The writer is delaying their trip home to visit family for the holidays due to lack of sufficient travel funds and to wait for a friend to complete paperwork to travel together. They have been keeping busy with Bible study classes and church activities in Japan. Sadly, a woman who hosted their church meetings is terminally ill with cancer. The writer asks for prayers for the sick woman, their church activities, and safe travel.
The writer is delaying their trip home to visit family for the holidays due to lack of sufficient travel funds and to wait for a friend to complete paperwork to travel together. They have been keeping busy with Bible study classes and church activities in Japan. Sadly, a woman who hosted their church meetings is terminally ill with cancer. The writer asks for prayers for the sick woman, their church activities, and safe travel.
The writer is delaying their trip home to visit family for the holidays due to lack of sufficient travel funds and to wait for a friend to complete paperwork to travel together. They have been keeping busy with Bible study classes and church activities in Japan. Sadly, a woman who hosted their church meetings is terminally ill with cancer. The writer asks for prayers for the sick woman, their church activities, and safe travel.
The writer is delaying their trip home to visit family for the holidays due to lack of sufficient travel funds and to wait for a friend to complete paperwork to travel together. They have been keeping busy with Bible study classes and church activities in Japan. Sadly, a woman who hosted their church meetings is terminally ill with cancer. The writer asks for prayers for the sick woman, their church activities, and safe travel.
m 51-6 chome. Nakamiye-cho Asehi-kvi, Osaka, Japan November 10, 1956 Ihanksgdving and Christmas are dravring near and I folks home P home have been oroeoting me and I ara sorry to am thinkdng of ycu ends at com- ds at have to disappoint them. There are felt that has been for that purpose, 1 Siii I have faith to believe soveraj. reasons fc snouid have most of my slov; acunimulatlng in sj3ite quite si: ill delaying ray trip home. First of all, I travel money before storting, feiat of a fe-;/ generous gifts designated 0 bit shori; of the amount I snorr. I must or the amount l need. . one mme i must start, the funds will be suffioient. So I have made? reservation on the Kikawa Maru, a Jap anese ship . - - arrive T,nat ov ^ fc.w..* W N-'W AAUi vv.^ V vj VaX *JaAw l'i^l\OVVO MG X iJ. s o V ship, which sails from yokohama on February 17, 1956. We should in Seattle about March I. Another reason for the delay is that Kikkewa San plans to studv in the States. It is slow work securine: all the papers she needs. I would rather wait for her to come with me than for both of us to have to travel alone. While I am hero I am keeping busy. Thoroj ore elvrays Bible classes to meet. Just festerday two high school girls came inquiring about a high school Bible class, I am continuing v;ith lessons for the seminary girls. They are making fine progress and are beginning to play hymns nicely. Our meetings at Utojima ore being well-attended. A fW weeks ago we started a very sample English Bible class formlddle and senior high school people. We are using a pupils' book for the first grade. The high school students are learning the memoi'y verses. That is a little too difficult for the younger ones, but they read very well, V/e use the memory verses for the lesson teaching. So far they have ]earned to sing "Jesus Loves Me" and "Fishers of Mon" in English.* very sad experience. The "woman who Invited us to begin and in whose home v/e have our meetings is very ill v/ith ors have givon her a very short time to live, Ihis we have come to lovo her dearly, Tnroughcut doct for been a rerai.'witness of Jesus" and His power the hospital and at homo. Vi^e covet ycj^r u and for the work at Utajima. aer to -pomfor 7ayers both for Miyagi San We have had a tho work there cancer. Ihe grieves us illness.--she has both" "t*o~^hc)se in The Joto Church with which I hove been working for the past five years had a successful S-day tent meeting in that area this week. A number of new people were contacted for the church. The tent was v/ell-filled each evening. Bemember this church and Ueno San, the minister in your prayers. * We are sorry we did not get our calendars made again -fchis year. We did not expect to be here so long. When we discovered that we would be, it v/as too late to get anything done. Both Kikkawa San and I v/ant to v/ish you a very happy holiday season. We will be looking forv/ard to seeing many of you within a fev/ months. In the Master's service, 7^-c-^