The Herald: The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga
The Herald: The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga
The Herald: The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga
We're still working away slowly at the Monday at 2pm. Please keep Dixon
drainage at Cobden church. Because House, Jeff and the wider family in
The Herald
To know Jesus Christ and to make Him known.
of levels it now looks like the Ark
drainage will have to come out the
front and across the driveway to the
trench we dug, but that also measn we
your prayers at this time, and know
also that as a woman of faith, Jess is
now safe with her Lord.
can close of the back trench and not A THIRD MEN'S 4 x 4 GROUP?
Sunday 4th October 2009 The second 4x4 group has started but
have to dig up the playground which is
a huge bonus. Labour weekend looks there is always room for more. If you
Theme for this Sunday: The Prodigal Son - No Strings Attached Love are still interested in being a part of
like being the time we will do some of
Readings: Romans 8:38-39, Luke 15:11-31 the work across the front as well. such a group please see Tim in the
near future. We already have two
Theme for 11th October: Christ our wealth (Runanga) JESS BATY names of possible interested parties.
Stewart Nimmo (Cobden) Sadly I have some sad news to report.
Jess Baty passed away on Thursday PREACHING AT 7:29 LIVE
Readings: Wisdom 7:7-11, Psalm 90, Hebrews 4:12-13, Mark 10:17-30 (Runanga) Last week I spoke at the Afrikaans
Stewart Nimmo (Cobden) about 3:30pm. She went very
peacefully and I have been to see her church and really enjoyed myself. Next
week I speak at 7:29 Live as Marge
Tim Writes Picnic annual ecumenical afternoon daughter and also Jeff who is at
and Robin are away on holiday.
tea to be held at Holy Trinity Church on Granger House. The funeral will be
A huge thank you to
Mon 19th October at 1pm. Cost $5.00
Nancy for co-ordinating,
Come dressed for a picnic and please What's On This Week!
to Pauline, Nolene,
also bring your teddy bear. Please let Mon 5th All Day Vicars Day off
Janice, Lesta, Dalma,
Lesta know by the 12th. Tues 6th 7:00am Ecumenical Prayer Meeting
Gwen and Joyce for
9:00am Wardens Meeting
helping on the two days and also to all
SAMOAN TSUNAMI APPEAL 6:30pm Friendship Kids
those who baked for the Synod
The Anglican Missions Board are Wed 7th 7:00am Men's 4x4 group
afternoon teas. It was a stupendous
accepting donations which will be 4:00pm New Coasters Meeting at Karoro Learning
job and I know we excelled ourselves
forwarded to Samoa for relief efforts. If 7:30pm Lorimer's Home Group
in the quantity and quality of the food
you would like to donate to the appeal Thurs 8th 7:30pm Parish Prayer Meeting at Holman's
produced. Several remarked on a job
then forward your donation direct to: Fri 9th 10:30am Kids'n'Coffee 10yr Celebration
well done by our folk. So thank you
7:00pm Volleyball Team Meeting
everyone you did us proud. We will be Anglican Missions Board
Sat 10th 10:30am Music Group Practice
receiving part of the funding allocated PO Box 12012,
Sun 11th 9:00am Runanga Church Service
to making Synod happen in due Thorndon,
10:00am Blackball Church Service
course. Wellington 6144
10:30am Cobden Church Service
Simon Johnson from Holy Please make cheques payable to the 7:29pm Tim preaching at 7:29Live
Trinity will be preaching today at "Anglican Missions Board."
Runanga and Cobden as part of his Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Tim Mora, 186 Main South Rd, Greymouth 7805
Bible College training. Simon is already CHURCH TEAM FOR SOCIAL Parish Postal Address: P.O.Box 476, Greymouth 7805
a good preacher and I know we will all VOLLEYBALL Phone & Fax: 768 9605 Mobile: 027 204 8560
benefit from his being with us. His topic Has been formed and is meeting this Email: [email protected]
is "The Prodigal Son." Friday for a briefing. There is still room Vicars Warden: Eric Holman 768 7704 E-Mail: [email protected]
for more players if folk want to play. Peoples Warden: Nolene Millar 768 4638 E-Mail: [email protected]
Lawn Mowing Roster Blackball Contact Person: Trevor Johnston 732 3820
Ladies of the parish are invited to join
the AAW members at the Teddy Bear Runanga Contact Person: Barry Smithson 762 7826
11th Oct H. Stengs Website & Newsletter: