The Herald: The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga

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The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga DRAINAGE NEW LETTER BOX

The best laid plans of mice and men! We're probably going to get a new
Our drainage plans are proceeding but lockable letterbox for the church at 40

The Herald
To know Jesus Christ and to make Him known.
due to some unforeseen difficulties
they may proceed in a slightly different
fashion, but progress is being made.
We are also very grateful to Dave
Richmond St and make this the new
address for the Parish mail. It is more
convenient than a post box in town and
cheaper long term as well.
Sunday 6th September 2009 Fairhall for all his expertise and
The Newcomers night was very
Theme for this Sunday: Bishop Richard - Identity UNITING CHURCH SPRING SERVICE successful and I think folk came away
Readings: Rom 8:22-39, John 1:9-13 On Sun 13th Sept at 2pm at the feeling a little more informed about the
Uniting Church, 203 Tainui St the parish and all its' inner workings. We'll
Theme for 13th September: Christ - The Son of Man (Runanga) annual Spring Flower Service will be probably look at running a Journey's
held followed by afternoon tea. All are course for some of them and for others
Nicky Mora (Cobden)
welcome to attend. in the near future as well.
Readings: Isaiah 50:5-9, Psalm 116, James 2:14-18, Mark 8:27-35 (Runanga)
Nicky Mora (Cobden) What's On This Week!
Mon 7th All Day Vicars Day off
Tim Writes  photoboard. So be ready to smile
sweetly as she works her way around Tues 8th 7:00am Ecumenical Prayer Meeting
The men at Promise 9:00am Wardens Meeting
everyone. The design of the board will
Keepers were very 12noon Community Dinner
be updated as well to reflect a sense of
impressed with how 6:30pm Friendship Kids
well Bishop Richard 7:30pm AAW meeting at Cobden
spoke and so we ROSTERS Wed 9th 7:30am Men's 4x4 group
thought we might share his talk with all The new rosters for Cobden are out 9:00am Supervision
of you this morning. He speaks about and at the back of the church. They are 11:30am Hospital Chapel Service
our sense of identity and shares some also available on the website. If you 7:30pm Lorimer's Home Group
of his own family history as a part of it. can't make it on your day then it is your Thurs 10th 9:00am Bible in Schools Runanga
responsibility to see to a swap. 7:30pm Parish Prayer Meeting
Welcome to Luzanne and Joel and MEN'S 4 x 4 GROUP Fri 11th 9:00am Bible in Schools Cobden
especially to baby Seth as they bring After Promise Keepers we started a 7:00pm Friday Night Youth Group @ The Shed
him for baptism this Sunday. Baptism men's 4x4 accountability group which Sat 12th 10:30am Music Group Practice
is a very significant step for parents as has been running for three weeks now Sun 13th 9:00am Runanga Church Service
they are making promises before God very successfully. In time we plan to 10:00am Blackball Church Service
to raise their child in the Christian faith start more for most men in the parish. 10:30am Cobden Church Service
so we pray God's blessing upon 2:00pm Uniting Church Flower Service
Luzanne and Joel as they begin to fulfil Tomorrow Sat 12noon at the Mora's, Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Tim Mora, 186 Main South Rd, Greymouth 7805
those promises. 186 Main South Rd. Potluck lunch. Parish Postal Address: P.O.Box 476, Greymouth 7805
PHOTOBOARD UPDATE PIZZAS FOR SALE Phone & Fax: 768 9605 Mobile: 027 204 8560
Vestry and the Wardens decided that We have about 50 pizzas left over for Email: [email protected]
the time was ripe to do something sale at $5 each. Vicars Warden: Eric Holman 768 7704 E-Mail: [email protected]
about the one in Cobden and Nicky Peoples Warden: Nolene Millar 768 4638 E-Mail: [email protected]
Mora has been commissioned to take Lawn Mowing Roster Blackball Contact Person: Trevor Johnston 732 3820
everyone's photo in Cobden over the Runanga Contact Person: Barry Smithson 762 7826
13th Sept E. Holman Website & Newsletter:
next few weeks and to prepare a new

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