Entech Control Valve Dynamic Specification
Entech Control Valve Dynamic Specification
Entech Control Valve Dynamic Specification
Flow %
specialized in the optimization of process performance,
particularly in pulp and paper manufacturing where product
uniformity specifications are now approaching 1%, and
product can be rejected when it deviates outside of these
limits. Equally important is the fact that process variability Controller Output %
impacts operating constraints causing lower manufacturing
efficiency and throughput, and thereby reducing the 49
valves are unable to track their controller output signals 0 500 1000
control valves is the biggest single contributor to poor Figure 1 – Typical Control Valve Induced Limit Cycle
control loop performance and the destabilization of
process operation.
Linear Control
Most feedback controllers are essentially linear. If all elements of a control loop were also linear, there would be far fewer control
problems. What does 'linear' mean in the control context? A linear dynamic system responds to its input signal with the same dynamic
response (same gain, time constants, dead time etc.) regardless of the size of the change in the input signal. Due to their mechanical
nature control valve systems are highly nonlinear, and this is a major source of problems for control loop performance.
The control valve system transitions continuously through Regions A, B, and C as the control loop regulates the process. Under normal
process regulation it will transition though Regions A, B and will penetrate slightly into Region C, as most of the control moves made by
a controller are small under normal process regulation. The controller must transition through Region A, as here the loop is essentially
open due to the fact that the control valve system does not respond. The controller will also transition through Region B as here the
responses are inconsistent and may have very long dead times. Only once the controller output transitions into Region C can it be
expected that the control valve system will respond reliably enough for feedback control to work. For this reason it is expected that the
controller output will have frequent but shallow penetrations into Region C. Only for major setpoint changes or very large process
disturbances will the control valve transition through Region C and into Region D. As a process disturbance occurs, the control loop
takes corrective action. Initially, this action tends to be small (inside Region A). However, because the control valve system will not
respond to these small changes, the controller will “wind-up” and produce larger control actions which eventually reach Region B. Here
the control valve moves but not consistently. Sometimes small step changes result in a long dead time before the valve actually moves,
again causing the controller to “wind-up”. When the valve does finally move after the dead time, it is trying to match an input signal
(controller output) which actually exceeds the value needed to have the process variable achieve setpoint. It is this that causes the limit
cycle to occur. This variable dead time phenomenon produces a region of local instability where the dead time is far too long for the
existing controller tuning. The variable dead time phenomenon is a very common mechanism for inducing control valve limit cycles.
The amplitude of such limit cycles is a complex function of the nonlinearities causing Region A, as well as the variable dead time of
Region B. An important point is that the behaviour of the control valve system just inside Region C is key to determining the
effectiveness of a control loop under the condition of normal regulation (some 98% of the time). The actual degree of penetration into
Region C is a function of process gain, the controller tuning and the amount of noise present in the control loop.
For large setpoint changes or major process disturbances, the controller will make larger changes (Region C) in the valve input signal.
The valve responds to each of these changes relatively quickly and with reasonable consistency. As long as the valve response is fast
Hydraulically actuated control valves have a similar behaviour to that described above, except that Regions A and B will likely be
much narrower than for a pneumatic valve.
Electrically actuated valves using fixed speed electric motors usually have a narrow dead band that applies for small step changes.
Here the motor is turned off. This dead band determines Region A. Depending on the electric motor increase/decrease control logic,
there may not be a Region B. Beyond this point, electric valves are velocity limited for steps of all sizes as they move at a fixed speed.
As long as the step response time T86 is less than a user-specified limit this defines an acceptable Region C. The point at which T86
exceeds the high limit defines the start of Region D.
Selection of the maximum step size is far less important for regulatory control. The maximum step size determines the ability of the
control loop to handle large changes with consistent dynamics as well as small ones. Large step changes occur only at certain times,
such as when the control loop is responding to major setpoint changes, large disturbances or some form of sequence such as process
start-up, shutdown or product transition. In-process testing will not normally allow step sizes larger than some practical limit, such as
10%, to be applied under process operating conditions. Hence, under these conditions it is only possible to imply conformance for large
step changes by extrapolation. For instance, if T86 as measured, is well below the specification limit and is decreasing as step changes
increase (see Figure 4), then it is likely that it will also meet specification for 10% and possibly even for 50% changes.
This concept is illustrated in Figure 4, which shows how the step response time T86 might vary with step size for a given pneumatic
valve. For very small step sizes, T86 is expected to be very long. In fact in Region A where no motion occurs, T86 is infinitely long. In
Region B, it is expected that small step changes will cause ever longer dead times. As the step size becomes larger, T86 is expected
to become much smaller. Then as the step size becomes larger still, T86 is expected to become progressively larger as the valve
system becomes velocity limited. In the example of Figure 4, the user specified parameters are consistent with the default values for
minimum and maximum step size (2% and 10%), as well a control loop speed of response ( λ ) of 10 seconds, which calls for
“consistent movement” as follows:
1. T86 less than 4 seconds for step sizes ranging from 2.0% to 10%. Since in Figure 4 the T86 vs. step size curve crosses 4 seconds
at a step sizes of 1.4% and 15.9%, this requirement is far exceeded.
2. A travel gain of 1.0 +/- 0.2 for all of the step changes specified in 1. above.
3. An overshoot of less than 20% for all of the step changes specified in 1. above.
Region C Region D
User Specification Velocity
Actual - based on tests Limit
Consistent Movement
T86 seconds
T86 Max Spec = 4 seconds
T86 vs. Step Size
Test Results
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Step Size %
Figure 4 also illustrates how the user specification of minimum and maximum step sizes may differ with the actual performance of the
control valve system. Clearly the example of Figure 4 exceeds the minimum and maximum step size specifications, which for
illustration use the specification default values of 2% and 10%. The example valve actually conforms to 1.4% and 15.9%. The Actual
minimum step size is the boundary between Regions B and C. This value is the real measure of the control valve system nonlinear
performance and is measured during the testing.
Figure 4 illustrates the expected results for a typical pneumatic valve only. Other results are also possible. A fixed speed electrically
actuated valve is expected to have a fixed dead band when due to the fact that the motor must be deactivated when the valve is at rest.
When the valve is moving it will do so at fixed speed. This translates into a characteristic that would parallel the Region A demarcation
line in Figure 4 to a minimum T86 value for the smallest step change the valve can execute. From this point there would be a line of
rising T86 with step size, which would cross the T86 limit at a T86 value which would be the demarcation between Regions C and D.
The pneumatic valve illustration in Figure 4 assumes that control valve systems have the tendency to have longer T86 values as the
step size becomes smaller at the bottom of Region C. The specification recognizes only four control loop speed of response classes (1,
5, 10 and 60 seconds) with eight T86 limits (0.25, 0.4, 1.25, 2, 2.5, 4, 15, 24) which in turn are a function of dead time. These limits
have been designed to handle typical pneumatic valve characteristics. As control valve system designs continue to improve, this may
no longer be the case. In an ideal design, as soon as the valve starts to move for the smallest step size possible (Region A upper limit),
it will do so at a T86 which is well below the T86 limit for the speed of response class. In this case the testing methods should record
the longest T86 observed, as this is a real measure of the true performance of the control valve system.
3.1.2 Control Valve System Step Response Performance Index - Weighting Factor W
The performance index is calculated using Equation 1) below, which combines weighting factors based on T86:
Example: Td=2, T86=3, Tss=12, 1st O/S=12%, other overshoots, undershoots = 0, Travel gain = 0.9, minimum step size = 2%. For
these statistics W(T86) = 0.67 x 30 + (4 -2.5) x 8 + 12 x 1 x 2 + 0.1 x 2 x 50 = 66
The weighting factors have been designed to produce a valve performance index of approximately 100, for a control valve system which
just passes the specification at the default minimum step size of 2%, with all undesirable values at or near the specification limits, or
other large excursions as outlined in Table V. The first two terms in the performance index relate to speed of response. The second
two terms relate to travel. The last two terms have been weighted by the absolute value of the minimum step size. In this way a valve
which meets a minimum step size of 0.5% is much better than one with a 2% minimum step size. The minimum step size value has
two meanings. Prior to testing only the specification limit is known. After testing is complete, the actual value (Upper limit of Region B)
should be known. If available, the actual value is to be used in Equation 1) and 2), otherwise the specification limit value is to be used.
The use of the step size as part of the weighting factor on overshoot produces a much lighter penalty for a 0.5% minimum step size
than for 2%, and a better valve performance rating as a result. More serious problems, such as dead time and overshoot have been
given a relative weight of 30 points each at their maximum values and 2% minimum step size. Less serious problems, such as Tss and
travel gain have a weighting of 20 points each at their high or maximum allowed values and 2% minimum step size. Overshoot is
further weighted by the sum of the % overshoots and % undershoots, as this indicates a stronger tendency to oscillate and to create
process variability.
The performance of a given control valve system can also be judged based on its intended use in a control loop of given closed loop
time constant, Lambda. If a control valve with a T86 of 3 seconds, a relatively high Td/T86 ratio and a relatively slow Tss is to be used
in a control loop with a one minute Lambda value, clearly, the relative importance of the Td and Tss weights is not very high (the
Lambda values which should be used for this purpose are: 1, 5, 10 and 60 seconds and correspond to the speed of response classes in
the specification). These factors are taken into account Equation 2 below, which weights the time-based penalties on the basis of the
control loop Lambda value, as opposed to T86:
Example: using the example given above for Lambda = 60 seconds, W(Lambda) = 38, whereas W(T86) = 66
The response of Figure 2 has relatively high dead time, a large overshoot, and a long settling time. The resulting score of 118 is very
poor and is indicative of these problems. If this valve is to be used in a control loop with a Lambda value of 10 seconds, the score is
slightly improved (poor), as the dead time and settling time contributions are not as vital. In Figure 3, Response #1 is an ideal first order
response and has a perfect score of zero. Response #2 is typical of an electric valve. It has zero dead time, and no overshoot. Its
settling time is surprisingly short as compared to the ideal value of 2.5 times T86. Its score excellent (very and close to zero).
Response #3 is typical of a pneumatic valve, and has a high dead time ratio, but no overshoot. The score is quite low (35) signifying a
very good performance, but not as good as Response #2. Figure 6 shows a response with a modest initial overshoot (16%), which is
followed by an undershoot of 5% and an overshoot of 4%. This is represents excessive ringing and also has an extremely long settling
time. The resulting score is very high signifying a very unsatisfactory (very bad) result.
Every control valve has a fluid flowing through it, hence a flow value can be determined under given process conditions. During the
project design phase the sizing of flow streams is carried out, and the design drawings and flow sheets typically show the minimum,
nominal and maximum expected flow figures for the process design. The process designer has access to these figures. The fluid flow
may or may not be measured by the final process instrumentation. Instead, the instrumentation may measure pH, tank level, or
temperature. Nonetheless, the performance of the control valve selected for the application will determine the step resolution of the
control valve system, while the valve sizing will determine the flow gain, which in turn will determine the flow resolution. This will be the
case even if the flow is not measured. The installed flow gain, together with the process characteristics and transmitter span will result
in the “installed process gain characteristic” for the control loop. In turn this determines:
1. The effective flow gain (Kf) of the control valve, which together with the minimum step size, determine the minimum expected
amplitude of the potential flow limit cycle. The minimum step size is a function of the valve system selection, while the flow gain
at the operating point is a function of the valve sizing and piping design. The amplitude of the limit cycle determines the process
variability that the control valve is capable of generating. The worst case on a percentage basis occurs at the minimum design
flow value.
2. The flow gain (Kf) together with the span of the transmitter impact the control loop process gain (Kp), which in turn determines the
rangeability of the loop,
3. The degree to which the flow gain varies over the operating range of the process determines the degree of difficulty of tuning the
control loop over the operating range of the process.
The flow gain for the control valve measures the ratio of flow change to input signal change for an input signal step change. It is
determined by the flow coefficient for the valve, the fluid characteristics, the upstream and downstream pressures, and the shape and
Flow %
be defined respectively as the flow resolution and 52.61
the process resolution. Flow resolution applies
to all valves even if the flow is not measured, as all 51.61
valves have a fluid flowing through them. Flow 51
Controller Output %
resolution can be calculated based on the step 50.13
resolution and the flow gain. Process resolution
applies to all control loops based on the actual
measurement that is made. If the process
measurement happens to be flow, then the flow
resolution and the process resolution are the same
thing. Flow resolution is the product of valve step 47
resolution and flow gain (Kf), while the process 0 500 1000
resolution is the product of the step resolution and Time seconds
process gain (Kp). Given a certain step resolution,
the lower the flow gain and process gain, the lower Figure 5 - Limit cycle Amplitude
the flow resolution and process resolution become.
Hence, to some extent a high step resolution can
be compensated for by a low process gain.
This can be illustrated by referring to Figure 5, which is a repeat of Figure 1. The flow signal oscillates from approximately 53.61%
down to 51.61% of span. The peak-to-peak of the flow limit cycle is about 2% of span, while the amplitude is about 1% of span. The
mean value is 52.61% of span. Hence the amplitude of the flow limit cycle is 1.9% of mean value (1% x 100% / 52.61%). This
value represents the de-stabilizing potential on process variability of this control valve selection, sizing and flow. The
controller output is cycling from approximately 50.13% down to 47.75%. The cycle appears to be a triangular wave caused by the
controller integral action ramping the controller output as long as the valve is stuck, or is slow to respond due to a long dead time.
Hence, it is likely that the actual valve stem position is switching at the instants that the controller output reaches its furthest excursion,
and at approximately the same values. The peak-to-peak of the controller output limit cycle is about 2.38%, and is a good estimate of
the minimum step size and Region B. It is not possible to estimate the size of the nonlinearities of Region A from this number, except
that the total hysteresis is less than this value. The process gain Kp has the value 0.84 (2% / 2.38%).
3.6 Applicability
The specification applies to control valves. It does not apply to on/off, hand, solenoid, blocking or switching valves.
Three signals are needed to test the control valve system in-process: the valve input or controller output signal, the process
measurement (PV) and the stem or shaft position. The PV signal is needed to test the Nonlinear and Valve Sizing part of the
specification, while the stem or shaft position is needed to test the Dynamic Response part of the specification. Should these signals be
unavailable, or should suitable testing equipment be unavailable then testing cannot be carried out. Although the PV is always
available, it is not always suitable for testing purposes (integrating process variables, or very slow measurements are not suitable). A
stem or shaft transducer is needed to test against the Dynamic Step Response part of the specification. In most cases this can be fitted
to the control valve system as a temporary installation, providing plant safety regulations allow. A stem transducer could be installed as
a permanent installation in such cases.
The stem transducer signal and the valve input signal must be sampled at a rate that is at least twenty times faster than T86 for the
control valve system. For the four control loop speed of response classes the corresponding sampling rates are: 12 msec, 62 msec, 125
msec and 0.75 sec. These sampling rates are faster those for a typical DCS system and require a high-speed data collection system to
be used for this purpose.
4.2 DYNAMIC STEP RESPONSE SPECIFICATION – (Responsibility - Control Valve System Vendor)
The dynamic response specification sets the ranges over which consistent dynamics are to be achieved (Region C)
The step size range is set from minimum to maximum. Minimum step size depends on the total hysteresis, and the magnitude of
Region B. It is valve design dependent and is likely to be about double the total hysteresis. Values are given for nominal, fine, and very
fine. The finer, the more capable the valve design. Default values are given for rotary and sliding stem valves.
The Maximum step size determines the upper range over which the valve is nearly linear and depends on the size of Region D. Values
are given for nominal, wide and very wide. The wider, the more capable the valve design.
The selection of a given control valve system determines the minimum step size (Section 4.2), as well as the total hysteresis (Section
4.1). The amplitude of a potential limit cycle in the controller output is likely to be at least one half of the minimum step size. The
amplitude of a potential limit cycle in the fluid flow represents the potential for the control valve to create unwanted process variability,
and is a key measure of the control valve performance. This estimate of the potential amplitude of the flow limit cycle is the product of
one half the minimum step size times the installed flow gain. The flow limit cycle amplitude can hence be determined by selecting both
the minimum step size and the flow gain in combination. A high minimum step size implies a control valve system with mediocre
tracking performance. This can be partially offset by selecting a low flow gain. The lower the flow gain, the lower the flow limit cycle
amplitude for a given minimum step size. The process designer can specify a nominal value for the flow limit cycle amplitude, based on
product uniformity considerations. The instrumentation designer is then free to achieve this specification by selecting a control valve
system with a small minimum step size (better tracking performance) if the flow gain is high. Alternatively, the designer can re-size the
valve, or change the pressure drop profile in the fluid system to reduce the flow gain if the minimum step size is high. The design
process is a combination of both options.
The flow limit cycle can best be expressed as the amplitude of the potential process variability, on a percentage basis, by calculating the
limit cycle amplitude as a percentage of the nominal flow. The flow gain % is the flow gain in flow units / valve travel %, divided by the
flow at the minimum design operating point and expressed as a percent. The Flow Limit Cycle (%) is the minimum stem size times the
flow gain (%). The designer should consider the worst case in the process design (highest or lowest flow).
Maximum Allowed Flow Limit Cycle Amplitude (% of Nominal Flow) DEFAULT DEFAULT
Nominal Fine Very Fine Rotary Valves Sliding Stem User
Minimum Step Size (%) 2.0 1 0.2 2.0 1
Flow Gain (%) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Flow Limit Cycle (%) 1.0 0. 5 0.1 1.0 0. 5
The control loop process gain is a function of the flow gain, the relationship of the flow in the pipe to the measured process variable, and
the span of the transmitter used to make the process measurement. Ideally, the process gain should be approximately equal to unity
(% PV / % valve travel) for good design. The amount by which the process gain varies over the operating range of the process,
determines the degree to which the control loop will be difficult to tune. Poor tuning leads to control loop cycling and higher process
variability. Ideally the process gain range should be limited to +/- a factor of two.
1 Equivalent to Version 2.1 Combined Backlash & stiction limit of 1%
2 Closest Version 2.1 Equivalent 0-2 inch valve T86 = 1.43 x T63 = 0.43 sec.
3 Closest Version 2.1 Equivalent 6-12 inch valve T86 = 1.43 x T63 = 1.7 sec.
4 Closest Version 2.1 Equivalent 20+ inch valve T86 = 1.43 x T63 = 3.4 sec.
5 Closest Version 2.1 Equivalent 12-20 inch valve T86 = 1.43 x T63 = 2.5 sec.
6 Closest Version 2.1 Equivalent 2-6 inch valve T86 = 1.43 x T63 = 0.86 sec.
7 In-process testing step size limited to ~10%. Can only imply conformance to larger values by extrapolating slope of Fig. 4.
Some form of process measurement is always available even though some measurements may not be suitable for in-process testing to
be carried out. In many circumstances the availability of a stem transducer involves temporarily fitting a test transducer to the stem or
shaft. In some cases this cannot be done for safety reasons. If a stem transducer is not available the speed of response
measurements cannot be made, hence only the first three tests can be carried out, and only dead band, step resolution, total hysteresis,
flow gain and process gain can be determined.
1 Test times quoted are based on a T86 of 4 seconds. Longer test times are required for longer T86’s
2) In addition, install a valve stem, or valve shaft position measurement transducer. This transducer should have a time constant that
is at least 20 times faster than the expected step response of the valve being tested (T86). Connect this signal to the data
collection device. If the same data collection device is to be used for the process measurement and for the valve stem, then all of
the channels should be collected at the fast rate dictated by the stem transducer. If a separate data collection device is to be used
for the stem transducer, then this device should also measure the valve input signal in order to have the same time reference for
each step change. Calibrate the transducer so that it agrees closely with the zero and span of the input signal. The stem or shaft
transducer will be used to measure the speed of response of the control valve system. Set up to collect data at a rate at least 20
times faster than the expected valve step response time (T86).
3) Clearly establish the performance criteria which should apply to this control valve system, including: dead band, step resolution,
total hysteresis, minimum step size, maximum step size, T86, Td/T86, O/S, travel gain limits, Tss, flow limit cycle amplitude, flow
gain, process gain, range of process gain. Write down these values for future reference.
5) At the control console or controller faceplate, prepare to initiate a series of steps. Put the loop in manual mode and allow the
process to stabilize.
6) Each step in controller output (valve input) should be as abrupt as possible (square edged step). This is best done by entering a
new value via a keyboard in the control system. Some control systems only allow the controller output to be slewed via up/down
push buttons. This method does not provide a square edged step, but rather a ramp, and the consequence is that response
dynamics will be inaccurate. If a slew button must be used, each step should be made as a single push of approximately the right
duration to achieve the step size needed.
7) Test the data collection process, and ensure that high quality time synchronous data can be extracted to a common spreadsheet
software program for data manipulation, interpretation and presentation. All the data manipulation and presentation in this
document has been done using MicrosoftR Excel 97.
than the minimum step size (well Figure 6 – Test 1 - Initial Test Example, Step size = -2.7%
inside Region C). Ensure that the T86=2.5 sec, O/S = 16%, Excessive Ringing, KT=1.0, Tss=70 sec
step tests allow adequate time for any
unusual behaviour to develop such as ringing. For this reason the wait time between steps should be at least a few minutes. Plot the
resulting response as shown in Figure 6. The example shows a single downward step of –2.7%. Even though the step response time
T86 is an acceptable 2.5 seconds and the overshoot is under the 20% limit, the response exhibits excessive oscillations or “ringing”
which causes the time to steady state (Tss) to be 70 seconds. This is 28 times T86 and is unacceptable because the specification
requires the ratio of Tss / T86 to be 2.5 or less, in order to ensure a fairly quick settling mode. Calculate the weighting factors using
Equations 1) and 2). (The result is 265 or very bad). A test result like this would suggest that further tests are not warranted until the
cause of the ringing is cured. Proceed to the next test only if Test 1 is clearly successful.
Input, Stem %
there are other Step Size
considerations that 0.25% 0.5% 1% 2% 4% 8%
should also be taken
into account in 50
choosing the wait
time. The behaviour
exhibited in the Test 1 Partial Flow Response
- Initial Test should be
Flow %
taken into account. 40
As well, the slowness
No Flow Response
of the process Input
measurement should 35
also be considered for Flow Full Flow Response
there should be
adequate time for the
0 100 200 300 400 500
PV signal to actually
change and settle. Time seconds
From the process
Figure 7 – Test 2 - Increasing Step Test
measurement (PV) it
will be possible to
bracket the magnitude of the dead band effect, as it will be obvious that the PV did not change for some of the small steps, whereas it
did for the larger ones. The stem position can be used to measure T86, Td/T86 ratio, O/S and KT and Tss for each test. Analyze each
test and prepare a spreadsheet as shown in Table VII below. Calculate the weighting factors, using both Equations 1 and 2 (if loop
application knowledge available), for the step tests which pass the Region C criteria and which fall into the step size range from
minimum to twice the minimum step size. It is this range of input step sizes which best measures the regulation performance of the
control valve system. Calculate an average value for all of the weighting factors. Use all of the step tests involved – not just the good
ones. Table VII shows the analysis for 6 of the 24 step tests of Figure 7 as an example.
Valve Performance
W weighting factors= 30 8 0.75 50 Index W
Step # Step Size T86 Td/T86 Tss Tss/T86 1 st O/S % #o/s,u/s Tr Gain Kp Region W(T86) W(Lamb) Comment
% sec sec Eqn 1 Eqn 2
1 0.25 7.67 0.84 9.4 1.23 0 0 1.05 0.00 A Hys> 0.25
6 0.5 5.95 0.82 7.5 1.26 0 0 1.09 0.00 A Hys> 0.5
10 1 4.13 0.74 13 3.15 5 0 0.99 0.51 B
14 2 3.04 0.77 9.4 3.10 5 0 0.97 0.65 C 30 23 Hys < 2
18 4 2.18 0.56 6.2 2.84 8 0 0.99 0.91 C 20 11
22 8 1.96 0.48 5.1 2.60 8 0 1.00 1.01 C
Region C Average Values Avg= Avg= Avg= Avg= Avg= Avg=
0.60 2.85 0.99 0.85 25 17
Min= 0.48 Min= 2.60 Min= 0.97 Min= 0.65
Max= 0.77 Max= 3.10 Max= 1.00 Max= 1.01
On the basis of Figure 7 and the analysis of Table VII, it is clear that the total hysteresis caused by dead band or step resolution is
greater than 0.5% and definitely less than 2% (based on process gain). As the minimum step size has been set at 2%, the valve in
question meets this aspect of the specification.
It is critically important to accurately estimate the actual minimum step size. This is the point at which T86 vs. step size curve crosses
the specification limit for T86 (Region - example 4 seconds), and to also determine that this point is within the specification limit for the
minimum step size (example 2%). Figure 8 shows a plot of the T86 versus step size results for the 24 step tests of Figure 7. The
result is 1.43%, which indicates that this control valve system exceeds the specification limit of 2%.
T86 seconds
6 R = 0.9619
Figure 8. The trend line should clearly pass
through the adjacent clusters of test results.
T86 limit = 4 seconds
The weighting factors have been calculated for
step sizes ranging from the minimum of 2% to 4%
(double the minimum step size). The responses 2
are generally well shaped have fairly low valve Trend Line Intercepts T86 Limit at Step Size = 1.43%
performance index of 36, indicating quite a good
result (zero is perfect and 100 is poor). However,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
the Td/T86 ratio is clearly greater than 0.5 for steps
of 4% and less, hence this is a consideration which Step Size %
would require the faster 2.5 second T86 limit to be Figure 8 – T86 vs. Step Size Plot for step test of Figure 7
imposed, as opposed to the 4 second value in order
to minimize dead time. On this basis, the test valve
is borderline since the 2% steps have a T86 of 3 seconds.
The test involves a sequence of small steps applied first in one direction, and then in the other as shown in Figure 9. The size of the
steps must be smaller than the expected magnitude of either the dead band or step resolution, so that these parameters can be
accurately bracketed. A suggested step size is one half of the smaller of dead band or step resolution. The valve in the Figure 9
example is the same as used in Figure 7. A step size of 0.2% was used in Figure 9. The absolute maximum and minimum values of
valve position depend on the process operator. However, consideration must also be given to the number of steps and the length of the
test. Figure 9 shows nearly 50 steps, each with a wait time of one minute, for a total duration of 50 minutes. As well, it is important to
perform at least two full cycles of the input signal from minimum to maximum for adequate repeatability.
Test 3 of Figure 9 involved nearly 50 steps, took 50 minutes, produced 13 changes in flow. It yielded the conclusion that dead band is
less than 1.2%, the step resolution is less than 0.4%, and the total hysteresis is less than 1.6%. Given the specification limits are:
dead band less than 0.6%, step resolution less than 0.4% and total hysteresis is less than 1%, the valve in question fails.
X-Y Plot
Another way to view the same data is an X-Y plot as shown in Figure 10. To generate such a plot involves estimating steady state data
after each step change has settled. This involves taking a filtered value or an average of both the input signal and the process variable
just before the next step is applied. Once this data is generated it can be plotted as an X-Y plot using most commonly spreadsheet
software programs. The data shown in Figure 10 is the same as in Figure 9. The run starts at an input signal of 50.0% and a flow of
41.3%, and two full cycles are executed. If the valve were ideal, the flow would follow the “ideal flow” line as shown in Figure 10. This
line goes through the initial point on the X-Y plot and has a slope equal to the process gain (Kp). However, Figure 10 shows a tendency
for the input signal to change without causing any change in flow. This is a result of the dead band. From Figure 10, two estimates of
the dead band can be made: 0.8% and 1.0%. Since 1% is the larger number, this should be reported. Once motion is initiated the
relationship between input signal and flow is not very regular. If the step resolution were infinitely fine, the figure should have straight
sides parallel to the ideal flow line. The irregularity of the figure is a measure of the step resolution. The total hysteresis is the total
width of the figure as measured from the Low-Low line to the Hi-Hi line (lines passing through the points furthest away from the ideal
flow). This is estimated as 1.12% in Figure 10, and is also the estimated value of the total hysteresis. The minimum hysteresis is the
distance between the Hi-Low and Low-Hi lines (lines passing through the points nearest to the ideal flow). This is estimated as 0.41% in
Figure 10. An estimate of the effective step resolution is half the difference between the total and minimum hysteresis, or 0.36%
((1.12% - 0.41)/2). Hence the final results based on Figure 10 are: a dead band of 1.0%, a step resolution of 0.36% and a total
hysteresis of 1.12%. Based on this interpretation the valve in question fails the specification on dead band and total hysteresis limits.
Ideal Flow Dead Band 1.0%
Flow %
48.5 49.5 50.5
Input %
Figure 10 – X-Y Plot for Test 3 - Small Step Test of Figure 5. Hysteresis: Max = 1.12%,
Min = 0.41%, Dead Band=1%, Step Resolution=0.36%, Total Hysteresis=1.12%
No matter what the results, the interpretation will be to some extent subjective. Valve users will wish to argue that slightly questionable
results represent failure, while valve suppliers will argue the opposite. The key issue is that there are not very many tests available on
which to base statistics. Hence, the interpretation of the data requires some judgment.
Each of the step tests should be analyzed as in Section 5.3, and a similar table should be built. Determine the minimum step size using
regression as shown in Figure 8. If this value of minimum step size differs by more than 30% from the value used when starting this
test, repeat the test using the new value to select step sizes. A figure similar to Figure 4 should be plotted. For the valve to pass the
specification, there should be consistent dynamic responses in Region C, as defined by the limits on minimum step size, T86, Td/T86
ratio, travel gain, overshoot and Tss. Performance index weighting factors should be calculated for small step sizes as indicated.
1) EnTech - Control Valve Dynamic Specification (Version 2.1, 3/94),
2) ANSI/ISA-S51.1-1979 - Process Instrumentation Terminology.
3) ISA Standard-S75.13-1989 Method of Evaluating Performance of Positioners with Analog Input Signals & Pneumatic Output.
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