The Herald: The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga
The Herald: The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga
The Herald: The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga
Holy Trinity's annual Coffee, Dessert go to On the
and Entertainment Evening is on this right of the page there are two buttons:
The Herald
To know Jesus Christ and to make Him known.
August the 8th at 7:30pm at the Trinity
Centre. Cost $5 each or $15/family.
"don't call" (to stop phone calls) and
"don't mail" (to stop letters). Click on
the buttons, fill in your details and
they'll remove you from the list.
Thank you to all who helped out on the
Sunday 2nd August 2009 raffle table. We raised $350 towards PRAYER MEETING
shipping costs of getting Operation Now meets at the Holman's 40 Sturge
Theme for this Sunday: Eric Holman Cover-up items to Romanian orphans. St, each Thursday but not on the 3rd
Readings: Eric Holman Thursday of the month.
If you'd like to enjoy your evenings in PRAYER TEAM POTLUCK LUNCH
Theme for 9th August: The Father Who Draws Us To Himself (Runanga) peace without telemarketers At Bellis'. 12 noon.
Henk Stengs (Cobden)
Readings: 1 Kings 19:4-8, Psalm 34, Eph 4:30-5:2, John 6:41-51 What's On This Week!
Henk Stengs (Cobden) Mon 3rd All Day Vicars Day off
Tues 4th 7:00am Ecumenical Prayer Meeting
Tim Writes different contexts all wearing multiple 9:00am Wardens Meeting
hats. It's fun to go to the movies and to 12noon Community Dinner
A huge than you to
look around and know that you know 1:30pm Regional Retreat
everyone who has
maybe 1/3 of the folk sitting there or to 6:30pm Friendship Kids
expressed their
go into the supermarket and spend Wed 5th All Day Regional Retreat
condolences to us
three times as long as you intended
through texts, emails, 7:00pm Shirley Smith's Home Group
because of all the folk you know and
phone calls, cards, personal contact 7:30pm Lorimer's Home Group
whom you stop and chat to. Small
and so on. Thank you to for the Thurs 6th 9:00am Regional Retreat
towns are great and Greymouth is no
flowers, baking, groceries, and other 9:00am Bible in Schools Runanga
exception. So thank you Greymouth
items. To be honest I feel a little 7:30pm Parish Prayer Meeting at Holman's
you have truly touched our hearts
overwhelmed to have received the Fri 7th 9:00am Bible in Schools Cobden
through your expressions of support to
level of support we have. To know how 7:00pm Friday Night Youth Group @ The Shed
me and my family.
many people care about us and our Sat 8th 10:00am Bishop Meets with vicar
loss is very humbling. 10:30am Music Group Practice
ST CHRISTOPHER'S CENTENARY 12noon Ministry Prayer Team potluck lunch at Bellis'
As a family we very quickly
grew to love this town and it's people Sat 19th Sept Catered meal $30 per Sun 9th 9:00am Runanga Church Service
and it became more a home to us than head. Sun 20th Sept Combined service 10:00am Blackball Church Service
just a community to serve in. Part of at 10am followed by Pot-luck lunch. All 10:30am Cobden Church Service
what we love about this place, and it welcome to attend. For registration
may be true of all small towns, is that forms and further details contact: Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Tim Mora, 186 Main South Rd, Greymouth 7805
given its size you can feel like you truly Parish Postal Address: P.O.Box 476, Greymouth 7805
St Christopher's Reunion,
belong and are a valued part of a Phone & Fax: 768 9605 Mobile: 027 204 8560
92 Weld St,
place. I like that I can go into most Blenheim or Email: [email protected]
shops and know personally by name Vicars Warden: Eric Holman 768 7704 E-Mail: [email protected]
the folk serving me and that we can email: [email protected] Peoples Warden: Nolene Millar 768 4638 E-Mail: [email protected]
chat about more than just what I am Lawn Mowing Roster Blackball Contact Person: Trevor Johnston 732 3820
buying. I really enjoy the way in which Runanga Contact Person: Barry Smithson 762 7826
you get to meet the same folk in many 9th August Eric Holman Website & Newsletter: