Technical Questions

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C- QUESTIONS 1. What does static variable mean? 2. What is a ointer? !. What is a str"ct"re? #.

What are the di$$erences bet%een str"ct"res and arra&s? '. In header $iles %hether $"nctions are declared or de$ined? (. What are the di$$erences bet%een malloc)* and calloc)*? +. What are macros? %hat are its advanta,es and disadvanta,es? -. .i$$erence bet%een ass b& re$erence and ass b& val"e? /. What is static identi$ier? 10. Where are the a"to variables stored? 11. Where does ,lobal1 static1 local1 re,ister variables1 $ree memor& and C 2ro,ram instr"ctions ,et stored? 12. .i$$erence bet%een arra&s and lin3ed list? 1!. What are en"merations? 1#. .escribe abo"t stora,e allocation and sco e o$ ,lobal1 e4tern1 static1 local and re,ister variables? 1'. What are re,ister variables? What are the advanta,e o$ "sin, re,ister variables? 1(. What is the "se o$ t& ede$? 1+. Can %e s eci$& variable $ield %idth in a scan$)* $ormat strin,? I$ ossible ho%? 1-. O"t o$ $,ets)* and ,ets)* %hich $"nction is sa$e to "se and %h&? 1/. .i$$erence bet%een strd" and strc &? 20. What is rec"rsion? 21. .i$$erentiate bet%een a $or loo and a %hile loo ? What are it "ses? 22. What are the di$$erent stora,e classes in C? 2!. Write do%n the e5"ivalent ointer e4 ression $or re$errin, the same element a6i76876376l7? 2#. What is di$$erence bet%een Str"ct"re and Unions? 2'. What the advanta,es o$ "sin, Unions?


What are the advanta,es o$ "sin, ointers in a ro,ram? 2+. What is the di$$erence bet%een Strin,s and 9rra&s? 2-. In a header $ile %hether $"nctions are declared or de$ined? 2/. What is a $ar ointer? %here %e "se it? !0. :o% %ill &o" declare an arra& o$ three $"nction ointers %here each $"nction receives t%o ints and ret"rns a $loat? !1. %hat is a NU;; 2ointer? Whether it is same as an "ninitiali<ed ointer? !2. What is a NU;; =acro? What is the di$$erence bet%een a NU;; 2ointer and a NU;; =acro? !!. What does the error >N"ll 2ointer 9ssi,nment> mean and %hat ca"ses this error? !#. What is near1 $ar and h",e ointers? :o% man& b&tes are occ" ied b& them? !'. :o% %o"ld &o" obtain se,ment and o$$set addresses $rom a $ar address o$ a memor& location? !(. 9re the e4 ressions arr and ?arr same $or an arra& o$ inte,ers? !+. .oes mentionin, the arra& name ,ives the base address in all the conte4ts? !-. E4 lain one method to rocess an entire strin, as one "nit? !/. What is the similarit& bet%een a Str"ct"re1 Union and en"meration? #0. Can a Str"ct"re contain a 2ointer to itsel$? #1. :o% can %e chec3 %hether the contents o$ t%o str"ct"re variables are same or not? #2. :o% are Str"ct"re assin, and ret"rnin, im lemented b& the com lier? #!. :o% can %e read@%rite Str"ct"res $rom@to data $iles? ##. What is the di$$erence bet%een an en"meration and a set o$ re- rocessor A de$ines?

#'. %hat do the >c> and >v> in ar,c and ar,v stand $or? #(. 9re the variables ar,c and ar,v are local to main? #+. What is the ma4im"m combined len,th o$ command line ar,"ments incl"din, the s ace bet%een ad8acent ar,"ments? #-. I$ %e %ant that an& %ildcard characters in the command line ar,"ments sho"ld be a ro riatel& e4 anded1 are %e re5"ired to ma3e an& s ecial rovision? I$ &es1 %hich? #/. .oes there e4ist an& %a& to ma3e the command line ar,"ments available to other $"nctions %itho"t assin, them as ar,"ments to the $"nction? '0. What are bit $ields? What is the "se o$ bit $ields in a Str"ct"re declaration? '1. To %hich n"mberin, s&stem can the binar& n"mber 1101100100111100 be easil& converted to? '2. Which bit %ise o erator is s"itable $or chec3in, %hether a artic"lar bit is on or o$$? '!. Which bit %ise o erator is s"itable $or t"rnin, o$$ a artic"lar bit in a n"mber? '#. Which bit %ise o erator is s"itable $or "ttin, on a artic"lar bit in a n"mber? ''. Which bit %ise o erator is s"itable $or chec3in, %hether a artic"lar bit is on or o$$? '(. %hich one is e5"ivalent to m"lti l&in, b& 2B;e$t shi$tin, a n"mber b& 1 or ;e$t shi$tin, an "nsi,ned int or char b& 1? '+. Write a ro,ram to com are t%o strin,s %itho"t "sin, the strcm )* $"nction. '-. Write a ro,ram to concatenate t%o strin,s. '/. Write a ro,ram to interchan,e 2 variables %itho"t "sin, the third one. (0. Write ro,rams $or Strin, Ceversal ? 2alindrome chec3 (1. Write a ro,ram to $ind the Dactorial o$ a n"mber (2. Write a ro,ram to ,enerate the Dibinocci Series

(!. Write a ro,ram %hich em lo&s Cec"rsion (#. Write a ro,ram %hich "ses Command ;ine 9r,"ments ('. Write a ro,ram %hich "ses $"nctions li3e strcm )*1 strc &)*? etc ((. What are the advanta,es o$ "sin, t& ede$ in a ro,ram? (+. :o% %o"ld &o" d&namicall& allocate a onedimensional and t%o-dimensional arra& o$ inte,ers? (-. :o% can &o" increase the si<e o$ a d&namicall& allocated arra&? (/. :o% can &o" increase the si<e o$ a staticall& allocated arra&? +0. When reallocatin, memor& i$ an& other ointers oint into the same iece o$ memor& do &o" have to read8"st these other ointers or do the& ,et read8"sted a"tomaticall&? +1. Which $"nction sho"ld be "sed to $ree the memor& allocated b& calloc)*? +2. :o% m"ch ma4im"m can &o" allocate in a sin,le call to malloc)*? +!. Can &o" d&namicall& allocate arra&s in e4 anded memor&? +#. What is ob8ect $ile? :o% can &o" access ob8ect $ile? +'. Which header $ile sho"ld &o" incl"de i$ &o" are to develo a $"nction %hich can acce t variable n"mber o$ ar,"ments? +(. Can &o" %rite a $"nction similar to rint$)*? ++. :o% can a called $"nction determine the n"mber o$ ar,"ments that have been assed to it? +-. Can there be at least some sol"tion to determine the n"mber o$ ar,"ments assed to a variable ar,"ment list $"nction? +/. :o% do &o" declare the $ollo%in,B o 9n arra& o$ three ointers to chars o 9n arra& o$ three char ointers o 9 ointer to arra& o$ three chars

9 ointer to $"nction %hich receives an int ointer and ret"rns a $loat ointer o 9 ointer to a $"nction %hich receives nothin, and ret"rns nothin, -0. What do the $"nctions atoi)*1 itoa)* and ,cvt)* do? -1. .oes there e4ist an& other $"nction %hich can be "sed to convert an inte,er or a $loat to a strin,? -2. :o% %o"ld &o" "se 5sort)* $"nction to sort an arra& o$ str"ct"res? -!. :o% %o"ld &o" "se 5sort)* $"nction to sort the name stored in an arra& o$ ointers to strin,? -#. :o% %o"ld &o" "se bsearch)* $"nction to search a name stored in arra& o$ ointers to strin,? -'. :o% %o"ld &o" "se the $"nctions sin)*1 o%)*1 s5rt)*? -(. :o% %o"ld &o" "se the $"nctions memc &)*1 memset)*1 memmove)*? -+. :o% %o"ld &o" "se the $"nctions $see3)*1 $reed)*1 $%rite)* and $tell)*? --. :o% %o"ld &o" obtain the c"rrent time and di$$erence bet%een t%o times? -/. :o% %o"ld &o" "se the $"nctions randomi<e)* and random)*? /0. :o% %o"ld &o" im lement a s"bstr)* $"nction that e4tracts a s"b strin, $rom a ,iven strin,? /1. What is the di$$erence bet%een the $"nctions rand)*1 random)*1 srand)* and randomi<e)*? /2. What is the di$$erence bet%een the $"nctions memmove)* and memc &)*? /!. :o% do &o" rint a strin, on the rinter? /#. Can &o" "se the $"nction $ rint$)* to dis la& the o"t "t on the screen?


CEE- QUESTIONS Fo U 1. What is a class? 2. What is an ob8ect? !. What is the di$$erence bet%een an ob8ect and a class? #. What is the di$$erence bet%een class and str"ct"re? '. What is "blic1 rotected1 rivate? (. What are virt"al $"nctions? +. What is $riend $"nction? -. What is a sco e resol"tion o erator? /. What do &o" mean b& inheritance? 10. What is abstraction? 11. What is ol&mor hism? E4 lain %ith an e4am le. 12. What is enca s"lation? 1!. What do &o" mean b& bindin, o$ data and $"nctions? 1#. What is $"nction overloadin, and o erator overloadin,? 1'. What is virt"al class and $riend class? 1(. What do &o" mean b& inline $"nction? 1+. What do &o" mean b& "blic1 rivate1 rotected and $riendl&? 1-. When is an ob8ect created and %hat is its li$etime? 1/. What do &o" mean b& m"lti le inheritance and m"ltilevel inheritance? .i$$erentiate bet%een them. 20. .i$$erence bet%een realloc)* and $ree? 21. What is a tem late? 22. What are the main di$$erences bet%een roced"re oriented lan,"a,es and ob8ect oriented lan,"a,es? 2!. What is C T T I ? 2#. What are ,eneric $"nctions and ,eneric classes? 2'. What is names ace?


What is the di$$erence bet%een ass b& re$erence and ass b& val"e? 2+. Wh& do %e "se virt"al $"nctions? 2-. What do &o" mean b& "re virt"al $"nctions? 2/. What are virt"al classes? !0. .oes cEE s" ort m"ltilevel and m"lti le inheritance? !1. What are the advanta,es o$ inheritance? !2. When is a memor& allocated to a class? !!. What is the di$$erence bet%een declaration and de$inition? !#. What is virt"al constr"ctors@destr"ctors? !'. In cEE there is onl& virt"al destr"ctors1 no constr"ctors. Wh&? !(. What is late bo"nd $"nction call and earl& bo"nd $"nction call? .i$$erentiate. !+. :o% is e4ce tion handlin, carried o"t in cEE? !-. When %ill a constr"ctor e4ec"ted? !/. What is .&namic 2ol&mor hism? #0. Write a macro $or s%a in, inte,ers.

1. 2. !. #. '. (. +. -.

.9T9 STCUCTUCE QUESTIONS Fo U What is a data str"ct"re? What does abstract data t& e means? Eval"ate the $ollo%in, re$i4 e4 ression G EE 2( E - 1!2#G )Similar t& es can be as3ed* Convert the $ollo%in, in$i4 e4 ression to ost $i4 notation ))aE2*H)bE#** -1 )Similar t& es can be as3ed* :o% is it ossible to insert di$$erent t& e o$ elements in stac3? Stac3 can be described as a ointer. E4 lain. Write a Iinar& Search ro,ram Write ro,rams $or I"bble Sort1 Q"ic3 sort

/. E4 lain abo"t the t& es o$ lin3ed lists 10. :o% %o"ld &o" sort a lin3ed list? 11. Write the ro,rams $or ;in3ed ;ist )Insertion and .eletion* o erations 12. What data str"ct"re %o"ld &o" mostl& li3el& see in a non rec"rsive im lementation o$ a rec"rsive al,orithm? 1!. What do &o" mean b& Iase case1 Cec"rsive case1 Iindin, Time1 C"n-Time Stac3 and Tail Cec"rsion? 1#. E4 lain 5"ic3 sort and mer,e sort al,orithms and derive the time-constraint relation $or these. 1'. E4 lain binar& searchin,1 Dibinocci search. 1(. What is the ma4im"m total n"mber o$ nodes in a tree that has N levels? Note that the root is level )<ero* 1+. :o% man& di$$erent binar& trees and binar& search trees can be made $rom three nodes that contain the 3e& val"es 11 2 ? !? 1-. 9 list is ordered $rom smaller to lar,est %hen a sort is called. Which sort %o"ld ta3e the lon,est time to e4ec"te? 1/. 9 list is ordered $rom smaller to lar,est %hen a sort is called. Which sort %o"ld ta3e the shortest time to e4ec"te? 20. When %ill &o" sort an arra& o$ ointers to list elements1 rather than sortin, the elements themselves? 21. The element bein, searched $or is not $o"nd in an arra& o$ 100 elements. What is the avera,e n"mber o$ com arisons needed in a se5"ential search to determine that the element is not there1 i$ the elements are com letel& "nordered? 22. What is the avera,e n"mber o$ com arisons needed in a se5"ential search to determine the osition o$ an element in an arra& o$ 100 elements1 i$ the elements are ordered $rom lar,est to smallest? 2!. Which sort sho% the best avera,e behavior? 2#. What is the avera,e n"mber o$ com arisons in a se5"ential search? 2'. Which data str"ct"re is needed to convert in$i4 notations to ost $i4 notations?

o o o

What do &o" mean b&B S&nta4 Error ;o,ical Error C"ntime Error

:o% can &o" correct these errors? 2+. In %hich data str"ct"re1 elements can be added or removed at either end1 b"t not in the middle? 2-. :o% %ill inorder1 reorder and ostorder traversals rint the elements o$ a tree? 2/. 2arenthesis are never needed in re$i4 or ost$i4 e4 ressions. Wh&? !0. Which one is $aster? 9 binar& search o$ an orderd set o$ elements in an arra& or a se5"ential search o$ the elements.

J9K9 QUESTIONS Fo U 1. What is the di$$erence bet%een an 9bstract class and Inter$ace? 2. What is "ser de$ined e4ce tion? !. What do &o" 3no% abo"t the ,arba,e collector? #. What is the di$$erence bet%een 8ava and cEE? '. In an htm $orm I have a b"tton %hich ma3es "s to o en another a,e in 1' seconds. :o% %ill &o" do that? (. What is the di$$erence bet%een rocess and threads? +. What is " date method called? -. :ave &o" ever "sed :ashTable and .irector&? /. What are statements in Java? 10. What is a J9C $ile? 11. What is JNI? 12. What is the base class $or all s%in, com onents? 1!. What is JDC? 1#. What is the di$$erence bet%een 9WT and S%in,? 1'. Considerin, note ad@IE or an& other thin, as rocess1 What %ill ha en i$ &o" start note ad or IE ! times ? Where three rocesses are started or three threads are started? 1(. :o% does thread s&nchroni<ation occ"r in a monitor? 1+. Is there an& ta, in htm to " load and do%nload $iles? 1-. Wh& do &o" canvas? 1/. :o% can &o" 3no% abo"t drivers and database in$ormation ? 20. What is seriali<ation? 21. Can &o" load the server ob8ect d&namicall&? I$ so %hat are the ! ma8or ste s involved in it? 22. What is the la&o"t $or toolbar? 2!. What is the di$$erence bet%een Frid and Fridba,la&o"t? 2#. :o% %ill &o" add anel to a $rame? 2'. Where are the card la&o"ts "sed?

2(. What is the corres ondin, la&o"t $or card in s%in,? 2+. What is li,ht %ei,ht com onent? 2-. Can &o" r"n the rod"ct develo ment on all o eratin, s&stems? 2/. What are the bene$its i$ S%in, over 9WT? !0. :o% can t%o threads be made to comm"nicate %ith each other? !1. What are the $iles ,enerated a$ter "sin, I.; to 8ava com iler? !2. What is the rotocol "sed b& server and client? !!. What is the $"nctionabilit& st"bs and s3eletons? !#. What is the ma in, mechanism "sed b& 8ava to identi$& I.; lan,"a,e? !'. What is seriali<able inter$ace? !(. What is the "se o$ inter$ace? !+. Wh& is 8ava not $"ll& ob8ective oriented? !-. Wh& does 8ava not s" ort m"lti le inheritance? !/. What is the root class $or all 8ava classes? #0. What is ol&mor hism? #1. S" ose i$ %e have a variable >I> in r"n method1 i$ I can create one or more thread each thread %ill occ" & a se arate co & or same variable %ill be shared? #2. What are virt"al $"nctions? #!. Write do%n ho% %ill &o" create a Iinar& tree? ##. What are the traverses in binar& tree? #'. Write a ro,ram $or rec"rsive traverse? #(. What are session variable in servlets? #+. What is client server com "tin,? #-. What is constr"ctor and virt"al $"nction? Can %e call a virt"al $"nction in a constr"ctor? #/. Wh& do %e "se oo s conce ts? What is its advanta,e? '0. What is middle%are? What is the $"nctionalit& o$ %eb server? '1. Wh& is 8ava not 100L "re oo s? '2. When %ill &o" "se an inter$ace and abstract class?

'!. What is the e4act di$$erence in bet%een Unicast and ="lticast ob8ect? Where %ill it be "sed? '#. What is the main $"nctionalit& o$ the remote re$erence la&er? ''. :o% do &o" do%nload st"bs $rom Cemote lace? '(. I %ant to store more than 10 ob8ects in a remote server? Which methodolo,& %ill $ollo%? '+. What is the main $"nctionalit& o$ 2re ared Statement? '-. What is meant b& Static 5"er& and .&namic 5"er&? '/. What are Normali<ation C"les? .e$ine Normali<ation? (0. What is meant b& Servelet? What are the arameters o$ service method? (1. What is meant b& Session? E4 lain somethin, abo"t :TT2 Session Class? (2. In a container there are ' com onents. I %ant to dis la& all the com onent names1 ho% %ill &o" do that? (!. Wh& there are some n"ll inter$ace in J9K9? What does it mean? Five some n"ll inter$ace in J9K9? (#. Tell some latest versions in J9K9 related areas? ('. What is meant b& class loader? :o% man& t& es are there? When %ill %e "se them? ((. What is meant b& $lic3erin,? (+. What is meant b& distrib"ted a lication? Wh& are %e "sin, that in o"r a lication? (-. What is the $"nctionalit& o$ the st"b? (/. E4 lain abo"t version control? +0. E4 lain 2-tier and !-tier architect"re? +1. What is the role o$ Web Server? +2. :o% can %e do validation o$ the $ields in a ro8ect? +!. What is meant b& coo3ies? E4 lain the main $eat"res? +#. Wh& 8ava is considered as lat$orm inde endent? +'. What are the advanta,es o$ 8ava over CEE? +(. :o% 8ava can be connected to a database? ++. What is thread? +-. What is di$$erence bet%een 2rocess and Thread?

+/. .oes 8ava s" ort m"lti le inheritance? i$ not1 %hat is the sol"tion? -0. What are abstract classes? -1. What is an inter$ace? -2. What is the di$$erence abstract class and inter$ace? -!. What are ada ter classes? -#. %hat is meant %ra er classes? -'. What are JK=.JCE1 J2EE1 JNI? -(. What are s%in, com onents? -+. What do &o" mean b& li,ht %ei,ht and heav& %ei,ht com onents? --. What is meant b& $"nction overloadin, and $"nction overridin,? -/. .oes 8ava s" ort $"nction overloadin,1 ointers1 str"ct"res1 "nions or lin3ed lists? /0. What do &o" mean b& m"ltithreadin,? /1. What are b&te codes? /2. What are streams? /!. What is "ser de$ined e4ce tion? /#. In an htm a,e $orm I have one b"tton %hich ma3es "s to o en a ne% a,e in 1' seconds. :o% %ill &o" do that?


9.K9NCE. J9K9 QUESTIONS 1. What is C=I? 2. E4 lain abo"t C=I 9rchitect"re? !. What are Servelets? #. What is the "se o$ servlets? '. E4 lain C=I 9rchitect"re? (. :o% %ill &o" ass val"es $rom htm a,e to the servlet? +. :o% do &o" load an ima,e in a Servelet? -. What is "r ose o$ a let ro,rammin,? /. :o% %ill &o" comm"nicate bet%een t%o a lets? 10. What IS the di$$erence bet%een Servelets and 9 lets? 11. :o% do &o" comm"nicate in bet%een 9 lets and Servlets? 12. What is the di$$erence bet%een a let and a lication? 1!. What is the di$$erence bet%een CFI and Servlet? 1#. In the servlets1 %e are havin, a %eb a,e that is invo3in, servlets 1"sername and ass%ord? %hich is chec3s in database? S" ose the second a,e also i$ %e %ant to veri$& the same in$ormation %hether it %ill connect to the database or it %ill be "sed revio"s in$ormation? 1'. What are the di$$erence bet%een C=I and Servelets? 1(. :o% %ill &o" call an 9 let "sin, Java Scri t D"nction?

1+. :o% can &o" "sh data $rom an 9 let to a Servlet? 1-. What are # drivers available in J.IC? 9t %hat sit"ation are $o"r o$ the drivers "sed? 1/. I$ &o" are tr"ncated "sin, J.IC 1 ho% can &o" that ho% m"ch data is tr"ncated? 20. :o% %ill &o" er$orm tr"ncation "sin, J.IC? 21. What is the latest version o$ J.IC? What are the ne% $eat"res added in that? 22. What is the di$$erence bet%een C=I re,istr& and OS 9,ent? 2!. To a server method1 the client %ants to send a val"e 201 %ith this val"e e4ceeds to 20 a messa,e sho"ld be sent to the client . What %ill &o" do $or achievin, this? 2#. :o% do &o" invo3e a Servelet? What is the di$$erence bet%een do2ost method and doFet method? 2'. What is di$$erence bet%een the :TT2 Servelet and Feneric Servelet? E4 lain abo"t their methods and arameters? 2(. Can %e "se threads in Servelets? 2+. Write a ro,ram on C=I and J.IC "sin, Stored 2roced"re? 2-. :o% do &o" s%in, an a let? 2/. :o% %ill &o" ass arameters in C=I? Wh& do &o" seriali<e? !0. In C=I 1server ob8ect is $irst loaded into memor& and then the st"b re$erence is sent to the client. tr"e or $alse? !1. S" ose server ob8ect not loaded into the memor& and the client re5"est $or it. What %ill ha en? !2. What is the %eb server "sed $or r"nnin, the servelets? !!. What is Servlet 92I "sed $or connectin, database? !#. What is bean? Where can it be "sed? !'. What is the di$$erence bet%een 8ava class and bean? !(. Can %e sent ob8ects "sin, Soc3ets? !+. What is the C=I and Soc3et? !-. What is COCI9?

!/. Can &o" modi$& an ob8ect in COCI9? #0. What is C=I and %hat are the services in C=I? #1. What are the di$$erence bet%een C=I and COCI9? #2. :o% %ill &o" initiali<e an 9 let? #!. What is the order o$ method invocation in an 9 let? ##. What is O.IC and J.IC? :o% do &o" connect the .atabase? #'. What do &o" mean b& Soc3et 2ro,rammin,? #(. What is di$$erence bet%een Feneric Servlet and :TT2 Servelet? #+. What &o" mean b& CO= and .CO=? #-. %hat is e-commerce?


O2EC9TINF SMSTE= QUESTIONS Fo U 1. What are the basic $"nctions o$ an o eratin, s&stem? 2. E4 lain brie$l& abo"t1 rocessor1 assembler1 com iler1 loader1 lin3er and the $"nctions e4ec"ted b& them. !. What are the di$$erence hases o$ so$t%are develo ment? E4 lain brie$l&? #. .i$$erentiate bet%een C9= and CO=? '. What is .C9=? In %hich $orm does it store data? (. What is cache memor&? +. What is hard dis3 and %hat is its "r ose? -. .i$$erentiate bet%een Com lier and Inter reter? /. What are the di$$erent tas3s o$ ;e4ical anal&sis? 10. What are the di$$erent $"nctions o$ S&nta4 hase1 Shed"ler? 11. What are the main di$$erence bet%een =icro-Controller and =icro- 2rocessor? 12. .escribe di$$erent 8ob sched"lin, in o eratin, s&stems. 1!. What is a Ceal-Time S&stem ? 1#. What is the di$$erence bet%een :ard and So$t real-time s&stems ? 1'. What is a mission critical s&stem ? 1(. What is the im ortant as ect o$ a real-time s&stem ? 1+. I$ t%o rocesses %hich shares same s&stem memor& and s&stem cloc3 in a distrib"ted s&stem1 What is it called? 1-. What is the state o$ the rocessor1 %hen a rocess is %aitin, $or some event to occ"r? 1/. What do &o" mean b& deadloc3? 20. E4 lain the di$$erence bet%een micro3ernel and macro 3ernel. 21. Five an e4am le o$ micro3ernel. 22. When %o"ld &o" choose bottom " methodolo,&? 2!. When %o"ld &o" choose to do%n methodolo,&?


2#. Write a small dc shell scri t to $ind n"mber o$ DD in the desi,n. 2'. Wh& a,in, is "sed ? 2(. Which is the best a,e re lacement al,orithm and Wh&? :o% m"ch time is s ent "s"all& in each hases and %h&? 2+. .i$$erence bet%een 2rimar& stora,e and secondar& stora,e? 2-. What is m"lti tas3in,1 m"lti ro,rammin,1 m"lti threadin,? 2/. .i$$erence bet%een m"lti threadin, and m"lti tas3in,? !0. What is so$t%are li$e c&cle? !1. .emand a,in,1 a,e $a"lts1 re lacement al,orithms1 thrashin,1 etc. !2. E4 lain abo"t a,ed se,mentation and se,ment a,in, !!. While r"nnin, .OS on a 2C1 %hich command %o"ld be "sed to d" licate the entire dis3ette?


=ICCO2COCESSOC QUESTIONS Fo U 1. Which t& e o$ architect"re -0-' has? 2. :o% man& memor& locations can be addressed b& a micro rocessor %ith 1# address lines? !. -0-' is ho% man& bit micro rocessor? #. Wh& is data b"s bi-directional? '. What is the $"nction o$ acc"m"lator? (. What is $la,1 b"s? +. What are tri-state devices and %h& the& are essential in a b"s oriented s&stem? -. Wh& are ro,ram co"nter and stac3 ointer 1(-bit re,isters? /. What does it mean b& embedded s&stem? 10. What are the di$$erent addressin, modes in -0-'? 11. What is the di$$erence bet%een =OK and =KI? 12. What are the $"nctions o$ CI=1 SI=1 IN? 1!. What is the immediate addressin, mode? 1#. What are the di$$erent $la,s in -0-'? 1'. What ha ens d"rin, .=9 trans$er? 1(. What do &o" mean b& %ait state? What is its need? 1+. What is 2SW? 1-. What is 9;E? E4 lain the $"nctions o$ 9;E in -0-'. 1/. What is a ro,ram co"nter? What is its "se? 20. What is an interr" t? 21. Which line %ill be activated %hen an o"t "t device re5"ire attention $rom C2U?


E;ECTCONICS QUESTIONS Fo U 1. What is meant b& .-DD? 2. What is the basic di$$erence bet%een ;atches and Dli $lo s? !. What is a m"lti le4er? #. :o% can &o" convert an SC Dli -$lo to a JN Dli -$lo ? '. :o% can &o" convert an JN Dli -$lo to a . Dli -$lo ? (. What is Cace-aro"nd roblem? :o% can &o" recti$& it? +. Which semicond"ctor device is "sed as a volta,e re,"lator and %h&? -. What do &o" mean b& an ideal volta,e so"rce? /. What do &o" mean b& <ener brea3do%n and avalanche brea3do%n? 10. What are the di$$erent t& es o$ $ilters? 11. What is the need o$ $ilterin, ideal res onse o$ $ilters and act"al res onse o$ $ilters? 12. What is sam lin, theorem? 1!. What is im "lse res onse? 1#. E4 lain the advanta,es and disadvanta,es o$ DIC $ilters com ared to IIC co"nter arts. 1'. What is C=CC? E4 lain brie$l&. 1(. What do &o" mean b& hal$-d" le4 and $"ll-d" le4 comm"nication? E4 lain brie$l&. 1+. Which ran,e o$ si,nals are "sed $or terrestrial transmission? 1-. What is the need $or mod"lation? 1/. Which t& e o$ mod"lation is "sed in TK transmission? 20. Wh& %e "se vesti,ial side band )KSI-C!D* transmission $or ict"re? 21. When transmittin, di,ital si,nals is it necessar& to transmit some harmonics in addition to $"ndamental $re5"enc&?


22. Dor as&nchrono"s transmission1 is it necessar& to s" l& some s&nchroni<in, "lses additionall& or to s" l& or to s" l& start and sto bit? 2!. I2DSN is more e$$icient than IDSN in resence o$ noise. Wh&? 2#. What is meant b& re-em hasis and de-em hasis? 2'. What do &o" mean b& ! dI c"to$$ $re5"enc&? Wh& is it ! dI1 not 1 dI? 2(. What do &o" mean b& 9SCII1 EIC.IC?



What are the di$$erent t& es o$ 8oins? E4 lain normali<ation %ith e4am les. What c"rsor t& e do &o" "se to retrieve m"lti le recordsets? .i$$rence bet%een a G%hereG cla"se and a Ghavin,G cla"se What is the di$$erence bet%een G roced"reG and G$"nctionG? :o% %ill &o" co & the str"ct"re o$ a table %itho"t co &in, the data? :o% to $ind o"t the database name $rom SQ;H2;US command rom t? Tadeo$$s %ith havin, inde4es Tal3 abo"t GE4ce tion :andlin,G in 2;@SQ;? What is the di$erence bet%een GNU;; in CG and GNU;; in Oracle?G What is 2roHC? What is OCI? Five some e4am les o$ 9nal&tical $"nctions. What is the di$$erence bet%een GtranslateG and Gre laceG? What is .MN9=IC SQ; method #? :o% to remove d" licate records $rom a table? What is the "se o$ 9N9;MOin, the tables? :o% to r"n SQ; scri t $rom a Uni4 Shell? What is a GtransactionG? Wh& are the& necessar&? E4 lain Normali<ationa dn .enormali<ation %ith e4am les. When do &o" ,et contraint violtaion? What are the t& es o$ constraints? :o% to convert C9W datat& e into TEPT? .i$$erence - 2rimar& Ne& and 9,,re,ate Ne& :o% $"nctional de endenc& is related to database table desi,n? What is a Gtri,,erG?

Wh& can a G,ro" b&G or Gorder b&G cla"se be e4 ensive to rocess? What are G:INTSG? What is Ginde4 coverin,G o$ a 5"er&? What is a KIEW? :o% to ,et scri t $or a vie%? What are the ;ar,e ob8ect t& es s" orted b& Oracle? What is SQ;H;oader? .i$$erence bet%een GK9CC:9CG and GK9CC:9C2G datat& es. What is the di$$erence amon, Gdro in, a tableG1 Gtr"ncatin, a tableG and Gdeletin, all recordsG $rom a table. .i$$erence bet%een GOC9C;EG and G=ICCOSODT 9CCESSG databases. :o% to create a database lin3 ?


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