Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1969 SAfrica

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10, No.

January, 1969

Our Christmas was extra good,

delivered just

in that we received a special Christmas present

at the beginning of the day following Christmas.

Our son, Steven,

and his wife, Rosalie, had a^9 pnnnd habv b.fl^ He has been named^^^mhew^^St^^e^^
Christmas Eve, we went to Stanley's and on Christmas Day they had dinner at our
house. All of our Christmas packages have arrived except for one.
We visited all

the Sunday schools with their Christmas treats. One had not given us ,a large enough
number so we went back on the 29th.
I did not go, for I was sick, but Lynn
to preach'and Vernita taught the Sunday School and played the accordion for


Sunday School and church.

I am going to make our booking for returning to the States in the next few days.
JWo plan^tJ). be Jn the-States right at the end of June.

Sandra had on-hand

the la^t

time w6 heard, just about $370.93. Our tickets from Johannesburg to New York are
about $1,700.
New York to Minneapolis is just over $180 and it will take about
$70 from here to Johannesburg. All of this money should be on hand in the States
by the first of May, for it must be paid one month before we are to leave here. We
would Save more if we could get round trip tickets.

We had the privilege of attending a very lar^^ Indian wedding.

"^is young

couple were members of the Non-Instrument church near Durban. They have nd marriage
officer, so they asked Lynn Stanley to do the weddi%aaid,ajJi^Jis^^^^^
as well.

There must have been 500 people present.

After they had signed their papers, they

came back and sat on a raised platform while a hancL^pla^yed and spppp.hpg wptp

All of the guests present were given curry and rice. We found this to be very good
as well, for it was not hot (perhaps we have become more used to it).

Lynn Stanley and Nick Qwemesha took the students back to Cradock and performed
the wedding ceremony for William Mguzulwa and Lizzie Gwilli. On the way down, a
tractor with a load of stone behind it, pulled on to the road without looking. They
managed to swing over enough that
had hit head on, someone would most certainly have been hurt.

On the 11th of December, we were invited to Umzumbe to have a part with them
in their Christmas program. They
a skit outside.
It is so arrang^ed __that
They were able to use the"^nanger where the cows are millced for the baby Jesus, and
took a little girl to play that part. Herod was most distressed when they asked
him where the King of the Jews had been born. What was especially noticed was that
the position of the evening star was

right over the manger so that when the


men came, it seemed they were following a bright star.

While we are home on furlough, the children are planning to take their vaca
tions in August and we shall visit my mother and the part of the family that live

on the West Coast; that is the State of Washington.


Are there any ministers who have old Minister^

When some of the
men were here^^^-^^;'^tfRe"y were lookingP^F^^^^'''anav^y much wanted one like it.
I can see where there are many things that would help them.
By saving and asking his brothers and sisters to send money rather than
presents, James had gotten a new twelve string guitar. After he and Larry Stanley

had played at the Conference in October, he has played for a number of other church

The church at Germisten just outside of Johannesburg has purchased a house

which they will demolish and use the material for building a new home for the min

do hope you have all had a very Merry Christmas and that many joys shall be
yoiirs in the Lord in the New Year.
Yours in Christian love,
Alvin, Vernita and James

Mrs. Ed Widlund

Lake Washington


Mrs. Richard Hanson
8401 - 14th Ave. S.

Dassel, Minnesota

Bloomington, Minn. 55420


Non-Profit Organization

Mailed by


First Christian Church


Camp Point, Illinois

Camp Point, Illinois

Permit No. 7



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Vol. 10, No., 2

February, 1969

So many letters from the States speak of the cold and snow, but we are having
it the opposite.
It is hot and dry, something that people cannot remember before.
We are not to water our gardens at all because the dam is so low

We remember back

to the first January we were here in 1954.

rain that months

That is,

There were 21 days of

21 days when it rained some every day.

Coming from South Dakota,

we had

never seen anything like that.

The Conference Committee

of January.

had a meeting at Port Elizabeth

We thought we would make

18th and went to Stutterheim,

with friends for a few days.

on the 22nd and 23rd

it a little more of a holiday and left on the

Thus, on Sunday we could visit the church

and visit

When I came to the church on Sunday morning,


handed me the schedule.

Vernita would have a Sunday School class for the little
children, James would sing and play for both Sunday School and church, and I would

preach for the morning service and also for the one in the afternoon. Monday night
I would visit the Experiment Farm just outside of town. Tuesday night I would go to
the little town nearby which was a junction for the railway,- All was OK except for

Tuesday night when we had planned on being in Port Elizabeth. So I asked to change
it to Friday night when we would be on our way back. Outside of time for services,
we did not spend a great deal of time with the church,
with us who did the other preaching at extra services.

Tuesday on our way to Port Elizabeth,

It made it a nice drive.

for there were two ministers

we had cloudy weather and rain near P.E.

It takes me a little time to find my way around in Port

Elizabeth, for while they have some very nice freeways, they are not so well marked.

I do not go there often enough to remember which one I want until I am right on it.
We settled the men with us in one of the homes and then went out to stay with Mr.
and Mrs. Daddy. Mr. Daddy s parents live in Port Shepstone.
Years ago when I
visited them, he was working in the African location. They certainly took good care
of us while we were with them.

In Port Elizabeth we also got to see the Carrol Fulford and Darrel Stanley

Darrel and Ann had driven up to spend a little

time with his folks.


Zimmerman was present from Capetown and John Kernans from East London.,

Tuesday after lunch, we began our meeting which was three sessions ending the
afternoon of the next day, All felt that we had a very profitable meeting and much
good was done.

Wednesday night after Commiiiee Meeting, the people from the coloured

location invited some of us over. Brother Zimmerman and I each took a load. It was
a good day for those of the brethren who spoke Afrikaans.
We had tea with them and

then went on,

leaving the visitors to do the preaching.

A good crowd had gathered

before we left, so they had a good meeting


we drove back lo Stutterheim,

When we arrived




temperature. She went to the doctor, he said it was a very bad throat and gave her
capsules to take.
She did not feel like traveling so we were there until Sunday

afternoon. I preached at the railway location and back at the Experiment Farm on
Sunday and there were ten confessions of faith on the two days.
We returned home on Sunday even if Vernita was not feeling too well,
thought it was better to travel when it was not so hot.

for she

We got home Monday mornina

at 2:00 A.M.

School has begun again at Hmzumbe.

We have 10 students present. This coming
weekend, I hope I shall bring two more back from Kimberley. We are sorry that not
so many of the former students are back, but we are still off to a good start. Many
have said they will be present next term and that it is a better one for them
this one.


We had a booking
can leave a week


for the 24th of June, but did not take it for we now think we

or two before that; that is, as soon as James is finished with his

Our fare from Johannesburg to New York is $1,654.80.

ceived $515.00.

Our sincere thanks

to those who have sent

Thus far, we have re

to help us and we know

that many more of you shall add your gifts as well.

James is back in school and enjoying it.
They are in different classes for
they have chosen their subjects for the last four years. He has had a very sunburned
face from swimming in the sea. I guess we should try it to see how cool it is.

Mrs. Widlund spent some

time in

the hospital

during January

with pneumonia.

We are so thankful that she is feeling better once again.

But the strong medicine
has weakened her to some of the other diseases.
We know that you shall continue to
hold her up on prayer.
Yours in the Master's Service,
Alvin, Vernita, and James


Mrs. Ed Widlund

Lake Washington
Dassel, Minnesota



Mrs. Richard Hanson

16642 Gannon Avenue West

Valley Park
Rosemount, Minnesota



Non-Profit Organization

Mailed by,..,.


First Christian Church



Camp Point, Illinois

Camp Point:. Illinois

Permit No.


Box 963

J o 1 i 011 Illinois

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Vol. 10, No. 4

April, 1969

We are sorry that we are late, but it seems it is the order of the day as we
seek to get things ready for our return We have been traveling almost every week
end and some of the places are some distance awayo
During Easter time we visited

the church at Idutywa and then the preaching Rally at Port Elizabetho

The preach

ing Rally was very good and much enjoyed.

At Port Elizabeth, we saw Al Zimmerman, the
Solomons as well as one of the church families at

Carroll Fulfords, and the Jimmy

Port Elizabeth that we know very


We learned at Port Elizabeth that the 20 year old child of Judah Fazzie,

ministers at East London,

was hit by a car and had to have surgery on his

They are not sure how he is going to be,



From the newspaper, we learned this last week that the South African Flight
to New York has been moved from Sunday until Saturday, This is a little early, so
we are trying to work out a new schedule that will leave Johannesburg on the 9th or
10th so we shall be in New York a day or so later. Money received for our return
fares stands near $1500 now.

Also, much

time in our

schedule at home has


filled up.

We are in the second term at school. One former student did not get back and
we have received only three new ones, but we are glad for these. One is Ben Moroe,
who is returning for more schooling.
try to take

a term a year for a while,

We wish

some of

the other ministers

Victor Mazibuko is an

older man who


said he was coming for a long time.

Lastly, we have the local chief's son.
also indicated some time ago he would like to come, but only came this term. This
was not an easy decision in his coming, for he has not always lived the best. But
we pray that the work of God shall strike deep into his heart, and he has certainly
tried since being present.

Correspondence and needs of the African Ministers have greatly increased as

they have many things they want us to help them with before we leave. They have
questioned Us closely to make certain we are coming back,

for they want the assur

ance that we shall be present later.

We have gotten a number of tasks done around the house and hope to have more
done shortly. But when we are gone on Saturday this slows us down, for it is a day
when we have the whole day to work at home.
Sincerely in Christ,
Alvin and Vernita

Mrs, Ed Widlund


Lake Washington

16642 Gannon Ave,, W, Valley Park

Dassel, Minnesota



and Mrs, Richard Hanson

Rosemount, Minnesota



Vol. 10, No. 7

Seprember, 1969

Dear Friends,

With staying up too late at night, doing too much talking and eating too mttch,
we are not getting the work done on time,

but we are having a very good time.

write this, I am in the state of Washington and Vernita is down in Oregon.,


As I


come West to visit with our families.

Last week the church here in Edmonds had their Daily Vacation Bible School and
we taught or gave missionary stories both morning and evening. After three weeks of
camp at Pine Haven in Minnesota, .lames and T picked up Vernita at Huron, South
Dakota and went to Pierre for Sunday services. This is the area in which I lived as

a boy, so we had a great time visiting with relatives and friends. We had two days
to visit with Vernita's brother and then it was off for the open country of Montana
and two speaking dates there.

Steven and Sandra with their families, have also been ableiocome to Washington
for their vacation time. My brothers and sisters together with my Mother and Uncles
have given us a tape player for the pickup.
great thing to draw the Africans in Africa.

The tapes with hymns on them will be a

(Anyone have a portable P.A.System they

would like to have preach the Gospel in Africa?) My brother-in-law has helped me

make a clothes closet for the camper.,

We have had

a letter from the Stanleys.

Their son, Michael with his new wife

finally made it out there. The camps had about the same attendance as last year.
Because they were held the same week, they were short of teachers. Since the family
was present, the Stanleys went to the Game Park.

They saw the Hons right after they

had made a kill. This is something which we have not seen. We were very sorry to
hear that Lynn was very sick after camp. The Bible Training School is open again

with a class almost as large as the one for the last term that we were there.

James is going to go to school at Siewariville and will stay with Steven and
salie at Pleasant Grove. They are going to let him take classes that will help
him most when we return to South Africa,.

May God richly bless and keep you all.

that are ahead.

We hope to see many of you in the days

If we owe you a letter, we hope to get one Written. Letters written

to us at 16642 Gannon Avenue, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068, will reach us the quickest.
Sincerely in Christ.
Alvin and Vernita

Mrs. Ed Widlund

Lake Washington
Dassei, Minnesota


''-!C 11

Vole 10, No. 6

July, 1969

Our trip back from South Africa was a good one. We took the train to Johan
nesburg where we stayed with the Wally Farnham family.
They had open house on
Saturday and the other missionary families came for a visit.
We visited the
Natalspruit church on Sunday morning. They had the roof for their new minister's
home stacked in the church where no one could borrow it.

Monday morning we took the big Boeing plane from the airport.

Flying on it

was almost like sitting in one's livingroom, it was so smooth. They flew so that
we could see Lake Kariba and banked so we could see the mist rising from Victoria

Falls. We had two stops, Largos and Rabat before arriving in New York just after
midnight. Then came the long and tired wait, for we could not get a plane on to
Minneapolis until eight in the morning. But the trip on to Minneapolis went
quickly and the whole family was there to meet us. Even the little grandson lihad
a big smile for us.

The first few days we spent at Pleasantville, Minnesota with Steven, Rosalie
and little Matt. It was wonderful to talk shop with your own son.
Then back to

Minneapolis to arrive only a short time before Valerie Lorraine put in her appear
ance at the Richard Hanson home.

Sunday, we spoke for the Bloomington Church. That afternoon, I was privileged
to attend the fiftieth Wedding Anniversary for iMr.

Minnesota Bible College.


Mrs. G H. Cachiaras at

I saw many friends there as well.

I had a wonderful

week at Christian Harbor in Wisconsin. Vernita remained here at Rosemount to help

with the wee one. At the same time, she gave the Missions lesson at the Daily
Vacation Bible School at Bloomington.

Sunday, the 29th of June, Mrs, Widlund had a get-together for her family and

we were able to be present.

She is feeling very good at the present time and her

blood is the best it has been for some time.

know that you will continue.

We thank you for your prayers and

That night, I spoke at Forrest Lake and Vernita at


Tuesday, we took the bus to South Dakota and were met by my mother and sev

eral other members of the family. Shortly after arriving, Vernita was asked to sing
at a wedding of my niece, so we went

-pould take part in

to Pierre

the wedding practice.

so she could check on music


This event brought togetkerman^

members of my family that we might not have seen otherwise for sometime.

The evening of the 4th, we moved on to see Vernita's folks.

We thought her
mother would be away, but she arrived from the west that night. The meeting with
her brothers and sisters was marred the next day when her younger brother had to
go unexpectedly for surgery.

Sunday we visited the churches at Mitchell and Huron. How we enjoyed visit

ing with these friends of longstanding. We greatly enjoyed thenew church'building

at Huron. We remembered when the first building was moved in and dedicated many
years ago.

This is their third church building which speaks of their continued


While at Pierre we got the new Dodge pickup.

It is turquoise in color, has

a six cylinder motor, eight foot box with a four speed transmission. We
looking for a small camper or a cover for it just now. We know that the Africans

are going to be very happy when they see it and it will be a great help to our
work over there. It has held us up here however, for we were planning to go to
the North American Convention and when I got here to register it in Minnesota,
It must be registered this week.

I found more papers were needed.

We have three weeks of camp at Pine Haven in Minnesota and then will work our
way west for a visit with members of my family living in Washington. Our schedule
is pretty well filled until the beginning of October.
School has closed at Umzumbe in

gone home.

South Africa

and most of the students


The camps were held last week and I am anxious to know bow many t^ey

had in attendance.

When we left Umzumbe we took out the portable record player and left it


He said he knew what he was going to do with it. The next day on a
call (si&k), he would take some students to set uip the record player and pre3ch
to the people who came.

Perhaps he would do this at a second place as well.


asked if we could not get a sound system whereby we would be able to reach a great
er area with open air meetings.

NEEDS I Books which our African men can use.

for translation.

New tracts which could be good

$200 for increased working link for growing work and growing


Yours with Christian love,

Alvin, Vernita and James
Mrs. Ed Widlvund

Lake Washington
Dassel, Minnesota



Non-Profit Organization

Mailed by..,.
First Christian Church

Camp Point, Illinois

Camp Point, Illinois


Permit No. 7
} 0 >

i.i 13 G10 n

.-i 2 r' V1 c e 3

Box 963


Address Correction Reauested


1.6(fj PAID




Vol. lOo Noc 8

October, 1969

Dear Friends,

We have traveled far and been in many meetings since we last wrote youo
One of the
tasks we find most difficult is that of writing letters because of the time it takes to

get out

the writing materials and then

gathering them up

and putting

them away


There is almost always someone to talk to as well.

Vernita spent several weeks with her

with relatives in Washington,

sister in Northeastern Orgeon.

I journeyed with my mother back to

After visiting

South Dakota and on


lowac We spent one week with the church at Sutherland, Iowa.

This was our last place of
ministry before going to South Africau
We spoke every night beginning onTuesday follow-ing Labor Day, Then during the day, sought to visit all the church families at home. We were
greatly impressed with the large number of young people at ail the services and their en
thusiasm for the Lord's work.

We came back to Minnesota to see James for a little while and see how he was getting
along at school.
He is staying with his brother, Steven, a". Pleasant Grove and going to
school at Stewartville.

He finds the work both

differenr and a bit hard,

other children, he is not really working with one class.

him when he returns

but like


He is taking work that will help

to South Africa.

Vernita had a meeting at Dassel, Minnesota and then we went to Humansville, Missouri.

From here we attended the Missionary Rally at Madison Park in Quincy, Illinois. They asked
us to come early for the Noon TV program and thus we had several days with the folks there.
Between Quincy and Knoxville, we visited at Hanoverton,, Ohio and theBrownsville church
near there.

We are truly thankful to

than we should have.

these brethren because we

arrived a week


They changed their plans and gave us a wonderful welcome.

The National Missionary Convention at Knoxville, Tennessee was a wonderful gathering.

It would have been nice if more people could have attended.
Vernita and I stayed at
Harriman, Tennessee with Edith Vantrease who does typing and duplicating for Lynn Stanley
and Mark Maxey.

We were, hov/ever, very tired when the week came to an end.

On the way back to Minnesota we stopped at Fairfleld and Noble, Illinois. We returned

to Stewartville to speak there before taking part in the Missionary Rally at LaCrosse,
Wisconsin the first weekend in October. Not only did we enjoy the fellowship of the other
missionaries present and the church, but we stayed in the Robert Daily home. They are the
parents of Cheri, the wife of our son John.

We have had no further word concerning the earthquake in South Africa.

was mentioned as having the damage is north and a little east of Capetown.


The town that

in South Africa was held in Klerksdorp

the first

of this month.

I am sorry that I did not give you the figures for the money given for our return fare

to America. The total received was $2150.00.


to Minneapolis


This left a balance of $309.24 plus interest, for this money has been kept all

the time in a savings account.

to South Africa.
the pickup

Our fares for Durban

We have placed in the account enough money for our return

Besides this we will have the additional expense of duly and freight on


A MICROPHONE AND P.A. AMPLIFIER have been given to us. This will operate off the bat
tery of the pickup for use in South Africa. It will be a great help in using the tent for
meetings in the African areas.

We have most of the things we wanted to take back with us to South Africa.
We still
see many things that tempt us - an electric portable typewriter is one thing we would really
like to' have. Not only are there many letters to write but we want to do more work with
the duplicator which means more stencils to cut.

We ask that you continue to pray for us.

bless and keep each of you in all you do.

This helps us immeasurably.

May the Lord

Yours in the Master's Service,

Alvin &Vernita Nichors^lt^

Mrs, Ed Widlund


i> i

Lake Washington
Dassel, Minnesota




Non-Profit Organization

Mailed by....
First Christian Church

Camp Point, Illinois

Camp Point, Illinois

Permit No. 7

1 n 310 n

S 3 r V1 c 9 3

Box 963


Address Correction Requested


1.6^ PAID



#> 9



10, No. 9



Dear Friends:

We wish you ail a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Our lives have been
greatly blessed in our travels and visits with the Children of God here at home.
Thanksgiving was

spent with our families in

South Dakota.

James as weJI as Sandra

and Valerie, went with us.

Others had hoped to go but could not get time off from work.
We really did not need all the food that we had to eat, but the fellowship was great.

We have our booking on South African Airways leaving New York on Monday, thh
i^f^Januarj^and arriving in Johannesburg just after noon the next day. This will
that we shall be leaving Minnesota about the middle of the month.
getting things in order for packing.

Several letters

have come to




we must

us from South Africa lately telling of



growth of the work and telling of future plans.

A number of older men are
to be in school next year.
Several married men with their families are
planning to be there.
This could bring a new era as these men stay for a

longer time,

I'm sure it will make their schooling more meaningful.

Since the colleges are in session we have had the privilege of visit
ing four of the schools and speaking for chapel.
We truly thank God for
these who are training to serve


every Christian is a servant of Christ.

elders, deacons, Sunday School


But may

we also



What would our churches be without

and many others




time and talents to the service of the Lord?

Plans are that all of our

and Dick's home



children shall

gather with us at


We are looking forward to this gathering

very much.
James has left school and will travel with us until time to
go back.
He had completed twelve weeks of work at the Stewartville

He is looking forward to getting back to the ocean.
will also have to start school right after we arrive back.

But he

We have learned that it is not going to be cheap to send the pickup

and camper back. Total cost for shipping and duty is going to run
tween $500 and $700,
But since we shall be able to fill the back of the
camper and leave these things in it, they will go for free.
We have a

lot of clothing and a few other things, so we hope that everything can
be put inside.
Along with this we have had the use of the pickup for
traveling nearly 20,000 miles and will carry all of our things from Min
neapolis to New York and thus save shipping costs.

God so loved...he gave his Son





J ames Nicholson

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