This document outlines electrical safety procedures for personnel at the Orissa Power Generation Corporation Ltd. IB Thermal Power Station. It details 18 procedures for preventing electrical accidents, including ensuring all electrical connections are done professionally, using proper cable joints and insulation, approved electrical cables and accessories, no unauthorized connections or loose wires, using protective equipment like gloves and flash suits during work, ensuring equipment is de-energized before work, and recording calibration of tools and instruments. It assigns responsibility for implementation to the Team Leader of Electrical Maintenance and notes electrical work should only be done by authorized electricians with a work permit.
This document outlines electrical safety procedures for personnel at the Orissa Power Generation Corporation Ltd. IB Thermal Power Station. It details 18 procedures for preventing electrical accidents, including ensuring all electrical connections are done professionally, using proper cable joints and insulation, approved electrical cables and accessories, no unauthorized connections or loose wires, using protective equipment like gloves and flash suits during work, ensuring equipment is de-energized before work, and recording calibration of tools and instruments. It assigns responsibility for implementation to the Team Leader of Electrical Maintenance and notes electrical work should only be done by authorized electricians with a work permit.
This document outlines electrical safety procedures for personnel at the Orissa Power Generation Corporation Ltd. IB Thermal Power Station. It details 18 procedures for preventing electrical accidents, including ensuring all electrical connections are done professionally, using proper cable joints and insulation, approved electrical cables and accessories, no unauthorized connections or loose wires, using protective equipment like gloves and flash suits during work, ensuring equipment is de-energized before work, and recording calibration of tools and instruments. It assigns responsibility for implementation to the Team Leader of Electrical Maintenance and notes electrical work should only be done by authorized electricians with a work permit.
This document outlines electrical safety procedures for personnel at the Orissa Power Generation Corporation Ltd. IB Thermal Power Station. It details 18 procedures for preventing electrical accidents, including ensuring all electrical connections are done professionally, using proper cable joints and insulation, approved electrical cables and accessories, no unauthorized connections or loose wires, using protective equipment like gloves and flash suits during work, ensuring equipment is de-energized before work, and recording calibration of tools and instruments. It assigns responsibility for implementation to the Team Leader of Electrical Maintenance and notes electrical work should only be done by authorized electricians with a work permit.
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STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE ELECTRICAL SAFETY Document No: EM 4 / 30 Filed At: Electrical Maintenance Dept The purpose of the SOP Electrical Safety is to train and guide operating personnel for prevention of electrical accidents/incidents. RESPONSIBII!" Team Leader (Electrical Maintenance is responsi!le for implementation of this SOP. PRO#ED$RE ". #ll the electrical connections irrespective of temporary or permanent shall !e done in a professional $ay so that there is no danger to the person to come in contact $ith live parts. %. #ll the ca!le &oints shall !e made proper $ith re'uired ca!le &oint (its ) shall !e properly covered $ith insulation. *. The electrical ca!les ) other accessories used for electrical connections shall !e of good 'uality confirming to +S norms. ,. -o unauthori.ed connections shall !e permitted. /. The electrical ca!les shall not !e laid on the ground / path$ays. 0. The electrical ca!les shall !e laid either underground or overhead structures $ith proper dressing and also ca!le routing to !e properly mar(ed. 1. There shall not !e any loose $ires hanging in the $or(place. -a(ed $ires shall not !e (ept open ) it shall !e insulated. 2. Proper &unction !o3es shall !e used and shall not !e (ept open. 4. Electrical panels are also (ept closed and ru!!er floor mats $ith proper voltage grade are provided in front of all the electrical panels. SOP Electrical Safety " "5.6uses $ith correct rating shall !e used. "". #ll the electrical installations shall !e properly earthed. "%.The authori.ed person shall carry out regular inspection and maintenance of earthing system. This shall !e recorded in a register. "*.7o not $ear e3posed &e$elry such as $atches8 rings8 nec(laces8 earrings8 etc.8 $hen $or(ing around e3posed electrical e'uipment. ",.-ecessary PPEs such as correct rating gloves8 electrical flash suits8 helmets8 shoes8 earplugs ) dust mas( $herever re'uired shall !e used !y the electrician during the e3ecution of $or(. "/.+nsulated T ) P $herever re'uired shall !e used !y the electrician during the e3ecution of the $or(. "0.7o not $ear loose fitting clothing such as untuc(ed shirts8 etc. $hen $or(ing near e'uipment $here it $ould !e li(ely to !ecome entangled. "1.#ll electrical $or( shall !e e3ecuted $ith a proper Permit to 9or( Order from competent authority. Ensure that the electric line / e'uipment is in de:energi.ed condition prior to any electrical $or(. "2.9henever maintenance or other $or(s are underta(en8 a sign!oard shall !e placed at the source of po$er indicating8 %MEN A! &OR' DON(! OPERA!E)* "4.Only authori.ed ) e3perience electrician shall !e permitted to e3ecute the electrical $or(s. %5.6irst aid !o3es are located at strategic location. 6or first aid measures during any in&ury refer the first aid procedure (EM ,/,*. %".#ll persons $or(ing $ith electrical system shall !e trained for first aid ) electric shoc( treatment. %%.# chart sho$ing various method of resuscitation shall !e sho$n at suita!le places inside the plant. Electrical posters sho$ing general do ) don;ts a!out electrical $or(s shall !e sho$n at suita!le locations. %*.6ire fighting e3tinguisher shall !e provided at strategic location. %,.Electrical interloc(s shall not !e !ypassed. <o$ever 'ualified personnel may only temporarily !ypass interloc(s to $or( on e'uipment after receiving TT= from competent authority. %/.Proper safety precaution shall !e ta(en $hile shifting ladder (in hori.ontal position only !elo$ live electrical lines. %0.7o not remove any tags8 nameplates or other identifying mar(ings from tools. %1.#ll the measuring instruments shall !e tested ) cali!rated periodically !y authori.ed agency. SOP Electrical Safety % %2.+f any electrical or instrumentation devices8 tools8 parts8 machinery8 etc. sho$s evidence of defect or damage that might e3pose an employee to in&ury8 the defective or damaged item shall !e repaired or replaced. %4.Record+: a =ecords of testing ) cali!ration of tools and instruments. Note: Re,er Permit to -or. procedure /EM4/301 Revision No & Date Prepared By Verified By Technical Committee Approved By Director (Operation) ! C! "amantray SOP Electrical Safety *