Review of Literature
Review of Literature
Review of Literature
with the shortage of short fibered hardwood pulp, which can be replaced by some
nonwood fibers. This will require knowledge of the processes and developments
already in place in the countries already using these raw materials in the paper
industry. Already, a number of nonwood fibers are commonly used in many
countries for papermaking. Straws are by far the largest source of nonwood fibers
followed by bagasse and bamboo (FAO, 1996)
Most of the increased use of nonwood plant fibers has been attributed to the
tremendous demand in paper and increase in nonwood pulping capacities in China
(PRC). At present China produces more than two thirds of the nonwood pulp
produced worldwide followed by India, a distant second. Table 3 gives a list of the
top 25 countries utilizing nonwood fibers. These countries account for 99% of the
total nonwood fiber used in papermaking. A look at the Chinese nonwood paper
industry would therefore provide us with a good view of the problems and
opportunities faced by the use of nonwood plant fiber in pulp and paper industry.
From this case study we can also suggest applications appropriate in other
Over the last several years, a number of plants have been tested for their
papermaking qualities (Alcaide et al, 1991, 1993; Yilmaz, 1995 a, b, c; Eroglu et al,
1994). A number of centers and organizations like Paper Industrial Research
Institute of China (PIRIC), United Nations Industrial Development Organization
(UNIDO), Central Pulp and Paper Research Institute (CPPRI) in India, and
International Agro-Fiber Research center in Wisconsin Madison have been involved
in this research (Sabharwal and Young, 1996; Judt, 1991 c; Judt, 1993; Assumpcao,
1992). These efforts have provided information and a number of nonwood fibers
have been identified as potential raw material for the paper industry. Of the many
nonwood plant fibers, bagasse is considered the most promising, and it has been
the focus of significant amounts of research. From storage, handling, and depithing
(Atchison, 1988; Rangan, 1995; Michelsen, 1994) to pulping and bleaching (Prasad
et al, 1996; Yu et al, 1994; Rangamannar, 1988) research has shown bagasse to be
a viable paper fiber source. Special consideration has been given for its use for
newsprint (Atchison, 1993, 1993; Rangan and Rangamannar, 1995). As a result, a
number of mills in the world are currently using bagasse as their primary raw
material (Potter, 1996; Pappens, 1991; Rangan, 1996). In fact, it comprises more
than 10% of all nonwood fiber used in papermaking (FAO, 1996). 5 Straw is another
major source of nonwood fibers. Significant work has been done to investigate its
use, and investigate the special problems associated with straw. One main problem
has been the presence of silica (Yilmaz, 1995; Judt, 1991; Brink, 1988). This causes
problems in washing of pulp and also in the recovery of spent liquor. Pulping
(Yilmaz, 1995; Brink, 1988), bleaching (Pekarovicova et al, 1994; Brink et al, 1988)
and handling (Jeyasingam, 1994) of straw have also been a major focus of research.
One very promising raw material, on which significant research has been done in
the US, is kenaf (Tao et al, 1995; Mayers and Bagby, 1995; Kaldor, 1992; Kokta et al,
1993; Pande, 1996; Mittal and Maheshwari, 1995b). This is due to its inherently low
lignin content and therefore higher cellulose content. Other raw materials being
investigated are hemp (Judt, 1994; Zomers et al, 1994; Jeyasingam, 1994; Wong
and Chiu, 1995), Jute (Akhtaruzzaman and Shafi, 1995; Sabharwal et al, 1995;
Sarkanen and Resalati, 1988), abaca (Peralta, 1996), reed (Chen et al, 1994;
Paavilianen and Torgilson, 1995) and bamboo (Bajpai and Bajpai, 1996; Knight,
1994). This is by no means a comprehensive list of the fibers used in the paper
industry. A number of economic studies have focused on the feasibility of nonwood
mills (Kauppi, 1989; Saha et al, 1990; Perham, 1990; Hurter, 1990; Ray et al, 1992).
Not all of the studies have been encouraging to those interested in nonwood pulp
mills. However, there have been a number of mills that have continued to use
nonwood plant fibers as their main raw material.
Wood, as a papermaking fiber is a relative newcomer. For 90% of its existence
of almost 2000 years, paper has been made exclusively from nonwood plant fibers.
The first true paper, credited to Tsai Lun in 105 AD in China, was apparently made
form true hemp (Cannabis Sativa). First among the papermaking fibers were hemp
and China grass (Ramie, Boehmeria nivea). As demand for paper grew, so did the
search for other suitable raw materials. The first suitable raw fiber that Chinese
found (i.e. straight from the plant) apparently was the inner bark of Mulberry
(Broussonetia papyrifera). Another raw material used was Bamboo (Atchison and
McGovern, 1989). During the next several centuries, the art of papermaking grew
far and wide from Japan in the east, to Siam (now Thailand) in the south, to Chinese
Turkestan in the west. In Turkestan, in 751 AD, papermaking was learned by the
Arabs who brought it westward over their trade routes. Papermaking reached
Samarkand, Baghdad (793 AD), Damascus, Cairo (900 AD), and Fez (1100 AD). From
there it spread to Spain in 1151 AD then to France in 1348 AD and later on to
Germany in 1390 AD. In the region where 7 paper mulberry, bamboo and China
grass were not available, replacement raw materials such as linen and cotton rags
were used (Atchison and McGovern, 1989). In 1450, the invention of printing using
movable type in Germany resulted in a great reduction in the cost of book
publishing. This created a demand for printing surfaces which parchment could not
meet. During the next 150 years, mills for making paper by hand were built in
nearly every country in Europe (Atchison and McGovern, 1989). As printing costs
declined, the literacy rates increased and many schools and universities were
founded. This increase in literacy led to increase in publishing and in particular, the
first newspapers around the year 1600 AD. The resulting increase in demand could
not be met only from rags and old ropes. Therefore, the search for alternative raw
materials was intensified. Laboratory experiments were conducted on hundreds of
vegetables, leaves, barks, weeds and wood. Trial copies of books were actually
printed on paper made from asbestos (in 1727), lime tree bark (in 1786),
marshmallow, swamp moss (in 1799) and straw (in 1800) (Atchison and McGovern,
1989). With the advent of Fourdrinier continuous web paper machine in 1805
followed by the cylinder machine in 1809, increased the speed of paper production
thus resulting in an increased production at lower cost. This further improved the
demand for raw materials (Atchison and McGovern, 1989). In 1827, straw was
brought into successful commercial use. However, straw by itself, could not satisfy
demand for all grades and experiments on other raw material continued. Between
1840-1885, experiments on wood yielded four commercially successful pulping
processes. Pulps from these processes proceeded to displace straw from a number
of paper grades. But straw held its own as a major raw material for corrugated
board for sometime and reached its peak in 1940 with a production of 2/3 million
tons. Since then, due to the economics of supply and high labor cost of collection,
nonwood plant fibers have been almost entirely replaced by wood as papermaking
raw material in most developed countries (Atchison and McGovern, 1989). 8 Today,
the highest ratio of nonwood to total papermaking pulp capacities are in the
developing market economies of Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as the
centrally planned economies of Asia. Some of these regions have more nonwood
plant pulping capacities than wood pulping capacities. Indeed, China has more than