At Pa Sal Brevis
At Pa Sal Brevis
At Pa Sal Brevis
0099-2240/02/$04.000 DOI: 10.1128/AEM.68.11.53745378.2002
Copyright 2002, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Membrane-Bound ATPase Contributes to Hop Resistance of
Lactobacillus brevis
Kanta Sakamoto,
* H. W. van Veen,
Hiromi Saito,
Hiroshi Kobayashi,
and Wil N. Konings
Fundamental Research Laboratory, Asahi Breweries, Ltd., Moriya-shi, Ibaraki 302-0106,
and Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Science, Chiba University, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8522,
Japan, and Department of
Microbiology, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute, University
of Groningen, 9751NN Haren, The Netherlands
Received 20 February 2002/Accepted 2 August 2002
The activity of the membrane-bound H
ATPase for generation of their PMF (6, 8). In this study, we
demonstrated that functional expression of a membrane-
bound H
-ATPase increased during development of hop
resistance and decreased again when exposure to hop com-
pounds was stopped. Previously, it was demonstrated that ex-
pression of the HorA transporter increased during develop-
ment of hop resistance (13). The H
nature of the
ATPase was conrmed by H
-ATPase effectors and es-
pecially by immunological studies with the antisera against the
- and -subunits of H
-ATPase from E. hirae. In accor-
dance with the observations of Kobayashi et al. (6, 7) made
with the anaerobic gram-positive bacterium E. hirae, the in-
creased functional expression of H
-ATPase most likely
allows L. brevis to maintain a viable PMF and intracellular pH
in the presence of the protonophoric hop compounds.
The results of this study, together with those of previous
studies (11, 13, 19), indicate that L. brevis becomes resistant to
hop compounds due to the combined action of two ATP-driven
FIG. 3. Western blot analysis of membranes of L. brevis and E.
hirae with antisera against F
of E. hirae. (A) Membranes of L. brevis
were solubilized and separated by electrophoresis through a 10% poly-
acrylamide gel (lanes 2 to 5). For comparison the results obtained with
membranes from E. hirae are shown in lane 1. The proteins were
transferred to a polyvinylidene diuoride lter membrane and reacted
with the antisera raised against the F
complex of E. hirae H
Lane 1, E. hirae cultured at pH 6.0; lane 2, L. brevis grown without hop
compounds (W0); lane 3, L. brevis adapted to 100 M hop compounds
(W100); lane 4, L. brevis adapted to 666 M hop compounds (R666);
lane 5, L. brevis deadapted from 666 to 0 M hop compounds (R0).
The arrows indicate the positions of the - and -subunits of H
ATPase from E. hirae. (B) Intensities of the lower bands of the ATPase
from L. brevis. The intensities of the bands were measured with the
NIH Image software and are expressed in arbitrary units (a.u.).
systems, the H
-ATPase com-
pensates for the PMF-dissipating and internal pH-decreasing
effects of hop compounds which have escaped the MDR ac-
tivities by pumping more protons from the cytoplasm across
the membrane. As a result of the higher expression of ATPase
and HorA and the energy dissipation by hop compounds, the
rate and extent of growth in MRS broth of hop-adapted cells
are less than the rate and extent of growth in MRS broth of
nonadapted cells (12). The various hop resistance mechanisms
(Fig. 4) provide another demonstration of the versatility of
bacteria and their capacity to develop a variety of mechanisms
to cope with toxic compounds in their environments.
We thank Asahi Breweries, Ltd., for its support during this study.
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FIG. 4. Proposed mechanisms of hop resistance in L. brevis ABBC45 due to the combined action of two ATP-driven systems and one
PMF-driven MDR. The undissociated hop compounds (Hop-H) intercalate into the cytoplasmic membrane and are pumped out by the multidrug
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