10-6-14 Agenda

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1000 Blakely Street

West City, Illinois 62812
October 6, 201
1! Call to Or"er
2! #oll Call
$! #ea"in% an" A&&ro'al o( )in*tes
! Bills an" Clai+s (or Boar" Decisions
,! #eco%nition o( t-ose in t-e a*"ience .-o -a'e co+&laints, &roble+s, re/*ests (or &er+its,
etc0 1ot-er t-an ro*tine b*siness o( t-e boar"!0
6! 2resentation o( re&orts o( 'ario*s 3illa%e O((icials an" De&art+ent 4ea"s as (ollo.s5
a! 6reas*rer7s #e&ort
b! Clerk7s #e&ort
c! 8onin% A"+inistrator7s #e&ort
"! 2olice C-ie(7s #e&ort
e! 9ire C-ie(7s #e&ort
(! Street : Water S*&erinten"ent7s #e&ort
;! 2resentation o( )ayor7s re&ort an" )ayor7s re/*ests (or action by t-e Boar"
a! Disc*ss : take action to *&%ra"e re&eater syste+ at 2olice De&t0
b! Disc*ss : take action on &ersonnel
c! Sc-e"*le a -earin% "ate (or <onin% relie( (or )r0 =i+ #enik0
"! Disc*ss : &ossibly take action on 201, labor &osters
e! Set -o*rs (or 6rick or 6reat
(! Disc*ss : take action on re&airs (or t-e &*+& testin%
%! Disc*ss : take action on I9SI contract (or 9D
-! Disc*ss : take action on &*rc-ase o( SCBA
i! Disc*ss : &ossibly take action on Enter&rise 8one
8! 2resentation o( re&orts an" re/*est (or action by stan"in% co++ittees o( t-e Boar"5
a! Street an" Alley
i! Set "ate (or (all clean>*&
b! 9inance : Ins*rance
i! Disc*ss : take action on rene.al o( -ealt- ins*rance
c! Clai+s
"! Or"inances
e! ?tilities
(! B*il"in% : Gro*n"s
i! Disc*ss : &ossibly take action on re&lacin% (la%&ole at 3illa%e 4all
ii! Disc*ss : &ossibly take action on re&lacin% si"e.alks at 3illa%e 4all
%! 2*blic Sa(ety
-! 2*rc-asin% : S*&&lies
i! 2ersonnel
@! #e&ort an" re/*ests (or action by s&ecial co++ittees o( t-e Boar"
10! ?n(inis-e" B*siness o( t-e Boar"
11! EAec*ti'e session o( t-e Boar"
12! Ne. B*siness
1$! A"Bo*rn+ent

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