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Plant hybridization: the role of human
disturbance and biological invasion
Qinfeng Guo*
USDA FS, Eastern Forest Environmental
Threat Assessment Center, 200 WT Weaver
Blvd., Asheville, NC 28804, USA
*Correspondence: Qinfeng Guo, USDA FS,
Eastern Forest Environmental Threat
Assessment Center, 200 WT Weaver Blvd.,
Asheville, NC 28804, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
Aim Anderson & Stebbins (1954, Evolution, 8, 378388) posited that human
activities promote species hybridizations by creating opportunities for hybrid-
ization and new habitats for hybrids to persist through disturbances (i.e. the
disturbance hypothesis). While the rst part of this hypothesis appears to be
well supported, the second part has not been corroborated with empirical evi-
dence, probably because of the lack of appropriate data. In this study, I (1)
document the richness and distribution of hybrid plants in the United States;
(2) examine the relationships between hybrids of different origins and between
hybrid plants and native or exotic plants; and (3) examine possible mechanisms
for these relationships and test the disturbance hypothesis.
Location The United States.
Methods The richness and distribution of plant hybrids was examined at the
county level according to origin, that is, formed between nativenative species
(N 9 N), nativeexotic species (N 9 E) and exoticexotic species (E 9 E),
using data from the Biota of North America Program.
Results The three hybrid types (N 9 N, N 9 E and E 9 E) were positively
related to each other and showed stronger positive relationship with exotic
richness than with native richness. They also exhibited similar spatial patterns,
with richness hotspots concentrated in the north-east United States and Great
Lakes region. However, the richness of hybrids of exotic origin (E 9 E and
N 9 E) was not related to county area, as often observed for native species;
instead, it showed strong positive relationships with human population density.
Thus, the overall patterns of hybrid richness and distribution support the
disturbance hypothesis.
Main conclusions The results are generally consistent with the disturbance
hypothesis. The relationship between the number of hybrids of exotic origin
and overall exotic richness provided stronger evidence for human-induced than
for naturally caused hybridization, although other possible explanations may
also exist.
Biological invasions, conservation, distribution, exotics, genetic novelty, rich-
Both intra- and inter-taxon hybridizations can occur, leading
to vastly different consequences including novel traits, new
species, increased invasiveness and extinction (Rhymer &
Simberloff, 1996; Rieseberg, 1997; Whitney & Gabler, 2008;
Ellstrand, 2009; Schierenbeck & Ellstrand, 2009; Hegarty,
2012). While there are many forms, hybridizations between
co-occurring, closely related species have long fascinated
ecologists and evolutionary biologists (Rieseberg, 1997).
More recently, the impacts of hybridization, especially those
related to biological invasions, have attracted attention (Vila
et al., 2000; Blair & Hufbauer, 2010; Lu et al., 2010). While
it has long been recognized that human activities have
increased the likelihood of hybridization of previously iso-
lated species or populations (e.g. Kahilainen et al., 2011),
DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12245
2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1
Diversity and Distributions, (Diversity Distrib.) (2014) 110






how these newly formed hybrids persist in certain habitats is
less clear (Abbott, 1992). More than half a century ago,
Anderson & Stebbins (1954) predicted that human distur-
bance would create novel and suitable habitats for newly
formed hybrids, allowing them to both establish and persist
(Ellstrand & Schierenbeck, 2000; Vila et al., 2000; Huston,
2004; Hasselman et al., 2014; see also Soltis & Soltis, 2009).
Yet despite the recent and drastic increase in hybrid species
(Schierenbeck & Ellstrand, 2009), direct and detailed evi-
dence connecting hybrid success to anthropogenic distur-
bance and actions (i.e. the disturbance hypothesis) is still
lacking (but see Mack, 1981; Hoban et al., 2012; Thompson
et al., 2012).
Introductions of exotic species into previously unoccupied
areas may lead to rapid evolution and commonly result in
two types of hybridization which in turn affect invasion suc-
cess (Richardson & Pysek, 2006). First, multiple introduc-
tions from different or remotely related exotic populations of
the same species from either the species native or invaded
ranges into one location can form intra-specic hybrids
(Molofsky et al., 1999; Novak & Mack, 2001; Dlugosch &
Parker, 2008). This is evidenced by the role of the adaptive
evolution of polyploidy formed through hybridization in
facilitating invasions (see review by Richardson & Pysek,
2006). Second, introducing exotic species into geographic
locations where their close relatives (i.e. sister species) exist
often leads to inter-specic hybrids. Both types of hybrids
could potentially form highly invasive populations as hybrid-
ization can lead to increased genetic variation or even to the
generation of novel genotypes. Some well-known hybrids in
the United States that have become invasive include Myrio-
phyllum spicatum 9 sibiricum (nativeexotic species or
N 9 E), Spartina foliosa 9 alterniora (nativenative species
or N 9 N) and Tamarix chinensis 9 ramosissima (exotic
exotic species or E 9 E; Gaskin & Kazmer, 2009). Additional
examples are given in Appendix S1 in Supporting Informa-
tion (see also Cox, 2004).
Hybridization has long been regarded as a major mecha-
nism for speciation and/or endemism (Stebbins, 1959, 1985;
Rieseberg, 1997; Soltis & Soltis, 2009). In addition to the
proven cases where hybridization can promote the invasive-
ness of a species or genotype (Ellstrand & Schierenbeck,
2000; Moody & Les, 2007; Ridley & Ellstrand, 2009; Hovick
et al., 2012), hybridization may also have other unidentied
ecological and evolutionary consequences. For example, Whi-
tham (1989) showed how plant hybrids have important
effects across trophic levels (e.g. on pests). In a recent study,
Adams et al. (2011) found that overstorey tree hybrids (cot-
tonwoods) could promote understorey species richness by
forming unique assemblages.
Not only do human activities and associated biological
invasions increase exotic species diversity, but they may also
produce hybrids that would not otherwise be formed (Hass-
elman et al., 2014). With ongoing expansion of human pop-
ulation via both growth and migration, it could be expected
that hybridization events will continue to increase over time.
Nonetheless, despite the diversity and distribution of exotic
plant species across the United States being studied exten-
sively (e.g. Rejmanek, 2003; Stohlgren et al., 2005; Qian &
Guo, 2010), the patterns in richness and distribution, mecha-
nisms and consequences of plant hybridization related to
biological invasion are not well understood.
The majority of previous studies on hybridization have
focused on individual hybrids, often in comparison with
their parent species within particular taxonomic groups (e.g.
Gaskin & Schaal, 2002) or on biosystematics (Vila et al.,
2000), but not on the overall richness or distribution of
hybrids within a particular region or habitat type. Here,
instead of exploring the causes for the success of individual
hybrid invaders, I examine for the rst time the richness and
distribution of hybrid plants at the county level across the
contiguous United States. Specically, I examine: (1) the geo-
graphic presence of three types of hybrid plants (N 9 N,
N 9 E and E 9 E) and relationships between them, (2) the
relationships between hybrid plants and natives/exotic species
richness and (3) the possible mechanisms of hybridization
that relate to human population, especially for hybrids of
exotic origin. Although hybridization can occur both within
and between species (i.e. intra- and inter-specic hybrids,
respectively), for the purpose of this study, I only focus on
inter-specic hybrids and emphasize hybridizations involving
exotic species. The expected results will provide baseline
information for biological invasion, hybridization and espe-
cially biodiversity conservation in the future.
For this study, I used data on the absence/presence of plant
hybrids collected as part of an extensive survey of plant rich-
ness at the county level (N = 3107 counties) throughout the
contiguous United States. For detailed description and refer-
ence sources, see regarding the Biota
of North America Program (Kartesz, in press; see also
Rejmanek, 2000). The native or exotic status of a species was
dened relative to the boundary of each surveyed county,
not to those of the entire United States or each state (Guo &
Ricklefs, 2010; Guo et al., 2012), that is, we considered a
ner resolution of native and exotic than is typically
employed. Hybrids were divided into one of three groups
(types) based on their origin: both parents were native
(N 9 N), one parent was native and the other exotic
(N 9 E), or both parents were exotic (E 9 E). For this
investigation, I did not include hybrids formed from domes-
tically introduced species, although data were collected on
these hybrids and each was categorized as N 9 N hybrids for
the purposes of future investigation.
To identify possible causes of plant hybridization, I exam-
ined the relationships of hybrid richness with selected
county-level variables, such as climate (maximum, minimum
and annual mean temperature, precipitation and potential
evapotranspiration PET), county area, location (latitude,
longitude), mean elevation, human population density, years
2 Diversity and Distributions, 110, 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Q. Guo
in the Union and the presence/absence of the most recent
glaciation (i.e. Wisconsin). These analyses were conducted
for both the total number of hybrids and the total number
of hybrids belonging to each hybrid type. Human population
density was used as the indicator of intensity and magnitude
of human disturbances.
County area and population data were compiled from; climate and elevation data
were compiled from Coulson & Joyce (2010) and www.ncdc.; and glaciation data (presence/absence) were based
on estimates derived by Ray & Adams (2001), Kearney
(2005) and Kartesz (in press). Additional data and informa-
tion related to the richness and distribution of hybrid plants
were compiled from, Stein et al.
(2000) and the U.S. Exotic Plant Database that the USDA
Forest Service has been compiling since 2006 (for details, see
Guo et al., 2009).
I used analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-tests to compare
richness among different types of hybrids (i.e. N 9 N,
N 9 E and E 9 E) across all counties and regression analy-
ses for identifying the relationships between the three hybrid
groups, again across all counties. As some variables could be
strongly correlated as a result of spatial relationships (Lieb-
hold et al., 2013), to identify the major contributing factors
for hybrid plant richness and possible confounding effects, I
conducted spatial autoregression analyses (SAR) and ordin-
ary least squares (OLSs) after a data reduction procedure
using principal component analysis (PCA; Rangel et al.,
2006). These spatial analyses and PCA were performed using
spatial analysis in macroecology (SAM; Rangel et al., 2006),
which is freely available at For
comparative purposes, I also performed multiple regression
analyses based on the same variables examined in SAR/OLS
using SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc. 2011).
To quantify how the spatial variation in hybrid richness
can be attributed to the independent effects of individual sets
of variables of special interests, I rst classied the selected
variables into three classes, that is, (1) space factors includ-
ing area, latitude and longitude; (2) human factors includ-
ing years in the Union, population density and exotic
richness (but not in panel-a); and (3) environmental factors
including mean annual precipitation, mean annual tempera-
ture, potential evapotranspiration (PET), elevation and glaci-
ation. I then conducted partial regression analyses using
SAM, which can take into account spatially structured envi-
ronmental variation and intrinsic spatially contagious
processes (Rangel et al., 2006).
In the contiguous United States, a total of 1126 named
hybrids were detected (6.23 6.78 per county; mean SE).
Of which, 941 were formed by two native parent species
(N 9 N; 5.03 5.35 per county), 138 by two exotic parent
species (E 9 E; 2.26 1.85 per county) and 47 by one
native and one exotic parent species (N 9 E; 1.51 0.95
per county). The hybrids formed due to species introduc-
tions (N 9 E and E 9 E) accounted for a large proportion
(16.43%) of the overall hybrid plants in the United States.
The hybrid richness at the county level was signicantly dif-
ferent among the three types (F = 1140, d.f. = 2,
P < 0.0001). Also, at the county level, the number of E 9 E
hybrids was signicantly higher than that of N 9 E hybrids
(t = 18.18, d.f. = 551, P < 0.0001; Fig. S1 in Supporting
Information). Overall, in addition to the 47 hybrids formed
by native 9 exotic pairs, 6% of native plants were hybrids,
while 3.3% of exotics were hybrids.
There was strong spatial variation in hybrid richness at the
county level across the continental United States that varied
little among the three hybrid types (Fig. 1). More than half
the counties (1824 of 3107) had only two to six hybrids,
while 57 counties had 30 or greater hybrids (Fig. 1). There
were three hotspots identied that contained a greater pro-
portion of hybrids across the contiguous United States: the
north-east corner (New England), the Great Lakes region
and the coast of California (Fig. 1).
As expected, based on the overall similarity among the
spatial patterns for all three hybrid types (N 9 N, N 9 E
and E 9 E), strong positive relationships for richness were
observed (Fig. 2). In addition, the numbers of total hybrids
and native hybrids (N 9 N) were both positively correlated
with the area of the county; whereas the number of hybrids
of exotic origin was not (N 9 E or E 9 E; Table 1, Table S1
in Supporting Information).
PCA results showed that the rst two principal compo-
nents (out of 13) together explained 61% of the total varia-
tion in the data (PCA1 = 39%, PCA2 = 22%). The PCA also
revealed strong positive correlations (collinearity) between
several county-level social-physical variables, such as (1) pop-
ulation density and years in the Union and (2) minimum,
maximum and annual mean temperatures (in all cases,
r > 0.90; Fig. S2). Note that because (1) population density
would better reect the true intensity and frequency of
human disturbances than population size (which is positively
related to area) and (2) mean annual temperature is a com-
monly used climatic variable, population size and minimum/
maximum temperatures were excluded in subsequent SAR/
OLS, partial and multiple regression analyses to remove or
minimize the confounding effects; see detected collinearity in
PCA results (Fig. S2).
Spatial autocorrelation analyses showed that the richness
for total hybrids and for each hybrid type was spatially auto-
correlated, but the distances at which this spatial autocorrela-
tion occurred varied among these categorizations (e.g. Fig.
S3). However, in examining the effects of social and physical
factors on hybrid richness, AICc values indicated that OLS
produced better-tted models than SAR for total hybrids
and N 9 N hybrids, but the reverse was true for N 9 E and
E 9 E hybrids (Table 1). Overall, SAR/OLS and multiple
regression analyses yielded remarkably similar results with a
few exceptions (Table 1 and Table S1). Human population
density and the presence of the latest (Wisconsin) glaciation
Diversity and Distributions, 110, 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 3
Human disturbance and hybrid plants
were both positively related to the richness of all hybrid cate-
gories (Table 1, Fig. 3a). Similar to population density, his-
torical factors such as years in the Union were also strongly
related to hybrid richness (Fig. 3b). In addition, the number
of all hybrid plants and the number of hybrids of native ori-
gin (N 9 N) were positively related to precipitation, native
richness and exotic richness, but negatively related to mean
annual temperature and total (native plus exotic) species
richness. The richness of hybrids with both native and exotic
origin (N 9 E) was also positively related to temperature,
elevation and total species richness. The hybrids of exotic
origin (E 9 E) were positively related to precipitation, eleva-
tion, total species richness and exotic richness (Table 1,
Table S1; Fig. 4).
Results from partial regression analyses showed that
human (or demographic) factors accounted for the largest
amount (about 64%) of the total spatial variation in hybrid
richness across the 3107 counties in the contiguous United
States, followed by spaceenvironment interaction, environ-
mental factors alone and space. The combination of human
and space factors together accounted for 67% of spatial vari-
ation in hybrid richness (in a separate analysis when the
selected variables were recombined; not shown).
The proportion of hybrid plants in the United States (6%
among native species and 3.3% of exotics) is within the
ranges found on other large land masses (i.e. 225% among
world-wide oras; Rieseberg, 1997; Mallet, 2007). However,
hybrid plants are clearly an increasingly pervasive element of
local and regional oras world-wide (Blair & Hufbauer,
2010). The geographic hotspots for each of the different
types of hybrid plants very much overlapped (Fig. 1), with
concentrations being highest for all in the north-east (espe-
cially New England), the Great Lakes region and along the
Californian coast. These patterns are very similar to the spa-
tial patterns of overall exotic richness (Rejmanek, 2003).
Unlike the patterns and drivers for native species, the
inconsistent effects of temperature on total hybrid richness
and those of different origins further highlight the impor-
tance of primary sources of species introduction and human
disturbance (Guo et al., 2012). In contrast, many states,
especially those in the south-eastern United States and some
other border states that have high exotic plant richness, do
not necessarily have more hybrids. This is true of both
hybrids formed from exotic plants (one or both parents are
Figure 1 The richness and distribution of inter-specic hybrid plants of various origins, that is, nativenative (N 9 N), nativeexotic
(N 9 E) and exoticexotic (E 9 E), recorded from each county in the contiguous United States. The north-east United States (New
England), Great Lakes region and Californian coast have the highest concentration of inter-specic hybrid plants.
4 Diversity and Distributions, 110, 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Q. Guo
exotic) and those formed by natives. Thus, the results in this
study indicate that human disturbances can be a catalyst that
stimulates the formation and persistence of hybrid plants,
thus offering clear evidence supporting Anderson & Stebbins
(1954) disturbance hypothesis (Stebbins, 1959; Ellstrand &
Schierenbeck, 2000; Hasselman et al., 2014).
N x N
0 10 20 30 40 50




r = 0.5
P < 0.001
N x N
0 10 20 30 40 50


E x E
0 5 10 15 20
r = 0.5
P < 0.001
r = 0.59
P < 0.0001
Figure 2 Positive relationships between
the three types of inter-specic hybrid
plants with different parent types (i.e.
nativenative or N 9 N, nativeexotic or
N 9 E and exoticexotic or E 9 E) at
the county level across the contiguous
United States (in all cases, P < 0.001).
Table 1 Results of the spatial autoregression analysis (SAR) and ordinary least square (OLS) and showing the relationships of hybrids
with selected physical and social variables in the 3107 counties across the conterminous United States, as well as the relative
contribution of space or spatial autocorrelation (bold-faced t-values highlight the signicant relationships in SAR at P < 0.05). All
variables were log-transformed prior to analysis. Because tmin, tmax and annual mean temperature are strongly and positively related to
each other (r > 0.95), only annual mean temperature is used here to remove or minimize the confounding effects (Fig. S2)
All hybrids N 9 N N 9 E E 9 E
Predictor 0.792 35.11 0.739 331.27 0.494 3093.80 0.505 1510.40
Predictor and space 0.623 71.80 0.733 390.04 0.536 3275.56 0.514 1562.69
Variable OLS* SAR* t OLS SAR t OLS SAR t OLS SAR t
Constant 0.714 1.099 3.32 1.249 1.397 4.034 0.424 0.233 1.174 0.458 0.578 2.218
Area (km
) 0.102 0.05 2.239 0.111 0.067 2.859 0.055 0.008 0.622 0.027 0.007 0.377
Population density 0.152 0.142 14.304 0.149 0.141 13.581 0.049 0.044 7.369 0.083 0.074 9.46
Precipitation (cm) 0.166 0.288 6.237 0.152 0.241 4.989 0.039 0.053 1.92 0.071 0.116 3.183
Temperature (C) 0.289 0.318 3.518 0.499 0.51 5.383 0.123 0.141 2.599 0.07 0.056 0.782
PET (cm) 0.284 0.099 0.598 0.168 0.247 1.421 0.433 0.367 3.687 0.214 0.136 1.04
Elevation (m) 0.024 0.012 0.869 0.025 0.006 0.448 0.006 0.016 1.969 0.011 0.026 2.452
Glaciation (1/0) 0.588 0.527 9.903 0.62 0.554 9.95 0.209 0.15 4.708 0.528 0.47 11.219
No. all species 2.192 2.128 7.18 2.693 2.636 8.496 0.792 0.703 3.963 0.598 0.554 2.374
No. natives 2.275 2.215 8.407 2.814 2.764 10.025 0.769 0.682 4.322 0.65 0.618 2.979
No. exotics 0.56 0.551 10.727 0.467 0.446 8.288 0.037 0.051 1.658 0.315 0.336 8.292
*OLS or SAR coefcients.
Values in italic indicate different results from multiple regression analyses, which showed the relationships of same sign (direction) but different
signicance (see Table S1).
Years in Union
80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
r = 0.19
P < 0.0001
Popul. density (indiv. km

r = 0.37
P < 0.0001
(a) (b)
Figure 3 Positive relationships (a)
between human population density (no.
) and hybrid plant richness
(of all origins) and (b) between years in
the Union and hybrid richness (of all
origins) at the county level across the
contiguous United States. Circle
size = relative county area.
Diversity and Distributions, 110, 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 5
Human disturbance and hybrid plants
The overlap between the southern limits of the last glacial
ice sheets (25 00015 000 BP; Ray & Adams, 2001; Kearney,
2005) and the distribution of native hybrids (N 9 N) also
seems to support the disturbance hypothesis (Table 1; Koch
et al., 2003). In this case, these disturbances were natural
and caused by short-distance advances and retreats of the
glaciers front due to climatic oscillations, leading to strong
disruptions of both aboveground vegetation and soil. The
locations where the last glacial ice sheet extended southwards
across the northern half of New Jersey, across central Penn-
sylvania, westward to southern Ohio, eastern Michigan,
northern Indiana and then through central Illinois and west-
ward are precisely where the preponderance of N 9 N
hybrids occurs. It is also possible that the resulting hybridiza-
tion may have later been further enhanced by human activi-
ties (Schierenbeck & Ellstrand, 2009).
The mechanisms related to glaciation events cannot be
used to explain the richness and distribution of newly
formed hybrids of exotic origin. The richness and distribu-
tion of these hybrids are mostly related to species introduc-
tion (e.g. horticultural hybrids) and human disturbance. In
California, especially along the coastline where the glaciation
effect is lacking, intense human activities coupled with high
richness of both native and exotic species may be responsible
for the large number of hybrids (Schwartz et al., 2006; Kraft
et al., 2010). The three regions (north-east, Great Lakes and
coastal California) with high hybrid richness also have the
highest population density, largest travel and trading ports
and longest history of European settlement associated with
the most intense developments (Withers et al., 1998;
Rejmanek, 2003; Gavier-Pizarro et al., 2010; Liebhold et al.,
If human disturbance increases hybridization, the propor-
tion of hybrids would have indeed increased dramatically
over the past ve hundred years. Given the history of human
colonization and activities in the north-eastern United States
(Gavier-Pizarro et al., 2010), one may expect increases in
hybrid richness to occur over the next few hundred years in
other regions where vast human immigration is taking place
(e.g. south-eastern and south-western United States). The
exact manner by which human disturbance enhances hybrid
persistence, however, has been less clear and is often more
debated (e.g. Abbott, 1992; Vila et al., 2000) than is the well-
recognized effect of species introductions.
However, hybrid formation likely has multiple causes, and
human disturbance alone is unlikely to explain the patterns
in hybrid richness that I found as hybrid formation also
needs source (parent) species and suitable habitats. For exam-
ple, the Great Plains region despite having strong human
impacts (agriculture) usually has fewer hybrids because of
low overall species richness (as parent species) and vast hab-
itat loss (Guo, 2000). In many cases, the breakdown of vari-
ous kinds of pre-mating reproductive barriers might also be
responsible for hybrid formation. In addition, variation
among counties in eld sampling intensity could inuence
estimates of hybrid richness. This potential bias, however, is
limited in this study as data on hybrid richness were collected
as part of balanced sampling efforts across all counties aimed
at collecting information on all major aspects of plant com-
munities, such as native and species richness. However, like
all studies involving species identication and richness esti-
mation, this sampling effect should always be accounted for,
or at least considered, when interpreting results.
For three reasons, the interpretation of partial regression
results using class variables (Fig. 5) needs caution. First,
plant species richness, especially exotic richness, is closely
linked to demographic and space factor variables, such as
human population density, area and longitude (Rejmanek,
2003; Guo et al., 2012). Second, variables can also be classi-
ed into multiple and different numbers of classes, and dif-
ferent conclusions may be reached by doing so. Third (and
most importantly), the number of variables included in each
class could change the results (e.g. it is likely that the class
with more variables could explain more variation). Due to
these complications of interpretation, eld experiments that
focus on a local ora (e.g. Mayr, 1992) might be an efcient
way to further test the disturbance hypothesis.
Human disturbances may not only cause extinction of
native species, but may also create novel niches for new
hybrids that their parent taxa could not ll. With climate
change, pure species may become maladapted, and hybrids
could potentially ll in and to some level maintain ecological
integrity of habitats. However, although exotic species intro-
ductions, with or without hybridization, would temporarily
increase local or especially regional species diversity, the
long-term ecological and evolutionary consequences of these
introductions remain elusive. The long-term, positive effects
of hybridization could include speciation through hybridiza-
tion, which promotes diversity (e.g. Adams et al., 2011). On
the other hand, the long-term, negative impacts of hybridiza-
tion could be far reaching, as hybridization could disrupt
local adaptation, leading to genomic extinction (Rhymer &
Simberloff, 1996).
No. exotics
0 200 400 600 800









r = 0.71
P < 0.001
Figure 4 Positive relationships between the number of inter-
specic hybrid plants of exotic origin (i.e. one or both parents
are exotics, N 9 E or E 9 E) and exotic plant richness (foreign
+ domestic) at the county level across the contiguous United
6 Diversity and Distributions, 110, 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Q. Guo
Invasion by hybrids is a growing problem across the globe.
Possible mechanisms explaining the success of hybrid inva-
sions are many; these include the following: (1) the acquisi-
tion of new and more adaptive traits as well as the
continued improvement of existing traits (Ellstrand & Schier-
enbeck, 2000; Hovick et al., 2012), all of which could
improve the ability of the hybrid to colonize, especially in
human-created novel niches (e.g. earlier emergence, higher
fecundity and increased seed number; Rejmanek & Richard-
son, 1996); (2) reduced competition due to hybrids either
being more aggressive in highly disturbed areas or being able
to use niches that differ from those of native species due to
their possession of novel traits and phenologies; and (3)
higher efciency of energy use than native species (e.g. Wu
et al., 2013).
On the other hand, not all hybrids are invasive. For early
detection of invasive hybrids, one should assume that a
time-lag may exist before invasiveness or tness becomes
apparent (after an initial depauperate time or bottleneck in
many colonizing or invading populations). Most hybrids
resulting from biological invasions are newly formed; thus,
their invasiveness (and short- versus long-term tness) and
conservation values need sufcient time to be assessed. Care-
ful evaluation of all hybrids, especially the parents taxo-
nomic groups and nature of disturbance in new habitats
where future human impacts would increase, is needed. The
outcome of such evaluations may reveal the need for species-
or hybrid-specic conservation efforts.
Some taxonomic or phylogenetic groups (e.g. families,
genera) in a given ora have proportionally more hybrids
than others (Table S3; see also Ellstrand et al., 1996; Riese-
berg & Wendel, 1993). Whitney et al. (2010) found that the
possibility of hybrid formation within a specic taxon
depends on the taxons intrinsic properties (e.g. phylogeny,
functional traits). However, plant families more prone to
hybridization (Ellstrand et al., 1996) do not necessarily con-
tain correspondingly more invasive hybrids (Whitney et al.,
2009). Future work should pay special attention to: (1) the
life history and genetic traits of various types of hybrids
(Rejmanek & Richardson, 1996; Ricklefs et al., 2008), (2) the
specic locations where the hybrids are formed, (3) the driv-
ers of hybridization that are common across both taxonomic
groups (Whitney et al., 2010) and geographic regions,
including hybrid zones (Barton, 2001), and (4) the possible
effects at multiple trophic levels (e.g. animals, pathogens, dis-
eases; Whitham, 1989).
In short, studies on hybrids, especially those involving bio-
logical invasions and human disturbances, are on the rise
(Hovick et al., 2012). Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has
great potential to effectively and accurately identify hybrids
and their origins. Better-designed studies are clearly needed to
examine how disturbance agents such as climate change and
land use affect hybridization and determine whether hybrid-
ization will promote biotic (genetic) homogenization (Olden,
2006) or have other ecological and evolutionary consequences.
I am most grateful to J. Kartesz and M. Nishino (both of BO-
NAP) for providing data on hybrid plants, and insightful and
stimulating ideas and discussions, especially those regarding
the possible effects of glaciation on native hybrids. BONAP
kindly made Fig. 1 under authors request. I thank A. Fowler,
M. van Kleunen, B. V. Iannone III, D. M. Richardson, J. Ur-
roz and several reviewers for comments on earlier versions of
the manuscript; J. Torgerson for help with the examples of
exotic hybrids; and B. Christie for assistance with GIS.
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Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
online version of this article:
Figure S1 Box plots showing the numbers of interspecic
hybrid plants of three origins, i.e., native-native (N 9 N),
native-exotic (N 9 E), and exotic-exotic (E 9 E), across
3,107 counties in the contiguous United States.
Figure S2 Results of principal component analysis (PCA)
showing strong correlations among several variables (e.g.,
temperature measures, population size and density).
Figure S3 Spatial autocorrelation coefcient (Morans I) of
all hybrid plants, N 9 N, N 9 E, and E 9 E across the
conterminous continental US states.
Diversity and Distributions, 110, 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 9
Human disturbance and hybrid plants
Table S1 Results from multiple regression analyses showing
the relationships between hybrid richness and selected
social-physical in the 3107 counties across the
conterminous United States as well as the relative contri-
bution of space or spatial autocorrelation (bold-faced F-
and t-values highlight the signicant relationships at
P < 0.05).
Table S2 Additional results regarding the distribution of
hybrids among plant families in the United States.
Appendix S1 Examples of plant hybrids with at least one
exotic parent (i.e. formed between exotics [E9E] and
between native and exotics [N9E]) in the contiguous
United States.
Qinfeng Guo has broad interests in community ecology
and biogeography. He is currently working on biodiversity
patterns at various scales that may affect the process and pat-
terns of biotic invasions and ecosystem functions. He also
studies how life history traits and genetics may inuence spe-
cies invasiveness and how history and habitat characteristics
may affect invasibility.
Author contributions: Q.G. conceived the ideas, analysed the
data and wrote the paper.
Editor: Mark van Kleunen
10 Diversity and Distributions, 110, 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Q. Guo

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