1.revised Blast Management Plan Final
1.revised Blast Management Plan Final
1.revised Blast Management Plan Final
Biftu Quarry
March 2017
2.1 Location 6
2.4 Geology 7
5.4 Fly-Rock 13
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Mizan Dima Road Upgrading Project Blasting Management Plan
9. APPENDIX:- 25
9.1 Checklists 25
9.2 Template 25
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Mizan Dima Road Upgrading Project Blasting Management Plan
1. Introduction
This report covers the blast management plan to be implemented by the joint party of the
contractor, CHINA MCC17, and the supervision Consultants, AARVEE Jv.NET, to control and
mitigate the problem caused by blasting activity in the Biftu quarry on the immediate local
Blasting activity is the main alarm for safety risk due to its potential damage to people, property
and infrastructure due to ground vibration and outbreak noise and debris from the blasting
activity on the vicinity of the blast. Among the complaints actively raised from the local
community include noise disturbance, excessive ground vibration, and damage to property and fly
rock and debris as well as dust pollution of the air immediately after the blast. Damage to private
owned property in the form of claimed cracking of houses due to the ground vibration is the major
This report is the supplement report to the previously submitted dust management plan for the
crusher site. The parties aim to resume blasting activity by implementing this safe blast
management plan without undue risks and vibration damage to structure and the immediate local
Therefore the supervision consultant and the contractor have devised this blast management plan
with clear procedures to be effectively implemented to consistently minimize/solve the problems
A blast management plan (BMP) is a risk control plan used in explosive blasting. It aims to ensure
blasts are well planned, protect people in the area and limit damage to the environment
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2.1 Location
The Biftu Blasting Quarry is located in the South-Western part of Ethiopia about 652 km from the
capital Addis Ababa and about 39km from Mizan Town, specifically at km 39+100 LHS 500m. The
quarry is used as crushed aggregates and masonry stone production source for the Mizan Dima
road upgrading project. The quarry is owned by MCC 17, the main contractor building the road
2.4 Geology
According to the Geologic Map of Ethiopia, the Geology of the area where the quarry site is
located is composed of territiary colcanics and low-grade volcano sedimentary rocks of the
Ashangi Group with Paleocen-Oligocene Miocene of Alkili Olivin Basalt. Specifically the quarry
material is composed of ridge forming, fractured, volcanic columnar basaltic rock.
The geology of the quarry material has a bearing on the economy and safety of the production.
Because of the fractured and columnar nature of the rock it needs less mass of explosive to
produce appreciable quantity of rock. The blasted material is also easily reduced into small sizes
which is suitable for the crusher. However, it may also be susceptible to fly-rock accident while the
ground vibration would be lesser because of lesser need of explosive. With good blast design all
safety issues can be addressed to suit the nature of the rock.
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3. Regulatory Framework
We could not find any regulatory framework in a national as well as local level concerning quarry
management in the country. However, relevant regulations prepared for developed countries
have been consulted in the preparation of this report. The local need and expectation is also taken
into consideration at every step of the preparation and implementation of this plan through
regular consultation with the Community, CLC, the Financier and the Client as well as Woreda
and Zonal administrative bodies.
The Contractor has got blasting permission from Ethiopia National Intelligence and Security
Service and the Office has approved the Contractor Blaster who has experience and qualification
for the work.
A qualified and experienced blasting foreman will be used for the blasting operations that would
be responsible: for ensuring each blast has been safely designed, proper safety measures were
taken, advance notice has been given immediately before the blast and the exclusion Zone is clear
of all people and animals.
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4. Quarry Operations
The quarry operations include clearing of the site by removing plants, debris and other unwanted
contamination and extraction of the stone by using explosive blasting technique. The blasted and
extracted stones are transported to a crusher site for further processing into desired stone
aggregates of different size and composition. The location of the stone quarry and the crusher site
is within the same production area about 200m apart.
Detonating Explosives are also called High Explosives and are characterized by a super-acoustic
reaction rate and produce high blast-hole pressure.
Safe storage of the blasting chemical and accessories is very important as part of risk management
in quarrying operation. To this end the chemicals used for blasting are stored in a safe location far
away from human and animal habitation with the clearance and direct involvement of the Federal
Security Office. The license to purchase, own, store and use has also been properly cleared by the
office. The storage is located at km 38+000 LHS 600m.
To address all safety issues a proper blast design is carried out and operation is carried out in a
manner that addresses the concern and complaints from the community and all other concerned
The community will be advised of impending blasts and appropriate actions will be taken to
preserve the safety and amenity of the general public and to address any complaints in a
competent and timely manner.
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5. Environmental Effects
In this particular project, most of the complaints received from the local community are
attributable to ground vibration from blasting. Hence, this blast management plan aims to
decrease and possibly eliminate such complaints by implementing a work procedure which
guarantees all the loop holes leading to undesirably excessive ground vibration are avoided at all
times of blasting operations.
Part of the excessive ground vibration was created because of the excessive use of explosive mass
and depth of hole employed in the previous blasting operations. The contractor used up to 19m of
depth of hole and about 95kg of explosive with no benching used, holes dug into flat ground and
blasting of the ground rather than the benches in a sort of trench blasting, which might have
created excessive ground vibration. This BMP is expected to help in strictly controlling the amount
of explosive, depth of hole and number of holes blasted at a time and more importantly the
blasting of benches rather than flat ground with appreciable decrease in ground vibration.
Hence, a blast design procedure has been implemented in line with acceptable blasting technical
literature and guidelines and in close consultation with the responsible qualified and experienced
blast foreman.
This blast design takes the nature of the geology of the quarry rock which is as mentioned above
columnar and fractured ridge forming basaltic rock with a need to low energy blasting. Hence, the
amount of explosive has been decreased appreciably to decrease the blast ground vibration which
is made about 6.5kg of explosive per meter of blast hole. Moreover, the utilization of the bench
technique of quarry operation is expected to help in avoiding excessive ground vibration avoiding
the practice of trenches blasting. The depth of the blast hole is also related to the ground vibration
and hence the depth of hole is also decreased to a maximum of 8m in line with the blast design
guideline. The depth of the blast hole is measured by the number of drilling rods used. One drill
rod is 3m long. The depth of the blast hole in our case is synonymous with the height of the bench
and hence it can easily be ascertained by measuring the bench height.
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Hence, the contractor will submit an activity request format prepared for the purpose to the
supervising engineer before any blasting operation is allowed. The supervisor will record all
observations on the pre-blast checklist which includes the following information which is expected
to ensure excessive ground vibration is not produced.
Action to be taken
Utilize three (3) holes per blast, or use a delay system with a maximum of three holes
blasted at a time. The spacing of the holes will depend on the burden width as described
under section 6.1 blasting design.
Limit the depth of holes to 8m to minimize the shock. One drill rod is 3m long, so we will
check the depth by checking number of rod used for drilling and measuring the left over
from the third drilled rod.
Only utilize 6.5kg of explosive for every meter of blast hole, which is for a stemming length
of 4m about 26kg for every hole and 78kg for the total of 3 holes per each blasting
operation. The density of the explosive is 812.5 kg/m3 and the rod diameter is 101mm, so
the weight of explosive per meter is 6.5kg.
Use of adequate stemming, a delay detonation system, and drilling and whole loading to
ensure that the required blast design is implemented.
Review of monitoring results and modification of the blast design, if necessary.
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Appropriate checklists are prepared to insure that air blast is not created during the blasting
operations and unless the required conditions to avoid air blast are not met before the blasting
operation then the activity will be canceled by the supervising engineer.
The following practices should be followed to control and manage excessive air blasts;
Sufficient stemming length will always be used which must be at least 0.7 times the
Burden, but in this particular project a stemming length always greater than the burden
will be used to minimize fly rock.
Angular, crushed rock of appropriate size distribution in relation to the blast-hole
diameter will be used as the suitable good quality stemming material to be used during
blasting. A sand size of dia 4-9 mm ideal for stemming material will be used
Engineer will always check the free faces for excessive fractures from the back break and
for the presence of voids and mud seams before blasting
Blasting will be suspend at all times when there is adverse weather like foggy or heavy rain
due to safety concern.
5.4 Fly-Rock
Fly-rocks are rocks which are propelled beyond the blast area during rock blasting. Fly-rocks
present a dangerous situation to the blasting workers during rock blasting as well as to any close
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by person and structure; therefore it is always important to secure the blast area and apply
solutions that prevent and control fly-rock incidences during blasting.
The supervising engineer will check if the following preconditions are met before any blasting
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In order to control dust from rock blasting, the following action will be applied:
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Defining of limits of an Exclusion Zone, within which persons or property may be at risk, in
this case 500m from the circumference of the blasting operation
Relocating of all people living within the exclusion zone, and compensation paid for crops
and property within that zone
Preparation of blast management template
Appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
Preparation of appropriate safe blasting design
Identification and notification of blasting time
Pre-blasting inspection
Clearance of the site, and verification that it is clear immediately before the time of
Final warning notification to community surrounding the site immediately before the time
of blasting
Consultation and handling of complaints from local community
Proper blast design is the most important tool to prevent blasting problems including fly-rock. A
qualified and experienced blaster optimizes the balance between rock properties, explosive
energy distribution, and explosive energy confinement to reduce the consequences. The most
logical approach is to adjust energy distribution and confinement suitable for the rock properties,
including geological abnormality. Such optimization would improve fragmentation and minimize
blasting problems such as fly rock, ground vibration, and air-blast.
Blast design is undertaken for each and every blast in order to maximize the blast
efficiency, minimize the dust, fume, ground vibration and air blast, and ensure compliance with
site specific blasting conditions. To minimize the consecutive risk upcoming from poor blasting
design on people who live around the vicinity of blasting site implementing the under listed design
and monitoring mitigation measures will be ensured:
minimize and limit the weight of explosives used per blast holes
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limit and decrease the depth of the hole to minimize the shock ground vibration
A typical blast design clearly indicates the diameter of hole, the depth of hole, the slope, the
burden, the spacing, the type and amount of charge used, the stemming height, the hole
arrangement and type of detonating to be used among other things.
The following diagram shows the basic concepts used in blast design.
Specific needs of the project demand the manipulation and optimization of the above rule of
thumb to cater for specific constraints and requirements in this particular project. A number of
combinations of the above requirements can be used to successfully meet the specific needs of
any project but with certain requirements to minimize undue side effects or to cater for specific
Hence, the following design is found sufficient and appropriate for this project.
Hole Diameter, D= 100mm = that is the actual diameter of our core drill rod
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Sub drilling, U=0.2*3500=700mm (or 70cm) we use a lower value to avoid ground vibration
Stemming, ho = 1.15*3500= 4000mm (or 4m) this helps in reducing fly rock
The fixed conditions are hole diameter and bench height. The specific design for each blast shall
be checked to ascertain whether it fulfils not only the above rule of thumb but also the following
project specific requirements:
1. The stemming height shall always be greater than the burden to minimize fly rock
2. The burden shall not be less than 35 times the hole diameter
3. The column charge should be 40-100% of the bottom charge
4. Dry sand dia 4-9 mm ideal for stemming material will be used
Moreover, the following guideline from trusted blasting cartridge and equipment supplier would
be implemented in the project for optimum production and less side effects:
Quality in drilling + blasting can give expected fragmentation, final contour and less
Drilling -> Drill plan, length, dia, direction, deviation
Charging -> Weaker explosives in contour + helpers
Initiation -> Many small vibrations, less damage
Good contour, small damage radius -> less reinforcement
Avoid failures and interrupted detonations
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Exclusion zone is defined as the area within which no person and/or property is allowed to
permanently settle or inhabit as long as the blasting activity is not permanently closed due to the
safety risk and damage coming from explosive. The limit of the explosive zone has been set at a
minimum of 500 meter radius from the circumference of the blasting site for a particular blasting
operation. No blasting shall occur within 500m of privately owned property. For this reason, we
have agreed with the Contractor to blast in the newly proposed blasting area, which is attached
with this plan.
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The consultation meetings are being made with the local affected people and the local
administration office to identify the need of the affected people and direct the compensation
mechanism accordingly.
The actual surveying exclusion zone boundaries within 500m from the quarry circumference has
been done in all directions of the blasting yard and the remaining PAPs who live within the
exclusion zone has been identified for compensation of their crops and any property within the
zone for relocation. Currently about 18 individuals has been identified as living within this
exclusion zone and arrangement is being made to resettle them elsewhere with consideration to
the loss they suffered not only to their permanent property but also due to the lost opportunity
during and after their resettlement, such as the yield they lost in their present farms and
compounds and the number of seasons they will not be able to get their yield from their crops as
livelihood restoration and assistance. ERA and SC have been working on the Livelihood restoration
and vulnerable group assessment within the buffer zone.
The blasting operation shall not resume until all people within the exclusion zone has been
evacuated, fully compensated and either temporarily or permanently resettled.
In this particular quarry operation there are two access points to the quarry site. One is the main
access which is also the access point for all vehicles and personnel of the contractor. However, this
is also used by the local people occasionally. The other access point is a foot-path only used by the
local community who usually come to fetch water from nearby closed water well. Hence, sentries
will be posted on both these two access points and this shall be inspected by the works inspector
as part of the pre-blast inspection checklist. The completed pre-blast checklist will have been
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signed by the Project Manager before it is presented to the Resident Engineer, who would give the
final go-ahead by approving and signing the checklist.
Action to be taken
Initial request to blast will be requested to the RE and the preparation for blast will be
started when the RE approve the request.
The contractor will notify the Engineer of the intent to blast through the RFI and the
Engineer will check the pre-blast checklist for approval.
The Pre-blast Checklist will be completed by the works inspector of the supervision
consultant according to the hole and arrangement design and sign it with appropriate
The Project Manager of the Contractor will sign the Checklist
The Resident Engineer of the supervising consultant will check and sign the pre-blast
Adequately notify the blasting time to all local residents by loud speakers.
Notify the blasting time to Biftu Woreda police office
Therefore this template datas will in advance be recorded by the responsible blast person signed
and submitted with the checklist to the engineer. See attached the copy of the template in the
appendices of this BMP.
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Before any blasting operation the Contractor should get permission from local police office and
the blasting will be carried out in the presence of police. Besides, representatives from community
liaison committee (CLC) and Engineers representative shall follow the blasting activity.
Consultation and discussions held usually with CLC from local community to solve and handle any
complaints raised from the local community and revised the BMP to ensure the safety of risk free
blasting activities. The BMP shall be updated as necessary to take into account safety
improvements and the reasonable concerns expressed by the community. Any revisions to the
BMP shall be subject to the clearance of ERA and the World Bank.
Blasting will be contained within the hours of 9am- 5pm, Monday to Saturday with maximum of
four day per week subjected to agreement by the CLC and the local administration. Marketing
days, public holidays and religious ceremonial days will be excluded from the schedule. The
request for inspection would be submitted to the Resident Engineer 24hr before any blasting
Before blasting the participants who are involve in the blasting activity together with the inspector
and police officer will verify that the exclusion zone is cleared immediately before the final
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7. Reporting
Reporting of all environmental and social issues relating to blasting activities are undertaken by
environmentalist in a monthly basis as per our Environmental management Report. Likewise full
summary of blasting monitoring will be prepared and reported by the Contractor and reviewed by
the engineer.
All inspection check lists including accidents/incidents resulting from specific blast will be
prepared and signed by inspector of works in every blasting days and approved by the resident
engineer. And, it will be reported to the client and financer immediately after every blasting
operation carried out within 24 hours.
8. Conclusion
It is hoped that with proper and diligent practice of the above formulated measures of this BMP
the unwanted consequences of the blasting operation on the immediate local community can be
avoided and the blasting operation can resume work with no future impediments. However, all
parties concerned namely, the contractor, the supervising engineer and the representatives of the
local community should work hand in hand to the completion of the project for a successful
implementation of the plan to the satisfaction of all parties. The inspectors and engineers as well
as blast foremen and employed workers in this blasting operation should be informed of the
importance of this plan as well as the moral of safe operation with proper periodic training on the
part of the consultant and the contractor for a continued success with manpower training in view.
The effectiveness of this plan will be evaluated through genuine and detailed post-blast reports
outlining the success/failure of the implementation of the above procedures every time there is
blasting operations.
The report shall include all checklists, templates and photographs showing the actual situation
before and after the blast as well as the written and signed documents of
satisfaction/dissatisfaction from the community representatives, CLC.
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9.1 Checklists
Pre-Blast Checklist
Blasting Environmental Checklist
Drill and Blast Supervisor
Post-Blast Checklist
Security Guard Checklist
9.2 Template
Blast Design Explosives/charging
Blasting Notification checklist
Summary of the Blast
Shot Firer
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