This research proposal aims to investigate the relationship between caffeine consumption and osteoporosis. The researcher hypothesizes that there is an association between consuming caffeinated beverages and osteoporosis. A cross-sectional study will be conducted involving 200 women aged 40-60 years in Palembang, Indonesia. Data will be collected through questionnaires and medical records to assess caffeine intake and osteoporosis status. Data analysis will use a chi-square test to determine if there is an association between caffeine consumption and osteoporosis, and if so, whether it is a risk or protective factor. The proposal provides details on the research methodology, timeline, costs, and organization.
This research proposal aims to investigate the relationship between caffeine consumption and osteoporosis. The researcher hypothesizes that there is an association between consuming caffeinated beverages and osteoporosis. A cross-sectional study will be conducted involving 200 women aged 40-60 years in Palembang, Indonesia. Data will be collected through questionnaires and medical records to assess caffeine intake and osteoporosis status. Data analysis will use a chi-square test to determine if there is an association between caffeine consumption and osteoporosis, and if so, whether it is a risk or protective factor. The proposal provides details on the research methodology, timeline, costs, and organization.
This research proposal aims to investigate the relationship between caffeine consumption and osteoporosis. The researcher hypothesizes that there is an association between consuming caffeinated beverages and osteoporosis. A cross-sectional study will be conducted involving 200 women aged 40-60 years in Palembang, Indonesia. Data will be collected through questionnaires and medical records to assess caffeine intake and osteoporosis status. Data analysis will use a chi-square test to determine if there is an association between caffeine consumption and osteoporosis, and if so, whether it is a risk or protective factor. The proposal provides details on the research methodology, timeline, costs, and organization.
This research proposal aims to investigate the relationship between caffeine consumption and osteoporosis. The researcher hypothesizes that there is an association between consuming caffeinated beverages and osteoporosis. A cross-sectional study will be conducted involving 200 women aged 40-60 years in Palembang, Indonesia. Data will be collected through questionnaires and medical records to assess caffeine intake and osteoporosis status. Data analysis will use a chi-square test to determine if there is an association between caffeine consumption and osteoporosis, and if so, whether it is a risk or protective factor. The proposal provides details on the research methodology, timeline, costs, and organization.
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CAFFEINE CONSUMPTION AND OSTEOPOROSIS Arranged by: TIA MONITA 540!00!0!0 MEDICAL FACULT" SRIWI#A"A UNI$ERSIT" %00&%00' i APPRO$AL LETTER Re(ear)* Pr+,+(a- THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CAFFEINE CONSUMPTION AND OSTEOPOROSIS Arranged by: T.a M+n./a 540!00!0!0 Ha( been e0)e,/ed and ()+red a( an a((.gn1en/ +2 ,r+,+(a- MEDICAL FACULT" SRIWI#A"A UNI$ERSIT" %00&%00' Pa-e1bang4 De)e1ber %00 ii PREFACE Praise and thanks are submitted to the mighty God, because of His blesses that is given to me so that I can fnish this proposal. This proposal talks about the relationship between caeine consumption and osteoporosis. This proposal is made in order to achieve permission to conduct research about the eect of caeine consumption to osteoporosis . It would be impossible to fnish writing this proposal without the helps, supports, insight, patience, and perseverance of many people. !irst, I would like to thank our lecturers who taught and led us. !inally, I would like to thank to everyone who cooperated and give contributions in the process of this research. Palembang, December 2008
Tia Monita iii i. CONTENT Page( Preface i Content ii Chapter I Introduction 1 A. ac!ground 1 . Problem" 1 C. #e"earch $b%ecti&e 1 D. enefit" of #e"earch 1 Chapter II 'iterature #e&ie( 2 A. Theor) *rame" 2 . Concept *rame" + C. ,)pothe"i" + D. $perational Confine - Chapter III #e"earch Method" . A. T)pe of re"earch . . Time and Place . C. Population and "ample / D. Data Collection / 0. Data Collecting / *. 1ariable" 8 2. Data anal)"i" 8 ,. 0thic problem" 3 I. Acti&it) Plan 3 4. #e"earch organi5ation 3 6. #e"earch co"t planning 10 i& #eference C,APT0# I I7T#$D8CTI$7 A. AC62#$87D ,igh caffeine con"umption ha" been propo"ed a" a ri"! factor for o"teoporo"i". ecau"e caffeine increa"e" urine production, calcium, (hich i" a component of the fluid, i" lo"t. Therefore, (e de"ign a re"earch to find the a""ociation bet(een high caffeine con"umption and o"teoporo"i". . P#$'0M The e&idence a""ociating high caffeine con"umption (ith the decrea"e of bone den"it) i" incon"i"tent. C. $40CTI10 The aim of thi" re"earch i" to in&e"tigate the a""ociation bet(een caffeine con"umption and o"teoporo"i".
D. 070*IT9 & 1. The re"ult of thi" re"earch hopefull) (ill gi&e more information about a""ociation bet(een chocolate con"umption and o"teoporo"i". 2. Thi" re"earch (ill enhance the !no(ledge of the re"earcher. C,APT0# II 'IT0#AT8#0 #01I0: A. T,0$#; *#AM09 R.(3 Fa)/+r( In)rea(e
$"teoporo"i" i" a condition in (hich bone" become (ea! and fragile. The area" (here thi" condition u"uall) occur" are hip", (ri"t" or "pine, although all bone" are affected and can be bro!en. In the earl) "tage" of o"teoporo"i" there are no "ign" or ")mptom", it i" called <"ilent di"ea"e=. There i" no different feeling in an) (a) until a bone brea!". It i" more common in (omen. The fre>uenc) of o"teoporo"i" in men i" &i $9T0$P$#$9I9 *amil) ,i"tor) ,ormone" 0ating ,abit Medication" Acti&it) 9mo!ing Caffeinated be&erage" 1?@ of (omen. $&er half of the (omen older than .- )ear" of age (ill ha&e "ome o"teoporo"i". The ri"! factor for getting o"teoporo"i" include, famil) hi"tor), "mo!ing, medication, acti&it), hormone", hi"tor) of "!ipping men"trual period" from eAce""i&e eAerci"e in )oung (oman or eating di"order", and eating habit. *or eating habit, the o"teoporo"i" ri"! i" higher if )ou do not eat enough dair) food" li!e mil!, )ogurt, and chee"e from (hich )ou get calciumB or if )ou drin! a lot of caffeinated be&erage" Ccoffee, cola "odaD or alcohol, or eat a lot of animal protein C"uch a" chic!en, beef, fi"h or egg"D. Caffeine i" an al!aloid compound that "timulate" cardiac mu"cle and the central ner&ou" ")"tem and i" ab"orbed and di"tributed throughout the bod) &er) rapidl). People commonl) percei&e caffeine to ha&e de"irable effect" "uch a" increa"ed alertne"" and energ), enhanced mood, le"" fatigue and a boo"t in athletic performance. ,o(e&er, there are "ome dra(bac!" related to con"uming eAce"" amount", including up"et "tomach, in"omnia, ner&ou"ne"", headache", caffeine dependence, deh)dration and bone lo"". ecau"e caffeine increa"e" urine production, calcium, (hich i" a component of the fluid, i" lo"t. Calcium pla)" a critical role in maintaining bone den"it) and in pre&enting the de&elopment of o"teoporo"i", a condition in (hich the bone" (ea!en and become "u"ceptible to fracture". &ii ,igh con"umption of caffeine i" indicated for more than @00 mg or three cup" of coffee per da). . C$7C0PT *#AM09 $ne point of time C. ,;P$T,0909 :$M07 :IT,$8T $9T0$P$#$9I9 CA**0I70 C$798MPTI$7 C E D :$M07 :IT, $9T0$P$#$9I9 CA**0I70 C$798MPTI$7 C F D CA**0I70 C$798MPTI$7 C F D CA**0I70 C$798MPTI$7 C E D 9AMP'0 &iii Caffeine Con"umption $"teoporo"i" There i" an a""ociation bet(een caffeinated be&erage" con"umption and o"teoporo"i". D. $P0#ATI$7A' C$7*I70 $"teoporo"i" i" a condition in (hich bone" become (ea! and fragile. The area" (here thi" condition u"uall) occur" are hip", (ri"t" or "pine, although all bone" are affected and can be bro!en. Caffeine i" an al!aloid compound that "timulate" cardiac mu"cle and the central ner&ou" ")"tem and i" ab"orbed and di"tributed throughout the bod) &er) rapidl). ,igh con"umption of caffeine i" indicated for more than @00 mg or three cup" of coffee per da). iA C,APT0# III M0T,$D A. T;P0 $* #090A#C, Cro""F9ectional 9tud) The benefit" of cro""F"ectional "tud) G F Conducted o&er "hort period of time F 2enerall) ea") and economical F Conducted to find the relation"hip bet(een pre&alent di"ea"e and the ri"! factor CeApo"ureD. The lo"" of cro""F"ectional "tud) G F Difficult) for "tud)ing rare di"ea"e F Difficult to "eparate cau"e from effect F Potential bia". . TIM0 and P'AC0 TIM0 G December 22 nd until 2+ th ,2008 A P'AC0 G Moh. ,u"ein ,o"pital, Palembang C. P$P8'ATI$7 and 9AMP'0 8"e random "ampling P$P8'ATI$7 G Patient" in Moh. ,u"ein Palembang 9AMP'0 G .0F/0 )ear" old (omen (ith the po""ibilit) of con"uming caffeine. 9AMP'0 9IH0 G 200 repre"entati&e "ample" that fulfill inclu"ion criteria. Criteria Inclu"ion G o .0F/0 )ear" old (omen (ith the po""ibilit) of con"uming caffeine. Criteria 0Aclu"ion G o .0F/0 )ear" old (omen (ith the po""ibilit) of con"uming caffeine, but (ith "ome confounding factor" or contradicti&e di"ea"e. o The "ample (ho refu"e to participate in the re"earch D. DATA C$''0CTI$7 P#IMA#; DATA G The data from >ue"tioner 90C$7DA#; DATA G Medical record in Moh. ,u"ein ,o"pital. Ai 0. DATA C$''0CTI72 T$$' Iue"tioner Medical #ecord *. 1A#IA'09 I7D0P07D07T 1A#IA'0 G Caffeine con"umption D0P07D07T 1A#IA'0 G $"teoporo"i" C$7*$87DI72 *ACT$#9 G 1. Age 2. 9eA @. Diet high in "aturated fat cancer +. $be"it) -. Moderate alcohol inta!e 2. DATA A7A';9I9 Caffeine con"umption $"teoporo"i" Total E F E a b CaEbD F c d CcEdD Total CaEcD CbEdD #atio Pre&alence G a ? CaEbD G c ? CcEdD If #atio Pre&alenceG J1, ha&e a""ociation a" a protecti&e factor Aii K1, ha&e no a""ociation L1, ha&e a""ociation a" a ri"! factor ,. 0T,IC9 P#$'0M There i" no ethical problem in thi" "tud) de"ign, becau"e (e %u"t do the ob"er&ational from >ue"tionnaire and from medical record. I. ACTI1IT; P'A7
A)/.5./y Day( 1 2 @ + - . / 1. Preparation 2. Implementation @. Arranged a report " " " " " " " 4. #090A#C, $#2A7I9ATI$7 6etua G Tia Monita :a!il G 9hella Indah 'e"tari 9e!retari" G Te""a #uliant) endahara G 7abila 9indami Anggota G 1. 2inda Chitra Pu"pita Aiii 2. Putri Prapita 9ari @. *eblin 1er"iliant) +. 4oande 7eci""a -. I"ti Aprillani .. $!tari Angelina 6. #090A#C, C$9T P'A77I72 1. ,onorarium G #p 10.000.000,00 2. *or tool" that (e need G #p .00.000,00 @. *or material that (e need G #p -00.000,00 +. Tran"portation G #p 800.000,00 -. 9tationer) G #p +00.000,00 .. Co"t for anal)5e data G #p 1.-00.000,00 /. Co"t for cop) report G #p /00.000,00 Total G #p 1+.-00.000,00 Ai& REFERENCE 1. udiarto, 0!o. 200@. Metodologi Penelitian Kedokteran. 02C, 4a!arta, Indone"ia 2. :i!ipedia Indone"ia. 2008. Osteoporosis. 2@G18, December 20 th ,2008 ChttpG??id.(i!!i? o"teoporo"i", acce""ed on Dec 20 th D @. Cooper C, At!in"on 04, :ahner ,:, $=*allon :M, #igg" ', 4udd ,', Melton '4. Is caffeine consumption a risk factor for osteoporosis. Dec 2008 ChttpG??(((.ncbi.nlm.nih.go&?pubmed?D +. 2oogle. 2008. Caffeine. December 20 th ,2008,ChttpG??(((, acce""ed on December 20 th 2008D A&