
Formative Assessment:
Teacher checking for understanding and observation.
M.1.NG.1 M.1.NG.2
Formative Assessment:
Teacher checking for understanding and observation.
.5.!S.1 .5.!S.2
S" #$ #nal%&e game pla%, s%nthesi&e s'ills or tactical problems of the game, or e(aluate pla%er performance of tactical problems, including off and on -theobject problems of scoring in controlled settings.
Formative Assessment:
Teacher checking for understanding and observation.
).2.NG.1 ).2.NG.2
Updated 9/26/12
Time !inutes
1! 12
,&anging - attendance 1ar up run and $tretc&ing) 23ir$t cla$$ o# day only4
Transitions& "rou.s Teacher Notes $ow will students get there% If students are grou#ed, how will this occur% $ow will e&ui#ment get to where it needs to be% 'ther teacher notes or teacher behaviors go here( Student$ %ill *e let into t&e locker roo and %ill $it in t&eir $.uad$) Student$ %ill $tart %alking around t&e *a$ket*all court %&en told to do $o)
Learnin% Tas9 Procedures E"#lain)scri#t out what will be taught to the students* what will ha##en%
Assessment o' Learnin% $ow will you assess this tas+ to +now they have learned it%
Critical Elements Cues ,ritical elements cues of the learning tas+ you will be using in instruction reinforcing during feedbac+
Student$ %ill *e %aiting) Student$ %ill *e %alking and $tart 5ogging %&en t&e u$ic co e$ on) 6&ey %ill progre$$i'ely go up to a run) 6&e teac&er %ill t&en direct t&e *ack to t&eir $.uad$ %&ere t&ey %ill do 'ariou$ $tretc&e$ and cali$t&enic$)
/re $tudent$ in t&eir $.uad$0 Are students .ro%ressin% in their .ace o' the run6
Be in t&e rig&t $pot /lp&a*etical order) Student$ are graded on a 7aily !-" Scale) " i$ t&e *e$t and ! i$ t&e %or$t)
Student$ %ill *e told %&ic& tea t&ey are on and %&ic& court t&ey %ill $tart at) 3ro t&ere t&ey %ill $et up t&eir court and once t&eir court i$ $et up8 co e *ack to t&e *rie#ing $tation) 6actical pro*le ; Setting up to attack) <e$$on 3ocu$; Ba$e po$ition$ and containing t&e *all on your court u$ing a #orear pa$$) =*5ecti'e; >$e a $er'e #ro t&e
6&e *rie#ing $tation i$ *e&ind t&e iddle court8 ne9t to t&e locker roo $)
S&o% t&e &o% to properly #orear pa$$ -?*u p@ a *all) (o$t t&e$e on t&e *oard) 1) >$e a #lat plat#or
Updated 9/26/12
iddle o# t&e court to initiate play) Return to *a$e po$ition8 $.uared to t&e play)
2) 6oe$ pointing to target) 3) 6&u *$ toget&er 4) Anee$ *ent) =*$er'ation and ,3>
:a e 1
393 $etup on &al# a 'olley*all court) 6riad #or ation) -Brie#ing area %&en .ue$tioning) Student$ are $eated) / countdo%n %ill *e u$ed i# nece$$ary)
Setup; 393 :oal; Set up to attack ,ondition$; -,ourt i$ $plit in &al#) 6riad #or ation on *ot& $ide$) - /lternate 3ree Ball a#ter eac& rally +ote$; ->$e $er'e #ro iddle o# court to initiate play) - Ba$e po$ition i$ a player$ &o e or reco'ery po$ition Bue$tion$; B; 1&at did you do to $et up a playa*le *all on your $ide o# t&e court0 /; Cit it &ig& to t&e iddle o# t&e court u$ing a #orear pa$$) B; Co% did you per#or #orear pa$$0 /; 1) >$e a #lat plat#or t&e
6&ere i$ no $er'e) Student$ are $eated during .ue$tioning8 only one per$on talk$)
Updated 9/26/12
B; 1&y $&ould you u$e t&e #orear pa$$0 /; Bigger $ur#ace area to recei'e t&e *all)
(ractice 6a$k
393 $etup on &al# a 'olley*all court) 6riad #or ation) -Brie#ing area %&en .ue$tioning) Student$ are $eated) / countdo%n %ill *e u$ed i# nece$$ary)
Setup; 3orear
pa$$8 triad
:oal$; (a$$ a playa*le *all8 one t&at i$ &ig& and in t&e iddle o# t&e court8 $o t&at anot&er player can &it it) -Dediu *ody po$ture and #lat plat#or ) ,ondition$; -7o t&ree trial$ *e#ore rotating -6o$$er pro pt$ *y &itting t&e $ide o# t&e *all and gi'e$ a playa*le $er'e to t&e pa$$er8 %&o #orear pa$$e$ t&e *all to a tea ate) - :oal i$ " #orear pa$$e$ and on t&e 6t& &it a#ter t&e $er'e8 $et t&e *all to a tea ate %&o catc&e$ it) Repeat and $ee &o% can do t&i$) ,ue$; 1) >$e a #lat plat#or 2) 6oe$ pointing to target) 3) 6&u *$ toget&er any ti e$ you
:a e 2
Updated 9/26/12
#or ation) -Brie#ing area %&en .ue$tioning) Student$ are $eated) / countdo%n %ill *e u$ed i# nece$$ary) 6ea $ %ill o'e to di##erent court$ to #ace a ne% opponent) -3ull court$ are no% u$ed) 6&e 3 player$ are on t&e $a e tea a$ t&e ot&er 3 t&at %ere on t&eir court)
contact on your $ide o# t&e net) -Start t&e ga e %it& a $er'e #ro *e&ind t&e end line)
are $ all-$ided ga e$) 7o $tudent$ return to &o e *a$e a#ter *all goe$ o'er0 /d&ere to t&e 696 :a e Rule$) 6ea $ %ill *e po$ted and t&eir %on lo$t total %ill *e tallied a#ter eac& day)
6ea $ %ill create t&eir na e$ i# t&i$ i$ t&eir #ir$t le$$on) 2=ne day i$ a&ead o# anot&er)4 -Eac& tea %ill tell t&e cla$$ t&eir tea na e and c&eer i# t&ey %ant) Rule$; :a e$ are up to 1!8 %in *y 2) E# a ga e i$ not co pleted *y t&e ti e t&e cla$$ end$8 %&oe'er &a$ t&e o$t point$ %in$) 6ea $ %ill &a'e a ple notice) - Stop play during a portion and point out %&o i$ returning to *a$e/&o e po$ition) Re'ie% t&e le$$on and a$k ,3> .ue$tion$)
Lesson Closure -hat is the ta+e.home message or chec+ for learning you will be closing the lesson with%
7onFt continue until /<< $tudent$ are ready) =ne per$on $peak$ at a ti e) 6o $peak8 rai$e your &and)
Updated 9/26/12
Resources /Include what resources contributed to the #lanning of this lesson0boo+s, web lin+s, articles, etc(1
$Teachin% S.ort Conce.ts and S9ills; A Tactical "ames A..roach) Second Edition < Ste.hen A Mitchell& =udith L Oslin& Linda L6 "ri''in6 Teachin%*Im.lementation Re'lection ,om#lete these seven reflection &uestions A2TE3 you teach your lesson( 2ollow the &uestions #rom#ts to critically analy4e your teaching methods)#ractices from this #articular lesson( 1) Ba$ed o## o# your le$$on a$$e$$ ent$8 %&ere i$ t&i$ cla$$ in progre$$ to%ard$ Progress notes in relation to daily learning objectives eeting t&e daily learning o*5ecti'e$0
,lass $our)Name
2) 3) 4) ") 6) H)
1&at ele ent$ o# t&e le$$on o$t $ucce$$#ul0 1&at ele ent$ o# t&e le$$on lea$t $ucce$$#ul0 1&at ele ent$ o# t&e plan %ould you c&ange or i pro'e to ake t&e a*o'e go *etter/ ore $ oot&ly ne9t ti e you teac& t&i$ le$$on a) 1&at c&ange$ %ill you i ple ent t&e ne9t opportunity you teac& t&i$ le$$on in relation to G4 a*o'e0 1&at ele ent$ o# your actual teac&ing/teac&er *e&a'ior$ %ould you c&ange or i pro'e to ake t&e a*o'e go *etter/ ore $ oot&ly ne9t ti e you teac& t&i$ le$$on0 a) 1&at c&ange$ %ill you i ple ent t&e ne9t opportunity you teac& t&i$ le$$on in relation to G" a*o'e0 (o$iti'e critical incident$; E9plain %&at t&ing2$4 $tood out a*out your teac&ing 2and/or planning4 o# t&i$ le$$on t&at %a$ o$t po$iti'e or in#luential in contri*uting to $tudent learning0 +egati'e critical incident$; E9plain %&at t&ing2$4 $tood out a*out your teac&ing 2and/or planning4 o# t&i$ le$$on t&at did not contri*ute to $tudent learning0