2014-2015 Y6 Hwoo Unit Overview

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Year 6 Thu Thiem Unit of Inquiry 1 Overview

Unit of Inquiry

Transdisciplinary Theme
An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations;
societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on human kind and the environment.

Central Idea
Leadership can be a social function that creates changes that can benefit a community

Change, Perspective, Responsibility

Related concepts
Leadership, Cooperation, Community

Lines of Inquiry
The notion of leadership
The qualities and functions of leadership
The role communities play in producing change to meet needs
The positives and negatives of different forms of leadership


Recognise that ideas in literary texts can be conveyed from different viewpoints, which can lead to different kinds of
interpretations and responses.
Use metalanguage to describe the effects of ideas, text structures and language features on particular audiences.
Clarify understanding of content as it unfolds in formal and informal situations, connecting ideas to students own experiences and
present and justify a point of view.
Navigate and read texts for specific purposes applying appropriate text processing strategies, for example predicting and
confirming, monitoring meaning, skimming and scanning.
Reread and edit student's own and others work using agreed criteria for text structures and language features.


Use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations.
Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems.
Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
Use a grid reference system to describe locations. Describe routes using landmarks and directional language.

Leading to a Bright Future


Central Idea: Artists incorporate a variety of lines and
shapes to create the illusion of depth.
Throughout this unit students will be given opportunities
to view collections of famous pieces and how different
artists used these elements of art to enhance their work.
Students will have hands on experience, where they can
explore an array of art techniques used to create line,
shape and space in their own artwork.


In Music we will be looking at what role leadership plays
within music groups such as choirs, orchestras and
bands as well as the use of music associated with the
major leaders of our world.
Students will practise and display leadership skills, as
part of an action activity, preparing and performing a
group musical item for their peers.

Physical Education

In this leadership unit we will discover how to
communicate confidently in a variety of situations. The
students will be required to apply movement skills in
games and sport that require communication,
cooperation, decision-making and observation of rules.
We will practice and learn some of the basic skills and
techniques required in basketball, culminating in refining
and applying these skills creatively in game situations.

Vietnamese National Curriculum

In unit 1, year 6 VNC (year 5 in local school) will
be focused on the 2 topics: Vietnam- My country
and The bird of peace. Through these, students
will have a chance to learn more about
language, skills, techniques etc. to develop their
confidence to use Vietnamese in daily life.

Da vo k hoch cng nh s phn b chng trnh
ca Trng Quc T AIS. Trong n v hc trnh th
1, phn mn Ting Vit ca lp 6 (lp 5 theo quy
nh ca S GD v T) s ch yu tp trung vo 2
ch : Vit Nam t quc em v Cnh chim ha bnh.
Qua 2 ch ny, hc sinh s c c hi hc hi thm
v vn t vng, cc k nng, th thut. nhm pht
trin s t tin trong giao tip Ting Vit hng ngy
ca c em.


Week 1-5 Students will learn about:
People and their jobs
Talk about where people work
Talk about what students want to be in
Write characters:


Students will have a chance to learn new vocabulary,
communicating skills and express themselves in French
with simple sentences.

Topic 1 will include: greetings, numbers, age, and
alphabet. (4 weeks)
Topic 2 will include: time, days, months, classroom, and
articles. (5 weeks)

Neil Westcott and Craig Dalzell Rob Crowther
Year 6 Teachers Primary Deputy Principal
Thu Thiem Campus

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