Mine Foreman Study Guide
Mine Foreman Study Guide
Mine Foreman Study Guide
Underground Mine Foreman Certification
This guide was developed by the Utah Labor Commission.
The CFR References throughout this guide are current as of 2010.
Tables of Contents
Mine Gases
Methane 6
Carbon Monoxide 7
Carbon Dioxide 9
Hydrogen Sulfide 10
Hydrogen 12
Sulfur Dioxide 13
Nitrogen Dioxide 14
Nitrogen 15
Oxygen 16
Acetylene 17
Properties of Air 20
Types of Coal 21
Properties of Mine Gases 22
Code of Federal Regulations Part 75 23
Questions and Review 26
Fires and Explosions
Historical Mine Disasters 30
Fire Classification 31
Mining Terms for Explosive Mixtures 34
Code of Federal Regulations Part 75 36
Questions and Review 48
Purpose and challenges of mine ventilation 52
Code of Federal Regulations - Main Mine Fans 54
Winter Alert Program 61
Math Formulas 63
Mine Map Symbols 64
Ventilating Mine Maps 68
Basic Mine Ventilation - MSHAs Illustration 76
Code of Federal Regulations Part 75 Subpart D 105
Questions and Review 134
First Aid
MSHA Safety Manual First Aid 138
Code of Federal Regulations Part 75 157
Questions and Review 161
Mine Law
Federal Mine Safety & Health Act of 1977 164
Code of Federal Regulations Part 50 200
Code of Federal Regulations Part 75 205
Utah State Code 241
Questions and Review 254
Mine Rescue
Mine Rescue and Emergency Response 258
Successful Mine Rescues 259
Code of Federal Regulations Part 49 260
Escapeways and Refuge Areas 269
Questions and Review 271
HazCom & Occupational Noise
Code of Federal Regulations Part 47 275
Code of Federal Regulations Part 62 289
Questions and Review 301
Blasting and Explosives
Coal Blasting 304
Definitions of Blasting Terms 306
Code of Federal Regulations Part 75 Subpart N 308
Questions and Review 321
Instruments and Definitions
Instruments 324
Definitions of Coal Mining Terms 334
Questions and Review 362
1. Methane
2. Carbon Monoxide
3. Carbon Dioxide
4. Hydrogen Sulphide
5. Hydrogen
6. Sulfur Dioxide
7. Nitrogen Dioxide
8. Nitrogen
9. Oxygen
10. Acetylene
11. Properties of Air
12. Types of Coal
13. Properties of Mine Gases
14. Code of Federal Regulations Part 75
15. Questions and Review
Methane is a colorless, odorless, flammable gas. It is lighter than air, having a specific
gravity of 0.554 and is often found near the mine roof (ceiling of the mine opening). It is
only slightly soluble in water. It burns readily in air, forming carbon dioxide and water
vapour; the flame is pale, slightly luminous, and very hot. The boiling point of methane is -
162.0 C (-259.6 F) and the melting point is -182.5 C (-296.5 F). Methane in general is
very stable, but mixtures of methane and air are explosive. Explosions of such mixtures
have been frequent in coal mines and collieries and have been the cause of many mine
disasters. The most volatile explosion of methane and air mixture occurs when methane
content is at 10 percent.
When mixed with air, methane is explosive in concentrations between approximately 5%
and 15%. Liquid methane does not burn unless subjected to high pressure.
Potential health effects
Methane is not toxic; however, it is highly flammable and may form explosive mixtures
with air. High concentrations of the gas in closed spaces, may reduce the oxygen
percentage in air and cause suffocation. Asphyxia may result if the oxygen concentration
is reduced to below 19.5% by displacement.
Facts About Methane
Methane gas occurs naturally in all coal mines, trapped in pores within the coal
bed. It is released as the coal is broken up during the mining process. The amount
of methane liberated by the coal depends on the geologic age and type of coal and
the depth of the coal deposit. Natural gas used in household furnaces is composed
mostly of methane.
Methane can be detected with hand-held or stationary instruments. Checks for
methane are made by certified persons at regular intervals before and during the
time while people are working underground.
Federal safety standards mandate that, when 1.0 percent or more methane is
present in a working place or an intake air course, electrically powered equipment
in the affected area shall be de-energized, and other mechanized equipment shall
be shut off.
A flammable mixture of methane and air can be ignited by electric arcs and sparks,
open flames or by the heat of friction between the cutting bits of mining equipment
and the mine rock immediately above or below the coal.
Coal Mines and Methane
Methane emissions in working mines arise at two key stages:
(1) Methane is released as a direct result of the physical process of coal extraction. In
many modern underground mines, the coal is extracted through longwall mining. Longwall
mining, as with other sub-surface techniques, releases methane previously trapped within
the coal seam into the air supply of the mine as layers of the coal face are removed, thus
creating a potential safety hazard.
(2) Methane emissions arise from the collapse of the surrounding rock strata after a
section of the coal seam has been mined and the artificial roof and wall supports are
removed as mining progresses to another section. The debris resulting from the collapse
is known as gob and also releases methane or gob gas into the mine.
Carbon monoxide
Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas, which is highly toxic to
humans and animals. It is produced from the incomplete combustion or explosion of
substances containing carbon such as coal, natural gas or gasoline. Large quantities of
CO are generated during mine fires or explosions.
Carbon monoxide is slightly lighter than air. It is flammable and explosive in mixtures with
air in concentrations between 12.5 and 74%. It is toxic because it blocks the ability of the
hemoglobin in the blood to carry oxygen from the lungs to the muscles and other tissue in
the human body.
Coal Mines and Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide may be present in the afterdamp of a gas- or coal-dust explosion, or in
the gases given off by a mine fire; also one of the gases produced by blasting. It is an
important constituent of illuminating gas, supports combustion, and is very poisonous.
Carbon monoxide (sometimes referred to as "white damp") is the most dangerous gas to
be dealt with in a mine. Unlike carbon dioxide, which as the levels increase the density
makes it sink, carbon monoxide is lighter than air and subsequently more deadly because
of it. It can be caused by explosions either from fire damp or coal dust (thus being an
integral part of after damp). In addition to being toxic, it is also very inflammable.
The NIOSH recommended exposure limit (REL) for CO is 35 ppm, measured as a time-
weighted average (TWA) for up to a 10-hour workday during a 40-hour work week. The
ceiling concentration (not to be exceeded during any part of the workday) is 200 ppm. CO
in concentrations of 500 ppm or 0.05% can be fatal in 3 hours. Higher concentrations can
lead to coma and death in minutes. Carbon monoxide is known as a silent killer.
Carbon monoxide can be detected by hand-held sensors. Stationary sensors may also be
installed at strategic points in mine airways.
Effects on Life
Carbon monoxide is so dangerous to humans because it is so readily absorbed by the
bloodeven more than just oxygen. Making it worse, the body is slow to "give it up,"
making treatment that much more difficult. Also, because the body continues to absorb
the gas (death comes at 80% saturation), even low levels can build up in the body
causing death. It is at about 0.02% that one begins feeling the effectsin this case,
"slight giddiness, headache and breathlessness" If the level gets as high as 0.2%, death
will take place in one to two hours. The amount of time before a fatality (from there on
up), is dependent not only on the percentage of carbon monoxide, but the amount of
exertion by the person.
Because, unlike carbon dioxide, flames won't extinguish or die down in the presence of
carbon monoxide, one of the chief tests was done by bringing small animals, usually birds
(the proverbial "canary in a coal mine") and mice. They would succumb much sooner than
a full grown man or even a boy.
Symptoms Associated With a Given Concentration of CO Over Time
Time Symptoms
35 8 hours Maximum exposure allowed by OSHA in the workplace over an eight hour period.
200 2-3
Mild headache, fatigue, nausea and dizziness.
400 1-2
Serious headache-other symptoms intensify. Life threatening after 3 hours.
800 45 min Dizziness, nausea and convulsions. Unconscious within 2 hours. Death within 2-3
1600 20 min Headache, dizziness and nausea. Death within 1 hour.
3200 5-10 min Headache, dizziness and nausea. Death within 1 hour.
6400 1-2 min Headache, dizziness and nausea. Death within 25-30 minutes.
12,800 1-3 min Death
Carbon Dioxide
At room temperature, carbon dioxide takes the form of an odorless, colorless gas which
is incombustible in normal conditions. Carbon dioxide can be forced into a solid form, in
which case it is known as dry ice, and the gas is toxic to animals in high concentrations.
People who inhale too much carbon dioxide essentially suffocate, ultimately falling into
unconsciousness as their oxygen saturation level drops.
Carbon dioxide is a trace gas being only 0.038% of the atmosphere. It is produced
through decomposition of organic materials as well as through respiration and
combustion. It is also generated as a by-product of the combustion of fossil fuels or the
burning of vegetable matter, among other chemical processes.
Coal Mines and Carbon Dioxide
Besides being a part of both after damp and black damp, as noted above, carbon dioxide
levels increase due to human and (in some cases, particularly in the past) animal
respiration. Other sources include burning of candles or torches (less common since
electricity came to mining), explosions, chemical reactions with certain rocks/minerals,
even the decay of timber. One of the key tasks of a mine ventilation system is to get rid of
carbon dioxide (hardly the most deadly, but the one most apt to build up in the day to day
operation of a mine).
While not combustible or poisonous, by itself, levels of 18% can kill, 25% quickly. If it is
combined with a corresponding drop in the percentage of oxygen, those numbers can
drop to 9% and 10%, respectively. Levels as low as 3% can make breathing more
difficult, symptoms worsening as the percentage rises.
Effects on Life
While carbon dioxide does contribute to maintaining human health by maintaining the pH
balance of blood, it can lead to suffocation when the concentration is too high.
is toxic in higher concentrations: 1% (10,000 ppm) will make some people feel
drowsy. When inhaled at concentrations much higher than usual atmospheric levels, it
can produce a sour taste in the mouth and a stinging sensation in the nose and throat.
Concentrations of 7% to 10% cause dizziness, headache, visual and hearing dysfunction,
and unconsciousness within a few minutes to an hour.
Hydrogen Sulfide
Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, highly toxic and flammable gas. Being heavier than air,
it tends to accumulate at the bottom of poorly ventilated spaces. It smells like rotten eggs
and is sometimes called hydrosulfuric acid, stink gas or sewer gas. Although very
pungent at first, it quickly deadens the sense of smell, so potential victims may be
unaware of its presence until it is too late.
0.0047 ppm is the recognition threshold, the concentration at which 50% of
humans can detect the characteristic odor of hydrogen sulfide
Less than 10 ppm has an exposure limit of 8 hours per day.
1020 ppm is the borderline concentration for eye irritation.
50100 ppm leads to eye damage.
At 150250 ppm the olfactory nerve is paralyzed after a few inhalations, and the
sense of smell disappears, often together with awareness of danger,
320530 ppm leads to pulmonary edema with the possibility of death.
5301000 ppm causes strong stimulation of the central nervous system and rapid
breathing, leading to loss of breathing;
o 800 ppm is the lethal concentration for 50% of humans for 5 minutes
Concentrations over 1000 ppm cause immediate collapse with loss of breathing,
even after inhalation of a single breath.
Health Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide
H2S is classed as a chemical asphyxiant, similar to carbon monoxide and cyanide
gases. It inhibits cellular respiration and uptake of oxygen, causing biochemical
suffocation. Typical exposure symptoms include:
0 - 10 ppm Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat
10 - 50 ppm
Nausea and vomiting
Coughing and breathing difficulty
50 - 200 ppm
Severe respiratory tract irritation
Eye irritation / acute conjunctivitis
Death in severe cases
Prolonged exposures at lower levels can lead to bronchitis, pneumonia, migraine
headaches, pulmonary edema, and loss of motor coordination.
Should a co-worker ever be overcome by H2S gas, do not attempt a rescue until you are
properly protected yourself. The rescuer can very easily get caught out by venturing into a
confined space without adequate protection. Remember that at levels above 200 ppm,
collapse, coma and death due to respiratory failure can occur within seconds after only a
few inhalations so you can be overcome yourself very quickly. Such incidents are sadly all
too common and only serve to make the rescue effort twice as difficult.
Coal Mines and Hydrogen Sulfide
Hydrogen Sulfide, also known as "stink damp," the gas is caused by the decomposition of
iron pyrites in a mine due to the dampness or presence of water. While considerably more
deadly than carbon monoxide (and inflammable), amounts of this gas are usually only
trace. Another thing in favor of the miners is that the gas has a foul, disagreeable odor
(like rotten eggs) which serves as a usually adequate warning.
Like carbon dioxide, it is heavier than air and sinks. Animals could also be used to test for
it by placing them near the floor of the mine (1% could cause death rather quickly and as
little as 0.07%, over time, could also kill) but the smell and relative nonabundance of the
gas make it less of a concern than the others.
While proper ventilation and methods to test for gases have come a long way since they
actually used animals to test, the danger of gas buildup in a coal mine is a constant and
important concern. Awareness of the potential problem and knowledge of the safety
procedures are an important part of keeping men alive who spend so much of their lives
digging underground for coal.
Hydrogen is the lightest element. It is by far the most abundant element in the
universe and makes up about about 90% of the universe by weight. Hydrogen
as water (H
O) is absolutely essential to life and it is present in all organic
compounds. Hydrogen is the lightest gas. Hydrogen gas was used in lighter-
than-air balloons for transport but is far too dangerous because of the fire
risk. It burns in air to form only water as waste product and if hydrogen could
be made on sufficient scale from other than fossil fuels then there might be a
possibility of a hydrogen economy.
Table: basic information about and classifications of hydrogen.
Name: Hydrogen
Symbol: H
Atomic number: 1
Atomic weight: 1.00794 (7)
Standard state: gas at 298 K
CAS Registry ID: 1333-74-0
Group in periodic table: 1
Group name: (none)
Period in periodic table: 1
Block in periodic table: s-block
Color: colorless
Classification: Non-metallic
Hydrogen gas is highly flammable and will burn in air at a very wide range of
concentrations between 4% and 75% by volume. The enthalpy of combustion for
hydrogen is 286 kJ/mol: 2 H
(g) + O
(g) 2 H
O(l) + 572 kJ (286 kJ/mol)
Hydrogen gas forms explosive mixtures with air in the concentration range 4-74%
(volume per cent of hydrogen in air) and with chlorine in the range 5-95%. The mixtures
spontaneously detonate by spark, heat or sunlight. The hydrogen autoignition
temperature, the temperature of spontaneous ignition in air, is 500 C (932 F). Pure
hydrogen-oxygen flames emit ultraviolet light and are nearly invisible to the naked eye.
The detection of a burning hydrogen leak may require a flame detector; such leaks can be
very dangerous. The destruction of the Hindenburg airship was an infamous example of
hydrogen combustion; the cause is debated, but the visible flames were the result of
combustible materials in the ship's skin. Because hydrogen is buoyant in air, hydrogen
flames tend to ascend rapidly and cause less damage than hydrocarbon fires.
reacts with every oxidizing element. Hydrogen can react spontaneously and violently
at room temperature with chlorine and fluorine to form the corresponding hydrogen
halides, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride, which are also potentially dangerous
Safety and precautions
Hydrogen poses a number of hazards to human safety, from potential detonations and
fires when mixed with air to being an asphyxant in its pure, oxygen-free form. In addition,
liquid hydrogen is a cryogen and presents dangers (such as frostbite) associated with
very cold liquids. Hydrogen dissolves in many metals, and, in addition to leaking out, may
have adverse effects on them, such as hydrogen embrittlement, leading to cracks and
explosions. Hydrogen gas leaking into external air may spontaneously ignite. Moreover,
hydrogen fire, while being extremely hot, is almost invisible, and thus can lead to
accidental burns.
Even interpreting the hydrogen data (including safety data) is confounded by a number of
phenomena. Many physical and chemical properties of hydrogen depend on the
parahydrogen/orthohydrogen ratio (it often takes days or weeks at a given temperature to
reach the equilibrium ratio, for which the data is usually given). Hydrogen detonation
parameters, such as critical detonation pressure and temperature, strongly depend on the
container geometry.
Sulfur Dioxide
Sulfur dioxide (also sulphur dioxide) is a heavy, colorless, poisonous gas with a
pungent odor, familiar as the smell of a just-struck match. It is a liquid when under
pressure, and it dissolves in water very easily. Since coal and petroleum often contain
sulfur compounds, their combustion generates sulfur dioxide. Further oxidation of SO
usually in the presence of a catalyst such as NO
, forms H
, and thus acid rain.
Large quantities of sulfur dioxide are formed in the combustion of sulfur-containing fuels.
Effects on Life
Sulfur dioxide is toxic in large amounts and can be life threatening. Exposure to 100 ppm
is considered immediately dangerous to human life and health. Burning of the nose and
throat, breathing difficulties, and severe airway obstructions occurred in miners who
breathed Sulfur Dioxide released as a result of exposure. Sulfur dioxide blocks nerve
signals from the pulmonary stretch receptors (PSR's). Inhaling sulfur dioxide has been
associated with increased respiratory symptoms and disease and premature death.
Sources: Combustion of fuel containing sulfur -- mostly coal and oil. Also produced
during metal smelting and other industrial processes.
Nitrogen Dioxide
Nitrogen Dioxide is a reddish-orange brown, gas with a characteristic sharp, biting
odor and it is toxic. It is produced when fossil fuels (like gasoline or diesel) are burned. It
dissolves in water with reaction to give a mixture of nitric acid and nitrous acid.
Exposure to Nitrogen dioxide
People are exposed to NO2 by breathing in the gas from the air. The levels of NO2 are
usually higher outdoors than indoors. The operation of gas or diesel engines in enclosed
areas can result in a build up of dangerous levels of NO2 in the air.
When energy sources burn fuel incompletely, there is the risk of NO2 being produced.
Gases produced by electric arc welding may also contain dangerous levels of nitrogen
dioxide. Traces of NO2 can be found in tobacco smoke.
Effect on Life
Nitrogen dioxide is toxic by inhalation, but this could be avoided as the material is acrid
and easily detected by our sense of smell.
Low concentrations (4 ppm) will anesthetize the nose, thus creating a potential for
overexposure. Breathing low levels of nitrogen dioxide can cause a slight cough, mild
fatigue, and nausea. Eye, nose, and throat irritation are also common symptoms.
High concentrations of NO
can cause severe coughing, choking, headache, nausea,
abdominal pain, and shortness of breath. If the exposure is severe, symptoms may
continue after the exposure has ended, causing difficulty breathing for weeks.
Long-term exposure to NO
at concentrations above 40 100 g/m
causes adverse
health effects.
Nitrogen dioxide is a pulmonary irritant affecting primarily the upper respiratory system.
Individuals with asthma, respiratory disorders and lung diseases are more sensitive to the
effects of NO2. Healthy individuals exposed to concentrations of NO
from 0.7 to 5.0 ppm
for 10-15 minutes have developed abnormalities in pulmonary airway resistance. At
higher concentrations it can irritate the lungs, cause bronchitis and pneumonia and lower
resistance to respiratory infections.
Health problems caused by nitrogen dioxide can either be acute, which occur immediately
or within a few days of exposure, or they can be chronic, which are long-term health
effects that might not show up for many years
Nitrogen makes up the major portion of the earths atmosphere, accounting for 78.08%
of the air by volume. Nitrogen gas is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, nontoxic and almost
totally inert gas. It is nonflammable and it will not support combustion. Nitrogen gas is
slightly lighter than air and slightly soluble in water.
Nitrogen condenses at its boiling point, -195.8
C (-320.4
F), turning into a colorless
liquid that is lighter than water. It will freeze at 210 C; (346 F.)
Uses of Nitrogen
It is commonly thought of and used as an inert gas; but it is not truly inert. It forms nitric
oxide and nitrogen dioxide with oxygen, ammonia with hydrogen, and nitrogen sulfide with
sulfur. It is used to shield potentially reactive materials from contact with oxygen
Liquid nitrogen is valued for coldness as well as inertness. When liquid nitrogen is
vaporized and warmed to ambient temperature, it absorbs a large quantity of heat. The
inert properties of nitrogen make it a good blanketing gas in many applications. Nitrogen
blanketing is used to protect flammable or explosive solids and liquids from contact with
air. When working with liquid nitrogen, proper ventilation is very important.
Nitrogen is principally shipped and used in either gaseous or liquid form. When
appropriately insulated from ambient heat, liquid nitrogen can be stored and transported,
for example in vacuum flasks. Depending on the size and design, the holding time of
vacuum flasks ranges from a few hours to a few weeks.
Effect on Life
When inhaled at high partial pressures nitrogen begins to act as an anesthetic agent. It
can cause nitrogen narcosis, a temporary semi-anesthetized state of mental impairment
similar to that caused by nitrous oxide.
Direct skin contact with liquid nitrogen will eventually cause severe frostbite. This may
happen almost instantly on contact, depending on the form of liquid nitrogen.
As liquid nitrogen evaporates it will reduce the oxygen concentration in the air and might
act as an asphyxiant, especially in confined spaces. Nitrogen may produce asphyxia
without any sensation or prior warning.
Vessels containing liquid nitrogen can condense oxygen from air. The liquid in such a
vessel becomes increasingly enriched in oxygen as the nitrogen evaporates, and can
cause violent oxidation of organic material.
Oxygen is a colorless odorless tasteless gas. Atmospheric oxygen is of vital importance
for all aerobic organisms. It is used in high-temperature flames and in breathing
apparatus. Oxygen occurs in the free state as a gas, and makes up approximately 21% of
the air we breathe.
A colorless gas, without smell or taste,
Is slightly heavier than air,
Is sparingly soluble in water,
Is difficult to liquefy, boiling point -183 C, and the liquid is pale blue in color and is
appreciably magnetic. At still lower temperatures, light-blue solid oxygen is
obtained, which has a melting point of -218.4 C
Oxygen is essential for life and it takes part in processes of combustion, its biological
functions in respiration make it important.
Oxygen is sparingly soluble in water, but the small quantity of dissolved oxygen in is
essential to the life of fish.
Oxygen gas is used with hydrogen or coal gas in blowpipes and with acetylene in the oxy-
acetylene torch for welding and cutting metals.
Liquid oxygen mixed with powdered charcoal has been used as an explosive.
Combustion and other hazards
Highly concentrated sources of oxygen promote rapid combustion. Fire and explosion
hazards exist when concentrated oxidants and fuels are brought into close proximity;
however, an ignition event, such as heat or a spark, is needed to trigger combustion.
Concentrated O
will allow combustion to proceed rapidly and energetically. Steel pipes
and storage vessels used to store and transmit both gaseous and liquid oxygen will act as
a fuel; and therefore the design and manufacture of O
systems requires special training
to ensure that ignition sources are minimized.
Liquid oxygen spills, if allowed to soak into organic matter, such as wood, petrochemicals,
and asphalt can cause these materials to detonate unpredictably on subsequent
mechanical impact. As with other cryogenic liquids, on contact with the human body it
can cause burns to the skin and the eyes.
Acetylene Gas also called ethyne. is a hydrocarbon consisting of two carbon atoms and
two hydrogen atoms. It is a colorless, highly flammable, explosive gas with a garlic-like
Acetylene has the highest flame temperature of any common hydrocarbon because of its
triple-bond structure H-C=C-H. Combustion with oxygen achieves a flame temperature of
5580 F (3087 C), releasing 1470 BTUs per cubic foot. Its high flame temperature allows
it to be used in a variety of metal working applications like cutting, welding, brazing, and
Safety and handling
When acetylene is liquefied, compressed, heated, or mixed with air, it becomes highly
explosive. As a result special precautions are required during its production and handling.
Acetylene is not especially toxic but when generated from calcium carbide it can contain
toxic impurities such as traces of phosphine and arsine. It is also highly flammable (hence
its use in welding). Its singular hazard is associated with its intrinsic instability; samples of
concentrated or pure acetylene will explosively decompose. Acetylene can explode with
extreme violence if the pressure of the gas exceeds about 200 kPa (29 psi) as a gas or
when in liquid or solid form.
It is therefore shipped and stored dissolved in acetone or dimethylformamide (DMF),
contained in a metal cylinder with a porous filling, which renders it safe to transport and
use, given proper handling.
MSHA Safety Hazard Information
Special Hazards of Acetylene
Acetylene is the most common gas used for fueling cutting torches in both general
industry and the mining industry. When mixed with pure oxygen in a cutting torch
assembly, an acetylene flame can theoretically reach over 5700F. Users of this type of
equipment are generally familiar with the fire hazards associated hot flames and the
production of hot slag. However, many users may not be aware of the unique
characteristics of acetylene itself that create special hazards compared to other fuel
Chemical Composition: An acetylene molecule is composed of two carbon atoms and two
hydrogen atoms. The two carbon atoms are held together by what is known as a triple
carbon bond. This bond is useful in that it stores substantial energy that can be released
as heat during combustion. However, the triple carbon bond is unstable, making
acetylene gas very sensitive to conditions such as excess pressure, excess temperature,
static electricity, or mechanical shock.
Storage: Because of acetylene's unstable nature, it must be stored under special
conditions. This is accomplished by dissolving the acetylene in liquid acetone. The liquid
acetone is then stored in the acetylene cylinder, which in turn, is filled with a porous
(sponge-like) cementitious material.
When exposed to excess temperature, pressure, or mechanical shock, pure or less than
pure acetylene gas can undergo a violent, explosive decomposition reaction. Additionally,
if this reaction, or an ignition of acetylene occurs within the torch base or supply hose, it
can propagate back into the storage cylinder causing it to explode violently.
Flammable range: Acetylene has a very wide range of flammability. The lower flammable
limit (LFL) is typically listed as 2.5% and the upper flammable limit (UFL) is listed as 81%.
Although acetylene will not undergo combustion at concentrations above the UFL, it can
undergo an explosive decomposition reaction, even at concentrations of 100%.
Acetylene gas is ignitable over a wide range of concentrations.
Ease of ignition: Acetylene is a very easy gas to ignite. In fact, the energy from a static
spark capable of igniting acetylene is lower than for any other fuel gas except hydrogen.
The ignition energy of acetylene in air is approximately seventeen times lower than that of
methane. The static charge developed by walking across a carpet floor on a dry day can
be 1700 times greater than that needed to ignite acetylene. When mixed with pure
oxygen, the ignition energy of acetylene is almost 100 times lower than it is in air.
When unburned acetylene gas is discharged from a torch, static electricity can be
generated at the torch tip. If the tip comes in contact with a ground path, a static spark
capable of igniting the acetylene can occur.
Rate of combustion reaction: Because of its simple chemical make up and sensitive triple
bond, acetylene burns at a very fast rate. This very fast burning rate can accelerate the
rate at which pressure is generated in an explosion beyond what would occur for other
fuels. This, in turn, can make acetylene explosions more violent than for other fuels.
Because of the very fast reaction rate of burning acetylene, it is not generally possible to
design an enclosure to safely vent the explosive pressures. Furthermore, because of the
ease of ignition of acetylene, premature ignition is very possible.
Air is a mixture of gases and aerosols that composes the atmosphere surrounding Earth.
The primary gases of air include nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). Trace gases and
aerosols make up the remaining 1% of air. The trace gases include the noble gases
argon, neon, helium, krypton and xenon; hydrogen; and the greenhouse gases. The
aerosols are solid or liquid particles having diameters in the region of 0.001 to 10 microns
(millionth of a metre), and include dust, soot, sea salt crystals, spores, bacteria, viruses
and a plethora of other microscopic particles, which may be natural or man-made.
Besides "air," which is made up of primarily/approximately 78% nitrogen and 21%
oxygen, there are four main gases that concern workers in a coal mine. They are carbon
dioxide (CO
), carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH
), and hydrogen sulfide (H
S). The
levels and combinations of these gases along with the level of oxygen or "air" determine
the danger and what they are known as.
What gases make up air?
Nitrogen - 78.09 %
Oxygen - 20.95%
Argon - .93%
Carbon Dioxide - .03%.
Neon - .0018%
Helium - .0005%
Krypton - .0001%
Hydrogen - .0005%
Xenon - .000008%
Ozone - .000002%
Radon - Traces
Coal is a combustible rock formed from the remains of decayed vegetation. It is the only
rock containing significant amounts of elemental carbon. The composition of coal varies
between 60% and 95% carbon. Coal also contains hydrogen and oxygen, with small
concentrations of nitrogen, chlorine, sulfur, and several metals. Coals are classified by the
amount of volatile material they contain, that is, by how much of the mass is vaporized
when the coal is heated to about 900C in the absence of air. Coal that contains more
than 15% volatile material is called bituminous coal. Substances released from
bituminous coal when it is distilled, in addition to methane, include water, carbon dioxide,
ammonia, benzene, toluene, naphthalene, and anthracene. The non-volatile component
of coal, which remains after distillation, is coke.
Types of Coal
Initially the peat is converted into lignite or 'brown coal' - these are coal-types with low
organic maturity. In comparison to other coals, lignite is quite soft and its color can range
from dark black to various shades of brown.
Over many more millions of years, the continuing effects of temperature and pressure
produces further change in the lignite, progressively increasing its organic maturity and
transforming it into the range known as 'sub-bituminous' coals.
Further chemical and physical changes occur until these coals became harder and
blacker, forming the 'bituminous' or 'hard coals'. Under the right conditions, the
progressive increase in the organic maturity can continue, finally forming anthracite.
In addition to carbon, coals contain hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and varying amounts of
sulphur. High-rank coals are high in carbon and therefore heat value, but low in hydrogen
and oxygen. Low-rank coals are low in carbon but high in hydrogen and oxygen content.
Different types of coal also have different uses.
21% Breathing easiest
17% Breathing faster and deeper
Dizziness, buzzing noise, rapid pulse, headache, blurred vision
9% May faint or become unconscious
Movement convulsive, breathing stops, shortly after heart stops
AT 600f
AND 30.00
Air 1.000 Supports .0765
Atmosphere None
Oxygen O2 1.105 Supports .0846
1.5 of
lamp O2
Methane CH4 .555 Yes .0424 Inert
gas, fire
1200OF Methanometer X X X
CO2 1.529 No .1170
in high
of coal
mine fires,
acid waters,
CO .967 Yes 0.0740 Poisonous
mine fires,
Nitrogen N2 .967 No .0740 Inert
About 4/5
of atmosphere
None Analysis X X X
H2S 1.191 Yes .0911 Poisonous
Explosions, mine
fires, blasting
acetate of lead
NO2 1.589 No .1217 Poisonous
By burning
of high
Starch &
blue with
of burning
NO2 1.503 No Poisonous
burning ex-
None Analysis
SO2 2.263 No .1733 Poisonous
By burning
or other
Hydrogen H2 .070 Yes .0053 Inert
mine fires,
935OF Analysis X X X
Acetylene C2H2 .907 Yes .0694
action of
water on
cal. Car-
bide lamps
636OF Odor X
Title 30
Code of Federal Regulation
30 CFR 75.150
Tests for methane and for oxygen deficiency; qualified person.
(a) The provisions of Subpart D--Ventilation of this part and 75.1106 require that
tests for methane and for oxygen deficiency be made by a qualified person. A person
is a qualified person for this purpose if he is a certified person under 75.100.
(b) Pending issuance of Federal standards, a person will be considered a qualified
person for testing for methane and for oxygen deficiency:
(1) If he has been qualified for this purpose by the State in which the coal mine is
located; or
(2) The Secretary may qualify persons for this purpose in a coal mine in which
persons are not qualified for this purpose by the State upon an application and a
satisfactory showing by the operator of the coal mine that each such person has been
trained and designated by the operator to test for methane and oxygen deficiency
and has made such tests for a period of 6 months immediately preceding the
application. Applications for Secretarial qualification should be submitted to the
Health and Safety Activity, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Certification and
Qualification Center, P.O. Box 25367, Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colo. 80225.
[35 FR 17890, Nov. 20, 1970, as amended at 43 FR 12320, Mar. 24, 1978]
30 CFR 75.151
Tests for methane; qualified person; additional requirement.
Notwithstanding the provisions of 75.150, on and after January 1, 1971, no person
shall be a qualified person for testing for methane unless he demonstrates to the
satisfaction of an authorized representative of the Secretary that he is qualified to
test for methane with a portable methane detector approved by the Bureau of Mines
or the Mine Safety and Health Administration under Part 22 of this chapter (Bureau of
Mines Schedule 8C).
30 CFR 75.321
Air quality.
(a) The air in areas where persons work or travel, except as specified in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section, shall contain at least 19.5 percent oxygen and not more than
0.5 percent carbon dioxide, and the volume and velocity of the air current in these
areas shall be sufficient to dilute, render harmless, and carry away flammable,
explosive, noxious, and harmful gases, dusts, smoke, and fumes.
(2) The air in areas of bleeder entries and worked-out areas where persons work or
travel shall contain at least 19.5 percent oxygen, and carbon dioxide levels shall not
exceed 0.5 percent time weighted average and 3.0 percent short term exposure
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of 75.322, for the purpose of preventing
explosions from gases other than methane, the following gases shall not be
permitted to accumulate in excess of the concentrations listed below:
(1) Carbon monoxide (CO)--2.5 percent
(2) Hydrogen (H(sub)2)--.80 percent
(3) Hydrogen sulfide (H(sub)2S)--.80 percent
(4) Acetylene (C(sub)2H(sub)2)--.40 percent
(5) Propane (C(sub)3H(sub)8)--.40 percent
(6) MAPP (methyl-acetylene-propylene-propodiene)--.30 percent
[61 FR 26442, May 28, 1996]
30 CFR 75.342
Methane monitors.
(a)(1) MSHA approved methane monitors shall be installed on all face cutting
machines, continuous miners, longwall face equipment, loading machines, and other
mechanized equipment used to extract or load coal within the working place.
(2) The sensing device for methane monitors on longwall shearing machines shall be
installed at the return air end of the longwall face. An additional sensing device also
shall be installed on the longwall shearing machine, downwind and as close to the
cutting head as practicable. An alternative location or locations for the sensing device
required on the longwall shearing machine may be approved in the ventilation plan.
(3) The sensing devices of methane monitors shall be installed as close to the
working face as practicable.
(4) Methane monitors shall be maintained in permissible and proper operating
condition and shall be calibrated with a known air-methane mixture at least once
every 31 days. To assure that methane monitors are properly maintained and
calibrated, the operator shall:
(i) Use persons properly trained in the maintenance, calibration, and permissibility of
methane monitors to calibrate and maintain the devices.
(ii) Maintain a record of all calibration tests of methane monitors. Records shall be
maintained in a secure book that is not susceptible to alteration or electronically in a
computer system so as to be secure and not susceptible to alteration.
(iii) Retain the record of calibration tests for 1 year from the date of the test. Records
shall be retained at a surface location at the mine and made available for inspection
by authorized representatives of the Secretary and the representative of miners.
(b)(1) When the methane concentration at any methane monitor reaches 1.0 percent
the monitor shall give a warning signal.
(2) The warning signal device of the methane monitor shall be visible to a person
who can deenergize electric equipment or shut down diesel-powered equipment on
which the monitor is mounted.
(c) The methane monitor shall automatically deenergize electric equipment or shut
down diesel-powered equipment on which it is mounted when--
(1) The methane concentration at any methane monitor reaches 2.0 percent; or
(2) The monitor is not operating properly.
[61 FR 9829, Mar.11, 1996, as amended at 61 FR 55527, Oct. 25, 1996]
Questions for Review
Q: What gases make up the air we breathe?
Q: What are the sources of methane in coal mines?
Q: What other gas must be present in order for methane to explode (when CH4 content is between
5% - 15%)
Q: What is the lowest level of Oxygen that will support life?
Q: Why are small quantities of Carbon Monoxide injurious?
Q: How is Carbon Dioxide formed in a coal mine?
Q: What four gases are required (by CFR Part 75) to be monitored?
Q: What element in air is essential for life?
Q: What is the explosive range for Hydrogen Sulfide?
Q: What is the most violent explosive point for methane?
Q: What are some of the uses of Nitrogen?
Q: What percentage of Nitrogen Dioxide will be fatal?
Q: Is Sulfur Dioxide combustible?
Q: Is Hydrogen explosive?
Q: What are some of the effects of breathing in Hydrogen Sulfide?
Q: What effect does Carbon Dioxide have upon life?
Q: At what level would someone begin to feel the effects of Carbon Monoxide exposure?
Q: Where would Hydrogen Sulfide tend to accumulate in a coal mine?
Q: What are some of the hazards posed to humans by Hydrogen?
Q: What are some of the effects of inhaling Sulfur Dioxide?
Q: How can you detect Nitrogen Dioxide?
1. Historical Mine Disasters
2. Fire Classifications
3. Mining Terms for Explosive Mixtures
4. Code of Federal Regulations Part 75
5. Questions and Review
Fires are a significant hazard to the safety and health of mine workers. Fires at
underground and surface mines place the lives and livelihood of our nations miners at
risk. Ventilation streams in underground mines can carry smoke and toxic combustion
products throughout the mine, making escape through miles of confined passageways
difficult and time consuming. A fire in an underground coal mine is especially hazardous
due to the unlimited fuel supply and the presence of flammable methane gas. The
greatest mine fire disaster in the US occurred at the Cherry Coal Mine, IL, in November
1909, where 259 miners perished. During 1990-2001, more than 975 reportable fires
occurred in the US mining industry, causing over 470 injuries, 6 fatalities, and the
temporary closing of several mines. Over 95 of the fires occurred in underground coal
mines. The leading causes of mine fires include flame cutting and welding operations,
friction, electrical shorts, mobile equipment malfunctions, and spontaneous combustion.
Several recent large coal mine fires have resulted in mine evacuations and temporary
sealing of the mines. The prevention, early and reliable detection, control, and
suppression of mine fires are critical elements in safeguarding the lives and livelihood of
over 230,000 mine workers.
Information for historical mine fires was obtained from the following publications/websites:
NIOSH Office of Mine Safety and Health Research
Coal Mining Disasters
(Incidents with 5 or more fatalities)
From 1980 - 2010
Date Mine Name City State Killed Product Type
11/07/1980 Ferrell No. 17 Uneeda WV 5 Coal Explosion
Mid-Continent Resources
Dutch Creek #1
Redstone CO 15 Coal Explosion
12/07/1981 Adkins Coal Mine #11 Kite KY 8 Coal Explosion
12/08/1981 Grundy Mining Co. Mine #21 Whitewell TN 13 Coal Explosion
01/20/1982 No. 1 Craynor KY 7 Coal Explosion
06/21/1983 McClure #1 Mine McClure VA 7 Coal Explosion
12/19/1984 Wilberg Mine Orangeville UT 27 Coal Fire
02/06/1986 Loveridge No. 22 Fairview WV 5 Coal
Collapsed coal pile caused
09/13/1989 William Station No. 9 Mine Wheatcroft KY 10 Coal Explosion
12/07/1992 No. 3 Mine Norton VA 8 Coal Explosion
09/23/2001 No. 5 Mine Brookwood AL 13 Coal Explosion
01/02/2006 Sago Mine Buckhannon WV 12 Coal Explosion
05/20/2006 Darby Mine No. 1 Millsboro KY 5 Coal Explosion
08/06/2007 Crandall Canyon Mine Huntington UT 6** Coal Fall of face or rib
04/05/2010 Upper Big Branch Mine Montcoal WV 29 Coal Explosion
** Subsequent incident occurred 8/16/2007 during the rescue efforts that claimed the lives of three rescue workers (including one
MSHA employee).
Information for historical mine disasters was obtained from the following publications:
Bureau of Mines Bulletin 509, Injury Experience in Coal Mining, 1948
Bureau of Mines Bulletin 616, Historical Documentation of Major Coal-Mine Disasters in the United States Not
Classified as Explosions of Gas or Dust: 1846-1962
Bureau of Mines Bulletin 586; Historical Summary of Coal-Mine Explosions in the United States, 1810-1958
Historical Summary of Mine Disasters in the United States, Volume I, Coal Mines, 1810-1958
Historical Summary of Mine Disasters in the United States, Volume II, Coal Mines, 1959-1998
1998-present, MSHA Fatalgrams and Fatality Reports
Newspaper article citations when available
Archives at the National Mine Health & Safety Academy Library, Beckley, West Virginia
Historical accident reports are available in the library archives at the National Mine Health & Safety Academy in Beckley, West
Virginia. Please contact the MSHA Academy at 304-256-3266 or [email protected] to check on the availability of a particular
In firefighting, fires are identified according to one or more fire classes. Each class
designates the fuel involved in the fire, and thus the most appropriate extinguishing agent.
The classifications allow selection of extinguishing agents along lines of effectiveness at
putting the type of fire out, as well as avoiding unwanted side-effects. For example, non-
conductive extinguishing agents are rated for electrical fires, so to avoid electrocuting the
Multiple classification systems exist, with different designations for the various classes of
fire. The United States uses the NFPA system. Europe and Australasia use another.
Ordinary combustibles
"Ordinary combustible" fires are the most common type of fire, and are designated Class
A. These occur when a solid, organic material such as wood, cloth, rubber, or some
become heated to their flash point and ignite. At this point the material
United States NFPA system
Fuel/Heat source
Class A Ordinary combustibles
Flammable liquids
Class B
Flammable gases
Class C Electrical equipment
Class D Combustible metals
Class K Cooking oil or fat
undergoes combustion and will continue burning as long as the four components of the
fire tetrahedron (heat, fuel, oxygen, and the sustaining chemical reaction) are available.
This class of fire is commonly used in controlled circumstances, such as a campfire,
match or wood-burning stove. To use the campfire as an example, it has a fire
tetrahedron - the heat is provided by another fire (such as a match or lighter), the fuel is
the wood, the oxygen is naturally available in the open-air environment of a forest, and
the chemical reaction links the three other facets. This fire is not dangerous, because the
fire is contained to the wood alone and is usually isolated from other flammable materials,
for example by bare ground and rocks. However, when a class-A fire burns in a less-
restricted environment the fire can quickly grow out of control and become a wildfire.
This class of fire is fairly simple to fight and contain - by simply removing the heat,
oxygen, or fuel, or by suppressing the underlying chemical reaction, the fire tetrahedron
collapses and the fire dies out. The most common way to do this is by removing heat by
spraying the burning material with water; oxygen can be removed by smothering the fire
with foam from a fire extinguisher; forest fires are often fought by removing fuel by
backburning; and an ammonium phosphate dry chemical powder fire extinguisher (but not
sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate both of which are rated for B-class
breaks the fire's underlying chemical reaction.
Flammable liquid and gas
Flammable or combustible liquid or gaseous fuels. The US system designates all such
fires "Class B". These fires follow the same basic fire tetrahedron (heat, fuel, oxygen,
chemical reaction) as ordinary combustible fires, except that the fuel in question is a
flammable liquid such as gasoline, or gas such as natural gas. A solid stream of water
should never be used to extinguish this type because it can cause the fuel to scatter,
spreading the flames. The most effective way to extinguish a liquid or gas fueled fire is by
inhibiting the chemical chain reaction of the fire, which is done by dry chemical and Halon
extinguishing agents, although smothering with CO
or, for liquids, foam is also effective.
Chemicals such as FM-200 are now the recommended halogenated suppressant.
Electrical fires are fires involving potentially energized electrical equipment. The US
system designates these "Class C. This sort of fire may be caused by, for example,
short-circuiting machinery or overloaded electrical cables. These fires can be a severe
hazard to firefighters using water or other conductive agents: Electricity may be
conducted from the fire, through water, the firefighter's body, and then earth. Electrical
shocks have caused many firefighter deaths.
Electrical fire may be fought in the same way as an ordinary combustible fire, but water,
foam, and other conductive agents are not to be used. While the fire is, or could possibly
be electrically energized, it can be fought with any extinguishing agent rated for electrical
fire. Carbon dioxide CO
, FM-200 and dry chemical powder extinguishers such as PKP
and even baking soda are especially suited to extinguishing this sort of fire. Once
electricity is shut off to the equipment involved, it will generally become an ordinary
combustible fire.
Certain metals are flammable or combustible. Fires involving such are designated "Class
D" in both systems. Examples of such metals include sodium, titanium, magnesium,
potassium, steel, uranium, lithium, plutonium, and calcium. Magnesium and titanium fires
are common, and 2006-7 saw the recall of laptop computer models containing lithium
batteries susceptible to spontaneous ignition. When one of these combustible metals
ignites, it can easily and rapidly spread to surrounding ordinary combustible materials.
With the exception of the metals that burn in contact with air or water (for example,
sodium), masses of combustible metals do not represent unusual fire risks because they
have the ability to conduct heat away from hot spots so efficiently that the heat of
combustion cannot be maintained - this means that it will require a lot of heat to ignite a
mass of combustible metal. Generally, metal fire risks exist when sawdust, machine
shavings and other metal 'fines' are present. Generally, these fires can be ignited by the
same types of ignition sources that would start other common fires.
Water and other common firefighting materials can excite metal fires and make them
worse. The NFPA recommends that metal fires be fought with 'dry powder' extinguishing
agents. Dry Powder agents work by smothering and heat absorption. The most common
of these agents are sodium chloride granules and graphite powder. In recent years
powdered copper has also come into use.
Some extinguishers are labeled as containing dry chemical extinguishing agents. This
may be confused with dry powder. The two are not the same. Using one of these
extinguishers in error, in place of dry powder, can be ineffective or actually increase the
intensity of a metal fire.
Metal fires represent a unique hazard because people are often not aware of the
characteristics of these fires and are not properly prepared to fight them. Therefore, even
a small metal fire can spread and become a larger fire in the surrounding ordinary
combustible materials.
Cooking oil
Laboratory simulation of a chip pan fire: a beaker containing wax is heated until it catches
fire. A small amount of water is then poured into the beaker. The water sinks to the
bottom and vaporises instantly, ejecting a plume of burning liquid wax into the air.
Fires that involve cooking oils or fats are designated "Class K" under the US system.
Though such fires are technically a subclass of the flammable liquid/gas class, the special
characteristics of these types of fires are considered important enough to recognize
separately. Saponification can be used to extinguish such fires. Appropriate fire
extinguishers may also have hoods over them that help extinguish the fire.
Fire Damp
Made up mainly by methane, an inflammable gas which when mixed with the right
proportion of oxygen, can be explosive, fire damp is also quite dangerous in a coal mine.
Methane, which makes up between 90% and 100% of the inflammable part of fire damp
(generally around 70% to 80% of the "air," when the nonflammable gases are accounted
for). Like carbon monoxide, it is lighter than air. It is a product of the mine, itself, being
given off when it is released from the rock where it was trapped ages ago (methane is,
like coal, a product of decomposition of organic matter). When the rock is removed or a
seam is opened or cracked, methane can escape.
Besides the danger of the gas through fire/explosion and breathing it in (while not
poisonous, it cannot support life, having no oxygen as part of the moleculefire damp
has very little oxygen, anyway), the gas trapped within the rock can have built up
enormous pressure that when released, can cause injury and even death when the rock
flies into the miner.
Depending on the amount of oxygen and the percentage of methane, the mixture can be
merely inflammable (where the gas will continue to burn on its own after the ignition
source is removed) or explosive. At inflammable levels, rather than exploding, the
methane will burn around the ignition source in a sort of halo effect, known as a "cap."
In addition to methane, fire damp may also have small amounts of ethane and/or propane
(anywhere from 0% to 2%)both of which are more inflammable and ignite at a lower
temperature). In an important way, the degree of other gases present affects the ignition
temperature; higher or lower depending on the gas and the percentage present in the air.
Another gas, sometimes found in trace amounts, is ethylene, another highly inflammable
gas. Despite the low percentages of each, their presence makes fire damp even more
volatile and liable to explode, then methane alone.
After Damp
The combination of gases remaining following an explosion (whether due to "fire damp" or
to coal dustwhich in fine quantities can result in an explosion under the right
conditions). It varies depending on the amount of oxygen that was present as part of the
explosion. If methane in the explosion combusts completely, it will produce carbon dioxide
and steam. This will leave a form of "black damp." If there is less oxygen, there will be
additional amounts of carbon monoxide and hydrogen mixed with the aforementioned
gases. This will result if there is either greater amounts of methane or smaller amounts of
After damp is particularly dangerous, as carbon monoxide is poisonous, carbon dioxide
can cause suffocation, and free oxygen will be necessarily depleted. A further danger is
that if air is re-added to the mixture, it can become explosive again (not an unheard of
occurrence). According to my source (www.therhondda.co.uk), over 75% of deaths in coal
mine explosions in Great Britain were caused by "after-damp alone." The main reason
being the carbon monoxide in it. There can be many other gases found in after damp,
following the explosion, including hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide,
ammonia, and others.
Black Damp
Also known as "choke damp" or "stythe," it is when levels of carbon dioxide are high and
mixed with nitrogen (taking the place of free oxygen). These levels can be from 5% to
20%. My source gives around 13% as an average carbon dioxide level in black damp
(15% and higher will put out a flame). While at the low end of the scale it is about the
same density as air, as the percentage increases, so does the density, making black
damp especially dangerous the lower the level in a mine one is working (workers would
sometimes hold their lights near the floor to aid in detection).
Black damp is neither combustible nor poisonous, by itself, but enough in the air mixture
can lead to physical effects or even death by suffocation.
White Damp
White Damp is a mining term for, carbon monoxide (CO); a gas that may be present in
the afterdamp of a gas or coal-dust explosion, or in the gases given off by a mine fire; it is
an important constituent of illuminating gas, supports combustion, and is very poisonous.
Title 30
Code of Federal Regulation
30 CFR 75.321
Air quality.
(a) The air in areas where persons work or travel, except as specified in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section, shall contain at least 19.5 percent oxygen and not more than
0.5 percent carbon dioxide, and the volume and velocity of the air current in these
areas shall be sufficient to dilute, render harmless, and carry away flammable,
explosive, noxious, and harmful gases, dusts, smoke, and fumes.
(2) The air in areas of bleeder entries and worked-out areas where persons work or
travel shall contain at least 19.5 percent oxygen, and carbon dioxide levels shall not
exceed 0.5 percent time weighted average and 3.0 percent short term exposure
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of 75.322, for the purpose of preventing
explosions from gases other than methane, the following gases shall not be
permitted to accumulate in excess of the concentrations listed below:
(1) Carbon monoxide (CO)--2.5 percent
(2) Hydrogen (H(sub)2)--.80 percent
(3) Hydrogen sulfide (H(sub)2S)--.80 percent
(4) Acetylene (C(sub)2H(sub)2)--.40 percent
(5) Propane (C(sub)3H(sub)8)--.40 percent
(6) MAPP (methyl-acetylene-propylene-propodiene)--.30 percent
30 CFR 75.323
Actions for excessive methane.
(a)Location of tests. Tests for methane concentrations under this section shall be made at
least 12 inches from the roof, face, ribs, and floor.
(b)Working places and intake air courses.
(1) When 1.0 percent or more methane is present in a working place or an intake air
course, including an air course in which a belt conveyor is located, or in an area where
mechanized mining equipment is being installed or removed--
(i) Except intrinsically safe atmospheric monitoring systems (AMS), electrically powered
equipment in the affected area shall be deenergized, and other mechanized equipment
shall be shut off;
(ii) Changes or adjustments shall be made at once to the ventilation system to reduce
the concentration of methane to less than 1.0 percent; and
(iii) No other work shall be permitted in the affected area until the methane concentration
is less than 1.0 percent.
(2) When 1.5 percent or more methane is present in a working place or an intake air
course, including an air course in which a belt conveyor is located, or in an area where
mechanized mining equipment is being installed or removed--
(i) Everyone except those persons referred to in 104(c) of the Act shall be withdrawn
from the affected area; and
(ii) Except for intrinsically safe AMS, electrically powered equipment in the affected area
shall be disconnected at the power source.
(c)Return air split. (1) When 1.0 percent or more methane is present in a return air split
between the last working place on a working section and where that split of air meets
another split of air, or the location at which the split is used to ventilate seals or worked-
out areas changes or adjustments shall be made at once to the ventilation system to
reduce the concentration of methane in the return air to less than 1.0 percent.
(2) When 1.5 percent or more methane is present in a return air split between the last
working place on a working section and where that split of air meets another split of air,
or the location where the split is used to ventilate seals or worked-out areas--
(i) Everyone except those persons referred to in 104(c) of the Act shall be withdrawn
from the affected area;
(ii) Other than intrinsically safe AMS, equipment in the affected area shall be
deenergized, electric power shall be disconnected at the power source, and other
mechanized equipment shall be shut off; and
(iii) No other work shall be permitted in the affected area until the methane concentration
in the return air is less than 1.0 percent.
(d)Return air split alternative. (1) The provisions of this paragraph apply if--
(i) The quantity of air in the split ventilating the active workings is at least 27,000 cubic
feet per minute in the last open crosscut or the quantity specified in the approved
ventilation plan, whichever is greater;
(ii) The methane content of the air in the split is continuously monitored during mining
operations by an AMS that gives a visual and audible signal on the working section when
the methane in the return air reaches 1.5 percent, and the methane content is monitored
as specified in 75.351; and
(iii) Rock dust is continuously applied with a mechanical duster to the return air course
during coal production at a location in the air course immediately outby the most inby
monitoring point.
(2) When 1.5 percent or more methane is present in a return air split between a point in
the return opposite the section loading point and where that split of air meets another
split of air or where the split of air is used to ventilate seals or worked-out areas--
(i) Changes or adjustments shall be made at once to the ventilation system to reduce the
concentration of methane in the return air below 1.5 percent;
(ii) Everyone except those persons referred to in 104(c) of the Act shall be withdrawn
from the affected area;
(iii) Except for intrinsically safe AMS, equipment in the affected area shall be
deenergized, electric power shall be disconnected at the power source, and other
mechanized equipment shall be shut off; and
(iv) No other work shall be permitted in the affected area until the methane
concentration in the return air is less than 1.5 percent.
(e)Bleeders and other return air courses. The concentration of methane in a bleeder split
of air immediately before the air in the split joins another split of air, or in a return air
course other than as described in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, shall not exceed
2.0 percent.
30 CFR 75.400
Accumulation of combustible materials.
Coal dust, including float coal dust deposited on rock-dusted surfaces, loose coal, and
other combustible materials, shall be cleaned up and not be permitted to accumulate
in active workings, or on diesel- powered and electric equipment therein.
30 CFR 75.401
Abatement of dust; water or water with a wetting agent.
Where underground mining operations in active workings create or raise excessive
amounts of dust, water or water with a wetting agent added to it, or other no less
effective methods approved by the Secretary or his authorized representative, shall
be used to abate such dust. In working places, particularly in distances less than 40
feet from the face, water, with or without a wetting agent, or other no less effective
methods approved by the Secretary or his authorized representative, shall be applied
to coal dust on the ribs, roof, and floor to reduce dispersibility and to minimize the
explosion hazard.
30 CFR 75.402
Rock dusting.
All underground areas of a coal mine, except those areas in which the dust is too wet
or too high in incombustible content to propagate an explosion, shall be rock dusted
to within 40 feet of all working faces, unless such areas are inaccessible or unsafe to
enter or unless the Secretary or his authorized representative permits an exception
upon his finding that such exception will not pose a hazard to the miners. All
crosscuts that are less than 40 feet from a working face shall also be rock dusted.
30 CFR 75.403
Maintenance of incombustible content of rock dust.
Where rock dust is required to be applied, it shall be distributed upon the top, floor, and
sides of all underground areas of a coal mine and maintained in such quantities that the
incombustible content of the combined coal dust, rock dust, and other dust shall be not
less than 65 per centum, but the incombustible content in the return aircourses shall be
no less than 80 per centum. Where methane is present in any ventilating current, the per
centum of incombustible content of such combined dusts shall be increased 1.0 and 0.4
per centum for each 0.1 per centum of methane where 65 and 80 per centum,
respectively, of incombustibles are required.
30 CFR 75.1100-1
Type and quality of firefighting equipment.
Firefighting equipment required under this subpart shall meet the following minimum
(a) Waterlines: Waterlines shall be capable of delivering 50 gallons of water a minute at a
nozzle pressure of 50 pounds per square inch.
(b) Portable water cars: A portable water car shall be of at least 1,000 gallons capacity
(500 gallons capacity for anthracite mines) and shall have at least 300 feet of fire hose
with nozzles. A portable water car shall be capable of providing a flow through the hose
of 50 gallons of water per minute at a nozzle pressure of 50 pounds per square inch.
(c) A portable chemical car shall carry enough chemicals to provide a fire extinguishing
capacity equivalent to that of a portable water car.
(d) Portable foam-generating machines or devices: A portable foam-generating machine
or device shall have facilities and equipment for supplying the machine with 30 gallons of
water per minute at 30 pounds per square inch for a period of 35 minutes.
(e) Portable fire extinguisher: A portable fire extinguisher shall be either (1) a
multipurpose dry chemical type containing a nominal weight of 5 pounds of dry powder
and enough expellant to apply the powder or (2) a foam-producing type containing at
least 2 1/2 gallons of foam-producing liquids and enough expellant to supply the foam.
Only fire extinguishers approved by the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., or Factory
Mutual Research Corp., carrying appropriate labels as to type and purpose, shall be used.
After March 30, 1971, all new portable fire extinguishers acquired for use in a coal mine
shall have a 2A 10 BC or higher rating.
(f)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (f)(2) of this section, the fire hose shall be lined
with a material having flame resistant qualities meeting requirements for hose in Bureau
of Mines' Schedule 2G. The cover shall be polyester, or other material with flame-spread
qualities and mildew resistance equal or superior to polyester. The bursting pressure shall
be at least 4 times the water pressure at the valve to the hose inlet with the valve
closed; the maximum water pressure in the hose nozzle shall not exceed 100 p.s.i.g.
(2) Fire hose installed for use in underground coal mines prior to December 30, 1970,
shall be mildew-proof and have a bursting pressure at least 4 times the water pressure at
the valve to the hose inlet with the valve closed, and the maximum water pressure in the
hose nozzle with water flowing shall not exceed 100 p.s.i.g.
30 CFR 75.1100-2
Quantity and location of firefighting equipment.
(a) Working sections. (1) Each working section of coal mines producing 300 tons or
more per shift shall be provided with two portable fire extinguishers and 240 pounds of
rock dust in bags or other suitable containers; waterlines shall extend to each section
loading point and be equipped with enough fire hose to reach each working face unless
the section loading point is provided with one of the following:
(i) Two portable water cars; or
(ii) Two portable chemical cars; or
(iii) One portable water car or one portable chemical car, and either (a) a portable
foam-generating machine or (b) a portable high-pressure rock-dusting machine fitted
with at least 250 feet of hose and supplied with at least 60 sacks of rock dust.
(2) Each working section of coal mines producing less than 300 tons of coal per shift
shall be provided with the following:
(i) Two portable fire extinguishers; and
(ii) 240 pounds of rock dust in bags or other suitable containers; and
(iii) At least 500 gallons of water and at least three pails of 10- quart capacity; or a
waterline with sufficient hose to reach the working places; or a portable water car of at
least 500-gallons capacity; or a portable, all-purpose, dry-powder chemical car of at least
125-pounds capacity.
(3) As an alternative to paragraph (a)(2) of this section, each working section with no
electrical equipment at the face of an anthracite coal mine producing less than 300 tons
of coal per shift shall be provided with the following:
(i) Portable fire extinguishers containing a total capacity of at least 30 pounds of dry
chemical or 15 gallons of foam and located at the entrance to the gangway at the bottom
of the slope; and
(ii) Portable fire extinguishers containing a total capacity of at least 20 pounds of dry
chemical or 10 gallons of foam and located within 500 feet from the working face.
(b) Belt conveyors. In all coal mines, waterlines shall be installed parallel to the entire
length of belt conveyors and shall be equipped with firehose outlets with valves at 300-
foot intervals along each belt conveyor and at tailpieces. At least 500 feet of firehose with
fittings suitable for connection with each belt conveyor waterline system shall be stored
at strategic locations along the belt conveyor. Waterlines may be installed in entries
adjacent to the conveyor entry belt as long as the outlets project into the belt conveyor
(c) Haulage tracks. (1) In mines producing 300 tons of coal or more per shift
waterlines shall be installed parallel to all haulage tracks using mechanized equipment in
the track or adjacent entry and shall extend to the loading point of each working section.
Waterlines shall be equipped with outlet valves at intervals of not more than 500 feet,
and 500 feet of firehose with fittings suitable for connection with such waterlines shall be
provided at strategic locations. Two portable water cars, readily available, may be used in
lieu of waterlines prescribed under this paragraph.
(2) In mines producing less than 300 tons of coal per shift, there shall be provided at
500-foot intervals in all main and secondary haulage roads:
(i) A tank of water of at least 55-gallon capacity with at least 3 pails of not less than
10-quart capacity; or
(ii) Not less than 240 pounds of bagged rock dust. (d) Transportation. Each track or
off-track locomotive, self-propelled man-trip car, or personnel carrier shall be equipped
with one portable fire extinguisher.
(e) Electrical installations. At each electrical installation, the operator shall provide two
portable fire extinguishers that have a nominal capacity of 5 pounds of dry chemical, or
one extinguisher that has a nominal capacity of at least 10 pounds of dry chemical, and
which have a 2-A:10-B:C or higher rating.
(2) One portable fire extinguisher and 240 pounds of rock dust shall be provided at
each temporary electrical installation.
(f) Oil storage stations. Two portable fire extinguishers and 240 pounds of rock dust,
shall be provided at each permanent underground oil storage station. One portable fire
extinguisher shall be provided at each working section where 25 gallons or more of oil
are stored in addition to extinguishers required under paragraph (a) of this section.
(g) Welding, cutting, soldering. One portable fire extinguisher or 240 pounds of rock
dust shall be provided at locations where welding, cutting, or soldering with arc or flame
is being done.
(h) Powerlines. At each wooden door through which powerlines pass there shall be one
portable fire extinguisher or 240 pounds of rock dust within 25 feet of the door on the
intake air side.
(i) Emergency materials. (1) At each mine producing 300 tons of coal or more per shift
there shall be readily available the following materials at locations not exceeding 2 miles
from each working section:
1,000 board feet of brattice boards
2 rolls of brattice cloth
2 hand saws
25 pounds of 8(super)d nails
25 pounds of 10(super)d nails
25 pounds of 16(super)d nails
3 claw hammers
25 bags of wood fiber plaster or 10 bags of cement (or equivalent material for
5 tons of rock dust
(2) At each mine producing less than 300 tons of coal per shift the above materials
shall be available at the mine, provided, however, that the emergency materials for one
or more mines may be stored at a central warehouse or building supply company and
such supply must be the equivalent of that required for all mines involved and within 1-
hour's delivery time from each mine. This exception shall not apply where the active
working sections are more than 2 miles from the surface.
30 CFR 75.1100-3
Condition and examination of firefighting equipment.
All firefighting equipment shall be maintained in a usable and operative condition.
Chemical extinguishers shall be examined every 6 months and the date of the
examination shall be written on a permanent tag attached to the extinguisher.
30 CFR 75.1101-7
Installation of water sprinkler systems; requirements.
(a) The fire-control components of each water sprinkler system shall be installed, as
far as practicable in accordance with the recommendations set forth in National Fire
Protection Association 1968-69 edition, Code No. 13, "Installation of Sprinkler
Systems" and such systems' components shall be of a type approved by the
Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., Factory Mutual Research Corp.
(b) Each sprinkler system shall provide protection for the motor drive belt takeup,
electrical controls, gear reducing unit, and the 50 feet of fire-resistant belt, or 150
feet of nonfire-resistant belt adjacent to the belt drive.
(c) The components of each water sprinkler system shall be located so as to minimize
the possibility of damage by roof fall or by the moving belt and its load.
30 CFR 75.1103-8
Automatic fire sensor and warning device systems; examination and test
(a) Automatic fire sensor and warning device systems shall be examined at least
once each shift when belts are operated as part of a production shift. A functional
test of the warning signals shall be made at least once every seven days.
Examination and maintenance of such systems shall be by a qualified person.
(b) A record of the functional test conducted in accordance with paragraph (a) of
this section shall be maintained by the operator and kept for a period of one year.
(c) Sensors shall be calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's calibration
instructions at intervals not to exceed 31 days. A record of the sensor calibrations
shall be maintained by the operator and kept for a period of one year.
30 CFR 75.1103-9
Minimum requirements; fire suppression materials and location;
maintenance of entries and crosscuts; access doors; communications; fire
crews; high-expansion foam devices.
(a) The following materials shall be stored within 300 feet of each belt drive or at a
location where the material can be moved to the belt drive within 5 minutes, except
that when the ventilating current in the belt haulageway travels in the direction of
the normal movement of coal on the belt, the materials shall be stored within 300
feet of the belt tailpiece or at a location where the materials can be moved to the belt
tailpiece within 5 minutes.
(1) 500 feet of fire hose, except that if the belt flight is less than 500 feet in length
the fire hose may be equal to the length of the belt flight. A high expansion foam
device may be substituted for 300 feet of the 500 feet of the fire hose. Where used,
such foam generators shall produce foam sufficient to fill 100 feet of the belt
haulageway in not more than 5 minutes. Sufficient power cable and water hose shall
be provided so that the foam generator can be installed at any crosscut along the
belt by which the generator is located. A 1-hour supply of foam producing chemicals
and tools and hardware required for its operation shall be stored at the foam
(2) Tools to open a stopping between the belt entry and the adjacent intake entry;
(3) 240 pounds of bagged rock dust.
(b) The entry containing the main waterline and the crosscuts containing water
outlets between such entry and the belt haulageway (if the main waterline is in an
adjacent entry) shall be maintained accessible and in safe condition for travel and
firefighting activities. Each stopping in such crosscuts or adjacent crosscuts shall
have an access door.
(c) Suitable communication lines extending to the surface shall be provided in the
belt haulageway or adjacent entry.
(d) The fire suppression system required at the belt drive shall include the belt
discharge head.
(e) A crew consisting of at least five members for each working shift shall be trained
in firefighting operations. Fire drills shall be held at intervals not exceeding 6 months.
30 CFR 75.1103-11
Tests of fire hydrants and fire hose; record of tests.
Each fire hydrant shall be tested by opening to insure that it is in operating condition,
and each fire hose shall be tested, at intervals not exceeding 1 year. A record of these
tests shall be maintained at an appropriate location.
30 CFR 75.1106
Welding, cutting, or soldering with arc or flame underground.
All welding, cutting, or soldering with arc or flame in all underground areas of a coal mine
shall, whenever practicable, be conducted in fireproof enclosures. Welding, cutting, or
soldering with arc or flame in other than a fireproof enclosure shall be done under the
supervision of a qualified person who shall make a diligent search for fire during and after
such operations and shall, immediately before and during such operations, continuously
test for methane with means approved by the Secretary for detecting methane. Welding,
cutting, or soldering shall not be conducted in air that contains 1.0 volume per centum or
more of methane. Rock dust or suitable fire extinguishers shall be immediately available
during such welding, cutting or soldering.
30 CFR 75.1106-2
Transportation of liquefied and nonliquefied compressed gas cylinders;
(a) Liquefied and nonliquefied compressed gas cylinders transported into or through an
underground coal mine shall be:
(1) Placed securely in devices designed to hold the cylinder in place during transit on
self-propelled equipment or belt conveyors;
(2) Disconnected from all hoses and gages;
(3) Equipped with a metal cap or "headband" (fence-type metal protector around the
valve stem) to protect the cylinder valve during transit; and,
(4) Clearly labeled "empty" or "MT" when the gas in the cylinder has been expended.
(b) In addition to the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, when liquefied and
nonliquefied compressed gas cylinders are transported by a trolley wire haulage system
into or through an underground coal mine, such cylinders shall be placed in well insulated
and substantially constructed containers which are specifically designed for holding such
(c) Liquefied and nonliquefied compressed gas cylinders shall not be transported on
30 CFR 75.1106-3
Storage of liquefied and nonliquefied compressed gas cylinders; requirements.
(a) Liquefied and nonliquefied compressed gas cylinders stored in an underground coal
mine shall be:
(1) Clearly marked and identified as to their contents in accordance with Department of
Transportation regulations.
(2) Placed securely in storage areas designated by the operator for such purpose, and
where the height of the coalbed permits, in an upright position, preferably in specially
designated racks, or otherwise secured against being accidentally tipped over.
(3) Protected against damage from falling material, contact with power lines and
energized electrical equipment, heat from welding, cutting or soldering, and exposure to
flammable liquids.
(b) Liquefied and nonliquefied compressed gas cylinders shall not be stored or left
unattended in any area inby the last open crosscut of an underground coal mine.
(c) When not in use, the valves of all liquefied and nonliquefied compressed gas cylinders
shall be in the closed position, and all hoses shall be removed from the cylinder.
30 CFR 75.1107-1
Fire-resistant hydraulic fluids and fire suppression devices on underground
(a)(1) Unattended electrically powered equipment used underground which uses
hydraulic fluid shall use approved fire-resistant hydraulic fluid.
(2) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, within 24 production shift
hours after being installed, unattended electrically powered equipment used underground
shall be equipped with a fire suppression device which meets the applicable requirements
of 75.1107-3 through 75.1107-16.
(3) Unattended enclosed motors, controls, transformers, rectifiers, and other similar
noncombustible electrically powered equipment containing no flammable fluid may be
(a)(3)(i) By an approved fire suppression device, or
(a)(3)(ii) Be located at least 2 feet from coal or other combustible materials, or
(a)(3)(iii) Be separated from the coal or combustible materials by a 4-inch-thick masonry
firewall or equivalent; and be mounted on a minimum 4-inch-thick noncombustible
surface, platform, or equivalent. The electrical cables at such equipment shall conform
with the requirements of Part 18 of this chapter (Bureau of Mines Schedule 2G) or be in
metal conduit.
(b) Attended electrically powered equipment used underground which uses hydraulic fluid
shall use approved fire-resistant hydraulic fluid unless such equipment is protected by a
fire suppression device which meets the applicable requirements of 75.1107-3--
(c) For purpose of 75.1107--75.1107-16 the following underground equipment shall be
considered attended equipment:
(1) Any machine or device regularly operated by a miner assigned to operate such
machine or device;
(2) Any machine or device which is mounted in the direct line of sight of a jobsite which
is located within 500 feet of such machine or device and which jobsite is regularly
occupied by a miner assigned to perform job duties at such jobsite during each
production shift.
(d) Machines and devices described under paragraph (c) of this section must be
inspected for fire and the input powerline deenergized when workmen leave the area for
more than 30 minutes.
Questions for Review
Q: What is a Class C fire?
Q: What is the main gas created in White damp?
Q: What is After damp?
Q: Why are fires in underground coal mines so dangerous?
Q: What is a Class A fire?
Q: Fire damp is made up mainly of what gas?
Q: The mixture of what two gases create Black damp?
Q: What is a Class B fire?
Q: What are a few of the combustible metals?
Q: What is the minimum percentage of oxygen that must be maintained underground?
A: CFR 75.321
Q: What is a machine operator required to do when he/she finds 1% methane at the face?
A: CFR 75.323 (b)(c)
Q: What must be provided at each permanent electrical installation?
A: CFR 75.1100-2
Q: Water lines must be capable of delivering how many gallons per minute?
A: CFR 75.1100-1
Q: What fire fighting equipment must be provided at permanent oil stations?
A: CFR 75.1100-2
Q: Who establishes the requirements for the type, quality and quantity of fire fighting equipment
in underground coal mines?
A: CFR 75.1100
Q: How often shall fire hydrants and fire hoses be tested?
A: CFR 75.1103
Q: What must be done during and after welding, cutting and/or soldering operations?
A: CFR 75.1106
Q: Chemical fire extinguishers must be examined how often, and where/how is the information
A: CFR 75.1100-3
Q: All underground coal mines must be rock dusted within how many feet of all working faces?
A: CFR 75.402
Q: Where rock dust is required, where shall it be applied, and in what quantities?
A: CFR 75.403
Q: Coal dust and other combustible material shall not be permitted to accumulate where?
A: CFR 75.402
Q: What must be done when 1.5% or more of methane is present in a working place or intake
A: CFR 75.323
Q: The methane content in bleeders and return air courses shall not exceed what percentage?
A: CFR 75.323 (e)
Q: Where shall fire suppression materials be stored underground?
A: CFR 75.1103-9 (a)
Q: What are the fire suppression materials that are required to be stored there?
A: CFR 75.1103-9
Q: What are the requirements for transporting liquefied and non-liquefied compressed gas
A: CFR 75.1106-2
Q: What are the requirements for storage of liquefied/non-liquefied compressed gas cylinders?
A: CFR 75.1106-3
1. Purpose and Challenges of Mine Ventilation
2. Code of Federal Regulations Part 75 - Main Mine Fans
3. Winter Alert Program
4. Math Formulas
5. Mine Map Symbols
6. Ventilating Mine Maps
7. Basic Mine Ventilation - MSHAs Illustration
8. Code of Federal Regulations Part 75 Subpart D
9. Questions and Review
Mine Ventilation
The purpose of mine ventilation is to dilute, render harmless, and carry away dangerous
accumulations of explosive and toxic gases and dust from the working environment in
underground mines.
Federal safety standards for ventilating underground coal mines mandate that the air in
areas where persons work or travel shall contain at least 19.5 percent oxygen and not
more than 0.5 percent carbon dioxide, and the volume and velocity of the air current in
these areas shall be sufficient to dilute, render harmless, and carry away flammable,
explosive, noxious, and harmful gases, dusts, smoke, and fumes.
Hazardous concentrations of methane underground can be controlled by dilution
(ventilation), capture before entering the host air stream (e.g., methane drainage), or
isolation (seals and stoppings).
Explosions can be prevented or mitigated by eliminating ignition sources, by minimizing
methane concentrations and coal dust accumulations, and by using passive and active
barriers to suppress propagating explosions.
In coal mines, methane explosions can cause subsequent, violent explosions of coal
dust. To prevent such explosions, miners cover the floor, rib and roof surfaces of mine
openings with large quantities of inert rock dust such as fine limestone dust. Rock
dusting is mandated by and subject to federal safety standards.
Ventilation Controls: Stoppings, Seals, Regulators and Fans
Stoppings are permanent walls constructed of brick or other approved materials. They
are built to separate and isolate different air courses in underground mines, such as the
fresh (intake) air from the return air or from belt airways.
Seals are substantially constructed according to federal standards. They are used to
isolate worked-out areas of a mine that are no longer ventilated.
Regulators are used to adjust the quantity of air flowing to various sections of the mine.
Fans (both large, main mine fans at the surface and smaller, mobile, auxiliary fans
underground) provide fresh air in mines and are usually operated by electric power.
Why is ventilation so important to coal mines?
The underground extraction of mineral resources creates one of the most hazardous
work environments in the Nation. Most mining accidents today generally involve only a
few individuals. However, the infrequent occurrence of gas and/or dust explosions puts
the lives of the entire underground workforce at risk. More than 106 U.S. coal miners
have been killed in explosions since 1980. At least five of these explosions resulted in
more than 10 fatalities each. The explosion at the McElroy Mine in West Virginia in
J anuary 2003, resulted in three deaths and three injuries. The J im Walter Resources
No. 5 Mine explosion in Alabama in September 2001 resulted in 13 deaths. In J uly
2000, 2 miners were killed and another 12 injured at the Willow Creek Mine explosion in
Recent explosions in underground coal mines resulted in more than 35 fatalities.
Explosions can be prevented or mitigated by eliminating ignition sources, by minimizing
methane concentrations and coal dust accumulations, by application of sufficient rock
dust, and by using passive and active barriers to suppress propagating explosions.
NIOSH has classified diesel particulate matter (DPM) as a potential carcinogen where
prolonged exposure to such contaminants can result in adverse health effects.
Excessive levels of methane gas, on the other hand, can undermine the safety of the
underground work force. Available methane control systems have been challenged by
recent mining developments which include increased face advance rates, increased
productivities, increased panel sizes, and more extensive gateroad systems. High levels
of methane and other airborne contaminants in underground workings are often most
easily controlled through dilution with increased ventilation airflow. Other control
measures include premining drainage of methane and improved seal and stopping
designs to maintain separation of intake and return air courses.
Methane is one of the most dangerous gases encountered in underground mining. In
the cases of high-methane content coal, ventilation alone is sometimes not enough to
sufficiently dilute these levels. In this case, coalbed degasification prior to mining and
use of gob gas boreholes to drain methane from fractured strata above the mining panel
are often required.
Longwall mining creates a complex underground environment that poses many
problems in methane control. This includes multiple sources of gas and the necessity
for an integrated use of multiple control strategies, including ventilation and methane
drainage. Research under the "Control and Monitoring of Methane in Coal Mines"
project determines airflow and methane emission patterns surrounding longwall faces
and gobs to improve methane control systems. The complicated interaction of the main,
tailgate, and bleeder ventilation systems is investigated to improve our understanding of
methane flow paths. This modeling effort predicts the expected increases in gas
emissions when extracting substantially larger longwall panels, a trend that the industry
is currently following.
Information for ventilation was obtained from the following publications/websites:
NIOSH Office of Mine Safety and Health Research
Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA)
Title 30
Code of Federal Regulation
Part 75 - Main Mine Fans
30 CFR 75.310
Installation of main mine fans.
(a) Each main mine fan shall be--
(1) Installed on the surface in an incombustible housing;
(2) Connected to the mine opening with incombustible air ducts;
(3) Equipped with an automatic device that gives a signal at the mine when the fan
either slows or stops. A responsible person designated by the operator shall always
be at a surface location at the mine where the signal can be seen or heard while
anyone is underground. This person shall be provided with two-way communication
with the working sections and work stations where persons are routinely assigned
to work for the majority of a shift;
(4) Equipped with a pressure recording device or system. Mines permitted to shut
down main mine fans under 75.311 and which do not have a pressure recording
device installed on main mine fans shall have until June 10, 1997 to install a
pressure recording device or system on all main mine fans. If a device or system
other than a circular pressure recorder is used to monitor main mine fan pressure,
the monitoring device or system shall provide a continuous graph or continuous
chart of the pressure as a function of time. At not more than 7-day intervals, a hard
copy of the continuous graph or chart shall be generated or the record of the fan
pressure shall be stored electronically. When records of fan pressure are stored
electronically, the system used to store these records shall be secure and not
susceptible to alteration and shall be capable of storing the required data. Records
of the fan pressure shall be retained at a surface location at the mine for at least 1
year and be made available for inspection by authorized representatives of the
Secretary and the representative of miners;
(5) Protected by one or more weak walls or explosion doors, or a combination of
weak walls and explosion doors, located in direct line with possible explosive forces;
(6) Except as provided under paragraph (e) of this section, offset by at least 15
feet from the nearest side of the mine opening unless an alternative method of
protecting the fan and its associated components is approved in the ventilation
(1) If an electric motor is used to drive a main mine fan, the motor shall operate
from a power circuit independent of all mine power circuits.
(2) If an internal combustion engine is used to drive a main mine fan--
(i) The fuel supply shall be protected against fires and explosions;
(ii) The engine shall be installed in an incombustible housing and be equipped with
a remote shut-down device;
(iii) The engine and the engine exhaust system shall be located out of direct line of
the air current exhausting from the mine; and
(iv) The engine exhaust shall be vented to the atmosphere so that the exhaust
gases do not contaminate the mine intake air current or any enclosure.
(c) If a main mine fan monitoring system is used under 75.312, the system shall--
(1) Record, as described in paragraph (a)(4) the mine ventilating pressure;
(2) Monitor bearing temperature, revolutions per minute, vibration, electric voltage,
and amperage;
(3) Provide a printout of the monitored parameters, including the mine ventilating
pressure within a reasonable period, not to exceed the end of the next scheduled
shift during which miners are underground; and
(4) Be equipped with an automatic device that signals when--
(i) An electrical or mechanical deficiency exists in the monitoring system; or
(ii) A sudden increase or loss in mine ventilating pressure occurs.
(5) Provide monitoring, records, printouts, and signals required by paragraphs
(c)(1) through (c)(4) at a surface location at the mine where a responsible person
designated by the operator is always on duty and where signals from the
monitoring system can be seen or heard while anyone is underground. This person
shall be provided with two-way communication with the working sections and work
stations where persons are routinely assigned to work for the majority of a shift.
(d) Weak walls and explosion doors shall have cross-sectional areas at least equal
to that of the entry through which the pressure from an explosion underground
would be relieved. A weak wall and explosion door combination shall have a total
cross-sectional area at least equal to that of the entry through which the pressure
from an explosion underground would be relieved.
(e) If a mine fan is installed in line with an entry, a slope, or a shaft--
(1) The cross-sectional area of the pressure relief entry shall be at least equal to
that of the fan entry;
(2) The fan entry shall be developed out of direct line with possible explosive
(3) The coal or other solid material between the pressure relief entry and the fan
entry shall be at least 2,500 square feet; and
(4) The surface opening of the pressure relief entry shall be not less than 15 feet
nor more than 100 feet from the surface opening of the fan entry and from the
underground intersection of the fan entry and pressure relief entry.
(f) In mines ventilated by multiple main mine fans, incombustible doors shall be
installed so that if any main mine fan stops and air reversals through the fan are
possible, the doors on the affected fan automatically close.
30 CFR 75.311
Main mine fan operation.
(a) Main mine fans shall be continuously operated, except as otherwise approved in
the ventilation plan, or when intentionally stopped for testing of automatic closing
doors and automatic fan signal devices, maintenance or adjustment of the fan, or
to perform maintenance or repair work underground that cannot otherwise be made
while the fan is operating.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, when a main mine fan is
intentionally stopped and the ventilating quantity provided by the fan is not
maintained by a back-up fan system--
(1) Only persons necessary to evaluate the effect of the fan stoppage or restart, or
to perform maintenance or repair work that cannot otherwise be made while the fan
is operating, shall be permitted underground;
(2) Mechanized equipment shall be shut off before stopping the fan; and
(3) Electric power circuits entering underground areas of the mine shall be
(c) When a back-up fan system is used that does not provide the ventilating
quantity provided by the main mine fan, persons may be permitted in the mine and
electric power circuits may be energized as specified in the approved ventilation
(d) If an unusual variance in the mine ventilation pressure is observed, or if an
electrical or mechanical deficiency of a main mine fan is detected, the mine
foreman or equivalent mine official, or in the absence of the mine foreman or
equivalent mine official, a designated certified person acting for the mine foreman
or equivalent mine official shall be notified immediately, and appropriate action or
repairs shall be instituted promptly.
(e) While persons are underground, a responsible person designated by the
operator shall always be at a surface location where each main mine fan signal can
be seen or heard.
(f) The area within 100 feet of main mine fans and intake air openings shall be kept
free of combustible material, unless alternative precautions necessary to provide
protection from fire or other products of combustion are approved in the ventilation
(g) If multiple mine fans are used, the mine ventilation system shall be designed
and maintained to eliminate areas without air movement.
(h) Any atmospheric monitoring system operated during fan stoppages shall be
intrinsically safe.
30 CFR 75.312
Main mine fan examinations and records.
(a) To assure electrical and mechanical reliability of main mine fans, each main
mine fan and its associated components, including devices for measuring or
recording mine ventilation pressure, shall be examined for proper operation by a
trained person designated by the operator. Examinations of main mine fans shall be
made at least once each day that the fan operates, unless a fan monitoring system
is used. No examination is required on any day when no one, including certified
persons, goes underground, except that an examination shall be completed prior to
anyone entering the mine.
(b) If a main mine fan monitoring system is used, a trained person designated by
the operator shall--
(i) At least once each day review the data provided by the fan monitoring system to
assure that the fan and the fan monitoring system are operating properly. No
review is required on any day when no one, including certified persons, goes
underground, except that a review of the data shall be performed prior to anyone
entering the underground portion of the mine. Data reviewed should include the fan
pressure, bearing temperature, revolutions per minute, vibration, electric voltage,
and amperage; and
(ii) At least every 7 days--
(A) Test the monitoring system for proper operation; and
(B) Examine each main mine fan and its associated components to assure electrical
and mechanical reliability of main mine fans.
(2) If the monitoring system malfunctions, the malfunction shall be corrected, or
paragraph (a) of this section shall apply.
(c) At least every 31 days, the automatic fan signal device for each main mine fan
shall be tested by stopping the fan. Only persons necessary to evaluate the effect
of the fan stoppage or restart, or to perform maintenance or repair work that
cannot otherwise be made while the fan is operating, shall be permitted
underground. Notwithstanding the requirement of 75.311(b)(3), underground
power may remain energized during this test provided no one, including persons
identified in 75.311(b)(1), is underground. If the fan is not restarted within 15
minutes, underground power shall be deenergized and no one shall enter any
underground area of the mine until the fan is restarted and an examination of the
mine is conducted as described in 75.360(b) through (e) and the mine has been
determined to be safe.
(d) At least every 31 days, the automatic closing doors in multiple main mine fan
systems shall be tested by stopping the fan. Only persons necessary to evaluate
the effect of the fan stoppage or restart, or to perform maintenance or repair work
that cannot otherwise be made while the fan is operating, shall be permitted
underground. Notwithstanding the provisions of 75.311, underground power may
remain energized during this test provided no one, including persons identified in
75.311(b)(1), is underground. If the fan is not restarted within 15 minutes,
underground power shall be deenergized and no one shall enter any underground
area of the mine, until the fan is restarted and an examination of the mine is
conducted as described in 75.360(b) through (e) and the mine has been
determined to be safe.
(e) Circular main mine fan pressure recording charts shall be changed before the
beginning of a second revolution.
(f) Certification. Persons making main mine fan examinations shall certify by initials
and date at the fan or another location specified by the operator that the
examinations were made. Each certification shall identify the main mine fan
(2) Persons reviewing data produced by a main mine fan monitoring system shall
certify by initials and date on a printed copy of the data from the system that the
review was completed. In lieu of certification on a copy of the data, the person
reviewing the data may certify electronically that the review was completed.
Electronic certification shall be by handwritten initials and date in a computer
system so as to be secure and not susceptible to alteration.
(g) Recordkeeping. By the end of the shift on which the examination is made,
persons making main mine fan examinations shall record all uncorrected defects
that may affect the operation of the fan that are not corrected by the end of that
shift. Records shall be maintained in a secure book that is not susceptible to
alteration or electronically in a computer system so as to be secure and not
susceptible to alteration.
(2) When a fan monitoring system is used in lieu of the daily fan examination--
(i) The certified copies of data produced by fan monitoring systems shall be
maintained separate from other computer-generated reports or data; and
(ii) A record shall be made of any fan monitoring system malfunctions, electrical or
mechanical deficiencies in the monitoring system and any sudden increase or loss in
mine ventilating pressure. The record shall be made by the end of the shift on
which the review of the data is completed and shall be maintained in a secure book
that is not susceptible to alteration or electronically in a computer system so as to
be secure and not susceptible to alteration.
(3) By the end of the shift on which the monthly test of the automatic fan signal
device or the automatic closing doors is completed, persons making these tests
shall record the results of the tests. Records shall be maintained in a secure book
that is not susceptible to alteration or electronically in a computer system so as to
be secure and not susceptible to alteration.
(h) Retention period. Records, including records of mine fan pressure and the
certified copies of data produced by fan monitoring systems, shall be retained at a
surface location at the mine for at least 1 year and shall be made available for
inspection by authorized representatives of the Secretary and the representative of
30 CFR 75.313
Main mine fan stoppage with persons underground.
(a) If a main mine fan stops while anyone is underground and the ventilating
quantity provided by the fan is not maintained by a back-up fan system--
(1) Electrically powered equipment in each working section shall be deenergized;
(2) Other mechanized equipment in each working section shall be shut off; and
(3) Everyone shall be withdrawn from the working sections and areas where
mechanized mining equipment is being installed or removed.
(b) If ventilation is restored within 15 minutes after a main mine fan stops, certified
persons shall examine for methane in the working places and in other areas where
methane is likely to accumulate before work is resumed and before equipment is
energized or restarted in these areas.
(c) If ventilation is not restored within 15 minutes after a main mine fan stops--
(c) Everyone shall be withdrawn from the mine;
(2) Underground electric power circuits shall be deenergized. However, circuits
necessary to withdraw persons from the mine need not be deenergized if located in
areas or haulageways where methane is not likely to migrate to or accumulate.
These circuits shall be deenergized as persons are withdrawn; and
(3) Mechanized equipment not located on working sections shall be shut off.
However, mechanized equipment necessary to withdraw persons from the mine
need not be shut off if located in areas where methane is not likely to migrate to or
(d) When ventilation is restored--
(i) No one other than designated certified examiners shall enter any underground
area of the mine until an examination is conducted as described in 75.360(b)
through (e) and the area has been determined to be safe. Designated certified
examiners shall enter the underground area of the mine from which miners have
been withdrawn only after the fan has operated for at least 15 minutes unless a
longer period of time is specified in the approved ventilation plan.
(ii) Underground power circuits shall not be energized and nonpermissible
mechanized equipment shall not be started or operated in an area until an
examination is conducted as described in 75.360(b) through (e) and the area has
been determined to be safe, except that designated certified examiners may use
nonpermissible transportation equipment in intake airways to facilitate the making
of the required examination. (2) If ventilation is restored to the mine before miners
reach the surface, the miners may return to underground working areas only after
an examination of the areas is made by a certified person and the areas are
determined to be safe. (e) Any atmospheric monitoring system operated during fan
stoppages shall be intrinsically safe.
(f) Any electrical refuge alternative components exposed to the mine atmosphere
shall be approved as intrinsically safe for use during fan stoppages. Any electrical
refuge alternative components located inside the refuge alternative shall be either
approved as intrinsically safe or approved as permissible for use during fan
Winter Alert
Beat Winter Hazard, Win with Winter Alert
"Conditions at underground and surface coal mines can change dramatically during the
winter months," said J oseph A. Main, assistant secretary of labor for mine safety and
health. "We must be ever mindful of the seasonal changes that can affect our work
Low barometric pressures and low humidity, coupled with seasonal drying of many
areas in underground coal mines, have contributed to the larger number of mine
explosions during winter months. Other hazards include limited visibility, icy haulage
roads and walkways, and the freezing and thawing effect on highwalls at surface mines.
MSHA warns miners and operators at underground coal mines to follow safety
checklists by ensuring adequate ventilation, applying liberal amounts of rock dust,
conducting frequent and thorough examinations, and being familiar with emergency
procedures to prevent coal mine ignitions and explosions.
Miners also are urged to be vigilant about keeping escapeways clear of impediments.
Miners and operators of surface mines should examine the stability of highwalls,
remove snow and ice from walkways, de-ice any equipment, and apply salt and sand
liberally where needed.
During their normal inspection duties, MSHA inspectors will distribute posters, hardhat
stickers, a "practice ventilation awareness" pocket card and a "basic ventilation"
compact disc PowerPoint presentation that can be shown and discussed during
meetings with underground coal miners.
Coal Miners Ventilation Checklist
Always.. conduct methane checks:
before.. equipment is energized at the face
at least.. every 20 minutes (or more often if required by the mines
ventilation plan)
before.. equipment is trammed inby the last open crosscut immediately
before.. welding, cutting, or soldering
continuously.. during welding, cutting, or soldering immediately before and
after.. blasting
Always.. make sure ALL gas detectors are calibrated and operating properly.
Always.. keep line brattice or ventilation tubing within 10 feet of the face (or other
distance required in your mines ventilation plan).
Always.. report:
ventilation control leakage..
changes in air velocity..
methane gas feeders..
ventilation tubing leaks..
smoke and other strange odors ..
Always.. report and/or repair damage to ventilation controls (i.e. stoppings, line
brattice, check curtains, regulators).
Always.. report and/or repair damage to ventilation controls (i.e. stoppings, line
brattice, check curtains, regulators).
Always.. make sure water sprays and scrubber systems are properly operated
and maintained in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and your
mines ventilation plan.
Never.. change or alter any ventilation controls without proper authorization.
Never.. operate an auxiliary fan if the main fan is down.
Never.. use an auxiliary fan to remove methane use line brattice.
Basic math formulas used to figure ventilation equations.
Circumference or Perimeter =width +width +length +length
o =w +w +l +l
Area =width x length (or height)
A =w x l (or w x h)
Rubbing Surface =perimeter x length
s =o x l
Velocity x Area =Air Quantity (cfm)
V x A =Q
Air Quantity Velocity =Area
Q V =A
Air Quantity Area =Velocity
Q A =V
Changing seconds to feet per minute (fpm):
60 seconds =parts of a minute (pM)
pM x feet =fpm
Changing feet per minute (fpm) to feet per hour:
fpm x 60 =feet per hour
Changing feet per hour to feet per day:
feet per hour x 24 =feet per day
Changing inches to feet:
Inches 12 =feet
Symbols Key:
o =circumference or perimeter k =coefficient of friction (0.00000001)
p =ventilating pressure l =length
v =air velocity (fpm) w =width
A =area h =height
Q =air quantity (cfm) fpm =feet per minute
s =rubbing surface cfm =cubic feet per minute
Formula to figure water gauge inches
p =(k) x (lo) x (v) A
Mean Air Velocity
A (#1) x V =cfm A (#2) =mav
The first step in reading any type of map is an understanding of the symbols used to depict its
features. When reading a road map many of the symbols are familiar and do not require any
additional interpretation on the part of the user. This knowledge has been gained through
experience aided by the availability of road maps for public use. Mine maps are no different.
Once an understanding of the symbols is attained, the map can be read and understood.
Although many mine map symbols are standardized, some are not. It is important that a legend
be placed on the map to illustrate the meaning of each symbol. The reader must consult the
legend to understand the map.
The mine map must have a scale to indicate the distances. The scale tells the reader the distance
that one inch on the map represents. The scale may look like this:
SCALE 1 = 100
or this:
Both above scales indicate that one inch on the mine map represents 100 feet in the mine, and the
lower scale indicates that one small block represents 25 feet.
A borehole is a hole connecting the surface with the underground workings of a mine. the hole
may be as small as 2 inches in diameter for a diamond drill hole or as large as 30 feet for an
Mine floors are not level. There are high and low places in a mine. The elevations represent the
distances in feet from sea level to the mine floor. On the mine map elevations look like this:
+ 1100
+ 1100
+ 1100
Fan - A mechanical device powered by an electrically driven motor or by an internal
combustion engine to pull or push air through the mine workings.
Check Curtain - A partition made of incombustible material, such as plastic or canvas, used to
deflect or direct air to the working place. It is construction in a manner to allow the passage of
men and machinery.
Box Check - A stopping with an opening in it to allow a conveyor to pass through used to
prevent intake or return air from flowing across the conveyor.
Door - A large hinged door completely closing a mine entry. Doors are usually installed in
pairs to form an air lock, allowing haulage equipment to pass through one door at a time without
allowing air to flow.
Line brattice - A partition made of incombustible material used to direct air to the working
face, which is usually installed within ten (10) feet of the face.
Overcast - An enclosure built in an intersection of mine passages which allows two air
currents to cross without mixing. One air current crosses the other above the coal seam, or in
some instances through pipes.
Undercast - Similar to an overcast except that one air current crosses under the other below the
coal seam.
Regulator - An adjustable door or opening in a stopping generally placed across a return
airway, and used to adjust the amount of air passing through the airway in order to properly
distribute airflow.
Stopping (permanent) - A solid incombustible substantial wall built across a mine passage to
separate intake air from return air, to direct air through the mine, to form escapeways, and to
isolate belt conveyor entries.
Stopping (temporary) - A stopping built of less substantial material than permanent ones
which is used in places where the ventilation will be changed and generally replaced by
permanent stoppings.
Seal - A stopping built of greater thickness and more substantial construction used to isolate
abandoned areas of a mine from the active workings.
Mandoor - A door installed in a permanent stopping to allow persons to travel from one entry
to another which must be constructed to prevent air from leaking through the stopping when the
door is closed.
1. Neatness is the first rule for ventilating maps. Arrows and ventilating controls should be
as neat and workmanlike as it is practical to make them.
2. All ventilating controls and arrows showing direction of air flow are to be drawn with a
black lead pencil.
3. All arrows are to be drawn with a ruler as guide.
4. Air currents should be so well outlined that it will be easy to trace them at a glance.
5. Show all places where the air splits by this symbol.
6. Study the map and get a general idea of how the air should be coursed, taking haulage
into consideration as well as the probable types of equipment used.
7. Whenever possible, separate main intake and return air with long chain pillars.
8. After deciding on the flow of air, ventilate the main entries. This establishes the main
intakes and returns.
9. Now set the fan, offsetting it 15 from the opening and indicating the explosion doors.
Beside the fan write the following mine law pertaining to the fan.
1) Offset at least 15 feet.
2) Fireproof air ducts provided with explosion doors or weak wall.
3) Operated from independent power circuit
4) Provided with pressure recording gauges or water gauges.
5) Daily inspection of fan and a record of inspection kept in a book or by
facilities to permanently record or give warning of an interruption to the fan.
10. Next, ventilate one butt entry taking into consideration the haulage and the manner in
which the air will be coursed into and out of each individual section.
11. Ventilate one section at a time on the butt entry and place each section on a separate split
of air. In general, ventilate the least developed section first.
12. When ventilating the sections first indicate by arrows where you want the air to go. Then
place the necessary controls to make it go that way. For example: Show the flow of air
by arrows. Then place the permanent stoppings and doors. Next place temporary
stoppings and checks. Then if you are air locking a section, check to see if you do have
an airlock. Now put line brattice or ventilating tubing in all places that are in more than 2
cuts or 20 feet. Last, regulate all splits of air. For example, you may have air going out
the main return to regulate and a bleeder for a pillar line to regulate.
13. When ventilating a section that has both solid and pillared workings, course the air over
the solid workings first. Air used for ventilating abandoned or pillared workings should
be coursed directly to the return.
14. Air locks are placed where there is danger of interruption to face ventilation. In general,
sections such as those that use track mounted face equipment or pan lines to the faces or
hand loading into cars or conveyors should be air locked.
15. Where possible, sections that use shuttle cars should be ventilated by taking the air up the
middle headings and splitting the air at the face (fish-tailing). This will reduce the
problem of removing gas and sealing in the event of a mine fire.
16. Every split of air should be regulated. Regulators should be placed so that one regulator
does not regulate another (double regulation).
17. Mark all violations of the mine law.
18. Check maps carefully. Be sure that all controls are in and properly placed. Check the air
flow to be certain there are no short circuits and that one regulator is not regulating
Fan Off-set at
Least 15 Feet
Explosion Doors
Or Weak Wall
Air circulates through a mine because there is a difference in pressure between the intake and the
return. The difference in pressure can be created by the difference in temperature, elevation, or
by mechanical means. See illustrations. Natural ventilation isnt reliable because the direction,
of the air current, may reverse with weather conditions, and when the outside temperature
approximates the inside temperature, movement of air will cease.
The most reliable method of producing ventilation (coursing of air through a mine) is by a fan
operated mechanically. A mine fan must be located on the surface, and must be built with
incombustible material, equipped with fire proof air ducts and provided with explosion doors or
a weak wall.
Explosion doors
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
The purpose of a stopping is to prevent the short circuiting of the air or to seal off portions of the
mine. Short circuiting of air is permitting it to enter the return before it has reached the working
A leaky stopping will increase the cost of ventilation. The fan will be required to move a greater
quantity of air than necessary to properly ventilate the working areas. Therefore, a stopping
should be airtight and substantial. One common area of leakage in the construction of a stopping
is around the sides and on the bottom. When possible a stopping should be embedded into the
rib and bottom. See illustration #1.
An overcast is a bridge which allows one air current to pass over another air current. Usually
overcasts are built in an intersection opposite a break-through. See Figure #1 and #2. an air
bridge is an aid to ventilation because it permits frequent splitting of the air - allowing air to
pass only over one section or one portion of a mine. An overcast also aids the haulage of a mine
because it eliminates the necessity for doors on the haulage road. The most common errors made
in the construction of a overcast are: rough and abrupt interruption to the ventilating current, and
insufficient area. The area on the inside of the overcast which butts up against the construction
should be filled in with material and smoothed down so that air will flow easily over the top of
the overcast. The distance from the top of the overcast to the roof should be of sufficient area to
allow air to pass freely. See Figure #3.
Cross Cut
Figure #1 Figure #2
Figure #3
The purpose of a check curtain is to deflect an air current from an entry into a working face and
should only be used in the active working area. The use of a line brattice with a check curtain is
a standard practice in coal mining. See examples. The material used is brattice cloth or
incombustible material and must be flame resistant. The purpose of a line brattice is to assure a
sufficient velocity of air at the working face to remove dangerous gases, smoke from explosives,
and to carry away harmful coal dust. The most common error in the use of line curtain is the
choking of the air in behind the curtain. Therefore, the space behind a line curtain should be
clear and open for the free flow of air. At times a greater velocity of air may be needed at the
face area to remove gas.
In such cases the intake current can be constricted, thereby creating a greater velocity and the gas
is removed.
Curtain may be moved to the
opposite side of place
to accommodate haulage
through cross-cut
Check and line curtain
The purpose of a regulator is to control the distribution of air by regulating the resistance to flow
in an air split. Therefore, the effect of closing a regulator on the quantity of air is that the
quantity will decrease. Regulators are essential to the ventilation of a mine because they
proportion the air to meet the requirements of each individual split. Regulators are placed in the
return of each split of air. The mine foremanwho is charged with the responsibility of
ventilating coal mines in Utahwill determine where regulators are to be placed. The materials
used in the construction of a regulator should be incombustible.
(Stopping with a sliding door)
Where belts or panlines pass through a stopping they should be boxed checked to prevent excess
leakage of air. Notice in the example below a belt line is passing through two permanent
stoppings. The belt is ventilated by the leakage of air through the stoppings.
Fire Gas
1. Pull power
2. Remove men except those necessary to remove
gas and seal fire.
3. To get more air to remove gas; tighten check and
line curtain open regulator No. 2.
4. Approximately 1000 feet from fire area build
temporary seals.
5. Build permanent seals. Build seals No. 2 and No.
4 first, then build seals No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5
simultaneously. Seals No.1, No. 3, and No.5 must
be raised together to prevent the possibility of
reversing the air in the fire area.. If necessary put
in water traps. Make as airtight as possible.
6. Establish ventilation across seals by removing
stoppings 6, build stopping 7, and run line curtain
to face 8. Adjust regulators No. 1 and No. 2.
(1) Sample Tubes
(2) Temporary Seals
(3) Permanent Seals
(4) Temporary Stoppings
(5) Permanent Stoppings
(6) Remove Stoppings
(7) Build Stoppings
(8) Run Line Curtain to Stoppings
(9) Adjust Regulators
Instructions for Removing Gas and Sealing Mine Fire
1. Pull power
2. Remove men except those necessary to remove the gas and seal the fire.
3. Route the gas away from the fire area so the gas does not cross the fire and cause an
4. Increase the volume of air to remove the gas
5. Approximately 1,000 feet from the fire area build temporary seals approximately straight
6. Outby the temporary seals build permanent seals. When building seals the last seals to be
built are one in each return and one in the intake. These are raised together so as to prevent
the possibility of reversing the air in the fire area. Sample tubes are put in two or more
seals. This sampling is done about 72 hours after the initial sealing for the purpose of
determining whether the oxygen content is low enough so there is no danger of an
explosion. If necessary put water traps in the seals.
7. Ventilate the seals.
Basic Mine Ventilation
Face Ventilation
Check Curtains
Air Measurements
Principals of Airflow
Respirable Dust Control
Use of Scrubbers
Actions for Excessive Methane
Rock Dusting
Outby End of Curtain
Scrubber Off 4,000 cfm
Scrubber On 4,300 cfm
Inby End of Curtain
Scrubber Off 3,000 cfm
Scrubber On 7,500 cfm
Title 30
Code of Federal Regulation
Subpart D - Ventilation
30 CFR 75.301
In addition to the applicable definitions in 75.2, the following definitions apply in
this subpart.
Air course. An entry or a set of entries separated from other entries by stoppings,
overcasts, other ventilation control devices, or by solid blocks of coal or rock so that
any mixing of air currents between each is limited to leakage.
AMS operator. The person(s), designated by the mine operator, who is located on
the surface of the mine and monitors the malfunction, alert, and alarm signals of
the AMS and notifies appropriate personnel of these signals.
Appropriate personnel. The person or persons designated by the operator to
perform specific tasks in response to AMS signals. Appropriate personnel include
the responsible person(s) required by 75.1501 when an emergency evacuation is
Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS). A network consisting of hardware and
software meeting the requirements of 75.351 and 75.1103-2 and capable of:
measuring atmospheric parameters; transmitting the measurements to a
designated surface location; providing alert and alarm signals; processing and
cataloging atmospheric data; and, providing reports. Early-warning fire detection
systems using newer technology that provides equal or greater protection, as
determined by the Secretary, will be considered atmospheric monitoring systems
for the purposes of this subpart.
Belt air course. The entry in which a belt is located and any adjacent entry(ies) not
separated from the belt entry by permanent ventilation controls, including any
entries in series with the belt entry, terminating at a return regulator, a section
loading point, or the surface.
Carbon monoxide ambient level. The average concentration in parts per million
(ppm) of carbon monoxide detected in an air course containing carbon monoxide
sensors. This average concentration is representative of the composition of the
mine atmosphere over a period of mining activity during non-fire conditions.
Separate ambient levels may be established for different areas of the mine.
Incombustible. Incapable of being burned.
Intake air. Air that has not yet ventilated the last working place on any split of any
working section, or any worked-out area, whether pillared or nonpillared.
Intrinsically safe. Incapable of releasing enough electrical or thermal energy under
normal or abnormal conditions to cause ignition of a flammable mixture of methane
or natural gas and air of the most easily ignitable composition.
Noncombustible Structure or Area. Describes a structure or area that will continue
to provide protection against flame spread for at least 1 hour when subjected to a
fire test incorporating an ASTM E119-88 time/temperature heat input, or
equivalent. The publication ASTM E119-88, "Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of
Building Construction and Materials" is incorporated by reference and may be
inspected at any MSHA Coal Mine Safety and Health district office, or at MSHA's
Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances , 1100 Wilson Boulevard Room
2352, Arlington, Virginia 22209-3939, and at the Office of the Federal Register, 800
North Capitol Street, NW., Suite 700, Washington, DC. In addition, copies of the
document can be purchased from the American Society for Testing Materials
(ASTM), 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. This incorporation by
reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5
U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
Noncombustible Material. Describes a material which when used to construct a
ventilation control results in a control that will continue to serve its intended
function for 1 hour when subjected to a fire test incorporating an ASTM E119-88
time/temperature heat input, or equivalent. The publication ASTM E119-88,
"Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials" is
incorporated by reference and may be inspected at any MSHA Coal Mine Safety and
Health district office , or at MSHA's Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances
, Regulations, and Variances, 1100 Wilson Boulevard , Arlington, VA, and at the
Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., Suite 700,
Washington, DC. In addition, copies of the document can be purchased from the
American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box
C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959; http://www.astm.org. This
incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
Point feeding. The process of providing additional intake air to the belt air course
from another intake air course through a regulator.
Return air. Air that has ventilated the last working place on any split of any working
section or any worked-out area whether pillared or nonpillared. If air mixes with air
that has ventilated the last working place on any split of any working section or any
worked-out area, whether pillared or nonpillared, it is considered return air. For the
purposes of 75.507-1, air that has been used to ventilate any working place in a
coal producing section or pillared area, or air that has been used to ventilate any
working face if such air is directed away from the immediate return is return air.
Notwithstanding the definition of intake air, for the purpose of ventilation of
structures, areas or installations that are required by this subpart D to be ventilated
to return air courses, and for ventilation of seals, other air courses may be
designated as return air courses by the operator only when the air in these air
courses will not be used to ventilate working places or other locations, structures,
installations or areas required to be ventilated with intake air.
Worked-out area. An area where mining has been completed, whether pillared or
nonpillared, excluding developing entries, return air courses, and intake air courses.
30 CFR 75.320
Air quality detectors and measurement devices.
(a) Tests for methane shall be made by a qualified person with MSHA approved
detectors that are maintained in permissible and proper operating condition and
calibrated with a known methane-air mixture at least once every 31 days.
(b) Tests for oxygen deficiency shall be made by a qualified person with MSHA
approved oxygen detectors that are maintained in permissible and proper operating
condition and that can detect 19.5 percent oxygen with an accuracy of 0.5
percent. The oxygen detectors shall be calibrated at the start of each shift that the
detectors will be used.
(c) Handheld devices that contain electrical components and that are used for
measuring air velocity, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and other gases shall
be approved and maintained in permissible and proper operating condition.
(d) An oxygen detector approved by MSHA shall be used to make tests for oxygen
deficiency required by the regulations in this part. Permissible flame safety lamps
may only be used as a supplementary testing device.
(e) Maintenance of instruments required by paragraphs (a) through (d) of this
section shall be done by persons trained in such maintenance.
30 CFR 75.321
Air quality.
(a) The air in areas where persons work or travel, except as specified in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section, shall contain at least 19.5 percent oxygen and not more than
0.5 percent carbon dioxide, and the volume and velocity of the air current in these
areas shall be sufficient to dilute, render harmless, and carry away flammable,
explosive, noxious, and harmful gases, dusts, smoke, and fumes.
(2) The air in areas of bleeder entries and worked-out areas where persons work or
travel shall contain at least 19.5 percent oxygen, and carbon dioxide levels shall not
exceed 0.5 percent time weighted average and 3.0 percent short term exposure
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of 75.322, for the purpose of preventing
explosions from gases other than methane, the following gases shall not be
permitted to accumulate in excess of the concentrations listed below:
(1) Carbon monoxide (CO)--2.5 percent
(2) Hydrogen (H(sub)2)--.80 percent
(3) Hydrogen sulfide (H(sub)2S)--.80 percent
(4) Acetylene (C(sub)2H(sub)2)--.40 percent
(5) Propane (C(sub)3H(sub)8)--.40 percent
(6) MAPP (methyl-acetylene-propylene-propodiene)--.30 percent
30 CFR 75.323
Actions for excessive methane.
(a)Location of tests. Tests for methane concentrations under this section shall be made
at least 12 inches from the roof, face, ribs, and floor.
(b)Working places and intake air courses.
(1) When 1.0 percent or more methane is present in a working place or an intake air
course, including an air course in which a belt conveyor is located, or in an area where
mechanized mining equipment is being installed or removed--
(i) Except intrinsically safe atmospheric monitoring systems (AMS), electrically powered
equipment in the affected area shall be deenergized, and other mechanized equipment
shall be shut off;
(ii) Changes or adjustments shall be made at once to the ventilation system to reduce
the concentration of methane to less than 1.0 percent; and
(iii) No other work shall be permitted in the affected area until the methane
concentration is less than 1.0 percent.
(2) When 1.5 percent or more methane is present in a working place or an intake air
course, including an air course in which a belt conveyor is located, or in an area where
mechanized mining equipment is being installed or removed--
(i) Everyone except those persons referred to in 104(c) of the Act shall be withdrawn
from the affected area; and
(ii) Except for intrinsically safe AMS, electrically powered equipment in the affected area
shall be disconnected at the power source.
(c)Return air split. (1) When 1.0 percent or more methane is present in a return air
split between the last working place on a working section and where that split of air
meets another split of air, or the location at which the split is used to ventilate seals or
worked-out areas changes or adjustments shall be made at once to the ventilation
system to reduce the concentration of methane in the return air to less than 1.0
(2) When 1.5 percent or more methane is present in a return air split between the last
working place on a working section and where that split of air meets another split of air,
or the location where the split is used to ventilate seals or worked-out areas--
(i) Everyone except those persons referred to in 104(c) of the Act shall be withdrawn
from the affected area;
(ii) Other than intrinsically safe AMS, equipment in the affected area shall be
deenergized, electric power shall be disconnected at the power source, and other
mechanized equipment shall be shut off; and
(iii) No other work shall be permitted in the affected area until the methane
concentration in the return air is less than 1.0 percent.
(d)Return air split alternative. (1) The provisions of this paragraph apply if--
(i) The quantity of air in the split ventilating the active workings is at least 27,000 cubic
feet per minute in the last open crosscut or the quantity specified in the approved
ventilation plan, whichever is greater;
(ii) The methane content of the air in the split is continuously monitored during mining
operations by an AMS that gives a visual and audible signal on the working section
when the methane in the return air reaches 1.5 percent, and the methane content is
monitored as specified in 75.351; and
(iii) Rock dust is continuously applied with a mechanical duster to the return air course
during coal production at a location in the air course immediately outby the most inby
monitoring point.
(2) When 1.5 percent or more methane is present in a return air split between a point
in the return opposite the section loading point and where that split of air meets
another split of air or where the split of air is used to ventilate seals or worked-out
(i) Changes or adjustments shall be made at once to the ventilation system to reduce
the concentration of methane in the return air below 1.5 percent;
(ii) Everyone except those persons referred to in 104(c) of the Act shall be withdrawn
from the affected area;
(iii) Except for intrinsically safe AMS, equipment in the affected area shall be
deenergized, electric power shall be disconnected at the power source, and other
mechanized equipment shall be shut off; and
(iv) No other work shall be permitted in the affected area until the methane
concentration in the return air is less than 1.5 percent.
(e)Bleeders and other return air courses. The concentration of methane in a bleeder
split of air immediately before the air in the split joins another split of air, or in a return
air course other than as described in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, shall not
exceed 2.0 percent.
30 CFR 75.324
Intentional changes in the ventilation system.
(a) A person designated by the operator shall supervise any intentional change in
ventilation that--
(1) Alters the main air current or any split of the main air current in a manner that
could materially affect the safety or health of persons in the mine; or
(2) Affects section ventilation by 9,000 cubic feet per minute of air or more in
bituminous or lignite mines, or 5,000 cubic feet per minute of air or more in
anthracite mines.
(b) Intentional changes shall be made only under the following conditions:
(1) Electric power shall be removed from areas affected by the ventilation change
and mechanized equipment in those areas shall be shut off before the ventilation
change begins.
(2) Only persons making the change in ventilation shall be in the mine.
(3) Electric power shall not be restored to the areas affected by the ventilation
change and mechanized equipment shall not be restarted until a certified person
has examined these areas for methane accumulation and for oxygen deficiency and
has determined that the areas are safe.
30 CFR 75.325
Air quantity.
(a)(1) In bituminous and lignite mines the quantity of air shall be at least 3,000
cubic feet per minute reaching each working face where coal is being cut, mined,
drilled for blasting, or loaded. When a greater quantity is necessary to dilute,
render harmless, and carry away flammable, explosive, noxious, and harmful
gases, dusts, smoke, and fumes, this quantity shall be specified in the approved
ventilation plan. A minimum air quantity may be required to be specified in the
approved ventilation plan for other working places or working faces.
(2) The quantity of air reaching the working face shall be determined at or near the
face end of the line curtain, ventilation tubing, or other ventilation control device. If
the curtain, tubing, or device extends beyond the last row of permanent roof
supports, the quantity of air reaching the working face shall be determined behind
the line curtain or in the ventilation tubing at or near the last row of permanent
(3) If machine mounted dust collectors or diffuser fans are used, the approved
ventilation plan shall specify the operating volume of the dust collector or diffuser
(b) In bituminous and lignite mines, the quantity of air reaching the last open
crosscut of each set of entries or rooms on each working section and the quantity of
air reaching the intake end of a pillar line shall be at least 9,000 cubic feet per
minute unless a greater quantity is required to be specified in the approved
ventilation plan. This minimum also applies to sections which are not operating but
are capable of producing coal by simply energizing the equipment on the section.
(c) In longwall and shortwall mining systems--
(1) The quantity of air shall be at least 30,000 cubic feet per minute reaching the
working face of each longwall, unless the operator demonstrates that a lesser air
quantity will maintain continual compliance with applicable methane and respirable
dust standards. This lesser quantity shall be specified in the approved ventilation
plan. A quantity greater than 30,000 cubic feet per minute may be required to be
specified in the approved ventilation plan.
(2) The velocity of air that will be provided to control methane and respirable dust
in accordance with applicable standards on each longwall or shortwall and the
locations where these velocities will be provided shall be specified in the approved
ventilation plan. The locations specified shall be at least 50 feet but no more than
100 feet from the headgate and tailgate, respectively.
(d) Ventilation shall be maintained during installation and removal of mechanized
mining equipment. The approved ventilation plan shall specify the minimum
quantity of air, the locations where this quantity will be provided and the ventilation
controls required.
(e) In anthracite mines, the quantity of air shall be as follows:
(1) At least 1,500 cubic feet per minute reaching each working face where coal is
being mined, unless a greater quantity is required to be specified in the approved
ventilation plan.
(2) At least 5,000 cubic feet per minute passing through the last open crosscut in
each set of entries or rooms and at the intake end of any pillar line, unless a
greater quantity is required to be specified in the approved ventilation plan.
(3) When robbing areas where air currents cannot be controlled and air
measurements cannot be obtained, the air shall have perceptible movement.
(f) The minimum ventilating air quantity for an individual unit of diesel-powered
equipment being operated shall be at least that specified on the approval plate for
that equipment. Such air quantity shall be maintained--
(1) In any working place where the equipment is being operated;
(2) At the section loading point during any shift the equipment is being operated on
the working section;
(3) In any entry where the equipment is being operated outby the section loading
point in areas of the mine developed on or after April 25, 1997;
(4) In any air course with single or multiple entries where the equipment is being
operated outby the section loading point in areas of the mine developed prior to
April 25, 1997; and
(5) At any other location required by the district manager and specified in the
approved ventilation plan.
(g) The minimum ventilating air quantity where multiple units of diesel-powered
equipment are operated on working sections and in areas where mechanized mining
equipment is being installed or removed must be at least the sum of that specified
on the approval plates of all the diesel-powered equipment on the working section
or in the area where mechanized mining equipment is being installed or removed.
The minimum ventilating air quantity shall be specified in the approved ventilation
plan. For working sections such air quantity must be maintained--
(1) In the last open crosscut of each set of entries or rooms in each working
(2) In the intake, reaching the working face of each longwall; and
(3) At the intake end of any pillar line.
(h) The following equipment may be excluded from the calculations of ventilating
air quantity under paragraph (g) if such equipment exclusion is approved by the
district manager and specified in the ventilation plan:
(1) Self-propelled equipment meeting the requirements of 75.1908(b);
(2) Equipment that discharges its exhaust into intake air that is coursed directly to
a return air course;
(3) Equipment that discharges its exhaust directly into a return air course; and
(4) Other equipment having duty cycles such that the emissions would not
significantly affect the exposure of miners.
(i) A ventilating air quantity that is less than what is required by paragraph (g) of
this section may be approved by the district manager in the ventilation plan based
upon the results of sampling that demonstrate that the lesser air quantity will
maintain continuous compliance with applicable TLV