Submitted by Arjun Kumar Singh Roll No: BBA-5th Semester 2011-2014
Submitted by Arjun Kumar Singh Roll No: BBA-5th Semester 2011-2014
Submitted by Arjun Kumar Singh Roll No: BBA-5th Semester 2011-2014
Submitted in p !ti " #u"#i""ment $# t%e !e&ui!ement' #$! t%e ( !d $# t%e de)!ee $#
This is to certify that the work prese te! i the pro"ect e tit#e! 7A Stud+ $n emp"$+ee' t! inin) nd de8e"$pment in HCL, C% ndi) !%9 i the partia# f$#fi##%e t of the re&$ire%e t for the awar! of !e'ree of 7 * :%e"$! $# *u'ine'' Admini't! ti$n9( - C C$""e)e $# En)inee!in) nd In#$!m ti$n Te:%n$"$)+, is a a$the tic work carrie! o$t $ !er %y s$per)isio a ! '$i!a ce* To the +est of k ow#e!'e( the co te t of this pro"ect !oes ot for% a +asis for the awar! of %y pre)io$s !e'ree to a yo e e#se*
D te
M!; -;*; Sin)% Dep !tment $# m n )ement *i!" In'titute O# Te:%n$"$)+ N$id <U;P=
D!; S;L Gupt A: demi: :$/$!din t$! *i!" in'titute $# te:%n$"$)+ N$id
Act as yo$ speak( speak as yo$ fee#( !o ot p#ay fa#se to yo$r co scie ce* I a% pri)i#e'e! to ha)e s$ccessf$##y co%p#ete! %y pro"ect report o e%p#oyee,s trai i ' - !e)e#op%e t at HCL Cha !i'arh* I a% )ery tha kf$# to e)eryo e who a## s$pporte! %e( for I ha)e co%p#ete! %y pro"ect effecti)e#y a ! %oreo)er o ti%e* I a% e&$a##y e.pressi ' %y se se of 'ratit$!e to M!; -;*; Sin)%, Fac$#ty BIT( Cha !i'arh for his estee%e! '$i!a ce a ! i spiratio s to he#p %e to %ake a s$ccessf$# co%p#ete pro"ect work*
De:" ! ti$n Ce!ti#i: te Ce!ti#i: te $# App!$8 " A:>n$("ed)ement E@e:uti8e Summ !+ P )e n$; C% pte! 3. Int!$du:ti$n 33
<3;3=Int!$du:ti$n t$ t%e 'tud+
31/3A 34
C% pte! 4. D t
30/10 1B/1C
/0 /1
The st$!y o e%p#oyee,s trai i ' a ! !e)e#op%e t at HCL is +ase! o se)era# trai i ' a ! !e)e#op%e t pro'ra%%es which he#ps to i%pro)e ski##s( or a!! to the e.isti ' #e)e# of k ow#e!'e so that e%p#oyee is +etter e&$ippe! to !o his prese t "o+( or to prepare hi% for a hi'her positio with i crease! respo si+i#ities* E)ery or'a i2atio ee!s to ha)e we## trai e! a ! e.perie ce! peop#e to perfor% the acti)ities that ha)e to +e !o e* If c$rre t or pote tia# "o+ occ$pa ts ca %eet these re&$ire%e ts( trai i ' is ot i%porta t* 3he this ot the case( it is ecessary to raise the ski##s #e)e#s a ! i crease the )ersati#ity a ! a!apta+i#ity of e%p#oyees* It is +ei ' i creasi ' co%%o for i !i)i!$a# to cha 'e careers se)era# ti%es !$ri ' their worki ' #i)es* The pro+a+i#ity of a y yo$ ' perso #ear i ' a "o+ to!ay a ! ha)i ' those ski##s 'o +asica##y $ cha 'e! !$ri ' the forty or so years if his career is e.tre%e#y $ #ike#y( %ay +e e)e i%possi+#e* I a rapi! cha 'i ' society e%p#oyees trai i ' is ot
o #y a acti)ity that a or'a i2atio %$st co%%it reso$rces to if it is to %ai tai a )ia+#e a ! k ow#e!'ea+#e work force*
Trai i ' +ei ' i !iffere t aspect #ikes i te'rati ' it with or'a i2atio a# c$#t$re* The +est a ! #atest a)ai#a+#e tre !s i trai i ' %etho!( the +e efits which we ca !eri)e o$t of it* How the e)a#$atio sho$#! +e !o e a ! how effecti)e is the trai i ' a## to'ether* So%e of the co%pa ies practici ' trai i ' i $ i&$e %a +est o$t of it* er a #esso for other to fo##ow as to how trai a ! retai the +est reso$rce i the wor#! to reap the
The o+"ecti)e of the st$!y is to %eas$re the effects of trai i ' a ! !e)e#op%e t o e%p#oyee,s* It he#ps i to e.a%i e the effecti)e ess of trai i ' i the o)era## !e)e#op%e t of ski## of workforce* The s$r)ey has +ee !o e thro$'h &$estio aire co sists of 10 &$estio which was fi##e! +y 40 e%p#oyees of HCL i*e* the sa%p#e si2e* The st$!y co c#$!es that trai i ' a ! !e)e#op%e t pro'ra%%es are the i here t part of the or'a i2atio +eca$se e)ery or'a i2atio ee!s to ha)e we## trai e! a ! e.perie ce! peop#e to perfor% the acti)ities that ha)e to +e !o e* B$t there are so%e #oopho#es i the process #ike o a)ai#a+i#ity of ski##e! trai er* I a o)era## the or'a i2atio is $si ' a## the esse tia# trai i ' a ! !e)e#op%e t pro'ra%%es*
3;3 Int!$du:ti$n t$ t%e 'tud+ E%p#oyee trai i ' %ea s to i%pro)e ski##s( or a!! to the e.isti ' #e)e# of k ow#e!'e so that e%p#oyee is +etter e&$ippe! to !o his prese t "o+( or to prepare hi% for a hi'her positio with i crease! respo si+i#ities* Trai i ' refers to the teachi ' 5#ear i ' acti)ities !o e for the pri%ary p$rpose of he#pi ' %e%+ers of a or'a i2atio to ac&$ire a ! app#y the k ow#e!'e ski##s( a+i#ities( a ! attit$!e ee!e! +y that or'a i2atio to ac&$ire a ! app#y the sa%e* Broa!#y speaki ' trai i ' is the act of i creasi ' the k ow#e!'e a ! ski## of a e%p#oyee for !oi ' a partic$#ar "o+* I to!ay,s sce ario cha 'e is the or!er of the !ay a ! the o #y way to !ea# with it is to #ear a ! 'row*
T! diti$n " App!$ :% 6 Most of the or'a i2atio s +efore e)er $se! to +e#ie)e i trai i '* They were ho#!i ' the tra!itio a# )iew that %a a'ers are +or a ! ot %a!e* There were a#so so%e )iews that trai i ' is a )ery cost#y affair a ! T%e m$de!n ot worth* Or'a i2atio s $se! to +e#ie)e %ore i$ti)e pi chi '* B$t ow the sce ario see%s to +e cha 'i '* pp!$ :% of trai i ' a ! !e)e#op%e t is that I !ia Or'a i2atio s ha)e rea#i2e! the i%porta ce of corporate trai i '* Trai i ' is ow co si!ere! as %ore of rete tio too# tha a cost* The trai i ' syste% i I !ia I !$stry has +ee cha 'e! to create a s%arter workforce a ! yie#! the +est res$#ts*
TRAINING DE6INED It is a #ear i ' process that i )o#)es the ac&$isitio of k ow#e!'e( sharpe i ' of ski##s( co cepts( r$#es( or cha 'i ' of attit$!es a ! +eha)io$rs to e ha ce the perfor%a ce of e%p#oyees* Trai i ' is a+o$t the ac&$isitio of k ow#e!'e( ski##s( a ! a+i#ities 78SA9 thro$'h professio a# !e)e#op%e t*
De)e#op%e t he#ps i opti%i2i ' the $ti#i2atio of h$%a reso$rce that f$rther he#ps the e%p#oyee to achie)e the or'a i2atio a# 'oa#s as we## as their i !i)i!$a# 'oa#s* De)e#op%e t of H$%a Reso$rces 6 Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t he#ps to pro)i!e a opport$ ity a ! +roa! str$ct$re for the !e)e#op%e t of h$%a reso$rces, tech ica# a ! +eha)iora# ski##s i a or'a i2atio * It a#so he#ps the e%p#oyees i attai i ' perso a# 'rowth* De)e#op%e t of ski##s of e%p#oyees 6 Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t he#ps i i creasi ' the "o+ k ow#e!'e a ! ski##s of e%p#oyees at each #e)e#* It he#ps to ! the hori2o s of h$%a i te##ect a ! a o)era## perso a#ity of the e%p#oyees :ro!$cti)ity 6 Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t he#ps i ter% 'oa#* i creasi ' the pro!$cti)ity of the E%p#oyee,s that he#ps the or'a i2atio f$rther to achie)e its #o ';
Tea% spirit 6 Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t he#ps i i c$#cati ' the se se of tea% work( tea% spirit( a ! i ter;tea% co##a+oratio s* It he#ps i i c$#cati ' the 2ea# to #ear withi the e%p#oyees* Or'a i2atio C$#t$re 6 Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t he#ps to !e)e#op a ! i%pro)e the or'a i2atio a# hea#th c$#t$re a ! effecti)e ess* It he#ps i creati ' the #ear i ' c$#t$re withi the or'a i2atio * <$a#ity 6 Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t he#ps i i%pro)i ' $po the &$a#ity of work a ! work;#ife* Hea#th a ! Safety 6 Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t he#ps i i%pro)i ' the hea#th a ! safety of the or'a i2atio o+so#esce ce* Mora#e 6 Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t he#ps i i%pro)i ' the %ora#e of the work force* I%a'e 6 Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t he#ps i corporate i%a'e* :rofita+i#ity 6 Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t #ea!s to i%pro)e! profita+i#ity a ! %ore positi)e attit$!es towar!s profit orie tatio * Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t ai!s i or'a i2atio a# !e)e#op%e t i*e* Or'a i2atio po#icies* Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t he#ps i !e)e#opi ' #ea!ership ski##s( %oti)atio ( #oya#ty( +etter attit$!es( a ! other aspects that s$ccessf$# workers a ! %a a'ers $s$a##y !isp#ay* 'ets %ore effecti)e !ecisio %aki ' a ! pro+#e% so#)i '* It he#ps i $ !ersta !i ' a ! carryi ' o$t or'a i2atio a# creati ' a +etter th$s pre)e ti '
a s$+ syste% of the or'a i2atio * The Syste% Approach )iews trai i ' as a s$+ syste% of a or'a i2atio * Syste% Approach ca the se&$e tia# sta'es i +e $se! to e.a%i e +roa! iss$es #ike o+"ecti)es( f$ ctio s( a ! ai%* It esta+#ishes a #o'ica# re#atio ship +etwee the process of trai i ' ee! a a#ysis 7TNA9( for%$#ati '( !e#i)eri '( a ! e)a#$ati '* There are = ecessary i p$ts i*e* tech o#o'y( %a ( %ateria#( ti%e re&$ire! i e)ery syste% to pro!$ce pro!$cts or ser)ices* A ! e)ery syste% %$st ha)e so%e o$tp$t fro% these i p$ts i or!er to s$r)i)e* The o$tp$t ca +e ta 'i+#e or i ta 'i+#e !epe !i ' $po the or'a i2atio ,s re&$ire%e t* A syste% approach to trai i ' is p#a e! creatio of trai i ' pro'ra%* This e! +asis* approach $ses step;+y;step proce!$res to so#)e the pro+#e%s* U !er syste%atic approach( trai i ' is $ !ertake o p#a
There are three +asic types of i p$ts> I* II* III* Ski##s Attit$!e 8 ow#e!'e*
The pri%ary p$rpose of trai i ' is to esta+#ishi ' a so$ ! re#atio ship is at its +est whe the workers attit$!e to the "o+ is ri'ht( whe the workers
k ow#e!'e of the "o+ is a!e&$ate( a ! he has !e)e#ope! the ecessary ski##s* Trai i ' acti)ities i a i !$stria# or'a i2atio are ai%e! at %aki ' !esire! %o!ificatio s i ski##s( attit$!es a ! k ow#e!'e of e%p#oyee so that they perfor% their "o+s %ost efficie t#y a ! effecti)e#y*
NE? PLANT OR EDUIPMENT E)e the %ost e.perie ce! operator has e)erythi ' to #ear whe a co%p$ter a ! e#ectro ic co tro#s rep#ace the pre)io$s %a $a# a ! e#ectro;%echa ica# syste% o the process p#a t o which he works* There is o #ess a trai i ' re&$ire%e t for the s$per)isors a ! process %a a'e%e t( as we## as for tech ica# ser)ice pro!$ctio co tro# a ! others* NE? PROCEDURES Mai #y for those who work i offices i co%%ercia# a !
a!%i istrati)e f$ ctio s +$t a#so for those who we workp#ace is o the shop f#oor or o process p#a t o a y occasio o which there is a %o!ificatio to e.isti ' paperwork or proce!$re for( say the with!rawa# of %ateria#s fro% stores( the co tro# of c$sto%er cre!it the appro)a# of se c#ai%s( there ee!s to +e i str$ctio o the cha 'e i the way of worki ' i %a y i sta ces( a ote +ri 'i ' the atte tio of a## co cer e! the cha 'e is ass$%e to +e s$fficie t( +$t there are cases( s$ch as whe tota# ew syste%s i corporati ' IT $p !ates are i sta##e!( whe %ore thoro$'h trai i ' is ee!e!* THE MAINTENANCE O6 MANAGEMENT S-ILLS & STANDARDS Ski##s i are see s$per)isi '( e%p#oyee appraisa#( co%%$ icatio s( to +e critica# to %a"or !e)e#op%e ts i co%pa y
#ea!ership etc are i%porta t i a## co%pa ies* So%e of these ski##s or'a i2atio ( c$#t$re( e%p#oyee e%power%e t a ! so o * I itia# trai i ' i these ski##s is ot $ co%%o i the #ar'est co%pa ies o appoi t%e t i to %a a'e%e t a ! s$per)isio * B$t co ti $o$s
trai i ' a ! perfor%a ce %o itori ' is rare( !espite the co%%o k ow#e!'e that sta !ar!s are as )arie! as h$%a RETIREMENT AND REDUNDANCY E%p#oyees of a y positio i the co%pa y who are hea!i ' at$re*
towar!s retire%e t wi## +e efit fro% #ear i ' a+o$t hea#th( socia# #ife( work opport$ ities %o ey %a a'e%e t etc* I ter a# or e.ter a# co$rses are +est atte !e! a year or two +efore retire%e t !ate( i a few co%pa ies a %e%+er of :erso co$ se#or as re&$ire!* *ENE6ITS O6 TRAINING E%p#oyees a ! the or'a i2atio co tri+$tio ee! to rea#i2e the i%porta ce of a ! #ear i ' for %$t$a# 'rowth a ! !e)e#op%e t* e# wi## act as a
Trai i ' is the a swer to !ea# with sta' atio sta'e +y co sta t#y $p!ati ' it i e)ery fie#!* Other +e efits of trai i ' i c#$!e? Hiri ' appea#? co%pa ies that pro)i!e trai i ' attract a +etter &$a#ity 3orkforce* Assessi ' a ! a!!ressi ' a y perfor%a ce !eficie cy* E ha ci ' workforce f#e.i+i#ity* Cross;c$#t$ra# trai i ' is esse tia# for +etter a!"$st%e t i the ew e )iro %e t* I creasi ' co%%it%e t? Trai i ' acts as a #oya#ty +ooster* E%p#oyee %oti)atio is a#so e ha ce! whe the e%p#oyee k ows that the or'a i2atio wo$#! pro)i!e the% opport$ ities to i crease their ski##s a ! k ow#e!'e* It 'i)es the or'a i2atio a co%petiti)e e!'e +y keepi ' a+reast of the #atest cha 'es> it acts as a cata#yst for cha 'e* Hi'her c$sto%er satisfactio a ! #ower s$pport cost res$#ts thro$'h i%pro)e! ser)ice( i crease! pro!$cti)ity a ! 'reater s$fficie cy*
Trai i ' acts as +e ch%ark for hiri ' pro%oti ' a ! career p#a It acts as a rete tio opport$ ities for 'rowth a)ai#a+#e i a or'a i2atio *
i '*
%a a'e%e t a ! +y trai i ' offices at the co c#$sio of trai i ' a ! !$ri ' the !ays or weeks afterwar!s* These e.pressio s i c#$!e )a#i!atio ( e)a#$atio ( fo##ow;$p a ! i%p#e%e tatio ( as we## as cost +e efit( which ha)e appeare! i %ore rece t years* 3e are i tereste! i a## of these a ! ha)e a#rea!y tack#e! o e of the( i%p#e%e tatio ( a ! we start +y 'i)i ' o$r !efi itio s i or!er to esta+#ish a c#earer pict$re of what each is( a ! how they re#ate to each other* E)a#$atio of trai i '( or( i !ee! of a ythi '( co sists si%p#y of p$tti ' a )a#$e to it* To e)a#$ate trai i ' %ea s $ !ertaki ' a search for the effect that it has ha! o the peop#e a ! the sit$atio s( which it i f#$e ces( a ! the tryi ' to %eas$re or esti%ate whether this is a!)a ta'eo$s or !isa!)a ta'eo$s*
LECTURES F A Met%$d $# T! inin) It is o e of the o#!est %etho!s of trai i '* This %etho! is $se! to create $ !ersta !i ' of a topic or to i f#$e ce +eha)ior( attit$!es thro$'h #ect$re* A #ect$re ca +e i pri te! or ora# for%* Lect$re is te##i ' so%eo e a+o$t so%ethi '* Lect$re is 'i)e to e ha ce the k ow#e!'e of #iste er or to 'i)e hi% the theoretica# aspect of a topic* * DISCUSSION TRAINING METHOD
This %etho! $ses a #ect$rer to pro)i!e the #ear ers with co te.t that is s$pporte!( E#a+orate!( e.p#ai s( or !e! o thro$'h i teractio s +oth a%o ' the trai ees a ! +etwee the trai er a ! the trai ees* The i teractio a ! the co%%$ icatio +etwee these two %ake it %$ch %ore effecti)e a ! powerf$# tha the #ect$re %etho!* If the Disc$ssio %etho! is $se! with proper se&$e ce i*e* #ect$res( fo##owe! +y !isc$ssio a ! &$estio i '( ca achie)e hi'her #e)e# k ow#e!'e o+"ecti)es( s$ch as pro+#e% so#)i ' a ! pri cip#e #ear i '*
The 'rowth of e#ectro ic tech o#o'y has create! a#ter ati)e trai i ' !e#i)ery syste%s* CBT !oes ot re&$ire face;to;face i teractio with a h$%a trai er* This %etho! is so )arie! i its app#icatio s that it is !iffic$#t to !escri+e i co cise ter%s*
Me tori ' is a o 'oi ' re#atio ship that is !e)e#ope! +etwee a se ior a ! "$ ior e%p#oyee* Me tori ' pro)i!es '$i!a ce a ! c#ear $ !ersta !i ' of how the or'a i2atio 'oes to achie)e its )isio a ! %issio to the "$ ior e%p#oyee*
Me tori ' foc$s o attit$!e !e)e#op%e t* Co !$cte! for %a a'e%e t;#e)e# e%p#oyees* Me tori ' is !o e +y so%eo e i si!e the co%pa y* It is o e;to;o e i teractio * It he#ps i i!e tifyi ' weak esses a ! foc$s o the area that ee!s i%pro)e%e t*
So%e of the %a"or +e efits of "o+ rotatio are? It pro)i!es the e%p#oyees with opport$ ities to +roa!e !epart%e ts( +$si ess $ its( f$ ctio s( a ! co$ tries* I!e tificatio of 8 ow#e!'e( ski##s( a ! attit$!es 78SAs9 re&$ire!* It !eter%i es the areas where i%pro)e%e t is re&$ire!* the
T! inin) E8 "u ti$n The process of e.a%i i ' a trai i ' pro'ra% is ca##e! trai i ' e)a#$atio * Trai i ' e)a#$atio checks whether trai i ' has ha! the !esire! effect* Trai i ' e)a#$atio work ro$ti es* e s$res that whether ca !i!ates are a+#e to i%p#e%e t their #ear i ' i their respecti)e workp#aces( or to the re'$#ar
:$rposes of Trai i ' E)a#$atio The fi)e %ai p$rposes of trai i ' e)a#$atio are? Fee!+ack? It he#ps i 'i)i ' fee!+ack to the ca !i!ates +y !efi i ' the o+"ecti)es a ! #i ki ' it to #ear i ' o$tco%es* Research? It he#ps i ascertai i ' the re#atio ship +etwee ac&$ire!
C$nt !$". It he#ps i co tro##i ' the trai i ' pro'ra% +eca$se if the trai i ' is ot
effecti)e( the it ca +e !ea#t with accor!i '#y*
:ower 'a%es? At ti%es( the top %a a'e%e t 7hi'her a$thoritati)e e%p#oyee9 $ses
the e)a#$ati)e !ata to %a ip$#ate it for their ow +e efits*
Inte!8enti$n? It he#ps i !eter%i i ' that whether the act$a# o$tco%es are a#i' e!
with the e.pecte! o$tco%es**
of their
i p$ts which e a+#e the participa ts to 'ai ski##s( #ear theoretica# co cepts a ! he#p ac&$ire )isio to #ook i to !ista t f$t$re* I a!!itio to these( there is a ee! to i%part ethica# orie tatio ( e%phasi2e o
attit$!i a# cha 'es a ! stress $po !ecisio %aki ' a ! pro+#e% so#)i ' a+i#ities*The sta'es i trai i ' a ! !e)e#op%e t process are 'oi ' to +e i!e tifie! with a specific foc$s o !iffere t trai i ' a ! !e)e#op%e t %etho!s a ! co si!eratio of its a!)a ta'es a ! !isa!)a ta'es Accor!i ' to Casse a ! Ba aha 7C00D9( the !iffere t approaches to trai i ' a ! !e)e#op%e t ee! to +e e.p#ore!* It has co%e to their atte tio +y their ow preferre! %o!e# a ! thro$'h e.perie ce with #ar'e Or'a i2atio s* The c$rre t tra!itio a# trai i ' co ti $o$s#y faci ' the cha##e 'es i the se#ectio of the e%p#oyees( i %ai tai i ' the $ certai ty re#ate! to the p$rpose a ! i i tro!$ci ' ew tactics for the e )iro %e t of work a ! +y reco' i2i ' this( they a!)isi ' o a## the pro+#e%s( which reiterates the re&$ire%e t for f#e.i+#e approach* Accor!i ' to Da)e port 7C00E9( %e tio e! i his rece t st$!ies that it,s easy to i%p#e%e t strate'y with the i ter et s$pporte! software* so%e of the Trai i ' theories ca +e effecti)e i%%e!iate#y o the f$t$re of the ski## a ! !e)e#op%e ts* The Fco te tG a ! the FaccessG are the act$a# factors for the process* It is a represe tatio itse#f +y the Access o %ai aspect what is effecti)e to the a!opte! practice i trai i ' !e)e#op%e t* As per the rece t theories to access the k ow#e!'e is cha 'i ' fro% s$+sta tia# i the tra!itio a# to !e#i)er the k ow#e!'e for the )irt$a# for%s to $se the ew %ea i ' of i for%atio with e#ectro ic #ear i ' $se*
There is a s$r)ey co fir%atio for $si ' c#assroo% to !e#i)er the trai i ' wo$#! !rop !ra%atica##y(7Meister(C0019* A %a a'er is that what the other %e%+ers of the or'a i2atio wa ts the% to +e +eca$se it is a )ery pop$#ar tre ! of !e)e#op%e t trai i ' for the %a a'ers i the trai i ' for the %a a'e%e t 7A !ersso ( C00H( L$o( C00C9* Most of the %a a'ers see%s to re"ect a %a a'eria# perso a#ity i s$pport of the other tr$th for the%se#)es 7Costas a ! F#e%i '( C00I9* fi a##y( the #iterat$re o trai i ' a ! !e)e#op%e t $se as a %oti)atio a ! rete tio too# is 'oi ' to +e re)iewe!( %oreo)er( trai i ' a ! !e)e#op%e t o i ter atio a# sca#e a ! its possi+#e iss$es are 'oi ' to +e !isc$sse!* to s$% $p( a co c#$sio s$%%ari2i ' a## fi !i 's is 'oi ' to +e !raw * *
C% pte! 4. D t
D 3; H$( m n+ t! inin) p!$)! mme' did +$u ttend in " 't $ne +e !G
C= 1E E =
=H /C 1C H
6i)u!e 3 The a+o)e chart i !icates that =HK of e%p#oyee,s ha)e atte !e! #ess tha 10 trai i ' pro'ra%%es whereas /C K of e%p#oyee,s ha)e atte !e! 10;C0 trai i ' pro'ra%%es( it %ea s i e)ery %o th there was 1 trai i ' pro'ra%%e atte !e! i the or'a i2atio i #ast o e year*
D1;Y$u! O!) niH ti$n :$n'ide!' t! inin) ' p !t $# $!) niH ti$n " St! te)+; D$ +$u )!ee (it% t%i' 't tementG
C/ 1= 10 /
=E CH C0 E
6i)u!e 1 The a+o)e 'raph i !icates that D=K of e%p#oyee,s are a'ree! that trai i ' is a part of or'a i2atio a# strate'y*
D A; T$ (%$m t%e t! inin) i' )i8en m$!e in +$u! $!) niH ti$nG
Se ior staff7Hi'her #e)e# %a a'ers9 L$ ior staff7Mi!!#e #i e %a a'ers9 New staff Base! o re&$ire%e t
4 10 10 C4
10 C0 C0 40
6i)u!e A
The a+o)e 'raph i !icates that 40K of e%p#oyees fe#t that trai i ' is 'i)e %ost#y o the +asis of re&$ire%e t whereas( C0K of e%p#oyees fe#t that it is 'i)e to "$ ior a ! ew staffs*
D 4; ?% t i' t%e m$'t imp$!t nt b !!ie! t$ T! inin) nd De8e"$pment P!$)! mme in +$u! $!) niH ti$nG
10 H 1C C0
C0 1E C= =0
6i)u!e 4 The a+o)e 'raph i !icates that =0 K of e%p#oyees fe#t that( %ost i%porta t +arrier to Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t i the or'a i2atio is No ;a)ai#a+i#ity of ski##e! trai ers whereas( ti%e a ! #ack of i terest +y the trai ees are a#so a +arrier to T-D pro'ra%%e*
D0; ?% t m$de $# t! inin) met%$d i' n$!m ""+ u'ed in +$u! O!) niH ti$nG
Lo+ rotatio E.ter a# trai i ' Co fere ce5!isc$ssio :ro'ra%%e! i str$ctio Others
D 1/ 10 1H C
1= CE C0 /E =
6i)u!e 0 The a+o)e 'raph i !icates that /EK of e%p#oyee,s fe#t that pro'ra%%e! i str$ctio is %ost#y $se! i the or'a i2atio whereas( e.ter a# trai i ' a ! co fere ce5!isc$ssio s are a#so $se! i the or'a i2atio * It %ea s that these / pro'ra%%es are %ost#y $se! +y the or'a i2atio *
DB; ?% t t+pe $# t! inin) i' bein) imp !ted #$! ne( !e:!uitment' in +$u! $!) niH ti$nG
Tech ica# trai i ' Ma a'e%e t trai i ' :rese tatio ski## I !$ctio trai i ' Others
14 I 10 1C =
/0 1H C0 C= H
6i)u!e B
The a+o)e 'raph i !icates that /0K of e%p#oyees fe#t that tech ica# trai i ' is the %ost i%porta t trai i ' which is +ei ' i%parte! for ew recr$it%e ts i the or'a i2atio (it %ea s that the or'a i2atio is i sisti ' %ore o tech ica# trai i '*
CH = 1C E
4E H C= 1C
6i)u!e I
The a+o)e pie chart shows that 4EK of e%p#oyees fe#t that ti%e !$ratio for a trai i ' pro'ra%%e is s$fficie t whereas C=K of e%p#oyee,s fe#t that (it sho$#! +e shorte e!*
DJ; C$mment $n t%e de)!ee t$ (%i:% t%e t! inin) $b,e:ti8e !e met du!in) t%e t! inin) 'e''i$n'G
A## the o+"ecti)es are %et So%e o+"ecti)es are %et Met accor!i ' to the ee! No e of the o+"ecti)es are %et
/0 D 10 /
E0 1= C0 E
6i)u!e J The a+o)e 'raph i !icates that E0K of e%p#oyees fe#t that a## the o+"ecti)es are %et !$ri ' trai i ' sessio s* It %ea s trai i ' sessio s are r$ i ' s$ccessf$##y i the or'a i2atio *
DC; D$e' t%e t! inin) p!$)! mme %e"p in +$u! : !ee! d8 n:ementG
C/ 1I E C
=E /H 1C =
6i)u!e C The a+o)e 'raph shows that H=K of e%p#oyee,s are a'ree! that trai i ' pro'ra%%es he#ps i their career a!)a ce%e t*It %ea s trai i ' pro'ra%%es are he#pf$# i career a!)a ce%e t a#so*
C0 14 1C
=0 /0 C=
6i)u!e 32 The a+o)e 'raph i !icates that =0K of e%p#oyees fe#t that the or'a i2atio takes #ess tha 1 %o th to i%p#e%e t the trai e! process*
The fi !i 's of the st$!y re)ea#s that HCL has a wi!e ra 'e of trai i ' - !e)e#op%e t pro'ra%%es which he#ps the e%p#oyees to !e)e#op their ski##s a ! 'i)e the sta !ar! perfor%a ce* HCL a#so 'i)es rewar!s a ! pro%otio s o a re'$#ar +asis so(that the e%p#oyee,s ca achie)e their perso a# 'oa# as we## as or'a i2atio a# 'oa#* So%e of the i%porta t trai i ' pro'ra%%es are !isc$sse! +e#ow?
INDUCTION TRAINING Loi i ' a ew co%pa y is a#ways stressf$#* HCL +e#ie)es that it is the "o+ of the co%pa y to %i i%i2e this stress a ! %ake it a e "oya+#e e.perie ce* To this e ! HCL or'a i2es I !$ctio :ro'ra%%es at C !iffere t sta'es of a e%p#oyeeMs 3ork Life HCL has a ha#f !ay I !$ctio o the first !ay of "oi i ' to e a+#e the ew e%p#oyees to 'et a o)er)iew of HCL as a co%pa y( Str$ct$re a ! Li es of B$si ess a ! to i tro!$ce the% to other ew "oi ers a ! %ake the% fee# 3e#co%e i to the or'a i2atio *
HCL a#so or'a i2es a C !ay offsite I !$ctio pro'ra%%e a co$p#e of %o ths i to a e%p#oyeeMs career with HCL * This acts as a %ore i for%ati)e i !$ctio pro'ra%%e for ew "oi ers( a ! a#so as a refresher for e.isti ' staff* The pro'ra%%e co)ers a o)er)iew of HCL strate'y a ! %arketp#ace propositio a ! its Core Co%pete cies* The C !ay pro'ra%%e is !e#i)ere! is a opport$ ity to 'ai i for%atio ( %eet peers a ! HANE SOME FUNOOO *UDDYING The HCL ABON MB$!!yM Syste% is !esi' e! to he#p ew e%p#oyees to ha)e as s%ooth a tra sitio i to HCL ABON as possi+#e +y pro)i!i ' ha !s;o practica# a ! e%otio a#
s$pport !$ri ' their first / %o ths o a pro"ect* It he#ps to pro)i!e the e%p#oyees with a se se of +e#o 'i '( %ake the% co%forta+#e with their 3ork Life a ! ai%s to e co$ra'e Tea% work a ! Loya#ty* It 'i)es co s$#ta ts the opport$ ity to +e !irecte! to peop#e who ca he#p with +asic ee!s as we## as a## :ro"ect re#ate! ee!s* PER6ORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT A key part of the :erfor%a ce Ma a'e%e t a ! De)e#op%e t process is the a##ocatio of a De)e#op%e t Ma a'er for each HCL e%p#oyee* HCL offers a :erfor%a ce %a a'e%e t syste% that is foc$se! o !e)e#opi ' each e%p#oyee to his or her pote tia#( for the +e efit of the i !i)i!$a#( c#ie ts a ! HCL as a who#e* The !e)e#op%e t is the acco$ ta+i#ity of the i !i)i!$a#( s$pporte! a ! assiste! +y the or'a i2atio * The :erfor%a ce Re)iew process is the opport$ ity for co s$#ta ts to 'et a fee!+ack o their perfor%a ce as we## as 'i)e a fee!+ack to their :ro"ect Ma a'ers o what they are e "oyi ' a ! what they co$#! !o to co tri+$te %ore or what HCL co$#! !o to he#p s$pport the% i their e !ea)o$r to %a.i%i2e pote tia# PROMOTION AND *ONUS HCL has a 'ra!i ' syste% that is precise a ! !efi e!* There is a c#ear )isi+i#ity of yo$r Career path withi the or'a i2atio a ! the De)e#op%e t Ma a'ers assist yo$ at e)ery re)iew to %o)e towar!s pro%otio to the e.t Le)e#* A## ro#es ha)e a c#ear !efi itio with re'ar! to the Core Ski##s( HCL U !ersta !i ' a ! Na#$es to 'i)e a c#ear pict$re of how o eMs career is hea!i ' a ! the aspects co si!ere! for :ro%otio a ! Bo $s* HCL AEON A: dem+ HCL ABON Aca!e%y is the a%e 'i)e to the str$ct$re! Trai i ' a ! De)e#op%e t sessio s a)ai#a+#e to a## HCL ABON E%p#oyees across a## Li es of B$si ess( Aro$p a ! B$si ess S$pport* HCL ABON Aca!e%y e)e ts are a %i.t$re of i ter a##y a ! e.ter a##y co !$cte! e)e ts* E%p#oyees are 'i)e a optio to choose fro% a wi!e ra 'e of pro'ra%%es which wo$#! e ha ce their Tech ica# ski##s a ! a#so other Ma a'eria# a ! Soft ski##s*
HCL COMNET Bei ' a peop#e;ce tric or'a i2atio ( it %akes i%perati)e for HCL to !e)e#op practices that he#p faci#itate the c$#t$re of 'rowth a ! !e)e#op%e t here* ThatMs why their HR po#icy is +$i#t aro$ ! EDAE 7E%p#oyee De)e#op%e t Arowth a ! E%power%e t9* EDAE is a pro'ra% ai%e! towar!s %aki ' Co% et a PLear i ' Or'a i2atio P( a or'a i2atio where 'rowth is %eas$re! ot "$st +y profits +$t a#so as the sy er'etic 'rowth of each o e of its e%p#oyees* The co cept of the #ear i ' or'a i2atio has +ee !e)e#ope! with a /;pro ' o+"ecti)e i %i !( of creati ' )a#$e( retai i ' )a#$e a ! !e#i)eri ' )a#$e for the i ter a# c$sto%er( the e.ter a# c$sto%er a ! the or'a i2atio as a who#e CATALYST PROGRAMS 8ey Acco$ t Ma a'e%e t 3orkshops 78AM9 are co !$cte! at re'$#ar i ter)a#s i )o#)i ' sa#es - %arketi ' tea%s* The 8AM trai i ' e.p#ores ew approaches i !e)e#opi ' a ! #ea!i ' acco$ ts a ! i c$sto%er se siti)ity Assess%e t Ce ters ha)e +ee !esi' e! to e s$re hi'h professio a# ski## #e)e#s a ! to i c$#cate the !esire! +eha)ior of e%p#oyees* The assess%e t ce ters are carrie! o$t at a## #e)e#s a ! f$ ctio s withi the or'a i2atio * This a#so 'reat#y he#ps $s to a#i' the e%p#oyee,s !e)e#op%e t o+"ecti)es to the or'a i2atio /E0Q appraisa#s? HCL has s$ccessf$##y carrie! o$t /E0Q appraisa#s to he#p faci#itate perso a# a ! or'a i2atio a# 'rowth* Mappe! Career path? At HCL( the +e#ief that career is a path a ! ot a !esti atio is the phi#osophy +ehi ! cha#ki ' o$t the career path for each of o$r fe##ow e%p#oyees* Be it a #atera# %o)e( or )ertica# 'rowth( a## !ecisio s are take keepi ' i %i ! the i terest of the i !i)i!$a# Awar!s? :erfor%ers i HCL 'et the a $a# awar!s for their co tri+$tio to Co% etMs 'rowth* Awar! types i c#$!e Na#$e Creators( Be ch%ark( E$reka a ! :i ac#e Awar! I !$ctio ? A e.te si)e o e;%o th i !$ctio pro'ra% is co !$cte! to +ri ' a y ew recr$it $p to pace with the c$#t$re( work ethics a ! tech e )iro %e t of the or'a i2atio
L$n) Se!8i:e A( !d The Lo ' Ser)ice Awar! reco' i2es a e%p#oyee,s co tri+$tio towar!s the co%pa y* It is a appreciatio of the part p#aye! +y the e%p#oyee i the "o$r ey of HCL* The Lo ' Ser)ice Awar! is 'i)e to e%p#oyees o co%p#etio of 4 years( 10 years( 14 years( C0 years( C4 years a ! /0 years of ser)ice with HCL* E%p#oyees are awar!e! with trophies a ! reco' itio #etters fro% CEO a ! chair%a * The or'a i2atio fo##ows a effecti)e trai i ' process a ! the trai i ' is %ost#y 'i)e to those e%p#oyee,s who ee! it* B$t the %ost i%porta t +arrier for the trai i ' process is o ;a)ai#a+i#ity of ski##e! trai er* As the work#oa! is %$ch o e%p#oyee,s therefore #ess atte tio is 'i)e to trai i ' sessio s +y the e%p#oyee,s*
B;1 C$n:"u'i$n
The st$!y co c#$!es that( a so#i! e%p#oyee;!e)e#op%e t pro'ra% ca %ea the !iffere ce +etwee a s$ccessf$# co%pa y a ! o e that str$''#es* I !ee!( the co%pa yMs cha ces for 'rowth are c#ose#y a#i' e! with its co%%it%e t towar!
fosteri ' e%p#oyee !e)e#op%e t* More a ! %ore workers are #ooki ' for e%p#oyers who ca he#p the% i crease their k ow#e!'e a ! ski##s* ItMs o #o 'er e o$'h to offer a co )e tio a# +e efits packa'e* Co%pa ies that wa t to attract ;; a ! retai ;; )a#$a+#e peop#e o staff ee! to acti)e#y participate i their e%p#oyeesM 'rowth a ! !e)e#op%e t* ItMs rewar!i ' for e%p#oyees to ! their k ow#e!'e +ase a ! take o ew cha##e 'es( as it %akes co%i ' to work a+o$t %ore tha "$st a paycheck*
:airi ' ewer( #ess e.perie ce! e%p#oyees with %ore e.perie ce! e%p#oyees is a 'reat way for peop#e to #ear fro% o e a other* Me tors ca ser)e as a so$ !i ' +oar! for yo$ 'er e%p#oyees( a ! ca pro)i!e "o+ coachi '( a!)ice o career !e)e#op%e t( a ! i tro!$ctio s to other professio a#s i the i !$stry* Me tors ofte he#p their char'es to see the P+i''er pict$reP whe it co%es to their worki ' #ife* A !( at the sa%e ti%e( %e tors the%se#)es ca 'ai )a#$a+#e i si'ht fro% their protR'Rs a ! +eco%e +etter %a a'ers* I )esti ' i the e%p#oyeesM co ti $i ' e!$catio !e%o strates that the co%pa y )a#$es its peop#e a ! wa ts the% to 'row* E)e after a i !i)i!$a# "oi s a or'a i2atio a ! the Pho ey%oo P perio! has passe!( co%pa ies sho$#! co ti $e to pro)i!e trai i ' o a o 'oi ' +asis for a y ski##s that %ay +e perti e t to the e%p#oyeeMs "o+* E%p#oyees appreciate "o+ sec$rity( +$t i or!er to 'row professio a##y( peop#e wa t a ! ee! ew respo si+i#ities* Ai)i ' the e%p#oyees opport$ ities to 'row withi the co%pa y #ets the% k ow that they )a#$e their past co tri+$tio s a ! ha)e faith i their a+i#ities to take o 'reater cha##e 'es* Let peop#e k ow whe ew positio s are a)ai#a+#e i the co%pa y +efore ope i ' $p those "o+s to o$tsi!e app#ica ts( a ! +e s$re to 'i)e first co si!eratio to i ;ho$se ca !i!ates* Ofte ( e%p#oyees wa t to %ake s$''estio s a+o$t the way thi 's are !o e +$t !o Mt ha)e a way to )oice their i!eas* De)e#op a %etho! that %akes it easier for staffers to share their creati)e i!eas or s$''estio s with top %a a'e%e t*
H$%a reso$rce %a a'e%e t 7C*B*A$pta9 H$%a reso$rce %a a'e%e t 7Stphe s :* Ro+i s9 E%p#oyee,s trai i ' - !e)e#op%e%t 7Neo Ray%o ! A*9
3= H$( m n+ t! inin) p!$)! mme' did +$u ttend in +e !G
1= Y$u! $!) niH ti$n :$n'ide!' t! inin) ' D$ +$u )!ee (it% t%i' 't tementG
A= T$ (%$m t%e t! inin) i' )i8en m$!e in +$u! $!) niH ti$nG
Seni$! 't ## <Hi)%e! "e8e" m n )e!'= 5uni$! 't ## <Midd"e "ine m n )e!'= Ne( 't ## * 'ed $n !e&ui!ement
4= ?% t i' t%e m$'t imp$!t nt b !!ie! t$ t! inin) nd de8e"$pment p!$)! mme in +$u! $!) niH ti$nG
Time M$ne+ L :> $# inte!e't b+ t%e t! inee' N$n 8 i" bi"it+ $# '>i""ed t! ine! 0= ?% t m$de $# t! inin) met%$d i' n$!m ""+ u'ed in +$u! $!) niH ti$nG
C$n#e!en:eKDi':u''i$n P!$)! mmed in't!u:ti$n Ot%e!' B= ?% t t+pe $# t! inin) i' bein) imp !ted #$! ne( !e:!uitment' in +$u! $!) niH ti$nG
Te:%ni: " t! inin) M n )ement t! inin) P!e'ent ti$n '>i"" Indu:ti$n t! inin) Ot%e!'
Su##i:ient T$ be e@tended T$ be '%$!tened M n )e b"e J= C$mment $n t%e de)!ee t$ (%i:% t%e t! inin) $b,e:ti8e !e met du!in) t%e t! inin) 'e''i$n'G
A"" t%e $b,e:ti8e' !e met S$me $b,e:ti8e' !e met Met ::$!din) t$ t%e need N$ne $# t%e $b,e:ti8e' !e met
C= D$e' t%e t! inin) p!$)! mme %e"p in +$u! : !ee! d8 n:ementG St!$n)"+ )!ee A)!ee Neut! " Di' )!ee
32= H$( "$n) (i"" it t >e t$ imp"ement t%e t! ined p!$:e''G Le'' t% n 3 m$nt% 3/1 m$nt%' 1/4 m$nt%' M$!e t% n 4 m$nt%'