The document provides information about an ethical hacking certification course. The 40-hour Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) course teaches students how to identify vulnerabilities in target systems using the same methods as hackers, while staying within legal limits. The course prepares students to think like hackers to strengthen an organization's security. It covers topics such as footprinting, scanning, enumeration, system hacking, cryptography, trojans and backdoors. The goal is to help organizations protect their information assets by finding weaknesses before attackers do.
The document provides information about an ethical hacking certification course. The 40-hour Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) course teaches students how to identify vulnerabilities in target systems using the same methods as hackers, while staying within legal limits. The course prepares students to think like hackers to strengthen an organization's security. It covers topics such as footprinting, scanning, enumeration, system hacking, cryptography, trojans and backdoors. The goal is to help organizations protect their information assets by finding weaknesses before attackers do.
The document provides information about an ethical hacking certification course. The 40-hour Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) course teaches students how to identify vulnerabilities in target systems using the same methods as hackers, while staying within legal limits. The course prepares students to think like hackers to strengthen an organization's security. It covers topics such as footprinting, scanning, enumeration, system hacking, cryptography, trojans and backdoors. The goal is to help organizations protect their information assets by finding weaknesses before attackers do.
The document provides information about an ethical hacking certification course. The 40-hour Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) course teaches students how to identify vulnerabilities in target systems using the same methods as hackers, while staying within legal limits. The course prepares students to think like hackers to strengthen an organization's security. It covers topics such as footprinting, scanning, enumeration, system hacking, cryptography, trojans and backdoors. The goal is to help organizations protect their information assets by finding weaknesses before attackers do.
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Certified Ethical Hacker
Course Title: Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
Duration: 40 hrs. (3days/ week, 2 hr/day) Version: CEH Version Course Fee: 2!,000/" #k Hackers are here. Where are you? Co$%&ters aro&nd the world are syste$atically 'ein( )icti$i*ed 'y ra$%ant hackin(. #his hackin( is not only wides%read, '&t is 'ein( e+ec&ted so ,awlessly that the attackers co$%ro$ise a syste$, steal e)erythin( of )al&e and co$%letely erase their tracks within 20 $in&tes. #he (oal of the ethical hacker is to hel% the or(ani*ation take %ree$%ti)e $eas&res a(ainst $alicio&s attacks 'y attackin( the syste$ hi$self- all the while stayin( within le(al li$its. #his %hiloso%hy ste$s fro$ the %ro)en %ractice of tryin( to catch a thief, 'y thinkin( like a thief. .s technolo(y ad)ances and or(ani*ation de%end on technolo(y increasin(ly, infor$ation assets ha)e e)ol)ed into critical co$%onents of s&r)i)al. /f hackin( in)ol)es creati)ity and thinkin( 0o&t"of"the"'o+1, then )&lnera'ility testin( and sec&rity a&dits will not ens&re the sec&rity %roo2n( of an or(ani*ation. #o ens&re that or(ani*ations ha)e ade3&ately %rotected their infor$ation assets, they $&st ado%t the a%%roach of 0defense in de%th1. /n other words, they $&st %enetrate their networks and assess the sec&rity %ost&re for )&lnera'ilities and e+%os&re. #he de2nition of an Ethical Hacker is )ery si$ilar to a 4enetration #ester. #he Ethical Hacker is an indi)id&al who is &s&ally e$%loyed with the or(ani*ation and who can 'e tr&sted to &ndertake an atte$%t to %enetrate networks and/or co$%&ter syste$s &sin( the sa$e $ethods as a Hacker. Hackin( is a felony in the 5nited 6tates and $ost other co&ntries. 7hen it is done 'y re3&est and &nder a contract 'etween an Ethical Hacker and an or(ani*ation, it is le(al. #he $ost i$%ortant %oint is that an Ethical Hacker has a&thori*ation to %ro'e the tar(et. #he CEH 4ro(ra$ certi2es indi)id&als in the s%eci2c network sec&rity disci%line of Ethical Hackin( fro$ a )endor"ne&tral %ers%ecti)e. #he Certi2ed Ethical Hacker certi2cation will fortify the a%%lication knowled(e of sec&rity of2cers, a&ditors, sec&rity %rofessionals, site ad$inistrators, and anyone who is concerned a'o&t the inte(rity of the network infrastr&ct&re. . Certi2ed Ethical Hacker is a skilled %rofessional who &nderstands and knows how to look for the weaknesses and )&lnera'ilities in tar(et syste$s and &ses the sa$e knowled(e and tools as a $alicio&s hacker. Ethical Hackin( and Co&nter$eas&res #rainin( 4ro(ra$ Course Description: #his class will i$$erse the st&dent into an interacti)e en)iron$ent where they will 'e shown how to scan, test, hack and sec&re their own syste$s. #he la' intensi)e en)iron$ent (i)es each st&dent in"de%th knowled(e and %ractical e+%erience with the c&rrent essential sec&rity syste$s. 6t&dents will 'e(in 'y &nderstandin( how %eri$eter defenses work and then 'e lead into scannin( and attackin( their own networks, no real network is har$ed. 6t&dents then learn how intr&ders escalate %ri)ile(es and what ste%s can 'e taken to sec&re a syste$. 6t&dents will also learn a'o&t /ntr&sion 8etection, 4olicy Creation, 6ocial En(ineerin(, 88o6 .ttacks, 9&ffer :)er,ows and Vir&s Creation. 7hen a st&dent lea)es this intensi)e co&rse they will ha)e hands on &nderstandin( and e+%erience in Ethical Hackin(.
#his co&rse %re%ares yo& for EC"Co&ncil Certi2ed Ethical Hacker e+a$ 3;2"!0 Who Should Attend #his co&rse will si(ni2cantly 'ene2t sec&rity of2cers, a&ditors, sec&rity %rofessionals, site ad$inistrators, and anyone who is concerned a'o&t the inte(rity of the network infrastr&ct&re. CEH ! E"a# $%&ecties E+a$ Code: 3;2"!0 <o. of 3&estions: ;!0 8&ration: 4 ho&rs 4assin( score: =0> 'ntroduction to Ethical Hackin( ? 5nderstand Ethical Hackin( ter$inolo(y ? 8e2ne the @o' role of an ethical hacker ? 5nderstand the different %hases in)ol)ed in ethical hackin( ? /dentify different ty%es of hackin( technolo(ies ? Aist the ! sta(es of ethical hackin(B ? 7hat is hackti)is$B ? Aist different ty%es of hacker classes ? 8e2ne the skills re3&ired to 'eco$e an ethical hacker ? 7hat is )&lnera'ility researchB ? 8escri'e the ways in cond&ctin( ethical hackin( ? 5nderstand the Ae(al i$%lications of hackin(
Hackin( )a*s ? 5nderstand 5.6. 6ec&rely 4rotect Co&rself .(ainst Cy'er #res%ass .ct (64C .C#) ? 5nderstand ;D 5.6.C. E ;030 56 Federal Aaw ? 5nderstand Federal Gana(ers Financial /nte(rity .ct of ;HD2 ? 5nderstand #he Freedo$ of /nfor$ation .ct ! 5.6.C. E !!2 ? 5nderstand Federal /nfor$ation 6ec&rity Gana(e$ent .ct (F/6G.) ? 5nderstand #he 4ri)acy .ct :f ;H=4 ! 5.6.C. E !!2a ? 5nderstand 56. 4atriot .ct of 200; Footprintin( ? 8e2ne the ter$ Foot%rintin( ? 8escri'e infor$ation (atherin( $ethodolo(y ? 8escri'e co$%etiti)e intelli(ence ? 5nderstand 8<6 en&$eration ? 5nderstand 7hois, .I/< look&% ? /dentify different ty%es of 8<6 records ? 5nderstand how tracero&te is &sed in Foot%rintin( ? 5nderstand how e"$ail trackin( works ? 5nderstand how we' s%iders work +oo(le Hackin( ? 8e2ne Joo(le hackin( ? 7hat a hacker can do with )&lnera'le site ? How to &se Joo(le as a 4ro+y 6er)er ? 7hat is Joo(le Hackin( 8ata'ase (JH89) ? 5nderstand #ra)ersal #echni3&es Scannin( ? 8e2ne the ter$ %ort scannin(, network scannin( and ? )&lnera'ility scannin( ? 5nderstand the CEH scannin( $ethodolo(y ? 5nderstand 4in( 6wee% techni3&es ? 5nderstand n$a% co$$and switches ? 5nderstand 6C<, 6tealth, KG.6, <5AA, /8AE and F/< scans ? Aist #C4 co$$&nication , a( ty%es ? 5nderstand 7ar dialin( techni3&es ? 5nderstand 'anner (ra''in( and :F 2n(er %rintin( techni3&es ? 5nderstand how %ro+y ser)ers are &sed in la&nchin( ? an attack How does anony$i*ers work ? 5nderstand H##4 t&nnelin( techni3&es ? 5nderstand /4 s%oo2 n( techni3&es
Enu#eration ? 7hat is En&$erationB ? 7hat is $eant 'y n&ll sessions ? 7hat is 6<G4 en&$erationB ? 7hat are the ste%s in)ol)ed in %erfor$in( en&$erationB Syste# Hackin( ? 5nderstandin( %assword crackin( techni3&es ? 5nderstandin( different ty%es of %asswords ? /dentifyin( )ario&s %assword crackin( tools ? 5nderstand Escalatin( %ri)ile(es ? 5nderstandin( keylo((ers and other s%yware technolo(ies ? 5nderstand how to Hide 2 les ,nderstandin( rootkits ? 5nderstand 6te(ano(ra%hy technolo(ies ? 5nderstand how to co)erin( yo&r tracks and erase e)idences Tro&ans and -ackdoors ? 7hat is a #roLanB ? 7hat is $eant 'y o)ert and co)ert channelsB ? Aist the different ty%es of #roLans ? 7hat are the indications of a #roLan attackB ? 5nderstand how M<etcatN #roLan works ? 7hat is $eant 'y Mwra%%in(N ? How does re)erse connectin( #roLans workB ? 7hat are the co&nter$eas&re techni3&es in %re)entin( #roLansB ? 5nderstand #roLan e)adin( techni3&es Viruses and Wor#s ? 5nderstand the difference 'etween an )ir&s and a 7or$ ? 5nderstand the ty%es of Vir&ses ? How a )ir&s s%reads and infects the syste$ ? 5nderstand anti)ir&s e)asion techni3&es ? 5nderstand Vir&s detection $ethods Sniffers ? 5nderstand the %rotocol s&sce%ti'le to snif2 n( ? 5nderstand acti)e and %assi)e snif2 n( ? 5nderstand .I4 %oisonin( ? 5nderstand ethereal ca%t&re and dis%lay 2 lters ? 5nderstand G.C , oodin( ? 5nderstand 8<6 s%oo2 n( techni3&es ? 8escri'e snif2 n( co&nter$eas&res
Social En(ineerin( ? 7hat is 6ocial En(ineerin(B ? 7hat are the Co$$on #y%es of .ttacks ? 5nderstand 8&$%ster 8i)in( ? 5nderstand Ie)erse 6ocial En(ineerin( ? 5nderstand /nsider attacks ? 5nderstand /dentity #heft ? 8escri'e 4hishin( .ttacks ? 5nderstand :nline 6ca$s ? 5nderstand 5IA o'f&scation ? 6ocial En(ineerin( co&nter$eas&res .hishin( and 'dentity Theft ? 7hat are the reasons for s&ccessf&l %hishin( ? 5nderstand different %hishin( $ethods ? 5nderstand the %hishin( %rocess ? 5nderstand the ty%e of %hishin( attacks ? 4hishin( co&nter$eas&res htt%://www.ecco&ncil.
Hackin( E#ail Accounts ? 7hat are the different ways to (et infor$ation of e$ail acco&nt ? 7hat do yo& &nderstand 'y cookie stealin( ? 5nderstand %assword %hishin( ? E$ail sec&rity Denial/of/Serice ? 5nderstand the ty%es of 8o6 .ttacks ? 5nderstand how 88o6 attack works ? 5nderstand how 9:#s/9:#<E#6 work ? 7hat is Ms$&rf N attack ? 7hat is M6C<N , oodin( ? 8escri'e the 8o6/88o6 co&nter$eas&res Session Hi&ackin( ? 5nderstand 6%oo2n( )s. HiLackin( ? Aist the ty%es of 6ession HiLackin( ? 5nderstand 6e3&ence 4rediction ? 7hat are the ste%s in %erfor$in( session hiLackin( ? 8escri'e how yo& wo&ld %re)ent session hiLackin(
Hackin( We% Serers ? Aist the ty%es of we' ser)er )&lnera'ilities ? 5nderstand the attacks .(ainst 7e' 6er)ers ? 5nderstand //6 5nicode e+%loits ? 5nderstand %atch $ana(e$ent techni3&es ? 5nderstand 7e' .%%lication 6canner ? 7hat is Getas%loit Fra$eworkB ? 8escri'e 7e' 6er)er hardenin( $ethods We% Application Vulnera%ilities ? 5nderstandin( how we' a%%lication works ? :'Lecti)es of we' a%%lication hackin( ? .nato$y of an attack ? 7e' a%%lication threats ? 5nderstand Joo(le hackin( ? 5nderstand 7e' .%%lication Co&nter$eas&res We%/-ased .ass*ord Crackin( Techni0ues ? Aist the .&thentication ty%es ? 7hat is a 4assword CrackerB ? How does a 4assword Cracker workB ? 5nderstand 4assword .ttacks " Classi2 cation ? 5nderstand 4assword Crackin( Co&nter$eas&res S1) 'n&ection ? 7hat is 6OA inLectionB ? 5nderstand the 6te%s to cond&ct 6OA inLection ? 5nderstand 6OA 6er)er )&lnera'ilities ? 8escri'e 6OA /nLection co&nter$eas&res htt%://www.ecco&ncil.or( Hackin( Wireless 2et*orks ? :)er)iew of 7E4, 74. a&thentication syste$s and crackin( techni3&es ? :)er)iew of wireless 6niffers and 66/8, G.C 6%oo2 n( ? 5nderstand Io(&e .ccess 4oints ? 5nderstand 7ireless hackin( techni3&es ? 8escri'e the $ethods in sec&rin( wireless networks .hysical Security ? 4hysical sec&rity 'reach incidents ? 5nderstandin( %hysical sec&rity ? 7hat is the need for %hysical sec&rityB ? 7ho is acco&nta'le for %hysical sec&rityB ? Factors affectin( %hysical sec&rity
)inu" Hackin( ? 5nderstand how to co$%ile a Ain&+ Pernel ? 5nderstand JCC co$%ilation co$$ands ? 5nderstand how to install APG $od&les ? 5nderstand Ain&+ hardenin( $ethods E)adin( /86, Firewalls and 8etectin( Honey 4ots ? Aist the ty%es of /ntr&sion 8etection 6yste$s and e)asion techni3&es ? Aist 2rewall and honey%ot e)asion techni3&es htt%://www.ecco&ncil.
-uffer $er3 o*s ? :)er)iew of stack 'ased '&ffer o)er, ows ? /dentify the different ty%es of '&ffer o)er,ows and $ethods of detection ? :)er)iew of '&ffer o)er,ow $&tation techni3&es Crypto(raphy ? :)er)iew of cry%to(ra%hy and encry%tion techni3&es ? 8escri'e how %&'lic and %ri)ate keys are (enerated ? :)er)iew of G8!, 6H., IC4, IC!, 9low2 sh al(orith$s .enetration Testin( ? :)er)iew of %enetration testin( $ethodolo(ies ? Aist the %enetration testin( ste%s ? :)er)iew of the 4en"#est le(al fra$ework ? :)er)iew of the 4en"#est deli)era'les ? Aist the a&to$ated %enetration testin( tools