EM - 30 Electrical Safety

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Document No: EM 4 / 30
Filed At: Electrical Maintenance Dept
The purpose of the SOP Electrical Safety is to train and guide operating
personnel for prevention of electrical accidents/incidents.
Team Leader (Electrical Maintenance is responsi!le for implementation of
this SOP.
". #ll the electrical connections irrespective of temporary or permanent
shall !e done in a professional $ay so that there is no danger to the
person to come in contact $ith live parts.
%. #ll the ca!le &oints shall !e made proper $ith re'uired ca!le &oint (its )
shall !e properly covered $ith insulation.
*. The electrical ca!les ) other accessories used for electrical connections
shall !e of good 'uality confirming to +S norms.
,. -o unauthori.ed connections shall !e permitted.
/. The electrical ca!les shall not !e laid on the ground / path$ays.
0. The electrical ca!les shall !e laid either underground or overhead
structures $ith proper dressing and also ca!le routing to !e properly
1. There shall not !e any loose $ires hanging in the $or(place. -a(ed
$ires shall not !e (ept open ) it shall !e insulated.
2. Proper &unction !o3es shall !e used and shall not !e (ept open.
4. Electrical panels are also (ept closed and ru!!er floor mats $ith proper
voltage grade are provided in front of all the electrical panels.
SOP Electrical Safety "
"5.6uses $ith correct rating shall !e used.
"". #ll the electrical installations shall !e properly earthed.
"%.The authori.ed person shall carry out regular inspection and maintenance
of earthing system. This shall !e recorded in a register.
"*.7o not $ear e3posed &e$elry such as $atches8 rings8 nec(laces8 earrings8
etc.8 $hen $or(ing around e3posed electrical e'uipment.
",.-ecessary PPEs such as correct rating gloves8 electrical flash suits8
helmets8 shoes8 earplugs ) dust mas( $herever re'uired shall !e used !y
the electrician during the e3ecution of $or(.
"/.+nsulated T ) P $herever re'uired shall !e used !y the electrician during
the e3ecution of the $or(.
"0.7o not $ear loose fitting clothing such as untuc(ed shirts8 etc. $hen
$or(ing near e'uipment $here it $ould !e li(ely to !ecome entangled.
"1.#ll electrical $or( shall !e e3ecuted $ith a proper Permit to 9or( Order
from competent authority. Ensure that the electric line / e'uipment is in
de:energi.ed condition prior to any electrical $or(.
"2.9henever maintenance or other $or(s are underta(en8 a sign!oard shall
!e placed at the source of po$er indicating8 %MEN A! &OR' DON(!
"4.Only authori.ed ) e3perience electrician shall !e permitted to e3ecute
the electrical $or(s.
%5.6irst aid !o3es are located at strategic location. 6or first aid measures
during any in&ury refer the first aid procedure (EM ,/,*.
%".#ll persons $or(ing $ith electrical system shall !e trained for first aid )
electric shoc( treatment.
%%.# chart sho$ing various method of resuscitation shall !e sho$n at
suita!le places inside the plant. Electrical posters sho$ing general do )
don;ts a!out electrical $or(s shall !e sho$n at suita!le locations.
%*.6ire fighting e3tinguisher shall !e provided at strategic location.
%,.Electrical interloc(s shall not !e !ypassed. <o$ever 'ualified personnel
may only temporarily !ypass interloc(s to $or( on e'uipment after
receiving TT= from competent authority.
%/.Proper safety precaution shall !e ta(en $hile shifting ladder (in
hori.ontal position only !elo$ live electrical lines.
%0.7o not remove any tags8 nameplates or other identifying mar(ings from
%1.#ll the measuring instruments shall !e tested ) cali!rated periodically !y
authori.ed agency.
SOP Electrical Safety %
%2.+f any electrical or instrumentation devices8 tools8 parts8 machinery8 etc.
sho$s evidence of defect or damage that might e3pose an employee to
in&ury8 the defective or damaged item shall !e repaired or replaced.
a =ecords of testing ) cali!ration of tools and instruments.
Note: Re,er Permit to -or. procedure /EM4/301
Revision No
& Date
Prepared By Verified By
Technical Committee
Approved By
Director (Operation)
! C!
SOP Electrical Safety *

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