Low Plant Density Enhances Gene
Low Plant Density Enhances Gene
Low Plant Density Enhances Gene
Accepted Article
Revised Date : 25-Jul-2013
Title: Low plant density enhances gene dispersal in the Amazonian understory herb
Heliconia acuminata
Authors: Marina Corrêa Côrtes1,8, María Uriarte1, Maristerra R. Lemes2,3, Rogério Gribel2,3,
3. Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not
been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may
lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article
as doi: 10.1111/mec.12495
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
6. Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Accepted Article
7. Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.
gene dispersal, but in practice, genetic and ecological processes are also dependent on
studied these processes in two continuous forest sites and three 1-ha fragments in Brazil’s
Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project. These sites showed variation in the
density of reproductive plants. Low plant densities were associated with elevated
among inside-plot parents was higher for low density than for high density populations.
Elevated local flower and fruit availability is probably leading to spatially more proximal
bird foraging and propagule dispersal in areas with high density of reproductive plants.
structure were similar across populations, despite differences in gene dispersal. This result
may indicate that the opposing processes of longer dispersal events in low-density
balance the resulting genetic outcomes and prevent genetic erosion in small populations
and fragments.
rates (FAO 2011), with ecological and genetic consequences for plant populations (Aguilar
et al. 2008; DiBattista 2008; Laurance et al. 2002). Forest fragmentation is thought to
disrupt gene flow by reducing dispersal distances and immigration of propagules among
populations (Ouborg et al. 2006; Young et al. 1996), enhancing fine-scale spatial genetic
increasing genetic drift and inbreeding (Aguilar et al. 2008; Eckert et al. 2010). Effective
population size is reduced by high reproductive dominance among adults, increasing the
level of correlated parentage (Breed et al. 2012a; Robledo-Arnuncio et al. 2004) and
source-biased limitation (García & Grivet 2011; Jordano & Godoy 2002), resulting in fewer
individuals successfully contributing genes to the next generation (Moran & Clark 2012b;
Over the long term, these processes are predicted to decrease population genetic
diversity within a given population and increase genetic divergence among isolated
patches (Aguilar et al. 2008; DiBattista 2008; Vranckx et al. 2012). Empirical studies,
however, have often found extensive gene flow via pollen (Dick et al. 2003; Lander et al.
2010; White et al. 2002) or seed (Bacles et al. 2006; Kamm et al. 2009) in forest fragments.
(Kramer et al. 2008), is hardly surprising, given that neither the plants themselves nor
their animal propagule vectors exhibit uniform responses to habitat fragmentation (Hobbs
propagule flow. Although the variation of plant abundance across fragmented populations
Jacquemyn 2007). Low population density can affect mating and pollen dispersal, by
limiting pollinator and seed dispersal visitation and increasing inbreeding rates (Eckert et
al. 2010; Ghazoul 2005). Conversely, pollen dispersal distances may increase in low-
Plant population-level characteristics that influence pollen and seed dispersal, such
as adult density or flower and seed production, are often affected by landscape
modification (Eckert et al. 2010; Herrera et al. 2011; Kolb 2008). In that context, an
increasing number of studies have conducted paternity or maternity analysis, while taking
into consideration the effects of changing plant and animal abundance or behavior across
sites (Byrne et al. 2007; Dick et al. 2003; García et al. 2009; Lander et al. 2010). Yet,
The direct assessment of pollen and seed dispersal permits more realistic inference
(Bacles & Jump 2011; Sork & Smouse 2006) and provides insights into processes that drive
contemporary gene flow, rather than relying on indirect comparisons of extant genetic
variation, as a means of assessing historical patterns of gene flow (Meagher 2010; Oddou-
gene flow (Ashley 2010). Researchers using highly polymorphic markers for parentage
analysis can employ exclusion methods, in which candidate adult plants that do not share
alleles with the offspring are eliminated as parental candidates for that particular seedling.
Alternatively, they assign the most likely single or pair of parents, based on log-likelihood
ratios (Jones & Ardren 2003; Jones et al. 2010). These classic approaches, however, can
genotype mistyping errors are not taken into account (Chybicki & Burczyk 2010; Jones et
al. 2010). Moreover, researchers are often less interested in the parentage allocation per
se than in population-level processes such as seed and pollen dispersal distances (Moran
& Clark 2011; Moran & Clark 2012a; Oddou-Muratorio & Klein 2008). In contrast, full
probability models can jointly estimate population-level parameters and parentage, while
incorporating both genetic and ecological data, such as spatial location and reproductive
status of individual plants (Burczyk et al. 2006; Hadfield et al. 2006; Moran & Clark 2011).
whose seed is dispersed by manakins and thrushes (Uriarte et al. 2011). The species is
native to central Amazonia and the Guyanas and has been the subject of a long-term
among parents.
hypothesized that forest fragments would experience less gene dispersal than continuous
resources and if dispersers are able to move freely across the landscape, we hypothesized
that the local density of reproductive plants would exert a greater influence on gene
characterized the genetic diversity, inbreeding and fine-scale spatial genetic structure of
seedlings and reproductive plants. We expected that reduced gene dispersal, low
immigration rates and high reproductive dominance would increase spatial aggregation
and mating of related plants. Ultimately, these patterns should result in stronger fine-
scale spatial genetic structure, higher inbreeding coefficients and decrease genetic
The study was conducted at the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project
(BDFFP), located 70 km north of Manaus, Brazil (2o 30’ S, 60’ W, Data S1, Supporting
information). The BDFFP is a 1000 km2 landscape comprised of forest fragment reserves,
ranging in size from 1 - 100 ha, and continuous forest sites. The fragments, experimentally
created for scientific studies, were isolated from 1980 - 1984 by clear-cutting the trees
surrounding the patches and, in some cases, burning the felled trees (Gascon &
Bierregaard 2001). Subsequently, secondary forests have colonized and developed in the
intervening clearcuts (Mesquita et al. 2001). Studies comparing bird capture rates before
and after the isolation of the BDFFP’s fragments suggest that spatial structure of the
landscape is likely to affect the abundance and movement of birds, including pollinators
and seed dispersers of Heliconia, and that these effects can be expected to vary spatially
and temporally (Stouffer & Bierregaard 1995a, b; Stouffer & Bierregaard 1996).
since 1998 (Bruna 2003; Bruna & Kress 2002). Thirteen 0.5 ha plots (50 x 100 m) were
acuminata individuals in these plots were tagged, mapped, and censused annually. In the
present study we used two plots in continuous forest and three in 1 - ha fragments. The
approximate distance between fragment edges to the nearest forest patch is 100 m (Data
unpublished data). It is one of the most abundant understory plants at this site (E. Bruna &
W.J. Kress, personal observation), though its local density can range from approximately
200-1600 plants/hectare (Bruna 2003). Plants produce 20-25 flowers per inflorescence,
with individual flowers opening on successive days and for one day each. This reduces the
contrast, in treatments where inflorescences were bagged and flowers were not
manipulated no fruits were produced (E. M. Bruna, unpubl. data). The primary pollinators
which “trapline” from one inflorescence to the next, rather than establishing and
defending a territory. They persist in both primary and secondary forests (Stouffer &
Bierregaard 1995a). Evidence suggests that they may forage over large distances and
move through a variety of habitats (Stouffer & Bierregaard 1995a), although no detailed
information about their movement patterns is available. Visitation rates by pollinators are
low (median = 0.182 visits/hour per plant), with hummingbirds failing to visit 28% of the
observed plants (Bruna et al. 2004). These low visitation rates, coupled with the results of
The primary dispersers of the seeds at this site are the white-collar thrush (Turdus
disperse seeds an average of 19 m from maternal plants at this site, while thrushes have
an average dispersal distance of 24 m (Uriarte et al. 2011). About 90% of ripe fruits were
removed, and that rate did not vary across the landscape, nor was it affected by forest
instead of seeds, because we were interested in the realized pollen and seed dispersal,
which is the ultimate result of both successful mating and seed deposition (Meagher &
Thompson 1987). Here, we define gene dispersal as the combined movement of pollen
and seeds that successfully transitions to seedlings and therefore changes the spatial
distribution of genes in the population of interest. In 1999, we collected leaf samples of all
reproductive plants (potential parents) and all seedlings in the five 0.5 ha plots. In 2009,
we resampled the same plots, collecting leaf tissues of new seedlings that had recruited
since 2000 and new reproductive plants that had flowered since 2000. Seedlings ranged in
age from a few months (if recruited in 1999 or 2009) to about nine years (if recruited in
2000). In 2009, we also recollected 123 surviving plants that had been genotyped from the
1999 collections to confirm that genotyping was consistent, independent of sample age,
tissue from all adults with inflorescences of current or past reproduction in a 20 m buffer
around each plot (no seedlings were sampled in this buffer zone). Because plants in the
buffer zones were not part of the long term demographic census, we relied on the
Inflorescences can remain attached to the plant for more than a year, so it is relatively
easy to identify potential reproductive individuals (E. Bruna and P. Rubim, personal
observations). The inclusion of the 20 m buffer increased the sampling area for
Leaf tissue was either frozen in liquid nitrogen or dried in silica gel and then stored
at −80°C. Total genomic DNA was manually extracted, using a modified CTAB extraction
robot (AutoGen, Inc). Ten nuclear microsatellite markers that had been previously
developed for H. acuminata were used to genotype adults and recruits; the PCR protocols
and genotyping procedures were described in Côrtes et al. (2009). Genotyping error rates
resulting from mistyping and drop-out were calculated by regenotyping 23% of the
individuals. Across loci, the mistyping rate was 2.9% (1.4 – 5.1% per locus), and the drop-
out rate was 2.8% (range 0.9 – 6.6% per locus). These errors, although relatively low on a
per locus basis, could result in erroneous parentage assignments. We incorporated these
pedigree and realized pollen and seed dispersal. One advantage of this model is that it
permits the inclusion of prior information and multiple sources of uncertainty associated
with genotyping and specific ecological processes, which results in more realistic
parameter estimates (Jones et al. 2010; Moran & Clark 2011). A second advantage is that
it incorporates the contribution of plants located outside the sampled area, so that
immigration is also used to model the dispersal kernel. Parentage analysis of monoecious
species usually assumes that the nearest assigned parent is the mother (Bacles et al.
2006), whereas the current approach assumes that both maternity and paternity are
assigned with uncertainty, given separate pollen and seed dispersal kernels (Moran &
Clark 2011; Moran & Clark 2012a, see Data S2, Supporting information). The pedigree and
pollen and seed dispersal parameters are jointly estimated, based on offspring and adult
genotypes, two types of genotyping error, distances between plants, and plant phenology
(Eqn. 1)
where P is the pedigree; up and us are the pollen and seed dispersal parameters; GO is the
observed genotype of all individuals for locus l; d is the pairwise distance between
assure that plants are able to mate by indicating whether flowering of plant i’ and i occur
in the same year (1 or 0); e1 and e2 are the mistyping and dropout errors of locus l; and
p(up) and p(us) are the priors related to the dispersal parameters. Selfing was not allowed
in the model, so the same plant cannot be simultaneously the mother and father of the
same seedling.
Flower production (c) was measured as the total number of flowers each individual
plant produced over the study period, and is the product of the number of inflorescences
and the average number of flowers per inflorescence. Fecundity (f) was calculated as the
product of the maturation rate from flower to ripe fruits (from Uriarte et al. 2011) and the
number of seeds per fruits. The maturation rates used for calculating the number of seeds
(fecundity) were 0.15 for CF1, 0.08 for CF2 and 0.5 for F1, F2 and F3 (Uriarte et al. 2011,
M.T.B. da Silva, unpublished data). Each fruit produces two seeds on average (1.9 ± 0.02
The distance kernel for both pollen and seed dispersal is given by the 2D - t
(Eqn. 2)
allows for higher probabilities of both short and long distance dispersal, relative to a
normal distribution (Clark et al. 1999; Moran & Clark 2012a). To compare pollination and
seed dispersal distances, we used the mode, rather than the mean, to characterize the
Pedigree and other parameters in Eqns. 1-2 were estimated using a Gibbs sampler,
using parentage probabilities and ecological data. In the resulting pedigree, each seedling
is assigned to the pair of parents that presented the highest proportional allocation in the
50,000 simulations conducted within the model. Many times, plants within the plot are
not ecologically and genetically likely to be a seedling’s parent. In this case, the seedling is
more likely assigned to a hypothetical plant (located outside the 1.26 ha sampled plot),
which conveys the rate of immigration. It is possible that immigration rates were
overestimated, because some reproductive plants died before they could be genotyped
(Table 1). Model implementation follows the code proposed by Moran and Clark (2011).
hypothetical parents on posteriors are provided in the Supporting information (Data S2).
Reproductive dominance
Reproductive dominance was investigated using the pedigree recovered from the
gene dispersal model and considering only the seedlings that had at least one parent
seeds. It was calculated using the probability of parental identity (PPaI) metric (Data S3,
& Robledo-Arnuncio 2005) and maternal identity (Grivet et al. 2005), and measures the
probability that two offspring randomly sampled from a population share the genotype of
either a father or mother. PPaI was estimated using a variation of the unbiased r -
estimator R0 (Data S3, Supporting information), and ranges between 0 (seedlings do not
share any parental genotype) and 1 (seedlings share genotypes of both parents).
make-up of the populations, we also analyzed the genetic diversity, inbreeding coefficient,
and fine-scale spatial genetic structure. Genetic diversity of seedlings and reproductive
(UHe) and average number of alleles per locus (Na). These metrics were calculated using
GenAlEx (Peakall & Smouse 2006). The inbreeding coefficient and fine-scale spatial genetic
structure were characterized using the Loiselle kinship estimator (Loiselle et al. 1995)
using SPAGEDi (Hardy & Vekemans 2002). The inbreeding coefficient (Fis) was measured as
kinship with the logarithm of the distance between individuals. The sp –statistic is
calculated as -bF/(1 - F1), where bF is the slope of the regression between pairwise kinship
coefficients and distance, and F1 is the average pairwise kinship coefficient between
neighbors (defined here as individuals within 10 m-radius for seedlings and 15 m for
(Vekemans & Hardy 2004). Significance of the inbreeding coefficients was tested by
permuting genes among all individuals 2000 times, whereas significance of sp-statistic was
tested by permuting the spatial location of individuals 2000 times to obtain a frequency
distribution of the regression slope (bF) under the null hypothesis that kinship is not
correlated with distance. To evaluate whether plant density would influence the
confidence interval around the observed inbreeding and sp-statistic by running the
analysis on 2000 bootstrapped samples of size equal the number of seedlings and adults in
Absolute number and density of flowering plants was 5 to 14 times greater in CF1
than for the other areas (Table 1), although the number of flowering plants varied across
years (Data S4, Supporting information). Plant density was the dominant factor associated
populations than in the dense continuous forest population CF1 (Fig. 1). Modal distances
were almost four-fold shorter in CF1 (16 and 14 m for pollination and seed dispersal,
respectively) than for the low-density populations (average range 37 – 64 m), leading to
Immigration of both pollen and seeds was also different among plots (χ2 = 163.85,
df= 4, p-value < 0.001), presenting higher rates in low-density populations. Immigration
rate was highest for CF2, with only one parental pair assignment within the sampled plot,
and lowest in CF1, with only 2% of the seedlings generated from parent pairs located
outside the plot (Table 2). Fragments experienced intermediate rates of propagule
immigration, with 13-23% of the seedlings with both parents located outside plots (Table
Reproductive dominance
On average, 70% (range 62-91%) of the reproductive plants contributed genes (via
pollen or seed) to seedlings inside the plot, with the exception of F1, in which more than
90% of the reproductive plants contributed genes (Table 2). For the seedlings that had
either the father or mother inside the plots, the probabilities that they shared a parent
(PPaI-values) were always smaller than 9%, indicating that multiple plants contributed to
the genotypes of seedlings, with weak dominance of few reproductive plants (R0, Fig. 2).
genetic contribution of adults to seedlings (R0 = 0.0068, Fig. 2), with PPaI an order of
magnitude smaller than that for CF2 (R0 = 0.0905, Fig. 2). The populations in fragments
presented similar PPaI values , with overlapping confidence intervals (average R0 = 0.0307,
Fig. 2).
populations and between seedlings and reproductive adults, with a total heterozygosity
average of 0.673 and 7.9 alleles per locus (Table 3). Fine-scale spatial genetic structure
was significant but weak in all populations of seedlings (ranging from 0.0025 to 0.0142)
(Table 3). In fact, autocorrelograms of average pairwise kinship plotted for each distance
interval showed that in most cases, kinship values are within the confidence interval
envelopes and that only CF1, F2 and F3 presented significant positive kinship values at
short distances (Fig. 3). For reproductive adults, only CF1 and F3 yielded significant sp-
statistics (0.0041 and 0.0125, respectively) (Table 3), with positive average kinship values
in the first distance interval (< 15 m) (Fig. 3). Sp-values, however, did not vary significantly
across populations, as indicated by the overlapping confidence intervals (Data S5, Fig. S5,
Supporting information).
and 0.025, compared to a range of 0.051–0.131 in the other populations (Table 3). Despite
differences in the values of inbreeding and fine-scale spatial structure, the confidence
intervals of bootstrapped samples overlapped, indicating that values are not significantly
that jointly exploits genetic and ecological data – including data on fecundity and
outside parents via immigration of propagules. We found that populations with low
Therefore, our results corroborate the hypothesis that propagule dispersal is more
strongly associated with the density of reproductive plants than with the potential effects
inbreeding and fine-scale spatial genetic structure were not significantly different across
the landscape, which may indicate that populations can sustain similar levels of genetic
patterns through distinct processes, with longer dispersal events in low density
reproductive plants. This means that the detrimental effects of fragmentation on genetic
processes are not applicable in all situations. For instance, the isolation of fragments may
not always hinder animal and propagule movement (Hadley & Betts 2011; Kramer et al.
2008). In fact, the abundance of pollinators at BDFFP did not change after landscape
fragmentation (Stouffer & Bierregaard 1995a), and frugivorous birds regularly visited small
forest fragments, as the cleared matrix experienced secondary succession (Stouffer &
Bierregaard 2007). High gene flow via pollen movement beyond boundaries of isolated
forest fragments has been recorded elsewhere for animal-pollinated plants (Aldrich &
Hamrick 1998; Dick et al. 2003; Kamm et al. 2009; Lander et al. 2010; Nason & Hamrick
1997; White et al. 2002). In contrast, gene flow via seed dispersal by animals beyond
fragment boundaries has received scant attention, and results to date are inconsistent.
For instance, Hanson et al. (2007) assigned 14 out of 23 seed endocarps of Dipteryx
showed that seed immigration into forest fragment was absent, possibly the result of
dispersal by gravity and limited dispersal by secondary dispersers (Bittencourt & Sebbenn
pollen and seed dispersal distances for the low-density continuous forest (CF2) were more
similar to those of fragments than to that of the high-density continuous forest site (CF1).
Both theoretical and empirical studies predict that pollinators will spend more time
visiting flowers within the same plant or forage on the nearest neighbor when plant
density is low, ultimately resulting in shorter pollination distances (see Ghazoul (2005) and
found extensive gene flow in populations with reduced plant density (Breed et al. 2012b;
Llorens et al. 2012; Stacy et al. 1996). As appears to be the case in our study, this is
frequently found to be due to more localized foraging in dense patches. Our seed
dispersal findings also corroborate results from a few seed dispersal studies showing that
increasing plant aggregation and abundance of fleshy fruits decreases seed dispersal
distances, as birds concentrate foraging in areas of higher fruit density (Herrera et al.
In sites with sparsely distributed reproductive plants, birds must travel farther and
cover larger areas to meet their energetic requirements (Hadley & Betts 2011; Khamcha et
al. 2012). This pattern is particularly marked for specialist pollinators (Ahmed et al. 2009)
and frugivorous birds with narrow dietary preferences (Kwit et al. 2004). The abundance
of hummingbirds in the study site is higher between January and April, the period when H.
acuminata is flowering (Stouffer & Bierregaard 1996), suggesting that the birds are
preferred food resource for manakins (S. Hashimoto, unpublished data), suggesting that
association with plant density than fragmentation. The population with the lowest plant
density (CF2) had the highest reproductive dominance, with 60% of all reproductive plants
contributing to the genetic pool and two individuals contributing more than 30% to the
seedling genotypes. Immigration of propagules was also highest for this plot, with 62% of
the seedlings originating from parents outside the plot. This high immigration rate is likely
to increase effective population size of the recipient population and dilute overall
reproductive dominance of the population. At the other extreme, the population with the
highest density of reproductive plants (CF1) had the most diverse array of parents
values of PPaI were generally low. This indicates that contributions of reproductive plants
to seedling genotypes were relatively even, relative to other systems (e.g., Aldrich &
Hamrick 1998; Sezen et al. 2005). The low reproductive dominance observed in our study
may result from the large number of flowering plants (in CF1), flowering asynchrony, and
populations indicates that mating between genetically related plants does occur in
Heliconia acuminata, which can help generate the significant fine-scale spatial genetic
structure of seedlings in all populations. Although the fine-scale spatial genetic structure
did not differ between reproductive plants and seedlings, most of the populations
exhibited non-significant (or extremely low) sp-values for adult plants. It is possible that
there is a trend towards the attenuation of spatial genetic structure with increasing life
stage, which may occur due to demographic thinning and density-dependent mortality
(Chung et al. 2003; Zhou & Chen 2010) or to the spatial pattern of flowering (Hirao & Kudo
2008). Comparisons across populations, however, show that neither inbreeding levels nor
spatial genetic structure are significantly different. Given the consistently similar genetic
diversity of seedlings and reproductive plants across populations, it is possible that genetic
propagules into fragments and low-density populations, and the high diversity of parental
that take place between pollen deposition on floral stigmas and seedling establishment. It
seedlings. For instance, spatially structured mortality, due to Janzen-Connell effects, could
reduce the number of offspring close to maternal plants (Choo et al. 2012; Isagi et al.
2007; Steinitz et al. 2011). If survival of plants is plot and microsite dependent, sampling
the study site, the proportion of dead seedlings did vary across populations (48% in CF1,
33% in CF2, 51% in F1, 39% in F2 and 36% in F3 of all seedlings recruited between 1999
and 2008 were dead in 2009, χ2 = 12.68, df = 4, P = 0.0129, N = 1046). Fine-scale spatial
genetic structure, however, did not vary much between cohorts or among populations,
with fragment boundaries distant only 100 m from continuous forests. Given more
substantial habitat isolation, manakins and thrushes might not move to other forested
patches. If trapped within a fragment, these birds might eventually disappear from the
system, leading to the genetic erosion that we do not see here. Nevertheless, our study
shows that the secondary growth on cleared land does not impede the movement of both
seed dispersers and pollinators across this landscape. A considerable portion of global
fragmented landscape, is more related to density of flower and fruit resources than to
fragmentation per se. Forest fragmentation, however, can further enhance gene dispersal
by reducing the abundance of plants within patches (Bruna 1999, 2002; Uriarte et al.
2010), enforcing movement among forested areas. Our study shows that continuous
forest sites can have striking variation in plant abundance, which translates into divergent
assessed using methods that allow contemporary and spatially explicit evaluation of
ongoing genetic processes. We suggest that future studies of contemporary gene flow
should take into consideration plant and dispersal vector features, which vary across
will require the contribution of additional studies to draw a more representative picture of
how interactions between landscape configuration and organismal traits influence the
comments on the manuscript. We would like to thank Jeffrey Hunt, Gabriel Johnson, Ida
Lopez and David Erickson for assistance in the development of the molecular markers and
Lee Weigt for facilitating our work in the Museum Support Center, Smithsonian
Institution. We are grateful for the help provided by Carla Sardelli and Carolina Medeiros
at LabGen, INPA, and Osmaildo Ferreira da Silva for assistance in the field. We thank Emily
Moran for sharing the code and helping with the model interpretation and Lora Murphy
for help in adapting the code to our system. We also thank BDFFP and INPA for their
logistical support. Financial support was provided by the US National Science Foundation
to EB) and the Smithsonian Institution. MRL and RG acknowledge research fellowships
from CNPq/Brazil. This is publication number --- in the BDFFP Technical Series.
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Data accessibility
Original code of the gene dispersal model can be found on Emily Moran’s website:
Sample locations, microsatellite data, and modified code deposited in the Dryad
Author contributions
M.C.C., W.J.K. and E.B. collected the data in the field; M.C.C. performed the research and
wrote the paper; M.C.C., M.U. and P.S. contributed to the statistical analyses; W.J.K.,
Supporting information
percentage (%) and density of flowering plants, and number of sampled seedlings (the
Total No Total
% Total Average of
of density of No of
flowering total plant
Popula Reserve flowering flowering seedlings
(1999-2009) density (1999-
tion number plants plants (1999-
(yearly 2009) (yearly
(1999- (plants per 2009)
range) range)
2009) m)
CF1 1501 285 (3) 15 (0.4 - 0.0226 732 (544 - 374 (681)
Table 2. Total number and percentage of seedlings with parents located inside and outside
the 1.26 ha plot, and number and percentage of reproductive plants that were assigned as
Table 3. Unbiased expected heterozygosity (He), mean number of alleles per locus (Na),
p- p- p- p-
UHe Na Fis sp UHe Na Fis sp
value value value value
0.62 9. 0.62 9.
0.03 <0.00 0.002 <0.00 0.02 0.004
4 2 8 1 5 1 1 1 5 1
0.029 0.000
0.69 7. 0.69 7. -
0.08 <0.00 0.014 <0.00 0.13
CF2 0.014
4 3 9 1 2 1 3 0 1
0.001 6 0.068
0.66 7. 0.68 6. -
0.08 <0.00 0.005 0.08
F1 0.006 0.000
1 4 6 1 1 7 7 5
0.002 5 0.920
0.70 8. 0.70 8.
0.11 <0.00 0.012 <0.00 0.10 0.004
9 2 7 1 2 1 0 0 2 3
0.000 0.122
0.69 7. 0.70 8.
0.05 0.013 <0.00 0.06 0.012
F3 0.008 0.010 0.002
8 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 5
2Dt-function, given the posterior mean of pollen dispersal (up) and seed dispersal (us)
parameters. Scale of y-axis is different for pollen and seed dispersal, with seed
dispersal reaching higher limits, by virtue of being more distance-restricted. The y-axis
is broken to permit clear visualization of all kernels because probability of pollen and
seed dispersal at short distances in CF1 was higher than in other populations. The X-
axis was truncated at 140 m. Graph inset: Average modal distance of pollen and seed
dispersal and associated 95% support intervals obtained from 50,000 simulations for
either pollen or seeds to the next generations of seedlings and R0 (PPaI - values) of
Heliconia acuminata in each population. The y-axis represents the number of seedlings
or proportional contribution (sum across reproductive plants is equal to one) and the x-
axis represents each reproductive plant that contributed genes. The curve represents the
decreasing ranking of the plants given their contribution. Flat curves indicate even
reproductive plants across the five populations of Heliconia acuminata at the BDFFP.